Brasilien: Aktuelle News der FAZ zum Land in Südamerika
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2.231.54 3.022 1.62.79 1.08 1.475 2.732 2.055 4.956l-7.495 21.306a7 7 0 0 0 -4.014 1.33c-1.194.854-2.13 1.975-2.806 3.361a10 10 0 0 0 -1.016 4.45c0 2.448.823 4.406 2.467 5.874 1.644 1.467 3.772 2.201 6.382 2.201 1.548 0 2.975-.339 4.28-1.016a10.502 10.502 0 0 0 3.313-2.66c.904-1.096 1.531-2.24 1.887-3.433l-.483-.242c-.969 1.838-2.185 3.313-3.653 4.425-1.466 1.112-3.136 1.668-5.005 1.668-2.29 0-4.087-.54-5.393-1.62-1.305-1.08-1.958-2.442-1.958-4.086 0-1.354.394-2.522 1.184-3.36.791-.838 1.782-1.186 2.975-1.186 1.065 0 2.023.18 2.877.68.855.5 1.67 1.093 2.444 2.126.29-1.064.886-1.927 1.788-3.072.903-1.144 1.855-2.07 2.853-2.78l-.434-.58-1.21.677c-.45-.645-1.143-1.209-2.078-1.693a9.611 9.611 0 0 0 -3-.967l2.176-6.383h7.498l2.079 8.898c.452 1.902.975 3.28 1.572 4.134.596.853 1.506 1.442 2.732 1.765.839-1.676 2.031-3.208 3.578-4.594-.74.097-1.288-.12-1.643-.653-.356-.532-.661-1.378-.92-2.539zm111.135.077c.774 0 1.459-.298 2.056-.895.596-.596.894-1.28.894-2.055 0-.774-.298-1.458-.894-2.055-.597-.597-1.281-.895-2.055-.895s-1.46.298-2.055.895c-.598.597-.895 1.281-.895 2.055s.297 1.46.894 2.055c.596.597 1.281.895 2.055.895zm-291.825 5.91c-.904 0-1.701.258-2.393.773a5.085 5.085 0 0 0 -1.595 1.96c-.372.79-.556 1.571-.556 2.344-1.258-1.16-2.184-2.144-2.78-2.95-.598-.805-.895-1.669-.895-2.733 0-.645.185-1.33.557-2.056a9.337 9.337 0 0 1 1.378-2.006c-.904.29-1.854.797-2.854 1.523-.998.726-1.86 1.661-2.585 2.805-.726 1.144-1.088 2.371-1.088 3.821 0 1.451.346 2.677 1.04 3.676.692 1 1.698 2.111 3.02 3.337 1.225 1.128 2.127 2.095 2.708 2.901.58.806.87 1.773.87 2.901 0 .936-.242 1.854-.726 2.757-2.062-2.805-4.608-4.314-7.636-4.314a7.872 7.872 0 0 0 -4.278 1.233c-1.305.822-2.338 1.975-3.094 3.458-.758 1.483-1.136 3.16-1.136 5.03 0 1.707.394 3.23 1.185 4.57a8.412 8.412 0 0 0 3.239 3.142c1.368.757 2.924 1.137 4.664 1.137 1.674 0 3.213-.339 4.616-1.016 1.401-.677 2.569-1.565 3.505-2.66.933-1.096 1.595-2.24 1.982-3.433l-.485-.242c-.998 1.838-2.288 3.313-3.866 4.425-1.58 1.112-3.383 1.668-5.415 1.668-1.546 0-2.893-.29-4.036-.87-1.145-.58-2.024-1.37-2.634-2.369a6.177 6.177 0 0 1 -.918-3.289c0-1.517.49-2.81 1.474-3.746.982-.936 2.215-1.332 3.697-1.332 1.289 0 2.41.284 3.36.993.95.71 1.813 1.748 2.586 3.167.29-.967.756-1.714 1.402-2.504.645-.79 1.579-1.533 2.804-2.37 1.546-1.097 2.713-2.177 3.505-3.24.788-1.065 1.184-2.354 1.184-3.87 0-1.354-.299-2.546-.895-3.578-.597-1.032-1.425-2.063-2.489-3.095 0 0-.047-.274-.049-.58a4.423 4.423 0 0 1 .508-2.08c.338-.645.814-1.112 1.427-1.402-.323.387-.485.902-.485 1.547 0 .71.233 1.29.701 1.741.466.452 1.055.677 1.765.677.707 0 1.336-.282 1.886-.846.546-.564.822-1.25.822-2.055 0-.87-.267-1.58-.799-2.128-.532-.549-1.264-.822-2.198-.822zm3.238-10.484c-1.13 0-2.28-.169-3.456-.508-1.177-.339-2.7-.846-4.569-1.523-2.03-.742-3.697-1.289-5.003-1.644a14.95 14.95 0 0 0 -3.938-.532c-2.127 0-3.95.427-5.463 1.281-1.515.854-2.652 1.975-3.407 3.361-.759 1.386-1.137 2.838-1.137 4.352 0 1.87.523 3.378 1.571 4.522 1.047 1.144 2.345 1.717 3.892 1.717 1.74 0 3.141-.58 4.205-1.74l-.193-.34c-1.098.645-2.241.967-3.432.967-1.354 0-2.45-.418-3.288-1.257-.838-.838-1.256-1.918-1.256-3.24 0-1.386.441-2.442 1.329-3.167.885-.726 2.103-1.089 3.65-1.089 1.16 0 2.344.186 3.553.556 1.207.371 2.697.912 4.47 1.621 1.868.774 3.457 1.354 4.763 1.74 1.305.388 2.6.581 3.89.581 1.707 0 3.206-.395 4.495-1.185 1.288-.79 2.296-1.82 3.021-3.095a10.593 10.593 0 0 0 1.33-4.135c-.613 1-1.29 1.71-2.03 2.128-.742.42-1.74.63-2.997.63zm321.493 11.965c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.841 3.08.404.982.606 1.86.606 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.813 1.475l-1.065.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.123-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.177-1.04-.483-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.226-1.112c2.03-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.4-2.974s1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168c0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.678-.903-1.128-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-3 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.485.612-2.515 1.314-3.096 2.104-.58.79-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.523 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.048 1.257 2.733 2.08 5.053 2.466 1.516-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.95-5.368l-.291-.629c-1.387.84-2.821 1.258-4.304 1.258zm-32.305-14.702c0-.58.096-1.016.29-1.306.192-.29.498-.58.918-.87-.516-.387-1.17-1.04-1.958-1.959-.791-.919-1.397-1.797-1.815-2.635-.452.87-1.057 1.75-1.813 2.635-.759.887-1.427 1.54-2.007 1.96.452. 1.378v13.105c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306-.193.29-.501.58-.918.87.513.387 1.166 1.04 1.957 1.394 1.795 1.815 2.634.45-.87 1.054-1.748 1.813-2.635.757-.887 1.426-1.54 2.007-1.959-.452-.225-.783-.49-.992-.798-.21-.306-.313-.766-.313-1.378zm-76.558 14.46c-.58 0-1.04-.219-1.377-.654-.34-.435-.508-1.023-.508-1.765v-10.687c0-1.483.065-2.547.194-3.192.127-.645.355-1.144.675-1.499l2.226 1.983c.322.29.556.597.702.92.145.321.217.756.217 1.304v12.428c-.356.387-.694.678-1.017.871a2.12 2.12 0 0 1 -1.112.29zm7.206-14.46c0-.902.21-1.628.63-2.176-.806-.452-1.742-1.177-2.805-2.176-1.064-1-1.838-1.806-2.321-2.418-1.194 1.064-3.225 2.16-6.094 3.288-1.194.452-2.088 1.088-2.684 1.91-.597.823-.895 1.975-.895 3.458v12.138c0 1.257.387 2.28 1.16 3.071.773.79 2.144 1.668 4.111 2.635.839-1.386 2.112-3.046 3.82-4.98v1.16c0 .677.114 1.33.34 1.958.225.63.531 1.33.918 2.104.356.741.629 1.378.822 1.071.29 1.62 0 1.191-.428 2.152-1.281 2.877-.855.726-1.942 1.088-3.264 1.088-1.678 0-2.823-.419-3.435- 0 1.444-.217 1.911-.652.467-.436.701-1.024.701-1.766s-.25-1.347-.75-1.813c-.5-.468-1.12-.7-1.862-.7s-1.362.29-1.862.87-.748 1.272-.748 2.08c0 1.223.5 2.247 1.499 3.07.999.822 2.37 1.233 4.11 1.233 1.677 0 3.175-.37 4.498-1.113 1.322-.742 2.339-1.66 3.048-2.756.708-1.097 1.064-2.16 1.064-3.19 0-.582-.05-1.083-.145-1.5a9.744 9.744 0 0 0 -.484-1.452 15.182 15.182 0 0 1 -.556-1.813c-.114-.5-.17-1.136-.17-1.91v-14.846zm-18.28-17.796c-1.129.903-2.917 1.741-5.368 2.515.195 1.676.29 3.513.29 5.513v22.873c0 .58-.095 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.918.87.514.387 1.168 1.04 1.959 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.452-.87 1.056-1.748 1.814-2.635.756-.887 1.425-1.54 2.006-1.959-.452-.225-.782-.49-.992-.798-.208-.306-.313-.766-.313-1.378v-30.9zm-10.252 0c-1.13.903-2.918 1.741-5.368 2.515.194 1.676.29 3.513.29 5.513v22.873c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.195.29-.5.58-.92.87.516.387 1.168 1.04 1.96 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.452-.87 1.055-1.748 1.814-2.635.757-.887 1.425-1.54 2.007-1.959-.452-.225-.782-.49-.993-.798-.21-.306-.314-.766-.314-1.378v-30.9zm82.475 14.548c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.842 3.08.403.982.605 1.86.605 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.813 1.475l-1.065.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.124-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.177-1.04-.483-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.226-1.112c2.03-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.4-2.974.903-.95 1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168 0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.676-.903-1.129-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.485.612-2.515 1.314-3.096 2.104-.58.79-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.524 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.046 1.257 2.731 2.08 5.053 2.466 1.516-1.87 3.499-3.659 5.949-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.387.84-2.821 1.258-4.304 1.258zm-46.117-17.95c.836 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.843 3.08.401.982.603 1.86.603 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.459 1.668-.307.468-.91.96-1.814 1.475l-1.063.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.036-.05.118-.148.123-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.967 0-1.693-.347-2.176-1.04-.485-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.224-1.112c2.031-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.401-2.974.904-.95 1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168 0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.676-.903-1.128-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.484.612-2.515 1.314-3.095 2.104-.582.79-.872 1.91-.872 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.524 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.048 1.257 2.733 2.08 5.055 2.466 1.514-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.947-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.387.84-2.82 1.258-4.303 1.258zm-103.088-17.95c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.843 3.08.401.982.604 1.86.604 2.634 0 .645-.155 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.814 1.475l-1.064.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.123-.152 0 0 . 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.178-1.04-.482-.694-.725-1.669-.725-2.927v-3.335l2.225-1.112c2.031-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.401-2.974.902-.95 1.355-2.007 1.355-3.168 0-.87-.17-1.644-.508-2.32-.34-.678-.846-1.484-1.523-2.419-.678-.903-1.13-1.628-1.356-2.176-1.096 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.706 3.143-1.484.612-2.515 1.314-3.095 2.104s-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.523 3.868 1.571 5.126 1.047 1.257 2.732 2.08 5.054 2.466 1.514-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.948-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.386.84-2.821 1.258-4.303 1.258zm-9.285-19.008 1.064-1.45h-4.691v-9.138c-1.13.902-2.92 1.74-5.368 2.514.192 1.676.29 3.514.29 5.513v1.111h-1.401l-1.065 1.45h2.465v17.411c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.918.87.