Slight Adjustments: December 2019

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} { text-align: center } </style> </head> <body> <head> <script src="../../Blog/shared.js"></script> </head> <button onclick="newCharacter()">New Character</button> <select id="charType"> <option>Random</option> <option>Standard</option> <option>Boring</option> <option>No stats</option> <option>More stats</option> <option>Traditional stats</option> </select> <br> <br> <div id="outputfK1"></div> <br> <br> <button onclick="saveCharacter()">Save</button> <br> <br> <br> <br> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Name&#39;)">Name</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Fact&#39;)">Fact</button> <br> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Useful Item&#39;)">Item</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Failed Career&#39;)">Career</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Memento&#39;)">Memento</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Consumable&#39;)">Consumable</button> <br> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Oddity&#39;)">Oddity</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Weirdness&#39;)">Weirdness</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;All Gear&#39;)">Gear</button> <br> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Talent&#39;)">Talent</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Technique&#39;)">Technique</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Arcana&#39;)">Arcana</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Artefact&#39;)">Artefact</button> <br> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Curse&#39;)">Curse</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Madness&#39;)">Madness</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Disease&#39;)">Disease</button> <br> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Spell&#39;)">Spell</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Damage Type&#39;)">Damage</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Mutation&#39;)">Mutation</button> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;Body Part&#39;)">Body part</button> <br> <button onclick="getItem(&#39;All&#39;)">All</button> <button onclick="showSources()">Sources</button> <button onclick="resetOutput()">Reset</button> Show lists: <input type="checkbox" id="show_lists"> <br> <br> <div id="outputfK2"> </div> <script> // START var lists = { "Technique": [ `Improvise - Any item you weren't holding a second ago deals d10 damage, once per item`, `Out of Line - Declare an ally "off-limits", deal x2 damage to their attackers`, `Headtaker - Dealing 10 damage with an attack automatically removes a head of a creature`, `Fashionable - Fancy clothes count as armour to you, and if you style someone, it counts for them as well. Armour and clothes don't stack`, `Seventh Sense - If you focus on an enemy, learn if they have a secret power or deadly attack. No details, just a yes/no`, `Incredible Reflexes - Wearing a loincloth and no other armour grants double HP`, `Mischief Maker - Once per round, not on your turn, you can disarm, trip or pickpocket any enemy without a roll. Only works once per enemy`, `Dodge Roll - If you spend a whole round moving, you cannot be hit by a particular enemy you choose`, `Counter - If you spend a round taking a defensive stance, the next enemy to attack you automatically takes 1d6 damage`, `Redirect - If you have both hands free, anyone that makes a melee attack at you must also make one at a nearby target`, `Pankration - So long as you aren't wearing any armour or carrying any items, you can make a full-body d10 attack no matter if you are prone, grappled, engulfed etc`, `Peasant's Path Style - So long as you have both hands free and aren't wearing armour, you can deal d6 damage. You can teach this to anybody with a weeks training`, `Horde Breaker - If you are dual-wielding and don't move this round, you can make one attack against half of the enemies surrounding you`, `Cut Down - Murder one low-level mook per round, no questions asked. Must be indistinguishable from all other mooks, not the one carrying the special weapon etc`, `Threat Assessment - By looking into someone's eyes, you can determine their killcount in terms of: None, One, Many`, `Angry - Always attack first if you immediately charge`, `Deadly - Weapons are always conveniently close at hand when you are angry or ambushed`, `Cowardly - Block the first attack while fleeing for your life`, `Cruel - When you down an enemy, you can either kill them brutally or let them live in pain`, `Light Finger, Heavy Blow - If you've stolen something from somebody and they don't know you have it, deal +d8 damage when you hit them with it`, `Determined - After you stand up from prone, are disarmed, dropped to 0HP or are grappled, you can declare that you are getting serious. This may cause enemies to have second thoughts`, `Breaker - Ay injuries you inflict on your enemies are a step worse, sprain > break > removed > dismembered`, `Pompous - Enemies that fail a morale check and would flee/rout (not retreat) instead grovel`, `Righteous - Counts as a shield against anyone philosophically opposed to you`, `Stalwart - The first time you would die in defence of another, you are instead healed to full`, `Zealous - Your voice counts as a holy symbol`, `Tactician - If you plan a battle and its still going to plan, everyone joining in can block 1d6 damage once`, `Meatgrinder - Make an extra attack when you down an enemy`, `Pugilist - Make an extra attack per round while unarmed`, `Montaya - Say your catchphrase to your sworn enemy to heal to full and gain an extra attack for the rest of combat`, `Devastator - If you stun an enemy or knock them prone, make another attack`, `Unseen Flurry - Make an extra attack if the enemy cannot see you`, `Nightmare - You can always move faster than someone who is running away from you and fleeing for their life`, `Sentinel - Make an free attack when an enemy retreats or moves past you`, `Leader - Make an extra attack when you charge into battle`, `Veteran - Make an extra attack per round while in formation`, `Wolfpack - When you have an enemy completely surrounded, a third of the group can make an extra attack this round (round down)`, `Lawbringer - For every real crime you know the target has committed, you can make a free attack or grapple check against them, one per turn`, `Mage Slayer - Make an attack immediately against an enemy in range that casts a spell`, `Rage Spiral - As an action, fall into a mad frenzy. This adds +d4 to all melee attacks, increasing each round up to +d10. You have to make a melee attack each round while in a rage, either against an enemy or an ally. Make a CHA check as an action to calm down, but if you fail you hit yourself or an ally instead`, `Drunken Master - After taking a swig of strong alcohol as an action, the next attack against you automatically misses and hits a random nearby target`, `David - Deal +1d6 damage with one-handed weapons to any large target that is on the ground, surprised, blinded etc.`, `Duelist - So long as you fight with one weapon and a hand free, you can make a gambit when you are attacked`, `Red in Tooth - Your bite deals d6 damage and freaks everyone out`, `Wind Stance - Immune to ranged attacks if you are unarmed, unarmored and prepared for them`, `Glass Jaw - Take +d6 damage from all sources, deal +d8`, `On The Shoulders of Giants - Defeating an enemy more powerful than you, whether in combat, in sport or other more esoteric fields, grants you three expendable uses of their abilities`, `Assassinate - You can wield positioning and timing like a weapon, dealing d8 damage with nothing but your hands and nearby objects`, `Martial Arts - Your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage, you don't suffer penalties from attacking armed targets`, `Unkillable - When you are slain, you rise again. You will die for good in ten rounds, but not until then`, `Heavily Armed - One of your arms is a chainsaw or similar, powered by your blood, deals d10 damage. If you use it constantly or as a tool, drains d4 hp of your blood`, `Knighthood - Gain heavy armour (+3 HP), a knightly weapon (d8), and a horse (6hp). Are all of them yours?`, `Indomitable - You can "sunder" a limb to block 1d12 damage`, `Selective Invulnerability - You take no damage from the first attack you are hit by. You'll never take damage from that type of weapon or element, ever`, `Last Stand - While at 0 HP, instead of taking a blow, burn your final reserves. For three rounds, you take no damage. After that you cannot use this ability and take max damage from all attacks forever`, `Implausible Armour - The effectiveness of the armour you wear is not determined by its design or material, but by its style and cost. Start with a suit of armour of your own depiction`, `Devourer - If you eat part of a large monster, you gain one of its powers, and one of its hungers. Choose one creature that you have already tasted`, `Martial Trance - You can fight in your sleep, while unconscious or otherwise incapacitated`, `Death from Above - When you strike someone while falling, you take no falling damage and they take twice as much of it instead`, `Born-of-War - When you kill an enemy in honourable combat, you can ask a question of your future in their entrails, or ask for a boon from the Fates`, `You Go Low, I Go High - Pick one ally. When the two of you attack the same target, both of you get an extra attack. The choice of ally is permanent`, `Ludicrous Strike - When you disarm someone, remove a limb, or kill via decapitation, you can make a ranged attack at a nearby enemy using the lost object`, `Titanic Grip - You can hold two-handed weapons and objects in one hand`, `Ain't Got Time To Bleed - You only ever suffer ongoing damage (bleeding, fire, acid etc.) for a max of one round. Afterwards you are immune to that particular source, and any further attempts give you a burst of speed instead`, `Mastered The Dungeon - If you kill the boss of a dungeon, any of its former minions that you defeat have a 50% chance of joining you instead`, `Stern Glare - 1d4 non-lethal, doesn't appear to be an attack`, `Tiger Claw - If you extend two fingers, they are as sharp as a dagger and deal d6 damage`, `Spear Kick - If you have space for a run-up, you can make a flying kick in a straight line in any direction. Deals d8 damage, knocks you prone`, `Hovering Waterlily - You can run on any natural surface water, falling petals, cobwebs etc. so long as you don't stop, and have your hands free`, `Empty Palm - A free hand counts as a shield. "Sundering" doesn't destroy your hand, but you will have to return to a place of peace and meditate for a while to recover this ability`, `Shatter Ki - By punching someone, you can remove one of their magical or combat abilities for 1d4 rounds. You have to know what it does first, and you have to be about their size`, `Bannerlord - If you are holding a banner, one ally that has sworn an oath to it can make an additional attack in a round`, `Hearty Vigour - At any time, you can reduce the damage from a blow by 5. You can use this ability again only after you make a true friend, host a mighty feast or witness something beautiful`, `Conflagration - If you kill a burning enemy with a melee attack, they explode dealing d6 damage to nearby targets. You are immune`, `Aeshean Hammer Blow - If you deal maximum damage with an attack, you can choose to reroll the damage and knock the target flying`, `Swan Grace - You can cut arrows and thrown projectiles out of the air so long as you are standing at ease. Your movements are fascinating`, `Beating Rain - You can throw as many daggers as you like in a round so long as your feet are firmly braced`, `Sacerde Bladepriest - So long as you are holding a weapon and nothing else, no shield or armour, you cannot be hit by any attack involving finesse. In addition, if you close your eyes and stand firm, you can cut evil spells in half as they fly`, `Laqar Karamis - If you deal minimum damage with a two-handed weapon, it was a massive windup instead, and you deal +d12 damage the next round. Enemies might be able to see this attack coming`, `Heart Attack - Take d10 poison damage to gain a whole extra turn at the end of the round`, `Murderous Aura - Takes a round to activate, can be seen/felt by the perceptive. It ends if you are moved or damaged. If a target within 15ft has less than d12 HP, teleport behind them and kill them. Otherwise, you do nothing this round`, `Cut the Wind - If you spend a turn winding up, you can cut something within the range of an arrow`, `Unnatural Resilience - The first time you would die, you can choose to reject the natural order. Regain all HP, suffer a curse and be marked as Evil`, `Hands Like Bloodied Meat-Hooks - Your hands deal d6 damage. You can choose to increase this to d8, but once you do so, you can never craft objects or use tools again`, `Lonesome Wanderer - If you are ambushed, you can notice moments earlier and catch your attackers by surprise, one attack against each of them`, `Throw Anything - You can throw any weapon as if it were a dagger, it'll bounce back to you if you are within half that range`, `Parry Anything - You can perfectly block any projectile, but only once per type (fire-breath, bullet, arrow, magic missile, lighting bolt)`, `Brotherhood of Heroes - If you fight side-by-side with someone, the two of you can decide to swap any two abilities. It has to make sense, and it might take a little while`, `Sake the Bloodthirst - If you kill a living creature, you can spend 1d8 HP in order to make a free attack against every reachable creature of the same type. You can move a number of spaces equal to the damage you took`, `I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET - By beating the shit out of someone that died last round, you can bring them back to gasping, helpless life for another minute`, `Elemental Fist - Your unarmed attacks can deal damage of any element you choose, so long as you have a sample of it nearby`, `From Hell's Heart - When you drop to 0 HP, take an extra turn immediately`, `A Taste of Home - You can eat/swig the unique ration you've brought with you to heal to full HP. It'll be tricky to get more without returning to your home country, far from here`, `Manual of Hands and Feet - Your (d4): 1. Hands, 2. Feet, 3. Head, 4. Elbows and Knees, is as effective as a (d6): 1. Axe, 2. Mace, 3. Rapier, 4. Crossbow, 5. Spear, 6. Flame. Give your unique style a name`, `Stand Tall - While protecting someone who needs your help, they take -d6 damage`, `Vengeance - If someone kills someone you care about, or destroys something you cherish, you deal x2 damage to them forever`, `Last Stand - Take 1d6 permanent HP damage in order to heal to your previous max HP and gain a temporary boon`, `Polearm Mastery - You can use polearms perfectly under nearly any circumstances: one-handed, throwing, underwater, while grappling`, `Sword Mastery - You can never be disarmed, so long as you are conscious and wielding a sword`, `Mantra of Pree Aesma - So long as you are carrying no weapons, your unarmed attacks deal d6 damage. You can take 1 damage to make an extra unarmed attack, as many times as you want `, `Principle of Cutting - No matter how damaged the weapon you are carrying may be, you can still use it perfectly and to its full extent`, `Disrupt Atum - If you've seen someone use a special ability and spent a round focusing on it, you can strike them in exactly the right spot to disable it for 1d6 rounds`, `Unquenchable Will - At any point, you can declare an action you will not take, like dropping your sword, moving aside, or falling over. After that, so long as you are conscious, it'll never happen. Only one declaration at a time`, `Monster Slayer - Track the biggest, most dangerous creature you have killed. Against anything smaller and weaker, you have +d6 damage or -d6 damage taken`, `Spot Opportunity - Each round, a random ally gains an extra attack against a random enemy`, `Fey Fletcher - Carving a targets name into an arrow will make it hit unerringly (max damage)`, `You Are Already Dead - If you strike a killing blow, you can delay the damage for up to a minute and release it at a thought`, `Brave By Default - So long as you never flee a single fight, you get two turns at the start of combat`, `If you spare the life of a weak opponent, the brush with death makes them give up completely and become a turnip farmer, after telling you everything they know and giving you everything they have`, `Open Palm Style - Your punches and kicks are accompanied by spectral copies that deal d6 magic damage at the range of a spear`, `Black Centipede Style - So long as you are holding no weapons, you can deal 1d4 piercing damage to every target in reach`, `Gentle Scorpion Style - So long as you are carrying no weapons and wearing no armour, you can deal d8 slashing damage... somehow? It&#8217;s so fast no defence or counter has a chance to work`, `Head of John Stance - You have three metal studs in your forehead. Your head and neck are as tough as steel`, `Four-Point Focus Stance - If you have enough time to properly concentrate, you can punch through any obstacle. Takes several rounds/minutes/hours for wood/stone/metal`, `Water-Cutting-Stone Style - Your bare hands deal as much damage as your target would deal with their melee attack`, `Jade Mountain Stance - So long as you have your hands free, you cannot be moved, tripped, etc. deal d6 damage against anyone who would tried`, `Celestial Monkey King Style - You can knock prone anyone, no save, as long as you also fall with them. Deal d6 damage while grappling`, `Silent Ocean Style - Deal d6 damage with your bare hands, and move your target that many spaces so long as you aren't wearing more armour than them`, `Leisure Kicks Style - Deal d6 damage with your feet and legs, so long as you aren't wearing armour. However far you charge before making an attack, you can knock an opponent up to twice that far back`, `Eternal Cultivation Style - Deal d8 non-lethal damage with your bare hands. When you reduce a foe to 0 HP, they are completely paralysed until they can regain HP`, `"Murder The Sword-Gods" Style - Deal d10 damage to anyone with a unique fighting style and completely negate the benefits of their style`, `"Demon Flips The Cart" Style - Spend a round winding up, then take +d12 to damage and Strength checks. Take d4 fire damage each time it's used`, `Malignant Sword Stance - Once you enter this stance, your hands are like swords, and can't be used for any tasks a sword couldn't achieve`, `Prismatic Arrangement of Creation - Choose one damage type other than bludgeoning. While at full HP, you are completely immune to it`, `Soul Reaper Style - Once you strike a foe with a bare hand, you can freely teleport behind their back once`, `Tenfold Ebon Shadow Style - The first attack you ever make against each individual enemy deals 1d20 damage, but only if you know their name`, `Ki Rata Style - This combat style is highly unwise to use. Deal d20 damage to any number of targets you can see in an eye-blink, then take the highest damage you rolled and break that many bones`, `Smite - So long as you are bold, honourable and offer them mercy, your attacks deal +d8 radiant to sinners, the undead, rogue demons etc`, `Divine Quest - If you complete it, you and all your allies gain d6 max HP. It's near impossible, but you've got a shot at (d4): 1. Finding a long-last artefact, 2. Ending a crusade, 3. Freeing your people, 4. Making peace with The Immortal Beast`, `Crusaders Mantle - If you solemnly dedicate a coming battle to your god, all allies can +/- d12 from a single roll during it. If you retreat or surrender, you can never use this again`, `Eternal Warrior - You cannot die unless it is directly by the hand of another sentient creature. When you die, the creature that killed you loses most of their memories and gains this ability. If your body is destroyed, come back as a cursed ghost`, `Ludicrous Hair - You can "sunder" your hairstyle like a shield (block 1d12 damage). You can fix it overnight, but it may require reagents`, `Valkyrie - You can lead those who fall in battle on honourable quests. Whether they arise as ghosts, zombies, skeletons or other is up to the dead`, `Demonic Black Hand - Lose 1 HP permanently to add 10 damage to an attack, or reduce the damage from an attack by 10`, `While nobody can see you, your form twists and warps. You scuttle twice as fast and can make a free attack each round, dealing d8 damage with unknown and vicious weaponry`, `Shieldthane - You can split incoming damage between any willing allies that stand by your side`, `Sword Saint - When you kill someone with a sword in more-or-less honourable combat, you decide if they go to Heaven or Hell`, `Weapon Master - Choose a type of weapon. When you make any attack or check using that weapon and have advantage, you automatically succeed`, `Slayer - You are twice as good at exploiting the weak points of foes`, `Warden of Battle - Spend an entire turn to remove an ally from a fight, this may put you in a tricky situation, but they will be completely safe`, `Suddenness of Death - Weapons on your person can always be drawn instantly, even if you are tied up etc.`, `Colour Knight`, `Cannon - Deals 1d20 damage to a crowd, a structure, a stationary or large target. Takes ages to load, needs at least three people to transport. Start with enough powder for five shots, two cannon-bearers. Misfire if you roll a 13`, ], "Colour Knight": [ `Red Knight - You can break a weapon you are holding to deal the target +d12 damage`, `Blue Knight - If you spare the life of an enemy, they can teach you a special ability even if it would normally be impossible for you to learn it`, `Black Knight - When you lose a limb, heal to full HP and take a bonus turn immediately`, `Yellow Knight - After hitting something with an attack, their next roll is *also* a critical failure`, ], "Arcana": [ `Speak with (d4): 1. Fire, 2. Water, 3. Earth, 4. Air`, `Speak with (d4): 1. Metal, 2. Lightning, 3. Dead, 4. Plants`, `Speak with (d12): 1. Locks, 2. Shoes, 3. Blood, 4. Roads, 5. Potion, 6. God, 7. Stars, 8. Darkness, 9. Birds, 10. Dreams, 11. Disease, 12. Dave`, `Speak with... - Roll two spells and pick one of the words`, `Detect (d6): 1. Illusion, 2. Invisible, 3. Observer, 4. Sin, 5. Water, 6. Fear`, `Detect (d12): 1. Alcohol, 2. Birds, 3. Magnets, 4. Dave, 5. Drugs, 6. Polearms, 7. Clocks, 8. Paper, 9. Numbers, 10. Goblins, 11. Absence, 12. Garbage`, `Word of Power (d6): 1. BREAK, 2. GROVEL, 3. CEASE, 4. FALL, 5. SILENCE, 6. RUN. Anyone who hears you pronounce it must incorporate it in their next action, somehow`, `Word of Power (d20): 1. DANCE, 2. LIE, 3. YELL, 4. THROW, 5. LIVE, 6. TURN, 7. SPIN, 8. SLEEP, 9. LIVE, 10. BURN, 11. THINK, 12. SPEND, 13. SING, 14. LEAVE, 15. REMEMBER, 16. EAT, 17. PULL, 18. STRUGGLE, 19. HOLD, 20. IGNORE. Anyone who hears you pronounce it must incorporate it in their next action, somehow`, `Rune of (d8): 1. Fire, 2. Water, 3. Earth, 4. Air, 5. Lightning, 6. Acid, 7. Death, 8. Life. Affix to a weapon or source of power to create an elemental alignment`, `Rune of (d8): 1. Explosion (d10), 2. Locomotion, 3. Barrier, 4. Pain (d6 area), 5. Teleportation, 6. Magic (casts attached scroll or wand), 7. Summoning, 8. Dispelling. Requires magical fuel to recharge`, `[item] Wizard - d20: 1. Spider, 2. Silk, 3. Skull, 4. Drug, 5. Soul, 6. Gem, 7. Sword, 8. Gun, 9. Meat, 10. Glass, 11. Paper, 12. Music, 13. Gold, 14. Hair, 15. Booze, 16. Poison, 17. Door, 18. Cat, 19. Snake, 20. Rope. Start with three of your [item]. You can enchant and control them, but once a spell has been cast on it, further spells are risky and prone to go awry`, `[place] Wizard - d12: 1. Garden, 2. City, 3. Desert, 4. Ocean, 5. Tundra, 6. Dream, 7. Cloud, 8. Hell, 9. Mountain, 10. Space, 11. Filth, 12. Dungeon. You can summon the forces of your [place] to assist you. If you spend time in an area or spend d6 HP, the area becomes more in-tune with [place] `, `[action] Wizard - d12: 1. Punch, 2. Sleep, 3. Lurk, 4. Run, 5. Gaze, 6. Guide, 7. Think, 8. Mend, 9. Cook, 10. Dance, 11. Jump, 12. Plan. After you enact your [action] in a mundane and meaningful way, the next time it will be enchanted`, `[force] Wizard - d6: 1. Sun, 2. Moon, 3. Magnet, 4, Lightning, 5. Life, 6. Death, 7. Luck, 8. Math. You can redirect and manipulate the energy of your domain. If you take d6* damage, you can bring the energy into/from yourself and empower it`, `[random] Wizard - Roll four magic words, pick one. Whenever a situation occurs or you engage in magic, you can add that word to it`, `Magic Missile - 3 magic damage, hits unerringly. Can be used to strike objects`, `Acid Arrow - d6 acid damage to target you can see, then d4 each round until washed off or 4 is rolled`, `Shocking Grasp - d10 electric damage to held target, take d4 yourself`, `Firesnap - Create a small flame at will (d4), easily ignites flammable material (d6 ongoing)`, `Judgement - d6 radiant damage by lambasting someone for their sins`, `Dread Curse - d6 necrotic damage to a target who believes they will soon come to harm`, `Horrifying Thoughts - d4 psychic damage to everyone you communicate the thoughts to`, `Glacial Heart - d6 cold damage to anything you hold or breath upon`, `Unholy Miasma - d6 poison damage to every creature adjacent to you`, `Blasting Gaze - d6 fire+bludgeoning damage, but renders you blind for the next round`, `Magic Knucklebones - Implanted in the hand of your choice, deal d6 fire+poison damage, or d12 while holding a face. Only effects living creatures`, `Red Hand of Agony - One of your hands looks like it's been flensed and constantly drips blood. Anything living that you touch with it must either writhe in pain or take d8 damage each round`, `Mage Hand - Manipulate anything up to 30ft away with as much precision as yourself, one-handed, in a mitten. If a roll is needed, use CHA`, `Illusory Double - They can match you step for step, splitting apart on your signal. Die in a single strike, you'll need to hold a proper funeral for them to come back`, `Bird-in-the-Hand - You can summon and dispel a tiny magical bird that obeys your every command`, `Blinding Touch - Pick one of your hands. While it remains in contact with bare skin, you can decide if the target can see or not moment to moment`, `Cold Snap - Pick two of your fingers. When you snap them together, a nearby portion of liquid freezes solid. Must be visible`, `Hold Noise - Pick a hand. If you clench it at the same time someone speaks or something makes a noise, it is silent. When you release that hand, the noise issues forth`, `Talons of the Sea Witch - Pick a hand. You can turn blood, salt, sand, water or wine held in this hand into an equal amount of anything else on the list`, `Alter Self - So long as you keep all your muscles tensed (no attacks or taking damage) you can change your appearance to match that of someone else`, `Telepathy - You can speak into the mind of anyone you can see, they can reply if they make eye-contact with you`, `Shapeshifter - If you wrestle an animal to the ground and eat it, you can transform into it. The first round after you change forms, you are stricken by animal instincts. Touching silver deals you d6 damage while you are shifted`, `Skim Thoughts - You can read the strong surface thoughts and emotions of those around you. Targeting a specific person or thought requires your full concentration`, `Binder - Say the true name of a spiritual or undead being and give it a command. If it refuses, it takes 1d12 damage`, `Mage Shield - Block one attack as an action, so long as you can see the attack coming`, `Enthrall - Stare into the eyes of someone whose name you know, and give them a command, optionally with a condition. They will perform it, in a daze. If commanded to hurt themselves or someone else, they will snap out at the last moment`, `Subtle Hex - Cause bad things to happen to a superstitious target by describing them in gruesome detail`, `Ironic Hex - Through the use of a sympathetic link with the target, either prevent them from repeating an action they just took, or force them to repeatedly take it`, `Cruel Hex - Take 1 damage and force the target to choose, either take d10 damage or take a single concrete action of your choosing`, `Soul of Iron - Take 1d8 radiant damage to reroll a save against a spell, demonic attack, or soul-altering effect. You can take the damage as many times as you like, wounds you take appear as stigmata or premature ageing`, `Sacrosanct - Take d10 radiant damage in place of a mutation, disease, disfiguring injury or anything that would alter your body against your will`, `War-Form - You can transform at-will into a bestial oily monster with your face. +8 HP, two d8 attacks. Transforming back gets harder each time`, `Elemental Student - After you suffer a Scar from a source of elemental damage, you can learn to speak and eventually channel that element. Start with a mark from a random element`, `Witch-Thumb - Any seeds you plant grow to full adulthood and beyond within seconds and die within the hour. Nearby ground is rendered barren and no new seeds are produced`, `P E R I S H - Cause a mortal creature you can see and name to die horribly, or suffer a Fate Worse Than Death. This ability is incredibly noticeable to anybody with magical senses within a hundred leagues`, `Conduit of Chaos - You can use two magic items / abilities in a single round, the effects of both are fused together`, `Skindancer - By touching bare skin, you can transfer your soul into a new living body. Must be humanoid. +0 to all stats until you spend a day getting used to a new body`, `Shadow Arts - Taking an action to centre yourself (lasts until combat ends), and an action to leave your shadow behind, you can return to your shadow at any point in the next minute no matter where you are`, `Exploding Blasphemy Skulls - You can turn decapitated heads into improvised explosive devices`, `Void Soul - You are immune to magic. You can't see, touch, use or interact in any way with spells, scrolls, wand, some potions`, `Limited Wish - Beware the recoil of powerful wishes. One use`, `Flaming Blade - You can ignite any bladed weapon you hold, damages the weapon rapidly unless it is made of exotic metals`, `Tooth Demon - Crush a tooth (ritually, and with care) to deal the owner 1d20 damage`, `Grim Harvest - The round after an enemy dies, spend an action to harvest their soul. You can only hold one soul at a time, and fire it to deal damage (goblin = 1d6, ogre = 1d10, dragon = 1d20). You'll likely find other uses for harvested souls`, `Astral Projectionist - You can choose to dream of a specific location and see what is truly there. Beware, for your body is uninhabited for the duration...`, `Know-It-All - Whenever you declare something to be a fact, it "is" (it might actually be a cunning illusion, only temporary, much worse than you said, have a hidden cost, or require a sacrifice from you)`, `Flight - You can't carry anyone else or anything heavy, but you can definitely probably manage wobbly flight`, `Doom Treader - By spending some time meditating, you can view your own corpse from an alternate reality that died from something reasonably likely and nearby`, `Hell-Slave - You "own" an invisible murder machine, it can't go further away than eyeshot, d10 fire+slashing damage. If you die and have used it even once, it'll take your corpse on a joyride`, `Origamist - Animals you fold out of paper come to life and gently do your bidding`, `Fireball - Begin charging as an action. If you are struck before releasing it, it explodes in your face. Throw as another action, dealing d12 fire area. If you roll 10+ then your hand/spellbook/wand/staff is on fire as well`, `Conjure Lightning - 1d6 times per real storm, direct where a lightning bolt will go`, `Psychic Awakening - Your latent telekinesis is as strong, as precise and as dangerous as a drunk giant. d12 damage if used directly, control your temper`, `You cannot be killed be any man`, `If you would die "off-screen", you will return, subtly or overtly changed`, `Soulsmith - You can conjure an item from the memory of a newly-dead creature and make it "real". It contains their soul, which will gradually wither`, `Feathersmith - You know the art of turning materials like spider-web, gossamer, flowers, mouse-skin, glass, poetry into noble armour and weapons. The more frail, brittle, expensive and rare the material, the better`, `Divination - Perform your method and ask one question of the past or future. The more specific the question, the more vague the answer. Methods (1d8): 1. Entrails and animals, 2. Sky and stars, 3. Earth and plants, 4. The dead, 5. Symbols and coincidences, 6. Fire, 7. Water and waves, 8. Personal deity`, `Skulking Familiar - It lurks around you, nearby but never close. It leaves gifts and messages. It'll teach you secrets, if you can handle them`, `Wise Familiar - It sits on your shoulder or in your bag. It knows much, much more than it lets on. It can grant favours`, `Useless Familiar - It flops around like a dying fish. If it's killed, it'll return the next day`, `Wandering Familiar - It travels far, seeing all and remember everything. You might not see it for several days at a stretch, but it will be back`, `Hand of Vecna - Replaces your own, allows you to touch and hold magical spells, strong and tireless. Overusing the Hand has a 5% chance of allowing Vecna to consume your soul and possess your body`, `Eye of Vecna - Replaces your own, allows you to see magic and through some materials. Overusing the Eye has a 1-in-20 chance of allowing Vecna to consume your soul and possess your body`, `Dead Ringer - You can turn a drop of blood, strand of hair and a mound of clay into a temporary but exact corpse`, `Charmed Life - When you wake up and say "today is my lucky day", it begins. You succeed every check you attempt, take minimum damage from all attacks, and will generally be incredibly lucky, to the incredible detriment of everyone around you. If you are alone, it doesn't work`, `Basilisk Eyes - If you stare at someone and don't move, one of their limbs is paralysed `, `Inner World - You have a vivid internal dreamscape. Each second that passes outside can last up to a day within. You can bring someone else with you with a touch, but attacks to the dreamscape deal you psychic damage `, `Third Eye - Restricting or removing one of your senses bolsters one other, boosting a sense twice allows for magical effectiveness`, `Crestoclast - With a stare and both hands free to gesture, you can make worked objects to explode. The higher quality of the object, the shorter time taken. Fine art (sculptures and paintings) take a single round, while a plank of wood would take a whole day`, `Flame of Alexandria - You may set aflame any book, scroll or other piece of writing by concentrating on it and thinking evil thoughts`, `Disbelief Suspender - Your plans and inventions, no matter how implausible, work for at least 1d6 rounds, then reality catches up`, `"Tame" Imp - Invisible and a fan of showmanship, will move things, lift things, find things or burn things so long as you wear a fancy robe and proclaim your magical prowess`, `Clairvoyage - If you have a spell or ability that allows you to perceive something at a great distance, you can also touch it gently, and vice-versa`, `Disciple of the Desecrator - Feed your foul censer with flowers, herbs and butterflies to make it spew toxic gas. You can transfer diseases you suffer to someone else with a minute of skin contact`, `Star Whisperer - You can commune with the night sky to have a question answered or request a favour. You might not be the only one communing, so see who you meet Up There`, `Demonic Pact - As part of your arrangement, you'll be able to request favours from your patron. Don't owe too many favours when you die, or it'll go badly. Your patron might follow you around, if you are interesting`, `Faerie Aspect - In return for beautiful things, you become more beautiful. Beauty takes many forms. Perhaps you will as well`, `Abominable Glimpses - You can ask the your patron any question you like, but each answer causes you to lose your mind and turn into a gibbering wreck`, `Eldritch Form - You can mutate any part of your body to have it gain additional capabilities. You cannot reverse the procedure, and it will likely come with unexpected side-effects`, `Servant of the Forgotten King - Those who you officially outrank will always obey your commands, but you must do the same for your superiors. You can break a finger of an underling with a glance`, `Ancient Tongues - Whenever you hear anything making a noise or read any text, you can determine what mood it is in. Whether the creaking of trees, squeaking of rats or thunder and lighting, you can make a pretty good guess how it is feeling`, `Mother of Idols - If you carve an image of a god or goddess, it can speak on their behalf`, `Scion of Grandfather August - For each legitimate position of power you attain, you also gain a Talent or Arcana`, `Stormcaller - You know the name of a local wind. Flying is is easy, landing is hard`, `Hammer of the Gods - You can mould iron as if it were mud and steel as if it was clay. You can "soften" the metal further with your blood to allow very fine work and cutting edges`, `Psychometry - Touch an item to ask one yes/no question about it, works once per item, or again if you spend an hour/day/week meditating over it`, `Hexblade - You innately know what ritual will be required to turn a bladed weapon into a magical artefact, if at all possible. You can speak with any blade, but only while it is bathed in blood`, `Divine Intervention - Pray at a shrine or make a respectable sacrifice to block the next instance of [damage type] taken. Pray for a particular type, or rely on the grace of god. Your allies can also participate, but must