JSC “MTBank” is a modern commercial bank

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of MTBank</h2> <span class="section__description">We offer modern and high-quality bank products and services for a variety of clients, helping in everyday affairs and development! The aim of the Bank is to make clients confidently define the Bank as: "My Bank", "My favourite bank", "The bank that understands me", "The bank is a partner of my business!" Values of the Bank are benchmarks in the professional activity of the Bank's employees:</span> </div> <div class="section__header-right"> <div class="slider-navigation slider-navigation--white"> <div class="slider-navigation__item"> <button class="slider-navigation__btn js-slider-nav__prev" type="button" aria-label="Предыдущий сайд"> <svg class="icon icon-action--left-arrow white"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="/assets/images/spriteInline.svg#action--left-arrow"/> </svg> </button> </div> <div class="slider-navigation__item"> <button class="slider-navigation__btn js-slider-nav__next" type="button" aria-label="Слудующий сайд"> <svg class="icon icon-action--right-arrow white"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="/assets/images/spriteInline.svg#action--right-arrow"/> </svg> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section__content"> <div class="carousel-slider"> <div class="swiper-container carousel-slider__inner js-benefits-slider__slider"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div 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</div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide carousel-slider__slide"> <div class="benefits-card"> <div class="benefits-card__container"> <div class="benefits-card__image"> <picture> <source data-srcset="/upload/Sh/imageCache/f8c/13d/05737129eb924a5e7db8e9c9cee6f696.png, /upload/Sh/imageCache/e24/3fd/05737129eb924a5e7db8e9c9cee6f696.png 2x"> <img src="" class="lazy" data-sizes="auto" data-original="/upload/Sh/imageCache/f8c/13d/05737129eb924a5e7db8e9c9cee6f696.png" alt=""> </picture> </div> <div class="benefits-card__inner"> <h3 class="benefits-card__title"> INVOLVEMENT: </h3> <p class="benefits-card__text"> We treat work as our own business </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide carousel-slider__slide"> <div class="benefits-card"> <div class="benefits-card__container"> <div class="benefits-card__image"> <picture> <source data-srcset="/upload/Sh/imageCache/f4b/549/aa184c2a82729ac853e604964eff8e23.png, /upload/Sh/imageCache/a81/f1a/aa184c2a82729ac853e604964eff8e23.png 2x"> 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</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section"> <div class="container"> <ul class="brief-about"> <li class="brief-about__item"> <div class="article-brief"> <h2 class="article-brief__label">Bank Associations</h2> <a href=""><h3 class="article-brief__title">JSC "MTBank" is the Member of the Association of Belarusian Banks, S.W.I.F.T.</h3></a> <p class="article-brief__text">and international payment systems VISA International and MasterCard. From the beginning of its activity the Bank has been universal and has got the reputation of a reliable bank on the market. At the moment MTBank is one of the leaders in issue of bank guarantees in favour of the Association of International Road Carriers "BAMAP''</p> </div> </li> <li class="brief-about__item"> <div class="article-brief"> <h2 class="article-brief__label">UN Bank Participant</h2> <a href=""><h3 class="article-brief__title">Since 2006 MTBank is the first bank-participant of the UN Global Compact in Belarus</h3></a> <p class="article-brief__text">In 2006 JSC “MTBank” became the first bank-member of the UN GLOBAL COMPACT in Belarus – the United Nation’s initiative in the field of corporate social responsibility.</p> </div> </li> <li class="brief-about__item"> <div class="article-brief"> <h2 class="article-brief__label">Financial literacy</h2> <a href=""><h3 class="article-brief__title"> - a unique blog about money and more</h3></a> <p class="article-brief__text"> - a unique blog about money and more. Every week we publish articles on different topics: life hacks, reports, tests, technology, education, etc. Subscribe to our newsletter or our channel in Yandex.Zen so as not to miss new publications.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section section--background"> <div class="section__bg" style="background: linear-gradient(85.35deg, #1B57B4 -4.37%, #4789EF 96.11%)"></div> <div class="container"> <div class="contact-map"> <div class="contact-map__image"> <picture> <source data-srcset="/upload/Sh/imageCache/b8b/326/c61ba4a35b73b92b12a885a0437e00ed.png, /upload/Sh/imageCache/537/731/c61ba4a35b73b92b12a885a0437e00ed.png 2x" type="image/png"> <img class="lazy" data-sizes="auto" data-original="/assets/images/business/leasing/map@2x.png" src="" alt> </picture> </div> <div class="contact-map__content"> <h2 class="contact-map__title">JSC “MTBank” was founded on the 14th of March, 1994</h2> <p class="contact-map__text">and became the first bank with foreign capital share in the Republic of Belarus. At the moment MTBank has 99 offices throughout Belarus in all its geographic regions.</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section section--overflow"> <div class="container"> <div class="achievement-history js-achievement-slider"> <header class="section__header"> <h2 class="section__title">Our history</h2> <div class="section__header-right"> <div class="slider-nav slider-nav--small"> <div class="slider-nav__cell"> <button class="slider-nav__item slider-nav__item--prev js-slider-nav__prev" type="button" aria-label="Предыдущий сайд."></button> </div> <div class="slider-nav__cell"> <button class="slider-nav__item slider-nav__item--next js-slider-nav__next" type="button" aria-label="Слудующий сайд."></button> </div> </div> </div> </header> <div class="section__content"> <div class="achievement-history__inner"> <div class="carousel-slider"> <div class="swiper-container" data-slider="slider"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_29"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2023</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text"><div style=""><div style="">The beginning of the year was marked by a victory in the "BRAND OF THE YEAR – 2022" contest. The Halva card won gold in the "Consumer Preferences" category for the fifth time.</div><div style="">MTBank together with Mastercard became partners of the first international EdTech track of the Spark venture studio startup, aimed at supporting progressive projects to improve living standards and develop a new generation.</div><div style="">To provide our clients with easy payments, MTBank became a partner of Swoo digital wallet. A new service for smartphone payments – Swoo Pay – became available to the Bank's clients.</div><div style="">New opportunities became available to holders of the CartaMe universal card from MTBank, which combines the functions of a payment and discount card.</div><div style=""><br></div><div style="">MTBank together with ZOOchance launched the PetFriendly campaign to support animals looking for owners and in need of help.</div><div style="">Moby mobile bank improved conditions for customers by providing new opportunities for payments and cash withdrawals. Moby introduced the function of p2p-transfers by phone number.</div><div style="">In March, MTBank celebrated its 29th anniversary.</div><div style="">From 27 March 2023, the bank launched the sale of precious metals bullion. Clients got another opportunity to invest funds in the long term.</div><div style="">A loyalty system with individual favourable exchange rate was launched in Nembo online exchange.</div><div style="">MTBank strengthened its financial stability by receiving the confirmation of the credit rating from "Expert RA" at the level byBBB according to the national scale of the Republic of Belarus, and raised its credit rating to the level ruBB- according to the national scale of the Russian Federation.</div><div style=""><br></div><div style="">According to the results of the annual banking award "Bank of the Year", MTBank became the first in the only customers choice nomination – "Choice of Internet users".&nbsp;</div><div style="">MTBank also won:</div><div style="">- gold in the nomination "Innovative Bank. Products" for new implementations and developments; Bank of the Year gold for the second year in a row - in the nomination "Mobile application for legal entities" for MTBusiness service;</div><div style="">- silver in the categories "Best Bank among Medium-sized Banks", "Lending Leader", as well as in such significant categories as "Contribution to Science" and "Corporate Social Responsibility";</div><div style="">- bronze in the categories "Deal of the Year", "Innovative Bank 2022: Technology" and "Bank Marketing".</div><div style=""><br></div><div style="">For the second time, MTBank became a partner of the Young Creators contest within the framework of the annual prestigious LAMA advertising festival designed to support the most promising advertisers, marketers and communicators in Belarus.</div><div style="">On 1 June MTBank in partnership with Visa opened MTB Kids by Visa cinema space in the Mooon Cinema (Dana Mall).</div><div style="">In August, the Prime Line Cup 2023 tournament – a golf tournament with professional individual and partner competitions, nominations and training sessions – was held at the Minsk Golf Club with the support of MTBank and Mastercard. Prime Line service clients received discounts on golf training, free individual lessons with a coach and other preferences.</div><div style="">Within the framework of the prestigious ADMA professional award, MTBank was awarded gold and silver for effective marketing cases. An advertising campaign with a creative concept for promoting the CACTUS card was recognised as the best in the Influencer-campaigns category. Silver was awarded to the bank in the Partnership/Sponsoring category for organising the Prime Line Cup 2023 golf tournament.</div><div style="">For the second time MTBank and Visa payment system became partners of the main gastronomic event of the year – Vulitsa Ezha. Thanks to this, thousands of guests were able to meet each other, enjoy delicious food and have a good time in various locations of the Big City Picnic.</div><div style=""><br></div><div style="">MTBank launched a financing programme for the purchase of housing within the framework of shared construction "Schastlivy V Meste", as well as a partnership lending programme with the housing estate "Severny Bereg" on terms unique for Belarus with a rate from 0.001% per annum for the first 12 months.</div><div style="">MTBank created a package of services for the self-employed with comfortable conditions: connection of services for accepting non-cash payments, free registration and maintenance of a personal income card, as well as a special guide to running one's own business.</div><div style=""><br></div><div style="">The first Kufar Card in Belarus was presented by MTBank, Kufar and Visa. The card provides bonuses for settlements between individuals.</div><div style="">Corporate clients of MTBank were presented a new tariff plan – "Travelling Account", designed specifically for the travel business. It included free payments in BYN without restrictions, access to the TravelHub platform for legal entities and special conditions for comfortable business trips.</div><div style="">The MTBusiness mobile app now has a biometric document signing function. MTBank was the first in the market to create a functionality that replaced EDS and SMS codes when signing documents.</div><div style="">Mr. Dzmitry Shydlovich, Chairman of the Management Board of MTBank, was honoured with the award "Man of Business – 2023" in the nomination "For High Quality of Business Services".</div><div style="">MTBank together with its partners launched the "Business GO" service. The platform for quick selection of necessary services became available to MTBusiness users.</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;"><br></div></div></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_28"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2022</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text"><div>At the beginning of the year, MTBank signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Great Stone Industrial Park, a Belarusian-Chinese innovative industrial platform. The partnership gives new opportunities to companies that want to enter foreign markets, provides technology start-ups with expert support and financing.