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Generally, if you have held the asset as an investment for more than 1 year, you can:\n- Pay no capital gains tax on the appreciation\n- Deduct the full fair market value of the gift if you itemize donations (up to 30% of your adjusted gross income with a 5-year carryover)\n- As a result, give as much as **20% more** to the organizations you care about than if you’d donated the after-tax proceeds\n\nLikewise, in the UK, donors may avoid paying capital gains tax on crypto donations. \n\nTo bring this to life, check out the following example from our partners at the Giving Block. Visit their [website]( to find out more about reducing your tax burden with crypto donations in the US.\n\n![Tax-Benefits-Explained-GRAPHIC-The-Giving-Block.webp](\n\n_Source: The Giving Block._\n\n#### Take the hassle out of giving \n\nThanks to Donor Advised Funds, giving crypto is easy. DAFs are uniquely placed to accept non-cash assets that most nonprofits cannot take directly, including cryptocurrencies. \n\n## How to donate crypto with a Founders Pledge DAF\n\n[![1 (1).png](](\n\n[![image (75).png](](\n\n![image (76).png](\n\n![4 (1).png](\n\nTo find out more about supporting the causes you care about by donating crypto, contact your Community Manager or [get in touch]( \n\n_Founders Pledge cannot provide tax advice and the above does not constitute tax advice. Please consult with your tax or financial advisor for a full understanding of what donating crypto and using a DAF means for you. The tax deductibility of donations can vary according to different factors, including the unique circumstances of each individual._"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"29:T1769,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"Setting resolutions for 2024? If you’re thinking about how you can make a difference this year – be that establishing giving goals, making donations on a small scale, leveraging an upcoming liquidity event, or continuing to support nonprofits as an established philanthropist – opening a Donor Advised Fund is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to set yourself up for success.\n\n#### What is a Donor Advised Fund, or DAF?\n\nIn plain terms, a DAF is a giving vehicle, or charitable bank account. The basic idea is that you put philanthropic funds into your DAF (contributions) and make grants from it to nonprofits you care about. \n\nIn reality, a DAF is much more. It makes it easy not only to give, but to give effectively. That’s why we believe it can be an ideal way to do your giving.\n\n#### What’s so good about a DAF?\n\nWithin just a day, we can have you set up with a DAF that allows you to:\n\n![image (43).png](\n\nRead on to discover each benefit in more detail. \n\n#### 1. Give more\n\nBecause contributions to a DAF are treated in the same way as any donation to a public charity, they’re usually eligible for tax relief. In the US, you’ll receive an immediate tax deduction every time you contribute to your DAF, and in the UK, your contribution may be eligible for Gift Aid. \n\nThat’s not all. Most DAFs don’t just accept cash, but a wide variety of tax-advantaged assets you can’t usually donate directly to charity, including public and private securities, crypto, and others. For US members, you can deduct your cash donations up to 60% of your adjusted gross income (AGI) and up to 30% for stock; this is significantly higher than the deductions for private foundations which are capped at 30% of your AGI for cash donations and 20% of AGI for stock. In addition, US members can invest their DAF funds in a variety of pools to suit different grant-making time horizons, so the funds can grow tax-free while you make important decisions about when, where, and how much to give.\n\nAll of that means you can maximize your philanthropic funds to meet – maybe even surpass – your charitable goals.\n\n#### 2. Give flexibly \n\nAs well as accepting a range of assets, most DAFs allow you to contribute and grant on your own timeline, to any nonprofits in the world. That means a DAF is an ideal giving tool for a large wealth event, when more time is needed to develop a thoughtful strategy.\n\n#### 3. Give efficiently \n\nDAFs make giving easy by eliminating the administrative pieces that take up your time, money, and bandwidth when using traditional vehicles like private foundations. Our [Member App]( allows you to submit contributions and grants at the click of a button. There, you can keep track of all transactions in one place, and view your giving by cause area to help you monitor progress against goals and better understand the impact of your giving. You can involve important partners, including family members and external advisors, in your giving decisions. Meanwhile, our team of experts handle all the logistics and due diligence behind the scenes, to ensure your contributions and grants land quickly and safely.\n\n#### 4. Give securely \n\nWe take a rigorous approach to due diligence, so that our members can be confident their grants are funding positive change. [Find out more about our impact-first grant-making](\n\n#### 5. Give effectively \n\nOur team are experts in global, complex grant-making. In service of our mission to maximize impact, we invest time and effort in making catalytic grants to new, unique, and complex organizations others shy away from because of the extra vetting required. We do that so our members can support the most innovative organizations and initiatives around the world. To date, we’ve processed grants to grantees in over 40 countries.\n\nBecause DAFs take the hassle out of giving, and allow you to take action on your own timeline, you can be more intentional in deciding where to give. We think that’s crucial because some nonprofits are more impactful than others, which means supporting the most effective can make your money go further. [Discover why we believe in doing the most good possible](\n\nThat’s where the rest of our services come in. We identify [high-impact funding opportunities](, offer [one-to-one philanthropic advising]( to help you develop a giving portfolio tailored to your values, and host [events with fellow entrepreneurs]( and change-makers around the world. With a Founders Pledge DAF, you can take advantage of these opportunities and our expert support in the knowledge that you have the infrastructure in place to give whenever you’re ready to do so.\n\n#### I'm interested! What's the next step?\n\nLike everything about a DAF, we’ve made getting set up (including transferring from an existing account) straightforward. Our expert team is with you every step of the way. \n\nTo find out more about a Founders Pledge DAF, read our information pack for [US members]( or for those in the [UK and Germany]( If you’re located elsewhere, we can help work out the best giving vehicle for you. \n\nTo open a DAF or discuss your options, reach out to your Community Manager or [get in touch](\n\n_Founders Pledge cannot provide tax advice and the above is not intended as such. Please consult with your tax or financial advisor for a full understanding of what moving money into the charitable sector (including using a DAF) means for you._\n\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"2a:Tf2f,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"##### I’m delighted to be able to share that at the end of December 2023, Founders Pledge received its first donation from its partner fund, Pledge Ventures.\nAt $150,000, this is cause to celebrate, not just because of the impact the money will have in the short term (try our ROI - return on impact - [calculator]( to see what that looks like!) but because the donation represents a huge step towards realizing the transformational potential of this new model!\n\nPledge Ventures was created as a new economic engine to help power the charitable work of Founders Pledge. Working in partnership with the charity, this innovative new venture fund uses a rules-based approach to invest exclusively in growth stage companies where a founder or leadership team member has pledged to give back through Founders Pledge. Pledge Ventures has a key difference which we believe makes it unique; rather than a General Partner (GP) running the fund and walking away with the majority of the profits if it does well, this fund donates up to 50% of the annual management fees and - much more importantly - 85% of its carried interest to Founders Pledge. \n\n**This could be a game-changer.** While Founders Pledge already benefits from the generous support of members - as well as a number of other incredible donors - for the first time, Founders Pledge will be able to participate vicariously in the success of its members’ companies as they scale, with the added bonus of Pledge Ventures providing funding to these companies at an exciting stage in their trajectory. There’s a lot to like here!\n\nWhen I wrote about the [first close]( of Pledge Ventures in April, we were still in the nascent stages of turning this idea into a reality. Since then, Pledge Ventures has made significant leaps forward, and has made investments in seven (very cool!) Founders Pledge member companies, with a number of other exciting opportunities in the pipeline. We couldn’t be more pleased that Pledge Ventures is on the journey with **Wasoko**, **Ochre Bio**, ****, **Recogni**, **Replicate**, **Healx** and **Unbabel**, and can’t wait to see this list grow in the coming months.\n\nCrucially, what the last months have demonstrated is that we are on track to make this work. Pledge Ventures has successfully raised a fund - with **$44.5 million closed to date** - in some of the most challenging economic conditions our sector has seen this century, is deploying capital into hot companies in funding rounds that very few people get access to, investing alongside the likes of **a16z**, **Sequoia**, **YCombinator**, **Atomico**, **Headline**, and **Google Ventures**, and doing all of this in a responsible way that aligns incentives to those of Founders Pledge and our philanthropic community. \n\nThis is clearly all great progress, but it’s only the start of the future we see for this partnership. While the opportunity Pledge Ventures presents is huge, the true potential of this partnership is still a number of years away from being realized. As anyone who has ever taken a look at a venture fund’s financials will tell you, when you do well, carried interest is a heck of a lot more meaningful than management fees - when the fund starts to see investment returns, things could get really interesting!\n\nFor now, this donation represents a lot more than narrowing a fundraising gap. It symbolizes the first step towards a future in which Founders Pledge - and maybe even other charities too - can support themselves in a fundamentally different way. Pledge Ventures is laying the foundation for a new type of VC, one that combines profit and purpose harmoniously and has impact baked into its core. \n\n**This donation represents a future that I’m pretty excited about.**"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"2b:T544,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"##### Contributions into your DAF\n\n| Type | Initiate by | Received by | Notes |\n| ----- | ----------- | ------------- | ------- |\n| Wire or bank transfer | Dec 22 | Dec 29 |\n| Check or cheque | Dec 22 | Dec 29 | Checks sent through standard mail must be postmarked by Dec 29. Checks sent via carrier must be received at Founders Pledge offices by Dec 29. |\n| Stocks, bonds, ETFs | Dec 8 | Dec 29 | Some brokers have their own deadlines for processing transfer requests; please plan accordingly. |\n| Cryptocurrency | Dec 15 | Dec 29 | \n| Illiquid, private securities \u0026 complex assets | ASAP | Dec 29 | Timelines may vary by asset, but due diligence can take 6-8 weeks or more in some cases. |\n\n##### Grants from your DAF\n\n| Type | Initiate by | Received by | Notes |\n| ----- | ----------- | ------------- | ------- |\n| Grants within your jurisdiction | Dec 8 | Dec 29 | If you are recommending 10 or more grants, please submit recommendations ASAP for the chance of processing them all before year-end. | \n| International grants | Dec 1 / Sep 29 for NPT DAFs | Dec 29 | Timelines are dependent on due diligence and grantee responsiveness. | \n\n##### Gifts to Founders Pledge \n\n| Type | Initiate by | Received by | Notes |\n| ----- | ----------- | ------------- | ------- |\n| Support for our mission | ASAP from Giving Tuesday (Nov 28) | Dec 29 |\n\n\n\n\n\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"2c:T1784,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"#### At Founders Pledge, we’re on a mission to do the most good possible. \n\nThat means identifying funding opportunities where donations will truly move the needle on the most critical issues. The most effective charities have the capacity to do up to 1000x more good – saving more lives, mitigating existential risks, protecting the planet – meaning every donation you make has the potential to have outsized impact. Understanding where you can have the most impact and deciding which opportunities to support can be overwhelming, especially at this time of year. \n\nThe question our Research team strives to answer is: ‘How can we do the most good possible, with the limited resources available?’ In doing so, they evaluate the organizations and initiatives tackling the world’s most pressing problems to find those making the biggest difference. To learn more about how we identify our recommendations, check out our research [methodology](\n\n**To support one of our recommendations, Founders Pledge members should note the [year-end giving deadlines]( and [grant via the app]( or email your Community Manager. Everyone else, please follow the links below!**\n\n:::box{.blue} \n_In total, we currently recommend over 50 high-impact funding opportunities, including our thematic Funds. Each has been vetted by our Research team and selected for the effective implementation of promising solutions to critical and complex issues like inequality in health and development, climate change, and existential risks such as nuclear war and threats from AI._ \n\nExplore them all [here](\n:::\n\n#### Double your support for pioneering solutions to global educational challenges\n\nIn a world where over half a billion children do not attain basic literacy and numeracy skills, [**Imagine Worldwide**]( has developed one of the most effective and innovative educational interventions globally. Their new model in Malawi, which focuses on tech-first solutions like solar panels, tablets, and educational software, could serve to improve learning outcomes in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) around the world. \n\n**All donations in support of their work to scale-up will be matched 100% by the Global Partnership for Education through January 2024.** We recommend this opportunity to anyone who cares about innovatively tackling global inequality in education and opportunity.\n\n#### Ensure a new recommendation can continue tackling global inequality\n\nThe UN estimates that over $1 trillion is paid in bribes and another $2.6 trillion is lost to theft annually due to corruption. The [**OCCRP**]( is a one-of-its-kind organization battling high-level corruption and organized crime to return hundreds of millions of stolen assets to LMICs. They are uniquely placed to do so thanks to their team of award-winning investigative journalists and data scientists, and partnerships with over 50 independent media outlets in countries where corruption is highest. \n\n**They could productively use $1m to continue their work** investigating large-scale corruption, which they estimate has led to $9.6bn in fines levied and monies seized, 394 official investigations, and 611 arrests. We recommend this opportunity to anyone looking to support promising solutions to global issues like poverty, the rise of extremism, and the decline of democratic institutions around the world, all knock-on effects of the illicit transfer of wealth. \n\n#### Join forces with like-minded donors to have a bigger impact\n\n[**Founders Pledge Funds**]( offer a unique mode of grant-making and opportunities not available to individual donors: fill time-sensitive funding gaps; seed new initiatives; co-create projects; and direct funds rapidly to the most effective programs. We absorb all management and grant-making costs, and don’t charge fees. \n\n[**The Climate Change Fund**]( identifies the most effective, highest-leverage solutions to climate challenges in an ever-evolving global landscape. Based on our research, we estimate the impact of our grants to represent the equivalent of taking 17.5m cars off the road for a year.\n\n[**The Global Catastrophic Risks Fund**]( takes on the biggest threats we face – including nuclear war, natural and engineered pandemics, and threats from advanced artificial intelligence (AI). Recently, we funded the launch of a new policy advocacy group for existential threats; they’re filling a critical gap in international policy and likely wouldn’t exist without our support. \n\n[**The Global Health \u0026 Development Fund**]( fills critical gaps in the current philanthropic landscape, via time-sensitive and risk-neutral grant-making to the world's most effective global health and development charities. As an example, we’ve supported Against Malaria Foundation’s work in Africa: more than 45,000 bed nets are expected to protect nearly 80,000 people, save an estimated 40 lives, and boost local GDP by potentially $1.3m. \n\n[**The Patient Philanthropy Fund**](, uniquely designed for the ultra-long-term, invests donations to grow until they are needed most to preserve and benefit the future of humanity. We recently funded an expert analysis of the changing nuclear security funding landscape, following the exit of the space’s biggest funder.\n\n:::box{.orange} \n**Not a member yet?