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Ocean Science publishes studies with important implications for our understanding of the state and behaviour of the ocean, its impacts on and responses to climate, including coupling at the ocean–atmosphere, ocean–sea ice–ice sheet and ocean–coast (land) interfaces.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="coverModal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> </button> </div> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 p-3"> <img class="img-fluid" alt="OS cover enlarged" cofileid="20464" src="" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div><div id="cmsbox_126157" class="cmsbox "><h2>Journal metrics</h2> <p>OS is indexed in the Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, etc. We refrain from displaying the journal metrics prominently on the landing page since citation metrics used in isolation do not describe importance, impact, or quality of a journal. However, these metrics can be found on the <a href="">journal metrics page</a>.</p></div><div id="news_container" class="cmsbox "> <h2>News</h2> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object"> <div class="hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet mobile-grid-100"> <a class="no-border paperlist-avatar-unclickable" target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" cofileid="2589117" src="" width="80px"/></a> </div> <div class="hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet mobile-grid-100"> <span class="published-date">13 Mar 2025</span> <a target="_blank" href="" class="article-title">New agreement between California Digital Library and Copernicus Publications</a> <p class="citation">We are delighted to announce a new agreement between the California Digital Library and Copernicus Publications. The University of California will cover 50% of article processing charges (APCs) for manuscripts affiliated with any of their research units. Read more. <a target="_blank" href=""><img cofileid="17978" alt="" src=""></a></p> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85 hide-on-mobile"> <span class="published-date">13 Mar 2025</span> <a target="_blank" href="" class="article-title">New agreement between California Digital Library and Copernicus Publications</a> <p class="citation">We are delighted to announce a new agreement between the California Digital Library and Copernicus Publications. The University of California will cover 50% of article processing charges (APCs) for manuscripts affiliated with any of their research units. Read more. <a target="_blank" href=""><img cofileid="17978" alt="" src=""></a></p> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 hide-on-mobile text-right"> <a class="no-border paperlist-avatar-unclickable" target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" cofileid="2589117" src="" width="80px"/></a> </div> <div class="hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet mobile-grid-100"> <a class="no-border paperlist-avatar-unclickable" target="" href=""><img alt="" cofileid="732715" src="" width="80px"/></a> </div> <div class="hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet mobile-grid-100"> <span class="published-date">12 Mar 2025</span> <a target="" href="" class="article-title">Get involved, become a referee, and help shape OS' community publication output</a> <p class="citation">We are pleased to announce that a new referee application form is now available. This means that if you are interested in contributing to the peer-review process and supporting high-quality scientific publishing in your community then you can apply today to become a referee. Your expertise can make a difference. Visit the online form <a href="">here</a> to learn more and join our reviewer community. <a target="" href=""><img cofileid="17978" alt="" src=""></a></p> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85 hide-on-mobile"> <span class="published-date">12 Mar 2025</span> <a target="" href="" class="article-title">Get involved, become a referee, and help shape OS' community publication output</a> <p class="citation">We are pleased to announce that a new referee application form is now available. This means that if you are interested in contributing to the peer-review process and supporting high-quality scientific publishing in your community then you can apply today to become a referee. Your expertise can make a difference. Visit the online form <a href="">here</a> to learn more and join our reviewer community. <a target="" href=""><img cofileid="17978" alt="" src=""></a></p> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 hide-on-mobile text-right"> <a class="no-border paperlist-avatar-unclickable" target="" href=""><img alt="" cofileid="732715" src="" width="80px"/></a> </div> <div class="j-news-archive-link grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100"> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="">News archive</a> </div> </div> </div><div id="highlight-articles" class="cmsbox landing-page mt-4"><div id="highlight-paper-content"> <div id="highlight-articles-header"> <h2>Highlight articles</h2> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="331" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 07 Feb 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Turbulent heat flux dynamics along the Dotson and Getz ice-shelf fronts (Amundsen Sea, Antarctica)</a> <div class="authors">Blandine Jacob, Bastien Y. Queste, and Marcel D. du Plessis</div> <div class="citation">Ocean Sci., 21, 359&ndash;379, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_121712" data-show=".short_summary_121712" data-hide=".short_summary_button_121712" >Short summary</span> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle ce_comment_button_121712 ml-2" data-show=".ce_comment_121712" data-hide=".ce_comment_button_121712">Co-editor-in-chief</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_121712" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> Few observations exist in the Amundsen Sea. Consequently, studies rely on reanalysis (e.g., ERA5) to investigate how the atmosphere affects ocean variability (e.g., sea-ice formation and melt). We use data collected along ice shelves to show that cold, dry air blowing from Antarctica triggers large ocean heat loss, which is underestimated by ERA5. We then use an ocean model to show that this bias has an important impact on the ocean, with implications for sea-ice forecasts. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_121712" data-show=".short_summary_button_121712">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="j-widget__max ce_comment ce_comment_121712 mt-3" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Co-editor-in-chief</div> <div class="content"> This is the first in-situ validation of the reanalysis atmospheric flux and observations. Given the importance of the region in the context of global sea-level rise and recent advancements of numerical models at ice-ocean-atmosphere interface, the problems identified and the new parameterization in this paper make a difference. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".ce_comment_121712" data-show=".ce_comment_button_121712">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-height="331" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="543" data-height="600" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 04 Feb 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Internal tides off the Amazon shelf in the western tropical Atlantic: analysis of SWOT Cal/Val mission data</a> <div class="authors">Michel Tchilibou, Loren Carrere, Florent Lyard, Clément Ubelmann, Gérald Dibarboure, Edward D. Zaron, and Brian K. Arbic</div> <div class="citation">Ocean Sci., 21, 325&ndash;342, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_121209" data-show=".short_summary_121209" data-hide=".short_summary_button_121209" >Short summary</span> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle ce_comment_button_121209 ml-2" data-show=".ce_comment_121209" data-hide=".ce_comment_button_121209">Co-editor-in-chief</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_121209" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> Sea level observations along the swaths of the new SWOT (Surface Water and Ocean Topography) mission were used to characterize internal tides at three semidiurnal frequencies off the Amazon shelf in the tropical Atlantic during the SWOT calibration/validation period. The atlases were derived using harmonic analysis and principal component analysis. The SWOT-derived internal tide atlas outperforms the reference atlas previously used to correct SWOT observations. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_121209" data-show=".short_summary_button_121209">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="j-widget__max ce_comment ce_comment_121209 mt-3" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Co-editor-in-chief</div> <div class="content"> This study is based on observations from the new swath altimetry satellite SWOT. It is the first to describe and characterise internal tides using this new altimetry mission. It therefore highlights the 2D potential of SWOT and opens up new prospects for studying the variability of the internal tide. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".ce_comment_121209" data-show=".ce_comment_button_121209">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="543" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-height="600" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="314" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 30 Jan 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Blending 2D topography images from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission into the altimeter constellation with the Level-3 multi-mission Data Unification and Altimeter Combination System (DUACS)</a> <div class="authors">Gerald Dibarboure, Cécile Anadon, Frédéric Briol, Emeline Cadier, Robin Chevrier, Antoine Delepoulle, Yannice Faugère, Alice Laloue, Rosemary Morrow, Nicolas Picot, Pierre Prandi, Marie-Isabelle Pujol, Matthias Raynal, Anaelle Tréboutte, and Clément Ubelmann</div> <div class="citation">Ocean Sci., 21, 283&ndash;323, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_120378" data-show=".short_summary_120378" data-hide=".short_summary_button_120378" >Short summary</span> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle ce_comment_button_120378 ml-2" data-show=".ce_comment_120378" data-hide=".ce_comment_button_120378">Co-editor-in-chief</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_120378" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission delivers unprecedented swath-altimetry products. In this paper, we describe how we extended the Level-3 algorithms to handle SWOT&rsquo;s unique swath-altimeter data. We also illustrate and discuss the benefits, relevance, and limitations of Level-3 swath-altimeter products for various research domains. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_120378" data-show=".short_summary_button_120378">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="j-widget__max ce_comment ce_comment_120378 mt-3" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Co-editor-in-chief</div> <div class="content"> This paper thoroughly describes the data processing steps and assessment of the usefulness of the new SWOT mission for advancing ocean science. The paper will be of great interest the ocean and sea ice communities and others. The discussion of the benefits, relevance, and limitations of Level-3 swath-altimeter products for various research domains is particularly important. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".ce_comment_120378" data-show=".ce_comment_button_120378">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-height="314" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="541" data-height="600" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 27 Jan 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">The alongshore tilt of mean dynamic topography and its implications for model validation and ocean monitoring</a> <div class="authors">Christoph Renkl, Eric C. J. Oliver, and Keith R. Thompson</div> <div class="citation">Ocean Sci., 21, 181&ndash;198, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_120353" data-show=".short_summary_120353" data-hide=".short_summary_button_120353" >Short summary</span> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle ce_comment_button_120353 ml-2" data-show=".ce_comment_120353" data-hide=".ce_comment_button_120353">Co-editor-in-chief</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_120353" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> Mean dynamic topography (MDT) describes variations in the mean sea surface height above a reference surface called a geoid. We show that MDT predicted by a regional ocean model, including a significant tilt of several centimeters along the coast of Nova Scotia, is in good agreement with estimates based on sea level observations. We demonstrate that this alongshore tilt of MDT can provide a direct estimate of the average alongshore current and also of the area-integrated nearshore circulation. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_120353" data-show=".short_summary_button_120353">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="j-widget__max ce_comment ce_comment_120353 mt-3" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Co-editor-in-chief</div> <div class="content"> It is shown that newly available geodesy combined with suitably located coastal tide gauges is accurate enough for validating model predictions of coastal mean dynamic topography (MDT). Moreover, alongshore differences of MDT can provide estimates of (1) average alongshore current and (2) area-integrated nearshore circulation. Thereby estimates of MDT from geodesy and tide-gauges have value for ocean monitoring. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".ce_comment_120353" data-show=".ce_comment_button_120353">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="541" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-height="600" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="398" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 15 Jan 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Integrating wide-swath altimetry data into Level-4 multi-mission maps</a> <div class="authors">Maxime Ballarotta, Clément Ubelmann, Valentin Bellemin-Laponnaz, Florian Le Guillou, Guillaume Meda, Cécile Anadon, Alice Laloue, Antoine Delepoulle, Yannice Faugère, Marie-Isabelle Pujol, Ronan Fablet, and Gérald Dibarboure</div> <div class="citation">Ocean Sci., 21, 63&ndash;80, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_122175" data-show=".short_summary_122175" data-hide=".short_summary_button_122175" >Short summary</span> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle ce_comment_button_122175 ml-2" data-show=".ce_comment_122175" data-hide=".ce_comment_button_122175">Co-editor-in-chief</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_122175" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission provides unprecedented swath altimetry data. This study examines SWOT's impact on mapping systems, showing a moderate effect with the current nadir altimetry constellation and a stronger impact with a reduced one. Integrating SWOT with dynamic mapping techniques improves the resolution of satellite-derived products, offering promising solutions for studying and monitoring sea-level variability at finer scales. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_122175" data-show=".short_summary_button_122175">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="j-widget__max ce_comment ce_comment_122175 mt-3" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Co-editor-in-chief</div> <div class="content"> The paper demonstrates how oceanographic parameters, like Sea Level Anomaly, surface currents and vorticity, from remote sensing are improved when SWOT (Surface Water Ocean Topography) data are included. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".ce_comment_122175" data-show=".ce_comment_button_122175">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-height="398" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> </div> <p class="j-news-archive-link grid-container grid-parent"> <strong> <a class="grid-30 tablet-grid-30 mobile-grid-100" href="">More highlight articles <img cofileid="17978" alt="" src=""></a> <a class="grid-30 tablet-grid-30 mobile-grid-100 a-margin__left-2" target="_blank" href="">All EGU highlight articles <img cofileid="17978" alt="" src=""></a> </strong> </p> </div> <!--<script id="highlight-template" data-json-url="" type="x-tmpl-mustache">--> <!-- <div class="grid-container paperlist-object{{#hasType}} type-{{type}}{{/hasType}}{{^hidden}} in-range{{/hidden}}{{#hidden}} hidden{{/hidden}} paperList-{{htmlSelectorSuffix}}" data-diff="{{publishedDateDifference}}"> {{#listSubtitle}} <div class="grid-100"> <span class="article-subtitle">{{{.}}}</span> </div> {{/listSubtitle}} <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> {{#hasAvatar}} <a class="paperlist-avatar" href="{{avatarWeb}}"> <img class="img-responsive" src="{{avatarThumb}}" data-web="{{avatarWeb}}" data-width="{{avatarWidth}}" data-height="{{avatarHeight}}"> </a> {{/hasAvatar}} </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> {{#publishedDate}} <div class="published-date"> {{.}}</div> {{/publishedDate}} {{#manuscriptTypeTitle}} <div class="manuscriptType" > | {{.}}</div> {{/manuscriptTypeTitle}} <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="{{articleLink}}">{{{title}}}</a> <div class="authors">{{{authorsText}}}</div> {{#hasFullCitation}} <div class="citation">{{journalCitation}}, {{volumeNumber}}, {{#citationByArticleNumber}}{{articleNumber}}{{/citationByArticleNumber}}{{^citationByArticleNumber}}{{#pageNumberPrefix}}{{.}} {{/pageNumberPrefix}}{{firstPage}}-{{lastPage}}{{/citationByArticleNumber}}, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">{{doi}},</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">{{doi}},</span> {{year}}{{^statusMessage}}{{#views}} |<nobr> {{.