Rodolphe Mesa - Concurrences

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</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section section_primary section_articles"> <div class="section__container"> <h2 class="content-inner-title"><span>Articles</span></h2> <div class="row articles colonnes_1"> <div class="col-xs-5 "> <div class="liste articles secteur_22"> <h3 class="h1"><span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye"></i> 141189</span> <span class="sep"></span> Review</h3> <div class="liste-items"> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2015/chroniques/Unfair-competition-The-French-71331" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong> : The French Supreme Court considers that the lack of similarity between two advertising slogans is exclusive of any risk of confusion and implies, consequently, rejection of action based on economic parasitism <em>(Grandvision)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-11-25T15:56:00Z">25 November 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 472</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-71331 introduction entry-content"> <p>The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 25 November 2015 goes back over the various conditions necessary to convict a competitor on the basis of economic parasitism. In this case, a company marketing optical products and exploiting various trademarks, whose&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2015/chroniques/Infringement-The-French-Supreme" rel="bookmark"><strong>Infringement</strong> : The French Supreme Court considers that the applicable law regarding infringement is that of the State whose protection is claimed <em>(Tod&#8217;s / La Redoute)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-10-07T14:49:00Z">7 October 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 412</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-71329 introduction entry-content"> <p>The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 7 October 2014 returns to two interesting questions, namely the law applicable to the infringement action and the compatibility with European Union law of the differences in copyright protection that may exist in the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2014/case-comments/Risk-of-confusion-The-French-69907" rel="bookmark"><strong>Risk of confusion</strong>: The French Supreme Court reassesses the issue of the risk of confusion in case of imitation of a corporate name and imitation of a domain name <em>(Air architectures, ingénierie, recherche)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-06-24T14:20:00Z">24 June 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 198</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-69907 introduction entry-content"> <p>The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on June 24, 2014 reviews the factors used to assess the risk of confusion in the naming of competing companies in relation to companies exercising a regulated profession. In this case, the dispute was between the company&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2014/case-comments/Ethical-rules-The-French-Supreme" rel="bookmark"><strong>Ethical rules</strong>: The French Supreme Court holds that a mere violation of an ethical rule is not an act of unfair competition <em>(Fiducial)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-06-24T14:13:00Z">24 June 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 276</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-69905 introduction entry-content"> <p>In its judgment of 24 June 2014, the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation confirmed the separation between the rules of professional ethics and the act of unfair competition that had been established following the judgment of 10 September 2013, such separation implying that a violation&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2014/case-comments/Risk-of-confusion-The-French" rel="bookmark"><strong>Risk of confusion</strong> : The French Supreme Court specifies the elements that can be used to characterize the introduction of a risk of confusion constitutive of an act of unfair competition <em>(Kaspersky / Eptimum)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-05-20T14:13:00Z">20 May 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 246</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-67921 introduction entry-content"> <p>The judgment delivered on 20 May 2014 returns to the assessment of the risk of confusion, the introduction of which is characteristic of an act of unfair competition. In that case, a company developing and marketing antivirus software on the internet brought an action for summary proceedings in&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2014/articles/XX-The-sanction-of-the-diversion" rel="bookmark">Sanctioning diversion of customers originated by employees: From unfair competition action to criminal sanction?</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-04-30T22:00:00Z">May 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1201</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-65147 introduction entry-content"> <p>The diversion of customers is appreciated more restrictively. This fault tends to escape the civil penalty and unfair competition action. Conversely, the diversion of customers can be criminally punished through the offense of breach of trust. <br class='autobr' /> 1. Competitive activity necessarily leads to&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="content-inner-more"> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2014/case-comments/Unfair-competition-action-The" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition action</strong> : The French Supreme Court subordinates the action for unfair competition to the existence of an incident causing a loss/damage <em>(SFR / Féridis)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-03-25T10:15:00Z">25 March 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 262</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-67866 introduction entry-content"> <p>The various rulings handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the French Supreme Court on March 25, 2014 in disputes between SFR and Féridis concern the terms of the unfair competition action. In these various cases, the former company had entered into agreements with several owners of parcels of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2014/case-comments/XX-Body-of-evidence-The-French" rel="bookmark"><strong>Body of evidence</strong>: The French Supreme Court finds that parasitic acts can be proven by a body of evidence <em>(Tod’s, Dior)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-03-20T16:53:00Z">20 March 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1111</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-65793 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. 1st civ., 20 March 2014, n° 12-18.518, Tod’s c/ Pinet, Orphée club and Santiago Pons Quintana <br class='autobr' /> Cass. com, February 4, 2014, No. 13-11.044, Parfums Christian Dior c/ Ferragamo <br class='autobr' /> The Court of Cassation has returned to the evidentiary conditions of the action based on economic parasitism and&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2014/case-comments/Economic-parasitism-The-French-67869" rel="bookmark"><strong>Economic parasitism</strong> : The French Supreme Court considers that the parasitic act is the fact, for a trader, to place himself in the wake of another, unduly taking advantage of the latter’s reputation or investment, regardless of any risk of confusion <em>(Tod&#8217;s, Maisons Pierre)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-03-20T10:27:00Z">20 March 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1349</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-67869 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, March 20, 2014, Tod’s Spa and Tod’s France v. François Pinet and Orphée Club, Appeal No. 12-18.518, published in Bulletin <br class='autobr' /> Cass. com, 20 May 2014, Maisons Pierre contre Fousse constructions et Constructions traditionnelles Val de Loire, appeal n° 13-16.943, not published in the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2014/case-comments/XX-Advertising-The-French-Supreme" rel="bookmark"><strong>Advertising</strong>: The French Supreme Court considers that the exercise of business activities in violation of the regulations and the dissemination of misleading advertising qualify as acts of unfair competition <em>(Aud’ligne Taxi)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-03-11T17:06:00Z">11 March 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 357</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-65797 introduction entry-content"> <p>After the disputes between operators of passenger vehicles with drivers and taxi drivers, the ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on March 11, 2014 makes it possible to revisit the competitive relationship between taxis. <br class='autobr' /> In this case, an association of 15&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2014/case-comments/XX-Infringement-The-French-Supreme" rel="bookmark"><strong>Infringement</strong>: The French Supreme Court considers that the action for unfair competition may rely on elements that are factually identical to those raised in an infringement action dismissed <em>(Revol)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-02-04T17:00:00Z">4 February 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 190</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-65795 introduction entry-content"> <p>The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on February 4, 2014 returns to the classic and common question of the relationship between unfair competition and counterfeiting. In this case, a company selling porcelain objects had one of its competitors sued for&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2014/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-Toulouse" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong> : The Toulouse Commercial Court considers that the advertising and sale of electronic cigarettes by other that newsagent kiosk traders qualify as unfair competition <em>(Herande c/ Esmokeclean)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-12-09T09:30:00Z">9 December 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 