Brasilien: Aktuelle News der FAZ zum Land in Südamerika

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2.231.54 3.022 1.62.79 1.08 1.475 2.732 2.055 4.956l-7.495 21.306a7 7 0 0 0 -4.014 1.33c-1.194.854-2.13 1.975-2.806 3.361a10 10 0 0 0 -1.016 4.45c0 2.448.823 4.406 2.467 5.874 1.644 1.467 3.772 2.201 6.382 2.201 1.548 0 2.975-.339 4.28-1.016a10.502 10.502 0 0 0 3.313-2.66c.904-1.096 1.531-2.24 1.887-3.433l-.483-.242c-.969 1.838-2.185 3.313-3.653 4.425-1.466 1.112-3.136 1.668-5.005 1.668-2.29 0-4.087-.54-5.393-1.62-1.305-1.08-1.958-2.442-1.958-4.086 0-1.354.394-2.522 1.184-3.36.791-.838 1.782-1.186 2.975-1.186 1.065 0 2.023.18 2.877.68.855.5 1.67 1.093 2.444 2.126.29-1.064.886-1.927 1.788-3.072.903-1.144 1.855-2.07 2.853-2.78l-.434-.58-1.21.677c-.45-.645-1.143-1.209-2.078-1.693a9.611 9.611 0 0 0 -3-.967l2.176-6.383h7.498l2.079 8.898c.452 1.902.975 3.28 1.572 4.134.596.853 1.506 1.442 2.732 1.765.839-1.676 2.031-3.208 3.578-4.594-.74.097-1.288-.12-1.643-.653-.356-.532-.661-1.378-.92-2.539zm111.135.077c.774 0 1.459-.298 2.056-.895.596-.596.894-1.28.894-2.055 0-.774-.298-1.458-.894-2.055-.597-.597-1.281-.895-2.055-.895s-1.46.298-2.055.895c-.598.597-.895 1.281-.895 2.055s.297 1.46.894 2.055c.596.597 1.281.895 2.055.895zm-291.825 5.91c-.904 0-1.701.258-2.393.773a5.085 5.085 0 0 0 -1.595 1.96c-.372.79-.556 1.571-.556 2.344-1.258-1.16-2.184-2.144-2.78-2.95-.598-.805-.895-1.669-.895-2.733 0-.645.185-1.33.557-2.056a9.337 9.337 0 0 1 1.378-2.006c-.904.29-1.854.797-2.854 1.523-.998.726-1.86 1.661-2.585 2.805-.726 1.144-1.088 2.371-1.088 3.821 0 1.451.346 2.677 1.04 3.676.692 1 1.698 2.111 3.02 3.337 1.225 1.128 2.127 2.095 2.708 2.901.58.806.87 1.773.87 2.901 0 .936-.242 1.854-.726 2.757-2.062-2.805-4.608-4.314-7.636-4.314a7.872 7.872 0 0 0 -4.278 1.233c-1.305.822-2.338 1.975-3.094 3.458-.758 1.483-1.136 3.16-1.136 5.03 0 1.707.394 3.23 1.185 4.57a8.412 8.412 0 0 0 3.239 3.142c1.368.757 2.924 1.137 4.664 1.137 1.674 0 3.213-.339 4.616-1.016 1.401-.677 2.569-1.565 3.505-2.66.933-1.096 1.595-2.24 1.982-3.433l-.485-.242c-.998 1.838-2.288 3.313-3.866 4.425-1.58 1.112-3.383 1.668-5.415 1.668-1.546 0-2.893-.29-4.036-.87-1.145-.58-2.024-1.37-2.634-2.369a6.177 6.177 0 0 1 -.918-3.289c0-1.517.49-2.81 1.474-3.746.982-.936 2.215-1.332 3.697-1.332 1.289 0 2.41.284 3.36.993.95.71 1.813 1.748 2.586 3.167.29-.967.756-1.714 1.402-2.504.645-.79 1.579-1.533 2.804-2.37 1.546-1.097 2.713-2.177 3.505-3.24.788-1.065 1.184-2.354 1.184-3.87 0-1.354-.299-2.546-.895-3.578-.597-1.032-1.425-2.063-2.489-3.095 0 0-.047-.274-.049-.58a4.423 4.423 0 0 1 .508-2.08c.338-.645.814-1.112 1.427-1.402-.323.387-.485.902-.485 1.547 0 .71.233 1.29.701 1.741.466.452 1.055.677 1.765.677.707 0 1.336-.282 1.886-.846.546-.564.822-1.25.822-2.055 0-.87-.267-1.58-.799-2.128-.532-.549-1.264-.822-2.198-.822zm3.238-10.484c-1.13 0-2.28-.169-3.456-.508-1.177-.339-2.7-.846-4.569-1.523-2.03-.742-3.697-1.289-5.003-1.644a14.95 14.95 0 0 0 -3.938-.532c-2.127 0-3.95.427-5.463 1.281-1.515.854-2.652 1.975-3.407 3.361-.759 1.386-1.137 2.838-1.137 4.352 0 1.87.523 3.378 1.571 4.522 1.047 1.144 2.345 1.717 3.892 1.717 1.74 0 3.141-.58 4.205-1.74l-.193-.34c-1.098.645-2.241.967-3.432.967-1.354 0-2.45-.418-3.288-1.257-.838-.838-1.256-1.918-1.256-3.24 0-1.386.441-2.442 1.329-3.167.885-.726 2.103-1.089 3.65-1.089 1.16 0 2.344.186 3.553.556 1.207.371 2.697.912 4.47 1.621 1.868.774 3.457 1.354 4.763 1.74 1.305.388 2.6.581 3.89.581 1.707 0 3.206-.395 4.495-1.185 1.288-.79 2.296-1.82 3.021-3.095a10.593 10.593 0 0 0 1.33-4.135c-.613 1-1.29 1.71-2.03 2.128-.742.42-1.74.63-2.997.63zm321.493 11.965c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.841 3.08.404.982.606 1.86.606 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.813 1.475l-1.065.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.123-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.177-1.04-.483-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.226-1.112c2.03-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.4-2.974s1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168c0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.678-.903-1.128-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-3 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.485.612-2.515 1.314-3.096 2.104-.58.79-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.523 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.048 1.257 2.733 2.08 5.053 2.466 1.516-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.95-5.368l-.291-.629c-1.387.84-2.821 1.258-4.304 1.258zm-32.305-14.702c0-.58.096-1.016.29-1.306.192-.29.498-.58.918-.87-.516-.387-1.17-1.04-1.958-1.959-.791-.919-1.397-1.797-1.815-2.635-.452.87-1.057 1.75-1.813 2.635-.759.887-1.427 1.54-2.007 1.96.452. 1.378v13.105c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306-.193.29-.501.58-.918.87.513.387 1.166 1.04 1.957 1.394 1.795 1.815 2.634.45-.87 1.054-1.748 1.813-2.635.757-.887 1.426-1.54 2.007-1.959-.452-.225-.783-.49-.992-.798-.21-.306-.313-.766-.313-1.378zm-76.558 14.46c-.58 0-1.04-.219-1.377-.654-.34-.435-.508-1.023-.508-1.765v-10.687c0-1.483.065-2.547.194-3.192.127-.645.355-1.144.675-1.499l2.226 1.983c.322.29.556.597.702.92.145.321.217.756.217 1.304v12.428c-.356.387-.694.678-1.017.871a2.12 2.12 0 0 1 -1.112.29zm7.206-14.46c0-.902.21-1.628.63-2.176-.806-.452-1.742-1.177-2.805-2.176-1.064-1-1.838-1.806-2.321-2.418-1.194 1.064-3.225 2.16-6.094 3.288-1.194.452-2.088 1.088-2.684 1.91-.597.823-.895 1.975-.895 3.458v12.138c0 1.257.387 2.28 1.16 3.071.773.79 2.144 1.668 4.111 2.635.839-1.386 2.112-3.046 3.82-4.98v1.16c0 .677.114 1.33.34 1.958.225.63.531 1.33.918 2.104.356.741.629 1.378.822 1.071.29 1.62 0 1.191-.428 2.152-1.281 2.877-.855.726-1.942 1.088-3.264 1.088-1.678 0-2.823-.419-3.435- 0 1.444-.217 1.911-.652.467-.436.701-1.024.701-1.766s-.25-1.347-.75-1.813c-.5-.468-1.12-.7-1.862-.7s-1.362.29-1.862.87-.748 1.272-.748 2.08c0 1.223.5 2.247 1.499 3.07.999.822 2.37 1.233 4.11 1.233 1.677 0 3.175-.37 4.498-1.113 1.322-.742 2.339-1.66 3.048-2.756.708-1.097 1.064-2.16 1.064-3.19 0-.582-.05-1.083-.145-1.5a9.744 9.744 0 0 0 -.484-1.452 15.182 15.182 0 0 1 -.556-1.813c-.114-.5-.17-1.136-.17-1.91v-14.846zm-18.28-17.796c-1.129.903-2.917 1.741-5.368 2.515.195 1.676.29 3.513.29 5.513v22.873c0 .58-.095 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.918.87.514.387 1.168 1.04 1.959 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.452-.87 1.056-1.748 1.814-2.635.756-.887 1.425-1.54 2.006-1.959-.452-.225-.782-.49-.992-.798-.208-.306-.313-.766-.313-1.378v-30.9zm-10.252 0c-1.13.903-2.918 1.741-5.368 2.515.194 1.676.29 3.513.29 5.513v22.873c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.195.29-.5.58-.92.87.516.387 1.168 1.04 1.96 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.452-.87 1.055-1.748 1.814-2.635.757-.887 1.425-1.54 2.007-1.959-.452-.225-.782-.49-.993-.798-.21-.306-.314-.766-.314-1.378v-30.9zm82.475 14.548c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.842 3.08.403.982.605 1.86.605 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.813 1.475l-1.065.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.124-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.177-1.04-.483-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.226-1.112c2.03-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.4-2.974.903-.95 1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168 0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.676-.903-1.129-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.485.612-2.515 1.314-3.096 2.104-.58.79-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.524 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.046 1.257 2.731 2.08 5.053 2.466 1.516-1.87 3.499-3.659 5.949-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.387.84-2.821 1.258-4.304 1.258zm-46.117-17.95c.836 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.843 3.08.401.982.603 1.86.603 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.459 1.668-.307.468-.91.96-1.814 1.475l-1.063.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.036-.05.118-.148.123-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.967 0-1.693-.347-2.176-1.04-.485-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.224-1.112c2.031-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.401-2.974.904-.95 1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168 0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.676-.903-1.128-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.484.612-2.515 1.314-3.095 2.104-.582.79-.872 1.91-.872 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.524 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.048 1.257 2.733 2.08 5.055 2.466 1.514-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.947-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.387.84-2.82 1.258-4.303 1.258zm-103.088-17.95c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.843 3.08.401.982.604 1.86.604 2.634 0 .645-.155 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.814 1.475l-1.064.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.123-.152 0 0 . 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.178-1.04-.482-.694-.725-1.669-.725-2.927v-3.335l2.225-1.112c2.031-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.401-2.974.902-.95 1.355-2.007 1.355-3.168 0-.87-.17-1.644-.508-2.32-.34-.678-.846-1.484-1.523-2.419-.678-.903-1.13-1.628-1.356-2.176-1.096 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.706 3.143-1.484.612-2.515 1.314-3.095 2.104s-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.523 3.868 1.571 5.126 1.047 1.257 2.732 2.08 5.054 2.466 1.514-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.948-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.386.84-2.821 1.258-4.303 1.258zm-9.285-19.008 1.064-1.45h-4.691v-9.138c-1.13.902-2.92 1.74-5.368 2.514.192 1.676.29 3.514.29 5.513v1.111h-1.401l-1.065 1.45h2.465v17.411c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.918.87.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.079 2.007.838.92 1.466 1.78 1.887 2.587.483-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.943 11.943 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.904-.096-1.58-.29-2.031-.58-.452-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403-.178-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-14.75h3.628zm-29.647 4.306c0-.58.097-1.016.29-1.306.194-.29.5-.58.92-.87-.517-.387-1.17-1.04-1.96-1.959s-1.394-1.797-1.813-2.635c-.451.87-1.056 1.75-1.813 2.635-.758.887-1.428 1.54-2.008 1.96.453.224.782.49.992.797.21.306.314.766.314 1.378v13.298l-.58.387c-.612.387-1.225.581-1.838.581-.484 0-.87-.162-1.16-.484s-.436-.79-.436-1.403v-12.814c0-1.516-.258-2.749-.773-3.7-.517-.95-1.404-1.83-2.66-2.635-.323.612-.879 1.37-1.67 2.273a21.249 21.249 0 0 1 -2.344 2.321c.742 0 1.322.218 1.74.653.42.435.