Man convicted after binge eating to avoid military service - The Korea Herald
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Seoul Eastern Dongbu District Court recently sentenced the defendant to one year in prison, suspended for two years, for violating the Military Service Act. The act stipulates that those who evade their mandatary military service without justifiable cause can be punished by up to three years in prison. The defendant deliberately gained weight by"/> <meta property="og:image" content="" id="meta_og_image"/> <meta property="og:article:author" content="Yoon Min-sik"/> <meta property="og:site_name" content="The Korea Herald" /> <meta name="author" content="Yoon Min-sik" /> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Man convicted after binge eating to avoid military service"> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@Herald"> <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@Herald"> <meta name="twitter:description" content="A 26-year-old man was found guilty of evading national service after he was found to have deliberately gained weight to avoid serving in the military. Seoul Eastern Dongbu District Court recently sentenced the defendant to one year in prison, suspended for two years, for violating the Military Service Act. The act stipulates that those who evade their mandatary military service without justifiable cause can be punished by up to three years in prison. The defendant deliberately gained weight by"> <meta name="twitter:image" content=""> <meta name="description" content="A 26-year-old man was found guilty of evading national service after he was found to have deliberately gained weight to avoid serving in the military. Seoul Eastern Dongbu District Court recently sentenced the defendant to one year in prison, suspended for two years, for violating the Military Service Act. The act stipulates that those who evade their mandatary military service without justifiable cause can be punished by up to three years in prison. The defendant deliberately gained weight by" /> <meta property="ssc:create_time" name="ssc:create_time" content="2024-11-24 13:58:19"/> <meta property="ssc:cmsid" name="ssc:cmsid" content="20241124050010"/> <meta property="ssc:paper_date" name="ssc:paper_date" content="2024-11-25"/> <meta property="article:published_time" content="2024-11-24T14:00:01+09:00"> <meta property="article:sec_id" content="001002" /> <meta property="article:series_id" content="" /> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "NewsArticle", "@id": "", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type" : "WebPage", "@id" : "" }, "headline": "Man convicted after binge eating to avoid military service - The Korea Herald", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "@id": "", "url": "", "width": "640", "height": "480" }, "datePublished": "2024-11-24 14:00:01", "dateModified": "", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Yoon Min-sik" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "@id" : "", "name": "The Korea Herald", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" }, "description": "A 26-year-old man was found guilty of evading national service after he was found to have deliberately gained weight to avoid serving in the military. Seoul Eastern Dongbu District Court recently sentenced the defendant to one year in prison, suspended for two years, for violating the Military Service Act. The act stipulates that those who evade their mandatary military service without justifiable cause can be punished by up to three years in prison. The defendant deliberately gained weight by" } } </script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src=""></script> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script>var LOGIN_URL = '';var _DOMAIN_URL = '';</script> </head> <body> <header class="view"> <div class="header_area"> <h1 class="logo"> <a href="/" title="The Korea Herald"> <svg viewBox="0 0 500 60"> <g> <rect style="fill:#1ba2da;" x="1" y="2.1" width="3.2" height="55.8"/> <rect style="fill:#1ba2da;" x="7.6" y="2.1" width="3.2" height="55.8"/> <rect style="fill:#1ba2da;" x="47" y="2.1" width="3.2" height="55.8"/> <rect style="fill: #1ba2da;" x="53.6" y="2.1" width="3.2" height="55.8"/> <polygon style="fill:#1ba2da;" points="40.4 25.1 17.3 25.1 17.3 2.1 14.1 2.1 14.1 28.3 43.6 28.3 43.6 2.1 40.4 2.1 40.4 25.1"/> <polygon 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Seoul Eastern Dongbu District Court recently sentenced the defendant to one year in prison, suspended for two years, for violating the Military Service Act. The act stipulates that those who evade their