Find that Postcode

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Information includes latitude/longitude and areas. </p> <p> <a href="/tools/merge-geojson" class="link blue underline b">Combine GeoJSON files</a> into one merged file. </p> <p> <a href="/tools/reduce-geojson" class="link blue underline b">Reduce GeoJSON filesize</a>. </p> </div> <div class="w-100 ph0 ph3-l pv3 w-50-l"> <h2 class="f2-ns f3 header-font ma0 normal"> <a href="#api" class="near-black link underline-hover">Use the API</a> </h2> <p>The API provides programmatic access to the postcode data, using the <a href="" class="link blue underline">JSON api</a> specification.</p><br> <a class="f6 f5-l button-reset fl pa3 no-underline tc bn bg-animate bg-yellow dim near-black pointer br2-ns" href="#api">Use the API</a> </div> </section> <section class="section pa3 bg-light-gray mt4"> <h2 class="f2-ns f3 header-font normal ma0"> <a class="near-black no-underline dim" href="/areatypes/">Browse by area type</a> </h2> <div class="flex-l"> <div class="w-100 w-25-l pr0 pr3-l pv3"> <nav class=""> <h3 class="f3-ns f4 header-font ma0 normal">Key areas</h3> <ul class="list pl0"> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/ctry.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Country</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (9 areas)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/rgn.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Region</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (9)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/cty.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">County</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (34)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/laua.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Local Authority</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (459)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/ward.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Ward</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (18,523)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/msoa21.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Middle Super Output Area</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (10,053)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/pcon.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Westminster parliamentary constituency</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (1,864)</small> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div class="w-100 w-25-l pr0 pr3-l pv3"> <nav class=""> <h3 class="f3-ns f4 header-font ma0 normal">Secondary areas</h3> <ul class="list pl0"> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/ttwa.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Travel to Work Area</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (430 areas)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/pfa.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Police Force Area</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (53)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/lep.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Local Enterprise Partnership</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (62)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/lsoa21.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Lower Super Output Area</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (51,118)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/oa21.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Output area</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (292,883)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/npark.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">National Parks</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (18)</small> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div class="w-100 w-25-l pr0 pr3-l pv3"> <nav class=""> <h3 class="f3-ns f4 header-font ma0 normal">Health areas</h3> <ul class="list pl0"> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/ccg.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Clinical Commissioning Group</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (265 areas)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/nhser.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">NHS England Regions</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (12)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/hb.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Health Board areas</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (32)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/lhb.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Local Health Boards</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (31)</small> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div class="w-100 w-25-l pr0 pr3-l pv3"> <nav class=""> <h3 class="f3-ns f4 header-font ma0 normal">Other areas</h3> <ul class="list pl0"> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/eer.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">European Electoral Region</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (12 areas)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/bua11.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Built-up Area</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (5,830)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/buasd11.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Built-up Area Sub-division (BUASD)</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (1,826)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/wz11.html" class="underline dark-blue f4">Workplace Zone</a> <small class="gray no-underline fr"> (60,709)</small> </li> <li class="pb2"> <a href="/areatypes/teclec.html" class="underline dark-blue f4"></a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section" id="api"> <h2 class="f2-ns f3 header-font normal">Use the API</h2> <div class="fl w-third-l w-100 pa2"> <p>The API provides programmatic access to the postcode data, using the <a href="">JSON api</a> specification.</p> <p>The <code class="bg-light-gray pa1 code">.json</code> at the end of the url is optional, requests will return json by default unless <code class="bg-light-gray pa1 code">.html</code> is added.</p> <p><a href="">ONS GSS codes</a> are used for area IDs.</p> </div> <div class="fl w-two-thirds-l w-100 pa2 is-medium"> <h3 class="f3-ns f4 header-font ma0 normal">Example requests</h3> <table class="w-100"> <tr class=""> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw1 bt b--light-gray">Get data on a postcode</td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><code class="bg-light-gray pa1 code">/postcodes/AB12+3CD.json</code></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><a href="/postcodes/SW1A%201AA.json">Example</a></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><a href="/postcodes/SW1A%201AA.html">Example HTML</a></td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw1 bt b--light-gray">Get data about a postcode nearest<br>to a latitude, longitude point</td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><code class="bg-light-gray pa1 code">/points/51.501009,-0.141588.json</code></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><a href="/points/51.501009,-0.141588.json">Example</a></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><a href="/points/51.501009,-0.141588.html">Example HTML</a></td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw1 bt b--light-gray">Get data about an area<br><small>Includes 5 random postcodes from the area</small></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><code class="bg-light-gray pa1 code">/areas/E01000001.json</code></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><a href="/areas/E14000639.json">Example</a></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><a href="/areas/E14000639.html">Example HTML</a></td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw1 bt b--light-gray">Get an area's boundaries as geojson<br><small>NB not available for all areas</small></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><code class="bg-light-gray pa1 code">/areas/E01000001.geojson</code></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><a href="/areas/E14000639.geojson">Example</a></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"></td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw1 bt b--light-gray">Get data about a place<br><small>Includes 5 random postcodes from the area</small></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><code class="bg-light-gray pa1 code">/places/IPN0000001.json</code></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><a href="/places/IPN0000543.json">Example</a></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><a href="/places/IPN0000543.html">Example HTML</a></td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw1 bt b--light-gray">Search for areas containing a string</td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><code class="bg-light-gray pa1 code">/search/?q=search+term</code></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><!--<a href="/search/?q=Westminster&filetype=json">Example</a>--></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><a href="/search/?q=Westminster&filetype=html">Example HTML</a></td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw1 bt b--light-gray">Get information about a type of area<br><small>(local authority, parliamentary constituency, etc)</small></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><code class="bg-light-gray pa1 code">/areatypes/pcon.json</code></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><a href="/areatypes/pcon.json">Example</a></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><a href="/areatypes/pcon.html">Example HTML</a></td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw1 bt b--light-gray">Get information about all types of area</td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><code class="bg-light-gray pa1 code">/areatypes/</code></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"></td> <td class="db pv3-l dtc-l bw0 bw1-l bt b--light-gray"><a href="/areatypes/">HTML</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> </section> </section> </main> <footer id="contentinfo" class="body db pb5 moon-gray bg-near-black cf"> <div id="sponsor-banner" class="w-100 mb5 bg-gold near-black tc pv3 ph3 ph5-ns "> If you have found Find that Postcode a useful resource, please consider <a href="" class="b near-black">supporting its development through Github Sponsors</a> </div> <div class="w-100 w-third-l fr-l ph3 ph5-ns"> <p class="f7 lh-headline"> <a href="" class="link yellow">Postcode data from ONS used under Open Government License</a><br> Contains OS data 漏 Crown copyright and database right 2024 <br> Contains Royal Mail data 漏 Royal Mail copyright and database right 2024 <br> Contains National Statistics data 漏 Crown copyright and database right 2024 </p> <p class="f7 lh-headline"> Locations are approximate and intended for statistical analysis, not navigation. </p> </div> <div class="w-100 w-two-thirds-l ph3 ph5-ns"> <p class="mv2 pa0"> <strong>Find that Postcode</strong> | <a href="/about" class="link yellow underline-hover">About</a> | <a href="/about#data-sources" class="link yellow underline-hover">Data sources</a> | <a href="/about#privacy" class="link yellow underline-hover">Privacy</a> | <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#3a53545c557a5c53545e4e525b4e4a55494e59555e5f144f51" class="link yellow underline-hover">Contact</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" class="link yellow underline-hover">Find that Charity</a> </p> <div 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