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.38c0 .645-.048 1.161-.145 1.547a3.18 3.18 0 0 1 -.483 1.064c.514.355 1.264 1.016 2.249 1.983.983.967 1.796 1.838 2.441 2.611l5.078-5.27c.098 1.191.412 2.192.944 2.998.532.805 1.347 1.562 2.442 2.272.387-.646.974-1.418 1.765-2.32.79-.904 1.54-1.66 2.25-2.274-.743 0-1.324-.217-1.743-.653-.417-.435-.627-1.04-.627-1.813v-12.815zm-71.09 14.46c-.582 0-1.04-.219-1.38-.654-.339-.435-.508-1.023-.508-1.765v-10.687c0-1.483.066-2.547.195-3.192.128-.645.355-1.144.677-1.499l1.788 1.548c.517.451.871.862 1.064 1.426v12.428c-.355.387-.694.678-1.015.871-.322.193-.694.29-1.112.29zm7.206-14.46c0-.902.209-1.628.628-2.176-.806-.452-1.742-1.177-2.806-2.176-1.064-1-1.837-1.806-2.32-2.418-1.194 1.064-3.224 2.16-6.095 3.288-1.193.452-2.088 1.088-2.684 1.91-.596.823-.895 1.975-.895 3.458v12.138c0 1.257.395 2.313 1.185 3.167s2.153 1.748 4.088 2.684c.87-1.482 2.159-3.208 3.869-5.174.128 1.16.452 2.135.967 2.926.514.79 1.321 1.538 2.417 2.248.388-.646.976-1.418 1.766-2.32.79-.904 1.54-1.66 2.248-2.274-.74 0-1.322-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.628-1.04-.628-1.813zm123.514-6.819c-.677 1.032-1.403 1.548-2.175 1.548-.322 0-.661-.162-1.016-.484a4.974 4.974 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.782 1.298-1.38 2.152a43.188 43.188 0 0 1 -1.667 2.248c-.194-.935-.548-1.748-1.065-2.442-.516-.693-1.256-1.346-2.225-1.958-.387.645-.975 1.418-1.764 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.25 2.273.743 0 1.322.218 1.742.653.418.435.628 1.04.628 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306s-.5.58-.918.87c.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.078 1.469 1.78 1.887 2.587.483-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.957 11.957 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.901-.096-1.579-.29-2.03-.58-.453-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403s-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.839.612 1.694.92 2.564.92.742 0 1.45-.323 2.127-.968s1.225-1.49 1.644-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm-41.88 0c-.677 1.032-1.401 1.548-2.175 1.548-.323 0-.661-.162-1.017-.484a5.012 5.012 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.781 1.298-1.379 2.152a44.368 44.368 0 0 1 -1.667 2.248c-.195-.935-.55-1.748-1.065-2.442-.516-.693-1.257-1.346-2.225-1.958-.387.645-.975 1.418-1.765 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.742 0 1.322.218 1.74.653s.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-. 1.243 1.088 2.08 1.468 1.78 1.886 2.587.484-.903 1.242-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.948 11.948 0 0 1 3.29-1.959c-.903-.096-1.58-.29-2.031-.58-.452-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403-.178-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.838.612 1.692.92 2.564.92.742 0 1.45-.323 2.127-.968s1.226-1.49 1.644-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm-50.974-5.948c1.386 1.064 2.08 2.08 2.08 3.047 0 .515-.162 1.008-.484 1.475-.323.467-.854.991-1.596 1.571zm6.046.387c0-.774-.162-1.419-.483-1.934-.324-.516-.791-1.08-1.404-1.693l-.675-.725a25.209 25.209 0 0 1 -3.483 2.998v-4.062a8.602 8.602 0 0 1 -2.49 1.644c-.953.42-1.912.71-2.879.871.194 1.225.29 3.063.29 5.513v4.013h-1.401l-1.065 1.451h2.466v17.41c0 .58-.097 1.015-.29 1.305-.192.29-.5.58-.918.87.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.08 2.007.838.92 1.466 1.78 1.886 2.587.484-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.933 11.933 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.904-.096-1.58-.29-2.03-.58-.454-.29-.767-.758-.945-1.403-.176-.645-.265-1.595-.265-2.853v-14.749h2.996l1.064-1.45h-3.867c2.063-1.258 3.555-2.41 4.474-3.458s1.379-2.104 1.379-3.168zm244.71 25.195v-12.38c0-.645.047-1.16.144-1.547.096-.387.257-.742.484-1.064-.517-.355-1.267-1.016-2.248-1.983-.985-.967-1.798-1.838-2.444-2.61l-5.077 5.27c-.098-1.193-.411-2.193-.943-2.998-.533-.806-1.346-1.564-2.442-2.273-.387.645-.976 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.74 0 1.32.218 1.74.653s.628 1.04.628 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306-.193.29-.5.58-.919.87.517.387 1.17 1.04 1.96 1.96.788.917 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.45-.87 1.055-1.748 1.813-2.635.759-.887 1.428-1.54 2.009-1.959-.453-.225-.784-.49-.993-.798-.21-.306-.315-.766-.315-1.378v-13.347l.582-.339c.611-.386 1.224-.58 1.837-.58.483 0 .87.162 1.161.484.29.322.435.79.435 1.402v12.815c0 1.516.257 2.75.774 3.7.515.95 1.402 1.828 2.66 2.635.322-.613.879-1.37 1.668-2.272a21.008 21.008 0 0 1 2.346-2.322c-.741 0-1.322-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.63-1.04-.63-1.813zm-261.54-12.38c0-.645.049-1.16.145-1.547s.257-.742.484-1.064c-.517-.355-1.267-1.016-2.249-1.983-.984-.967-1.799-1.838-2.443-2.61l-5.078 5.27c-.097-1.193-.41-2.193-.943-2.998-.531-.806-1.346-1.564-2.441-2.273-.388.645-.977 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.74 0 1.32.218 1.74.653.419.435.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306s-.5.58-.92.87c.517.387 1.17 1.04 1.96 1.96.788.917 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.45-.87 1.056-1.748 1.814-2.635.757-.887 1.426-1.54 2.007-1.959-.453-.225-.782-.49-.992-.798-.21-.306-.315-.766-.315-1.378v-13.347l.581-.339c.612-.386 1.225-.58 1.838-.58.483 0 .87.162 1.16.484s.436.79.436 1.402v12.815c0 1.516.258 2.75.774 3.7s1.403 1.828 2.66 2.635c.322-.613.878-1.37 1.668-2.272a21.004 21.004 0 0 1 2.346-2.322c-.742 0-1.323-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.63-1.04-.63-1.813zm-34.047-7.254c-.678 1.032-1.404 1.548-2.176 1.548-.322 0-.661-.162-1.017-.484a4.974 4.974 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.781 1.298-1.378 2.152a43.188 43.188 0 0 1 -1.668 2.248c-.194-.935-.548-1.748-1.064-2.442-.517-.693-1.258-1.346-2.225-1.958-.388.645-.976 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.741 0 1.322.218 1.74.653.42.435.63 1.04.63 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.098 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.92.87.549.42 1.241 1.088 2.08 2.007.838.92 1.468 1.78 1.887 2.587.482-.903 1.24-1.78 2.272-2.635a11.943 11.943 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.901-.096-1.578-.29-2.03-.58s-.766-.758-.944-1.403c-.177-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.84.612 1.694.92 2.563.92.742 0 1.452-.323 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2.635.322-.613.878-1.37 1.668-2.272a21.008 21.008 0 0 1 2.346-2.322c-.742 0-1.323-.217-1.742-.653-.418-.435-.627-1.04-.627-1.813zm-93.048-20.484 2.708 11.296h-6.674l3.965-11.296zm4.98-3.047c-.677-2.869-1.74-5.037-3.192-6.504-1.45-1.467-3.257-2.2-5.416-2.2a7.03 7.03 0 0 0 -3.313.798 6.436 6.436 0 0 0 -2.442 2.2 5.457 5.457 0 0 0 -.92 3.047c0 1.322.371 2.377 1.114 3.167.742.79 1.708 1.185 2.901 1.185.612 0 1.201-.138 1.766-.41.564-.275.99-.654 1.28-1.138l-.24-.29a3.784 3.784 0 0 1 -2.468.871c-.901 0-1.644-.307-2.225-.919-.58-.612-.87-1.37-.87-2.273 0-1.064.298-1.886.895-2.466s1.444-.87 2.54-.87c1.225 0 2.231.54 3.022 1.62.79 1.08 1.475 2.732 2.055 4.956l-7.495 21.306a7 7 0 0 0 -4.014 1.33c-1.194.854-2.13 1.975-2.806 3.361a10 10 0 0 0 -1.016 4.45c0 2.448.823 4.406 2.467 5.874 1.644 1.467 3.772 2.201 6.382 2.201 1.548 0 2.975-.339 4.28-1.016a10.502 10.502 0 0 0 3.313-2.66c.904-1.096 1.531-2.24 1.887-3.433l-.483-.242c-.969 1.838-2.185 3.313-3.653 4.425-1.466 1.112-3.136 1.668-5.005 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1.523-.998.726-1.86 1.661-2.585 2.805-.726 1.144-1.088 2.371-1.088 3.821 0 1.451.346 2.677 1.04 3.676.692 1 1.698 2.111 3.02 3.337 1.225 1.128 2.127 2.095 2.708 2.901.58.806.87 1.773.87 2.901 0 .936-.242 1.854-.726 2.757-2.062-2.805-4.608-4.314-7.636-4.314a7.872 7.872 0 0 0 -4.278 1.233c-1.305.822-2.338 1.975-3.094 3.458-.758 1.483-1.136 3.16-1.136 5.03 0 1.707.394 3.23 1.185 4.57a8.412 8.412 0 0 0 3.239 3.142c1.368.757 2.924 1.137 4.664 1.137 1.674 0 3.213-.339 4.616-1.016 1.401-.677 2.569-1.565 3.505-2.66.933-1.096 1.595-2.24 1.982-3.433l-.485-.242c-.998 1.838-2.288 3.313-3.866 4.425-1.58 1.112-3.383 1.668-5.415 1.668-1.546 0-2.893-.29-4.036-.87-1.145-.58-2.024-1.37-2.634-2.369a6.177 6.177 0 0 1 -.918-3.289c0-1.517.49-2.81 1.474-3.746.982-.936 2.215-1.332 3.697-1.332 1.289 0 2.41.284 3.36.993.95.71 1.813 1.748 2.586 3.167.29-.967.756-1.714 1.402-2.504.645-.79 1.579-1.533 2.804-2.37 1.546-1.097 2.713-2.177 3.505-3.24.788-1.065 1.184-2.354 1.184-3.87 0-1.354-.299-2.546-.895-3.578-.597-1.032-1.425-2.063-2.489-3.095 0 0-.047-.274-.049-.58a4.423 4.423 0 0 1 .508-2.08c.338-.645.814-1.112 1.427-1.402-.323.387-.485.902-.485 1.547 0 .71.233 1.29.701 1.741.466.452 1.055.677 1.765.677.707 0 1.336-.282 1.886-.846.546-.564.822-1.25.822-2.055 0-.87-.267-1.58-.799-2.128-.532-.549-1.264-.822-2.198-.822zm3.238-10.484c-1.13 0-2.28-.169-3.456-.508-1.177-.339-2.7-.846-4.569-1.523-2.03-.742-3.697-1.289-5.003-1.644a14.95 14.95 0 0 0 -3.938-.532c-2.127 0-3.95.427-5.463 1.281-1.515.854-2.652 1.975-3.407 3.361-.759 1.386-1.137 2.838-1.137 4.352 0 1.87.523 3.378 1.571 4.522 1.047 1.144 2.345 1.717 3.892 1.717 1.74 0 3.141-.58 4.205-1.74l-.193-.34c-1.098.645-2.241.967-3.432.967-1.354 0-2.45-.418-3.288-1.257-.838-.838-1.256-1.918-1.256-3.24 0-1.386.441-2.442 1.329-3.167.885-.726 2.103-1.089 3.65-1.089 1.16 0 2.344.186 3.553.556 1.207.371 2.697.912 4.47 1.621 1.868.774 3.457 1.354 4.763 1.74 1.305.388 2.6.581 3.89.581 1.707 0 3.206-.395 4.495-1.185 1.288-.79 2.296-1.82 3.021-3.095a10.593 10.593 0 0 0 1.33-4.135c-.613 1-1.29 1.71-2.03 2.128-.742.42-1.74.63-2.997.63zm321.493 11.965c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.841 3.08.404.982.606 1.86.606 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.813 1.475l-1.065.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.123-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.177-1.04-.483-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.226-1.112c2.03-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.4-2.974s1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168c0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.678-.903-1.128-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-3 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.485.612-2.515 1.314-3.096 2.104-.58.79-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.523 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.048 1.257 2.733 2.08 5.053 2.466 1.516-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.95-5.368l-.291-.629c-1.387.84-2.821 1.258-4.304 1.258zm-32.305-14.702c0-.58.096-1.016.29-1.306.192-.29.498-.58.918-.87-.516-.387-1.17-1.04-1.958-1.959-.791-.919-1.397-1.797-1.815-2.635-.452.87-1.057 1.75-1.813 2.635-.759.887-1.427 1.54-2.007 1.96.452. 