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and Objectives </a> </li> <li class=" " id="129"> <a href="/project/linpack/" class=""> The Linpack Benchmark </a> </li> <li class=" " id="132"> <a href="/project/top500_description/" class=""> TOP500 Description </a> </li> <li class="dropdown-submenu " id="136"> <a href="/project/authors/" class=" dropdown-toggle"> TOP500 Authors </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdown-top500-authors"> <li class=" " id="137"> <a href="/project/authors/hans-werner-meuer/" class=""> Hans Werner Meuer (1936 - 2014†) </a> </li> <li class=" " id="138"> <a href="/project/authors/erich-strohmaier/" class=""> Erich Strohmaier </a> </li> <li class=" " id="139"> <a href="/project/authors/jack-dongarra/" class=""> Jack Dongarra </a> </li> <li class=" " id="141"> <a href="/project/authors/horst-simon/" class=""> Horst Simon </a> </li> <li class=" " id="142"> <a href="/project/authors/martin-meuer/" class=""> Martin Meuer </a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li class=" " id="43"> <a href="/media-kit/" > MEDIA KIT </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </nav> <div class="container py-3"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-9 col-lg-9" style="border: none; padding-left: 10px;"> <h1 style="text-transform: uppercase"></h1> <!-- --> <div class="container"> <div style=" min-height: 20px; padding: 19px; margin-bottom: 20px; background-color: #F2F3F4; border: none;" class="container sticky"> <div class="plugin plugin-blog"><div class="blog-latest-entries"><article id="post-el-capitan-achieves-top-spot-frontier-and-aurora-follow-behind" class="post-item"><div class="blog-visual"></div><header><h5><a href="/news/el-capitan-achieves-top-spot-frontier-and-aurora-follow-behind/">El Capitan achieves top spot, Frontier and Aurora follow behind</a></h5><h6 class="post-detail"> Nov. 18, 2024 </h6></header><div class="blog-lead" style=""><p>The 64th edition of the TOP500 reveals that El Capitan has achieved the top spot and is officially the third system to reach exascale computing after Frontier and Aurora. Both systems have since moved down to No. 2 and No. 3 spots, respectively. Additionally, new systems have found their way onto the Top 10.</p></div><footer class="read-more"><a href="/news/el-capitan-achieves-top-spot-frontier-and-aurora-follow-behind/">read more »</a></footer></article><hr /></div></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-5 col-lg-5 col-xl-5 newsfeed" style="margin-top: 18px"> <div class="container"> <h1 class="sectionheader">Sponsored Article</h1> <div class="plugin plugin-blog"><div class="blog-latest-entries"><article id="post-the-influence-of-hpc-ers-setting-the-standard-for-whats-cool" class="post-item"><div class="blog-visual"></div><header><h5><a href="/news/the-influence-of-hpc-ers-setting-the-standard-for-whats-cool/">The Influence of HPC-ers: Setting the Standard for What’s “Cool”</a></h5><h6 class="post-detail"> Jan. 16, 2025 </h6></header><div class="blog-lead" style=""><p dir="ltr"><b id="docs-internal-guid-187160e8-7fff-2925-9eb8-75c9b0da07f0">A look back to supercomputing at the turn of the century</b></p><p dir="ltr">When I first attended the Supercomputing (SC) conferences back in the early 2000s as an IBMer working in High Performance Computing (HPC), it was obvious this conference was intended for serious computer science researchers and industries singularly focused on pushing the boundaries of computing. Linux was still in its infancy. I vividly remember having to re-compile kernels with newly released drivers every time there was a new server that came to market just so I could get the system to PXE boot over the network. But there was one …</p></div><footer class="read-more"><a href="/news/the-influence-of-hpc-ers-setting-the-standard-for-whats-cool/">read more »</a></footer></article><hr /><article id="post-evolution-convergence-and-cooling-ai-hpc-gear" class="post-item"><div class="blog-visual"></div><header><h5><a href="/news/evolution-convergence-and-cooling-ai-hpc-gear/">The Evolution, Convergence and Cooling of AI & HPC Gear</a></h5><h6 class="post-detail"> Nov. 7, 2024 </h6></header><div class="blog-lead" style=""><p>Years ago, when Artificial Intelligence (AI) began to emerge as a potential technology to be harnessed as a powerful tool to change the way the world works, organizations began to kick the AI tires by exploring it’s potential to enhance their research or business. However, to get started with AI, neural networks needed to be created, data sets trained, and microprocessors were needed that could perform matrix-multiplication calculations ideally suited to perform these computationally demanding tasks. Enter the accelerator.</p></div><footer class="read-more"><a href="/news/evolution-convergence-and-cooling-ai-hpc-gear/">read more »</a></footer></article><hr /></div></div> <h1 class="sectionheader" style="margin-top: 19px;">News Feed</h1> <h2><a href="">Modern Hydrogen and Mesa Solutions Partner on Clean Power for Data Centers</a></h2> <div class="feed-item" style="overflow:hidden"> <img width="1200" height="600" src="" class="webfeedsFeaturedVisual wp-post-image" alt="" style="float: right; margin-left: 5px;" link_thumbnail="" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" srcset=" 1200w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /><p>Houston — Modern Hydrogen, a hydrogen production and carbon management company, and Mesa Solutions, a provider of on-site power generation, announced a partnership to deliver clean power solution for data centers. </p> <p>The post <a href="">Modern Hydrogen and Mesa Solutions Partner on Clean Power for Data Centers</a> appeared first on <a href="">High-Performance Computing News Analysis | insideHPC</a>.</p> </div> <h2><a href="">Exascale: GE Aerospace Goes Airborne with Frontier and Aurora</a></h2> <div class="feed-item" style="overflow:hidden"> <img width="1401" height="701" src="" class="webfeedsFeaturedVisual wp-post-image" alt="" style="float: right; margin-left: 5px;" link_thumbnail="" decoding="async" srcset=" 1401w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 1401px) 100vw, 1401px" /><p>Since 2022, GE Aerospace (NYSE: GE) has competed successfully for more than 3 million supercomputing hours under a U.S. Department of Energy peer-reviewed proposal process, incuding time on two of the three American exascale supercomputers -- Frontier and Aurora. This makes the company one of the largest users of DOE exascale-class HPC systems, which ...</p> <p>The post <a href="">Exascale: GE Aerospace Goes Airborne with Frontier and Aurora</a> appeared first on <a href="">High-Performance Computing News Analysis | insideHPC</a>.</p> </div> <h2><a href="">German HPC Center Is The First Buyer For New D-Wave Quantum Computer</a></h2> <div class="feed-item" style="overflow:hidden"> <p>The quantum computing space is replete with big-name companies like <a href="">IBM</a>, <a href="">Google</a>, Microsoft, <a href="">Amazon</a>, and Intel touting incremental but important steps they’re taking to bring the long-promised technology to the fore. <a href="" class="read-more">… </a></p> <p><a href="">German HPC Center Is The First Buyer For New D-Wave Quantum Computer</a> was written by <a href="">Jeffrey Burt</a> at <a href="">The Next Platform</a>.</p> </div> <h2><a href="">The Hidden Cost Of Compromise: Why HPC Still Demands Precision</a></h2> <div class="feed-item" style="overflow:hidden"> <p><strong>PARTNER CONTENT:</strong> As the technology industry continues its shift towards AI dominance, an important schism is opening up that threatens to impact scientific progress, along with important humanitarian endeavors such as disaster response. <a href="" class="read-more">… </a></p> <p><a href="">The Hidden Cost Of Compromise: Why HPC Still Demands Precision</a> was written by <a href="">Timothy Prickett Morgan</a> at <a href="">The Next Platform</a>.