</div><div>Such popular messengers as Telegram and Viber now have a smart assistant with 24/7 access – a chatbot for business and individual entrepreneurs "Quick Leasing".</div><div>In April, MTBank launched an anti-crisis campaign: it prepared a guide to popular questions of private clients and businesses, increased limits on currency exchange transactions per day using bank payment cards, and made it free to issue popular cards online – without visiting the bank with home delivery.</div><div>4 golden medals:</div><div>- "Internet Users' Choice" (according to customers);</div><div>- "Deal of the Year 2021" – for acquisition of Idea Bank;</div><div>- "Mobile App 2021" – the award was won by the MTBusiness app for legal entities;</div><div>- "Contribution to Science 2021";</div><div>2 silver medals:</div><div>- Mr. Dzmitry Shydlovich, Chairman of the Bank's Management Board, in the "Top Manager 2021" category;</div><div>- Lending Leader 2021;</div><div>2 bronze medals:</div><div>- "Best Bank among Medium-sized Banks;</div><div>- "Innovative Bank 2021: Technology";</div><div>Awards in special nominations:</div><div>- "Bank of the Future" (from Kaspersky Lab);</div><div>MTBank became a general partner of the city festival Vulitsa Ezha.</div><div>MTBank became the first partner of the Young Creators national rating supporting young talents’ creative potential in the advertising and communications industry. In order to draw society's attention to achieving a better and sustainable future for all, MTBank submitted a brief on socially significant topics to the Young Creators competition.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>MTBank's website won the Grand Prix and was recognized as the best in the "Corporate Website" category in the Website Contest "Bynet Rating 2022". An updated instalment programme for business "ZARAZ" was launched – a partnership triad involving 3 parties: client, partner and bank. "ZARAZ" offers not just deferred payments on supplies, but it encompasses a community that will help to develop business on favorable terms.</div><div><br></div><div>For the second year in a row, MTBank was recognized as "Bank No.1 for small and medium-sized businesses" at the "Number One" award.</div><div>"Expert RA" upgraded the credit rating of JSC "MTBank" to the BBBB level on the national scale of the Republic of Belarus and changed the outlook to stable.</div><div>MTBank supported the Real Recycle environmental initiative, which unites entrepreneurs and members of the UN Global Compact Network in Belarus in the reuse and recycling of corporate products.</div><div>The Bank was among the winners of the prestigious Advertising &amp; Marketing Awards (ADMA) professional award in the field of marketing and communications. The new innovative СACTUS card became the best in the category "Launch of a New Product or Service", won silver in the category "Banking, Financial, Insurance Services" and was awarded bronze in the categories "Innovations in Business, Product or Services" and "Companies with Short-term Effect". Another 5 creative cases of the bank received diplomas of finalists of the award.</div><div>MTBank launched the innovative TurboPOS service, which allows business customers to accept payments via smartphones without a terminal. The new high-tech service, developed on the basis of MTBank's Nembo online exchanger, was launched on the portal. Customers of any bank can fix a favorable rate, exchange currency online at a convenient time and book the amount to be exchanged.</div></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_0"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2021</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">On April 1, 2021, JSC MTBank acquired 99.9992% of shares of Joint Stock Company "Idea Bank" (the Republic of Belarus). The process of reorganization in the form of a merger of JSC "Idea Bank" to JSC "MTBank" has been started, and is planned to be completed during 2021. In April 2021, following the results of the "Bank of the Year 2020" award, MTBank became the leader in the categories "Investment Bank" and "Internet Users' Choice", and became the silver medalist in three categories at once: 1) "Innovative Bank: Products" with products: the first digital co-branding card "Onliner Klever", both installment cards Halva MIX and Halva MAX, MTKassa - cash register and terminal and payroll project with the speaking name "Simple"; 2) "Top Manager". </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_1"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2020</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">In April 2020 following to the results of 2019, during the national competition “Bank of the Year 2019” MTBank was awarded with the Grand Prix and the title "Bank of the Year 2019". This is the third Grand Prix of MTBank. Previously, MTBank received the main award and the honorary title of "Bank of the Year" in 2015 and 2017. In addition to the main award, MTBank also won 5 other awards. Three of them are of the highest dignity: “The best bank among medium”, “The best bank with national capital” and “The choice of Internet users of MyFin portal”. On 5 March 2020, EBRD provided MTBank with a loan in local currency in the amount of BYN 20 million for financing small and medium-sized businesses. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_2"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2019</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">According to SME Banking Club, MTBank loans for small Business for the first time entered the TOP 10 of the best credit products in the banking market of the CIS countries and the Caucasus. Especially were praised two credit products of MTBank: Overdraft Standard and the Loan “Business-Espresso”. Halva received the golden medal in the competition “BRAND OF THE YEAR-2019” in Consumer nomination. MTBankFX received 5 prestigious awards as a Forex service in Belarus. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_3"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2018</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">In January 2018 MTBank won 2 awards at the competition BRAND OF THE YEAR – 2017. MTBank became a silver medalist in the category “Banks” in the Consumer nomination. On 6th March, 2018 MTBank and the EBRD signed the agreement on a synthetic loan in the amount of USD 10 million in Belarusian rubles for financing micro, small and medium-sized businesses. In April 2018 MTBank won the Grand Prix of the “Bank of the Year-2017 Award”, as well as took the first place in the following categories: “Best Bank (among medium-sized)”, “Lender of the Year”, “Most Innovative Bank of Belarus” and “Best Bank Product”. On 30th August, 2018 MTBank and the EBRD signed the agreement in local currency in the amount of BYN 20 million for financing micro, small and medium-sized businesses. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_4"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2017</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">On the 24th March, 2017 MTBank received a prestigious award Straight-Through Processing (STP) Award “STP-Award 2016” that is annually granted by VTB BANK (DEUTSCHLAND) AG to correspondent banks with the largest percentage of payments not requiring manual processing. On the 22nd March, 2017 the installment card “Halva” appeared on Russian market. It was launched by Sovkombank within a franchise agreement with MTBank that allows to use the brand “Halva” and its symbols for promotion. The working mechanism is the same as in Belarus. In April 2017 MTBank and JSC “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus” signed a general agreement on financing small and medium-sized businesses. Within this agreement the bank is enabled to support: enterprises of production, agriculture and forestry; exporting enterprises; innovative enterprises; regional and women enterprises; franchise purchase. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_5"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2016</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">On the 22nd January, 2016 MTBank and German investment fund IIV Mikrofinanzfonds signed the loan agreement in the amount of EUR 8 million to provide micro- and small-sized businesses as well as individual entrepreneurs, carrying on their business activities in various economic spheres of Belarus, with special financial support. In April 2016 MTBank has been announced the best Belarusian Bank of the Year 2015 as a result of getting the Grand Prix award “Bank of the year 2015”. The Bank has also received 7 awards out of the possible 11. Among them, 4 first places in the nominations “Lender of the Year”, “Credit Product”, “Non-cash Bank” and “Installment Card”, as well as 3 second places in the nominations “Deposit”, “Bank for Business” and “Banking service”. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_6"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2015</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">MTBank presented a new solution for making good purchases with bonus savings card “Halva Plus” developed under “Halva” brand. Additional income could be received from both saving funds on card and from purchases made with the card by getting bonus points, which could be spent on purchases in the partner-shops network. At the beginning of the year MTBank was awarded with a silver medal of the financial-analytical portal “” in the field of customer service quality. The project “Consumer Experience” was aimed at long-term research of service quality in the “mystery shopper” format in bank branches. In March the business transaction on acquisition of 100% of shares of the holding company MTB Investments (Cyprus), which had been the owner of 98,97% of JSC MTBank" shares, was completed. The ultimate beneficial owners of JSC “MTBank” became the famous Belarusian businesspersons Mr. Aleksin Aliaksei Ivanovich and Ms. Oleksina Inna Vladimirovna. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_7"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2014</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">On the 28th of January, 2014 MTBank was recognized as the best one in the nomination “Brand Leader-2013 in social networks”. On the 8th of April, 2014 the new banking product the installment card “Halva” was implemented. On the 23rd April, 2014 Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and JSC “MTBank” signed a 5-year-term loan agreement in the amount of 3 million Euro to support energy efficiency and environmentally friendly projects. On the 11th September, 2014 EBRD and JSC “MTBank” signed the loan agreement on providing credit line of USD 5 million in local currency to MTBank for financing micro, small and medium-sized businesses.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_8"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2013</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">In the year 2013 JSC “MTBank” started active collaboration with KazExportGarant within the framework of financing clients’ trade transactions by means of financial funds attracted from this financial organization. 2 deals were successfully implemented through the partnership with Kazakh Export Credit Agency. New projects were under discussion then. Since 24th July, 2013 MTBank made transaction processing with usage of plastic cards to MTBank’s own card processing system. As a result, the Bank got the opportunity to launch new banking products itself, and the banking platform used allowed to implement plastic card products, which had been inaccessible to other banks due to technological limitations of their processing decisions.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_9"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2012</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">In 2012 due to active development of retail business net the quantity of MTBank Team members increased from 838 to 1177 people. Besides, the number of MTBank branches enlarged by more than 2 times, from 52 to 106. On the 23rd of November 2012 JSC “MTBank” signed the Loan Agreement in the amount of 4 million US dollars with EBRD on the credit line for financing energy efficiency projects of private micro, small and medium-sized businesses. Over the past year MTBank confirmed the status of one of the most progressive, innovative and client-oriented banks in Belarus. MTBank took the 6th place by absolute value of deposit portfolio. The market share increased from 0.9% to 2.8%. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_10"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2011</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">In March 2011 MTBank and IFC signed a 5-year-term loan agreement in the amount of USD 10 million on financing private SMEs, USD 5 million of which were destined for financing of Energy Efficiency projects. In recognition of MTBank’s excellence in high quality of the US dollars payment transactions made by MTBank Team the Bank was given Deutsche Bank’s 2010 Straight-Through Processing (STP) Excellence Award. The year 2011 was marked by rapid development of retail business. During nine months of the year the bank managed to increase its retail loan portfolio by 2.5 times and retail deposit portfolio by 3.3 times. Product line for individual customers was significantly extended. The Bank developed broad network of retail offices (23 branches all over the country) and significantly strengthened alternative sales channels and cross-sales system</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_11"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2010</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">MTBank became a winner of Annual Professional Competition “BRAND OF THE YEAR 2009” in the nomination “Socially responsible brand”. In recognition of MTBank’s excellence in high quality of the payment transactions in US dollars made by MTBank Team, the Bank was presented with Deutsche Bank’s 2009 Straight-Through Processing (STP) Excellence Award. In March 2010 TFP line from EBRD was increased again by USD 5.0 million, and also IFC approved the increase of MTBank GTFP limit up to USD 10 million. The agreement with IFC expanded the capacity of MTBank's corporate clients for making import and export transactions, and also allowed to increase the volume of foreign trade contracts and reduce the cost of credit financing for small and medium-sized businesses. In 2010 loan product line was significantly extended both for individual and corporate customers. Bank offered new consumer loans and auto loans, classic loans for new and used cars, SME loans such as Invest-Loan, Express-Loan, Business-Line, Start-up-Loan, Loans for Vending, Cash loan to an enterprise’s founder</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_12"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2009</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">On the 13th of May, 2009 International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, approved a USD 3.0 million trade finance credit line to MTBank. MTBank was one of the first banks in Belarus, which joined Global Trade Finance Programme. Participation in the Programme gave MTBank an access to the global network of 170 confirming banks, which supported trade businesses all around the world. This fact significantly increased the bank’s facilities for trade financing of its customers including small and medium-sized enterprises. In November 2009 credit line within GTFP was increased up to USD 5.0 million and terms of stand-by letters of credits issued within the Programme had been prolonged from half a year to a year. On the 23rd of June, 2009 EBRD and MTBank signed new USD 10.0 million Loan Agreement under the SME Lending Programme in Belarus</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_13"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2008</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">The main event of the year was assignment of credit rating to MTBank by international agency “Moody's Investors Service”. On November 27th, 2008 Moody's assigned B2 long-term and Not Prime short-term local and foreign currency deposit ratings and an E+ bank financial strength rating (BFSR) to MTBank. The outlook of all ratings was stable. MTBank was the first among private Belarusian banks (not in the list of Belarusian subsidiaries of large Russian banks) to get an international credit rating. The Moody’s experts emphasized good diversification of the bank's loan portfolio, its adequate liquidity position and high capital adequacy. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_14"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2007</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">MTBank became the winner of Annual Professional Competition “BRAND OF THE YEAR 2006” in the nomination “Socially responsible brand” and Professional nomination in the group “Banks”. It also participated in “GLOBAL CONTRACT” in Belarus – initiative of the United Nations in the field of corporate social responsibility. On the 27th of February, 2007 EBRD and MTBank signed a USD 4.0 million Loan Agreement under the SME and MSE Lending Programme in Belarus. On the 21st of December, 2007 EBRD allocated the 2nd credit line in the amount of USD 10.0 million to MTBank to provide financing for small- and medium-sized businesses in Belarus. The bank also joined EBRD Trade Facilitation Programme with the limit of USD 1.0 million. Relevant agreement was signed on the 28th of August, 2007. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_15"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2006</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">The bank launched the programme “My first bank”, offering favorable service conditions for the clients. Three more additional offices were opened and the existing branches were modernized. The bank was active in the stock exchange. The year 2006 resulted in the bank’s 4th place by quantity of the deals concluded in the primary market and in the 3rd place in the secondary market. The bank became member of EBRD programme aimed at financing investment projects of small- and medium-sized businesses in Belarus. Since April 2006 the bank got an exclusive right in Belarus to do clearing of American Express traveler’s cheques. MTBank was on the 3rd place in the Republic of Belarus by volume of traveler’s cheques sold. Another achievement made was the opening of direct USD account with Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas (New York) and EUR account with Deutsche Bank AG (Frankfurt-am-Mein), which stated about respective reliability status of the bank. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_16"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2005</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">The greatest developments occurred in retail operations. The international transfers via payment systems Travelex (today it is called COINSTAR) and Anelik were added, new offices of foreign currency exchange were opened. The bank was an active operator in the market of the state securities of the Republic of Belarus. In 2005 by results of stock exchange sessions at the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange the bank took the 5th place by quantity of transactions and 6th place by volume of securities transactions.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_17"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2004</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">That year the bank celebrated its 10th anniversary. The Bank obtained a license of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus for operations with plastic cards; License MASTERCARD for transactions with plastic cards and the status of a member of MASTERCARD as an Affiliate. The principle “Bank –Client”, which underlay the individual approach to clients, was successfully implemented. The range of services and new banking products was considerably extended. The bank became the leader in guarantees volume issued to road carriers of the Republic of Belarus. The international bank transfers via payment systems Contact, Migom were implemented. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_18"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2003</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">The bank continued its active development, showing intense growth of financial indicators. As of January 1st, 2004 the assets of the bank were 30.9 million USD (as of January 1st, 2003 – 18.6 million USD). The equity of JSC “MTBank” increased up to 10 million euros. The bank’s resource potential allowed a 2.2 times increase in the volume of credits extended to the customers. The bank’s correspondent network expanded the financial year. By the end of 2003 56 correspondent accounts of banks from 9 countries were opened in the bank’s books. The bank issued first MasterCard cards. It earned 1.8 million USD of balance profit for 2003 that was 2.6 times more than the same indicator for the year 2002. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_19"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2002</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">The Bank significantly expanded the range of currencies from 4 types of currencies to 15 to carry out currency exchange transactions. The list of credit services provided by the bank included a new operation, which subsequently became a key one, car loans to individuals. The work on urgent international transfers and American Express checks were been activated. The bank actively worked on the development of its infrastructure and introduction of the modern bank technologies. The assets of the bank increased from 10.6 million USD up to 18.6 million USD (by 75.5 %), the equity capital of the bank grew by 61.8 %. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_20"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2001</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">It was a year of basic changes in the bank’s strategy. The International Automobile Holding Atlant-M entered the bank’s capital as a majority shareholder. The bank continued to consolidate its positions in banking sector of the Republic of Belarus. The equity capital of the bank increased up to 5.4 million euro (by 1.8 times). The bank joined the system of international payments SWIFT. A new division of retail business the Department of non-trading operations was created. The division successfully developed banking services for individuals. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_21"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">2000</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">JSC “MTBank” expanded the range of retail services: cash funds were issued by international plastic cards VISA, Euro Card, Master Card; individuals could receive cash without opening an account for making transfers; the bank carried out transactions on Western Union transfers. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_22"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">1999</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">Within the framework of the project “On the provision of charitable and sponsorship assistance” the Bank financed the organization of New Year's events for poorly protected residents of the Leninsky district of Minsk. There were 1,200 organizations and 14,000 private investors among the bank's clients.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_23"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">1998</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">JSC “MTBank” implemented new services such as factoring, leasing, selling Thomas Cook and Visa traveler's checks, selling Vilniaus Bankas commercial checks (Lithuania) and checks of Bank Depozytowo-Kreditowy (Poland). </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_24"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">1997</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">JSC “MTBank” was admitted to the Association of Commercial Banks of the Republic of Belarus. The bank provided new operations for clients, including lending to individuals for consumer needs, purchasing and building of real estate, and receiving communal and customs payments. The bank received the License for depositary activities. It became member of the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange and proved to be an active operator in the equity market. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_25"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">1996</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">The bank initiates the first marketing research to study the demand and market for banking products. The first advertisement of the Bank appears. A bank depository was established. The work on attracting the population's funds was intensified. The Bank created Back Office and modernized the computer network. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_26"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">1995</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">It was a year of dynamic development of the bank. The number of bank’s shareholders grew, the bank’s charter capital increased by 5 times. Four new branches of the bank were opened in different towns of the Republic of Belarus. The bank received the License for professional activities in the equity market enabling the bank to render brokerage and dealing services to its clients.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="achievement-card"> <button class="achievement-card__button js-popup-open" type="button" data-popup="achievement_27"></button> <div class="achievement-card__container"> <div class="achievement-card__header"> <h3 class="achievement-card__title">1994</h3> </div> <div class="achievement-card__content"> <p class="achievement-card__text">JSC “MTBank” was founded in 1994 as a closed joint-stock company and was the first commercial bank in the Republic of Belarus with a stock of foreign investors. The first shareholders of the bank were businessmen from Belarus, Latvia, and Switzerland. On March 14, 1994 the bank received License № 38 of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus for performing banking operations and General license № 15 for carrying out foreign currency banking operations. In 2 months the first branch of the bank was opened.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_29"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2023</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content"><div>The beginning of the year was marked by a victory in the "BRAND OF THE YEAR – 2022" contest. The Halva card won gold in the "Consumer Preferences" category for the fifth time.</div><div>MTBank together with Mastercard became partners of the first international EdTech track of the Spark venture studio startup, aimed at supporting progressive projects to improve living standards and develop a new generation.</div><div>To provide our clients with easy payments, MTBank became a partner of Swoo digital wallet. A new service for smartphone payments – Swoo Pay – became available to the Bank's clients.</div><div>New opportunities became available to holders of the CartaMe universal card from MTBank, which combines the functions of a payment and discount card.</div><div><br></div><div>MTBank together with ZOOchance launched the PetFriendly campaign to support animals looking for owners and in need of help.</div><div>Moby mobile bank improved conditions for customers by providing new opportunities for payments and cash withdrawals. Moby introduced the function of p2p-transfers by phone number.</div><div>In March, MTBank celebrated its 29th anniversary.</div><div>From 27 March 2023, the bank launched the sale of precious metals bullion. Clients got another opportunity to invest funds in the long term.</div><div>A loyalty system with individual favourable exchange rate was launched in Nembo online exchange.</div><div>MTBank strengthened its financial stability by receiving the confirmation of the credit rating from "Expert RA" at the level byBBB according to the national scale of the Republic of Belarus, and raised its credit rating to the level ruBB- according to the national scale of the Russian Federation.</div><div><br></div><div>According to the results of the annual banking award "Bank of the Year", MTBank became the first in the only customers choice nomination – "Choice of Internet users".&nbsp;</div><div>MTBank also won:</div><div>- gold in the nomination "Innovative Bank. Products" for new implementations and developments; Bank of the Year gold for the second year in a row - in the nomination "Mobile application for legal entities" for MTBusiness service;</div><div>- silver in the categories "Best Bank among Medium-sized Banks", "Lending Leader", as well as in such significant categories as "Contribution to Science" and "Corporate Social Responsibility";</div><div>- bronze in the categories "Deal of the Year", "Innovative Bank 2022: Technology" and "Bank Marketing".</div><div><br></div><div>For the second time, MTBank became a partner of the Young Creators contest within the framework of the annual prestigious LAMA advertising festival designed to support the most promising advertisers, marketers and communicators in Belarus.</div><div>On 1 June MTBank in partnership with Visa opened MTB Kids by Visa cinema space in the Mooon Cinema (Dana Mall).</div><div>In August, the Prime Line Cup 2023 tournament – a golf tournament with professional individual and partner competitions, nominations and training sessions – was held at the Minsk Golf Club with the support of MTBank and Mastercard. Prime Line service clients received discounts on golf training, free individual lessons with a coach and other preferences.</div><div>Within the framework of the prestigious ADMA professional award, MTBank was awarded gold and silver for effective marketing cases. An advertising campaign with a creative concept for promoting the CACTUS card was recognised as the best in the Influencer-campaigns category. Silver was awarded to the bank in the Partnership/Sponsoring category for organising the Prime Line Cup 2023 golf tournament.</div><div>For the second time MTBank and Visa payment system became partners of the main gastronomic event of the year – Vulitsa Ezha. Thanks to this, thousands of guests were able to meet each other, enjoy delicious food and have a good time in various locations of the Big City Picnic.</div><div><br></div><div>MTBank launched a financing programme for the purchase of housing within the framework of shared construction "Schastlivy V Meste", as well as a partnership lending programme with the housing estate "Severny Bereg" on terms unique for Belarus with a rate from 0.001% per annum for the first 12 months.</div><div>MTBank created a package of services for the self-employed with comfortable conditions: connection of services for accepting non-cash payments, free registration and maintenance of a personal income card, as well as a special guide to running one's own business.</div><div><br></div><div>The first Kufar Card in Belarus was presented by MTBank, Kufar and Visa. The card provides bonuses for settlements between individuals.</div><div>Corporate clients of MTBank were presented a new tariff plan – "Travelling Account", designed specifically for the travel business. It included free payments in BYN without restrictions, access to the TravelHub platform for legal entities and special conditions for comfortable business trips.</div><div>The MTBusiness mobile app now has a biometric document signing function. MTBank was the first in the market to create a functionality that replaced EDS and SMS codes when signing documents.</div><div>Mr. Dzmitry Shydlovich, Chairman of the Management Board of MTBank, was honoured with the award "Man of Business – 2023" in the nomination "For High Quality of Business Services".</div><div>MTBank together with its partners launched the "Business GO" service. The platform for quick selection of necessary services became available to MTBusiness users.</div><div><br></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_28"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2022</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content"><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">At the beginning of the year, MTBank signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Great Stone Industrial Park, a Belarusian-Chinese innovative industrial platform. The partnership gives new opportunities to companies that want to enter foreign markets, provides technology start-ups with expert support and financing.</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">Such popular messengers as Telegram and Viber now have a smart assistant with 24/7 access – a chatbot for business and individual entrepreneurs "Quick Leasing".</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">In April, MTBank launched an anti-crisis campaign: it prepared a guide to popular questions of private clients and businesses, increased limits on currency exchange transactions per day using bank payment cards, and made it free to issue popular cards online – without visiting the bank with home delivery.</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">4 golden medals:</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">- "Internet Users' Choice" (according to customers);</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">- "Deal of the Year 2021" – for acquisition of Idea Bank;</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">- "Mobile App 2021" – the award was won by the MTBusiness app for legal entities;</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">- "Contribution to Science 2021";</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">2 silver medals:</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">- Mr. Dzmitry Shydlovich, Chairman of the Bank's Management Board, in the "Top Manager 2021" category;</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">- Lending Leader 2021;</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">2 bronze medals:</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">- "Best Bank among Medium-sized Banks;</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">- "Innovative Bank 2021: Technology";</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">Awards in special nominations:</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">- "Bank of the Future" (from Kaspersky Lab);</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">MTBank became a general partner of the city festival Vulitsa Ezha.</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">MTBank became the first partner of the Young Creators national rating supporting young talents’ creative potential in the advertising and communications industry. In order to draw society's attention to achieving a better and sustainable future for all, MTBank submitted a brief on socially significant topics to the Young Creators competition.</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;"><br></div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;"><br></div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">MTBank's website won the Grand Prix and was recognized as the best in the "Corporate Website" category in the Website Contest "Bynet Rating 2022". An updated instalment programme for business "ZARAZ" was launched – a partnership triad involving 3 parties: client, partner and bank. "ZARAZ" offers not just deferred payments on supplies, but it encompasses a community that will help to develop business on favorable terms.</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;"><br></div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">For the second year in a row, MTBank was recognized as "Bank No.1 for small and medium-sized businesses" at the "Number One" award.</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">"Expert RA" upgraded the credit rating of JSC "MTBank" to the BBBB level on the national scale of the Republic of Belarus and changed the outlook to stable.</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">MTBank supported the Real Recycle environmental initiative, which unites entrepreneurs and members of the UN Global Compact Network in Belarus in the reuse and recycling of corporate products.</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">The Bank was among the winners of the prestigious Advertising &amp; Marketing Awards (ADMA) professional award in the field of marketing and communications. The new innovative СACTUS card became the best in the category "Launch of a New Product or Service", won silver in the category "Banking, Financial, Insurance Services" and was awarded bronze in the categories "Innovations in Business, Product or Services" and "Companies with Short-term Effect". Another 5 creative cases of the bank received diplomas of finalists of the award.</div><div style="word-spacing: 0px;">MTBank launched the innovative TurboPOS service, which allows business customers to accept payments via smartphones without a terminal. The new high-tech service, developed on the basis of MTBank's Nembo online exchanger, was launched on the portal. Customers of any bank can fix a favorable rate, exchange currency online at a convenient time and book the amount to be exchanged.