The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines | Django

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It鈥檚 free and open source. </p> <dl class="list-features"> <dt><i class="icon icon-bolt"></i> Ridiculously fast.</dt> <dd> <p>Django was designed to help developers take applications from concept to completion as quickly as possible.</p> </dd> <dt><i class="icon icon-lock"></i> Reassuringly secure.</dt> <dd> <p>Django takes security seriously and helps developers avoid many common security mistakes.</p> </dd> <dt><i class="icon icon-dashboard"></i> Exceedingly scalable.</dt> <dd> <p>Some of the busiest sites on the web leverage Django鈥檚 ability to quickly and flexibly scale.</p> </dd> </dl> <a href="" class="cta outline">Learn more about Django</a> </div> <div class="section"> <h2>Join the Community</h2> <div class="community-cta-wrapper"> <a href="" class="community-cta-a"> <div class="community-cta"> <div> <svg xmlns="" height="150" width="150" viewBox="0 0 48 48"><path d="M4 34V6.1q0-.7.65-1.4T6 4h25.95q.75 0 1.4.675Q34 5.35 34 6.1v17.8q0 .7-.65 1.4t-1.4.7H12Zm10.05 2q-.7 0-1.375-.7T12 33.9V29h25V12h5q.7 0 1.45v29.8L36.05 36ZM31 7H7v19.75L10.75 23H31ZM7 7v19.75Z" fill="currentColor"/></svg> </div> <h3>Forum - Post a question</h3> </div> </a> <a href="" class="community-cta-a"> <div class="community-cta"> <div> <svg width="150" height="150" viewBox="0 0 256 293" xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid"><path d="M226.011 0H29.99C13.459 0 0 13.458 0 30.135v197.778c0 16.677 13.458 30.135 29.989 30.135h165.888l-7.754-27.063 18.725 17.408 17.7 16.384L256 292.571V30.135C256 13.458 242.542 0 226.011 0zm-56.466 191.05s-5.266-6.291-9.655-11.85c19.164-5.413 26.478-17.408 26.478-17.408-5.998 3.95-11.703 6.73-16.823 8.63-7.314 3.073-14.336 5.12-21.211 6.291-14.044 2.633-26.917 1.902-37.888-.146-8.339-1.61-15.507-3.95-21.504-6.29-3.365-1.317-7.022-2.926-10.68-4.974-.438-.293-.877-.439-1.316-.732-.292-.146-.439-.292-.585-.438-2.633-1.463-4.096-2.487-4.096-2.487s7.022 11.703 25.6 17.261c-4.388 5.56-9.801 12.142-9.801 12.142-32.33-1.024-44.617-22.235-44.617-22.235 0-47.104 21.065-85.285 21.065-85.285 21.065-15.799 41.106-15.36 41.106-15.36l1.463 1.756C80.75 77.53 68.608 89.088 68.608 89.088s3.218-1.755 8.63-4.242c15.653-6.876 28.088-8.777 33.208-9.216.877-.147 1.609-.293 2.487-.293a123.776 123.776 0 0 1 29.55-.292c13.896 1.609 28.818 5.705 44.031 14.043 0 0-11.556-10.971-36.425-18.578l2.048-2.34s20.041-.44 41.106 15.36c0 0 21.066 38.18 21.066 85.284 0 0-12.435 21.211-44.764 22.235zm-68.023-68.316c-8.338 0-14.92 7.314-14.92 16.237 0 8.924 6.728 16.238 14.92 16.238 8.339 0 14.921-7.314 14.921-16.238.147-8.923-6.582-16.237-14.92-16.237m53.394 0c-8.339 0-14.922 7.314-14.922 16.237 0 8.924 6.73 16.238 14.922 16.238 8.338 0 14.92-7.314 14.92-16.238 0-8.923-6.582-16.237-14.92-16.237" fill="currentColor"/></svg> </div> <h3>Discord - Chat with us</h3> </div> </a> </div> </div> <!-- END #content-secondary --> <a href="#top" class="backtotop"><i class="icon icon-chevron-up"></i> Back to Top</a> </main> <h2 class="visuallyhidden" id="aside-header">Additional Information</h2> <div role="complementary"> <h2 class="visuallyhidden" id="aside-header">Additional Information</h2> <a href="" class="cta"> Download <em>latest release: 5.1.7</em> </a> <a href="" class="link-readmore">Django documentation</a> <div class="fundraising-sidebar"> <h3>Support Django!</h3> <div class="small-heart"> <img src="" alt="Support Django!" /> </div> <div class="small-cta"> <ul class="list-links-small"> <li><a href=""> Seward Law Office, P.A. donated to the Django Software Foundation to support Django development. 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Find out more about one of Django's long-standing Django developer.</p> <span class="meta"> Posted by <strong>Sarah Abderemane</strong> on March 14, 2025 </span> </li> <li> <h4> <a href="">Accessibility and inclusivity at FOSDEM 2025</a> </h4> <p>For this year鈥檚 FOSDEM conference, the Django accessibility team organized the "Inclusive Web" track</p> <span class="meta"> Posted by <strong>Thibaud Colas</strong> on March 13, 2025 </span> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="link-readmore">More news</a> <h3>New to Django?</h3> <ul class="list-links-small docs-list"> <li><a href="">Installation guide</a></li> <li><a href="">Write your first Django app</a></li> </ul> <a href="" class="link-readmore">Getting started with Django</a> <h3>The power of Django</h3> <ul class="list-links-small docs-list"> <li><a href="">Object-relational mapper</a></li> <li><a href="">Automatic admin interface</a></li> <li><a href="">Robust template system</a></li> <li><a href="">Quick internationalization</a></li> </ul> 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