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THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET OUT THE BASIS UPON WHICH YOU ARE ENTITLED TO ACCESS AND USE THE WEBSITE&nbsp; <a href="/">WWW.CVRT.IE</a>&nbsp;(THE “SITE”). </p> <h3>Use of this Site</h3> <p>All material included on this Site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips and software is the property of the Road Safety Authority (the “RSA”, “we” “us” or “our”) or our licensors and is protected by applicable copyright and/or other intellectual property laws. <br>&nbsp; <br>You acknowledge that you are only permitted to use any material included on this Site as authorised by the RSA and you further agree not to copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute or create derivative works of such material without the prior written authorisation of the RSA. You may not, without our prior written consent, copy, download, reproduce, republish, transmit or otherwise deal with such material in any way except for your own personal non-commercial use.</p> <p>These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with, the laws of Ireland and hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish Courts for the resolution of any claim or dispute arising out of, or in connection with, these Terms and Conditions and/or this Site. <br>&nbsp; <br>The RSA reserves the right to update or alter the information on this Site (including these Terms and Conditions) at any time without notice. The RSA accepts no responsibility for, or obligation relating to, keeping the information in this Site up to date or liability for any failure to do so. In addition, by using this Site, you agree that you are subject to any policies or rules applicable to the Site, which may be posted by the RSA on the Site from time to time. <br>&nbsp; <br>Temporary interruptions in the availability of this Site may occur from time to time. In addition, the RSA may modify, suspend or discontinue this Site at any time with or without notice to you. The RSA is not liable in any way in respect of any such interruption, modification, suspension or discontinuance. <br>&nbsp; <br>You shall, at your own expense, provide and maintain facilities for gaining access to this Site and for viewing information that may be transmitted via email to the email address supplied by you. The RSA is not liable in any way due to any failures in email transmissions.</p> <h3>Privacy</h3> <p>Operators registering for a CVRT Online Account on this Site as either a Sole Trader, Partnership, or Private Individual are required to provide their PPS Number to verify their identity. This verification of operator identity provides a level of security to prevent false registrations. The RSA is registered with the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner and strict policies and controls are in place to ensure that the PPS Number is securely kept and is only used in connection with the purpose for which it was collected. <br> <br>The Privacy Policy for this Site can be accessed via the following link: <br> <br> <a href="/en-US/Privacy-Policy/">​</a> </p> <h3>HCV/LCV Test Booking Requests</h3> <p>This Site facilitates the submission of booking requests for commercial vehicle tests. A booking request submitted via this Site does not constitute a confirmed booking. A booking request will not result in a booking unless and until the selected Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness (CVR) test centre operator confirms the booking to the person who submitted the request via this Site. If a test is booked via this Site, this will give rise to a transaction between you and the selected test centre. Although this Site may be used as a mechanism for booking a test and, in some cases, for paying test fees, the RSA is not a party to the transaction between you and the test centre. <br>&nbsp; <br>If your vehicle is required to have a Certificate of Roadworthiness (“CRW”), then submitting a booking request for a CVR test or indeed having a confirmed booking for a test is not a substitute for having a CRW. It is the responsibility of the registered owner of the vehicle to ensure that it is covered by a current CRW at all times. <br> <br>To submit a booking request for a CVR test via this Site you will be required to provide certain personal, vehicle and payment details (if the selected test centre accepts online payments). Any information that you provide must be fully complete and accurate. You must ensure that you are entitled to use any credit/debit card and that sufficient funds are available to cover any charges incurred by you. <br>&nbsp; <br>A single booking request can cover CVR tests for up to a maximum of 5 vehicles. Payments for bookings can be made via this Site if the selected test centre has chosen to accept online payments made via this Site. Otherwise, test payments must be made at the time of test. Should your booking request cover more than one vehicle to be tested at more than one test centre, then test fee payments cannot be made via this Site and all test fees must be paid at the time of test at the particular test centre. <br>&nbsp; <br>It is your responsibility to ensure that you have all the necessary documentation for the purposes of making a booking request for a CVR test or any subsequent changes or cancellations to a booking request, making associated payments and having a vehicle tested.