</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_0"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2021</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">On April 1, 2021, JSC MTBank acquired 99.9992% of shares of Joint Stock Company "Idea Bank" (the Republic of Belarus). The process of reorganization in the form of a merger of JSC "Idea Bank" to JSC "MTBank" has been started, and is planned to be completed during 2021. In April 2021, following the results of the "Bank of the Year 2020" award, MTBank became the leader in the categories "Investment Bank" and "Internet Users' Choice", and became the silver medalist in three categories at once: 1) "Innovative Bank: Products" with products: the first digital co-branding card "Onliner Klever", both installment cards Halva MIX and Halva MAX, MTKassa - cash register and terminal and payroll project with the speaking name "Simple"; 2) "Top Manager". This award was given to Olga Tsuran, Deputy Chairperson of the Board; 3) "The best bank with national capital". Traditionally, the jury commended MTBank in the nomination "The best bank among medium-sized banks", awarding third place. This result confirms that the bank sets trends and shows by its example how to build an effective business and achieve high results. On June 22, 2021 the transaction on acquisition of 100% of shares of holding company MTB INVESTMENTS HOLDINGS LIMITED, which owns more than 99% of JSC MTBank shares, was completed. The buyer was the company Stoneva Limited of businessman Romeo Abdo, who is doing business both in Belarus and in the countries of Asia, Africa and Europe with priorities in the sectors of telecommunications, information technology and commercial real estate. On June 24, 2021 the ceremony of the 5th anniversary award "Number One" was held in Minsk. About 150 brands and persons received memorable awards and diplomas with "Number One" symbols. JSC “MTBank” became the winner of the award, as well as the General Partner and the partner of new nominations in the category "Influencer №1". MTBank was recognized as No. 1 bank for small and medium-sized businesses according to the "Number One" award. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_1"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2020</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">In April 2020 following to the results of 2019, during the national competition “Bank of the Year 2019” MTBank was awarded with the Grand Prix and the title "Bank of the Year 2019". This is the third Grand Prix of MTBank. Previously, MTBank received the main award and the honorary title of "Bank of the Year" in 2015 and 2017. In addition to the main award, MTBank also won 5 other awards. Three of them are of the highest dignity: “The best bank among medium”, “The best bank with national capital” and “The choice of Internet users of MyFin portal”. On 5 March 2020, EBRD provided MTBank with a loan in local currency in the amount of BYN 20 million for financing small and medium-sized businesses. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_2"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2019</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">According to SME Banking Club, MTBank loans for small Business for the first time entered the TOP 10 of the best credit products in the banking market of the CIS countries and the Caucasus. Especially were praised two credit products of MTBank: Overdraft Standard and the Loan “Business-Espresso”. Halva received the golden medal in the competition “BRAND OF THE YEAR-2019” in Consumer nomination. MTBankFX received 5 prestigious awards as a Forex service in Belarus. According to the Belarusian Financial Market Development Association, MTBank is the “Leader in the amount of customer funds raised in the Forex market” (1st place); the “Leader in the number of customers and their transactions with a positive financial result” (2nd place). MTBank is an absolute winner of the award in 2019: "The most popular broker"; “The best quality of service”; "The best training for the beginners”. MTBank received the title "Employer of the Year 2019" in the Finance category. The title proves that MTBank cares of its employees and invests in their growth and development. In December 2019, “The Banker” once again awarded MTBank with the title “Bank of the Year 2019 in Belarus”. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_3"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2018</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">In January 2018 MTBank won 2 awards at the competition BRAND OF THE YEAR – 2017. MTBank became a silver medalist in the category “Banks” in the Consumer nomination. On 6th March, 2018 MTBank and the EBRD signed the agreement on a synthetic loan in the amount of USD 10 million in Belarusian rubles for financing micro, small and medium-sized businesses. In April 2018 MTBank won the Grand Prix of the “Bank of the Year-2017 Award”, as well as took the first place in the following categories: “Best Bank (among medium-sized)”, “Lender of the Year”, “Most Innovative Bank of Belarus” and “Best Bank Product”. On 30th August, 2018 MTBank and the EBRD signed the agreement in local currency in the amount of BYN 20 million for financing micro, small and medium-sized businesses. It is the first transaction of the EBRD in the national currency of the Republic of Belarus. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_4"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2017</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">On the 24th March, 2017 MTBank received a prestigious award Straight-Through Processing (STP) Award “STP-Award 2016” that is annually granted by VTB BANK (DEUTSCHLAND) AG to correspondent banks with the largest percentage of payments not requiring manual processing. On the 22nd March, 2017 the installment card “Halva” appeared on Russian market. It was launched by Sovkombank within a franchise agreement with MTBank that allows to use the brand “Halva” and its symbols for promotion. The working mechanism is the same as in Belarus. In April 2017 MTBank and JSC “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus” signed a general agreement on financing small and medium-sized businesses. Within this agreement the bank is enabled to support: enterprises of production, agriculture and forestry; exporting enterprises; innovative enterprises; regional and women enterprises; franchise purchase. In April 2017 MTBank received 7 awards within the competition “Bank of the year 2016”. It took 2 first places – “Clients’ choice-2016” and “Author of the best banking product – 2016”; 3 second places – “Depositors’ choice-2016”, “The most innovative bank-2016”, “The biggest amount of issued bank cards except salary cards-2016”; 2 third places – “The most successful lender – 2016” and “The best bank among medium and small banks-2016”. On the 26th June, 2017 EBRD opened for MTBank the largest credit line in Belarus in 2017 in the amount of EUR 9 million to provide financing for micro-, small and medium-sized businesses. EBRD Trade Facilitation Program for USD 10 million has been available as well. On the 1st December, 2017 long-awaited results of the award, held for the fifth time, became known. The installment card Halva, which received people’s recognition long ago, won the high title “National Brand”, being a national recognition and quality mark awarded each year. “National Brand" is annual national award, which determines the best brands of the country by open vote of the Belarusians. Transparency and adequacy of choice are controlled by the Supervisory Board, which includes representatives of ministries, administrative entities, the Public Association “Belarusian Consumer Protection Society”, the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and business communities. Halva is the first installment card, which appeared on the Belarusian market. Today it has the widest partner network, and the number of card holders is approaching to one million. Purchases can be made with Halva in installments up to 12 months without the first payment and overpayments at more than 15,500 partner shops across the country. At the same time, Halva can be used as a regular debit card. The famous bank product “Halva” of MTBank also won in the nomination “Installment Bank Card”. Halva became the leader in the nomination “Installment Card No.1” in the international festival-contest “Choice of the Year 2017”. “Choice of the Year” is a prestigious international award in Belarus, Ukraine and other CIS countries. Annually the festival-competition conducts professional complex researches and defines leaders in various categories of business. The leaders of the “Choice of the Year” festival are determined based on marketing research, as well as the opinions of expert council, advertising committee, jury and organizing committee. As a result of the competition, “Halva” gained solid victory in the nomination “Installment Card No.1”. This is the third award devoted to “Halva” in 2017. We thank the customers for their recognition and for choosing MTBank. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_5"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2016</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">On the 22nd January, 2016 MTBank and German investment fund IIV Mikrofinanzfonds signed the loan agreement in the amount of EUR 8 million to provide micro- and small-sized businesses as well as individual entrepreneurs, carrying on their business activities in various economic spheres of Belarus, with special financial support. In April 2016 MTBank has been announced the best Belarusian Bank of the Year 2015 as a result of getting the Grand Prix award “Bank of the year 2015”. The Bank has also received 7 awards out of the possible 11. Among them, 4 first places in the nominations “Lender of the Year”, “Credit Product”, “Non-cash Bank” and “Installment Card”, as well as 3 second places in the nominations “Deposit”, “Bank for Business” and “Banking service”. On the 12th July, 2016 the first banking Forex platform MTBankFX in Belarus started working. This was a joint project of MTBank and Dukascopy Bank SA (Switzerland), being one of the largest Forex brokers in the world. Thus, in our country the official tool of high-risk investment for all people appeared. On the 23rd August, 2016 MTBank signed the loan agreements with 2 foreign investment funds managed by the Swiss investment company Symbiotics SA on granting the credit line in the amount of USD 2 million with the maturity of 2 years. MTBank forwarded the attracted funds for financing small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Belarus. The loan agreement on granting new investments to MTBank again demonstrates the trust in the bank and the high potential of the Belarusian economy. During the Global Entrepreneurship Week in November 2016 JSC “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus” presented MTBank with the Rewarding Certificate in the nomination “The Most Active Bank in Supporting Startup Companies”. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_6"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2015</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">MTBank presented a new solution for making good purchases with bonus savings card “Halva Plus” developed under “Halva” brand. Additional income could be received from both saving funds on card and from purchases made with the card by getting bonus points, which could be spent on purchases in the partner-shops network. At the beginning of the year MTBank was awarded with a silver medal of the financial-analytical portal “” in the field of customer service quality. The project “Consumer Experience” was aimed at long-term research of service quality in the “mystery shopper” format in bank branches. In March the business transaction on acquisition of 100% of shares of the holding company MTB Investments (Cyprus), which had been the owner of 98,97% of JSC MTBank" shares, was completed. The ultimate beneficial owners of JSC “MTBank” became the famous Belarusian businesspersons Mr. Aleksin Aliaksei Ivanovich and Ms. Oleksina Inna Vladimirovna. In May a diploma from the international payment system VISA International was given to MTBank for successful launch of bonus savings card “Halva Plus” based on VISA cards. The editorial staff of the magazine “Business Review” included Andrey Zhishkevich, the Chairman of the Management Board of MTBank, in the rating of “Top 50 Hired Managers of Belarus”. In 2015 MTBank received high praise from its foreign partner banks: Deutsche Bank awarded MTBank with Straight-Through Processing (STP) Excellence Award for the highest percentage of payments in US dollars, which didn’t require manual processing. JSC “MTBank” became the owner of prestigious banking award of Commerzbank AG “STP Award 2015” for the high quality of transactions in Euro for the third time. From July 1st, 2015 MTBank bank payment cards were issued based on EMV standard. These were the cards of new generation, equipped with a microchip. The use of such a card allowed minimizing the risks of fraudulent operations and saving the money of the owners. According to research made by ActiveCloud, the Internet bank of JSC MTBank provided the best protection against intruders in comparison with other similar services of Belarusian banks. High rating is assigned to the Bank for using TLS 1.2 protocol, being the most secure at that moment, and correct protection against common vulnerabilities. In September MTBank began to issue “Halva” and “Halva Plus” cards based on the international payment system MasterCard. The distinctive feature was that new cards apart from chip and magnetic stripe were equipped with PayPass technology. During the Global Entrepreneurship Week in November 2015 JSC “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus” presented MTBank with the Rewarding Certificate in the nomination “The Most Dynamic Growth in Supporting Small- and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship”. The active financing of the Belarusian business under the “MTBasel” Programme contributed to receipt of such an award. In December MTBank provided clients with the opportunity to get consultations on bank products and services of MTBank via Skype and Viber! In December 2015 “The Banker”, a prestigious international financial affairs magazine that is a part of “The Financial Times” group, named MTBank “Bank of the Year 2015 in Belarus”. That year banks from more than 150 countries received awards for financial success. The title “Bank of the Year in Belarus” was given to MTBank by International Judges. That fact confirmed impartiality of the magazine and professional approach to evaluating work of the nominees in the past year. By the New Year 2016 MTBank prepared 2 presents for its clients, who are car owners and who admire travelling: bank card “PayOkay” for making profitable purchases with CashBack and returning of Tax Free on the owner’s bank card; and bank card Autocard. Using the Autocard of MTBank the client can get 10% CashBack from the Bank’s Business Partners of the card. Besides, the holders of the card get 1% cashback from the purchases made either in Belarus, or abroad. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_7"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2014</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">On the 28th of January, 2014 MTBank was recognized as the best one in the nomination “Brand Leader-2013 in social networks”. On the 8th of April, 2014 the new banking product the installment card “Halva” was implemented. On the 23rd April, 2014 Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and JSC “MTBank” signed a 5-year-term loan agreement in the amount of 3 million Euro to support energy efficiency and environmentally friendly projects. On the 11th September, 2014 EBRD and JSC “MTBank” signed the loan agreement on providing credit line of USD 5 million in local currency to MTBank for financing micro, small and medium-sized businesses. JSC “MTBank” started active collaboration with JSC “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus” under the agreement on financing to small and medium-sized businesses singed on the 10th of November, 2014. On the 27th November, 2014 it was the second time JSC “MTBank” became the owner of prestigious banking award of Commerzbank AG “STP Award 2013” for the high quality of transactions. MTBank turned 20 years old. For two decades the number of branches of the bank increased from 1 to 50, the number of employees exceeded 1500, thanks to whom MTBank had one of the widest bank product lines regularly updated and adapted to customer requests for both individuals and legal entities. All the achievements made MTBank one of the largest private banks in Belarus. On the 25th of January, traditionally celebrated in the post-Soviet countries as Student's Day, MTBank presented a new card for students “Visa Gold Student”. On the 25th of March, 2014 there was held opening of the student Case Club “BSEU Case Club” on the basis of the Belarusian State Economic University. MTBank supported the educational initiative of talented and motivated students, who would be in charge of country's economy management in the future. On the 8th of April MTBank presented the first bank card in Belarus for making installment purchases called installment card number 1 “Halva”. During the year the number of cardholders amounted to 80,000 Belarusians, and the number of partners exceeded 3,000 stores from various spheres of trade and service. As a result of the year 2014, the installment card number 1 “Halva” was awarded with the title “Brand of the Year 2014” in the nominations “Opening of the Year” and “Banks and Banking Services”. On the 5th of June, 2014 it was the second time the awarding ceremony in the field of banking services and technologies called the “Bank of the Year of Belarus” award was held. Among the jury there were specialists in finance, advertising and marketing, as well as hundreds of thousands of users of the leading Belarusian portal TUT.BY also took part in voting. The winners were determined in 12 nominations. In the nomination “Best Advertising Campaign” the first place for the second year in a row was given to “MTBelky of MTBank”, which throughout the year 2013 brought joy, luck and profit to customers. But the most important thing was that “MTBelky” lottery provided one of the depositors with a New Year present, the apartment in Minsk. The second place was given to the advertising campaign “The whole truth about credit cards”. MTBank won the first place in the nomination “The Most Open Bank”. The winner was determined by interviewing representatives of relevant Belarusian mass media such as, ONT, business magazine “Delo”, etc. The award was given first of all for the bank’s information transparency: the MTBank experts were frequent guests of live programs of national TV channels acting as analysts in the financial and banking spheres. MTBank once again confirmed its logo “The Bank of Innovative Solutions” by its deeds not words. After implementation of corporate bank card “VISABusiness”, which was joint financial product with VISA International, MTBank held a training seminar for accountants with presentation of all the card functions and advantages. On the 5th of June the Visa Forum “Ideas and Solutions for Card Business” was held in Nesvizh Castle, where MTBank was awarded with the diploma “For the most dynamic growth of Visa Gold card portfolio” as one of the most active and interesting players in the “bank card” market of Belarus with a large number of various and creative bank products. The issuance of MTBank Visa Gold payment cards grew by more than 5 times for the year 2013. In September MTBank launched a new version of the Internet bank. Its functions became more personal-related and ergonomic. In addition, new technologies relating to remote access to card account were implemented in the new version of Internet Bank. By arranging a number of charitable events MTBank implemented the principles of socially responsible business and was a participant in the international initiative of the UN “Global Compact”. For example, from 14th to 19th October MTBank participated in the charity photo exhibition “MOTHER Backstage”, which was held for supporting the NGO “Belarusian Fund SOS-Children's Village” and the social center “Happy Baby”. MTBank was given the third place in the nomination “Republic” of the authoritative Award “HR-brand 2014”. Within the framework of the competitive project “Complex tools for forming the employer's brand in the MTBank” the most striking HR-events of 2014 were presented. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_8"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2013</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">In the year 2013 JSC “MTBank” started active collaboration with KazExportGarant within the framework of financing clients’ trade transactions by means of financial funds attracted from this financial organization. 2 deals were successfully implemented through the partnership with Kazakh Export Credit Agency. New projects were under discussion then. Since 24th July, 2013 MTBank made transaction processing with usage of plastic cards to MTBank’s own card processing system. As a result, the Bank got the opportunity to launch new banking products itself, and the banking platform used allowed to implement plastic card products, which had been inaccessible to other banks due to technological limitations of their processing decisions. The speed of reaction on clients’ requests increased, and the time for development of new banking products significantly reduced. What is more, JSC “MTBank” got the opportunity to personalize plastic cards itself, that reduced the term of plastic cards production and gave the opportunity to issue plastic cards to clients much quicker. On the 30th of July, 2013 the new Loan Agreement with EBRD was signed in the amount of 3 million US dollars for financing small and medium-sized businesses. Deposit called “MTBelky” (‘Belky’ means Belarusian rubles) being one of the most famous saving products in Belarus was implemented. The motto of the company was as follows: “Home is not the place for saving Belky, MTBank is the right place for this!”. All the depositors of “MTBelky”, who signed a contract with the bank from May to December, were automatically included in the number of participants in the lottery giving the chance to win an apartment in Minsk. Informational and analytical agency “Business-News” made out the efficiency rating of the Belarusian banks based on their activity in 2012. The rating included all 32 commercial banks of Belarus. MTBank was in the top five of the rating. (The source of information is Following the results of work in 2012, MTBank won the prestigious banking award of Deutsche Bank AG “Deutsche Bank's 2012 Straight-Through Processing (STP) Excellence Award” and the award of Commerzbank AG “Commerzbank AG - STP Award 2012” for high quality of transfers in US dollars. The call center of MTBank took the first place by quality of the telephone servicing (The source of information is MTBank presented an updated Programme of financial support “Doctors and Teachers” at the exhibition “Health Care of Belarus 2013”. The aim of the Programme was to provide doctors and teachers with extensive support: favourable conditions for lending and growth of savings. Within the framework of the Programme “Doctors and Teachers” provision was made not only for soft loans, but also for the whole set of additional benefits. Visa International, a provider of payment transactions in more than 200 countries, represented by Visa regional manager for CIS countries Svetlana Georbelidze awarded MTBank for success in launching co-branding cards. At the end of May, for the first time in Belarus, the Bank of the Year Award was held in the field of banking services and technologies. MTBank took the first place in the category “Advertising Campaign of the Year”. The first place in the nomination “Person of the Year” was given to the Chairman of the Management Board of JSC “MTBank” Andrey Zhishkevich. MTBank also took two second places in the nominations “The Best Short Term Deposit” (deposit “Lemonade”) and “Best Web-site” ( On the 19th of August “Belinvestbank” JSC one of the largest banks of the Republic of Belarus joined the partner network of MTBank. Since then the holders of MTBank payment cards had got access to more than 600 cash dispensers throughout the whole country, including cash dispensers of partner bank Belorussian-Russian Belgazprombank Joint Stock. MTBank launched the educational project for corporate clients “Business in FLEX style” being a unique communication platform for the bank's customers. At the events the bank employees together with clients learnt the trends of various business areas, tested modern business instruments and shared the experience of implementing effective technologies with each other. MTBank congratulated the client, who got a 100-thousandth payment card, issued by the bank after transfer to its own IN-HOUSE card processing. MTBank in partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), presented the session “Investments in Energy Efficiency: Relevance, Opportunities, Potential” within the framework of the World Entrepreneurship Week, which was held in Belarus on 18-24th November. MTBank was twice recognized as a Brand Leader in social networks.