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class="hero-wrapper about_hero"> <div class="about_hero-row"> <div class="hero-left"> <h1 class="hero-title hero-title-h1"> <span>We provide paper </span> <span>samples to show you a good example of quality writing</span> </h1> <div class="hero-subtitle"> That is why we put our heart and soul into writing papers that would inspire people and allow them to become better writers themselves. </div> <div class="about_btn"> <a href="/order.html" class="btn btn--secondary">Proceed to order</a> </div> <div class="hero-reviews__badges d-none d-md-flex"> <img class="hero-reviews__badge-img" src="" alt=""> <img class="hero-reviews__badge-img" src=" MARKET.png" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="about_count"> <div class="number_container"> <p class="about_years">10+</p> <div class="number_sub"> Years <span>on the market</span> </div> </div> <div class="number_container"> <p class="about_years">800+</p> <div class="number_sub"> Proven <span>expert writers</span> </div> </div> <div class="number_container"> <p class="about_years">3000+</p> <div class="number_sub"> Students <span>reported better grades</span> </div> </div> <div class="number_container"> <p class="about_years">4.9</p> <div class="number_sub"> Average <span>customer rating</span> </div> </div> </section> <section class="page__about--why_trust_us" id="why_trust_us"> <div class="sticky_why"> <div class="title">Why <span>Trust Us?</span></div> <div class="subtitle">Security is essential in our field of services. Find out how we ensure it below.</div> </div> <div class="trustus-block"> <div class="trustus-block--column"> <div class="trustus_card--line"> <div class="trustus_card"> <div class="trustus_card-number">1</div> <div class="trustus_card-title">Money Back Guarantee</div> <p>We always want to meet you halfway in the desire to get the best service. Our intentions are pure, so you can get a full or partial refund according to our <noindex><a href="/terms-of-use.html?link=money-back">Money back guarantee</a></noindex> policy. </p> </div> </div> <div class="trustus_card--line"> <div class="trustus_card"> <div class="trustus_card-number">2</div> <div class="trustus_card-title">Free Online Plagiarism Check</div> <p>Originality is our standard. Before sending a paper to you, our quality assurance department scans it with several plagiarism checkers. Upon your request, we can pass the paper through Turnitin without absolutely no risks for the paper to be stored in database and provide with a plagiarism report but at an additional cost. </p> </div> </div> <div class="trustus_card--line trustus_card--line__center"> <div class="trustus_card"> <div class="trustus_card-number">3</div> <div class="trustus_card-title">Skilled Writers of Different Levels of Writing</div> <p>Our writers are professionals with BA, MA, or PhD degrees. Each of them proved their expertise when passed our rigorous writing, grammar, stylistic, and other online tests successfully. You can choose out of 3 writer’s categories to meet exactly your paper needs.</p> </div> </div> <div class="trustus_card--line"> <div class="trustus_card"> <div class="trustus_card-number">4</div> <div class="trustus_card-title">3 Free Revisions</div> <p>Our writers usually meet all requirements on the first try. In some cases, you may want to make any changes in the paper and you have 3 free revisions to do this according to our <noindex><a href="/terms-of-use.html?link=revision-policy">Revision policy</a></noindex> . </p> </div> </div> <div class="trustus_card--line"> <div class="trustus_card"> <div class="trustus_card-number">5</div> <div class="trustus_card-title">We are in this business since 2008</div> <p>We know everything about the business we’re running. This is our daily job, our hobby, and our passion. Helping students to complete the new challenging assignments, our Team gets higher professionally and we can easily say “Yes! We can do your task!” because we have the years of experience.