266</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-63193 introduction entry-content"> <p>In a ruling handed down on 9 December 2013, the Toulouse Commercial Court ruled on the legality of the sale of electronic cigarettes by non-buralist retailers and the advertising of these products. The consular judges prohibited such acts on the basis of unfair competition and ordered the trader&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2014/case-comments/PC4-Unfair-competition-The-French" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong> : The French Supreme Court states that the act of unfair competition does not contain intentional element <em>(MM. X et Y c/ Microsoft)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-11-14T18:42:00Z">14 November 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 258</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-63183 introduction entry-content"> <p>The First Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation returns, with its ruling of 14 November 2013, to the elements constituting the fault sanctioned as an act of unfair competition. In this case, two software developers who had entrusted the marketing of their product to a company sued a competing&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2014/case-comments/PC6-Bashing-The-French-Supreme" rel="bookmark"><strong>Bashing</strong> : The French Supreme Court states that the disclosure of accurate and derogatory information is an act of unfair competition <em>(Plein Air international, K France, ADG)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-09-24T18:03:00Z">24 September 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 412</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-63187 introduction entry-content"> <p>The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 24 September 2013 reviews the elements constituting the denigration characteristic of an act of unfair competition and its sanction. In this case, a company manufacturing and marketing gas appliances and gas cartridges&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2014/case-comments/PC8-Counterfeiting-The-French" rel="bookmark"><strong>Counterfeiting</strong> : The French Supreme Court states that a trademark user can obtain compensation for damage through unfair competition procedure based on counterfeiting facts <em>(Abattoirs de Provence, Genedis et Charal)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-09-24T08:23:00Z">24 September 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 184</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-63191 introduction entry-content"> <p>While it is settled case-law that the owner of an intellectual property right who is the victim of an act of infringement can only obtain a supplementary conviction of the offender on the basis of unfair competition by proving a fact distinct from the fault of infringement (Cass. com.., 6&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2014/case-comments/Obligation-to-no-competition-The" rel="bookmark"><strong>Obligation to no competition</strong> : The French Supreme Court considers that a member of a simplified joint stock company is not generally prevented from exercising a concurrent activity of the company <em>(LBDI, EGT)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-09-10T08:17:00Z">10 September 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 238</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-63189 introduction entry-content"> <p>In its ruling handed down on 10 September 2013, the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation ruled on the question of whether a shareholder of a simplified joint stock company is liable, in his sole capacity as a shareholder, for a non-competition obligation towards the company. In this&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2014/case-comments/PC5-Misuse-of-customers-The-French" rel="bookmark"><strong>Misuse of customers</strong> : The French Supreme Court finds that the violation of an ethical rule does not necessarily constitute an act of unfair competition <em>(Sofidex, Gescore, Compta Sud)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-09-09T22:00:00Z">10 September 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 228</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-63185 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation returns, with an important decision handed down on 10 September 2013 and published in the Bulletin, on the questions of the characterisation of the act of unfair competition following the transgression of a rule of professional ethics and the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2013/case-comments/d10-Misuse-of-customers-The-French" rel="bookmark"><strong>Misuse of customers</strong>: The Cour de cassation considers that there is no condemnation on the basis of customer poaching when there is no evidence that a former employee of a company working on behalf of a second has used unfair methods to establish business relationships with customers and suppliers <em>(Inabata France/Prosyntis)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-07-09T19:23:00Z">9 July 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 540</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-59291 introduction entry-content"> <p>The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on July 9, 2013 maintains the strict evidentiary requirements with regard to proof of fault in the matter of customer diversion. In this case, the former employee of a company, who had been dismissed for serious&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2013/case-comments/d9-Unfair-competition-by-confusion" rel="bookmark"><strong> Unfair competition by confusion</strong>: The Cour de cassation points out that the slavish imitation of a product sold by a competitor whose likelihood might arise confusion in the mind of the customer is an act of unfair competition <em> (Christian Liaigre)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-07-09T19:08:00Z">9 July 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 718</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-59289 introduction entry-content"> <p>The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on July 9, 2013 returns to the characterization of unfair competition by confusion. The case decided was between a furniture designer and a furniture manufacturer. The former had entrusted the latter with the plans of six&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2013/case-comments/d8-Parasitic-competition-The" rel="bookmark"><strong>Parasitic competition</strong>: The Cour de cassation considers that the conviction of an economic operator on the basis of parasitic competition assumes that the applicant brings both evidence of the investment he made and of the embezzlement by his rival of the returns of his investment <em>(CSF/Distribution Casino France)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-07-09T18:49:00Z">9 July 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 236</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-59286 introduction entry-content"> <p>The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 9 July 2013 is interesting in that it reviews the conditions for sanctioning an economic operator on the basis of parasitic competition. In this case, a company operating supermarkets and hypermarkets had, after taking&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2013/articles/Le-droit-de-la-concurrence-51605" rel="bookmark">Lucrative fault in the context of unfair competition law and parasitic economic relationship</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-04-30T22:00:00Z">May 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1614</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-51605 introduction entry-content"> <p>The act of unfair competition or economic parasitism can be lucrative when the author realizes a gain or economy. Positive law is deficient because damages are not a high enough amount. It is appropriate to strengthen the sanction. Principle of full restitution of illicit profits is a solution.&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2013/case-comments/XXX-Unfair-competition-The-French-52132" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Cour de cassation says that the action punishment of unfair competition is an action for damages for proven misconduct <em>(Brevini Power/M. X et Rossi)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-04-30T22:00:00Z">May 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 242</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-52132 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, January 29, 2013, Brevini Power v. M. X and Rossi, No. 11-26.957 <br class='autobr' /> The Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation recalled, in its ruling handed down on 29 January 2013, the nature of a civil liability action for proven fault of the action intended to punish an act of unfair&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2013/case-comments/XXX-Unfair-competition-The-French" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Cour de cassation considers that marketing products using misleading statements is an act of unfair competition <em>(NS/Maison Apollinaire)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-04-30T22:00:00Z">May 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 214</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-52134 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, February 12, 2013, ENS c/ Maison Apollinaire, n° 12-13.808 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 12 February 2013 provides an interesting illustration of the acts of unfair competition that may be committed in the context of craft activities.