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We bet you’ve got some ideas.<br/></p></div></div><div class="_w-hero-img vertical-flex align-y-center"><img src="" loading="lazy" data-w-id="bba8bc34-4c02-051a-577d-1da4e584a6ae" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 90vw, (max-width: 991px) 39vw, (max-width: 1279px) 34vw, (max-width: 1439px) 40vw, (max-width: 1919px) 39vw, 654px" alt="" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1521w" class="img-100"/></div></div></section><section class="section"><div class="container"><div id="gem_job_board_embed" class="div-block-5"></div></div></section><section class="section padding-top_0px"><div class="container horizontal-flex gap-80px"><div class="_w-img_medium"><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 88vw, (max-width: 991px) 43vw, (max-width: 1919px) 40vw, 664px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1393w" alt="" class="img-100"/></div><div class="_w-h2-button vertical-gap-48px text-align-left vertical-align-center first_mobile"><div class="_w-h2-p vertical-gap-24px"><h2 class="h2">Link, Laugh, Love</h2><p class="p">The team at Linktree is a thriving community spread across Australia, EU, and the US. We spend our days tackling fun technical challenges, building interactive tools, forming partnerships and teasing out unique insights: everything it takes to empower our base of 50M+ Linkers to keep selling, sharing, growing and linking limitlessly.<br/></p></div></div></div></section><section class="section background-color_lime"><div class="container vertical-center-gap_80px container-mobile_auto"><div class="_w-h2-button gap-48px align-center"><div class="_w-h2-p vertical-gap-24px align-center"><h2 class="h2 text-color_dark-blue text-align-center max-width-832px">Thrive, your way</h2><p class="p p-large text-color_shade text-align-center max-width_860px">Staying healthy, inspired and motivated to bring your full self to work is something that we think everyone deserves. Linktree’s industry-leading approach to benefits puts you in the driver’s seat to shape a life where you can flourish (at and away from your laptop).<br/></p></div></div><div class="swiper reg-swiper"><div class="swiper-wrapper reg-swiper-wrapper"><div class="swiper-slide reg-swiper-slide"><div id="w-node-cd907b45-004c-d1a7-c5aa-8fb28f729717-f220f663" class="card min-height_0px background-color_white gap_40px"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="card-oval-icon"/><div class="_w-h3-p gap_24px"><h3 class="h3 card-h3 font-weight_med">Flex Benefit</h3><p class="p p-large">Nobody knows you better than you. That’s why every Linktree employee gets $7,000 AUD / $4,900 USD to spend on their wellness, growth, lifestyle, and on social impact. From gym memberships to courses, childcare, pet insurance, and green energy initiatives: the benefits that fuel your inspiration and keep you coming to work in tip top shape are yours to define.<br/></p></div></div></div><div class="swiper-slide reg-swiper-slide"><div id="w-node-cd907b45-004c-d1a7-c5aa-8fb28f729720-f220f663" class="card min-height_0px background-color_white gap_40px"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="card-oval-icon"/><div class="_w-h3-p gap_24px"><h3 class="h3 card-h3 font-weight_med">Leave for whatever life brings</h3><p class="p p-large">Our 18-week parental leave policy for birthing and non-birthing parents is designed to help enable everyone at Linktree to support their families and ease the transition back to work, including a return experience program offering backup childcare support, a stipend for expenses like expressing devices, and more. We’re also committed to providing time for our people experiencing pregnancy loss or other hardships that could benefit from being with loved ones and finding the support they need.<br/></p></div></div></div><div class="swiper-slide reg-swiper-slide"><div id="w-node-cd907b45-004c-d1a7-c5aa-8fb28f729729-f220f663" class="card min-height_0px background-color_white gap_40px"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="card-oval-icon"/><div class="_w-h3-p gap_24px"><h3 class="h3 card-h3 font-weight_med">Transpositive Inclusion Policy</h3><p class="p p-large">All of our inclusion policies are built closely in partnership with community members. Our Transpositive Inclusion Policy begins with gender inclusion training for all Linktree employees. Our trans and gender diverse employees have access to a mental health support stipend, and for those on a gender affirmation journey, we provide both financial support and leave for your consultations and procedures.<br/></p></div></div></div><div class="swiper-slide reg-swiper-slide"><div id="w-node-cd907b45-004c-d1a7-c5aa-8fb28f729732-f220f663" class="card min-height_0px background-color_white gap_40px"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="card-oval-icon"/><div class="_w-h3-p gap_24px"><h3 class="h3 card-h3 font-weight_med">Mental health and wellbeing support</h3><p class="p p-large">In addition to our flex benefit that can be used on wellness perks like gym memberships or massages, we also provide access to tailored counseling through Mindfit and subscription to Calm. We understand that some days you just need to switch off, so we also offer 10 mental health days to help you reinvigorate your mind and get back on track.<br/></p></div></div></div><div class="swiper-slide reg-swiper-slide"><div id="w-node-cd907b45-004c-d1a7-c5aa-8fb28f72973b-f220f663" class="card min-height_0px background-color_white gap_40px"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="card-oval-icon"/><div class="_w-h3-p gap_24px"><h3 class="h3 card-h3 font-weight_med">Flexible and asynchronous workplace</h3><p class="p p-large">We primarily operate out of Australia, London and the US, with offices in Melbourne, LA and SF. Given our team’s distribution across multiple time zones, we’ve embraced remote and flexible work from the start, valuing collaboration above all. So depending on team and location, Linkies work either fully remote or a flex hybrid approach. We’re piloting a new program called ‘Linkie Leaps’ where teams meet in-person for days of collaboration and team-bonding.