** If you're interested in joining our community, or have questions for our team, please [get in touch](!\n:::\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"2d:T2667,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"At Founders Pledge, we pride ourselves on maximizing impact in everything we do. Our grant-making is no different. We provide members with comprehensive infrastructure for safe, global, flexible giving -- including a [Donor Advised Fund (DAF) Program]( -- so that they can worry less about how and focus more on where to give.\n\n## Doing the most good possible\n\nOur research into some of the most pressing yet neglected problems, and evaluation of the charities implementing the most effective solutions to them, often leads us to recommend early-stage, unheard of, complex organizations and initiatives. \n\nFor example, our members recently seed funded two new organizations: the [Berkeley Risk and Security Lab](, researching and mitigating threats from frontier military technologies; and Global Shield, shaping national policies to reduce global catastrophic risks like nuclear war, pandemic and threats from AI. Without our members responding quickly to these time-sensitive recommendations by our Research team, it’s likely these organizations -- and the critical work they’re doing -- wouldn’t exist. \n\nYet, it’s precisely the kind of characteristics that make these funding opportunities high-impact, like being neglected by mainstream philanthropists, that mean they require more intensive vetting when it comes to due diligence and ensuring our members and our grantees are protected.\n\n## Giving where others wouldn't \n\nOur commitment to impact means we have to work creatively and conscientiously to ensure grants make it to our recommended funding opportunities. \n\nUnlike most other grant-making organizations, we don’t shy away from investigating new, unique or complex grantees; we embrace it. We want to do everything in our power to ensure our members can support the highest-impact funding opportunities, even if that means taking an approach which is unparalleled in its time- and resource-intensity.\n\nIn other words, we go above and beyond with our due diligence. This is to ensure that:\n- Our grantmaking adheres to our Zero Harm Policy\n- Our grantees are financially stable and above reproach in their policies and governance \n- Every grant is reviewed holistically by our highly trained team\n\n## Prioritizing flexibility \u0026 security \n\nOur risk-based approach to due diligence means we conduct in-depth assessments when necessary, while striving to complete low-risks grants -- those regulated by external authorities -- as efficiently as possible. \n\nFor grants which we deem ‘high-risk’, including all of those to our high-impact funding recommendations, those which fall outside of our jurisdictions, and those to organizations which are not registered non-profits, we conduct extensive due diligence. \n\nWe cover nine risk factors:\n- **Organizational status:** The organization or initiative is deemed charitable by the governing body in the appropriate jurisdiction, or their work is deemed charitable according to standards set by the governing law in Founders Pledge jurisdictions (US, UK, Germany) \n- **Jurisdiction:** The organization or initiative is within Founders Pledge jurisdictions\n- **Zero harm:** The organization or initiative does not breech our Zero Harm Policy (see below) \n- **Abuse of funds:** Money isn’t being diverted elsewhere, used ineffectively, used harmfully, not kept track of, or there is a conflict of interest\n- **Money laundering:** Money isn’t being used to fund a criminal entity, or paid to an entity connected to the donor for the purposes of tax evasion \n- **Fraud or theft:** Money isn’t being wrongfully diverted, intercepted or stolen\n- **Failure of safeguarding:** The organization or initiative isn’t failing to protect or respect (the rights of) children and vulnerable adults \n- **Organization/initiative is non-effective:** For example, the organization or initiative has negative impact or is over-funded \n- **Organization/initiative is non-responsive:** The organization or initiative does not confirm receipt of funds or fails to comply with monitoring and reporting so that we cannot confirm fair use of funds\n\nFor grantees we deem high-risk, we request to see the following documents at minimum:\n- Charity registration documents \n- Recent financial reports or accounts \n- Recent annual reports or summaries of their activities and objectives \n- A list of their key personnel, including board members and executives \n\nWe review all grants against our Zero Harm Policy as standard (see below). If the grantee’s work involves children and/or vulnerable adults, we conduct safeguarding checks, namely assessing safeguarding policies and verifying that those working with at-risk individuals have undergone relevant background checks. If the grantee operates in a high-risk country per the [Corruption Perception Index (CPI)](, we may request additional assurances, such as a conflict of interest policy. \n\nWe don’t stop when grants are made. We take a holistic approach, following up with careful monitoring to ensure compliance in a way that stays true to our value of maximizing impact and therefore places minimal burden on grantees.\n\n## Ensuring zero harm \n\nWe’re on a mission to do the most good possible. Ensuring that none of our grants inadvertently causes harm to people, animals or the planet goes without saying. \n\nThat’s why we’ve developed -- and like to explain -- our [Zero Harm Policy]( By doing so we hope to make transparent our definition of ‘harm’ and hold ourselves accountable. \n\nOur Zero Harm Policy covers as standard:\n- Discrimination of any kind\n- Hate speech \n- Harmful gender-related practices and/or stereotyping \n- Proselytization\n- Disregard for the rights of women and/or children \n- Cruelty to animals and/or the environment \n- Anything that threatens human rights\n\nAny indication that a grant or grantee may cause harm as defined by our Zero Harm Policy results in further review.\n\n## High-impact case study: Vox Media\n\n#### \"Conducting an extensive Expenditure Responsibility assessment\"\n\nIn 2022, our [Global Catastrophic Risks Fund]( made a grant to Vox Media, a privately held company based in the United States, to facilitate important, awareness-raising [reporting]( on the Ninth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention. Responding to the unique nature of this grant, we conducted an extensive Expenditure Responsibility[^1] assessment to ensure the funds would be used for charitable purposes and in compliance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations. This process involved a thorough examination of Vox Media's project budget, intended expenditures, and a clear understanding of how the funds would be directed.\n\n## High-impact case study: EIDU\n\n#### \"Navigating dual registration and cross-border operations\"\n\nDedicated to enhancing pre-school education in Kenya through cost-effective, evidence-based methods like structured pedagogy and digital learning, [EIDU]( is a unique organization that operates as both a registered charity in Kenya and a limited company in Germany. This distinction presented a unique and complex situation of having to navigate dual registration and cross-border operations. We worked closely with both entities to ensure funds were funneled efficiently and in strict compliance with charitable regulations. This innovative and collaborative approach underscores our commitment to building strong partnerships with our recommended funding opportunities, in this case enabling catalytic funding to kick-start a project intended to reach around 600,000 pre-primary children in Kenya.\n\n## High-impact case study: the Centre for Long-Term Resilience \n\n#### \"Ensuring funds align with charitable objectives\" \n\nThe [Centre for Long-Term Resilience]( (CLTR) is a UK-based think tank focused on extreme risks. As a think tank, CLTR is structured like a private company limited by guarantee without share capital, presenting unique challenges when it comes to awarding charitable grants. Our approach to navigating complex charitable regulations involves conducting rigorous due diligence to ensure the funds we allocate align with charitable objectives. We establish comprehensive agreements that instill confidence in both parties. By leveraging our experience and understanding of the intricacies of CLTR's structure, we facilitated the flow of resources to advance their important work addressing extreme risks.\n\n--\n\nWe’re proud of our comprehensive approach to due diligence. It’s one of the things that makes the Founders Pledge DAF program so unique: members can confidently support innovation and impact with their grant-making, and together lead the way for effective giving to become the norm.\n\n[Learn more about our DAF.](\n\n[^1]: Expenditure Responsibility (ER) is a required US procedure when a private foundation or a DAF makes a grant to an organization that is not classified by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt, to ensure that the funds are spent for charitable purposes and to obtain full and complete reports from grantees. It comes into play when we make US grants to non-charities for charitable projects and to international organizations from the US."])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"2e:T144e,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"In October we \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eintroduced you to Pledge Ventures\u003c/a\u003e, a unique and transformative fundraising concept that Founders Pledge had been exploring for a year. A whirlwind six months later, the concept is now a reality, with the first close of Pledge Ventures’ maiden fund taking place on April 20th, and we couldn’t be more thrilled about what this means!\n\n#### That’s great news for Pledge Ventures, but why is it exciting for Founders Pledge?\n\nPledge Ventures was designed to be a value-aligned venture fund, and in partnership with Founders Pledge will invest exclusively in members’ companies. While this is a traditional VC fund in almost every way, there is a key difference that makes Pledge Ventures particularly special: it will donate 85% of its carried interest and up to 50% of the management fee to Founders Pledge, allowing us to participate in the success of our members’ companies as they scale. \n\nThe Founders Pledge community represents a subset of some of the best technology companies on the planet, collectively valued at more than a trillion dollars. Over multiple fund cycles, Pledge Ventures could build up a long-term capital endowment for Founders Pledge, allowing us to grow our impact far beyond anything we could’ve achieved with our existing fundraising model alone.\n\n#### That sounds pretty cool; why should I be excited as a member?\n\nOur members share our commitment to doing good, and have collectively pledged nearly $10 billion to charity. We believe that as well as generating revenue for Founders Pledge, Pledge Ventures will propagate a virtuous cycle, with members of our community who have already had success investing in the next generation of philanthropically-minded entrepreneurs - we described this in our \u003ca href=\"\"\u003elast post\u003c/a\u003e as a **flywheel for impact**. We’re thrilled that a number of our liquid members are participating in Pledge Ventures as Limited Partners (LPs), and as the fund begins to invest, we’re well on our way to realizing this ambition. As one might expect, many of our LPs have chosen to pledge a percentage of their upside to Founders Pledge, creating another way for us to benefit when the fund does well!\n\n#### Love the sound of this so far…how are you going to make investments?\n\nImportantly, we won’t be. Pledge Ventures is an independent vehicle that Founders Pledge holds a stake in and is partnering with, but we, as a charity, don’t make any of the decisions. Pledge Ventures is a rules-based fund, and their decision to invest in a company will be driven by a set of criteria:\n- The founders or leadership of the company are Founders Pledge members\n- The company is raising at least $20 million in a series B or later\n- A “top tier” VC is participating in the round\n\nWhen these conditions are met, Pledge Ventures will aim to invest up to $3.5 million in the round (though often much less and, in any case, never more than 5% of the fund’s committed capital). Pledge Ventures is lucky to be supported by a voluntary Investment Committee of seasoned experts that will help to size tickets. The project has been supported by Headline Ventures, a leading global Venture Capital fund, and Founding Partner, Andreas Haug, will be Chairing the Pledge Ventures Investment Committee. \n\n#### Great! So fundraising for Founders Pledge is plain sailing from here?\n\nNot quite! While we’re optimistic that Pledge Ventures is going to be a big part of our fundraising strategy going forward, this is a long game and will take a number of years to play out. In other words, we don’t expect to see meaningful donations from Pledge Ventures until the late 2020s, which means that the support of our generous members and donors continues to be as important now as it ever has been. This is a catalytic moment to support us on our journey to a more sustainable revenue model!\n\n#### Who should I talk to if I want to learn more?\n\nPlease reach out to the Pledge Ventures team, which includes some familiar faces! Pledge Ventures would love to hear from you, whether you are raising a round and want to discuss their participation, or would just like to learn more about this innovative new fund (they love talking about it!). Ask your Community Manager to put you in touch, or email the Pledge Ventures team directly on \u003ca href=\"\"\\u003c/a\u003e.\n\nYou can read more about the first close in \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eTechCrunch\u003c/a\u003e. \n\n#### If you could sum it up, what’s the most exciting thing about all of this?\n\nThe incredible support of the Founders Pledge community has made this possible! This is an innovative model with positive change at its core. Unlike other funds, Pledge Ventures contributes to the long-term sustainability of charitable work and this is a blueprint that could benefit many more charities in the future.\n\nSee Pledge Ventures' press release \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"2f:T2188,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"The end of the year is the time we associate most with giving: giving gifts and, for many of us, giving to charity. Giving back, and what we can do for others, is top of mind.\n\nThough we may be primed and keen to give, the decision about where to do so remains complex and hard to navigate, with millions of charities ramping up their calls for support. \n\nAnd yet, navigating that decision successfully is key to doing the most good possible. $1 given strategically can be worth as much as if not more than $1000 given poorly. That’s because the most effective charities can do 1000 times as much good as the average. \n\nAnd so, using our research methodology, we’ve identified four high-impact funding opportunities where your support will make the biggest difference right now. \n\nLike all our giving recommendations, these opportunities represent:\n- Problems which are large in scope and in the number of people affected;\n- Solutions that are scalable and cost-effective;\n- Interventions that might otherwise be overlooked and where there is significant room for funding.\n\nIn addition to the above criteria, the following opportunities are particularly time sensitive in requiring your support to leverage specific circumstances right now. \n\n## 1. The Global Catastrophic Risks (GCR) Fund ##\n\n### What it is ###\n\nA Founders Pledge Fund which identifies and supports interventions to reduce the largest known risks to humanity, like a NATO-Russia war over Ukraine.\n\n### Why it needs your support now ###\n\nHaving launched in October, the GCR Fund needs your support to start making time-bound grants to high-impact organizations; those working to mitigate and prevent the many and large risks currently facing humanity, including war between great powers, natural and engineered pandemics, nuclear war, threats from advanced artificial intelligence (AI), and emerging risks from frontier military technologies. \n\nBy supporting the GCR Fund, you have the opportunity to help protect billions of humans alive today and in the future.\n\n### How to donate ###\n\n**Founders Pledge members with a Donor Advised Fund (DAF):** Donate via our [member app](\n\n**Founders Pledge members without a DAF:** Get in touch with your Community Manager or Advisor, or reach out to us on [](\n\n**Not a member yet?** Donate via []( if you're in the United States (US), or via [Giving What We Can]( if you're in Europe, the Middle East or Africa (EMEA).\n\n## 2. Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) ##\n\n### What it is ###\n\nAn exciting opportunity to achieve universal bed net coverage (the most effective way of preventing malaria) in Haut Uele in 2023. Haut Uele is one of the worst-affected regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which is in turn one of the two countries hardest-hit by malaria globally. \n\n### Why it needs your support now ###\n\nMalaria kills over 643,000 people each year, with 70% being children under five. By installing insecticide-treated bed nets, AMF can save the life of a child for just $4,000. Achieving universal bed net coverage for everyone in Haut Uele (total population of 2.5 million) will cost $3.42 million. We’re trying to raise as much of this as possible to ensure all those living in Haut Uele are protected in 2023.