&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2013/case-comments/XXX-Internet-The-French-Supreme" rel="bookmark"><strong>Internet</strong>: The Cour de cassation points out that the solicitation of clients of competitors is lawful as long as it is not paired with unfair dealing <em>(Cobrason/Solutions)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-04-30T22:00:00Z">May 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 244</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-52136 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, January 29, 2013, Cobrason v. Solutions, Nos. 11-21.011 and 11-24.713. <br class='autobr' /> The Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation returned, with its ruling of 29 January 2013, to the limits to the freedom of trade and industry that are the consequence of the unfair competition regime. In this&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2013/case-comments/XXX-Parasitism-economic-The-Cour" rel="bookmark"><strong>Economic parasitism</strong>: The Cour de cassation reviews the definitions of economic parasitism and parasitism of notoriety <em>(Eiffage TP/La Tour des chevaliers)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-04-30T22:00:00Z">May 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 290</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-52138 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 12 February 2013, Eiffage TP c/ La Tour des chevaliers, No. 12-14.045 <br class='autobr' /> The Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation recalls, in two interesting judgments handed down on 12 February 2013, the definitions and characteristics of economic parasitism and notorious parasitism. <br class='autobr' /> In the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2013/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-54063" rel="bookmark"><strong> Unfair competition</strong>: The Cour de cassation reiterates that the admissibility of the action for unfair competition is independent of the admissibility of an action for infringement <em> (Antilles On Lines/</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-04-10T08:34:00Z">10 April 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 237</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-54063 introduction entry-content"> <p>The ruling handed down by the First Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation on April 10, 2013 goes back over the complex relationship between the action for unfair competition and the action for infringement. In this case, an online travel sales company that accused a competitor of having&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2013/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-54059" rel="bookmark"><strong> Unfair competition</strong>: The Cour de cassation considers that the partner is not bound by an obligation of non-competition <em> (Promes procédés et mesures)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-03-19T09:01:00Z">19 March 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 214</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-54059 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation returned, with its ruling of 19 March 2013, to the issue of possible non-competition obligations to which the members of a limited liability company would be bound. In this case, a limited liability company with an industrial technology activity&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2013/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-54061" rel="bookmark"><strong> Unfair competition</strong>: The Cour de cassation considers the solicitation, by a former employee, of a client of his former employer falls within the principle of free trade <em> (Proditrans express/Mercier)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-03-19T09:01:00Z">19 March 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 312</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-54061 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation returned to the regime of canvassing of the customers of others with regard to the law of unfair competition with its ruling handed down on 19 March 2013 concerning the situation in which the canvassing is carried out by a former employee of the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2013/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-54057" rel="bookmark"><strong> Unfair competition</strong>: The Cour de cassation considers that the practice of carpooling is lawful and finds that the loss of chance is serviceable <em> (Transports Schiocchet excursions/Onet Luxembourg)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2013-03-12T09:01:00Z">12 March 2013</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 455</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-54057 introduction entry-content"> <p>The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 12 March 2013 is interesting for two reasons. On the one hand, because it rules on the practice of carpooling with regard to unfair competition law. On the other hand, because it specifies the elements of damages that&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2013/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-50559" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of cassation considers illegal substitution of drugs as an act of unfair competition <em>(Beaufour Ipsen Pharma/Mylan)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-10-08T22:00:00Z">9 October 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 370</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-50559 introduction entry-content"> <p>"Cass. com., October 9, 2012, No. 11-20725, Beaufour Ipsen Pharma v. Mylan." <br class='autobr' /> After a first judgment on the issue of disparagement on 27 April 2011, which held that launching an opinion campaign on the need to open up the market for non-reimbursed medicines to competition is not in principle&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2013/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-50561" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of cassation clarifies the limits of the injunction <em>(Noirot/JP)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-10-08T22:00:00Z">9 October 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 190</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-50561 introduction entry-content"> <p>"Cass. com, October 9, 2012, No. 11-28.498, Noirot v. JP outillages distribution". <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 9 October 2012 is interesting in that it clarifies the termination regime that can be ordered in the context of an action for unfair&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2013/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of cassation recalls the necessity for the plaintiff to prove the fault <em>(Nestlé Nespresso &amp; Nespresso France/Bodum; Groupe Léa nature &amp; Léa institut Vital/La Photothèque)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-09-24T22:00:00Z">25 September 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 607</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-50557 introduction entry-content"> <p>"Cass. com., 25 September 2012, No. 11-21266, Nestlé Nespresso and Nespresso France v. Bodum." <br class='autobr' /> In two rulings handed down on 25 September 2012, the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation revisits the evidentiary requirements of economic parasitism, while recalling the principle of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2012/case-comments/Unfair-practices-The-French-49449" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair practices</strong>: The Cour of cassation refers to the distinction between unfair competition and counterfeiting to clarify the purpose of the two actions <em>(Milo/EDF et GDF)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-09-10T22:00:00Z">11 September 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 221</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-49449 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 11.09.12, Milo v. EDF and GDF, No 11-21.322 <br class='autobr' /> The Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation returned, in its judgment of 11 September 2012, to the thorny issue of the distinction between counterfeiting and unfair competition, while adding contractual civil liability to the elements&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2012/case-comments/Unfair-practices-The-French" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair practices</strong>: The Cour de cassation rules that the sale of computers with a software preinstalled is not an unfair labour practice when the consumer has the opportunity to find computers "naked" on another site dedicated to professionals, even though the installation of open source software is a delicate process which the selling company can not guarantee success <em>(Hewlett-Packard/UFC Que Choisir)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-07-11T22:00:00Z">12 July 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 192</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-49447 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. 1st civ. 12 July 2012, Hewlett-Packard v/ association UFC Que Choisir, n° 11-18.807, published in the bulletin <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the First Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation on July 12, 2012 settles a question of consumer law, the answer to which is likely to produce certain&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2012/case-comments/Unfair-practices-Use-of-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair practices – Use of the competitor&#8217;s image</strong>: The Cour de cassation considers the image’s use of a castle belonging to a competitor as characteristic of the unfair competition <em>(Château Marie du Fou/Jard Chais Mareuillais)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-06-27T22:00:00Z">28 June 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 2058</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-49454 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. 