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class="vector-pinnable-header-toggle-button vector-pinnable-header-pin-button" data-event-name="">انقل للشريط الجانبي</button> <button class="vector-pinnable-header-toggle-button vector-pinnable-header-unpin-button" data-event-name="pinnable-header.vector-appearance.unpin">أخف</button> </div> </div> </div> </nav> </div> </div> <div id="bodyContent" class="vector-body" aria-labelledby="firstHeading" data-mw-ve-target-container> <div class="vector-body-before-content"> <div class="mw-indicators"> </div> </div> <div id="contentSub"><div id="mw-content-subtitle">→ <a href="/wiki/%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:Protection_banner/config" title="وحدة:Protection banner/config">وحدة:Protection banner/config</a></div></div> <div id="mw-content-text" class="mw-body-content"><p>ليس لك صلاحية تعديل هذه الصفحة، للسبب التالي: </p> <div class="permissions-errors"><div class="mw-permissionerror-globalblocking-blockedtext-range"><b>Your IP address is in a range that has been <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/Global blocks">blocked on all Wikimedia Foundation wikis</a>.</b> <p>المنع أجراه <a href="/wiki/%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%AE%D8%AF%D9%85:Jon_Kolbert" title="مستخدم:Jon Kolbert">‪Jon Kolbert‬</a> السبب المعطى هو <i><a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/NOP">Open proxy/Webhost</a>: See the <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:WM:OP/H">help page</a> if you are affected </i>. </p><p>بداية المنع: 15:12، 27 أغسطس 2023 انتهاء المنع: 15:12، 27 أغسطس 2028 </p><p>عنوان IP الحالي الخاص بك هو النطاق المحظور هو . </p><p>يرجى تضمين جميع التفاصيل المذكورة أعلاه في أي استفسارات تقوم بها. إذا كنت تعتقد أنه تم حظرك عن طريق الخطأ، يمكنك العثور على معلومات وإرشادات إضافية في السياسة العامة [[m:Special:MyLanguage/No open proxies ||لا وكلاء مفتوحين|]]. </p> خلاف ذلك، لمناقشة الحجب، يرجى <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Steward requests/Global">نشر طلب للمراجعة على ميتا ويكي</a>. You could also send an email to the <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/Stewards">stewards</a> <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/VRT">VRT</a> queue at <kbd></kbd> including all above details.</div></div><hr /> <p>نص الصفحة: </p><textarea readonly="" accesskey="," id="wpTextbox1" cols="80" rows="25" style="" class="mw-editfont-monospace" lang="en" dir="ltr" name="wpTextbox1">-- This module provides configuration data for [[وحدة:Protection banner]]. return { -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- BANNER DATA -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ -- Banner data consists of six fields: -- * text - the main protection text that appears at the top of protection -- banners. -- * explanation - the text that appears below the main protection text, used -- to explain the details of the protection. -- * tooltip - the tooltip text you see when you move the mouse over a small -- padlock icon. -- * link - the page that the small padlock icon links to. -- * alt - the alt text for the small padlock icon. This is also used as tooltip -- text for the large protection banners. -- * image - the padlock image used in both protection banners and small padlock -- icons. -- -- The module checks in three separate tables to find a value for each field. -- First it checks the banners table, which has values specific to the reason -- for the page being protected. Then the module checks the defaultBanners -- table, which has values specific to each protection level. Finally, the -- module checks the masterBanner table, which holds data for protection -- templates to use if no data has been found in the previous two tables. -- -- The values in the banner data can take parameters. These are specified -- using ${TEXTLIKETHIS} (a dollar sign preceding a parameter name -- enclosed in curly braces). -- -- Available parameters: -- -- ${CURRENTVERSION} - a link to the page history or the move log, with the -- display message "current-version-edit-display" or -- "current-version-move-display". -- -- ${EDITREQUEST} - a link to create an edit request for the current page. -- -- ${EXPLANATIONBLURB} - an explanation blurb, e.g. "Please discuss any changes -- on the talk page; you may submit a request to ask an administrator to make -- an edit if it is minor or supported by consensus." -- -- ${IMAGELINK} - a link to set the image to, depending on the protection -- action and protection level. -- -- ${INTROBLURB} - the PROTECTIONBLURB parameter, plus the expiry if an expiry -- is set. E.g. "Editing of this page by new or unregistered users is currently -- disabled until dd Month YYYY." -- -- ${INTROFRAGMENT} - the same as ${INTROBLURB}, but without final punctuation -- so that it can be used in run-on sentences. -- -- ${PAGETYPE} - the type of the page, e.g. "article" or "template". -- Defined in the cfg.pagetypes table. -- -- ${PROTECTIONBLURB} - a blurb explaining the protection level of the page, e.g. -- "Editing of this page by new or unregistered users is currently disabled" -- -- ${PROTECTIONDATE} - the protection date, if it has been supplied to the -- template. -- -- ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} - the protection level, e.g. "fully protected" or -- "semi-protected". -- -- ${PROTECTIONLOG} - a link to the protection log or the pending changes log, -- depending on the protection action. -- -- ${TALKPAGE} - a link to the talk page. If a section is specified, links -- straight to that talk page section. -- -- ${TOOLTIPBLURB} - uses the PAGETYPE, PROTECTIONTYPE and EXPIRY parameters to -- create a blurb like "This template is semi-protected", or "This article is -- move-protected until DD Month YYYY". -- -- ${VANDAL} - links for the specified username (or the root page name) -- using Module:Vandal-m. -- -- Functions -- -- For advanced users, it is possible to use Lua functions instead of strings -- in the banner config tables. Using functions gives flexibility that is not -- possible just by using parameters. Functions take two arguments, the -- protection object and the template arguments, and they must output a string. -- -- For example: -- -- text = function (protectionObj, args) -- if protectionObj.level == 'autoconfirmed' then -- return 'foo' -- else -- return 'bar' -- end -- end -- -- Some protection object properties and methods that may be useful: -- protectionObj.action - the protection action -- protectionObj.level - the protection level -- protectionObj.reason - the protection reason -- protectionObj.expiry - the expiry. Nil if unset, the string "indef" if set -- to indefinite, and the protection time in unix time if temporary. -- protectionObj.protectionDate - the protection date in unix time, or nil if -- unspecified. -- protectionObj.bannerConfig - the banner config found by the module. Beware -- of editing the config field used by the function, as it could create an -- infinite loop. -- protectionObj:isProtected - returns a boolean showing whether the page is -- protected. -- protectionObj:isTemporary - returns a boolean showing whether the expiry is -- temporary. -- protectionObj:isIncorrect - returns a boolean showing whether the protection -- template is incorrect. --]] -- The master banner data, used if no values have been found in banners or -- defaultBanners. masterBanner = { text = '${INTROBLURB}', explanation = '${EXPLANATIONBLURB}', tooltip = '${TOOLTIPBLURB}', link = '${IMAGELINK}', alt = 'صفحة ${PROTECTIONLEVEL}' }, -- The default banner data. This holds banner data for different protection -- levels. -- *required* - this table needs edit, move, autoreview and upload subtables. defaultBanners = { edit = {}, move = {}, autoreview = { autoconfirmed = { alt = 'Page protected with pending changes level 1', tooltip = 'All edits by unregistered and new users are subject to review prior to becoming visible to unregistered users', image = 'Pending-protection-shackle.svg' }, default = { alt = 'Page protected with pending changes', tooltip = 'All edits by unregistered and new users are subject to review prior to becoming visible to unregistered users', image = 'Pending-protection-shackle.svg' } }, upload = {} }, -- The banner data. This holds banner data for different protection reasons. -- In fact, the reasons specified in this table control which reasons are -- valid inputs to the first positional parameter. -- -- There is also a non-standard "description" field that can be used for items -- in this table. This is a description of the protection reason for use in the -- module documentation. -- -- *required* - this table needs edit, move, autoreview and upload subtables. banners = { edit = { blp = { description = 'For pages protected to promote compliance with the' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Biographies of living persons' .. '|biographies of living persons]] policy', text = '${INTROFRAGMENT} to promote compliance with' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Biographies of living persons' .. "|Wikipedia's&amp;nbsp;policy on&amp;nbsp;the&amp;nbsp;biographies" .. ' of&amp;nbsp;living&amp;nbsp;people]].', tooltip = '${TOOLTIPFRAGMENT} to promote compliance with the policy on' .. ' biographies of living persons', }, dmca = { description = 'For pages protected by the Wikimedia Foundation' .. ' due to [[قانون الألفية للملكية الرقمية]] takedown requests', explanation = function (protectionObj, args) local ret = 'Pursuant to a rights owner notice under the Digital' .. ' Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) regarding some content' .. ' in this article, the Wikimedia Foundation acted under' .. ' applicable law and took down and restricted the content' .. ' in question.' if args.notice then ret = ret .. ' A copy of the received notice can be found here: ' .. args.notice .. '.' end ret = ret .. ' For more information, including websites discussing' .. ' how to file a counter-notice, please see' .. " [[Wikipedia:Office actions]] and the article's ${TALKPAGE}." .. "'''Do not remove this template from the article until the" .. " restrictions are withdrawn'''." return ret end, image = 'Office-protection-shackle.svg', }, dispute = { description = 'For pages protected due to editing disputes', text = function (protectionObj, args) -- Find the value of "disputes". local display = 'disputes' local disputes if args.section then disputes = string.format( '[[%s:%s#%s|%s]]',[protectionObj.title.namespace], protectionObj.title.text, args.section, display ) else disputes = display end -- Make the blurb, depending on the expiry. local msg if type(protectionObj.expiry) == 'number' then msg = '${INTROFRAGMENT} or until editing %s have been resolved.' else msg = '${INTROFRAGMENT} until editing %s have been resolved.' end return string.format(msg, disputes) end, explanation = "This protection is '''not''' an endorsement of the" .. ' ${CURRENTVERSION}. ${EXPLANATIONBLURB}', tooltip = '${TOOLTIPFRAGMENT} due to editing disputes', }, ecp = { description = 'For articles in topic areas authorized by' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:مجلس التحكيم]] or' .. ' meets the criteria for community use', tooltip = '${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} ${PROTECTIONLEVEL}', alt = 'Extended-protected ${PAGETYPE}', }, mainpage = { description = 'For pages protected for being displayed on the [[الصفحة الرئيسة]]', text = 'This file is currently' .. ' [[Wikipedia:This page is protected|protected]] from' .. ' editing because it is currently or will soon be displayed' .. ' on the [[الصفحة الرئيسة]].', explanation = 'Images on the Main Page are protected due to their high' .. ' visibility. Please discuss any necessary changes on the ${TALKPAGE}.' .. '&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%;">' .. "'''Administrators:''' Once this image is definitely off the Main Page," .. ' please unprotect this file, or reduce to semi-protection,' .. ' as appropriate.