\n\n_Note: AMF is included in this year's [Double Up Drive](, meaning donations will be matched up to $5,000 until the end of the year!_\n\n### How to donate ###\n\n**Founders Pledge members with a Donor Advised Fund (DAF):** Donate and double up via our [member app](\n\n**Founders Pledge members without a DAF:** Get in touch with your Community Manager or Advisor, or reach out to us on [](\n\n**Not a member yet?** Donate via []( and [double up]( if you're in the US, or [get in touch]( if you're in EMEA.\n\n## 3. Nuclear Threat Initiative's Biological Policy \u0026 Programs (NTI|Bio) ##\n\n### What it is ###\n\nCommitted to improving biotechnology governance and preventing the use of biological weapons, NTI | Bio recently launched the International Biosecurity and Biosafety Initiative for Science (IBBIS), which will work “to strengthen international biosecurity norms and develop innovative, practical tools and incentives to uphold them.”\n\n### Why it needs your support now ###\n\nIn November, states from around the world met in Geneva for the Ninth Review Conference (held every five years) of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). The Convention “prohibits the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use of biological and tin weapons,” but it lacks teeth — it has no verification mechanism, the budget of a single fast food restaurant, and only a small handful of staff. In short, the BWC itself can’t prevent global catastrophic biological risks. Yet, the Conference presents a moment when global cooperation on avoiding biological catastrophe is especially important: states may be open to new ideas and new risk reduction measures. This is a time when additional resources could have a particularly pivotal impact. \n\n### How to donate ###\n\n**Founders Pledge members with a Donor Advised Fund (DAF):** Donate via our [member app](\n\n**Founders Pledge members without a DAF:** Get in touch with your Community Manager or Advisor, or reach out to us on [](\n\n**Not a member yet?** Donate via []( if you're in the US, or [get in touch]( if you're in EMEA.\n\n## 4. StrongMinds ##\n\n### What it is ###\n\nCritical mental health support for women and young people in Uganda through a unique, community-based model of talk therapy.\n\n### Why it needs your support now ###\n\nHundreds of millions of people around the world suffer from depressive disorders, with 85% in low-income countries receiving no treatment at all. StrongMinds can avert one year of severe major depression among vulnerable women and young people in Uganda at a cost of $250 per person. We believe their Interpersonal Group Psychotherapy (IPT-G) improves rates of employment, nutrition, physical health, housing and children’s education. They plan to treat 80,000 women and adolescents in the coming year, and have laid the groundwork to scale up even more if they’re able to get additional funding. This is a high leverage opportunity to help take StrongMinds’ work to the next level. \n\n_Note: StrongMinds is included in this year's [Double Up Drive](, meaning donations will be matched up to $5,000 until the end of the year!_\n\n### How to donate ###\n\n**Founders Pledge members with a Donor Advised Fund (DAF):** Donate and double up via our [member app](\n\n**Founders Pledge members without a DAF:** Get in touch with your Community Manager or Advisor, or reach out to us on [](\n\n**Not a member yet?** Donate via []( and [double up]( if you're in the US, or [get in touch]( if you're in EMEA.\n\n## Supporting Founders Pledge ##\n\nFor the third year in a row, Founders Pledge has been included in [Double Up Drive]( – offering you the unique opportunity to match up to $5,000 any gift to our operating expenses! \n\nWe rely on the support of generous members and donors to conduct all our research and continue providing updates like these. \n\nTo maximize your impact and take part in the matching campaign, Founders Pledge members with a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) should visit our [member app]( and follow the instructions there. Members without a DAF and non-members should reach out to us on []( for the quickest and easiest giving route.\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"30:T25c7,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"I’m excited to share that we believe we’ve uncovered a truly transformational and innovative way to fund Founders Pledge into the future, one that reimagines how charities might be able to support their operations.\n\nWhen Founders Pledge was born and the first pledges signed back in 2015, there were two of us working from a literal broom closet. Fast-forward to October 2022, and we're a team of sixty working across four countries, providing a global community of almost 2,000 members with everything they need to maximize the impact of their charitable giving. While much has changed since 2015, we remain committed to our ultimate goal of doing the most good possible in the world.\n\n#### It would be hard to overstate our ambition when it comes to impact.\n\nWe care about making the world a better place by achieving tangible outcomes, which is why we prioritize data and evidence in everything we do. It goes without saying that we could achieve much more impact if we were able to scale. What if we had 10,000 members? What if every successful entrepreneur committed to giving to the most effective charities? What if they were coordinated and could effect change at scale? The opportunity is huge, but we’re currently constrained by the need to raise every dollar we spend.\n\nAs our team has grown to serve our expanding community, so has the amount it costs us to run Founders Pledge. Because of this, a huge amount of our time and resources are dedicated to fundraising. This year, it has been harder than ever before. Despite the incredible work of our stellar fundraising team, when there is uncertainty or volatility in the markets - or downright macroeconomic correction - our fundraising becomes, unsurprisingly, significantly more difficult.\n\n#### So why don’t we take a cut of every pledge or charge our members fees?\n\nIt’s a complicated answer but the short version is: if we saw and treated our members as ‘customers’, paying for a service, we might lose the space we've worked so hard to create for two-way, open and honest conversations about effectiveness. In addition, I’m proud that we’ve decoupled membership from the ability to pay for it. We welcome entrepreneurs at different stages of their journeys, some having built and sold multiple companies, some running the gauntlet for the first time.\n\nWe’ve explored - and will continue to explore - different ways to build recurring, sustainable, and diversified revenue into our operations, but have found few models that stand the test: we don’t want to create barriers to entry; develop transactional relationships with our members; or incentivise ourselves to grow our assets under management (AUM) rather than getting money to our high-impact funding recommendations, where it is needed most. If we introduce new revenue models, we want them to align with our values and have impact baked in from the start. \n\nOne thing’s for sure: we couldn’t be more thankful to all our incredible donors, partners, and sponsors for helping us get to where we are today. No matter what new models we try, we’ll continue relying on their generosity long into the future. \n\n#### In August 2021, I had a eureka moment.\n\nI was in the middle of what has become an annual existential wobble about fundraising, when a fundamental question hit me: what if a different type of economic engine could help power Founders Pledge? One that spurs good behavior and nurtures our motivation to maximize impact; what could that look like?\n\nThe idea that emerged from this internal discourse was a Founders Pledge-aligned venture fund, one that invested in hot, oversubscribed rounds that our members’ companies were raising, and donated fees and carry to fund the operations of the charity. \n\nWe asked ourselves what would’ve happened if we’d launched a venture fund four years ago, when we’d grown large enough as a community to be able to do so. I wanted to understand how such a fund would’ve performed if we’d invested exclusively in Founders Pledge member companies with a set of rules designed to limit downside risk and maximize upside potential. The data painted an exciting picture - exciting enough that we started to dedicate a meaningful amount of time to exploring it further.\n\n#### At the end of 2021, I embarked on a listening tour.\n\nI asked a bunch of smart founders and investors to interrogate the concept and tell me why it wouldn’t work. I wanted to stress test it, and uncover the unknown unknowns. One of the first people I chatted to was Andreas Haug, the founding partner at Headline Ventures (formerly eVentures). Andreas has been a member and supporter of Founders Pledge since 2016, and is one of the people I respect and admire most in the VC world. On our first call, Andreas embraced the idea, and committed to helping us bring it to life. \n\nOver the course of conversations with about seventy people, I unearthed several things that we hadn’t previously considered and at the same time, found clear ways to deal with the challenges that emerged. Rather than disproving my hypothesis, I ended up honing the approach. In fact, not one of the people I spoke to told me not to do it; quite the opposite, almost everyone loved the idea and encouraged me to pursue it. I was blown away by the response. I haven’t experienced anything like this level of enthusiasm since I first started talking about the idea for Founders Pledge back in 2014. \n\n#### 2022 has been spent turning the idea into a reality.\n\nWe brought in a Managing Director in Ben Gammon, who is an experienced investor in tech startups, to help us chart the path forward. For months we worked through a long list of open questions with lawyers, advisers, and accountants in pursuit of a model with the right incentives baked in.\n\nWe’ve learnt so much in the process. Setting up a fund to benefit a charity doesn’t come without challenges. Anyone who has ever dealt with an industry regulator will understand how complex, and at times frustrating, it can be. Both charities and venture funds are overseen by a number of regulators in different jurisdictions. This concept would sit at the intersection of multiple regulatory regimes in a way that no venture fund or charity has done in quite the same way before. \n\nWe quickly came to understand that Founders Pledge couldn’t actually control or run a venture fund. We settled on a structure that would allow the charity to be the largest - though not majority - shareholder in the fund parent company. Founders Pledge could have a seat at the table but the fund would be independently managed, with its own investment committee and decision-making structure outside of Founders Pledge. \n\nIn practice, Founders Pledge would own 45% of the parent company and be able to form a simple majority if acting in alignment with any of the other shareholders. And importantly, only Founders Pledge and I (David) would be able to create a supermajority and make major changes. To avoid any conflicts of interest, all shareholders would pledge 100% of proceeds stemming from a liquidity event for the fund itself (however unlikely) to Founders Pledge. What’s more, no charity employee (e.g. me!) would be able to profit from carried interest. The unbreakable integrity of the mission and purpose of the fund would be embedded in its DNA from the outset. \n\n#### By now the idea had a name, Pledge Ventures.\n\nIn the short-term, up to 50% of the management fee would be donated to Founders Pledge, but the real game-changer would be the ability for Founders Pledge to participate in carry. 85% of the General Partner (GP) carry would accrue to Founders Pledge, and over several fund cycles, we could build up a long-term capital endowment for the charity, allowing Founders Pledge to scale its impact far beyond anything we could’ve achieved with our existing fundraising model alone.\n\nIn addition to the obvious financial benefits to the charity, we think a partnership with a project like Pledge Ventures is on mission for Founders Pledge. Our members represent a subset of the best technology companies on the planet, and either are already or will become some of the most successful entrepreneurs of our generation. Members who have enjoyed success with their own companies supporting a fund that exclusively invests in Founders Pledge member companies is the kind of virtuous circle we want to promote. It allows impactful entrepreneurs to invest in the next generation of founders committed to doing good - a flywheel for impact. If our future Limited Partners (LPs) do well and then choose to take the pledge to donate a meaningful chunk of their upside to charity, even better!\n\nImplementing this kind of innovative solution to our fundraising challenge will take time, no matter how determinedly I try to drive it forward, and once in place it would take years before Founders Pledge might see meaningful revenue. This means we need our traditional OpEx donors - our Foundry and Sustaining Partners, and our corporate and foundation partners - now more than ever.\n\nAnd so, I couldn’t be more thrilled to share this first update about a partnership between Pledge Ventures and Founders Pledge. My Chief of Staff, Niki, and I are going to be dedicating a meaningful part of our time to helping Ben ensure we hit a home run. We’ll both be reducing our hours and salaries at Founders Pledge by a third so that we can spend time bringing Pledge Ventures to life. We hope you’re as excited as we are that Founders Pledge is embarking on this journey to safeguard our impact long into the future with a new model for charitable funding. \n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"31:T193a,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"At Founders Pledge, we are a community motivated by doing as much good as we possibly can through finding and funding solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. \n\nWe are deeply saddened by the ongoing events in Ukraine, as we were last summer when Kabul fell, and in 2020 when at the height of the conflict in Syria, 6,500 children were displaced every day for weeks on end. We care deeply about all those who have been and will be affected by global crises. \n\nDuring times of crisis, it is natural to feel an overwhelming urge to support those affected in any way and as quickly as we possibly can. We recognise that our community is not only uniquely placed to support direct aid and relief efforts, but that they - like all of us - will want to do so. \n\nAs a donor with limited resources and time to address huge need in the world, it’s important to step back and focus on the most impactful solutions available. Through our research, which focuses on prioritizing problem areas and uncovering the highest-impact funding opportunities, we believe the most effective interventions seek to address the underlying causes of conflict and improve our ability to predict and mitigate global catastrophic risk. We outline our thinking, and make recommendations for long-term, preventative interventions, in our [Great Power Conflict research]( For more on why we recommend this approach, read our [case for longtermism and safeguarding the future](\n\nWe’d also recommend channeling the desire to provide humanitarian help into our [Global Health and Development Fund](, which aims to tackle perpetual global inequalities in health, wealth and opportunity.\n\nWe are not best placed to advise on immediate relief efforts in Ukraine. However, to help guide your giving decisions further, we’ve adapted some principles from [Our Approach to Charity](, the framework that informs all of our research. Overall, we encourage you to balance the urge to help with careful consideration about where and how to give most effectively.\n\nWe are always on-hand to support our members, so if you’d like to discuss any of the ideas raised in this post, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your Community Manager who can set you up with a Founders Pledge Advisor. \n\n### Get informed\n\nDuring and in the wake of crises, a variety of issues emerge on both large (national and international) and small scales (localized regions and communities). Try to learn about the situation and its complexities from reputable sources. This [Global Shapers]( gives a list of verified outlets providing information and updates on Ukraine.[^1]\n\nThink about what resulting problems you may want to focus on. In many cases, immediate aid feels like the first and most essential option (e.g. food, medical support and supplies, clothing, shelter); but there are other, often longer-term, problems, too (e.g. the effects of violence or displacement, economic instability). By learning about the possible problems and available solutions, you can make more informed decisions about your giving. This could also be an opportunity to reflect on and set your wider giving goals, if you identify themes you’re interested in and causes you’re keen to support going forward. \n\n### Look for established organizations and groups\n\nUnfortunately, large-scale crises can give way to fraudulent activity whereby bad actors look to take advantage of generosity and pocket donations for their own gain. Verify the recipient before making any donations. \n\nSigns of reputability include legal charity status, successful outcomes, and strong financial management. If a group is new and has been launched in response to the crisis, look for connections to an established organization. Sites like [Charity Navigator]( and [GuideStar]( can be used to find some of this information for US organizations, and [Charity Clarity]( in the UK.