uphold the principles of your deity`, `Divine Dregs - The last fragments of a godly power. Grants quiet, faded miracles. CHA check to have prayers fulfilled (rolled in secret), on a critical failure it is burned out forever`, `Volatile Spirits - Your soul can be expelled from your mouth into a trembling gas. In this form, your body appears to be in a coma, and if you are struck or subject to too strong a wind, you are obliterated. You can re-enter through the lungs of another living but mindless body`, `Guardian Angel - So long as all party members involved worship the same deity as you, one can save the other from death by praying over them, wailing etc. If they are already dead, dropping to 0 HP can grant them a last gasp and 1 HP`, `Share Burden - You can heal someone's injury by taking d12 radiant damage. This can't regrow limbs, but it can reattach them (if you're quick)`, `Battle Prayer - When you lead at least three allies in prayer, the ritual begins. So long as you keep praying, your teamwork is potent enough to deal d6 damage to an enemy. This increases by a die-size for every extra ally, or gain another d6 with three`, `Born under a Fateful Star - The first magic item you find is especially attuned to you and comes with a quest attached`, `Runic Flesh - You can scribe scrolls directly into your flesh. The process drops you to 0 HP and grants you a related magical ability`, `Overchannel - Lose half your HP to double the effect of a spell or magic item`, `Arcane "Researcher" - After you cause a magical disaster, next spell you cast or magic item you use has triple effect`, `Scroll Master - Scrolls you use have a 2-in-6 chance of being retained. This chance goes up by 1 if you are: wearing a pointy hat, wearing a cumbersome robe, wielding a staff or wand, in a runic circle, guided by another wizard`, `Scroll Scribe - If you have two scrolls, you can copy one and overwrite the other. You can fuse two scrolls into one enhanced version, or break them into component parts`, `Wand Expert - All wands you use are automatically empowered. If you also use a technique to enhance the wand, it'll go above and beyond normal limits but might need repairing`, `Spellgineer - You can reshape iron into a new form of your choosing with a touch and a thought, and teleport it short distances. Each of the previous techniques decays the quality of the metal a step (steel > iron > potmetal > rust). You can't use this ability on potmetal or rust`, `Phlogistonist - You can transmute energy from one form to another. The known types of energy are Kinetic, Potential, Alkatyc (inorganic chemical), Biotic (organic chemical), Electric, Thermal, Radiation. Converting energy in a rush (such as in combat) has a random output`, `Timber Visage - If you carve your face into a piece of wood, you can shut off your other senses and transfer them to the wooden version. Cannot create a new visage one until the first is completely destroyed`, `Embrace the Flame - Take 1 damage to light something you can see on fire`, `Shadow Squire - Send your shadow on errands, you have half HP until it gets back. Cannot use this ability in bright light or pitch darkness`, `Fleshcrafter - Brew up a "potion" using parts from three different monsters. Random effect, but after that you've learned a recipe. Creatures under the effect of your "potions" don't react well to magical healing`, `Biomancer - Move mutations between two creatures. At least one creature must be stationary or willing. Each mutation can only be moved once ever`, `War Wizard - Choose an element type. Deal up to d12 damage with your chosen element. At the end of combat, suffer the highest damage die you used`, `Truenamer - Collect 15 letter tiles. If you arrange them into a word or short phrase, the universe will bend to make it come true, if only barely. You can change any number of letters at dawn. Reusing the same word allows angels to track you`, `Unbound Potential - One game rule doesn't apply to you, or alternatively, applies to you in a drastically limited way`, `Conductress - If you touch a wire of pure metal, gold works best, silver less, iron almost never, you can teleport in a flash to anywhere along that wire`, `Nearly Unlimited Power - Drop to 0 HP to gain a d12 electric attack. Lasts until you stop firing`, `Golemist - You can grant life to sculptures you create. They animate for however long was spent working on them x3, it's difficult to spend more than a minute working on common clay or stacked rocks`, `Henge-Shaper - Constructing a stone monument allows you to animate a golem 1/10th the size. Only one golem at a time`, `Conjurer of Cheap Tricks - You control three invisible spirits. One is a blob with two legs, one is a blob with one arm, and one is a blob with three eyes and a gaping mouth. You can use a blood sacrifice to summon them to your side if they get left behind. Magical reagents might improve their capability`, `Figmentalist - Your dreams have a 1-in-20 chance of manifesting into reality as a figment. This increases if you are under stress or have seen strange things. +10 if you are hallucinating. You can "kill" a figment by ignoring it or forgetting about it, so they will sometimes obey you`, `Congregation of the Swarm - All insects you can see obey your wordless orders`, `Mirror Transportation - When you stand between two mirrors, you can teleport to any other pair of highly-reflective surfaces that you know about`, `Runescribe - You can bind minor magical effects into runes etched on any hard surface. The runes are as capable as a highly-trained invisible bird, and deal a max of 1 damage`, `Gestalt Being - Your identity can be spread between up to three willing entities. You can swap between entities at-will, but only control one at a time`, `Broodmother - You can turn a ration into a mostly-loyal minion. A crowd of X minions can deal 1dX damage, and an attack dealing X damage kills X minions`, `While you hold your breath, you or something you hold weighs as much as a feather. If you are hit by an attack while holding your breath, you either have to breath out, or take x2 damage`, `If you unlock a door with a key from a different door, it leads to the original room. This might cause extra-dimensional creatures and/or spaces to crop up`, `If you enter a (d4): 1. Statue, 2. Tree, 3. Pool of water, 4. Machine, you can emerge from another that you can see`, `Drop to 0 HP to summon your Guardian Spirit, a (d4): 1. Burning, 2. Acid, 3. Huge, 4. Nightmare, (d4): 1. Angel, 2. Demon, 3. Ancestor, 4. Beast`, `When you wear someone's skull, other people see you as them`, `The Longer Way - You can teleport while you aren't being watched, but you age 1d4! months each time`, `Sacrifice a sentient creature to cause your specific type of natural disaster (d4): 1. Earthquake, 2. Storm, 3. Flood, 4. Wildfire. The more sacrifices you make, the worse the event`, `Animate Object - You can animate an object with a touch, but only one object at a time. It'll obey your orders and be able to move, potentially just by flying (badly). You can de-animate the object with another touch`, `Servitor Spirit - Roll for two strengths and a weakness. Duplicates indicate a complication or condition (3xd20): 1. Create, 2. Destroy, 3. Maim, 4. Protect, 5. Break, 6. Mend, 7. Grab, 8. Throw, 9. Detect, 10. Locate, 11. Identify, 12. Consume, 13. Hide, 14. Reveal, 15. Swim, 16. Fly, 17. Burrow, 18. Sprint, 19. Blaspheme, 20. Sanctify`, `Swordcaster - So long as your hands have been bound for a full day, you can have three swords levitate around you. If your hands have been bound for a week/month/year you can carry an additional sword, and levitate in place`, `Homunculator - You have a "pet" homunculus that you made (6 HP, d6 claw). It can always be healed, so long as it isn't shredded, melted, or burned to a crisp. It's as smart and obedient as a very well-trained dog, and can be modified further`, `The Door - You can create two-way portals from your mouth to somewhere you can think of very clearly. If you are interrupted while using the portal, something horrible will happen`, `Metamagician - You can modify spells you touch (and to a lesser extent, see) as if you were the caster. The caster of a spell often finds it easier to dispel their own magic`, `When you ritually sacrifice an item, usually burning it to ash, you create a spectral version that can interact with ghosts and spells`, `Despoiling Touch - If you focus while touching something, it suffers as if it has been submerged in a fetid swamp for a day per round. This deals up to d8 necrotic damage if you are touching important fleshy bits and is really gross`, `Soul Gaze - Looking into someones eyes allows you to ask their subconscious questions. For each question you ask, they get to ask you one back`, `Hasten Catastrophe - If a natural disaster or mishap is approaching, you can cause it to happen as soon as you wish`, `Essence Thief - You know how to steal the nature of an object with a glance and a deft twist. The base material is left behind, bereft of shadow and purpose, while the true nature remains in your grasp`, `Wizard Vision - At a thought, you can detect if something is an illusion, invisible, shape-shifted, or a spellcaster. The price is either your sanity, as you reject the etheropelagic visions, or your empathy as your are alienated from normal lifeforms`, `If you recite a passage of (un)holy scripture, something nearby will come to represent it. Recitations usually take a full round`, `Curse Eater - Each curse you suffer from a new source grants you a related ability. Start with a curse, if you want`, `Arcphager - When you eat a magic item, you can make a CHA check to take control of it. Otherwise, it activates immediately`, `Colour Mage`, `Battlemage`, `Sorcerer - Reality bends to your desire. Your wishes towards things you can perceive are granted while you focus on them. Simple and subtle effects have a 1-in-100 of causing you to explode. Most "spell-like" effects have a 1-in-20 chance. If the wish is truly ridiculous, large or permanent, this increases to 1-in-6. Exploding drops you to 0 HP, deals 1d20 damage to everything near you, destroys 1d4 limbs and removes this ability`, ], "Colour Mage": [ `Red Mage - When you use a spell or magic item on a target, you can choose for them to suffer a random mishap`, `Blue Mage - If you've been struck by a spell or magic item, you can replicate it once`, `White Mage - Spells and magic items that deal damage have an alternate, beneficial use in your hands`, `Black Mage - Anything you kill with a spell or magic item rises as an undead creature`, `Yellow Mage - You can see from the location where a spell or magic item hits`, `Green Mage - If you are touching wooden or plant material, you can cast spells or magic items from any point along it`, `Purple Mage - You can enter the dreams of anything you have hit with a spell or magic item`, ], "Battlemage": [ `AXEORCIST - If you kill something with an axe or large slashing weapon, the next attack made with it deals 1d20 damage to undead (and they can tell, even mindless undead are afraid of you)`, `HEXECUTIONER - When you hit a target with an attack, you can inflict them with a curse you are suffering from. Start with three random curses`, `SOOTHSLAYER (also known as GOREACLE) - Your attacks with piercing weapons puncture straight through armour, especially the magical kind. Killing with a piercing weapon shows you a vision from its past, studying its entrails will give you a glimpse of the future`, `ENCHANTERMINATOR (also known as MAN-AT-CHARMS) - For each mind-affecting enchantment you are under, you can ignore one penalty or restriction (for example, the need for food, or being manacled)`, `MASSACREGICIAN - Deal +d6 explosive/poison damage with attacks. If the d6 is lower than the other dice, it remains in the area as a piece of potential violence. When handled, has a 1-in-6 chance of exploding for d6 explosive/poison`, `KILLUSIONIST - You can create illusory weapons that deal damage to anyone that can perceive them. The more they believe the weapons are real, the more damage they can deal`, `NECROMANSLAUGHTERER - Anything you kill rises as a zombie or skeleton. You control the latest one, the rest go feral`, `SWORDSERER - Swords and sword-like things sing useful knowledge to you and must pass a CHA save (the swords, not the wielders) in order to strike you`, `MARKSMEDIUM - You can perceive as if standing on the head of any projectile you fire while it is in flight, and cause it to change direction once`, `METEOBRAWLOGIST - Your fists deal 1d6 and inflict current-weather-related effects on whatever you punch (to scale: light rain gets things a little wet, blizzards freeze things solid)`, `TRANSMUTILATOR - When you stitch, weld, tape, or otherwise affix body parts in relatively good condition to someone, they function as though they were actually part of their body`, ], "Weird Mutation": [ `Strange Blood - Blood is replaced with (1d8): 1. Weak poison, 2. Saltwater, 3. Glue, 4. Clay, 5. Sand, 6. Sap, 7. Honey, 8. Milk`, `Even Stranger Blood - Blood is replaced with (1d12): 1. Fire, 2. Sound, 3. Even more blood (unlimited), 4. Light, 5. Tiny people, 6. Teeth, 7. Eyeballs, 8. Failed potions, 9. Glass, 10. Spiders, 11. Writing, 12. Ants`, `Wyrd Eye - d8: 1. Red dot shows wherever you are looking, 2. Black orb, weeps oil, 3. Red, glows in the dark, 4. Orbits head, empty socket, 5. Green and wobbly, becomes a slime if you die, 6. Grey and milky, sees shadows and souls only, 7. Blue, random location, 8. Cyclops`, `Additional Eye - d6: 1. Forehead, 2. Palm, 3. Stalk, 4. Back of head, 5. Tongue, 6. Cluster on face`, `Eldritch Marks - d6: 1. Blue star on forehead, 2. Grey spots and lines, like constellations, glow faintly at night, 3. Silver lines around eyes, 4. Glowing red circle on forehead, 5. Chest covered with sigils, burned, scarred, 6. Fingertips leave neon traces`, `Weird Mouth - d6: 1. Vertical, 2. Filter feeder, 3. Mandibles, 4. Many tongues, 5. Extends down your neck, 6. Second internal jaw`, `Weird Arm - d4: 1. Lobster claw, 2. Whip-like tendril, 3. Floating hand, 4. Grey and twisted`, `Modified Leg - d6: Goat-like, 2. Gelatinous, 3. Backwards, 4. Detachable, 5. Wheeled, 6. Rotating`, `Noxious Gland - Your saliva is (d4): 1. Acid, 2. Wax, 3. Flammable, 4. Gluey, 5. Ink black, 6. Incredibly accurate`, `You cry (d4): 1. Oil, 2. Blood, 3. Fog, 4. Tiny fish`, `Odd Teeth - d4: 1. Glowing, 2. Metal, 3. Glass, 4. Rotating`, `Exceptional Tongue - Your tongue is strong and prehensile and as long as your arm`, `One of your arms is invisible. Not gone, just completely transparent`, `Quadruple Jointed - One of your arms has an extra two elbows`, `Bloodline - A random bodypart is improved, as they were in the ancient times. Roll d12 on the list of Scars, the first time you'd get that result, lose the improvement instead`,`Hidden compartment in chest`, `Retractable Head - It sucks all the way into your chest`, `Owl Neck - Your head can spin around completely`, `Trollblooded - You can regrow fingers, toes, noses, ears etc. but you'll be exceptionally hungry afterwards`, `Water Breathing - You can breath underwater. Duh. You can't heal HP in very dry environments`, `Hallucinogenic Blood - Roll 1d6 if splashed, drunk or sprayed into eyes: 1. Arms made of snakes, 2. Metal is delicious, 3. Ants in your eyes, 4. In the emperor's harem, 5. Slowly turning to sand and trickling away, 6. Everything is going reeeeally sloooowly`, `Temple Body - Your body will never rot. You are immune to gangrene and some other diseases`, `Feign Death - You have no perceptible body heat, heartbeat or breathing`, `Squid Arm - You have three boneless tendrils replacing one arm`, `Luminescent Flesh - You have coloured patches on your body, they glow when you concentrate`, `Chromatic Flesh - 1d6: 1. Red, 2. Orange, 3. Yellow, 4. Green, 5. Blue, 6. Purple`, `Horns - 1d4 of them, sprouting from your head`, `Daily Organ Failure - Disadvantage against poison and illness, but neither can ever kill you`, `Goldfinger - Your fingers are made of gold, but are still usable as fingers. Valuable, but never grow back`,`Snakes for Hair`, `Gunshot Joints - When you crack your knuckles, it makes an incredibly loud sound`, `Dragon-Sneeze - You sneeze flame`, `Lightning Rod - Iron spike from head. Immune to electric damage. Triple damage from magic`, `Candelabra Head - 2d6 brass arms grow from your head. Can hold candles, potions, or amulets`, `Incredible Beard - Filters airborne poisons and gasses, self-cleaning, carefully cultivated ecosystem`, `Southpaw - You have two left hands and two left feet`,`Tusks`, `Spined - Two locations (2x1d6): 1. On your face, 2. On your knees and elbows, 3. Down your back, 4. Along your arms, 5. Random, 6. On your tail (which you now have)`, `Wings - Delicate, require near-constant grooming, you glide much better than you fly`, `Toad Mode - You can shoot your tongue out like a sticky whip`, `Shark-ish - You grow a new razor-sharp tooth every day. Make sure it has room!`, `Tough As Nails - If you suffer an injury you'll clot in seconds and scar in minutes. Surgery is nearly impossible, but you'll never die from blood-loss`, `Tougher Than Nails - Sharp weapons will splinter if thrust directly into your flesh. Same damage as normal`, `Hammer-Fist - One of your hands has been replaced with a simple tool (d4): 1. Hammer, 2. Saw, 3. Shovel, 4. Pliers`, `Prosthetic Arm - Made of (1d6): 1. Blackened bone, 2. Sturdy wood, 3. Deft china, 4. Delicate clockwork, 5. Carved marble, 6. Alchemical glass`, `Poison Spot - Blue coin-sized spot on your stomach. Anyone that touches it will probably die`, `Hinged Head - Enormous toothy grin ear-to-ear. Head opens like a box`, `Spit Teeth - d8 damage, but you've only got 30`, `Helpful Tentacles - Two tendrils sprout from your shoulders, one red, one blue. They try, badly, to help`, `Wizard Rage - While angry, you temporarily grow fangs and a frilled red neck crest`, `Wizard Eyebrows - They glow when you experience strong emotions and sometimes shoot sparks`, `Musical Flesh - You ring like a bell when struck`, `Glowing Tongue - While yelling or screaming, your tongue glows as brightly as a lantern`, `Slaughter Brand - When you kill something, your arm twists into a vicious claw (d8 slashing). It reverts to normal at dusk`, `Platinum Bones - No heavier than normal, exceptionally valuable`, `Poison Breath - You can breath any toxin with impunity, but those sharing a confined space with you will eventually take d4 poison damage`, `Devouring Maw - Your jaw can stretch to impossible sizes`, `All of your limbs can pop apart at the joints`, `Vomish - Your feeble flesh has been blessed/infected with replicating machinery. A random body part is a fusion of wires, dials, tubes, metal and meat`, `Three-pronged metal claw in place of a hand. No joints, it just bends when you focus on it`, `You can eat and digest stone without issue or much nutrition, fossils are tasty`, `Metal Blood - Instead of the trace amounts of iron in your blood, you have (d6): 1. Copper, 2. Silver, 3. Gold, 4. Mercury, 5. Phosphorous, 6. Lots of iron (you clot rust)`, `Plaguebearer - You never take damage from a disease, but the duration is x10. If you intentionally infect somebody, you can reduce or eliminate a symptom of a disease`, `Burning Blood - You bleed hot oil. If you are experiencing a powerful emotion, it's boiling oil. You're immune to the effects of hot liquid, but not fire`, `Thunder Guts - You vomit lightning, d10 electric`, `Gem-Scarred - You have a large gem embedded in your (1d4): 1. Forehead, 2. Neck, 3. Spine, 4. Hand. It can't be removed without seriously injuring you`, `Your whole body is a superconductor`, `Your skin always projects the colour you are feeling, if you touch someone, so does theirs`, `You can emanate a pleasant, exotic, spicy smell whenever you like`, `Resonance - You can sing loudly enough to shatter glass`, `Gimme a Hand - Can remove and reattach your hand. You can still control it while it's detached`, `Shed Flesh - Your wounds do not visually heal, and you feel no pain from external damage. This has no mechanical effect on damage and healing`, `Goblinoid - Your bones are cartilage, you can only eat meat and you can smell as well as a dog`, `Porcelain Flesh - Take double bludgeoning damage, half from fire. You can use golden filigree to scribe spells into your flesh`, `Ooze Flesh - Take double slashing damage, half from acid. You can squeeze yourself through any gap given enough time, but it may be a very long time going through gaps smaller than your head`, `Crystalline Flesh - Take double piercing damage, half from poison. You can reflect any light-based attack or ray spell`, `Earth Flesh - You can plant seeds under your skin, neither you nor the plant are harmed by this process`, `Metal Bones - You are incredibly hard to knock over, and sink like a stone in water`, `Stone Skin - You are immune to fire, and have disadvantage on swimming and running`, `Reptilian - So long as you are warm, you can consume rotten meat and brackish water with impunity. Being very cold prevents you from healing at all`, `Deep Roots - Parts of your body is green and leafy. With age, your skin will turn to bark. With time, your feet might turn to roots. So long as you have enough water, sunlight and clean air, you won't need food`, `Fungible - You eat via sticking your limbs into rotting flesh and topsoil. Alcohol is poisonous to you. You might learn how to control your sporulation`, `Rubbery Nature - Your flesh is moist and elastic, capable of stretching into odd protuberances and squishing into strange forms `, `Easily Modified - Your body responds to limb or organ replacements exceptionally well, just stitch it on/in and away you go`, `Blighted One - Your rotting flesh can be sealed up with mud and squashed bugs`, `Lungs Were A Mistake - If you wish, you can take on any amphibious/aquatic traits you like. This cannot be reversed`, `Clockwork Heart - You require a powerful motive force in order to wind up and heal, like rushing wind, flowing water, electricity. You are immune to poison, undeath, soul-magics etc.`, `Really Good Dog - You are a dog. You can understand the words of your allies and anyone they are talking to, but if you are interacting with NPCs alone, you are pretty clueless`, `Very Cunning Hat - You are a sentient hat that has mind-controlled a host. It takes you about an hour to get full control over a new body`, `Enchanted Blade - You are a magical weapon that can mentally dominate anyone you stab or are wielded by. You have +0 STR and DEX and half max HP until you spend a full day attuning to a new body`, `Worm that Walks - You are a large colony of worms disguised as a single person`, `Dead - You are undead. You don't need to eat, drink, breath, sleep. You'll start rotting soon, and you'll need to replace bits of your body, mind and soul`,`Two Goblins in a Big Coat`, ], "Weird Soul": [ `Not All There - 1-in-20 people believe you are a hallucination. They will persist stubbornly despite evidence`, `Names of people you kill appear on your skin`, `Haunted - The last creature you killed haunts you until you replace them with another ghost`, `Guide Wires - If about to fall over, wires and clamps leap from ears. Cannot be knocked prone`, `Ferric Nature - You are slightly magnetic`, `Voice of the Gods - When attempting to intimidate or impress others, there is a 1-in-6 chance thunder rolls off in the distance`, `Sleepless - You don't, and can't, sleep`, `Vampirism - You don't need to eat, sleep, or breath, but you must drink blood. Allergic to sunlight. Powers and weaknesses develop as you drink more people`, `Burning Mind - Anything that reads your mind takes 1d6 psychic damage. If you somehow gain telepathy, thought projection etc. this has the same effect`, `Second Opinion - Your arm has a mind of its own. It can help make decisions, but it fundamentally disagrees with you on some key issues`, `Betrayer - You have horns, and deal double damage to allies`, `Elven Attitude - No wild animal will harm you unprovoked, and are apt to follow you or even help. You take 1 damage if you openly apologise, or are forced to interact with something ugly or distasteful`, `Heartspell - Learn a random spell, embedded within your soul and changing your appearance. You can cast it by taking 1d6 damage, or perform minor tricks with it`, `Homunculus - You are immune to any spells that have to target a person, and can be brought back to life (or something like it) given enough medical attention. You take 1d6 damage if you disobey a direct order from anybody`, `Seraphic - When you are experiencing powerful emotions, you manifest two of (2x1d6): 1. Glowing aura, 2. Halo, 3. Wreath of eyes, 4. Choral accompaniment, 5. Luminous eyes, 6. Reverberating voice`,`Imaginary Friend`, `Soulless`, `Voice of Prophecy - You can speak in dramatic and bizarre tones at will. No matter what you say, everyone will listen, be careful you don't get a sore throat`, `Tears of Mercy - Your tears (and also blood) soothe pain and hurt`, `Mystic Name-tag - Everyone who sees you knows your name`, `Open Soul - Glowing blue mark on forehead, double the effect of all spells both positive and negative`, `Encephalovore - Eat the brains of sentient creatures to learn their memories. Eating too many will start over-writing your own memories`, `Portable Heart - Your heart has fallen out. You can only feel emotions while it's within 10ft of you`, `Mighty Thoughts - Your hair stands on end whenever you think difficult thoughts`, `Wizard Voice - Mouth moves out of sync with speech, as if speaking a different language`, `Curse Palm - If you slap someone very hard in the face, they must Save or gain a runic scar`, `Mirror Face - Your face appears to be that of whoever you are talking to`, `Geometric Shadow - Your shadow is a perfect rectangle`, `Everything is On Fire - When you suffer from any madness, everything catches on fire`, `Commemorative Scars - Each time you are hit with a spell, are almost killed, or achieve a great feat, another scar forms`, `Summonable - If you are asleep or dead, your spirit can be summoned by someone who knows your true name`, `Mark of the Wanderer - Anyone who kills you, injures you or deals you 10+ damage in an attack takes 1d20 damage. If you stay in a house or settlement, all crops and herds nearby will be gradually blighted`, `Dark Halo - A triangle of vibrant black hovers over your head`, `Transform into a (d4): 1. Raven, 2. Snake, 3. Dog, 4. Rat, by dropping to 0 HP. Cannot regain HP until you transform back`, `Pseudo-Midas - When you touch (d6) it slowly turns into (d6): 1. Glass, 2. Wood, 3. Copper, 4. Marble, 5. Bone, 6. Gold`, `Anything that tries to drain your soul takes d20 damage`, `A carpet of plants sprouts where you walk, fading away to nothing if they can't survive`, `Thrall of the North - Any water that touches your bare skin freezes`, `Foreign Theology - You know the layout of Heaven like it's the next city over`, `Horrific Visage - Your appearance in reflection is bestial, rotting and monstrous`, `Overlord - You emanate an aura of Pure Evil. It withers plants, scares small animals, and makes children cry. It's very difficult to turn it off`, `The Strangest Dream - While asleep, your character can speak directly with you, the player`, `Spirit Confession - Touch someone to learn if they have killed another sentient creature in the last 24 hours`, `Sensitive Inner Ear - Always know the destination of portals and other teleportation devices. You're also immune to tele-fragging or being sliced by closing portals`, `Powerful Name - It echoes and reverberates whenever pronounced`, `Stubborn - If a spell or magical effect is targeted directly at you, and you alone, it doesn't work. If your head is completely shaven, this effect is lost until your hair or beard regrows`, `You perpetually hover a number of inches off the ground equal to the number of quests you have completed`, `Purification - Your kisses can undo curses. Particular horrid curses might be inflicted upon you in turn, but you'll know this before you try`, `Essence Vessel - If you are possessed by a demon or angel, you remain on roughly equal footing in terms of controlling your body`, `Gnomish Trick - You can turn invisible if you hold your breath, stay very still, and close your eyes`, `Fey Mood - You know how to create an artefact of considerable value. If you aren't making progress on it each month, you risk madness`, `Cosmic Awareness - You can detect disturbances in the universe. It's not particularly useful`, `Peace of Mind - By closing your eyes, you can nullify as many of your senses as you wish`, `Forked Tongue - When you talk or write something down, you can communicate two things simultaneously, choosing who receives what`, `Accursed Fleshprison - Your bones regrow with a snap at 4 AM every morning. If they are exposed to the air, they might try and escape`, `Fire Is Life - Fire affects you like it was water. Water affects you like it was fire`, `God-Inheritor - You were meant to bear the mantle of a deity, your body perfect and mind replaced, but something went wrong. You are immune to disease, mutation and ageing, but anything that tries to possess you or casts a spell at you will replace your brain... again...`, `Angelic Follower`, ], "Angelic Follower": [ `Angel of War - You are followed around by an invisible angel. How does it appear to you? If a worthy foe would attempt to flee from you, the angel will trip them and help you catch up, but you'll have to do the real fighting. You'll have to do a lot of real fighting, or the angel will arrange fights for you`, `Angel of Omens - You are followed around by an invisible angel. How does it appear to you? It will tell you how you should feel, "BE NOT AFRAID" or "BE VERY AFAIRD" or "BE VERY AFRAID FAR AWAY FROM HERE"`, `Angel of Peace - You are followed around by an invisible angel. How does it appear to you? If you are in serious danger, you can beg them for help, and they will take you somewhere else that you are more deserving to be`, `Angel of Light - You are followed around by an invisible angel. How does it appear to you? When you ask, they will make something holy glow (not including themselves)`, `Angel of Jubilation - You are followed around by an invisible angel. How does it appear to you? When you do something nice for someone else, they will enjoy it three times as much`, `Angel of Sanctuary - You are followed around by an invisible angel. How does it appear to you? If you ask, it will take something out of reality for a time. For that thing, no time passes, and nothing changes. The angel can only remove one thing at a time, and you age twice as fast in the meantime`, `Angel of Industry - You are followed around by an invisible angel. How does it appear to you? If you are making something, it acts as an extra pair of hands`, ], "Weird Death": [ `A Gentleman's Agreement - When you die, you can choose to come back as a ghost`, `Avenging Angel - When you die, an angel bursts from your corpse and slays everything`, `Living Bomb - When you die, explode for 1d20 damage`, `A Dream Within A Dream - When you die, you'll wake up in the real world`, `Martyr - Anything that kills you must save or die`, `Second Chance - Instead of dying, a random nearby ally takes your place. Works once`, `Dramatic Corpse - In the second before your death, you turn into a statue (only works once, if that ever matters)`, `Merely A Shell For The Horrors Within - When you die, transform into something truly terrible and magnificent`, `Eternal Rest - When you die, your soul will exit your body in a pillar of flame and become a new star`, `Transmigration - When you die, your spirit will become meshed with that of the nearest small animal`, `Circle of Life - If you are eaten by an animal, your soul will become meshed with it`, `Arboreal Fate - You grow into a tree when you die`, `Memorial Bones - When you die, your skeleton will twist into a tombstone detailing your name, life, death and last words`, `Deliverance - If you were are on an important mission when you die, your ghost can possess someone nearby to finish the mission`, `Bought and Paid For - When you die, something will take over your body if it isn't too damaged`, `Death Curse - Anyone that kills you suffers a curse of your choosing`, `Headstrong - If you are decapitated, your body will run off on its own, and follow its own agenda`, `DOOMED - You will die in seven days. Until then, you are immune to Fear, Disease, Stun, broken bones, poison, unholy magic, taxation and instant death effects`, ], "Weird Situation": [ `Slime living symbiotically in your digestive tract`,`No belly button`, `Noble - So long as you maintain your high class standards, block the first disease you would suffer from`, `Happy - Instead of suffering from a madness, lose this ability and have a morose revelation instead`, `Ride Along - You are two creatures in one. Your internal ally is hungry, fast, an excellent fighter (d8, +d6 HP) and barely controllable. Decide what form they take`, `Surprise! - Confetti shoots out of any container you open for the first time`, `Addict - If you resist an obvious opportunity to get your fix, you can't heal until you get some. You can easily mask any phobias, insanities or debilities when you are suitably satisfied`, `Pious - You can pray instead of eating food, but you might still die of starvation. If you have been cursed or sinful, you must atone/confess before you can heal`, `Frayed Nerves - Automatically fail all saves against madness and fear, automatically succeed on all checks to recover from it. There's nothing so terrifying that you can't sleep it off`, `Empty Headed - You are immune to learning, common sense, madness, fear, mind-reading and sin`, `Blindsight - You can sense the location, position and temperament of every object and creature within 30ft. Otherwise, you are blind`, `Deaf - You can lipread perfectly and can sign with one hand`, `Old - You walk a little slower, but nothing can ever slow you down further`, `Were-Human - You were once a happy mindless animal, now you have been cursed and transformed into a human`, `Continuous Nightmares - You always awaken in a cold sweat, and possibly screaming. They are a little prophetic on occasion`, `Star-Kissed - Meteorites and shooting stars will fall on/near you, given half a chance`, `Rain or snow will not fall on you`,`You are invisible to dogs`, `Dungeon Dreamer - If you fall asleep in an underground chamber, you dream of the Eclipsed Kingdom on the Dark Side of the Moon. If you are killed there, you will awaken unharmed (though shaken)`, `Followed by a Door - Whenever you look for it, it's there. Waiting for you to open it. Be careful, since you'll only have one chance at whatever is inside...`, `Changeling - You are a child of the fae, a doppelganger sent to take the place of a real child`, `Demigod - Your parent was a very very minor deity, meaning you have "absolute" control over an aspect of their realm`, `One Thousand Lives, Once More - You've been reincarnated hundreds, if not thousands of times. Perhaps you'll find out why this time`, `Toad Vassal - Whenever you go looking for it, and often when you aren't, you find a cow-sized intelligent toad. It will provide inscrutable advice and bizarre tasks. You've never seen it move, yet somehow, it's still right there...