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="timeline"> <h2>Our timeline</h2> <p class="timeline-subtitle">From a concept to the industry leader, here are the key milestones of PaperHelp's 15-year record of helping students achieve their academic goals</p> <div class="timeline"> <div class="timeline_container"> <div class="time_point"> <span class="time_indicator"> <span class="time_indicator_hover"></span> <span class="time_indicator_hover hover_left"></span> </span> <p> <span class="time_data">2008</span> PaperHelp is founded by two partners who aim to help struggling students cope </p> </div> <div class="time_point"> <span class="time_indicator"> <span class="time_indicator_hover"></span> <span class="time_indicator_hover hover_left"></span> </span> <p> <span class="time_data">2013</span> 100K orders completed. The services cover 30+ paper types and 50+ subjects </p> </div> <div class="time_point"> <span class="time_indicator"> <span class="time_indicator_hover"></span> <span class="time_indicator_hover hover_left"></span> </span> <p> <span class="time_data">2018</span> 500K orders completed. STEM and admissions help services introduced </p> </div> <div class="time_point"> <span class="time_indicator"> <span class="time_indicator_hover"></span> <span class="time_indicator_hover hover_left"></span> </span> <p> <span class="time_data">2021</span> Programming help services launched. PaperHelp is the #1 website for college assistance </p> </div> <div class="time_point"> <span class="time_indicator"> <span class="time_indicator_hover"></span> <span class="time_indicator_hover hover_left"></span> </span> <p> <span class="time_data">Today</span> PaperHelp focuses on authenticity amid the influx of AI-generated content </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="how_to_order" class="collapse__pages mb-136 our_mission"> <div class="collapse__pages__inner radius--40 bg-dark-secondary"> <div class="collapse__pages__body"> <h3>Our mission, vision and values that we follow since 2008</h3> <p></p> </div> <div class="offer-area__col"> <div class="offer-area"> <div class="offer-tabs"> <div class="offerslide offerslide-4"> <div class="offerItem active"> <div class="offerItemNumber">1</div> <h4 class="offerItemTitle">Our mission</h4> <div class="offer-detail"> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <div class="offer-content"> <p>At PaperHelp, we are driven by the mission to empower students to unlock their full academic potential. After 15+ years in business, we entirely understand the challenges of the educational journey. Today, we use this expertise to provide tailored assistance that caters to the diverse needs of learners across various disciplines. Our core ethos is anchored in delivering original and authentic papers that reflect the unique voice and intellect of each scholar we serve. Using our services, students can enhance their learning, deepen their understanding, and secure the academic outcomes they aspire to achieve. </p> <p> PaperHelp is more than a service; it's a partner in your academic journey, illuminating the path to success.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="offerItem"> <div class="offerItemNumber">2</div> <h4 class="offerItemTitle">Our vision</h4> <div class="offer-detail"> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <div class="offer-content"> <p>Our vision is to help students along their academic journey from admission to graduation, providing each learner with a seamless assistance experience. In an era where generative AI has become a disruptive factor in academic writing, we ensure the originality and authenticity of every paper and solution we deliver. They are all crafted from scratch by field experts, scanned by anti-plagiarism software, and checked with AI content detection tools. PaperHelp continuously innovates and adapts to the evolving landscape of education and technology and anticipates the changing needs of students. </p> <p> We aim to be the beacon of excellence in educational support, empowering students to achieve their academic goals with confidence and distinction.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="offerItem"> <div class="offerItemNumber">3</div> <h4 class="offerItemTitle">Our values</h4> <div class="offer-detail"> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <div class="offer-content"> <p>PaperHelp's operation is grounded in values that honor the academic process and the trust placed in us by clients:</p> <ul> <li>Academic integrity and fair, lawful use of our work according to the Honor Code. </li> <li>Full customer satisfaction through superior quality papers, timely delivery, and support. </li> <li>100% authentic & original works crafted by experts and free from AI-generated content. </li> <li>Absolute customer confidentiality, security of their information, and payment safety. </li> </ul> <p>PaperHelp team's commitment to academic integrity is unwavering, and we stand as a pillar of support for students aiming to excel without compromising on honesty.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="about_team"> <h2>Our team</h2> <div class="team_container"> <div class="team_item_container" data-img="susanne"> <div class="team_img"></div> <div class="team_item_info"> <div class="title"> <p>Susanne</p> <span>Head of customer success</span> </div> <p class="description">Customers trust our team to help them achieve their goals – and we do all it takes for them to succeed big time.