}} views</nobr>{{/views}}{{/statusMessage}}</div> {{/hasFullCitation}} {{^hasFullCitation}} <div class="citation">{{journalCitation}}, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">{{doi}},</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">{{doi}},</span> {{year}}</div> {{/hasFullCitation}} {{#statusMessage}} <div class="statusMessage"><span>{{.}}</span> <nobr>{{statusExtension}}</nobr>{{#views}} |<nobr> {{.}} views</nobr>{{/views}}</div> {{/statusMessage}} {{#shortSummary}} <image class="show-hide short-summary-button short_summary_button_{{id}}" data-show=".short_summary_{{id}}" data-hide=".short_summary_button_{{id}}" height="14" width="50" src="{{assetsPath}}{{projectShortCut}}_icon_summary.png" xlink:href="{{assetsPath}}{{projectShortCut}}_icon_summary.svg"/> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary_{{id}}" style="display: none"> <fieldset> <legend>Short summary</legend> <div class="content"> {{{.}}} </div> <a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_{{id}}" data-show=".short_summary_button_{{id}}">Hide</a> </fieldset> </div> {{/shortSummary}} </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> {{#hasAvatar}} <a class="paperlist-avatar" href="{{avatarWeb}}"> <img class="img-responsive" src="{{avatarThumb}}" data-web="{{avatarWeb}}" data-width="{{avatarWidth}}" data-height="{{avatarHeight}}"> </a> {{/hasAvatar}} </div> </div> --> <!--</script>--> </div><div id="special-issues-scheduled-content" class="cmsbox "> <div id="special-issues-header"><h2>Scheduled special issues</h2></div> <div class="grid-container grid-parent"> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 grid-parent" id="chronologically"> <div class="grid-container grid-parent special-issue triangle_special_issues"> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 title triangle-content"> <a href="">Biogeochemical processes and Air&ndash;sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer</a> (BG/OS inter-journal SI) </div> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 date"> 01 Oct 2024&ndash;31 Jul 2025 | Sanja Frka (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Croatia), Peter S. Liss (University of East Anglia, United Kingdom), Klaus Jürgens (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Germany), and Xinping Hu (Texas A&amp;M University – Corpus Christi, United States) | <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="info-link show-hide" id="info-chronologically-link-1325" data-show="#info-chronologically-content-1325" data-hide="#info-chronologically-link-1325">Information</a> </div> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary" id="info-chronologically-content-1325" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Information</div> <div class="content" id="1325"> Over the last 2 decades, studies have shown that the sea-surface microlayer covers large areas of the global ocean and, under certain conditions, can even form biofilm-like (and thus unique) habitats between the ocean and the atmosphere. Due to its recurrent biofilm-like features and unique position at the atmosphere&ndash;ocean interface, the microlayer is central to a range of global biogeochemical and climate-related processes, including marine carbon cycling, air&ndash;sea gas exchange, physical surface processes, and aerosol production. Despite the fact that processes occurring in and across the microlayer have received increasing attention during recent years, our knowledge about the microlayer remains rudimentary. New approaches and technologies have been developed to understand the formation and function of the microlayer on a mechanistic level. For example, the BASS (Biogeochemical processes and Air&ndash;sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer; <a href=""target="_blank"></a>) group has been funded to explore the significance of the microlayer as a bio- and photochemical reactor in an unprecedented comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach, and BASS findings will contribute to this special issue (SI). The purpose of the SI is twofold: (1) to present outcomes of a BASS mesocosm study and (2) to present further contributions on the microlayer from the wider research community based on field, mesocosm, modelling, and laboratory studies. This SI will bring together the latest scientific studies to describe the microlayer as an interface between the ocean and atmosphere across different disciplines. </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-auto"> <a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide="#info-chronologically-content-1325" data-show="#info-chronologically-link-1325">Hide</a> </div> <div class="col text-right"> <a class="si-mobile-native-share" href="#" data-title="Biogeochemical processes and Air&ndash;sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer" data-url="" data-id="1325" style="display: none;"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> <a class="desktop-share" href="#" data-title="Biogeochemical processes and Air&ndash;sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer" data-url="" data-id="1325" title="Copy to clipboard"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container grid-parent special-issue triangle_special_issues"> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 title triangle-content"> <a href="">Special issue on ocean extremes (55th International Li&eacute;ge Colloquium)</a> </div> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 date"> 15 Sep 2024&ndash;15 Sep 2025 | Matjaz Licer, Mélanie Juza, Thomas Froelicher, Serena Zunino, Antonio Ricchi, Yonggang Liu, Aida Alvera-Azcárate, Andrea Piñones, and OS editors | <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="info-link show-hide" id="info-chronologically-link-1345" data-show="#info-chronologically-content-1345" data-hide="#info-chronologically-link-1345">Information</a> </div> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary" id="info-chronologically-content-1345" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Information</div> <div class="content" id="1345"> <p>Marine extreme events, encompassing phenomena such as storm surges, marine heatwaves, biogeochemical