mandatary military service without justifiable cause can be punished by up to three years in prison. The defendant deliberately gained weight by"></span> </div> </li> <li> <button type="button" onclick="printNews()"> <svg viewBox="0 0 22 22"> <path d="M14.6673 7.3333V4.5833H7.33398V7.3333H5.50065V2.74997H16.5007V7.3333H14.6673ZM16.5007 11.4583C16.7604 11.4583 16.9781 11.3705 17.1538 11.1948C17.3295 11.0191 17.4173 10.8014 17.4173 10.5416C17.4173 10.2819 17.3295 10.0642 17.1538 9.88851C16.9781 9.71282 16.7604 9.62497 16.5007 9.62497C16.2409 9.62497 16.0232 9.71282 15.8475 9.88851C15.6718 10.0642 15.584 10.2819 15.584 10.5416C15.584 10.8014 15.6718 11.0191 15.8475 11.1948C16.0232 11.3705 16.2409 11.4583 16.5007 11.4583ZM14.6673 17.4166V13.75H7.33398V17.4166H14.6673ZM16.5007 19.25H5.50065V15.5833H1.83398V10.0833C1.83398 9.30414 2.10135 8.65101 2.63607 8.12393C3.17079 7.59684 3.8201 7.3333 4.58398 7.3333H17.4173C18.1965 7.3333 18.8496 7.59684 19.3767 8.12393C19.9038 8.65101 20.1673 9.30414 20.1673 10.0833V15.5833H16.5007V19.25ZM18.334 13.75V10.0833C18.334 9.82358 18.2461 9.60587 18.0704 9.43018C17.8947 9.25448 17.677 9.16664 17.4173 9.16664H4.58398C4.32426 9.16664 4.10655 9.25448 3.93086 9.43018C3.75516 9.60587 3.66732 9.82358 3.66732 10.0833V13.75H5.50065V11.9166H16.5007V13.75H18.334Z"/> </svg> </button> </li> </ul> <script> function printNews() {"/article/print/10011533", "", "width=720, height=620, scrollbars=yes,resizable=no"); } </script> </div> </div> </section> </main> <main class="div_layout interval"> <section class="section_editor"> <article class="editor" data-code="1"> <div class="editor_info"> <a href="/reporter/2022001"> <a href="/reporter/2022001" class="editor_img"><img src="" alt="Yoon Min-sik"></a> <em href="/reporter/2022001" class="editor_name">Yoon Min-sik </em> </a> <p class="editor_word ellipsis2"> </p> <div class="editor_subscribe"> <button type="button" class="no_subscribe" id="subscribeButtonarticle1" data-code="2022001" onclick="jst_artilcereporter('1')"><span>Subscribe +</span></button> </div> </div> </article> </section> <section class="section_view"> <article class="news_content article-view article-body" id="articleText"> <div class="article-photo-wrap size-l align-c"> <figure class="article-img"> <img src="" alt="(Herald DB)"> <figcaption class="caption">(Herald DB)</figcaption> </figure></div><p>A 26-year-old man was found guilty of evading national service after he was found to have deliberately gained weight to avoid serving in the military.</p><p>Seoul Eastern Dongbu District Court recently sentenced the defendant to one year in prison, suspended for two years, for violating the Military Service Act. The act stipulates that those who evade their mandatary military service without justifiable cause can be punished by up to three years in prison.</p><p>The defendant deliberately gained weight by doubling his daily food intake and consuming a large amount of water just before the physical examination for the military draft. He followed a regimen cooked up by a friend of his, who encouraged him by providing specific plans to gain weight.</p><p>The friend was sentenced to six months in prison, suspended for two years, for aiding and abetting. He had denied the accusation by claiming that he never thought his friend would go through with it.</p><p>The defendant was assessed at grade 2 in his initial physical exam in October 2017, the second-highest grade, which would qualify him to serve in a combat role.</p><p>But he got grade 4 when he weighed in at 102.3 kilograms in the final physical exam in June of 2023. At 169 centimeters tall, he had a body mass index of 35.8, making him heavily obese.</p><p>This allowed him to serve in a non-combat role at a government agency while commuting from home.</p><p>South Korea requires all able-bodied men to serve in the military for at least 18 months.</p><p>The court said it decided on a relatively lenient punishment for the defendant and his friend, pointing out that they have no previous criminal convictions and that the defendant acknowledged his wrongdoing and vowed to sincerely serve his military duty.</p> </article> <div id='articleviewlayer'></div> <article class="sympathy"> <ul class="sympathy_list"> <li id="emojiLIKE"> <button type="button" class="btn_sympathy" onclick="jst_sympathy('10011533','LIKE')"> <em class="ico_sympathy"> <svg viewBox="0 0 34 34"> <path d="M17 0C7.63 0 0 7.63 0 17C0 26.37 7.63 34 17 34C26.37 34 34 26.37 34 17C34 7.63 26.37 0 17 0ZM17.01 30.83C9.38 30.83 3.17 24.63 3.17 17C3.17 9.37 9.37 3.17 17 3.17C24.63 3.17 30.83 9.37 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