</p> <h3>Issuing of Certificate of Roadworthiness</h3> <p>If a vehicle successfully passes the CVR test and complies with the associated business rules, then a CRW will be issued to the registered owner of the vehicle, as per the National Vehicle and Driver File hosted by DVCSD in Shannon. If the registered owner of your vehicle is incorrect, you should contact your local motor tax office.</p> <h3>Failing a Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Test</h3> <p>Any vehicle that fails the CVR test will be issued a test report indicating the items which caused the vehicle to fail the test. A CRW will not be issued. The vehicle must be presented for a re-test within 21 days to the same test centre of the failed test and have travelled less than 4000kms since the test. Should any one or more of these re-test conditions not be met, it will be necessary to re-submit the vehicle for a full test, at the vehicle operator/owner’s expense.</p> <h3>Replacement Certificate of Roadworthiness</h3> <p>Applications may be made for a replacement CRW if a vehicle has a valid and current CRW which has been lost, stolen or damaged. As part of the application you will need to indicate whether the original was lost, stolen or damaged. An application for a replacement CRW must be completed and stamped at a Garda station (whether you intend to submit it manually or online). Only when the completed form is returned to the RSA and the applicable fee is paid will a replacement CRW be issued to the registered owner of the vehicle.</p> <h3>Commercial Vehicle Operator Risk Indicator (CVORI)&nbsp;</h3> <p><strong>What are your risk ratings used for and who will have access to them?&nbsp;</strong> <br>Your risk ratings, and any information contained in them, are a tool used to assist in targeting of enforcement. They are used only as a guide to assist the RSA in directing it’s limited enforcement resources more effectively and efficiently at those Operators who may have a higher likelihood of being non-compliant and there fore pose a greater risk to road safety.&nbsp; <br> <br>Any information contained or displayed on your risk ratings are not evidence of, or relevant to, any other purpose <br> <br>Your risk rating information is personal to you as an Operator and is only used by the RSA for the purposes set out in the current legal framework. This framework relates only to the use of risk ratings in terms of frequency of inspections and to assist in targeting of enforcement.&nbsp;</p> <h3>Communications</h3> <p>Communications with users in relation to applications made on this Site and booking facilities will be made via any method of communication for which a user has provided their contact details such as, for example, by email, post or by phone.</p> <h3>Fees and Payments</h3> <p>The fees for CVR tests vary depending on the type of vehicle to be tested. The RSA reserves the right to change these fees from time to time. <br>The fee for a CVR test is payable to the selected test centre. If the selected test centre has chosen to accept online payments, then the fee can be paid via this Site when submitting a booking request by using a valid credit/debit card. <br>If the selected test centre has not chosen to accept payments made via this Site, then the CVR test fee must be paid at the time of the test. <br>CVR Test Refunds <br>If you wish to be refunded any pre-paid CVR test fee, whether because you wish to cancel a CVR test booking in advance, or because you failed to present a vehicle for CVR testing at the time of your booking, you should contact the relevant test centre. It is a matter for each test centre to determine its own policy regarding refunds. Since the RSA is not a party to any transaction between you and a test centre, the RSA has no liability whatsoever regarding test bookings, cancellations or refunds.</p> <h3>Security</h3> <p>To ensure the security of your credit/debit card, information which you may enter on this Site, we use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. This is an industry standard technology designed to prevent information in transit over the internet from being intercepted. Your credit/debit card information is not retained on this Site; rather it is securely transferred to Realex Payments, a secure online payments provider. We retain the right to enhance, amend and update our security procedures at any time without notice. <br>Notwithstanding the security measures taken by the RSA, you should be aware that there are certain risks associated with internet communications. You acknowledge that the internet is a media over which we have no control. The RSA is not liable for any loss or damage arising out of payment transactions conducted on this Site.