Cinque Terre: a first-timer’s guide - Lonely Planet
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Here's our guide to making the most of your trip there." property="og:description"/><meta content="Cinque Terre: a first-timer’s guide" property="og:title"/><meta content="" property="og:url"/><meta content="article" property="og:type"/><meta content="Lonely Planet" property="og:site_name"/><link href="" rel="canonical"/><meta content="The five fishing villages of the Cinque Terre are the Italian Riviera's most iconic highlights. Here's our guide to making the most of your trip there." name="description"/><meta content="Cinque Terre: a first-timer’s guide" name="title"/><title>Cinque Terre: a first-timer’s guide - Lonely Planet</title><script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"","@type":"NewsArticle","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":""},"headline":"Cinque Terre: a first-timer’s guide","name":"Cinque Terre: a first-timer’s guide","description":"The five fishing villages of the Cinque Terre are the Italian Riviera's most iconic highlights. Here's our guide to making the most of your trip there.","datePublished":"2024-04-08T23:00:00Z","dateModified":"2024-04-08T23:00:00Z","author":[{"type":"Person","name":"Julia Buckley","url":"","image":""}],"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Lonely Planet","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"","width":106,"height":60}},"image":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"","representativeOfPage":true,"height":800,"width":1200}}</script><link rel="preload" as="image" imageSrcSet=" 1x, 2x" fetchPriority="high"/><meta name="next-head-count" content="25"/><link rel="dns-prefetch" href=""/><link rel="dns-prefetch" href=""/><link rel="dns-prefetch" href=""/><meta name="theme-color" content="#156ff5"/><link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin="anonymous"/><link rel="preconnect" href=""/><link rel="preconnect" href=""/><link rel="preload" as="script" href=""/><script id="cohesion-script" type="text/javascript" data-nscript="beforeInteractive">!function(co,h,e,s,i,o,n){var d="documentElement";var 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14.9517C1.08615 14.5498 1 14.1187 1 13.6834C1 13.2481 1.08615 12.817 1.25347 12.4151C1.4208 12.0132 1.66601 11.6484 1.97496 11.3417L5.72697 7.5897C6.03368 7.28075 6.39849 7.03555 6.80038 6.86822C7.20228 6.70089 7.63331 6.61475 8.06865 6.61475C8.50399 6.61475 8.93502 6.70089 9.33692 6.86822C9.73881 7.03555 10.1036 7.28075 10.4103 7.5897C10.5687 7.74368 10.7113 7.91304 10.8361 8.09529" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path></svg></div><input class="w-0 h-0 opacity-0" aria-label="Hidden for copy functionality"/></button><div class="hidden lg:block" data-testid="showMore"><button type="button" data-taggyid="open/close" class="border-box w-12 h-12 flex items-center justify-center border-r lg:border-b border-black-200 bg-white" aria-label="More options"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 26 6" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><circle cx="3" cy="3" r="3"></circle><circle cx="13" cy="3" r="3"></circle><circle cx="23" cy="3" r="3"></circle></svg></button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="lg:container lg:px-0"><img alt="aerial view of Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Italy 1127950874 beauty, beach, summer, vacations, blue, architecture, sky, travel, sea, house, tourism, outdoors, europe, town, coastline, scenics - nature, seascape, idyllic, harbor, national landmark, village, panoramic, famous place, building exterior, cliff, nature, water, landscape - scenery, italy, liguria, manarola, french riviera, vernazza, riomaggiore, ligurian, cinque, terre" fetchPriority="high" width="1440" height="810" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-cover w-full" style="color:transparent" srcSet=" 1x, 2x" src=""/><div class="container xl:max-w-6xl xl:border-sand-300 xl:border xl:border-b-0 xl:border-t-0"><p class="p-2 text-xs text-right container lg:max-w-4xl">The Cinque Terre villages are unforgettable – here's how to build a perfect first trip © melis82 / Getty Images</p></div></div></div></header><div class="py-14 container xl:max-w-6xl xl:border-sand-300 xl:border xl:border-b-0 xl:border-t-0 xl:py-24"><div class="lg:px-24"><div><div class="lg:w-full styles_block__5n3XJ"><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">So pretty that it inspired a Disney movie (Luca), <a href="">Cinque Terre</a> ("five lands") consists of five startlingly photogenic fishing villages on <a href="">Italy's</a> northwest coast, their candy-colored houses stacked down the sides of ravines and on top of cliffs. With sea, great food and wine, jaw-dropping views and photo opportunities at every turn, this is everything people love about Italy.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Today, however, that beauty is also its curse – it's one of the most overtouristed parts of the Bel Paese, with thousands of daytrippers crowding into the narrow streets, eager to take a couple of quick shots for the 'Gram and then leave. Is Cinque Terre overcrowded? Absolutely. Does that limit your enjoyment? Not if you take your time. Most people day-trip around the five villages, but stay longer – even three or four days – and you'll get a real appreciation of this extraordinary landscape.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">One of the most remote parts of Italy – the single road arrived in the 1960s, and the railway a century earlier – Cinque Terre has always been a place of visceral beauty. Look up beyond those colored houses: for over 1,000 years, the residents have terraced the cliff sides and cultivated olives and wine that were once the toast of Europe's top tables.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Today, the entire area is a national park that celebrates human ingenuity as well as Mother Nature, with around 120km (75mi) of footpaths allowing you to explore it in the raw. But as well as a place to walk, this is also a place to relax. Watch the waves beat against the rocks from one of the medieval castles scattered along the coast – a hallmark of <a href="">Liguria</a>, the wider region. Drink a glass of wine cultivated on those very cliffs. Watch the sunset set the sea aflame. And rejoice that you chose more than a day trip.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">This guide to Cinque Terre shows you how to make the best of your trip to this bucket-list Italian destination.</p><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 my-12"></div><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Want more Italian seaside fun? <a href="">Head to these beautiful beaches</a></p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Introducing Cinque Terre's five villages</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Riomaggiore</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Vibes: The southernmost <a href="">village</a> packs fine-dining restaurants and good bars into its teeny terraces. If you're wondering where to start in Cinque Terre, this is your best bet.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">See: Castello di Riomaggiore, the clifftop castle overlooking the village</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Eat: In the mornings or for lunch on the run, grab a pastry or piece of focaccia at <a href="">Panificio Rosi</a>. The best views in town are from <a href="">A Pié de Ma</a>, a superb wine bar and restaurant on the cliffs that has an unbeatable selection of local wines by the glass. Run by Sicilian brothers, <a href="">La Lampara</a> is a superb seafood restaurant.