`, `Spirit of Fate - You have been imprisoned in this world as a mere mortal. All supernatural creatures treat you as an important person, though many will mock your predicament`, `Lady of the Fell House - You "own" one room in every dungeon, or one room in every floor of a mega-dungeon`, `Add d6 letters and d4 apostrophes/hyphens to your name. One of your eyes is a different colour. If there are any prophecies going on nearby, they are probably about you`, `You are the body double of a deceased royal`, `Once-Dead - Whenever you are at 0 HP, you can see and talk to the Grim Reaper who has been assigned to you. It's job is to make sure your soul doesn't escape again, because that would be hugely embarrassing for everyone involved`, `You are constantly followed by a statue. It moves behind you whenever nobody is paying attention. It cannot be restrained or permanently damaged`, `Sea-Fiend - While near the ocean, it is likely to manifest an immense tendril of water`, `Pure of Heart - Anyone that eats your heart is cured of all diseases and curses`, `Head Slime - Your skull and face have been digested by an ooze, leaving your eyes and brain floating around`, `Psychic Mirror - If you suffer from a mind-altering effect, the caster suffers the result as well`, `Dark Sibling - Your shadow moves on its own, sometimes leaving you for days at a time`, `Disgusting Digestion - Anyone watching you eat must save or vomit`, `Great and Terrible Burden - Start with an Artefact or Arcana of your choice, but if you use it even once, gain a curse. The curse worsens with each additional use`, `Owed a small favour from a prescient mage. Once you decide what you want for it, turn over a rock (or equivalent). Has to be something someone could have placed there many years ago`, `Merchant Magnetism - Wherever you go on a journey, you can always find someone willing to buy and sell goods`, `Dues ex Conludium - Once, ever, you can guarantee that something exceedingly improbable happens. At the very least, this can negate an attack or critically succeed at a check. However, it must have a non-zero chance of happening to begin with`, `Background Fade - When determining an effect that will target one member of the party randomly, you will never be selected`, `Saintly - You haven't committed a sin in your entire life so far`, `Botched Internal Compass - You can always choose to get lost, even when it should be impossible`, `Scion of Hell - You know how to contact a particular demon. They are unlikely to respond immediately`, `In any garden with a wall, a chalk drawing of a door labelled with "Ynn, by way of [location]" will become a door when unobserved. It leads to the Gardens of Ynn`, `In any space containing a collection of books larger than can be seen from the entrance, the walls of reality grow thin. If somebody has died in that space, you will be able to find an unmarked, locked door leading to the Stygian Library`, `If you sleep after taking the right drugs (or wrong drugs, or get drunk as hell) or even during a full moon, you enter the Dreamscape. This is a dream shared by all those who inhabit it, and persists after you awaken. It is full of imprints and figments and ephemera and hopes and fears and madness`, `Pacifism Run - Gain an Arcana. If you ever kill or help kill any living thing, you lose it and are cursed. You can share this with other allies, but if any of you break it, it applies to the whole group`, `Trust the Flesh Run - Gain a Talent. If you ever wear armour or use healing magic, you lose it and are cursed. You can share this with other allies, but if any of you break it, it applies to the whole group`, `Yer A Wizard Run - Swap all armour and weaponry for cumbersome robes and three spells you can cast at-will. If you demean yourself with brute labour, armour, or actions otherwise unbefitting a wizard, you lose a spell. Any other ally can also be a wizard`, `Blessing of Pain - The first time you drop to 0 H{, your trial begins. You can't die from ordinary damage, but every blow automatically causes a Scar. If you ever heal, lose this ability`, `Godparent`, ], "Godparent": [ `Godchild of The Moon - You have a shield of perfectly reflective silver, it comes to your hand with a word`, `Godchild of The Moon - Learn the language and tongue of the songbirds, they will be your everlasting friends`, `Godchild of The Sun - Once, while you can see your godfather, borrow your godfather's chariot to transport yourself, your twenty closest friends, and a caravan of supplies to any point He can see. You won't get a second chance until you do the Sun a major favour`, `Godchild of The Sun - Clap your hands and lose 1 HP, glow with noon sunlight for 10 seconds`, `Godchild of The Rain - Rainwater always trickles towards whatever you're looking for`, `Godchild of The Rain - Lightning always strikes near you, but not directly on you`, `Godchild of The Ocean - Receive an algae-coated chest containing 750 doubloons and jewellery worth 250 gold. This is booty freshly freed from one of the many bloody wars fought under the waves`, `Godchild of The Ocean - Shout a message into any body of water and the next time your intended recipient is by water, they will hear you and be able to dictate a reply`, `Godchild of Winter - By scowling at a tomb or building, you chill its halls. After an hour of staring, it becomes unbearably cold inside`, `Godchild of Winter - Your heart is cold and cruel. Make an Offhand Remark to someone to cause them to despise you and 1d4-1 other people of your choice. Lasts until your next Offhand Remark`, `Godchild of The Devil - Receive a fraying burlap sack, just big enough to fit a squirming adult inside. Anything within cannot escape`, `Godchild of The Devil - Your godfather takes time out of his schedule to teach you how to summon hellfire with a whistle, (1d6 damage, spreads quickly) but only if you promise never to extinguish a fire again`, `Godchild of a Bored Fairy - Call out to your godmother, and she'll turn an animal you've been taking care of for at least a day into a humanoid, (deeply confusing it)`, `Godchild of a Bored Fairy - A tin of three old biscuits. If someone accepts one offered as a gift, they must grant your their most prized possession`, `Godchild of a Witch - The familiar of your godparent likes to follow you around and set you tasks and challenges`, `Godchild of a Witch - You can use the evil eye on people. It does what they expect it to do`, `Godchild of Death - As long as you are underground, you can speak with the deceased`, `Godchild of Death - Gilded misericorde. Anyone stabbed with it dies, but only while it is still in them. After it is removed, any damage dealt since it was inserted is undone`, `Godchild of the King of Lions - Necklace of witch teeth, claimed from your godfather's foe. The first time you receive a permanent injury or dismemberment, turns it into merely an impressive scar. Recharges if you have a mighty and meaty feast`, `Godchild of the King of Lions - Charm foes you've bested in physical challenge. Lasts until they see you in an embarrassing situation`, `Godchild of the Queen of Bees - Three orbs of royal wax, each containing a bee princess in solemn sleep. They can make hives near any source of pollen, and relay you information`, `Godchild of the Queen of Bees - Claim dominion over a small area (about three large rooms, or an acre of undeveloped land.) Mortals and beasts will recognise the area as yours until you next use this ability`, `Godchild of the Eldest Tree - Hard, sticky mark on the back of your hand. Entitles you to travel unmolested by animals, or by creatures who fear your godfather. As persuasive as a permission slip`, `Godchild of the Eldest Tree -Yew branch, offered by one of your godfather's closest friends. Its sharpened point ignores manufactured armour. Its reassuring bend eases long hikes`, `Godchild of the Old Dragon - Bag of venomous goldbugs (they look like coins), friendly to you and all who share your blood. "To guard your hoard."`, `Godchild of the Old Dragon - Two voiceless knights, charred and fused into their armour. Deathly loyal, not particularly bright. "To guard your heart."`, `Godchild of Eternity - Once, trade lives with someone, they must be willing (but can be tricked). The consequences are vague but dire. You cannot trade lives again until you have rendered sufficient service to your godmother`, `Godchild of Eternity - Once per person, take their hand and your godmother will show them a vision of the afterlife that awaits them. Regardless of their fate, this should stun them for at least a moment`, `Godchild of the Ancient Wizard - The longsword TO-MY-WILL, it cuts through lies like a hot knife through butter. It's also good at cutting liars`, `Godchild of the Ancient Wizard - The Wizard's old magic wand. When you use it to cast a spell it (1d6): 1. Cracks a little more, 2. Does its best, 3. Does something different, 4. Does it a bit too much, 5. Does it subtly, 6. Works a treat`, `Godchild of the Dark Lord - You can uncache the hibernating minions of your godfather. They can be found in groups of 1d4, if a max value roll a higher die size and continue. They are warlike, cowardly, and factious, and can only be held in line by threats and clear goals`, `Godchild of the Dark Lord - Glassy orb, ancient and dangerous. Allows remote viewing and communion with those who possess similar objects, but opens the wearer to psychic attacks`, `Godchild of the Monkey King - One of 72 magical transformations. Starting with you, each member of the party names an animal or object, then the DM selects one. You can turn into that entity and back at will`, ], "Weird Trick": [ `Hungry - You can eat a ration in a blink to heal d6`, `Come Out, Come Out - You can learn whether you're being observed by posing the question aloud`, `Fae Touched - It is impossible for you to lie in rhyme, and anyone who hears you speak in rhyme will know this`, `Trace Palm - Choose one of your fingers. When you run it over a text, you can read and memorise it perfectly`, `Nervous Expertise - Your fine-motor skills are advantaged, but impossible to succeed upon while you are being watched`, `Brachiator - You can swing from your arms as fast as you can jog`, `Bullish - When you see the colour red, you fly into a fury. You can resist, with effort`, `True Omnivore - You can extract nutrients out of anything`, `The Perfect Criminal - You leave no fingerprints, have no identifying features or scars, and are incredibly difficult to pick out of a crowd`, `Distinctive - Whether it is your hair, your face, your accent or some combination, anyone you meet will absolutely remember you`, `Ogrish - Taste anything to know its origin, but you can't stop yourself from eating`, `Hoarder - Name every item that you have used or relied upon. You'll know immediately if it is stolen or lost, but take 1 damage if you ever give it away willingly`, `Featherstep - You don't leave footprints`, `Scuttle - You can run without moving your legs much, it looks incredibly freaky as you glide across the ground`, `Steady Hands - Unnaturally steady. Will never spill a drink or drop anything from surprise`, `Precision Tolerance - You are immune to a strange and little known poison. Name it, and start with three doses`, `Gristly Genome - Any time you suffer a mutation, you can change one detail of it`, `You can see through masterwork paintings or sculptures of yourself. It's a shame you have no artistic talent`, `Speed Force - When you sprint as fast as you can, you throw sparks of electricity all around you`, `Haptic Sight - You can feel the texture of things you look at`, `Selfless - When it suits you, you do not count as a living being`, `To you, water is a non-newtonian fluid. If you press firmly on it, it is a like very soft mud. If you hit it, it's hard. If you hit it hard, it shatters`, `Under-Kin - As long as you're falling into darkness, the landing will never harm you`, `Touchy - If you are insulted or disrespected, take d6 damage unless you immediately challenge them to a duel. Your first blow in such a duel deals double damage`, `Maniac of the Deep - You are immune to drowning, but gradually sent insane by it`, `Sleep-Talker - When you talk to unconscious people they can always hear you, and might try and communicate back`, `Omnilingual at Insults - You can swear, curse and blasphemise in every known language`, `Four-Letter Vision - You can echolocate as long as you're cussing`, `Connoisseur of Rage - You can taste emotions`, `"What, This Old Thing?" - Once, ever, you can declare that you've been carrying any item that hasn't yet been seen in-game. It might be a cunning fake or a knock-off, but it'll still be what you say it is`, `Always Learning - If you defeat an enemy mostly by yourself, gain one of their abilities until you defeat another enemy. This isn't always a good thing`, `Snapshot Vision - Looking at a scene for less than a second, you can "store" it and review it later at your leisure. Can only store one moment at a time`, `Nosy Insight - You see a variety of true captions above people's heads when you think to look (1d6, roll each time): 1. What they are obviously thinking, 2. What they are saying, 3. A useless fact, 4. A useful fact, 5. Something they have done, 6. What they wish you would do`, `Last Chance - If you didn't get a roll to avoid a horrific fate, you definitely get one right now`, `Killing Intent - If you wish it, anyone meeting your eyes knows exactly how dangerous you are`, `Know Thyself - You can commune with anything infecting, inhabiting or otherwise inside your body`, `Old Faithful - Pick a mundane item that isn't consumable, like a dagger or rope. If you leave it behind, throw it away, or lose it, it always comes back to you`, `Other people's blood works as armour for you. having it up to your elbows gives you gloves, covering your chest gives you light armour, being drenched gives you heavy armour. Must be people blood, and must be fresh blood`, `Spring-Joint Acrobat - As long as the fall is intentional and stylish, any ground you land on functions like a trampoline`, `When you throw an object, you can choose exactly how and where it will land (like a coin on its edge)`, `For you, 10 minutes of sleep is as good as a full night`, `You are really good at sounding like you are lying, no matter what the truth is`, `You always catch *something* when you go fishing`, `If you know two facts about someone, you can combine them and learn a third. Each fact can only be used this way once`, `In your hands, all mundane tools can somehow be used for their exact opposite purpose. Hammers work as saws, shovels work as scaffolding`, `Catlike Naps - You can sleep anywhere, in any position, with a few moments notice. You can set environmental conditions that will wake you, such as "sunrise" or "rain"`, `Skeletonese - Pick one monster you've fought that doesn't speak a language. You can converse with them as if they did`, `Powerful Guesser - You can make eye contact with someone and know their second worst fear`, `Crafty - You can spend a whole night repairing an object instead of sleeping to no ill-effect`, `Quicksort - You instantly know how much of something is in a pile`, `Mimicry - After listening to someone for a few minutes, you can perfectly replicate their voice. Only one voice at a time`, `Gourmand - With just a tiny taste of food, you can tell what the ingredients are, or if it is poisoned. This lets you reverse-engineer some potions`, `Conjure "Useful" Items - You always have a piece of string, a stub of chalk, a smooth pebble and a worthless coin in your pocket`, `Secret Knock - Tapping on a locked door or chest in a particular way can cause it to pop open. 1-in-20 chance each minute to determine the rhythm of a normal lock, after that you can unlock it in a single round`, `Chess Piece`, ], "Chess Piece": [ `Pawn of Chess (White) - You can move-attack-move in the first round of combat. After you achieve something great, become a Chess-piece of your choosing and heal to full HP`, `Pawn of Chess (Black) - You can move-attack-move in the first round of combat. After you achieve something great, become a Chess-piece of your choosing and heal to full HP`, `Knight of Chess (White) - When you charge, you can go over enemies and across difficult terrain with ease, but you must turn at least one corner`, `Knight of Chess (Black) - When you charge, you can go over enemies and across difficult terrain with ease, but you must turn at least one corner`, `Rook of Chess (White) - You can stack anyone on top of you at no detriment to your mobility, apart from being unable to move diagonally`, `Rook of Chess (Black) - You can stack anyone on top of you at no detriment to your mobility, apart from being unable to move diagonally`, `Bishop of Chess (White) - While moving diagonally and in the light, you move twice as fast. You cannot walk while in the dark or standing in a shadow, only crawl, retching and gasping`, `Bishop of Chess (Black) - Bright light is impassable to you, you can teleport between shadows with one minute of meditation`, `King of Chess - Anyone that has sworn to follow you can be temporarily given anything of yours: your attacks, your movement, your abilities, your detriments. You cannot use them while someone else is`, `Queen of Chess - You can temporarily take the abilities of those who have sworn to follow you. They cannot use them while you are`, ], "Weird Charm": [ `When you suffer a critical failure, you can cause a random spell to be cast and fail normally instead`, `Electric Feel - If you focus on a specific piece of metal, it is completely intangible to you. However, all other metal objects deal x3 damage while you do so`, `Odd Invisibility - Invisible while seated in a chair. Has to be a chair. No benches, stools, etc.`, `Candle Charm - When a candle you've prepared burns out, a small effect occurs like tipping over strongly, flaring up, or melting into a specific shape. You can also turn some burning twigs into a tiny golem, burns out in 1d6 rounds`, `Throw a piece of gold into a fountain, well, or river with a message inscribed on it. An intended recipient finds the message in the next saltwater they encounter and can send a reply`, `See Invisible - When you close your eyes and squint really hard, anything that is magically invisible glows brightly`, `Dowsing - If you hold a sample of something, it will tug toward more of itself`, `Ghost Story - If you tell this story to somebody as they fall asleep, their ghostly skeleton leaves their body for the night, and may act as they wish in immaterial form. Works once per person`, `The Purple Order - As long you do naught but chant, you can move one inanimate corpse as if it were your own body`, `Changeling Thief - If you can steal the name, keys and wife of a man, you can also take his face and life`, `Rite of the God of the Deep - To stand in the ocean, bloodied and humble, to speak truely your desires, you may call Orca and make your case. Refuse the offer given at your peril`, `Rite of the Unhallowed Soul - While meditating upon this rite, your soul is completely open for possession and other such magics. As soon as you stop meditating, any protections you had before will return suddenly`, `Rite of the Under-Guest - When in a dungeon, crypt, or any underground complex, you may sacrifice one willing living being. You and anybody that participated in the sacrifice are transported to the nearest safe location`, `Rite of the War Empress - After performing the rite, you are marked as a Competitor. You always know if there are other Competitors nearby (and they also know). If you kill a Competitor, you gain 1 XP and a little of the Empresses favour`, `More Heads - The heads of your decapitated foes will obey one command you give them`, `Marked by Death - If you close your eyes and concentrate, you can see all the ghosts that lurk nearby`, `Cultist of the 7777 Saints - Name the saint you venerate. One of the items you hold is actually a symbol sacred to that particular saint`, `Skull-Cracked - You can project your thoughts given time and a nosebleed`, `Mountain Fiend - You can set fire to solid stone`, `Day of Unrest - On Sundays and any religious holidays, you can speak with any of the dead`, `Behold Yourself - You can change your hair and eye colour every time you see your reflection`, `Gargoyle - At a thought or when helpless, your flesh turns to grey bone. Takes you about ten minutes to reverse the process, more when stressed or observed`, `Change the colour of an object no larger than a horse for a few minutes`, `Minor Minor Mage Hand - Move a light object with a wave of your finger. You could cause a coin to roll along the ground or turn the pages of a book, but you couldn't open a door or lift a stone`, `Wizard Whistle - Whistle to summon your hat or weapon to your hand`, `Wizard Mark - Touch something to imprint it with your signature rune. Anyone that sees the mark will recognise it as yours`, `Wizard Tap - Flick something that you can see. Cannot deal damage, but can knock over a coin or make a faint noise`, `Wizard Hands - Create a shower of illusory sparks or a puff of illusory smoke from your hands`, `Sleight-of-Weirdness - You can prestidigitate small objects away. Except they really vanish. Even you don&#8217;t know where they go. They don&#8217;t come back`, `History of Blood - Weapons will whisper about the last thing they killed, if you listen carefully`, `If you press your eye right up against solid metal, you can see through it`, `Agni's Touch - Summon a flame the size of a candle by snapping your fingers`, `Dim or extinguish a non-magical light source while you focus on it`, `The Bonging - Create a pleasant musical ringing sound at any time you like`, `The North Ding - Cause a loud bell to ring from somewhere due north. Only you can hear the bell`, `Rainbow Thumb - Permanently change the colour or form of a small plant`, `Death's Touch - By concentrating, you can sense the closest dying, undead or recently deceased creature`, `Heavenbound Messenger - As part of an honest funeral, you can include a message or request to the gods of death with the body of the deceased. It'll reach them, so you best be respectful`, `If you touch a creature, you learn what it&#8217;s home looks like`, `Zizanny - If you are focusing intently on someone while they speak, you can make them talk backwards`, `You learn all secrets spoken of in your presence, even if you don't speak the language or they would be too quiet to hear`, `If you swish a fluid around in your mouth, you can change it to a different fluid you have tasted. Some fluids might take a lot of swishing`, `Heart Puppet - By squeezing the heart of something that died in the last minute, you can give it one more round of life`, `Fold - You can fold anything in half, and unfold it again without ill-effect. Folding weird/impossible/living things may go poorly, as will folding anything more than twice`, `Visions of Death - Anything you look at for more than a round takes 1 necrotic damage`, `Facethief - By grabbing onto the face of a living person for 1d6 rounds, you can copy it. Your eyes are the only thing that stays the same`, `You can summon mundane frogs at will. They don&#8217;t obey you or anything, they just vibe. Don't eat them!`, `You can mould nonliving flesh like clay`, `Abyssal Wayfinder - Anyone you are holding hands with can see perfectly in the dark. Beware, in the underworld the light you carry protects you in more ways than you know`, `Harsh Lessons - When a spell reduces you to 0 HP, you learn it and can cast it once`, `Eyes Like Stars - You can cause your eyes to glow as bright as a torch. This renders you blind until you turn them off. Leaving them on for significant durations may damage your eyesight`, `Dislocation - At any point, you can pop yourself out of this reality. Getting back in is troublesome, and may require the assistance of your allies`, `Ashbound - Fire is drawn in your direction and talks to you. It will tell you secrets to get you to come closer`, `Clicker-Clacker - Machines that are broken inexplicably function while you pay attention to them, repaired by wraith-parts and gremlin magic until you move on`, `Flower Wraith - If you plant a flower in a fresh corpse and tend to it, it grows and partly animates the corpse into a loyal zombie-grove`, `Power Aura - If you have an ongoing positive magical effect, your allies also receives it at 1/3 power`, `Bone Tailor - With only a needle and sinew, you can sew bones back together or into odd shapes`, `If you have not told a lie since the last new moon, you can detect lies`, `Weather Eye - You are exceptionally good at predicting the weather (as a player, you'll probably just be asked what you think the weather will be tomorrow)`, `Spotless - Spend a few moments running your hands a surface to remove any stains or dirt`, `Crow Feast - If you prepare a corpse, crows will come and tell you news`, `Wards of the Mind, Body and Soul - If you would suffer from a disease, curse or madness, you can choose which of the three you would suffer from`, `If you ask a plant to keep watch for you, it will bloom in answer the next time you come by`, `Project Mind - If you sit still you can transfer your mind into an held inanimate object. It remains inanimate but you control it up to the degree that an automatic version would behave (pull triggers, push buttons)`, `Forbidden Technique - Combine a Talent and an Arcana into a new form. However, each time you use it, take 1d20 damage as unbound energies ravage your untrained body`, `Abra-ka-what? - You can cast a random spell on a random target. However, each time you do (d4): 1. Take d8 damage, 2. Seizure for d4 rounds, 3. Catch on fire, 4. Mouth full of vermin`, `Chaplain of the Small - If you give an insect an appropriate funeral, it's tiny spirit will bless you somehow`, `Last Wishes - Know the final desire of any corpse you touch`, `Death Cycle - The first thing you kill rises as a loyal undead until it falls apart`, `Trick Flame - You can change the colour of a flame by touching it or dripping your blood on it, and shape the smoke from a pipe as you wish`, `Cloud-speaker - Standing in the rain grants you news from far away lands`, `Clap your hands to take 1 damage and teleport 1ft`, `Cross legs and close eyes to hover a few inches off the ground`, `Bitter Heart - You can make food and drink bitter by scowling at it and thinking nasty thoughts`, `Rixator Ignis - You can intimidate small fires into going out by yelling at them`, `Stony Air - You can grab handfuls of gases as if they were solids`, `Cause Sneeze - Cause sneezing with an evil glare and gesture`, `Bite Augury - If you are bitten by something hard enough to deal damage, you can ask one question of their future, as interpreted through the marks they leave in your skin. If they chew something off, you can ask three questions`, `Looking Glass - You are able to hide things within mirrors. When you try and recover it, there is a 1-in-6 chance of something bad coming, 4-in-6 if you recover it from a different mirror`, `Palmistry - If you catch a spell or curse in your hand, it'll effect just your hand rather than your whole body`, `Soul Devourer - If you slowly kill someone whose name you know, you can heal all HP or absorb one of their traits`, `If you bring a statue an acceptable gift, it will tell you something it has seen`, `Akashic Memory - If you pose a question before you sleep, there is a 50% chance that the dream you have will answer it in some way. You don't know whether the 50% roll was successful`, `Dream Drop - If someone dreams of you, you can have them awaken with one object of yours in their hands, or vice-versa`, `Secret Name`, ], "Secret Name": [ `Secret Name: Shaimok - When you fire any handheld ranged weapon, it does not obey gravity, travelling in a straight line until it hits a target. If you tell someone the word, you will transfer this ability to them. If you die, Shaimok remains with your corpse`, `Secret Name:&#160;Phacops - At any moment, you can choose to die. Your body rots into dust immediately.&#160;The next morning, you will be reborn from the dirt beneath the location where you last awakened from sleep.&#160;Phacops remains in your old skull, and must be retrieved. If you tell someone the word, you will transfer this ability to them`, `Secret Name:&#160;Deiphon - You can walk on water.&#160;The bottoms of your feet still get wet. If you tell someone the word, you will transfer this ability to them. If you die, Deiphon remains with your corpse`, `Secret Name: Destra - You can learn what magic someone knows by looking in their eye. If you tell someone the word, you will transfer this ability to them. If you die, Destra remains with your corpse`, `Secret Name: Zhuul - You cannot be harmed by acid so long as you are praying loudly and continuously. If you tell someone the word, you will transfer this ability to them. If you die, Zhuul remains with your corpse`, `Secret Name: Amkala - If you sit in someone's spot, people will believe you to be that person. Lasts until you stand up. If you tell someone the word, you will transfer this ability to them. If you die, Amkala remains with your corpse`, ], "Weirdness": [`Weird Mutation`, `Weird Soul`, `Weird Death`,`Weird Situation`, `Weird Trick`, `Weird Charm`, ], "Potion": [ `Potion of Mutagenic Healing - Heals the drinker to full HP+d6 or fixes one recent injury, adds a mutation`, `Potion of Botanical Healing - Heals the drinker to full HP+d6 or fixes one recent injury, regrown flesh is leafy and turns to bark`, `Potion of Somnolent Healing - Heals the drinker to full HP+d6 or fixes one recent injury, drinker is unconscious for d6 rounds, then drowsy for d6 minutes`, `Potion of Vigourous Healing - Heals the drinker to full HP+d6 or fixes one recent injury, drinker is sent into a manic mood until they next sit down and relax, at which point they fall asleep`, `Potion of Cloudkill - Releases a cloud of greenish fog when unstoppered, d6 poison damage per round until dispersed `, `Potion of Sealing and Binding - When unstoppered, releases writhing sticky black tendrils, enough to fill a room`, `Potion of Haste - The drinker can take 1d4 damage to move or take another action, as many times as they want in a single round. Damage applies each time`, `Potion of Focus - If the drinker begins a task, they cannot be distracted from it by anything other than damage. If injected, even damage cannot break their focus. The effect ends once the task is complete, or becomes impossible`, `Potion of Levitation - Renders the drinker weightless until they touch bare earth`, `Potion of Invisible Flame - d6 fire damage per round, without heat or light`, `Potion of Shrinking or Growing - 50% chance of each, 5x larger or smaller. Reverses once the target gets wet`, `Potion of Telepathy - Links together everyone that takes a shot, enough for ten drinkers`, `Potion of Heroism - Grants the abilities of a random Talent until the drinker falls asleep`, `Potion of Panacea - Actually causes the "drinker" to vomit a disease or poison into the bottle and drop to 0 HP`, `Potion of Resurrection - Add the fingernails, blood, spit, and hair of a corpse. Turns the drinker into them, with their memories, until they fall asleep`, `Potion of Mutability - Causes the drinker to dissolve into a pile of sludge and reconstitute the next day with all stats and HP rerolled. 50% chance of losing each disease or curse, 50% chance of losing a random ability`, `Potion of Parrot Juice - Allows the drinker to mimic sounds until they leave the area they are currently in. Probably not made of parrots`, `Potion of Polymorph - Transforms the drinker into a random animal until they eat something`, `Potion of Head Swapping - Once both participates have drunk half the bottle, their heads swap bodies`, `Potion of Osteography - Applied to skin in sunlight, promotes bone-growth. Applied in darkness, causes bone to be reduced without weakening`, `Potion of Etherealness - Turns the drinker into a ghost until they exhale. Poured into the eyes, it is semi-permanent`, `Potion of Weightlessness - Lasts until next touching the ground`, `Potion of Fusion - Combines two things that are splashed while in contact`, `Potion of Lignification - Turns the drinker into a tree`, `Potion of Bad Luck - Once drunk, all critical successes are critical failures, disadvantage on checks if the drinker really needed them to succeed, and take 1d6 damage at a random point each day. Cured like a curse`, `Potion of Eye Growing - 1d6 that work, 1d6 that don't, random locations. The ones that don't work might be fixable`, `Potion of Mutation - Drink for one, inject for 1d6 mutations`, `Potion of Control - The drinker will obey the next three instructions they receive`, `Potion of Love - Makes the drinker fall in love with the next person they see OR with the owner of hair, blood etc. in it`, `Potion of Mana - All spells cast by the drinker have their effect doubled. Lasts until the drinker takes damage or drinks water`, `Potion of Liquefaction - Poured onto a hard object causes it to melt into an oily version of itself. Drunk, turn into an oozy puddle that can vaguely move. Wears off in sunlight back into the original shape`, `Potion of Blindness - Whether drunk or splashed into eyes, permanent`, `Potion of Otherworldly Visions - Whenever any player wants, say that the drinker has seen something and describe it. It might be real, or a hallucination, but most likely it will be both. Lasts until the drinkers keeps their eyes shut for a minute`, `Potion of the Legendary Fighter - The drinker is possessed by the spirit of Braddon the Breaker, a legendary hero who was devoured by an alchemical ooze. They cannot use magical equipment or abilities, but have +6 STR, doubled HP and +d6 damage. Lasts until they forget they are Braddon or sleep`, `Potion of the Legendary Scoundrel - The drinker is possessed by the spirit of Mingola the Thrice-Vanished, a legendary hero who was devoured by an alchemical ooze. They cannot use magical abilities or large weapons, but have +6 DEX and can't be hit while dodging. Lasts until they forget they are Mingola or sleep`, `Potion of the Legendary Sorcerer - The drinker is possessed by the spirit of Vasho Hightower, a legendary villain who was devoured by an alchemical ooze. They cannot use combat abilities, weapons or armour, but have +6 CHA and can command all animals and elements. Lasts until they forget they are Vasho or sleep`, `Potion of Intelligence - Makes you incredibly smart, 1-in-6 chance of it wearing off each time you say something, which makes you incredibly dumb ("duhhh"). Dumbness lasts until you sleep`, `Potion of Ten Springs - When poured on any plants, causes it to grow rapidly and with great vigour. Usually comes with large amounts of weeds unless the ground has been burnt bare`, `Potion of Mapping - Poured onto paper, forms an outline of the rooms around you, but not the content. Drunk, grants knowledge of 2d6 nearby rooms`, `Potion of Air - Twist the valve to slowly bubble fresh air for an hour. If the bottle is broken, release all the air in a single burst`, `Potion of Invincibility - Renders the drinker immune to damage for one round`, `Potion of Corruption - Whatever it is applied to, it makes every existing flaw three times as bad`, `Potion of Mouth-Growing - Makes anything it&#8217;s poured on grow a mouth, which then drinks the potion`, `Potion of Instant Reincarnation - If the drinker dies within the next hour, they crawl out from their own corpse as (1d6): 1. Baby, 2. Monkey, 3. Dog, 4. Lizard, 5. Beetle, 6. Worm`, `Ragdoll Potion - The drinker takes no damage for d6 rounds and goes completely limp. Can be applied by splashing`, `Potion of Nilbog Essence - The round after drinking or being splashed, the imbiber takes damage from healing, and is healed by damage`, `Potion of Rusting - Remains potent for d6 rounds after removing from the bottle, degrading and destroying metal objects`, `Potion of Clawbrew - Causes the drinkers hands and jaw to twist into bestial weapons (d8 slashing) that are incapable of fine manipulation or speech, lasts d6 hours, or longer if the drinker consumes still-living flesh`, `Potion of False Death - The drinker appears and feels undead for d6 hours. They do not need to eat, drink or breath, but are burned by holy water and repelled by holy symbols`, `Potion of Magnetic Bones - Makes the bones of the drinker strongly magnetic for d6 minutes, pulling anything magnetic nearby and sticking to the skin`, `Potion of Gluesweat - Makes the drinker secrete a sticky fluid from their pores for d6 hours`, `Potion of Mistform - Turns the drinker or anyone splashed with the potion into a cloud of gas for d6 minutes. They can't move, but reform unharmed if the gas is dispersed`, `Potion of Nighteyes - The drinker can see in the faintest of light, but is blinded by anything brighter. Works if splashed onto the face as well`, `Potion of Gillbrew - Gives the drinker water-breathing for d6 hours, but they suffocate in air`, `Potion of Rubberflesh - Makes the drinkers flesh rubbery and stretchy for d6 minutes. They take half bludgeoning damage, double slashing, and can reach ten times as far if they stretch`, `Potion of Friendly Knives - A weapon coated with this will not pierce living flesh`, `Potion of Watchful Mirrors - A single drop poured on a mirror causes it to reflect the last person who looked into it`, `Potion of Cleanliness - Added to a bath, renders the bather immune to filth for a week`, `Potion of Unburning - Reverses the effect of fire`, `Potion of Boiling - Causes water or other fluid to come to a roiling boil over a minute, only a small amount required. d6 fire damage to a drinker`, `Potion of Freezing - Causes water or other fluid to freeze over a minute, only a small amount required. d6 cold damage to a drinker`, `Potion of Bone Removal - Causes the skull and several other bones to escape the body. Reversible if they can be crammed back in there`, `Potion of Fire - The breath of a dragon in a bottle`, `Alchemical Base Potion - Any weird liquid added will make it into a related potion`, ], "Substance": [ `Bottled Ghost - When released, it can do one of: learn a secret about a named target, control the lights and locks of a dungeon room, reveal three locations on a map`, `Bottle of Muta-Metal - Pours out and solidifies into the shape the holder is picturing, an item, a weapon, a chain, a seal around a door. Rusts and shatters in a few days`, `Bottle of Blue Goop - Thick and sticky, stains heavily, smells like forgotten yoghurt. Interferes with spells and magical items, any creature that gets it on its bare skin will be horrified`, `Bottle of Motive Fluid - Pink and sloshy, tries to open the lid. Once outside, it'll find something hollow that can be moved, like a suit of armour or a hose. When inside something that can move, it'll flail about wildly`, `Bottled Lightning - d12 damage to nearest metal target. Might be recharged by a real lightning strike`, `Bottled Sprite - Will ask to be released, offering to do you a favour if you agree. If you leave them in for a long time, they will try and catch the attention of enemies`, `Ship in a Bottle - Turns into a largish rowboat when uncorked`, `Bottle of Wizard Blood - Dip a wand in to enhance the next use. 2-in-6 chance of losing potency each time`, `Bottle of Wizard Brain-fluid - Use as ink to modify scrolls. 2-in-6 chance of losing potency each time`, `Bottled Weather - 1d6: 1. Soft sunshine, 2. Whipping wind, 3. Torrential rain, 4. Tornado, 5. Hail, 6. Frogs`, `Bottle of Stone Venom - This poison effects buildings and walls, especially stone ones. A single dose causes about as much destruction as a cannonball would, over the course of a full day. Three doses`, `Backwards Bottle - Drinker shrinks down and becomes trapped in potion bottle, breaking the bottle causes them to return to normal size`, `Bottle of Morkoth Ink - Pour on an illusion to make it solid and mostly real`, `Bottle of Myrmidon Milk - Fed to a baby, they will grow to be mighty warrior`, `Bottle of Anti-Perfume - No smell whatsoever, masks any others`, `Bottle of Modron Blood - Drives away Gremlins, fixes small broken mechanical devices`, `Bottle of Saintly Ash - Concentrated holy water, just add water! Enough for ten flasks. Sprinkle directly on blasphemous targets for the same effect`, `Bottle of Dryad Tears - Renders a wooden object hard as bronze`,`Bottle of Insect Repellent`, `Bottle of Goblin Essence - Infect a creature or place with goblinism, turning it small, green, filthy and awful`, `Bottle of Angry Water - It's a small water elemental, and it is not happy at all`, `Bottle of Genoplasm - Anything that this fluid is poured on will attempt to come to life. If it is already alive, it will attempt to sprout new life`, `Vial of Midas' Venom - Turns flesh into gold`, `Bottled Gremlin - Who knows what it will do if it gets loose?