Unstoppable and Radix Launch “.pw” Domain Extension for Public Wallets

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Users can now enjoy personalized email addresses and website hosting with blockchain-based .pw domains.</em></p> <p>SAN FRANCISCO, 12TH SEPTEMBER 9AM ET &ndash; Unstoppable Domains, the largest onchain domain name provider and digital identity platform, announces a significant partnership with <a href="">Radix</a>, a prominent registry of Top Level Domains (TLDs), to provide support for .pw domains and bridge the gap between traditional DNS and tokenized blockchain domains.</p> <h4>Bridging Traditional DNS and Blockchain Domains</h4> <p>The public wallet &#8220;.pw&#8221; extension is both a DNS and an onchain domain, standing out in the crowded domain landscape by offering the best of both worlds. This collaboration brings together Unstoppable&#8217;s expertise in decentralized domains with Radix&#8217;s experience in operating and marketing TLDs, marking an important step in bridging the gap between the traditional web and blockchain technology.</p> <p>Unlike non-DNS enabled onchain domains, .pw domains can be traditionally DNS-hosted, allowing them to resolve in standard web browsers and appear in search engine results. Community members can also host decentralized websites, set up personalized email addresses, and enjoy the full spectrum of both traditional DNS and onchain capabilities.</p> <p>Retaining the best of both worlds, .pw domains include the full suite of blockchain functionalities, including the ability to serve as a unique digital identifier that people can leverage to create their own immutable digital profiles. These onchain domains also open the door to a decentralized ecosystem, including the ability to send and receive cryptocurrencies, log into all of Unstoppable Domains&#8217; over 865 integrated dApps, receive unique collectible badges, privately message other domain holders in apps like Group Chat, and much more.</p> <h4>Maximizing .pw Domains for Crypto Wallets</h4> <p>The .pw domain can be used as an easy-to-remember wallet address for holders of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and other cryptocurrencies, replacing long and complex character strings with simple, personalized domains. With <a href="">400M+ active crypto wallets</a> across Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and popular Ethereum layer-2 solutions, the importance of user-friendly wallet addresses like .pw domains is more apparent than ever.</p> <p>While .pw is the country code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD) for the Republic of Palau, an island nation in the western Pacific, it&#8217;s being repurposed in the crypto space as an acronym for &#8216;public wallet.&#8217; This mirrors how .ai, the ccTLD for Anguilla, has become synonymous with artificial intelligence domains.</p> <p>Radix is one of the world&#8217;s largest registries of new domain extensions, as well as an active participant in the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) process to expand the internet naming system. The company envisions a world where there is no distinction between the real names and internet addresses of individuals and businesses.</p> <p>This partnership is aimed at expanding the pool of user-owned domains that are identical across the entirety of the web. This enables people, brands, and companies to fully leverage the power of blockchain-based domains without leaving the existing Internet infrastructure.</p> <p>&#8220;We get so excited to expand on our vision, and .pw is the perfect new address for people across both ecosystems,&#8221; said <a href="">Sandy Carter</a>, Chief Operating Officer at Unstoppable Domains. &#8220;New offerings such as this can have a huge impact on bridging the gap between the traditional web and the blockchain. This is not just about launching a new domain extension; it is also about creating a seamless digital experience that empowers users across all ecosystems.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;We find that both of our visions align nicely, as we both want to expand the world of top level domains and allow brands, businesses and individuals the ability to control their footprint on the internet,&#8221; said Suman Das, Radix Sr Vice President, Marketing and Brand Strategy. &#8220;By combining our experience in traditional domain space with Unstoppable&#8217;s blockchain expertise, we are paving the way for something extraordinary. This is a significant step towards a more decentralized and user-centric internet, where digital identity and ownership are paramount.&#8221;</p> <p>Radix is the world&#8217;s largest portfolio registry with 10 new extensions that include .online, .store, .tech, .website, .space, .press, .site, .host, .fun and .uno; as well as 1 re-purposed ccTLD, .pw. Through these extensions, Radix is empowering users to get short, memorable and descriptive domain names that can be used for a website, email address, or a variety of other internet addressing purposes.</p> <h4>Expanding User-Friendly Digital Identities with .pw</h4> <p>Unstoppable Domains continues to expand its mission of bringing true digital identity solutions to people worldwide. This new domain offering moves that journey forward, and makes digital ecosystems more accessible, secure, and user-friendly.</p> <p><em><strong>About Unstoppable Domains:</strong> Launched in 2018, <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Unstoppable Domains</a> is an onchain domain name provider and digital identity platform working to onboard the world onto the blockchain. Unstoppable Domains offers onchain domains minted on the blockchain that give people full ownership and control of their digital identity, with no renewal fees. With Unstoppable Domains, people can replace lengthy alphanumeric crypto wallet addresses with a human-readable name and log into and transact with more than 720 apps, wallets, exchanges and marketplaces. The company was named by Forbes as one of America&#8217;s Best Startup Employers in 2022.</em></p> <div class="affiliate-box"> <span style="color:pink;">NORDVPN DISCOUNT</span> - CircleID <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">x</span> NordVPN<br> <a href="" class="affiliate-box-link" target="_blank">Get NordVPN</a> &nbsp;[74% +3 extra months, from $2.99/month] <!-- <div class="toggle-container"> <div id="toggle-header" class="toggle-header">10 facts about NordVPN that aren't commonly known</div> <ul id="toggle-list" class="toggle-list"> <li><strong>Meshnet Feature for Personal Encrypted Networks:</strong> NordVPN offers a unique feature called Meshnet, which allows users to connect their devices directly and securely over the internet. This means you can create your own private, encrypted network for activities like gaming, file sharing, or remote access to your home devices from anywhere in the world.</li> <li><strong>RAM-Only Servers for Enhanced Security:</strong> Unlike many VPN providers, NordVPN uses RAM-only (diskless) servers. Since these servers run entirely on volatile memory, all data is wiped with every reboot. This ensures that no user data is stored long-term, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches and enhancing overall security.</li> <li><strong>Servers in a Former Military Bunker:</strong> Some of NordVPN's servers are housed in a former military bunker located deep underground. This unique location provides an extra layer of physical security against natural disasters and unauthorized access, ensuring that the servers are protected in all circumstances.</li> <li><strong>NordLynx Protocol with Double NAT Technology:</strong> NordVPN developed its own VPN protocol called NordLynx, built around the ultra-fast WireGuard protocol. What sets NordLynx apart is its implementation of a double Network Address Translation (NAT) system, which enhances user privacy without sacrificing speed. This innovative approach solves the potential privacy issues inherent in the standard WireGuard protocol.</li> <li><strong>Dark Web Monitor Feature:</strong> NordVPN includes a feature known as Dark Web Monitor. This tool actively scans dark web sites and forums for credentials associated with your email address. 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