Editor | PlayCanvas

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It's packed full of features to help speed up your development and stay ahead of the competition. </h4> <div class="features-hero"> <video src="" poster="assets/images/features/features--hero-the_editor@2x.png" autoplay loop muted></video> <img src="" alt="Editor Features"> </div> <div class="feature-boxes"> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable"> <img class="feature-icon" src="/assets/images/icons/icon--feature-realtime_collaboration.svg" alt="Realtime collaboration"> <div class="description"> Realtime collaboration </div> <div class="long-description"> Create apps faster using Google Docs-style realtime collaboration </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable"> <img class="feature-icon" src="/assets/images/icons/icon--feature-0s.svg" alt="Zero compile time"> <div class="description"> Zero compile time </div> <div class="long-description"> PlayCanvas is a JavaScript game engine so there is no &#39;compile&#39; step meaning you can iterate incredibly quickly </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable"> <img class="feature-icon" src="/assets/images/icons/icon--feature-device_test.svg" alt="On device development and testing"> <div class="description"> On device development and testing </div> <div class="long-description"> Test your applications directly on mobile and tablet hardware. Code and assets live update on your device for fast iteration times. </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable"> <img class="feature-icon" src="/assets/images/icons/icon--feature-debugging.svg" alt="Easy debugging and profiling"> <div class="description"> Easy debugging and profiling </div> <div class="long-description"> Use your browser&#39;s developer tools to trivially debug and profile your applications </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- more --> <div class="section more"> <h1 class="title"> Looking for more? </h1> <h4 class="sub-text"> The features above are just a few of our favorites. There are many, many more to choose from and many more in the pipeline. </h4> <div class="feature-filters"> <div class="grad"></div> <span>Filter:</span> <div class="filter-options"> <a href="#!" class="feature-filter-link" feature-label="all"/> <div class="feature-filter selected button"> All </div> </a> <a href="#!" class="feature-filter-link" feature-label="new"/> <div class="feature-filter button"> New </div> </a> <a href="#!" class="feature-filter-link" feature-label="graphics"/> <div class="feature-filter button"> Graphics </div> </a> <a href="#!" class="feature-filter-link" feature-label="engine"/> <div class="feature-filter button"> Engine </div> </a> <a href="#!" class="feature-filter-link" feature-label="editor"/> <div class="feature-filter button"> Editor </div> </a> <a href="#!" class="feature-filter-link" feature-label="pipeline"/> <div class="feature-filter button"> Pipeline </div> </a> <a href="#!" class="feature-filter-link" feature-label="performance"/> <div class="feature-filter button"> Performance </div> </a> <a href="#!" class="feature-filter-link" feature-label="ui"/> <div class="feature-filter button"> UI </div> </a> <a href="#!" class="feature-filter-link" feature-label="mobile"/> <div class="feature-filter button"> Mobile </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="feature-boxes left-aligned"> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics,editor,pipeline,new"> <div class="new-tag"> New! </div> <div class="description"> glTF™ 2.0 Support </div> <div class="long-description"> Import and edit stunning glTF™ assets directly into the Editor </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics,editor,pipeline,new,performance"> <div class="new-tag"> New! </div> <div class="description"> Draco Mesh Compression </div> <div class="long-description"> Up to 90% reduction in model file size for faster downloads </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics,performance,new"> <div class="new-tag"> New! </div> <div class="description"> Clustered Lighting </div> <div class="long-description"> Render hundreds of dynamic lights in the scene with low performance cost </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics,new"> <div class="new-tag"> New! </div> <div class="description"> Area Lights </div> <div class="long-description"> Simulate real world lighting panels with Area Lights </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics"> <div class="description"> WebGL 2 support </div> <div class="long-description"> The PlayCanvas Engine uses the most up to date version of the WebGL API and is able to drop back to WebGL 1 when required </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="pipeline,performance"> <div class="description"> Asynchronous asset streaming </div> <div class="long-description"> Enable applications to load faster by deferring loading of non-essential assets </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="vr,ar,graphics"> <div class="description"> WebXR support </div> <div class="long-description"> Support for the latest WebXR standards to create immersive AR, VR and mixed reality experiences </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="engine,audio"> <div class="description"> Powerful audio API </div> <div class="long-description"> Positional sound with easy API that allows you to hook up WebAudio filters </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="editor,engine"> <div class="description"> Entity-component system </div> <div class="long-description"> Build applications quickly with an easy to use application framework </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics,performance"> <div class="description"> Physically based rendering </div> <div class="long-description"> Realistic rendering using the latest techniques in realtime 3D graphics </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics,editor"> <div