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Please try again or request a new password using the &quot;Forgot your password?&quot; function."; StandardText['CwcEditOriginalValue'] = "Original content"; StandardText['SearchPrevious'] = "&lt;i class=&quot;icon itnav_prev&quot; title=&quot;Previous&quot;&gt; &lt;/i&gt;"; StandardText['Password'] = "Password"; StandardText['TableSortStringWrong'] = "The scroll setting for this table can no longer display its contents — back to Page 1"; StandardText['FurtherFilters'] = "Other filters"; StandardText['ActionBarTitleAction'] = "Actions"; StandardText['TableMultiactionDo'] = "Submit"; StandardText['ResetRanks'] = "Reset order of elements"; StandardText['Filter'] = "Filter"; StandardText['ShowNoDetails'] = "&lt;i&gt; &lt;span class=&quot;color-grey-m&quot;&gt;No details entered&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/i&gt;"; StandardText['CwcEditTextHelp'] = " "; StandardText['CheckCalenderEndDate'] = "End date"; StandardText['CheckCalenderDuration'] = "Duration"; StandardText['CwcSeparationEditableAttributes'] = "Attributes which can be edited"; StandardText['CwcConfigLevel'] = "Configuration-Level"; StandardText['DeleteAttachment'] = "Are you sure that you want to delete this file? This action cannot be undone."; StandardText['MultiActionWarning'] = "Would you like to assign the selected managers?"; StandardText['CwcSearchHierarchyName'] = "Search settings"; StandardText['Cancel'] = "Cancel"; StandardText['NextLinkText'] = "Next"; StandardText['SortDown'] = "Sort descending"; StandardText['CheckCalenderGrayLegend'] = "No participants available"; StandardText['TableDisplayOf'] = "of"; StandardText['CwcEditMAVisibilityHelp'] = " "; StandardText['AllFilters'] = "All filters"; StandardText['Search'] = "Search"; StandardText['CheckCalenderDura120'] = "2 hours"; StandardText['Answers'] = "Answers"; StandardText['CheckCalenderButton'] = "Check availabilities"; StandardText['FormCheckInfo'] = "Please fill out all the following fields"; StandardText['WizardPreviousStep'] = "previous step"; StandardText['EeocTextEthnicity'] = "Please click to view a definition of ethnicity."; StandardText['FontSizeMedium'] = "Default font"; StandardText['TableNavEntriesLoading'] = "Calculating overall results..."; StandardText['errorCaptchaLoading'] = "CAPTCHA image could not be loaded!"; StandardText['BookmarkNoSupportLink'] = "Click this link and, when the page has loaded, add it to your Favorites."; StandardText['SortUp'] = "Sort ascending"; StandardText['ActiveStyleTester'] = "Style tester active"; StandardText['OpenDocument'] = "Open document"; StandardText['CwcEditOnlyElementDelete'] = "( =&amp;gt; Delete the specific renamings at the top in order to use either the global renamings or the original contents of umantis after saving.)"; StandardText['WizardInfoCloseAfterSave'] = "After the adding you can close the browser window/browser tab and continue recording at the same place as you where before."; StandardText['CheckCalenderGreenLegend'] = "All participants are available"; StandardText['Since'] = "Since"; StandardText['CwcActives'] = "only active"; StandardText['BackToBrowsing'] = "Change search filters"; StandardText['OverviewFilterResetDefault'] = "Use default search terms"; StandardText['BrowsingAll'] = "All"; StandardText['DoNotSendAgain'] = "No, change now"; StandardText['TextBoxText'] = "Text box"; StandardText['ApplyingFilter'] = "Filter"; StandardText['CwcEditOnlyElementHelp'] = "Otherwise all the elements will be renamed with this original content."; StandardText['CwcOff'] = "off"; StandardText['BrowsingMissingFrom'] = "Criterion not defined in position requirements"; StandardText['OverviewSearchAdvanced'] = "Advanced search"; StandardText['OverviewDefaultFilter'] = "My default search terms"; StandardText['WizardHelpStopRecorder'] = "Stop recording"; StandardText['No'] = "No"; StandardText['BrowsingPositionToPersons'] = "Interactive search for suitable applicants"; StandardText['CwcOn'] = "on"; StandardText['CopyrightExtern'] = "a solution"; StandardText['DeleteButton'] = "Delete"; StandardText['AnswerQuestion'] = "Required question: Please answer this question"; StandardText['SingleButton'] = "Back"; StandardText['CWCSpecialGroupInfoText'] = "(special setting)"; StandardText['DateformatMJ'] = "Date