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Stay: <a href="">Locanda Ca da Iride</a> has simple, comfortable rooms (but no breakfast) in the higher part of the village.</p><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="Colorful buildings on a cliffside at sunset in Manarola, Cinque Terre" loading="lazy" width="3928" height="2140" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 750w, 828w, 1024w, 1080w, 1200w, 1280w, 1920w, 2048w, 3840w" src=""/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">Colorful buildings on a cliffside at sunset in Manarola, Cinque Terre</figcaption></figure><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Manarola</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Vibes: Arguably the prettiest part of Cinque Terre, cutesy <a href="">Manarola</a> has cottages stacked up and over the cliffs, as well as the area's loveliest main street, which spirals down a canyon to the water's edge.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">See: Take the footpath forking upwards from the north side of the village to find yourself immersed in cliffside vineyards with spectacular sea views.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Eat: From breakfast to late lunches, <a href="">Cappun Magru</a> is the place for exceptional sandwiches, pastries and cakes, all washed down with local wine. You can't beat <a href="">Nessun Dorma</a> for an aperitivo with a view – it's jammed onto the cliffside and delivers sunset views. <a href="">Da Aristide</a> is a lovely family-run restaurant in the heart of the village. Try the muscoli ripieni – mussels stuffed with mortadella, parmesan and egg by nonna Grazia.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Stay: <a href="">Posidonia</a> is a sweet guesthouse with wonderful owners in the quiet, higher part of the village.</p><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Corniglia</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Vibes: Tiny <a href="">Corniglia</a>, perched high above the seas, is the only clifftop village in the region. From up here, you can see all of Cinque Terre.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">See: Take in the views as you climb (or, easier, descend) the 383 steps between the sea-level train station and the village.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Eat: <a href="">Dai Luca</a> offers panini, foccacia and street food for snacks or meals on the run, while the wine bar <a href="">Terra Rossa</a> has a lovely selection of local dishes and drinks overlooking a pretty garden. <a href="">A Cantina de Mananan</a> is a lovely osteria (cafe) in the village serving the best Cinque Terre ingredients.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Stay: <a href="">Il Carugio di Corniglia</a> has rooms and apartments overlooking the sea.</p><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="Harbor full of boats in Vernazza Cinque Terre" loading="lazy" width="5760" height="3840" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 750w, 828w, 1024w, 1080w, 1200w, 1280w, 1920w, 2048w, 3840w" src=""/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">Harbor full of boats in Vernazza Cinque Terre</figcaption></figure><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Vernazza</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Vibes: The busiest village, <a href="">Vernazza</a> was the most important in the past – though it's crowded, head up the steep staircases to quiet medieval alleyways – as twisty and atmospheric as the caruggi of regional capital Genoa.</p><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 my-12"></div><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">See: Wander round the small <a href="">harbor</a> and step into the atmospheric 13th-century church of <a href="">Santa Margherita d'Antiochia</a>.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Eat: Top breakfast spot Il Pirata delle Cinque Terre has Sicilian granita and pastries in the morning, as well as excellent lunch and dinner. Grab a snack or pasta box at <a href="">Pippo a Vernazza</a> and wash it down with a wine tasting at nearby <a href="">Cantina Cheo</a>. <a href="">Ristorante La Torre</a> has spectacular views of the sea (though it's a hike to get there).</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Stay: Restaurant <a href="">Gianni Franzi</a> also has rooms scattered throughout the village, most of which have spectacular sea views.</p><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Monterosso al Mare</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Vibes: With its long, sandy beach, this – usually known as plain "<a href="">Monterosso</a>" – is the largest village and the one that most resembles a regular beach resort.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">See: Wander through the warren of the old town and head up to the humbug-striped <a href="">Convento dei Cappuccini</a> to see a Crucifixion by Van Dyck.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Eat: Start the day with pastries from <a href="">Pasticceria Laura</a>; to go all out, try the torta monterossina, stuffed with jam and chocolate. You could spend a whole day at <a href="">Buranco</a> – an agriturismo, vineyard and restaurant just outside the center. Take a bottle for a wander round the vineyard, then settle down to a superb home-cooked lunch. Local legend <a href="">Miky Ristorante</a> has been a must-visit since 1980.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Stay: Friendly <a href="">Hotel Marina</a> is near Buranco, just outside the historic center of the village.</p><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="Beach in the small town of Monterosso in Cinque Terre." loading="lazy" width="4500" height="3000" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 750w, 828w, 1024w, 1080w, 1200w, 1280w, 1920w, 2048w, 3840w" src=""/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">Beach in the small town of Monterosso in Cinque Terre.</figcaption></figure><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">When should I go to Cinque Terre?</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Like the rest of Liguria, Cinque Terre enjoys beautiful, not-too-hot summers. Unlike nearby resorts along the Italian Riviera, however, this isn't really somewhere to flop on a beach – not least because Monterosso has the only real beach, with sand and small pebbles. The other villages either have rocky coves, boulders doubling as diving boards or harbors to swim in. Since most visitors come for an active trip with plenty of hiking, spring and fall are a better bet. Crowded throughout the year – unbearably so in summer – the area is quieter in winter, though it's not always possible to hike due to the weather. Cross-reference your dates with Italian public holidays, as the villages can be impossibly busy with daytrippers.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Italian locals share <a href="">their favorite places to avoid the crowds on vacation</a></p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">How much time should I spend in Cinque Terre?</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The vast majority of visitors come here for a day trip, and while it's possible to visit all five villages in a day, to do so is to completely miss the beauty of the area. Rather like Venice, Cinque Terre is so popular, and so crowded, that if you just have a quick glimpse, you're likely to end up disappointed.