</p> </div> <h1 class="sectionheader">TOP500 News</h1> <div class="plugin plugin-blog"><div class="blog-latest-entries"><article id="post-the-influence-of-hpc-ers-setting-the-standard-for-whats-cool" class="post-item"><div class="blog-visual"></div><header><h5><a href="/news/the-influence-of-hpc-ers-setting-the-standard-for-whats-cool/">The Influence of HPC-ers: Setting the Standard for What’s “Cool”</a></h5><h6 class="post-detail"> Jan. 16, 2025 </h6></header><div class="blog-lead" style=""><p dir="ltr"><b id="docs-internal-guid-187160e8-7fff-2925-9eb8-75c9b0da07f0">A look back to supercomputing at the turn of the century</b></p><p dir="ltr">When I first attended the Supercomputing (SC) conferences back in the early 2000s as an IBMer working in High Performance Computing (HPC), it was obvious this conference was intended for serious computer science researchers and industries singularly focused on pushing the boundaries of computing. Linux was still in its infancy. I vividly remember having to re-compile kernels with newly released drivers every time there was a new server that came to market just so I could get the system to PXE boot over the network. But there was one …</p></div><footer class="read-more"><a href="/news/the-influence-of-hpc-ers-setting-the-standard-for-whats-cool/">read more »</a></footer></article><hr /><article id="post-el-capitan-achieves-top-spot-frontier-and-aurora-follow-behind" class="post-item"><div class="blog-visual"></div><header><h5><a href="/news/el-capitan-achieves-top-spot-frontier-and-aurora-follow-behind/">El Capitan achieves top spot, Frontier and Aurora follow behind</a></h5><h6 class="post-detail"> Nov. 18, 2024 </h6></header><div class="blog-lead" style=""><p>The 64th edition of the TOP500 reveals that El Capitan has achieved the top spot and is officially the third system to reach exascale computing after Frontier and Aurora. Both systems have since moved down to No. 2 and No. 3 spots, respectively. Additionally, new systems have found their way onto the Top 10.</p></div><footer class="read-more"><a href="/news/el-capitan-achieves-top-spot-frontier-and-aurora-follow-behind/">read more »</a></footer></article><hr /><article id="post-evolution-convergence-and-cooling-ai-hpc-gear" class="post-item"><div class="blog-visual"></div><header><h5><a href="/news/evolution-convergence-and-cooling-ai-hpc-gear/">The Evolution, Convergence and Cooling of AI & HPC Gear</a></h5><h6 class="post-detail"> Nov. 7, 2024 </h6></header><div class="blog-lead" style=""><p>Years ago, when Artificial Intelligence (AI) began to emerge as a potential technology to be harnessed as a powerful tool to change the way the world works, organizations began to kick the AI tires by exploring it’s potential to enhance their research or business. However, to get started with AI, neural networks needed to be created, data sets trained, and microprocessors were needed that could perform matrix-multiplication calculations ideally suited to perform these computationally demanding tasks. Enter the accelerator.</p></div><footer class="read-more"><a href="/news/evolution-convergence-and-cooling-ai-hpc-gear/">read more »</a></footer></article><hr /></div></div> </div> </div> <div class="col col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-7 col-lg-7 col-xl-7"> <div class="container front-section indepth"> <h1 class="sectionheader">The List</h1> <h2><a href="/lists/top500/2024/11/highs">11/2024 Highlights</a></h2> <p>The 64th edition of the TOP500 reveals that <strong>El Capitan </strong>has achieved the top spot and is officially the third system to reach exascale computing after Frontier and Aurora. Both systems have since moved down to No. 2 and No. 3 spots, respectively. Additionally, new systems have found their way onto the Top 10.