Jewish values or outstanding education? Your child deserves both - Jewish News

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Your child deserves both</h1> <h2 class="underline">Parents in our community often face an uncomfortable choice. Should they send their child to an outstanding childcare provider or to a Jewish nursery? </h2> <div class="under-headline"> <div class="wrap-byline"> <span class="byline"> By <a title="Louisa Walters" href="">Louisa Walters</a><span class="add-after"></span> <span class="add-after"></span> </span> <span class="date">July 4, 2024, 5:29 pm</span> <span class="edit empty"> <a data-id="1426877" href="/wp-admin/post.php?post=1426877&action=edit">Edit</a> </span> </div> <ul class="social"> <li class="facebook"> <a class="popup" data-width="670" data-height="546" href=""> <span>Facebook</span> </a> </li><li class="twitter"> <a href=""> <span>Twitter</span> </a> </li><li class="email open_mailto" data-article="1426877" data-lang="eng" data-site="Jewish News" data-title="Jewish values or outstanding education? Your child deserves both"> <a target="_blank" href="mailto:?subject=Jewish News: Jewish values or outstanding education? 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But it seemed that the options available would mean compromising on the quality of Josh’s early years education, and I wasn’t willing to do that.”</strong></p> <p>Rachel’s story is all too familiar. Yes, we understand the importance of a Jewish education. Especially during those early years, we need to impart our values and build a strong foundation. But choosing Jewish education shouldn’t mean sacrificing quality.</p> <p>In 2022, the <a rel="sponsored" href="">Werton Group</a> was born. Founded by Jamie Peston and Lipi Werjuka, two longtime educational experts, their mission was simple: To deliver outstanding Jewish education and ensure premier quality early-years learning.</p> <p>“The nursery years are the foundation for a child’s future,” explains Lipi. “It’s a huge opportunity to provide the values and skills for your child’s success in life.”</p> <p>Just two years after its founding, the <a rel="sponsored" href="">Werton Group</a> is already running eight popular, successful Jewish nurseries across London. Impressing parents and Ofsted alike, they are rapidly earning their place amongst the UK’s top providers. With professional staff and expert leadership, <a rel="sponsored" href="">Werton</a> nurseries offer the highest standards, combining Jewish and secular early education. From being taught about Shabbat and the Chagim, to developing motor and literacy skills, children are provided with a comprehensive early years educational experience that enriches the entire family.</p> <p>To anyone facing the same dilemma as Rachel, the <a rel="sponsored" href="">Werton Group</a> is here to help you.</p> <p><strong>Visit <a rel="sponsored" href=""></a> and find out more about the organisation that’s revolutionising Jewish early-years education.</strong></p> <p><img loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-1426881" src="" alt="" width="2550" height="481" /></p> <!-- DONATE POPUP SINGLE --> <div class="jn-donate-popup jn-donate-popup-single"> <div class="jn-donate-container "> <div class="jn-donate-popup-inner-logo"> <img src="" alt="logo"> <!-- <a href="#" class="close"></a> --> </div> <div class="jn-donate-popup-inner"> <div class="l-side"> <div class="jn-donate-slogan">Support your Jewish community. 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