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Instead, you probably need at least three or four full days in Cinque Terre to get a true taste. That gives you time to see the villages, walk some of the Sentiero Azzurro paths, sit back with some of the local wine as you take in the views, and even visit some of the villages further up the cliff sides. Spend a week, and you can add lesser-known hikes and visit some of Italy's most spectacular vineyards. Even longer is better – I spent two weeks on my first trip and enjoyed every minute.</p><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="People eating on a restaurant terrace in Vernazza, Cinque Terre" loading="lazy" width="4659" height="3207" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 750w, 828w, 1024w, 1080w, 1200w, 1280w, 1920w, 2048w, 3840w" src=""/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">People eating on a restaurant terrace in Vernazza, Cinque Terre</figcaption></figure><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Is it easy to get into and around Cinque Terre?</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">This is a relatively tough-to-reach location, which makes it even more important to spend as long as you can here. The closest airports are Genoa and Pisa – both are around 1-2 hours by train from Cinque Terre, depending on connections.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">One extremely important point: driving here is absolutely to be avoided. Parking is extremely limited, expensive, and usually a long, steep climb outside the villages (only residents are allowed to park inside). The narrow, clifftop roads can also be frightening for newcomers to the area – the Amalfi Coast has nothing on these lanes, and even as a seasoned Italian cliffside driver, one time in Cinque Terre was one time too many for me. Even if you already have a car on your trip, it's best parking outside Cinque Terre (try La Spezia or Levanto) and coming in on the train. You have my word on this.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The best way to travel between the villages is definitely by rail. Trains run around every 15-20 minutes throughout the day, stopping at each of the five villages – the journey time between each stop is only a couple of minutes. Tickets cost €5-10 per journey (even if you're just doing a two-minute hop) depending on the season, and it's often better value to buy a timed <a href="">Cinque Terre Card</a>, which allows unlimited train travel between Levanto and La Spezia (the cities north and south of the area). The card also includes hiking fees, as well as bus travel to the more remote villages. Proceeds go to the national park.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">You can also get around by boat. <a href="">Navigazione Golfo dei Poeti</a> runs between La Spezia and Levanto, calling at all the villages. <a href="">Golfo Paradiso</a> has a line from Genoa. Services can be suspended in bad weather, however, and boarding with a lot of luggage can be tricky.</p><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 my-12 shadow p-6"></div><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">In the villages themselves, the only real option is walking – and they are steep. Those with mobility issues will certainly find it difficult. The centers of Corniglia and Vernazza are largely flat, as is the beach area of Monterosso. Manarola and Riomaggiore are trickier for anyone with mobility issues.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Top things to do in Cinque Terre</h2><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Hike (some of) the Sentiero Azzurro</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The most famous of Cinque Terre's paths is the Sentiero Azzurro (Blue Trail), which links all five villages across the cliff sides (it's marked as SVA on maps). In recent years, it's been rare that you'll find it fully open – winter storm damage means that some long stretches are closed. The easiest stretch – which is actually more of a moderate level – is Corniglia to Vernazza (2.5 miles, with a steep downhill section at the end). To get updates on closures, check the national park <a href="">website</a> before you head out.</p><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">See the coastline from the sea</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Take a boat with Navigazione Golfo dei Poeti to see Cinque Terre's extraordinary landscape from the sea. It gives you an idea of the remoteness of the place – there wasn't a road here until the 1960s – and of how the locals have sculpted terraces from the sheer cliffs, making an uninhabitable landscape productive. Docking at the villages' tiny harbors is a memorable experience, and you can go onwards to La Spezia or (my pick) Levanto.</p><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Walk the Via dell'Amore</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Cinque Terre's most famous walk has always been the Via dell'Amore – the flat, accessible, 1km (half-mile) path between Riomaggiore and Manarola. Closed since 2012 due to landslide damage, it's due to reopen in July 2024 for guided tours only. I got a <a href="">sneak peek last year</a> and was impressed – the tours explain the rich history of the area and make you look beyond those color-popping houses.</p><h3 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h3">Taste the local wine</h3><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">For centuries, Cinque Terre has been known for its wine: sea-flecked salty whites grown along the cliffs. Try it by the glass at bars like <a href="">A Pié de Ma</a> in Riomaggiore or <a href="">Cappun Magru</a> in Manarola – both of these offer wine flights and tastings.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">My favorite thing to do in Cinque Terre</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Time for more wine: for me, nothing tells you more about Cinque Terre than perching high up in the hills, hearing how the locals have produced bottles that, in the Renaissance period, were so famous that they graced the tables of kings and popes. Tilling those cliffsides is backbreaking manual work, and while the vineyards are a fraction of what they were, they're important for stabilizing the increasingly fragile landscape and warding off the effects of climate change.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">The best – and most fun – way to understand this is with a vineyard tour. You'll catch me high up on the hills above Vernazza on a tour from <a href="">Cheo</a> – from the vineyards, there are jaw-dropper views of the village, castle and sea below. Don't forget to try the heavenly sweet sciacchetrà wine that Cinque Terre is famous for – that sea-salt breeze adds an incredible tang.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">How much money do I need for Cinque Terre?</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Cinque Terre is expensive by Italian standards – visit in the high season or on a weekend, and you can expect to see prices double. Accommodation is particularly expensive in relation to the quality of what's on offer – there are very few hotels here, and usually your best bet is an affittacamere – room rental without breakfast. Accommodation in La Spezia or Levanto is usually cheaper and less problematic in terms of homeowners turfing out local renters to create Airbnbs, a major issue in the villages. Having said that, Cinque Terre's magic is especially strong at night.