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We welcome you to read our guidelines below for a sense of the kinds of content we publish across our print and digital products. We will update this page when we're accepting pitches in the future</h4> <br> <hr> <br> <h2>Lonely Planet Pitching Guidelines</h2> <p> Covering experiences as diverse as the latest art galleries in Lagos to rafting adventures in Arizona, Lonely Planet is looking for contributors who can tell a wide range of evocative stories. </p> <p> Our contributors have their finger on the pulse of the destinations they cover, as well as a knack for research and sourcing information from subject matter experts. They embody a sense of openness and curiosity about the world and its people, communities and experiences. Most of all, they’re great writers who can capture a sense of place and inspire, while also providing useful, practical travel advice. </p> <p> We are especially interested in stories from groups historically marginalized in the world of travel storytelling, including Black and Indigenous writers, other writers of color, and writers with disabilities. </p> <p>Here’s a breakdown of the types of content we’re looking for:</p> <h4>Daily Stories - Digital</h4> <p> <strong>What we’re looking for:</strong> 1000-word articles that analyze the stories beyond the headlines. They have a longer shelf life than a traditional news story but are still “of the moment” – e.g. explainer pieces, festival advice. </p> <p> We cover topics from all over the globe: arts and culture, identity, history, nature, outdoors, sustainability and heritage. Stories need to be informative, engaging and packed with personality. They should speak to a global audience. </p> <p>Right now, we’re specifically looking for:</p> <p> <strong>Festivals</strong> - An advice article that delves into the history and context of the festival while giving specific, detailed advice about how to enjoy the event this year. We prefer nicher events (but would be open to bigger festivals covered in a niche way). Because these are typically published before an event takes place, we are not interested in pitches based on your upcoming experience of the event. Recent examples: <br> <a href="/articles/love-parade-2022-berlin">Love Parade 2022: Berlin's techno fest returns</a>,<br> <a href="/articles/edinburgh-fringe-festival-guide">The ultimate guide to Edinburgh's Fringe Festival for first-timers</a><br> </p> <p> <strong>In the news</strong> - A think-piece or explainer on a recent travel trend or something in the news. Recent examples have included articles on why tourist taxes are on the increase and what it means for travelers. Recent example:<br> <a href="/news/italy-new-beach-rules">Swimwear bans and ID bracelets - what to know about Italy's latest beach and resort rules</a><br> </p> <p> <strong>Experiential events</strong> - A deeper look at events or trends. Recent examples:<br> <a href="/news/12-must-see-events-in-london-this-summer">What do in London in summer 2022</a>,<br> <a href="/articles/travel-trends-long-distance-hikes">How to enjoy hiking in 2022</a><br> </p> <p> <strong>First-person guidance</strong> - A personal but authoritative guidance article on a specific travel experience. Recent examples:<br> <a href="/articles/how-to-raft-the-grand-canyon">I rafted through the Grand Canyon,<br> </a><a href="/news/camino-santiago-portuguese-what-it-s-like-to-walk-in-2022">I walked the Portuguese Way of the Camino de Santiago</a><br> </p> <p> <strong>Rates</strong>: Rates are approx $400 per piece, depending on word count, research required, interviews, photo sourcing, etc. We may increase rates based on the writer’s experience, access, amount of reporting involved and stories about communities that have often been overlooked in travel coverage. </p> <h4>Features - Digital</h4> <p> <strong>What we’re looking for:</strong> We are looking for in-depth narratives that get at not only where we travel, but why we travel and how we travel. These are personal travelogues, on-the-ground reportage, and thoughtful pieces that take underrepresented or surprising perspectives on our rapidly changing world. </p> <p> Lonely Planet features can take a number of forms, from multimedia spreads to longform written stories, but they all immerse our readers in the magic of travel and so should resonate with people regardless of whether they are planning a trip or not. 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