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In cases where the reports are found to be false or could potentially infringe on the honor or reputation of others, the ombudsman can recommend corrections to the newspaper. Additionally, they may suggest issuing corrections, publishing rebuttal reports, or compensating for damages. </div> <div class="ombuds_man_person"> <img src="//" alt=""> <div class="ombuds_man_person_name">Ombudsman : Seo Sang-beom</div> </div> <!--div class="ombuds_man"> 고충처리인 : 신창훈<br> (現 헤럴드 기획조정실장)<br><br>- 2015년 소비자경제섹션 에디터<br> - 2016년 디지털서비스본부장<br> - 2019년 기획조정실장 </div--> </div> <div class="info_title" id="Ombuds2">Complaints procedure and processing</div> <div class="ombuds"> <div class="ombuds_sub_title">Complaints procedure</div> <div class="provision"> Complaints can be filed within 60 days of the publishing of the article through fax, mail or email. </div> <div class="ombuds_man"> Address : Huam-ro 4-gil 10, Yongsan-gu,Seoul, Korea<br> Tel : +82-2-727-0182,0255<br> Fax : +82-2-727-0679<br> Email : </div> <div class="ombuds_sub_title">Complaints processing</div> <ul class="ombuds_step_li"> <li> <a href="" class="ombuds_step_li_tb"> <div class="ombuds_step_li_tc ombuds_step_li_tc1">01.</div> <div class="ombuds_step_li_tc ombuds_step_li_tc2"> Download form <svg viewBox="0 0 100 120"> <path d="M88.72,91.58v14.29H11.28V91.58H0v25.56h100V91.58H88.72z M87.6,53.61l-7.98-7.97L55.64,69.62V2.86H44.36v66.76 L20.38,45.63l-7.98,7.97L50,91.21L87.6,53.61z"/> </svg> </div> </a> </li> <li> <div class="ombuds_step_li_tb"> <div class="ombuds_step_li_tc ombuds_step_li_tc1">02.</div> <div class="ombuds_step_li_tc ombuds_step_li_tc2"> File complaint<span>(Mail, fax, Email)</span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="ombuds_step_li_tb"> <div class="ombuds_step_li_tc ombuds_step_li_tc1">03.</div> <div class="ombuds_step_li_tc ombuds_step_li_tc2"> Internal review<span>(Ombudsman, internal and external advisors)</span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="ombuds_step_li_tb"> <div class="ombuds_step_li_tc ombuds_step_li_tc1">04.</div> <div class="ombuds_step_li_tc ombuds_step_li_tc2"> Review </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="info_title" id="Ombuds3">Ombudsman Operating Regulations</div> <ul class="info"> <li class="info_sec"> <div class="provision info_sec_provision"> Article 1 (Purpose)<br> The purpose of these regulations is to define the selection, authority, and duties of the ombudsman within the company in order to prevent and remedy damages relating to media reports.<br> <br> Article 2 (Authority and Duties)<br> The authority and duties of the ombudsman are as follows:<br> 1) Investigate acts of infringement by the media.<br> 2) Recommend corrective actions for media reports that are false or infringe on the reputation or other legal rights of others.<br> 3) Recommend correction reports, rebuttal reports, or compensation for damages in response to grievances from victims requiring redress.<br> 4) Provide consultation on matters related to the protection of readers' rights and the remedy of infringements.<br> <br> Article 3 (Term and Compensation)<br> 1) The term of office for the ombudsman is 1 year, and they may be reappointed.<br> 2) If the ombudsman resigns before the end of their term, a successor must be appointed within 30 days.<br> 3) Compensation for the Grievance Mediator is determined in accordance with the company's salary regulations. If an external individual is appointed, compensation is separately agreed upon by the company and the ombudsman. Additionally, if deemed necessary for the performance of duties, expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with company policies.<br> <br> Article 4 (Status and Position)<br> 1) The ombudsman holds the authority to investigate media infringement resulting from news reports, recommend corrections, and suggest remedies for the grievances of victims.<br> 2) The company shall ensure the ombudsman’s autonomous activities and, barring exceptional circumstances, strive to accept their recommendations and proposals.<br> <br> Article 5 (Activities of the ombudsman)<br> 1) If a matter requiring a recommendation for corrective action related to news coverage, or if compensation is needed for a grievance case arises, the ombudsman shall submit a written opinion to the CEO outlining the reasons, the recommended corrective action, and the extent of compensation.<br> 2) The ombudsman may request necessary materials from the relevant department heads to perform their duties, and the relevant department heads must actively cooperate.<br> <br> Article 6 (Publication of Operating Regulations and Activities)<br> The operating regulations and activities of the ombudsman shall be published in periodicals issued by the Herald or through the internet homepage.<br> <br> Article 7 (Effective Date)<br> These regulations shall take effect on August 1, 2006.<br> <br> Article 8 (Changes to Member Information)<br> If a member’s information, provided during the application process, changes, the member must update it online. The responsibility for any issues arising from failure to update the information lies with the member.<br> </div> </li> <li class="info_sec info_sec_ombuds"> <div class="info_intype_bg"> <div class="info_text info_text_btn2"> Obudsman report (2022) <a href="" class="info_sec_btn1">Download</a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="info_sec info_sec_ombuds"> <div class="info_intype_bg"> <div class="info_text info_text_btn2"> Obudsman report (2021) <a href="" class="info_sec_btn1">Download</a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="info_sec info_sec_ombuds"> <div class="info_intype_bg"> <div class="info_text info_text_btn2"> Obudsman report (2020) <a href="" class="info_sec_btn1">Download</a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="info_sec info_sec_ombuds"> <div class="info_intype_bg"> <div class="info_text info_text_btn2"> Obudsman report (2019) <a href="" class="info_sec_btn1">Download</a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="info_sec info_sec_ombuds"> <div class="info_intype_bg"> <div class="info_text info_text_btn2"> Obudsman report (2006 ~ 2018) <a href="" class="info_sec_btn1">Download</a> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <!--// content--><script type="text/javascript"> <!-- $(".provision_li_ombuds").children().click(function(){ $(this).addClass("on"); $(this).siblings().removeClass("on"); }); //--> </script> <div class="subs_detail" id="leave_layer" style="display:none;"> <div class="subs_detail_title">Guidelines on canceling your Herald membership</div> <a href="javascript:leave_layer_close();" class="subs_detail_close"> <svg viewBox="0 0 40 40"> <polygon class="st0" points="38.5,3.7 36.3,1.5 20,17.9 3.7,1.5 1.5,3.7 17.9,20 1.5,36.3 3.7,38.5 20,22.1 36.3,38.5 38.5,36.3 22.1,20 "/> </svg> </a> <div class="sub_provision"> If you cancel your membership, your email information will be immediately withdrawn. The email will be permanently suspended, so re-registering with the email will not be possible.<br><br> If you cancel your membership, you cannot re-register for 7 days.<br><br> If you cancel your Herald membership, the affiliate service will also be terminated.