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">You won't find any bargain restaurants or trattorias – prices are up there with high-end joints in major cities – but on the plus side, Liguria is the home of Italian street food, and there are plenty of small bakeries offering tasty snacks like focaccia that are good for lunch.</p><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Average daily cost for:</p><ul class="my-8 pl-10 list-circle list-outside text-md"><li class="mt-3"><p class="text-md text-black-400">Hostel room €20-40 (dorm spot)</p></li><li class="mt-3"><p class="text-md text-black-400">Basic room for two €130-250</p></li><li class="mt-3"><p class="text-md text-black-400">Self-catering apartment (including Airbnb) €150-250</p></li><li class="mt-3"><p class="text-md text-black-400">Public transport ticket €5-10</p></li><li class="mt-3"><p class="text-md text-black-400">Coffee €1-4</p></li><li class="mt-3"><p class="text-md text-black-400">Sandwich €6-12</p></li><li class="mt-3"><p class="text-md text-black-400">Dinner for two €60-150</p></li><li class="mt-3"><p class="text-md text-black-400">Glass of Cinque Terre wine €6-15</p></li></ul><figure class="my-24 lg:w-[calc(100%+5rem)] lg:-ml-10"><img alt="The Lardarina, long brick flight of steps, flights with steps from the station to Corniglia village, one of five lands of the amazing Cinque Terre, Italy" loading="lazy" width="5034" height="3356" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-contain w-full bg-black-100" style="color:transparent" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1200px, (min-width: 448px) 95vw, 100vw" srcSet=" 640w, 750w, 828w, 1024w, 1080w, 1200w, 1280w, 1920w, 2048w, 3840w" src=""/><figcaption class="text-right mt-2 text-xs">The Lardarina, long brick flight of steps, flights with steps from the station to Corniglia village, one of five lands of the amazing Cinque Terre, Italy</figcaption></figure><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Bring layers, no matter the season</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Weather changes fast on the Liguria coast, and even in the hottest summer months, you'll probably need a jacket or sweater at night – as well as if you go out on a boat during the day.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Be prepared to walk… a lot</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Don't underestimate how challenging the villages can be for those with mobility problems. Even if you're not planning to hike, Manarola and Riomaggiore are extremely steep. Be aware of that when you book your accommodation, too – there are limited porter services, and you should be prepared to cart your luggage up the cliffside.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Buy a Cinque Terre card</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Village hop without counting the cost. The card includes access to all the hiking trails and allows you onto the bus routes to villages higher up on the cliffs. The proceeds go to the national park.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">If availability is limited in the villages, stay in Levanto or La Spezia</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Levanto and La Spezia bookend Cinque Terre and are included in Cinque Terre train tickets, so if you're booking last minute and the villages are sold out, try here (I prefer Levanto – La Spezia is a bigger city).</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Support local businesses</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Like all overtouristed areas, Cinque Terre's future depends on how tourists treat it. Shop at local artisan shops for souvenirs and eat at restaurants that utilize local products like marinated anchovies and regional wine. The latter is an important one – young locals replanting vineyards are helping to stabilize the fragile cliff terraces.</p><h2 class="text-black mt-16 mb-6 article-h2">Take care on the trails</h2><p class="text-md my-6 text-black-400">Cinque Terre's footpaths are so famous that you can often feel cushioned against nature, but these are vertiginous, cliffside trails that at times are lethally narrow. Always stop to take a photo, rather than walking with your camera, to avoid missteps. Wear decent shoes (flip flops are banned and there are checks at the trailheads) and bring plenty of water, as there's very little shade. Always stick to the designated path – this is an exceptionally fragile environment. And, of course, don't litter.</p></div></div></div><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 mt-24"></div></div><section class="relative py-12 md:py-20 border-t border-sand-300"><section class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb max-w-full mx-4 my-16 articles lg:my-24 md:mx-auto md:container"><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb"><header class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb flex items-end justify-between mt-5 mb-10 lg:mt-8 lg:mb-14"><h2 class="text-2xl md:text-5xl md:leading-relaxed">Explore related stories</h2><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb flex-none hidden md:inline-block"><a href="/articles" class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb btn">Read more articles</a></div></header></div><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb relative z-0 lg:flex lg:gap-x-8"><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb mb-8 lg:w-3/5 lg:shrink-0 lg:mb-auto"><div class="relative"><div class="relative lg:rounded overflow-hidden lg:h-[688px]"><img alt="Villa dell'Amore path in Cinque Terre, Italy" loading="lazy" width="730" height="630" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full hidden object-cover w-full h-full rounded -z-10 lg:block" style="color:transparent" srcSet=" 1x, 2x" src=""/><img alt="Villa dell'Amore path in Cinque Terre, Italy" loading="lazy" width="780" height="425" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-cover -z-10 rounded lg:hidden w-full aspect-[350/200]" style="color:transparent" srcSet=" 1x, 2x" src=""/><div class="top-0 flex items-end w-full h-full pt-4 lg:absolute lg:bg-gradient-to-t from-transparent-80 via-transparent-40 to-transparent lg:p-8"><div class="lg:w-2/3 lg:pb-8"><p class="relative z-10 uppercase label-sm text-black-400 lg:text-white">Beaches</p><a href="/articles/cinque-terre-via-dell-amore-footpath-reopen" class="inline-block my-2 font-semibold card-link heading-04 lg:text-white">Walking Cinque Terre’s newly-reopened Via dell’Amore </a><p class="relative text-black-400 lg:text-white">Aug 9, 2024 • 7 min read</p><p class="relative hidden mt-4 lg:block lg:text-white">After 12 years and a €23 million rehabilitation project, the famous Cinque Terre path is finally fully reopened to visitors. </p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="jsx-3406129628 max-w-full overflow-x-hidden px-4 lg:container w-full carousel-wrapper lg:px-0"><ul class="jsx-3406129628 carousel flex overflow-x-scroll md:overflow-x-auto overflow-y-hidden -mx-4"><li class="jsx-3406129628 carousel-item flex-shrink-0 px-4 pb-2 w-full md:w-full"><div class="jsx-f704f42be0b5c3bb flex flex-col gap-y-4 lg:h-full"><div class="relative"><article class="relative flex items-center rounded-md h-full p-4 hover:shadow-md focus:shadow-md md:my-6 bg-[#F0F7FC] border border-[#E0EEFA] md:my-auto lg:h-[160px]"><div class="flex-none mr-4 md:mr-6 rounded-md overflow-hidden w-1/5"><img alt="The terraced gardens of Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni above Bellagio, seen on a seaplane flight over Lake Como" loading="lazy" width="140" height="140" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-cover w-full h-full aspect-square" style="color:transparent" srcSet=" 1x" src=""/></div><div class="flex-auto