Integration Use Cases | Screenleap for Websites
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You can also click on the links for each use cases to see a demo of the integration using the suggested configuration settings.</p> <a name="online-meetings"></a><h3>Online Meetings</h3> <hr/> <p>Use Screenleap's integration feature to host online meetings directly from your website. Instead of forcing the people you want to meet with to use a separate meeting app or a generic online meeting service in order to meet with you, you can hold online meetings directly from your website. All you need to do is create a page on your website to use as your meeting page and include the integration code snippet. You have complete control over the look-and-feel of your meeting page as well as any information you want to make available on the people you are meeting with.</p> <p>When you need to meet with someone, all you need to do is send them to your meeting page on your website. To start your meeting, you simply need to go to your meeting page and start it using the session launcher that will be visible on your meeting page.</p> <p>For the meeting use case, we recommend configuring the integration to start as the presenter, start with either video conferencing or screen sharing, enable computer audio conferencing, and enable the select option for the viewer join method so you can select which users on your meeting page you want to join your online meeting. The selected users will automatically join your meeting when you start it.</p> <a href="/integration/use-cases/meeting/host" target="meetingUseCaseHost" class="no-underline"><span class="underline">Try demo as the meeting host</span> »</a><br> <br> <a href="/web.integrationpages/hostedintegrationusecasemeetingattendee" target="meetingUseCaseAttendee" class="no-underline"><span class="underline">Try demo as a meeting attendee</span> »</a> <a name="sales-presentations"></a><h3>Sales Presentations</h3> <hr/> <p>Use Screenleap's integration feature to take your sales to the next level by making your sales presentations an integrated part of your overall sales process.</p> <p>By integrating with Screenleap, you can provide your prospects with a link to a page on your website that serves as both 1) a landing page that you can customize to give your prospects background information about what you are selling and 2) a meeting link to join your sales presentation. When you start your sales presentation, your prospects will automatically join it. At the end of your presentation, you can automatically redirect your prospects to a lead-generation form, a sign-up form, or a page with more information about your product (including links to cases studies and white papers). In addition, since your prospects will be joining using a web browser, you will be able to take advantage of all the sales automation software that you are already using on your website, so you can continue to engage with them afterwards.</p> <p>Our installation-free viewer also makes it easier for you and your prospects as your prospects won't have to install or use another app in order to join your sales presentations, which makes it more likely that your presentations will start on time and without issues. Best of all, the entire sales presentation happens on your website with your company's branding.</p> <p>For the sales use case, we recommend configuring the integration to start as the presenter, start with screen sharing, enable computer audio conferencing, enable chat, and have the viewers automatically join the share session after the presenter has started the sales presentation. You can specify a viewer redirect-on-end URL if you would like to redirect your prospects to the next step of your sales process at the end of the presentation.</p> <a href="/integration/use-cases/sales/exec" target="salesUseCaseExecutive" class="no-underline"><span class="underline">Try demo as the sales executive</span> »</a><br> <br> <a href="/web.integrationpages/hostedintegrationusecasesalesprospect" target="salesUseCaseProspect" class="no-underline"><span class="underline">Try demo as a prospect</span> »</a> <a name="customer-support"></a><h3>Customer Support</h3> <hr/> <p>Use Screenleap's integration feature to allow your customer support reps to easily view your customers' screens, so that they can provide them with faster and more effective support—all from your website.</p> <p>Screenleap's integration feature allows your support reps to connect to your customers and view their screens without needing to manually send them meeting links or share codes. When your customers visit your viewer integration page (i.e., your support page), they will be asked for their names. Your support reps will be able to start a support session and select the name of the customer whose screen they want to see. The selected customer will be asked if they would like to share their screen with the support rep. If the customer grants permission and then selects a screen to share, your support rep will be automatically shown the customer's screen.</p> <p>For the support use case, we recommend configuring the integration to start as the viewer, enable computer audio conferencing or chat (depending on whether you want to communicate with them via audio or chat), and enable collaboration mode (if you want the support agent to be able to switch to sharing his/her screen with the customer during the support session).</p> <p class="italic">Please note that the naming will be reversed for the support use case: your support agents will be starting as the viewer, but you will need to use the presenter integration code in the integration page that they will use. Likewise, your customers' integration page will need to include the viewer integration code—even though they will be joining as the presenter.</p> <a href="/integration/use-cases/support/agent" target="supportUseCaseAgent" class="no-underline"><span class="underline">Try demo as the support agent</span> »</a><br> <br> <a href="/web.integrationpages/hostedintegrationusecasesupportuser" target="supportUseCaseUser" class="no-underline"><span class="underline">Try demo as the supported user</span> »</a> <a name="ad-hoc-collaboration"></a><h3>Ad-Hoc Collaboration</h3> <hr/> <p>Use Screenleap's integration feature to easily turn any page on your website or web-based application into an ad-hoc meeting room for live interaction. You can invite anyone to join your meeting rooms by simply sending them a link to the integration page: there's no need to provision accounts or deal with messy permission configurations when trying to collaborate with people outside the company.