\n\n### Turn to those working on the ground \n\nTo make an immediate impact, look for organisations and groups that are providing relief and aid directly to those affected. They will better understand where and what support is needed as they actively respond to an evolving situation. For an up-to-date list of humanitarian interventions in Ukraine, we recommend the [Global Shapers](\n\nOne example is the [Ukraine Humanitarian Fund](, one of the UN’s country-based pooled funds, that serves as a general, unearmarked source of funding made directly and immediately available to a wide range of partner organizations on the front lines of response.\n\n### Factor in scale, neglectedness, and additionality / counterfactual impact \n\nThese are some of the ‘key impact indicators’ we use to identify the world’s most pressing problems. In basic terms, they relate to the size of a problem, how well funded it is, and the impact that your donation - or lack of donation - would have, respectively. \n\nThink of them as lenses that can shift your perspective on a problem, and help shape your giving decisions. \n\nThe questions below provide a guide for applying each of these principles to a funding opportunity in order to better assess it.\n- Does this opportunity deliver solutions at scale with the scope of the problem?\n- Is this opportunity neglected by the funder community or is it already well-publicized and funded?\n- What additional value does my donation create beyond what's already empowered by the resources donated?\n- What's the impact created in the absence of my grant to this opportunity?\n\n[This VOX article]( adopts this line of questioning, and includes a number of ways to support the crisis in Ukraine.\n\n[^1]: Global Shapers Ukraine led the crowdsourced effort to create these resources. Born out of the World Economic Forum, the Global Shapers Community is a network of inspiring young people under 30 working together to address local, regional, and global challenges.\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"32:Tb50,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"[Silicon Valley Bank](, bank of the world’s most innovative companies and their investors, and [Founders Pledge](, a nonprofit focused on maximizing the impact of entrepreneurs, today announced their partnership to sponsor educational opportunities to increase engagement by technology leaders in philanthropic funding. \n\nThrough the partnership, Founders Pledge will offer educational events and opportunities to its global community of startup founders, investors, and executives on subjects including global health and economic development, climate change, animal welfare, and enhancing wellbeing. It will also offer educational opportunities on how to maximize philanthropic impact for SVB’s global clientele. \n\n*“Silicon Valley Bank’s clients and entrepreneurs worldwide are tackling the globe’s biggest challenges and making an outsized positive impact with their inventions and fast-growing businesses,”* said \u003cb\u003eJohn China, President of SVB Capital\u003c/b\u003e. *“We appreciate the incredible generosity of community-minded entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors who prioritize giving back – an important second level of impact. SVB is proud to support Founders Pledge’s newest effort to help the innovators maximize the good they can do.”*\n\nFor nearly 40 years, SVB has helped innovative companies and their investors move bold ideas forward, and today works with approximately half of all US venture-backed tech and life science companies, 55% of the technology and healthcare companies that had an IPO exit in 2021 and businesses and investors around the world.\n\n_“Founders Pledge is singularly focused on helping entrepreneurs do immense good by finding and funding solutions to pressing social problems\"_, said \u003cb\u003eDanielle Gram, the Managing Director of Founders Pledge\u003c/b\u003e. _\"We’re excited to expand the reach of our programming to SVB’s clients, and to be able to offer a robust calendar of educational programming to our members in 2022 with SVB’s generous support.”_\n\nFounded in 2015, Founders Pledge includes 1,700 entrepreneurs who have pledged a combined $7 billion to charitable causes. SVB has supported Founders Pledge’s work since 2019, including a $1 million seed donation to support Founders Pledge's top recommendations for high-impact Covid philanthropy in 2020, known as the [“Covid-19 Global Impact and Innovation Fund”]( Including the seed donation, the impact fund raised $4.6 million which was donated to evidence-based initiatives to stop the spread of Covid, mitigate the social and economic effects of the pandemic, and prepare for future pandemics. \n\nTo learn more about Founders Pledge and its partnership with Silicon Valley Bank, contact: \u003ca href=\"\"\\u003c/a\u003e."])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"33:T1150,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"We are very excited to share details about a recent gift Founders Pledge member Paul Murphy and his wife Sheena have made to New Incentives. Paul is a partner at Lightspeed Ventures and a co-founder of DOTS, and Sheena is the founder of design firm Nune. Paul and Sheena have been incredibly inspired by the work New Incentives are doing in Nigeria and have decided to donate US $250,000 to help them expand their work in 2022. Paul and Sheena want to use their gift as a challenge and catalyst for other FP members, their network and the public to join them in supporting New Incentives. \n\n**A message from Paul and Sheena:**\n\n*\"We started our giving wanting to help individuals in less wealthy countries to gain access to Covid vaccines. As we dug in deeper with the advisory team at Founders Pledge, we learned that there are millions of children now at risk of severe illness and death from preventable disease because Covid has made it so hard to get vaccines for polio, measles and other preventable diseases. We hope you'll join us in supporting this campaign to raise awareness and resources and prevent unnecessary death and suffering for children in Nigeria, thank you.\"*\n\n## Why New Incentives?\n\n### A Hidden Knock-on Effect of the COVID Pandemic: Missed Childhood Vaccinations\n\nThe pandemic has disrupted normal ways of living and working across the globe, and while the global health response has focussed on COVID prevention, treatment and vaccination, the pandemic has also triggered negative health outcomes more generally. With many families staying at home and health systems over-burdened in the COVID-19 response, we have seen a [7% drop]( in global childhood vaccination rates against diseases like polio, measles, pneumonia, meningitis and hepatitis B. That equates to 10 million more children who missed their vaccinations in 2020 as compared to the year before. \n\n### A High Leverage Target: Nigeria\n\nGlobally, most unvaccinated children are clustered in just a [handful of countries]( DRC, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Nigeria and Pakistan. This makes those countries particularly high leverage targets for improving health outcomes for children, as a small improvement in health systems can make a comparatively larger difference in outcomes, and at a much larger scale. \n\nWhen seeking to choose a target from amongst those 6 countries, the next factors to consider are neglectedness and tractability: the availability of alternative sources of funding and our ability to meaningfully move the needle in terms of affecting real change. Viewed through these lenses, Nigeria is a prime target, where a strategic targeted investment in children’s health can go a particularly long way. \n\n### Scaling-up An Extraordinarily Effective Solution: New Incentives\n\nWe will do this by supporting New Incentives, a program that helps more children get their routine, lifesaving vaccinations in Nigeria by providing cash incentives to parents. The effectiveness of their work has been confirmed in a [recent randomised control trial](, which showed that New Incentives work doubled the number of children who are fully vaccinated as compared to control - an extraordinary result. \n\nOff the back of these randomised control trial results, New Incentives is planning on growing 3x, going from an expected 265,000 infant enrollments in 2021 to over 655,595 infant enrollments in 2022. With these efforts, they expect to cover 73% of the infant population in their 3 current operating states in Northern Nigeria while also expanding to a 4th and possibly 5th state. They have secured 70% of their 2022 operating budget, but still have a significant gap to fill. Our goal is to make a meaningful contribution towards filling that 2022 budget gap for New Incentives. \n\n## How you can help\n\nIf you’re inspired by the Murphy’s gift and want to support New Incentives, [click here](\n\n- The Murphy’s donation of $250,000 will allow New Incentives to fully immunise about 9,850 children in Northern Nigeria. \n- Another $250,000 will enable New Incentives to fully immunise a total of 19,700 children in Northern Nigeria.\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"34:Td79,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"The COVID-19 pandemic was a wake-up call to just how vulnerable humanity is. From extreme climate change and nuclear war to engineered pandemics or the potentially catastrophic consequences of unaligned AI, we face a range of threats that could lead to human extinction or irreparably set us back.\n\nPreparing for and mitigating these [existential risks](, though they might seem far-fetched and unlikely, is crucial to increase the chances that humanity survives in the long term and fulfils its potential. This is one of the most important challenges of our time and one of the best opportunities for impact-focussed philanthropists to do immense good.\n\n### How can we best protect humanity from the threat of extinction?\n\nThat’s the challenge Founders Pledge member [Erik Bergman](, Co-Founder of Catena Media and Founder of [](, put to a group of tech leaders at this year's Founders Forum London. \n\nErik generously donated $100k and asked Founders Forum participants to help him answer this question by allocating his donation in the most impactful way through a giving game focused on the long-term future. The audience of founders, investors, and global leaders learned about four Founders Pledge-recommended funding opportunities to reduce serious risks posed by emerging technologies, and each participant voted for their top choice. The $100k grant was distributed as follows:\n\n- [Center for Human-Compatible AI]( $43,280\n- [Center for Security and Emerging Technology]( $17,910\n- [Dr. Philip Tetlock's Forecasting Research]( $22,390\n- [Nuclear Threat Initiative's Biosecurity Programmes]( $16,420\n\n### Raising awareness\n\nThough crucial, existential risk reduction is still a highly neglected cause. Founders Pledge members like Erik Bergman are helping change this.\n\n_\"I just had a son. One year ago, he didn't exist. Nobody knew that he would exist, yet here he is, and it's his time to live for a lifetime. This is how I think about the long-term future of humanity. I believe that each life of the future has a more or less equal value as the lives that are alive today, but they are easy to forget about\"_, says Erik. \n\n\n_\"Because of this, I want to support causes that focus on the safeguarding of humanity's long-term future. I funded this giving game, both to donate myself and to raise awareness for these causes for potential donors to do the same.\"_\n\n***\n\n**Erik Bergman** founded performance marketing and lead generation company Catena Media in 2012. Catena Media went public on the Swedish stock exchange in 2016 and was valued at $200 million. Passionate about charitable giving, Erik founded his new venture,, in 2018, an organisation that uses creative digital marketing techniques to generate revenue from the online gambling industry and donates 100% of its profits to vetted charities around the world.\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"35:T9cf,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"2020 was a terrible year for most of the world. Not so much for many of us lucky enough to work in computer games.\n\nSo this year I’m launching “Game Founders for Climate 2021” to enable those of us who have benefited from the rapid growth in games to give back to help combat the most important and urgent cause in the world - climate change.\n\nTo this end I have partnered with Mikko Kodisoja (Supercell), Jussi Laakkonen (Applifier/Unity), Kevin Chou (Kabam / and others to create a $500k matching donation fund that my friends at Founders Pledge have kindly agreed to help fulfil.\n\nI know that together we can get this climate grant to $1 million at least. Every dollar donated will count for two between now and July 17 up to a $1 million total. Please sign up here, contribute what you can, and tell your friends.\n\n[DONATE HERE]( \n\nThe targets for this grant are organizations I have spent a lot of time with over the past year, who I am convinced can deliver the most climate impact per dollar donated.\n\n[Founders Pledge Climate Fund]( Much like a private equity fund, the Founders Pledge Climate Fund is structured to provide solution agnostic grants at the time and place where they can have the biggest situational impact on carbon emissions and carbon capture. As a company builder, I have learned that talent, timing, and leverage matters in all new ventures. The Founders Pledge Climate Fund team are exceptionally talented thinkers and doers on how to deploy funds toward emissions reduction impact most effectively globally. \n\n[]( As an entrepreneur I’ve learned the hard way how important it is to have a plan B in case plan A fails. Silverlining has a DARPA-like model promoting research into upper atmosphere modeling, solar radiation management, marine cloud brightening and other “last resort” actions for use as a temporary measure to cool the climate in case despite our best efforts on emissions reduction we hit some unforeseen tipping point and need more time. This research is neglected but critical should we end up at the upper end of possible warming scenarios in the coming decades. Think of it as an insurance policy for the planet.\n\nThank you in advance for joining us in doing our part to safeguard the planet for future generations.\n\n[DONATE HERE]( "])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"36:T1c52,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"It was Thursday, February 11, 2016 – which just so happened to be my 28th birthday. Not only was this my most memorable birthday to date, but it was arguably the most important day of my life.\n\nTo grasp the importance of this date, we need to go back to my childhood. \n\nI come from a wonderful and loving family in Sweden. Financially, however, we were a typical middle class family and lived outside of the city. There were no schools close by, and I ended up in the district with the most exclusive schools. Growing up as a middle-class kid surrounded by affluent peers made me feel “poor.” \n\nAs a result, I began to associate self-worth with wealth. This misguided perception of “value” left me constantly yearning for more – more ventures, more stuff, more money. \n\nSo, here we are: My 28th birthday, and I wake up preparing myself for what I know is going to be a life-changing day. I would finally reach the summit; it’s the day I’ve been dreaming about since grade school. I was becoming a millionaire.\n\nI walked through the doors at the Stockholm Nasdaq Stock Exchange with my business partner, Emil Thidell, and we prepared to ring the closing bell. Our business, Catena Media, was valued at approximately $200 million and the moment we rang that bell, I made $15 million.\n\nUnfortunately, this was the beginning of the story and not the end. I’d quickly learn that money wasn’t what I needed all along – I needed a purpose. \n\n### Finding myself and my purpose\n\nAfter that day, my life changed forever. I expected money to solve my problems, but it couldn’t. For as young as I was, I felt old and unhealthy. I was burnt-out and worst of all, unhappy. \n\nI had sacrificed my time, personal life and health to get to where I was, and I was over it.\n\nIn 2017, at 29 years old, I decided to step down from my active role at Catena Media. I needed to step away and re-center myself physically and emotionally. It was during this time that I truly discovered my passion for helping others.\n\nMy first real experience with philanthropy came from a $13,000 donation I made to help build an education center in Ghana. At the time, I didn’t have any connections to the small village of Busua in south Ghana, but I was introduced to the IT for Children Project which only needed $13,000 to finish an IT education building for the town’s children – and since I had the means, I donated.\n\nAfter it was finished, I decided to take a trip to see the village and the building that I helped fund. The education center was like a spark of positivity and happiness in an otherwise gloomy environment. Instead of the gray, steel-barred buildings surrounding it, the IT for Children center was bright and vibrant, full of promise and hope.\n\nThis trip completely changed my perspective on philanthropy. It was such a cathartic experience seeing 70+ children flock to our voluntary IT class after their regular school hours. How many children do you know that would go to a voluntary class after school? \n\nYou could feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude, yearning and passion in these children – something I used to relate to. It was at this moment that I realized that my true purpose was to use my resources and expertise to do the most good in the world.\n\n### Learning the importance of giving effectively\n\nNow that I had the altruistic bug, all I wanted to do was help. Unfortunately, I had yet to learn the importance of strategic philanthropy and the disproportionate value between causes.