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General interest hypertext-books and technical hyper-textbooks — physics, mathematics, cycling, education, media, skepticism, West Africa, and more.</p> <div class="add add-yes"><div class="sharethis-inline-share-buttons"></div><span class="add-goo"><a href="#search"><img src="" alt="search icon" title="Search this site"></a></span></div><div id="search" class="overlay"><div class="popup shadow"><a class="close" href="#" title="Close this window">[close]</a><div class="gcse-searchbox-only"></div></div></div> </header> <nav> <ul> <li><ul><li><div class="title" title="The Chaos Hypertextbook"><a href="" target="_top">The Chaos<br>Hypertextbook</a></div><div class="subtitle" title="Chaos, Fractals, Dimension"><a href="" target="_top">Mathematics in the age of the computer</a></div></li><li>Chaos — the study of the uncontainable, the unpredictable, the messy. Fractals — fantastic curves and surfaces unlike anything ever seen in mathematics before. Dimension — a way to bring order to chaos and measure to madness. One can devote an academic lifetime to these topics, but this introduction makes them as easy to understand as the straight line and the parabola.</li></ul></li> <li><ul><li><div class="title" title="The Physics Hypertextbook"><a href="" target="_top">The Physics<br>Hypertextbook</a></div><div class="subtitle" title="A work in progress"><a href="" target="_top">Opus in profectus</a></div></li><li>The Physics Hypertextbook is a reaction to three big problems with textbooks: lack of writer's voice, layouts that reduce readability, and outdated economics.</li></ul></li> <li><ul><li><div class="title" title="The Physics Factbook"> <a href="" target="_top">The Physics<br>Factbook</a> </div> <div class="subtitle" title="An educational, fair use website"> <a href="" target="_top">An encyclopedia of scientific essays</a> </div> </li><li>The Physics Factbook is an encyclopedia of scientific essays written by high school students that can be used by anybody. It is an exercise in library research methods in which students are sent out in search of a measurement with the intent of having them find more than just a number with a unit. It is an ongoing project with no foreseeable end date or limits.</li></ul></li> <li><ul><li><div class="title" title="Get Bent"><a href="" target="_top"><span class="get">Get</span> <span class="bent">Bent</span></a></div><div class="subtitle" title="What do you do when it rains?"> <br><a href="" target="_top"><span class="get">Coast to coast by</span> <span class="bent">recumbent bicycle</span></a></div></li><li>This is the story of my six-week odyssey riding across North America on a recumbent bicycle: a bicycle you ride in a recumbent (seated) position. Recumbent bicycles are sometimes called “bents”, which is where the phrase “get bent” comes from.</li></ul></li> <li><ul><li><div class="title" title="Welcome to E-World"> <br><a href="" target="_top">E-World</a></div><div class="subtitle" title="A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Why"><a href="" target="_top">Articles, essays, ideas, opinions, unabridged</a></div></li><li>E-World is a collection of essays by Glenn Elert.</li></ul></li> </ul> </nav> <footer> <div class="add add-yes"><div class="sharethis-inline-share-buttons"></div><span class="add-goo"><a href="#search"><img src="" alt="search icon" title="Search this site"></a></span></div> <div class="signature"> <span><a href="" target="_top"><img src="" title="" alt="eglobe logo"></a></span> <span><a href="" target="_top" title="hypertextbook">hypertextbook</a><br><a href="" title="America is waiting for a message of some sort or another" target="_blank">©1998–2022 Glenn Elert<br>Author, Illustrator, Webmaster</a></span> </div> <p title="No condition is permanent">No condition is permanent.</p> </footer> </body> </html>