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The captain was the company's commander in chief and carried out in its territory military, administrative, fiscal, and judicial functions similar to those performed by the <a href="">colonel</a> in the <a href="">regiment</a> territory, including keeping peace and public order in the company. He was the head of the company court, which looked into civil and minor criminal matters involving <a href="">Cossacks</a> and sometimes even the civilian population in the company's territory (then representatives of the appropriate estate would be included in the court). In matters of great importance the captain was responsible to the colonel and the regimental administration and sometimes directly to the hetman. Originally the captain was elected by a company council and confirmed by a higher, regimental or hetman, government. But from <a href="">Ivan Mazepa</a>'s hetmancy the captain was usually appointed by the colonel or the hetman himself (from 1715 he was selected from a list of three candidates proposed by the company officers) or, during an interregnum, by the <a href="">General Military Chancellery</a>. After Mazepa's defeat at the <a href="">Battle of Poltava</a> in 1709, <a href="">captains</a> were often appointed by the tsar's government or by the higher Russian administration in <a href="">Hetman</a> Ukraine; sometimes the appointees were from outside the company or were foreigners (<a href="">Wallachians</a>, Serbs, etc) in order to weaken the <a href="">Cossack <I>starshyna</I></a> (officer <a href="">class</a>). After the Hetman state was abolished in 1764, captains were appointed by the <a href="">Little Russian Collegium</a> (actually by its president, Count <a href="">Petr Rumiantsev</a>).</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">Captains sometimes stayed in office for decades or for life and were succeeded usually by their sons or more remote offspring. Thus, the captain's office became a hereditary one, and <a href="">captain</a> ‘dynasties’ sprang up (analogous to <a href="">colonel</a> dynasties): for example, the <a href="">Zabila</a> family of <a href="">Borzna</a> <a href="">company</a> (1652–1783), the Rubets family of Topal company (1669–1782), the <a href="">Mandryka</a> family of Kobyshcha company (1672-1781), the Shramchenko family of Olyshivka company (1680–1773), the <a href="">Storozhenko</a> family of <a href="">Ichnia</a> company (1687–1752), the <a href="">Seletsky</a> family of Divytsia company (1694–1767), and the <a href="">Rodzianko</a> family of <a href="">Khorol</a> company (1701–67).</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">The town or <a href="">company</a> <a href="">otaman</a> was the captain's lieutenant and assisted the <a href="">captain</a> in running the company chancery, supervised the police, and acted as the captain's assistant during campaigns. The company secretary supervised the company chancery. The company <a href="">aide-de-camp</a> and flag-bearer had their specific military and administrative functions. The company officers were usually appointed by the <a href="">colonel</a>.</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">The imperial Russian government abolished the <!--2302L-->company <!--2302L-->system in the <a href="">Hetman state</a> in the early 1780s and in <a href="">Slobidska Ukraine</a> in 1765.</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">BIBLIOGRAPHY<BR>Gajecky, G. <I>The <a href="">Cossack</a> Administration of the Hetmanate,</I> 2 vols (Cambridge, Mass 1978)</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand" style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">[This article originally appeared in the <I>Encyclopedia of Ukraine</I>, vol. 1 (1984).]</P> <BR> <CENTER> <P class="padingHistoryLand"></P> </CENTER> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <!--PICTURES BOTTOM START --> <div class="bg9 marginbottom tc"> <!--END_____Pictures Bottom___--> <!--Pictures Bottom End--> <!--Related links LLLL--> <div class="dr20 tc marginZero TotalWidth"> <A name="linksaddress"> </A> <BR> <HR class="marginZero"> <H2 class="tc mb b rozmiar50"><!--googleoff: index-->List of related links from Encyclopedia of Ukraine pointing to <span class="FontDarkBlue b "> Company system</span> entry:<!--googleon: index--> <BR> </H2> <Div> <label for="groovybtn1" class="visuallyhidden">1 Companies</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn1" name="groovybtn1" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 1 Companies " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn2" class="visuallyhidden">2 Company</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn2" name="groovybtn2" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 2 Company " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn3" class="visuallyhidden">3 County</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn3" name="groovybtn3" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 3 County " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn4" class="visuallyhidden">4 Fellow of the banner</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn4" name="groovybtn4" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 4 Fellow of the banner " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn5" class="visuallyhidden">5 Hetman state</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn5" name="groovybtn5" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 5 Hetman state " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn6" class="visuallyhidden">6 Regiment</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn6" name="groovybtn6" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 6 Regiment " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn7" class="visuallyhidden">7 Regimental system</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn7" name="groovybtn7" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 7 Regimental system " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn8" class="visuallyhidden">8 Storozhenko</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn8" name="groovybtn8" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 8 Storozhenko " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> </Div> <BR> <P class="tc"> <form name="bbback" action="self"> <!--BR--> </form> <p class="tc b"><!--googleoff: index-->A referral to this page is found in 8 entries.<!--googleon: index--></p> <BR> </DIV> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=" bg8 tc marginZero FontWhite FontVerdana" aria-label="local"> <br> Click Home to get to the IEU Home page; to contact the IEU editors click Contact.<br> To learn more about IEU click About IEU and to view the list of donors and to become an IEU supporter click Donors. &nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> <ul class="marginZero" role="navigaton"> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="IEU Home Web Page" target="_blank">Home</a></li> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="Contact IEU Staff" target="_blank">Contact</a></li> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="Information about IEU" target="_blank">About IEU</a></li> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="Donors web page" target="_blank">Donors</a></li> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="Donors Web page">Donate to IEU</a></li> </ul> &nbsp;<br> <span class="FontSizeSmall" > &#169;2001 All Rights Reserved. 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