</p> </div> </div> <div class="team_item_container" data-img="mason"> <div class="team_img"></div> <div class="team_item_info"> <div class="title"> <p>Mason</p> <span>Customer success manager</span> </div> <p class="description"> We do all it takes to help students cope and study better. It's very satisfying to know that we make their lives easier.</p> </div> </div> <div class="team_item_container" data-img="ellie"> <div class="team_img"></div> <div class="team_item_info"> <div class="title"> <p>Ellie</p> <span>Customer success manager</span> </div> <p class="description">People feel when you put your heart into what you do. That's how it goes at PaperHelp, and that's why people trust us.</p> </div> </div> <div class="team_item_container" data-img="stacey"> <div class="team_img"></div> <div class="team_item_info"> <div class="title"> <p>Stacey</p> <span>Customer success manager</span> </div> <p class="description">Helping people is what I want to do in life, and PaperHelp lets me fulfill this calling. Let's kick some papers together!</p> </div> </div> <div class="team_item_container" data-img="hunter"> <div class="team_img"></div> <div class="team_item_info"> <div class="title"> <p>Hunter</p> <span>Customer success manager</span> </div> <p class="description">I'm fresh out of college myself and remember how hard it was to keep up. Now I'm on the team to help other students succeed.</p> </div> </div> <div class="team_item_container" data-img="yvonne"> <div class="team_img"></div> <div class="team_item_info"> <div class="title"> <p>Yvonne</p> <span>Customer success manager</span> </div> <p class="description">After two years with PaperHelp, I perfectly understand why students trust us. It's because they feel they are our priority #1.</p> </div> </div> <div class="team_item_container" data-img="summer"> <div class="team_img"></div> <div class="team_item_info"> <div class="title"> <p>Summer</p> <span>Customer success manager</span> </div> <p class="description">As a professional, I always do my best to look into every customer's needs to help them in the best way possible.</p> </div> </div> <div class="team_item_container" data-img="dwayne"> <div class="team_img"></div> <div class="team_item_info"> <div class="title"> <p>Dwayne</p> <span>Customer success manager</span> </div> <p class="description">Be straightforward and honest – and people will trust you. That's where PaperHelp's transparency and honesty play their ultimate part.</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="about_service"> <h2> <span>The Only Service You Need for Academic Help</span> </h2> <div class="service_container"> <div class="service_item"> <div> <span class="icon icon_writing"> <svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M42.3332 33.6668L33.6666 42.3336C32.1938 43.8062 29.806 43.8062 28.3332 42.3336C27.597 41.5972 27.597 40.4032 28.3332 39.6668L39.6666 28.3336C40.403 27.5972 41.597 27.5972 42.3332 28.3336C43.806 29.8062 43.806 32.1942 42.3332 33.6668ZM18.0273 21.5304C18.0687 21.1756 17.9799 20.8086 17.7274 20.556L5.99112 8.81978C5.48284 8.31152 4.65248 8.56804 4.75414 9.27962L7.08128 25.5696C7.6544 29.5814 10.2137 33.033 13.886 34.7468L21.7304 38.4074C22.4926 38.7632 23.3958 38.604 23.9904 38.0094L38.0094 23.9904C38.604 23.3958 38.7632 22.4926 38.4074 21.7304L34.7468 13.8861C33.033 10.2137 29.5814 7.6544 25.5696 7.08128L9.27962 4.75414C8.56782 4.65246 8.31126 5.48308 8.81968 5.9915L20.5556 17.7275C20.8082 17.98 21.1754 18.0688 21.53 18.0273C21.6842 18.0093 21.841 18 22 18C24.2092 18 26 19.7908 26 22C26 24.2092 24.2092 26 22 26C19.7908 26 18 24.2092 18 22C18 21.841 18.0092 21.6844 18.0273 21.5304Z" fill='#1a1b32'/> </svg> </span> <p class="service_title">Custom writing</p> <p class="service_subtitle">From standard essays to dissertations – we can help you craft all the papers you need from admission to graduation.</p> </div> <a href="/order.html?type_of_work=1">Order custom writing</a> </div> <div class="service_item"> <div> <span class="icon icon_editing"> <svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M36.8487 25.9804C38.1561 24.6732 40.2757 24.6732 41.5829 25.9804C42.8903 27.2878 42.8903 29.4074 41.5829 30.7146L31.5533 40.7442C31.3119 40.9856 31.0131 41.1612 30.6849 41.2548L26.2921 42.5072C25.5381 42.7222 24.8413 42.0254 25.0561 41.2714L26.3085 36.8784C26.4021 36.5502 26.5779 36.2514 26.8191 36.01L36.8487 25.9804Z" fill='#1a1b32'/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M18.0635 3C18.0635 2.17158 17.3919 1.5 16.5635 1.5C15.735 1.5 15.0635 2.17158 15.0635 3V6H14.5635C10.1452 6 6.56348 9.58172 