format: MM/YYYY"; StandardText['TableNavigateBack'] = "No more data — please use the navigation bar to go back"; StandardText['NewCreateAndConnect'] = "Create and assign"; StandardText['CWCFilters'] = "Configure filters"; StandardText['SearchExcludedWords'] = "The following search terms are not included in the search"; StandardText['Freak'] = "Please &lt;a href=&quot;/Administration/Backup/Start&quot;&gt;save&lt;/a&gt; your view configuration before making any changes."; StandardText['NewNotifications'] = "New notifications"; StandardText['ConfirmDeleteEntry'] = "Are you sure that you want to delete this entry?"; StandardText['CwcPanelTitle'] = "Configure"; StandardText['DateRangeErrorMessage'] = "End date should be after the start date."; StandardText['CwcEditOnlyElement'] = "Specific renaming&lt;br&gt;(for this element only)"; StandardText['Yes'] = "yes"; StandardText['CheckCalenderRedLegend'] = "Not all participants are available"; StandardText['Calendar'] = "Calendar"; StandardText['SearchFirst'] = "&lt;i class=&quot;icon itnav_first&quot; title=&quot;First&quot;&gt; &lt;/i&gt;"; StandardText['NoCountAvailable'] = "The number of entries cannot be displayed. Please try again later."; StandardText['SideBarToggle'] = "Toggle sidebar"; StandardText['CwcNonSearchHierarchyHelpText'] = "The field does not use the hierarchy structure during the search"; StandardText['Close'] = "Close"; StandardText['InfoFormMustFields'] = "Please fill out all the required fields (*)"; StandardText['CwcConfigLevelCustomer'] = "Customer"; StandardText['CheckCalenderDura420'] = "7 hours"; StandardText['FirstLinkText'] = "First"; StandardText['OverviewSearchText'] = "Search for"; StandardText['WizardNextStep'] = "next step"; StandardText['BrowsingQuestsPoints'] = "or more points"; StandardText['Print'] = "Print preview"; StandardText['AllOrBrowsing'] = "Something from above"; StandardText['TableNoSearch1'] = "The entries have been &lt;b&gt;hidden&lt;/b&gt;. Please use search to display certain entries."; StandardText['Or'] = "or"; StandardText['DateformatTMJHM_en-us'] = "Date format: MM/DD/YYYY @ hh:mm TT"; StandardText['CheckCalenderDateRangeHelp'] = "Please reduce the period of time between start date and end date to a maximum of 60 days."; StandardText['CWCTableOrderByColumn'] = "Sort by"; StandardText['Logout'] = "Log out"; StandardText['MinutesText'] = "minutes"; StandardText['ShowHtmlAsPlainTextHeader'] = "Non-HTML message"; StandardText['CheckCalenderChoose'] = "Please select"; StandardText['Okay'] = "OK"; StandardText['TemporaryDesignActive'] = "New design is temporarily activated"; StandardText['ID'] = "ID"; StandardText['EeocTextDisability'] = "Please click to view a definition of disability."; StandardText['DeleteText'] = "delete"; StandardText['VariableFinderClose'] = "Deactivate Variable Finder"; StandardText['CWCTableSortColumn'] = "Sort in columns by default"; StandardText['And'] = "and"; StandardText['MultiActionMoreThan1000Selected'] = "Attention! More than 1000 elements selected."; StandardText['SendMultipleTimes'] = "Yes, send now"; StandardText['VariableFinderInfo'] = "Context-dependent variable(s)"; StandardText['CwcEdit'] = "Edit element"; StandardText['WhatToCheck'] = "select:"; StandardText['ProfilePictureText'] = "Profile picture"; StandardText['NoInternetConnectionMessage'] = "Please establish a connection to the Internet in order to continue working."; StandardText['ResetBrowsing'] = "Reset interactive search"; StandardText['Send'] = "Send"; StandardText['NoSelection'] = "No entry"; StandardText['MaxEntriesVisible'] = "The maximum number of entries is"; StandardText['TimePickerText'] = "Press the Enter key to open the time selection screen."; StandardText['OverviewSearchNoResultShort'] = "&lt;span class=&quot;color-grey-m&quot;&gt;&lt;i&gt;There are no entries that could be displayed.