Find that Charity

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</a> </h1> </header> <main class="ph0 bg-white cf"> <header class="fl w-100 ph3 ph5-ns entry-content lh-copy f4"> </header> <section id="content" class="fl w-100 ph3 pv5 ph5-ns lh-copy f4 entry-content"> <div class="w-80-l w-100 center"> <p>Find non profit organisations working in the UK</p> <div class="mt5 mb6"> <form method="get" id="search-autocomplete" class=""> <div class="cf mv3 flex-l"> <div class="ba br1 b--gray inline-flex flex-grow"> <input name="q" id="search-autocomplete-q" class="h-100 input-reset bn pa3 near-black bg-white flex-grow header-font" type="text" placeholder="Search for a name or number" value="" autocomplete='off'> <select name="orgtype" id="search-autocomplete-orgtype" class="bn f6 mh2 mw5-l mw4 bg-light-gray br2 pv1 ph3 mv2 header-font" autocomplete="off"> <option class="bg-white" value="all">All organisation types</option> <option class="bg-white" disabled>----------</option> <option class="bg-white" value="charitable-incorporated-organisation">Charitable Incorporated Organisation</option> <option class="bg-white" value="church">Church</option> <option class="bg-white" value="community-amateur-sports-club">Community Amateur Sports Club</option> <option class="bg-white" value="community-interest-company">Community Interest Company</option> <option class="bg-white" value="education-institution">Education Institution</option> <option class="bg-white" value="government-organisation">Government Organisation</option> <option class="bg-white" value="health-organisation">Health organisation</option> <option class="bg-white" value="local-authority">Local Authority</option> <option class="bg-white" value="registered-charity">Registered Charity</option> <option class="bg-white" value="registered-charity-england-and-wales">Registered Charity (England and Wales)</option> <option class="bg-white" value="registered-charity-northern-ireland">Registered Charity (Northern Ireland)</option> <option class="bg-white" value="registered-charity-scotland">Registered Charity (Scotland)</option> <option class="bg-white" value="registered-company">Registered Company</option> <option class="bg-white" value="registered-provider-of-social-housing">Registered Provider of Social Housing</option> <option class="bg-white" value="registered-society">Registered Society</option> <option class="bg-white" value="university">University</option></select> </div> <input type="submit" value="Search" class="f5 f4-l button-reset header-font fl pv3 ph4 tc bg-animate bg-yellow dim near-black pointer br2-ns br--right-ns bw2 b--near-black ba"> </div> <div id='autocomplete-results' class="autocomplete-results dn relative w-100 absolute-l w-60-l bg-white"> </div> </form> </div> <section class="w-100 cf mv3"> <h3 class="w-100 pa0 mv2 f2">Find charities</h3> <img class="shadow-3 w-100 w5-ns fr-ns mw-100 ma3-ns" src="/static/images/fp-charity-example.78a43624e455.png" /> <p>Find that Charity contains information about 412,282 UK charities.</p> <p>The data comes from the three main regulators of charities in the UK.</p> <p>Each charity has its own page (<a href="/charity/1177548" class="link dark-blue underline">see an example</a>).</p> <p><a href="/orgid/type/registered-charity" class="link pa2 f4 br2 pa2 bg-blue white">Search registered charities</a></p> </section> <section class="w-100 cf mv3"> <h3 class="w-100 pa0 mv2 f2">Find other non profit organisations</h3> <img class="shadow-3 w-100 w5-ns fr-ns mw-100 ma3-ns" src="/static/images/fp-nonprofit-example.0822eaf96282.png" /> <p>You can also explore other UK non-profit organisations, such as:</p> <ul class="list"> <li><a href="/orgid/type/community-interest-company" class="link dark-blue underline">Community Interest Companies</a></li> <li><a href="/orgid/type/registered-society" class="link dark-blue underline">Registered Societies</a></li> <li><a href="/orgid/type/university" class="link dark-blue underline">Universities</a></li> <li><a href="/orgid/type/local-authority" class="link dark-blue underline">Local Authorities</a></li> <li><a href="/orgid/type/community-amateur-sports-club" class="link dark-blue underline">Sports Clubs</a></li> <li><a href="/orgid/type/nhs-organisation" class="link dark-blue underline">NHS Bodies</a></li> </ul> <p>Organisations are identified using their <a class="underline dark-blue f4" href="" target="_blank">OrgID</a>. For example <span class="dib nowrap bg-dark-blue f4 pv1 ph2 br2 "><a href="/orgid/GB-COH-08255580" class="link white code underline-hover normal ws-normal">GB-COH-08255580</a></span> identifies a Community Interest Company.</p> <p>Data on other UK non-profit organisations comes from official regulators of those organisations, such as Companies House.</p> </section> <section class="w-100 cf mv3"> <h3 class="w-100 pa0 mv2 f2">Use the data</h3> <div class="flex-ns justify-between mt4"> <div class="pa3 db shadow-3 w-30-ns w-100"> <a class="underline dark-blue f4" href="/adddata/"> Add data about organisations to a CSV file </a> </div> <div class="pa3 db shadow-3 w-30-ns w-100">As an <a class="underline dark-blue f4" href="">OpenRefine reconciliation service</a> via <code>/reconcile</code>.</div> <div class="pa3 db shadow-3 w-30-ns w-100">Find a <a class="underline dark-blue f4" href="/orgid/random?active=true">random charity</a>.</div> </div> </section> <section class="w-100 cf mv5"> <h3 class="w-100 pa0 mv2">Trending organisations</h3> <p>Frequently visited organisations in the last month</p> <div class=""> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/GB-CHC-1177302" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Longridge Community Arts</a> <span class="dib nowrap bg-dark-blue f4 pv1 ph2 br2 "><a href="/orgid/GB-CHC-1177302" class="link white code underline-hover normal ws-normal">GB-CHC-1177302</a></span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/GB-COH-14349080" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">We R Blighty C.I.C.