1st civ. 28 June 2012, Château Marie du Fou v. Jard Chais Mareuillais, appeal no. 10-28716, not published in the bulletin. <br class='autobr' /> The First Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation, in a ruling handed down on 28 June 2012, has provided certain clarifications on the regime governing the use of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2012/case-comments/Unfair-practices-Diversion-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair practices - Diversion of customers</strong>: The Cour de cassation considers that the injury results necessarily of the customers&#8217; diversion and that the responsibility for unfair competition is not subject to the beneficiary&#8217;s questioning of the wrongdoing <em>(Applitex)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-06-25T22:00:00Z">26 June 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 312</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-49457 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 26 June 2012, Applitex v. Mr&nbsp;X, appeal no. 11-19.520, not published in the Bulletin. <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on June 26, 2012 makes it possible to revisit the consequences of the misappropriation of customers and the conditions of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2012/case-comments/Unfair-competition-Breach-of-a-non" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition – Breach of a non-competition clause</strong>: The Court of cassation accepts the moral damages suffered by a corporation <em>(La Pizzeria, Reine Victoria)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-05-14T22:00:00Z">15 May 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 420</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-48406 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, May 15, 2012, La Pizzeria v. Queen Victoria, No. 11-10278 <br class='autobr' /> In an important decision handed down on May 15, 2012 and published in the Bulletin, the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation has brought the unfair competition action regime closer to that of the violation of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2012/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-48412" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation rules that there is a diversion of customers when the manager of a company presents itself to customers of its competitor as an agent thereof <em>(Copytel, Totalia, Euro maintenance)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-05-14T22:00:00Z">15 May 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 193</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-48412 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, May 15, 2012, Copytel c/ M. X..., Totalia and Euro maintenance, n° 11-12859 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 15 May 2012 provides an interesting illustration of a misappropriation of customers to the detriment of companies involved in&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2012/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-48414" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation holds that the violation of a rule of professional conduct is an act of unfair competition</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-05-03T22:00:00Z">4 May 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 206</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-48414 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. 1st civ., May 4, 2012, Mrs. X..., n° 11-11180 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the First Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 4 May 2012 is interesting on two counts. On the one hand, because it highlights the interactions between the ethical rules of lawyers and the law of unfair&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2012/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-48416" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation holds that the only imitation product whose patent has expired is not an act of parasitism <em>(Lego, Lunatic construction)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-05-02T22:00:00Z">3 May 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 434</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-48416 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, May 3, 2012, Lego v Lunatic construction, No. 11-18077 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 3 May 2012 is interesting in that it clarifies the contours of economic parasitism. In this case, a company marketing toys in the form of stackable&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2012/case-comments/Unfair-competition-and-parasitic" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition and parasitic competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation rules that the imitation of a competitor&#8217;s products must be causing a risk of confusion to be sanctioned <em>(J. M. Weston/Promoquestre ; La Marine)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-04-04T22:00:00Z">5 April 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 408</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-48408 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. 1st civ., April 5, 2012, J.M. Weston v/ Promoquestre, n° 10-27373 <br class='autobr' /> Cass. 1st civ. 4 May 2012, Mr.&nbsp;X... and sté La Marine v. Mrs. Y... and Mr.&nbsp;Z..., n° 11-13116 <br class='autobr' /> The two rulings handed down by the First Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation, respectively on 5 April 2012 and 4 May 2012,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2012/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-48410" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation states that the poaching of employees from a competitor is not a fault unless it is accompanied by unfair dealing and generates disruption of its business <em>(Eurinter, La Solution interimaire, AS Interim, Agro Form, Afa)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-04-02T22:00:00Z">3 April 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 430</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-48410 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 3 April 2012, Eurinter and La Solution interimaire c/ AS Interim, No. 10-27743 <br class='autobr' /> Cass. com, 3 May 2012, Agro Form c/ Afa, No. 11-18059 <br class='autobr' /> The Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation, in two judgments handed down respectively on April 3, 2012 and May 3, 2012, recalled the scope of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2012/case-comments/Unfair-competition-Economic-45684" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition – Economic parasitism</strong>: The Court of Cassation recalls the conditions of the sanction of imitation and specifies the amount of damages <em>(Midi Tielles/Coudène Michel)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-02-20T23:00:00Z">21 February 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 458</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-45684 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, February 21, 2012, Midi Tielles c/ Coudène Michel, n° 10-27966 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 21 February 2012 makes it possible to reconsider the conditions for sanctioning unfair and parasitic competition by imitation of a&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2012/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-42384" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation specifies the duties of a partner of a limited partnership in relation to unfair competition <em>(Clos-du-Baty and D. L. Finances/Fabi)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-02-15T17:29:21Z">15 February 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 389</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-42384 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, November 15, 2011, Clos du Baty and Company D. L. Finances v. Fabi, SCI Chanterie and M. X..., No. 10-15049 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 15 November 2011 is important in that it clarifies the contours of the unfair competition action.&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2012/case-comments/Unfair-competition-Confusion-The" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition – Confusion</strong>: The Court of Cassation recalls that a copy of a product that is not protected by an IPR is not illegal unless it is accompanied by an unfair act <em>(Marc Jacobs International/Euroline and Galeries Lafayette)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-02-15T17:29:15Z">15 February 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 720</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-42389 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, November 15, 2011, Marc Jacobs International v/ Euroline and Galeries Lafayette, n° 10-25473 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 15 November 2011 is interesting in that it returns to the contours of the protection of products that are not&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2012/case-comments/Unfair-competition-Confusion-The-42391" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition – Confusion</strong>: The Court of Cassation recalls that a copy of a product that is not protected by an IPR is not illegal unless it is accompanied by an unfair act <em>(Titanbagno/LT Aqua +)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-02-15T17:29:14Z">15 February 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1240</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-42391 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 4 October 2011, Titanbagno c/ LT Aqua +, No. 10-24009 <br class='autobr' /> The judgment of 4 October 2011 comes back, as does that of 15 November 2011 (Appeal No 10-25473, commented on elsewhere).), on how to protect products which are not the subject of an intellectual property right by means of the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2012/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-42393" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation rules on principle of liability of a corporation for the acts of misappropriation of clients committed by its employees who are still in an employment relationship <em>(Marquage moderne/Libell)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-02-15T17:29:12Z">15 February 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 404</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-42393 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, November 2, 2011, Marquage moderne c/ Libell, n° 10-26936 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on November 2, 2011 makes it possible to reconsider the conditions of the action in unfair competition for customer diversion. In this case, an&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2012/case-comments/Unfair-competition-Economic" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition – Economic parasitism</strong>: The Court of Cassation specifies the conditions of the sanction of imitation of a sign <em>(Alfred Kärcher and Kärcher France/DCM Friesland)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-02-13T23:00:00Z">14 February 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 413</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-45674 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 14 February 2012, Alfred Kärcher and Kärcher France v DCM Friesland, no. 10-27873 <br class='autobr' /> As regards the imitation of a non-banal sign or a product of an economic operator, the judgment of 14 February 2012 adopted a consistent solution, similar to that adopted subsequently in the judgment&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2012/case-comments/Economic-parasitism-The-French" rel="bookmark"><strong>Economic parasitism</strong>: The Court of Cassation recalls that the applicant must prove the fault of the parasite <em>(Labrador/RR Donnelley Printing)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2012-01-11T23:00:00Z">12 January 2012</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 320</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-45667 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. 