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While imperceptible to most users, this action - specifically, the introduction of a new Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) Key Signing Key (KSK) in the root zone - is the next step of a multi-year-long process to change, or "roll," the cryptographic key that secures the root of the DNS. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Duane Wessels</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 951</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Beyond WHOIS: CircleID and Edgemoor Research Institute Second Event on ‘Filling the Gaps’</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Mar 19, 2025 11:04 AM PDT </div> <p> Experts at a CircleID and Edgemoor Research Institute webinar debated the challenges of domain registration data access in a post-GDPR world. Panelists explored the tension between privacy laws and legitimate data requests, the role of automation in disclosure decisions, and the need for a scalable, trust-based framework to balance compliance, cybersecurity, and enforcement interests. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">CircleID Reporter</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 933</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Starlink Is Critical in Support of Ukraine, and It Will Continue</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Mar 12, 2025 11:02 AM PDT </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_7705.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Larry Press" /> At 4:04 am on February 26 Mykhailo Fedorov, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, requested Starlink service from Elon Musk, and at 2:45 pm on the 26th, Elon Musk tweeted "Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route." On February 28 at 12:29 pm, Fedorov posted a photo of a truckload of terminals. (Kyiv is 10 hours ahead of California) and an engineer, Oleg Kutkov, posted the first tweet from Ukraine. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Larry Press</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 3,492</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Bad News From the 2025 Munich Security Conference: Cyberspace Gets Weaponized</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Mar 10, 2025 1:18 PM PDT </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_5851.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Wolfgang Kleinwächter" /> There was one unpleasant message from the 2025 Munich Security Conference (MSC), which will have probably far reaching consequences for the governance of the digital space: Cyberspace will be governed by the rules of geo-political conflicts. And it is a battlefield in the 21st century wars. Both in the "Bayerischer Hof" and in the "IHK Munich", where the 11th edition of the Munich Cybersecurity Conference (MCSC) took place, controversial debates circled around the question of how civilian and military use of digital services will interplay in the years to come. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Wolfgang Kleinwächter</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 5,042</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Cyber Resilience Resources Restructuring</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Mar 08, 2025 9:45 AM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_6809.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Anthony Rutkowski" /> Information and Communications (ICT) infrastructures rely on many globally shared critical resilience information resources for diverse essential functions such as identifiers, routing, and cyber security. However, this ICT ecosystem has rapidly become significantly less stable and collaborative with dramatically diminished respect for legal norms and values because of the new USA national Administration. The instability includes the vicarious, wholesale removal of essential public safety and scientific databases, as well as global collaboration with multiple global UN public safety bodies. One result is the scaling of Digital Sovereignty initiatives. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Anthony Rutkowski</a></li> <li><a href="">2 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 4,720</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">The 2024 IPv4 Market in North America</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Mar 07, 2025 8:00 AM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_6982.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Janine Goodman" /> Between 2021 and 2023, the IPv4 market was a roller coaster ride - prices shot up in 2021, peaked in 2022, and plummeted in 2023. Those who expected a recovery in 2024 were sadly disappointed. Prices for IP addresses continued to decline, leveling out during the second half of the year. And yet, market activity remained remarkably unaffected - a sign, perhaps, that the market is settling into a new normal. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Janine Goodman</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 3,946</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Br’AI’ve New World - Part 1: Brand Protection ‘Clustering’ as a Candidate Task for the Application of AI Capabilities</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Mar 05, 2025 9:00 AM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8564.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="David Barnett" /> As counterfeit networks grow more elusive, AI-driven clustering could revolutionize brand protection. By linking disparate findings, identifying serial infringers, and enabling bulk enforcement, AI offers a smarter approach to monitoring and takedown efforts. Yet, challenges remain - from data reliability to analyzing complex content. Companies that master AI-driven clustering may gain a significant advantage in the fight against brand abuse. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">David Barnett</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 5,861</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">AI in Telecom</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Mar 04, 2025 11:22 AM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8383.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Doug Dawson" /> NVIDIA recently issued its third annual State of AI in Telecommunications report. The company manufactures many of the cards used in AI data centers, so the company is clearly focused on AI adoption. NVIDIA issues similar reports for other industries. The 2025 report is the result of a survey that NVIDIA administered to 450 telecom professionals across the globe. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Doug Dawson</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 4,838</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">A Threat to Europe’s Digital Human Rights Stewardship</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Feb 23, 2025 2:37 PM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_6809.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Anthony Rutkowski" /> In a contemporary era when the human rights, democracy, and the rule of law are under attack, Europe has asserted itself as the leading global digital steward for maintaining those values. However, doing so through its Digital Sovereignty initiatives is significantly dependent on the ability to produce timely technical standards that underpin the implementing legislation. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Anthony Rutkowski</a></li> <li><a href="">3 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 11,926</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Beyond WHOIS: Filling the Gaps</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Feb 18, 2025 1:11 PM PST </div> <p> Amid evolving privacy laws and rising cybersecurity threats, domain registration data disclosure remains a contentious issue. Beyond WHOIS: Filling the Gaps brings together experts to examine Project Jake's policy framework, aiming to balance privacy with legitimate access. Join industry leaders for insights on policy clarity, operational efficiency, and the future of domain name governance. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">CircleID Reporter</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 8,211</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">The Digital Sovereignty Ecosystem</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Feb 18, 2025 11:58 AM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_6809.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Anthony Rutkowski" /> The terms Digital Sovereignty or Souveraineté numérique have recently risen in prominence to describe the international rule of law as it applies to information and communication technologies. At a time when disinformation is proliferating and the rule of law, democracy, and human rights, together with long-standing relationships, are being cast aside, digital sovereignty is scaling in importance as a key defensive measure among many nations. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Anthony Rutkowski</a></li> <li><a href="">1 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 9,422</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Constraints on Satellite Broadband: Starlink Alone Unable to Meet Rural Broadband Demand</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Feb 18, 2025 11:32 AM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8383.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Doug Dawson" /> In a 2024 end-of-year memo, Gary Bolton of the Fiber Broadband Association said that FBA had partnered with the consulting firm Cartesian to look at the pros and cons of Starlink in the U.S. FBA says that report shows that Starlink currently has 1.4 million customers in the U.S., and with the current satellite constellation has the capacity to serve 1.7 million customers. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Doug Dawson</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 7,667</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Beyond WHOIS: CircleID and Edgemoor Research Institute Inaugural Event on Balancing Privacy and Legitimate Data Needs</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Feb 11, 2025 4:25 PM PST </div> <p> The global debate over Internet privacy and security took center stage in a webinar hosted by CircleID in partnership with the Edgemoor Research Institute. The event marked the first in a series exploring the delicate balance between safeguarding personal data and ensuring legitimate access to domain name registration details. As governments, cybersecurity experts, law enforcement, and intellectual property holders grapple with the evolving regulatory landscape, Project Jake seeks to establish a framework that prioritizes policy clarity, efficiency, and adaptability. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">CircleID Reporter</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 10,929</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Rethinking AI Regulation: Why Existing Laws Are Enough - If We Enforce Them</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Feb 11, 2025 7:53 AM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_964.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Jovan Kurbalija" /> Existing laws can address AI challenges without new regulations. Legal frameworks have adapted to past technologies, and AI should be no exception. The real issue lies in outdated legal immunities, like Section 230, shielding tech companies from AI-driven harms. Accountability should focus on those who create and benefit from AI, not AI itself. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Jovan Kurbalija</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 9,084</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">How to Convince Your Boss to Deploy DNSSEC and RPKI?</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Feb 10, 2025 5:45 AM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_5265.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Wout de Natris" /> At the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2024 in Riyadh, the Internet Standards, Security and Safety Coalition (IS3C) released a new tool: 'To deploy or not to deploy, that's the question. How to convince your boss to deploy DNSSEC and RPKI'. In this report, IS3C advocates mass deployment of these two newer generation, security-related internet standards, as their deployment contributes significantly to the safety and security of all internet users. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Wout de Natris</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 10,290</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Response to usTLD Registry Management and Maintenance RFI</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Feb 07, 2025 4:30 PM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_2074.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Michael D. Palage" /> On January 17th in the closing days of the Biden Administration, NTIA issued the following Response for Information in connection with the .us ccTLD. While responses to the RFI will be held in confidence by NTIA per the RFI, some organizations such as M3AAWG made their response public. In the spirit of openness and transparency, Rick Lane and I are sharing our response on this important topic. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Michael D. Palage</a></li> <li><a href="">2 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 9,755</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">RCC Pushes for State-Led Internet Governance Ahead of WSIS+20 Review</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Feb 04, 2025 5:02 PM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_9353.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Pari Esfandiari" /> As we approach the WSIS+20 Review, the future of Internet governance is at a crossroads. In its January 29th submission, the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC) - representing Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Rostelecom - advocates for a state-led governance model that challenges the Western-led multistakeholder approach. The submission reflects an ongoing ideological divide between sovereignty and openness in digital governance. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Pari Esfandiari</a></li> <li><a href="">5 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 9,754</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">A Perfect Storm Brewing for European ccTLDs?</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Jan 31, 2025 1:21 PM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8022.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Patrick Myles" /> The European country code top-level domain (ccTLD) market is at a crossroads, facing a confluence of challenges that could reshape its trajectory in the coming years. From slowing growth and rising renewal prices to shifting user behaviour driven by AI, the market is undergoing profound changes. These trends suggest a potential decline in domain volumes and a shift in how domains are valued and used. Here's a closer look at the factors contributing to this "perfect storm" and what it means for the future of European ccTLDs. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Patrick Myles</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 7,305</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Why Small and Medium-Size Operators Should Care About Sustainability</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Jan 31, 2025 1:03 PM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_7683.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Michael J. Oghia" /> A new resource dedicated to small and medium-sized digital infrastructure providers highlights the benefits of incorporating sustainability into their operations, offers a consolidated list of best practices and recommendations, and shares additional resources to help make practical changes to save time, energy, and money. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Michael J. Oghia</a></li> <li><a href="">0 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 6,228</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Fiber in the Water Pipes</a></h3> <div class="byLine"> Jan 28, 2025 9:02 AM PST </div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8383.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="Doug Dawson" /> Fiber networks are getting a surprising new route: water pipes. An innovative technology promises faster, cheaper installations while avoiding traditional construction hurdles. However, concerns about water utility cooperation and repair challenges remain. This approach could revolutionize fiber deployment in municipal and greenfield communities, but its adoption hinges on proving its reliability and safety. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Doug Dawson</a></li> <li><a href="">1 Comments</a></li> <li>Views: 5,276</li> </ul> </div> <a href="" class="sectionFooter red">View More</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="colB"> <div class="colPad"> <!-- News Briefs --> <h2><a href="" class="red">News Briefs</a></h2> <div class="postListMini" id="newsList"> <h3 style="padding-top:0;margin-top:0;border:none;"> <a href="">Colombian Government Accelerates .CO Domain RFP Process</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Mar 21, 11:32 AM PDT</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>The Colombian's Ministry of ICT (MinTIC), and ccTLD Manager for the .CO ccTLD, recently announced an expedited timeline for the Request for Proposal (RFP) to operate over 3 million .CO domains for the next 10 years. The proposed 10-year term is double the current five-year term. This represents the latest in a series of recent RFPs associated with several high-profile TLDs before ICANN's planned roll-out of new gTLD early next year. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 756 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/domain_names" class="red">Domain Names</a>, <a href="/topics/registry_services" class="red">Registry Services</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">Africa’s Digital Darkness: Internet Shutdowns Reach Record High</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Mar 11, 12:04 PM PDT</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>Governments across Africa increasingly wield internet blackouts as a tool to suppress dissent, with 2024 marking a record high for digital censorship. According to a report by Access Now and #KeepItOn, 21 internet shutdowns were recorded across 15 African nations, surpassing previous highs in 2020 and 2021. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 4,668 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/access_providers" class="red">Access Providers</a>, <a href="/topics/internet_governance" class="red">Internet Governance</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">Massive Cyber Assault on X: Musk Hints at Foreign Involvement</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Mar 10, 2:21 PM PDT</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>Elon Musk has attributed a series of major disruptions on X, the social media platform he owns, to a large-scale cyberattack. The outages, which persisted for several hours today (and are still ongoing), left users unable to access the service, triggering a flurry of speculation. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 4,016 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/cyberattack" class="red">Cyberattack</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">Lack of Broadband Competition Leads to Higher Prices in Most U.S. Counties</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Mar 07, 8:31 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>A recent study has revealed that broadband competition remains severely limited in 96% of U.S. counties, leading to significantly higher internet costs for consumers. Using the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), researchers at BroadbandNow Research analyzed broadband market concentration across 3,143 counties and found a direct link between limited provider options and inflated prices. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 4,412 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/access_providers" class="red">Access Providers</a>, <a href="/topics/broadband" class="red">Broadband</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">Meta’s Undersea Ambitions: A Cable to Power the AI Future</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Feb 18, 12:33 PM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>Meta has unveiled plans for an ambitious undersea cable project that, at 50,000 kilometers (31,000 miles), would be the longest in the world—surpassing the Earth’s circumference. Dubbed Project Waterworth, the infrastructure aims to link the United States with India, Brazil, South Africa, and other regions, bolstering global connectivity and supporting artificial intelligence (AI) development. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 7,671 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/artificial-intelligence" class="red">Artificial Intelligence</a>, <a href="/topics/broadband" class="red">Broadband</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">India Launches ‘’ and ‘’ Domains to Deter Financial Fraud</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Feb 08, 8:38 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>In a bid to bolster cybersecurity in India's financial sector, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced exclusive internet domains -- '' for registered banks and '' for non-banking financial entities. RBI Governor Sanjay Malhotra revealed that registrations for '' will commence in April 2025, followed by '', with the initiative aimed at reducing phishing attempts and fortifying digital banking trust. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 14,382 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/cybercrime" class="red">Cybercrime</a>, <a href="/topics/cybersecurity" class="red">Cybersecurity</a>, <a href="/topics/domain_names" class="red">Domain Names</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href="">12-Year-Old’s Lost Video Has Resurfaced, Discussing Bitcoin at $8 and the Power of Peer-to-Peer Transactions</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Feb 01, 5:32 PM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>In 2011, a 12-year-old unknowingly predicted Bitcoin's rise in a forgotten YouTube video. Now, crypto enthusiasts have rediscovered it, launching $TPU, a Solana-based memecoin named after his old channel. The internet is hailing him as an accidental visionary, proving once again that the digital world never forgets -- and that early tech predictions can age like fine wine. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 91,424 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/blockchain" class="red">Blockchain</a>, <a href="/topics/p2p" class="red">P2P</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href="">New VPN Protocol Outsmarts VPN Blockers</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Jan 31, 1:33 PM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>NordVPN has introduced NordWhisper, a new protocol designed to bypass VPN restrictions in countries such as Russia and India. The protocol mimics regular internet traffic, making it difficult for internet service providers (ISPs) and websites to detect and block VPN usage. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 6,817 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/vpn" class="red">VPN</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href="">RDAP Replaces WHOIS: A New Era in Domain Name Data Management</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Jan 28, 11:00 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>Today marks a significant shift in how internet registries manage domain name data as the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) officially replaces the legacy WHOIS system. Designed to address privacy and data access challenges, RDAP modernizes how information about domain registrations is queried and provided. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 7,973 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/domain_names" class="red">Domain Names</a>, <a href="/topics/icann" class="red">ICANN</a>, <a href="/topics/privacy" class="red">Privacy</a>, <a href="/topics/whois" class="red">Whois</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">Baltic Sea Infrastructure Targeted Amid Rising Geopolitical Tensions</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Jan 28, 10:29 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>An underwater data cable linking Sweden and Latvia was damaged early Sunday, marking the fourth such incident in the Baltic Sea, fueling concerns within NATO regarding the security of critical infrastructure. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 7,219 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/access_providers" class="red">Access Providers</a>, <a href="/topics/broadband" class="red">Broadband</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">NATO’s Orbital Lifeline: A Backup Plan for the Internet</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Jan 03, 10:25 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>NATO’s HEIST project tackles the vulnerability of undersea internet cables by testing satellite backups and advanced monitoring. The initiative aims to safeguard global communications against accidental damage and potential sabotage. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 15,894 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/access_providers" class="red">Access Providers</a>, <a href="/topics/broadband" class="red">Broadband</a>, <a href="/topics/satellite-internet" class="red">Satellite Internet</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">Europe Seeks Space Independence with €10.6bn Iris² Satellite Network</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Dec 17, 11:39 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>Europe has embarked on its most ambitious space initiative in a decade, unveiling plans to build the €10.6bn Iris² satellite network. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 7,839 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/access_providers" class="red">Access Providers</a>, <a href="/topics/broadband" class="red">Broadband</a>, <a href="/topics/satellite-internet" class="red">Satellite Internet</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">Domain Trends Signal Shifting Tides in 2024</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Dec 12, 11:52 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>The domain industry in 2024 revealed notable shifts in registration patterns, signaling an evolving online landscape. According to a newly published report by Namecheap, .shop climbed to become the second-most-popular top-level domain (TLD), boasting over 721,000 registrations, displacing .xyz after years of dominance. Among country-code TLDs (ccTLDs), .me rose to the top, marking its ascent from eighth place in 2023. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 9,602 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/domain_names" class="red">Domain Names</a>, <a href="/topics/new_tlds" class="red">New TLDs</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href="">CENTR Study Highlights Role of Content in Domain Renewal</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Dec 08, 11:32 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>The Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries (CENTR) has released a public version of its 2024 Renewal Study, offering insights into the dynamics of domain retention within country code top-level domains (ccTLDs). <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 4,471 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/domain_names" class="red">Domain Names</a>, <a href="/topics/registry_services" class="red">Registry Services</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">Chinese Hackers Exploit U.S. Telecom Systems, Eviction Efforts Lag</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Dec 04, 8:12 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>American officials have revealed an ongoing struggle to expel Chinese hackers from telecommunications networks, months after the espionage was first discovered. The campaign, attributed to a group called "Salt Typhoon," has infiltrated major telecom carriers, particularly in the Washington region. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 3,484 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/cyberattack" class="red">Cyberattack</a>, <a href="/topics/cybersecurity" class="red">Cybersecurity</a>, <a href="/topics/telecom" class="red">Telecom</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">Meta’s $10 Billion Plan to Build the World’s Largest Subsea Cable Network</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Dec 01, 8:30 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, is embarking on an ambitious $10 billion project to construct a privately-owned, 40,000-kilometer subsea cable network. Dubbed the "mother of all submarine cables," this endeavor aims to bolster Meta's data infrastructure and sidestep geopolitical risks associated with traditional cable routes. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 25,528 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/artificial-intelligence" class="red">Artificial Intelligence</a>, <a href="/topics/broadband" class="red">Broadband</a>, <a href="/topics/telecom" class="red">Telecom</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href="">FCC Clears SpaceX, T-Mobile Deal to Expand Coverage to Dead Zones</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Nov 28, 11:20 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has granted T-Mobile and SpaceX approval to extend mobile coverage to remote areas using satellite technology. This marks the first authorization of its kind, allowing collaboration between a wireless carrier and a satellite operator to utilize spectrum bands traditionally reserved for terrestrial services. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 4,980 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/access_providers" class="red">Access Providers</a>, <a href="/topics/broadband" class="red">Broadband</a>, <a href="/topics/policy_regulation" class="red">Policy & Regulation</a>, <a href="/topics/telecom" class="red">Telecom</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href="">Wi-Fi 8: Beyond Speed, Towards Seamless Connectivity</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Nov 15, 10:50 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>As the IEEE 802.11 task force turns its attention to developing Wi-Fi 8, the next iteration of wireless networking standards, the focus has shifted from sheer speed to enhancing user experience. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 8,482 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/broadband" class="red">Broadband</a>, <a href="/topics/wireless" class="red">Wireless</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">Biden Administration to Back UN Cybercrime Treaty Amid Controversy</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Nov 12, 11:21 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>The Biden administration is poised to support a contentious United Nations cybercrime treaty, a move likely to spark debate over potential abuses, according to top officials. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 5,891 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/cybercrime" class="red">Cybercrime</a>, <a href="/topics/cybersecurity" class="red">Cybersecurity</a>, <a href="/topics/internet_governance" class="red">Internet Governance</a>, <a href="/topics/policy_regulation" class="red">Policy & Regulation</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">PIR Reaches 11 Million .ORG Domains, Citing Growth and Online Safety Efforts</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Nov 11, 11:35 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>Public Interest Registry (PIR), the nonprofit managing the .ORG domain, recently announced it now oversees 11 million registrations. Jon Nevett, PIR's CEO, attributes this growth to what he describes as a "responsible" expansion, emphasizing a focus on security and community support. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 5,649 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/domain_names" class="red">Domain Names</a>, <a href="/topics/registry_services" class="red">Registry Services</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">Internet Visionaries Honored with Postel Service Award</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Nov 08, 10:51 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>The Internet Society has announced the 2024 Jonathan B. Postel Service Award recipients, honoring Steve Crocker and Xing Li for their pioneering work in advancing the global Internet infrastructure. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 5,733 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/internet_protocol" class="red">Internet Protocol</a>, <a href="/topics/networks" class="red">Networks</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">T-Mobile Breaks Upload Speed Record with New 5G Dual Connectivity</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Nov 08, 10:18 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>T-Mobile has claimed a new world record in 5G upload speeds, achieving an impressive 2.2 Gbps in tests conducted at California's SoFi Stadium. Partnering with Ericsson and Qualcomm, the telecommunications firm leveraged an emerging technology, 5G Dual Connectivity (5G DC), which combines mid-band and millimeter-wave (mmWave) spectrum bands. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 5,899 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/mobile_internet" class="red">Mobile Internet</a>, <a href="/topics/telecom" class="red">Telecom</a>, <a href="/topics/wireless" class="red">Wireless</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">OpenAI Buys, Redirected to ChatGPT</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Nov 07, 9:09 AM PST</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>OpenAI has acquired, a domain name previously purchased for $15.5 million by HubSpot's co-founder Dharmesh Shah. Initially registered in 1996, the domain saw significant investment due to its prime fit with the rapidly growing AI chatbot sector, especially as tools like ChatGPT gain mainstream attention. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 9,511 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/artificial-intelligence" class="red">Artificial Intelligence</a>, <a href="/topics/domain_names" class="red">Domain Names</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">Chinese Hackers Had Access to Canadian Government Systems for Years, Report Reveals</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Nov 01, 2:00 PM PDT</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>For five years, Canadian government networks have been vulnerable to Chinese state-sponsored cyber espionage, according to a recent report by Canada's Communications Security Establishment (CSE). <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 5,422 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/cyberattack" class="red">Cyberattack</a>, </div> </div> <h3> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" class="postImage" /></a> <a href="">EU Internet Advocates Push Back Against Telecom “Fair-Share” Fees</a> </h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks hide"> <ul> <li><a href="" class="red">Quick Read</a></li> <li>Oct 29, 11:01 AM PDT</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>In a joint statement to the European Commission's new tech appointee, Henna Virkkunen, a coalition of internet advocacy groups has firmly opposed recent proposals aimed at imposing network fees on content providers. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </a></p> <div class="postInfo"> Views: 24,453 - <a class="red" href="">Add Comment</a> <br />Related Topics: <a href="/topics/access_providers" class="red">Access Providers</a>, <a href="/topics/broadband" class="red">Broadband</a>, <a href="/topics/net_neutrality" class="red">Net Neutrality</a>, <a href="/topics/policy_regulation" class="red">Policy & Regulation</a>, <a href="/topics/telecom" class="red">Telecom</a>, </div> </div> <a href="" class="sectionFooter red">View More</a> </div> <h2><a href="" class="red">Most Read</a> <span>– Last 30 Days</span></h2> <div class="postListMini"> <h3 style="padding-top:0;margin-top:0;border:none;"><a href="">Africa’s Digital Darkness: Internet Shutdowns Reach Record High</a></h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks"> <ul> <li><a href="">Add Comment</a></li> <li>Views: 4,668</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Lack of Broadband Competition Leads to Higher Prices in Most U.S. Counties</a></h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks"> <ul> <li><a href="">Add Comment</a></li> <li>Views: 4,412</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Massive Cyber Assault on X: Musk Hints at Foreign Involvement</a></h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks"> <ul> <li><a href="">Add Comment</a></li> <li>Views: 4,016</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Colombian Government Accelerates .CO Domain RFP Process</a></h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks"> <ul> <li><a href="">Add Comment</a></li> <li>Views: 756</li> </ul> </div> <a href="" class="sectionFooter red">View More</a> </div> <!-- Recent Comments --> <h2><a href="" class="red">Recent Comments</a></h2> <div class="cmntListMini" style="padding-right:5px;"> <div class="byLine" style="margin:0 0 2px 0;"><a href="" class="blue">Anthony Rutkowski</a> commented on:</div> <strong><a href="">Cyber Resilience Resources Restructuring</a></strong> <div class="byLine">Mar 08, 3:03 PM PST</div> </div> <div class="cmntListMini" style="padding-right:5px;"> <div class="byLine" style="margin:0 0 2px 0;"><a href="" class="blue">Anthony Rutkowski</a> commented on:</div> <strong><a href="">Cyber Resilience Resources Restructuring</a></strong> <div class="byLine">Mar 08, 1:49 PM PST</div> </div> <div class="cmntListMini" style="padding-right:5px;"> <div class="byLine" style="margin:0 0 2px 0;"><a href="" class="blue">John Berryhill</a> commented on:</div> <strong><a href="">The End of the Road: ICANN, Whois, and Regulation</a></strong> <div class="byLine">Mar 07, 10:08 AM PST</div> </div> <div class="cmntListMini" style="padding-right:5px;"> <div class="byLine" style="margin:0 0 2px 0;"><a href="" class="blue">Scott Cadzow</a> commented on:</div> <strong><a href="">A Threat to Europe's Digital Human Rights Stewardship</a></strong> <div class="byLine">Feb 24, 5:31 AM PST</div> </div> <div class="cmntListMini" style="padding-right:5px;"> <div class="byLine" style="margin:0 0 2px 0;"><a href="" class="blue">Anthony Rutkowski</a> commented on:</div> <strong><a href="">A Threat to Europe's Digital Human Rights Stewardship</a></strong> <div class="byLine">Feb 24, 5:24 AM PST</div> </div> <div class="cmntListMini" style="padding-right:5px;"> <div class="byLine" style="margin:0 0 2px 0;"><a href="" class="blue">Scott Cadzow</a> commented on:</div> <strong><a href="">A Threat to Europe's Digital Human Rights Stewardship</a></strong> <div class="byLine">Feb 24, 3:40 AM PST</div> </div> <div class="cmntListMini" style="padding-right:5px;"> <div class="byLine" style="margin:0 0 2px 0;"><a href="" class="blue">Anthony Rutkowski</a> commented on:</div> <strong><a href="">The Digital Sovereignty Ecosystem</a></strong> <div class="byLine">Feb 20, 6:40 AM PST</div> </div> <a href="" class="sectionFooter red">View More</a> </div> </div> <div class="colC"> <div class="colPad"> <!