\n\nI eventually learned about an overseas sex trafficking charity that aimed to rescue children who had been abducted and used in underground sex trafficking. Their cause was undeniably important and struck a chord with me immediately. They stated that with a $1,000 donation, you could save one child. I donated roughly $100,000.\n\nAfterward, I began to look at this in more depth. I realized that rescuing a life from sex slavery might then lead another innocent child to be abducted to replace the one I had saved. While I couldn’t know for sure, the uncertainty of whether I was ultimately causing more harm than good made me rethink my approach to charity.\n\nIt was during this phase that I discovered effective altruism and eventually, Founders Pledge.\n\n### Creating a great giving machine\n\nThe more I dug into charitable giving, the more excited I became. I found what I wanted to do for the rest of my life: give. \n\nNow, I just needed a way to give more and give more wisely.\n\nThis notion of wanting to give more is the genesis for \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"blank\"\\u003c/a\u003e. I had a substantial amount of money – but it would ultimately run out if I continued to give it all away. I needed a way to generate more money that I could then donate.\n\nI knew the gambling industry inside and out after almost a decade of building Catena Media, a leader in the iGaming world. I thought, why not create another one. So, I purchased and decided to start a new gambling affiliate brand that would donate all its profits to vetted charities designed to help mitigate the global climate crisis (which we determined to be one of the most impactful and pressing global issues).\n\nI also remembered the mental and physical drain of building my first affiliate brand, so I wanted to approach the culture and work ethic differently, too. Not only does give 100 per cent of its profits to charity, but we operate a completely flexible and transparent organization.\n\nWe prioritize employee health and wellness – we let employees set their salaries, choose their work commitments, and encourage vacations and digital hiatuses. In addition to wanting to give back to great causes around the world, I also want to redefine the way we approach work and organizational culture.\n\nSince our inception, we’ve contributed more than $325,000 to great organizations like Clean Air Task Force, the Coalition for Rainforest Nations and, of course, Founders Pledge.\n\n### Why I joined Founders Pledge\n\nI started to do the most good possible. Founders Pledge’s mission is to empower entrepreneurs to do immense good – naturally, I felt that being a member of this community would help us achieve our goals better than we could alone.\n\nThe dedicated research team and streamlined infrastructure would give us the resources we needed to make better strategic decisions related to philanthropy. Also, as a young and ambitious organization, I relished the opportunity to join a global community of over 1,400 like-minded entrepreneurs who I could potentially network and partner with for future projects.\n\nNot only am I striving to do the most good in the world through, but I am growing a personal brand as an entrepreneurial philanthropist to educate and inspire others to give more and give more wisely. I see joining Founders Pledge as an opportunity to further this mission in addition to its value for\n\nIf you’re reading this and want to learn more about me or my projects, reach out to me on \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"blank\"\u003eInstagram\u003c/a\u003e, \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"blank\"\u003eTwitter\u003c/a\u003e, or email (\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"37:T2338,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"Joshua Wohle recently founded \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eMindstone\u003c/a\u003e, an online learning platform that helps you learn faster, remember more and share your insights, with co-founders Patrick Cootes, Melody Lang and Florian Zysset. All four founders have taken the pledge, multiplying Mindstone’s impact. We recently sat down with Joshua, who has made a 10% pledge, to find out more about Mindstone, the team’s motivations and his approach to impact.\n\n#### Tell us about Mindstone \n\nThe underlying reason for creating Mindstone is really the idea to try and identify the sector where you can have the biggest possible positive impact on the world. And we’re big believers in the idea that education has ripple effects that no other industry has, so if you’re able to help people become better learners, which is the mission of the company, that will spill over as positive benefits in a bunch of other industries. So it’ll have effects in health, it’ll have effects in sustainability, it’ll have effects in basically everything else. And so that was the core of the company. \n\n#### What brought you and your co-founders together to create Mindstone? \n\nFor the last 7 years, I’ve built a company called \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eSuperAwesome\u003c/a\u003e, which was about building a safer internet for kids. That was already a pretty valuable goal to start with and with that being a decent success, there was really a ground zero exercise of okay, if money is not a motivator, if I think about the next 20-30 years of my life, how can I optimise that time in the best possible way? So that’s kind of where it came from. \n\nWe all have slightly different motivations for coming together. On a personal level, I moved around schools quite a lot. I grew up in the Netherlands, I was there for 13 years and then I did 10 years in Switzerland and now 10 years in London. But even in the Netherlands, I moved around to about five different schools in eight years or so. I started schooling in the Netherlands, did high school in Switzerland, I started university twice and dropped out twice in Switzerland and then I finally started and finished it here in London in Computer Science. Then I did my MBA remotely, through the Open University, and so I also had this kind of a personal angle to a bunch of different learning styles in different environments which have always left me very disappointed with the educational quality and everything that came around it. \n\nI knew I needed an educator as part of this venture as I’m not one. I did an enormous amount of reading in the past 2-3 years leading up to this venture. Rule number 1 that seemed to apply was technologists trying to change education and continuing to fail over and over because they just don’t get education. So I wanted to make sure that didn’t happen and then I got introduced to Patrick. He’s a really good teacher and he’s been rated outstanding by Ofsted. He was a teacher for 18 years with a specialisation in epistemology. He kind of got to the point where he realised himself that he was pretty good but that his impact was always going to be limited to about 30 students at a time. And he was trying to figure out if there is a way that we can change that because as much as he was enjoying that impact, he kind of felt, okay well that’s the furthest that I can ever go unless there is a fundamental change. \n\nMelody came from a different angle where she was just passionate about the space itself and how it was changing and then she spent four years with Knewton, which brought with it a very interesting experience. Then she spent two years investing in the space - specifically around the future of work and how people learn. Now she’s going back to it from an operational perspective because she realised she was more passionate about operating a company and scaling it herself than just investing in it. \n\nFlorian’s angle is very different again. Florian is a developer and our CTO. He’s a self-learner. He did his bachelor’s remotely and he built some really big systems before he ever got his degree. So his angle is that he has learned everything himself from the internet. He’s passionate about giving someone the ability to take any subject they want to learn and really go in-depth and scaling past just the development scene. Developers are able to, or at least are portrayed to be able to do this more often, and it’ll be interesting to see how you can take that and scale that across many different industries. So how do you become a top-notch economist without ever going through university, but just based on everything that’s already available online. \n\n#### What drew you to Founders Pledge?\n\nI was the one who knew about it and brought it to the table but everyone directly jumped on it and knew that it was the right thing to do. So yeah it wasn’t even a question, I didn’t have to convince anyone, it was literally just about hey guys, this is a thing - and everyone instantly was like ‘yeah, that makes sense’. \n\nI think we all have slightly different motivations to it. Personally, it’s the possibility that we can be wrong about how best to make a difference. At the end of the day, even if we were to have a very successful exit one day, I’m most likely not going to use that money for personal stuff. I’ve got enough money on the personal side so I’m going to try and direct that money in ways that are appropriate, but I might be wrong in that. So signing up to Founders Pledge is an admission that you know what, we might not be the best stewards of the money that might come out of this, let’s make sure we have some risk mitigation by seeking advice on where that money could be best spent. That’s my personal motivation. \n\n#### Tell us about your three-strand approach to impact\n\nSo this is similar to the reason for us signing up to Founders Pledge, it is somewhat a risk mitigation strategy on how to have the best possible impact. We’re building Mindstone which we think is definitely one possible solution to how we can improve learning. And we might be right on that or we might be wrong. If we’re wrong on that, I’m also investing in the ed tech space because others might be right and it would be great if we get to help those that are right try and make sure that they then push it through. And last but not least, we’ve got the charity angle, so even if we’re wrong on what we’re building and I’m wrong with the companies I’m investing in, well maybe Founders Pledge and charity overall are actually better at making a real impact. So you have those three strands to try and make sure that at the end of the day, there’s a lower chance that everything you’re currently doing is just wrong. \n\n#### Do you have plans for measuring Mindstone’s impact? \n\nWe’re very passionate about making sure that we are going to implement rigorous testing to ensure that we are actually having the impact that we are wanting to have. Interestingly, we’re going to have to invent what that really means because there is no common measurement framework of what it means to be a good learner and so we’re going to have to invent some of that and then measure ourselves by our own standard. But we’re still very excited about that, for sure. \n\nThe things we get really excited about right now is when learners are using the system 7 days a week. We had a user who actually sent us a message saying this has changed the way they’re interacting with content and they were able to structure it much better. It’s very anecdotal-type evidence that we’re getting at the moment.\n\n#### How has your experience of Founders Pledge been so far?\n\nFrom a structural perspective, it was what I was expecting, but from a support perspective it was more than I was expecting. I didn’t expect the honing in on the priorities exercise and what came out of that. I’m pretty methodical and the last thing I would have wanted would be for Founders Pledge not to be methodical and then me start to question: wait, is the money actually going into the right places? As I understand it, that is the whole idea behind Founders Pledge; it is a systemised, properly impact-based way of actually making sure the money goes to the right places. \n\n#### What parts of Founders Pledge are you most excited about?\n\nI am really excited to meet the other founders and other like-minded people that have done this. So if you look at that three-stranded approach and how I’m trying to have an impact, getting introduced to more people who are trying to have an impact and figuring out if and how I could potentially be helpful to those people as well. Or potentially how those people might be helpful to us trying to achieve what we’re trying to achieve too. That’s something I’m excited about. It’s a shame that we’re now in this COVID period but I’m looking forward to that in future for sure. \n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"38:T2433,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"So, you’re thinking of starting a nonprofit? Perhaps you’re incredibly passionate about a particular cause area, you have personal reasons for your venture, or maybe you just have a crazy new idea for solving a problem that’s going to change the world. It’s true, almost everyone starting a charity or nonprofit has great intentions and is driven by a motivation to do good, but is starting a nonprofit always the best move? If you really want to create impact, stop and ask yourself if there are more efficient ways to realize your goal. In this blog, we outline important points to consider before starting your own nonprofit, alternative ways to create impact and how Founders Pledge can help. \n\n### What’s already out there? \n\nThere are 10 million nonprofits and NGOs globally and over \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e1.5 million registered nonprofits\u003c/a\u003e in the US alone. The chances are, whatever your focus area, there’s probably already another organization, or 10, working to tackle that issue. If you were starting a for-profit venture, you would be sure to identify a gap in the market to increase your chances of success. The same goes for starting a nonprofit; if other charities or nonprofits are already working on the problem you want to address, there may be more efficient ways to have the impact you desire. Many new nonprofits struggle to reach scale – \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e88 percent\u003c/a\u003e of US nonprofits have annual budgets of under $500,000 and half have less than one month’s cash reserves. If your new organization is unlikely to be more impactful than those already working in the space, think about bringing your skills and passion to an existing nonprofit; become a board member and steer their work, or pitch them your innovative solution to the problem they’re addressing. \n\nIf your nonprofit will rely on outside funding such as grants and donations, it’s also important to consider how the funding pool is spread. The more nonprofits there are working in a particular space, the more funding gets split up and doesn’t necessarily make it to the highest-impact organizations. Say you set up a nonprofit to fight malaria. While your intentions are good, you could be taking funding away from the Against Malaria Foundation (\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eAMF\u003c/a\u003e), one of the \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003ebest charities out there\u003c/a\u003e. Alternatively, you could join forces with AMF or support their work financially. If your goal is beating malaria, helping a highly impactful organization with existing infrastructure and supporters scale and improve their work could be much more impactful than setting up another nonprofit that might take decades to create tangible impact, if it does at all. \n\n### How will I measure impact?