class="description"> Animation State Graph </div> <div class="long-description"> Easily create complex animation logic using the State Graph Editor with Layer support </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="editor"> <div class="description"> One-click publishing </div> <div class="long-description"> Publish PlayCanvas apps live to the web with a single click </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics"> <div class="description"> Shader chunk system </div> <div class="long-description"> Partial and full shader customization support: tweak parameters, override chunks of standard shader or write your own GLSL </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics,performance"> <div class="description"> GPU skinning </div> <div class="long-description"> Hardware accelerated character animation </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics,performance"> <div class="description"> GPU particle system </div> <div class="long-description"> Hardware accelerated particle effects system </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics,performance,editor"> <div class="description"> Runtime lightmap generation </div> <div class="long-description"> Have dozens of high-resolution shadowed static lights, without having to download a lightmap over network </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics,performance"> <div class="description"> Static lighting optimizations </div> <div class="long-description"> Use hundreds of static lights with specular on any platform </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics"> <div class="description"> Blend shape animation </div> <div class="long-description"> Support for blend shape animation on your models </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="editor"> <div class="description"> Templates </div> <div class="long-description"> Create reusable Entity hierarchies as Templates for faster editing workflows </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics"> <div class="description"> Soft shadows and light cookies </div> <div class="long-description"> Select from multiple shadow casting algorithms to suit your performance needs. Light cookies enable cool effects cheaply. </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="pipeline,editor"> <div class="description"> Asset importer and manager </div> <div class="long-description"> Import assets including 3D models and animations (FBX, OBJ, DAE, 3DS), textures including HDR textures, audio files and more </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="pipeline,graphics"> <div class="description"> Linear &amp; HDR graphics pipeline </div> <div class="long-description"> Linear &amp; HDR pipeline: gamma-correct, tonemapped rendering, support for HDR cubemaps and lightmaps </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="engine"> <div class="description"> Input device API </div> <div class="long-description"> Support any input device including keyboard, mouse, gamepads or touchscreens </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="ui"> <div class="description"> Signed distance field font render </div> <div class="long-description"> Convert TTF/OTF/etc fonts into font assets and render crisp text into PlayCanvas scenes </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="engine"> <div class="description"> Rigid body physics engine </div> <div class="long-description"> Enable applications to load faster by deferring loading of non-essential assets </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="ui,mobile"> <div class="description"> Response user interface tools </div> <div class="long-description"> Components that allow you to create your own responsive 2D or 3D UIs </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="editor,mobile"> <div class="description"> On-device development &amp; testing </div> <div class="long-description"> Fast iteration time using real-time updating on mobile devices </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="editor"> <div class="description"> Powerful asset filtering </div> <div class="long-description"> Search and filter your large asset collection for quick development </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="editor"> <div class="description"> Realtime editing of scenes </div> <div class="long-description"> See changes from your team mates instantly with our Google-docs style collaboration features. </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics,pipeline"> <div class="description"> Cubemap prefiltering </div> <div class="long-description"> Set up image-based lighting with the click of a button </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="editor,performance"> <div class="description"> In-app visual profiler </div> <div class="long-description"> Profiler overlay which displays graphs, timings and stats in realtime for your PlayCanvas application </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="graphics,performance,editor"> <div class="description"> One-click texture compression </div> <div class="long-description"> Compress all your project&#39;s textures to Basis with a single click </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="editor"> <div class="description"> Material editor </div> <div class="long-description"> Quickly and easily tweak materials visually in realtime </div> </div> <div class="pop-box stats expanded animatable" feature-labels="performance,mobile"> <div class="description"> Multi-platform support </div> <div class="long-description"> Run the Editor on any device: desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- get started --> <div class="section get-started"> <h1 class="title"> Get started for free </h1> <h4 class="sub-text"> Free access to all PlayCanvas features, unlimited public projects and free hosting </h4> <div 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