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"/-/media/project/hitachi/sib/ja-jp/case_studies/energy_izu-oshima/image/related_solutions.jpg?upd=20181117094511Z", "imgAlt": "", "category": [ "Environment", "Case Studies" ], "tag": [ "Decarbonization", "Renewable Energy", "Cloud", "SDGs" ], "search": [ "Energy", "Analytics" ], "href": "", "new": false, "window": false, "movie": false, "sound": false }, { "title": "Energy storage systems: Stabilizing power supply that also incorporates ...", "lead": "Declines in electrical power quality are becoming a serious challenge, as larger amounts of renewable energy are ...", "date": "Feb. 28, 2015", "name": "Editing Team", "img": "/-/media/project/hitachi/sib/ja-jp/case_studies/energy_crystena/image/related_solutions.jpg?upd=20181117094507Z", "imgAlt": "", "category": [ "Environment", "Case Studies" ], "tag": [ "Decarbonization", "Renewable Energy", "SDGs", "Energy" ], "search": [ "Energy" ], "href": "", "new": false, "window": false, "movie": false, "sound": false }, { "title": "Hitachi 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