<br><br> E-commerce information, such as personal information, transaction contract, and account balance, will be kept for the period specified in the separately paid terms for returns, refunds, and cancellation of sales. </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function leave_layer_open(){ $("#leave_layer").toggle(); $('body').append('<div id="mask"></div>'); $('#mask').fadeIn(100); return false; } function leave_layer_close(){ $('#mask, #leave_layer').fadeOut(100, function(){ $('#mask').remove(); }); } </script><div class="subs_detail" id="terms_layer" style="display:none;"> <div class="subs_detail_title">Terms of use</div> <a href="javascript:terms_layer_close();" class="subs_detail_close"> <svg viewBox="0 0 40 40"> <polygon class="st0" points="38.5,3.7 36.3,1.5 20,17.9 3.7,1.5 1.5,3.7 17.9,20 1.5,36.3 3.7,38.5 20,22.1 36.3,38.5 38.5,36.3 22.1,20 "/> </svg> </a> <ul class="provision_li" id="terms_menu" style="margin:20px auto 30px"> <li><a href="javascript:terms_select(0);">USER<br>AGREEMENT</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:terms_select(1);">PRIVACY<br>STATEMENT</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:terms_select(2);">YOUTH<br>PROTECTION POLICY</a></li> </ul> <div class="sub_provision"> <div id="terms0" class="provision"> <b>[Section 1 General Provisions]</b><br><br> <b>Article 1 (Purpose of Agreement)</b> <br> These Terms and all other legal notices, statements or terms and conditions posted or made available to he/she on the Services constitute the entire agreement between Herald Corporation (hereinafter ‘the Company’) and the registered users (hereinafter ‘the Member’). <br> ㈜헤럴드(Herald Corporation) pertains to Herald, Herald 경제, The Korea Herald, Herald Pop, RealFood, Herald Design, Herald Eco, KESC. <br><br> <b>Article 2 (Effectiveness and Modification of These Terms and Conditions of Use)</b><br><br> 1) These Terms and Conditions will take effect upon being posted on the initial screen, or on notification to the Member via email, etc.<br><br> 2) The Company reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions from time to time to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws and regulations. In the case of any amendment to this Terms and Conditions, the Company will notify the Member 15 days prior to the effective date, and 30 days prior if the amendment is unfavorable to the users. <br><br> 3) Under Article 2, if the Company notifies the Member of a change to the terms and conditions by the date of application of the change of the terms and conditions, and if the Member does not explicitly indicate that he/she does not agree to the change of the terms and conditions, it will be taken as the Member agrees. If the Member does not agree to the new terms and conditions, he or she can stop using the service and terminate the contract.<br><br> <b>Article 3 (Rules Other Than These Terms and Conditions of Use)</b><br><br> 1) Matters not mentioned in these Terms and Conditions may be applied in accordance with the provisions of the Electronic Communication Fundamental Law, TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUSINESS ACT, and other relevant laws.<br><br> 2) These terms and conditions apply together with instructions on the use of individual services provided by the Company.<br><br> <b>[Section 2 Provision and Use of Services]</b><br><br> <b>Article 4 (Implementation of the User Agreement)</b><br><br> 1) To become a Member of Herald Corp., he/she has to first view the agreement, then click the "Agree" button, which will be taken as that he/she consents to the agreement.<br><br> 2) The service contract is established when the Company approves the Membership application he/she submitted with their agreement to the terms and conditions.<br><br> 3) If the Member does not agree to the changed terms and conditions, he/she can stop using the service and withdraw. If the service continues to be used even after the terms and conditions have been changed and the changes have become effective under Article 2, the Member shall be deemed to have agreed to the change in the terms and conditions.<br><br> 4) The Company agrees with the application for membership by the applicant as prescribed in Article 7. However, if the applicant for membership has previously lost his/her membership under Article 10 of this Agreement, the Company is not recognized as having agreed, even if there is no explicit refusal by the Company. However, a person may rejoin the membership if seven days have passed since losing his/her membership under Article 10, provided that consent is given by the Company.<br><br> 5) The Company may divide the Members by level according to the Company policy and the hours of use, frequency of use, service menu, etc. to make a difference in service.<br><br> <b>Article 5 (Modification and Termination of Services)</b><br><br> 1) The Member may ask the Company to cancel his/her membership (withdrawal) at any time, and the Company will take steps to cancel the Member's membership upon receiving such a request. However, the Member who applied for the cancellation process can proceed with the cancellation process only after the agreeing to the process for cancellation.<br><br> 2) The Company may restrict, suspend, or disqualify the membership of the Member in an appropriate manner on any of the following grounds.<br> ① Where false information is submitted, or another person's information is used at the time of applying for membership;<br> ② Threats to the electronic transaction order, such as obstructing another person's use of Company services or stealing information;<br> ③ Violation of laws and regulations<br> ④ Where registration is made for the purpose of hindering the well-being, order, and good manners of society;<br> ⑤ Where the Company determines that it is no longer possible to maintain the qualifications of the Member because he/she has conducted an act equivalent to the above acts or an act prescribed in Article 20 paragraph (2)<br><br> 3) If the Company decides to disqualify the membership of the Member pursuant to paragraph (2), the registration of the Member shall be, ex officio, canceled.<br><br> <b>Article 6 (Application for Use)</b><br><br> 1) In order to use the service, he/she must provide the information required by the prescribed application form.<br><br> 2) All Member information written on the application form is considered to be true information. Users who do not enter their real name or true information are not legally protected and may be subject to service restrictions.<br><br> <b>Article 7 (Acceptance of Application for Use)</b><br><br> 1) The Company accepts the application for use of the service unless it violates the provisions of Articles 5 and 6.<br><br> 2) The Company may withhold its consent until the reason is resolved if:<br> ① If there is no room for service-related facilities<br> ② In the event of technical disruptions<br> ③ Where a certain period of time has not elapsed since the termination of the subscription;<br> ④ Other cases the Company deems necessary;<br><br> 3) The Company may not accept membership if:<br> ① If the information submitted is not his/her information (if he/she has applied in the name or alias of another person)<br> ② Where an application for use is made by falsely stating the necessary details;<br> ③ Where an application is filed for the purpose of hindering the order of well-being or good manners of society;<br> ④ Where the requirements for application for use set by the Company are not met;<br> ⑤ If he/she applies with a username containing suggestive or obscene language,<br> ⑥ When applying with a username that is anti-social and violates relevant laws and regulations,<br> ⑦ If he/she applies with a username that is considered an obscenity or slang,<br> ⑧ Where a child under the age of 14 does not obtain the consent of his/her legal representative, such as his/her parents;<br><br> 4) The Member can view the information of other Members that has been disclosed, and they can choose to disclose/conceal their information.