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.079 2.007.838.92 1.466 1.78 1.887 2.587.483-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.943 11.943 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.904-.096-1.58-.29-2.031-.58-.452-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403-.178-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-14.75h3.628zm-29.647 4.306c0-.58.097-1.016.29-1.306.194-.29.5-.58.92-.87-.517-.387-1.17-1.04-1.96-1.959s-1.394-1.797-1.813-2.635c-.451.87-1.056 1.75-1.813 2.635-.758.887-1.428 1.54-2.008 1.96.453.224.782.49.992.797.21.306.314.766.314 1.378v13.298l-.58.387c-.612.387-1.225.581-1.838.581-.484 0-.87-.162-1.16-.484s-.436-.79-.436-1.403v-12.814c0-1.516-.258-2.749-.773-3.7-.517-.95-1.404-1.83-2.66-2.635-.323.612-.879 1.37-1.67 2.273a21.249 21.249 0 0 1 -2.344 2.321c.742 0 1.322.218 1.74.653.42.435.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.38c0 .645-.048 1.161-.145 1.547a3.18 3.18 0 0 1 -.483 1.064c.514.355 1.264 1.016 2.249 1.983.983.967 1.796 1.838 2.441 2.611l5.078-5.27c.098 1.191.412 2.192.944 2.998.532.805 1.347 1.562 2.442 2.272.387-.646.974-1.418 1.765-2.32.79-.904 1.54-1.66 2.25-2.274-.743 0-1.324-.217-1.743-.653-.417-.435-.627-1.04-.627-1.813v-12.815zm-71.09 14.46c-.582 0-1.04-.219-1.38-.654-.339-.435-.508-1.023-.508-1.765v-10.687c0-1.483.066-2.547.195-3.192.128-.645.355-1.144.677-1.499l1.788 1.548c.517.451.871.862 1.064 1.426v12.428c-.355.387-.694.678-1.015.871-.322.193-.694.29-1.112.29zm7.206-14.46c0-.902.209-1.628.628-2.176-.806-.452-1.742-1.177-2.806-2.176-1.064-1-1.837-1.806-2.32-2.418-1.194 1.064-3.224 2.16-6.095 3.288-1.193.452-2.088 1.088-2.684 1.91-.596.823-.895 1.975-.895 3.458v12.138c0 1.257.395 2.313 1.185 3.167s2.153 1.748 4.088 2.684c.87-1.482 2.159-3.208 3.869-5.174.128 1.16.452 2.135.967 2.926.514.79 1.321 1.538 2.417 2.248.388-.646.976-1.418 1.766-2.32.79-.904 1.54-1.66 2.248-2.274-.74 0-1.322-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.628-1.04-.628-1.813zm123.514-6.819c-.677 1.032-1.403 1.548-2.175 1.548-.322 0-.661-.162-1.016-.484a4.974 4.974 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.782 1.298-1.38 2.152a43.188 43.188 0 0 1 -1.667 2.248c-.194-.935-.548-1.748-1.065-2.442-.516-.693-1.256-1.346-2.225-1.958-.387.645-.975 1.418-1.764 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.25 2.273.743 0 1.322.218 1.742.653.418.435.628 1.04.628 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306s-.5.58-.918.87c.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.078 1.469 1.78 1.887 2.587.483-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.957 11.957 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.901-.096-1.579-.29-2.03-.58-.453-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403s-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.839.612 1.694.92 2.564.92.742 0 1.45-.323 2.127-.968s1.225-1.49 1.644-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm-41.88 0c-.677 1.032-1.401 1.548-2.175 1.548-.323 0-.661-.162-1.017-.484a5.012 5.012 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.781 1.298-1.379 2.152a44.368 44.368 0 0 1 -1.667 2.248c-.195-.935-.55-1.748-1.065-2.442-.516-.693-1.257-1.346-2.225-1.958-.387.645-.975 1.418-1.765 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.742 0 1.322.218 1.74.653s.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-. 1.243 1.088 2.08 1.468 1.78 1.886 2.587.484-.903 1.242-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.948 11.948 0 0 1 3.29-1.959c-.903-.096-1.58-.29-2.031-.58-.452-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403-.178-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.838.612 1.692.92 2.564.92.742 0 1.45-.323 2.127-.968s1.226-1.49 1.644-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm-50.974-5.948c1.386 1.064 2.08 2.08 2.08 3.047 0 .515-.162 1.008-.484 1.475-.323.467-.854.991-1.596 1.571zm6.046.387c0-.774-.162-1.419-.483-1.934-.324-.516-.791-1.08-1.404-1.693l-.675-.725a25.209 25.209 0 0 1 -3.483 2.998v-4.062a8.602 8.602 0 0 1 -2.49 1.644c-.953.42-1.912.71-2.879.871.194 1.225.29 3.063.29 5.513v4.013h-1.401l-1.065 1.451h2.466v17.41c0 .58-.097 1.015-.29 1.305-.192.29-.5.58-.918.87.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.08 2.007.838.92 1.466 1.78 1.886 2.587.484-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.933 11.933 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.904-.096-1.58-.29-2.03-.58-.454-.29-.767-.758-.945-1.403-.176-.645-.265-1.595-.265-2.853v-14.749h2.996l1.064-1.45h-3.867c2.063-1.258 3.555-2.41 4.474-3.458s1.379-2.104 1.379-3.168zm244.71 25.195v-12.38c0-.645.047-1.16.144-1.547.096-.387.257-.742.484-1.064-.517-.355-1.267-1.016-2.248-1.983-.985-.967-1.798-1.838-2.444-2.61l-5.077 5.27c-.098-1.193-.411-2.193-.943-2.998-.533-.806-1.346-1.564-2.442-2.273-.387.645-.976 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.74 0 1.32.218 1.74.653s.628 1.04.628 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306-.193.29-.5.58-.919.87.517.387 1.17 1.04 1.96 1.96.788.917 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.45-.87 1.055-1.748 1.813-2.635.759-.887 1.428-1.54 2.009-1.959-.453-.225-.784-.49-.993-.798-.21-.306-.315-.766-.315-1.378v-13.347l.582-.339c.611-.386 1.224-.58 1.837-.58.483 0 .87.162 1.161.484.29.322.435.79.435 1.402v12.815c0 1.516.257 2.75.774 3.7.515.95 1.402 1.828 2.66 2.635.322-.613.879-1.37 1.668-2.272a21.008 21.008 0 0 1 2.346-2.322c-.741 0-1.322-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.63-1.04-.63-1.813zm-261.54-12.38c0-.645.049-1.16.145-1.547s.257-.742.484-1.064c-.517-.355-1.267-1.016-2.249-1.983-.984-.967-1.799-1.838-2.443-2.61l-5.078 5.27c-.097-1.193-.41-2.193-.943-2.998-.531-.806-1.346-1.564-2.441-2.273-.388.645-.977 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.74 0 1.32.218 1.74.653.419.435.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306s-.5.58-.92.87c.517.387 1.17 1.04 1.96 1.96.788.917 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.45-.87 1.056-1.748 1.814-2.635.757-.887 1.426-1.54 2.007-1.959-.453-.225-.782-.49-.992-.798-.21-.306-.315-.766-.315-1.378v-13.347l.581-.339c.612-.386 1.225-.58 1.838-.58.483 0 .87.162 1.16.484s.436.79.436 1.402v12.815c0 1.516.258 2.75.774 3.7s1.403 1.828 2.66 2.635c.322-.613.878-1.37 1.668-2.272a21.004 21.004 0 0 1 2.346-2.322c-.742 0-1.323-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.63-1.04-.63-1.813zm-34.047-7.254c-.678 1.032-1.404 1.548-2.176 1.548-.322 0-.661-.162-1.017-.484a4.974 4.974 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.781 1.298-1.378 2.152a43.188 43.188 0 0 1 -1.668 2.248c-.194-.935-.548-1.748-1.064-2.442-.517-.693-1.258-1.346-2.225-1.958-.388.645-.976 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.741 0 1.322.218 1.74.653.42.435.63 1.04.63 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.098 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.92.87.549.42 1.241 1.088 2.08 2.007.838.92 1.468 1.78 1.887 2.587.482-.903 1.24-1.78 2.272-2.635a11.943 11.943 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.901-.096-1.578-.29-2.03-.58s-.766-.758-.944-1.403c-.177-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.84.612 1.694.92 2.563.92.742 0 1.452-.323 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2.635.322-.613.878-1.37 1.668-2.272a21.008 21.008 0 0 1 2.346-2.322c-.742 0-1.323-.217-1.742-.653-.418-.435-.627-1.04-.627-1.813zm-93.048-20.484 2.708 11.296h-6.674l3.965-11.296zm4.98-3.047c-.677-2.869-1.74-5.037-3.192-6.504-1.45-1.467-3.257-2.2-5.416-2.2a7.03 7.03 0 0 0 -3.313.798 6.436 6.436 0 0 0 -2.442 2.2 5.457 5.457 0 0 0 -.92 3.047c0 1.322.371 2.377 1.114 3.167.742.79 1.708 1.185 2.901 1.185.612 0 1.201-.138 1.766-.41.564-.275.99-.654 1.28-1.138l-.24-.29a3.784 3.784 0 0 1 -2.468.871c-.901 0-1.644-.307-2.225-.919-.58-.612-.87-1.37-.87-2.273 0-1.064.298-1.886.895-2.466s1.444-.87 2.54-.87c1.225 0 2.231.54 3.022 1.62.79 1.08 1.475 2.732 2.055 4.956l-7.495 21.306a7 7 0 0 0 -4.014 1.33c-1.194.854-2.13 1.975-2.806 3.361a10 10 0 0 0 -1.016 4.45c0 2.448.823 4.406 2.467 5.874 1.644 1.467 3.772 2.201 6.382 2.201 1.548 0 2.975-.339 4.28-1.016a10.502 10.502 0 0 0 3.313-2.66c.904-1.096 1.531-2.24 1.887-3.433l-.483-.242c-.969 1.838-2.185 3.313-3.653 4.425-1.466 1.112-3.136 1.668-5.005 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1.523-.998.726-1.86 1.661-2.585 2.805-.726 1.144-1.088 2.371-1.088 3.821 0 1.451.346 2.677 1.04 3.676.692 1 1.698 2.111 3.02 3.337 1.225 1.128 2.127 2.095 2.708 2.901.58.806.87 1.773.87 2.901 0 .936-.242 1.854-.726 2.757-2.062-2.805-4.608-4.314-7.636-4.314a7.872 7.872 0 0 0 -4.278 1.233c-1.305.822-2.338 1.975-3.094 3.458-.758 1.483-1.136 3.16-1.136 5.03 0 1.707.394 3.23 1.185 4.57a8.412 8.412 0 0 0 3.239 3.142c1.368.757 2.924 1.137 4.664 1.137 1.674 0 3.213-.339 4.616-1.016 1.401-.677 2.569-1.565 3.505-2.66.933-1.096 1.595-2.24 1.982-3.433l-.485-.242c-.998 1.838-2.288 3.313-3.866 4.425-1.58 1.112-3.383 1.668-5.415 1.668-1.546 0-2.893-.29-4.036-.87-1.145-.58-2.024-1.37-2.634-2.369a6.177 6.177 0 0 1 -.918-3.289c0-1.517.49-2.81 1.474-3.746.982-.936 2.215-1.332 3.697-1.332 1.289 0 2.41.284 3.36.993.95.71 1.813 1.748 2.586 3.167.29-.967.756-1.714 1.402-2.504.645-.79 1.579-1.533 2.804-2.37 1.546-1.097 2.713-2.177 3.505-3.24.788-1.065 1.184-2.354 1.184-3.87 0-1.354-.299-2.546-.895-3.578-.597-1.032-1.425-2.063-2.489-3.095 0 0-.047-.274-.049-.58a4.423 4.423 0 0 1 .508-2.08c.338-.645.814-1.112 1.427-1.402-.323.387-.485.902-.485 1.547 0 .71.233 1.29.701 1.741.466.452 1.055.677 1.765.677.707 0 1.336-.282 1.886-.846.546-.564.822-1.25.822-2.055 0-.87-.267-1.58-.799-2.128-.532-.549-1.264-.822-2.198-.822zm3.238-10.484c-1.13 0-2.28-.169-3.456-.508-1.177-.339-2.7-.846-4.569-1.523-2.03-.742-3.697-1.289-5.003-1.644a14.95 14.95 0 0 0 -3.938-.532c-2.127 0-3.95.427-5.463 1.281-1.515.854-2.652 1.975-3.407 3.361-.759 1.386-1.137 2.838-1.137 4.352 0 1.87.523 3.378 1.571 4.522 1.047 1.144 2.345 1.717 3.892 1.717 1.74 0 3.141-.58 4.205-1.74l-.193-.34c-1.098.645-2.241.967-3.432.967-1.354 0-2.45-.418-3.288-1.257-.838-.838-1.256-1.918-1.256-3.24 0-1.386.441-2.442 1.329-3.167.885-.726 2.103-1.089 3.65-1.089 1.16 0 2.344.186 3.553.556 1.207.371 2.697.912 4.47 1.621 1.868.774 3.457 1.354 4.763 1.74 1.305.388 2.6.581 3.89.581 1.707 0 3.206-.395 4.495-1.185 1.288-.79 2.296-1.82 3.021-3.095a10.593 10.593 0 0 0 1.33-4.135c-.613 1-1.29 1.71-2.03 2.128-.742.42-1.74.63-2.997.63zm321.493 11.965c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.841 3.08.404.982.606 1.86.606 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.813 1.475l-1.065.