</p> <p>Use Screenleap's integration feature to create ad-hoc meeting rooms to allow people inside your company to easily collaborate with people outside your company for specific projects. You can create persistent war rooms to allow for easy collaboration between people inside and outside your company to deal with emergency situations. If you have a document management system, you can integrate to allow live interaction from any document. It's also possible to create persistent meeting rooms that users can join and leave as-needed throughout the day to collaborate.</p> <p>For the collaboration use case, we recommend configuring the integration to use the company integration, start as the presenter, start with sharing your screen, enable computer audio conferencing, enable chat, enable collaboration mode, and have the other users automatically join the share session when it starts. With the collaboration feature enabled, any user in a share session can become the presenter and share his/her screen, which allows for seamless collaboration among a group of users that need to share information back-and-forth with each other. For your own integration, you will likely want to take advantage of our more advanced integration features that allow you to auto-sign in your company users, which makes it even more convenient for your company users to join your meeting rooms.</p> <a href="/integration/use-cases/collaboration/user1" target="collaborationUseCaseUser1" class="no-underline"><span class="underline">Try demo as the first user</span> »</a><br> <br> <a href="/web.integrationpages/hostedintegrationusecasecollaborationuser2" target="collaborationUseCaseUser2" class="no-underline"><span class="underline">Try demo as the second user</span> »</a> <a name="marketing-webinars"></a><h3>Marketing Webinars</h3> <hr/> <p>Use Screenleap's integration feature to host online marketing webinars directly from your website (with your company's branding) and make it easier to engage with your attendees before and after the webinars.</p> <p>Using Screenleap's integration feature, you can provide your attendees with a link to a branded page on your website with information about the upcoming webinar instead of giving them a generic meeting link. When you start your webinar, your attendees on the webinar page will automatically join your webinar. At the end of your webinar, you can automatically redirect your attendees to a lead-generation form, a sign-up form, or a page with more information about the topic of your webinar (such as links to cases studies and white papers). In addition, since your attendees will be joining using a web browser, you will be able to take advantage of all the marketing automation tools that you are already using on your website, so you can continue to engage with them afterwards.</p> <p>For the marketing webinar use case, we recommend configuring the integration to start as the presenter, start with sharing your screen with embedded video conferencing, enable broadcast audio, enable the viewer-info-to-capture form to capture your attendees' contact information (so you can follow up with them afterwards), enable chat, and have the viewers automatically join the share session after the webinar has started.</p> <a href="/integration/use-cases/marketing-webinar/presenter" target="webinarUseCasePresenter" class="no-underline"><span class="underline">Try demo as the presenter</span> »</a><br> <br> <a href="/web.integrationpages/hostedintegrationusecasewebinarattendee" target="webinarUseCaseAttendee" class="no-underline"><span class="underline">Try demo as an attendee</span> »</a> <a name="online-classes"></a><h3>Online Classes</h3> <hr/> <p>Screenleap's integration feature allows you to host your online classes directly from your website. You can start your online classes directly from the respective class pages on your website, which makes it easy for you to be sure that you are starting the correct class. Your students can join your class by going to the same class page. When you start the class, your students will be automatically connected to the live class from the class page.</p> <p>Using Screenleap's integration feature, you benefit from spending less time providing technical support to your students and managing your online classes, so you have more time to focus on making classes great. Your students benefit from not being required to download or install a separate meeting app in order to join your classes—all they need is a web browser. This means there's fewer things that can go wrong, so there's less of a need for you to troubleshoot technical issues with them. On the management side, you save time because you no longer need to manually create and manage meeting links for each of your classes and make sure that they are associated with the correct classes, which can be an error-prone process if you are offering more than a few classes.</p> <p>For the online class use case, we recommend configuring the integration to start as the presenter, start with either screen sharing or video conferencing (depending on the type of class you are offering), enable broadcast audio, enable recording-on-start, enable chat, and have the viewers automatically join the share session after the class has started.</p> <a href="/integration/use-cases/online-class/instructor" target="onlineClassUseCaseInstructor" class="no-underline"><span class="underline">Try demo as the instructor</span> »</a><br> <br> <a href="/web.integrationpages/hostedintegrationusecaseonlineclassstudent" target="onlineClassUseCaseStudent" class="no-underline"><span class="underline">Try demo as a student</span> »</a><br> <br> <div class="float-right"><a href="/integration/branding" class="bold no-underline"><span class="underline">Continue to Branding</span> »</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="topBarBannerBottom"></div> </div> <div id="sharingContainer"></div> <div id="footer" class="screenleap-hide-when-sharing"> <div class="w960px"> <div class="margin"><ul class="clearfix"> <li><a href="">Products</a></li> <li>|</li> <li><a href="">Website Integration</a></li> <li>|</li> <li><a href="">Guides</a></li> <li>|</li> <li><a href="">Support</a></li> <li>|</li> <li><a href="">Company</a></li> <li>|</li> <li><a href="">Blog</a></li> <li>|</li> <li><a href="">Terms</a></li> <li><a href="">Privacy</a></li> </ul> <div id="copyright">Copyright © 2024 Screenleap, Inc. 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