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/span&gt;"; StandardText['Open'] = "Open"; StandardText['SecondsText'] = "seconds"; StandardText['LastLinkText'] = "Last"; StandardText['OverviewCreatePersonSearchLink'] = "Create personal search link"; StandardText['FileAsDownload'] = "Call the file as a download"; StandardText['CheckVisibles'] = "display"; StandardText['ChangeFontSize'] = "Font size"; StandardText['CwcShowFields'] = "Display fields"; StandardText['ConfigurationAndSettings'] = "Configuration and settings"; StandardText['CalendarMonthNames'] = "January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December"; StandardText['Menu'] = "Menu"; StandardText['CwcEditMAVisibility'] = "Hide multiaction entry"; StandardText['CwcEditVisibilityHelp'] = "&amp;nbsp;"; StandardText['SessionTimeout'] = "Your session has expired!"; StandardText['CheckCalenderStartDate'] = "Start date"; StandardText['CheckBoxText'] = "Selection field"; StandardText['OverviewFilterReset'] = "Reset filter"; StandardText['OverviewSearchReset'] = "Reset search"; StandardText['SessionTimeoutDialog'] = "Dialog for duration of session"; StandardText['DropDownText'] = "Dropdown list box"; StandardText['FontSizeSmall'] = "Small font"; StandardText['CwcMainNavEdit'] = "Configure"; StandardText['LeavingDataUnsaved'] = "Data has been changed but not saved."; StandardText['BrowsingResetCriteriaHelp'] = "Please click on this arrow to reset each of the restrictions on the left (incl. subordinate restrictions)."; StandardText['EeocTextVeteran'] = "Please click to view a definition of veteran."; StandardText['Edit'] = "&lt;i class=&quot;icon iedit&quot; title=&quot;Edit&quot;&gt; &lt;/i&gt;"; StandardText['CheckCalenderDura60'] = "1 hour"; StandardText['NoInternetConnection'] = "No Internet connection!"; StandardText['CwcSelectLanguage'] = "Change language"; StandardText['WizardSaveLink'] = "&lt;i class=&quot;icon isave&quot;&gt; &lt;/i&gt;"; StandardText['CwcSearchHierarchyHelpText'] = "The field uses the hierarchy structure during the search"; StandardText['MultiSelectWarning'] = "Would you like to assign the selected HR expert?"; StandardText['Save'] = "Save"; StandardText['ConnectRemove'] = "Unassign"; StandardText['SessionPreTimeoutMessage'] = "Your session will end after this time, and you will be automatically logged out of the system. Any unsaved changes will be lost. Click on &quot;Extend session&quot; to stop automatic logout and extend your session."; StandardText['DatePickerText'] = "Press the Enter key to open the date selection screen."; StandardText['CheckCalenderDura180'] = "3 hours"; StandardText['CwcSeparationHide'] = "Visibility"; StandardText['CheckCalenderHelpText'] = "To use one of the times that was found, click on the appropriate field and select the duration. Note that the booking takes place only after the invitation mail is sent out."; StandardText['DateformatJ_default'] = ""; StandardText['CwcMainNavShow'] = "Close configuration mode"; StandardText['ErrorNoRights'] = "&lt;b&gt;No access permissions for the requested page&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;You have requested a page for which special access permissions are required.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Possible causes:&lt;br/&gt;&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;You followed a link which was not assigned to you.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;You are using a login name which has no permissions for this view.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;br/&gt;What you can try if you are logged in with an incorrect username:&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;?Logout=6&quot;&gt;Log in again&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;Return to the previous page.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;"; StandardText['StatusMessage'] = "Status erfolgreich angepasst"; StandardText['ShowConnectorTableDetailsAndEdit'] = "Details&amp;Change"; StandardText['SkipToActionBar'] = "Jump to action bar"; StandardText['TitleSearch'] = "Search"; StandardText['PDFHoverLabel'] = "Failed files"; StandardText['PleaseCheck'] = "Please confirm"; StandardText['HoursText'] = "hours"; StandardText['DeepSignTooltip'] = "Sign document with Deepsign"; StandardText['ConnectAdd'] = "Assign"; StandardText['Display'] = "Display applicant"; StandardText['CheckCalenderDura45'] = "45 minutes"; StandardText['OrderAsc'] = "upwards (a-z)"; StandardText['CalendarWeekDayNames'] = "Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun"; StandardText['BrowsingQuestsMoreThan'] = "&amp;nbsp;"; StandardText['OverviewFilterNoResult'] = "&lt;span class=&quot;color-grey-m&quot;&gt;&lt;i&gt;There are no entries that could be displayed.. You may wish to try the following:&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;Change your filter criteria&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;Reset the search to delete filter criteria&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;Check your use of upper and lower case&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;Use * as a wildcard to represent several characters, and ? for one character.