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.123-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.177-1.04-.483-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.226-1.112c2.03-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.4-2.974s1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168c0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.678-.903-1.128-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-3 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.485.612-2.515 1.314-3.096 2.104-.58.79-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.523 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.048 1.257 2.733 2.08 5.053 2.466 1.516-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.95-5.368l-.291-.629c-1.387.84-2.821 1.258-4.304 1.258zm-32.305-14.702c0-.58.096-1.016.29-1.306.192-.29.498-.58.918-.87-.516-.387-1.17-1.04-1.958-1.959-.791-.919-1.397-1.797-1.815-2.635-.452.87-1.057 1.75-1.813 2.635-.759.887-1.427 1.54-2.007 1.96.452. 1.378v13.105c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306-.193.29-.501.58-.918.87.513.387 1.166 1.04 1.957 1.394 1.795 1.815 2.634.45-.87 1.054-1.748 1.813-2.635.757-.887 1.426-1.54 2.007-1.959-.452-.225-.783-.49-.992-.798-.21-.306-.313-.766-.313-1.378zm-76.558 14.46c-.58 0-1.04-.219-1.377-.654-.34-.435-.508-1.023-.508-1.765v-10.687c0-1.483.065-2.547.194-3.192.127-.645.355-1.144.675-1.499l2.226 1.983c.322.29.556.597.702.92.145.321.217.756.217 1.304v12.428c-.356.387-.694.678-1.017.871a2.12 2.12 0 0 1 -1.112.29zm7.206-14.46c0-.902.21-1.628.63-2.176-.806-.452-1.742-1.177-2.805-2.176-1.064-1-1.838-1.806-2.321-2.418-1.194 1.064-3.225 2.16-6.094 3.288-1.194.452-2.088 1.088-2.684 1.91-.597.823-.895 1.975-.895 3.458v12.138c0 1.257.387 2.28 1.16 3.071.773.79 2.144 1.668 4.111 2.635.839-1.386 2.112-3.046 3.82-4.98v1.16c0 .677.114 1.33.34 1.958.225.63.531 1.33.918 2.104.356.741.629 1.378.822 1.071.29 1.62 0 1.191-.428 2.152-1.281 2.877-.855.726-1.942 1.088-3.264 1.088-1.678 0-2.823-.419-3.435- 0 1.444-.217 1.911-.652.467-.436.701-1.024.701-1.766s-.25-1.347-.75-1.813c-.5-.468-1.12-.7-1.862-.7s-1.362.29-1.862.87-.748 1.272-.748 2.08c0 1.223.5 2.247 1.499 3.07.999.822 2.37 1.233 4.11 1.233 1.677 0 3.175-.37 4.498-1.113 1.322-.742 2.339-1.66 3.048-2.756.708-1.097 1.064-2.16 1.064-3.19 0-.582-.05-1.083-.145-1.5a9.744 9.744 0 0 0 -.484-1.452 15.182 15.182 0 0 1 -.556-1.813c-.114-.5-.17-1.136-.17-1.91v-14.846zm-18.28-17.796c-1.129.903-2.917 1.741-5.368 2.515.195 1.676.29 3.513.29 5.513v22.873c0 .58-.095 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.918.87.514.387 1.168 1.04 1.959 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.452-.87 1.056-1.748 1.814-2.635.756-.887 1.425-1.54 2.006-1.959-.452-.225-.782-.49-.992-.798-.208-.306-.313-.766-.313-1.378v-30.9zm-10.252 0c-1.13.903-2.918 1.741-5.368 2.515.194 1.676.29 3.513.29 5.513v22.873c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.195.29-.5.58-.92.87.516.387 1.168 1.04 1.96 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.452-.87 1.055-1.748 1.814-2.635.757-.887 1.425-1.54 2.007-1.959-.452-.225-.782-.49-.993-.798-.21-.306-.314-.766-.314-1.378v-30.9zm82.475 14.548c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.842 3.08.403.982.605 1.86.605 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.813 1.475l-1.065.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.124-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.177-1.04-.483-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.226-1.112c2.03-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.4-2.974.903-.95 1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168 0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.676-.903-1.129-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.485.612-2.515 1.314-3.096 2.104-.58.79-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.524 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.046 1.257 2.731 2.08 5.053 2.466 1.516-1.87 3.499-3.659 5.949-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.387.84-2.821 1.258-4.304 1.258zm-46.117-17.95c.836 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.843 3.08.401.982.603 1.86.603 2.634 0 .645-.154 1.202-.459 1.668-.307.468-.91.96-1.814 1.475l-1.063.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.036-.05.118-.148.123-.152l.067.09zm2.012 17.95c-.967 0-1.693-.347-2.176-1.04-.485-.694-.726-1.669-.726-2.927v-3.335l2.224-1.112c2.031-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.401-2.974.904-.95 1.354-2.007 1.354-3.168 0-.87-.168-1.644-.507-2.32-.339-.678-.846-1.484-1.524-2.419-.676-.903-1.128-1.628-1.353-2.176-1.097 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.707 3.143-1.484.612-2.515 1.314-3.095 2.104-.582.79-.872 1.91-.872 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.524 3.868 1.572 5.126 1.048 1.257 2.733 2.08 5.055 2.466 1.514-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.947-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.387.84-2.82 1.258-4.303 1.258zm-103.088-17.95c.835 1.095 1.45 2.121 1.843 3.08.401.982.604 1.86.604 2.634 0 .645-.155 1.202-.46 1.668-.306.468-.91.96-1.814 1.475l-1.064.63v-6.336c0-1.427.233-2.457.7-3.088.037-.05.12-.148.123-.152 0 0 . 17.95c-.968 0-1.694-.347-2.178-1.04-.482-.694-.725-1.669-.725-2.927v-3.335l2.225-1.112c2.031-1.033 3.498-2.024 4.401-2.974.902-.95 1.355-2.007 1.355-3.168 0-.87-.17-1.644-.508-2.32-.34-.678-.846-1.484-1.523-2.419-.678-.903-1.13-1.628-1.356-2.176-1.096 1.032-2.998 2.08-5.706 3.143-1.484.612-2.515 1.314-3.095 2.104s-.87 1.91-.87 3.36v10.011c0 2.16.523 3.868 1.571 5.126 1.047 1.257 2.732 2.08 5.054 2.466 1.514-1.87 3.498-3.659 5.948-5.368l-.29-.629c-1.386.84-2.821 1.258-4.303 1.258zm-9.285-19.008 1.064-1.45h-4.691v-9.138c-1.13.902-2.92 1.74-5.368 2.514.192 1.676.29 3.514.29 5.513v1.111h-1.401l-1.065 1.45h2.465v17.411c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.918.87.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.079 2.007.838.92 1.466 1.78 1.887 2.587.483-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.943 11.943 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.904-.096-1.58-.29-2.031-.58-.452-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403-.178-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-14.75h3.628zm-29.647 4.306c0-.58.097-1.016.29-1.306.194-.29.5-.58.92-.87-.517-.387-1.17-1.04-1.96-1.959s-1.394-1.797-1.813-2.635c-.451.87-1.056 1.75-1.813 2.635-.758.887-1.428 1.54-2.008 1.96.453.224.782.49.992.797.21.306.314.766.314 1.378v13.298l-.58.387c-.612.387-1.225.581-1.838.581-.484 0-.87-.162-1.16-.484s-.436-.79-.436-1.403v-12.814c0-1.516-.258-2.749-.773-3.7-.517-.95-1.404-1.83-2.66-2.635-.323.612-.879 1.37-1.67 2.273a21.249 21.249 0 0 1 -2.344 2.321c.742 0 1.322.218 1.74.653.42.435.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.38c0 .645-.048 1.161-.145 1.547a3.18 3.18 0 0 1 -.483 1.064c.514.355 1.264 1.016 2.249 1.983.983.967 1.796 1.838 2.441 2.611l5.078-5.27c.098 1.191.412 2.192.944 2.998.532.805 1.347 1.562 2.442 2.272.387-.646.974-1.418 1.765-2.32.79-.904 1.54-1.66 2.25-2.274-.743 0-1.324-.217-1.743-.653-.417-.435-.627-1.04-.627-1.813v-12.815zm-71.09 14.46c-.582 0-1.04-.219-1.38-.654-.339-.435-.508-1.023-.508-1.765v-10.687c0-1.483.066-2.547.195-3.192.128-.645.355-1.144.677-1.499l1.788 1.548c.517.451.871.862 1.064 1.426v12.428c-.355.387-.694.678-1.015.871-.322.193-.694.29-1.112.29zm7.206-14.46c0-.902.209-1.628.628-2.176-.806-.452-1.742-1.177-2.806-2.176-1.064-1-1.837-1.806-2.32-2.418-1.194 1.064-3.224 2.16-6.095 3.288-1.193.452-2.088 1.088-2.684 1.91-.596.823-.895 1.975-.895 3.458v12.138c0 1.257.395 2.313 1.185 3.167s2.153 1.748 4.088 2.684c.87-1.482 2.159-3.208 3.869-5.174.128 1.16.452 2.135.967 2.926.514.79 1.321 1.538 2.417 2.248.388-.646.976-1.418 1.766-2.32.79-.904 1.54-1.66 2.248-2.274-.74 0-1.322-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.628-1.04-.628-1.813zm123.514-6.819c-.677 1.032-1.403 1.548-2.175 1.548-.322 0-.661-.162-1.016-.484a4.974 4.974 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.782 1.298-1.38 2.152a43.188 43.188 0 0 1 -1.667 2.248c-.194-.935-.548-1.748-1.065-2.442-.516-.693-1.256-1.346-2.225-1.958-.387.645-.975 1.418-1.764 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.25 2.273.743 0 1.322.218 1.742.653.418.435.628 1.04.628 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306s-.5.58-.918.87c.