`, `Bottle of Sovereign Glue - Stick anything together`, `Bottle of Universal Solvent - Dissolve any bonds`, `Jar of Liquid Dark - Open it to spray anti-light. Enough for about an hour of gloom if you let it trickle out`, `Brain Jelly - Packed into the skull of a fresh-killed corpse, it will animate and perform simple commands`, `Alicorn Powder - Cures all diseases, poisons and damage, but inflicts the Curse of the Alicorn (all critical successes are now critical failures)`, `Bag of Fairy Dust - Allows you to fly, slowly, so long as you are thinking Happy Thoughts and not doing anything Bad`, `Bottle of Black Pear Wine - Once drunk, allows you to perceive and interact with (the rather dangerous) Black Pear Trees. Otherwise, they don't exist`, `Liquid Bow - Each round this potion is uncorked, it fires an arrow of fluid for d6 damage. After two 6s it is expended. Explodes into a swarm of arrows if broken`, `Tincture of Night - A cracked yellow gourd filled with black oily shadow. If the oil is ingested it is a dangerous and deadly poison. Whatever it is poured over becomes invisible as long as it is night`, `Bluewish Petals - Preserved petals, if held against the skin of someone suffering from a poison, the petals absorb it and become limp and toxic`, `Black Lotus - When smoked, 50% chance of gaining a random psionic power. Once it wears off, 5% chance of keeping it permanently, 5% chance of going insane`, `Truth Leaf - Smoking it reveals a ridiculous truth and a ridiculous lie. Potentially addictive`, `Jar of Magnetic Fire - Also known as phlox borealis, this purple flame only burns northwards, and will do so until it hits water`, `Jar of Phlogiston - This fire is naturally predisposed to move pistons, heat water, melt iron and perform chemical reactions, as opposed to base fire which merely seeks to spread`, `Jar of Kraken's Ink - Glass jar slightly more transparent than anything around it. When poured on an opaque surface, the ink instead corrupts light that falls open it. Looking at this unstable spectrum rapidly causes mental trauma`, `Jar of Prima Materia - Materially improves the structure, material, capability etc. of whatever it is poured on. Rather poisonous (or so it seems)`, `Bottle of Fire Ink - When paper written on with fire ink is burned, the flame now contains the fire ink. Touching another piece of paper to the flame causes the fire ink to transfer onto the new sheet, copying the writing`, `Bottle of Corpse-Liquor - Tastes like death, a single drop can contaminate a whole meal. Smells like (and might be made from) rose-hips`, `Waters of Lethe - A small bottle of greasy water. Erases memories, leaves a mind like fresh snow. If heavily diluted, it is calming and addictive`, ], "Scroll": [ `Scroll of Adventure - An inverted treasure map. Tells you to do something brave and/or stupid. If you do it, 1-in-6 chance of becoming a treasure chest. Otherwise, gives you another instruction`, `Scroll of Hideous Death - Hits a random target that hears the scroll read aloud, including you`, `Scroll of Brimstone - Opens a portal to Hell for exactly 1d6 seconds`, `Scroll of Convenience - Gives you one item that you'll probably need soon`, `Scroll of Catherine - Summons Catherine, a woman in a blue dress, who obeys polite requests. She eventually fades back to nothing`, `Scroll of Mending - Fix one thing. If used on a living creature, heal d6 HP`, `Scroll of Comfortable Camping - Produces a campfire, 1d6 tents, bedrolls for each present and sundry cooking equipment as needed. Noonday sun causes the camp to crumble back into leaves, rocks and twigs`, `Scroll of Duplication - Complicated, living or magical targets will probably be duplicated poorly`, `Scroll of Dispelling - Prevents a single magical effect from activating while the scroll is being read, once the reader stops the scroll is used up`, `Scroll of Move Curse - Requires a willing or immobile recipient, animals only take half the curse`, `Scroll of Transmutation - Turns an object or immobile target into something you have a sample of`, `Scroll of Illusion - Whatever you can describe in a single breath appears somewhere nearby. Acts vaguely correctly, if silently. Lasts until touched`, `Scroll of Sleep - Anyone who hears you read the whole thing aloud falls asleep`, `Scroll of Knowledge - Answers three questions of your choice on a particular topic. Must be the same topic. Vague questions give vague answers`, `Scroll of FIST - Summons a giant floating blue hand, it copies the next three actions you make with a chosen arm. d10 damage`, `Scroll of Disaster - A pall falls over the fate of the target. All d20 checks are made with a d12 instead, and the maximum damage dealt is d4. Lasts until they kill something, save someone's life, or roll a natural 12`, `Scroll of Returning - Draw the attached glyph somewhere or on something. When used, this scroll either teleports the reader to the location, or the object to the reader`, `Scroll of Invisibility - Lasts until the reader makes a noise. Alternatively, can be used to make a wall, floor or object invisible until touched`, `Scroll of Summoning - Whatever the reader describes appears in a flash of sludge. What it does next is completely up to it. Alternatively, the reader can describe what they want the summoned entity to do, something will show up but it might not be ideal`, `Scroll of Teleportation - Must be somewhere the reader can see, or knows extremely well. Otherwise (1d4): be cast into the outer void, be sunk deep into the earth, appear screaming in the sky, end up somewhere pretty alright`, `Scroll of Gore - Next time the reader is damaged, spray blood and guts in a wide arc. Illusory, but look and smell pretty realistic`, `Scroll of Last Chances - Heals you to 2x max HP, afterwards take 1d4 damage each round until dead`, `Scroll of Stoneskin - The target takes max 1 damage from all sources, but only move your limbs d6 times each round. At 0 HP, only one limb per round. Lasts d6x10 minutes`, `Scroll of Fire-form - Turns you into a gout of flame. Ends if you spend d4 rounds not touching a source of fuel`, `Scroll of Descent - Grasping hands pull the reader and everyone near them down to the floor below`, `Scroll of Ascent - Shining light pulls the reader and everyone near them up to the floor above`, `Scroll of Shifting Walls - Cause 3 walls to move suddenly and seamlessly`, `Scroll of Transport - A dungeon transport network (portals, mine-carts, worm-tunnels) you've used before now has a node in this room. Must be used in the same dungeon`, `Scroll of Glibness - If read while talking to someone, reveals up to three things that they really want to hear`, `Scroll of Construction - Has a space to write detailed instructions. Turns a pile of raw materials into the finished product`, `Scroll of Hatemask - Makes the target take on the general appearance of whatever they hate most in the world, lasts d6 minutes`, `Scroll of Convocation - Teleport all your pets, minions and hirelings to your position`, `Scroll of False Ghost - Summons an illusory copy of a corpse. Can be given up to three basic orders`, `Scroll of Summon Angel - Last until you commit a sin or eat anything`, `Scroll of Meat - Summons a blob of meat big enough to fill a room (it&#8217;s actually mostly gristle, but there are some edible bits)`, ], "Psicrystal": [ `Psicrystal of Madness - When broken, every sentient creature in eyeshot is rendered (1d4): 1. Blind, 2. Prone, 3. Screaming 4. Armless until someone explains to them that it's not real`, `Psicrystal of Faith - While holding it, the user can do anything if they believe they can do it. Shatters afterwards`, `Psicrystal of Sending - Anything whispered into it is heard by every creature from here to the horizon, then it shatters`, `Psicrystal of Antimagic - When broken, all currently active spells in the area end suddenly`, `Psicrystal of Fear - While held by a sleeping creature, manifests their nightmares for everyone within earshot. When the sleeper wakes, the crystal shatters`, `Psicrystal of Glamour - Constructs an illusion in the mind of a single named target. Looks, sounds and feels real to them only. Lasts until it's proven to be false or if the illusion would damage the target, then the crystal shatters`, `Psicrystal of Swarming - Once activated, breaks into three flying crystals. Each has 1 HP and deals d4 slashing damage at your mental command`, `Psicrystal of Genesis - Once activated, can be moulded into any shape the user desires, but cannot increase in size. Works once`, `Psicrystal of Defence - Once activated, grows to surround your body in a thick layer of tough crystal. Shatters when you command it to`, `Psicrystal of Sanity - Absorbs a single madness. If the crystal is broken, goes back to the original brain. If they are dead, it finds the closest host brain`, `Psicrystal of Knowledge - When asked a question, flies off to try and find out the answer. If it can answer the question, it will return to you and reveal the answer to whoever holds it`, `Psicrystal of Chaos - Grants the powers of a random Arcana until the user falls asleep`, `Psicrystal of Soul - Absorbs one soul of a dying creature. Must be voluntary. When shattered, the soul within is released`, `Psicrystal of Paralysing - Sticks to the target creature and rapidly grows. Gains d6 HP per round. Once it has more HP than the target, they are immobilised`, `Psicrystal of Fracture - When shattered, causes a nearby solid object to shatter as well. Deals up to d20 damage to a creature with bones`, `Psicrystal of Divination - Shatter to reveal three omens about your near future, especially if you are about to engage on a venture`, `Psicrystal of Blasting - Shatters into five shards orbiting the user. Each can be shot to deal d6 magic damage and knock the target back`, ], "Totem": [ `Totem of Protection - When held close to the body, blocks a single spell, then snaps`, `Totem of Feather Falling - Snap while falling to float gently down. Alternatively, snap against something to make it weightless for a few moments`, `Totem of Hatred - Snap and point both ends at two creatures. They now hate each other as much as they've ever hated anyone`, `Totem of Rest - Snap to recover d6 HP and feel incredibly alert, relaxed and focused`, `Totem of Power - Snap to recharge a magic item, or in place of expending it`, `Totem of Fog - Snap to produce a cloud of thick fog`, `Totem of Turning - Snap to cause d6 undead to cower and flee, starting with the weakest`, `Totem of Confusion - Snap to cause everyone nearby to swap places and situations`, `Totem of Escape - Snap to teleport outside of the structure you are in`, `Totem of Armaments - Snap to create a random melee weapon. The weapon is made of wood, but sharp as metal`, `Totem of Flame - Once snapped, both ends begin smoking. The next round, each explode for d10 fire damage`, `Totem of Fatal Failure - Tossed into the air, it floats and Judges. Anyone that fails a roll while in view of it takes 1d20 damage and the totem breaks`, `Totem of Luck - Snap before you attempt something, it's impossible for you to fail completely`, `Totem of Safety - Once snapped, releases strange purple incense that causes drowsiness. When the imbiber wakes up, they will be in a safe place`, `Totem of Light - Each end glows steadily, lasts as long as a lantern`, `Totem of Cleansing - When snapped by a cursed individual, sucks out the curse and turns it into a horrible monster`, `Totem of Dueling - Must be snapped by two combatants, who are both moved into a blank sub-realm. Each can create a single new object each round, but the sub-realm decides where to place objects. Only one can leave`, `Totem of Bone - When snapped, also breaks a random large bone in the targets body. d12 necrotic damage`, ], "Bomb": [ `Frognade - Fills a large room with rapidly dividing frogs. Very difficult to cleanup or move around in`, `Anti-Gravity Bomb - Everything hit by the blast falls upwards for d10 rounds`, `Blasphemous Bomb - d6 fire+slashing area, +d20 at close range. Anything killed by the blast is dragged to Hell`, `Phase Bomb - Nothing that has been hit by the blast can physically interact with anything outside. Lasts d6 minutes`, `Holy Hand Grenade - d6 radiant area, +d20 at close range. No damage to anyone praying`, `Grotesque Bomb - Anything hit by the bomb has their head and arm swapped, or equivalent`, `Clockwork Bomb - An immensely powerful coil of wire, suddenly released. Deals d20 damage in a line in a random direction`, `Storm Bomb - Summons a tiny thunderstorm. Tiny lightning bolts deal d6 damage to a random target per round`, `Slime Bomb - Anything that can smell the slime takes d6 poison damage each round they don't spend retching and gasping`, `Plague Bomb - Releases a random virulent disease, everything hit by the blast automatically contracts it`, `Scorch Bomb - d8 fire damage per round for an hour, burns a hole through stone eventually`, `Pull Bomb - Everything hit by the blast falls towards a single point for d6 rounds`, `Frost Bomb - d6 cold area, covers everything hit by the blast in a layer of thick ice`, `Monster Bomb - Requires a brain to be fed into a funnel on top of the bomb. Primed after an hour. Releases a monstrous version of the original creature`, `Collapse Bomb - Causes the ceiling to fall, deals d20 damage to anything underneath`, `Time Bomb - d6 area, +d20 at close range. Has a clock attached, every effect of the bomb is reversed after the timer runs out`, `Space Bomb - Removes one room from existence, including its contents. Nobody knows where it will end up`, `Lock Bomb - Unlocks everything hit by the blast`, `Dark Bomb - d6 necrotic area, +d20 at close range, extinguishes all light and fire`, `Stasis Bomb - Everything hit by the blast is frozen in time until touched. Specks of dust count`, `Witch Bomb - d6 magic area, everything hit by the blast has a random spell cast on them. Three spells at close range`, `Wizard Bomb - d6 magic area, casts a single random spell on every struck target. Spell has tripled effectiveness at close range`, `Accurate Bomb - d6 area, +d20 at close range. Has an arrow on one side, only damages anything in the direction of the arrow`, `Miner's Bomb - d6 area, +d20 at close range. Any stone hit by the blast is completely vaporised, no rubble`, `Scuttling Bomb - d6 area, +d20 at close range. When lit, sprouts legs, and runs forwards until it hits something`, `Flying Bomb - d6 area, +d20 at close range. When lit, sprouts wings, and flies forwards until it hits something`, `Swimming Bomb - d6 area, +d20 at close range. When lit, sprouts fins, and swims forwards until it hits something`, `Hopping Bomb - d6 area, +d20 at close range. When lit, spins and bounces chaotically until it hits something`, `Colour Bomb - d6 area, +d20 at close range. Has a slot to add a sample of paint or ink. Only damages anything of that colour`, `Disguise Bomb - d6 area, +d20 at close range. Currently looks like a (1d6): 1. Sandwich, 2. Top-hat, 3. Sword, 4. Box, 5. Puppy, 6. Book`, `Caustic Bomb - d6 acid area, +d20 at close range. Creates a pool of toxic sludge`, `Pulse Bomb - d6 electric area, +d20 at close range, interferes with machines and magic`, `Razor Bomb - d6 piercing area, +d20 at close range, shrapnel creates dangerous terrain `, `Laser Bomb - d6 fire damage in a very large area, blocked by line-of-sight`, `Healing Bomb - Everything hit by the blast is healed from the damage taken last round`, `Flesh-bang - d6 cancer damage in area, +d20 at close range. Fuses creatures at 0 HP together`, `Desiccation Bomb - d6 dryness damage in area, +d20 at close range. Kills all normal plants and removes nearby liquids`, `Gorgon Bomb - Releases petrifying vapour, turning exposed flesh into stone`, ], "Magic Arrow": [ `Fire Arrow - Ignites whatever it hits`, `Headless Arrow - Deal damage to ghost and other intangible magical things. To those with magical sight, an arrowhead can be seen`, `Rose Arrow - Charm effect on the target. Turns into a rose upon a hit`, `Loyal Arrow - Steer this arrow with whistling for +d6 damage`, `Armada Arrow - When fired, splits into 6 different arrows. Area damage`, `Exploding Arrow - Explodes with a 1d12 fireball wherever it hits.`, `Messenger Arrow - Whisper a message into the fletching. Whatever is struck receives the message in their mind`, `Twin Soul Arrow - Splits into two arrows when fired: one mundane arrow and one incorporeal arrow`, `Smoke Arrow - Disintegrate after striking, leaving no evidence`, `Rat Arrow - Actually a mutated rat, not an arrow. Gnaws for d4 damage each round`, `Gregarious Arrow - Deals +d8 damage to anything that has already been hit by an arrow`, `Phantom Zone Arrow - A target hit by this arrow is removed from the universe for 1d6 rounds.`, `Snake Arrow - It's a snake. It bites. It's poisonous`, `Frog Crotch Arrow - Never misses a rope. Does double damage to amphibians`, `Humanbane Arrow - Double damage against humans. If it kills a king or leader, their castle will fall down`, `Bird Arrow - Imitates a birdcall of your choice when fired. It it hits a bird, it will painlessly remove feathers from the bird, suitable for use as fletching`, `Coffin Nail Arrow - Ignores armour. Can pin small targets to a wall`, `Silver Arrow - Double damage to shapeshifters`, `Cloud Arrow - Creates 20' diameter cloud on impact.`, `Shadow Arrow - Must be fired at target's shadow. Deals Charisma damage and immobilises target (pins their shadow to the floor) until the arrow is removed`, `Light Arrow - Create a light effect where it hits`, `Sun Arrow - Create a daylight effect where they hit. If fired towards the sun the ambient light will increase in the area, as the sun shines brighter. If fired towards the moon, the moon will shine as bright as the sun for 10 minutes. The effect is only local`, `Grappling Hook Arrow - On a hit, conjures a rope, one end looped around your bow hand, and the arrow turns into a grappling hook lodged into whatever you hit`, `Talking Arrow - Roll up a personality like a hireling. Knows lots of interesting things. Wants to be fired`, `Ice Arrow - Cold damage. Can extinguish a torch simply by passing near it, or hitting the person carrying it`, `Infinity Arrow - No range penalty. Must still have line of sight. Length of arrow seems to change each time you measure it`, `Holy Arrow - Radiant damage. Create a light effect where they hit`, `Deathstroke Arrow - Necrotic damage. If the target has 1d6 or less HP afterwards, it dies`, `Banshee Arrow - Shrieks like a banshee when fired, with the same Fear effect`, `King of Arrows - Once fired, any normal arrow that passes within 10ft will change course in order to land beside the king of arrows`, `Secret Giant Arrow - Triples in size once fired in order to deal d12 damage`, `Traveller's Arrow - After firing this arrow, you teleport to the nearest safe spot adjacent to where the arrow landed`, `Acorn Arrow - If buried in the ground, will grow into an oak tree over d6 rounds. If shot into a treant, it must save or turn into a mundane tree.`, `Bully Arrow - Hits hard enough to shove the target 20ft back`, `Black Arrow - Deals 25% of the targets max HP`, `White Arrow - Denatures any natural poison the target has inside its body (making poisonous snakes non-poisonous). If stabbed into someone's chest (1d6 damage) it'll cure any poison they are suffering from`, `Eagle Arrow - Turns into an eagle mid-flight and attacks the target. Stats as eagle. Lasts 1 min.`, `Slaying Arrow - Does double damage against (d6): 1. Dragons, 2. Demons, 3 Undead, 4 Fey, 5 Beasts, 6. Goblins`, `Chicken Arrow - White-fletched. Target must save or flee in fear. If you sit on one for a full minute, it'll turn into a white chicken`, `Evil-seeking Arrow - Flies unerringly towards the most evil creature within range`, `Gravity Arrow - When embedded in a creature, that creature is affected as if the gravity were +50% stronger. Enough to slow them down -25%, but multiple arrows stack.`, `Wind Arrow - When fired, the wind will blow in that direction for 10 minutes`, `Immovable Arrow - Once it hits, the arrow locks in place like an Immovable Rod`, `Blood Arrow - Any wounds caused by this arrow will bleed more Blood Arrows `, `Queen of Arrows - Target must save or be unable to use any type of projectile weapons. Lasts 10 minutes`, `Phase Arrow - Passes through everything except flesh and bows once nocked. Ignore all walls, cover, and armour`, `Skydoom Arrow - If fired straight up (area cannot have a ceiling) makes a very large area attack`, `Displacement Arrow - Teleports the shooter with the target after the target is hit`, `Misenchanted Arrow - When fired, will seek out its target and circumvent all obstacles, then barely miss, turn around and miss again, ad nauseam`, `Cupid's Arrow - The struck target (must be at less than half HP after the arrow lands) falls in love with whoever they are looking at`, `Arrow of Magic Draining - If used to kill a magic-user, turns into a fragile wand containing one of their spells`, `Arrow of Theft - A random item from the target appears in the shooters hand. If a small item is hit directly, that is stolen instead`, `Bellringer Arrow - Metal armour wearer takes +d12 sonic damage, is deafened and stunned`, `Carcerian Arrow - Forked iron head. The next two arrows fired after this one causes iron chains to sprout, linking the three arrows together`, ], "Consumable": [ `Potion`, `Substance`, `Scroll`, `Psicrystal`, `Totem`, `Bomb`, `Magic Arrow`, ], "Talent": [ `Double Jump - You need to spend a moment with both feet planted on the ground to be able to double-jump again`, `Falling with Style - So long as you jumped, and have room at the bottom to roll, you never take falling damage`, `Scrounge - If you dig through a pile of trash, you always gain a random item`, `Starry Eyed - You can see in starlight as if it was daylight. Dim natural light also works, but just doesn't feel right`, `Iron Eyes - You can see magnetic fields and electricity. If you concentrate, you can also see concentrations of iron`, `Indestructible Hand - While you are alive, your dominant hand cannot be harmed by anything`, `Crucible Spleen - You can store half-finished potions within your body, brewing them with your blood, eating ingredients, before either vomiting them back up or consuming them yourself`, `The Common Tongue - You can speak with any creature that knows a language`, `Predator - You can smell fear and pain, and determine the source`, `Diplomatic Immunity - In a strictly fatal environment (black hole, lava etc.) you can survive for 1d6 rounds. Only works once per type of environment`, `Clever Fingers - Drop to 1 HP when someone tries to draw a weapon or otherwise retrieve an item, you have it instead`, `Chameleon - You can change the colour of your skin at-will, with extreme precision if you take your time`, `The Finer Things - If you cook with exceptionally fine ingredients, the food can have the effect of any drug you&#8217;ve ingested in your life`, `Gambling with Fate - If you fail a roll, would suffer a penalty, or gain a boon, you can choose to Gamble with Fate. This is usually represented by a single coin-flip for Double or Nothing, but may have different forms`, `Demesne - You can sense all that occurs on any property that you legally own`, `Druidic Knack - When you spend time exploring a wild and untamed area, you always find *something* useful`, `At All Costs - You can survive the death of the rest of your companions, if possible. You lose everything you are wearing and carrying, and potentially some of your powers. Works once`, `Wall Crawler - You climb just as well without climbing gear as with it. If a climb would be trivial using gear, you don't need to roll, even if you're free-climbing. If a climb would be impossible using gear, you can roll anyway`, `Party Rivalry - Choose another party member as your rival. Gain the exact opposite of one of their abilities. If they die, you lose this ability and are filled with a profound sense of loss`, `At One With The Land - Pick or roll (d6): 1. Grassland, 2. Desert, 3. Mountains, 4. Forest, 5. Coastal, 6. Tundra. You can interpret the flora, fauna, weather and landscape of that region as if you could speak to it`, `Bizarre - Instead of rolling a d20, you can flip a coin, heads critical success, tails critical failure. It never looks like skill`, `Curious - When you search, you can always find something hidden, good or bad`, `Linkboy - Torches you hold last five times as long`, `Desperate - Drop to 0 HP to automatically succeed on a check`, `Fated - Three times, roll with a +10 bonus`, `Flamboyant - While active you are always noticed first in a crowd`, `Gallant - People you protect reroll failed saves`, `Greedy - Know the exact value of anything you hold`, `Confidence - Advantage to all rolls in a day until you give up on something or are majorly thwarted`, `Helpful - Your friends can reroll a d20, once per person`, `Innocent - Anything will hesitate to kill you, at least for a moment, if you ask them for it`, `Knowledgeable - Learn a new rumour each session`, `Armourer - You can resize armour to fit anyone, so long as you have the materials for it`, `Weaponsmith - You can turn two broken weapons into a single working one, combining some of the traits in the process`, `Locksmith - Once you've picked a lock at least once, you can repick it without a check, or with a check as single fluid motion`, `Paranoia - Receive a warning before you do anything extremely dangerous. No details`, `Monstrous - Convert any malady into a mutation over a rest`, `Metabolic Control - You can set your body to x2 as fast or x2 slower. Eat, age, run and think at that speed`, `Alchemikludge - You can kludge a potion into three doses with half effectiveness each, reverse a potions effect, distil alcohol, make soap, turn gold into lead, grind lenses, and turn fire into any colour of the rainbow`, `Architectish - You can make accurate mental maps and sketch them perfectly. You know the general plan of any building you see, as well as which walls are load-bearing, and where the designer may have hidden secrets`, `Astrologonomy - You can make a prediction about the future overnight instead of sleeping. It always comes true, but it may be in a strange form, a dream, a message or applying to the wrong person. Also, you always know when the next major astronomical event is happening (the first time you use this, you can declare when it'll be)`, `Acrobatical - So long as you concentrate, you can use your feet like your hands and never lose your balance`, `Mathematika - You can perform advanced algebra in your head, predict the flight paths of objects with perfect accuracy, accurately eyeball measurements, and judge the amount of strength (and length of lever) you would need to lift any object`, `Old Bold Bomb-maker - Gunpowder is usually made from charcoal, saltpetre and sulphur. If you replace one of the ingredients with different powders and liquids you can create strange new explosives`, `Etiquetteful - You know how to compose yourself and seem like you belong, no matter the social scene. You know the name of everyone who is anyone`, `Oratorial - You can get and hold a crowd's attention for as long as you're speaking. Your voice carries over distances of up to a mile. If you shout, you can distract people in earshot. While you are talking, anyone gets a good sense of what you are saying, even if they don&#8217;t speak your language`, `Muse - You are an artist, in a medium of your choice. Once you create a work of art depicting something, you can declare it to be your Muse. Advantage to all rolls involving your Muse, only one Muse at a time`, `Engineerable - You can make ball bearings, springs, gears, lever-actions, winches and sundry other mechanical components from scratch. You can also turn a lot of ore into a small amount of pure, workable metal`, `Advanced Looting Techniques - If you aren't carrying any weapons or armour, items you hold in your hands never weigh you down`, `Crossed the Deserts Bare - You can go three times as long without food or water as a normal person`, `Breathed the Mountain Air - You can tell at a glance if a route is impossible`, `Travelled Every Road in This Here Land - Once, ever, you and your companions can visit The Crossroads, which connects to every road`, `Mindless Power - Advantage to STR checks, but once you start you can't stop yourself or change your mind`, `Locus of Mass - Advantage to STR saves with your hands pressed together`, `Feat of Strength - Reroll a failed STR check by taking d6 damage, and add the damage taken to the roll`, `Ritual - Advantage to DEX checks so long as you have time and something to calm yourself down, incense, an amulet etc.`, `Nimble - Advantage to DEX saves while unarmoured and with both hands free`, `Scattered - Reroll a failed DEX check by dropping or breaking something valuable`, `Panache - Advantage to CHA checks if you are unarmed and relaxed (not running away)`, `Protagonist - Advantage to CHA saves if you suffer them while protecting an NPC`, `Bet My Life On It - Reroll a failed CHA check by dropping to half HP`, `The Fool - When you are in serious danger, declare that you are hoping for the best. You (and possibly your friends) will be removed from the situation in an unlikely piece of luck. However, you can't use this ability again until either you suffer an incredibly bad turn of luck, or mess up a plan (un)intentionally`, `Chirurgeon - You can amputate and cauterise a wound as an action each, pull teeth with a hammer, and sterilise with vodka. It's brutal, but it works`, `Bad with Maths - When you use up the last of a consumable resource, there's a 50% chance you had one left. If not, or once used, can't be checked again until you restock fully`, `Juryrigger - Spend a day replicating or overclocking a magic item, one use`, `Nose for Trouble - You can always tell which direction has the most danger`, `Perspective - Once per turn, make yourself the most or least noticeable member of the party`, `I Know a Guy - Whenever you arrive at a new town, you can name someone that you know. Otherwise, the first time you meet a new person in a town, you can say you know them`, `Minions - You have a band of 1 HP followers (10 HP, d12). They are loyal to you unless they are hungry, bored, being slaughtered, or being sent into battle alone. Preventing them from routing or orders more complex than "follow me! / run away!" require a CHA check`, `Supreme Focus - Before beginning a task, you can set any number of conditions. Beyond being knocked unconscious or killed, nothing but those conditions will halt your trance-like progress`, `Judge of Character - By spending a few minutes in idle conversation with someone or engage in single combat, you can ask one question about them starting with "Why"`, `Giddy-up - You can "speak" with any horse you are riding, so long as it likes you`, `Now We're Even - If you and and ally have both saved each other's lives at least once, you both gain a paired ability relating to the experience`, `Dramatic Entrance - At any point, you may exit the current scene. Later, you can reveal yourself to have been a background character, disguised as a bush, or swing in through an open space. Must spend at least that round announcing your return in a suitable manner`, `Mighty Thews - When digging, building, felling trees or mining, you can do the work of ten men, and eat as much as three`, `Preternatural Hearing - If you point at someone you can see, you can hear them as if you were a dozen paces away. If you also know their name, you can hear them as if you were right beside them`, `Sign of Silence - Make the symbol using a free hand and hold your breath. Until you release it, nothing you do makes any noise`, `Funambulism - So long as you have both hands free, you can jump twice as far. If there is a stable wall to run on, you can move twice as far again`, `It Belongs in a Church! - Every time you return a valuable holy relic to the church where it belongs, gain a minor boon relating to that relic`, `Thousand Yard Stare - You've seen some things. You are immune to fear, and cannot recover stress via standard carousing or relaxing`, `Impossible Disguise - You can craft disguises so perfect that even you are fooled by wearing them. Specific people require elements from their life to make. Save or take on aspects of their personality each day you wear it`, `Road Knight - So long as you have an accurate map of a location and know where you are on it, the location will grant you a boon`, `Rumour Hunter - When you learn a rumour, you also learn one about (d4): 1. Treasure, 2. War, 3. Magic, 4. Weirdness`, `Knackmonger - If you've seen a neat trick twice, you can replicate it`, `Salt of the Earth - Your worldview is strictly pastoral. You can ignore all magic effects, so long as you can confuse it for a natural occurrence`, `Path-Seer - You can always find a shortcut or hidden route leading away from wherever you are, but the way is never free or easy`, `If you make no noise and touch nothing, no one will notice you even if you&#8217;re in plain sight`, `The first three times you roll a critical success, you discover an innate ability. You have advantage on that very specific type of roll forever`, `Gift of Grace - While living off the land and carrying no metal, stone, or evil magic, your movement and sight are never hindered by the flora or fauna of the forests`, `Three-Faced-Liar - Strangers will believe the first three words you say`, ], "Curse": [ `Hollow Guts - Tripled food requirements`, `Screaming Teeth - Yell at inopportune times, blurts out secrets`, `Unlucky - Disadvantage on loot/luck CHA checks`, `Dog Hatred - All dogs will attack you`, `Spirit Home - A small eldritch creature lives in your skull/teeth`, `Purse Moths - Save or lose half of your money when you enter a settlement`, `Fragile - Double bludgeoning damage`,`Mute`, `Delicate Sensibilities - Take 1 damage if you hear, say, or think a swear-word`, `Desolation - Double damage while alone and away from allies`, `Cursed to Die in a Fire - Double damage from fire`, `The Clawing Stone - Double all falling damage`, `Weak Blood - Automatically fail the first save against poison`, `Into the Depths - Completely unable to swim`,`Blinded`, `Deafened`, `The Betrayed - Take triple damage from any ally`, `Latent Vampirism - Take d8 damage unless you cringe and flee from sunlight and holy symbols`,`Crippled - One arm is useless`, `Lame - One leg is useless`, `Rabbit Instincts - When your life is in danger you will always run`, `Magnetic Soul - All spells that travel within 20ft of you change their target to you`, `Endless Thirst - Water, tea, coffee, ale, beer and wine all do nothing for you`, `Slip of the Tongue - Anything you think of saying is written on your skin`, `Evil Twin - Manifests far away, knows where you are`, `The Horseman Cometh - Immediately contract three diseases`, `Unique Diet - Violently ill otherwise, (d6): 1. Vegetarian, 2. Carnivore, 3. Heavily spiced, 4. Cannibal, 5. Coal, 6. Ice`, `The Chosen - If something would randomly apply to someone in a group, it happens to you`,`Turned into a frog`, `Herald of the Apocalypse - You are fated to cause a major disaster. Omens precede you, and everybody knows it`,`Take d20 damage from needles`, `Forbidden Name - If you hear, read or speak your own name, suffer 1d10 of a random damage type`, `Wandering Dreams - You always wake up somewhere strange nearby`, `Dreadful Posture - Your head and arm swap positions`, `Animal Head - 1d6: 1. Donkey, 2. Shark, 3. Chicken, 4. Lizard, 5. Ant, 6. Moose`, `Demon Mark - Reek of brimstone and sin, attracts the attention of devils and clergy alike`, `Allergy - Take d6 damage and get a severe rash if you touch (d6): 1. Water, 2. Money, 3. Grass, 4. Iron, 5. Leather, 6. Rope`,`Stolen Youth - Age 30 years`, `Curse of Sadim - Any gold you touch turns to clay`,`Snake Arm`, `Inverted Face - Eyes become two mouths. Mouth becomes one large eye`, `Ghost Flesh - In sunlight, appear as a rotting corpse`,`Bees - BEES`, `Probably Not Getting Struck By Lightning - In any rain, you have a 1-in-20 chance of getting struck by lightning and dying horribly`, `Continually tormented/tempted/threatened by a demon only you can see`, `Dread Touch - Every living thing you kill rises as undead after d6 rounds`, `Hyperrealism - Spend 1 second out of each hour in a higher realm than this. Later, 2 seconds per hour...