6.56348 14V35C6.56348 39.4182 10.1452 43 14.5635 43H15.735C16.2655 43 16.7742 42.7892 17.1493 42.4142L41.9776 17.5858C42.3528 17.2107 42.5634 16.702 42.5634 16.1716V14C42.5634 9.58172 38.9818 6 34.5634 6H34.0634V3C34.0634 2.17158 33.392 1.5 32.5634 1.5C31.735 1.5 31.0634 2.17158 31.0634 3V6H18.0635V3ZM29.7476 19.921C30.2562 19.2671 30.1384 18.3246 29.4844 17.816C28.8304 17.3074 27.888 17.4252 27.3794 18.0792L24.0322 22.3828C23.854 22.612 23.5188 22.6418 23.303 22.4476L21.567 20.8852C20.9512 20.331 20.0028 20.3808 19.4485 20.9966C18.8944 21.6124 18.9443 22.5608 19.56 23.115L21.296 24.6774C22.8064 26.0366 25.1528 25.8286 26.4002 24.2246L29.7476 19.921Z" fill='#1a1b32'/> </svg> </span> <p class="service_title">Editing & proofreading</p> <p class="service_subtitle">Perfect your paper with the help of professional editors and submit it with confidence to get the best results.</p> </div> <a href="/order.html?type_of_work=2">Order editing</a> </div> <div class="service_item"> <div> <span class="icon icon_solving"> <svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M4 12C4 7.58172 7.58172 4 12 4H36C40.4182 4 44 7.58172 44 12V12.5H4V12ZM4 15.5H44V36C44 40.4182 40.4182 44 36 44H12C7.58172 44 4 40.4182 4 36V15.5ZM24 20.5C23.4318 20.5 22.9124 20.821 22.6584 21.3292L17.8143 31.0172L15.2481 27.168C14.7885 26.4786 13.8572 26.2924 13.1679 26.752C12.4787 27.2114 12.2924 28.1428 12.7519 28.832L16.7519 34.832C17.0485 35.277 17.5595 35.5304 18.0932 35.4972C18.6269 35.4638 19.1025 35.149 19.3416 34.6708L24.927 23.5H34C34.8284 23.5 35.5 22.8284 35.5 22C35.5 21.1716 34.8284 20.5 34 20.5H24ZM26.9394 26.9394C27.5252 26.3536 28.4748 26.3536 29.0606 26.9394L31 28.8786L32.9394 26.9394C33.5252 26.3536 34.4748 26.3536 35.0606 26.9394C35.6464 27.5252 35.6464 28.4748 35.0606 29.0606L33.1214 31L35.0606 32.9394C35.6464 33.5252 35.6464 34.4748 35.0606 35.0606C34.4748 35.6464 33.5252 35.6464 32.9394 35.0606L31 33.1214L29.0606 35.0606C28.4748 35.6464 27.5252 35.6464 26.9394 35.0606C26.3536 34.4748 26.3536 33.5252 26.9394 32.9394L28.8786 31L26.9394 29.0606C26.3536 28.4748 26.3536 27.5252 26.9394 26.9394Z" fill='#1a1b32'/> </svg> </span> <p class="service_title">Problem solving</p> <p class="service_subtitle">STEM problems, business or coding assignments – we've got experts to help you nail any task college throws at you.</p> </div> <a href="/order.html?type_of_work=3">Order problem solving</a> </div> <div class="service_item service_included"> <p class="included_title">Included services</p> <p class="included_subtitle">You’ll always get them for free</p> <ul class="included_list"> <li><span>Formatting</span> <span class="free">FREE</span></li> <li><span>Title page</span> <span class="free">FREE</span></li> <li><span>Reference page</span> <span class="free">FREE</span></li> <li><span>Plagiarism report</span> <span class="free">FREE</span></li> <li><span>24 / 7 support</span> <span class="free">FREE</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section id="review" class="slider-container pseudo-section mb-136 "> <div class="container"> <div class="row d-flex justify-content-center"> <div class="col-xl-8 col-lg-12"> <div class="slider-block text-center"> <div class="badge badge-item">Testimonials</div> <h2>Why Students Rely on PaperHelp</h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_container about_rew" id="cascade-slider-testimonials"> <div class="cascade-slider_slides"> <div class="cascade-slider_inner slider--variable-about"> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Emily</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Exceptional service and meticulous attention to detail. Thanks for the A+ paper! </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">06/15/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Michael</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">The analysis was thorough, but I needed it sooner. Solid work nonetheless. </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">05/22/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Anna</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Flawless writing and perfect adherence to guidelines. My top choice for writing help! </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">08/10/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">John</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Very competent writing, but had to ask for a revision on the conclusion. </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">07/30/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Sarah</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Top-notch service every time. Professional and