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.078 1.469 1.78 1.887 2.587.483-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.957 11.957 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.901-.096-1.579-.29-2.03-.58-.453-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403s-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.839.612 1.694.92 2.564.92.742 0 1.45-.323 2.127-.968s1.225-1.49 1.644-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm-41.88 0c-.677 1.032-1.401 1.548-2.175 1.548-.323 0-.661-.162-1.017-.484a5.012 5.012 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.781 1.298-1.379 2.152a44.368 44.368 0 0 1 -1.667 2.248c-.195-.935-.55-1.748-1.065-2.442-.516-.693-1.257-1.346-2.225-1.958-.387.645-.975 1.418-1.765 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.742 0 1.322.218 1.74.653s.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.097 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-. 1.243 1.088 2.08 1.468 1.78 1.886 2.587.484-.903 1.242-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.948 11.948 0 0 1 3.29-1.959c-.903-.096-1.58-.29-2.031-.58-.452-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403-.178-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.838.612 1.692.92 2.564.92.742 0 1.45-.323 2.127-.968s1.226-1.49 1.644-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm-50.974-5.948c1.386 1.064 2.08 2.08 2.08 3.047 0 .515-.162 1.008-.484 1.475-.323.467-.854.991-1.596 1.571zm6.046.387c0-.774-.162-1.419-.483-1.934-.324-.516-.791-1.08-1.404-1.693l-.675-.725a25.209 25.209 0 0 1 -3.483 2.998v-4.062a8.602 8.602 0 0 1 -2.49 1.644c-.953.42-1.912.71-2.879.871.194 1.225.29 3.063.29 5.513v4.013h-1.401l-1.065 1.451h2.466v17.41c0 .58-.097 1.015-.29 1.305-.192.29-.5.58-.918.87.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.08 2.007.838.92 1.466 1.78 1.886 2.587.484-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.933 11.933 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.904-.096-1.58-.29-2.03-.58-.454-.29-.767-.758-.945-1.403-.176-.645-.265-1.595-.265-2.853v-14.749h2.996l1.064-1.45h-3.867c2.063-1.258 3.555-2.41 4.474-3.458s1.379-2.104 1.379-3.168zm244.71 25.195v-12.38c0-.645.047-1.16.144-1.547.096-.387.257-.742.484-1.064-.517-.355-1.267-1.016-2.248-1.983-.985-.967-1.798-1.838-2.444-2.61l-5.077 5.27c-.098-1.193-.411-2.193-.943-2.998-.533-.806-1.346-1.564-2.442-2.273-.387.645-.976 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.74 0 1.32.218 1.74.653s.628 1.04.628 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306-.193.29-.5.58-.919.87.517.387 1.17 1.04 1.96 1.96.788.917 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.45-.87 1.055-1.748 1.813-2.635.759-.887 1.428-1.54 2.009-1.959-.453-.225-.784-.49-.993-.798-.21-.306-.315-.766-.315-1.378v-13.347l.582-.339c.611-.386 1.224-.58 1.837-.58.483 0 .87.162 1.161.484.29.322.435.79.435 1.402v12.815c0 1.516.257 2.75.774 3.7.515.95 1.402 1.828 2.66 2.635.322-.613.879-1.37 1.668-2.272a21.008 21.008 0 0 1 2.346-2.322c-.741 0-1.322-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.63-1.04-.63-1.813zm-261.54-12.38c0-.645.049-1.16.145-1.547s.257-.742.484-1.064c-.517-.355-1.267-1.016-2.249-1.983-.984-.967-1.799-1.838-2.443-2.61l-5.078 5.27c-.097-1.193-.41-2.193-.943-2.998-.531-.806-1.346-1.564-2.441-2.273-.388.645-.977 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.74 0 1.32.218 1.74.653.419.435.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306s-.5.58-.92.87c.517.387 1.17 1.04 1.96 1.96.788.917 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.45-.87 1.056-1.748 1.814-2.635.757-.887 1.426-1.54 2.007-1.959-.453-.225-.782-.49-.992-.798-.21-.306-.315-.766-.315-1.378v-13.347l.581-.339c.612-.386 1.225-.58 1.838-.58.483 0 .87.162 1.16.484s.436.79.436 1.402v12.815c0 1.516.258 2.75.774 3.7s1.403 1.828 2.66 2.635c.322-.613.878-1.37 1.668-2.272a21.004 21.004 0 0 1 2.346-2.322c-.742 0-1.323-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.63-1.04-.63-1.813zm-34.047-7.254c-.678 1.032-1.404 1.548-2.176 1.548-.322 0-.661-.162-1.017-.484a4.974 4.974 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.781 1.298-1.378 2.152a43.188 43.188 0 0 1 -1.668 2.248c-.194-.935-.548-1.748-1.064-2.442-.517-.693-1.258-1.346-2.225-1.958-.388.645-.976 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.741 0 1.322.218 1.74.653.42.435.63 1.04.63 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.098 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.92.87.549.42 1.241 1.088 2.08 2.007.838.92 1.468 1.78 1.887 2.587.482-.903 1.24-1.78 2.272-2.635a11.943 11.943 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.901-.096-1.578-.29-2.03-.58s-.766-.758-.944-1.403c-.177-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.84.612 1.694.92 2.563.92.742 0 1.452-.323 2.129-.968.676-.645 1.225-1.49 1.643-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm64.805-10.397c-.259.452-.637.84-1.137 1.161-.5.322-.975.483-1.427.483-.998 0-1.95-.74-2.852-2.224-.71 1.612-1.685 2.918-2.926 3.917-1.241 1-2.556 1.5-3.942 1.5.194 1.128.29 2.965.29 5.512v1.112h-1.405l-1.063 1.451h2.468v31.916h.773v-3.529c0-2.258.427-4.135 1.282-5.634s1.862-2.555 3.023-3.168v-19.585h3.002l1.063-1.45h-4.066v-1.016c0-1.193-.096-2.297-.29-3.313-.192-1.016-.434-1.797-.724-2.345 1.096.967 2.03 1.451 2.805 1.451 1.129 0 2.175-.564 3.144-1.693.966-1.129 1.626-2.643 1.981-4.546z" fill-rule="evenodd" /> </svg> </a> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col gap-20"> <div class="[&:is(div+div)]:border-t border-t-grey-700 [&:last-child]:mb-20""> <ul class="flex flex-col gap-10 pt-18 mx-20"> <li> <a href="" class="flex gap-15 items-center text-14 py-8 pb-14 border-b border-grey-700"> <svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" class="fill-current -ml-4" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 2.75C5.71979 2.75 2.25 6.21979 2.25 10.5C2.25 14.7802 5.71979 18.25 10 18.25C11.87 18.25 13.5853 17.5877 14.9242 16.4848L20.4697 22.0303C20.7626 22.3232 21.2374 22.3232 21.5303 22.0303C21.8232 21.7374 21.8232 21.2626 21.5303 20.9697L15.9848 15.4242C17.0877 14.0853 17.75 12.37 17.75 10.5C17.75 6.21979 14.2802 2.75 10 2.75ZM3.75 10.5C3.75 7.04822 6.54822 4.25 10 4.25C13.4518 4.25 16.25 7.04822 16.25 10.5C16.25 13.9518 13.4518 16.75 10 16.75C6.54822 16.75 3.75 13.9518 3.75 10.5Z" /> </svg> <span class="text-grey-300 dark:text-white">Suche</span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="flex gap-15 items-center text-14 py-8"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" class="fill-current" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.84762 0.42891C8.50741 -0.142971 9.49259 -0.14297 10.1524 0.428911L17.1524 6.49619C17.5322 6.82537 17.75 7.30091 17.75 7.80079V16.2665C17.75 17.2239 16.9665 18 16 18H12C11.0335 18 10.25 17.2239 10.25 16.2665V12.3042C10.25 12.1674 10.1381 12.0565 10 12.0565H8C7.86193 12.0565 7.75 12.1674 7.75 12.3042V16.2665C7.75 17.2239 6.9665 18 6 18H2C1.0335 18 0.25 17.2239 0.25 16.2665V7.80079C0.25 7.30091 0.467841 6.82537 0.847617 6.49619L7.84762 0.42891ZM9.16463 1.54714C9.07037 1.46544 8.92963 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7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Jean-Claude Trichet<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> „Wenn die Europäer nicht vereint sind, fallen sie zurück“ </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Trotz Frankreichs Schuldenberg sieht der frühere EZB-Präsident Jean-Claude Trichet die Solidität der Eurozone nicht in Gefahr. Gleichwohl mahnt er die Europäer zu tiefgreifenden Reformen. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Gerald Braunberger und Niklas Záboji</div> <div class="text-14">29.10.2024 10:07 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="„Ich kann 200 Millionen Menschen meinen Sport näher bringen“" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Braathen fährt für Brasilien<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> „Ich kann 200 Millionen Menschen meinen Sport näher bringen“ </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Mit nur 23 Jahren beendete der Norweger Lucas Pinheiro Braathen seine Ski-Karriere. Jetzt fährt er wieder: für Brasilien! Im Interview spricht er über Fußball, Mode und das Tanzen auf der Piste. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Achim Dreis</div> <div class="text-14">26.10.2024 08:56 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Erste nordkoreanische Soldaten offenbar in Kursk eingetroffen" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Krieg in Osteuropa<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Erste nordkoreanische Soldaten offenbar in Kursk eingetroffen </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Kremlchef Putin zeigt sich zufrieden mit den Ergebnissen des Brics-Gipfels. Berichte über nordkoreanische Soldaten an der russischen Front kommentiert er auf seine Weise – der ukrainische Militärgeheimdienst berichtet von ersten Einheiten in Kursk. Der Überblick. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">25.10.2024 06:30 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> </div> <div data-placement="pos_2" data-device="mobile" class="iqdcontainer bg-grey-900 dark:bg-[#393939] min-h-[250px] block xl:hidden -mx-20 my-40 min-h-[600px]" pos="2" device="mobile"> </div> <div class="px-20 md:px-40"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-28 gap-y-40 mb-40" items="{"3":[],"4":[],"5":[]}"> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Blinkens wohl vorerst letzte Chance zur Deeskalation in Nahost" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> F.A.Z. Frühdenker<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Blinkens wohl vorerst letzte Chance zur Deeskalation in Nahost </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Der amerikanische Außenminister setzt seine Nahost-Reise fort, Rückschläge für die „neue industriepolitische Agenda“ des Kanzlers, und Bayern München bekommt es in der Champions League mit dem FC Barcelona zu tun. Der F.A.Z. Frühdenker </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Sebastian Balzter</div> <div class="text-14">23.10.2024 06:18 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Kein Ruck für Putin" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> BRICS-Gipfel in Kasan<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Kein Ruck für Putin </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Sogar Moskau dämpft zu Beginn des BRICS-Gipfels die Erwartungen an das Ergebnis. Dafür gibt es gleich zu Beginn viel Folklore. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Friedrich Schmidt</div> <div class="text-14">22.10.2024 21:01 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="„Brasília geht der Ukraine aus dem Weg“" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Botschafter Andrij Melnyk<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> „Brasília geht der Ukraine aus dem Weg“ </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> In Berlin war der ukrainische Botschafter Andrij Melnyk eine öffentliche Person. In Brasilien, wo er sein Land seit einem Jahr vertritt, beißt er auf Granit. Das hat auch mit dem russischen Angriffskrieg zu tun. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tjerk Brühwiller, São Paulo</div> <div class="text-14">22.10.2024 09:08 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> </div> <div data-placement="pos_3" data-device="mobile" class="iqdcontainer bg-grey-900 dark:bg-[#393939] min-h-[250px] block xl:hidden -mx-20 my-40 my-40 min-h-[460px]" pos="3" device="mobile"> </div> <div data-placement="pos_2" data-device="desktop" class="iqdcontainer bg-grey-900 dark:bg-[#393939] min-h-[0] hidden xl:block my-40" pos="2" device="desktop"> </div> <div class="px-20 md:px-40"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-28 gap-y-40 mb-40" items="{"6":[],"7":[],"8":[]}"> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="IWF-Bericht: Wie gefährlich ist die globale Schuldenlast?" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> F.A.Z. Frühdenker<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> IWF-Bericht: Wie gefährlich ist die globale Schuldenlast? </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin empfängt dutzendweise Staatsgäste. Acht Monate nach Alexej Nawalnyjs Tod erscheint die Autobiographie des schärfsten Kreml-Kritikers. Der F.A.Z. Newsletter </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Sebastian Balzter</div> <div class="text-14">22.10.2024 06:01 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Putin hält Hof" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> BRICS-Gipfel in Kasan<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Putin hält Hof </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Zum BRICS-Gipfel in Kasan kommen mächtige Gäste – auch ein NATO-Mitglied. Das freut den russischen Gastgeber. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Friedrich Schmidt</div> <div class="text-14">21.10.2024 19:35 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Brasiliens Präsident Lula reist nicht zum BRICS-Gipfel" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Wegen Verletzung<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Brasiliens Präsident Lula reist nicht zum BRICS-Gipfel </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Das BRICS-Gipfeltreffen in Russland findet ohne Lula statt: Der brasilianische Präsident hat sich eine Kopfverletzung zugezogen. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">20.10.2024 22:51 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-28 gap-y-40 mb-40" items="{"9":[],"10":[],"11":[]}"> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Krise des Welthandels<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Keine Angst vor den BRICS </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Mit den BRICS wollen Russland und China den Welthandel umgestalten. Die EU sollte sich um eine kluge Antwort auf diese weltwirtschaftliche Konkurrenz bemühen. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Andreas Mihm</div> <div class="text-14">20.10.2024 19:08 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Zum Schießen" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Tödliche Jagd in „Bacurau“<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Zum Schießen </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Vor „Triangle of Sadness“ und „White Lotus“ trieb bereits der Brasilianer Kleber Mendonça Filho die Untaten von gelangweilten Reichen kritisch auf die Spitze. Für sein Science-Fiction-Drama „Bacurau“ hat er Udo Kier als Geheimwaffe eingesetzt. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Maria Wiesner</div> <div class="text-14">20.10.2024 13:15 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Wie der Weg zur CO₂-neutralen Produktion aussehen könnte" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Nachhaltige Lieferketten<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Wie der Weg zur CO₂-neutralen Produktion aussehen könnte </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Wer CO₂-neutral produzieren will, muss bei den Rohstoffen beginnen. Das Beispiel der Aluminium-Lieferkette von Mercedes-Benz zeigt, dass das keine Utopie ist. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tjerk Brühwiller</div> <div class="text-14">19.10.2024 17:01 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> </div> <div data-placement="pos_3" data-device="desktop" class="iqdcontainer bg-grey-900 dark:bg-[#393939] min-h-[0] hidden xl:block my-40" pos="3" device="desktop"> </div> <div class="px-20 md:px-40"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-28 gap-y-40 mb-40" items="{"12":[],"13":[],"14":[],"15":[],"16":[],"17":[]}"> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Der Club der Autokraten findet starken Zulauf" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> BRICS-Staaten<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Der Club der Autokraten findet starken Zulauf </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Der BRICS-Bund um Peking und Moskau wird immer attraktiver. Neue Länder klopfen an, auch um den Westen unter Druck zu setzen. In Russland feiern die Mitglieder den Gründungstag. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Andreas Mihm</div> <div class="text-14">17.10.2024 07:37 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Lust auf Verantwortung" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Neuer Ton in Nationalelf<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Lust auf Verantwortung </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Leidenschaft und großer Hunger auf Erfolg: Kitt, der das Nationalteam in seinem Innersten zusammenhält, gibt es genug. Viele Spieler in Nagelsmanns Mannschaft denken an das große Ganze. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Christian Kamp</div> <div class="text-14">14.10.2024 09:33 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Wie ein Marathon bergauf für Sergej Barbarez" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Coach von Bosnien-Hercegovina<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Wie ein Marathon bergauf für Sergej Barbarez </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Seit Jahren geht es bergab mit der Elf Bosnien-Hercegovinas. Trainer Sergej Barbarez muss vor dem Duell mit Deutschland sportliche Fortschritte vorbereiten – und zugleich Ruhe in den Verband bringen. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Michael Martens, Graz</div> <div class="text-14">11.10.2024 18:00 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="„Sonst hätte ich keinen Erfolg gehabt“" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Schiedsrichter Abraham Klein<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> „Sonst hätte ich keinen Erfolg gehabt“ </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Abraham Klein hat den Holocaust überlebt und große Spiele geleitet, darunter Deutschland gegen Österreich 1978. „Der Schiedsrichter muss ohne Rücksicht auf Gefühle pfeifen“, sagt er. Wie ist das möglich? </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Itay Goder, Haifa</div> <div class="text-14">10.10.2024 06:26 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Zähne zeigen gegen Internetkonzerne" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Brasilien gegen X<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Zähne zeigen gegen Internetkonzerne </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Die Fälle Brasilien gegen X und Frankreich gegen Telegram zeigen: Demokratien haben Mittel gegen Plattformen, die sich verhalten, als stünden sie über dem Recht. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Reinhard Veser</div> <div class="text-14">09.10.2024 15:48 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Brasiliens höchstes Gericht hebt X-Sperre wieder auf" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Nach mehr als einem Monat<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Brasiliens höchstes Gericht hebt X-Sperre wieder auf </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Der Onlinedienst sei nicht angemessen gegen die Verbreitung von Hassreden vorgegangen und habe keinen rechtlichen Vertreter für Brasilien benannt, begründete Bundesrichter Alexandre de Moraes die Stilllegung Ende August. Nun seien alle Voraussetzungen für eine Wiederaufnahme des Betriebs erfüllt. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">09.10.2024 10:00 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> <h3 class="mt-40 mb-30 text-20 md:text-23 font-semibold uppercase text-center">Verwandte Themen</h3> <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-5 justify-center mb-40"> <a href="/aktuell/rhein-main/thema/frankfurter-polizei" class="rounded-full text-14 font-semibold px-12 py-5 bg-mg-dark dark:bg-[#000000] text-white" > Frankfurter Polizei </a> <a href="/aktuell/politik/thema/wolodymyr-selenskyj" class="rounded-full text-14 font-semibold px-12 py-5 bg-mg-dark dark:bg-[#000000] text-white" > Wolodymyr Selenskyj </a> <a href="/aktuell/politik/thema/olaf-scholz" class="rounded-full text-14 font-semibold px-12 py-5 bg-mg-dark dark:bg-[#000000] text-white" > Olaf Scholz </a> <a href="/aktuell/politik/thema/spd" class="rounded-full text-14 font-semibold px-12 py-5 bg-mg-dark dark:bg-[#000000] text-white" > SPD </a> <a href="/aktuell/gesellschaft/thema/waldbraende-amazonas-regenwald" class="rounded-full text-14 font-semibold px-12 py-5 bg-mg-dark dark:bg-[#000000] text-white" > Waldbrände im Amazonas-Regenwald </a> <a href="/aktuell/politik/thema/polizei" class="rounded-full text-14 font-semibold px-12 py-5 bg-mg-dark dark:bg-[#000000] text-white" > Polizei </a> </div> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-28 gap-y-40 mb-40" items="{"18":[],"19":[],"20":[],"21":[],"22":[],"23":[],"24":[],"25":[],"26":[]}"> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Oberstes Gericht in Brasilien hebt X-Sperre auf" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Millionenstrafe bezahlt<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Oberstes Gericht in Brasilien hebt X-Sperre auf </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Nach einem wochenlangen Streit mit Tech-Milliardär Musk hat die brasilianische Justiz ein Bußgeld von rund 4.7 Millionen Euro eingetrieben. Jetzt wird die Plattform X in dem südamerikanischen Land wieder freigegeben. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">09.10.2024 02:06 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Bolsonaro-Lager feiert Erfolge bei Kommunalwahlen in Brasilien" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Linke Regierung abgestraft<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Bolsonaro-Lager feiert Erfolge bei Kommunalwahlen in Brasilien </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Die Wahlen galten als Stimmungstest für die linke Regierung von Lula da Silva, gewonnen haben viele Kandidaten des rechten Ex-Präsidenten Bolsonaro. Auch dessen Sohn Carlos errang einen wichtigen Sieg. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">07.10.2024 09:23 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Trockenheit im Amazonas-Gebiet sorgt für Ausnahmezustand" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Brasilien<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Trockenheit im Amazonas-Gebiet sorgt für Ausnahmezustand </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Bei Pegelmessungen kam es zu teils historischen Tiefstwerten. In manchen Regionen gibt es dadurch eine erschwerte Versorgung von Medikamenten und Lebensmitteln. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">05.10.2024 12:01 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="X beantragt Aufhebung von Sperre in Brasilien" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Millionenstrafe bezahlt<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> X beantragt Aufhebung von Sperre in Brasilien </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Das Unternehmen von Elon Musk beantragt abermals die Aufhebung der Sperre in Brasilien, nachdem es alle Strafen beglichen hat. Die Plattform war wegen Nichteinhaltung gerichtlicher Vorgaben stillgelegt worden. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">04.10.2024 22:03 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Warum Orangensaft so teuer ist" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Steigende Preise<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Warum Orangensaft so teuer ist </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Seit Monaten hat es in weiten Teilen Brasiliens nicht geregnet. Der Branchenverband VdF spricht von der schwierigsten Situation „seit mehr als 50 Jahren“. Steigen die Preise noch weiter? </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Stefanie Diemand, Martin Hock</div> <div class="text-14">04.10.2024 18:42 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Wie Brasilien zur Torhüter-Nation wurde" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Ederson bis Kauã Santos<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Wie Brasilien zur Torhüter-Nation wurde </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Dida, Alisson Becker, Ederson – und nun Frankfurts Kauã Santos? Brasiliens Torhüter sind zu Exportschlagern geworden. Warum das Land der Stürmer und Spielmacher zuletzt die Keeper für sich entdeckt hat. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tobias Käufer, Rio de Janeiro</div> <div class="text-14">29.09.2024 11:26 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Ein halber Kontinent in Rauch und Flammen" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Schwere Dürre in Südamerika<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Ein halber Kontinent in Rauch und Flammen </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Es ist eine der schwersten Dürre in der Geschichte des Kontinents: Südamerika trocknet aus. Flüsse verkümmern zu Rinnsalen. Von Amazonien bis Argentinien brennen die Wälder. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tjerk Brühwiller, São Paulo</div> <div class="text-14">24.09.2024 18:56 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="„KI-Bilder werden niemals eine Seele haben!“" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Sebastião Salgado im Gespräch<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> „KI-Bilder werden niemals eine Seele haben!“ </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Seine Fotografie gleicht Gesang: Interview mit dem brasilianischen Lichtkünstler Sebastião Salgado anlässlich der Aufführung seiner Amazonas-Bilder zur Musik von Heitor Villa-Lobos in der Alten Oper Frankfurt. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Elen Mary Machado und Robert Wenkemann</div> <div class="text-14">21.09.2024 08:51 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Alles auf Anfang" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Überschwemmungen Brasilien<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Alles auf Anfang </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Nicht nur hierzulande sorgen Überschwemmungen immer wieder für Chaos und fordern Menschenleben. Auch in Brasilien haben wiederkehrende Überschwemmungen, wie zuletzt im Mai diesen Jahres, große Auswirkungen auf die Menschen und die Landwirtschaft. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">20.09.2024 10:50 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> <h3 class="mt-40 mb-30 text-20 md:text-23 font-semibold font-sans uppercase text-center">Leserfavoriten</h3> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 gap-28 pb-40 mb-40 border-b border-b-grey-700 dark:border-b-[#555555]"> <div> <h4 class="text-13 uppercase flex items-center gap-8 mb-10"> <svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17" xmlns="" class="fill-mg-dark dark:fill-white"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.6844 10.9956C10.7579 10.6838 10.9749 10.579 11.3333 10.6634C13.0025 11.0568 14.3333 12.0363 14.3333 13.6634C14.3333 13.9968 14.3333 14.3301 14 14.3301C13.3333 14.3301 13.3333 13.9968 13.3333 13.6634C13.3333 12.9684 12.6184 12.1362 11.1804 11.7974C10.822 11.713 10.6 11.354 10.6844 10.9956Z" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.54135 12.3325C2.93668 12.7356 2.66664 13.6634 2.66664 13.6634C2.66664 13.6634 2.66666 14.3301 1.99998 14.3301C1.63179 14.3301 1.66666 14.0316 1.66666 13.6634C1.66666 12.6348 1.9587 12.1185 2.80175 11.5564C3.64946 10.9913 4.78215 10.6634 5.99998 10.6634C7.21781 10.6634 8.3505 10.9913 9.1982 11.5564C10.0413 12.1185 10.3333 12.6348 10.3333 13.6634C10.3333 14.0316 10.3682 14.3301 9.99998 14.3301C9.33331 14.3301 9.33332 13.9968 9.33331 13.6634C9.33329 13.2193 9.06327 12.7356 8.4586 12.3325C7.8586 11.9325 6.99129 11.6634 5.99998 11.6634C5.00867 11.6634 4.14136 11.9325 3.54135 12.3325Z" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.33331 3.66343C9.33331 3.15716 9.33331 2.99677 9.99998 2.99677C11.8409 2.99677 13.3333 4.48915 13.3333 6.3301C13.3333 8.17105 11.8409 9.66343 9.99998 9.66343C9.33331 9.66343 9.33331 9.36495 9.33331 8.99676C9.33331 8.74222 9.63179 8.66343 9.99998 8.66343C11.1045 8.66343 12.3333 7.43467 12.3333 6.3301C12.3333 5.22553 11.1045 3.99677 9.99998 3.99677C9.63179 3.99677 9.33331 4.03162 9.33331 3.66343Z" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.99998 3.99677C4.66664 3.99677 3.66664 5.06898 3.66664 6.3301C3.66664 7.66343 4.66664 8.66343 5.99998 8.66343C7.25739 8.66343 8.33331 7.66343 8.33331 6.3301C8.33331 5.07839 7.33331 3.99677 5.99998 3.99677ZM2.66664 6.3301C2.66664 4.48915 4.15903 2.99677 5.99998 2.99677C7.84093 2.99677 9.33331 4.48915 9.33331 6.3301C9.33331 8.17105 7.84093 9.66343 5.99998 9.66343C4.15903 9.66343 2.66664 8.17105 2.66664 6.3301Z" /> </svg> Meistgelesen </h4> <ol> <li> <a href="" alt="Habeck kritisiert deutsche Ukrainehilfen als „immer zu spät“"> <div class="mb-15"> <img src="" alt="Habeck kritisiert deutsche Ukrainehilfen als „immer zu spät“" class="w-full"> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Ukraine-Liveblog<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium text-17" item="[]"> Habeck kritisiert deutsche Ukrainehilfen als „immer zu spät“ </h3> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" alt="„Checker