`, `Stricken Bloodline - Gain no XP when you die or retire`, `Cursed Object - A random item gains a malignant trait. If you try and get rid of it, an undead creature will bring it back to you`, `Call of the Deep - Any water vessel you travel on will be attacked at the worst possible moment by a sea monster`, `Lycanthropy - Turn into a wolf by the light of the moon`, `Soul Trap - Take d6 damage for every round that you have a reflection in a mirror or still water`, `Every time you are knocked prone or tripped over, you fall down a hole`, `Gritty Death - To you, all sand acts as if it is quicksand`, `True Love - At the worst possible moment, an NPC will fall madly in love with you, likely to disastrous results`, `Any food you put into your mouth turns into hard stone`, `A locust swarm stalks you, it lags two days behind`, `Any liquid but water is poison to you`, `Your nose grows 1 inch whenever you tell a lie`, ], "Madness": [ `Melancholia - Disadvantage on all checks until you succeed one, resets each day`, `Addiction - Whenever it is available, you must seek out (1d4): pleasure, drugs, gambling, or church attendance. If you resist an obvious opportunity to get your fix, you can't heal until you get some`, `Alien Hand Syndrome - One arm no longer belongs to you. It'll act on its own choices, and will resent you for placing it in danger`, `Paranoia - They are all out to get you! Disadvantage on CHA checks, alleviated for a day if you actually find evidence of a conspiracy against you and have proof`, `Hallucinations - Unreliable senses, the DM will give you false descriptions of things if you are ever alone (without your allies to guide you). Since you are always doubting your senses, you are always surprised on the first round of combat unless a CHA check is made`, `The Voices - You can hear everything the other players say at the table`, `Nightmares - 3-in-6 chance of restful sleep each night, 4-in-6 with alcohol`, `Phobia (Proximal) - Permanently afraid of whatever thing or class of things caused the madness. When confronted with trigger, make a CHA check or take double damage until you spend a round while safe from the cause`, `Phobia (Dungeon) - Permanently afraid of 1d4: being alone, claustrophobia, darkness, or heights. When confronted with trigger, make a CHA check or take double damage until you spend a round while safe from the cause`, `Selective Blindness - Cannot see cause of madness, or some other source of danger (d4): 1. Enemies, 2. Traps, 3. Betrayals, 4. Magic`, `Psychosis - Cannot leave combat until all enemies are dead. A CHA check can be attempted once per combat the first time you attempt to resist`, `Split Personality - Reroll all your background elements and mental stats as a second character. Switch between them each session or when concussed`, `Twitchy - The first time you take damage in each encounter, you must make a CHA check or spend the next round flipping out`, `Pacifism - Whenever you see or hear an enemy die, take 1d6 damage`, `Afflicted - Abusive, paranoid, irrational, hopeless or something else. Whatever the case, anyone that rests with you nearby recovers 1 fewer HP`, `Sudden Delusion - 1d6: 1. Your allies are insane and must be restrained, 2. This is a dream and you have to wake up, 3. The floor is covered with gold and jewels, 4. You are on fire, 5. You are a literal god, 6. You are a rusty sword that needs polishing`, `Obsession - If you can't do it, freak out in d4 rounds (d4): 1. When entering a structure you haven't tasted before, lick the floor, 2. Always stay in the light, 3. Don't touch anybody, 4. Touch all of the treasure`, `Shut Down - Can't take actions unless expressly ordered to by an ally (requires an action and a lot of prodding). Lasts for 1d6 hours`, `Amnesia - Lose all of your trained abilities and memories. Make an CHA check to recover them when you need them, or when prompted. If you failed, you'll need therapy to get them back, or a life-or-death situation that requires them. You won't lose any spells but you'll forget you have them`, `Coma - Make saves to recover after 1d6 hours, 1d6 days and 1d6 weeks`,`Insomnia - You can't sleep`, `Narcolepsy - 1-in-10 chance of falling asleep under stressful circumstances`, `Pseudo-Wizard - Strongly believe you have magical powers`, `Waking Nightmares - Strongly believe that if you die you&#8217;ll just wake up`, `Superstitious - Take d6 damage if you break a mirror, walk past a black cat etc.`, `Not able to say or describe numbers beyond "none", "one", "many"`, `Professor's Bane - Rendered mute if someone asks you for advice`, `Nervous Wreck - Disadvantage against madness, double psychic damage`, `Performance Anxiety - Fingers go numb while being watched`, `Loose Lips - Anything you think, you instead say out loud`, `Always say the opposite of what you mean`, ], "Disease": [ `Grave Lung - Cough at least once a minute or take d4 damage`, `Spasms of the Liver - Halve all natural healing`, `Stoneskin - Each time the affected limb is damaged, it spreads a little`, `Corpus Beetles - Infects a specific mental trait, using it causes eggs to appear `, `Black Death - Double the effect of all other diseases and poisons`, `Gob Rot - Your teeth start falling out`, `Mangling Flesh - Fail all saves vs. mutation`, `Dungeon Slough - Take +d4 damage from all sources`, `Worm of Entropy - Speaks your language, desires ruin`, `Shadow Pox - Immune to positive spells as your shadow sickens`, `Dysentery - 1-in-6 chance to lose action each round as you soil yourself`, `Crystal Bones - Double bludgeoning and fall damage`, `Rude Passenger - Save vs. messy sporulation when near people`, `The Dwindling - Shrink an inch a day`, `Gangrene - Take 1d8 damage each morning`,`Rabies - Cannot drink water`, `The Plague - If you die you will rise as a zombie`, `Brain Worms - Hallucinate when near large predators or water`, `Tetanus - Random body part is paralysed each morning (d6): 1. Left arm, 2. Right arm, 3. Left leg, 4. Right leg, 5. Jaw, 6. Whole body`, `Dauntledregs - Fail all saves vs. fear and confusion`, `Wandering Heart - You have a throbbing red weak point, take bonus damage from all attacks that specifically target it`, `Dimensia - Regular geometric shapes horrify you`, `The Hops - Frog eggs sprout from your back`, `Doom Warts - They pop into tiny faces and pronounce doom`, `Cordyceps - Bright glowing lump, get excited near predators`, `The Dithers - CHA save to make fast decisions`, `Boggy Pox - Each sentence must include the word "bog", "boggy" etc. or take 1 damage. After that, the number of "bogs" needed in a sentence increases by one. After five, every word must be "bog"`, `Carrion Fever - Cannot gain sustenance from anything but raw meat`, `Goblin Breath - It smells terrible, and if your face is uncovered, goblins can find you`, `Mouthful of Ash - Lungs start slowly turning to dust. Every round spent exerting yourself is followed by a round wheezing`, `Red Masque of Flesh - Cannot rest or relax until you scratch that particular spot properly. It's never properly scratched`, `Frailty of Blood - Wounds stop healing, and never stop bleeding, a thin watery spill`, `Join Us - You can't help but follow the commands of anyone with Join Us that has had it longer than you. Commands from multiple infected add their times together`, `Sprouting Bones - d6 joints slowly become useless clumps of rock-like bone, heavy and unbending`, `Galloping Rot - Tiny infected wound, decomposes flesh rapidly if exposed to sunlight`, `Soul Polyps - You are exceptionally easy to control via possession and can't be exorcised until it is cured`, `Phantom Blisters - Appear on objects that belong to you and itch horribly`, `Grey Waste - If you don't spend some time brooding in a desolate and lonely place each month, you can't heal`, `Skeletor Eruptus - Your bones try to jump out of your mouth and run away. Requires negotiation`, `Electric Flu - Shocks everyone near you whenever you sneeze`, `The Suds - Cough bubbles. Bleaches your skin`, `Head Pigeons - Causes a pigeon to nest in your head`, `Note Leech - Can't sing or speak a certain note (Do, Ri, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti). 1-in-7 chance that your natural speaking tone is consumed as well`, `Inflammation of the Third Eye - Head starts to swell, random miracles abound, halos, tears of glass, eventual head-splosion`, `Sticky Fingers - Starts with improved grip, soon, impossible to let go of anything. A gluey fungus`, `Hellboils - The pus leaking out of you is actually your soul`, `Keratogenic Fever - Causes your fingers and toes to split open into serrated claws. Anything you scratch will contract the disease as well`, `Loam Flesh - Softens your skin and turns your flesh to a moist crumbly layer, perfect for seeds and weeds to sprout`, `Cloud-gout - Make your head and extremities swell with lighter-than-air gasses`, `Biokinetic Drift - Your body is not yours. Every day, save or reroll your race and gender`, `Common Fire - Like the common cold, but hot and dry. Continually cough up smoke`, `Psychic Leakage - Everyone you look at can hear your thoughts`, `Blue Phlegm - Your sinuses have been colonised by a type of parasitic ooze`, `Oil-Unwell - Sores on your body leak a highly flammable black fluid`, `The Hollowing - The most important things about you slowly turn to grey ash. When you die, crumble to dust`, `Eyeball Sprout - Grow a new eyeball each day`, `Gremlinosis - You are full of mischievous and murderous gremlins, vary in size from pea to thumb. They eat some of whatever you eat, when there are too many they will burst out and go on a murder spree`, `Trollishness - Regain 1 HP every minute, unless caused by acid or fire. Every injury or scar heals back with green troll-flesh that is actively hostile to you, unless you threaten it with immolation`, `Hecatoncheiritis - Grow a new arm each month. It's not particularly under your control, especially when you're stressed`, ], "Artefact": [ `Defence Orb - Semi-obedient, d8 fire damage against up to three targets`, `Gravity Orb - Clear crystal, containing a free-floating triangle of black metal. Anything directly touching the orb experiences gravity in the direction of the triangle. It takes about a minute of intense focus to move the triangle to a new angle`, `Orb of Spell Splitting - Any spell that targets the orb is divided into its parts, each part sent onwards at different angles`, `Orb of Spell Inversion - Any spell that targets the orb is swapped`, `Orb of Spell Absorption - Any spell that targets the orb is sucked in. If broken, all spells are released at once`, `Orb of Scrying - If surrounded by three items of significance, will present an image of a location that they symbolise`, `Orb of Binding - If you bonk it on the head of a heavily injured (but not dead) enemy, they might be trapped within the orb. Henceforth, you can summon them out of the orb as an action to fight for you`, `Apocalypse Orb - If something would break the orb, they are instead sucked into the hellish orb-scape of clawing shadows and fire. They take d12 slashing+fire each round, and can be heard from the outside. The only thing that can release them is someone else trying to break the orb, and taking their place. If the orb is somehow actually broken, it will release the orb-scape on the world`, `Spirit-Hive Orb - Random spells and spirits take up residence within it, often looking for mortals to do their bidding`, `Displacement Orb - Activate while directly between two objects of similar size, swaps their location`, `Orb of Annihilation - Any physical matter it touches is completely destroyed. You have the matching amulet, by concentrating on the orb you can have it move at a steady walking pace. Anyone without an amulet can concentrate to make it move at a slow crawl`, `Orpheus Mirror - If a loved one dies, this mirror will show you one of countless ways into the underworld to reach them. Choose 1d4-1d4 of the following: the mirror is destroyed, you must give something of great value, they are unwilling to leave, you must stay behind`, `The Last Job - Enchanted skull of a dead thief and set of repaired eyeglasses. The glasses show whatever the skull can see`, `Grafting Mount - Wrist-sized ring with cruel hooks at both ends. Binds together stumps and fresh limbs, granting control to the wearer. Using a special power of the limb (e.g. a ghoul's paralysing touch, a cockatrice's petrification, etc.) costs one HP each time`, `Fifelsnaw Horn - Curling white horn bound with bands of bronze, inlaid with moonstones and pale sapphires. Deals d6 cold damage to the blower's lungs, and produces: 1. Chill breeze, 2. Raincloud, 3. Scatter of hail, 4. Fog, 5. Cold snap, 6. White-out blizzard`, `Peacelock Bangle - Steel bangle composed of two rings, decorated with images of olive branches. By clasping hands with something cause a ring of the bangle to close shut on them. While the two of you are attached by the bangle, neither of you can harm the other`, `Damsel's Hairbrush - Brushing hair for a minute causes it to lengthen by five feet`, `God-In-The-Keg - Tap the keg for its divine ichor. Don't get close to any spout, it's tendrils are razor-sharp and envenomed`, `Bird's Eye Lens - Crystal lens rimmed with delicate golden filaments like the vanes of a feather. Looking through it lets you see through the eyes of the nearest bird. Stroking the filaments lets you switch to the eyes of the next nearest bird, then the next, and so on`, `Gregor's Boots - Flashy red boots with ink-stained laces. If you jump at the exact moment a spell is cast at you, you will be flung away from the effect untouched`, `Pin of Eternity - Stabbed into a creature, causes them to becomes immovable and indestructible. Reversed when removed`, `Chalk of the Pact-Maker - Nothing even remotely magical can cross a line drawn of this chalk. Never runs out, easily smudged`, `Djinn Lamp - Before granting a wish, the djinn will demand that you fulfil a task for it. It's not omniscient, most of the wishes it grants are simply teleporting things to you`, `Horrid Mask - Anyone wearing the mask cannot help but follow any command given, and will continue to perform it even if killed`, `Tele-Beacon - Heavy beacon and a matching gizmo that teleports the holder back to the beacon`, `Plasmic Siphon - Extract a single-use of a special property / ability from a corpse into a potion`, `Second-Chance Skull - When you die, your original body dissolves into poisonous sludge, and you slowly regenerate from the skull`, `The Rat King's Crown - A crown of lumpy gold and long, sharp incisors. Whoever wears it is recognised as the king of rats. They can speak with rats, but might not be obeyed unless they behave appropriately and are attempting to restore the rat kingdom`, `The Bells of Exorcism - Sleeper, Waker, Walker, Speaker, Thinker, Binder, Weeper. Lose 1 HP to ring multiple bells, if distracted while ringing or if attempting long-term effects. "Weeper" kills everything that hears it, including you`, `Way-Between Talisman - Attach to any door, archway etc. to turn it into a portal to another suitable opening`, `Magma Coil - Three fingers wide. Turns any stone that passes through it into lava`, `Scryball - Flapping eyeball, fuelled by brain fluid. Anything it sees is reflected in a matched crystal ball`, `Lantern of Revelation - Burns with blue flames that point the way to secrets`, `Un-Eyepatch - Allows the wearer to project their vision 30ft in any direction`, `Cryptogrammer - Send an eight-letter message to anyone you wish. Messages can be sent to specific people, types of people, in an area. Each person can only receive a cryptogram once a month, resetting after a new moon`, `Sail of Seaworthiness - White linen sail always followed by a gentle breeze that smells of the sea. Anything the sail is attached to behaves in the water as though it were a sailboat, with comparable buoyancy, speed, and manoeuvrability`, `Watering-can of Knowledge - Any plant this can waters becomes sentient`, `Flask of Endless Breath - Continuously bubbles with fresh air`, `Windup Golem - Hip high. Requires considerable force to wind the mainspring. Obedient, not creative. If the spring is broken, deals 1d20 damage to everything in a line`, `Elemental Minion - d6: 1. Fire, 2. Water, 3. Earth, 4. Air, 5. Weird (Metal etc.), 6. Even weirder (Surprise etc.). Requires a suitable quantity of its material to survive outside the container`, `Austere Grimoire - Contains a dozen bizarre spells and a bound spirit tutor. The tutor only allows you to learn each spell one at a time, and only after you have demonstrated appropriate understanding of the earlier content`, `Crown of Command - Grants power over (d4): 1. Ice, 2. Dust, 3. Acid, 4. Rust. Deals small amounts of psychic damage if you overuse it`, `Heart of the Spring - Urn of dark glass containing a knot of blue stone. Any fluid in line-of-sight of the knot becomes fresh spring-water after a moment`, `Flying Carpet - Content to fly with one passenger that is polite, stationary, light, and allows plenty of room for take-off and landing`, `Mask of the Demiurge - While worn, sprout a glowing mandala of eyes and two extra arms. Only time will tell if this is an artefact of angels, demons or otherwise`, `Portal Rings - Anything passing through the red ring emerges from the blue ring at the same speed, and vice versa`, `Bronze Lamp - The spirit inside can't grant wishes, but it is strong, has vague magical powers and can't leave the lamp without permission`, `Headcage of Spellcraft - Heavy, awkward, spikes in all the wrong places, you can't heal while wearing it. Has a 4-in-6 chance of preventing wands, scrolls and other magic items from being consumed, so long as the cage is sealed`, `Thrice-locked titanium flask of Fire-Heart - A spoonful of this can flare into a bonfire in an instant, the full flask is enough to destroy a city. Be wary, the liquid within will wriggle out given a chance`, `Everice in a vial of oil - When everice comes in contact with water or flesh, it rapidly freezes into more everice `, `Wicker House-Ball - Expands into a 10ft radius rattan house, with furniture, walls, and doors woven at the bearer's whim. In a forest, city, or similarly vertical environment the house-ball can extend tendrils and climb at the speed of a drunken monkey`, `Abacus of Mesmerane - Can be used to carefully answer any question that has an answer greater than 1. Any answer that isn't a number or is less than 2 results in [null]. In addition, there is a secret 2-in-6 chance of getting [null] anyway`, `The Witness - Everything that happens within eye- and ear-shot of this book is recorded, in tedious detail. This effect is blocked only by lead`, `Skull of the Damned Alchemist - Made entirely of lead, golden flames flicker in the eye-sockets. Wherever it points turns to lead, until it looks away`, `Cowrie Shells - Six ancient artefacts, each found naturally bearing a different rune. When thrown, summons an illusory creature. The more shells land open-side up, the more powerful it is`, `Tablet of Law - Bears the mark of an ancient god, inscribed with a divine commandment, "thou shalt not" etc. If that commandment is broken in sight of the tablet, they will be smote. If the tablet is broken, whatever was forbidden is no longer a sin`, `Gauntlets of Ogre Strength - Grants the might of an ogre, as well as the hunger`, `Goblin Horn - Blow to summon 1d6 goblins`, `Timeglass - This spyglass shows what something looked like ten years ago`, `Candle of Fate - Place a hair as the wick. As the candle burns, the owner of the hair will age preternaturally fast. This candle can burn for "200 years" of lifetime, taking about an hour total. If they age to death, the candle goes out`, `Seven-League-Boots - Sends you careening across the countryside with every step. Tripping deals d12 damage`, `Immovable Rod - Latches onto nearest planetary magnetic field when you press the button, detaches when you press it again. Quite strong, but not indestructible`, `Wavy metal rod coated in blue and turquoise enamel. When one end of the rod is planted in a liquid, that substance is sprayed out the other end with the force and volume of a firehose`, `Rod of 77 Parts - One single piece. Tugs towards other parts if they are anywhere nearby, as well as (d4): 1. Deals +d4 necrotic damage, 2. Allows you to walk on water for three steps, 3. Make eye-contact to bind both the target and yourself in place, 4. Jump vertically great heights. Additional parts of the rod increase the effectiveness of all powers`, `Bag of Holding - The size of a warehouse inside`, `Shadowcape - Makes you invisible except for your shadow`, `Everburning Torch - Smoulders underwater, immediately relights when exposed to air`, `Alter Ego - Create a dissimilar persona, you can transform into them or back as an action`, `Monocle of Entropy - If you stare at something long enough, it will fall over. 1 round for a candlestick, 1 minute for a sleeping cow, 1 hour for a small tree, 1 day for a cottage or large tree, 1 week for a castle. Must be within 100ft`, `Hypanian, the Land-Ship - Requires a large gem to summon, offered to the earth. Summons a large stone ship that cuts a furrow in the land. Treats rivers and bodies of water as reefs and islands, ignores trees, mountains, hills, elevation, and lava`, `Orniel, the Ash Knight - Cloud of ash in the shape a helmet. Wraps around the wearer and summons the accompanying ash-forged platemail. Orniel is a ruthless warrior, the wearer is helpless and burns to death`, `Creston, who Adjudicates - Stone head the size of a cabbage. Can compare any two objects, items, values, or issues with a set criteria. Answers in a booming voice by picking one of the two subjects, which must be local and immediate`, `Gornim, Lord of Vermin - Unfired clay statue of a child, can summon and command vermin, especially if there is food involved`, `Spirit Drum - Covered in the tanned skin of sentient beings, this small drum has the power to raise the dead while it is in use. Simply drumming it in rhythm is enough to raise a single corpse, sacrifices can summon and command more`, `Hunter's Respite - A bundled wool rug, pattern to depict a small sound cabin, stocked for a week&#8217;s stay. If blood from a freshly slain animal is dripped on the rug, the cabin depicted will appear, providing shelter and sustenance for up to five people for a week, before fading back into a rug. The cabin restocks itself slowly`, `Mask of the First Emperor - Finely crafted from gold and ivory, meant to be tied on with string. The mask depicts the shockingly beautiful 1st Emperor. While worn the wearer is under his divine protection and cannot be touched by evil things or their attacks, but the mask has no eye holes and the wearer is blinded`, `Archon Lamp - Elegant twists of brass wire surround a thin crystal orb trapping a small fragment of some celestial consciousness within. If the proper name, engraved on the base, is spoken the lamp will produce a steady white light as a lantern, without the need for fuel or oxygen (though not without cost...)`, `Jar of Life - Jar formed of translucent material, not quite glass. Organic matter, such as a severed hand, small creature or plant, placed inside remains alive until removed regardless of any conditions`, `Crown of Eyes - When activated, the crystal spheres separate from the crown and fly around the wearer. The wearer can see anything the crystal spheres see, but can't use their own eyes`, `Lute of Finding - If this lute is played by a skilled musician, they will see a glowing trail appear, that leads to the subject of the song. If they stop playing the trail will vanish`, `Flask of Reversal - Pour in a potion, give it a vigourous shake, and the effect of the potion is reversed`, `Equivalent Exchanger - Small silver box. When you place an item inside and close the lid, it is replaced with a completely different item of roughly comparable value. It doesn't work with items that you gained from previous transactions`, `Amulet of the Archmage - If something casts a spell on you that you know, it rebounds on the caster and you are left untouched`, `Polymorph Band - At a thought, you can transform the hand and wrist wearing this band into the head of beast you have eaten. The tongue of beast is wearing the band as a tiny ring, if it is cut off or removed, your hand reverts`, `Phoenix-Feather Cap - Wearer can jump as far as they wish, but the cap does not offer protection against velocity or void`, `Crypt Cauldron - Black iron cauldron, boil a corpse within it to raise it as undead. Add ingredients to change the undead produced`, `Chronotrap - Pocketwatch made of organic and mechanical components. When laid over the heart of a dying person, it kills them and winds up an extra few minutes, more for strong heroes and wizards. The pocketwatch can be set running, while it winds down the bearer does not age or move closer to death`, `Utility Cube - Can transform into any mundane tool, like a hatchet or metal file. Given materials to work with, can create larger tools like ladders, or jackhammers. Very dangerous if damaged`, `Treasure Enhancer - A complicated assemblage of spinning wheels on a short rod. Hold against a completely untouched chest to double the loot inside. However, if the chest is trapped it is automatically sprung and you take double damage`, `Bottled Ocean - Contains an entire ocean, including a selection of islands, and a large number of sea creatures`, `Necrosceptre - A ritually prepared corpse can be commanded to rise and will obey simple commands. If you drop the sceptre, half the undead it has raised will do nothing, the other half turn to ravenous violence. If you are killed for any reason, all undead will devour your corpse before attacking the living`, `Staff of the False Magi - Majestic glowing implement of destruction. Conjure fireballs, lightning, ice-storms, showers of brimstone. 95% illusory, only deal 1d6 damage, or 1 if the target has seen that kind of attack before`, `Staff of the Ravenous Sun - Consumes liquids of any potency, whether potions or blood, and converts it into gouts of flame (d8 area)`, `Powerstaff - Needles of bizarre metal wrapped around an invisible core. Allows the wielder to summon walls of force and control invisible blades (d6 area). If you use it without having your feet planted firmly, take d12 force damage, if you are struck at all you take +d8 damage`, `Rod of Elemental Control - 1d4: 1. Fire, 2. Water, 3. Earth, 4. Air. The element will seek to follow the directives of the rod, but will balk if commanded against it's nature: Air, to travel freely, Earth, to stay still or remain in motion, Water, to flow smoothly, and Fire, of course, to burn`, `Force Lance - A staff of crystal, unmarked, yet instantly recognisable to any scholar of war. If the proper words are spoken (the name of an Emperor usually) the lance projects a beam of force at the target for d20 damage. If a 1 is rolled, the lance explodes dealing d20 to everything around it`, `Staff of the Infinite Hells - Five rings of cursed iron along the length, each numbered from 0 to 9. Swirl the staff (carefully!) to create a temporary portal at the end, leading to that particular Hell. One-way only. Rumours abound of staves with even more rings`, `Staff of Flowing Water - Swirling bands of malachite and fir. Changes water to ice, ice to steam, and steam to water. Doesn't work on the same water twice`, `Twinned Wands of Resonance - One of glass, one of marble. Mark two targets with a beam of light, what happens to one marked target happens to the second. The link requires line-of-sight, and the effect is stronger the more similar the objects`, `Wand of Inversion - Cedar with a ruby tip. Cast it at the exact same time something happens, the reverse occurs. Fires instead freeze, loud noises muffle all sound, curses become blessings`, `Wand of the Fairy Godmother - Ivory with rings of gold. Transforms objects into the pumpkin equivalent`, `Wand of Madness - Bronze and ceramic. Target suffers a particular delusion while pointed at them (d6): 1. Desperate to impress dance partner, 2. On fire, 3. Is a spider, 4. Floor is snakes, 5. Gravity swapped, 6. They are the king, you are putting on a play for them`, `Wand of Destruction - Obsidian and bone. Contains a thrashing eldritch spirit, flailing tendrils deal 1d6 bludgeoning+psychic damage to everything the wand is pointing at`, `Wand of Agony - Lead and granite. d12 non-lethal damage to a creature capable of feeling pain, reduce damage by 2 for each limb they choose not to use this round`, `Wand of Instant Death - Bone and platinum. Causes the target to die for a single round, then come back alive. If their body is damaged enough that they would die upon return, they can appeal to the Reapers`, `Wand of Warping - Zinc and shell. Deals d8 damage to any solid inorganic material, twisting and cracking it`, `Tome of Healing - Replace an injury, curse or disease with (1d6): 1. Injury, 2. Curse, 3. Disease, 4. Carried item, 5. Herbal remedy, 6. Lifestyle restriction. Lapsing on option 4-6 causes the original malady to return. Takes an hour, you'll know what the cost is before committing`, `Tome of Trickery - Write something in the book of the form "If [name] does [action] then [effect] will occur" or similar. If they die for any reason following the effect, the book has a 1-in-6 chance of losing all powers. If they die directly from the effect, 5-in-6. Must be their true name, must not be something they are doing all the time, must occur with you nearby`, `Tome of Madness - Each new madness you gain allows you to access a new spell`, `Tome of Life - A stolen book of the dead. Mundane weapons cannot harm you, but you take x3 damage from spells, angels and demons. They can smell your theft`, `Tome of Trading - Allows you to read the deals requested from all other uses of similar tomes, as well as teleport goods and payment between them`, `Lightbow - Uses bright light instead of arrows, shoots a beam of light in a straight line. Radiant+piercing damage`, `Phase Bow - While the command word is being said, arrows fired from this bow become ethereal. If you time it well, they can pass through a door`, `Adamant Crossbow - Can be wound x100 more than a normal, but takes x100 as long. Most crossbow bolts can only handle a limited amount of winding`, `Metabow - If used to fire a magic arrow, the next nine arrows fired after that have the same effect`, `Crooked Bow - Fires arrows in a tight arc`, `Icicle Bow - Turns water into frozen arrows`, `Bow of Earth - Doesn't require arrows, summons sharpened twigs fletched with leaves from the ground, so long as the wielder is barefoot in soil`, `Knife-Blink - After throwing, the thrower is teleported to the target and is holding the dagger again`, `Knock-Knock Axe - Very loudly explodes wooden doors when you say "knock knock" while swinging`, `Spear of Heaven - Deals electric+slashing damage, ignores metal armour, can be thrown directly upwards to land as a lightning bolt next round, dealing 1d20+10 damage and being destroyed`, `Spear of Dusk - Can be commanded to stop mid-air at will`, `Negaton Mace - Extremely heavy, twist the base to start a timer, causes an implosion and an earthquake upon detonation`, `Lantern-Mace - Bludgeoning+radiant damage. Burns eternally while you stand and fight, can also hit ghosts etc. while lit`, `Blade of Truth - If you have asked the target a question, this weapon only deals 1 damage if they answer truthfully. Deals +d10 damage against those that have betrayed you`, `Thunder Hammer - Strike a piece of metal to damage it and create a loud thunderclap. If you use it to propel a piece of metal, the thunderclap comes from where it lands`, `Storm Razors - Long metal poles, magnetically bound. Takes an action to unbind, causing lightning to arc between them. d12 damage, incredibly unstable, being struck will cause one razor to fling in a random direction`, `Dread-Saw - Rapidly spinning steel saw, held in the central spoke by both hands and swung around wildly. Deals 1d12 damage but *incredibly* dangerous to the wielder. Any attempt to make it safer goes horribly wrong`, `Axe of Cleaving - If you kill an enemy, you can and must make an extra attack`, `Scintillating Rapier - d8. Once you kill an enemy in a stylish manner, this weapon deals +d6 fire damage, a darting point of light. Lasts until combat ends, or you act boorishly`, `Murder Nail - A tiny d4 spike. If used to kill someone, increases to d6 and so-forth. Once used to kill someone as a massive blade (d12), shatters into scrap metal and a tiny d4 spike`, `Trick Blade - Looks to be about the size of a large dagger, but surrounded by a much larger, invisible greatsword (d10)`, `Veil Parter - Anything killed with this sword always leaves a ghost`, `Imperial Shield - Bears the sigil of the broken empire. While holding it, you are immune to fear, but cannot flee combat`, `Shield of Fortune - Gilt tower shield, long worn down to practical soulsteel. As an action, take d6 damage and brace against incoming, fire, lightning or spell. Protect as many allies behind the shield as damage taken`, `Shield of Eyes - While holding this shield, you can see out of the many eyes that pattern it`, `Shield of the Ifrit - Not a shield at all, just a tiny ivory rod with scorched finger-marks (all that was left of the last user). Once touched, the ifrit is bound to you, a giant invisible spirit. It blocks all physical attacks against you, but if you ever let go of the Shield, even for a moment, it will incinerate you in a second`, `Mirror Shield - Reflects any beam-based spells, fragile`, `Arcano Shield - Has three slots in the back to fit in parts of spells, like "Fire", "Bolt", or "Wall". Any spell that hits the shield and is made of a spell-part is reflected`, `Bulwark Shield - Stone shield with spikes on the bottom. When planted in the ground, the spikes extend and the shield grows in size`, `Towering Shield - Pulling the lever on the back causes it to triple in height and grow a small ladder`, `Shield of Wonder - Whenever you are attacked, a random spell is cast`, `Night Whisper - Black gauntlets and sabatons (+1 HP) that render all armour you wear completely silent`, `Breastplate of Stone - At a thought, make yourself immovable for a round and invulnerable for a second. You cannot use this two turns in a row`, `Shadowsteel Armour - While in complete darkness, you take half damage from weapons`, `Coat of Arms - Puffs out with a second set of arms while worn`, `Bracer of Partial Warding - Sometimes reduces the effect of a spell when interposed (d6): 1. Halved damage/duration, 2. Deflected in random direction, 3. Extra round to activate, 4. Altered spell, 5-6. Nothing`, `Maul of Destruction - d10. Has a rocket and a trigger. If the rocket fires away from the target, deal +d8 damage and knock them back. If the rocket fires towards them, deal +d6 fire to them and everything adjacent. Requires cleaning and a vial of oil each use`, `Sword of Damocles - By plunging the blade into the ground and praying over it as an action, you can make ranged attacks with it. Lasts until you stop praying or the sword is pulled`, `Rainbow-Blade - Requires both hands to wield safely, deals d6 damage in all damage types: fire, electric, poison, acid, cold, psychic, necrotic, radiant`, `Blade of Divergence - Roll two elemental damage types, this sword alternates between the two every time it lands an attack`, `Longsword of Attacking Twice in a Round`, `Flametongue - Blazes with flame while unsheathed. +d6 fire damage, sheds flickery light, use it to cook your food. Take d6 heat damage per hour of use`, `Dagger of Sneak Attack - If multiple dice apply to your attack, add them together`, `Helmet of Lasers - Requires both hands and a head to operate, deals d8 fire damage somewhere you can directly see. Overuse can cook your brain`, `Helm of the Mad God - For every sentient creature you kill, you have a 1% chance of becoming the Vessel of the Mad God`, `Skull-Crown of the Corpse Warlord - If you eat a part of a rotting corpse, it will come to life. The part you have eaten will also come to life inside you`, `Holy Avenger - If used to kill a fiend or undead, they burn to ash and salt and never resurrect. The sword glows with a pure white light and deals +d6 radiant against such foes`, `Dancing Sword - Can be set loose on an enemy or group of enemies and will attack each round. Difficult to re-capture unless it has killed at least once`, `Vorpal Sword - Deals 1d8 damage, if you roll an 8 then roll again and add. Snicker snack`, `Heartbleed - Darksteel dagger, when pointed at a creature you intend to kill, it pulses with the creature's heartbeat. Works through stone, but not lead`, `Dagger of Illium - This metal seeks out the destruction of the great and powerful, in proportion to their greatness. It deals d4 to peasants and animals, d8 to heroes, d12 to kings, and d20 to gods`, `Blade of Fealty - If you knight someone with this sword and they solemnly swear to serve you, you will know instantly if they betray you`, `The First Weapon - A tarnished lump of metal. Can be used to kill angels, demons and other immortal creatures permanently`, `Blue Blade of of Gal-Suzaz - Every blade you own, including this greatsword, turns blue. Any wounds you inflict bleed blue. If you spare a wounded opponent, they have a 50% chance of gaining this trait and becoming an odd sort of hero`, `Spear of Orichalcum - This metal wards off evil and prevents the dead from rising`, `Blade of Homeric Iron - Anything made from this metal will always lead to violence. Once drawn, this weapon sends the wielder into a murderous rampage until they have taken at least one life`, `Runeblade - Can parry spells, reduce damage taken by d6. If damage matches exactly, reflect the spell instead`, `Scabbard of Returning - A linked weapon you throw or drop can be summoned back to it`, `The Glacier - Flail of solid ice and hewn rage. Blows dealing maximum damage cause the head to shatter into razor shards, potentially blinding those nearby. Placing the handle in water causes it to reform. Killing blows instead freeze the target solid, to be shattered with a tap later`, `Three-Handed Sword - If you can successfully wield this, you'll be able to go toe-to-toe with any master swordsman. Otherwise, just use it as a battering ram`, `Zingerbee Nest and Flag Batons - The nest might be stored in your hat or sleeves. The flags are used to direct the swarm to attack, dealing from d4 (single bee) to d10 (entire swarm). Make sure they don't all die, or the queen will starve`, `Gravewatcher's Lantern - Spooky blue glow, attached with chain to a sickle. Anything illuminated by the lantern can be struck by the sickle, particularly incorporeal undead. Often used to grab unquiet ghosts and drag them back to the cemetery`, `Lancea Maleficarum - Spear with an iron ravens head and a charred haft. Deals +d10 necrotic damage to spellcasters at the moment they try and cast a spell, as well as interrupts said spell. Wails the names of nearby spellcasters`, `Maul of Slaying - The haft is etched with a type of creature. If that creature is prone, this deals +d20 damage to it`, `Storm Cannon - Shoots bolts of lighting (d10) or shocks everything nearby (d6 area). Bolts