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<p>For further assistance, please send us email at <a href=""></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tabs-panel" id="passwordchange"> <div class="grid-x intab align-middle"> <div class="cell auto tabpages"> <h2>Change Your Password</h2> <form class="formlogin"> <label>New Password <div class="fl-password"> <div class="fl-password-ico"></div> <input type="text" placeholder="New Password"> </div> </label> <label>Repeat New Password <div class="fl-password"> <div class="fl-password-ico"></div> <input type="text" placeholder="Repeat New Password"> </div> </label> <a href="#resetconf"><button type="button" class="button expanded">Change Password</button></a> <a href="#signin"><button type="button" class="button expanded">Cancel</button></a> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="borderblue"></div> <!-- <div> <div class="callout small primary text-center"> <p lang="eng">This database provides access to ICTY , ICTR and the Mechanism public court records from 1994 to the present.</p> <a data-toggle="modelLegalNot"><small lang="eng">Legal Notice</small></a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a data-toggle="modelRecMechDoc"><small lang="eng">Recent Mechanism Documents</small></a> </div> </div> --> <div class="full-width homeback"> <div class="grid-container homecontent"> <ul class="tabs" data-tabs id="hometabs"> <li class="tabs-title is-active"><a href="#panelRec" aria-selected="true" lang="eng">Recent Court Records</a></li> </ul> <div class="tabs-content" data-tabs-content="hometabs"> <div class="tabs-panel is-active" id="panelRec"> <div class="grid-container searchreshome"> <p lang = "eng"> This list shows the last 50 court records added to the database. Records are added within 24 hours of being filed with the Mechanism's Registry. <span id = "showloginlinkRecent" style = "color:#000"> <strong lang="eng">You will need to <a href="#signin" lang="eng">SIGN IN</a> or <a href="#register" lang="eng">REGISTER</a> to view these records</strong> </span> </p> <table id="dtRecentRecords" class="row-border" style="width:100%"></table> </div> </div> <div class="tabs-panel" id="panelNews" style="padding:0;"> <div class="grid-container searchreshome"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="reveal" id="legalModal" data-reveal> <div class="revtop"> <div class="closelink" data-close><a href= "#signin" style="color:#fff"><span lang = "eng" >Close</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;X</a></div> </div> <div class="scrollarea"> <div class="grid-container mainbanner modalmain"> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="auto cell"> <img lang="eng" data-lang-token="FLAG" src="/assets/img/irmct_en.svg" class="mainbanner-svg"> </div> <div class="shrink cell hide-for-small-only" id="languagedivhome"> <button class="btnCurLang dropdown button" type="button" data-toggle="langSel-legal"><span lang = "eng">English</span></button> <div class="dropdown-pane languagesel" id="langSel-legal" data-dropdown data-auto-focus="true" style="z-index:200;"> <ul> <li class = "hbs"><a onclick='myLangSelection("hbs")'>bosanski, hrvatski ili srpski</a></li> <li class = "eng"><a onclick='myLangSelection("eng")'>English</a></li> <li class = "fra"><a onclick='myLangSelection("fra")'>Français</a></li> <li class = "kin"><a onclick='myLangSelection("kin")'>Kinyarwanda</a></li> <li class = "sqi"><a onclick='myLangSelection("sqi")'>Shqip</a></li> <li class = "mdk"><a onclick='myLangSelection("mdk")'>македонски</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="shrink cell show-for-small-only" id="languagedivhome"> <button class="btnCurLangS dropdown button" type="button" data-toggle="langSel-legal-S">EN</button> <div class="dropdown-pane languageselS" id="langSel-legal-S" data-dropdown data-auto-focus="true" style="z-index:200;"> <ul> <li class = "hbs"><a onclick='myLangSelection("hbs")'>SH</a></li> <li class = "eng"><a onclick='myLangSelection("eng")'>EN</a></li> <li class = "fra"><a onclick='myLangSelection("fra")'>FR</a></li> <li class = "kin"><a onclick='myLangSelection("kin")'>RW</a></li> <li class = "sqi"><a onclick='myLangSelection("sqi")'>SQ</a></li> <li class = "mdk"><a onclick='myLangSelection("mdk")'>MK</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="borderblue1px"></div> <div class="ucrlineblue"><img src="/assets/img/UCR_line_blue_EN.svg" lang = "eng" data-lang-token="FLAG"></div> <div class="borderblue1px"></div> <div class="modalcontent"> <h1 lang = "eng" style = " text-transform: uppercase;">Terms and Conditions of Use</h1> <div class="inlinks"> <a href="#disclaimers" lang="eng">Disclaimers</a> | <a href="#preservation" lang = "eng">Preservation of immunities</a> | <a href="#countrynom" lang = "eng">Country and area nomenclature</a> | <a href="#general" lang = "eng">General</a> </div> <p lang="eng">The Unified Court Records (UCR) database provides access to the public court records of the ICTR, the ICTY and the IRMCT. The UCR database is a part of the IRMCT website. The use of the UCR database constitutes agreement with the terms and conditions of use specified on the IRMCT website, as applicable.</p> <h2 id="disclaimers" lang="eng">Disclaimers</h2> <p lang="eng">Materials provided on this Site are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. The Mechanism specifically does not make any warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any such Materials. The Mechanism periodically adds, changes, improves or updates the Materials on this Site without notice. Under no circumstances shall the Mechanism be liable for any loss, damage, liability or expense incurred or suffered that is claimed to have resulted from the use of this Site, including, without limitation, any fault, error, omission, interruption or delay with respect thereto. 