1st Civ. 12 January 2012, Labrador v. RR Donnelley Printing, No. 10-24696 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the First Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 12 January 2012 is interesting, not only in that it recalls the evidentiary requirements inherent in an action based on economic&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2011/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-39980" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation states on the poaching qualification punished under unfair competition rules <em>(Géoconcept/Asterop)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2011-09-19T22:00:00Z">20 September 2011</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 613</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-39980 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 20 September 2011, Géoconcept c/ Asterop, n° 10-19443 <br class='autobr' /> Is it unfair for former employees of a company to arrange for the transfer of some of their colleagues to participate in an activity that competes with that of their former employers? This is essentially the question which the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2011/case-comments/Relationship-between-unfair" rel="bookmark"><strong>Relationship between unfair competition and infringement</strong>: The Court of Cassation returns to the question of the relationship between unfair competition and counterfeiting and it also specifies the conditions of action in parasitism <em>(X et Design Sportswears, Luna et Caractère)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2011-09-05T22:00:00Z">6 September 2011</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 683</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-39974 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, September 6, 2011, Mrs. X... and Design Sportswears c/ Luna et Caractère, n° 10-18299 <br class='autobr' /> Certain questions of law regularly recur in court cases relating to unfair competition and economic parasitism, including the relationship between the civil liability action and the action arising&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2011/articles-en/Complexity-and-issues-of-the" rel="bookmark">Complexity and issues of the relationship between parasitic competition and economic parasitism</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2011-08-31T22:00:00Z">September 2011</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 733</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-37278 introduction entry-content"> <p>This article examines the relationship between parasitic competition and economic parasitism and their effects on the sanction of the appropriation of the work of others. <br class='autobr' /> The theory of economic parasitism has a relationship with some neighbouring regimes that is sometimes difficult to define.&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2011/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-39978" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation returns to the regime of diverting customers <em>(Cabinet Jean-Marc A./IEAD)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2011-07-11T22:00:00Z">12 July 2011</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 633</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-39978 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 12 July 2011, Cabinet Jean-Marc A... c/ In Extenso Alpes Dauphiné (IEAD), n° 10-25386 <br class='autobr' /> Administrative regulation is not the only set of rules whose transgression is likely to be analyzed as an act of unfair competition (On this point, see Cass. Civ. 1, July 6, 2011, in this&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2011/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-39976" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation considers a violation of administrative regulations is an act of unfair competition <em>(Orion 38/Diybel)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2011-07-05T22:00:00Z">6 July 2011</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 448</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-39976 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. 1st civ., 6 July 2011, Orion 38 c/ Diybel, n° 10-20588 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the First Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation on July 6, 2011 is an opportunity to return to two important questions relating to the unfair competition action regime, namely the impact of the violation&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2011/case-comments/Unfair-competition-The-French-38070" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation specifies the conditions under which a sale of off grid is an act of unfair competition <em>(Chanel/Capi ; Chanel/Jarnis)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2011-05-24T09:50:00Z">24 May 2011</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 836</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-38070 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 24 May 2011, Chanel c/ Capi, n° 10-18474 <br class='autobr' /> Cass. com, May 24, 2011, Chanel c/ Jarnis, n° 10-20620 <br class='autobr' /> The rulings handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on May 24, 2011 make it possible to reconsider the complex relationship between the provisions of the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2011/case-comments/Unfair-competition-and-parasitic-38072" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition and parasitic competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation reviews the conditions of denigration <em>(Univers pharmacie, Direct labo and Union des groupements de pharmaciens d’officine/Groupement d’achats des centres Leclerc)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2011-04-27T09:50:00Z">27 April 2011</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 974</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-38072 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 27 April 2011, Univers pharmacie, Direct labo et Union des groupements de pharmaciens d’officine c/ Groupement d’achats des centres Leclerc (Galec), n° 10-15648 <br class='autobr' /> On 27 April 2011, the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation handed down a particularly interesting ruling in that&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2011/case-comments/Unfair-competition-and-parasitic-38074" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition and parasitic competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation recalls that there is no unfair or parasitic competition without confusion <em>(Molinard/Joy Box Holding and PB licence)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2011-03-29T09:50:00Z">29 March 2011</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 771</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-38074 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, March 29, 2011, Molinard v/ Sociétés Joy Box Holding and PB licence, n° 09-71990 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on March 29, 2011 is an opportunity to recall two principles relating to the sanctioning of acts of commercial disloyalty,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2011/Case-Comments-1154/Unfair-competition-The-French-36061" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation specifies the conditions of denigration of competing products <em>(Laboratoires Omega Pharma France/Ferlux)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2011-03-22T10:21:00Z">22 March 2011</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1135</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-36061 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, March 22, 2011, Laboratoires Omega Pharma France c/ Ferlux, nº 10-17814 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 22 March 2011 allows us to review the elements necessary to characterise a wrongful denigration of a competitor’s products, which is&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2011/Case-Comments-1154/Unfair-competition-Economic-36059" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition – Economic parasitism</strong>: The Court of Cassation specifies the conditions of unfair competition for imitation of a design <em>(Interior’s/Couleur des Alpes)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2011-03-15T10:21:00Z">15 March 2011</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1229</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-36059 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, March 15, 2011, Interior’s c/ Couleur des Alpes, nº 09-72429 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 15 March 2011 in the case opposing Intérior’s and Couleur des Alpes allows us to review the conditions of unfair competition and parasitic&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/auteur/Fateh-Belaid">Fateh Belaïd</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2011/international/shared-reflections-on-unfair-competition-in-the-law-and-islamic-economics" rel="bookmark">Shared reflections on unfair competition in the law and Islamic economics</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2011-01-31T23:00:00Z">February 2011</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1657</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-33867 