can be dragged off-target by large amounts of metal. On a 9-10 / 6, the power is exhausted. Comes with three lead-acid batteries, other reagents might work`, `Flamethrower - Sprays a gout of flame (d10) or ignites everything nearby (d6 area). On a 9-10 / 6, the fuel is used up. Comes with three jars of oil`, `Portable Altar of Death - Deals d10 necrotic damage to any target when you snap a bone on the altar`, `The Sword of Exorcism - Deals 1d4 bludgeoning+magic damage while sheathed. You can only draw it against a single incorporeal target once you know its form of manifestation, the truth of how it come to be, and the reason why it remains among the living. Once you know all three and draw the sword, deal 1d20 to the target`, `Crystal Darts, 3 - Deals d8 damage. Can be shot with a strong thought, a light breath, or a flick of a finger`, `Surgeon-Priest's Blade - Body parts removed come to life`, `Cloak of Unlimited Pockets - Has a 3-in-10 chance of containing any ordinary item, decreased chance the weirder and more specific`, `Spear of Voyage - If the target takes maximum damage, they are instead teleported away to an unknown but very dangerous realm. This weapon is cursed, after the wielder deals maximum damage with it, they are Forever Lost. Journeys they are on will never reach the intended destination, and they can never return home`, `Flying Knife - Renders the wielder invisible, but not their equipment, and not this knife`, `Filth Blade - Claymore, blade is nicked and cracked, and the hilt leaks foul fluids. Dirties water and makes wounds fester, anyone that actively licks it contracts leprosy`, `The Fountain - Ornate scimitar, anything cut by it bleeds more. They don't bleed out faster, but gush additional blood in a slippery spray`, `Sword of White Wind - Invisible blade, except when swung. Can throw slashes of fog`, `Errant Blade, 3 - Magical knives that must be paired to a spellcaster's familiar. The daggers may be thrown at any creature the familiar can see, attacking as normal around obstacles, over walls, through windows`, `Deck of Many Things - Hearts for enhancement and magic, Diamonds for wealth and knowledge, Spades for mishaps and combat, Clubs for disaster and death. Both Jokers grant wishes, but the black Joker kills you`, ], "Odd Trinket": [ `Magic coin with your face on it. At-will you can teleport it back to yourself, no matter how far away it may be. When you flip it, you decide what it comes up as, heads, tails or any other result you want`, `Trick Coin - Seemingly an ordinary penny, but has three hidden functions: a small light, a magnet, and a breaching explosion`, `Magic Key - Opens any door to an interdimensional room`, `Eye Pebble - Anything it sees is reflected in a tiny mirror`, `Scrylingish Orb - Crystal ball that shows far away places. Random location each time, maybe you can learn how to control where it shows`, `Goblin Key - Locks any lock, can't unlock anything`, `Omnidress - Can turn into any type of dress (can even imitate leather armour, but not metal)`, `Geophone - If you are quiet, patient, and can ignore the sound of your wet breathing, allows you to hear through solid rock`, `The Whetstone - Can sharpen anything with only a few swipes`, `Hand Mirror of Lies - Whoever holds it controls what it shows`, `Psihemoth Memory Key - Does 1d6 damage to you as you open your own head. Allows you to walk through all of your previous experiences as an observer, observe as if you were there, recall anything. Memories of others are incomprehensible`, `Looserope - Whisper a word to each knot of this rope as you tie it. If that word is spoken aloud then that knot will spontaneously come undone`, `Grapple Spider - Wrought iron. Clings like a spider when thrown. Must be fed blood`, `Nine-Foot Pole - Wooden pole with an iron core, when tapped near a magical trap, the trap will make a noise based on its effect`, `Threatening Probe - Has no function, but glows and vibrates in a way that suggests it could be used for distributing extreme pain`, `Cube of Refrigeration - Black stone, heavy, always slightly cooler than the surroundings. If a fire is lit atop it, it sheds even colder air`, `Dimensional Shackles - While a target is bound, they cannot teleport, dematerialise, change form or otherwise escape via magic`, `Grim Lantern - Glows for 1d10 hours after a sentient creature dies near it`, `Dramatic Cloak - Will flutter behind dramatically, hide weapons, keep you warm. Feed it rats`, `Windbag - Hold it open to catch a breeze, open it again to release it`, `Small metal box. If you place something in it, close the latch and give it a shake, when you open the box it will be (1d6): 1. Gone 2. Turned to ash 3. A different colour 4. A different material 5. Replaced with a different object 6. Bizarrely improved`, `This Is A Pipe - You can learn secrets about something or someone by smoking a portion of it`, `Stone Bowl of Budget Fortune - Give a coin to a beggar, gather three hairs from three different animals, and fill it with rainwater. Drop in the three hairs one by one, and breath the steam. You will have a vision of a possible future. Each type of coin will only work once, and each type of animal will only work once`, `Two sheets of paper, what is written on one appears on the other`, `Journal that writes back to you`, `Glass eye, you can still see through it if it's popped out`, `Orphan's Top - Cannot be spun if there are any invisible undead nearby`,`Tiny perpetual motion machine`, `Nightingale Chain - Slender, light as rope. Sings softly while under tension, if you sing back to it you might be able to control it's motion `, `Golden Apple - Marked with "to the fairest"`, `Pulsar Stone - Hand-sized crystal rock. Sighting through it allows you to see the flickers of distant pulsars, and the decaying corpses of orbital gods`, `Living Broom - When activated, will attempt to clean the dirtiest thing nearby`, `Silver mirror that shows an image of a random, distant, highly interesting locale every midnight`, `Wrought-iron crown of thorns. When the wearer tells a lie, they cry blood`, `Small metal box, captures up to an hour of tinny (literally) sound`, `Cup of Deadly Sins - If you drink from the cup and have committed the sin engraved upon it, die immediately. Roll 1d7 for which Sin`, `Golden Anklet-Bells - Cheery sound can be heard for miles by the undead, who hate it and will risk true death to end the ringing`, `Slayer Kit - Mirror, salt, silver wire, silver knife, silver shackles, holy water, stakes, mallet, garlic, wolfsbane, all in a sturdy many-pocketed bag`,`Wheeled Boots of Mobility`, `Tunnel-Rat's Pipe - Hollow iron pipe, one end is sharpened. A strange valve allows air to flow only from the sharpened end to the blunt end, and not the either way around`, `Fulmen Nail - Silver stake, a handspan long. Hammer it into an arm to petrify that limb and use it to hold lightning instead`, `Cogitation Engine - By aligning the dials, you can ask this brass machine most questions. Takes an hour of winding by a waterwheel or ten men to answer`, `Fractal Conch Shell - Holds fifty litres of any liquid, fits in the hand`, `Crowbar of Reliability - Immune to bending, magic, acid, fire and most other things. Will abandon owners that use it in combat`,`Girdle of Gender-Change`, `Gloam Mask - Wooden, binds once worn, user always sees out of the mask eyes instead of their own`, `Ancestral Skullservant - When blessed with holy water or at midnight, the willing spirit of one's ancestor may descend and possess the skull`, `Silver Coin - One of a set of thirty. Contains a fallen angel. Will offer you knowledge, power, advantage on rolls, more HP in return for certain favours`, `Bootstrapping Boots - Allows the wearer to pop back upright with a thought, suspended by magical bootstraps`, `Steel Hand - By attaching this hand to a skeleton, you can allow it to write from the grave. It's a left hand, so there is a 5-in-6 chance that its a crude scrawl`, `Seaglass Amulet - Causes the wearer's flesh to turn oddly translucent, and completely invisible in running water`, `Collapsible Ladder - Fits in your pocket, difficult to unfold under pressure`, `Ever-present Treasure Chest - Small box, inlaid with brass. Once buried, nobody but the burier can ever find it again. However, they can dig in any location, and find the box at the same depth. Repeated use can cause dirt and stone to appear in nearby summoning circles`, `Yell Mug - Screams if poison is poured into it`, `Lucky Mess-kit - If you shake it, the rattles are slightly musical if there is a secret door within 50 feet`, `Access medallion for a monstrous war-machine from aeons past`, `Duo-cycle - An odd assemblage of struts, wheels and peddles. Allows for smooth, swift and stylish passage over roads and paths, otherwise a burden to carry`, `Magnificent Folding Bed - A simple bedroll that unfolds into a comfortable four-poster bed. Anyone in the bed when it is refolded is dropped into a small pocket dimension filled with clean linens and forgotten clothing`, `Tankard of Ichabod - While full of an alcoholic beverage, makes an unusually effective weapon (d8 bludgeoning, d10 if you are drunk)`, `Boots of the Blistered Fool - The wearer and anyone they are leading travel much faster when they are lost / walking in a random direction`, `Rope of Repairing - When you whistle, this rope will bind itself back together`, `Circlet of Deel - While worn, you can hear all prayerful thoughts from within a hundred leagues. Most of the time, this just feels like a world-ending migraine`, `Gravitic Cube - Small black cube on a white marble frame. When removed from the frame, it will telekinetically wrench itself back after d20 seconds, shoving aside anything in the way`, `De-tuning Fork - When struck, all sound is distorted. Not the same as silence, but hard to speak or hear clearly`, `Silver Sceptre - Caress it, and all nearby fires turn to black ichor`, `Vampiric Scroll - When loosed from its bone case, it will flap about and find someone interesting to bite. Red text appears on the scroll, details of the victim and possibly some of their secrets`, `Conrad the Wise - Jawless cracked skull in a grey cloth bag. When Conrad comes in skin contact with someone, he takes great delight in screaming how they are going to die (probably)`, `Gremlin Disk - If this is present in any device or machine, it will succumb to countless minor problems. The more complex the device, the more difficult the problems are to overcome`, `Craven Staff - A wizard's staff that blocks anyone holding it from casting spells`, `Cursed Teapot - Turns fresh-brewed tea into acid. The stronger the tea, the stronger the acid`, `Bear Cloak - Reeking fur cloak, anyone that wears it turns into a wild bear. Must be removed very carefully while they sleep`, `Pebble that is as heavy and sturdy as a boulder while it touches the ground`, `Unknown Stone - Marked with runes and dripping with un-light. It can only be given willingly, and it can never be perceived or touched by any but the owner`, `Spine Clamp - Stabbed into the base of a neck, it merges with the body and allows for the muscles to twitch and spasm as directed. Requires the full attention of the operator`, `Toy Insect - Metal and porcelain cricket, hops around wildly`, `Spectacles of False Secrets - While worn, you can see hidden doors, invisible enemies, and traps. None of them are real`, `Cup of Thirst - Makes the drinker thirstier, no matter how much they drink`, `Terrible Spoon - It's absolutely useless for eating soup with, it's just three short prongs on the end of a handle! Nobody can see it as anything but a poorly made spoon`, `Gossamer Soulchains - Allows you to fight in tandem with a guardian spirit, angel, or demon, binding hands and limbs together`, `Rubbery, preserved eyeball. Lick it to see what it has seen in the last hour. Overuse can result in loss of motor functions`, `Strange black egg, slightly flexible`, `Idol of some forgotten demon or godling. Pray. Sacrifice. Build it a shrine`, `Enigma - Whatever it is, looking at it directly or thinking about too much causes madness`, `Sealed bucket full of zombified hands`, `Block of crystal, etched with unreadably tiny inscriptions`, `Genie-brass Bauble - When filled with flame, it twitches and writhes like something near-alive`, `Stem-Stone - Pebble that transforms into whatever non-living material it last touched. Currently the leather of your pouch`, `Gelatin Gauntlets - Wearing these gloves makes your hands squishy and prevents your bones from being broken`, `Heptadactyl Hand-covers - Wearing these gloves grants an extra two fingers on each hand`, `Blacksmittens - Fluffy mittens that are completely fireproof`,`Mysterious Orb`, `Arctic Greaves - A secret catch releases hidden blades, allowing swift passage along smooth ice`, `Sending Stones - A single stone that happens to exist in two locations. Whatever happens to "one" stone, happens to the "other"`, `Jar of Holding - You can put any number of things of any size inside without making it heavier, but the only way to get things out is to shatter the jar, spilling all the contents`, `Poltergeist Pants - Pair of trousers that make you translucent and intangible up to your waist. And yes, you can kick ghosts`, `Onyx necklace that make the wearer's shadow large and monstrous. During the night of a new moon, they become a massive monster with a human shadow instead`, `Kit of False Disguises - Makes anyone it's used on believe that they absolutely cannot be recognised`, `Mask of Bone - Colourful mask, turns you and everything on your person invisible, except for your skeleton`, `Hangman's Helper - Choker that makes the wearers head detachable. If taken off while the head is not on their shoulders, well...`, `Ruffled shirt that makes everyone believe that you're their very distant relative`, `A set of posh clothes that force everyone to be polite to you. Hostile creatures will still try to kill you, just politely`, `Chess board that makes every game end in a draw`, `Card deck that makes each person always draw the same card`, `Scrip of Suggestibility - Single sheet of fine vellum. Anyone looking at it sees whatever it is you say is on it`, `Swap-Knot Boots - A pair of bright green boots. If two different people wear one each, they can swap places no matter the distance`, `Airwalker Boots - Allows you to take five steps off any ledge, remaining at the same height until the sixth step`, `Bridle of Horse-Form - Transforms anyone that wears it into a horse. They retain their intelligence, but cannot speak`, `Cloak of Oil - Permanently covered in grease. Waterproof and extremely slippery`, `Blanket of Comfort - Woollen. Soft. Completely impenetrable to magic. Loses it's power if used to commit violence`, `Pouch of "Useful" Items - Always contains something completely useless for the current situation. The items you take out always go quickly missing`, `Ball and Chain - A simple loop of iron. If it firmly strikes the target, it transforms into a heavy locked ball and chain`, `Soup Stone - Boil it with nothing but water and get a delicious soup. No nutritional value, but stave off the mental impact of hunger`, `Compass of Adventure - Points towards the nearest highly dangerous place`, `Naiad-Eye Necklace - While worn, treat all water as though it had the consistency of air. Doesn't allow you to breath water`, `Chalk that can draw on any surface, as well as thin air`, `Auto-Voodoo Doll - Small doll in a brightly coloured dress. You possess and animate it while you sleep`, `Jar of Endless Lava - Drips a single drop of lava once every ten seconds`, `Rug of Quicksand - Any items or creatures placed on it are slowly sucked down and are never seen again`, `Goblet of Filth - This golden goblet constantly overflows with churning, squirming, foul-smelling filth. You can't tell if the filth is alive or not`, `Cherubim's Chime - This small bell summons a cherubim when rung, a floating marble head surrounded by wings and gold filigree. It can create light, and follows simple commands. If you commit a sin under the eye of the cherubim, the bell rings sour and the cherubim will attack you instead`, `Reception Needle - Stab one next to the eye of two creatures, what they each see is fuzzily swapped. Painless, just a sense of pressure`, `Folding Boat - Small wooden box that folds out to a large rowboat, sail not included. Folding it back up is a little difficult`, `Head of the Cromagnogolem - Cave-bear skull, part of a pre-pre-pre-historic ritual. Given clay and time, it will scoop itself back into a bear, and go hunting. It cannot sleep, and it cannot die. Breaking the skull sets the spirit free, free to find another skull... more clay... and eventually, find you`, `Choral Collar - This golden choker raises the wearer's singing voice to a beautiful soprano, high and loud enough to shatter glass`, `Soul Gem - d8: 1. Mineral, 2. Vegetable, 3. Animal, 4. Purple (memory), 5. Red (emotion), 6. White (morality), 7. Blue (magic), 8. Other (???)`, `Steel-Silk Kerchief - Silk handkerchief that becomes as hard as steel when a command word is spoken. If the word is spoken in reverse, it becomes silk again`, `Steel-Silk Rope - Silk rope that becomes as hard as steel when a command word is spoken. If the word is spoken in reverse, it becomes silk again`, `Solar Compass - A crystal disc with an adamant pin. Always points towards the sun, even underground. If deep underground, it occasionally points towards large, unseen movement`, `Fanciest Chalk - Glows in a colour of your choice when exposed to even the faintest light`, `Heat Bracelet - Gold and rubies in an ancient style. Detonates in 1d20 ball of flame when it hears its command word (you don't know what its command word is)`, `Ghostproof Cable - Steel mesh with a core of alchemical sapphire. Opaque and impassible to non-physical entities (ghosts, angels, astral projections)`, `Bee Whistle - Produces a sound only audible to bees and elves`, `Calumna's Cup - Silver hobgoblet. When two people drink from this cup, they switch bodies. This effect is permanent unless they both drink from the cup again`, `Pseudo-Spectacles - Pair of round glasses with completely opaque lenses. Render lies visible and everything else invisible to the wearer`, `Precise Jeweller's Loupe - If you examine someone's eyes (the windows to the soul) you can tell if they are suffering from a disease or a curse, and how many of each`, `Dire Raven Quill - Can write or etch on any surface`, `Beast Mark - The tanned skin of a corpse tattooed with cruel runes. Stitched into the skin of the living it will permanently transform them into a were-creature, most likely a wolf or bear, but may be removed at death`, `Berserker's Girdle - Cracked and bloodstained, this thick belt is worked with teeth and tiny bones. Anyone wearing it will heal 1 HP for every foe slain and develop a tendency toward foaming at the mouth`, `Spirit Rattle - The skull of a child atop a black horn rod, shaking this object summons mocking ghostlights and will-o-wisps`, `Sweetheart's Promise - A torn portrait inside a bonewhite and platinum locket. If the image of a willing loved one is placed within the locket a single killing blow will be diverted, injuring the person whose image is in the locket instead`, `Jacket of the Tactful Academic - Threadbare dress jacket. As long as you wear it, people will loudly and angrily argue against anything you say, no matter their actual opinions`, `Shell of Thirst - Constantly leaks saltwater. If blood is spilt on it, it gushes saltwater`, `Twiggsley's Crown - The nest of an arch-druid / vulture. Acts as a mobile shrine to Twiggsley, who may come and lay eggs in it`, `Cowards Coif - Bloodstained copper, useless as armour. When pulled over your eyes, renders you blind and invisible, but emitting an inexplicable whistling sound`, `Bag of Tricks - Contains a random animal when opened, but only one animal at a time can be produced from the bag`, `Talkie-Walkie - Small wooden and metal box, records a message then sprouts legs and runs to the recipient through strange and twisty methods. Will return with a reply, eventually`, `Ever-ready Flask - Leaps to the hand when reached for`, `Blood of Many Mens - Orcish war-banner. Anyone fighting, ally or enemy, will move vaguely in the direction that this banner indicates. If it is flown in times of peace, the next hit against the owner deals x3 damage`, `Shimmering Shovel - Golden (actually lead with a gold plating). Incredibly unwieldy to use, but any treasure buried using the shovel can only be found using the shovel to dig it up`, `Gauntlets of Goo - Look like a set of four jade bangles. The wearer can cover their hands in thick waterproof slime at a thought. The slime is either acid-resistant, very sticky or very slippery`, `Pauldrons of Valour - Marked with the sigil of an ancient order of knights. You and those you lead will never flee in fear from the forces of evil. They can retreat from battles, but it will be with a cool head and a plan, not routing in blind panic`, `Wise Man's Beard - Fake beard, highly realistic. Anyone that sees the wearer is likely to approach for guidance and wisdom`, `Chalice of Purity - Delicate chalice adorned with jet thorns. Anything drunk from it is cleaned of toxins, but the thorns pierce the skin and drain 1 HP`, `Malediction Sink - An orb of lead, three times as heavy as it should be. While carrying it, corruption cannot spread from you. If you are sick, you aren't contagious. If you are possessed, the spirit cannot leave`, `Boots of Deferred Gravity - Inscribed with astrological symbols. When activated, you experience half gravity for one round. The next round, gravity is doubled for you`, `Gordian Rope - Rope that can only be untied by the person that tied it`, `Reverse Quill - Erases any writing it touches. Magical writing may fight against this effect`, `Warding Chain - Thin chain of blessed silver, engraved with sigils of warding. A quick-to-deploy&#160;circle of protection, impassable to spells and demons`, `Sylvan Tea Set - Valuable and delicate, properly brewing and consuming high-quality tea over the course of an hour grants a boon to all that enjoy it`, `Razor of Quick-shaving - Anything with hair or fur can be shaved completely in a single round`, `Steel anklet forged to resemble an open padlock and loosened chains. If you step on a trap or a trigger for a trap while wearing it, the anklet will fall off and clog up that trap's operating mechanism`, `Snakeskin belt with iridescent scales. Its buckle is a confusing tangle of flowing quicksilver. While you're wearing it your lower body is transformed into a cluster of scaly tentacles`, `Amulet of the Herd - Made from a sheep's jawbone strung on twine. While wearing it, you get enough nutrition from chewing grass to survive on it, it takes a lot of the day to do so`, `Teardrop-shaped beryl button. When affixed to an outfit the button can be spun around to transform the outfit into another one of equal value`, `Walrus tusk carved into a spiralling club. Any water it strikes swirls into a whirlpool. When hitting creatures this might just cause a pattern in their sweat, but if hitting the ocean's surface it's forceful enough to suck down a canoe`, `Spherical glass compass containing skeletal finger. When held still it slowly points towards the closest thing that is most likely to kill you`, `Fragrant, wine-stained cork. It will shift in size to perfectly fit any hole it's used to plug`, `Eyeball moulded from lead. Its iris is a ring of interlocking bones and its pupil is a black gemstone. Jam it into the eye-socket of a corpse to see it's final living moments`, `Squamous Hood - Twisting slimy leather. While wearing it your face and head appear to be made of writhing tendrils`, `Goblin Rope - Squishy length of rope with an oily sheen. If it touches rope of any other sort, it turns oily as well, and snaps, frays, comes undone etc.`, `Sigil of the Most August Celestial Dragon - Cinnabar stamp, carefully sealed. Anything it is stamped with belongs in the hoard of the Celestial Dragon, agents of the dragon will be along to investigate within the hour`, `Looning Fork - Silver tuning fork with a crescent moon motif worked into its handle. When struck against an intelligent creature's head it inverts their current mental state for a few minutes`, `Still-screaming head of a human sorcerer. Silent only if placed in complete darkness`,`Ball of invisible string`, `Witchsight Theodolite - Used for finding leylines`, `Thaumic Touchstone - Glows when touching anything magical`, `Androsta's Puzzle Cube - When tapped against puzzle or lock, the cube will shift to replicate the object and allow the user to examine it in perfectly-duplicated detail`, `Belfry Hooks - Two black-iron hooks on either end of a fifty-foot rope. The hooks, if one end is grounded to a fixed surface, prevent any objects tethered from making noise`, `Fractal Crowbar - While being used as a lever, it functions as though it was ten times longer than it seems`, `Set of magically silenced woodworking tools in a nice box. Hand drills of various sizes, files, saws, planes, a mallet, none of which will ever make a sound when in use on wood`, `Malicious Bandages - Roll of clean white cloth. Actually sucks away more blood than it stems, while still remaining clean. Even a mild wound can be fatal if left on long enough`, `Metal Imp - Provide it with written instructions, ink and paper, and it will do its best to follow those orders. It has a glass lens that can allow it to see straight ahead when opened`, `Cataclysmic Poker - Wrought iron poker, constantly dripping blood. Whenever is jabbed into a fire, that fire doubles in size`, `Broom of Disorder - Wave it through a room to toss about any light items and cover everything with dust`, `Bridge Rug - Blue, with floral patterns at its edges. About 3ft wide, and 30ft long, when rolled out it&#8217;s stiff enough to serve as a bridge, and tough enough to form a short barricade. Only the very ends remain pliable, and allow the rug to be rolled up again`, `Portable Cellar Door - Four folded up lengths of wood. When laid out on the floor, reveals a hatch leading down to a damp underground cellar`, `Hat of All Styles - When rotates clockwise, all clothes that are currently being worn are absorbed into the hat. Counterclockwise, any stored clothes are now worn`, `Torc of Neck Lengthening - Makes the wearers neck up to 10ft longer, but not much stronger. It is also a weak point, maximum damage attacks deal +1 damage for every 1ft of extra length`, `The Head of Granny Midnight - Shrunken head of a hag. Whisper a name into her ear, and she speaks whenever the target speaks. They also suffer dreadful nightmares, usually featuring the owner of the head`, `Bewitchment Ribbon - Wind it round a piece of furniture to make it animate. Can't command it, but some might be friendly anyway. Removing the ribbon returns it to stasis`, `Amulet of Malingering - Garnet in a brass setting. While worn, a chosen injury or broken bone feels and acts like it is healed. However, if the amulet is removed the injury returns just as bad as it was before`, `Tiny hand-cranked electric generator, produces a powerful shock`, `Zwishe Army Knife - Comes with a blade and three other attachments (1d8): 1. File, 2. Magnifying glass, 3. Lockpick, 4. Tweezers, 5. Corkscrew, 6. Screwdriver, 7. Glim-zhve (?), 8. Amgledfe (???)`, `Spring-loaded Holster - Comes with a matching ring. When the wearer of the ring clicks their fingers or makes a specific gesture, the contents of the holster are shot smoothly into that hand`, `Obedient Quill - Given ink and blotting paper, will write whatever is spoken at it. Writes faster and with greater editing skill when using high quality ink`, `Longhand Gloves - When the thumb is pulled in and the other fingers held straight, six-inch metal wires extend from each digit`, `Ring-Dart - 1 damage if punched into exposed flesh. Secret catch on ring causes the barbed-dart to retract to the ring, d6 damage`, `Squidskin Sandals - So long as you are sprinting at considerable speed and aren't carrying much, you can run on water`, `Magnetic Jackboots - Allow you to walk on metal surfaces no matter the orientation`, `Runestones - Ask 1d6 yes/no questions of the stones. On a 6, Something comes to find you and give the answer. Pay its price, or else`, `Iron Rose - Spilt blood slowly drips towards the Rose, which absorbs it and grows slowly. Once large enough, it splits into two`, `Cone of Silence - Carefully weighted spinning top, so long as it spins no sound leaves the immediate vicinity`, `Compass of the Sage - If a sample of something is placed in the hollow, the needle points to the closest matching sample`, `Wizard Watch - It has the hour, minute and second hands, along with the trouble, the opportunity and the death hands`, ], "Odd Instrument": [ `Quartz Flute - Notes played on the flute also create ephemeral coloured lights`, `Golden Hymns - Pair of golden bells, each will ring whenever its sibling does`, `Dulcet Wires - Lamellophone that is held in the mouth. Makes your voice much softer and higher. If held in the mouth backwards and upside down, makes your much voice rougher and lower`, `Subtle Whistle - Piercing tin whistle that can only be heard by the chosen target(s)`, `Soul Bell - While held carefully, it goes "bong" whenever a creature dies nearby`, `Chime of Unlocking - Opens any mundane lock with a loud ring, 1-in-12 chance of breaking. 1-in-6 chance of breaking on a magical lock`, `Notable Lute - While played, anyone that can hear the music can hear nothing else at all`, `Subtle Violin - Makes you invisible so long as you play it. The better the tune, the better the invisibility`, `Houndmaster's Whistle - Any dog-like creature hearing this whistle will stop what it is doing and sit`, `Jitterbug Bagpipe - Meatsack full of lymphatic fluid and intestinal pipes. Unlike regular bagpipes, the jitterbug bagpipe can be used to produce beautiful music. The music induces joy, a healthy appetite, and good health`, `Cursed Lyre - Sounds profoundly calming and meaningful to ghosts and demons and terrifying to everyone else`, `Pipe of a Thousand Shrills - Complicated whistle with many holes and tubes. Produces a sound like no other, anyone hearing it for the first time will be startled`, `Dream Whistle - Bone from an unknown creature carved into a tiny flute. Played in the proper order, it soothes the mind, softens nightmares and eases sleep. Other tunes may have the exact opposite effect`, `Bell of Attention - When rung, everyone that hears it must at least glance towards it, if not actively seek it out`, ], "Odd Weapon": [ `Sword Hydra - When broken, sprouts two new blades`, `Invisible Rapier - Don't forget which end is pointy`, `Bone-China Battleaxe - Deals bonus damage, then explodes into deadly razor shards`, `Whip used for self-flagellation. Wounds caused bleed terribly, but do not hurt`, `Scimitar of Time - Appears for one second each hour`, `Extremely Cursed Thing - Long, sharp, has a handle, deals d6 damage. If you say what it is, you gain a curse`, `Stiletto of Sentience - If you stab it into something, it animates, poorly`, `Faceflayer of Glitterdeep - Green gemstone knife. Slain targets have their face replaced with smooth, featureless flesh`, `Sword-Bow - Is it a sword? Is it a bow? Equal chance of either each time you draw it`, `Versatile Spear - This weapon can vary in size from a dagger to a full-length spear at the touch of a button`, `Mercurial Blade - A liquid sword, stored in a bottle. The sword-tip will easily pour back into the flask`, `Cleaver of Blessed Bronze - This metal violently disinfects any wound it creates, or any surface it touches`, `Lodestone Shield - Pulls metal projectiles towards it`, `Dagger of Doom - If used to sacrifice a small animal, permanently summons a mischievous imp`, `A crossbow that is always present in your dreams, loaded with one bolt`, `Club of the Sandman - Every blow makes the target feel as though they have missed 1d4 nights of sleep instead of dealing damage`, `Bell of the Swine Queen - The acrid ring of this bell is the only sound that can be heard by the Swine Queen: an incoherent jumble of organ, sinew and bone, trapped in a realm beyond ours. It will arrive 1d6-1d4 rounds after ringing, best to not be here when that happens`, `Hive Dagger - Any wound it causes spills stinging insects, not blood`, `Dwarven Ur-Bomb - A hellish weapon that should never have been made. Turns a few beads of curse-metal into an explosion that could flatten a whole tower and render the land around barren for generations. Doesn't come with any curse-metal`, `Fire Axe - Can chop flames into neat, portable chunks`, `Throwing Arachnid - Blackened iron weapon, weighted for throwing and shaped a bit like a spiked spider (d6 piercing). Upon striking a target the device will animate and twist, doing d4 point of damage per round until removed`, `Dagger that spins a full circle whenever you snap your fingers`, `Scurvyman's Sickle - While held and pointed towards a store of food or drink, it putrefies a ration every five minutes`, `Trick Bow - Unerringly strikes bullseye's of targets, but sets them alight half the time`, `Curselock Pistol - Doesn't shoot bullets, when the trigger is pulled, both the wielder and the target gain a random curse`, `Caver's Crossbow - Slow and silent hand-crank. Designed for shooting climbing pitons with a rope attached`, `Havoc Warboots - Renders your kicks as effective as a good quality axe at kicking down doors, smashing chests and breaking skulls`, `Tripwire Knives - Pair of two-pronged throwing knives. If thrown accurately, will cut a tripwire and pin both ends without springing the trap`, ], "Odd Wand": [ `Wand of Purification - Teak and amethyst. Cleans Things`, `Wand of Ventriloquism - Elm and emerald. Your voice comes from wherever it is pointing`, `Wand of "Create Wand" - Balsa and quartz. Creates a copy of itself, then snaps in half`, `Wand of Making Things Yell - Plywood and citrine. Can make one thing yell at a time`, `Wand of Riptides - Iron and zircon. Sweeps existing waves towards or away from a specified point`, `Wand of Pebble Command - Porcelain and turquoise. Only targets one small round rock that can fit in a hand. They can roll and flip, no stairs`, `Wand of Truth - Silver and oak. Causes intentional forgeries and explicit liars to glow`, `Wand of Ignition - Aluminium with an amber pommel. Causes a spark to appear on whichever surface it points towards. Works underwater`, `Wand of Magnetism - Yew and steel. Small button near the base that determines whether it pushes or pulls iron objects. As strong as the average person`, `Wand of Zapping - Pine and sapphire. 