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As senior year winds down, we check in with members of the Class of 2017 before they graduate.</p></div> <div><p>Class of '17 is a five-year initiative that follows North Texas students as they transition from middle school to high school and through graduation. Class of '17 explores the causes and consequences of the state's school dropout crisis - and what schools, families and community groups are doing to help keep students in school. </p> <p>KERA has been checking on these students each year since 2013 to document their accomplishments, their struggles - and their hopes for the future. </p></div> <br style="clear:left"/> <!-- Pieces in the series --> <div class="column span-16 last"> <h3>13 Pieces</h3> </div> <div class="order-by-controls"> <span>Order by:</span> Newest First | <a href="">Oldest First</a> </div> <div class="piece column span-16 even"> <div class="column span-11"> <div class="column span-11 last"> <div class="title"> <a href="/pieces/212469-learning-to-move-on-early-in-life-jerry-harris-is">Learning To Move On Early In Life, Jerry Harris Is Ready For College</a> </div> From: <a href="">KERA</a><br/> Series: <a href="">American Graduate: What's Next For The Class Of '17</a><br/> </div> <div class="column span-2"> <a href="/pieces/212469-learning-to-move-on-early-in-life-jerry-harris-is"><img alt="Caption: Jerry Harris, Credit: Lara Solt" src="" style="float: left" version="square" width="75" /></a> </div> <div class="column span-9 last"> Jerry Harris, 18, is a senior at Plainview High School in Ardmore. After his parents split years ago, he left Texas to live with his dad in Oklahom... </div> </div> <div class="column last piece_details"> <div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_212469-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_212469-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212469-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212469-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212469-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212469-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212469-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212469-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212469-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212469-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212469-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/> <ul class="quiet"> <li>Added: <em>Aug 09, 2017</em></li> <li>Length: <em>04:58</em></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="piece column span-16 odd"> <div class="column span-11"> <div class="column span-11 last"> <div class="title"> <a href="/pieces/212468-being-a-nurse-is-her-dream-now-kelli-bowdy-has-to">Being A Nurse Is Her Dream. Now Kelli Bowdy Has To Pick A College</a> </div> From: <a href="">KERA</a><br/> Series: <a href="">American Graduate: What's Next For The Class Of '17</a><br/> </div> <div class="column span-2"> <a href="/pieces/212468-being-a-nurse-is-her-dream-now-kelli-bowdy-has-to"><img alt="Caption: Kelli Bowdy, Credit: Lara Solt" src="" style="float: left" version="square" width="75" /></a> </div> <div class="column span-9 last"> Kelli Bowdy, a senior at O.D. Wyatt High in Fort Worth, wants to be a nurse — she took special classes through school to make it happen. She’s plan... </div> </div> <div class="column last piece_details"> <div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_212468-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_212468-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212468-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212468-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212468-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212468-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212468-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212468-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212468-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212468-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212468-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/> <ul class="quiet"> <li>Added: <em>Aug 09, 2017</em></li> <li>Length: <em>03:17</em></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="piece column span-16 even"> <div class="column span-11"> <div class="column span-11 last"> <div class="title"> <a href="/pieces/212466-after-losing-his-best-friend-ricky-rijos-plans-to">After Losing His Best Friend, Ricky Rijos Plans To 'Live Life To The Fullest'</a> </div> From: <a href="">KERA</a><br/> Series: <a href="">American Graduate: What's Next For The Class Of '17</a><br/> </div> <div class="column span-2"> <a href="/pieces/212466-after-losing-his-best-friend-ricky-rijos-plans-to"><img alt="Caption: Ricky Rijos, Credit: Lara Solt" src="" style="float: left" version="square" width="75" /></a> </div> <div class="column span-9 last"> Ricky Rijos finished up high school in January, but he waited until June to get his diploma with his classmates from Flower Mound High School. He&#39;s... </div> </div> <div class="column last piece_details"> <div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_212466-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_212466-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212466-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212466-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212466-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212466-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212466-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212466-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212466-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212466-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212466-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/> <ul class="quiet"> <li>Added: <em>Aug 09, 