\n\nIf you’re a member of Founders Pledge, you’ll know the importance of measuring impact. Most nonprofits and charities fail to measure their impact effectively, and the majority of those assessed actually have very little or no impact on the problem they’re trying to tackle. Some even do harm. While, of course, those behind charities generally have great intentions and are trying to have a positive impact, lack of expertise, research and data on the effectiveness of their interventions can trip them up. \n\nRemember the \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003ePlayPump\u003c/a\u003e? It was a children’s merry-go-round that pumps water from the ground into a storage tank, which garnered huge excitement and support in the 2000s as a solution to clean water shortages in Africa. While on the surface it might have seemed like a great idea, it failed to deliver – it only worked in very specific environments and fears arose that children’s play would turn into labor to meet water demand. Many communities were not asked if they wanted a PlayPump, and actually preferred the simpler hand pumps that the PlayPumps replaced. The PlayPump’s failure demonstrated how essential it is to conduct sufficient research before implementing a potential solution. It’s crucial to fully understand the problem you want to address; if your solution is a new technology, will it be enough to solve the issue alone or is the problem deeper and more complex than that? Is it likely to be both impactful and sustainable long-term? \n\nThink of CrowdPAC: a social purpose company that aimed to change political fundraising by creating a campaign crowdfunding platform. It launched in 2014 and despite having impressive backers and raising over $15 million for progressive candidates and causes, it was still unable to sustain itself and was forced to close in May 2019. It has now been acquired by Prytany and relaunched with an altered structure, but its history highlights the difficulty of sustaining tech solutions to social problems. You could have more impact by bringing your ideas, skills and resources to an established organization that has stability and is already achieving its objectives. Through your support and innovation, you could boost its overall impact, without the difficulties that come with building a new organization in the political tech space. \n\nIt’s also important to plan how you’ll collect data to measure your impact. How many people have you reached? To what extent have you improved lives and taken into account the experiences of your beneficiaries/end users? Are there any unintended negative consequences of your work? What kind of surveys will you use to answer these questions? If the data shows you’re failing to get the desired results, you need to be prepared to adjust what you’re doing and make improvements, and then test the effects of these changes. If you don’t feel confident that your nonprofit can successfully measure its impact, it’s worth thinking about offering your support to an existing charity with a good track record for doing so instead. \n\n### Experience matters\n\nA common misconception is that setting up and running a successful nonprofit isn’t as challenging as it actually is. If you want to give a cause or problem the attention it deserves, you need to take the time to set up the right infrastructure and governance so that it can reach its potential and maximize its impact. A \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e2016 study\u003c/a\u003e found that prior experience of working in charities significantly increases a new charity’s chance of success, citing common reasons for failure as difficulty getting funding, planning issues, lack of marketing and management skills, and personal workload. Established organizations have years’ worth of learnings to inform their work; think about whether working with an experienced nonprofit that’s already learned from its mistakes could be a more efficient path to take. \n\nAs an example, \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eVillage Enterprise\u003c/a\u003e, a Founders Pledge-recommended charity, spent many years as a small, volunteer-run charity before becoming recognized for its impact. The organization helps women in East Africa escape poverty by equipping them with the skills and resources to start their own businesses. Founded in 1987, the charity completed its first impact study in 2007, launching a new model to increase impact in 2011. It became recognized as a high-impact charity in the years that followed, allowing it to scale. Village Enterprise’s story demonstrates that it can take decades to become highly impactful; joining forces with a high-impact nonprofit already at this stage instead of starting a new organization could save you a great deal of time and effort.\n\n### How Founders Pledge can help\n\nBefore you dive in and register your new nonprofit, we hope you’ll consider the points above carefully. There are 10 million nonprofits out there already, and Founders Pledge can partner with you to identify the highest-impact organizations working to address the problems you care about most. Consider whether donating to these organizations, pooling your resources with fellow members through our \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eFunds\u003c/a\u003e, or lending a charity your time, skills and ideas, could be more impactful than setting up a new nonprofit in the space. If you’d like further advice on how best to create impact, please get in touch. \n\nIf, following your research, you think there’s a better solution to a pressing problem waiting to be unleashed, we’d love to hear about it. A new focus area for Founders Pledge is the high-risk, high-reward approach of \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eseed funding promising new nonprofits\u003c/a\u003e that have potential to create significant impact and reach scale; your nonprofit could even become one of our recommended early-stage organizations to fund! \n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"39:T14c9,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"With Giving Tuesday fast approaching, your inbox might be filling up with funding requests quicker than usual. Even if you feel compelled to do good this Giving Season, you might be having a hard time deciding how best to allocate your limited resources. That’s where the Founders Pledge Advisory team comes in — we help our community plan their giving in the most strategic way possible. \n\n### When to say no\n\nI’m the head of the Advisory service at Founders Pledge, working with our members to help them build personalised portfolios of impact-optimised grants. I’m often told by members that choosing which grants to make and which charities to support can be a bit overwhelming. With so many good causes out there and so many requests for funding, some of us find it incredibly hard to know when to say yes and when to say no. So when should you say no to an ask?\n\nThe short answer to this is: often! We all have finite resources and every grant we choose to make is another that we explicitly or implicitly choose not to make. Essentially, we end up not making almost every possible grant asked of us, but this is a good thing! The truth of the matter is that not all charities are equally effective and if we care about meaningful outcomes, we need to prioritise organisations which are going to do the maximum possible amount of good.\n\n### Define your goals\n\nI prefer not to focus on the grants that I don’t make (which is, after all, a very long list), but on the ones that I do. By having a clear, well-defined strategy for my giving, I can focus on what I want to achieve and which grants can help me do just that. This is what I work with our members to do during our tailored advisory process. In our [Value Discovery]( sessions, members explore the beliefs and principles which underpin their giving and use these to set individual giving goals. These goals are like your own personal mission statement. They are an anchor for your giving which helps ensure that when you make grants, you’re making steps towards creating the world you want to live in. These goals are a crucial part of each individual’s giving plan.\n\nA giving plan designed with your Advisor around your personal goals doesn’t just help you be more strategic, it makes it much easier to know when you should say yes (and no) to opportunities you come across. Carefully planned giving is generally more effective than reactive giving for a couple of reasons. First, many of the charities we work with say they are able to plan much more strategically when they have a good idea of their pipeline of funding than when funds come in unpredictably. Second, if you plan carefully, you can find gaps in the market to ensure that your grant is going to someone who has a solid plan for spending it well, rather than accidentally swamping a charity with more money than it’s equipped to spend. This can often happen if a particular cause or organisation hits the news and receives a surge of public support. \n\nHowever, ad hoc opportunities can still yield real impact. When I come across an interesting new giving opportunity, I ask myself two questions:\n\n1. Is this grant firmly aligned with my personal giving goals?\n2. Can this grant produce better outcomes than other grants that are aligned with my giving goals?\n\nThis second question is vital, as new ideas can be more exciting than organisations or projects that we’ve known about or supported for a while, but to be a truly effective giver, it’s important to make the best possible grants whenever we can. Answering this second question can be difficult, but our Advisors are always here to help. \n\n### What about requests from friends and family?\n\nThis last month, I’ve already received requests from a wildlife charity, a children’s charity and my old university. I also have friends planning to do a charity cycle ride for a local hospice. I care about all of these causes and have a personal connection to several of them, but I won’t be giving to them all. Some are broadly aligned with my goals but simply aren’t the best way to achieve them, while at least two are close enough to my heart that I’ll donate anyway. I keep a “personal pot” of about 15 percent of my annual giving for this kind of donation and I love knowing that I can support organisations which mean a lot to me, regardless of impact, without letting this detract from the big changes I know I can achieve with the main portion of my giving portfolio. \n\nAt Founders Pledge, we don’t believe you should say “no” when you feel a personal connection, instead, we encourage our members to take a portfolio approach to their giving. We build mixed portfolios that represent multiple values, cause areas, risk profiles and more. We can’t and probably shouldn’t take all the emotion out of giving, but by planning in advance how much money we want to devote to personal, less impact-driven grants, we can make sure we don’t lose focus and that the majority of our giving helps us make meaningful progress towards our goals.\n\nIf you are a member of Founders Pledge and would like to talk with an Advisor about your giving, please get in touch with your Community Manager. We’d be delighted to hear from you!\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"3a:T293a,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"_We are excited to announce that our €1 million match pot generously provided by Erik Bergman has been filled! Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Founders Pledge Climate Fund, with a special thank you to Erik for helping us maximize impact and take meaningful action to reduce global emissions._\n\n---\n\nWe recently launched our new [Climate Change Fund](, a way for our members to pool their giving and invest in the future of our planet. Thanks to the drive of our members and their strong commitment to tackle climate change, we’re thrilled to announce that we now have $1 million in our Climate Change Fund to invest in high-impact climate solutions. With the help of an anonymous donor who matched contributions up to a value of $500,000, our Fund was able to reach this incredible figure just days after the official launch!\n\nNow, we are very excited to tell you that we have secured another match fund! Founders Pledge member [Erik Bergman](, founder of Catena Media and, is generously offering to match contributions to our Climate Change Fund up to €1 million (the equivalent of $1,200,000 or £900,000) until December 31! Erik is challenging FP members, the public and his wealthy friends to make him give to combat climate change. You can read his message below.\n\n_TO MY WEALTHY FRIENDS._\n\n_I’m asking for your help._\n\n_Climate change is slowly kicking our asses and I struggle to motivate myself to take action. Instead I’m thinking to myself, “I’m a good person, I will help...some day…”_\n\n_I’ve done the research. I’ve spoken to the experts. This is the best thing to do:_\n\n_Donating money towards advocacy for advanced technologies that are crucial but neglected in the overall climate conversation..._\n\n- *Replacing diesel engines with zero-emission ammonia engines in cruise liners and the shipping industry.*\n\n- _Creating tax benefits for coal and gas plants that capture their carbon emissions, to give financial incentives to use new technology which in turn drives down cost and enables global climate action._\n\n- _Increasing the speed at which the new generation of super-safe nuclear power plants are developed and built._\n\n_This can easily be done via the Founders Pledge Climate Fund. They evaluate climate initiatives and then distribute the donations to the most trusted and best alternatives._\n\n_I know how to solve the problem. Still I don't take action and donate._\n\n_Right now, I'm doing NOTHING. You can force me to give ONE MILLION EUROS._\n\n_HERE'S MY CHALLENGE TO YOU - PUSH ME!_\n\n_This is a promise. I will double all donations being made to the Climate Fund between today and 31st December 2020. Up to €1 million. If you take action and donate €100,000, I have to double it and donate €100,000 as well. If you take action and donate €10,000. I have to do the same._\n\n_We are all entrepreneurs, we take action, we solve problems, we take responsibility. Sometimes we compete in business, but in this one we are all together._\n\n### How do I donate?\n\nIf you are a Founders Pledge member passionate about investing in effective climate solutions and you’d like to challenge Erik to give, please contact []( Once you commit to co-funding, your money will be pooled with others to truly boost your impact on climate change. Our dedicated Fund Managers, Johannes Ackva and Anu Khan, will make regular grants from the Fund to high-impact opportunities in the climate space, aiming to tackle not only climate change but the issues of harmful air pollution and energy poverty too.\n\nIf you are not a Founders Pledge member and would like to donate, you can do so via [EA funds]( for donations of less than $10,000, or by emailing []( for donations of $10,000 or over. If you donate via EA funds, please forward your donation receipt to []( in order to be eligible for Erik’s match.\n\nGiving through our Fund is simple and hassle-free, and you can trust that your contribution will be distributed to some of the highest-impact organisations in the climate space. Sample organisations include the [Clean Air Task Force](, [Carbon180]( and [TerraPraxis]( You can learn more about our Climate Change Fund [here](\n\n### What makes our Climate Change Fund special?\n\nAt Founders Pledge, we are laser-focused on having the biggest positive impact we can. When it comes to our Climate Change Fund, this strategy can be distilled into what we call the “ABC of high-impact climate philanthropy”. In other words, we’re focused on (1) funding audacious advocacy, (2) tackling blindspots and bottlenecks, and (3) doing so in a coordinated manner through the Climate Change Fund. Read on to learn more or watch our video explainer [here](\\u0026t=602).\n\n#### Audacious advocacy\n\nWe fund organisations that are thought-leaders and advocates influencing both the wider climate conversation and how government and private budgets on climate are being spent. A focus on advocacy can make your dollars go much much further than funding projects that aim to reduce emissions directly. After all, addressing climate requires a large-scale societal response. The climate budgets of governments and corporations needed to achieve climate targets are about 1,000 times larger than total current climate philanthropy, making supporting advocacy the only plausible strategy to have a large positive impact through your giving.[^1]\n\nWe don’t just support advocacy, we support audacious advocacy. This means we seek to fund advocacy focused on bold solutions and approaches that can truly make a big difference. This will often, though not always, be advocacy for policies that have an outsized effect through not only reducing emissions in a jurisdiction but by driving cost reductions and performance improvements of low-carbon technologies, allowing a global impact much larger than what has been achieved locally. This is what some climate leaders such as Germany, Denmark and California have done for solar, wind power, and electric cars. Now we need to make it happen for all the other necessary climate solutions, which brings us to the second part of our ABC: bottlenecks and blindspots.\n\n![A image](\n\n#### Bottlenecks and blindspots\n\nWe fund organisations that focus on overlooked but critically required pieces of the climate puzzle. \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eErik’s post\u003c/a\u003e mentions some of these -- such as the decarbonisation of shipping and fossil power plants, as well as carbon removal and advanced nuclear power. We discuss them in more detail \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.\n\nAll of these solutions receive far less attention and support than they deserve based on their potential and/or necessity. So, by focusing on these approaches, we have a much higher chance of creating impact that wouldn’t have been achieved without us. This makes our work -- as early work tends to be -- especially impactful. The climate challenge requires us to get to net-zero emissions to stabilise global temperatures, and focusing on overlooked solutions and sectors will help us reach this goal.\n\n![B image](\n\n#### Coordination through co-funding\n\nThe C of our ABC stands for both coordination and co-funding. Coming together and co-funding through the Founders Pledge Climate Change Fund provides yet another impact multiplier in the fight against climate change. Not only does it give charities more certainty, it creates larger overall sums, and allows us to react to time-sensitive funding opportunities that might be missed with a smaller, single donation.\n\nIf, like us, you’re passionate about ending the climate crisis, reducing air pollution and ensuring the world’s poor have access to the energy they need, we invite you to think about taking on Erik’s exciting challenge and giving through our Climate Change Fund. As our ABC of high-impact climate philanthropy shows, your donation will have an outsized impact and help tackle climate change head-on. If you’re a Founders Pledge member interested in learning more or co-funding through our Climate Change Fund, please contact \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\\u003c/a\u003e. With $1 million already raised, we can’t wait to see what our Fund achieves in the coming months and years!\n\n### Testimonial from donors\n\n\u003ci\u003eChristian and I met through our passion for football and entrepreneurship. Our bond grew stronger through our shared commitment to a sustainable planet. We are committed, curious and conscious about our contributions towards finding solutions for the world of tomorrow. Founder’s Pledge has been instrumental in driving that conversation, sparking new ideas and enabling innovation among us as well as other founders.