&lt;/span>', }, office = { description = 'For pages protected by the Wikimedia Foundation', text = function (protectionObj, args) local ret = '${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} is currently under the' .. ' scrutiny of the' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Office actions|Wikimedia Foundation Office]]' .. ' and is protected.' if protectionObj.protectionDate then ret = ret .. ' It has been protected since ${PROTECTIONDATE}.' end return ret end, explanation = "If you can edit this page, please discuss all changes and" .. " additions on the ${TALKPAGE} first. '''Do not remove protection from this" .. " page unless you are authorized by the Wikimedia Foundation to do" .. " so.'''", image = 'Office-protection-shackle.svg', }, reset = { description = 'For pages protected by the Wikimedia Foundation and' .. ' "reset" to a bare-bones version', text = '${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} is currently under the' .. ' scrutiny of the' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Office actions|Wikimedia Foundation Office]]' .. ' and is protected.', explanation = function (protectionObj, args) local ret = '' if protectionObj.protectionDate then ret = ret .. 'On ${PROTECTIONDATE} ${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} was' else ret = ret .. '${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} has been' end ret = ret .. ' reduced to a' .. ' simplified, "bare bones" version so that it may be completely' .. ' rewritten to ensure it meets the policies of' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:وجهة النظر المحايدة]] and [[ويكيبيديا:إمكانية التحقق]].' .. ' Standard Wikipedia policies will apply to its rewriting—which' .. ' will eventually be open to all editors—and will be strictly' .. ' enforced. The ${PAGETYPE} has been ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} while' .. ' it is being rebuilt.\n\n' .. 'Any insertion of material directly from' .. ' pre-protection revisions of the ${PAGETYPE} will be removed, as' .. ' will any material added to the ${PAGETYPE} that is not properly' .. ' sourced. The associated talk page(s) were also cleared on the' .. " same date.\n\n" .. "If you can edit this page, please discuss all changes and" .. " additions on the ${TALKPAGE} first. '''Do not override" .. " this action, and do not remove protection from this page," .. " unless you are authorized by the Wikimedia Foundation" .. " to do so. No editor may remove this notice.'''" return ret end, image = 'Office-protection-shackle.svg', }, sock = { description = 'For pages protected due to' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:دمية جورب]]', text = '${INTROFRAGMENT} to prevent [[ويكيبيديا:دمية جورب]] of' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة المنع]] or' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الطرد]]' .. ' from editing it.', tooltip = '${TOOLTIPFRAGMENT} to prevent sock puppets of blocked or banned users from' .. ' editing it', }, template = { description = 'لقوالب ووحدات لوا ' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:قوالب حساسة|الحساسة]]', text = ' ${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} [[وب:سياسة الحماية|${PROTECTED}]] ,' .. ' لأنه [[ويكيبيديا:قوالب حساسة|حساس]].', explanation = 'Please discuss any changes on the ${TALKPAGE}; you may' .. ' ${EDITREQUEST} to ask an' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:إداريون]] or' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Template editor|template editor]] to make an edit if' .. ' it is [[مساعدة:Minor edit#When to mark an edit as a minor edit' .. '|uncontroversial]] or supported by' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:توافق]]. You can also' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:إخطار الإداريين/حماية]] that the page be' .. ' unprotected.', tooltip = '${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} ذو الحساسية العالية ${PROTECTED} مطلقا على مستوى ${PROTECTIONLEVEL}' .. ' لمنع التخريب', alt = '${PAGETYPE} ال${PROTECTED} أبدًا', }, usertalk = { description = 'For pages protected against disruptive edits by a' .. ' particular user', text = '${INTROFRAGMENT} to prevent ${VANDAL} from using it to make disruptive edits,' .. ' such as abusing the' .. ' &amp;#123;&amp;#123;[[قالب:رفع المنع]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125; template.', explanation = 'If you cannot edit this user talk page and you need to' .. ' make a change or leave a message, you can' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requests for page protection' .. '#Current requests for edits to a protected page' .. '|request an edit]],' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requests for page protection' .. '#Current requests for reduction in protection level' .. '|request unprotection]],' .. ' [[Special:Userlogin|log in]],' .. ' or [[Special:UserLogin/signup|create an account]].', }, vandalism = { description = 'For pages protected against' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:تخريب]]', text = '${INTROFRAGMENT} due to [[ويكيبيديا:تخريب]].', explanation = function (protectionObj, args) local ret = '' if protectionObj.level == 'sysop' then ret = ret .. "This protection is '''not''' an endorsement of the" .. ' ${CURRENTVERSION}. ' end return ret .. '${EXPLANATIONBLURB}' end, tooltip = '${TOOLTIPFRAGMENT} بسبب التخريب', } }, move = { dispute = { description = 'For pages protected against page moves due to' .. ' disputes over the page title', explanation = "This protection is '''not''' an endorsement of the" .. ' ${CURRENTVERSION}. ${EXPLANATIONBLURB}', image = 'Move-protection-shackle.svg' }, vandalism = { description = 'For pages protected against' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Vandalism#Page-move vandalism' .. ' |page-move vandalism]]' } }, autoreview = {}, upload = {} }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- GENERAL DATA TABLES -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Protection blurbs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table produces the protection blurbs available with the -- ${PROTECTIONBLURB} parameter. It is sorted by protection action and -- protection level, and is checked by the module in the following order: -- 1. page's protection action, page's protection level -- 2. page's protection action, default protection level -- 3. "edit" protection action, default protection level -- -- It is possible to use banner parameters inside this table. -- *required* - this table needs edit, move, autoreview and upload subtables. protectionBlurbs = { edit = { default = '${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} is currently [[مساعدة:Protection|' .. 