<br><br> <b>Article 8 (Changes to membership information)</b><br><br>  If the member information entered at the time of registration has changed, the member must update it online. The member is solely responsible for any problems caused by not updating their information. Real name and user ID cannot be modified. <br><br> <b>[Section 3. Obligations and Responsibilities of Contracting Parties]</b><br><br> <b>Article 9 (Obligations of The Company)</b><br><br> 1) The Company shall not divulge, disclose or distribute the personal information of the Member acquired in connection with the provision of the service to other parties without their prior consent, nor shall the Company use it for commercial purposes other than business related to providing the service. Other matters concerning the protection of Members' personal information shall be in accordance with the Information and Communication Network Act and the "Personal Information Protection Act" separately determined by the Company, and exceptions shall be made in the following cases:<br> ① Where there are special provisions in laws such as the Act On Real Name Financial Transactions And Confidentiality and other Confidentiality Acts, the Use and Protection of Credit Information Act, Electronic Communication Fundamental Law, Telecommunications Business Act, Local Tax Law, Act On The Consumer Protection In Electronic Commerce, Bank of Korea Act, Criminal Procedure Act.<br> ② Where a particular individual, provided in an unidentifiable form, is necessary for statistical preparation/academic research or market research;<br> ③ Share some of the information of the Members to business partners and affiliates hosting and sponsoring events for participation in the event and other enhanced services<br> ④ For the provision of goods or services provided by known business partners and affiliates, however, in paragraphs B and C, the Company shall require the business partners and partners not to divulge any Member information to others. Nevertheless, the Company is exempt from liability for disclosure if business partners and affiliates divulge any Member's information to others, unless it is intentional and grossly negligent.<br> 2) Within the scope of paragraph (1), the Company may prepare and use statistical data on the personal information of all or part of the Member in relation to its business and may send cookies to the Member's computer through the service. In this case, the Member can change the settings in the browser on the computer that he/she uses to refuse to receive cookies or warn him/her about receiving cookies.<br><br> 3) The Company may provide service use, various events or information services of the Company to the Members by means of wired and wireless communication such as e-mail, letter mail, SMS, etc. In addition, if he/she indicates that he/she will receive suggestions or information from the Company and its business partners when registering as the Member, he/she will receive information about the Company and its business partners’ services or products via e-mail, letter mail, SMS, etc. If he/she doesn't want to receive this kind of mail or information, he/she can modify his/her information to say that he/she doesn't want to receive mail or information by modifying his/her personal information.<br><br> 4) In principle, the Company shall deal with complaints filed by its Members immediately if it deems them justified. However, if a complaint is difficult to process immediately, the company will notify the Member of the reason and the processing schedule.<br><br> <b>Article 10 (Obligations of The Member)</b><br><br> 1) The Member shall comply with the matters notified by the Company, such as the relevant laws and regulations, provisions of these terms and conditions, instructions and precautions, and shall not engage in any acts that interfere with the Company's business.<br> 2) The Member shall not engage in any profit-making activities using the service without prior consent from the Company. The Member shall not copy, reproduce, alter, translate, publish, broadcast or otherwise use the information obtained using the services without prior consent of the Company or provide it to others.<br> 3) Within the scope of paragraph (1), the Company may create and use statistical data on the personal information of all or part of the Member in relation to its business, and may send cookies to the Member's computer through the service. In this case, the Member can change the settings in the browser on the computer that he/she uses to refuse to receive cookies or warn he/she about receiving cookies.<br> 4) The Member shall acquire portrait rights, trademarks, patents and other rights to the subject when using images including photographs, and the Member shall bear full responsibility in the event of a dispute over these rights.<br> 5) The Member shall not engage in the following acts when using the service:<br> ① Collecting and storing the usernames and personal information of other Members and using them illegally;<br> ② Reproduction of information obtained from services for purposes other than for the use of Members without prior consent of the Company, or use it for modification, publication, broadcasting, etc., or providing it to others;<br> ③ Infringement of the Company's copyright, the copyright of others, etc<br> ④ Distribution of information, sentences, figures, etc. in violation of public order and good manners to others;<br> ⑤ An act that is objectively judged to be associated with a crime<br> ⑥ Defaming or insulting another person<br> ⑦ Hacking or spreading computer viruses<br> ⑧ Transmitting advertisements or any other act for sale<br> ⑨ Any act that may interferes with the stable operation of the service<br> ⑩ Other acts that violate relevant laws and regulations<br> 6) The Member shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations, the service usage guidelines, and the precautions and matters prescribed in these Terms and Conditions,<br> 7) The Member shall comply with the restrictions on use posted by the Company on the service notice or separately announced by the Company.<br> 8) The Member may not engage in any profit-making activities using the Company's prior consent service.<br><br> <b>[Chapter 4 Provision and Use of Services]</b><br><br> <b>Article 11 (Category of Services)</b><br><br> 1) These Terms and Conditions apply by default to all "services" provided by the Company and may be attached to "services" that require separate provisions in other paragraphs.<br> ① Service categories from business partners and affiliates of the Company<br> ② Community Service Categories<br> ③ Tangible/intangible e-commerce categories<br> ④ Additional service categories determined by the Company<br><br> <b>Article 12 (Member's obligation to manage Member usernames (emails) and passwords)</b><br><br> 1) Members are responsible for all administration of usernames (emails) and passwords. The Member is solely responsible for all consequences of the mismanagement of the username and password granted to the Member and the fraudulent use of the password.<br> 2) If his/her username (email) is used illegally or he/she is aware of any other breach of security, he/she must notify the Company.<br><br> <b>Article 13 (Provision of Information)</b><br><br> The Company can provide various necessary and recognized information to the Member while he/she uses the service, by e-mail or letter mail. If the Member does not want to, the Member can refuse to receive information from the registration menu and the Member information modification menu.