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/span&gt;"; StandardText['OverviewSearchNoResult'] = "&lt;span class=&quot;color-grey-m&quot;&gt;&lt;i&gt;There are no entries that could be displayed.. You may wish to try the following:&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;Modify your search filters&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;Reset the search to delete search filters&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;Check your use of upper and lower case&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;Use * as a wildcard to represent several characters, and ? for one character.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/span&gt;"; StandardText['CwcConfigLevelUser'] = "User"; StandardText['BookmarkMake'] = "Create bookmark"; StandardText['Finish'] = "Back"; StandardText['CwcConfigLevelMandate'] = "Tenant"; StandardText['CheckAllToCheckSingleWarning'] = "The &quot;all&quot; option is deactivated as soon as any one entry is unselected. Then only the entries on the currently displayed page are selected."; StandardText['CheckCalenderDura300'] = "5 hours"; StandardText['ActionBarTitleSearch'] = "Search"; StandardText['Selected'] = "selected"; StandardText['BrowsingAgeFrom'] = "from"; StandardText['DateformatTMJ_en-us'] = "Date format: MM/DD/YYYY"; StandardText['TableMultiactionChoose'] = "Select action"; StandardText['Main'] = "Home"; StandardText['WizardInfoFillup'] = "Please fill in the necessary fields for the new step."; StandardText['ExtendedSearchTitle'] = "Advanced search"; StandardText['CreateJobPost'] = "Create job posting"; StandardText['DateformatTMJHM_default'] = "Date format: DD/MM/YYYY @ hh:mm"; StandardText['Login'] = "Username"; StandardText['CheckCalenderDura360'] = "6 hours"; StandardText['Settings'] = "Settings"; StandardText['OverviewDefaultSearch'] = "My default search terms"; StandardText['CwcHide'] = "Hide"; StandardText['SessionPostTimeoutMessage'] = "The current session was terminated due to inactivity. You can no longer save this form. Before leaving the page, save your changes locally if necessary to avoid loss of data."; StandardText['CwcShowLangIDs'] = "Display LangIDs"; StandardText['UserLanguageText'] = "User language"; StandardText['SessionTimeoutExtend'] = "Extend session"; StandardText['DropDownChoose'] = "Please select"; StandardText['Add'] = "Add"; StandardText['Collapse'] = "Collapse"; StandardText['Delete'] = "&lt;i class=&quot;icon idelete&quot; title=&quot;Delete&quot;&gt; &lt;/i&gt;"; StandardText['LinkCopied'] = "Link copied!"; StandardText['Extend'] = "Expand"; StandardText['WizardRecorderActive'] = "Wizard recording active"; StandardText['UncheckAll'] = "none"; StandardText['ShowConnectorTableRemove'] = "Remove"; StandardText['BrowsingAgeTo'] = "to"; StandardText['CheckCalenderDura30'] = "30 minutes"; StandardText['Sort'] = "Sorting:"; StandardText['CwcUnHide'] = "Show"; StandardText['OverviewBookmarkSearch'] = "Bookmark"; StandardText['SkipToMainContent'] = "Jump to main content"; StandardText['CheckCalenderDura480'] = "8 hours"; StandardText['ShortKeyInfo'] = "Shortcut key"; StandardText['SaveFilterSettings'] = "Save filter settings"; StandardText['EditText'] = "edit"; StandardText['OverviewSearchResetDefault'] = "Reset to default search terms"; StandardText['SearchLast'] = "&lt;i class=&quot;icon itnav_last&quot; title=&quot;Last&quot;&gt; &lt;/i&gt;"; StandardText['CwcAll'] = "all"; StandardText['BrowsingChosenCriteria'] = "Actions"; StandardText['CheckCalenderDura90'] = "1.5 hours"; StandardText['FontSizeLarge'] = "Large font"; StandardText['CheckCalenderDura15'] = "15 minutes"; StandardText['SkipToSearch'] = "Jump to search"; StandardText['CheckAll'] = "all"; StandardText['CaptchaInput'] = "CAPTCHA - Please enter the text below"; StandardText['CookieDisabled'] = "Your browser does not support cookies. Please activate cookie support in your web browser for full usage that