'protected]] from editing', autoconfirmed = 'Editing of ${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} by [[Wikipedia:User access' .. ' levels#New users|new]] or [[Wikipedia:User access levels#Unregistered' .. ' users|unregistered]] users is currently [[مساعدة:Protection|disabled]]', extendedconfirmed = '${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} is ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} as a result of' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:مجلس التحكيم]] enforcement or meets the' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية#extended|criteria for community use]]', }, move = { default = '${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية|${PROTECTED}]] حاليَّا' .. ' من [[ويكيبيديا:نقل صفحة|النقل]]' }, autoreview = { autoconfirmed = 'All edits made to ${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} by' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:مستويات صلاحيات المستخدم]] or' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:مستويات صلاحيات المستخدم]]' .. ' users are currently' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:تعديلات معلقة]]', default = 'كل التعديلات على ${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} من مستخدمين ليسوا' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Reviewing|مراجعين تلقائيا]] أو' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:إداريون]] معلقة حاليًّا' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:تعديلات معلقة]]' }, upload = { default = 'Uploading new versions of ${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} is currently disabled' } }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Explanation blurbs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table produces the explanation blurbs available with the -- ${EXPLANATIONBLURB} parameter. It is sorted by protection action, -- protection level, and whether the page is a talk page or not. If the page is -- a talk page it will have a talk key of "talk"; otherwise it will have a talk -- key of "subject". The table is checked in the following order: -- 1. page's protection action, page's protection level, page's talk key -- 2. page's protection action, page's protection level, default talk key -- 3. page's protection action, default protection level, page's talk key -- 4. page's protection action, default protection level, default talk key -- -- It is possible to use banner parameters inside this table. -- *required* - this table needs edit, move, autoreview and upload subtables. explanationBlurbs = { edit = { autoconfirmed = { subject = 'See the [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية|' .. 'سياسة الحماية]] and ${PROTECTIONLOG} for more details. If you' .. ' cannot edit ${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} and you wish to make a change, you can' .. ' ${EDITREQUEST}, discuss changes on the ${TALKPAGE},' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requests for page protection' .. '#Current requests for reduction in protection level' .. '|request unprotection]], [[Special:Userlogin|log in]], or' .. ' [[Special:UserLogin/signup|create an account]].', default = 'See the [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية|' .. 'سياسة الحماية]] and ${PROTECTIONLOG} for more details. If you' .. ' cannot edit ${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} and you wish to make a change, you can' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requests for page protection' .. '#Current requests for reduction in protection level' .. '|request unprotection]], [[Special:Userlogin|log in]], or' .. ' [[Special:UserLogin/signup|create an account]].', }, extendedconfirmed = { default = 'Extended confirmed protection prevents edits from all unregistered editors' .. ' and registered users with fewer than 30 days tenure and 500 edits.' .. ' The [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية#extended|policy on community use]]' .. ' specifies that extended confirmed protection can be applied to combat' .. ' disruption, if semi-protection has proven to be ineffective.' .. ' Extended confirmed protection may also be applied to enforce' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee|arbitration sanctions]].' .. ' Please discuss any changes on the ${TALKPAGE}; you may' .. ' ${EDITREQUEST} to ask for uncontroversial changes supported by' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:توافق]].' }, default = { subject = 'See the [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية|' .. 'سياسة الحماية]] and ${PROTECTIONLOG} for more details.' .. ' Please discuss any changes on the ${TALKPAGE}; you' .. ' may ${EDITREQUEST} to ask an' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:إداريون]] to make an edit if it' .. ' is [[مساعدة:Minor edit#When to mark an edit as a minor edit' .. '|uncontroversial]] or supported by [[Wikipedia:Consensus' .. '|consensus]]. You may also [[Wikipedia:Requests for' .. ' page protection#Current requests for reduction in protection level' .. '|request]] that this page be unprotected.', default = 'See the [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية|' .. 'سياسة الحماية]] and ${PROTECTIONLOG} for more details.' .. ' You may [[Wikipedia:Requests for page' .. ' protection#Current requests for edits to a protected page|request an' .. ' edit]] to this page, or [[Wikipedia:Requests for' .. ' page protection#Current requests for reduction in protection level' .. '|ask]] for it to be unprotected.' } }, move = { default = { subject = 'See the [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية|' .. 'سياسة الحماية]] and ${PROTECTIONLOG} for more details.' .. ' The page may still be edited but cannot be moved' .. ' until unprotected. Please discuss any suggested moves on the' .. ' ${TALKPAGE} or at [[ويكيبيديا:طلبات النقل]]. You can also' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:إخطار الإداريين/حماية]] that the page be' .. ' unprotected.', default = 'See the [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية|' .. 