extremes, harmful algal blooms, jellyfish blooms, extreme storms, and even unique occurrences like medicanes (Mediterranean hurricanes), are becoming more common. These events have profound consequences for marine ecosystems, coastal communities, and global economies. Extreme sea level events, driven by intense storms and rising sea levels, can inundate coastlines, leading to devastating flooding and erosion. Marine heatwaves, fuelled by climate change, can trigger mass coral bleaching events, disrupting delicate marine ecosystems and jeopardizing the biodiversity that they support. Harmful algal blooms and jellyfish blooms, exacerbated by nutrient pollution and warmer waters, can lead to oxygen depletion, cause mass mortality events in various species, and pose risks to human health. The concurrence of oceanic and atmospheric extremes, marine and atmospheric heat waves, wind and wave extremes, harmful algal blooms, hypoxic conditions, and high-acidity events may lead to a nonlinear increase in environmental stress.</p> <p>Addressing the impacts of these events requires a comprehensive approach, involving measures to mitigate climate change, improve coastal resilience, and promote sustainable marine management practices. A crucial aspect of addressing and mitigating the impacts of marine extreme events lies in deepening our scientific understanding of these phenomena and in establishing solid methodologies for defining climatological baselines and for extreme analyses in a changing climate. Scientific research plays a pivotal role in unravelling the intricate mechanisms behind these events, predicting their occurrence, and formulating effective strategies to manage and adapt to their consequences. By exploring the underlying causes, interactions, and feedback loops, scientists can provide invaluable insights that guide policymakers, communities, and industries in making informed decisions.</p> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-auto"> <a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide="#info-chronologically-content-1345" data-show="#info-chronologically-link-1345">Hide</a> </div> <div class="col text-right"> <a class="si-mobile-native-share" href="#" data-title="Special issue on ocean extremes (55th International Li&eacute;ge Colloquium)" data-url="" data-id="1345" style="display: none;"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> <a class="desktop-share" href="#" data-title="Special issue on ocean extremes (55th International Li&eacute;ge Colloquium)" data-url="" data-id="1345" title="Copy to clipboard"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container grid-parent special-issue triangle_special_issues"> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 title triangle-content"> <a href="">Advances in ocean science from underwater gliders</a> </div> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 date"> 14 Aug 2024&ndash;31 Dec 2025 | Charitha Pattiaratchi (University of Western Australia, Australia), Annunziata Pirro (National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, Italy), Filipa Carvalho (National Oceanography Centre, United Kingdom), Ilker Fer (University of Bergen, Norway), Luc Rainville (University of Washington, United States), and OS editors | <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="info-link show-hide" id="info-chronologically-link-1334" data-show="#info-chronologically-content-1334" data-hide="#info-chronologically-link-1334">Information</a> </div> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary" id="info-chronologically-content-1334" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Information</div> <div class="content" id="1334"> <p>Over the past 25 years autonomous underwater gliders have progressed from experimental vehicles through scientific instruments to operational tools. Observations from gliders are now enhancing our understanding of physical, biogeochemical, and biological oceanographic processes. They represent a mature technology and complement traditional ocean sampling capabilities, especially for sustained real-time oceanographic measurements. They are now used as standard research tools in sustainable ocean observations and process studies, collecting measurements of physical, chemical, and bio-optical ocean variables. Underwater gliders have unique capacities to connect open-ocean and coastal processes and to sample the ocean at regional scales during multi-month missions. Gliders have been routinely deployed to monitor the ocean, for example monitoring continental shelves, boundary currents, and polar regions including in under-ice operations. More recently gliders have contributed to environmental hazard detection such as in the detection of marine heat waves and hurricane prediction.</p> <p>This special issue has been stimulated by the International Underwater Glider Conference (IUGC) that was held in Gothenburg in June 2024, but submissions are open to everyone regardless of participation in the conference.</p> <p>We invite papers advancing knowledge on the ocean's physical, biogeochemical, and ecosystem properties and processes by using underwater gliders and/or by their combined use with other observing platforms or numerical models. Contributions on technological aspects such as the development of glider sensors are welcome provided they include some ocean science advance.