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_9"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2012</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">In 2012 due to active development of retail business net the quantity of MTBank Team members increased from 838 to 1177 people. Besides, the number of MTBank branches enlarged by more than 2 times, from 52 to 106. On the 23rd of November 2012 JSC “MTBank” signed the Loan Agreement in the amount of 4 million US dollars with EBRD on the credit line for financing energy efficiency projects of private micro, small and medium-sized businesses. Over the past year MTBank confirmed the status of one of the most progressive, innovative and client-oriented banks in Belarus. MTBank took the 6th place by absolute value of deposit portfolio. The market share increased from 0.9% to 2.8%. Thanks to successful solutions to bank products and effective marketing, MTBank earned the reputation of the bank with the best bank product factory of innovative solutions for customers in the market among competitors. Active growth in lending to corporate and retail customers caused necessity to engage into struggle for corporate deposits. The result of the year 2012 was the increase in the corporate resource base by 96%. MTBank's international credit rating from the international rating agency Moody's allowed the bank to successfully develop cooperation with international financial organizations and major foreign banks in various areas of international interbank cooperation. In 2012, the Bank began active interaction with the Eurasian Development Bank (the International financial organization, which includes 6 CIS countries) to obtain credit lines for small and medium-sized enterprises, trade finance, financing of energy efficiency projects. In autumn 2012, the bank was rebranded. As a result, MTBank became the bank of innovative solutions. One of the brand's directions was active work in social media. Following the results of 2012, MTBank became a brand leader in social networks. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_10"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2011</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">In March 2011 MTBank and IFC signed a 5-year-term loan agreement in the amount of USD 10 million on financing private SMEs, USD 5 million of which were destined for financing of Energy Efficiency projects. In recognition of MTBank’s excellence in high quality of the US dollars payment transactions made by MTBank Team the Bank was given Deutsche Bank’s 2010 Straight-Through Processing (STP) Excellence Award. The year 2011 was marked by rapid development of retail business. During nine months of the year the bank managed to increase its retail loan portfolio by 2.5 times and retail deposit portfolio by 3.3 times. Product line for individual customers was significantly extended. The Bank developed broad network of retail offices (23 branches all over the country) and significantly strengthened alternative sales channels and cross-sales system. In 2011 MTBank was included in the list of Top-100 of the most expensive Belarusian brands. According to the estimation of the Ukrainian agency MPP Consulting the value of MTBank’s brand comprised USD 9.2 million. MTBank was the one of six Belarusian banks, which was included in the list. This fact confirmed once again correctness of chosen strategy and activities aimed at Bank’s promotion and market positioning. MTBank managed to maintain a high level of liquidity and profitability, as well as significantly increase its market share. The main factor of MTBank's success and dynamic development in 2011was still trust of its customers. The Bank provided high-quality services and a wide range of financial opportunities, as well as guarantee of individual approach and exceptional flexibility and efficiency of the bank product line for each client. Being proud of success of the Bank’s clients, MTBank and clients were developing and learning together. MTBank kept up with the times and looked ahead with confidence. Being one of the first companies in Belarus to join the international UN initiative “Global Compact”, MTBank gradually implemented the concept of socially responsible business. MTBank Team were convinced that the development of intellectual potential could strengthen positions of Belarus on the global stage. The last decades revealed the leading role of intellectual innovations, both in ensuring business profitability and improving the level and quality of people’s life. Therefore, MTBank had been supporting the intellectual movement for many years, as well as projects on enhancing financial literacy throughout the country. For the third year in a row, the bank continued its performance as a partner of the intellectual club “What? Where? When?” in Belarus, the partner of the Brain-Ring programme and cooperated with the largest higher educational institutions of the country. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_11"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2010</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">MTBank became a winner of Annual Professional Competition “BRAND OF THE YEAR 2009” in the nomination “Socially responsible brand”. In recognition of MTBank’s excellence in high quality of the payment transactions in US dollars made by MTBank Team, the Bank was presented with Deutsche Bank’s 2009 Straight-Through Processing (STP) Excellence Award. In March 2010 TFP line from EBRD was increased again by USD 5.0 million, and also IFC approved the increase of MTBank GTFP limit up to USD 10 million. The agreement with IFC expanded the capacity of MTBank's corporate clients for making import and export transactions, and also allowed to increase the volume of foreign trade contracts and reduce the cost of credit financing for small and medium-sized businesses. In 2010 loan product line was significantly extended both for individual and corporate customers. Bank offered new consumer loans and auto loans, classic loans for new and used cars, SME loans such as Invest-Loan, Express-Loan, Business-Line, Start-up-Loan, Loans for Vending, Cash loan to an enterprise’s founder. In 2010 MTBank was included in the list of Top-100 of the most expensive Belarusian brands. According to the estimation of the Ukrainian agency MPP Consulting the value of MTBank’s brand equaled to USD 8.0 million. MTBank was one of six Belarusian banks, which was included in the list. This fact confirmed correctness of chosen strategy and activities aimed at bank’s promotion and market positioning. In January-February 2010 MTBank together with the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus and United Nations Development Programme, implementing the project “Assistance to the development of microfinance in the Republic of Belarus”, organized the seminar for entrepreneurs “Plan Your Future”. The aim of the seminars was to increase the financial literacy of entrepreneurs and small businesses in the regions of Belarus. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_12"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2009</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">On the 13th of May, 2009 International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, approved a USD 3.0 million trade finance credit line to MTBank. MTBank was one of the first banks in Belarus, which joined Global Trade Finance Programme. Participation in the Programme gave MTBank an access to the global network of 170 confirming banks, which supported trade businesses all around the world. This fact significantly increased the bank’s facilities for trade financing of its customers including small and medium-sized enterprises. In November 2009 credit line within GTFP was increased up to USD 5.0 million and terms of stand-by letters of credits issued within the Programme had been prolonged from half a year to a year. On the 23rd of June, 2009 EBRD and MTBank signed new USD 10.0 million Loan Agreement under the SME Lending Programme in Belarus. The term of the Agreement is 5 years. In December 2009 MTBank and the Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO) signed a 5-year-term loan agreement in the amount of USD 10.0 million in order to provide loans for private SMEs. In recognition of MTBank’s excellence in high quality of the payment transactions in US dollars made by MTBank Team, the Bank was presented with Deutsche Bank’s 2008 Straight-Through Processing (STP) Excellence Award. In 2009 a grand project had been completed in the field of IT. As a result, bundled software Forpost by Forbis company, which allowed advanced data consolidation and service-oriented architecture (SOA) of the bank’s information systems, was introduced. The development of retail business and improvement of service quality of individual clients is one of the main directions of MTBank's activities. On the whole, in 2009 the increase in attracted resources from individuals in the equivalent of all currencies by USD 41.3 million amounted to USD 6.4 million. In September 2009 the international rating agency Moody's Investors Service confirmed MTBank’s long-term rating “B2”, a short-term “Not Prime” rating for deposits in national and foreign currency and bank’s financial strength rating “E +”. The outlook for all ratings, as well as the year before, was stable. In 2009 MTBank performed in a new quality as partner of the intellectual club “What? Where? When?” in Belarus. In 2009 the system of remote servicing “My Bank” was transformed into a more functional and the most comfortable new version, and also integrated with the system “Raschet”, being an automated information system of single accounting and information space (Open Joint stock Company “Non-bank financial institution “Single Settlement and Information Space” (OJSC “Non-bank financial institution “SSIS”)) created by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_13"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2008</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">The main event of the year was assignment of credit rating to MTBank by international agency “Moody's Investors Service”. On November 27th, 2008 Moody's assigned B2 long-term and Not Prime short-term local and foreign currency deposit ratings and an E+ bank financial strength rating (BFSR) to MTBank. The outlook of all ratings was stable. MTBank was the first among private Belarusian banks (not in the list of Belarusian subsidiaries of large Russian banks) to get an international credit rating. The Moody’s experts emphasized good diversification of the bank's loan portfolio, its adequate liquidity position and high capital adequacy. On the 29th of January, 2008 Revolving Credit Agreement was signed with EBRD, which provided additional USD 1.0 million for MTBank. In December 2008 credit line within Trade Facilitation Program was additionally increased by USD 3.0 million. In recognition of MTBank’s excellence in high quality of the payment transactions in US dollars made by MTBank Team, the Bank was presented with Deutsche Bank’s 2007 Straight-Through Processing (STP) Excellence Award. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_14"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2007</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">MTBank became the winner of Annual Professional Competition “BRAND OF THE YEAR 2006” in the nomination “Socially responsible brand” and Professional nomination in the group “Banks”. It also participated in “GLOBAL CONTRACT” in Belarus – initiative of the United Nations in the field of corporate social responsibility. On the 27th of February, 2007 EBRD and MTBank signed a USD 4.0 million Loan Agreement under the SME and MSE Lending Programme in Belarus. On the 21st of December, 2007 EBRD allocated the 2nd credit line in the amount of USD 10.0 million to MTBank to provide financing for small- and medium-sized businesses in Belarus. The bank also joined EBRD Trade Facilitation Programme with the limit of USD 1.0 million. Relevant agreement was signed on the 28th of August, 2007. The bank was gradually expanding in the regions. Since the beginning of the year 2 more remote offices had been set up, the total number of the bank’s divisions equaled to 21. With the intention of constant growth MTBank was active in attracting foreign investors. The main year’s event is the entry of a new bank’s shareholder – Horizon Capital – an American private equity fund manager specializing in investments in Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova. Horizon acquired its stake from Atlant-M in the fall of 2007 with a subsequent additional issue of the bank’s shares in December 2007. Equity capital increased by 143.6 per cent and reached USD 43.8 million. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_15"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2006</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">The bank launched the programme “My first bank”, offering favorable service conditions for the clients. Three more additional offices were opened and the existing branches were modernized. The bank was active in the stock exchange. The year 2006 resulted in the bank’s 4th place by quantity of the deals concluded in the primary market and in the 3rd place in the secondary market. The bank became member of EBRD programme aimed at financing investment projects of small- and medium-sized businesses in Belarus. Since April 2006 the bank got an exclusive right in Belarus to do clearing of American Express traveler’s cheques. MTBank was on the 3rd place in the Republic of Belarus by volume of traveler’s cheques sold. Another achievement made was the opening of direct USD account with Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas (New York) and EUR account with Deutsche Bank AG (Frankfurt-am-Mein), which stated about respective reliability status of the bank. JSC "MTBank" among the first Belarusian companies joined the UN Global Compact. The bank set new standards for banking services. It introduced innovative products to Belarusian market: fast car loans, overdraft cards with grace period and the system of Internet banking “My Bank”. The Bank became an authorized bank of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus for the right to guarantee making customs payments, JSC “MTBank” acted as an agent of Belarusian Export and Import Insurance Company “Beleximgarant” and concludes contracts on compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_16"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2005</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">The greatest developments occurred in retail operations. The international transfers via payment systems Travelex (today it is called COINSTAR) and Anelik were added, new offices of foreign currency exchange were opened. The bank was an active operator in the market of the state securities of the Republic of Belarus. In 2005 by results of stock exchange sessions at the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange the bank took the 5th place by quantity of transactions and 6th place by volume of securities transactions.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_17"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2004</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">That year the bank celebrated its 10th anniversary. The Bank obtained a license of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus for operations with plastic cards; License MASTERCARD for transactions with plastic cards and the status of a member of MASTERCARD as an Affiliate. The principle “Bank –Client”, which underlay the individual approach to clients, was successfully implemented. The range of services and new banking products was considerably extended. The bank became the leader in guarantees volume issued to road carriers of the Republic of Belarus. The international bank transfers via payment systems Contact, Migom were implemented. The bank joined the international payment system Visa International, started issuing international plastic cards Visa, and launched transactions with checks of American Express Company. The bank kept high rates of development. As of January 1, 2005 the assets of the bank reached 46.4 million US dollars (growth by 50 %). On April 1st, 2004 within the salary project of Milavitsa factory the first plastic card of JSC “MTBank” was issued. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_18"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2003</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">The bank continued its active development, showing intense growth of financial indicators. As of January 1st, 2004 the assets of the bank were 30.9 million USD (as of January 1st, 2003 – 18.6 million USD). The equity of JSC “MTBank” increased up to 10 million euros. The bank’s resource potential allowed a 2.2 times increase in the volume of credits extended to the customers. The bank’s correspondent network expanded the financial year. By the end of 2003 56 correspondent accounts of banks from 9 countries were opened in the bank’s books. The bank issued first MasterCard cards. It earned 1.8 million USD of balance profit for 2003 that was 2.6 times more than the same indicator for the year 2002. The bank was successfully working with American Express Company products: MTBank was on the 2nd place in the ranking of traveler's checks sales in the Republic of Belarus and on the 1st place in the ranking of sales growth rates. The bank had an active social position: the action “Deposits for newborns” was held, aimed at stimulating the birth rate and strengthening of family. The families awaiting the appearance of babies were competing for gift deposit. As a result, 16 newborns have received a personal bank account as a gift. Each year on the child’s birthday 500 US dollars would be added to the personal bank account. By the time the deposit would be closed, an amount of 10,000 US dollars was going to be on the account.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_19"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2002</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">The Bank significantly expanded the range of currencies from 4 types of currencies to 15 to carry out currency exchange transactions. The list of credit services provided by the bank included a new operation, which subsequently became a key one, car loans to individuals. The work on urgent international transfers and American Express checks were been activated. The bank actively worked on the development of its infrastructure and introduction of the modern bank technologies. The assets of the bank increased from 10.6 million USD up to 18.6 million USD (by 75.5 %), the equity capital of the bank grew by 61.8 %. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_20"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2001</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">It was a year of basic changes in the bank’s strategy. The International Automobile Holding Atlant-M entered the bank’s capital as a majority shareholder. The bank continued to consolidate its positions in banking sector of the Republic of Belarus. The equity capital of the bank increased up to 5.4 million euro (by 1.8 times). The bank joined the system of international payments SWIFT. A new division of retail business the Department of non-trading operations was created. The division successfully developed banking services for individuals. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_21"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">2000</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">JSC “MTBank” expanded the range of retail services: cash funds were issued by international plastic cards VISA, Euro Card, Master Card; individuals could receive cash without opening an account for making transfers; the bank carried out transactions on Western Union transfers. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_22"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">1999</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">Within the framework of the project “On the provision of charitable and sponsorship assistance” the Bank financed the organization of New Year's events for poorly protected residents of the Leninsky district of Minsk. There were 1,200 organizations and 14,000 private investors among the bank's clients.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_23"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">1998</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">JSC “MTBank” implemented new services such as factoring, leasing, selling Thomas Cook and Visa traveler's checks, selling Vilniaus Bankas commercial checks (Lithuania) and checks of Bank Depozytowo-Kreditowy (Poland). </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_24"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">1997</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">Начало активного формирования филиальной сети Банка. 25 января 1995 года открыт Филиал 0201 в г. Витебске. 5 октября 1995 года — Филиал 0103 в г. Молодечно (Минская область). 12 октября 1995 года — Филиал «Милавица» в г. Минске. 23 октября 1995 года — Филиал 0105 в г. Минске.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_25"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">1996</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">The bank initiates the first marketing research to study the demand and market for banking products. The first advertisement of the Bank appears. A bank depository was established. The work on attracting the population's funds was intensified. The Bank created Back Office and modernized the computer network. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_26"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">1995</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">It was a year of dynamic development of the bank. The number of bank’s shareholders grew, the bank’s charter capital increased by 5 times. Four new branches of the bank were opened in different towns of the Republic of Belarus. The bank received the License for professional activities in the equity market enabling the bank to render brokerage and dealing services to its clients.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup js-popup" data-popup-id="achievement_27"> <div class="popup__wrapper"> <div class="popup__inner"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"></button> <div class="popup__window"> <div class="popup__content"> <div class="popup-achievement"> <span class="popup-achievement__title">1994</span> <div class="popup-achievement__content">JSC “MTBank” was founded in 1994 as a closed joint-stock company and was the first commercial bank in the Republic of Belarus with a stock of foreign investors. The first shareholders of the bank were businessmen from Belarus, Latvia, and Switzerland. On March 14, 1994 the bank received License № 38 of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus for performing banking operations and General license № 15 for carrying out foreign currency banking operations. In 2 months the first branch of the bank was opened.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="js-lazy-block"> <!-- <div class="section section--gray section--gray-desktop"> <div class="container"> <div class="news-section"> <header class="section__header"> <div class="section__header-left"> <span class="section__title">News</span> </div> <div class="section__header-right"> <a href="/en/news/" class="link-arrow link-arrow--no-mobile"> All news <span class="icon-next"><i></i></span> </a> </div> </header> <div class="section__content"> <div class="news-section__inner"> <ul class="news-section__list"> <li class="news-section__item"> <div class="news-card"> <a href="/en/news/mtbank-is-again-among-the-best-the-oscars-of-the-banking-sector-was-held-the-results-of-2022-are-sum-714916-p/" class="news-card__link"> <span class="news-card__label"></span> <span class="news-card__title">MTBank is again among the best: the "Oscars" of the banking sector was held, the results of 2022 are summed up!</span> </a> </div> </li> <li class="news-section__item"> <div class="news-card"> <a href="/en/news/mtbank-s-belarus-national-scale-credit-rating-raised-to-bybbb-outlook-revised-to-stable-544699-p/" class="news-card__link"> <span class="news-card__label"></span> <span class="news-card__title">MTBank’s Belarus National Scale Credit Rating Raised to ‘byBBB’; Outlook Revised to ‘Stable</span> </a> </div> </li> <li class="news-section__item"> <div class="news-card"> <a href="/en/news/mtbank-is-recognized-as-the-1-bank-for-small-and-medium-sized-businesses-according-to-the-number-one-271274-p/" class="news-card__link"> <span class="news-card__label"></span> <span class="news-card__title">MTBank is recognized as the № 1 bank for small and medium-sized businesses according to the "Number One" award</span> </a> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> --> </div> </main> <footer class="page__footer footer"> <div class="footer-main "> <div 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