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Islamic law and economics do not directly address the issue of unfair competition. However, these practices detrimental to the circulation and the balance of wealth should be reprobate economically. It’s the same about Islamic law that promotes fairness in relations between contractors and&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2011/Case-Comments-1154/Economic-Parasitism-The-French-36057" rel="bookmark"><strong>Economic Parasitism</strong>: The Court of Cassation clarifies the relationship between counterfeiting and economic parasitism <em>(Granimond et M X.../Établissements Gaubier)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-12-14T10:21:00Z">14 December 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 883</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-36057 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, December 14, 2010, Granimond v/ Établissements Gaubier, No. 10-10951 <br class='autobr' /> In its judgment of 14 December 2010, the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation returned to the inevitable, but sometimes complex, relationships between the counterfeiting and economic parasitism regimes (see&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2011/case-comments/Procedures-Internet-The-French" rel="bookmark"><strong>Procedures - Internet</strong>: The Court of Cassation makes jurisdiction of the French Courts subject to two conditions <em>(Louis Vuitton Malletier/eBay and eBay international)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-12-07T09:57:00Z">7 December 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1060</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-34177 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, December 7, 2010, Louis Vuitton Malletier v/ eBay Inc. and eBay international AG, No. 09-16811 <br class='autobr' /> The Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation returns, with the ruling of 7 December 2010, to the thorny issue of jurisdiction in matters of unfair competition acts carried out on the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2011/case-comments/Unfair-competition-Infringement-on" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition – Infringement on the Internet</strong>: The Court of Cassation confirms a Court of Appeal which recognized the jurisdiction of the French Courts for unfair competition committed through the Internet <em>(Parfums Christian Dior, Parfums Givenchy Kenzo and Guerlain/eBay)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-12-07T08:51:00Z">7 December 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1329</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-34346 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, December 7, 2010, Parfums Christian Dior, Parfums Givenchy Kenzo et Guerlain c/ eBay Inc. and eBay international AG, No. 09-14545 <br class='autobr' /> This second judgment, handed down on December 7, 2010 and involving the various eBay companies, still deals with the determination of the criteria for&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2011/case-comments/Damages-Prohibition-of-lump-sum" rel="bookmark"><strong>Damages - Prohibition of lump sum compensation</strong>: The Court of Cassation rules that unfair competition cannot be compensated by a lump sum indemnity <em>(Meny/Le Grand garage lorrain)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-11-23T10:27:00Z">23 November 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1346</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-34171 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation recalled the guiding principles for the assessment of the sanction of a competitor who has committed an unfair act, with the ruling handed down on 23 November 2010. In this case, a company operating several car dealerships had issued an&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2010/Articles-1116/Burden-and-object-of-proof-in-the" rel="bookmark">Burden and object of proof in the case of economic parasitism</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-11-30T23:00:00Z">December 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1778</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-32749 introduction entry-content"> <p>This article deals with the evidence necessary to establish parasitism, an act of unfair practice, in French law. In principle, civil responsibility procedural provisions should apply, as parasitism is a mere fault requiring regular proofs to be assessed. But case law requires in practice&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2011/case-comments/Misappropriation-of-customers" rel="bookmark"><strong>Misappropriation of customers - Misleading advertising</strong>: The Court of Cassation rules that misleading advertising amounts to unfair competition <em>(Décathlon/Carrefour)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-09-28T09:27:00Z">28 September 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1489</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-34173 introduction entry-content"> <p>The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 28 September 2010 is interesting in that it allows us to reconsider the characterisation of two types of behaviour that are punishable on the basis of unfair competition. In this case, a company operating a large&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2010/case-comments/Advertising-on-Internet-The-French" rel="bookmark"><strong>Advertising on Internet</strong>: The Court of Cassation draws the conclusion of the Google France case law and confirms also that, in order to conclude to infringement of both counterfeiting and unfair competition rules, the plaintiff must assess different facts <em>(CNNRH/Google and Tiger)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-07-13T09:05:00Z">13 July 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1333</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-33074 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 13 July 2010, CNNRH v Google and Tiger, No. 06-15136 <br class='autobr' /> It is not uncommon, in the case of trademark infringement, for the request for sanction of the infringement to be accompanied by a claim for damages based on unfair competition law. This cumulation, which is subject to the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2010/case-comments/Accumulation-of-condemnations-The" rel="bookmark"><strong>Accumulation of condemnations</strong>: The Court of Cassation rules that, in order to conclude to infringement of both counterfeiting and unfair competition rules, the plaintiff must assess different facts and that this requirement is met when the infringer sales the counterfeiting products <em>(Free/Sporazur Morris Sportswear ; MNC Altona/Dubois Jardin and Silvpol Spolka Zoo)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-06-15T08:42:00Z">15 June 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1387</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-33076 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, June 15, 2010, Free c/ Sporazur Morris Sportswear, n° 08-18279 Cass. com, June 15, 2010, MNC Altona v. Dubois Jardin and Silvpol Spolka Zoo, No. 08-20999 <br class='autobr' /> The questions of the relationship between actions for infringement and unfair competition and the cumulation of sentences&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2010/Case-Comments-1088/Unfair-competition-Jurisdiction" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition - Jurisdiction</strong>: The Court of Cassation considers that an act of poaching together with an illicit capture of consumers has to be analyzed, when the relevant companies are bound by a contract of concession who provides exclusivity and ban to resort to the other agents, as a contractual non-fulfillment and that such behavior, between undertakings of different nationalities, should lead to the application of the jurisdiction clause stipulated in the contract but that such a clause is not applicable for the sanction of acts of unfair competition different from the breach of contract <em>(Oasis/LF diffusion)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-05-12T15:00:00Z">12 May 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1927</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-32092 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. 1st civ. 12 May 2010, Oasis SRL v/ société LF diffusion, n° 08-21016 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the First Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation on May 12, 2010 makes it possible to come back both to the distinction between unfair competition and non-performance of a concession contract,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2010/Case-Comments-1088/Unfair-competition-The-French-32086" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The Court of Cassation considers, when an action brought before the criminal court via a direct action for counterfeiting leads to the acquittal of the defendants, that the plaintiff no longer has the possibility, once the decision has the force of res judicata, to apply before a civil court to order the defendants to pay damages based on this infringement or unfair competition <em>(Seiko-Epson ; Epson France ; NS Prestations ; Magenta ; La centrale du consommable informatique ; Resolv Info Conso)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-05-06T16:47:00Z">6 May 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1927</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-32086 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. 2nd civ., 6 May 2010, Seiko-Epson and Epson France v/ Sociétés NS Prestations, Magenta, La centrale du consommable informatique and Resolv Info Conso, n° 09-11882 <br class='autobr' /> The decision handed down by the Second Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation on May 6, 2010 proposes an interesting&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2010/Case-Comments-1088/Unfair-competition-Jurisdiction-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition - Jurisdiction of French Courts</strong>: The Court of Cassation holds, when a foreign company makes a poaching of employees of a French company, that the causal event has occurred at the headquarters of French company taking into consideration the loss of skills and informations of the poached employees <em>(Aluplast/Schüco)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-04-14T15:03:00Z">14 April 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1490</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-32090 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. 