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Neither the United Nations nor the Mechanism, and its affiliates, nor any of their respective agents, employees, information providers or content providers, shall be liable to any User or anyone else for any inaccuracy, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, alteration of or use of any content herein, or for its timeliness or completeness, nor shall they be liable for any failure of performance, computer virus or communication line failure, regardless of cause, or for any damages resulting therefrom.</p> <p lang="eng">As a condition of use of this Site, the User agrees to indemnify the United Nations, the Mechanism and its affiliates from and against any and all actions, claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of the User’s use of this Site, including, without limitation, any claims alleging facts that if true would constitute a breach by the User of these Terms and Conditions of Use. 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This information will be stored on United Nations servers. E-mail addresses are collected and used for the limited and specific purpose of contacting registered users in case the material they have previously accessed has subsequently been removed from the UCR database by the Mechanism for security reasons.</li> <li lang="eng">Access history is logged by file only, meaning that the UCR only logs the e-mails of anyone that has accessed an individual file. The UCR does not retain a record of any registered user’s download or search history.</li> <li lang="eng">Third-party tools, e.g. Google Analytics, collect information such as navigation patterns, number of visitors, visitor location etc. This information will be collected for internal use only for web site traffic analysis which does not specifically identify any individual user; rather, information will be analysed in the aggregate.</li> </ul> <p lang ="eng">The use of the UCR database constitutes agreement with the Privacy Notice.</p> <p lang="eng">The United Nations and the Mechanism assume no responsibility for the security of the collected information.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="reveal" id="termsModal" data-reveal> <div class="revtop"> <div class="closelink" data-close><span lang = "eng">Close</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;X</div> </div> <div class="scrollarea"> <div class="grid-container mainbanner modalmain"> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="auto cell"> <img lang="eng" data-lang-token="FLAG" src="/assets/img/irmct_en.svg" class="mainbanner-svg"> </div> <div class="shrink cell hide-for-small-only" id="languagedivhome"> <button class="btnCurLang dropdown button" type="button" data-toggle="langSel-termsModal"><span lang = "eng">English</span></button> <div class="dropdown-pane languagesel" id="langSel-termsModal" data-dropdown data-auto-focus="true" style="z-index:200;"> <ul> <li class = "hbs"><a onclick='myLangSelection("hbs")'>bosanski, hrvatski ili srpski</a></li> <li class = "eng"><a onclick='myLangSelection("eng")'>English</a></li> <li class = "fra"><a onclick='myLangSelection("fra")'>Français</a></li> <li class = "kin"><a onclick='myLangSelection("kin")'>Kinyarwanda</a></li> <li class = "sqi"><a onclick='myLangSelection("sqi")'>Shqip</a></li> <li class = "mdk"><a onclick='myLangSelection("mdk")'>македонски</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="shrink cell show-for-small-only" id="languagedivhome"> <button class="btnCurLangS dropdown button" type="button" data-toggle="langSel-termsModal-S">EN</button> <div class="dropdown-pane languageselS" id="langSel-termsModal-S" data-dropdown data-auto-focus="true" style="z-index:200;"> <ul> <li class = "hbs"><a onclick='myLangSelection("hbs")'>SH</a></li> <li class = "eng"><a onclick='myLangSelection("eng")'>EN</a></li> <li class = "fra"><a onclick='myLangSelection("fra")'>FR</a></li> <li class = "kin"><a onclick='myLangSelection("kin")'>RW</a></li> <li class = "sqi"><a onclick='myLangSelection("sqi")'>SQ</a></li> <li class = "mdk"><a onclick='myLangSelection("mdk")'>MK</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="borderblue1px"></div> <div class="ucrlineblue"><img src="/assets/img/UCR_line_blue_EN.svg" lang = "eng" data-lang-token="FLAG"></div> <div class="borderblue1px"></div> <div class="modalcontent"> <h1 lang="eng" style=" text-transform uppercase;">Terms and Conditions of Use</h1> <div class="inlinks"> <a href="#disclaimers" lang="eng">Disclaimers</a> | <a href="#preservation" lang="eng">Preservation of immunities</a> | <a href="#countrynom" lang="eng">Country and area nomenclature</a> | <a href="#general" lang="eng">General</a> </div> <p lang="eng">The Unified Court Records (UCR) database provides access to the public court records of the ICTR, the ICTY and the IRMCT. The UCR database is a part of the IRMCT website. The use of the UCR database constitutes agreement with the terms and conditions of use specified on the IRMCT website, as applicable.</p> <h2 id="disclaimers" lang="eng">Disclaimers</h2> <p lang="eng">Materials provided on this Site are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. The Mechanism specifically does not make any warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any such Materials. The Mechanism periodically adds, changes, improves or updates the Materials on this Site without notice. Under no circumstances shall the Mechanism be liable for any loss, damage, liability or expense incurred or suffered that is claimed to have resulted from the use of this Site, including, without limitation, any fault, error, omission, interruption or delay with respect thereto. 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