1.378v13.105c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306-.193.29-.501.58-.918.87.513.387 1.166 1.04 1.957 1.394 1.795 1.815 2.634.45-.87 1.054-1.748 1.813-2.635.757-.887 1.426-1.54 2.007-1.959-.452-.225-.783-.49-.992-.798-.21-.306-.313-.766-.313-1.378zm-76.558 14.46c-.58 0-1.04-.219-1.377-.654-.34-.435-.508-1.023-.508-1.765v-10.687c0-1.483.065-2.547.194-3.192.127-.645.355-1.144.675-1.499l2.226 1.983c.322.29.556.597.702.92.145.321.217.756.217 1.304v12.428c-.356.387-.694.678-1.017.871a2.12 2.12 0 0 1 -1.112.29zm7.206-14.46c0-.902.21-1.628.63-2.176-.806-.452-1.742-1.177-2.805-2.176-1.064-1-1.838-1.806-2.321-2.418-1.194 1.064-3.225 2.16-6.094 3.288-1.194.452-2.088 1.088-2.684 1.91-.597.823-.895 1.975-.895 3.458v12.138c0 1.257.387 2.28 1.16 3.071.773.79 2.144 1.668 4.111 2.635.839-1.386 2.112-3.046 3.82-4.98v1.16c0 .677.114 1.33.34 1.958.225.63.531 1.33.918 2.104.356.741.629 1.378.822 1.071.29 1.62 0 1.191-.428 2.152-1.281 2.877-.855.726-1.942 1.088-3.264 1.088-1.678 0-2.823-.419-3.435- 0 1.444-.217 1.911-.652.467-.436.701-1.024.701-1.766s-.25-1.347-.75-1.813c-.5-.468-1.12-.7-1.862-.7s-1.362.29-1.862.87-.748 1.272-.748 2.08c0 1.223.5 2.247 1.499 3.07.999.822 2.37 1.233 4.11 1.233 1.677 0 3.175-.37 4.498-1.113 1.322-.742 2.339-1.66 3.048-2.756.708-1.097 1.064-2.16 1.064-3.19 0-.582-.05-1.083-.145-1.5a9.744 9.744 0 0 0 -.484-1.452 15.182 15.182 0 0 1 -.556-1.813c-.114-.5-.17-1.136-.17-1.91v-14.846zm-18.28-17.796c-1.129.903-2.917 1.741-5.368 2.515.195 1.676.29 3.513.29 5.513v22.873c0 .58-.095 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.918.87.514.387 1.168 1.04 1.959 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.452-.87 1.056-1.748 1.814-2.635.756-.887 1.425-1.54 2.006-1.959-.452-.225-.782-.49-.992-.798-.208-.306-.313-.766-.313-1.378v-30.9zm-10.252 0c-1.13.903-2.918 1.741-5.368 2.515.194 1.676.29 3.513.29 5.513v22.873c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.195.29-.5.58-.92.87.516.387 1.168 1.04 1.96 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.452-.87 1.055-1.748 1.814-2.635.757-.887 1.425-1.54 2.007-1.959-.452-.225-.782-.49-.993-.798-.21-.306-.314-.766-.314-1.378v-30.9zm82.475 14.548c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.842 3.08.403.982.605 1.86.605 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.813 1.475l-1.065.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.124-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.177-1.04-.483-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.226-1.112c2.03-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.4-2.974.903-.95 1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168 0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.676-.903-1.129-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.485.612-2.515 1.314-3.096 2.104-.58.79-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.524 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.046 1.257 2.731 2.08 5.053 2.466 1.516-1.87 3.499-3.659 5.949-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.387.84-2.821 1.258-4.304 1.258zm-46.117-17.95c.836 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.843 3.08.401.982.603 1.86.603 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.459 1.668-.307.468-.91.96-1.814 1.475l-1.063.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.036-.05.118-.148.123-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.967 0-1.693-.347-2.176-1.04-.485-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.224-1.112c2.031-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.401-2.974.904-.95 1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168 0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.676-.903-1.128-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.484.612-2.515 1.314-3.095 2.104-.582.79-.872 1.91-.872 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.524 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.048 1.257 2.733 2.08 5.055 2.466 1.514-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.947-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.387.84-2.82 1.258-4.303 1.258zm-103.088-17.95c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.843 3.08.401.982.604 1.86.604 2.634 0 .645-.155 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.814 1.475l-1.064.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.123-.152 0 0 . 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.178-1.04-.482-.694-.725-1.669-.725-2.927v-3.335l2.225-1.112c2.031-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.401-2.974.902-.95 1.355-2.007 1.355-3.168 0-.87-.17-1.644-.508-2.32-.34-.678-.846-1.484-1.523-2.419-.678-.903-1.13-1.628-1.356-2.176-1.096 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.706 3.143-1.484.612-2.515 1.314-3.095 2.104s-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.523 3.868 1.571 5.126 1.047 1.257 2.732 2.08 5.054 2.466 1.514-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.948-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.386.84-2.821 1.258-4.303 1.258zm-9.285-19.008 1.064-1.45h-4.691v-9.138c-1.13.902-2.92 1.74-5.368 2.514.192 1.676.29 3.514.29 5.513v1.111h-1.401l-1.065 1.45h2.465v17.411c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.918.87.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.079 2.007.838.92 1.466 1.78 1.887 2.587.483-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.943 11.943 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.904-.096-1.58-.29-2.031-.58-.452-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403-.178-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-14.75h3.628zm-29.647 4.306c0-.58.097-1.016.29-1.306.194-.29.5-.58.92-.87-.517-.387-1.17-1.04-1.96-1.959s-1.394-1.797-1.813-2.635c-.451.87-1.056 1.75-1.813 2.635-.758.887-1.428 1.54-2.008 1.96.453.224.782.49.992.797.21.306.314.766.314 1.378v13.298l-.58.387c-.612.387-1.225.581-1.838.581-.484 0-.87-.162-1.16-.484s-.436-.79-.436-1.403v-12.814c0-1.516-.258-2.749-.773-3.7-.517-.95-1.404-1.83-2.66-2.635-.323.612-.879 1.37-1.67 2.273a21.249 21.249 0 0 1 -2.344 2.321c.742 0 1.322.218 1.74.653.42.435.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.38c0 .645-.048 1.161-.145 1.547a3.18 3.18 0 0 1 -.483 1.064c.514.355 1.264 1.016 2.249 1.983.983.967 1.796 1.838 2.441 2.611l5.078-5.27c.098 1.191.412 2.192.944 2.998.532.805 1.347 1.562 2.442 2.272.387-.646.974-1.418 1.765-2.32.79-.904 1.54-1.66 2.25-2.274-.743 0-1.324-.217-1.743-.653-.417-.435-.627-1.04-.627-1.813v-12.815zm-71.09 14.46c-.582 0-1.04-.219-1.38-.654-.339-.435-.508-1.023-.508-1.765v-10.687c0-1.483.066-2.547.195-3.192.128-.645.355-1.144.677-1.499l1.788 1.548c.517.451.871.862 1.064 1.426v12.428c-.355.387-.694.678-1.015.871-.322.193-.694.29-1.112.29zm7.206-14.46c0-.902.209-1.628.628-2.176-.806-.452-1.742-1.177-2.806-2.176-1.064-1-1.837-1.806-2.32-2.418-1.194 1.064-3.224 2.16-6.095 3.288-1.193.452-2.088 1.088-2.684 1.91-.596.823-.895 1.975-.895 3.458v12.138c0 1.257.395 2.313 1.185 3.167s2.153 1.748 4.088 2.684c.87-1.482 2.159-3.208 3.869-5.174.128 1.16.452 2.135.967 2.926.514.79 1.321 1.538 2.417 2.248.388-.646.976-1.418 1.766-2.32.79-.904 1.54-1.66 2.248-2.274-.74 0-1.322-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.628-1.04-.628-1.813zm123.514-6.819c-.677 1.032-1.403 1.548-2.175 1.548-.322 0-.661-.162-1.016-.484a4.974 4.974 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.782 1.298-1.38 2.152a43.188 43.188 0 0 1 -1.667 2.248c-.194-.935-.548-1.748-1.065-2.442-.516-.693-1.256-1.346-2.225-1.958-.387.645-.975 1.418-1.764 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.25 2.273.743 0 1.322.218 1.742.653.418.435.628 1.04.628 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306s-.5.58-.918.87c.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.078 1.469 1.78 1.887 2.587.483-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.957 11.957 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.901-.096-1.579-.29-2.03-.58-.453-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403s-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.839.612 1.694.92 2.564.92.742 0 1.45-.323 2.127-.968s1.225-1.49 1.644-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm-41.88 0c-.677 1.032-1.401 1.548-2.175 1.548-.323 0-.661-.162-1.017-.484a5.012 5.012 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.781 1.298-1.379 2.152a44.368 44.368 0 0 1 -1.667 2.248c-.195-.935-.55-1.748-1.065-2.442-.516-.693-1.257-1.346-2.225-1.958-.387.645-.975 1.418-1.765 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.742 0 1.322.218 1.74.653s.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-. 1.243 1.088 2.08 1.468 1.78 1.886 2.587.484-.903 1.242-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.948 11.948 0 0 1 3.29-1.959c-.903-.096-1.58-.29-2.031-.58-.452-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403-.178-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.838.612 1.692.92 2.564.92.742 0 1.45-.323 2.127-.968s1.226-1.49 1.644-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm-50.974-5.948c1.386 1.064 2.08 2.08 2.08 3.047 0 .515-.162 1.008-.484 1.475-.323.467-.854.991-1.596 1.571zm6.046.387c0-.774-.162-1.419-.483-1.934-.324-.516-.791-1.08-1.404-1.693l-.675-.725a25.209 25.209 0 0 1 -3.483 2.998v-4.062a8.602 8.602 0 0 1 -2.49 1.644c-.953.42-1.912.71-2.879.871.194 1.225.29 3.063.29 5.513v4.013h-1.401l-1.065 1.451h2.466v17.41c0 .58-.097 1.015-.29 1.305-.192.29-.5.58-.918.87.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.08 2.007.838.92 1.466 1.78 1.886 2.587.484-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.933 11.933 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.904-.096-1.58-.29-2.03-.58-.454-.29-.767-.758-.945-1.403-.176-.645-.265-1.595-.265-2.853v-14.749h2.996l1.064-1.45h-3.867c2.063-1.258 3.555-2.41 4.474-3.458s1.379-2.104 1.379-3.168zm244.71 25.195v-12.38c0-.645.047-1.16.144-1.547.096-.387.257-.742.484-1.064-.517-.355-1.267-1.016-2.248-1.983-.985-.967-1.798-1.838-2.444-2.61l-5.077 5.27c-.098-1.193-.411-2.193-.943-2.998-.533-.806-1.346-1.564-2.442-2.273-.387.645-.976 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.74 0 1.32.218 1.74.653s.628 1.04.628 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306-.193.29-.5.58-.919.87.517.387 1.17 1.04 1.96 1.96.788.917 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.45-.87 1.055-1.748 1.813-2.635.759-.887 1.428-1.54 2.009-1.959-.453-.225-.784-.49-.993-.798-.21-.306-.315-.766-.315-1.378v-13.347l.582-.339c.611-.386 1.224-.58 1.837-.58.483 0 .87.162 1.161.484.29.322.435.79.435 1.402v12.815c0 1.516.257 2.75.774 3.7.515.95 1.402 1.828 2.66 2.635.322-.613.879-1.37 1.668-2.272a21.008 21.008 0 0 1 2.346-2.322c-.741 0-1.322-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.63-1.04-.63-1.813zm-261.54-12.38c0-.645.049-1.16.145-1.547s.257-.742.484-1.064c-.517-.355-1.267-1.016-2.249-1.983-.984-.967-1.799-1.838-2.443-2.61l-5.078 5.27c-.097-1.193-.41-2.193-.943-2.998-.531-.806-1.346-1.564-2.441-2.273-.388.645-.977 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.74 0 1.32.218 1.74.653.419.435.