1st civil, 14 April 2010, Aluplast GmbH Kunststoffprofile v/ Schüco international, No. 09-12792 <br class='autobr' /> When an act of unfair competition involves two companies of different nationalities, there is a conflict of laws but also, as far as legal proceedings are concerned, a conflict of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2010/Case-Comments-1065/Selective-distribution-network-The-31261" rel="bookmark"><strong>Selective distribution network</strong>: The Court of Cassation rules that the mere fact of reselling branded goods reserved for selective distribution outside such network may constitute a violation of both a trade mark and fair competition; however, in order to establish both violations, the plaintiff must establish different facts and prejudice <em>(Chanel ; Marm ; Bery ; Land)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-03-23T13:33:00Z">23 March 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 2132</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-31261 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, March 23, 2010, Chanel company v. Bery company, n° 09-66522, unpublished Cass. com, March 23, 2010, Chanel company v Land company, n° 09-65844, unpublished Cass. com, March 23, 2010, Chanel c/ société Marm, n° 09-66987, unpublished <br class='autobr' /> In three judgments handed down on 23 March 2010 in&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2010/Case-Comments-1088/Unfair-competition-Jurisdiction-of-32088" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition - Jurisdiction of courts</strong>: The Court of Cassation considers, when unfair acts are made through Internet, that French courts have jurisdiction if the websites are accessed in France for French clients, written in French, and if the products are available in France and that the act of unfair competition can be identified when the defendant uses for his website a non-descriptive domain name borrowed from its competitor and it markets its products without applying the VAT rate <em>(Pneus Online/Delticom)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-03-09T16:09:00Z">9 March 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1537</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-32088 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, March 9, 2010, Pneus Online Switzerland and Pneus Online France v. Delticom, No. 08-16752 <br class='autobr' /> In addition to the importance of the solutions that it provides or reaffirms, the judgment handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on March 9, 2010 must be emphasized in&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2010/case-comments/Commercial-cooperation-Tariff" rel="bookmark"><strong>Commercial cooperation - Tariff transparency</strong>: The Court of Cassation rules on the tariff transparency obligation in a commercial cooperation agreement <em>(Carrefour Hypermarchés France et Interdis)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-02-09T10:12:00Z">9 February 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1297</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-33062 introduction entry-content"> <p>Criminal case, February 9, 2010, Carrefour Hypermarchés France et Interdis, n° 09-81574 <br class='autobr' /> The decision handed down by the Criminal Division of the Court of Cassation on 9 February 2010 proposes an interesting application of the offence of Article L. 441-7 C. Com, in its wording resulting from&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2010/Case-Comments-1065/Unfair-practices-Condition-to-act" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair practices - Condition to act</strong>: The Court of Cassation rules that the existence of a risk of confusion arising from competitor&#8217;s practices is a prerequisite to act under the unfair competition provisions; in addition, such action may only be brought against alleged disruption of the competitor&#8217;s activity only if the defendant has actually committed an act aiming at such a result <em>(Dan Foam and Tempur France/Ena ; Pac and Safe Tech)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-02-02T16:49:00Z">2 February 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1991</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-31257 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, February 2, 2010, Dan Foam company and Tempur France v/ Ena company, n° 09-11303, unpublished Cass. com, February 16, 2010, Mr.&nbsp;X... c/ company Pac and company Safe Tech, n° 08-20482, unpublished <br class='autobr' /> In two rulings handed down respectively on February 2, 2010 and February 16, 2010, the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2010/Case-Comments-1065/Accumulation-of-condemnations-The-31259" rel="bookmark"><strong>Accumulation of condemnations</strong>: The Court of Cassation rules that, in order to conclude to infringement of both counterfeiting and parasitism, the plaintiff must assess different facts; such a requirement is not fulfilled where a Court of Appeal, which has already held the defendant guilty of counterfeiting, holds such defendant guilty of parasitism on the mere fact that it has placed itself in its competitor&#8217;s track and taken advantage of its investments <em>(Céline/sociétés SSL, Infinitif, Marlène, SALM, Naf Naf boutiques, Morgan, la Gadgeterie du sentier et Groupe Vog)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2010-01-19T13:37:00Z">19 January 2010</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1656</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-31259 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, January 19, 2010, Céline c/ companies SSL, Infinitif, Marlène, SALM, Naf Naf boutiques, Morgan, la Gadgeterie du sentier and Groupe Vog, n° 08-15338, 08-16459 and 08-16469, unpublished <br class='autobr' /> A company operating different models of belts had had counterfeit seizures made, before taking&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2009/case-comments/Parasitism-The-1st-civil-chamber" rel="bookmark"><strong>Parasitism</strong> : The Court of Cassation rules that the proof of investments made by the victim hijacked by the parasite must be reported by the plaintiff in the action <em>(Ouest France Multimédia et Precom/Direct annonces)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2009-03-05T08:14:00Z">5 March 2009</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 4067</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-25963 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. 1st civ. 5 March 2009, Société Ouest France Multimédia and Société Precom v/ Société Direct annonces, n° 07-19.734 and 07-19.735 <br class='autobr' /> In its ruling handed down on 5 March 2009, the First Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation provided certain important clarifications on the evidentiary&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2009/case-comments/Imitation-The-commercial-chamber" rel="bookmark"><strong>Imitation </strong>: The Court of Cassation rules that the mere imitation of a competitor&#8217;s product is not necessarily an act of unfair competition and may be justified if done for the satisfaction of general interest <em>(Granimond/OGF)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2009-01-27T08:15:00Z">27 January 2009</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 2920</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-25961 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, January 27, 2009, Société Granimond v/ Société OGF, n° 08-10.991 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on January 27, 2009 makes it possible to reconsider the conditions necessary for the imitation of a competitor’s products to be characteristic&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2009/case-comments/Economic-parasitism-The-commercial" rel="bookmark"><strong>Economic parasitism</strong>: The Court of Cassation makes clear the conditions of the economic parasitism action and the repair of damage <em>(Cocktail/Pop&#8217;tel)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2009-01-27T08:13:00Z">27 January 2009</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 4059</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-25965 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, January 27, 2009, Société Cocktail c/ Société Pop’tel, n° 07-15.971 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on January 27, 2009 is an opportunity to come back to two important elements of the theory of economic parasitism, namely the question of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/daniel-fasquelle">Daniel Fasquelle</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2008/Case-comments-676/Parasitism-A-mere-contractual" rel="bookmark"><strong>Parasitism</strong> : The Court of Cassation holds that a mere contractual breach does not constitute parasitism <em>(Soc. pluyolaise d&#8217;articles chaussants/Soc. Michel Fargeot)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2008-03-11T17:56:00Z">11 March 2008</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 4730</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-16543 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 11 March 2008, Société pluyolaise d’articles chaussants (SPAC) v/ Société Michel Fargeot, No. 07-10.413 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on 11 March 2008 provides some useful clarifications regarding the basis for the sanctioning of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2007/articles-en/Counterfeiting-and-economic" rel="bookmark">Counterfeiting and economic parasitism: Time for a new case-law ?