w-0"><div class="text-sm uppercase font-semibold tracking-wide relative z-10 mb-2 w-90 text-black-400 block">Beaches</div><a href="/articles/great-lakes-and-how-to-explore-them" class="lg:text-lg text-black hover:text-black font-semibold card-link mb-1 line-clamp-3">The world's greatest lakes and how to explore them</a><p class="text-sm text-black-400">Jan 31, 2022 • 6 min read</p></div></article></div><div class="relative"><article class="relative flex items-center rounded-md h-full p-4 hover:shadow-md focus:shadow-md md:my-6 bg-[#F0F7FC] border border-[#E0EEFA] md:my-auto lg:h-[160px]"><div class="flex-none mr-4 md:mr-6 rounded-md overflow-hidden w-1/5"><img alt="The dramatic Dolomite peaks, rising behind verdant Alpine pastureland" loading="lazy" width="140" height="140" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-cover w-full h-full aspect-square" style="color:transparent" srcSet=" 1x" src=""/></div><div class="flex-auto w-0"><div class="text-sm uppercase font-semibold tracking-wide relative z-10 mb-2 w-90 text-black-400 block">Beaches</div><a href="/articles/outdoor-adventures-in-tyrol-where-italy-meets-austria" class="lg:text-lg text-black hover:text-black font-semibold card-link mb-1 line-clamp-3">Outdoor adventures in Tyrol: where Italy meets Austria</a><p class="text-sm text-black-400">Jul 19, 2019 • 5 min read</p></div></article></div><div class="relative"><article class="relative flex items-center rounded-md h-full p-4 hover:shadow-md focus:shadow-md md:my-6 bg-[#F0F7FC] border border-[#E0EEFA] md:my-auto lg:h-[160px]"><div class="flex-none mr-4 md:mr-6 rounded-md overflow-hidden w-1/5"><img alt="Climber on the Cima Rocca, via ferrata with view of Lake Garda, Riva and Nago-Torbole, Trentino, Italy, Europe 523059533 30-34 Years; 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Here's our guide to making the most of your trip there.\",\"datePublished\":\"2024-04-08T23:00:00Z\",\"dateModified\":\"2024-04-08T23:00:00Z\",\"author\":[{\"type\":\"Person\",\"name\":\"Julia Buckley\",\"url\":\"\",\"image\":\"\"}],\"publisher\":{\"@type\":\"Organization\",\"name\":\"Lonely Planet\",\"logo\":{\"@type\":\"ImageObject\",\"url\":\"\",\"width\":106,\"height\":60}},\"image\":{\"@type\":\"ImageObject\",\"url\":\"\u0026fit=crop\u0026format=auto\u0026q=50\u0026w=1200\u0026h=800\",\"representativeOfPage\":true,\"height\":800,\"width\":1200}}","tags":[{"content":"15066760","name":"twitter:site:id","tag":"meta"},{"content":"@lonelyplanet","name":"twitter:site","tag":"meta"},{"content":"So pretty that it inspired a Disney movie (Luca), Cinque Terre (\"five lands\") consists of five startlingly photogenic fishing villages on Italy's northwest…","name":"twitter:description","tag":"meta"},{"content":"Cinque Terre: a first-timer’s guide - Lonely Planet","name":"twitter:title","tag":"meta"},{"content":"summary_large_image","name":"twitter:card","tag":"meta"},{"content":"111537044496","property":"fb:app_id","tag":"meta"},{"content":"2024-08-26T09:34:21-05:00","property":"article:modified_time","tag":"meta"},{"content":"","property":"article:publisher","tag":"meta"},{"content":"2024-08-26T09:34:21-05:00","property":"og:updated_time","tag":"meta"},{"content":"The five fishing villages of the Cinque Terre are the Italian Riviera's most iconic highlights. Here's our guide to making the most of your trip there.","property":"og:description","tag":"meta"},{"content":"Cinque Terre: a first-timer’s guide","property":"og:title","tag":"meta"},{"content":"","property":"og:url","tag":"meta"},{"content":"article","property":"og:type","tag":"meta"},{"content":"Lonely Planet","property":"og:site_name","tag":"meta"},{"href":"","rel":"canonical","tag":"link"},{"content":"The five fishing villages of the Cinque Terre are the Italian Riviera's most iconic highlights. Here's our guide to making the most of your trip there.","name":"description","tag":"meta"},{"content":"Cinque Terre: a first-timer’s guide","name":"title","tag":"meta"}],"protected":false},"authors":[{"type":"Person","name":"Julia Buckley","url":"","image":""}],"readtime":13,"pubtime":"Apr 8, 2024","breadcrumbs":[{"title":"Travel Stories","slug":"/articles"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"italy","title":"Italy"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"italy/cinque-terre","title":"Cinque Terre"}],"title":"Cinque Terre: a first-timer’s guide","featuredImage":{"__typename":"Image","alt":"aerial view of Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Italy\n1127950874\nbeauty, beach, summer, vacations, blue, architecture, sky, travel, sea, house, tourism, outdoors, europe, town, coastline, scenics - nature, seascape, idyllic, harbor, national landmark, village, panoramic, famous place, building exterior, cliff, nature, water, landscape - scenery, italy, liguria, manarola, french riviera, vernazza, riomaggiore, ligurian, cinque, terre","caption":"The Cinque Terre villages are unforgettable – here's how to build a perfect first trip © melis82 / Getty Images","credit":"© melis82 / Getty Images","height":1407,"name":"GettyImages-1127950874.jpeg","title":"GettyImages-1127950874.jpeg","url":"","width":2130},"contentBlocks":[{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"So pretty that it inspired a Disney movie (Luca), \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCinque Terre\u003c/a\u003e (\"five lands\") consists of five startlingly photogenic fishing villages on \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eItaly's\u003c/a\u003e northwest coast, their candy-colored houses stacked down the sides of ravines and on top of cliffs. With sea, great food and wine, jaw-dropping views and photo opportunities at every turn, this is everything people love about Italy."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Today, however, that beauty is also its curse – it's one of the most overtouristed parts of the Bel Paese, with thousands of daytrippers crowding into the narrow streets, eager to take a couple of quick shots for the 'Gram and then leave. Is Cinque Terre overcrowded? Absolutely. Does that limit your enjoyment? Not if you take your time. Most people day-trip around the five villages, but stay longer – even three or four days – and you'll get a real appreciation of this extraordinary landscape."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"One of the most remote parts of Italy – the single road arrived in the 1960s, and the railway a century earlier – Cinque Terre has always been a place of visceral beauty. Look up beyond those colored houses: for over 1,000 years, the residents have terraced the cliff sides and cultivated olives and wine that were once the toast of Europe's top tables."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Today, the entire area is a national park that celebrates human ingenuity as well as Mother Nature, with around 120km (75mi) of footpaths allowing you to explore it in the raw. But as well as a place to walk, this is also a place to relax. Watch the waves beat against the rocks from one of the medieval castles scattered along the coast – a hallmark of \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eLiguria\u003c/a\u003e, the wider region. Drink a glass of wine cultivated on those very cliffs. Watch the sunset set the sea aflame. And rejoice that you chose more than a day trip."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"This guide to Cinque Terre shows you how to make the best of your trip to this bucket-list Italian destination."