</p> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-auto"> <a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide="#info-chronologically-content-1334" data-show="#info-chronologically-link-1334">Hide</a> </div> <div class="col text-right"> <a class="si-mobile-native-share" href="#" data-title="Advances in ocean science from underwater gliders" data-url="" data-id="1334" style="display: none;"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> <a class="desktop-share" href="#" data-title="Advances in ocean science from underwater gliders" data-url="" data-id="1334" title="Copy to clipboard"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container grid-parent special-issue triangle_special_issues"> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 title triangle-content"> <a href="">Ocean Science Jubilee: reviews and perspectives</a> </div> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 date"> 01 Aug 2023&ndash;30 Jun 2025 | OS editors | Coordinator: Karen J. Heywood | <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="info-link show-hide" id="info-chronologically-link-1276" data-show="#info-chronologically-content-1276" data-hide="#info-chronologically-link-1276">Information</a> </div> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary" id="info-chronologically-content-1276" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Information</div> <div class="content" id="1276"> In 2024–2025 Ocean Science will be 20 years old, during which time it has been internationally at the forefront of high-quality, open-access, and open-peer-review publishing in our field of science. To celebrate this jubilee, we are publishing a special collection of “reviews and perspectives” papers, looking back at how ocean sciences have advanced over the last 20 years and looking forward to how they might advance over the next 20 years. The Ocean Science Jubilee special issue will be a compilation of influential papers across the broad range of ocean science topics covered by the journal. Accepted reviews and perspectives papers may also be included in the <a href=""target="_blank"></a>. <br /><br /> Submission of reviews and perspectives papers is open to everyone. We welcome the perspectives of early-career scientists. You do not have to be invited to submit a paper to the special issue. Reviews and perspectives papers are welcome on any topic and discipline within ocean sciences, as with any paper in Ocean Science. Manuscripts will undergo the usual rigorous and open peer review. </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-auto"> <a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide="#info-chronologically-content-1276" data-show="#info-chronologically-link-1276">Hide</a> </div> <div class="col text-right"> <a class="si-mobile-native-share" href="#" data-title="Ocean Science Jubilee: reviews and perspectives" data-url="" data-id="1276" style="display: none;"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> <a class="desktop-share" href="#" data-title="Ocean Science Jubilee: reviews and perspectives" data-url="" data-id="1276" title="Copy to clipboard"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container grid-parent special-issue triangle_special_issues"> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 title triangle-content"> <a href="">Development and deployment of regional ocean configurations for Modular Ocean Model 6 (MOM6)</a> (GMD/OS inter-journal SI) </div> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 date"> 01 Jan 2023&ndash;indefinite | OS editors | Coordinator: Charles Stock | <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="info-link show-hide" id="info-chronologically-link-1241" data-show="#info-chronologically-content-1241" data-hide="#info-chronologically-link-1241">Information</a> </div> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary" id="info-chronologically-content-1241" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Information</div> <div class="content" id="1241"> This special issue describes efforts establishing high-resolution regional ocean and biogeochemical modelling capabilities for Modular Ocean Model 6 (MOM6) and selected initial applications. MOM is amongst the most widely used ocean models for global climate and earth system applications, with a lineage of scientific contributions exceeding 50 years. MOM6 represents an ambitious evolution of previous MOM formulations, embracing numerous recent modelling advances and an open development approach. MOM6 and its associated biogeochemical components have been successfully deployed for the Sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) and other international global climate and ocean prediction efforts. The resolution and regional optimality of global simulations, however, are inevitably limited by the computational, forcing, and parameterization demands of global climate-scale simulations. Ocean modelling frameworks capable of simulating and connecting physical, biogeochemical, and ecosystem processes from ocean basins to coasts and estuaries are needed to understand the role of oceans in global change and to anticipate global change impacts on marine ecosystems and coastal communities. Development of robust regional modelling capabilities for MOM6 (i.e. <q>regional MOM6</q>) creates such a framework, but the extension of MOM6 to high-resolution regional applications presents many challenges. <br /><br /> The papers in this collection present the overall design and implementation of regional MOM6, describe new parameterizations intended for regional applications, present a first generation of regional MOM6 configurations from across the global ocean, and offer select initial applications in ocean science. Advances in horizontal grid generation and boundary condition formulation are highlighted, including those enabling a more seamless transmission of physical and biogeochemical information from global to regional scales and those required to handle flexible Lagrangian vertical coordinates. The robustness of physical and biogeochemical configurations and parameterizations &ndash; many of which were developed for global applications &ndash; is explored in higher-resolution implementations spanning environments from the Arctic to equatorial waters. Analysis of tradeoffs between model skill and computational cost highlights algorithmic improvements critical for producing decision-relevant ensembles that span a range of ocean futures. The collected works provide a foundation for the expanded application of regional MOM6 to understand and predict ocean conditions across scales. <br /><br /> This is a <q>traditional style</q> special issue open to all papers within the topic. We anticipate that contributions will be primarily to GMD initially but that there will be a growing number