</a> <span class="dib nowrap bg-dark-blue f4 pv1 ph2 br2 "><a href="/orgid/GB-COH-14349080" class="link white code underline-hover normal ws-normal">GB-COH-14349080</a></span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/GB-CHC-1104200" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Aspiring Communities Together</a> <span class="dib nowrap bg-dark-blue f4 pv1 ph2 br2 "><a href="/orgid/GB-CHC-1104200" class="link white code underline-hover normal ws-normal">GB-CHC-1104200</a></span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/GB-SC-SC004401" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">University Of Glasgow Court</a> <span class="dib nowrap bg-dark-blue f4 pv1 ph2 br2 "><a href="/orgid/GB-SC-SC004401" class="link white code underline-hover normal ws-normal">GB-SC-SC004401</a></span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/GB-SC-SC040971" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Living Pattern Community</a> <span class="dib nowrap bg-dark-blue f4 pv1 ph2 br2 "><a href="/orgid/GB-SC-SC040971" class="link white code underline-hover normal ws-normal">GB-SC-SC040971</a></span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/GB-CASC-48327a79" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Pointon Sports and Social Club</a> <span class="dib nowrap bg-dark-blue f4 pv1 ph2 br2 "><a href="/orgid/GB-CASC-48327a79" class="link white code underline-hover normal ws-normal">GB-CASC-48327a79</a></span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/GB-CHC-1121996" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Bolton Community Educational Trust</a> <span class="dib nowrap bg-dark-blue f4 pv1 ph2 br2 "><a href="/orgid/GB-CHC-1121996" class="link white code underline-hover normal ws-normal">GB-CHC-1121996</a></span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/GB-CHC-1175481" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Merseyside Sudanese Community Association</a> <span class="dib nowrap bg-dark-blue f4 pv1 ph2 br2 "><a href="/orgid/GB-CHC-1175481" class="link white code underline-hover normal ws-normal">GB-CHC-1175481</a></span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/GB-MPR-7973" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Torus62 Limited</a> <span class="dib nowrap bg-dark-blue f4 pv1 ph2 br2 "><a href="/orgid/GB-MPR-7973" class="link white code underline-hover normal ws-normal">GB-MPR-7973</a></span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/GB-CASC-725e4273" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">East Belfast GAA</a> <span class="dib nowrap bg-dark-blue f4 pv1 ph2 br2 "><a href="/orgid/GB-CASC-725e4273" class="link white code underline-hover normal ws-normal">GB-CASC-725e4273</a></span> </div> </div> </section> <section class="w-100 cf mv5"> <h3 class="w-100 pa0 mv2">Data dashboards</h3> <div class=""> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/charity-activity-search/"> Charity activity search </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/charitable-companies/"> Charitable companies </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/reserves/"> Reserves </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/government-income/"> Income from Government </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/organisation-trustees/"> Organisation trustees </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/charity-registrations/"> Charity registrations </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/volunteers/"> Volunteers </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/impact-of-covid-on-charity-finance/"> Impact of covid on charity finance </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/vocabularies/"> vocabularies </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/account-year-ends/"> Account year ends </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/data-completeness/"> Data completeness </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/largest-charities/"> Largest UK charities </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/charities-with-govt-income-by-local-authority/"> Charities with govt income by local authority </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/number-of-registered-charities/"> Number of registered charities </a> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl" href="/dashboard/gender-pay-gap/"> Gender Pay Gap </a> </div> </div> </section> <div class="mv5 cf"> <h3>Types of organisation available</h3> <div class=""> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/registered-charity" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Registered Charity</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">412,282</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/registered-company" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Registered Company</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">386,351</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/registered-charity-england-and-wales" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Registered Charity (England and Wales)</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">349,888</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/charitable-incorporated-organisation" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Charitable Incorporated Organisation</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">76,746</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/education-institution" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Education Institution</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">57,057</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/registered-charity-scotland" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Registered Charity (Scotland)</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">53,753</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/community-interest-company" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Community Interest Company</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">53,634</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/registered-society" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Registered Society</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">33,238</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/health-organisation" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Health organisation</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">18,382</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/church" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Church</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">15,383</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/community-amateur-sports-club" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Community Amateur Sports Club</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">8,484</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/registered-charity-northern-ireland" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Registered Charity (Northern Ireland)</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">8,092</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/registered-provider-of-social-housing" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Registered Provider of Social Housing</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">1,593</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/government-organisation" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Government