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"ad_unit","data":{"adPath":"articles/in-content-top","adPlacement":"fullWidth","native":false}},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Want more Italian seaside fun? \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eHead to these beautiful beaches\u003c/a\u003e"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Introducing Cinque Terre's five villages"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Riomaggiore"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Vibes: The southernmost \u003ca href=\"\"\u003evillage\u003c/a\u003e packs fine-dining restaurants and good bars into its teeny terraces. If you're wondering where to start in Cinque Terre, this is your best bet."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"See: Castello di Riomaggiore, the clifftop castle overlooking the village"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Eat: In the mornings or for lunch on the run, grab a pastry or piece of focaccia at \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePanificio Rosi\u003c/a\u003e. The best views in town are from \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eA Pié de Ma\u003c/a\u003e, a superb wine bar and restaurant on the cliffs that has an unbeatable selection of local wines by the glass. Run by Sicilian brothers, \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eLa Lampara\u003c/a\u003e is a superb seafood restaurant."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Stay: \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eLocanda Ca da Iride\u003c/a\u003e has simple, comfortable rooms (but no breakfast) in the higher part of the village."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"Colorful buildings on a cliffside at sunset in Manarola, Cinque Terre","caption":"Colorful buildings on a cliffside at sunset in Manarola, Cinque Terre","contentId":"ks1cese9ct02v57uevida1lt32","credit":"© Sky Sajjaphot / Getty Images","height":"2140","src":"","title":"media:canto_dam:45220fc8-3334-40d8-a38a-eea460d7a864","width":"3928"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Manarola"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Vibes: Arguably the prettiest part of Cinque Terre, cutesy \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eManarola\u003c/a\u003e has cottages stacked up and over the cliffs, as well as the area's loveliest main street, which spirals down a canyon to the water's edge."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"See: Take the footpath forking upwards from the north side of the village to find yourself immersed in cliffside vineyards with spectacular sea views."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Eat: From breakfast to late lunches, \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCappun Magru\u003c/a\u003e is the place for exceptional sandwiches, pastries and cakes, all washed down with local wine. You can't beat \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eNessun Dorma\u003c/a\u003e for an aperitivo with a view – it's jammed onto the cliffside and delivers sunset views. \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eDa Aristide\u003c/a\u003e is a lovely family-run restaurant in the heart of the village. Try the muscoli ripieni – mussels stuffed with mortadella, parmesan and egg by nonna Grazia."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Stay: \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePosidonia\u003c/a\u003e is a sweet guesthouse with wonderful owners in the quiet, higher part of the village."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Corniglia"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Vibes: Tiny \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCorniglia\u003c/a\u003e, perched high above the seas, is the only clifftop village in the region. From up here, you can see all of Cinque Terre."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"See: Take in the views as you climb (or, easier, descend) the 383 steps between the sea-level train station and the village."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Eat: \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eDai Luca\u003c/a\u003e offers panini, foccacia and street food for snacks or meals on the run, while the wine bar \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eTerra Rossa\u003c/a\u003e has a lovely selection of local dishes and drinks overlooking a pretty garden. \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eA Cantina de Mananan\u003c/a\u003e is a lovely osteria (cafe) in the village serving the best Cinque Terre ingredients."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Stay: \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eIl Carugio di Corniglia\u003c/a\u003e has rooms and apartments overlooking the sea."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"Harbor full of boats in Vernazza Cinque Terre","caption":"Harbor full of boats in Vernazza Cinque Terre","contentId":"u9eveko9c14ch20319sm6t1u1q","credit":"© Pierre Ogeron / Getty Images","height":"3840","src":"","title":"media:canto_dam:9074021f-26c2-4f4e-938c-b12c85bfc82d","width":"5760"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Vernazza"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Vibes: The busiest village, \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eVernazza\u003c/a\u003e was the most important in the past – though it's crowded, head up the steep staircases to quiet medieval alleyways – as twisty and atmospheric as the caruggi of regional capital Genoa."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"ad_unit","data":{"adPath":"articles/in-content-middle","adPlacement":"fullWidth","native":false}},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"See: Wander round the small \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eharbor\u003c/a\u003e and step into the atmospheric 13th-century church of \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eSanta Margherita d'Antiochia\u003c/a\u003e."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Eat: Top breakfast spot Il Pirata delle Cinque Terre has Sicilian granita and pastries in the morning, as well as excellent lunch and dinner. Grab a snack or pasta box at \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePippo a Vernazza\u003c/a\u003e and wash it down with a wine tasting at nearby \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCantina Cheo\u003c/a\u003e. \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eRistorante La Torre\u003c/a\u003e has spectacular views of the sea (though it's a hike to get there)."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Stay: Restaurant \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eGianni Franzi\u003c/a\u003e also has rooms scattered throughout the village, most of which have spectacular sea views."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Monterosso al Mare"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Vibes: With its long, sandy beach, this – usually known as plain \"\u003ca href=\"\"\u003eMonterosso\u003c/a\u003e\" – is the largest village and the one that most resembles a regular beach resort."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"See: Wander through the warren of the old town and head up to the humbug-striped \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eConvento dei Cappuccini\u003c/a\u003e to see a Crucifixion by Van Dyck."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Eat: Start the day with pastries from \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ePasticceria Laura\u003c/a\u003e; to go all out, try the torta monterossina, stuffed with jam and chocolate. You could spend a whole day at \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eBuranco\u003c/a\u003e – an agriturismo, vineyard and restaurant just outside the center. Take a bottle for a wander round the vineyard, then settle down to a superb home-cooked lunch. Local legend \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eMiky Ristorante\u003c/a\u003e has been a must-visit since 1980."