'سياسة الحماية]] and ${PROTECTIONLOG} for more details.' .. ' The page may still be edited but cannot be moved' .. ' until unprotected. Please discuss any suggested moves at' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:طلبات النقل]]. You can also' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:إخطار الإداريين/حماية]] that the page be' .. ' unprotected.' } }, autoreview = { default = { reviewer = 'See the [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية|' .. 'سياسة الحماية]] and ${PROTECTIONLOG} for more details.' .. ' Edits to ${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} will not be visible to readers' .. ' until they are accepted by a reviewer or an administrator.' .. ' To avoid the need for your edits to be reviewed, you may' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requests for page protection' .. '#Current requests for reduction in protection level' .. '|request unprotection]]. Experienced editors may also' .. ' request the [[Wikipedia:Reviewing|reviewer user right]].', default = 'See the [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية|' .. 'سياسة الحماية]] and ${PROTECTIONLOG} for more details.' .. ' Edits to ${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} by new and unregistered users' .. ' will not be visible to readers until they are accepted by' .. ' a reviewer. To avoid the need for your edits to be' .. ' reviewed, you may' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requests for page protection' .. '#Current requests for reduction in protection level' .. '|request unprotection]], [[Special:Userlogin|log in]], or' .. ' [[Special:UserLogin/signup|create an account]].' }, }, upload = { default = { default = 'See the [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية|' .. 'سياسة الحماية]] and ${PROTECTIONLOG} for more details.' .. ' The page may still be edited but new versions of the file' .. ' cannot be uploaded until it is unprotected. You can' .. ' request that a new version be uploaded by using a' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Edit requests|protected edit request]], or you' .. ' can [[ويكيبيديا:إخطار الإداريين/حماية]]' .. ' that the file be unprotected.' } } }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Protection levels -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table provides the data for the ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} parameter, which -- produces a short label for different protection levels. It is sorted by -- protection action and protection level, and is checked in the following -- order: -- 1. page's protection action, page's protection level -- 2. page's protection action, default protection level -- 3. "edit" protection action, default protection level -- -- It is possible to use banner parameters inside this table. -- *required* - this table needs edit, move, autoreview and upload subtables. protectionLevels = { edit = { default = '${PROTECTED}', -- غير مستعمل في ويكيبيا العربية templateeditor = 'template-protected', -- غير مستعمل في ويكيبيا العربية extendedconfirmed = 'extended-protected', editor = '${PROTECTED} جزئيًّا (سماح للمحررين)', autoconfirmed = '${PROTECTED} جزئيًّا (سماح للمؤكدين تلقائيا)', autoreview = '${PROTECTED} جزئيًّا (سماح للمراجعين تلقائيا)', }, move = { default = '${PROTECTED} من النقل' }, autoreview = { }, upload = { default = '${PROTECTED} من إعادة التحميل' } }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Images -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table lists different padlock images for each protection action and -- protection level. It is used if an image is not specified in any of the -- banner data tables, and if the page does not satisfy the conditions for using -- the ['image-filename-indef'] image. It is checked in the following order: -- 1. page's protection action, page's protection level -- 2. page's protection action, default protection level images = { edit = { default = 'Full-protection-shackle-no-text.svg', templateeditor = 'Template-protection-shackle.svg', extendedconfirmed = 'Extended-protection-shackle.svg', editor = 'Extended-protection-shackle-no-text.svg', autoconfirmed = 'Semi-protection-shackle.svg', autoreview = 'Pending-protection-shackle.svg', interfaceadmin = 'Interface-protection-shackle-gear.svg' }, move = { default = 'Move-protection-shackle.svg', }, autoreview = { autoconfirmed = 'Padlock-silver-light.svg', default = 'Pending-protection-shackle.svg' }, upload = { default = 'Upload-protection-shackle.svg' } }, -- Pages with a reason specified in this table will show the special "indef" -- padlock, defined in the 'image-filename-indef' message, if no expiry is set. indefImageReasons = { template = true }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Image links -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table provides the data for the ${IMAGELINK} parameter, which gets -- the image link for small padlock icons based on the page's protection action -- and protection level. It is checked in the following order: -- 1. page's protection action, page's protection level -- 2. page's protection action, default protection level -- 3. "edit" protection action, default protection level -- -- It is possible to use banner parameters inside this table. -- *required* - this table needs edit, move, autoreview and upload subtables. imageLinks = { edit = { default = 'ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية#full', templateeditor = 'ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية#template', extendedconfirmed = 'ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية#extended', autoconfirmed = 'ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية#semi' }, move = { default = 'ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية#move' }, autoreview = { autoconfirmed = 'ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية#pc1', reviewer = 'ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية#pc2' }, upload = { default = 'ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية#upload' } }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Padlock indicator names -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table provides the "name" attribute for the &lt;indicator> extension tag -- with which small padlock icons are generated. All indicator tags on a page -- are displayed in alphabetical order based on this