reliable! </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">06/05/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Richard</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Outstanding work! The research paper was comprehensive and well-written. </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">05/19/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Jessica</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Impressed by the rapid delivery and quality of work. Absolutely recommend! </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">08/25/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">David</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Great content, but formatting needed a slight tweak. Quick fix though! </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">07/12/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Laura</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Fantastic service, received an excellent paper well before the deadline. </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">06/29/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Chris</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Superb quality! The writer clearly had a strong grasp of the subject matter. </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">05/08/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Nicole</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Incredibly reliable and fast. Saved me during finals week! </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">08/03/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Alex</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Professional service, and the paper was well-researched. Highly satisfied! </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">07/20/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Jennifer</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Simply perfect! Followed my instructions to the letter and delivered an insightful paper. </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">06/14/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Daniel</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Brilliant writing. The writer went above and beyond to cover all key points. </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">05/30/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Samantha</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Exemplary work with excellent structure and argumentation. Will definitely use again. </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">08/17/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Ben</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Remarkable detail and scholarly research. A comprehensive and cogent paper. </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">07/06/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Lisa</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">The writer did an amazing job. Comprehensive, clear, and concise! </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">06/21/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Tony</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">Met all my requirements with a polished and professional paper. </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">05/13/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Sophie</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">The writer was knowledgeable and the paper was thoroughly researched. Very pleased! </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-bottom"> <div class="testimonials-date">08/08/2023</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cascade-slider_item bg-linear-gradient radius--32"> <div class="testimonials-item d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <div class="testimonials-top d-flex flex-column "> <div class="testimonials-header"> <div class="testimonials-place">Sitejabber</div> <div class="testimonials-verified"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22ZM16.592 9.46049C16.8463 9.13353 16.7874 8.66232 16.4605 8.40802C16.1335 8.15372 15.6623 8.21262 15.408 8.53958L11.401 13.6914C11.3119 13.806 11.1443 13.8209 11.0364 13.7238L8.50173 11.4426C8.19385 11.1655 7.71963 11.1904 7.44254 11.4983C7.16544 11.8062 7.1904 12.2804 7.49828 12.5575L10.033 14.8387C10.7881 15.5183 11.9613 15.4143 12.585 14.6123L16.592 9.46049Z" fill="#47DB5F"/> </svg> Verified </div> </div> <div class="testimonials-author">Matt</div> <div class="testimonials-star d-flex flex-row"> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> <div class="star"></div> </div> <div class="testimonials-text">A seamless experience from start to finish. 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