2017</em></li> <li>Length: <em>04:23</em></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="piece column span-16 odd"> <div class="column span-11"> <div class="column span-11 last"> <div class="title"> <a href="/pieces/212373-phantasia-chavers-finds-peace-with-herself-and-her">Phantasia Chavers Finds Peace With Herself And Her Future</a> </div> From: <a href="">KERA</a><br/> Series: <a href="">American Graduate: What's Next For The Class Of '17</a><br/> </div> <div class="column span-2"> <a href="/pieces/212373-phantasia-chavers-finds-peace-with-herself-and-her"><img alt="Piece image" src="" style="float: left" version="square" width="75" /></a> </div> <div class="column span-9 last"> At this time four years ago, Phantasia Chavers of Cedar Hill was struggling with her sister’s departure for college. Today, it’s Phantasia who’s ge... </div> </div> <div class="column last piece_details"> <div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_212373-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_212373-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212373-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212373-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212373-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212373-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212373-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212373-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212373-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212373-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212373-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/> <ul class="quiet"> <li>Added: <em>Aug 08, 2017</em></li> <li>Length: <em>04:18</em></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="piece column span-16 even"> <div class="column span-11"> <div class="column span-11 last"> <div class="title"> <a href="/pieces/212372-alex-gutierrez-on-life-after-high-school-it-s-go">Alex Gutierrez On Life After High School: 'It's Gonna Be Up To Me'</a> </div> From: <a href="">KERA</a><br/> Series: <a href="">American Graduate: What's Next For The Class Of '17</a><br/> </div> <div class="column span-2"> <a href="/pieces/212372-alex-gutierrez-on-life-after-high-school-it-s-go"><img alt="Caption: Alex Gutierrez, Credit: Lara Solt" src="" style="float: left" version="square" width="75" /></a> </div> <div class="column span-9 last"> Alex Gutierrez struggled with math — and that kept her from going to her dream school. She just wrapped up her senior year at a Garland charter sch... </div> </div> <div class="column last piece_details"> <div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_212372-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_212372-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212372-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212372-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212372-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212372-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212372-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212372-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212372-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212372-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212372-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/> <ul class="quiet"> <li>Added: <em>Aug 08, 2017</em></li> <li>Length: <em>06:05</em></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="piece column span-16 odd"> <div class="column span-11"> <div class="column span-11 last"> <div class="title"> <a href="/pieces/212329-joel-luera-school-struggles-set-him-up-for-succes">Joel Luera: School Struggles Set Him Up For Success</a> </div> From: <a href="">KERA</a><br/> Series: <a href="">American Graduate: What's Next For The Class Of '17</a><br/> </div> <div class="column span-2"> <a href="/pieces/212329-joel-luera-school-struggles-set-him-up-for-succes"><img alt="Piece image" src="" style="float: left" version="square" width="75" /></a> </div> <div class="column span-9 last"> Going to school in a tough neighborhood has its challenges, even for a high-achiever like Joel Luera. The high school debater is headed to college ... </div> </div> <div class="column last piece_details"> <div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_212329-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_212329-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212329-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212329-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212329-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212329-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212329-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212329-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212329-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212329-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212329-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/> <ul class="quiet"> <li>Added: <em>Aug 07, 2017</em></li> <li>Length: <em>04:57</em></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="piece column span-16 even"> <div class="column span-11"> <div class="column span-11 last"> <div class="title"> <a href="/pieces/212292-for-chance-hawkins-high-school-milestones-are-maj">For Chance Hawkins, High School Milestones Are Major Life Moments</a> </div> From: <a href="">KERA</a><br/> Series: <a href="">American Graduate: What's Next For The Class Of '17</a><br/> </div> <div class="column span-2"> <a href="/pieces/212292-for-chance-hawkins-high-school-milestones-are-maj"><img alt="Piece image" src="" style="float: left" version="square" width="75" /></a> </div> <div class="column span-9 last"> Chance Hawkins, 19, was born with a rare genetic degenerative disease. He’s getting ready to graduate from Fort Worth’s Dunbar High School, conclud... </div> </div> <div class="column last