<br><br> <b>Article 14 (Change of Service)</b><br><br> 1) The Company may, for good reason, alter all or part of the services it is offering, depending on operational and technical needs.<br> 2) If there is a change in the content, usage method, and usage time of the service, the Company shall post the reason for the change, the details of the service to be changed, and the date of provision, etc. on the initial screen of the service before the change.<br> 3) The Company may modify, discontinue, or alter any or all of the services provided free of charge in accordance with the Company's policies and operational needs, and shall not provide any additional compensation to the "Member" unless otherwise provided by the relevant laws.<br><br> <b>Article 15 (Transactions with advertisers)</b><br><br> This website includes services for promotional activities by non-Company advertisers. The Company shall not be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the transaction of the Member in the promotional activities of the advertiser on this website or through this service.<br><br> <b>Article 16 (Posts of the Members)</b><br><br> The Company shall not be responsible for any civil or criminal liability for the content posted, posted, emailed or otherwise transmitted by the Member through this service, and may delete such posts without prior notice if:<br> 1) In the case of slander, infringement of privacy, or slander against another Member or other person;<br> 2) Where there is a risk of disrupting or disrupting the stable operation of the service;<br> 3) Where it is deemed to be related to a criminal act;<br> 4) Where it violates the Company's intellectual property rights, the intellectual property rights of others, etc.<br> 5) If the publishing period stipulated by the Company is exceeded<br> 6) Where it is deemed to be in violation of other relevant laws and regulations;<br><br> <b>Article 17 (Rights and Responsibilities for Posts)</b><br><br> 1) Copyright for all posts on this site belong to the Company.<br> 2) The copyright of work posted by the Member belongs to the Member. However, the Member is deemed to have allowed the Company the right to use it for free.<br> 3) The Company protects the Company's posts, and they are prohibited from being used or quoted by others on other sites without the Company's permission.<br><br> <b>Article 18 (Service hours)</b><br><br> 1) The service is available 24 hours a day unless the Company has technical or duty-related difficulties or other reasons. If it is necessary for the Company to inspect facilities, or if the service is disrupted due to force majeure such as equipment failure or service congestion, all or part of the service use may be restricted.<br> 2) The Company may separately set hours of service use for some of the services provided, and in such cases, the hours of use shall be announced or notified to the Member in advance.<br><br> <b>Article 19 (Responsibility for Service Use)</b><br><br> Members are not allowed to engage in business activities to sell illegal products using the service, especially hacking, money-making advertisements, commercial activities through pornographic sites, and illegal distribution of commercial software. The Company is not responsible for any civil or criminal liability arising in violation of this.<br><br> <b>Article 20 (Restriction and suspension of services)</b><br><br> 1) The Company may restrict or suspend all or part of its services in the event of a war, event, natural disaster, or equivalent national emergency, or any other force majeure, such as the suspension of telecommunications services by a key carrier under the Telecommunications Business Act.<br> 2) When the Company restricts or suspends the use of the service pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), it shall notify the Member of the reason and the period of limitation.<br><br> <b>[Chapter 5. Etc.]</b><br><br> <b>Article 21 (Termination of contract and restriction of use)</b><br><br> 1) When the Member wants to terminate the contract, the Member him/herself must apply for termination to the Company.<br> 2) The Company may terminate the use contract without prior notice or suspend the use of the service for a fixed period if the Member commits the following acts:<br> ① Stealing another person's personal information or service username (email) and password;<br> ② Intentionally interfering with the operation of the service<br> ③ In the case of deliberately disseminating information that hinders public order and good manners;<br> ④ Using services for the purpose of hindering the national or social public interest;<br> ⑤ Damaging the reputation of another person;<br> ⑥ Transmitting large amounts of information or advertising information to disrupt the stable operation of the service<br> ⑦ Distributing computer viruses, etc. that causes malfunction of information and communication facilities or destruction of information, etc. <br> ⑧ Infringement of intellectual property rights of the Company, other Members or others;<br> ⑨ Where there is a request for correction by an external agency, such as the Information and Communication Ethics Committee, or the National Election Commission has obtained an authoritative interpretation in connection with illegal election campaigns;<br> ⑩ Illegally using another person's personal information, Member username (email), and password;<br> ⑪ Reproduction, distribution, or commercial use of information obtained using the Company's service information without prior consent from the Company;<br> ⑫ Posting obscene materials on his/her website and bulletin board or links to pornographic sites;<br> ⑬ Violating the terms of use and related laws and regulations prescribed by other companies, including these Terms and Conditions;<br><br> <b>Article 22 (Compensation for damages)</b><br><br> The Company shall not be liable for damages incurred to the Member in connection with the use of the service unless it is intentionally or grossly negligent.<br><br> <b>Article 23 (Security)</b><br><br> 1) Any information provided by the Company business partners and affiliates, or any information provided by a particular expert (including questions and answers) may not have undergone scientific experimental and verification procedures. The Company does not guarantee the reliability or accuracy of the above information.<br> 2) The Company does not guarantee the information, data, reliability of facts, accuracy, etc. posted by the Member on the service.<br> 3) Liability may be restricted or exempted as prescribed in Article 24 for matters not secured by the Company.<br><br> <b>Article 24 (Prohibition of Transfer)</b><br><br> The Member shall not transfer the right to use the service or other contractual status to another person or provide it as collateral.<br><br> <b>Article 25 (Disclaimer)</b><br><br> 1) If the Company is unable to provide the service due to a natural disaster or equivalent force majeure, the Company is exempted from responsibility for providing the service.<br> 2) The Company is exempt from liability in the event of a service failure due to the Member's fault.<br> 3) The Company is exempt from liability for damages arising from the Member's failure to obtain expected profits from the Company's service provision or the selection or use of service materials.<br> 3) The Company is exempt from liability for damages caused by matters not secured by the Company in Article 23.