of applications suitable for OS once the core development papers have been published. The indefinite ending date will allow for a greater number of initial applications to be published in OS and enable eventual documentation of <q>generational updates</q> planned for some configurations. </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-auto"> <a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide="#info-chronologically-content-1241" data-show="#info-chronologically-link-1241">Hide</a> </div> <div class="col text-right"> <a class="si-mobile-native-share" href="#" data-title="Development and deployment of regional ocean configurations for Modular Ocean Model 6 (MOM6)" data-url="" data-id="1241" style="display: none;"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> <a class="desktop-share" href="#" data-title="Development and deployment of regional ocean configurations for Modular Ocean Model 6 (MOM6)" data-url="" data-id="1241" title="Copy to clipboard"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(function (){ if(!navigator.share){ $('.si-mobile-native-share').hide(); $('.desktop-share').show(); } else { $('.si-mobile-native-share').show(); $('.desktop-share').hide(); } $('.si-mobile-native-share').click((event) => { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); let element = event.currentTarget; if (navigator.share) { let url = window.getUrl(element); navigator.share({ title: $(element).attr('data-title'), text: '', url: url, }).then(() => { console.log('Successful share'); return false; }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Error sharing', error); return false; }); } return false; }); $('.desktop-share').click((event) => { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); let element = event.currentTarget; let url = window.getUrl(element); window.updateClipboard(url); return false; }); }); /** * Method for copy something to clipboard * @param newClip */ window.updateClipboard = function (newClip) { if (navigator.clipboard) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(newClip).then(function () { }, function (err) { console.warn('Error during copying to clipboard: ', err.toString()); }); } return false; }; window.getUrl = function (element){ let dataUrl = $(element).attr('data-url'); if(typeof dataUrl !== 'undefined' && dataUrl.length > 0) { return dataUrl } else { let id = $(element).attr('data-id'); return window.location.href + '#' + id; } } </script> </div><div id="recent_paper" class="cmsbox j-article j-article-section"><div id="recent-paper-content"> <div id="recent_paper_header"> <h2>Recent papers</h2> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="510" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 14 Mar 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">The influence of a submarine canyon on the wind-driven downwelling circulation over the continental shelf</a> <div class="authors">Pedro A. Figueroa, Gonzalo S. Saldías, and Susan E. Allen</div> <div class="citation">Ocean Sci., 21, 643&ndash;659, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_122247" data-show=".short_summary_122247" data-hide=".short_summary_button_122247" >Short summary</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_122247" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> Submarine canyons are topographic features found along the continental slope worldwide. Here we use numerical simulations to study how a submarine canyon influences the circulation near the coast when winds moving poleward influence the region. Our results show that submarine canyons modify the circulation near the coast, causing strong velocities perpendicular to the coast. These changes can trap particles inside the canyon, an important mechanism to explain its role as a biological hotspot. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_122247" data-show=".short_summary_button_122247">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-height="510" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="555" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 14 Mar 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Alongshore sediment transport analysis for a semi-enclosed basin: a case study of the Gulf of Riga, the Baltic Sea</a> <div class="authors">Tarmo Soomere, Mikołaj Zbigniew Jankowski, Maris Eelsalu, Kevin Ellis Parnell, and Maija Viška</div> <div class="citation">Ocean Sci., 21, 619&ndash;641, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_122718" data-show=".short_summary_122718" data-hide=".short_summary_button_122718" >Short summary</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_122718" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> Seemingly interconnected beaches are often separated by human-made obstacles and natural divergence areas of sediment flux. We decompose the sedimentary shores of the Gulf of Riga into five naturally almost isolated compartments based on the analysis of wave-driven sediment flux. The western, southern, and eastern shores have quite different and fragmented sediment transport regimes. The transport rates along different shore segments show extensive interannual variations but no explicit trends. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_122718" data-show=".short_summary_button_122718">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). 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Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="269" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 13 Mar 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Detection and tracking of carbon biomes via integrated machine learning</a> <div class="authors">Sweety Mohanty, Lavinia Patara, Daniyal Kazempour, and Peer Kröger</div> <div class="citation">Ocean Sci., 21, 587&ndash;617, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_120004" data-show=".short_summary_120004" data-hide=".short_summary_button_120004" >Short summary</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_120004" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> Climate change impacts the ocean carbon cycle, demanding methods to monitor ocean carbon uptake. We developed a machine learning tool applied to a global ocean biogeochemistry model to identify and track marine carbon biomes both seasonally and from 1958 to 2018. Distinct carbon biomes with varied ocean dynamics were detected. Changes in biome coverage revealed responses to seasonal and long-term shifts, offering insights into the impacts of climate change. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_120004" data-show=".short_summary_button_120004">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). 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Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="464" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 13 Mar 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Observed bottom warming in the East Siberian Sea driven by the intensified vertical mixing</a> <div class="authors">Xiaoyu Wang, Longjiang Mu, and Xianyao Chen</div> <div class="citation">Ocean Sci., 21, 577&ndash;586, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_122053" data-show=".short_summary_122053" data-hide=".short_summary_button_122053" >Short summary</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_122053" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">The East Siberian Sea has nearly 80 % of the subsea permafrost worldwide. </span><span lang="EN-US">The </span><span lang="EN-US">cold layer with a temperature around &minus;1.5 &ordm;C above the seafloor prevents heat transport</span><span lang="EN-US">ing </span><span lang="EN-US">from above to melt permafrost and release methane from sediments. However, we observed a warming trend at the seafloor caused by wave-induced vertical mixing in the shelf. The intensified mixing can transport enormous heat downward, leading to warming of more than 3 &deg;C at the bottom, putting the subsea permafrost at high risk.</span> </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_122053" data-show=".short_summary_button_122053">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). 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Our study offers a new view, suggesting that while the sinking is relative to the density surfaces, the water still rise if considering the density surfaces are rising even faster. We used computer simulations to test these ideas for both warming and cooling conditions in the deep ocean. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_127630" data-show=".short_summary_button_127630">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!--<script id="recent-template" data-journal-url="" data-journal-shot-cut="os" type="x-tmpl-mustache">--> <!-- {{%FILTERS}} <div class="grid-container paperlist-object{{#hasType}} type-{{type}}{{/hasType}}{{^hidden}} in-range{{/hidden}}{{#hidden}} hidden{{/hidden}} paperList-{{htmlSelectorSuffix}}" data-diff="{{publishedDateDifference}}"> {{#listSubtitle}} <div class="grid-100"> <span class="article-subtitle">{{{.}}}</span> </div> {{/listSubtitle}} <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> {{#hasAvatar}} <a class="paperlist-avatar" href="{{avatarWeb|absoluteUrl}}"> <img class="img-responsive" src="{{avatarThumb|absoluteUrl}}" data-web="{{avatarWeb|absoluteUrl}}" data-width="{{avatarWidth}}" data-height="{{avatarHeight}}"> </a> {{/hasAvatar}} </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> {{#publishedDate}} <div class="published-date"> {{. | date.d M Y}}</div> {{/publishedDate}} {{#manuscriptTypeTitle}} <div class="manuscriptType" > | {{.}}</div> {{/manuscriptTypeTitle}} <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="{{articleLink |absoluteUrl}}">{{{title}}}</a> <div class="authors">{{{authorsText}}}</div> {{#hasFullCitation}} <div class="citation">{{journalCitation}}, {{volumeNumber}}, {{#citationByArticleNumber}}{{articleNumber}}{{/citationByArticleNumber}}{{^citationByArticleNumber}}{{#pageNumberPrefix}}{{.}} {{/pageNumberPrefix}}{{firstPage}}-{{lastPage}}{{/citationByArticleNumber}}, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">{{doi}},</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">{{doi}},</span> {{year}}{{^statusMessage}}{{#views}} |<nobr> {{.|number_format}} views</nobr>{{/views}}{{/statusMessage}}</div> {{/hasFullCitation}} {{^hasFullCitation}} <div class="citation">{{journalCitation}}, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">{{doi}},</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">{{doi}},</span> {{year}}</div> {{/hasFullCitation}} {{#statusMessage}} <div class="statusMessage"><span>{{.}}</span> <nobr>{{statusExtension}}</nobr>{{#views}} |<nobr> {{.|number_format}} views</nobr>{{/views}}</div> {{/statusMessage}} {{#shortSummary}} <image class="show-hide short-summary-button short_summary_button_{{id}}" data-show=".short_summary_{{id}}" data-hide=".short_summary_button_{{id}}" height="14" width="50" src="{{assetsPath}}{{projectShortCut}}_icon_summary.png" xlink:href="{{assetsPath}}{{projectShortCut}}_icon_summary.svg"/> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary_{{id}}" style="display: none"> <fieldset> <legend>Short summary</legend> <div class="content"> {{{.}}} </div> <a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_{{id}}" data-show=".short_summary_button_{{id}}">Hide</a> </fieldset> </div> {{/shortSummary}} </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> {{#hasAvatar}} <a class="paperlist-avatar" href="{{avatarWeb|absoluteUrl}}"> <img class="img-responsive" src="{{avatarThumb|absoluteUrl}}" data-web="{{avatarWeb|absoluteUrl}}" data-width="{{avatarWidth}}" data-height="{{avatarHeight}}"> </a> {{/hasAvatar}} </div> </div>--> <!--</script>--> </div><div id="cmsbox_285981" class="cmsbox "><h2>Notice on the current situation in Ukraine</h2> <div class="co-notification"><p>To show our support for Ukraine, all fees for papers from authors (first or corresponding authors) affiliated to <strong>Ukrainian institutions</strong> are automatically waived, regardless if these papers are co-authored by scientists affiliated to Russian and/or Belarusian institutions. 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