</p> <p>The new <strong>El Capitan</strong> system at the<strong> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory</strong> in California, U.S.A., has debuted as the most powerful system on the list with an HPL score of 1.742 EFlop/s. It has 11,039,616 combined CPU and GPU cores and is based on AMD 4th generation EPYC processors with 24 cores at 1.8GHz and AMD Instinct MI300A accelerators. El Capitan relies on a Cray Slingshot 11 network for data transfer and achieves an energy efficiency of 58.89 Gigaflops/watt. This power efficiency rating helped El Capitan achieve No. 18 on the GREEN500 list as well.</p> <p>The <strong>Frontier</strong> system at<strong> Oak Ridge National Laboratory</strong> in Tennessee, U.S.A, has moved down to the No. 2 spot. It has increased its HPL score from 1.206 Eflop/s on the last list to 1.353 Eflop/s on this list. Frontier has also increased its total core count, from 8,699,904 cores on the last list to 9,066,176 cores on this list. It relies on Cray’s Slingshot 11 network for data transfer.</p> <p>The <strong>Aurora</strong> system at <strong>Argonne Leadership Computing Facility</strong> in Illinois, U.S.A, has claimed the No. 3 spot on this TOP500 list. The machine kept its HPL benchmark score from the last list, achieving 1.012 Exaflop/s. Aurora is built by Intel based on the HPE Cray EX – Intel Exascale Compute blade which uses Intel Xeon CPU Max Series Processors and Intel Data Center GPU Max Series accelerators that communicate through Cray’s Slingshot-11 network interconnect.</p> <p>The <strong>Eagle</strong> system installed on the <strong>Microsoft Azure Cloud</strong> in the U.S.A. claimed the No. 4 spot and remains the highest-ranked cloud-based system on the TOP500. It has an HPL score of 561.2 PFlop/s</p> <p>The only other new system in the TOP 5 is the <strong>HPC6</strong> system at No. 5. This machine is installed at <strong>Eni S.p.A</strong> center in Ferrera Erbognone, Italy and has the same architecture as the No. 2 system Frontier. The HPC6 system at Eni achieved an HPL benchmark of 477.90 PFlop/s and is now the fastest system in Europe.</p> <p><a href="/news/el-capitan-achieves-top-spot-frontier-and-aurora-follow-behind/">read more »</a></p> <h2><a href="/statistics/list">List Statistics</a></h2> <script type='text/javascript'> google.load("visualization", "1.0", {packages:["geomap", "table","corechart"]}); </script> <script type='text/javascript'> google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawVisualization); function drawChart() { var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable(); dataTable.addColumn('string', 'Country'); dataTable.addColumn('number', 'Count'); dataTable.addRows([ ['Lenovo', 161],['HPE', 116],['EVIDEN', 51],['DELL', 37],['Nvidia', 27],['Fujitsu', 15],['NEC', 14],['Inspur', 11],['Microsoft Azure', 8],['MEGWARE', 8],['Penguin Computing, Inc.', 7],['IBM', 3],['Sugon', 3],['ACTION', 2],['HPE, GALAXY', 2],['ParTec/EVIDEN', 2],['Liqid', 2],['IBM / NVIDIA / Mellanox', 2],['ASUSTeK / ASUS Cloud / Taiwan Web Service Corporation', 2],['Supermicro', 2],['YANDEX, NVIDIA', 2],['Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.', 2],['Format sp. z o.o.', 1],['T-Platforms', 1],['NUDT', 1],['NEC / DELL', 1],['Intel', 1],['Lenovo/IBM', 1],['Amazon Web Services', 1],['Quanta Computer / Taiwan Fixed Network / ASUS Cloud', 1],['MEGWARE / Supermicro', 1],['Nebius AI', 1],['NRCPC', 1],['Netweb Technologies', 1],['ASUSTeK', 1],['Koi Computers', 1],['NVIDIA, Inspur', 1],['Fujitsu / Lenovo', 1],['Atipa Technology', 1],['eSlim Korea', 1],['Nscale', 1],['ClusterVision / Hammer', 1],['Self-made', 1],['Others', 52], ]); var options = { dataMode: 'regions', width: '760px', is3D: true, }; var container = document.getElementById('map_div'); var geomap = new google.visualization.GeoMap(container); geomap.draw(dataTable, options); } _printf = function () { var num = arguments.length; var oStr = arguments[0]; for (var i = 1; i < num; i++) { var pattern = "\\{" + (i - 1) + "\\}"; var re = new RegExp(pattern, "g"); oStr = oStr.replace(re, arguments[i]); } return oStr; } function drawVisualization() { // Create and populate the data table. var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'ID'); data.addColumn('string', 'Vendors'); data.addColumn('number', 'Count'); data.addColumn('number', 'System Share (%)'); data.addColumn('number', 'Rmax (GFlops)'); data.addColumn('number', 'Rpeak (GFlops)'); data.addColumn('number', 'Cores'); data.addRows([ ["1656", "Lenovo", 161, 161 / 5, 700178968, 1221420913, 15413924 ],["1598", "HPE", 116, 116 / 5, 5767744744, 8414599728, 48082368 ],["1614", "EVIDEN", 51, 51 / 5, 873365080, 1242466143, 10755152 ],["1560", "DELL", 37, 37 / 5, 344594630, 534035187, 3960724 ],["1657", "Nvidia", 27, 27 / 5, 750231000, 1099502812, 3627568 ],["1561", "Fujitsu", 15, 15 / 5, 602215880, 747844957, 9761360 ],["1568", "NEC", 14, 14 / 5, 82804500, 119686650, 804440 ],["1662", "Inspur", 11, 11 / 5, 27613410, 51430220, 544736 ],["1736", "Microsoft Azure", 8, 8 / 5, 757160000, 1127999302, 3540480 ],["1585", "MEGWARE", 8, 8 / 5, 63173710, 97323624, 476912 ],["1663", "Penguin Computing, Inc.", 7, 7 / 5, 23424840, 38351200, 775672 ],["1565", "IBM", 3, 3 / 5, 29387000, 40662842, 493024 ],["1694", "Sugon", 3, 3 / 5, 9307000, 14368269, 262784 ],["1648", "ACTION", 2, 2 / 5, 5978980, 10729939, 135168 ],["1752", "HPE, GALAXY", 2, 2 / 5, 19801660, 33334300, 80128 ],["1749", "ParTec/EVIDEN", 2, 2 / 5, 87644000, 99131780, 411264 ],["1735", "Liqid", 2, 2 / 5, 5393230, 7517800, 102144 ],["1722", "IBM / NVIDIA / Mellanox", 2, 2 / 5, 112840000, 148759200, 1860768 ],["1747", "ASUSTeK / ASUS Cloud / Taiwan Web Service Corporation", 2, 2 / 5, 9655920, 12575740, 81184 ],["1665", "Supermicro", 2, 2 / 5, 35700150, 43406540, 339520 ],["1740", "YANDEX, NVIDIA", 2, 2 / 5, 37550000, 50051270, 328352 ],["1696", "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.", 2, 2 / 5, 5872400, 9389880, 101184 ],["1739", "Format sp. z o.o.", 1, 1 / 5, 5051000, 7709180, 47616 ],["1626", "T-Platforms", 1, 1 / 5, 2478000, 4946790, 64384 ],["1658", "NUDT", 1, 1 / 5, 61444500, 100678664, 4981760 ],["1748", "NEC / DELL", 1, 1 / 5, 6708130, 7626750, 125440 ],["1566", "Intel", 1, 1 / 5, 1012000000, 1980006000, 9264128 ],["1695", "Lenovo/IBM", 1, 1 / 5, 2813620, 3578266, 86016 ],["1726", "Amazon Web Services", 1, 1 / 5, 9950260, 15106520, 172692 ],["1724", "Quanta Computer / Taiwan Fixed Network / ASUS Cloud", 1, 1 / 5, 9000000, 15208230, 170352 ],["1745", "MEGWARE / Supermicro", 1, 1 / 5, 9087000, 19344190, 96768 ],["1746", "Nebius AI", 1, 1 / 5, 46540000, 86792190, 218880 ],["1705", "NRCPC", 1, 1 / 5, 93014594, 125435904, 10649600 ],["1687", "Netweb Technologies", 1, 1 / 5, 8500000, 13169860, 81344 ],["1754", "ASUSTeK", 1, 1 / 5, 45820000, 69342000, 143360 ],["1645", "Koi Computers", 1, 1 / 5, 4855900, 6107130, 107648 ],["1741", "NVIDIA, Inspur", 1, 1 / 5, 12810000, 20029190, 130944 ],["1729", "Fujitsu / Lenovo", 1, 1 / 5, 9264310, 15142195, 204032 ],["1579", "Atipa Technology", 1, 1 / 5, 2539130, 3388032, 194616 ],["1753", "eSlim Korea", 1, 1 / 5, 15940000, 17815130, 115072 ],["1756", "Nscale", 1, 1 / 5, 7400700, 12380120, 66528 ],["1723", "ClusterVision / Hammer", 1, 1 / 5, 2969190, 4335206, 64512 ],["1596", "Self-made", 1, 1 / 5, 3307000, 4896512, 60512 ],["0", "Others", 52, 52 / 5, 1754048514, 0, 0 ], ]); var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({ groupingSymbol: ",", fractionDigits: 0}); formatter.format(data, 5); formatter.format(data, 4); formatter.format(data, 6); // Create and draw the