-- Sponsored Topics --> <h2><a href="" class="red">Topics</a></h2> <div class="sponsoredTopicCard"> <div class="textContainer"> <h3><a href="/topics/domain_names">Domain Names</a></h3> <p><span class="sponsoredBy">Sponsored by</span><span class="companyName">Verisign</span></p> </div> <div class="logoContainer"> <span class="helper"></span><img class="logo" 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<!-- Company Updates --> <h2><a href="" class="red">Industry Updates</a></h2> <div class="postListMini"> <h3 style="padding-top:0;margin-top:0;border:none;"><a href="">Malicious Ads Targeting Advertisers in the DNS Spotlight</a></h3> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8352.gif" border="0" width="80" alt="WhoisXML API" /> Microsoft and Google almost always land on the list of most-phished brands, and that is not surprising given their huge market presence. And phishers are often the most likely threat actors to bank on the brands' popularity for the success of their attacks. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">WhoisXML API</a></li> <li>Views: 865</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Sneaking a Peek into the Inner DNS Workings of Sneaky 2FA</a></h3> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8352.gif" border="0" width="80" alt="WhoisXML API" /> Sneaky 2FA, believed to be sold via the phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) business model, recently figured in an adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) attack targeting Microsoft 365 users. Marketed as Sneaky Log by a full-featured bot on Telegram, Sneaky 2FA reportedly used fake Microsoft authentication pages with automatically filled-in email address fields to add to its sense of authenticity. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">WhoisXML API</a></li> <li>Views: 1,234</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Announcing the IPv4 Market Chrome Extension: Free Download</a></h3> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8622.gif" border="0" width="80" alt="IPv4.Global" /> The extension includes custom features in terms of location and size on your browser and links directly to the IPv4.Global marketplace if something scrolls by that interests you. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">IPv4.Global</a></li> <li>Views: 4,491</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">IPv4.Global Launches New Lending Program Using IP Addresses as Collateral</a></h3> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8622.gif" border="0" width="80" alt="IPv4.Global" /> IPv4.Global, the world's largest, most trusted and transparent IPv4 marketplace, today announced a first-of-its kind loan facility backed by the borrower's IPv4 addresses as collateral. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">IPv4.Global</a></li> <li>Views: 3,534</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">IPv4 Prices Remain Stable Amid Market Softness (February IPv4 Report)</a></h3> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8622.gif" border="0" width="80" alt="IPv4.Global" /> The market for IPv4 addresses continues to exhibit stability, albeit at significantly lower prices than in previous peak periods. Data from IPv4.Global by Hilco Streambank suggests that while there is a notable spread in pricing - often reaching a 30% difference between high and low valuations - the overall trend points to a subdued yet steady marketplace. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">IPv4.Global</a></li> <li>Views: 3,472</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Radix’s Premium Domains Surge in H2 2024, Led by .Fun Boom</a></h3> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_6851.gif" border="0" width="80" alt="Radix" /> Radix's latest Premium Domains Report for the second half of 2024 highlights a strong performance across its portfolio, with .fun domains experiencing exceptional growth. Premium domain registrations increased by 11% year-on-year, while premium renewals rose by 16%. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">Radix</a></li> <li>Views: 3,492</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Unloading MintsLoader IoCs Using DNS Intelligence</a></h3> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8352.gif" border="0" width="80" alt="WhoisXML API" /> Several American and European organizations across the energy, oil and gas, and legal sectors were recently targeted by a campaign leveraging MintsLoader, a malware loader that delivers malicious software to a victim's device. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">WhoisXML API</a></li> <li>Views: 4,159</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">DNS Spotlight: Rockstar2FA Shuts Down, FlowerStorm Starts Up</a></h3> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8352.gif" border="0" width="80" alt="WhoisXML API" /> It's not unusual for threat actors to pick up after fellow cyber attackers shut down their operations. Many of them still want to cause as much trouble without having to start from scratch - building their own malicious creations and infrastructure. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">WhoisXML API</a></li> <li>Views: 4,821</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">DNS Deep Dive: Peeking into Back Doors to Abandoned but Live Backdoors</a></h3> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8352.gif" border="0" width="80" alt="WhoisXML API" /> watchTowr Labs investigated thousands of abandoned but live backdoors installed on various compromised sites to determine what data the original backdoor owners have stolen. They published their findings in "Backdooring Your Backdoors -- Another $20 Domain, More Governments" and, in the process, identified 34 domains as indicators of compromise (IoCs). <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">WhoisXML API</a></li> <li>Views: 3,134</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">IPv4 Prices Edge Up as Demand Remains Strong (January IPv4 Report)</a></h3> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_8622.gif" border="0" width="80" alt="IPv4.Global" /> The market for IPv4 addresses continues to show resilience, with January 2025 figures indicating a modest uptick in pricing across several block sizes. Data from IPv4.Global by Hilco Streambank reveals that while average prices hovered in the low-to-mid $30s per address, the actual range of transactions was significantly broader, spanning from $28 to $48 per address. This highlights the persistent pricing variability driven by block size, buyer urgency, and negotiation dynamics. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">IPv4.Global</a></li> <li>Views: 4,810</li> </ul> </div> <a href="" class="sectionFooter red">View More</a> </div> <h2><a href="" class="red">Industry Guides</a></h2> <div class="postListMini"> <h3 style="padding-top:0;margin-top:0;border:none;"><a href="">Dedicated IP VPN: Complete Guide, Benefits, Setup & More</a></h3> <p> What is a Dedicated IP VPN? A Dedicated IP VPN is a <a href="">Virtual Private Network (VPN) service</a> that provides users with a unique, static IP address assigned exclusively to them. Unlike a shared IP address, which is used by multiple users simultaneously, a dedicated IP is reserved for a single user, offering greater control and security over their online activities. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">CircleID Editorial</a></li> <li>Views: 9,414</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Starlink Internet Service (2024 Review)</a></h3> <p> Starlink provides high-speed, low-latency satellite internet, making it ideal for rural and remote areas lacking traditional broadband. Installation is user-friendly, and coverage continues to expand globally. However, the service is relatively expensive, and performance can be impacted by adverse weather. Overall, Starlink is a reliable choice for those without access to conventional internet options. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">CircleID Editorial</a></li> <li>Views: 33,051</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Can ISPs See My VPN? (All You Need to Know)</a></h3> <p> ISPs can see that you are using a VPN, as they can detect encrypted traffic and the IP address of the VPN server. However, they cannot see the content of your data or the websites you visit while the VPN is active because the data is encrypted. This provides privacy for your online activities, though the fact that you're using a VPN itself is visible to the ISP. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">CircleID Editorial</a></li> <li>Views: 9,163</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">What is Satellite Internet? (Complete Guide, Costs, Providers, and More)</a></h3> <p> Satellite internet is a broadband service that connects users via signals transmitted between orbiting satellites and a satellite dish at the user's location. Unlike fiber or cable, it doesn't require physical infrastructure, making it essential in rural and remote areas. Although historically slower with higher latency, advancements like Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites have improved speed and reduced delays, enhancing overall performance. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">CircleID Editorial</a></li> <li>Views: 15,881</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Does NordVPN Still Work With Netflix? How to Use It and Fix It If Not Working</a></h3> <p> Yes, NordVPN still works with Netflix in 2024. It effectively bypasses geo-restrictions, unlocking libraries from major regions like the U.S., UK, Japan, and more. However, occasional issues like blocked servers or slow connections may arise. Troubleshooting, such as switching servers or using SmartPlay, typically resolves problems and maintains reliable access to Netflix. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">CircleID Editorial</a></li> <li>Views: 24,396</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">How to Get NordVPN Free Trial (Risk-Free Options for 2024)</a></h3> <p> NordVPN <strong>offers two ways</strong> to try the service risk-free: <strong>a 7-day free trial for Android users</strong> and a <strong>30-day money-back guarantee for all users</strong>. Both options allow full access to NordVPN's premium features. The trial requires payment details but can be canceled before charges occur. NordVPN provides superior security, performance, and global content access compared to free alternatives. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">CircleID Editorial</a></li> <li>Views: 18,778</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">NordVPN Review 2024: Is It Fast, Secure, and Worth It?</a></h3> <p> <a href=""></a>NordVPN stands out for its unique double encryption, adding an extra layer of privacy. With blazing-fast servers in 60 countries, it's perfect for streaming, gaming, and bypassing geo-blocks. Its strict no-logs policy and advanced features like CyberSec ad-blocker make it a top choice for anyone seeking strong security and seamless performance. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">CircleID Editorial</a></li> <li>Views: 9,890</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Best VPN Countries for Privacy, Speed, and Streaming (2024)</a></h3> <p> The best countries for VPN server locations include <strong>Switzerland</strong>, <strong>Iceland</strong>, and <strong>Panama</strong> for privacy, <strong>Germany</strong>, <strong>Japan</strong>, and <strong>the United States</strong> for fast connections, and <strong>the U.S.</strong>, <strong>U.K.</strong>, and <strong>Canada</strong> for streaming. These countries offer strong privacy laws, advanced infrastructure, and optimal performance for various online activities. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">CircleID Editorial</a></li> <li>Views: 31,132</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Why Are VPNs Important for Remote Work?</a></h3> <p> VPNs are critical for remote work because they secure data by encrypting internet connections, protecting sensitive company information from cyberattacks. They also enable remote access to company networks, ensuring employees can work safely from any location while maintaining privacy and compliance with security policies. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">CircleID Editorial</a></li> <li>Views: 11,413</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">How Does a VPN Protect You?</a></h3> <p> A VPN protects you by encrypting your internet connection, hiding your IP address, and routing your data through a secure server. This shields your online activities from hackers, trackers, and surveillance, ensuring privacy and security, especially on public Wi-Fi or when accessing sensitive information. <a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">CircleID Editorial</a></li> <li>Views: 8,521</li> </ul> </div> <a href="" class="sectionFooter red">View More</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- Footer Nav --> <div id="footer"> <div id="footerContent"> <div style="float:left;"> <a href="/"><img src="/images/circleid.svg" border="0" style="width:140px;opacity: 0.9;" /></a><br /> <p style="font-size:14px;padding:11px 0 15px 0;margin:0;">A World-Renowned Source for Internet Developments. 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