<br><br> <b>Article 26 (Resolution of Disputes and Courts of Jurisdiction)</b><br><br> 1) The Company and its Members should make every effort necessary to resolve the disputes related to the service smoothly.<br> 2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), if a lawsuit is filed due to a dispute, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the Company shall be the appropriate court.<br> 3) Korean law applies to electronic transaction lawsuits filed between the Company and the user.<br><br> - Supplementary Provisions<br> (Effective date of change) These terms and conditions are effective as of 15/11/24.<br> <div class="info_bottom2"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="info_sec_btn1" style="display:block">> 이전 이용약관 보기 (2014년 5월 12일 적용)</a> </div> </div> <div id="terms1" class="provision"> <b>1. GENERAL PROVISIONS</b><br><br> Herald Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Company") considers the personal information of its integrated members (hereinafter referred to as "Members") very important and complies with relevant laws such as the Personal Information Protection law. In accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection law, the following personal information processing policy is enacted and observed to protect the personal information of the information owner and to quickly and smoothly handle related difficulties.<br><br> This is subject to change in accordance with relevant laws and guidelines and changes to the “company” internal operational policies, and any changes will be notified in accordance with the methods prescribed by the relevant laws and regulations. Herald refers to The Herald Business, The Korea Herald, Herald Design, Herald Eco, and KESC (Korea Herald English Speech Contest).<br><br> <b>2. Articles for collecting personal information and purpose of use</b><br><br> The company collects and uses the following personal information to provide membership, smooth customer consultation, and various services. <br><br> ① Information collected when signing up for membership and service use<br> <table> <tr> <th colspan="2">Time of collection</th> <th>Categories of collection</th> <th>Purpose of collection</th> <th>Period of retention</th> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="2">Signing up for integrated membership</td> <td>General membership</td> <td>Required: Email, Name, Date of Birth Optional: Mobile phone number, gender, occupation</td> <td>Self-identification and confirmation of intent to join the service, identifying fraudulent users, managing integrated accounts, finding e-mail/password, delivering notices, subscribing to online content, using newsletters and membership services</td> <td rowspan="8">Immediate destruction upon withdrawal of membership. However, if preservation is necessary under relevant laws, the period of retention shall follow the statutory obligation period</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Corporate membership</td> <td>Required: e-mail, name, date of birth, business registration number, company name, representative name, business type/business type, business address</td> <td>Self-identification and confirmation of intent to join the service, identifying fraudulent users, managing integrated accounts, retrieving e-mail/password, delivering notices, and using company services</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Modifying Member information</td> <td>Mobile phone authentication / modification</td> <td>CI (Connection Information), DI (Duplication Information)</td> <td>Self-identification and examination for overlapping use</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="5">Linking your SNS account</td> <td>Naver</td> <td rowspan="5">Required: Email, Name Selective: Date of birth, gender</td> <td rowspan="5">Provide easy membership/login service Self-identification and confirmation of intent to join service according to service use, identifying fraudulent users </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Kakao</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Facebook</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Google</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apple</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3">When using membership services</td> <td>Newspaper Subscription</td> <td>Name or business name, person in charge of subscription, delivery address, contact, subscription start date</td> <td>[Herald Business, Korea Herald] Newspaper subscription application and delivery management</td> <td>Upon withdrawal of membership or termination of service use</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Competition sign-up</td> <td>Mandatory: Name (Korean/English), date of birth, gender, mobile phone number, email, address, school name (Korean/English), grade and class, guardian name, phone number of guardian, email of guardian</td> <td>[KESC, Korea Herald English Speech Contest] competition is operated. Identification of participant and participant’s qualifications</td> <td>Upon withdrawal of membership or the end of each competition</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Payment</td> <td>Credit card: credit card company name, card number, expiration date Mobile phone: mobile phone number, (phone) carrier name Account transfer: Bank name, account number Deposit without bankbook: bank name, depositor name</td> <td>Provision of paid services by each Herald Media source Confirmation of payment information and fraudulent transactions, issuance of cash receipts, cancellation, refund</td> <td>For the length of the legal obligation period</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3">When using non-membership services</td> <td>Reader inquiries</td> <td>Name, Contact, Email, Subject of inquiry</td> <td>[Herald Business, Korea Herald] Notice regarding reception and processing of reader inquiries User identification, provision of non-Member services</td> <td rowspan="3">Upon statutory period of obligation, or notice of completion of requested requirement settlement </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Report regarding news</td> <td>Name, contact number, email, subject of report</td> <td>[Herald Business, Korea Herald] Notice regarding reception and processing of report regarding news User identification, provision of non-Member services</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Inquiry</td> <td>Mandatory: email, subject of inquiry</td> <td>[Herald Design, Herald Eco] Notice regarding reception and processing of reader inquiries</td> </tr> </table> <br> ② Selected Consent Collection items<br> <table> <tr> <th>Consent Items</th><th>Purpose of collection and use</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Consent to receive newsletters</td><td>Deliver newsletters and other content via email</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Agree to receive event and advertising information</td><td>Delivery of information, including events/benefits through email, text</td> </tr> </table> <br> The company can collect and use personal information such as text, images, and voice recordings collected through content, service, and consultations subscribed to by Members. In this case, the purpose of collection and use, items, and retention period are notified and processed with consent.<br><br> Members who have agreed to receive event and advertising information can receive various services and up-to-date information, including events and occasions provided by Herald Business, Korea Herald, Herald Eco, Herald Design, KESC.