The Korea Herald
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alt="S. Korean box office shows mixed recovery in 2024: report"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">S. Korean box office shows mixed recovery in 2024: report</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">Domestic films rack up gains while foreign titles slump amid shift in audience habits South Korean theaters pulled in 1.19 trillion won ($911 million) and 123.1 million admissions in 2024, marking declines of 5.3 percent and 1.6 percent, respectively, from 2023, according to the Korean Film Council's annual industry report released Tuesday. These figures reflect an industry in a gradual recovery but still struggling to reach pre-pandemic levels, with theaters operating at roughly 60 percent of 2</p> <span class="date">Feb. 18, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10422858"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="Hollow recursions of 'Mickey 17'"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">Hollow recursions of 'Mickey 17'</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">In attempting to clone his own success, Bong delivers a film more expendable than essential Bong Joon-ho's first film in six years performs a curious act of self-replication. Like its protagonist, an endlessly reproducible space colonist, "Mickey 17" copies the director's familiar preoccupations while draining them of their animating force. The result is a $150 million big-budget exercise in diminishing returns. The premise proclaims itself as quintessential Bong: Mickey Barnes (Robert Pattinson</p> <span class="date">Feb. 18, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10421182"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="Actor Kim Sae-ron, 24, found dead"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">Actor Kim Sae-ron, 24, found dead</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">South Korean actor Kim Sae-ron was found dead at her home in Seongdong-gu, Seoul, police said Sunday. Kim was 24. Kim's friend discovered her body at her house and called the police at around 4:50 p.m. Sunday. The police are investigating the cause of her death, but said they had not discovered a sign of a break-in as of press time. Born in 2000, Kim debuted as a child actor in 2009. She rose to fame with her appearances in the 2010 film "The Man from Nowhere" and the 2012 thriller "The Neighbor</p> <span class="date">Feb. 16, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10418612"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="Embattled Yang Ik-june takes stage at 'Confession' event"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">Embattled Yang Ik-june takes stage at 'Confession' event</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">Movie director defends himself against last year’s assault allegations, while promoting his new thriller at pre-release event in Seoul as actor Movie director and actor Yang Ik-june showed up at Lotte Cinema in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, on Wednesday with an air of defiance. The "Breathless" (2008) actor-director, fresh off an investigation for allegedly assaulting a staff member in December, pulled off an almost playful swagger during his solo appearance at the pre-release screening for Nobuhiro Yamas</p> <span class="date">Feb. 12, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10418306"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="Incheon's Diaspora Film Festival adds screening venue"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">Incheon's Diaspora Film Festival adds screening venue</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">Asia's only film fest dedicated to migration stories receives record number of submissions The Diaspora Film Festival, Asia's only film festival dedicated to migrant narratives, will unspool its 13th edition from May 16-20 across multiple historic venues in Incheon. The festival received a record number of submissions this year, with 790 entries competing for selection in the official program, which will screen 60-70 features and shorts across multiple genres throughout the five-day event. Organ</p> <span class="date">Feb. 12, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10417421"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="'Life Unrehearsed' finds poetry in the everyday"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">'Life Unrehearsed' finds poetry in the everyday</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">In Banpark Ji-eun's intimate documentary, an older Korean lesbian couple in Berlin illuminates the universal through the particular The beginning of Banpark Jieun's "Life Unrehearsed" carries the same unplanned intimacy that defines its cinematic approach. A chance encounter with a photograph — two older Korean women standing before Berlin's Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under Nazism — led the director on a yearlong quest to chronicle its subjects. The result is a meditation on love that pr</p> <span class="date">Feb. 11, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10416640"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="'Even sci-fi can't match this': Bong Joon-ho on Korea's brush with martial law"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">'Even sci-fi can't match this': Bong Joon-ho on Korea's brush with martial law</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">Oscar winner's decades of political observations come full circle Even for auteur Bong Joon-ho, whose films have imagined everything from mutant river monsters to genetically engineered superpigs, South Korea's brush with martial law felt like science fiction run amok. When now-impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol declared emergency powers on the night of Dec. 3, the Oscar-winning director found reality outpacing his wildest scenarios. "The whole thing was more surreal than any sci-fi film," Bong t</p> <span class="date">Feb. 10, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10416631"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="Actor-director Yang Ik-june faces assault investigation"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">Actor-director Yang Ik-june faces assault investigation</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">News comes just days ahead of Yang's scheduled press appearance for his upcoming thriller 'Confession' Seoul police confirmed Monday they are investigating actor-director Yang Ik-june on allegations of assault. Yang is accused of repeatedly hitting a staff member with rolled paper and making verbal threats at a bar in Seongbuk-gu on Dec. 13. The case is expected to be forwarded to prosecutors this week, according to police. The news comes ahead of Yang's scheduled