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306s-.5.58-.92.87c.517.387 1.17 1.04 1.96 1.96.788.917 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.45-.87 1.056-1.748 1.814-2.635.757-.887 1.426-1.54 2.007-1.959-.453-.225-.782-.49-.992-.798-.21-.306-.315-.766-.315-1.378v-13.347l.581-.339c.612-.386 1.225-.58 1.838-.58.483 0 .87.162 1.16.484s.436.79.436 1.402v12.815c0 1.516.258 2.75.774 3.7s1.403 1.828 2.66 2.635c.322-.613.878-1.37 1.668-2.272a21.004 21.004 0 0 1 2.346-2.322c-.742 0-1.323-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.63-1.04-.63-1.813zm-34.047-7.254c-.678 1.032-1.404 1.548-2.176 1.548-.322 0-.661-.162-1.017-.484a4.974 4.974 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.781 1.298-1.378 2.152a43.188 43.188 0 0 1 -1.668 2.248c-.194-.935-.548-1.748-1.064-2.442-.517-.693-1.258-1.346-2.225-1.958-.388.645-.976 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.741 0 1.322.218 1.74.653.42.435.63 1.04.63 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.098 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.92.87.549.42 1.241 1.088 2.08 2.007.838.92 1.468 1.78 1.887 2.587.482-.903 1.24-1.78 2.272-2.635a11.943 11.943 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.901-.096-1.578-.29-2.03-.58s-.766-.758-.944-1.403c-.177-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.84.612 1.694.92 2.563.92.742 0 1.452-.323 2.129-.968.676-.645 1.225-1.49 1.643-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm64.805-10.397c-.259.452-.637.84-1.137 1.161-.5.322-.975.483-1.427.483-.998 0-1.95-.74-2.852-2.224-.71 1.612-1.685 2.918-2.926 3.917-1.241 1-2.556 1.5-3.942 1.5.194 1.128.29 2.965.29 5.512v1.112h-1.405l-1.063 1.451h2.468v31.916h.773v-3.529c0-2.258.427-4.135 1.282-5.634s1.862-2.555 3.023-3.168v-19.585h3.002l1.063-1.45h-4.066v-1.016c0-1.193-.096-2.297-.29-3.313-.192-1.016-.434-1.797-.724-2.345 1.096.967 2.03 1.451 2.805 1.451 1.129 0 2.175-.564 3.144-1.693.966-1.129 1.626-2.643 1.981-4.546z" fill-rule="evenodd" /> </svg> </a> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col gap-20"> <div class="[&amp;:is(div+div)]:border-t border-t-grey-700 [&amp;:last-child]:mb-20""> <ul class="flex flex-col gap-10 pt-18 mx-20"> <li> <a href="" class="flex gap-15 items-center text-14 py-8 pb-14 border-b border-grey-700"> <svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" class="fill-current -ml-4" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 2.75C5.71979 2.75 2.25 6.21979 2.25 10.5C2.25 14.7802 5.71979 18.25 10 18.25C11.87 18.25 13.5853 17.5877 14.9242 16.4848L20.4697 22.0303C20.7626 22.3232 21.2374 22.3232 21.5303 22.0303C21.8232 21.7374 21.8232 21.2626 21.5303 20.9697L15.9848 15.4242C17.0877 14.0853 17.75 12.37 17.75 10.5C17.75 6.21979 14.2802 2.75 10 2.75ZM3.75 10.5C3.75 7.04822 6.54822 4.25 10 4.25C13.4518 4.25 16.25 7.04822 16.25 10.5C16.25 13.9518 13.4518 16.75 10 16.75C6.54822 16.75 3.75 13.9518 3.75 10.5Z" /> </svg> <span class="text-grey-300 dark:text-white">Suche</span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="flex gap-15 items-center text-14 py-8"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" class="fill-current" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.84762 0.42891C8.50741 -0.142971 9.49259 -0.14297 10.1524 0.428911L17.1524 6.49619C17.5322 6.82537 17.75 7.30091 17.75 7.80079V16.2665C17.75 17.2239 16.9665 18 16 18H12C11.0335 18 10.25 17.2239 10.25 16.2665V12.3042C10.25 12.1674 10.1381 12.0565 10 12.0565H8C7.86193 12.0565 7.75 12.1674 7.75 12.3042V16.2665C7.75 17.2239 6.9665 18 6 18H2C1.0335 18 0.25 17.2239 0.25 16.2665V7.80079C0.25 7.30091 0.467841 6.82537 0.847617 6.49619L7.84762 0.42891ZM9.16463 1.54714C9.07037 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15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 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Die Hoffnung, dass sich daran etwas ändert, hat sich zerschlagen. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Christian Geinitz, Baku</div> <div class="text-14">24.11.2024 16:30 Uhr</div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div data-placement="pos_1" data-device="mobile" class="iqdcontainer bg-grey-900 dark:bg-[#393939] min-h-[250px] block xl:hidden -mx-20 my-40 min-h-[460px]" pos="1" device="mobile"> </div> <div class="px-20 md:px-40"> <h2 class="mb-30 mt-40 text-center text-23 font-semibold uppercase"> Alle Artikel und Videos zu:<br>Brasilien </h2> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-28 gap-y-40 mb-40" items="[[],[],[]]"> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Ein Kandidat, zwei Lager" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg 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7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Scholz setzt sich durch<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Ein Kandidat, zwei Lager </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Boris Pistorius hat lange mit seinem Verzicht auf die Kanzlerkandidatur gewartet. Das war auch eine Rache an Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz. Wie kam es dazu? </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Peter Carstens und Mona Jaeger</div> <div class="text-14">22.11.2024 18:44 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Brasilianische Polizei will Anklage gegen Bolsonaro" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Versuchter Staatsstreich<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Brasilianische Polizei will Anklage gegen Bolsonaro </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Gegen den ehemaligen brasilianischen Präsidenten Jair Bolsonaro laufen bereits zahlreiche Verfahren. Nun könnte ein weiteres hinzu kommen. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">21.11.2024 21:48 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="„Die Welt muss in Baku in den Notfallmodus schalten“" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Klimakonferenz COP29<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> „Die Welt muss in Baku in den Notfallmodus schalten“ </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Niklas Höhne, Klimaforscher und Gründer des New-Climate-Institutes, fordert von der Bundesregierung eine Billion Euro, um die Erderwärmung aufzuhalten. Er setzt Hoffnungen in die Photovoltaik – und in China. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Christian Geinitz, Baku</div> <div class="text-14">21.11.2024 15:07 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> </div> <div data-placement="pos_2" data-device="mobile" class="iqdcontainer bg-grey-900 dark:bg-[#393939] min-h-[250px] block xl:hidden -mx-20 my-40 min-h-[600px]" pos="2" device="mobile"> </div> <div class="px-20 md:px-40"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-28 gap-y-40 mb-40" items="{&quot;3&quot;:[],&quot;4&quot;:[],&quot;5&quot;:[]}"> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Mordkomplott gegen Lula?" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Ermittlungen in Brasilien<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Mordkomplott gegen Lula? </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Die brasilianische Bundespolizei hat vier Militärs und einen Polizeibeamten festgenommen, die in ein Mordkomplott gegen Präsident Lula verwickelt sein sollen. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tjerk Brüwiller, São Paulo</div> <div class="text-14">20.11.2024 20:39 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Wie reagiert der Westen auf Russlands neue nukleare Doktrin?" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> F.A.Z. Frühdenker<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Wie reagiert der Westen auf Russlands neue nukleare Doktrin? </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Die SPD-Führung berät über die K-Frage, im Prozess in Avignon beginnen die Plädoyers und Deutschland fällt im Klimaschutz-Index zurück. Der F.A.Z. Newsletter. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Patrick Schlereth</div> <div class="text-14">20.11.2024 06:09 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Soldaten sollen Mordanschlag auf Lula geplant haben" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Festnahme in Brasilien<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Soldaten sollen Mordanschlag auf Lula geplant haben </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Vier Soldaten und ein Polizist sollen 2022 die Ermordung von Präsident Lula geplant haben. Nun werden sie festgenommen. Auch der Vizepräsident und ein ranghoher Richter waren Ziel der Anschlagspläne. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">19.11.2024 22:31 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> </div> <div data-placement="pos_3" data-device="mobile" class="iqdcontainer bg-grey-900 dark:bg-[#393939] min-h-[250px] block xl:hidden -mx-20 my-40 my-40 min-h-[460px]" pos="3" device="mobile"> </div> <div data-placement="pos_2" data-device="desktop" class="iqdcontainer bg-grey-900 dark:bg-[#393939] min-h-[0] hidden xl:block my-40" pos="2" device="desktop"> </div> <div class="px-20 md:px-40"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-28 gap-y-40 mb-40" items="{&quot;6&quot;:[],&quot;7&quot;:[],&quot;8&quot;:[]}"> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Scholz zum Abschluss des G-20-Gipfels" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Rio de Janeiro<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Scholz zum Abschluss des G-20-Gipfels </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Beim G-20-Gipfel in Brasilien betont Bundeskanzler Scholz seine Zuversicht für die anstehenden Wahlen am 23. Februar 2025. Außerdem verkündet er, mehr in die Sicherheit und Verteidigung investieren zu wollen. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">19.11.2024 20:28 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> G-20-Treffen<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Lulas Zucker </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Zu oft hat die Weltgemeinschaft eine Wende zum Besseren versprochen, zu oft wurden große Ziele verkündet, zu oft sind Milliardentransfers im globalen Süden versickert. Die großen historischen Erfolgsgeschichten im Kampf gegen Armut liefen anders. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Manfred Schäfers</div> <div class="text-14">19.11.2024 19:04 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Militärexperte Masala: „Putin is back in the game“" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Podcast für Deutschland<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Militärexperte Masala: „Putin is back in the game“ </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Russland setzt die Ukraine seit Wochen verstärkt unter militärischen Druck, nun auch mit Unterstützung Tausender nordkoreanischer Soldaten. Putin wolle bis zu Trumps Amtsantritt „möglichst viele Fakten schaffen“, sagt der Politikwissenschaftler Carlos Masala. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Andreas Krobok</div> <div class="text-14">19.11.2024 17:05 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> <div class="bg-mg-dark dark:bg-[#000] text-white py-40 my-40 -mx-20 px-20 md:mx-0 md:px-0" data-current="0"> <div class="text-20 md:text-23 font-semibold text-center mb-30 uppercase">Videos</div> <div class="w-full md:w-[716px] mx-auto js-video"> <div class="w-full aspect-[16/9] relative"> <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover"> <button class="flex gap-6 items-center py-12 px-18 absolute bg-mg-dark rounded bottom-20 left-20 js-video-button"> <svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.25 11.8971C19.5833 12.0896 19.5833 12.5707 19.25 12.7631L5.75 20.5574C5.41667 20.7498 5 20.5093 5 20.1244L5 4.5359C5 4.151 5.41667 3.91044 5.75 4.10289L19.25 11.8971Z" fill="white" /> </svg> Video </button> </div> <iframe class="w-full aspect-[16/9] hidden" title="Scholz zum Abschluss des G-20-Gipfels" frameborder="0" data-playertype="youtube" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay" data-src=""></iframe> <div class="mt-12"> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA] text-grey-400" item="{&quot;bigImage&quot;:{&quot;base&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/;,&quot;path&quot;:&quot;\/ppmedia\/aktuell\/politik\/1143541183\/1.10122602\/media_in_article_medium\/017516cc-a6a0-11ef-9142.jpg&quot;,&quot;isExternal&quot;:true}}"> Rio de Janeiro<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium text-22 md:text-32 leading-38 mt-6 mb-8" item="{&quot;bigImage&quot;:{&quot;base&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/;,&quot;path&quot;:&quot;\/ppmedia\/aktuell\/politik\/1143541183\/1.10122602\/media_in_article_medium\/017516cc-a6a0-11ef-9142.jpg&quot;,&quot;isExternal&quot;:true}}"> Scholz zum Abschluss des G-20-Gipfels </h3> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">19.11.2024 19:28 Uhr</div> </div> </div> <div class="text-center pt-30 flex justify-center"> <a href="" class="flex items-center border border-grey-600 rounded px-20 h-40 text-14 w-auto">Mehr Videos</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-28 gap-y-40 mb-40" items="{&quot;9&quot;:[],&quot;10&quot;:[],&quot;11&quot;:[]}"> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="80 Länder schließen eine Allianz gegen den Hunger" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Gipfeltreffen in Rio<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> 80 Länder schließen eine Allianz gegen den Hunger </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Brasilien bekommt auf dem G-20-Gipfel sein Erfolgserlebnis. Doch der Kampf gegen die Armut in der Welt ist noch lange nicht gewonnen. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tjerk Brühwiller, São Paulo, Manfred Schäfers, Rio de Janeiro</div> <div class="text-14">19.11.2024 07:32 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="G20 wollen wirksame Besteuerung von Superreichen" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Abschlusserklärung in Rio<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> G20 wollen wirksame Besteuerung von Superreichen </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Schon am ersten Gipfeltag verabschiedet die Gruppe der führenden Industrie- und Schwellenländer eine gemeinsame Erklärung: Sie will den Hunger bekämpfen und Milliardäre „effektiv“ besteuern. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">19.11.2024 02:36 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Die K-Frage reist mit" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> G-20-Gipfel in Rio<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Die K-Frage reist mit </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Joe Biden verabschiedet sich beim G-20-Gipfel in Brasilien von der großen internationalen Bühne. Und was macht Olaf Scholz? </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Manfred Schäfers, Rio de Janeiro</div> <div class="text-14">18.11.2024 20:32 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> </div> <div data-placement="pos_3" data-device="desktop" class="iqdcontainer bg-grey-900 dark:bg-[#393939] min-h-[0] hidden xl:block my-40" pos="3" device="desktop"> </div> <div class="px-20 md:px-40"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-28 gap-y-40 mb-40" items="{&quot;12&quot;:[],&quot;13&quot;:[],&quot;14&quot;:[],&quot;15&quot;:[],&quot;16&quot;:[],&quot;17&quot;:[]}"> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Habeck hat doch noch Geld zu verteilen" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Weltklimakonferenz<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Habeck hat doch noch Geld zu verteilen </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> In Baku sieht es nicht nach einem Durchbruch für die Klimafinanzen in Entwicklungsländern aus. Immerhin gibt es aber ein neues deutsch-britisches Instrument zur Unterstützung grüner Industrien. Der eigenen Wirtschaft wirft der Vizekanzler „Bräsigkeit“ vor. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Christian Geinitz, Baku</div> <div class="text-14">18.11.2024 13:37 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Ukrainekrieg und Nahostkonflikt überschatten G-20-Gipfel" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> F.A.Z. Frühdenker<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Ukrainekrieg und Nahostkonflikt überschatten G-20-Gipfel </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Die Staatschefs der größten Industrienationen treffen sich in Brasilien. Der Bundesgerichtshof urteilt über eine Klage gegen Facebook, und Wolfgang Joop wird achtzig. Der F.A.Z.-Newsletter. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Thomas Thiel</div> <div class="text-14">18.11.2024 06:23 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Chinas Niederlage könnte ein Sieg für Europa sein" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> G-20-Treffen in Rio<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Chinas Niederlage könnte ein Sieg für Europa sein </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Beim G-20-Gipfel hoffen die Deutschen auf ein Freihandelsabkommen. China ist daran gescheitert, Brasilien in seine „Neue Seidenstraße“ einzubinden. Das könnte ein Signal an Europa sein. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tjerk Brühwiller und Manfred Schäfers</div> <div class="text-14">18.11.2024 06:20 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Das EU-Handelsabkommen mit Mercosur steht vor dem Abschluss" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Nach Trump-Wahl<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Das EU-Handelsabkommen mit Mercosur steht vor dem Abschluss </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Anfang Dezember will die EU das Handelsabkommen mit den südamerikanischen Mercosur-Staaten abschließen. Frankreich will das unbedingt verhindern, ist aber zusehends isoliert. Die französischen Bauern machen schon mobil. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Hendrik Kafsack und Niklas Záboji</div> <div class="text-14">17.11.2024 19:04 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Vinicius und der weite Weg zum Weltfußballer" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Brasiliens Star-Angreifer<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Vinicius und der weite Weg zum Weltfußballer </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Die Aufregung war groß, als Vinicius Junior den Ballon d’Or nicht gewann. Doch gerade im Vergleich mit Rodri zeigt sich, wo die Probleme des Real-Stürmers liegen: in der Nationalmannschaft. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tobias Käufer, Miami</div> <div class="text-14">14.11.2024 14:57 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Editorial<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Schön, dass Sie hier sind! </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Aus Sicht von Demokraten ist die Welt in den vergangenen Wochen nicht besser geworden. Auch die globalen Gipfel wie G 20 oder COP29 machen wenig Hoffnung. Nun liegt es an Europa, Flagge zu zeigen. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Christoph Hein</div> <div class="text-14">14.11.2024 07:24 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> <h3 class="mt-40 mb-30 text-20 md:text-23 font-semibold uppercase text-center">Verwandte Themen</h3> <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-5 justify-center mb-40"> <a href="/aktuell/rhein-main/thema/frankfurter-polizei" class="rounded-full text-14 font-semibold px-12 py-5 bg-mg-dark dark:bg-[#000000] text-white" > Frankfurter Polizei </a> <a href="/aktuell/politik/thema/wolodymyr-selenskyj" class="rounded-full text-14 font-semibold px-12 py-5 bg-mg-dark dark:bg-[#000000] text-white" > Wolodymyr Selenskyj </a> <a href="/aktuell/politik/thema/olaf-scholz" class="rounded-full text-14 font-semibold px-12 py-5 bg-mg-dark dark:bg-[#000000] text-white" > Olaf Scholz </a> <a href="/aktuell/politik/thema/spd" class="rounded-full text-14 font-semibold px-12 py-5 bg-mg-dark dark:bg-[#000000] text-white" > SPD </a> <a href="/aktuell/gesellschaft/thema/waldbraende-amazonas-regenwald" class="rounded-full text-14 font-semibold px-12 py-5 bg-mg-dark dark:bg-[#000000] text-white" > Waldbrände im Amazonas-Regenwald </a> <a href="/aktuell/politik/thema/polizei" class="rounded-full text-14 font-semibold px-12 py-5 bg-mg-dark dark:bg-[#000000] text-white" > Polizei </a> </div> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-28 gap-y-40 mb-40" items="{&quot;18&quot;:[],&quot;19&quot;:[],&quot;20&quot;:[],&quot;21&quot;:[],&quot;22&quot;:[],&quot;23&quot;:[],&quot;24&quot;:[],&quot;25&quot;:[],&quot;26&quot;:[]}"> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Ein Funken Hoffnung für den Regenwald" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Weltklimakonferenz<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Ein Funken Hoffnung für den Regenwald </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Brasilien holzt weniger Regenwald ab als vor ein paar Jahren, in den Nachbarländern machen kriminelle Banden Geschäfte im Amazonas. Brasiliens Präsident verhält sich ambivalent. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tobias Käufer und Ramona Samuel</div> <div class="text-14">14.11.2024 07:23 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Mutmaßliches Selbstmordattentat vor Oberstem Gerichtshof" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Brasilien<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Mutmaßliches Selbstmordattentat vor Oberstem Gerichtshof </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Nach den Detonationen werden die Richter und Angestellten des Gerichtshofs in Sicherheit gebracht. Der mutmaßliche Täter soll ums Leben gekommen sein. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">14.11.2024 07:16 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Kann die EU Bürokratieabbau?" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Streit um Entwaldungsgesetz<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Kann die EU Bürokratieabbau? </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Realitätscheck für die EU-Kommission: CDU und CSU wollen die geplante Verschiebung des Entwaldungsgesetzes für grundlegende Änderungen nutzen – und lösen damit einen Proteststurm aus. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Hendrik Kafsack</div> <div class="text-14">13.11.2024 20:28 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Goldman Sachs: Indien nimmt die Transformation ernst" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Geldanlage<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Goldman Sachs: Indien nimmt die Transformation ernst </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Vermögensverwalterin Basak Yavuz sieht einen stabilen Aufschwung, der Anlegern nützen kann. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Philipp Krohn</div> <div class="text-14">13.11.2024 20:19 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Klimakonferenz beim Erdölexporteur" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> COP29 in Baku<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Klimakonferenz beim Erdölexporteur </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Ausgerechnet im Ölstaat Aserbaidschan wird über die Erderhitzung verhandelt. Das liegt auch an Wladimir Putin. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Stefanie Diemand</div> <div class="text-14">10.11.2024 08:40 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Amazonas-Abholzung auf niedrigstem Stand seit neun Jahren" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Brasilien<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Amazonas-Abholzung auf niedrigstem Stand seit neun Jahren </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Die Entwaldung im brasilianischen Amazonasgebiet hat sich zuletzt verlangsamt. Zwischen August 2023 und Juli dieses Jahres wurden 30 Prozent weniger Flächen abgeholzt als im Vorjahreszeitraum. Bis 2030 soll die Abholzung auf null sinken. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">07.11.2024 08:07 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Finger weg vom Strand!" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Streit um Brasiliens Küste<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Finger weg vom Strand! </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Der brasilianische Kongress muss über einen Gesetzesentwurf zur Privatisierung von Stränden entscheiden. Ist der freie Zugang für alle in Gefahr? </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Christine Wollowski</div> <div class="text-14">05.11.2024 15:26 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Ein Leben für Interlagos" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Formel 1 in Brasilien<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Ein Leben für Interlagos </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Der 78 Jahre alte João José Garbulo kann sich die Formel 1 ohne den Grand Prix in São Paulo nicht vorstellen. Vom Rennen selbst sieht er seit über 40 Jahren aber nur wenig. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tjerk Brühwiller, São Paulo</div> <div class="text-14">05.11.2024 08:54 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Was Max Verstappen so besonders macht" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Allein gegen alle<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Was Max Verstappen so besonders macht </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Formel-1-Weltmeister Max Verstappen erteilt Herausforderer Lando Norris in Brasilien eine Lektion. Der Niederländer bewegt sich auf den Spuren der Allergrößten. Konkurrenz und Presse verneigen sich. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Richard Blehn</div> <div class="text-14">04.11.2024 15:34 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> <h3 class="mt-40 mb-30 text-20 md:text-23 font-semibold font-sans uppercase text-center">Leserfavoriten</h3> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 gap-28 pb-40 mb-40 border-b border-b-grey-700 dark:border-b-[#555555]"> <div> <h4 class="text-13 uppercase flex items-center gap-8 mb-10"> <svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17" xmlns="" class="fill-mg-dark dark:fill-white"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.6844 10.9956C10.7579 10.6838 10.9749 10.579 11.3333 10.6634C13.0025 11.0568 14.3333 12.0363 14.3333 13.6634C14.3333 13.9968 14.3333 14.3301 14 14.3301C13.3333 14.3301 13.3333 13.9968 13.3333 13.6634C13.3333 12.9684 12.6184 12.1362 11.1804 11.7974C10.822 11.713 10.6 11.354 10.6844 10.9956Z" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.54135 12.3325C2.93668 12.7356 2.66664 13.6634 2.66664 13.6634C2.66664 13.6634 2.66666 14.3301 1.99998 14.3301C1.63179 14.3301 1.66666 14.0316 1.66666 13.6634C1.66666 12.6348 1.9587 12.1185 2.80175 11.5564C3.64946 10.9913 4.78215 10.6634 5.99998 10.6634C7.21781 10.6634 8.3505 10.9913 9.1982 11.5564C10.0413 12.1185 10.3333 12.6348 10.3333 13.6634C10.3333 14.0316 10.3682 14.3301 9.99998 14.3301C9.33331 14.3301 9.33332 13.9968 9.33331 13.6634C9.33329 13.2193 9.06327 12.7356 8.4586 12.3325C7.8586 11.9325 6.99129 11.6634 5.99998 11.6634C5.00867 11.6634 4.14136 11.9325 3.54135 12.3325Z" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.33331 3.66343C9.33331 3.15716 9.33331 2.99677 9.99998 2.99677C11.8409 2.99677 13.3333 4.48915 13.3333 6.3301C13.3333 8.17105 11.8409 9.66343 9.99998 9.66343C9.33331 9.66343 9.33331 9.36495 9.33331 8.99676C9.33331 8.74222 9.63179 8.66343 9.99998 8.66343C11.1045 8.66343 12.3333 7.43467 12.3333 6.3301C12.3333 5.22553 11.1045 3.99677 9.99998 3.99677C9.63179 3.99677 9.33331 4.03162 9.33331 3.66343Z" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.99998 3.99677C4.66664 3.99677 3.66664 5.06898 3.66664 6.3301C3.66664 7.66343 4.66664 8.66343 5.99998 8.66343C7.25739 8.66343 8.33331 7.66343 8.33331 6.3301C8.33331 5.07839 7.33331 3.99677 5.99998 3.99677ZM2.66664 6.3301C2.66664 4.48915 4.15903 2.99677 5.99998 2.99677C7.84093 2.99677 9.33331 4.48915 9.33331 6.3301C9.33331 8.17105 7.84093 9.66343 5.99998 9.66343C4.15903 9.66343 2.66664 8.17105 2.66664 6.3301Z" /> </svg> Meistgelesen </h4> <ol> <li> <a href="" alt="Habeck kritisiert deutsche Ukrainehilfen als „immer zu spät“"> <div class="mb-15"> <img src="" alt="Habeck kritisiert deutsche Ukrainehilfen als „immer zu spät“" class="w-full"> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Ukraine-Liveblog<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium text-17" item="[]"> Habeck kritisiert deutsche Ukrainehilfen als „immer zu spät“ </h3> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" alt="„Checker Tobi“-Erfinder Johannes Honsell ist tot"> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Mit 45 Jahren gestorben<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium text-17" item="[]"> „Checker Tobi“-Erfinder Johannes Honsell ist tot </h3> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" alt="GDL kündigt Streik für Mittwoch und Donnerstag an"> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Lokführergewerkschaft<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium text-17" item="[]"> GDL kündigt Streik für Mittwoch und Donnerstag an </h3> </a> </li> </ol> </div> <div> <h4 class="text-13 uppercase flex items-center gap-8 mb-10"> <svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17" xmlns="" class="fill-mg-dark dark:fill-white"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 1.83008C10.6193 1.83008 9.5 2.94937 9.5 4.33008C9.5 4.55437 9.52954 4.77177 9.58494 4.97859L5.96738 6.78737C5.50969 6.2045 4.79857 5.83008 4 5.83008C2.61929 5.83008 1.5 6.94937 1.5 8.33008C1.5 9.71079 2.61929 10.8301 4 10.8301C4.79857 10.8301 5.50969 10.4557 5.96738 9.87279L9.58494 11.6816C9.52954 11.8884 9.5 12.1058 9.5 12.3301C9.5 13.7108 10.6193 14.8301 12 14.8301C13.3807 14.8301 14.5 13.7108 14.5 12.3301C14.5 10.9494 13.3807 9.83008 12 9.83008C11.2014 9.83008 10.4903 10.2045 10.0326 10.7874L6.41506 8.97859C6.47046 8.77177 6.5 8.55437 6.5 8.33008C6.5 8.10578 6.47046 7.88838 6.41506 7.68156L10.0326 5.87279C10.4903 6.45566 11.2014 6.83008 12 6.83008C13.3807 6.83008 14.5 5.71079 14.5 4.33008C14.5 2.94937 13.3807 1.83008 12 1.83008ZM10.5 4.33008C10.5 3.50165 11.1716 2.83008 12 2.83008C12.8284 2.83008 13.5 3.50165 13.5 4.33008C13.5 5.15851 12.8284 5.83008 12 5.83008C11.1716 5.83008 10.5 5.15851 10.5 4.33008ZM2.5 8.33008C2.5 7.50165 3.17157 6.83008 4 6.83008C4.82843 6.83008 5.5 7.50165 5.5 8.33008C5.5 9.15851 4.82843 9.83008 4 9.83008C3.17157 9.83008 2.5 9.15851 2.5 8.33008ZM12 10.8301C11.1716 10.8301 10.5 11.5017 10.5 12.3301C10.5 13.1585 11.1716 13.8301 12 13.8301C12.8284 13.8301 13.5 13.1585 13.5 12.3301C13.5 11.5017 12.8284 10.8301 12 10.8301Z" /> </svg> Meistgeteilt </h4> <ol> </ol> </div> </div> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-28 gap-y-40 mb-40" items="{&quot;27&quot;:[],&quot;28&quot;:[],&quot;29&quot;:[],&quot;30&quot;:[],&quot;31&quot;:[],&quot;32&quot;:[],&quot;33&quot;:[],&quot;34&quot;:[],&quot;35&quot;:[]}"> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Neue Trickgeschichten aus der Formel 1" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Betrug im WM-Kampf?<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Neue Trickgeschichten aus der Formel 1 </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Wieso sind die anderen so schnell geworden? Wie bleiben deren Reifen so kühl? Getrickst wurde in der Formel 1 schon immer. Bei der Sause um den WM-Titel steigen nun die gegenseitigen Verdächtigungen. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Anno Hecker</div> <div class="text-14">04.11.2024 13:58 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="„Eine epische Aufholjagd von Max Verstappen“" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Formel 1 in Brasilien<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> „Eine epische Aufholjagd von Max Verstappen“ </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Von Startplatz 17 zum Sieg: Max Verstappen zeigt beim Formel-1-Rennen in Brasilien eine Meisterleistung unter extremen Bedingungen im Regen. Das begeistert auch die internationalen Medien. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">04.11.2024 11:37 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="„Was für ein unglaubliches Rennen“" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Formel 1 in São Paulo<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> „Was für ein unglaubliches Rennen“ </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Fünf Crashs und mehrfache Abbrüche: Bei strömendem Regen liefert Max Verstappen inmitten von Chaos ein Meisterstück. Das könnte bereits die Vorentscheidung im Titelrennen sein. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Richard Blehn</div> <div class="text-14">03.11.2024 19:08 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Schweres Unwetter wirbelt Formel-1-Pläne durcheinander" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Rennstart vorgezogen<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Schweres Unwetter wirbelt Formel-1-Pläne durcheinander </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Nach dem Sprintrennen bei strahlendem Sonnenschein setzt in Brasilien heftiger Regen ein. Der ist so stark, dass das Formel-1-Qualifying auf den Tag des Rennens verschoben wird. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">03.11.2024 08:00 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="„Der größte Betrug in der Geschichte des Sports“" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Massa gegen die Formel 1<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> „Der größte Betrug in der Geschichte des Sports“ </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Auf seiner Heimstrecke in São Paulo hätte Felipe Massa 2008 den Weltmeistertitel gefeiert. Doch dieser sei ihm gestohlen worden, sagt er. Heute ist Massa Zuschauer – und klagt gegen die Formel 1. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tjerk Brühwiller, São Paulo</div> <div class="text-14">02.11.2024 08:52 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="„Ich höre nicht auf sie. Ich bin dreifacher Weltmeister“" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Verstappen über Kritiker<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> „Ich höre nicht auf sie. Ich bin dreifacher Weltmeister“ </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Max Verstappen wurde beim Formel-1-Rennen in Mexiko für zwei waghalsige Manöver im Kampf um den Titel mit Lando Norris bestraft. Vor dem Wochenende in Brasilien antwortet er seinen Kritikern. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">01.11.2024 08:39 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Wohlstand<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Freihandel verteidigen </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Aktivisten machen Stimmung gegen Soja-Einfuhren aus Brasilien. Es wäre fahrlässig, wenn sie sich durchsetzen. Das zeigt das Beispiel Chlorhühnchen. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Johannes Pennekamp</div> <div class="text-14">31.10.2024 19:02 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Gisele Bündchen ist schwanger" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Neues von den Promis<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Gisele Bündchen ist schwanger </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Mit ihrem neuen Lebesgefährten Joaquim Valente erwartet das brasilianische Model ihr drittes Kind. Bündchen hatte sich vor zwei Jahren vom früheren Footballstar Tom Brady scheiden lassen. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">29.10.2024 11:28 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="„Wenn die Europäer nicht vereint sind, fallen sie zurück“" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Jean-Claude Trichet<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> „Wenn die Europäer nicht vereint sind, fallen sie zurück“ </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Trotz Frankreichs Schuldenberg sieht der frühere EZB-Präsident Jean-Claude Trichet die Solidität der Eurozone nicht in Gefahr. 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1.766-.41.564-.275.99-.654 1.28-1.138l-.24-.29a3.784 3.784 0 0 1 -2.468.871c-.901 0-1.644-.307-2.225-.919-.58-.612-.87-1.37-.87-2.273 0-1.064.298-1.886.895-2.466s1.444-.87 2.54-.87c1.225 0 2.231.54 3.022 1.62.79 1.08 1.475 2.732 2.055 4.956l-7.495 21.306a7 7 0 0 0 -4.014 1.33c-1.194.854-2.13 1.975-2.806 3.361a10 10 0 0 0 -1.016 4.45c0 2.448.823 4.406 2.467 5.874 1.644 1.467 3.772 2.201 6.382 2.201 1.548 0 2.975-.339 4.28-1.016a10.502 10.502 0 0 0 3.313-2.66c.904-1.096 1.531-2.24 1.887-3.433l-.483-.242c-.969 1.838-2.185 3.313-3.653 4.425-1.466 1.112-3.136 1.668-5.005 1.668-2.29 0-4.087-.54-5.393-1.62-1.305-1.08-1.958-2.442-1.958-4.086 0-1.354.394-2.522 1.184-3.36.791-.838 1.782-1.186 2.975-1.186 1.065 0 2.023.18 2.877.68.855.5 1.67 1.093 2.444 2.126.29-1.064.886-1.927 1.788-3.072.903-1.144 1.855-2.07 2.853-2.78l-.434-.58-1.21.677c-.45-.645-1.143-1.209-2.078-1.693a9.611 9.611 0 0 0 -3-.967l2.176-6.383h7.498l2.079 8.898c.452 1.902.975 3.28 1.572 4.134.596.853 1.506 1.442 2.732 1.765.839-1.676 2.031-3.208 3.578-4.594-.74.097-1.288-.12-1.643-.653-.356-.532-.661-1.378-.92-2.539zm111.135.077c.774 0 1.459-.298 2.056-.895.596-.596.894-1.28.894-2.055 0-.774-.298-1.458-.894-2.055-.597-.597-1.281-.895-2.055-.895s-1.46.298-2.055.895c-.598.597-.895 1.281-.895 2.055s.297 1.46.894 2.055c.596.597 1.281.895 2.055.895zm-291.825 5.91c-.904 0-1.701.258-2.393.773a5.085 5.085 0 0 0 -1.595 1.96c-.372.79-.556 1.571-.556 2.344-1.258-1.16-2.184-2.144-2.78-2.95-.598-.805-.895-1.669-.895-2.733 0-.645.185-1.33.557-2.056a9.337 9.337 0 0 1 1.378-2.006c-.904.29-1.854.797-2.854 1.523-.998.726-1.86 1.661-2.585 2.805-.726 1.144-1.088 2.371-1.088 3.821 0 1.451.346 2.677 1.04 3.676.692 1 1.698 2.111 3.02 3.337 1.225 1.128 2.127 2.095 2.708 2.901.58.806.87 1.773.87 2.901 0 .936-.242 1.854-.726 2.757-2.062-2.805-4.608-4.314-7.636-4.314a7.872 7.872 0 0 0 -4.278 1.233c-1.305.822-2.338 1.975-3.094 3.458-.758 1.483-1.136 3.16-1.136 5.03 0 1.707.394 3.23 1.185 4.57a8.412 8.412 0 0 0 3.239 3.142c1.368.757 2.924 1.137 4.664 1.137 1.674 0 3.213-.339 4.616-1.016 1.401-.677 2.569-1.565 3.505-2.66.933-1.096 1.595-2.24 1.982-3.433l-.485-.242c-.998 1.838-2.288 3.313-3.866 4.425-1.58 1.112-3.383 1.668-5.415 1.668-1.546 0-2.893-.29-4.036-.87-1.145-.58-2.024-1.37-2.634-2.369a6.177 6.177 0 0 1 -.918-3.289c0-1.517.49-2.81 1.474-3.746.982-.936 2.215-1.332 3.697-1.332 1.289 0 2.41.284 3.36.993.95.71 1.813 1.748 2.586 3.167.29-.967.756-1.714 1.402-2.504.645-.79 1.579-1.533 2.804-2.37 1.546-1.097 2.713-2.177 3.505-3.24.788-1.065 1.184-2.354 1.184-3.87 0-1.354-.299-2.546-.895-3.578-.597-1.032-1.425-2.063-2.489-3.095 0 0-.047-.274-.049-.58a4.423 4.423 0 0 1 .508-2.08c.338-.645.814-1.112 1.427-1.402-.323.387-.485.902-.485 1.547 0 .71.233 1.29.701 1.741.466.452 1.055.677 1.765.677.707 0 1.336-.282 1.886-.846.546-.564.822-1.25.822-2.055 0-.87-.267-1.58-.799-2.128-.532-.549-1.264-.822-2.198-.822zm3.238-10.484c-1.13 0-2.28-.169-3.456-.508-1.177-.339-2.7-.846-4.569-1.523-2.03-.742-3.697-1.289-5.003-1.644a14.95 14.95 0 0 0 -3.938-.532c-2.127 0-3.95.427-5.463 1.281-1.515.854-2.652 1.975-3.407 3.361-.759 1.386-1.137 2.838-1.137 4.352 0 1.87.523 3.378 1.571 4.522 1.047 1.144 2.345 1.717 3.892 1.717 1.74 0 3.141-.58 4.205-1.74l-.193-.34c-1.098.645-2.241.967-3.432.967-1.354 0-2.45-.418-3.288-1.257-.838-.838-1.256-1.918-1.256-3.24 0-1.386.441-2.442 1.329-3.167.885-.726 2.103-1.089 3.65-1.089 1.16 0 2.344.186 3.553.556 1.207.371 2.697.912 4.47 1.621 1.868.774 3.457 1.354 4.763 1.74 1.305.388 2.6.581 3.89.581 1.707 0 3.206-.395 4.495-1.185 1.288-.79 2.296-1.82 3.021-3.095a10.593 10.593 0 0 0 1.33-4.135c-.613 1-1.29 1.71-2.03 2.128-.742.42-1.74.63-2.997.63zm321.493 11.965c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.841 3.08.404.982.606 1.86.606 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.813 1.475l-1.065.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.123-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.177-1.04-.483-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.226-1.112c2.03-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.4-2.974s1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168c0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.678-.903-1.128-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-3 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.485.612-2.515 1.314-3.096 2.104-.58.79-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.523 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.048 1.257 2.733 2.08 5.053 2.466 1.516-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.95-5.368l-.291-.629c-1.387.84-2.821 1.258-4.304 1.258zm-32.305-14.702c0-.58.096-1.016.29-1.306.192-.29.498-.58.918-.87-.516-.387-1.17-1.04-1.958-1.959-.791-.919-1.397-1.797-1.815-2.635-.452.87-1.057 1.75-1.813 2.635-.759.887-1.427 1.54-2.007 1.96.452. 1.378v13.105c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306-.193.29-.501.58-.918.87.513.387 1.166 1.04 1.957 1.394 1.795 1.815 2.634.45-.87 1.054-1.748 1.813-2.635.757-.887 1.426-1.54 2.007-1.959-.452-.225-.783-.49-.992-.798-.21-.306-.313-.766-.313-1.378zm-76.558 14.46c-.58 0-1.04-.219-1.377-.654-.34-.435-.508-1.023-.508-1.765v-10.687c0-1.483.065-2.547.194-3.192.127-.645.355-1.144.675-1.499l2.226 1.983c.322.29.556.597.702.92.145.321.217.756.217 1.304v12.428c-.356.387-.694.678-1.017.871a2.12 2.12 0 0 1 -1.112.29zm7.206-14.46c0-.902.21-1.628.63-2.176-.806-.452-1.742-1.177-2.805-2.176-1.064-1-1.838-1.806-2.321-2.418-1.194 1.064-3.225 2.16-6.094 3.288-1.194.452-2.088 1.088-2.684 1.91-.597.823-.895 1.975-.895 3.458v12.138c0 1.257.387 2.28 1.16 3.071.773.79 2.144 1.668 4.111 2.635.839-1.386 2.112-3.046 3.82-4.98v1.16c0 .677.114 1.33.34 1.958.225.63.531 1.33.918 2.104.356.741.629 1.378.822 1.071.29 1.62 0 1.191-.428 2.152-1.281 2.877-.855.726-1.942 1.088-3.264 1.088-1.678 0-2.823-.419-3.435- 0 1.444-.217 1.911-.652.467-.436.701-1.024.701-1.766s-.25-1.347-.75-1.813c-.5-.468-1.12-.7-1.862-.7s-1.362.29-1.862.87-.748 1.272-.748 2.08c0 1.223.5 2.247 1.499 3.07.999.822 2.37 1.233 4.11 1.233 1.677 0 3.175-.37 4.498-1.113 1.322-.742 2.339-1.66 3.048-2.756.708-1.097 1.064-2.16 1.064-3.19 0-.582-.05-1.083-.145-1.5a9.744 9.744 0 0 0 -.484-1.452 15.182 15.182 0 0 1 -.556-1.813c-.114-.5-.17-1.136-.17-1.91v-14.846zm-18.28-17.796c-1.129.903-2.917 1.741-5.368 2.515.195 1.676.29 3.513.29 5.513v22.873c0 .58-.095 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.918.87.514.387 1.168 1.04 1.959 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.452-.87 1.056-1.748 1.814-2.635.756-.887 1.425-1.54 2.006-1.959-.452-.225-.782-.49-.992-.798-.208-.306-.313-.766-.313-1.378v-30.9zm-10.252 0c-1.13.903-2.918 1.741-5.368 2.515.194 1.676.29 3.513.29 5.513v22.873c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.195.29-.5.58-.92.87.516.387 1.168 1.04 1.96 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.452-.87 1.055-1.748 1.814-2.635.757-.887 1.425-1.54 2.007-1.959-.452-.225-.782-.49-.993-.798-.21-.306-.314-.766-.314-1.378v-30.9zm82.475 14.548c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.842 3.08.403.982.605 1.86.605 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.813 1.475l-1.065.