piece_details"> <div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_212292-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_212292-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212292-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212292-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212292-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212292-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212292-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212292-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212292-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212292-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_212292-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/> <ul class="quiet"> <li>Added: <em>Aug 07, 2017</em></li> <li>Length: <em>04:32</em></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="piece column span-16 odd"> <div class="column span-11"> <div class="column span-11 last"> <div class="title"> <a href="/pieces/179964-chapter-5-ricky-rijos-for-this-high-schooler-h">Chapter 5: Ricky Rijos - For This High Schooler, Hoop Dreams Crash Into Harsh Reality</a> </div> From: <a href="">KERA</a><br/> Series: <a href="">American Graduate: What's Next For The Class Of '17</a><br/> </div> <div class="column span-2"> <a href="/pieces/179964-chapter-5-ricky-rijos-for-this-high-schooler-h"><img alt="Caption: Ricky Rijos is a junior at Flower Mound High, Credit: Lara Solt" src="" style="float: left" version="square" width="75" /></a> </div> <div class="column span-9 last"> Like a lot of high school juniors, Ricky Rijos, Jr. of Flower Mound High is facing uncertainty. Ricky had dreams of playing basketball after high s... </div> </div> <div class="column last piece_details"> <div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_179964-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_179964-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179964-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179964-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179964-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179964-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179964-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179964-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179964-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179964-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179964-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/> <ul class="quiet"> <li>Added: <em>Jun 07, 2016</em></li> <li>Length: <em>05:02</em></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="piece column span-16 even"> <div class="column span-11"> <div class="column span-11 last"> <div class="title"> <a href="/pieces/179963-chapter-4-alex-gutierrez-she-dreams-of-college">Chapter 4: Alex Gutierrez - She Dreams Of College - And Passing Geometry Class</a> </div> From: <a href="">KERA</a><br/> Series: <a href="">American Graduate: What's Next For The Class Of '17</a><br/> </div> <div class="column span-2"> <a href="/pieces/179963-chapter-4-alex-gutierrez-she-dreams-of-college"><img alt="Caption: Alex Gutierrez, right, and Olga Sandoval wait for the bell to ring in their Mandarin Chinese class at International Leadership of Texas Garland High School. , Credit: Lara" src="" style="float: left" version="square" width="75" /></a> </div> <div class="column span-9 last"> Alex Gutierrez is a student at the International Leadership of Texas high school, a charter school in Garland. For Alex, math is a struggle. As jun... </div> </div> <div class="column last piece_details"> <div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_179963-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_179963-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179963-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179963-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179963-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179963-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179963-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179963-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179963-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179963-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179963-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/> <ul class="quiet"> <li>Added: <em>Jun 07, 2016</em></li> <li>Length: <em>05:19</em></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="piece column span-16 odd"> <div class="column span-11"> <div class="column span-11 last"> <div class="title"> <a href="/pieces/179074-chapter-3-class-of-17-fort-worth-student-won-t">Chapter 3: Class Of '17 - Fort Worth Student Won't Let Debilitating Disease Stop Him</a> </div> From: <a href="">KERA</a><br/> Series: <a href="">American Graduate: What's Next For The Class Of '17</a><br/> </div> <div class="column span-2"> <a href="/pieces/179074-chapter-3-class-of-17-fort-worth-student-won-t"><img alt="Caption: Chance Hawkins at Dunbar High School in Fort Worth, Credit: Mark Birnbaum" src="" style="float: left" version="square" width="75" /></a> </div> <div class="column span-9 last"> Chance Hawkins has all the junior year challenges of his classmates at Fort Worth’s Dunbar High School. His personal challenge is even bigger – he’... </div> </div> <div class="column last piece_details"> <div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_179074-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_179074-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179074-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179074-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179074-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179074-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179074-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179074-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179074-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179074-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179074-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/> <ul