Organisation</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">1,337</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/local-authority" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">Local Authority</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">1,154</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/type/university" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl">University</a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">883</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mv5 cf"> <h3>Data sources</h3> <div class=""> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/gor" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Cabinet Office </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">989</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/ccew" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Charity Commission for England and Wales </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">349,888</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/ccni" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Charity Commission for Northern Ireland </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">8,092</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/coe" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Church of England </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">15,383</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/companies" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Companies House </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">331,238</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/lani" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Department for Communities (Northern Ireland) </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">36</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/gias" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Department for Education </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">51,396</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/mutuals" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Financial Conduct Authority </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">31,881</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/hesa" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> HESA </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">624</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/casc" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> HMRC </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">8,484</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/lae" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">367</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/lamysociety" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> MySociety </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">467</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/nhsods-epraccur" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> NHS Digital <span class="f7">(GP practice)</span> </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">16,402</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/nhsods-etr" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> NHS Digital <span class="f7">(NHS Trust)</span> </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">211</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/nhsods-ensa" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> NHS Digital <span class="f7">(NHS Support Agency or Shared Service)</span> </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">184</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/nhsods-eccg" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> NHS Digital <span class="f7">(Clinical Commissioning Group)</span> </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">159</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/nhsods-ecsu" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> NHS Digital <span class="f7">(Commissioning Support Unit)</span> </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">19</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/nhsods-espha" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> NHS Digital <span class="f7">(Special Health Authority)</span> </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">15</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/nhsods-wlhb" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> NHS Digital <span class="f7">(Welsh Local Health Board)</span> </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">7</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/nhsods-ect" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> NHS Digital <span class="f7">(Care Trust)</span> </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">4</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/nideptofeducation" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Northern Ireland Department of Education </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">1,133</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/officeforstudents" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Office for Students </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">423</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/oscr" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Office of Scottish Charity Regulator </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">53,752</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/rsl" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Regulator of Social Housing </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">1,593</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/ror" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Research Organization Registry Community </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">5,007</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/schoolsscotland" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Scottish Government <span class="f7">(School Contact Details)</span> </a> <span class="pa2 bg-blue white fl">2,442</span> </div> <div class="bg-light-gray near-black fl dib mb2 mr2 f5"> <a href="/orgid/source/las" class="link near-black underline-hover pa2 dib fl"> Scottish Government <span class="f7">([Archived] 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"community-benefit-society": "Community Benefit Society", "community-interest-company": "Community Interest Company", "community-school": "Community school", "community-special-school": "Community special school", "company-limited-by-guarantee": "Company Limited