<br><br> ③ Information generated during service use<br> The company can collect the following information in the course of customers' use of web and app services.<br><br> <table> <tr> <th>Items of collection</th><th>Purpose of use</th><th>Holding period</th> </tr> <tr> <td>IP address, web browser cookie (including user-specific identifier), login information, date and time of access, mobile device information (manufacturer, model, OS information, app version, UUID, advertising identifier, etc.), and other service usage records</td> <td>Statistical Analysis of Service Usage History, Provision of customized advertising/service Compliance with legal obligations for consumer protection, etc </td> <td>Upon membership withdrawal or up to the period of holding legal obligations</td> </tr> </table> <br> <b>3. Method of personal information collection</b><br><br> The company can collect personal information in the following ways, and if it collects personally identifiable personal information, consent from the user is obtained. If the user clicks the consent button or writes and saves additional personal information collected through modification of Member information, it is considered that he/she has agreed to the collection of personal information.<br><br> 1) Home page, phone, fax, written document, customer center inquiry, event application<br> 2) Collection of generated information through a log analysis program and collection of information through 'cookies'<br><br> <b>4. Period of retention and use of personal information</b><br><br> The company will retain and use the user's personal information only from the date of membership to the period of service provision. In the case of requesting membership withdrawal or withdrawing consent to the collection and use of personal information, if the purpose of collection and use is fulfilled or the time limit for holding and use has been reached, the personal information will be destroyed immediately. However, the following information shall be retained for the period specified for the following reasons:<br><br> <table> <tr> <th>Law / Internal Policy</th><th>Purpose of collection and use</th><th>Retention and use period</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Communication Confidentiality Protection Act</td> <td>Provide communication confirmation data (Logging, contact information, etc.)</td> <td>3 months</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="4">Act on Consumer Protection in Pre-commercial Transactions</td> <td>Indications • Records of advertisement</td> <td>6 months</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Records of contract or withdrawal</td> <td>5 years</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Records of payment and goods supply</td> <td>5 years</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Records of consumer complaints or disputes</td> <td>3 years</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.</td> <td>Records regarding self-identification</td> <td>6 months</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Act on the Protection, Use, etc. of Location Information</td> <td>Records regarding personal location information</td> <td>1 year</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Framework Act on National Taxes</td> <td>Transaction-related information</td> <td>5 years</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Electronic Financial Transactions Act</td> <td>Records of electronic financial transactions and records of fraudulent transactions</td> <td>5 years</td> </tr> </table> <br> ※ Personal information history processed to comply with other legal obligations may be kept for a period to fulfill such duties. For the purpose of processing the requirements of the member and confirming the period of re-entry, the personal information of the Member is held for 30 days after withdrawal of the membership.<br><br> <b>5. Procedures and methods of disposing personal information</b><br><br> In principle, if the personal information is not required, such as the elapse of the period of use, the Company will dispose the information without delay.<br><br> ① Disposal procedure<br> - The information entered by the Member for membership, etc. is transferred to a separate database after the purpose has been accomplished (in the case of paper, on a separate document). According to the internal policy and other related laws and regulations, it is stored for a certain period and then deleted.<br> - The company disposes the personal information that caused the reason for disposition through the approval process of the personal information manager.<br><br> ② Disposal method<br> - The Company deletes personal information stored electronically using a technical method that cannot be undone. Personal information printed on paper is destroyed by shredding or incineration.<br><br> <b>6. Sharing and providing personal information to third parties</b><br><br> In principle, the company does not provide and share personal information to an outsider without consent of the user. However, personal information is shared and provided to affiliates or partners for the provision of better services if prior consent is obtained from the user, and it is used within the specified range. In the following cases, personal information can be provided in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.<br><br> ① In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, where due process has been taken<br> ② Where there is a request from an investigative agency in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed in statutes for the purpose of investigation<br> ③ Where additional information is inevitably required for the settlement of charges, commercial transactions, etc. due to the provision of services;<br> ④ Where information is processed and provided in a form that does not distinguish the individual for the preparation of statistics, academic research, or market research;<br> ⑤ Where there are special provisions in laws such as the Act On Real Name Financial Transactions And Confidentiality and other Confidentiality Acts, the Use and Protection of Credit Information Act, Electronic Communication Fundamental Law, Telecommunications Business Act, Local Tax Law, Act On The Consumer Protection In Electronic Commerce, Bank of Korea Act, Criminal Procedure Act.<br><br> ※ Please note that the "Privacy Policy" does not apply when personal information is collected from an advertisement posted on the company's site or from a website that is simply linked.<br><br> <b>7. Consignment of collected personal information</b><br><br> For smooth service provision and effective business processing, personal information is processed and entrusted as follows, and personal information is continuously managed and supervised to ensure that the entrusted personal information is safely processed. <br><br> <table> <tr> <th>Sort by</th><th>Contractor</th><th>Entrustment work</th><th>Holding period</th> <tr> <tr> <td>Newspaper subscription</td> <td>Employees of the bureau who have a consignment contract with our company for the delivery of newspapers and publications<br><a href="#;" target="_blank">▶ Newspaper station details (file download)</a></td> <td>Acts related to normal business of the company, such as newspaper delivery and customer convenience counseling</td> <td>Upon suspension of subscription or termination of consignment contract</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="2">Self-Identification</td> <td>NICE Credit Ratings Co., Ltd</td> <td>Self-Identification</td> <td rowspan="2">Does not store personal information separately because the personal information is already possessed by company</td> </tr> <tr> <td>NICE Credit Ratings Co., Ltd</td> <td>ARS Certification for Debit Transfer Consent</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Payment processing</td> <td>KG Inicis Co., Ltd</td> <td>Credit card payment processing</td> <td>Upon withdrawal of membership or termination of consignment contract</td> </tr> </table> <br> <b>8. Rights of users and legal representatives and methods by which those rights may be exercised</b><br><br> In order to guarantee the rights of users, procedures are established to make it easier to view, modify, or withdraw personal information than it is to collect personal information. A Member (or legal representative) may view or modify the Member's personal information at any time, and may withdraw his/her consent to the use of personal information through the membership withdrawal process.