is free of errors."; var ErrorHandling = new Object(); ErrorHandling['errorEmail'] = "Please enter a valid email address."; ErrorHandling['EditingFromListNotAllowed'] = "This page cannot be used to edit this dynamic list!"; ErrorHandling['errorViastoAuthorizationFailed'] = "The login at viasto failed. Please check the viasto login data in your user profile."; ErrorHandling['errorForbiddenFormat'] = "This file format is not allowed."; ErrorHandling['PMSExportExceedsMaxSize'] = "The data transfer has failed. The content to be transmitted exceeds the allowed maximum size."; ErrorHandling['errorNoZero'] = "You may not enter a value of 0."; ErrorHandling['SAPByDesignExportFailed'] = "The data transfer has failed."; ErrorHandling['errorFileName'] = "The file name contains invalid characters. Do not use brackets in a file name."; ErrorHandling['errorMyOnboarding500'] = "Internal server error. Please contact our support team."; ErrorHandling['TimeZoneGuessFailedAnonymous'] = "We could not determine your current time zone, so the time zone has been set to Europe/Zurich."; ErrorHandling['errorDate'] = "Please enter a valid date."; ErrorHandling['errorPassword'] = "The required password complexity is not fulfilled: Lowercase, uppercase, numbers, special characters"; ErrorHandling['errorSpecificFileName'] = "File has the wrong name. Please see the correct name below the document field."; ErrorHandling['errorPersonType'] = "PersonType_SysAdmin or PersonType_ReadOnlyAdmin not allowed."; ErrorHandling['setCWCFieldsError'] = "Error occurred while attempting to enable/disable CWC Fields."; ErrorHandling['errorViastoWhoAmIFailed'] = "An error occurred when loading the data for the current viasto profile."; ErrorHandling['errorNoPipe'] = "Please do not use the pipe character ‘|’ in your password."; ErrorHandling['errorNotAllowedSpecialCharacters'] = "Please note that the names of the cookies must not contain the following characters: ()&lt;&gt;'@;:&quot;/[]?={} or spaces."; ErrorHandling['errorMinNumber'] = "The number must be at least [errorMessageParam]."; ErrorHandling['errorIntegerPositive'] = "Please enter a positive numerical amount as a whole number."; ErrorHandling['JsonSchemaError'] = "Failed formula verification for uploaded JSON file. Please compare the content with the default file, add the missing elements and try again."; ErrorHandling['errorNoFile'] = "The link no longer exists, please check the path and save it again: [errorMessageParam]"; ErrorHandling['AddToPosFailed'] = "The application was only partially or not at all associated with the job. Therefore, the original application was not deleted. Please check the target job to see whether the new application was created and the data transferred."; ErrorHandling['errorFileCopyError'] = "An error occurred while the file was being uploaded - please repeat the procedure."; ErrorHandling['errorUseFunction'] = "The use of variable USE is not permitted."; ErrorHandling['errorViastoProjectError'] = "The video interview project could not be created."; ErrorHandling['errorUniqueCheck'] = "Your email address is already in the system. Please click on “Login” above."; ErrorHandling['errorPasswordChange'] = "The old and the new password do not differ."; ErrorHandling['AutoImportNoConnection'] = "Automatic import in the target system cannot be accessed currently."; ErrorHandling['noFutureDate'] = "Please enter a past date."; ErrorHandling['errorMaxNumber'] = "The number may not exceed [errorMessageParam]."; ErrorHandling['errorURL'] = "URL incorrect"; ErrorHandling['errorMaliciousUrl'] = "Suspicious elements have been detected in the URL, the page request will be canceled!"; ErrorHandling['errorSysadminReadonlyadmin'] = "User ID must not be &quot;[errorMessageParam]&quot;."; ErrorHandling['JobRoomCancelError'] = "The job cannot be withdrawn due to the status set on the RAV job board."; ErrorHandling['errorSendEmail'] = "The desired email delivery has unfortunately failed. There were no emails created. Please select the template again. "; ErrorHandling['ParamMissing'] = "Missing parameters"; ErrorHandling['PeopleDocError'] = "PeopleDoc error&lt;br/&gt;"; ErrorHandling['errorMimeTypeError'] = "The document type does not match the file extension."; ErrorHandling['errorMyOnboarding403'] = "Not authorized. The API key is