<br/></p></div></div></div><div class="swiper-slide reg-swiper-slide"><div id="w-node-cd907b45-004c-d1a7-c5aa-8fb28f729744-f220f663" class="card min-height_0px background-color_white gap_40px"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="card-oval-icon"/><div class="_w-h3-p gap_24px"><h3 class="h3 card-h3 font-weight_med">Our commitment to social impact</h3><p class="p p-large">This commitment starts with the individual: we offer 20 hours of volunteering and mentorship leave for every team member to support causes they care about. We commit 1% of all revenue to support social good causes and initiatives. To date, we’ve gifted 5,500+ lifetime Pro plans to nonprofits incl. Greenpeace, Planned Parenthood, UN Refugee Agency and 1 Million Women.<br/></p></div></div></div></div><div class="_w-swiper_arrows mobile_only"><a href="#" class="arrow-prev w-inline-block"><div class="testimonial-swiper_arrow-icon w-embed"><svg title="arrow" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 17 14" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="m9.131 2-5.2 5.2H16.8v1.6H3.931l5.2 5.2L8 15.131.869 8 8 .869 9.131 2Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></div></a><a href="#" class="arrow-next w-inline-block"><div class="testimonial-swiper_arrow-icon rotate_180 w-embed"><svg title="arrow" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 17 14" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="m9.131 2-5.2 5.2H16.8v1.6H3.931l5.2 5.2L8 15.131.869 8 8 .869 9.131 2Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></div></a></div></div></div></section><section class="section"><div class="container horizontal-flex gap-80px"><div class="_w-img_medium"><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 991px) 43vw, (max-width: 1919px) 40vw, 664px" srcset=" 500w, 1393w" alt="" class="img-100"/></div><div class="_w-h2-button vertical-gap-48px text-align-left vertical-align-center first_mobile"><div class="_w-h2-p vertical-gap-24px"><h2 class="h2">A workplace that lets you know you belong</h2><p class="p">At Linktree, you’re part of an empathetic, vibrant and globally-minded culture where your voice always matters. As we scale, we meet challenges and grow together, connected by how much we care about the meaningful work we do. Through training, workshops, events, community, support and inclusion policies, we foster a culture that appreciates each human in it for exactly who they are.<br/></p></div></div></div></section><section class="section background-color_marble"><div class="_w-h2-p vertical-gap-24px align-center margin-bottom_64px"><h2 class="h2 text-color_dark-blue text-align-center max-width-832px">How we make the magic happen</h2><p class="p p-large text-color_shade text-align-center max-width_832px">We all bring something different to the table (and we wouldn’t have it any other way). Here are the values that we operate with to findthe right path forward together.<br/></p></div><div class="swiper shape-swiper"><div class="swiper-wrapper first-swiper-wrapper _w-shape-slider"><div class="swiper-slide shape-slide radius_full background-color_gold"><h3 class="h3 shape-slider-h3">Go further together</h3><p class="p">We champion collaboration, drawing from our collective strength.</p></div><div class="swiper-slide shape-slide radius_small background-color_green"><h3 class="h3 card-h3 text-color_chartreuse">Defy the ordinary</h3><p class="p text-color_chartreuse">Our individual roles are different, but we’re here to do the best work of our lives.</p></div><div class="swiper-slide shape-slide radius_full background-color_pink"><h3 class="h3 card-h3 text-color_dahlia">Act then adapt</h3><p class="p text-color_dahlia">We take big leaps forward through thoughtful risks. We jump in, make tracks and course-correct as we’re moving.</p></div><div class="swiper-slide shape-slide radius_small background-color_red"><h3 class="h3 card-h3 text-color_lavender">Own your part</h3><p class="p text-color_lavender">If we see something that needs fixing, we speak up, fix it and follow through.</p></div><div class="swiper-slide shape-slide radius_full background-color_deepblue"><h3 class="h3 card-h3 text-color_white">Let curiosity lead</h3><p class="p text-color_white">We believe in the wide-eyed wonder that drives us to new discoveries. We never stop learning, so we never stop growing.</p></div><div class="swiper-slide shape-slide radius_small background-color_lime"><h3 class="h3 card-h3">Pursue deliberate simplicity</h3><p class="p">We seek clarity in the complex.</p></div></div></div><div class="_w-shape-swiper_arrows"><a href="#" class="shape-swiper_prev w-inline-block"><div class="testimonial-swiper_arrow-icon w-embed"><svg title="arrow" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 17 14" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="m9.131 2-5.2 5.2H16.8v1.6H3.931l5.2 5.2L8 15.131.869 8 8 .869 9.131 2Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></div></a><a href="#" class="shape-swiper_next w-inline-block"><div class="testimonial-swiper_arrow-icon rotate_180 w-embed"><svg title="arrow" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 17 14" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="m9.131 2-5.2 5.2H16.8v1.6H3.931l5.2 5.2L8 15.131.869 8 8 .869 9.131 2Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></div></a></div></section><section class="footer"><div class="container"><div class="_w-h2 gap-40px margin-bottom-17-85"><h2 class="h2 text-color_lavender text-align-center">Jumpstart your corner of the <span class="block-span-desktop">internet today</span></h2><div class="_w-claim-linktree w-form"><form id="Claim-your-linktree-form-footer" name="wf-form-Claim-your-linktree" data-name="Claim your linktree" action="" method="get" class="claim-linktree" data-wf-page-id="66f44f9ad7b0ca55f220f663" data-wf-element-id="a85dbfec-c42d-d0cc-ba1f-79a4165b88db"><input class="input-field w-input" maxlength="256" name="Username" data-name="Username" placeholder="" type="text" id="username-footer" required=""/><input type="submit" data-wait="Please wait..." class="form-submit button-color_chartreuse w-button" value="Claim your Linktree"/></form><div class="success-message_hidden w-form-done"></div><div class="w-form-fail"><div>Oops! 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