1d6 electric+force damage, very fast. After rolling a 6, it deals 1d4 damage until recharged`, `Wand of Blasting - Onyx with a copper core. Knocks away a target that is moving or on unstable footing, dealing d6 damage if they collide with a solid obstacle`, `Wand of Theft - Copper and amethyst. Steals a random item, once per target`, `Wand of Binding - Gold and lapis lazuli. Prevents movement of a joint, a lock, a lever, a knot etc. while continually used`, `Wand of Transmutation - Copper and malachite. Turns (1d10) into (1d10): 1. Stone, 2. Mud, 3. Fire, 4. Flesh, 5. Metal, 6. Wood, 7. Slime, 8. Light, 9. Water, 10. Pain. Effect is either either slow or temporary`, `Wand of Illusion - Tin and moonstone. Allows you to draw illusions into being. Last until touched, cannot move`, `Wand of Distraction - Brass and glitter. The effect is (2x1d8): 1. High pitch, 2. Deep boom, 3. Freaky, 4. Flashing lights, 5. Smoke and sparks, 6. Moving spectres, 7. Honking, 8. Itchy`, `Wand of Duelling - Hawthorn and silver bands. Whatever is held in the targets hand receives a sharp jolt directly upwards. If they are distracted, it's enough to disarm them`, `Wand of [REDACTED] - Unobtanium and [null]. Casts a random spell in a random direction`, `L-space Manifestation - It looks like an ordinary book. Every time it is opened, it's a random different book`, `Tome of Curses - Reading a paragraph causes agony, a full page inflicts a random curse on the reader`, `Tome of Surgery - Describes all the parts of the human anatomy in some detail. If you read a portion of the book backwards, you&#8217;ll lose that part of your body`, `Bell of the Book-Imp - Summons a small, ugly imp that can memorise any book, as well as recite passages from it. Only remembers three books at a time. Currently memorising three particularly boring history books`, `Book of Solemnity - If you die while carrying this, it writes your name and a summary of your life and death. If left unclaimed or at risk of being damaged, it reappears in the nearest library`, `The Book of Malboaz, vol. 10962-B - A heavily cyphered tome of shorthand, instructions and references values. Your brain is made of meat. Malboaz's brain is made of paper. "He" will be wanting this back`, ], "Odd Ring": [ `Ring of Swimming - Wearer treats air as if it had the consistency of water. You can "fly" by swimming through the air, but the air is too thick to breath. Other water penalties also apply`, `Ring of Petrification - Turn to stone while worn, reversible if ring removed`, `Ring of Alternate Self - Roll once per wearer (1d6): 1. Swap gender, 2. Invert stats, 3. Different lifestyle, 4. Different ancestry, 5. Minor cosmetic difference, 6. Corpse`, `Ring of Good Omen - Absorbs a curse or spell, difficult to "clean out" safely`, `Ring of Tact - Twisted metal, buzzes painfully when you're about to say something "bad" for the situation (you can take 1d4 damage to take back the last thing you said)`, `Ring of Endless Vigilance - Made of braided knots of steel wires, impossible to extricate. Swear an oath on the ring to guard a threshold and you can't be moved or knocked down`, `Toadflesh Ring - While wearing it your skin becomes warty, you smell and taste revolting. If you are bitten or swallowed, your attacker must vomit you up and spend a round retching`, `Ring of Radiant Health - Made of white gold, inlaid with cross-shaped rubies. You appear to be in the prime of health at all times`, `Ring of Manual Vengeance - Bulky, dark steel, shaped like a phalange. When you die your hand pops off and seeks vengeance against your killer`, `Ring of the Stolen Wheel - A bronze ring with stylised spokes around its rim. While you're on or within a vessel or vehicle you can control it as if you were driving it`, `Uncoiling Serpents Ring - A jade ring shaped like the ouroboros. Whenever you reach into a space that hasn't been seen yet, you can pull out a snake. The snakes have no particular loyalty or affection towards you`, `Big Hand Ring - A copper ring shaped like a broad hand encircling the finger it's on. You can make the hand bearing the ring ten times larger than normal at will`, `Ring of the Lingering Touch - Touching an object leaves a glowing handprint on it. You can expend the handprint to manipulate the object as if you were holding it for a single round. Only one handprint can exist at a time`, `Ring of Armfulness - Makes the arm grow to the size of the wearer's whole body. Makes the wearer very hungry if worn for more than a few minutes`, `Ring of Splendiferousness - If someone voluntarily accepts this ring from as a gift, they are charmed for as long as they own the ring`, `Ring of Organic Invisibility - Does not apply to equipment or clothing`, `Ring of the Adventurous Limb - Attached arm pops off and goes on adventures. Can be reattached by taking the ring off and holding it to the shoulder`, `Ring of Lockpicking - While worn, turns the finger into a masterwork lockpick, different type for each finger`, `Ring of Returning - Anything you throw, drop, or even just put down will return to that hand`, `Ring of Surprise - Brass, set with a fake-looking diamond. At your thought, the diamond turns suddenly into a rock the size of a melon. Turning into back into the gem takes time and effort`, `Precision Ring - A silent and reliable clock that taps the finger every hour. Can be set with particular alarms if you have a good eye and a fine needle`, `Ring of Fourth Sight - The fingertip this ring is on sprouts into an eyeball`, `Ring of Power Punch - When the fist this ring is on is clenched, it glows, sparks, begins to shake etc. the effects increase the longer the fist is held. Has no effect on damage dealt`, `Ring of No Breath - Cursed Ring of Waterbreathing. Once worn, you don't need to breath, and can't. If you take the ring off, you'll suffocate`, `Ring of Walking Water - Thrown into a body of water, transform a ponds-worth into a person wearing this ring`, `Shatterfly Ring - Any glass that touches this ring will shatter into butterflies, the same colour as the glass. Smoked glass produces poisonous butterflies`, `Ring of Veresath the Patient - If you wear this ring for a year and a day, it will bestow upon you a random Arcana`, `Sea-Salt Ring - Rusted iron ring, saltwater constantly pours from the mouth of the wearer`, `Ring of Golden Fortunes - Whenever you find ten gold coins, you always find one more. Trying to cheat this ring will go poorly, but you can try`, `Ring of Unbreakable Grip - Blue crystal carved in geometric patterns. Twist to activate, the hand is invulnerable but paralysed, twist back to release`, `Garish Ring - Flashes brightly and randomly in all the colours of all the rainbows, out of order. Quite distracting`, `Ring of Invisibility - This ring is completely transparent`, ], "Odd Material": [ `Indestructible nail of adamantine`, `Powdered mix of shattered wands and ground unicorn horn`, `Single bead of curse-metal in a lead box`, `Nugget of very impure gold the size of your fist`, `Chalky lump of rock from the moon, blue stain on one side. Throw it at a source of magic to interfere with it`, `Nugget of platinum-occultum - Responds telekinetically to strong thoughts`, `Sheaf of gold-occultum alloy - Ultra-conductor, put in contact with any acid or energised medium will result in bolts of lightning`, `Coil of tin-occultum wire - Impossibly flexible and elastic, springs made from this material are strong and dangerous`, `Rod of copper-occultum alloy - Spins and moves when exposed to magic, generates a small amount of magic when spun rapidly`, `Jar of mercury-occultum amalgum - Silvery fluid, seems to enjoy picking locks, solving puzzles, unscrewing jars`, `Spool of silver-occultum wire - Conducts spells along the length and projects them out the end`, `Ingot of Gordican - This metal can only exist in spherical shapes`, `Ingot of Cratium - This metal increases in mass as its velocity increases. Quite soft`, `Ingot of Zantium - This metal has a "grain", similar to wood. This allows it to flex in one plane while remaining rigid in another`, `Ingot of Borboridon - This metal increases in both density and softness with time, as it captures radiation`, `Lump of Gandium - This metal impacts all other solid and liquid materials as if they were crystalline`, `Shard of Praxium - This metal has near-infinite sharpness. It turns to lead if it ever stops moving. How is this piece stored?`, `Firegold Coin - If this metal is left in contact with copper, silver, gold or platinum, it will eventually explode. Explodes faster and more violently with more material, and with rarer metals`, `Oath-Tin Amulet - This metal spontaneously combusts in the presence of hypocrites and lies`, `Cracked chunk of stone, infomorphic. Will fix any ancient eldritch altars. If there's a missing piece, it will take its place`, `Chunk of clay golem torso, twitches occasionally`,`Destroyed phylactery`, `Physical remains of a broken curse`, `Chunk of amber containing a huge irridescent insect. It's still alive`, `Singing Crystal - Once touched, hums oddly for a while. Comes wrapped in silk`, `Dried Tarrasque Scale - Don't get it wet!`, `Clockwork heart, still ticking, highly volatile`, `Wand Core - Requires a matching scroll and two thematic components to complete (d6): 1. Angel heartstring, 2. Devil spine, 3. Firebreath gland, 4. Illithid brainstem, 5. Beholder pupil, 6. Unicorn horn`, `Phase-metal ingot - Electricity causes it to pass into or out of the ethereal dimension`, `Perfect Orb - Mathematically flawless sphere of iridium`, `Copper ball that always rolls uphill`, ], "Odd Companion": [`Tiny scrap of flying carpet`, `"Yeast" - If you add it to a small barrel of organic matter and water, it spontaneously becomes strong alcohol overnight. Leave the jar nearby, it'll climb back inside once it's done`, `Tiny Moon - Mostly orbits you if you let it out of its bag, but intensely curious. Reflects sunlight from somewhere different`, `Talking hat with excellent (antiquated) fashion sense`, `Hawk, can communicate telepathically with you. Has an attitude. 4 HP, d4 claw`, `Small but vicious dog. 3 HP, d6 bite`, `Ooze preserved in formaldehyde, will grow bigger and stranger if fed`, `Half-tame Grumbleshrub - Can carry notes, supplies, daggers. Will follow basic commands, water it with blood`, `Your family butler choked to death on a fishbone. Such was his loyalty, he came back to work the next day. He now follows you, mute and slightly mouldy, providing handkerchiefs to clean up messes and polishing metal objects`, `Pet Rock - He is a prince amongst his people. He cannot talk, or move, but believes you to be very loyal`, `Spirit, trapped in a chunk of worthless crystal. Is pissed off about it. Can twinkle at you menacingly`, `Brain in a Jar - Studded with strange mechanisms. Feed it blood, ask it things`, `"Magic" Top-hat - It belongs to the irate talking rabbit that lives inside it`, `Pet undead mouse, completely skeletonised`, `Tiny Mimic - It lives in your bag. Feed it bugs`, `Phyllix, the Undying - An undead goldfish sealed in a potion bottle`, `Companion Ball - Rolls steadfastly after it's owner. Has a small storage space that opens with a whistle and a tap`, `You have a pet Silence. It's like a possum but huge, very very quiet, sort of invisible, and nothing like a possum. It hates loud things and like tummy rubs`, `Cursed Hat - It's intelligent, and terribly afraid of heights`, `Demon lord in a sturdy iron bottle. Will threaten and demand, but cannot do anything if not released. Very dangerous if released`, `You have a pet Fog, it follows you around and likes to eat puddles`, `Happy Squid - Alive and well in its jar. A little cramped, but very happy`, `Pete - A talking skull. Pretty chill, died a different way every time asked`, `Tattoo, it moves about your body at will... just not always yours`, `A deal made with the monster under your bed`, `Psychic connection to a dreaming priest several continents away. You'll never meet them, but perhaps they can help you`, `Friends in Low Places - At any point, you can summon a particular invisible demon for a few rounds. They are happy to help, but you best offer to repay the favour sooner or later...`, `Friends in High Places - At any point, you can summon a particular invisible angel for a few rounds, but it better be for an incredibly good reason, or they won't come back`, `1d20 cats. Roll to see how many cats are nearby whenever you think to count them`, `Friendly Phantasm - A floating mass of swirling colours the size of a penny. It follows your every command and leaves a multicolour trail across any surface it touches. Cannot physically interact in any other way`, ], "Odd Lamp": [ `Squidlamp - Bioluminescent, feed it anything, tap the glass to make it shine in a particular direction. The squid will try and escape`, `Mondmilch Lamp - Moonlight. Heavy lead-bound prison-tank. Insanely dangerous, the fluid inside always tries to escape. If anyone looks directly into the light, the liquid takes the shape of their nightmares`, `Talbis Lamp - Shaped like an androgynous head with four faces, light spilling from laughing brass lips. Any attempts to discern illusions, lies, or disguises within its light automatically fail, no matter how poor the semblance`, `Coral Candlestick - Can be set alight only underwater, but then provides very bright light and makes all water as far as its light can reach crystal clear`, `Gargoyle Lamp - While lit and illuminating a statue, brings the statue to life. It can talk, but not move. Burns through oil rapidly`, `Shadow Lantern - While it contains burning fuel, it produces flickering shadows instead of light. Pricey alcohol makes an especially deep shadows. Burning weird oils creates weird darknesses`, `Stabilised Lantern - Won't spill or go out no matter which way it is spun, turned, tipped or shaken`, `Sunstone - Yellow pebble. When struck, any chips or dust turn into bright light`, `Amulet of Hope - Glows as bright as a candle when there are no other light sources. Warm to the touch, hums in a reassuring manner`, `Firefly Pouch - They nest in there, and will obey whoever carries the pouch`, `Glowsphere - Sheds light like a permanent candle. Contains a single bead of curse metal, if the case is broken anyone exposed will suffer the consequences`, `Mechanical Torchbearer - Large enough to hold one torch, follows the matching amulet at a moderate speed`, `Rainbow Candle - When placed on an object and lit, the light and smoke swirl together to grant humanoid form, awareness, and speech to the spirit of that object`, `Votive Candles, 3 - When burnt in prayer, summon an ancestral spirit that (1d4): 1. Berates you about your life choices, 2. Tells you one truth and one lie, 3. Tells you two truths and a lie, 4. Will help you to the best of its ability`, `Ethereal flare, attracts spirits to the area`, `Troll Tallow Candle - Smells horribly, regenerates constantly, but if it goes out it will start regrowing into a troll. Very hard to get it back into the perfect balance between burning and regeneration`, `Corrupted Candle - Rune-marked, pierced by a rusty needly. Anyone standing within it's light is blinded until the candle goes out`, `Unassuming Candle - When lit, a black flame eats the light and darkens the area`, `Gore Candle - Any injuries that happen in the presence of this candle's light are extra painful, messy, and harmful, dealing x2 damage`, ], "Ioun Stone": [ `Ioun Stone of Insight - Spinning blue cube. Orbits your head. Glimmers slightly whenever it passes in the direction of the nearest secret`, `Ioun Stone of Combat - Dull crimson pyramid. Orbits your head. Allows you to read the HP of one enemy each round`, `Ioun Stone of Disguise - Sparkling orange prism. Orbits your head. Obscures your appearance, but the stone is still visible`, `Ioun Stone of Vision - Translucent green sphere. Orbits your head. You can see out of it, but likely to make you nauseous`, `Ioun Stone of Evasion - Chipped orange rhomboid. Orbits your head. Impossible for anyone except you to catch it`, `Ioun Stone of Warding - Jagged silver cube. Orbits your head. Intercepts any spell that targets you, but suffers the effect of the spell`, `Ioun Stone of Spellcraft - Dark blue ellipsoid. Orbits your head. Equip it with a wand or other magic item, activate the item with a thought`, `Ioun Stone of Resistance - Shimmering grey spindle. Orbits your head. Blocks a single elemental attack but is flung away in the process`, `Ioun Stone of Armaments - Speckled purple pyramid. Orbits your head. Transforms into any one-handed weapon`, `Ioun Stone of Fire - Black cylinder with gold flecks. Orbits your head. Grants a d8 laser attack, burns out on an 8`, `Ioun Stone of Truesight - Dull gold spindle. Orbits your head. At a thought, it "resets" your eyes, rendering you blind for a round but clearing all vision-impairing effects`, `Ioun Stone of Orating - Bright pink octahedron. Orbits your head. Amplifies your voice when active`, `Ioun Stone of the Phylactery - Grey and red pentacle. Orbits your head. Traps your soul if you die from mundane causes. Getting the soul out again is nearly impossible`, `Ioun Stone of Joining - Clear faceted helix. Orbits your head. Fuses inorganic material together, only one major fusing at a time`, `Ioun Stone of Storage - Translucent red disc. Orbits your head. Has room for one inventory slot`, ], "Odd Consumable": [ `Mighty Acorn - Instantly grows into an oak when thrown`, `Sending Stamps, 3 - Attach it to something smaller than a breadbox with an address and it'll wind up near that location`,`Invisibility Tea-towel`, `Magic Bean - When planted, grows into an immense climbable beanstalk overnight`, `Homunculus Gum - Chewing it up grants you ownership over this small, rubbery, cranky, sticky golem. Can't move when dried out`, `Dragon Tooth, 3 - When sown, grows into a monstrous warrior`, `Siegestones, 3 - A single stone is enough to blast down a barred wooden door in an instant. Using more than one at a time is inadvisable`, `Wizard Teeth, 3 - Crush it up and snort it to gain a single-use spell that the wizard knew`, `Wizard's Skull - Contains 1d6 bizarre spells, but getting them out is tricky`, `Witch's Heart - Absorbs curses during casting. 1-in-6 chance of exploding, releasing all held curses. If pierced, explodes in d4-1 rounds`, `Druid's Tongue - Eat it to learn the language of an animal you are looking at. 1-in-10 chance that it replaces a different language you know`, `Saint's Eyeball - Lick it to reveal hidden spectral presences. Afterwards, have a seizure for d6 rounds `, `Warlock's Ash - When smeared on face, clothes and hair, fools magical detectors into thinking you are the source of the ash`, `Earth-Angel - Tiny clay figurine that can be smashed to cause an earthquake`, `Stick of the Titan - Hits for 2d12, then breaks`, `Odd Coins, 3 - Made of iron, seemingly. Disappear when flipped, to pay for an unknown service`, `Ent logs, 3 - Powerful magical fuel, can be made into wands`, `Giant's Ochre - Anything painted with this pigment will double in size. Washes off easily with water or sweat. (If you paint yourself, it'll wash off after 1d6 rounds of sweaty combat)`, `Dozen imp-and-lead cartridges. Each one fired is a sin`, `Bucket of illusory goop, forms into whatever you are thinking`, `Green Slime - In a carefully sealed black-glass container. Converts any organic material into more green slime in seconds. Killed by fire and sunlight`, `Dragon Lymph Extract - Will murder a disease, then take up residence. Raises your resting temperature by 10 degrees, double ration requirements`, `Box of big bright blue matches. When struck, ignite whatever you are staring at`, `Dark purple tea from beyond the seas. Properly brewed, it helps send departed spirits on their way, and can cure wounds of the soul. Burned, it makes a potent sacrifice to any god`, `Bag of Groan-salt - Scatter it on a wound to double damage, causes immense pain`, `Petrified Lightning - Break towards target. Wear a blindfold and earmuffs`, `Seed of the Tomb Tome Tree, 3 - If buried with the body as part of a funeral, a tree with grow rapidly where they were put to rest. High in the branches of the tree is a book, or perhaps several, which contain every noteworthy piece of information which this individual took with them to the grave`, `Seed of Plenty, 3 - Plant these seeds with any other object, and the plant that grows will "fruit" with more of these objects the next day`, `Dust of Worthlessness, 3 pinches - Sprinkling the dust over something makes it appear shoddy, fake or otherwise worthless. Lasts until the dust is brushed off`, `Redpowder, 10 sachets - Similar to blackpowder, but much more sensitive. Catches alight if looked at funny or even thought about intensely`, `Powdered Ooze - Just add water!`, `Insect Soul, 10 - Flakes of gemstone, each containing the soul of a random bug`, `Bag of Rust Dust - Enough to turn a full suit of platemail into scrap`, `Bag of Angry Bees - Three hives worth`, `Dehydrated Devil - Don't allow it to come in contact with blood`, `Termite Swarm - In a vial, impossible to get back in, good at devouring houses and doors`, `Small iron can, melted shut, with (1d6): 1. "owlbear", 2. "demon", 3. "fireball", 4. "house", 5. "zombie", 6. "harlot" etched into it`, `Blood of Luroc - Adds 1d6 rooms and 1d4 hallways to a building`,`Glass cask of acid`, `Deathroach Egg - Stored under a thick layer of special wax. Once this is peeled away, the deathroach hatches in minutes, a sleepless flying murder machine. Whatever flesh it tastes first is the only thing it will ever kill, eat, or lay eggs in. Care should be taken to sterilise the victim's corpse with lye, lest its brood hatch and hunt without guidance`, `Vivid Paint - Anything painted comes to life but can't leave the surface it was made on`, `Crows Teeth, 3 - Transforms you, but not your equipment, into a crow until you feast upon a corpse`, `"Snuff" - Blue, exotic, stimulating, explosive`, `Magical Teabags, 3 sachets - If steeped properly in pure boiling water, produce a random potion. Only works if drunk hot. Dipping directly into open wounds is not advisable `, `Dratted Cigarettes - Smoke to heal d4 hp. On a 4, you are addicted and cannot heal at all without lighting up`, `Starsnuff - Allows you to steal an instance of one miracle from a particular god/religion. Somewhere, a sufficiently pious person who should've received a divine blessing, didn't. They might be dead, but they'll definitely be pissed off`, `Smokerope Cigarettes, 3. When lit, a strand of black smoke slowly reaches directly up. When it contacts a surface it adheres and transforms into a climbable black rope`, `Bone Charm - It matches one of your arms and legs. Whenever that limb would be broken, the charm does instead`, `Verbal Berries - When chewed or burst, lets out a loud exclamation (1d6): 1. "sod off", 2. "The jury is out", 3. "but pancakes", 4. "may you be laden with skunks", 5. "dang a mare", 6. "sneeze in formation"`, `Alien Bone - Looks like a wishbone, sends out a psychic wave of pain when snapped, d12 area damage`, `Genesis Molasses - Tin of deep green treacle that causes lush vegetation to grow within minutes, no matter where it is spread. If eaten, the victim loses d8 hp and begins coughing up moss`, `Merchant-Fish Bait, 3 bags - Sprinkle it on any body of water large enough to fit the fish-merchant, and it will come to the surface to blub-blub at you. Sells treasure you've missed or lost`, `Ticket allowing passage aboard the Mad Train-God, just rip the corner and hope for the best`, `Ascension Blob - Cerulean and pink sphere. When crushed, teleports everything within 10ft up to the nearest open surface. Don't use out in the open`, `Whifflebuster - Resembles several fireworks mashed together. For 2d6 rounds after a whifflebuster is burst, all damage within 30 feet becomes non-lethal damage. Wounds appear as taffy-like deformation`, `Sigil of Indulgence - Silver band, inscribed with borrowed prayers. When the holder commits a significant sin, they are immediately forgiven, and the sigil tarnishes instead`, `Heart of the Fleshgod Inheritor - If you eat it, grow fleshy spines worth 1 armour. Eating more Hearts gives you more spines, and eventually a carapace (2). Tastes like bitterness and old age`, `Lung of the Fleshgod Inheritor - If you eat it, your guts are filled with soft hooting noises and crackling. You can eat scrolls, wands etc. and synthesise them into new forms. Eating more Lungs grants additional fusing and spell-casting. Tastes like hard vacuum, a pucker that sinks to your feet`, `Liver of the Fleshgod Inheritor - If you eat it, your primary hand turns into some kind of bizarre claw-like weapon (d6). Eating more Livers changes the form the weapon and improves the damage, up to a bone-tipped whip (d12). Tastes like blood, only moreso`, `Brain of the Fleshgod Inheritor - If you eat it, your jaw becomes extendable and your stomach is an abyss of caustic oblivion. A second Brain allows you to move HP and wounds between willing participants. Tastes like fizzing powder and acid burns`, `Stomach of the Fleshgod Inheritor - If you eat it, your eyes pop out of your head and float around. You also pop out six more new eyes that join them. Eating a second Stomach allows you to walk on walls, so long as you have a minute to re-centre your gravity. Tastes like rupture and transgression`, `Intestines of the Fleshgod Inheritor - If you eat it, you can echolocate with a horrendous sucking screeching sound. Eating a second set of Intestines allows you to dive into a place where sharp angles intersect (like the corner of a room) and re-emerge from somewhere similar. Tastes like broken teeth and bruised molasses`, `Incense of the Benevolent Ancestor, 3 sticks - Sacrifice something and bequeath it to your next character. Some serious things might take two or more sticks to send`, `"Clay" - When touched by bare skin, adheres and moulds into lumpy flesh. If the new flesh requires bones, it will accept struts of hard material`, `Mutable Imps, 3 - A limbless blob of demonic flesh with a mouth and a few eyes. Can permanently transform their body into a more useful shape, such as a tooth-firing crossbow, a mobile storage unit, or a full set of cutlery`, `Souligami Paper, 3 sheets - When the blood of a dying creature touches the paper, its soul is trapped within and the paper folds into an animate origami of that creature`, `Seed of Verdancy - Press into the stump of a lost limb to regrow a mostly-functional replacement limb of twigs and branches. Pressed into a neck stump, will give the corpse the head of an obedient, dim-witted servant`, `Syringe of Liquid Beehive - Injected into living flesh, develops rapidly into a hive of red bees. Highly resilient, combine blood and pollen into maddening red honey`, `Bag of False Fairy Dust - Anyone sprinkled with it will firmly believe they can fly`, `Pouch of Builder-Seeds, 10 - Takes an hour to fully grow and harden. Normally only create walls, but can be easily twisted into shapes while green. Will grow around stone to form a bark-mortar`, `Tongue of Tongues - Long and purple, this is one of the 144,000 tongues of Metatron, the Voice of God. If you cut off your own tongue and replace it with this, you can speak and understand two new languages`, `Ribs of the Martyr, 3 pairs - Belonging a to a person who was killed in some hideously painful way. If a rib is stabbed into two willing people, HP, injuries and diseases can be transferred either way`, `Dried Dread-Fungus - Pour into a pool of water (or down a creature's throat) and it will immediately begin to ferment into a zymo-zombie. If it lives, it can be fermented`, `Pyre Bead, 3 - A string of thick wax beads, painted with lacquer. Within is the concentrated heat and flame of a ritual bonfire. If exposed to flame the bead will burst creating a d12 fireball`, `False Fog Cigar, 3 - When smoked, creates a cloud of thick black smog that the smoker can see through just fine`, `Graven-Heart - Carved heart made of black wood. Placed within the chest of a corpse, it is consumed and grants them a single day of un-life`, `Head of Diamond Garlic - Black garlic is made by heating whole bulbs over the course of weeks; diamond garlic by heating whole bulbs over the course of years. About ten doses of perfect garlic ambrosia`, `Blackened Rune-Bones - Bundle of charred bones covered in crude runes. If buried with an object, the spirit of this murdered warrior will hunt the owner`, `White Ceremite, 3 - Small ceramic golems, soft clay that goes rock-hard upon death. Follows your orders, can explode it&#8217;s own head on command`, `Doppelganger Sprout - If planted, sprouts a duplicate of the planter`, `Shortcut Coin, 3 - Flip a coin, close your eyes, and walk forwards. You'll end up somewhere else having gone through a shortcut, but the coin must be left behind`, `Guardian Idol - Small clay statue. Bury it under a place you want to protect. After a day it will grow into a full-sized clay warrior, fighting anything that tries to enter that place. If you bury it with a uniform, token or pass-phrase, it will allow anyone bearing it to pass`, `Scarab of Protection - Reflects a curse back on the caster, then crumbles to toxic dust`, `Village Egg - Appears to be a lump of carefully inscribed lead. When planted, it sprouts a village of 1d6 large buildings, 2d6 dwellings and 3d6 inhabitants overnight`, `Fangs of Retching, 10 - Necklace of rats teeth. Swallowing a tooth deals d4 damage and causes a swarm of mostly loyal rats to be vomited up`, `Liches Finger - Shoots a disintegration beam, once (d20 necrotic). Very Evil`, `Mossy Antler - Breaking the antler transforms you into a herd of 3d6 deer for as many rounds. After the duration's up you can choose which deer you reform inside the skin of. The rest will collapse, filled with compost`,`Jar of royal blood`, `Hair of a prince/ss`, `Bottle of Crimson Slurry - Any living creature that touches this chunky red fluid starts leaking blood (d6 damage). Drinking it is usually fatal and sometimes explosive (d20 damage). Expelled blood is transmuted into more crimson slurry`, `Gorgok Bladder, 3 - Elastic sac small enough to fit in a closed fist. When struck, the bladder will rapidly swell to 3ft. Can shatter wood and bend metal`, `Hole-Breakers, 3 - Single-use pitons. When used with a hammer to breach a hole in a solid surface the result will always be a 2ft diameter hole`, `Twice-Boiled Lock-Grease, 3 slabs - Applied to an open lock, allows the door to close and be seemingly locked. Anyone that knows the grease is applied can easily open it again`, `Consecrated Copper Coins, 6 - Lay them on the eyes of a corpse to speed the soul on their way`, `Forgotten King's Coin - Can be used in lieu of any payment, somehow. Using it to pay a debt curses everyone involved, it must be an immediate transaction`, ], "Oddity": [ `Odd Trinket`, `Odd Instrument`, `Odd Weapon`, `Odd Wand`, `Odd Ring`, `Odd Material`, `Odd Companion`, `Odd Lamp`, `Ioun Stone`, `Odd Consumable`, ], "Failed Career": [ `Peasant - If you are shown how, you can do any task about as well as your instructor, so long as they give you continual direction`, `Farmer - You always know either what's wrong with a crop or animal, or how to fix it, but never both`, `Shepherd - You can cajole animals in any direction`, `Hunter - So long as you pay appropriate respects to nature, she will respect you as one of her own (which might include respectfully eating you)`, `Thresher - If anyone can find a needle in a haystack, it's you`, `Gardener - You can dig up any plant without immediately killing it`, `Butcher - You can bleed every last drop out of a corpse, and make anything into sausages`, `Lumberjack - Trees you cut always fall the way you want`, `Baker - So long as you've got flour and fire, you can make anything into a cake or pie`, `Fisherman - You are incredibly patient, and can wait for something as long and exactly as required`, `Author - If you go on a proper adventure and live to write about it, it's got a 50% chance of being successful. Only one chance`, `Priest - When you bury a body and perform a funeral rite over it, that body cannot rise from the dead`, `Launderer - Able to determine the source of any stain, and how best to remove it`, `Well Maker - Always know the distance below soil to water`, `Blacksmith - Recognise all metals and ores on sight, including all the grey ones (most of them)`, `Cobbler - You can ask one question about someone based on their shoes or well-defined bootprints, it'll be answered so long as its possible`, `Merchant - Once, ever, you know exactly what it is that will make someone accept a deal, and you have it in your pocket`, `Butler - You can instantly recognise if something is out of place, if you've seen the room before`, `Carpenter - If you examine a lump of wood, you can determine what object or item it would most easily be carved into`, `Mason - If you examine a lump of stone, you can determine what object or item it would most easily be chiselled into`, `Squire - You can sacrifice yourself to save somebody else`, `Grave Robber - The first time you'd be cursed, it hits the closest person to you`, `Sailor - You know the traditions required to placate gods and spirits of wind and water, including the ones that don't exist. You can't swim`, `Jester - You can make everyone forget the last thing you said by saying or doing something even more outrageous`, `Soldier - You can eat anything, sleep anywhere, complain about everything and always run faster than your allies`, `Experiment Survivor - You were deemed a mixed success (1d4): 1. d6 ranged, 2. d8 melee, 3. d6 acid, 4. d4 psychic, but not usable (1d4): 1. while at 0 HP, 2. while at max HP, 3. in sunlight, 4. while hungry`, `Aristocrat - You've lost everything, but until they realise it, everyone will defer to you`, `Companion - If you are giving someone a massage, they'll answer one question by accident, even if they weren't intending to`, `Smuggler - Of the items you start with, one has a hidden compartment, one is a secret weapon, one is not what it seems`, `Thug - You don't care if you get your nose broken (again), and can fight with any one-handed weapon while grappling`, `Stonecutter - You can smell when a rock-related accident is going to occur`, `Cutpurse - While walking, your footsteps are silent`, `Hermit - You know one vague yet menacing prediction about the future. Perhaps it'll come to pass`, `Brewer - If it can rot, you can turn it into booze`, `Cooper - You can tell at a glance if a barrel is full, empty, damaged, broken or tampered with`, `Glassblower - With access to a hot enough flame and pure sand, you can make bottles, vials, cups, "art"`, `Librarian - If you repair and return a book to its rightful place, you can access its contents mentally`, `Jeweller - If a gemstone or piece of jewellery is real, you'll always know immediately upon inspecting it`, `Prisoner - If you sit still and do nothing, you can do without either food or water (but not both)`, `Tinker - If you sell something to someone on the road, you can make a prediction about their future. It'll happen to them if they deserve it`, `Sinecure - You did absolutely nothing in your job, but you can easily impress anyone with your seals and signatures so long as they don't pay attention`, `Fletcher - Don't bother tracking mundane arrows, you can always make more`, `Trapper - Crows and other scavengers will trade you trinkets for scraps`, `Farrier - You can reshoe an animal in such a way to deal up to d8 damage to the next rider`, `Servant - If someone expects you to be somewhere, you are completely invisible to them`, `Gambler - If you ask someone outright whether they are lying or not, you can tell if the "no" is false. If they dissemble, get angry or don't answer, it doesn't work`, `Cupbearer - You are immune to ingested poisons`, `Miner - You can "see" in total darkness as far as you can reach`, `Scribe - When you read or hear a new language for the first time, you can declare you have total fluency in it. Works once`, `Shaman - If you yell at some clouds, they'll either go away or rain on you`, `Actor - Once you get fully into character (takes some time and a costume), nothing and nobody can convince you to break it against your will`, `Haberdasher - If you meet someone while wearing an outlandish hat, they'll always remember the hat instead of you`, `Milkmaid - One animal that you care for will never sicken, get lost, or be stolen`, `Thatcher - You are uncannily good at finding and plugging leaks`, `Philosopher - You know the exact and complete answer to one question posed`, `Tax Collector - If you so choose, you can say a single normal sentence to someone and make them hate you completely`, `Poet - If you make up a rumour or spread a fact about someone, it'll always stick. They'll know it came from you though`, `Beekeeper - The first time you'd die from poison, you are instead cripplingly ill for a week`, `Outlaw - If you threaten someone, even idly, you can tell what they value most in life`, `Apothecary - If you know the recipe for a concoction, you can ignore one of the ingredients`, `Spy - Tell someone your name to learn one of their secrets`, `Rat Catcher - You have a loyal pet rat, it understands everything you say, and would die for you`, `Watchman - Roll 1d4 for each new interesting person you meet. 1. They owe you a debt, 2. You owe them a debt`, `Firefighter - Heal 1d4 HP when you save any person`, `Postman - Start with three letters or packages, to be delivered to people of your choice`, `Ferryman - You always know which way the tide is going and wind is blowing. The first time you check, it's going the way you want`, `Wizard - You know a single magic word. It has a 50% chance of doing what you expect when you use it`, `Witch - If someone mocks or openly disrespects you, you can inflict them with a random curse (defaults to turning them into a frog), works once`, `Cultist - You can sacrifice yourself to summon an eldritch abomination`, `Bureaucrat - Always know exactly how much it would take to bribe somebody`, `Miller - Given enough plants, a source of power and a big rock, you can make food for everyone`, `Tanner - Given enough urine, you can make hides and skins last forever`, `Bookbinder - Start with as many awful, useless or broken books as you can name`, `Envoy - You can say three words in every language`, `Weaver - You can turn material into thread, thread into cloth and cloth into clothes while doing something else`, `Fortune-Teller - If you read somebody's fortune you know what they want to hear, as well as a harsh truth`, `Banker - People always believe your promises of future riches are true or at least plausible. They'll probably follow around to make sure you pay up`, `Herbalist - Declare that any weed or leaf has useful properties. 50% chance of being right, roll only when tested`, `Barber - While giving someone a haircut, they'll tell you their life story if you answer in kind`, `Cook - By making it into "brown stew" you can remove the positive and negative traits of strange meats`, `Porter - If you are carrying something bulky and valuable, you can sunder it like a shield (block 1d12 damage)`, `Chandler - You can turn leftover grease into candles with effort and ash. Strange meats and strange ashes make for strange candles`, `Mountebank - You can turn practically anything into "medicine", it might even work`, `Cheesemonger - Start with a horrendously pungent wheel of cheese. Strange moods and strange milks make exceptionally strange cheeses`, `Clockmaker - Start with three unfinished clocks. Plausibly useful as alarms, timers, trap triggers, and shrapnel`, `Rebel - Start with three firebombs (d6) and a bunch of pamphlets`, `Jailer - Start with an immense ring of keys, handcuffs and a cudgel (d6)`, `Minstrel - Start with an instrument of your choice. If you sing while travelling, your companions will move a little faster (to get away from it)`, `Gladiator - While at 0 HP, kill an enemy in a stylish manner to restore 1d4 HP. Requires an audience`, `Plucky Urchin - So long as you aren't carrying any weapons, you can't be killed by weapons unless you are specifically executed`, `Warlord - Start with a man-at-arms (8 HP, d6 weapon) and a camp follower (2 HP). Both will betray you if you are weak`, `Lawyer - Your cutting words and scathing arguments deal 1 damage`, `Drunkard - Take a swig to heal 1 HP, even if it's poured down your throat`, `Artist - If you spend the time admiring/criticising a work of art, heal 1 HP`, `Bodyguard - You can take a blow in place of anyone, but you take +d6 damage`, `Wanderer - So long as you are barefoot in the dirt, the first spell that hits you is channeled into nature instead`, `Barkeep - Decide what happened to your bar (perhaps it burned down, washed away, collapsed in an earthquake, or was stolen by bankers). It'll never happen again to you, or your property`, `Pirate - Start with your weapon of choice and half a treasure map, as well as an ability to communicate crudely with any creature prone to violence`, `Debutante - If you walk down a staircase, someone already at the base looking up will fall in love with you`, `Captain - When you pilot a vessel with X people on board, you can guarantee the safety of 1dX of them. The rest will have to fend for themselves`, `Raven-keeper - Three ravens will come to you for food, often bearing news. You can send messages back with them`, `Rake - Each time you meet a brand new person, you can declare that you've wronged them in the past`, `Chosen One - Start with a Talent or Arcana, but it only works 2-in-6 of the time`, `Prophet - Everyone knows a story about you, it isn't true`, `Shield Bearer - You can sunder shields to block d12 damage from any type of attack, not just weapons`, `Guide - You can always find a shortcut, and know why it's a bad idea to use it`, ], "Memento": [`Flute`, `Broken locket`, `Tea-set for two`, `Knucklebones of a saint... probably`,`Bottle of something tasty`, `Flask of something strange`,`Box of snuff`, `Tobacco pouch`, `Fluffy cushion`,`Hand-written poetry`, `Dog collar`, `Diploma`,`Potted succulent`, `Warm cloak`, `Unsent letter`,`Chess set`, `Tobacco and pipe`, `Drinking horn`,`Questionable mushrooms`, `Novel, half-read`,`Silk top-hat`, `Vial of glowing blue substance`,`White wedding-dress`, `Clerical vestments`,`Marked cards and loaded dice`, `Music box`,`Ceramic demon mask`, `Ring with hidden compartment`,`Shiny locket`, `Challenging puzzle box`,`White powdered wig`, `Worry stone`, `Cracked monocle`,`Double-headed coin`, `Red piece of string`,`Strangely familiar boots`, `Mining pick that looks half-melted and terribly bent`,`Wooden training sword`, `Brass doorknob`,`Treasure map drawn by a child`, `Shaker full of beans`,`Shiny rock`, `Bag of humanoid teeth`,`Ring of rusty keys`, `Tiny steam engine`,`Silver ring missing its gem`, `Small sewing kit with some red thread`,`Old military medals`, `Iron nose ring`,`Shiny rock`, `Dried ear`, `Box of tiny bells`,`Jar of honey`, `Hefty, ornate bronze key`, `Shopping list full of potion ingredients`,`Broken music box`, `The lid of an inkwell`, `Fist-sized toy elephant, made from soft yellow wool`,`Tiny claw, floating in oil`, `Jar of preserved apples, sealed with bound red leather`, `Copper heart locket with a tooth in it`, `Slender bone flute with carefully drilled triangular holes`, `Journal recounting the life of an anxious baker`,`Nesting dolls`, `Ornate flask with old ale in it`, `Note reading "I'll be back soon. Stay safe. I love you."