incorrect."; ErrorHandling['errorFileVirusCheck'] = "The file is infected by a virus! Please check your system for viruses."; ErrorHandling['errorUniqueLogin'] = "This login is already available in the system."; ErrorHandling['errorUnallowedContent'] = "You have used unauthorized HTML tags."; ErrorHandling['errorMimeTypeRestriction'] = "&lt;span class=&quot;color-warn&quot;&gt;&lt;b&gt;The upload was not successful! The file does not meet the upload requirements&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/span&gt;."; ErrorHandling['ApplicationArchivedInvalidAction'] = "The application has been archived. It can no longer be forwarded to third parties."; ErrorHandling['errorFileFormat'] = "Invalid file format."; ErrorHandling['errorGeneralFileSize'] = "File is too large (maximum [errorMessageParam] megabytes allowed)."; ErrorHandling['LoginRejectNoMember'] = "Your entries are correct, but the administration has not yet released your access. Please wait for the corresponding notification."; ErrorHandling['TokenLoginFailed'] = "&lt;span class=&quot;color-warn&quot;&gt;&lt;b&gt;The login was not successful! Please try &lt;a href=&quot;/&quot;&gt;again&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/span&gt;."; ErrorHandling['AutoExportMissingConfig'] = "Automatic export is not sufficiently configured. "; ErrorHandling['errorFileEmpty'] = "An error occurred while transferring the file. Please resend it."; ErrorHandling['UnknownErrorInMultiaction'] = "An error occurred when attempting to perform this action. You may need to reduce the number of entries selected."; ErrorHandling['errorViastoProjectAlreadyPublished'] = "A project has already been created in viasto for the current job."; ErrorHandling['AutoExportNoConnection'] = "Automatic export from this system cannot be accessed currently."; ErrorHandling['errorSecureTokenFailed'] = "Form was not saved because the security token was not sent. (This also happens when you save twice.)"; ErrorHandling['errorGeneralFileSizeInfo'] = "File too big. The maximum is:"; ErrorHandling['errorCaptcha'] = "CAPTCHA verification failed!"; ErrorHandling['errorViastoCredentialsFailed'] = "The username and/or password for the viasto profile is missing. Please check the viasto login data in your user profile."; ErrorHandling['PermissionDenied'] = "Zugriff verweigert (fehlende Rolle)/Access denied (missing role)/Accès non autorisados ​​(rôle manquant)"; ErrorHandling['Branch3rdPartyAppraisalForbidden'] = "Forwarding to external third parties is not permitted for this branch office."; ErrorHandling['errorColorPicker'] = "The colour code should consist of 3, 6 or 8 characters, e.g.: #000, #000000, #00000000"; ErrorHandling['errorCheckDateRangeSense'] = "You have not entered any meaningful time period, please repeat your entry. &lt;br&gt;The two pieces of data must contain the same elements and the end date shall not be less than the start date. &lt;br&gt;(E.g. 12/12/2010 - 16/12/2010 or 10/2009 - 09/2010)"; ErrorHandling['LinkedInApiError'] = "The LinkedIn interface has returned an error: "; ErrorHandling['ErrorMyOnboarding'] = "The application could not be sent to myOnboarding. [MyOnboardingRestError]"; ErrorHandling['errorUseOwnEmail'] = "You have entered your own email address. Are you sure you want to invite your own email address for third-party assessment?"; ErrorHandling['errorMinLength'] = "Please enter at least [errorMessageParam] characters."; ErrorHandling['errorViastoProjectNotActive'] = "The video interview project is inactive. Applicants can only be added to an active video interview."; ErrorHandling['errorMyOnboarding424'] = "Failed. Haufe Onboarding could not connect to Haufe ATS API."; ErrorHandling['errorDecimal'] = "Please enter a valid decimal number"; ErrorHandling['noPastDate'] = "Please enter a future date."; ErrorHandling['errorNoSpecialCharacters'] = "Please do not use any special characters."; ErrorHandling['must'] = "Please specify."; ErrorHandling['LoginRejectNone'] = "Your entries are correct, but you will be managed as a non-member. Please notify the administration if this has happened in error."; ErrorHandling['errorViastoProjectURIMissing'] = "No link to a video interview project was found."; ErrorHandling['errorMyOnboarding401'] = "Not authorized. The API key is incorrect."; ErrorHandling['errorViastoProjectArchivingFailedBecauseOfActiveCandidates'] = "You cannot delete the video interview project, because active candidates still exist for it."; ErrorHandling['NoAccessRights'] = "You do not have access."; ErrorHandling['PeopleDocUnexpectedServerError'] = "Error in data transmission.