<br><br> 1) Scope of access and modification of personal information<br> - Personal information of users held by the company<br> - Personal information used by the company or provided to a third party<br> - Status of consent for collection, use, provision, etc. of personal information<br><br> 2) Method of viewing, modifying, and withdrawing consent to hold personal information<br> - Modify Member information through My Page > Account Information Management > Account Information <br> - Request through Customer Center (02-727-0114)<br> - Request through written document or email to the person in charge of personal information processing (Refer to Clause 13 “Personal Information manager and Inquiry on Personal Information Infringement of privacy policy")<br><br> 3) How to exercise consent veto for transmission of advertising information<br> - Email Denial: Email Denial Settings Feature at bottom<br> - Text Denial: Text Denial Settings Feature at bottom<br> - My Page > Account Information Management > Account Settings > Accept/Reject Event and Advertising Information<br><br> 4) Withdrawal of membership <br> - Account information management > Integrated membership withdrawal<br><br> If you contact the person in charge of personal information management through written document, by phone, or email, we will take care of it without delay. If a user requests correction of an error in personal information, the personal information is not used or provided until the correction is completed.<br><br> If erroneous personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the correction third party without delay to correct it.<br><br> The company processes personal information canceled or deleted at the request of the user or legal representative as specified in "4. Retention and Use Period of Personal Information" and cannot be viewed or used for other purposes.<br><br> <b>9. Protecting children's privacy </b><br><br> To protect the privacy of children under the age of 14, the Company only accepts users who are 14 years of age or older.<br><br> <b>10. Matters concerning the installation, operation, and rejection of automatic personal information collection devices;</b><br><br> In order to provide customized services to users, the company uses "cookies" that store and retrieve users' information. A cookie is a very small text file that the server, which is used to run the website, sends to the user's browser and is stored on the user's hard disk. The company uses cookies for the following purposes:<br><br> 1) Purpose of Use of Cookies<br> Targeted marketing and personalized services are provided by analyzing the frequency of access and visiting hours of Members and non-Members, identifying user preferences and interests, tracking various events, and identifying the number of visits. The user is given the option of installing cookies. Therefore, you can allow all cookies by setting options in your web browser, go through confirmation every time they are saved, or refuse to save all cookies.<br><br> 2) How to reject cookie settings <br> To deny cookies settings, you can allow all cookies by selecting the option in your web browser, go through confirmation every time you save them, or refuse to save all cookies. However, if you refuse to install cookies, it may be difficult to use some services that require login.<br><br> <b>11. Technological and management protection measures for personal information</b><br><br> The Company will implement the following technical and management measures to ensure stability so that personal information is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered, or damaged in handling user personal information.<br><br> 1) Encryption of personal information<br> Personal information is protected by a password, and sensitive data is protected by separate security features, such as encryption of files and transfer data, or use of file locking.<br><br> 2) Technical countermeasures against hacking, etc.<br> In order to prevent leakage or damage to users' personal information due to hacking or computer viruses, the company installs a system with restricted access from the outside, uses intrusion prevention devices, and monitors it 24 hours a day. We also regularly update antivirus software and apply it as soon as a virus appears, preventing personal information from being violated.<br><br> 3) Restrictions on Access to Personal Information Processing Systems<br> The company establishes standards for granting, modifying, and cancelling access to the database system that is systematically configured to process personal information, and stipulates how passwords are generated, how they are changed, and is taking necessary measures to control access to personal information.<br><br> 4) Training of employees handling personal information<br> Personal information-related staff is limited to the people in charge, and management measures are implemented, such as regular training on the acquisition of new security technologies and personal information protection obligations, and administering access rights by assigning separate passwords.<br><br> 5) Manage your personal ID and password<br> In principle, the ID (=email) and password used by the user should only be used by the user. The company is not responsible for problems caused by the leak of personal information such as e-mails and passwords due to the user's personal carelessness or basic risk of the Internet. Please be aware of the security of the password and change the password frequently, and pay special attention to prevent personal information from being leaked when logging in on a public PC.<br><br> <b>12. Complaints about personal information infringement</b><br><br> In order to protect the personal information of the user and to deal with complaints related to personal information, the Company has designated a related department and a manager in charge of personal information protection. Users may report any privacy complaints that arise as a result of using the Company's services to the person responsible for the protection of personal information. The Company will respond promptly and adequately to the reports of users. <br><br> <table> <tr> <th>Personal information manager</th><th>Personal information protection department</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Name: Hong Seung-wan</td><td>Name : Lee Myeong-hwan</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Affiliation : Digital Contents Team</td><td>Affiliation : IT Team</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Position : Chief of Bureau</td><td>Position : Deputy head of Department</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email :</td><td>Email:</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Contact : 02)727-0395</td><td>Contact : 02)727-0090</td> </tr> </table> <br> If you need to report or consult on other personal information violations, please contact the institutions below.