by Guarantee", "controlled": "Controlled", "controlled-integrated": "Controlled Integrated", "controlled-integrated-school": "Controlled Integrated School", "controlled-school": "Controlled School", "conventional-district-church": "Conventional District Church", "convertedclosed": "Converted/Closed", "council-area": "Council area", "county": "County", "credit-union": "Credit Union", "cross-border": "Cross Border", "cross-border-charity": "Cross Border Charity", "designated-religious-body": "Designated religious body", "district": "District", "dual-stream-school": "Dual Stream School", "education": "Education", "education-institution": "Education Institution", "educational-endowment": "Educational endowment", 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"further-education-college": "Further Education College", "further-education-provider": "Further education provider", "gaelic-unit": "Gaelic Unit", "government": "Government", "government-institution": "Government Institution", "government-organisation": "Government Organisation", "gp-practice": "GP practice", "gp-practices": "GP practices", "grammar-school": "Grammar School", "grant-aided-school": "Grant-aided School", "grant-maintained-integrated": "Grant Maintained Integrated", "grant-maintained-integrated-school": "Grant Maintained Integrated School", "guild-church": "Guild Church", "health": "Health", "health-organisation": "Health organisation", "healthcare": "Healthcare", "healthcare-institution": "Healthcare Institution", "higher-education": "Higher Education", "higher-education-institution": "Higher education institution", "incorporated-charity": "Incorporated Charity", "independent-school": "Independent school", "industrial-and-provident-society": "Industrial and Provident 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"Other", "other-company-type": "Other company type", "other-education": "Other education", "other-education-provider": "Other education provider", "other-independent-school": "Other independent school", "other-independent-special-school": "Other independent special school", "other-institution": "Other Institution", "other-maintained": "Other Maintained", "other-maintained-school": "Other Maintained School", "other-school": "Other school", "overseas-entity": "Overseas Entity", "parish-church": "Parish Church", "parochial-church-council": "Parochial Church Council", "pre-school": "Pre-school", "prep-school": "Prep School", "preps-school": "Preps School", "prilbgnsc-private-limited-by-guarantee-no-share-capital-use-of-limited-exemption": "PRI/LBG/NSC (Private, Limited by guarantee, no share capital, use of \u0027Limited\u0027 exemption)", "priltd-by-guarnsc-private-limited-by-guarantee-no-share-capital": "PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital)", "primary-school": "Primary School", "principal-local-authority-wales": "Principal Local Authority (Wales)", "priv-ltd-sect-30-private-limited-company-section-30-of-the-companies-act": "PRIV LTD SECT. 30 (Private limited company, section 30 of the Companies Act)", "private-limited-company": "Private Limited Company", "private-unlimited": "Private Unlimited", "private-unlimited-company": "Private Unlimited Company", "profit": "Profit", "profit-company": "Profit Company", "protected-cell-company": "Protected Cell Company", "public-limited-company": "Public Limited Company", "pupil-referral-unit": "Pupil referral unit", "registered-charity": "Registered Charity", "registered-charity-england-and-wales": "Registered Charity (England and Wales)", "registered-charity-northern-ireland": "Registered Charity (Northern Ireland)", "registered-charity-scotland": "Registered Charity (Scotland)", "registered-company": "Registered Company", "registered-local-authority": "Registered local authority", "registered-provider-of-social-housing": "Registered Provider of Social Housing", "registered-social-landlord": "Registered Social Landlord", "registered-society": "Registered Society", "research-facility": "Research Facility", "roman-catholic-maintained": "Roman Catholic Maintained", "roman-catholic-maintained-school": "Roman Catholic Maintained School", "roman-catholic-school": "Roman Catholic School", "royal-charter-company": "Royal Charter Company", "royal-peculiar": "Royal Peculiar", "scottish-charitable-incorporated-organisation": "Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation", "scottish-partnership": "Scottish Partnership", "scottish-unitary-authority": "Scottish unitary authority", "secondary-ages-11-16-school": "Secondary (ages 11-16) School", "secondary-ages-11-19-school": "Secondary (ages 11-19) School", "secondary-school": "Secondary School", "secure-unit": "Secure unit", "service-childrens-education": "Service children\u0027s education", "sixth-form-centre": "Sixth form centre", "special-health-authorities": "Special Health Authorities", "special-health-authority": "Special Health Authority", "special-post-16-institution": "Special post 16 institution", "special-school": "Special school", "special-with-post-16-provision-school": "Special (with post-16 provision) School", "special-without-post-16-provision-school": "Special (without post-16 provision) School", "specially-authorised-society": "Specially Authorised Society", "sports-club": "Sports Club", "statutory-corporation-royal-charter-etc": "Statutory corporation (Royal Charter etc)", "strategic-regional-authority": "Strategic Regional Authority", "studio-school": "Studio school", "super-annuation": "Super Annuation", "transitional-school": "Transitional School", "trust": "Trust", "unincorporated-association": "Unincorporated association", "unitary-authority": "Unitary authority", "united-kingdom-economic-interest-grouping": "United Kingdom Economic Interest Grouping", "united-kingdom-societas": "United Kingdom Societas", "university": "University", "university-technical-college": "University technical college", "voluntary": "Voluntary", "voluntary-aided-school": "Voluntary aided school", "voluntary-controlled-school": "Voluntary controlled school", "voluntary-school": "Voluntary School", "welsh-establishment": "Welsh establishment", "welsh-local-health-board": "Welsh Local Health Board", "welsh-local-health-boards": "Welsh Local Health Boards", "welsh-medium-school": "Welsh medium School", "welsh-school": "Welsh school", "welsh-unitary-authority": "Welsh unitary authority", "working-mens-club": "Working Men\u0027s Club" }; </script> <script src='/static/js/autocomplete.6770370751cb.js' type="text/javascript"></script> <script async defer src=""></script> <noscript><img src="" alt="" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade" /></noscript> </body> </html>

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