Keywords : Social Innovation : Hitachi

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Widening disparities in care among different regions.", "date": "Mar. 28, 2017", "name": "Editing Team", "img": "/-/media/project/hitachi/sib/en/case_studies/mri_predictive_maintenance/image/indexpanel_l.jpg?upd=20181115102832Z", "imgAlt": "", "category": [ "IT / Digital", "Case Studies" ], "tag": [ "Healthcare", "DX", "Lumada" ], "search": [ "Analytics", "Healthcare", "Lumada" ], "href": "", "new": false, "window": false, "movie": false, "sound": false }, { "title": "Building a system to deliver more than 200 types of cheese, margarine, ...", "lead": "Food manufacturers face the daily challenge of ensuring stable and safe supplies of food products ...", "date": "Mar. 20, 2017", "name": "Editing Team", "img": "/-/media/project/hitachi/sib/ja-jp/case_studies/megmilk/image/indexpanel_l.jpg?upd=20190528072050Z", "imgAlt": "", "category": [ "IT / Digital", "Case Studies" ], "tag": [ "Manufacturing", "DX", "Co-creation", "Logistics" ], "search": [ "Manufacturing", "Analytics" ], "href": "", "new": false, "window": false, "movie": true, "sound": false }, { "title": "Analyzing and quantifying issues in the manufacturing workplace ...", "lead": "Hitachi uses state-of-the art IoT and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to reduce workloads on production ...", "date": "Nov. 30, 2016", "name": "Editing Team", "img": "/-/media/project/hitachi/sib/ja-jp/case_studies/daicel/image/related_solutions.jpg?upd=20181117094442Z", "imgAlt": "", "category": [ "IT / Digital", "Future of Work", "Case Studies" ], "tag": [ "Manufacturing", "DX", "Human Resource", "Lumada", "Co-creation" ], "search": [ "Analytics", "Manufacturing", "Lumada", "Collaborative Creation" ], "href": "", "new": false, "window": false, "movie": true, "sound": false }, { "title": "The RX Continuous Series Inkjet Printer immediately improved Baker Cheese's uptime and decreased printing costs.", "lead": "Located in the heart of cheese country, you'll find Baker Cheese; a 4th generation cheese producer. 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