<br><br> <table> <tr> <th>Organization</th><th>Contact</th><th>URL</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Privacy complaint center</td><td>+82- 118</td><td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>OPA PRIVACY</td><td>02-580-0533 ~ 4</td><td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Cyber investigation department, supreme prosecutors' office</td><td>+82-1301</td><td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>National police agency cyber safety bureau</td><td>+82-182</td><td></td> </tr> </table> <br> <b>13. Identifying responsibility for personal information protection</b><br><br> The Company is not responsible for any leakage or infringement of personal information to a third party other than those listed in the above personal information protection policy.<br><br> <b>14. Notification of change of personal information processing policy</b><br><br> If there is an addition, deletion, or modification of the content of this policy due to changes in laws and policies or security technologies, we will notify you through a notice on the website and by email at least 7 days before the date of enforcement of the change. However, we will notify you at least 30 days in advance of any changes that are important to the rights or obligations of the user.<br><br> ◦ Personal information handling policy version number: 6.0<br> ◦ Enforcement date of the personal information handling policy: 26/10/2007<br> ◦ Personal information handling policy modification notification date: 26/08/2024<br> <div class="info_bottom2"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="info_sec_btn1" style="display:block">> 이전 개인정보처리방침 보기 (2023년 이전 ~)</a> </div> </div> <div id="terms2" class="provision"> Herald Corporation (hereinafter ‘the Company’) prepares and implements policies to protect youth under 19 from access to harmful information in accordance with the relevant laws.<br><br> In addition, the company operates the following guidelines in order to strictly regulate harmful information such as pornographic and illegal activities, as also unethical and anti-social behavior that impedes the healthy growth of young people.<br><br> <b>1. Establishment of a youth protection plan from harmful information, and implementation of training for the person-in-charge</b><br><br> The company has prepared and applied a separate certification system for such harmful information so that young people are not exposed to contents without restrictions, and is seeking preventive measures to restrict access for youth to such information.<br><br> <b>2. Restrictions on access by youth to harmful information and measures for management</b><br><br> The company prepares and applies a separate certification system for information harmful to the youth so that teenagers do not have easy access to such contents, and takes preventive measures to prevent them from being exposed to such information.<br><br> <b>3. Handling of damages and grievances due to harmful information</b><br><br> The company deploys expert personnel for consultation of damage and treatment of grievances caused by harmful information for young people so that it does not spread. Users may request counseling and complaint handling by phone or e-mail to the company’s designated Director and Director of Youth Protection.<br><br> <b>4. Contact method for the Director of Youth Protection and Staff</b><br><br> The company operates a youth protection manager and a person in charge of collecting opinions and handling complaints about youth protection. If you have any questions regarding this matter, we will respond promptly and sincerely.<br><br> [Youth Protection manager]<br> Name: Hong Seung-wan<br> Affiliation : Digital Contents Team<br> Position : Chief of Bureau<br> Email :<br> Contact : 02)727-0395<br><br> [Youth Protection department]<br> Name : Lee Myeong-hwan<br> Affiliation : IT Team<br> Position : Deputy head of Department<br> Email: Contact : 02)727-0090 </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function terms_layer_open(n){ $("#terms_layer").toggle(); $('body').append('<div id="mask"></div>'); $('#mask').fadeIn(100); terms_select(n); return false; } function terms_layer_close(){ $('#mask, #terms_layer').fadeOut(100, function(){ $('#mask').remove(); }); } function terms_select(n){ // reset $('#terms_menu li').eq(0).removeClass("on"); $('#terms_menu li').eq(1).removeClass("on"); $('#terms_menu li').eq(2).removeClass("on"); $('#terms0').hide(); $('#terms1').hide(); $('#terms2').hide(); // select $('#terms_menu li').eq(n).addClass("on"); $('#terms'+n).show(); } </script> <!--footer--> <div class="footer"> <!--footer_log_li--> <ul class="footer_log_li"> <li> </li> <li> <div class="language"> <svg viewBox="0 0 15 15" class="language_earth"> <path d="M7.54,0.29C7.53,0.29,7.53,0.29,7.54,0.29L7.54,0.29c-0.02,0-0.03,0-0.04,0c-3.97,0-7.21,3.23-7.21,7.21 c0,3.96,3.21,7.19,7.17,7.21c0,0,0.01,0,0.01,0l0,0c0.01,0,0.02,0,0.03,0c3.97,0,7.21-3.23,7.21-7.21 C14.71,3.54,11.49,0.31,7.54,0.29z M13.42,5.06H11.7c-0.33-1.66-0.98-2.74-1.68-3.45C11.56,2.27,12.78,3.51,13.42,5.06z M13.91,7.5 c0,0.57-0.08,1.12-0.22,1.64h-1.87c0.06-0.51,0.11-1.04,0.11-1.64c0-0.6-0.04-1.14-0.11-1.64h1.87C13.83,6.38,13.91,6.93,13.91,7.5z M1.09,7.5c0-0.57,0.08-1.12,0.22-1.64h1.87C3.12,6.36,3.07,6.9,3.07,7.5c0,0.6,0.04,1.14,0.11,1.64H1.31 C1.17,8.62,1.09,8.07,1.09,7.5z M3.87,7.5c0-0.61,0.04-1.14,0.11-1.64H7.1v3.28H3.98C3.91,8.64,3.87,8.11,3.87,7.5z M10.89,5.06H7.9 V1.18C8.68,1.41,10.28,2.23,10.89,5.06z M7.1,1.2v3.86H4.12C4.74,2.33,6.32,1.46,7.1,1.2z M7.1,9.94v3.88 c-0.78-0.23-2.38-1.05-2.99-3.88H7.1z M7.9,13.8V9.94h2.98C10.26,12.67,8.68,13.54,7.9,13.8z M7.9,9.14V5.86h3.12 c0.06,0.5,0.11,1.03,0.11,1.64c0,0.61-0.04,1.14-0.11,1.64H7.9z M5.08,1.57c-0.73,0.71-1.42,1.8-1.77,3.49H1.58 C2.23,3.48,3.5,2.22,5.08,1.57z M1.58,9.94H3.3c0.33,1.66,0.98,2.74,1.68,3.45C3.44,12.73,2.22,11.49,1.58,9.94z M9.92,13.43 c0.73-0.71,1.42-1.8,1.77-3.49h1.73C12.77,11.52,11.5,12.78,9.92,13.43z"/> </svg> <div class="language_select"> <select name="chg_lng" id="chg_lng"> <option value="ko" >한국어</option> <option value="en" selected>English</option> </select> <svg viewBox="0 0 4 4"> <polygon points="0.17,0.59 3.83,0.59 2,3.41 "/> </svg> </div> </div> <script> var currUrl = window.location.href; $("#chg_lng").change(function() { var lng = $(this).val(); if(lng == "ko") { //goUrl = currUrl.replace("/en/" , "/html/"); goUrl = ''; } else { //goUrl = currUrl.replace("/html/" , "/en/"); //if(!goUrl.indexOf("/en/") > -1) { //goUrl = goUrl+'en/'; //} goUrl = ''; } //console.log(goUrl); location.href=goUrl; }); /* $(document).ready(function() { if (window.location.href.indexOf("/en/") > -1) { $("#chg_lng").val("en").prop("selected", true); } else { $("#chg_lng").val("ko").prop("selected", true); } }); */ </script> </li> </ul> <!--// footer_log_li--> <ul class="footer_li"> <li><a href="javascript:terms_layer_open(0);">USER AGREEMENT</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:terms_layer_open(1);" class="on">PRIVACY STATEMENT</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:terms_layer_open(2);">YOUTH PROTECTION POLICY</a></li> </ul> <div class="footer_copy">Copyright Herald Corporation. 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