\n\n- Jesper Søgaard and Christian Kirk Rasmussen, Founders of \u003cb\u003eBetter Holding\u003c/b\u003e and \u003cb\u003eBetter Collective\u003c/b\u003e.\u003c/i\u003e\n\n![Better Founders](\n\n[^1]: The [OECD estimates]( that $6.9 trillion per year is required to meet the Paris Agreement goals. In 2019, philanthropic funding for climate change mitigation was $5 billion to $9 billion ([ClimateWorks, 2020](, about 1/1000 of that. This makes it abundantly clear that philanthropy to solve the challenge needs to focus on advocacy -- increasing and improving how societal resources are being spent -- rather than direct emissions reductions.\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"3b:T2247,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"So, you find yourself on the precipice of the moment every startup employee dreams of: an IPO. First off, congratulations! The experience of growing a startup into a highly valued company is something only those who have lived it can really understand. Second, take a deep breath in and out...we know you have a lot on your mind, and we’re here to help check one item off your list: how to think about optimizing your giving around the IPO. \n\nAt this point, I’ll pause to say that if you’re a company leader looking for educational resources for your employees about planned giving around an exit, please [contact us]( as we can get into more detail when we understand a specific company’s circumstances. If you’re an employee of a company headed towards an exit seeking general guidance, this resource is for you, so read on!\n\nThis blog serves as a practical guide for pre-IPO giving for the shareholding employees and alumni of a company in the process of going public. We cover the essential considerations that arise as part of the process and offer strategies for maximizing the potential impact of your giving.\n\nOne point to underscore is that while the weeks pre-IPO can be manic, they’re an important time to consider developing a giving plan. The good news is that a little planning can go a very long way and set you up to give far more to the causes you care about at a lower effective “cost” to you. Let’s dive right in!\n\n### What can I give?\n\nThe first step is to take an exhaustive look under the proverbial hood and understand the full extent of your income and assets. It is generally beneficial to make donations in high-income years - doing so maximizes the possibility of offsetting taxes across all of your wealth, and some assets you hold (even beyond equity compensation) may be more tax-advantaged than others. \n\nWhen it comes to accounting for your equity compensation: know what assets you hold, including what type (e.g. RSUs, NSOs, ISOs, etc), how much, and the relevant grant and vesting dates. All of this can be found in your stock grant documents, usually available online if your company utilizes a cap table manager. Understanding the structure of your equity compensation will give you a better idea of how much you have to give away in the first place and how that giving will work.\n\nOnce you’ve established the types of assets you hold, it's important to determine which are the most tax-advantageous assets to donate. Donating highly appreciated securities (which can be private [pre-IPO] or publicly traded stock) can be particularly tax-advantageous. This is because you don’t have to pay capital gains tax on the gains you made on the shares and you can claim an income tax deduction (as you would with any cash donation) equivalent to the fair market value of the stock. This means you could make a bigger donation to charity, as any capital gain is protected, and a bigger donation means a higher tax deduction, which leads to greater tax savings.\n\nWhich brings us to our next frequently asked question…\n\n### When should I give? \n\nTypically, companies will go public two to three months after an S-1 filing occurs. Once the IPO actually happens, there’s often a lockup period (usually about six months) during which employees are barred from trading their equity. Shareholders are able to sell shares once that lockup period expires.\n\nAs mentioned above, you should try to make donations in high-income tax years, like the year you realize your gain, so that you can offset the tax deduction from your donation against your income/gain. Please bear in mind that December 31 is the end of the tax year in the United States – because everyone seems to remember the deadline on December 1, the holidays are an exceptionally busy time for Donor Advised Funds and charities in general. Beat the madness by planning as far ahead as possible.\n\n### How much should I give?\n\nA windfall from an IPO can be a once in a lifetime opportunity to be exceptionally generous. Think about it: you normally manage your expenses relative to your income, and you now have an unexpected source of additional wealth. It’s kind of like winning the lottery: you made a bet on working hard at this particular company, and your bet is about to pay off. That’s amazing! And since this is compensation above and beyond what you’ve become used to, it could be an excellent time to give more than you would in an ordinary year or from other types of income. \n\nThe decision of how much to give away comes down to a confluence of factors guided by your values. In our experience, people consider this question from two angles:\n\n1. How much do I need to live a “good” life? \n\nPlan and anticipate what this might look like for you personally and prepare to give what remains away.\n\n2. What’s my optimal giving level from a tax perspective?\n\nIn the best of cases, a final decision will take the answers to both of these questions into account. If you’re interested in a deeper dive into what the questions above mean in your particular case, feel free to check out [this resource]( which focuses entirely on the subject. We understand that this is ultimately a deeply personal decision, but it might be helpful to know, as reference, that Founders Pledge members who’ve joined in 2020 have generously pledged to give an average 12% of their exit proceeds to charity!\n\n### How should I give? \n\nOnce you know the amount and type of assets you hold and have decided how much of them to give away, you’re in a position to consider how you’ll be effectuating your donation. The most important bit to decide at this stage is whether you want to donate directly to the charities you’ve chosen to support or donate via a giving vehicle like a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) or private foundation.\n\nA DAF is a terrific option for most individuals facing an exit, and in fact, our DAF is used by more than 80% of Founders Pledge members who have reached liquidity. A DAF is essentially a charitable savings account, with less overhead, improved tax deductions and increased grant flexibility than a private foundation. It can be especially handy if you don’t yet know which charities you want to support – you can transfer your donation to a DAF, claim any tax deductions possible in the tax year of a windfall and take your time to evaluate and decide on the ultimate recipient(s) of your donation. You’re also able to invest assets deposited in a DAF, allowing your charitable pot to grow. Keep in mind, however, that most DAFs have minimum set-up requirements of $10k-$25k and charge fees on assets under management. At Founders Pledge, we operate a zero-fee global DAF to facilitate our members’ giving.\n\nGaining insights into these four broad questions will likely go a long way in maximizing the size and impact of your donation at the lowest financial cost to you. In summary, you should first set out to have a clear understanding of all the assets you currently hold – whether they relate to your equity from the IPO in question or not. Consider donating appreciated stock if you have any and remember that it most likely will be tax-advantageous to give more in tax years when you have the highest income or gains (don’t forget the December 31 deadline!). If the end of the tax year is coming up and you haven’t yet landed on the charities you want to support, you can use a DAF to buy yourself some more time without missing out on the tax benefits of donating. Ultimately, how much you decide to give is largely based on your personal circumstances and values – a windfall can be a unique opportunity to be especially generous! As always, we recommend contacting a tax or financial advisor to figure out what’s best for you.\n\nThe next step would be to decide what organizations your donation(s) will be going to and, as you may have guessed, we have a ton of resources to help you navigate this part of the giving process as well. This [blog]( on how to think about giving during COVID could be of particular interest at this time and highlights some of our top recommended charities which have been vetted and designated as High Impact Giving Opportunities. We also offer tailored giving advice to individuals who join our community. \n\nHopefully by now it’s become self-evident that taking the time to become a smart and informed donor will not only help you help others more effectively and stretch the impact of the funds you’re giving away, it could also mean lower financial costs altogether over the long run.\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"3c:T20df,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"At Founders Pledge, we help entrepreneurs turn an intention to give into a commitment to do so. We invite founders, investors and early employees of fast-growth startups to pledge a portion of their eventual proceeds from an exit or liquidity event to social impact. \n\nAfter five years of working with entrepreneurs, we’ve learned some of the ways individuals, families and their advisors think about optimizing their pledge percentage according to their values, while also maximizing the amount of good their resources can do. We share our learnings in this blog for individuals thinking about joining Founders Pledge as well as those in our community who might consider increasing their pledge. \n\n### Why give at all?\n\nMost members of our community join us already knowing giving is important and simply seek support in figuring out how much to give, what impact infrastructure to use, and how to maximize the impact of their donations. \n\nLong before having liquidity, our members are often active volunteers, leaders of socially conscious businesses, engaged members of their communities, and donors to causes they care about. Research [shows]( three-quarters of entrepreneurs say charitable giving is a critical part of who they are. For many, giving brings joy and meaning. As Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, has said: “it's so much fun to make money. It's fun to spend, it's fun to give away.\" We’re here to partner with entrepreneurs who want to do immense good - finding meaning and purpose in philanthropy, supported by a community of like-minded and similarly committed individuals. \n\n### How much will I need?\n\nOne of the first questions individuals facing wealth events will consider is “how much is enough?”\n\nWe’ve seen our members address this question from two main angles: either taking a quantitative approach to calculating how much money they’re likely to need to fund the lifestyle they intend for themselves and their families (often in consultation with a wealth advisor), or a more philosophical approach to determining what level of wealth is “enough.”\n\nWe know it’s a subjective measure, and very personal. For some members, thinking about “enough” provokes deeper, intergenerational questions: what level of wealth would ensure they and their children have comfortable lives, but not so much that they become complacent? Is preserving intergenerational wealth important, or is there an opportunity to distribute more to causes today? Is legacy important? Often these conversations can be difficult to have with a wealth adviser - mandated to help you preserve your capital, rather than to support you in strategically giving to impactful causes. We can work with you and your advisors to think through some of the esoteric questions that others in our community have grappled with. \n\n### Giving more by understanding tax benefits\n\nOur members are rarely motivated to give solely by tax relief. However, it can be helpful to understand how advantageous it is to donate appreciated shares in some jurisdictions instead of cash, as most of our members will generate wealth through appreciated company assets. Governments provide a tax incentive to give to charity to recognize the contributions to society made by non-profits.\n\nUnderstanding the tax consequences of donating appreciated shares often results in our members choosing to pledge a much higher percentage to charity than they would have otherwise, meaning substantially more money ends up reaching charities. \n\nDonating shares instead of cash has a couple of main benefits:\n\n- **Capital gains tax relief:** In the UK and US, you won't pay capital gains tax on some types of shares you donate.\n- **Income tax relief:** In the US and UK, you’ll also be able to claim the fair market value of certain types of donated shares as a tax deduction against your income, up to the overall limit allowed.\n\nTo understand just how much this can impact a pledger’s ability to give to charity, we’ll present a single example of a United States-based entrepreneur, Jessica, who resides in California. Jessica anticipates making $50 million from the sale of her company next year. She is considering pledging 10 percent of her proceeds through Founders Pledge, or $5 million. She has requested the assistance of her accountant to help her maximize her total controllable assets, meaning the total cash she has to spend, including on philanthropy. \n\nBy donating appreciated shares before her exit, a $5 million charitable donation will cost Jessica much less - in fact, about four times less - than a donation of cash! Below is an approximation of the cost Jessica would bear across three examples: (1) donating nothing, (2) donating $5 million in cash and (3) donating $5 million in privately-held stock. The effective cost of a $5 million donation of shares to Jessica is about $600k.\n\n\u003cimg src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"900\" img style=\"margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px\"\u003e\n\n_Note: Actual figures are highly dependent on individual circumstances. This model is meant to be illustrative of the incentive to give appreciated shares, but is not to be taken as individual tax advice. Please seek the counsel of a tax advisor to understand your personal situation._\n\nWhen thinking about her pledge percentage, Jessica was comfortable parting with $5 million of her total $50 million in gross proceeds. Therefore, if she decides she’ll donate appreciated shares ahead of her company’s sale, she can actually give a substantially higher percentage of her proceeds while effectively parting with $5 million in value. The table below illustrates how she can do this with a 32 percent pledge, giving $16 million to charity with an effective cost to her of $5 million.\n \n\u003cimg src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"900\" img style=\"margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px\"\u003e\n\n_Note: Actual figures are highly dependent on individual circumstances. This model is meant to be illustrative of the incentive to give appreciated shares, but is not to be construed as individual tax advice. Please seek the counsel of a tax advisor to understand your personal situation._\n\nYou’ll see in the above example that the efficiency of Jessica’s stock donation has declined, with the percent of the donation she now will pay being 31 percent versus 50 percent for a cash donation. If she wanted to maintain the highest marginal efficiency of her donation of shares, while still giving more away, her optimal pledge percentage would be about 22 percent, or roughly $11m given to charity. At this level, the cost of her donation would be about $1.4m, or 13 percent post-tax, and would result in a donation four times more efficient than cash. \n\n### How our pledge can help\n\nOur pledge helps entrepreneurs transform their desire to give into a commitment to do so. Pledging often involves planning for the future, and thinking about not only the kind of life one wants to lead, but legacy too.\n\nWe offer a variety of pledges, including our:\n- **Standard pledge:** commit a flat amount of your exit proceeds to charity, for example 20 percent\n- **Progressive pledge:** set different pledge amounts for different hypothetical scenarios, for example, pledging 15 percent of the first $50 million earned, and 80 percent of anything beyond $50 million\n- **Venture pledge:** pledge a portion of your carried interest\n\nOur community is incredibly generous. The average percentage pledged by new members joining Founders Pledge in 2020 is 12.3 percent, and some members have pledged as much as 100 percent of an exit. Together, our members have pledged an incredible $2.7 billion - and counting - to charitable causes!\n\nIf you’re interested in learning more about how we can support your philanthropic plans, or if you’d like to discuss increasing your pledge, please [be in touch](\n\n_This blog is not intended to provide tax advice. Tax effects vary depending on individual circumstances and the relevant tax jurisdictions to which an individual is subject. You should consult with your own tax advisor before taking any actions that may affect your tax position._"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"3d:T1958,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"On May 21, 2020, children and adults around the globe grabbed a box of crayons and gathered online to attempt to break a Guinness World Record. A total of 10,000 participants were needed to smash the record for the \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eworld’s biggest online art lesson\u003c/a\u003e and an incredible 45,611 people tuned in. Not only that, the initiative raised £51,918 ($64,611) for high-impact organizations geared towards combating both the current and future pandemics.