&lt;br/&gt;Unexpected PeopleDoc server error."; ErrorHandling['removeHtmlTags'] = "Remove HTML tags from text type elements"; ErrorHandling['TimeZoneGuessFailedLoggedInUser'] = "We could not determine your current time zone, so the time zone has been set to Europe/Zurich. You can change your time zone in the settings for your profile."; ErrorHandling['errorViastoProjectMissing'] = "No corresponding video interview project was found in viasto."; ErrorHandling['errorListNoMultiSelect'] = "Please select only one value."; ErrorHandling['MaxSelectionExceeded'] = "You have not selected any entry for processing. Please reduce your selection to a maximum of [MaxSelectionEntries]."; ErrorHandling['NoSelection'] = "You have not selected any entries to be edited."; ErrorHandling['errorMaxLength'] = "You have entered more than [errorMessageParam] characters."; ErrorHandling['JobRoomUnknownRestError'] = "The AVAM interface has returned an error: "; ErrorHandling['errorViastoCandidateError'] = "The applicants could not be invited to the video interview."; ErrorHandling['errorUseEmailMultipleTime'] = "You have entered an email address that has already been invited for third-party assessment. Are you sure you want to invite this email address again?"; ErrorHandling['errorViastoCompanyAlreadyMapped'] = "The CompanyID of your viasto user is already assigned to another customer number. Please check your user profile in viasto."; ErrorHandling['errorPasswordConfirm'] = "The &quot;Password&quot; and &quot;Confirm password&quot; entries do not match."; ErrorHandling['errorIP'] = "Please enter a valid IP. The following formats can be used: or 127.0.*.* or as a range: or 127.0.*.*-127.1.*.*"; ErrorHandling['errorEmailMultiple'] = "Please enter a valid email address(es) separated with commas."; ErrorHandling['errorMyOnboarding400'] = "Invalid request. Incorrect format or missing data in the request."; ErrorHandling['errorViastoTokenAuthFailed'] = "Viasto authentication failed. Please check the viasto login data in your user profile."; ErrorHandling['LoginFailed'] = "Username or password incorrect&lt;br/&gt;The username, the password or the combination of both is not correct (please note case sensitivity)."; ErrorHandling['ErrorApiTimeout'] = "&lt;span class=&quot;color-warn&quot;&gt;&lt;b&gt;Provider could not be reached. Please enter your data manually or try again later.&lt;/span&gt;."; ErrorHandling['errorValidateViastoSettings'] = "The basic information for the interface is either incomplete or incorrect."; ErrorHandling['errorViastoProjectArchivingFailed'] = "The video interview project could not be archived."; ErrorHandling['errorNoSpace'] = "Please do not enter blanks."; ErrorHandling['errorInteger'] = "Please enter a numerical amount, in whole numbers, using digits."; ErrorHandling['errorMultiActionHash'] = "An unexpected error occurred while preparing the action. Please try again."; ErrorHandling['errorMyOnboarding409'] = "Conflict. The onboardee already exists in Haufe Onboarding"; ErrorHandling['errorTime'] = "Please enter a valid time."; var PasswordHandling = new Object(); PasswordHandling['PasswordMinLength'] = "4"; PasswordHandling['AdditionalPwdSecurity'] = ""; </script> <style id="antiClickjack"></style> <script nonce="MjAzOTU3OTEzOTU0MTU5MTA4MzMzMDI1NjkxMjA2NDQxMzgwMTky" type="text/javascript"> var domainList; domainList = $.trim(''); var parentURL = ( (parent !== window) ? document.referrer : document.location) + ''; // Location object -> string type cast // Framebuster should disable the embedding of the frame if it's url and embedder url dont // match or if the embedder url is not in the allowed domainlist of the security settings. // Embedding should work if there is no domain set in the security settings. if ((getDomainName(self.location.href) !== getDomainName(parentURL)) && (self !== top) && (domainList.indexOf(getDomainName(parentURL)) === -1) && domainList) { var antiClickjack = document.getElementById("antiClickjack"); 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