attribute, and with -- indicator tags with duplicate names, the last tag on the page wins. -- The attribute is chosen based on the protection action; table keys must be a -- protection action name or the string "default". padlockIndicatorNames = { autoreview = 'pp-autoreview', default = 'pp-default' }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Protection categories -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ -- The protection categories are stored in the protectionCategories table. -- Keys to this table are made up of the following strings: -- -- 1. the expiry date -- 2. the namespace -- 3. the protection reason (e.g. "dispute" or "vandalism") -- 4. the protection level (e.g. "sysop" or "autoconfirmed") -- 5. the action (e.g. "edit" or "move") -- -- When the module looks up a category in the table, first it will will check to -- see a key exists that corresponds to all five parameters. For example, a -- user page semi-protected from vandalism for two weeks would have the key -- "temp-user-vandalism-autoconfirmed-edit". If no match is found, the module -- changes the first part of the key to "all" and checks the table again. It -- keeps checking increasingly generic key combinations until it finds the -- field, or until it reaches the key "all-all-all-all-all". -- -- The module uses a binary matrix to determine the order in which to search. -- This is best demonstrated by a table. In this table, the "0" values -- represent "all", and the "1" values represent the original data (e.g. -- "indef" or "file" or "vandalism"). -- -- expiry namespace reason level action -- order -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 2 0 1 1 1 1 -- 3 1 0 1 1 1 -- 4 0 0 1 1 1 -- 5 1 1 0 1 1 -- 6 0 1 0 1 1 -- 7 1 0 0 1 1 -- 8 0 0 0 1 1 -- 9 1 1 1 0 1 -- 10 0 1 1 0 1 -- 11 1 0 1 0 1 -- 12 0 0 1 0 1 -- 13 1 1 0 0 1 -- 14 0 1 0 0 1 -- 15 1 0 0 0 1 -- 16 0 0 0 0 1 -- 17 1 1 1 1 0 -- 18 0 1 1 1 0 -- 19 1 0 1 1 0 -- 20 0 0 1 1 0 -- 21 1 1 0 1 0 -- 22 0 1 0 1 0 -- 23 1 0 0 1 0 -- 24 0 0 0 1 0 -- 25 1 1 1 0 0 -- 26 0 1 1 0 0 -- 27 1 0 1 0 0 -- 28 0 0 1 0 0 -- 29 1 1 0 0 0 -- 30 0 1 0 0 0 -- 31 1 0 0 0 0 -- 32 0 0 0 0 0 -- -- In this scheme the action has the highest priority, as it is the last -- to change, and the expiry has the least priority, as it changes the most. -- The priorities of the expiry, the protection level and the action are -- fixed, but the priorities of the reason and the namespace can be swapped -- through the use of the cfg.bannerDataNamespaceHasPriority table. --]] -- If the reason specified to the template is listed in this table, -- namespace data will take priority over reason data in the protectionCategories -- table. reasonsWithNamespacePriority = { vandalism = true, }, -- The string to use as a namespace key for the protectionCategories table for each -- namespace number. categoryNamespaceKeys = { [ 2] = 'user', [ 3] = 'user', [ 4] = 'project', [ 6] = 'file', [ 8] = 'mediawiki', [ 10] = 'template', [ 12] = 'project', [ 14] = 'category', [100] = 'portal', [828] = 'module', }, protectionCategories = { ['all|all|all|all|all'] ='صفحات محمية', ['all|all|office|all|all'] ='Wikipedia Office-protected pages', ['all|all|reset|all|all'] ='Wikipedia Office-protected pages', ['all|all|dmca|all|all'] ='Wikipedia Office-protected pages', ['all|all|mainpage|all|all'] ='Wikipedia fully-protected main page files', ['all|all|all|extendedconfirmed|all'] = 'Wikipedia extended-confirmed-protected pages', ['all|all|ecp|extendedconfirmed|all'] = 'Wikipedia extended-confirmed-protected pages', ['all|template|all|all|edit'] ='قوالب محمية', ['all|all|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='صفحات محمية على المؤكدين فقط', ['all|all|all|autoreview|edit'] ='صفحات محمية على مراجع تلقائي فقط', ['all|all|all|editor|edit'] ='صفحات محمية على المحررين فقط', ['all|all|all|sysop|edit'] ='صفحات محمية بشكل كامل', ['indef|all|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='صفحات محمية جزئيا بصفة دائمة', ['all|all|blp|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='صفحات سير ذاتية لأشخاص على قيد الحياة محمية جزئياً بشكل دائم', ['temp|all|blp|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='صفحات سير ذاتية لأشخاص على قيد الحياة محمية جزئياً بشكل مؤقت', ['all|all|dispute|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='صفحات محمية جزئياً بسبب النزاع', ['all|all|sock|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='صفحات محمية جزئياً من المستخدمون المحظورون', ['all|all|vandalism|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='صفحات محمية جزئياً ضد التخريب', ['all|category|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='تصنيفات محمية جزئياً', ['all|file|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='ملفات محمية جزئياً', ['all|portal|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='بوابات محمية جزئيا', ['all|project|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='صفحات مشاريع محمية جزئيا', ['all|talk|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='صفحات نقاش محمية جزئيا', ['all|template|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='قوالب محمية جزئيا', ['all|template|all|editor|edit'] ='قوالب محمية جزئيا', ['all|template|all|autoreview|edit'] ='قوالب محمية جزئيا', ['all|user|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='صفحات مستخدم ونقاش مستخدم محمية جزئيا', ['all|template|all|templateeditor|edit'] ='قوالب محمية', ['all|all|blp|sysop|edit'] ='صفحات سير ذاتية لأشخاص على قيد الحياة محمية بشكل دائم', ['temp|all|blp|sysop|edit'] ='صفحات سير ذاتية لأشخاص على قيد الحياة محمية', ['all|all|dispute|sysop|edit'] ='صفحات محمية بسبب النزاع', ['all|all|sock|sysop|edit'] ='صفحات محمية من المستخدمون المحظورون', ['all|all|vandalism|sysop|edit'] ='صفحات محمية ضد التخريب', ['all|category|all|sysop|edit'] ='تصنيفات محمية كلياً', ['all|file|all|sysop|edit'] ='ملفات محمية كلياً', ['all|project|all|sysop|edit'] ='صفحات مشاريع محمية كلياً', ['all|talk|all|sysop|edit'] ='صفحات نقاش محمية كلياً', ['all|template|all|sysop|edit'] ='قوالب محمية كليا', ['all|user|all|sysop|edit'] ='صفحات مستخدم ونقاش المستخدم محمية', ['all|module|all|all|edit'] ='وحدات محمية كليا', ['all|module|all|templateeditor|edit'] ='وحدات محمية', ['all|module|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] ='وحدات