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.124-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.177-1.04-.483-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.226-1.112c2.03-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.4-2.974.903-.95 1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168 0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.676-.903-1.129-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.485.612-2.515 1.314-3.096 2.104-.58.79-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.524 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.046 1.257 2.731 2.08 5.053 2.466 1.516-1.87 3.499-3.659 5.949-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.387.84-2.821 1.258-4.304 1.258zm-46.117-17.95c.836 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.843 3.08.401.982.603 1.86.603 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.459 1.668-.307.468-.91.96-1.814 1.475l-1.063.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.036-.05.118-.148.123-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.967 0-1.693-.347-2.176-1.04-.485-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.224-1.112c2.031-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.401-2.974.904-.95 1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168 0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.676-.903-1.128-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.484.612-2.515 1.314-3.095 2.104-.582.79-.872 1.91-.872 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.524 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.048 1.257 2.733 2.08 5.055 2.466 1.514-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.947-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.387.84-2.82 1.258-4.303 1.258zm-103.088-17.95c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.843 3.08.401.982.604 1.86.604 2.634 0 .645-.155 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.814 1.475l-1.064.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.123-.152 0 0 . 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.178-1.04-.482-.694-.725-1.669-.725-2.927v-3.335l2.225-1.112c2.031-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.401-2.974.902-.95 1.355-2.007 1.355-3.168 0-.87-.17-1.644-.508-2.32-.34-.678-.846-1.484-1.523-2.419-.678-.903-1.13-1.628-1.356-2.176-1.096 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.706 3.143-1.484.612-2.515 1.314-3.095 2.104s-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.523 3.868 1.571 5.126 1.047 1.257 2.732 2.08 5.054 2.466 1.514-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.948-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.386.84-2.821 1.258-4.303 1.258zm-9.285-19.008 1.064-1.45h-4.691v-9.138c-1.13.902-2.92 1.74-5.368 2.514.192 1.676.29 3.514.29 5.513v1.111h-1.401l-1.065 1.45h2.465v17.411c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.918.87.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.079 2.007.838.92 1.466 1.78 1.887 2.587.483-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.943 11.943 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.904-.096-1.58-.29-2.031-.58-.452-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403-.178-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-14.75h3.628zm-29.647 4.306c0-.58.097-1.016.29-1.306.194-.29.5-.58.92-.87-.517-.387-1.17-1.04-1.96-1.959s-1.394-1.797-1.813-2.635c-.451.87-1.056 1.75-1.813 2.635-.758.887-1.428 1.54-2.008 1.96.453.224.782.49.992.797.21.306.314.766.314 1.378v13.298l-.58.387c-.612.387-1.225.581-1.838.581-.484 0-.87-.162-1.16-.484s-.436-.79-.436-1.403v-12.814c0-1.516-.258-2.749-.773-3.7-.517-.95-1.404-1.83-2.66-2.635-.323.612-.879 1.37-1.67 2.273a21.249 21.249 0 0 1 -2.344 2.321c.742 0 1.322.218 1.74.653.42.435.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.38c0 .645-.048 1.161-.145 1.547a3.18 3.18 0 0 1 -.483 1.064c.514.355 1.264 1.016 2.249 1.983.983.967 1.796 1.838 2.441 2.611l5.078-5.27c.098 1.191.412 2.192.944 2.998.532.805 1.347 1.562 2.442 2.272.387-.646.974-1.418 1.765-2.32.79-.904 1.54-1.66 2.25-2.274-.743 0-1.324-.217-1.743-.653-.417-.435-.627-1.04-.627-1.813v-12.815zm-71.09 14.46c-.582 0-1.04-.219-1.38-.654-.339-.435-.508-1.023-.508-1.765v-10.687c0-1.483.066-2.547.195-3.192.128-.645.355-1.144.677-1.499l1.788 1.548c.517.451.871.862 1.064 1.426v12.428c-.355.387-.694.678-1.015.871-.322.193-.694.29-1.112.29zm7.206-14.46c0-.902.209-1.628.628-2.176-.806-.452-1.742-1.177-2.806-2.176-1.064-1-1.837-1.806-2.32-2.418-1.194 1.064-3.224 2.16-6.095 3.288-1.193.452-2.088 1.088-2.684 1.91-.596.823-.895 1.975-.895 3.458v12.138c0 1.257.395 2.313 1.185 3.167s2.153 1.748 4.088 2.684c.87-1.482 2.159-3.208 3.869-5.174.128 1.16.452 2.135.967 2.926.514.79 1.321 1.538 2.417 2.248.388-.646.976-1.418 1.766-2.32.79-.904 1.54-1.66 2.248-2.274-.74 0-1.322-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.628-1.04-.628-1.813zm123.514-6.819c-.677 1.032-1.403 1.548-2.175 1.548-.322 0-.661-.162-1.016-.484a4.974 4.974 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.782 1.298-1.38 2.152a43.188 43.188 0 0 1 -1.667 2.248c-.194-.935-.548-1.748-1.065-2.442-.516-.693-1.256-1.346-2.225-1.958-.387.645-.975 1.418-1.764 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.25 2.273.743 0 1.322.218 1.742.653.418.435.628 1.04.628 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306s-.5.58-.918.87c.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.078 1.469 1.78 1.887 2.587.483-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.957 11.957 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.901-.096-1.579-.29-2.03-.58-.453-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403s-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.839.612 1.694.92 2.564.92.742 0 1.45-.323 2.127-.968s1.225-1.49 1.644-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm-41.88 0c-.677 1.032-1.401 1.548-2.175 1.548-.323 0-.661-.162-1.017-.484a5.012 5.012 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.781 1.298-1.379 2.152a44.368 44.368 0 0 1 -1.667 2.248c-.195-.935-.55-1.748-1.065-2.442-.516-.693-1.257-1.346-2.225-1.958-.387.645-.975 1.418-1.765 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.742 0 1.322.218 1.74.653s.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-. 1.243 1.088 2.08 1.468 1.78 1.886 2.587.484-.903 1.242-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.948 11.948 0 0 1 3.29-1.959c-.903-.096-1.58-.29-2.031-.58-.452-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403-.178-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.838.612 1.692.92 2.564.92.742 0 1.45-.323 2.127-.968s1.226-1.49 1.644-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm-50.974-5.948c1.386 1.064 2.08 2.08 2.08 3.047 0 .515-.162 1.008-.484 1.475-.323.467-.854.991-1.596 1.571zm6.046.387c0-.774-.162-1.419-.483-1.934-.324-.516-.791-1.08-1.404-1.693l-.675-.725a25.209 25.209 0 0 1 -3.483 2.998v-4.062a8.602 8.602 0 0 1 -2.49 1.644c-.953.42-1.912.71-2.879.871.194 1.225.29 3.063.29 5.513v4.013h-1.401l-1.065 1.451h2.466v17.41c0 .58-.097 1.015-.29 1.305-.192.29-.5.58-.918.87.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.08 2.007.838.92 1.466 1.78 1.886 2.587.484-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.933 11.933 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.904-.096-1.58-.29-2.03-.58-.454-.29-.767-.758-.945-1.403-.176-.645-.265-1.595-.265-2.853v-14.749h2.996l1.064-1.45h-3.867c2.063-1.258 3.555-2.41 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0-1.322-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.63-1.04-.63-1.813zm-261.54-12.38c0-.645.049-1.16.145-1.547s.257-.742.484-1.064c-.517-.355-1.267-1.016-2.249-1.983-.984-.967-1.799-1.838-2.443-2.61l-5.078 5.27c-.097-1.193-.41-2.193-.943-2.998-.531-.806-1.346-1.564-2.441-2.273-.388.645-.977 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.74 0 1.32.218 1.74.653.419.435.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306s-.5.58-.92.87c.517.387 1.17 1.04 1.96 1.96.788.917 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.45-.87 1.056-1.748 1.814-2.635.757-.887 1.426-1.54 2.007-1.959-.453-.225-.782-.49-.992-.798-.21-.306-.315-.766-.315-1.378v-13.347l.581-.339c.612-.386 1.225-.58 1.838-.58.483 0 .87.162 1.16.484s.436.79.436 1.402v12.815c0 1.516.258 2.75.774 3.7s1.403 1.828 2.66 2.635c.322-.613.878-1.37 1.668-2.272a21.004 21.004 0 0 1 2.346-2.322c-.742 0-1.323-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.63-1.04-.63-1.813zm-34.047-7.254c-.678 1.032-1.404 1.548-2.176 1.548-.322 0-.661-.162-1.017-.484a4.974 4.974 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.781 1.298-1.378 2.152a43.188 43.188 0 0 1 -1.668 2.248c-.194-.935-.548-1.748-1.064-2.442-.517-.693-1.258-1.346-2.225-1.958-.388.645-.976 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.741 0 1.322.218 1.74.653.42.435.63 1.04.63 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.098 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.92.87.549.42 1.241 1.088 2.08 2.007.838.92 1.468 1.78 1.887 2.587.482-.903 1.24-1.78 2.272-2.635a11.943 11.943 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.901-.096-1.578-.29-2.03-.58s-.766-.758-.944-1.403c-.177-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.84.612 1.694.92 2.563.92.742 0 1.452-.323 2.129-.968.676-.645 1.225-1.49 1.643-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm64.805-10.397c-.259.452-.637.84-1.137 1.161-.5.322-.975.483-1.427.483-.998 0-1.95-.74-2.852-2.224-.71 1.612-1.685 2.918-2.926 3.917-1.241 1-2.556 1.5-3.942 1.5.194 1.128.29 2.965.29 5.512v1.112h-1.405l-1.063 1.451h2.468v31.916h.773v-3.529c0-2.258.427-4.135 1.282-5.634s1.862-2.555 3.023-3.168v-19.585h3.002l1.063-1.45h-4.066v-1.016c0-1.193-.096-2.297-.29-3.313-.192-1.016-.434-1.797-.724-2.345 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