</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2007-04-30T22:00:00Z">May 2007</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 6389</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-13373 introduction entry-content"> <p>According to the French Supreme Court’s recent case law, a competitor can be condemned both on the grounds of parasitism and of infringement of intellectual property rights (counterfeiting) only if it can be proved that he is responsible for two distinct facts, one relevant for parasitism and&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/daniel-fasquelle">Daniel Fasquelle</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-3-2007/case-comments/Parasitism-The-French-Supreme-13845" rel="bookmark"><strong>Parasitism</strong>: The Court of Cassation holds that damages must be equal to the damage suffered as assessed by the 1st and 2nd instance Courts <em>(Métropole télévision M6)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2007-05-30T13:16:00Z">30 May 2007</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 4784</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-13845 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, May 30, 2007, Métropole télévision M6 c/ Sté LPG systems, n° 06-13.880, unpublished <br class='autobr' /> The Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation recalled the principles that should govern the determination of the amount of damages due by the perpetrator of a parasitic act in a decision handed&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/daniel-fasquelle">Daniel Fasquelle</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2007/case-comments/Economic-Parasitism-Counterfeiting" rel="bookmark"><strong>Economic Parasitism - Counterfeiting</strong>: The Court of Cassation holds that the Court of Appeal, while rejecting alleged counterfeiting practices, should have searched for an intent of taking advantage of investments made by the acting party <em>(Compagnie française d&#8217;eaux de vie et spiritueux)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2007-03-20T14:56:00Z">20 March 2007</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 4918</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-13436 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. 1st civ., 20 March 2007, Mr&nbsp;X... c/ company Compagnie française d’eaux de vie et spiritueux, n° 06-11.522 and 06-11.657 <br class='autobr' /> In the absence of protection based on the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, the question frequently arises as to whether it is possible to act on the basis&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/daniel-fasquelle">Daniel Fasquelle</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2007/case-comments/Parasitism-Parasitism-requires-a" rel="bookmark"><strong>Parasitism</strong>: The Court of Cassation considers that parasitism requires a risk of confusion and intention to take advantage of a third party reputation <em>(Diramode et Promotion du prêt-à-porter/Jennyfer; Wirquin/Sanitaire accessoires services; Patrelle/Euro Confi)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2006-12-12T15:28:00Z">12 December 2006</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 7243</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-13434 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, December 12, 2006, Diramode et Promotion du prêt-à-porter c/ société Jennyfer, n° 05-18.988 Cass. com, February 20, 2007, Wirquin c/ société Sanitaire accessoires services, n° 05-16.683 Cass. com, February 20, 2007, Patrelle c/ Euro Confi company, n° 05-17.004 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/daniel-fasquelle">Daniel Fasquelle</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-4-2006/case-comments/Parasitic-behavior-Counterfeit" rel="bookmark"><strong>Parasitic behavior - Counterfeit</strong> : The Court of Cassation holds that when a counterfeit action is brought, the liability of the defendant on the basis of parasitism requires a distinct event <em>(Interbrew/Brasserie Fischer)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2006-05-10T00:10:00Z">10 May 2006</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 7521</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-12473 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 10 May 2006, Interbrew v. Brasserie Fischer, No. 04-15.612 Cass. com, 23 May 2006, Casple and Amstutz Levin v. Muller and Campa, No. 04-16.254. Cass. com, June 20, 2006, Mr.&nbsp;X...and Société Céline c/ Infinitif e. a., No. 04-20.776 <br class='autobr' /> The rulings handed down by the Commercial Chamber of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/daniel-fasquelle">Daniel Fasquelle</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2006/articles/Private-enforcements-of-EC" rel="bookmark">Private enforcements of EC antitrust: The EC Green book, A critical view</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2006-01-31T23:00:00Z">February 2006</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 7925</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-462 introduction entry-content"> <p>On December 2005, 19, considering the loopholes of positive law, the European Commission published a Green book on private enforcement of competition rules (Art. 81-82 EC). This document shows both curative and preventive effects of such actions. It also identifies the main barriers to their&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/daniel-fasquelle">Daniel Fasquelle</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2005/case-comments/Parasitism-Rights-of-a-brand" rel="bookmark"><strong>Parasitism</strong>: The Court of Cassation rules on the rights of a brand licensee (<i>Cie. du grand large/Auchan</i>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2005-03-22T21:30:00Z">22 March 2005</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 4843</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-1261 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, March 22, 2005, Compagnie du grand large c/ M. X, Auchan and Champion organisation development, n° 02-21.105 <br class='autobr' /> The ruling handed down by the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation on March 22, 2005 provides some interesting clarifications on the relationship between trademark&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/daniel-fasquelle">Daniel Fasquelle</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-2-2005/case-comments/Parasitism-Only-first-instance" rel="bookmark"><strong>Parasitism</strong>: The Court of Cassation rules that only first instance Courts may assess the fault and the damages (<i>Mill&#8217;Vi/ALS</i>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2005-01-25T21:28:00Z">25 January 2005</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 8440</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-1263 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, 25 January 2005, Société Mill’Vi c/ Sociétés ALS service, Bennes Rhône-Alpes and Bennes Manjot, n° 03-11.770 <br class='autobr' /> The judgment of 25 January 2005 provides an opportunity to reconsider the extent of the sovereign power of the trial judges in the context of the sanctioning of parasitic&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/daniel-fasquelle">Daniel Fasquelle</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2005/case-comments/Counterfeiting-Parasitism-Actions" rel="bookmark"><strong>Counterfeiting/Parasitism</strong>: The Court of Cassation rules that actions against counterfeiting and parasitism require two distinct faults (<i>Cave de Gaillac</i>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2004-09-28T15:47:00Z">28 September 2004</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 4834</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-1541 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, September 28, 2004, Coopérative agricole la cave de la bastide de Levis v/ Société La Cave de Gaillac, n° 02-13.697 Cass. 1st civ., 19 October 2004, Mrs. X... and Company X... c/ DMBB Company and Fiat Company, n° 02-16.057 <br class='autobr' /> The judgments handed down by the Court of Cassation on 28&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/daniel-fasquelle">Daniel Fasquelle</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2004/chroniques/Restrictive-practices-The-Ministry" rel="bookmark"><strong>Restrictive practices</strong>: The French Court of Cassation rules that the Ministry of Economy can not intervene on the behalf of the victim <i>(Carrefour)</i></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2004-07-07T20:52:00Z">7 July 2004</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 4897</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-1583 introduction entry-content"> <p>– Cass. com, 7 July 2004, Minister of the Economy and Union of Record Retailers and a. c/ Société Carrefour France, n° 03-11.369 <br class='autobr' /> The NRE Act of 15 May 2001 considerably broadened the prerogatives of the Minister of the Economy with respect to the sanctioning of practices restricting&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/daniel-fasquelle">Daniel Fasquelle</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/rodolphe-mesa">Rodolphe Mesa</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/issues/no-1-2004/chroniques/Unfair-competition-Action-against" rel="bookmark"><strong>Unfair competition</strong>: The French Court of Cassation rules on an action against parasitism <i>(Cima textil)</i></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2004-03-31T20:42:00Z">31 March 2004</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 6384</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-1589 introduction entry-content"> <p>Cass. com, March 31, 2004, Société Cima textil SL c/ Société Pépino frères and Société Actua’tex, n° 02-11.113 Cass. com, 28 April 2004, Association Fédération sépharade mondiale et Association Fédération sépharadie de France c/ Association Fédération des associations sépharades de France, n°&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> </div> </div> <div class="content-inner-actions"> <button class="btn-toggle" onclick="return toggle_content_inner.apply(this);"><b class="label_open">Read More </b><span><i class="picto picto-toggle"></i></span></button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section section_primary section_books"> <div class="section__container"> <h2 class="content-inner-title"><span>Books</span></h2> <div class="liste articles-livres sm"> <div class="liste-items"> <div class="row"> <a id='pagination_livres_auteur' class='pagination_ancre'></a> <div class="col-sm-6"> <div class="item"> <article class="entry article-livre hentry"> <strong class="h6-like entry-title"><a href="en/all-books/dictionnaire-de-droit-de-la-concurrence" rel="bookmark"> <span 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