Tobi“-Erfinder Johannes Honsell ist tot"> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Mit 45 Jahren gestorben<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium text-17" item="[]"> „Checker Tobi“-Erfinder Johannes Honsell ist tot </h3> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" alt="GDL kündigt Streik für Mittwoch und Donnerstag an"> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Lokführergewerkschaft<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium text-17" item="[]"> GDL kündigt Streik für Mittwoch und Donnerstag an </h3> </a> </li> </ol> </div> <div> <h4 class="text-13 uppercase flex items-center gap-8 mb-10"> <svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17" xmlns="" class="fill-mg-dark dark:fill-white"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 1.83008C10.6193 1.83008 9.5 2.94937 9.5 4.33008C9.5 4.55437 9.52954 4.77177 9.58494 4.97859L5.96738 6.78737C5.50969 6.2045 4.79857 5.83008 4 5.83008C2.61929 5.83008 1.5 6.94937 1.5 8.33008C1.5 9.71079 2.61929 10.8301 4 10.8301C4.79857 10.8301 5.50969 10.4557 5.96738 9.87279L9.58494 11.6816C9.52954 11.8884 9.5 12.1058 9.5 12.3301C9.5 13.7108 10.6193 14.8301 12 14.8301C13.3807 14.8301 14.5 13.7108 14.5 12.3301C14.5 10.9494 13.3807 9.83008 12 9.83008C11.2014 9.83008 10.4903 10.2045 10.0326 10.7874L6.41506 8.97859C6.47046 8.77177 6.5 8.55437 6.5 8.33008C6.5 8.10578 6.47046 7.88838 6.41506 7.68156L10.0326 5.87279C10.4903 6.45566 11.2014 6.83008 12 6.83008C13.3807 6.83008 14.5 5.71079 14.5 4.33008C14.5 2.94937 13.3807 1.83008 12 1.83008ZM10.5 4.33008C10.5 3.50165 11.1716 2.83008 12 2.83008C12.8284 2.83008 13.5 3.50165 13.5 4.33008C13.5 5.15851 12.8284 5.83008 12 5.83008C11.1716 5.83008 10.5 5.15851 10.5 4.33008ZM2.5 8.33008C2.5 7.50165 3.17157 6.83008 4 6.83008C4.82843 6.83008 5.5 7.50165 5.5 8.33008C5.5 9.15851 4.82843 9.83008 4 9.83008C3.17157 9.83008 2.5 9.15851 2.5 8.33008ZM12 10.8301C11.1716 10.8301 10.5 11.5017 10.5 12.3301C10.5 13.1585 11.1716 13.8301 12 13.8301C12.8284 13.8301 13.5 13.1585 13.5 12.3301C13.5 11.5017 12.8284 10.8301 12 10.8301Z" /> </svg> Meistgeteilt </h4> <ol> </ol> </div> </div> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-28 gap-y-40 mb-40" items="{"27":[],"28":[],"29":[],"30":[],"31":[],"32":[],"33":[],"34":[],"35":[]}"> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Allesfresser für Lithiumhydroxid geht in Betrieb" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Lithium-Raffinerie<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Allesfresser für Lithiumhydroxid geht in Betrieb </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> In Bitterfeld-Wolfen läuft die erste Lithium-Raffinerie in Europa. Der Metallurgiekonzern AMG will hier bis zu 100.000 Tonnen Lithiumhydroxid für Batterien von Elektroautos pro Jahr produzieren. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Stefan Paravicini, Bitterfeld-Wolfen</div> <div class="text-14">18.09.2024 08:28 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Bedrohte Schönheit" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Amazônia-Festival<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Bedrohte Schönheit </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Das dreitägige Festival „Amazônia. The World of Sebastião Salgado“ in der Alten Oper Frankfurt blickt auf das Engagement des weltberühmten Fotografen für den brasilianischen Regenwald. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Christian Riethmüller</div> <div class="text-14">17.09.2024 11:03 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Bolsonaros Wähler gehen fremd" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Wahl in São Paulo<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Bolsonaros Wähler gehen fremd </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Der Millionär Pablo Marçal ist Bürgermeisterkandidat für São Paulo und begeistert viele Anhänger von Ex-Präsident Bolsonaro. Dessen Kandidat ist ihnen zu liberal. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tjerk Brühwiller, São Paulo</div> <div class="text-14">16.09.2024 21:54 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Rio statt Warschau" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Schwesig auf Reisen<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Rio statt Warschau </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Manuela Schwesig reist als Bundesratspräsidentin nach Brasilien. Warschau wird sie in dieser Funktion voraussichtlich nicht mehr besuchen. Das liegt wohl an ihrer früheren Russlandpolitik. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Julian Staib, Hamburg</div> <div class="text-14">13.09.2024 22:16 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Der Gigant Brasilien wankt" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> WM-Qualifikation in Südamerika<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Der Gigant Brasilien wankt </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Brasiliens Edelkicker finden keinen Weg aus ihrer Krise. In der südamerikanischen WM-Qualifikation droht sogar das Undenkbare. Schwingt sich Neymar zum Retter auf? </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tobias Käufer</div> <div class="text-14">11.09.2024 15:42 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Elon Musks brasilianischer Albtraum" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7703 0.579102H2.26531C2.26531 0.579102 0 0.579102 0 2.84432V18.3139C0 18.3139 0 20.5791 2.26531 20.5791H17.7268C17.7268 20.5791 19.9921 20.5791 19.9921 18.3139V2.84432C20.0356 2.84432 20.0356 0.579102 17.7703 0.579102Z" fill="#E8EDEE" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.892 4.38846C10.5391 4.38846 10.1793 4.33556 9.81191 4.2298C9.44395 4.124 8.96812 3.96532 8.38443 3.75375C7.74998 3.52195 7.22884 3.35086 6.82097 3.23994C6.41313 3.12903 6.00255 3.07373 5.58987 3.07373C4.92521 3.07373 4.35602 3.20731 3.88293 3.47419C3.4092 3.74106 3.05422 4.09137 2.81797 4.52448C2.58141 4.95758 2.46298 5.41094 2.46298 5.88456C2.46298 6.46878 2.62672 6.93997 2.95394 7.29754C3.28081 7.65508 3.68656 7.83401 4.16993 7.83401C4.71374 7.83401 5.1518 7.65265 5.48414 7.28998L5.42371 7.1842C5.08111 7.38577 4.72341 7.48644 4.35119 7.48644C3.92825 7.48644 3.58565 7.35557 3.32401 7.09351C3.06177 6.83149 2.93126 6.49418 2.93126 6.081C2.93126 5.6479 3.06934 5.31786 3.34667 5.09118C3.62341 4.86448 4.00378 4.75115 4.48715 4.75115C4.84968 4.75115 5.21978 4.80917 5.59741 4.92495C5.97506 5.0407 6.44061 5.20964 6.9947 5.43119C7.57839 5.67298 8.07476 5.85433 8.48263 5.97522C8.89047 6.09612 9.2956 6.15657 9.69864 6.15657C10.2322 6.15657 10.7004 6.03326 11.1035 5.78633C11.5059 5.53938 11.821 5.21721 12.0476 4.81915C12.2742 4.4211 12.4122 3.99041 12.463 3.52709C12.2714 3.83929 12.06 4.06114 11.8285 4.19202C11.5965 4.32288 11.2847 4.38846 10.892 4.38846ZM15.6306 7.41436V10.0394H18.1525V10.9487H15.6306V13.6019H14.6744V10.9487H12.1525V10.0394H14.6744V7.41436H15.6306ZM8.63335 8.51851C8.74876 8.27157 8.91492 8.06757 9.13183 7.90648C9.34815 7.74538 9.5974 7.66468 9.87957 7.66468C10.1714 7.66468 10.4007 7.75021 10.5669 7.92157C10.733 8.09295 10.8161 8.3145 10.8161 8.58651C10.8161 8.83827 10.7303 9.05258 10.5593 9.22878C10.3877 9.40499 10.1914 9.49324 9.9702 9.49324C9.74845 9.49324 9.56447 9.42282 9.41885 9.28167C9.27262 9.14053 9.19982 8.95918 9.19982 8.73762C9.19982 8.53603 9.24997 8.37495 9.35087 8.25405C9.15933 8.34473 9.011 8.49071 8.90525 8.69231C8.79953 8.8939 8.74585 9.11377 8.74665 9.34212C8.74698 9.43792 8.76174 9.52345 8.76174 9.52345C9.09406 9.84596 9.35298 10.1681 9.53969 10.4906C9.72578 10.8131 9.81916 11.1858 9.81916 11.6089C9.81916 12.0825 9.69557 12.4854 9.44906 12.8179C9.20192 13.1503 8.83727 13.4879 8.35388 13.8304C7.97082 14.0924 7.67898 14.3244 7.47776 14.5713C7.27595 14.8182 7.13032 15.0515 7.03969 15.3537C6.79801 14.9103 6.5282 14.5857 6.23153 14.3642C5.93425 14.1427 5.58411 14.054 5.18168 14.054C4.71826 14.054 4.33304 14.1777 4.0261 14.47C3.71855 14.7622 3.56538 15.1668 3.56538 15.6407C3.56538 16.0131 3.66084 16.3558 3.85238 16.6683C4.04332 16.9802 4.31796 17.2275 4.67566 17.4088C5.03276 17.5902 5.45359 17.6808 5.93696 17.6808C6.57142 17.6808 7.13517 17.507 7.62882 17.1595C8.12188 16.8119 8.52489 16.351 8.83727 15.7767L8.98833 15.8523C8.86749 16.2246 8.66083 16.5825 8.369 16.9252C8.07656 17.2674 7.71191 17.5448 7.27383 17.7564C6.83577 17.968 6.35449 18.0738 5.83123 18.0738C5.28745 18.0738 4.80132 17.955 4.37354 17.7186C3.94514 17.4817 3.60796 17.154 3.36145 16.7363C3.11431 16.318 2.99135 15.842 2.99135 15.3083C2.99135 14.724 3.10948 14.1999 3.34635 13.7366C3.58259 13.2733 3.90524 12.913 4.31313 12.6561C4.72097 12.3992 5.16658 12.2707 5.64996 12.2707C6.59618 12.2707 7.39196 12.7423 8.03666 13.6188C8.18772 13.3368 8.26325 13.0497 8.26325 12.7574C8.26325 12.4047 8.17262 12.1025 7.99136 11.8507C7.81007 11.599 7.5279 11.2967 7.14544 10.944C6.73214 10.561 6.41764 10.2135 6.20132 9.90126C5.98441 9.58905 5.87655 9.20611 5.87655 8.75276C5.87655 8.29936 5.98984 7.916 6.21643 7.55846C6.44302 7.2009 6.71221 6.90864 7.02459 6.68195C7.33638 6.45529 7.63365 6.29659 7.91582 6.20593C7.74423 6.39726 7.60072 6.6064 7.48532 6.83308C7.36931 7.05976 7.31161 7.27375 7.31161 7.47535C7.31161 7.80779 7.40434 8.07786 7.59105 8.3296C7.77716 8.58138 8.06688 8.88875 8.45964 9.25144C8.45964 9.00965 8.51734 8.76544 8.63335 8.51851Z" fill="#110A35" /> </svg> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Alexandre de Moraes<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Elon Musks brasilianischer Albtraum </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Die Plattform X ist in Brasilien gesperrt. Es ist das Resultat einer Eskalation zwischen Elon Musk und dem brasilianischen Richter Alexandre de Moraes. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Tjerk Brühwiller</div> <div class="text-14">08.09.2024 19:22 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Jazz und Samba" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Zum Tod von Sergio Mendes<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Jazz und Samba </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Er war Brasiliens Kulturbotschafter: Sergio Mendes spielte sechzig Jahre lang Samba und Bossa Nova nach dem Prinzip der kommunizierenden Röhren. Nun ist er gestorben. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14 font-semibold">Wolfgang Sander</div> <div class="text-14">08.09.2024 16:33 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Bolsonaro mobilisiert Tausende Anhänger gegen Richter" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Nach X-Sperrung in Brasilien<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Bolsonaro mobilisiert Tausende Anhänger gegen Richter </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Ein brasilianischer Bundesrichter lässt die Nachfolge-Plattform von Twitter sperren. Der frühere Präsident Bolsonaro nennt ihn einen „Diktator“ und fordert seine Absetzung. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">08.09.2024 07:20 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> <article> <a href="" class="group nohover"> <div class="min-h-[169px] mb-15" item="[]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <img src="" alt="Co-Pilot sprach vor Absturz über „viel Eis“" class="w-full" loading="lazy"> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> </div> <div class="flex gap-8 items-center min-h-[21px]"> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="text-13 text-grey-300 uppercase dark:text-[#AAAAAA]" item="[]"> Flugzeugunglück in Brasilien<span class="hidden">:</span> </div> </div> <h3 class="text-22 font-serif mb-8 leading-26 font-medium group-hover:opacity-50" item="[]"> Co-Pilot sprach vor Absturz über „viel Eis“ </h3> <p class="text-14 font-serif mb-8"> Anfang August waren bei einem Flugzeugabsturz in Brasilien 62 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Kurz vor dem Unglück sprachen die Piloten über Probleme bei der Enteisung der Maschine. </p> <div class="flex gap-10 flex-wrap"> <div class="text-14">07.09.2024 16:46 Uhr</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> <nav class="my-40 text-17 pb-20 border-b border-b-grey-700"> <ul class="flex items-center gap-13 w-max mx-auto "> <li> <a href=""> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 13" fill="none" xmlns="" class="w-16 h-13 rotate-180"> <path d="M1.33331 6.33004H14.6666M14.6666 6.33004L9.33331 0.996704M14.6666 6.33004L9.33331 11.6634" stroke="#8E8E8E" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="w-24 h-24 flex justify-center items-center rounded-full"> 1 </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="w-24 h-24 flex justify-center items-center rounded-full w-38 h-38 bg-grey-900 dark:bg-[#393939] font-bold"> 2 </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="w-24 h-24 flex justify-center items-center rounded-full"> 3 </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="w-24 h-24 flex 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2.007-1.959-.452-.225-.783-.49-.992-.798-.21-.306-.313-.766-.313-1.378zm-76.558 14.46c-.58 0-1.04-.219-1.377-.654-.34-.435-.508-1.023-.508-1.765v-10.687c0-1.483.065-2.547.194-3.192.127-.645.355-1.144.675-1.499l2.226 1.983c.322.29.556.597.702.92.145.321.217.756.217 1.304v12.428c-.356.387-.694.678-1.017.871a2.12 2.12 0 0 1 -1.112.29zm7.206-14.46c0-.902.21-1.628.63-2.176-.806-.452-1.742-1.177-2.805-2.176-1.064-1-1.838-1.806-2.321-2.418-1.194 1.064-3.225 2.16-6.094 3.288-1.194.452-2.088 1.088-2.684 1.91-.597.823-.895 1.975-.895 3.458v12.138c0 1.257.387 2.28 1.16 3.071.773.79 2.144 1.668 4.111 2.635.839-1.386 2.112-3.046 3.82-4.98v1.16c0 .677.114 1.33.34 1.958.225.63.531 1.33.918 2.104.356.741.629 1.378.822 1.071.29 1.62 0 1.191-.428 2.152-1.281 2.877-.855.726-1.942 1.088-3.264 1.088-1.678 0-2.823-.419-3.435- 0 1.444-.217 1.911-.652.467-.436.701-1.024.701-1.766s-.25-1.347-.75-1.813c-.5-.468-1.12-.7-1.862-.7s-1.362.29-1.862.87-.748 1.272-.748 2.08c0 1.223.5 2.247 1.499 3.07.999.822 2.37 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1.161-.145 1.547a3.18 3.18 0 0 1 -.483 1.064c.514.355 1.264 1.016 2.249 1.983.983.967 1.796 1.838 2.441 2.611l5.078-5.27c.098 1.191.412 2.192.944 2.998.532.805 1.347 1.562 2.442 2.272.387-.646.974-1.418 1.765-2.32.79-.904 1.54-1.66 2.25-2.274-.743 0-1.324-.217-1.743-.653-.417-.435-.627-1.04-.627-1.813v-12.815zm-71.09 14.46c-.582 0-1.04-.219-1.38-.654-.339-.435-.508-1.023-.508-1.765v-10.687c0-1.483.066-2.547.195-3.192.128-.645.355-1.144.677-1.499l1.788 1.548c.517.451.871.862 1.064 1.426v12.428c-.355.387-.694.678-1.015.871-.322.193-.694.29-1.112.29zm7.206-14.46c0-.902.209-1.628.628-2.176-.806-.452-1.742-1.177-2.806-2.176-1.064-1-1.837-1.806-2.32-2.418-1.194 1.064-3.224 2.16-6.095 3.288-1.193.452-2.088 1.088-2.684 1.91-.596.823-.895 1.975-.895 3.458v12.138c0 1.257.395 2.313 1.185 3.167s2.153 1.748 4.088 2.684c.87-1.482 2.159-3.208 3.869-5.174.128 1.16.452 2.135.967 2.926.514.79 1.321 1.538 2.417 2.248.388-.646.976-1.418 1.766-2.32.79-.904 1.54-1.66 2.248-2.274-.74 0-1.322-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.628-1.04-.628-1.813zm123.514-6.819c-.677 1.032-1.403 1.548-2.175 1.548-.322 0-.661-.162-1.016-.484a4.974 4.974 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.782 1.298-1.38 2.152a43.188 43.188 0 0 1 -1.667 2.248c-.194-.935-.548-1.748-1.065-2.442-.516-.693-1.256-1.346-2.225-1.958-.387.645-.975 1.418-1.764 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.25 2.273.743 0 1.322.218 1.742.653.418.435.628 1.04.628 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306s-.5.58-.918.87c.547.42 1.24 1.088 2.078 1.469 1.78 1.887 2.587.483-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.957 11.957 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.901-.096-1.579-.29-2.03-.58-.453-.29-.767-.758-.944-1.403s-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.839.612 1.694.92 2.564.92.742 0 1.45-.323 2.127-.968s1.225-1.49 1.644-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm-41.88 0c-.677 1.032-1.401 1.548-2.175 1.548-.323 0-.661-.162-1.017-.484a5.012 5.012 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.781 1.298-1.379 2.152a44.368 44.368 0 0 1 -1.667 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2.587.484-.903 1.24-1.78 2.273-2.635a11.933 11.933 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.904-.096-1.58-.29-2.03-.58-.454-.29-.767-.758-.945-1.403-.176-.645-.265-1.595-.265-2.853v-14.749h2.996l1.064-1.45h-3.867c2.063-1.258 3.555-2.41 4.474-3.458s1.379-2.104 1.379-3.168zm244.71 25.195v-12.38c0-.645.047-1.16.144-1.547.096-.387.257-.742.484-1.064-.517-.355-1.267-1.016-2.248-1.983-.985-.967-1.798-1.838-2.444-2.61l-5.077 5.27c-.098-1.193-.411-2.193-.943-2.998-.533-.806-1.346-1.564-2.442-2.273-.387.645-.976 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.74 0 1.32.218 1.74.653s.628 1.04.628 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306-.193.29-.5.58-.919.87.517.387 1.17 1.04 1.96 1.96.788.917 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.45-.87 1.055-1.748 1.813-2.635.759-.887 1.428-1.54 2.009-1.959-.453-.225-.784-.49-.993-.798-.21-.306-.315-.766-.315-1.378v-13.347l.582-.339c.611-.386 1.224-.58 1.837-.58.483 0 .87.162 1.161.484.29.322.435.79.435 1.402v12.815c0 1.516.257 2.75.774 3.7.515.95 1.402 1.828 2.66 2.635.322-.613.879-1.37 1.668-2.272a21.008 21.008 0 0 1 2.346-2.322c-.741 0-1.322-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.63-1.04-.63-1.813zm-261.54-12.38c0-.645.049-1.16.145-1.547s.257-.742.484-1.064c-.517-.355-1.267-1.016-2.249-1.983-.984-.967-1.799-1.838-2.443-2.61l-5.078 5.27c-.097-1.193-.41-2.193-.943-2.998-.531-.806-1.346-1.564-2.441-2.273-.388.645-.977 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.74 0 1.32.218 1.74.653.419.435.629 1.04.629 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.096 1.016-.29 1.306s-.5.58-.92.87c.517.387 1.17 1.04 1.96 1.96.788.917 1.393 1.795 1.813 2.634.45-.87 1.056-1.748 1.814-2.635.757-.887 1.426-1.54 2.007-1.959-.453-.225-.782-.49-.992-.798-.21-.306-.315-.766-.315-1.378v-13.347l.581-.339c.612-.386 1.225-.58 1.838-.58.483 0 .87.162 1.16.484s.436.79.436 1.402v12.815c0 1.516.258 2.75.774 3.7s1.403 1.828 2.66 2.635c.322-.613.878-1.37 1.668-2.272a21.004 21.004 0 0 1 2.346-2.322c-.742 0-1.323-.217-1.74-.653-.42-.435-.63-1.04-.63-1.813zm-34.047-7.254c-.678 1.032-1.404 1.548-2.176 1.548-.322 0-.661-.162-1.017-.484a4.974 4.974 0 0 1 -.87-1.015c-.322.58-.781 1.298-1.378 2.152a43.188 43.188 0 0 1 -1.668 2.248c-.194-.935-.548-1.748-1.064-2.442-.517-.693-1.258-1.346-2.225-1.958-.388.645-.976 1.418-1.766 2.321-.79.902-1.54 1.66-2.248 2.273.741 0 1.322.218 1.74.653.42.435.63 1.04.63 1.813v12.815c0 .58-.098 1.016-.29 1.306-.194.29-.5.58-.92.87.549.42 1.241 1.088 2.08 2.007.838.92 1.468 1.78 1.887 2.587.482-.903 1.24-1.78 2.272-2.635a11.943 11.943 0 0 1 3.288-1.959c-.901-.096-1.578-.29-2.03-.58s-.766-.758-.944-1.403c-.177-.645-.266-1.595-.266-2.853v-11.364c.84.612 1.694.92 2.563.92.742 0 1.452-.323 2.129-.968.676-.645 1.225-1.49 1.643-2.539a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 .63-3.313zm64.805-10.397c-.259.452-.637.84-1.137 1.161-.5.322-.975.483-1.427.483-.998 0-1.95-.74-2.852-2.224-.71 1.612-1.685 2.918-2.926 3.917-1.241 1-2.556 1.5-3.942 1.5.194 1.128.29 2.965.29 5.512v1.112h-1.405l-1.063 1.451h2.468v31.916h.773v-3.529c0-2.258.427-4.135 1.282-5.634s1.862-2.555 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