محمية جزئيا', ['all|module|all|editor|edit'] ='وحدات محمية جزئيا', ['all|module|all|autoreview|edit'] ='وحدات محمية جزئيا', ['all|all|all|sysop|move'] ='صفحات محمية من النقل', ['indef|all|all|sysop|move'] ='صفحات محمية من النقل بشكل دائم', ['all|all|dispute|sysop|move'] ='صفحات محمية من النقل بسبب النزاع', ['all|all|vandalism|sysop|move'] ='صفحات محمية من النقل بسبب التخريب', ['all|portal|all|sysop|move'] ='بوابات محمية من النقل', ['all|project|all|sysop|move'] ='صفحات مشاريع محمية من النقل', ['all|talk|all|sysop|move'] ='نقاش صفحات محمية من النقل', ['all|template|all|sysop|move'] ='قوالب محمية من النقل', ['all|user|all|sysop|move'] ='صفحات مستخدم ونقاش المستخدم محمية من النقل', ['all|all|all|autoconfirmed|autoreview'] ='Wikipedia pending changes protected pages (level 1)', ['all|all|all|reviewer|autoreview'] ='Wikipedia pending changes protected pages (level 2)', ['all|file|all|all|upload'] ='ملفات محمية من الرفع', }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Expiry category config -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table configures the expiry category behaviour for each protection -- action. -- * If set to true, setting that action will always categorise the page if -- an expiry parameter is not set. -- * If set to false, setting that action will never categorise the page. -- * If set to nil, the module will categorise the page if: -- 1) an expiry parameter is not set, and -- 2) a reason is provided, and -- 3) the specified reason is not blacklisted in the reasonsWithoutExpiryCheck -- table. expiryCheckActions = { edit = nil, move = false, autoreview = true, upload = false }, reasonsWithoutExpiryCheck = { blp = true, template = true, }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pagetypes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table produces the page types available with the ${PAGETYPE} parameter. -- Keys are namespace numbers, or the string "default" for the default value. pagetypes = { [0] = 'المقالة', [6] = 'الملف', [10] = 'القالب', [14] = 'التصنيف', [828] = 'الوحدة', default = 'الصفحة' }, this = {'هذه', 'هذا'}, protected = {'محمية', 'محمي'}, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Strings marking indefinite protection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table contains values passed to the expiry parameter that mean the page -- is protected indefinitely. indefStrings = { ['indef'] = true, ['indefinite'] = true, ['indefinitely'] = true, ['infinite'] = true, }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Group hierarchy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table maps each group to all groups that have a superset of the original -- group's page editing permissions. -- معدل ليوافق هرم الصلاحيات في ويكيبيديا العربية hierarchy = { sysop = {}, reviewer = {'sysop'}, filemover = {'sysop'}, templateeditor = {'sysop'}, --غير مستخدم extendedconfirmed = {'sysop'}, --غير مستخدم editor = {'reviewer','sysop'}, autoreview = {'editor'}, autoconfirmed = {'autoreview', 'editor', 'reviewer', 'filemover', 'templateeditor', 'extendedconfirmed'}, user = {'autoconfirmed'}, ['*'] = {'user'} }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Wrapper templates and their default arguments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table contains wrapper templates used with the module, and their -- default arguments. Templates specified in this table should contain the -- following invocation, and no other template content: -- -- {{#invoke:Protection banner|main}} -- -- If other content is desired, it can be added between -- &lt;noinclude>...&lt;/noinclude> tags. -- -- When a user calls one of these wrapper templates, they will use the -- default arguments automatically. However, users can override any of the -- arguments. wrappers = { ['Template:Pp'] = {}, ['Template:Pp-extended'] = {'ecp'}, ['Template:Pp-blp'] = {'blp'}, -- we don't need Template:Pp-create ['Template:Pp-dispute'] = {'dispute'}, ['Template:Pp-main-page'] = {'mainpage'}, ['Template:Pp-move'] = {action = 'move', catonly = 'yes'}, ['Template:Pp-move-dispute'] = {'dispute', action = 'move', catonly = 'yes'}, -- we don't need Template:Pp-move-indef ['Template:Pp-move-vandalism'] = {'vandalism', action = 'move', catonly = 'yes'}, ['Template:Pp-office'] = {'office'}, ['Template:Pp-office-dmca'] = {'dmca'}, ['Template:Pp-pc'] = {action = 'autoreview', small = true}, ['Template:Pp-pc1'] = {action = 'autoreview', small = true}, ['Template:Pp-pc2'] = {action = 'autoreview', small = true}, ['Template:Pp-reset'] = {'reset'}, ['Template:Pp-semi-indef'] = {small = true}, ['Template:Pp-sock'] = {'sock'}, ['Template:Pp-template'] = {'template', small = true}, ['Template:Pp-upload'] = {action = 'upload'}, ['Template:Pp-usertalk'] = {'usertalk'}, ['Template:Pp-vandalism'] = {'vandalism'}, }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- MESSAGES -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- msg = { -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Intro blurb and intro fragment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These messages specify what is produced by the ${INTROBLURB} and -- ${INTROFRAGMENT} parameters. If the protection is temporary they use the -- intro-blurb-expiry or intro-fragment-expiry, and if not they use -- intro-blurb-noexpiry or intro-fragment-noexpiry. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in these messages. ['intro-blurb-expiry'] = '${PROTECTIONBLURB} حتى ${EXPIRY}.', ['intro-blurb-noexpiry'] = '${PROTECTIONBLURB}.', ['intro-fragment-expiry'] = '${PROTECTIONBLURB} حتى ${EXPIRY},', ['intro-fragment-noexpiry'] = '${PROTECTIONBLURB}', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tooltip blurb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These messages specify what is produced by the ${TOOLTIPBLURB} parameter. -- If the protection is temporary the tooltip-blurb-expiry message is used, and -- if not the tooltip-blurb-noexpiry message is used. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in these messages. ['tooltip-blurb-expiry'] = '${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} حتى ${EXPIRY}.', ['tooltip-blurb-noexpiry'] = '${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} ${PROTECTIONLEVEL}.', ['tooltip-fragment-expiry'] = '${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} حتى ${EXPIRY},', ['tooltip-fragment-noexpiry'] = '${THIS} ${PAGETYPE} ${PROTECTIONLEVEL}', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Special explanation blurb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- An explanation blurb for pages that cannot be unprotected, e.g. for pages -- in the MediaWiki namespace. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in this message. ['explanation-blurb-nounprotect'] = 'See the [[ويكيبيديا:سياسة الحماية|' .. 'سياسة الحماية]] and ${PROTECTIONLOG} for more details.' .. ' Please discuss any changes on the ${TALKPAGE}; you' .. ' may ${EDITREQUEST} to ask an' .. ' [[ويكيبيديا:إداريون]] to make an edit if it' .. ' is [[مساعدة:Minor edit#When to mark an edit as a minor edit' .. '|uncontroversial]] or supported by [[Wikipedia:Consensus' .. '|consensus]].', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Protection log display values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These messages determine the display values for the protection log link -- or the pending changes log link produced by the ${PROTECTIONLOG} parameter. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in these messages. ['protection-log-display'] = 'protection log', ['pc-log-display'] = 'pending changes log', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Current version display values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These messages determine the display values for the page history link -- or the move log link produced by the ${CURRENTVERSION} parameter. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in these messages. ['current-version-move-display'] = 'current title', ['current-version-edit-display'] = 'current version', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Talk page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This message determines the display value of the talk page link produced -- with the ${TALKPAGE} parameter. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in this message. ['talk-page-link-display'] = 'talk page', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Edit requests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This message determines the display value of the edit request link produced -- with the ${EDITREQUEST} parameter. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in this message. ['edit-request-display'] = 'submit an edit request', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Expiry date format -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is the format for the blurb expiry date. It should be valid input for -- the first parameter of the #time parser function. ['expiry-date-format'] = 'F j, Y', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tracking categories -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These messages determine which tracking categories the module outputs. ['tracking-category-incorrect'] = 'Wikipedia pages with incorrect protection templates', ['tracking-category-template'] = 'Wikipedia template-protected pages other than templates and modules', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Images -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These are images that are not defined by their protection action and protection level. ['image-filename-indef'] = 'Full-protection-shackle-no-text.svg', ['image-filename-default'] = 'Transparent.gif', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- End messages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- End configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } </textarea><div id="mw-scribunto-console"></div><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">6 تضمينات في هذه الصفحة</span> </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:Arguments" title="وحدة:Arguments">وحدة:Arguments</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:Arguments&amp;action=edit" title="وحدة:Arguments">عرض المصدر</a>) (حماية جزئية - السماح للمحررين)</li><li><a href="/wiki/%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:Protection_banner/config" title="وحدة:Protection banner/config">وحدة:Protection banner/config</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:Protection_banner/config&amp;action=edit" title="وحدة:Protection banner/config">عدل</a>) </li><li><a href="/w/index.php?title=%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:Protection_banner/config/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D8%AD&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="وحدة:Protection banner/config/شرح (الصفحة غير موجودة)">وحدة:Protection banner/config/شرح</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:Protection_banner/config/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D8%AD&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="وحدة:Protection banner/config/شرح (الصفحة غير موجودة)">عدل</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%AB%D9%8A%D9%82" title="وحدة:توثيق">وحدة:توثيق</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%AB%D9%8A%D9%82&amp;action=edit" title="وحدة:توثيق">عرض المصدر</a>) (حماية جزئية - السماح للمحررين)</li><li><a href="/wiki/%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%AB%D9%8A%D9%82/styles.css" title="وحدة:توثيق/styles.css">وحدة:توثيق/styles.css</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%AB%D9%8A%D9%82/styles.css&amp;action=edit" title="وحدة:توثيق/styles.css">عدل</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%AB%D9%8A%D9%82/%D8%B6%D8%A8%D8%B7" title="وحدة:توثيق/ضبط">وحدة:توثيق/ضبط</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%AB%D9%8A%D9%82/%D8%B6%D8%A8%D8%B7&amp;action=edit" title="وحدة:توثيق/ضبط">عرض المصدر</a>) (حماية جزئية - السماح للمحررين)</li></ul></div><p id="mw-returnto">ارجع إلى <a href="/wiki/%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9:Protection_banner/config" title="وحدة:Protection banner/config">وحدة:Protection banner/config</a>.</p> <!--esi <esi:include src="/esitest-fa8a495983347898/content" /> --><noscript><img src="" alt="" width="1" height="1" style="border: none; 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