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Stay: Friendly \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eHotel Marina\u003c/a\u003e is near Buranco, just outside the historic center of the village."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"Beach in the small town of Monterosso in Cinque Terre.","caption":"Beach in the small town of Monterosso in Cinque Terre.","contentId":"8to2gdojrh72963909kkdvkn6g","credit":"©YRABOTA/Shutterstock","height":"3000","src":"","title":"shutterstockRF_730136200.jpg","width":"4500"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"When should I go to Cinque Terre?"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Like the rest of Liguria, Cinque Terre enjoys beautiful, not-too-hot summers. Unlike nearby resorts along the Italian Riviera, however, this isn't really somewhere to flop on a beach – not least because Monterosso has the only real beach, with sand and small pebbles. The other villages either have rocky coves, boulders doubling as diving boards or harbors to swim in. Since most visitors come for an active trip with plenty of hiking, spring and fall are a better bet. Crowded throughout the year – unbearably so in summer – the area is quieter in winter, though it's not always possible to hike due to the weather. Cross-reference your dates with Italian public holidays, as the villages can be impossibly busy with daytrippers."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Italian locals share \u003ca href=\"\"\u003etheir favorite places to avoid the crowds on vacation\u003c/a\u003e"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"How much time should I spend in Cinque Terre?"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The vast majority of visitors come here for a day trip, and while it's possible to visit all five villages in a day, to do so is to completely miss the beauty of the area. Rather like Venice, Cinque Terre is so popular, and so crowded, that if you just have a quick glimpse, you're likely to end up disappointed."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Instead, you probably need at least three or four full days in Cinque Terre to get a true taste. That gives you time to see the villages, walk some of the Sentiero Azzurro paths, sit back with some of the local wine as you take in the views, and even visit some of the villages further up the cliff sides. Spend a week, and you can add lesser-known hikes and visit some of Italy's most spectacular vineyards. Even longer is better – I spent two weeks on my first trip and enjoyed every minute."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"People eating on a restaurant terrace in Vernazza, Cinque Terre","caption":"People eating on a restaurant terrace in Vernazza, Cinque Terre","contentId":"q29cfgkeq97s18rgj6c7dnvi35","credit":"©Atlantide Phototravel/Getty Images","height":"3207","src":"","title":"media:canto_dam:137dd208-4715-4069-8b62-f15d3a768884","width":"4659"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Is it easy to get into and around Cinque Terre?"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"This is a relatively tough-to-reach location, which makes it even more important to spend as long as you can here. The closest airports are Genoa and Pisa – both are around 1-2 hours by train from Cinque Terre, depending on connections."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"One extremely important point: driving here is absolutely to be avoided. Parking is extremely limited, expensive, and usually a long, steep climb outside the villages (only residents are allowed to park inside). The narrow, clifftop roads can also be frightening for newcomers to the area – the Amalfi Coast has nothing on these lanes, and even as a seasoned Italian cliffside driver, one time in Cinque Terre was one time too many for me. Even if you already have a car on your trip, it's best parking outside Cinque Terre (try La Spezia or Levanto) and coming in on the train. You have my word on this."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The best way to travel between the villages is definitely by rail. Trains run around every 15-20 minutes throughout the day, stopping at each of the five villages – the journey time between each stop is only a couple of minutes. Tickets cost €5-10 per journey (even if you're just doing a two-minute hop) depending on the season, and it's often better value to buy a timed \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCinque Terre Card\u003c/a\u003e, which allows unlimited train travel between Levanto and La Spezia (the cities north and south of the area). The card also includes hiking fees, as well as bus travel to the more remote villages. Proceeds go to the national park."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"You can also get around by boat. \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eNavigazione Golfo dei Poeti\u003c/a\u003e runs between La Spezia and Levanto, calling at all the villages. \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eGolfo Paradiso\u003c/a\u003e has a line from Genoa. Services can be suspended in bad weather, however, and boarding with a lot of luggage can be tricky."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"ad_unit","data":{"adPath":"articles/in-content-native","adPlacement":"native","native":true}},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"In the villages themselves, the only real option is walking – and they are steep. Those with mobility issues will certainly find it difficult. The centers of Corniglia and Vernazza are largely flat, as is the beach area of Monterosso. Manarola and Riomaggiore are trickier for anyone with mobility issues."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Top things to do in Cinque Terre"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Hike (some of) the Sentiero Azzurro"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The most famous of Cinque Terre's paths is the Sentiero Azzurro (Blue Trail), which links all five villages across the cliff sides (it's marked as SVA on maps). In recent years, it's been rare that you'll find it fully open – winter storm damage means that some long stretches are closed. The easiest stretch – which is actually more of a moderate level – is Corniglia to Vernazza (2.5 miles, with a steep downhill section at the end). To get updates on closures, check the national park \u003ca href=\"\"\u003ewebsite\u003c/a\u003e before you head out."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"See the coastline from the sea"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Take a boat with Navigazione Golfo dei Poeti to see Cinque Terre's extraordinary landscape from the sea. It gives you an idea of the remoteness of the place – there wasn't a road here until the 1960s – and of how the locals have sculpted terraces from the sheer cliffs, making an uninhabitable landscape productive. Docking at the villages' tiny harbors is a memorable experience, and you can go onwards to La Spezia or (my pick) Levanto."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Walk the Via dell'Amore"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Cinque Terre's most famous walk has always been the Via dell'Amore – the flat, accessible, 1km (half-mile) path between Riomaggiore and Manarola. Closed since 2012 due to landslide damage, it's due to reopen in July 2024 for guided tours only. I got a \u003ca href=\"\"\u003esneak peek last year\u003c/a\u003e and was impressed – the tours explain the rich history of the area and make you look beyond those color-popping houses."