\n\nThe world’s biggest online art class was the brainchild of Founders Pledge members Sam Barnett and Sebastien Blanc who set themselves the far-from-easy task of breaking an art world record while raising thousands of pounds for charity. Sam, Seb and an enthusiastic team of collaborators, including Founders Pledge, spread the word far and wide and signed up schools as ambassadors, which resulted in 70,000 people registering in time for the event – 20,000 signed up in the 24 hours beforehand.\n\nThe art lesson, a fun lockdown challenge aimed at both kids and adults, was led by award-winning children’s illustrator and author \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eRob Biddulph\u003c/a\u003e, whose books include _Odd Dog Out_, _Blown Away_ and _Dog Gone_. In a 30-minute online session, Rob showed us how to draw an adorable blue whale spouting a rainbow step-by-step.\n\nBut the lesson was about more than breaking records and drawing cute marine cartoons, it was also about raising money for a valuable cause. And that’s where Founders Pledge comes in.\n\n### Raising almost £52,000 for COVID relief\n\nThe Founders Pledge research team put their heads together and came up with a shortlist of high-impact organizations (listed below) centered around COVID-19 relief and pandemic preparedness that, crucially, were able to absorb more funding. They aim to stop the spread of the virus, provide much-needed relief to affected communities around the world and better prepare us for future pandemics.\n\n#### Stopping the spread\n\n- Gates Philanthropy Partners \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eCombating COVID-19 Fund\u003c/a\u003e: A fund that focuses on advancing work in four crucial areas. The first three are research and development (R\u0026D) of new diagnostic tools to help doctors identify cases of COVID-19, R\u0026D of therapeutics by examining the potential of both new and already existing medicines, and R\u0026D of a vaccine against COVID-19. The fourth focus point is protecting communities around the world who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of the pandemic. \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e_Donate here_\u003c/a\u003e.\n\n#### Providing relief to those suffering\n\n- \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eThe Malaria Consortium\u003c/a\u003e: While the world has turned its attention to the pandemic, the threat of preventable diseases like malaria has not disappeared – it may even be worse when stacked with the burden from COVID-19. The Malaria Consortium is working tirelessly to ensure their crucial malaria prevention work continues, protecting vulnerable people from a disease that kills hundreds of thousands of children under the age of 5 each year. \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e_Donate here_\u003c/a\u003e.\n- \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eGiveDirectly’s international COVID response\u003c/a\u003e: GiveDirectly provides direct cash transfers to people living in poverty. Their COVID response is aimed at the communities hit hardest by the pandemic across Africa and the US. \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e_Donate here_\u003c/a\u003e.\n- \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eAction for Happiness\u003c/a\u003e: A movement of people working to build a happier and more caring society. The charity is working to support people struggling with their mental health at this difficult time through resources such as their \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e10 Days of Happiness\u003c/a\u003e free coaching program. \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e_Donate here_\u003c/a\u003e.\n- \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eMind\u003c/a\u003e: A UK-based mental health charity working to provide information and support to people whose mental health has been impacted by the pandemic. \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e_Donate here_\u003c/a\u003e.\n\n#### Preparing the world for future pandemics\n\n- The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)’s \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eBiosecurity program\u003c/a\u003e: The NTI works to mitigate existential risks and the aim of its biosecurity program is to reduce the likelihood of future pandemics and better prepare us for when the next one strikes. \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e_Donate here_\u003c/a\u003e.\n\n### Making history at home\n\nThe results of the art lesson – both in terms of the amount of money raised and the crushing of a world record – show that even when separated through lockdown, we can come together to achieve great things.\n\n\"Attempting - and succeeding at! - breaking the world record was a fun way to break lockdown boredom and help impactful charities get the funds they need to fight COVID,” says Seb Blanc. “Building enough momentum in a short period of time to succeed seemed a bit daunting, but David and the FP team and community helped a lot, helping us get 45,000 participants - 4.5 times more than we had aimed for to break the record!”\n\nIf[^1] you’d like to see more creations from the event, or share your own with the world, search or use the hashtags #DrawWithRob and #ArtWorldRecord on social media. You can even award yourself with a snazzy certificate, available to download \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.\n\n![whales](\n\nTo find out more about where to give, how to stay informed, and what our members are doing to help tackle the pandemic, take a look at our \u003ca href =\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eCOVID-19 resources page\u003c/a\u003e.\n\n[^1]: _Odd Dog out_ by Sam Barnett\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"3e:T1bd9,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"Our mission at Founders Pledge extends beyond giving. We advocate for ways to do immense good, and sometimes, this extends beyond donations. \n\nWhile we focus most of our internal resourcing on advising ways to maximize the impact of philanthropy globally, today and into the future (read more about [how we think about charity](, our members are uniquely positioned for impact in their local communities and have come together time and again to make meaningful change. You are innovators, business leaders, influencers, policy advocates, activists, voters and citizens who use your unique positions of influence to contribute to social change. \n\nIn response to recent events which have transpired in the United States following George Floyd’s murder, three of our US team members - Research Advisors Anupama Khan and Samantha Carter, and Managing Director Danielle Gram - have compiled the below list of topics and resources which have informed our thinking on racial justice. We hope these resources can help inform how you think and act on the issues of racism, police violence and racial justice. \n\nIf you would like to share additional resources for us to consider adding to this list, please email our US Community Manager: []( \n\n### Become informed\n\n##### Learn about systemic racism in the US\n\n- [The Color of Law]( A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America - Explores how de jure segregation―the laws and policies of local, state and federal governments―promoted discriminatory patterns which continue to impact communities today.\n- [The Color of Wealth]( The Story Behind the U.S. Racial Wealth Divide - Looks at how government policy helped create, and can help tackle, racial disparities in wealth in the United States.\n- [Campaign Zero]( - Integrates recommendations from communities, research organizations and President Obama’s Task Force on 21st-Century Policing, into policies which aim to protect and preserve life.\n- [The New Jim Crow]( Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness - Explores race’s influence on the application of criminal justice in the U.S.\n\n##### Learn about racial equity and philanthropy\n \n- [Racial Equity and Philanthropy]( Disparities in Funding for Leaders of Color Leave Impact on the Table - Recent research by Echoing Green and Bridgespan that looks at the role of race in problems philanthropists address, and the significance of race when it comes to how philanthropists identify leaders and find solutions.\n- [From Generosity to Justice]( A New Gospel of Wealth - Ford Foundation President Darren Walker convenes important voices in philanthropy to ask, and offer answers to, a vital question: If there’s a continuum between generosity and justice, how do we push our work closer to the latter?\n- [Race, Equity, and Unavoidable Challenges for Philanthropy]( Phil Buchanan, President of the Center for Effective Philanthropy, discusses how [Black Americans]( and [Native Americans]( are suffering disproportionately from COVID-19 and how to address this inequity.\n \n### Tools for personal transformation \n\n- [How white parents can use media to raise anti-racist kids]( A resource from Common Sense Media for parents seeking to educate their children on race and anti-racism.\n- [How to be an Anti-racist]( Ibram Kendi’s book asks us to think about what an anti-racist society might look like, and how we can play an active role in building it.\n- Read and contribute to crowdsourced resources: Two we've found are [Antiracist Allyship Starter Pack]( from Tatum Dorrell, Matthew Herndon and Jourdan Dorrell, and [Anti-Racism for Beginners]( from Melyssa Griffin.\n \n### Use your voice and support mass organising \n \n- [Funding Social Movements]( How mass protest makes an impact - A report by Anyi Institute supported by our friends at [Open Philanthropy Project]( looks at how to measure the impact of mass protest movements.\n- [How to Protest Safely During a Pandemic]( An article in VICE with tips for protesting safely during the pandemic.\n- [Philanthropists Must Invest in an Ecology of Change]( How a “social movement ecology” framework lent new insights into substantially reducing incarceration in the United States - An article in SSIR on a movement-approach to criminal justice reform from Chloe Cockburn who leads Open Philanthropy Project’s strategy for investing in criminal justice policy.\n- [Support protestors]( and the [volunteer clean-up effort]( in your community.\n \n### Vote, advocate and engage in local and state politics\n \n- [How to Make this Moment the Turning Point for Real Change]( President Barack Obama’s reflections on influencing change through protest and engagement in local and state politics.\n- [New Era of Public Safety]( An Advocacy Toolkit for Fair, Safe, and Effective Community Policing - A toolkit for advocacy on safe policing created by The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and supported by the Google Foundation.\n- [Toward a Just Economy]( How a Universal Basic Income Can Curb Racial Inequality - An issue brief from the Roosevelt Institute exploring the role of guaranteed income in combating racial wealth inequalities.\n\n\n\n\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"3f:T1a25,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"At Founders Pledge, we empower entrepreneurs to do immense good. This has included advising on millions of dollars of grants responding to the COVID-19 crisis and pandemic preparedness so far, including through our [COVID-19 Global Impact \u0026 Innovation Fund]( launched in partnership with Silicon Valley Bank. \n\nWith the global COVID pandemic transitioning from winter-to-spring-towards-summer, it’s left many donors wondering: “Is COVID the only thing I should give to this year?”\n\nTo address this question, there are three key points to consider:\n\n### 1. COVID has received \u003e$9b in philanthropic funding, so finding high-impact interventions which require more money is difficult.\n\nDisasters often result in an outpouring of generosity disproportionate to need. An onslaught of donations usually means a disaster does not meet the test of “neglected-ness” which partially [informs]( our giving recommendations. COVID-19 is different in the scale of the global health and economic crisis. The scope of this disaster has led our team to investigate which interventions have the strongest evidence of effectiveness and which most need additional funding. \n\nConsider the case for funding ventilators. Respiratory system support is currently the [third]( most funded philanthropic area in response to COVID. This is true despite conflicting evidence on the effectiveness of ventilators in the treatment of COVID, with nearly [90% of patients]( put on ventilators in New York’s largest health system ultimately dying from the virus, and concerns about the [cost-effectiveness]( of ventilators which can cost up to $25,000 in high-income countries. \n\nOn the other hand, we expect some investments to be highly impactful and cost-effective. For example, we are recommending the funding of public health awareness campaigns in low- and middle-income countries where expensive medical interventions are simply not an option. By providing useful information about the disease through media campaigns and telephone hotlines, nonprofits can have an outsized impact. Though [more than $9b]( has already been pledged to COVID, the unprecedented global scale of the crisis suggests there are still opportunities for philanthropic dollars to make a difference, if used thoughtfully to address neglected challenges.\n\n### 2. Not all nonprofits are able to execute their work during COVID, and some will face greater need.\n\nAs we assess our portfolio of [recommended charities]( during COVID, we’re considering three questions: Can the charity run their programs during the crisis? Can the charity pivot to respond to COVID? Does COVID change the need for the charity’s programs?\n\n[Action for Happiness](, one of our mental health and subjective well-being recommended charities, is an example of an organization which is working to pivot their programs in response to COVID. They normally hold in-person groups to enable connection and create happiness, and they are helping facilitators move these online. With COVID exacerbating mental health issues, we expect this intervention to continue to positively impact wellbeing. \n\n[Bandhan](, which we recommend for its impressive work targeting “the hard core poor” in India, has paused some of its programs. Their primary poverty alleviation programs require in-person interaction, and will become more important than ever when public gatherings resume. We are likely to continue recommending grants to Bandhan when they are able to resume their work. \n\nOther nonprofits are likely to experience greater need as a result of COVID. For example, currently more than [117 million children]( are at risk of missing a measles vaccine as a result of social distancing, and we’ve seen [US vaccination rates]( drop as well. As more funding for COVID response and recovery flows to high-income countries, the relative need in the lowest income countries for emergency aid will increase, which is why we are continuing to recommend [GiveDirectly]( for cash transfers to the extreme poor. \n\n### 3. Nonprofits will require unrestricted support to operate now and survive in the long-term. \n\nMost nonprofits fundraise on an annual basis and depend on in-person meetings, events like galas, and campaigns to fundraise for their annual operating budgets. Some generate direct revenue, like museums which rent out spaces for private events or religious organizations that contract bus services. Much of this direct revenue and standard fundraising activity has been disrupted by stay-at-home orders. \n\nLike startups which monitor runway, nonprofits monitor cash reserves as well as firm commitments from donors to give in the future. It’s estimated that half of all nonprofits have less than three months cash reserve, making the economic halt particularly challenging for them. Like the start-up community, many are making cuts to expenses, just when their services may be most needed. \n\nOutside of the COVID response, you can support high-impact causes like those working on climate change, poverty alleviation, and global public health by donating now, committing to give this year and into the future, and making your gift unrestricted so that a nonprofit’s executives and board can direct your funds where they’re most needed. The good news is that philanthropists appear to be responding generously to this need. [Research]( by Fidelity Charitable found that 79% of donors plan to maintain or increase their giving this year. 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You can read more [here](**\n\n\n\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"6:[\"$L25\",[\"$\",\"div\",null,{\"className\":\"_1uh06w0 _1uh06w2\",\"children\":[[\"$\",\"header\",null,{\"className\":\"_1uh06w3 _1uh06w0\",\"children\":[[\"$\",\"h1\",null,{\"className\":\"_8vtgq70\",\"children\":\"Latest news\"}],null]}],[\"$\",\"$L26\",null,{\"rootHref\":\"/news\",\"categories\":[{\"id\":1,\"title\":\"Giving guidance\",\"slug\":\"giving-guidance\",\"href\":\"/news/category/giving-guidance\",\"featuredArticle\":null},{\"id\":2,\"title\":\"News\",\"slug\":\"news\",\"href\":\"/news/category/news\",\"featuredArticle\":null}]}],[\"$\",\"$L27\",null,{\"type\":\"news\",\"params\":{\"pagination\":{\"page\":1,\"pageSize\":24},\"sort\":\"dateUpdated:desc\",\"filters\":{\"id\":{\"$ne\":42}}},\"initialItems\":[{\"id\":41,\"title\":\"Donating crypto: an impactful way to support causes you care 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