</p> <h3>Complaints</h3> <h2>How to make a complaint</h2> <p>The Road Safety Authority aims to provide a high quality service to the public. Occasionally, however, the public may have cause to complain. <br>One of the ways in which we can continue to improve our service is by listening to and responding to your views. <br>We have tried to make the complaints process as simple as possible. We treat complaints seriously and attempt to deal with them effectively, by:</p> <ul> <li>resolving them promptly;</li> <li>responding in the right way with an explanation or an apology, where we have got things wrong; and</li> <li>providing information on any action taken</li> </ul> <p>We try to learn from complaints and take action to improve our service. <br>Please direct your complaint to: Road Safety Authority, Clonfert House, Bride Street, Loughrea, Co. Galway, for the attention of Manager, CVRT Administration.</p> <h3>Disclaimers</h3> <p>If you transmit any material to the RSA using this Site, the RSA is not responsible for the accuracy, veracity and completeness of same or for any errors in the manner in its input. <br>The content contained on the Site is provided as an information guide only and is not a legal interpretation of the EU or national rules relating to commercial vehicle testing. The content is provided to facilitate the submission of booking requests. The RSA makes no warranty regarding, and shall have no responsibility for, the accuracy, availability, reliability, security, fitness for purpose or performance of this Site or its contents. Except as expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions, all representations, warranties, terms and conditions, whether express or implied, in relation to this Site or the information contained herein are hereby excluded to the greatest extent permitted by law. <br>By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you confirm that the provision by you of any personal data relating to any third party has been included on this Site with the consent of that third party (including but not limited to any third party registered owners of vehicles in your fleet and to the disclosure of information relating to such vehicles, including personal data relating to the registered owner). <br> <br>By submitting an application to the RSA using this Site, you agree:</p> <ul> <li>to comply with all requests or instructions of the RSA and any other competent governmental or regulatory authority in relation to the use of this Site;</li> <li>not to attempt to gain unauthorised access or to interfere with this Site, other users, computer systems or connected networks;</li> <li>not to impersonate any other person or entity; and</li> <li>to notify us immediately of any breach of security or any claim or legal proceedings against you relating to your use of this Site.</li> </ul> <p>The RSA may suspend or terminate your access to this Site wholly or partially without notice for any reasons including, without limitation, where:</p> <ul> <li>you fail to observe or perform any obligations set out in these Terms and Conditions, any relevant law, licence, regulation, directive, code of practice or applicable usage policy;</li> <li>you fail to supply supplementary information promptly;</li> <li>you supply us with false, misleading or inaccurate information at any time; or</li> <li>we suspend or discontinue the Site for any reason.</li> </ul> <p>To the greatest extent permitted by law, the RSA shall not be liable for any loss, damage or liability that you may suffer arising out of or in connection with your use of this Site or otherwise, whether under theories of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise. In no circumstances will the RSA be liable for special, incidental, indirect or economic loss or damage, however it may arise, including as a result of loss of time, loss of savings, loss of data, loss of business, loss of revenue, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill or loss of profits. Without prejudice to the generality of the preceding sentences of this paragraph, the RSA shall not be liable to you in connection with delays, inaccuracies, errors in, or omission of information relating to any online application, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.</p> <h3>Contact</h3> <p><strong>CoVIS Helpdesk</strong> <br> <strong>• Tel: +353 1 963 5149</strong> <br> <strong>• Monday - Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) 7:30 - 18:00 <br> &nbsp; Saturday 8:00 - 12:00 </strong> <br> <strong>• Email:&nbsp;</strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a> </p> </div> </div></div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> <script onerror="javascript:&#32;var&#32;target&#32;=&#32;;&#32;var&#32;script&#32;=&#32;document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;);&#32;script.crossOrigin&#32;=&#32;target.crossOrigin;&#32;script.src&#32;=&#32;&#39;/dist/pcf-loader.bundle-f4a0e619b8.js&#39;;&#32;script.type&#32;=&#32;&#39;text/javascript&#39;;&#32;target.insertAdjacentElement(&#39;afterend&#39;,script);" src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <div id="pp-native-controls-react-root"></div> <script>window._nativeControlConfig = { "publicPath":"", "versions": {"pcf_loader":"0.0.27","pcf_controls":"3.2.6","mf_shared":"0.2.7","host":"0.2.0","data_grid":"1.1.26","controls_fluent_v9":"0.0.30"} }</script> <script defer="defer" src=""></script> <section class="container hidden-print"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="chatIcon" aria-label="chatwindow"> <p style=" font-size: initial !important; 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