class="quiet"> <li>Added: <em>May 25, 2016</em></li> <li>Length: <em>04:45</em></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="piece column span-16 even"> <div class="column span-11"> <div class="column span-11 last"> <div class="title"> <a href="/pieces/179067-college-readiness-and-the-class-of-17">College Readiness And The Class Of '17</a> </div> From: <a href="">KERA</a><br/> Series: <a href="">American Graduate: What's Next For The Class Of '17</a><br/> </div> <div class="column span-2"> <a href="/pieces/179067-college-readiness-and-the-class-of-17"><img alt="Piece image" src="" style="float: left" version="square" width="75" /></a> </div> <div class="column span-9 last"> Since 2013, KERA has followed a group of students on the path to graduation. As they finish their junior year in high school, they’re making colleg... </div> </div> <div class="column last piece_details"> <div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_179067-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_179067-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179067-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179067-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179067-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179067-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179067-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179067-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179067-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179067-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_179067-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/> <ul class="quiet"> <li>Added: <em>May 25, 2016</em></li> <li>Length: <em>48:30</em></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="piece column span-16 odd"> <div class="column span-11"> <div class="column span-11 last"> <div class="title"> <a href="/pieces/178152-chapter-2-kelli-bowdy-for-this-high-schooler-f">Chapter 2: Kelli Bowdy - For This High Schooler, Family Plays Big Role In Charting The Future</a> </div> From: <a href="">KERA</a><br/> Series: <a href="">American Graduate: What's Next For The Class Of '17</a><br/> </div> <div class="column span-2"> <a href="/pieces/178152-chapter-2-kelli-bowdy-for-this-high-schooler-f"><img alt="Caption: Kelli Bowdy attends O.D. Wyatt High School in Fort Worth. She wants to be a nurse, Credit: Lara Solt" src="" style="float: left" version="square" width="75" /></a> </div> <div class="column span-9 last"> It’s crunch time for high school juniors to start figuring out what’s next after graduation. Kelli Bowdy already knows what she wants to do — she w... </div> </div> <div class="column last piece_details"> <div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_178152-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_178152-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178152-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178152-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178152-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178152-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178152-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178152-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178152-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178152-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178152-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/> <ul class="quiet"> <li>Added: <em>May 17, 2016</em></li> <li>Length: <em>04:43</em></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="piece column span-16 even"> <div class="column span-11"> <div class="column span-11 last"> <div class="title"> <a href="/pieces/178137-chapter-1-joel-luera-juggling-college-classes-i">Chapter 1: Joel Luera - Juggling College Classes In High School Takes Grit</a> </div> From: <a href="">KERA</a><br/> Series: <a href="">American Graduate: What's Next For The Class Of '17</a><br/> </div> <div class="column span-2"> <a href="/pieces/178137-chapter-1-joel-luera-juggling-college-classes-i"><img alt="Caption: Joel Luera, right, and Steve Vasquez, left, study for a biology test at Eastfield College in Mesquite, Credit: Lara Solt" src="" style="float: left" version="square" width="75" /></a> </div> <div class="column span-9 last"> The Class of ’17 — a group of students from across North Texas that KERA started following when they were in eighth grade — are now high school ju... </div> <p class="small"> Bought by <a href="">KBCS 91.3 FM Community Radio</a> </p> </div> <div class="column last piece_details"> <div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_178137-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_178137-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178137-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178137-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178137-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178137-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178137-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178137-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178137-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178137-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_178137-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/> <ul class="quiet"> <li>Added: <em>May 11, 2016</em></li> <li>Length: <em>05:13</em></li> <li>Purchases: <em>1</em></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar column span-6 last"> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer" class="column span-24 last small footer"> <div id="footer-navigation" class="column span-24 last"> <div class="column prepend-1 span-4 quiet"> <dl> <dt>Resources</dt> <dd><a href="">Help &amp; 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