appearance at a prerelease even</p> <span class="date">Feb. 10, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10416420"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="Jeonju film fest seeks volunteers as local films pack lineup"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">Jeonju film fest seeks volunteers as local films pack lineup</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">The Jeonju International Film Festival is gearing up for its 26th edition with an annual call for volunteers. The festival, which celebrates indie and experimental film, is slated to run from April 30 to May 9 at Jeonju's Cinema Street. The festival is seeking 400 volunteers to staff 12 departments, from Korean and international film programming to marketing and technical support. The festival welcomes applications from anyone 18 or older residing in Korea, including foreign residents proficient</p> <span class="date">Feb. 10, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10416044"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="A midwinter's sunny day"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">A midwinter's sunny day</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">'Sunny Day' cast presents seaside tale of homecoming and second-chance romance The cast of "Sunny Day" turned Friday's press conference following the press screening of the film at Yongsan CGV into an impromptu variety show, the team's easy rapport spilling off-screen as they shared anecdotes and traded friendly jabs well past the scheduled time. The film takes this buoyant spirit as its guiding principle -- perhaps its only distinction -- to craft a narrative where life's thornier realities dis</p> <span class="date">Feb. 10, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10414675"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="Korean theaters roll out Oscar showcase programs"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">Korean theaters roll out Oscar showcase programs</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">Major chains offer nominees lineup ahead of March 2 ceremony Awards season is kicking into high gear as the 97th Academy Awards nominations have arrived after multiple delays due to wildfires in Los Angeles. Riding the awards season wave, South Korea's leading theater chains are treating film enthusiasts to a wide array of special screenings featuring major Oscar-nominated films. Running through February and March, these exclusive showcases offer both unreleased works and recent hits before the </p> <span class="date">Feb. 7, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10413979"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="Movies in theaters this week"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">Movies in theaters this week</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">"Nocturnal" (South Korea) Opened Feb. 5 Action/Thriller Directed by Kim Jin-hwang Ex-gang member Min-tae (Ha Jung-woo) relentlessly pursues his sister-in-law Moon-young (Yoo Da-in) whom he suspects of killing his brother, while novelist Ho-ryeong (Kim Nam-gil) gets mysteriously involved in the case. "Secret: Untold Melody" (South Korea) Opened Jan. 27 Romance/Fantasy Directed by Suh You-min Piano prodigy Yu-jun (Doh Kyung-soo) returns to Korea as an exchange student at a music college, where he </p> <span class="date">Feb. 7, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10414052"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="Bold as his film, 'The Fall' director relishes Korean revival"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">Bold as his film, 'The Fall' director relishes Korean revival</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">Director's visual odyssey found unexpected audience in Korea following Christmas rerelease Few filmmakers seem to embody their film as vividly as Tarsem Singh, who showed up at Thursday's press event with the same theatrical flair that defines his newly restored work. At Seoul's Yongsan CGV, the Indian filmmaker arrived in a pink floral jacket and yellow striped vest, kneeling amid bursts of camera flash lights. The showy gesture sums up the spirit of his 2008 extravaganza "The Fall," which has </p> <span class="date">Feb. 6, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10413780"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="CGV unveils advanced format lineup for February"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">CGV unveils advanced format lineup for February</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">ScreenX, 4DX and IMAX screens showcase fresh titles from Marvel's latest to Oscar winner Bong Joon-ho's "Mickey 17" Multiplex cinema chain CGV has unveiled its premium and large-format slate for February. Marvel's "Captain America: Brave New World," Bong Joon-ho's "Mickey 17" and the supernatural anime "Exorcism Chronicles" are among the lineup to screen at ScreenX, 4DX and IMAX theaters. The theater chain steps up the viewer experience through ScreenX's three-wall panoramic display, 4DX's senso</p> <span class="date">Feb. 6, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/10412764"> <div class="news_img"> <img src="" alt="At CJ ENM's Visionary tribute, celebrating border tale that changed Korean cinema"> </div> <div class="news_txt"> <p class="news_title">At CJ ENM's Visionary tribute, celebrating border tale that changed Korean cinema</p> <p class="news_text ellipsis2">Park Chan-wook, cast of 2000 film 'Joint Security Area' reunite In the fall of 2000, as South Korea and North Korea engaged in their first tentative steps toward reconciliation, a film about four soldiers from the South and the North playing cards across the world's most fortified border opened in theaters. The premise seemed improbable, even dangerous, as the South's National Security Law, more strictly enforced back then, punished any depiction of North Korea in the media in a favorable light.</p> <span class="date">Feb. 5, 2025</span> </div> </a> </li> </ul> <script> $(document).ready(function () { var strURL =; if (strURL.indexOf('pageTop') > 0) { if( $(".section_list").length > 0){ var offset=$(".section_list").offset().top; if(offset > 220 ){ window.scrollTo(0, offset - 200) ; //window.scrollTo(0, offset) ; } } if( $(".series_detail_list").length > 0){ var offset=$(".series_detail_list").offset().top; window.scrollTo(0, offset - 70) ; } if( $(".all_series").length > 0){ var offset=$(".all_series").offset().top; window.scrollTo(0, offset - 70) ; } } }); </script> <div class="pagenation"> <ul> <li class="on"><a href="/LifenCulture/Film?page=1&pageTop=true#pagetop" target="_self">1</a></li> <li><a href="/LifenCulture/Film?page=2&pageTop=true#pagetop" target="_self">2</a></li> <li><a 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