visualization. var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data); view.setColumns([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); if (data.getNumberOfRows() > 12) { view.hideRows([data.getNumberOfRows() - 1]) } var countView = new google.visualization.DataView(data); countView.setColumns([1, 2]); if (data.getNumberOfRows() > 12) { countView.setRows([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, data.getNumberOfRows() - 1]); } var rmaxView = new google.visualization.DataView(data); rmaxView.setColumns([1, 4]); if (data.getNumberOfRows() > 12) { rmaxView.setRows([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, data.getNumberOfRows() - 1]); } var colors = ["#207e27", "#ba7301", "#b1b3b4", "#004578", "#0285aa", "#ce7f00", "#254a40", "#498d7b", "#03317e", "#3d3c3f","#03317e", "#BED5B9", "#F8D5B1"]; var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart_count_' + 9121)); chart.draw(countView, { colors: colors, height: 400, fontName: 'DIN', title: 'Vendors System Share', is3D: true, } ); var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart_rmax_' + 9121)); chart.draw(rmaxView, { colors: colors, height: 400, fontName: 'DIN', title: 'Vendors Performance Share', is3D: true, } ); } </script> <div id="chart_count_9121"></div><div id="chart_rmax_9121"></div> <script type='text/javascript'> google.load("visualization", "1.0", {packages:["geomap", "table","corechart"]}); </script> <script type='text/javascript'> google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawVisualization); function drawChart() { var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable(); dataTable.addColumn('string', 'Country'); dataTable.addColumn('number', 'Count'); dataTable.addRows([ ['United States', 173],['China', 63],['Germany', 40],['Japan', 34],['France', 24],['Italy', 14],['United Kingdom', 14],['South Korea', 13],['Netherlands', 10],['Canada', 9],['Brazil', 9],['Poland', 8],['Sweden', 8],['Taiwan', 7],['Saudi Arabia', 7],['Russia', 6],['India', 6],['Norway', 6],['Switzerland', 5],['Australia', 4],['Singapore', 4],['Ireland', 4],['Spain', 3],['Czechia', 3],['Finland', 3],['Austria', 3],['United Arab Emirates', 3],['Thailand', 2],['Slovenia', 2],['Bulgaria', 2],['Turkey', 2],['Israel', 1],['Hungary', 1],['Iceland', 1],['Luxembourg', 1],['Morocco', 1],['Belgium', 1],['Argentina', 1],['Denmark', 1],['Portugal', 1],['Others', 106], ]); var options = { dataMode: 'regions', width: '760px', is3D: true, }; var container = document.getElementById('map_div'); var geomap = new google.visualization.GeoMap(container); geomap.draw(dataTable, options); } _printf = function () { var num = arguments.length; var oStr = arguments[0]; for (var i = 1; i < num; i++) { var pattern = "\\{" + (i - 1) + "\\}"; var re = new RegExp(pattern, "g"); oStr = oStr.replace(re, arguments[i]); } return oStr; } function drawVisualization() { // Create and populate the data table. var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'ID'); data.addColumn('string', 'Countries'); data.addColumn('number', 'Count'); data.addColumn('number', 'System Share (%)'); data.addColumn('number', 'Rmax (GFlops)'); data.addColumn('number', 'Rpeak (GFlops)'); data.addColumn('number', 'Cores'); data.addRows([ ["US", "United States", 173, 173 / 5, 6477869130, 10267226568, 56856656 ],["CN", "China", 63, 63 / 5, 319062154, 548507445, 20121848 ],["DE", "Germany", 40, 40 / 5, 399727830, 577160600, 4736708 ],["JP", "Japan", 34, 34 / 5, 940710340, 1249016118, 11736944 ],["FR", "France", 24, 24 / 5, 298085500, 431753642, 4500728 ],["IT", "Italy", 14, 14 / 5, 849088330, 1097238408, 7314432 ],["GB", "United Kingdom", 14, 14 / 5, 84813684, 142257324, 1970096 ],["KR", "South Korea", 13, 13 / 5, 213090900, 286331880, 2438772 ],["NL", "Netherlands", 10, 10 / 5, 98363520, 169511060, 899488 ],["CA", "Canada", 9, 9 / 5, 38930360, 64416745, 773504 ],["BR", "Brazil", 9, 9 / 5, 67911650, 122168142, 874720 ],["PL", "Poland", 8, 8 / 5, 65751460, 104597510, 438944 ],["SE", "Sweden", 8, 8 / 5, 63026910, 89826926, 472960 ],["TW", "Taiwan", 7, 7 / 5, 103540520, 151123540, 712336 ],["SA", "Saudi Arabia", 7, 7 / 5, 96035670, 153436040, 2488692 ],["RU", "Russia", 6, 6 / 5, 71457000, 98725620, 721488 ],["IN", "India", 6, 6 / 5, 29411690, 38541096, 785400 ],["NO", "Norway", 6, 6 / 5, 23356010, 37344110, 492448 ],["CH", "Switzerland", 5, 5 / 5, 473517040, 632909620, 2732832 ],["AU", "Australia", 4, 4 / 5, 55227310, 73106095, 496032 ],["SG", "Singapore", 4, 4 / 5, 23237830, 37512610, 280832 ],["IE", "Ireland", 4, 4 / 5, 11394210, 22450170, 290560 ],["ES", "Spain", 3, 3 / 5, 221872600, 306102991, 1542016 ],["CZ", "Czechia", 3, 3 / 5, 17991180, 21784990, 360192 ],["FI", "Finland", 3, 3 / 5, 391388310, 546192585, 3116992 ],["AT", "Austria", 3, 3 / 5, 29258378, 44329088, 294432 ],["AE", "United Arab Emirates", 3, 3 / 5, 68161000, 102605583, 332960 ],["TH", "Thailand", 2, 2 / 5, 21996000, 35449860, 134656 ],["SI", "Slovenia", 2, 2 / 5, 6918000, 10047000, 156480 ],["BG", "Bulgaria", 2, 2 / 5, 7044870, 9154160, 164224 ],["TR", "Turkey", 2, 2 / 5, 7366290, 10100610, 69760 ],["IL", "Israel", 1, 1 / 5, 41500000, 52679020, 74880 ],["HU", "Hungary", 1, 1 / 5, 3105000, 4508490, 27776 ],["IS", "Iceland", 1, 1 / 5, 10530000, 17015380, 36208 ],["LU", "Luxembourg", 1, 1 / 5, 10520000, 15288000, 99200 ],["MA", "Morocco", 1, 1 / 5, 3158110, 5014730, 71232 ],["BE", "Belgium", 1, 1 / 5, 2776000, 3966560, 23200 ],["AR", "Argentina", 1, 1 / 5, 5390150, 12582910, 43008 ],["DK", "Denmark", 1, 1 / 5, 66590000, 100629630, 223088 ],["PT", "Portugal", 1, 1 / 5, 3955500, 5013500, 78336 ],["0", "Others", 106, 106 / 5, 2003388688, 0, 0 ], ]); var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({ groupingSymbol: ",", fractionDigits: 0}); formatter.format(data, 5); formatter.format(data, 4); formatter.format(data, 6); // Create and draw the visualization. var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data); view.setColumns([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); if (data.getNumberOfRows() > 12) { view.hideRows([data.getNumberOfRows() - 1]) } var countView = new google.visualization.DataView(data); countView.setColumns([1, 2]); if (data.getNumberOfRows() > 12) { countView.setRows([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, data.getNumberOfRows() - 1]); } var rmaxView = new google.visualization.DataView(data); rmaxView.setColumns([1, 4]); if (data.getNumberOfRows() > 12) { rmaxView.setRows([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, data.getNumberOfRows() - 1]); } var colors = ["#207e27", "#ba7301", "#b1b3b4", "#004578", "#0285aa", "#ce7f00", "#254a40", "#498d7b", "#03317e", "#3d3c3f","#03317e", "#BED5B9", "#F8D5B1"]; var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart_count_' + 9122)); chart.draw(countView, { colors: colors, height: 400, fontName: 'DIN', title: 'Countries System Share', is3D: true, } ); var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart_rmax_' + 9122)); chart.draw(rmaxView, { colors: colors, height: 400, fontName: 'DIN', title: 'Countries Performance Share', is3D: true, } ); } </script> <div id="chart_count_9122"></div><div id="chart_rmax_9122"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- --> </div> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-3 col-lg-3"> <div id="right" style="width: 250px;"> <ul class="kachel-nav "> <li><a class="top500" title="TOP500" href="/">TOP500</a></li> <li><a class="list" title="Current List" href="/lists/top500/2024/11"><h1>Current List</h1></a></li> <li><a class="anniv" title="25 Year Anniversary" href="/25years"><h1>25 Year Anniversary</h1></a></li> <li><a class="newsletter" title="Newsletter" href=""><h1>Newsletter Signup</h1></a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; 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