`,`Ornate case, inoperable`, `Deed for a castle dated hundreds of years ago`, `Scroll with ancient fighting technique`,`Jar full of mismatched buttons`, `Three steel arrowheads`,`Roll of fine parchment`, `Flag of an enemy kingdom`,`Child's blanket`, `Horse saddle buckle`,`Bag of thumb tacks`, `Empty box of many things`,`Onion with a face on it`, `Diary`, `Fancy clothes`,`Rolled up rug`, `Bearskin cloak`, `Etched skull`,`Owlbear feather quill`, `Page from a grimoire`,`Single dragon's scale`, `Mother of pearl button`,`Brown haired wig`, `Screw or bolt from some strange machine`, `Peg leg with hidden compartment`,`Melted iron symbols`, `Message in a bottle`,`Wedding ring`, `The winding key of a clockwork toy`,`Set of spectacles`, `Pet collar with a broken latch`,`Single, tiny brass gear`, `Single chess piece`,`Rabbit foot`, `Incomplete deck of cards`,`Walking stick`, `Common-looking flask`,`Toy doll`, `Set of apparently useless keys`,`Empty potion bottle`, `Rock with two painted eyes on it`, `Tear-stained confession from a prince/ss`,`Broken pendant`, `Stone statue`, `Sword handle`,`Quill pen`, `Single silk stocking`, `Gigantic light green sock`,`Tiny book of Sylvan writing`, `Tiny hat`,`Bag of marbles`, `Trumpet`, `Big wet sack of eels`,`Bottle of eyeballs`, `Wizard doll, complete with tiny hat, robe and wand`, `Dried fairy, stuck through with a pin`,`Rusty sword`, `Golden half-mask`, `Large fake gem`,`Tiny phonograph`, `Fillable contract on parchment`, `Cloth of salamander fur - Fireproof, made of asbestos`, `Crumbling thigh-bone, black with fetid power`,`Ornamental wizard staff`, `Globe of a planet, just not this one`,`Bottle labeled "DO NOT DRINK"`, `Scrap of paper with "REVENGE" written on it`,`Blood-stained handkerchief`, `Heavily-dented candlestick`,`Soothing cream in a tiny jar`, `Flakes of dried herbs in a bottle of clear goop`,`Pouch of tiny colourful rocks`, `Pocket-sized tin of yellow paint`,`Cologne`, `Tiny defaced portrait`, `Lead pencil`, `Lamp inscribed with the words "What fell and miserable oil fuels the dark?"`, `Pendant carved with a monstrous face`, `Gold ring that prevents a particular curse befalling you while you wear it`, `Glass puzzle-box, easily broken`,`Heavily crumpled invitation`, `Wooden ocarina`, `Pewter coin with initials roughly carved`,`Ticking box, no opening`, `Tiny wooden box containing a scrap of paper marked with the word "UNTIL"`, `Pretty handkerchief with a neatly stitched evil symbol`, `Notebook full of random letters and numbers`,`Herbal tablets`, `Broken vase`, `Jug of vinegar`,`Red silk mask`, `Dried twig from Yggdrasil`,`Fossilised egg`, `Box of candied plums`,`Ring of keys for broken locks`, `Darkened mirror-disc, an ancient artefact now inert`, `Mossy tooth of an unknown beast`, `Tiny cage with miniature shackles and chains`,`Glass bauble filled with ash`, `Model trebuchet, fits in the palm`,`Set of tiny saucepans`, `Tiny vials of pleasant-smelling herbs`,`Pineapple`, `Urn of ashes`, `Evil Cheese (caution: evil)`,`Octopus-hide cloak`, `Hearth stone`, `Chipped mug with face on it`, `Acupuncture needles for draining out demons (probably)`, `Crystal of Banishment - It's just a big rock for hitting things`,`No tea`, `Missing hat`, `Nightgown`, `Fluffy slippers`,`Letter-opener`, `Porcelain mask of your own face`, `Skull of someone important. Your choice who`, `Fop's Panoply - A violently bright suit of lace and frills, 2d10x10 years out of style`,`Wolf headdress`, `Feathered headdress`,`Bowler hat`, `Top-hat`, `Ushanka hat`, `Beret`,`Skullcap`, `Buckled captain hat`, `Deerstalker hat`,`Turban`, `Tricorn hat`, `Sedge hat`, ], "Bond": [ `____ fought by my side in the War`, `____ fought against me in the War`,`I have a crush on ____`, `I tried to kill ____ once, long ago`, `____ has been my friend since childhood`, `____ thinks I endanger my soul with misguided behaviour`,`I can trust ____ completely`, `I never trust ____ completely`,`____ shares a secret with me`, `____ is in the same cult as me`,`I have sworn to protect ____`, `I vowed to follow ____ on their quest`, `____ is holding something over me`, `____ has the key to what I seek`,`____ has helped me in the past`, `____ hails from a storied bloodline`,`____ has the same teacher as I`, `I have made a promise to ____`,`____ has been to my homeland`, `____ makes the most noise when they travel`,`____ nearly got me killed`, `____ shares my hunger for glory`, `I have heard stories about ____`, `____ has proven their worth to me`, `____ thinks they are tougher than me`, `____ thinks they are wiser than me`, `____ thinks they are luckier than me`,`____ is part of my family`, `____ is a distant cousin`, `____ rescued me from a dreadful fate`,`____ and I have a running bet`, `____ is my half-sibling`,`____ is in the same gang as me`, `____ knows my true identity`,`I think ____ is in charge`, `____ has my back`, `____ has seen the same horrors as I have`,`____ is an old friend of mine`, `____ knew me in a previous life`, `____ knows of my secret mission`,`____ has much to teach me`, `____ seeks the same goal as me`,`I owe ____ a great debt`, `____ knows the source of my power`, `____ knows my greatest weakness`,`____ once served my family`, `____ has saved my life`,`I met ____ in prison`, `____ is my childhood rival`,`____ is my neighbour`, `____ survived the same battle as me`,`____ is my main competitor`, `____ stole something from me`, `I go to ____ for advice and guidance`,`____ gave me a nickname`, `____ worships the same god as me`,`I owe ____ a small favour`, `I have seen ____ in a dream`, `____ once knew me by a different name`, `____ hears the same voices in their head as I do`, `____ is my arch-rival, I must show them up at every chance`, `____ rescued me from a disaster`, `____ tried to double-cross me once, while I was doing the same to them`, `____ and I have weathered a storm together`, `____ and I were hired for the same ill-fated caper`,`____ is my lucky charm`, `____ was the only other survivor`,`____ broke into my house once`, `____ stood up to me`, `____ and I are both mentioned in a dreadful prophecy`,`____ and I met at a funeral`, `I'm pretty sure ____ is the Chosen One`, ], "Backstory Event": [`Dead family`, `Abandoned by family`, `Long-lost family`,`True love`, `Forbidden love`, `Foretold in prophecy`,`Star-crossed`, `Jilted at altar`, `Tortured soul`,`Ancient curse`, `Lost forever`, `Betrayal`,`Marked for death`, `Revenge`, `Last survivor`,`Stuck underground`, `Alter-ego`, `Inheritance`,`Heartbreak`, `Shovelling shit`, `Mistaken identities`,`Voice of god`, `Suffering`, `Hidden knowledge`,`Brutal injury`, `Travel for years`, `Family secret`,`Unbreakable bond`, `Old grudge`, `So much blood`,`Judgement and scorn`, `Temptation`, `Unbelievable news`,`Message from abroad`, `Bad advice`, `Good advice`,`Bitter rivals`, `Abandoned`, `Burnt-out`,`Bereaved`, `Betrayed`, `Demoted`, `Discredited`,`Exiled`, `Failed`, `Fired`, `Forgotten`, `Hated`,`Heartbroken`, `Impoverished`, `Indebted`,`Prosecuted`, `Rejected`, `Robbed`, `Suspected`,`Victimised`, ], "Achievements": [`One Half - Slay a dragon`, `The Other Half - Clear an entire dungeon`, `Chiselled Jawline - Have a statue raised in your image `, `Humming Along - Have a song dedicated to you`, `Yes Man - Ally with two opposing factions`, `Priorities - Choose food over treasure`, `Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey - Jump backwards or forwards in time`, `Die a Hero - Become an NPC villain`,`The Flesh - Gain ten mutations`, `Canary - Cause the death of three henchmen`, `False Dawn - Set off a colossal explosion`, `Knightly - Rescue royalty from certain death`,`Family Man - Become royalty`, `Sticky Fingers - Pull off any plan or scheme that involves glue`, `When All You Have is a Torch - Solve a problem using arson`, `Ignominious - Die from rats, starvation, exposure, falling or disease`, `David - Kill a giant using a sling`, `Taste of your Own Medicine - Turn a basilisk, a cockatrice or a medusa into stone`, `"Are we the baddies?" - Commit a war crime`, `Whoops! - Destroy an item necessary for a quest`, `Blue! No, Yello-AUUUUUUUUGH - Die from a puzzle`, `She Turned Me Into A Newt - Experience a transmutation`, `We Spared No Expense - Go broke`, `Armaments 2:9-21 - Kill a monster with a holy weapon`, `The Black Wind Howls - Correctly predict an ally's death`, `We're On A Mission From God - Receive divine direction`, `I Volunteer As Tribute - Sacrifice yourself`, `That Still Only Counts As One - Solo a large monster`, `A Farewell To Arms - Willingly remove a limb`,`Objection! - Win a legal case`, `The Other White Meat - Eat a friend`, `Gormandiser - Eat an sentient enemy`, `Never Leave Home Without It - Discover three uses for alcohol`, `Heisenberg - Mass-produce a potion`, `'Tis but a scratch - Lose a limb and survive`,`Landlord - Own a building`, `The 1% - Run a business`,`Family First - Start a cult`, `Same Hat! - Entire party is part of the same group`, `Bigger Fish - Kill a bonafide god or major demon`, `One Step For A Man... - Travel to another plane of existence`, `You Shall Not Pass - Sacrifice yourself, so that the rest of your party may escape`, `Blitz - Kill a boss in a single round`, `X Marks the Spot - Uncover treasure marked on a map`, `Fine Print - Make a deal with a devil`, `Unfinished Business - Come back from the dead`, `Naked and Alone - Die without armour, weapons or allies`, `Trapfinder General - Die to a trap`, `If It Bleeds - Kill a major supernatural creature`, `Go For The Hat! - Kill a wizard`, `JENKINS - Lead the charge directly into a TPK`,`Gobbed On - Die to a mook`, `Born Under A Lucky Star - Survive the death of your whole party`, `Be The Change - Lead a revolution`, `C o m f o r t - Wear custom-made armour`, `Default, the two Greatest Words - Play a human swordsman`, `Diplomancy - Turn an enemy over to your side and have them kill their former ally`, `One Small Step - Travel beyond this realm`, `Trial and Error - Use an unidentified magic item`, `Speedrun - Die during character creation`, `Horatio - Carry the skull of an ally`, ], "Mutation Modification": [`Adhesive`, `Crystalline`, `Clockwork`, `Dripping`,`Fanged`, `Flaming`, `Swollen`, `Shrivelled`, `Glowing`,`Gooey`, `Humming`, `Icy`, `Malformed`, `Necrotic`,`Neon`, `Nutritious`, `Predatory`, `Prehensile`,`Pungent`, `Reflective`, `Blooming`, `Rubbery`,`Screaming`, `Skeletal`, `Slimy`, `Smoking`, `Spiky`,`Throbbing`, `Transparent`, `Missing`, `Traitorous`,`Secretive`, `Collapsing`, `Magnetic`, `Pulsating`,`Abnormal`, `Fascinating`, `Improbable`, `Twitching`,`Grotesque`, `Frightening`, `Eldritch`, `Ethereal`,`Arcane`, `Cursed`, `Evil`, `Verdant`, `Shifting`,`Musical`, `Fragile`, `Knobbly`, `Hateful`, `Sunken`,`Birdlike`, `Wolfish`, `Fishy`, `Beastly`, `Bifurcating`,`Deathly`, `Useless`, `Useful`, `Secretive`, `Metallic`,`Wooden`, `Flattened`, `Additional`, `Detachable`,`Altered`, `Colourful`, `Tiny`, `Gigantic`, ], "Mutation Part": [`Antennae`, `Brain`, `Claw`, `Arm`, `Ear`, `Eye`, `Face`, `Leg`,`Mouth`, `Teeth`, `Foot`, `Skull`, `Neck`, `Skin`, `Tongue`,`Feathers`, `Fins`, `Bones`, `Guts`, `Hand`, `Foliage`,`Glands`, `Horn`, `Maggots`, `Lumps`, `Mandibles`,`Fluids`, `Pincers`, `Proboscis`, `Shell`, `Scales`,`Tentacles`, `Sores`, `Cysts`, `Organs`, `Nose`, `Stripes`,`Suction Pods`, `Tail`, `Tubes`, `Wings`, `Blood`,`Spit`, `Breath`, `Holes`, `Growths`, `Hair`, `Swellings`,`Frill`, `Blubber`, `Stinger`, `Thoughts`, `Shadow`,`Mind`, `Spirit`, `Soul`, ], "Armour light": [`Greaves (+1 HP)`, `Gauntlets (+1 HP)`,`Pauldrons (+1 HP)`, `Helmet (+1 HP)`,`Full helm (+1 HP)`, `Plumed helmet (+1 HP)`,`Horned helmet (+1 HP)`, `Kettle helmet (+1 HP)`,`Chainmail coif (+1 HP)`, `Gambeson (+1 HP)`,`Scale body armour (+1 HP)`, `Boiled leather vest (+1 HP)`, `Boiled leather leggings (+1 HP)`,`Reinforced jacket (+1 HP)`, `Armoured trousers (+1 HP)`,`Armoured cloak (+1 HP)`, `Armoured belt (+1 HP)`,`Bracers (+1 HP)`, `Gorget (+1 HP)`, `Half-plate (+1 HP)`,`Sabatons (+1 HP)`, `Iron-shod boots (+1 HP)`, ], "Armour heavy": [`Chainmail coat (+2 HP)`, `Scale mail (+2 HP)`,`Banded armour (+2 HP)`, `Hauberk (+2 HP)`,`Lamellar armour (+2 HP)`, `Brigandine armour (+2 HP)`,`Cuirass (+2 HP)`, `Platebody (+2 HP)`,`Platelegs (+2 HP)`, `Ironbark breastplate (+2 HP)`,`Ring armour (+2 HP)`, `Crystal shardmail (+2 HP)`,`Chitin cuirass (+2 HP)`, `Splint mail (+2 HP)`,`Scrap plate armour (+2 HP)`, `Breastplate (+2 HP)`, ], "Ranged big": [`Crossbow (d10)`, `Arbalest (d10)`, `Harpoon gun (d10)`,`Blunderbuss (d10)`, `Rifle (d10)`, `Fire lance (d10)`,`Repeating crossbow (d8)`, `Clockwork rifle (d10)`, ], "Ranged": [`Longbow (d8)`, `Spear (d8)`, `Bolas (d8)`,`Pistol (d8)`, `Atlatl and javelins (d8)`, ], "Ranged small": [`Sling (d6)`, `Shortbow (d6)`, `Blowpipe (d6)`,`Whip (d6)`, `Weaponised ioun stone (d6)`,`Spring-gun (d6)`, ], "Melee big": [`Greatsword (d10)`, `Greataxe (d10)`, `Halberd (d10)`,`Pike (d8)`, `Glaive (d10)`, `Scythe (d10)`,`Lance (d10)`, `Claymore (d10)`, `Poleaxe (d10)`,`Rapier (d8)`, `Longsword (d8)`, `Maul (d10)`,`Ringsword (d10)`, `Swordstaff (d10)`, ], "Melee": [`Dagger (d6)`, `Knife (d6)`, `Cleaver (d6)`,`Shortsword (d6)`, `Axe (d6)`, `Pitchfork (d6)`,`Pickaxe (d6)`, `Warhammer (d6)`, `Cutlass (d6)`,`Warpick (d6)`, `Mace (d6)`, `Flail (d6)`,`Falchion (d6)`, `Cestus (d6)`, `Quarterstaff (d6)`,`Scimitar (d6)`, `Machete (d6)`, `Tomahawk (d6)`,`Misericorde (d6)`, `Sabre (d6)`, `Cane sword (d6)`, ], "Shield": [ `Wooden shield (block d12, then breaks)`, `Shield (block d12, then breaks)`,`Buckler (gambit when attacked)`, `Tower shield (provides cover)`, `Leather shield (block d12, then breaks)`, `Round-shield (block d12, then breaks)`, `Kite-shield (block d12, then breaks)`, `Square-shield (block d12, then breaks)`, ], "Body Part": [`Head`, `Neck`, `Spine`, `Chest`, `Guts`, `Left eye`, `Right eye`,`Left arm`, `Right arm`, `Left hand`, `Right hand`,`Left leg`, `Right leg`, `Left foot`, `Right foot`,`Face`, `Mouth`, `Nose`, `Ear`, `"Pride"`, ], "Sources": [ `Against the Wicked City - Technology Rules:`, `Against the Wicked City - When All You Have is a Hammer:`, `Archons March On - 20 Extra Magic Items:`, `Archons March On - Misc Magic Items:`, `Archons March On - Rival Adventurers:`, `Archons March On - Round These Here Part:`, `Archons March On - Slush Pile 1:`, `Archons March On - Slush Pile 2:`, `Library of Attnam - Magical Trinkets:`, `Library of Attnam - More Magical Trinkets:`, `Bad Whiskey Games - Symptoms and Plagues:`, `Bastard Magic:`, `Bastionland - Electric Bastionland:`, `Bastionland - Failed Careers:`, `Bastionland - Oddities:`, `Bastionland - Oddular Mechanics:`, `Bastionland - Scars:`, `Carceri Penterakt - Witches and Warlocks:`, `Coins and Scrolls - 100 Entities:`, `Coins and Scrolls - 1d1000 Mutations:`, `Coins and Scrolls - Exorcist:`, `Coins and Scrolls - Sorcerer:`, `Coins and Scrolls - Veinscrawl:`, `Cratered Land - Optional Rules:`, `Cratered Land - Scholar and Thief:`, `DMiurgy - Hella Cursed Mega Doom Swords:`, `Donjon - Trinket Generator:`, `Dreams and Fevers - Treasures from the Vault:`, `Dungeons and Possums - Enchanted Armour:`, `Dungeons and Possums - Gygaxian Democracy:`, `Eldritch Fields - Folk Hero:`, `Espharel - The six Homeric Metals:`, `False Machine - Deep Carbon Observatory:`, `False Machine - Feathersmithing:`, `False Machine - Isles of the Imprisoned Moon:`, `False Machine - Kingdom of the Mad on the Moons Black Side:`, `False Machine - Silent Titans:`, `False Machine - Veins of the Earth: Veins of the Earth`, `Glaucus Hauriant - Gallimaufry:`, `Glaucus Hauriant - Puissant Relics:`, `Glaucus Hauriant - Tieflings:`, `Goblin Punch - 100 Minor Magical Items:`, `Goblin Punch - Artifacts:`, `Goblin Punch - Catherine:`, `Goblin Punch - Curses:`, `Goblin Punch - Dungeon Hacker:`, `Goblin Punch - Exotic Arrows:`, `Goblin Punch - Fleshgod Inheritors:`, `Goblin Punch - Lair of the Lamb:`, `Goblin Punch - Library of Asria:`, `Goblin Punch - More Artifacts:`, `Goblin Punch - Myths about Druids:`, `Goblin Punch - Potion List:`, `Goblin Punch - Potion Rules:`, `Goblin Punch - Really Good Dog:`, `Goblin Punch - Secret Names of God:`, `Goblin Punch - Sister Witches, Monastic Wizards:`, `Goblin Punch - Six Facts about Metal:`, `Goblin Punch - Void Monks:`, `Goodberry Monthly - Tidelock Languages:`, `Hex Culture - Put a Spell On You:`, `Hex Culture - Righteous Punching for Justice:`, `Hmm Marquis - Thoughts and Fulmens:`, `Homebrew Homunculus - Dicing With Death:`, `I Don't Remember That Move - 20 Diseases:`, `Incunabuli - Knucklebones:`, `Kill Six Billion Demons:`, `Lizardman Diaries - Guild Dogs:`, `Mythos - Teramach Class:!-quot`, `North of Reality - Bottled Goods:`, `North of Reality - Funerals for Insects:`, `Numbers Aren't Real - Monk Class:`, `Numbers Aren't Real - Ten of Swords:`, `Occultesque - Daramitz Magical Items:`, `Occultesque - Magical Trinkets:`, `Rise Up Comus - Classic Fantasy Races for GLOG:`, `Rise Up Comus - Thief Knacks:`, `Rogues Repast - High Level Dungeon Crawl:`, `Rogues Repast - Slot-based Classes:`, `Seven Deadly Dungeons - Magic Items:`, `Shuttered Room - d66 Diseases:`, `Spouting Law - Defying Danger RPG:`, `Spouting Law - Homebrew World:`, `Spouting Law - Thief Magic Items:`, `Tarsos Theorem - Weird Powers:`, `Ten Foot Polemic - Barbarian:`, `Throne of Salt - Unfinished Wonders:`, `Trilemma - The Man From Before:`, `Trilemma - The Sorcerers Feast:`, `Two Goblins in a Trenchcoat - Anything Not Nailed Down is Legally Mine:`, `Two Goblins in a Trenchcoat - Moonhop:`, `Unlawful Games - Strange Diseases:`, `Unworthy Cudgel - Eire Artifacts:`, `Weird Elf Games - d50 Questionably Useful Magic Items:`, `Whose Measure God Could Not Take - How to design GLOG Fighters:`, `Whose Measure God Could Not Take - Vain the Sword GLOG Hack:`, `Yochai Gal - One Shot World:`, `Zenopus Archives - Holmes References:`, `d66 Kobolds - Martial and Specialist:`, `d66 Kobolds - Survivalist and Arcane:`, `Bastionland - Odd Classes and Orders:`, `Sundered Shillings - Various Tables:`, `Numbers Aren't Real - Someone Else's Board:`, `IMP:`, `Laughing Leviathan - Books, Beans and Candles:`, `Wampus Country - HATS:`, `Papers and Pencils - Magic Words:`, `Whose Measure God Could Not Take - Barbarian:`, `Velvet Inks - Angelic Items:`, `Goblin Punch - Bug Collector:`, `Slugs and Silver - Figmentalist:`, `Archons March On - Shitty Potion:`, `Numbers Aren't Real - Ranger of the Tomb:`, `Caput Caprae - Sage:`, `Numbers Aren't Real - Sage Expansion Pack:`, `Against the Wicked City - Double-edged Potions:`, `Beyond the Singing Flame - Arcana from Aquilus:`, `Mad Queen's Court - Mountain At The End Of The World:`, `Mad Queen's Court - BATTLEMAGES:`, `Dungeon of Signs - Fallen Empire Magic Items:`, `Whose Measure God Could Not - Godchild Class:`, `Sundered Shields and Silver Shillings - MARROW:`, `Goblin Punch - Reversed Monsters:`, `The Manse - 10 Cursed Items:`, `Rise Up Comus - Diegetic Wilderland Classes:`, `The Manse - Terrible Knowledges:`, `Eldritch Fields - Magic Whistles:`, `Sundered Shields and Silver Shillings - Hats:`, `Numbers Aren't Real - A Sack Full of Toys:`, `Bugbear Slug - Bonepunk:`, `d66 Kobolds - Cairn Backgrounds:`, `d4 Caltrops - Unconventional Potions:`, `The Manse - d50 Rings:`, `The Manse - Blood of Many Mens: `, `Archons March On - d20 Magic Rings:`, `Pilgrim Temple - Metagods:`, `Library of Attnam - Even More Magical Trinkets: `, `Alone in the Labyrinth - d66 Enchanted Items:`, `A Sense Of Immersion - Swordcaster:`, `D4 Caltrops - d100 Magic Bows:`, `Salty Goo - Salamander Class:`, `Archons March On - 100 More Miscellaneous Magic Items:`, `Coins and Scrolls - Homunculator:`, `Dreaming Dragonslayer - Starting Packages:`, `World Building and Woolgathering - Motorcycle Leathers of the United Provinces:`, `Bastionland - Oddities to Find:`, `Cratered Land - d100 Alignments:`, `Library of Attnam - Everybody Was Kung-fu Fighting:`, `Library of Attnam - Weirder Diseases:`, `Papers and Pencils - d100 Wondrous Items:`, `Bearded Devil - Magic Items: `, ], "Useful Item": [`Ropes, 3`, `Crowbar`, `Bag of caltrops`, `Roll of bandages`,`Bag of lard`, `Spool of copper wire, 3`,`Hand-drill`, `Fishing rod`, `Bladder of oil and a match`,`Fake gold coins, 5`, `Grapple hook and rope`,`Iron spikes, 3`, `Padlock and key, 3 sets`,`Bucket of pitch`, `Wooden pole`, `Sack of flour`,`Hammer and nails`, `Chain, 30ft`, `Lantern and oil`,`Flask of oil, 3`, `Bottle of poison, 3`,`Vial of acid, 3`, `Bottle of holy water, 3`,`Bottle of unholy water, 3`, `Bottle of laudanum, 3`,`Pot of glue, 3`, `Jar of grease, 3`, `Jar of wax, 3`,`Block of clay, 3`, `Bottle of liquor, 3`,`Healing herbs, 3, d6 HP`, `Stack of hardtack`,`Box of iron rations`, `Bag of salted meat`,`Sack of vegetables`, `Sack of apples`,`Pineapples, 3`, `Bag of dried fish`, `Pouch of sugar`,`Bear trap`, `Lockpicks`, `Powerful lodestone`,`Ice skates`, `Elastic cord, 10ft`, `Pliers, loop of wire`,`Weighty iron tongs`, `Metal flasks, 3`,`Bag of costume jewellery`, `Lute`, `Snorkel`,`Small tent`, `Scented soap, 3 bars`, `Incense, 3 sticks`,`Perfume, 3 bottles`, `Barbed and weighted net (d6)`,`Reinforced glass mirror`, `Bag of chalk`,`Holy symbol`, `Sack of ground pepper`,`Towel`, `Iron ingots, 3`, `Wind-up clockwork toy`,`Excellent pair of boots`, `Thick leather gloves`,`Smoke bombs, 3`, `Long roll of paper`,`Sachets of potent spices, 3`, `Sturdy shears`,`Box of metal springs`, `Silver needle and silken thread`, `Large wheel of expensive cheese`,`Heavy iron pipes, 3`, `Waterproof bag`,`Censer and chain`, `Alchemists tape`, `Paper, quill and ink in a writing case`, `Steel mirror on an extendable pole`,`Ironbound holy tome`, `Satchel of charcoal`,`Axe (d6)`, `Pickaxe (d6)`, `Shovel (d6)`,`Pitchfork (d6)`, `Dagger (d6)`, `Cold chisel`,`Bag of salt`, `Ewer of wine`, `Bottle of whiskey`,`Small barrel, rolls easily`, `Sack of ball bearings`,`Hefty tarpaulin`, `Bale of silk`, `Bottle of stimulants`,`Bottle of sleeping pills`, `Flask of alchemical coolant`,`Jar of leeches`, `Spyglass`, `Whittling knife`,`Mortar and pestle`, `Magnifying glass`,`Hand-cranked propeller`, `Dye bottles, RGB`,`Big candles, 3`, `Fireworks, 3`, `Bronze water-syringe`,`Spectacles with tinted lenses`, `Sack of coal`,`Compass`, `Pouch of silver dust`, `Ornate hand mirror`,`Pair of shackles`, `Fake brick of gold`,`Mosquito net`, `Set of bellows`, `Thermos flask`,`Abacus`, `Birdcage`, `Frying pan`, `Bundle of handkerchiefs`,`Large brass bell`, `Hourglass`, `Telescope`,`Stilt shoes`, `Empty potion bottle, 3`,`Balls of yarn, 3`, `Hooked pole`, `Climbing harness and rope`,`Wheelbarrow`, ], } // END lists["Damage Type"] = ["Slashing","Piercing","Bludgeoning","Fire","Cold","Electric","Acid","Poison","Necrotic","Radiant","Psychic", ["Chaos (Necrotic + Radiant)", "Radiation (Radiant + Poison)", "Catalysed (Electric + Acid)", "Explosion (Bludgeoning + Fire)", "Steam (Cold + Fire)", "Magnetic (Lightning + Cold)", "Vorpal (Slashing + Necrotic)", "Force (Electric + Bludgeoning)", "Viral (Acid + Cold)", "Mutation (Necrotic + Acid)", "Entropy (Cold + Necrotic)"]] function getFromLists(item) { while (lists.hasOwnProperty(item)) item = lists[item].sample() return item } function expandList(category) { let output = lists[category].slice() for (var i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { if (lists.hasOwnProperty(output[i])) output[i] = lists[output[i]] } return output.flat() } class Character { constructor(type) { this.type = type = newName() this.fact = newFact() = "Bond: " + lists["Bond"].sample() this.stats = { STR: Math.min(r(6),r(6),r(6))+1, DEX: Math.min(r(6),r(6),r(6))+1, CHA: Math.min(r(6),r(6),r(6))+1, HP: r(6)+1 } this.inventory = [] if (this.type == "Boring") { this.stats.HP = r(4)+3 } this.rank = Math.max(this.stats.STR ,this.stats.DEX,this.stats.CHA) + this.stats.HP switch(this.type) { case "Standard": switch(this.rank) { case 2: this.inventory.push("Ranged big", "Armour heavy", "Armour light", "Technique", "Memento") break case 3: this.inventory.push("Melee", "Melee", "Armour light", "Armour light", "Arcana", "Oddity") break case 4: this.inventory.push("Melee", "Artefact", "Oddity", "Weirdness") break case 5: this.inventory.push("Melee big", "Melee", "Ranged small", "Talent") break case 6: this.inventory.push("Ranged", "Armour heavy", "Failed Career", "Useful Item") break case 7: this.inventory.push("Melee", "Ranged small", "Weirdness", "Memento") break case 8: this.inventory.push("Melee big", "Failed Career", "Useful Item", "Technique") break case 9: this.inventory.push("Arcana") break case 10: this.inventory.push("Ranged small", "Failed Career") break case 11: this.inventory.push("Melee") break case 12: break } this.getStandardExtras() break case "Random": this.spendExperience(12 - this.rank) this.getStandardExtras() break case "No stats": this.stats = {} this.spendExperience(5) this.getStandardExtras() break case "Boring": this.spendExperience(12 - this.rank) this.inventory.push("Useful Item", "Memento", "Failed Career", ["Melee", "Ranged small"].sample()) break case "More stats": this.stats = {} const moreStatArray = ["HIT", "TUF", "SPD", "FIN", "WIT", "WRD", "CHM", "LCK"] for (var stat of moreStatArray) { this.stats[stat] = [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0, +5][r(6)] } this.spendExperience(5) this.getStandardExtras() break case "Traditional stats": this.stats = {} const traditionalStatArray = ["STR", "DEX", "CON", "INT", "WIS", "CHA"] for (var stat of traditionalStatArray) { this.stats[stat] = r(6)+r(6)+r(6)+3 } this.spendExperience(5) this.getStandardExtras() break } for (var i = 0; i < this.inventory.length; i++) { if (this.inventory[i] == "Failed Career") this.inventory[i] = `Failed Career: ${lists["Failed Career"].sample()}` else this.inventory[i] = getFromLists(this.inventory[i]) } this.inventory.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length) } getStandardExtras() { this.inventory.push(["Useful Item", "Consumable"].sample(), "Memento", "Oddity", "Weirdness") } spendExperience(xp) { while (xp > 0) { if (xp > 3 && r(3)) { this.inventory.push(["Talent", "Technique", "Arcana", "Artefact", "Ranged big"].sample()) xp -= 3 } else if (xp > 2 && r(3)) { this.inventory.push(["Weirdness", "Weirdness", "Oddity", "Melee big", "Ranged", "Armour heavy"].sample()) xp -= 2 } else { this.inventory.push(["Melee", "Ranged small", "Useful Item", "Memento", "Failed Career", "Armour light", "Shield", "Consumable"].sample()) xp -= 1 } } } toString() { var statLine = "" for (var stat of Object.keys(this.stats)) { if (this.type == "Traditional stats") { statLine += `${stat}: ${this.stats[stat]}<br>` } else if (stat == "HP") { statLine += `HP: ${this.stats.HP}/${this.stats.HP}<br>` } else if (this.stats[stat] > 0) { statLine += `${stat}: +${this.stats[stat]}<br>` } else { statLine += `${stat}: ${this.stats[stat]}<br>` } } return `Name: ${}<br>${this.fact}<br><br>${statLine}<ul>${ => `<li>${item}</li>`).join('')}</ul>${}` } } lists["Smell"] = [`burned hair`,`"oregano"`,`citrus`,`salt`,`light perfume`,`far too much perfume`,`wet dog`,`pluff mud`,`nothing, suspiciously`,`old meat`,`dried blood`,`tobacco`,`piss and vinegar`,`oiled leather`,`wet leaves`,`garlic`,`asparagus`,`stale beer`,`sulphur`,`grave dirt`,`pure water`,`baked bread`,`spices`,`mildew`,`dried fish`,`burnt oak`,`cut grass`,`medicine`,`ripe fruit`,`mint`,`pepper`,`dust`,`smoke`,`ice`,`sand`,`sunflower`,`plum blossoms`,`the sea`,`iron`,`old books`,`woodsmoke`,`peppermint`,`soap`,`old cabbage`,`cloves`,`green potatoes`,`lemon`,`alchemic residue`,`petrichor`,`hot metal`,`summer`,`winter`,`vinegar`] lists["Manner"] = [`Blunt`,`Detailed`,`Silk smooth`,`Rambling`,`Monotone`,`Breathy`,`Timid`,`Booming`,`Sheltered`,`Stuttering`,`Insincere`,`Dramatic`,`Intense`,`Cynical`,`Faint`,`Gentle`,`Drawling`,`Crude`,`Slow`,`Contrary`,`Gutteral`,`Lowly`,`Heroic`,`Watchful`,`Kind`,`Thoughtful`] lists["Drive"] = [`Base pleasure`,`Safety`,`Domination`,`Truth`,`Service`,`Enlightenment`,`Peace and quiet`,`Petty revenge`,`Justice`,`Legacy`,`Wealth`,`Envy`,`Approval`,`Charity`,`Entertainment`,`Power and influence`,`Freedom`,`Creativity`,`Modernity`,`Laziness`,`Fame and fortune`] lists["Virtue"] = [`Assertive `,`Careful `,`Confident `,`Considerate`,`Courageous `,`Detached `,`Disciplined `,`Enthusiastic`,`Fair`,`Forgiving`,`Friendly`,`Honest`,`Hopeful`,`Idealistic`,`Loyal`,`Passionate`,`Prepared`,`Responsible`,`Thankful`,`Tolerant`] lists["Vice"] = [`Addicted`,`Alcoholic`,`Boastful`,`Condescending`,`Cowardly`,`Depressed`,`Doubtful`,`Egotistical`,`Erratic`,`Greedy`,`Grouchy`,`Hasty`,`Hedonist`,`Impatient`,`Irritable`,`Lazy`,`Manipulative`,`Secretive`,`Stingy`,`Wasteful`] lists["Alignment A"] = [`Chaste`,`Courageous`,`Dramatic`,`Fashionable`,`Frugal`,`Generous`,`Hopeful`,`Humble`,`Patient`,`Quiet`,`Seductive`,`Unwavering`] lists["Alignment B"] = [`Anarchist`,`Apathetic`,`Authoritarian`,`Brutal`,`Confused`,`Fatalistic`,`Hungry`,`Inebriated`,`Naughty`,`Obsessive`,`Seductive`,`Vengeful`] lists["Alignment C"] = [`Ironic`,`Sincere`,`Wholesome`,`Edgy`,`Seductive`, `Chaste`,`Dramatic`,`Inebriated`,`Vengeful`,`Privileged`,`Whiny`,`Gullible`, `Funny`,`Curious`,`Ominous`,`Protective`,`Virtuous`,`Anarchist`, `Courageous`,`Apathetic`,`Authoritarian`,`Fashionable`,`Brutal`, `Frugal`,`Confused`,`Generous`,`Cowardly`,`Hopeful`,`Fatalistic`, `Humble`,`Hungry`,`Patient`,`Incompetent`,`Quiet`,`Naughty`, `Unwavering`,`Surprised`,`Dreamy`,`Elegant`,`Snarky`,`Obsessive`, `Doomed`,`Intractable`,`Salacious`,`Neutral`,`Awful`,`Active`, `Passive`,`Honest`,`Bastard`,`Upbeat`,`Flamboyant`,`Pious`, `Authentic`,`Choleric`,`Phlegmatic`,`Sanguine`,`Melancholic`, `Argumentative`,`Honourable`,`Demanding`,`Penitent`,`Overbearing`, `Grim`,`Bright`,`Kind`,`Aloof`,`Rude`,`Bloodthirsty`,`Furious`, `Noble`,`Uptight`,`Gloomy`,`Cranky`,`Enthusiastic`,`Pretentious`, `Childish`,`Wise`,`Garbage`,`Precise`,`Cuddly`,`Clueless`, `Obtuse`,`Bureaucratic`,`Destructive`,`Salty`,`Sketchy`, `Opportunistic`,`Prescriptive`,`Experimental`,`Dominant`,`Submissive`, `Creative`,`Cute`] function newFact(input){ var n = input || r(8) switch(n){ case 0: return "Smells like " + lists["Smell"].sample() case 1: return lists["Manner"].sample() + " manner" case 2: return "Drive: " + lists["Drive"].sample() case 3: return "Virtue: " + lists["Virtue"].sample() case 4: return "Vice: " + lists["Vice"].sample() case 5: return "Tragic Backstory: "+newBackstory() case 6: return `Alignment: ${lists["Alignment A"].sample()} ${lists["Alignment B"].sample()}` case 7: if (r(2)) return `Alignment: ${["Lawful", "Neutral", "Chaotic"].sample()} ${lists["Alignment C"].sample()}` else return `Alignment: ${lists["Alignment C"].sample()} ${["Good", "Neutral", "Evil"].sample()}` } } function newName(input){ var n = input || r(25) switch (n) { default: return names.first.sample()+' '+names.last.sample() case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: return names.first.sample()+' "'+names.nickname.sample()+'" '+names.last.sample() case 5: return names.first.sample()+' '+names.last.sample()+' "'+names.nickname_rare.sample()+'"' case 6: return names.last.sample()+' '+String(111+r(889)) case 7: return names.first.sample() case 8: return ' "'+names.nickname.sample()+'" '+names.last.sample() case 9: return names.angel case 10: return ' "'+names.nickname.sample()+'" ' case 11: return names.wizard case 12: var a = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".split("") var b = "" for (var i = 4+r(4); i>-1; i--) b += a.sample() return b+`, "`+names.first.sample()+`"` case 13: var cons = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz".split("") var vowels = "aeiouy".split("") var output = "" for (var i = 8+r(4); i>-1; i--) { if (i%2==0) output += cons.sample() else output += vowels.sample() } return output.toCapitalCase() case 14: return words.sample()+" "+words.sample() case 15: return names.first.sample()+" "+words.sample() case 16: return words.sample()+" "+names.first.sample() case 17: var roman = ["II","III","IV","V","VI","IX","XIII","XIV","XCI","CLVI"] return names.first.sample()+" "+roman.sample() } } function newBackstory() { var output = [] while (output.length < 3) { let event = lists["Backstory Event"].sample() if (!output.includes(event)) output.push(event) } return output.join(", ").toCapitalCase() } function getItem(type){ if (clear_output) { document.getElementById("outputfK2").innerHTML = "" clear_output = false } if (document.getElementById("show_lists").checked) { var output = "" switch(type){ case 'Name': output = "<ol>" for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { output += "<li>"+newName()+"</li>" } output += "</ol>" break case 'Fact': let facts = ["Smell", "Manner", "Drive", "Virtue", "Vice", "Backstory Event", "Alignment A", "Alignment B", "Alignment C"] output = => `${category}: <ol><li>${lists[category].join("</li><li>")}</li></ol>`).join("<br>") break case 'Spell': output = "<ol><li>"+words.join("</li><li>")+"</li></ol>" break case 'Mutation': output = ["Mutation Modification", "Mutation Part"].map(category => `${category}: <ol><li>${lists[category].join("</li><li>")}</li></ol>`).join("<br>") break case "All Gear": output = ["Melee", "Melee big", "Ranged small", "Ranged", "Ranged big", "Armour light", "Armour heavy", "Shield"].map(category => `${category}: <ol><li>${lists[category].join("</li><li>")}</li></ol>`).join("<br>") break case "All": output = Object.keys(lists).map(category => `${category}: <ol><li>${lists[category].flat().join("</li><li>")}</li></ol>`).join("<br>") break default: output = "<ol><li>"+expandList(type).join("</li><li>")+"</li></ol>" break } document.getElementById("outputfK2").innerHTML = output clear_output = true } else { var output = "" switch(type){ case 'Name': output = newName() break case 'Fact': output = newFact() break case 'Spell': output = words.sample()+" "+words.sample() break case 'Mutation': output = `${lists["Mutation Modification"].sample()} ${lists["Mutation Part"].sample()}` break case "All Gear": output = getFromLists(["Melee", "Melee big", "Ranged small", "Ranged", "Ranged big", "Armour light", "Armour heavy", "Shield"].sample()) break case "All": output = getFromLists(Object.keys(lists).sample()) break default: output = getFromLists(type) break } document.getElementById("outputfK2").innerHTML = output + "<br>" + document.getElementById("outputfK2").innerHTML } } var clear_output = false function showSources() { allSources = lists["Sources"] allSources = => source.replace(/(.*?): (.*?)$/, "<a href=$2>$1</a>")) allSources.sort() output = allSources.join("<br />") document.getElementById("outputfK2").innerHTML = output clear_output = true } function resetOutput() { document.getElementById("outputfK2").innerHTML = "" } function saveCharacter(){ let text = document.getElementById("outputfK1").innerHTML .replace(/<br>/g, "\n") .replace(/<ul>/g, "") .replace(/<\/ul>/g, "\n\n") .replace(/<li>/g, "\n* ") .replace(/<\/li>/g, "") let name = text.match(/Name: (.*?)$/m)[1] saveText(name, text) } function newCharacter() { var character = new Character(document.getElementById("charType").value) document.getElementById('outputfK1').innerHTML = character.toString() window.localStorage.setItem('storedFindersKeepersCharacter', character.toString()); } function loadSaved() { var storedCharacter = window.localStorage.getItem('storedFindersKeepersCharacter') if (!storedCharacter) { newCharacter() return } document.getElementById('outputfK1').innerHTML = storedCharacter } const urlParams = new URLSearchParams( if (urlParams.has('type')) { document.getElementById("charType").value = urlParams.get('type') } loadSaved() </script> <br> </body></html></!doctype> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='jump-link'> <a href='' title='Finders Keepers'>Read more &#187;</a> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent 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