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":3,"text":"Taste the local wine"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"For centuries, Cinque Terre has been known for its wine: sea-flecked salty whites grown along the cliffs. Try it by the glass at bars like \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eA Pié de Ma\u003c/a\u003e in Riomaggiore or \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCappun Magru\u003c/a\u003e in Manarola – both of these offer wine flights and tastings."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"My favorite thing to do in Cinque Terre"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Time for more wine: for me, nothing tells you more about Cinque Terre than perching high up in the hills, hearing how the locals have produced bottles that, in the Renaissance period, were so famous that they graced the tables of kings and popes. Tilling those cliffsides is backbreaking manual work, and while the vineyards are a fraction of what they were, they're important for stabilizing the increasingly fragile landscape and warding off the effects of climate change."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"The best – and most fun – way to understand this is with a vineyard tour. You'll catch me high up on the hills above Vernazza on a tour from \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eCheo\u003c/a\u003e – from the vineyards, there are jaw-dropper views of the village, castle and sea below. Don't forget to try the heavenly sweet sciacchetrà wine that Cinque Terre is famous for – that sea-salt breeze adds an incredible tang."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"How much money do I need for Cinque Terre?"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Cinque Terre is expensive by Italian standards – visit in the high season or on a weekend, and you can expect to see prices double. Accommodation is particularly expensive in relation to the quality of what's on offer – there are very few hotels here, and usually your best bet is an affittacamere – room rental without breakfast. Accommodation in La Spezia or Levanto is usually cheaper and less problematic in terms of homeowners turfing out local renters to create Airbnbs, a major issue in the villages. Having said that, Cinque Terre's magic is especially strong at night."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"You won't find any bargain restaurants or trattorias – prices are up there with high-end joints in major cities – but on the plus side, Liguria is the home of Italian street food, and there are plenty of small bakeries offering tasty snacks like focaccia that are good for lunch."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Average daily cost for:"},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"items":["Hostel room €20-40 (dorm spot)","Basic room for two €130-250","Self-catering apartment (including Airbnb) €150-250","Public transport ticket €5-10","Coffee €1-4","Sandwich €6-12","Dinner for two €60-150","Glass of Cinque Terre wine €6-15"],"style":"unordered"},"type":"list"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"alt":"The Lardarina, long brick flight of steps, flights with steps from the station to Corniglia village, one of five lands of the amazing Cinque Terre, Italy","caption":"The Lardarina, long brick flight of steps, flights with steps from the station to Corniglia village, one of five lands of the amazing Cinque Terre, Italy","contentId":"6780drt0fl7gb9e6e1t01v1565","credit":"©Zharov Pavel/Shutterstock","height":"3356","src":"","title":"shutterstockRF754111825.jpg","width":"5034"},"type":"canto_image"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Bring layers, no matter the season"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Weather changes fast on the Liguria coast, and even in the hottest summer months, you'll probably need a jacket or sweater at night – as well as if you go out on a boat during the day."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Be prepared to walk… a lot"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Don't underestimate how challenging the villages can be for those with mobility problems. Even if you're not planning to hike, Manarola and Riomaggiore are extremely steep. Be aware of that when you book your accommodation, too – there are limited porter services, and you should be prepared to cart your luggage up the cliffside."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Buy a Cinque Terre card"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Village hop without counting the cost. The card includes access to all the hiking trails and allows you onto the bus routes to villages higher up on the cliffs. The proceeds go to the national park."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"If availability is limited in the villages, stay in Levanto or La Spezia"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Levanto and La Spezia bookend Cinque Terre and are included in Cinque Terre train tickets, so if you're booking last minute and the villages are sold out, try here (I prefer Levanto – La Spezia is a bigger city)."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Support local businesses"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Like all overtouristed areas, Cinque Terre's future depends on how tourists treat it. Shop at local artisan shops for souvenirs and eat at restaurants that utilize local products like marinated anchovies and regional wine. The latter is an important one – young locals replanting vineyards are helping to stabilize the fragile cliff terraces."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"level":2,"text":"Take care on the trails"},"type":"header"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","data":{"text":"Cinque Terre's footpaths are so famous that you can often feel cushioned against nature, but these are vertiginous, cliffside trails that at times are lethally narrow. Always stop to take a photo, rather than walking with your camera, to avoid missteps. Wear decent shoes (flip flops are banned and there are checks at the trailheads) and bring plenty of water, as there's very little shade. Always stick to the designated path – this is an exceptionally fragile environment. And, of course, don't litter."},"type":"paragraph"},{"__typename":"ContentBlock","type":"relatedBooks","data":{"context":{"tags":[{"title":"vernazza","type":"place"},{"title":"corniglia","type":"place"},{"title":"riomaggiore","type":"place"},{"title":"manarola","type":"place"},{"title":"monterosso","type":"place"},{"title":"italy","type":"place"}],"slug":"planning-visit-cinque-terre"}}}],"hasNativeAds":true,"related":[{"tags":[{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"beaches","title":"Beaches"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"activities","title":"Activities"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"hiking","title":"Hiking"},{"__typename":"TitleAndSlug","slug":"wildlife-and-nature","title":"Wildlife \u0026 Nature"}],"excerpt":"After 12 years and a €23 million rehabilitation project, the famous Cinque Terre path is finally fully reopened to visitors.\r\n","image":{"url":"","caption":"After a €22m ($25m) restoration project, the Villa dell'Amore footpath has been opened in Cinque Terre. 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