Albania - Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database 2017

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When people can participate in the financial system, they are better able to start and expand businesses, invest in their children\u2019s education, and absorb financial shocks. Yet prior to 2011, little was known about the extent of financial inclusion and the degree to which such groups as the poor, women, and rural residents were excluded from formal financial systems. \n\nBy collecting detailed indicators about how adults around the world manage their day-to-day finances, the Global Findex allows policy makers, researchers, businesses, and development practitioners to track how the use of financial services has changed over time. The database can also be used to identify gaps in access to the formal financial system and design policies to expand financial inclusion.\r\n\r\nGeographic coverage\r\n---------------------------\r\n\r\nNational coverage\r\n\r\nUniverse\r\n---------------------------\r\n\r\nThe target population is the civilian, non-institutionalized population 15 years and above.\r\n\r\nKind of data\r\n---------------------------\r\n\r\nObservation data/ratings [obs]\r\n\r\nSampling procedure\r\n---------------------------\r\n\r\nThe indicators in the 2017 Global Findex database are drawn from survey data covering almost 150,000 people in 144 economies-representing more than 97 percent of the world's population (see Table A.1 of the Global Findex Database 2017 Report for a list of the economies included). The survey was carried out over the 2017 calendar year by Gallup, Inc., as part of its Gallup World Poll, which since 2005 has annually conducted surveys of approximately 1,000 people in each of more than 160 economies and in over 150 languages, using randomly selected, nationally representative samples. The target population is the entire civilian, noninstitutionalized population age 15 and above. Interview procedure Surveys are conducted face to face in economies where telephone coverage represents less than 80 percent of the population or where this is the customary methodology. In most economies the fieldwork is completed in two to four weeks.\n\nIn economies where face-to-face surveys are conducted, the first stage of sampling is the identification of primary sampling units. These units are stratified by population size, geography, or both, and clustering is achieved through one or more stages of sampling. Where population information is available, sample selection is based on probabilities proportional to population size; otherwise, simple random sampling is used. Random route procedures are used to select sampled households. Unless an outright refusal occurs, interviewers make up to three attempts to survey the sampled household. To increase the probability of contact and completion, attempts are made at different times of the day and, where possible, on different days. If an interview cannot be obtained at the initial sampled household, a simple substitution method is used. \n\nRespondents are randomly selected within the selected households. Each eligible household member is listed and the handheld survey device randomly selects the household member to be interviewed. For paper surveys, the Kish grid method is used to select the respondent. In economies where cultural restrictions dictate gender matching, respondents are randomly selected from among all eligible adults of the interviewer's gender.\n\nIn economies where telephone interviewing is employed, random digit dialing or a nationally representative list of phone numbers is used. In most economies where cell phone penetration is high, a dual sampling frame is used. Random selection of respondents is achieved by using either the latest birthday or household enumeration method. At least three attempts are made to reach a person in each household, spread over different days and times of day.\n\nThe sample size was 1000.\r\n\r\nMode of data collection\r\n---------------------------\r\n\r\nComputer Assisted Personal Interview [capi]\r\n\r\nResearch instrument\r\n---------------------------\r\n\r\nThe questionnaire was designed by the World Bank, in conjunction with a Technical Advisory Board composed of leading academics, practitioners, and policy makers in the field of financial inclusion. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Gallup Inc. also provided valuable input. The questionnaire was piloted in multiple countries, using focus groups, cognitive interviews, and field testing. The questionnaire is available in more than 140 languages upon request.\n\nQuestions on cash on delivery, saving using an informal savings club or person outside the family, domestic remittances, and agricultural payments are only asked in developing economies and few other selected countries. The question on mobile money accounts was only asked in economies that were part of the Mobile Money for the Unbanked (MMU) database of the GSMA at the time the interviews were being held.\r\n\r\nSampling error estimates\r\n---------------------------\r\n\r\nEstimates of standard errors (which account for sampling error) vary by country and indicator. For country-specific margins of error, please refer to the Methodology section and corresponding table in Demirg\u00fc\u00e7-Kunt, Asli, Leora Klapper, Dorothe Singer, Saniya Ansar, and Jake Hess. 2018. The Global Findex Database 2017: Measuring Financial Inclusion and the Fintech Revolution. Washington, DC: World Bank", "url": "", "sameAs": "", "identifier": "ALB_2017_FINDEX_v02_M", "includedInDataCatalog": { "@type": "DataCatalog", "name": "" }, "temporalCoverage": "2017", "dateCreated": "2018-10-18T17:07:00-04:00", "dateModified": "2018-10-31T13:31:42-04:00", "spatialCoverage": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Albania" }, "creator": [ { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Development Research Group, Finance and Private Sector Development Unit" } ], "producer": [ { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Gallup, Inc." } ] }</script> </head> <body> <!-- site header --> <style> .site-header .navbar-light .no-logo .navbar-brand--sitename {border:0px!important;margin-left:0px} .site-header .navbar-light .no-logo .nada-site-title {font-size:18px;} </style> <header class="site-header"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-light rounded navbar-toggleable-md wb-navbar"> <div class="navbar-brand"> <a href="" 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<div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Title</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database 2017</p></span> </div> </div> <div class="table-responsive field field-study_desc_study_info_nation"> <div class="field-title">Country/Economy</div> <div class=""> <table class="table table-sm table-bordered table-striped table-condensed xsl-table table-grid "> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Country code</th> </tr> <tr> <td> Albania </td> <td> ALB </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.series_statement.series_name"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Study type</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>Other Household Survey [hh/oth]</p></span> </div> </div> <div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.series_statement.series_info"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Series Information</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>In 2011 the World Bank—with funding from the Bill &amp; Melinda Gates Foundation—launched the Global Findex database, the world’s most comprehensive data set on how adults save, borrow, make payments, and manage risk. Drawing on survey data collected in collaboration with Gallup, Inc., the Global Findex database covers more than 140 economies around the world. The initial survey round was followed by a second one in 2014 and by a third in 2017.</p> <p>Compiled using nationally representative surveys of more than 150,000 adults age 15 and above in over 140 economies, the 2017 Global Findex database includes updated indicators on access to and use of formal and informal financial services. It has additional data on the use of financial technology (or fintech), including the use of mobile phones and the internet to conduct financial transactions.</p></span> </div> </div> <div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.study_info.abstract"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Abstract</div> <div class="field-value"> <span>Financial inclusion is critical in reducing poverty and achieving inclusive economic growth. When people can participate in the financial system, they are better able to start and expand businesses, invest in their children’s education, and absorb financial shocks. Yet prior to 2011, little was known about the extent of financial inclusion and the degree to which such groups as the poor, women, and rural residents were excluded from formal financial systems. <br /> <br /> By collecting detailed indicators about how adults around the world manage their day-to-day finances, the Global Findex allows policy makers, researchers, businesses, and development practitioners to track how the use of financial services has changed over time. The database can also be used to identify gaps in access to the formal financial system and design policies to expand financial inclusion.</span> </div> </div> <div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.study_info.data_kind"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Kind of Data</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>Observation data/ratings [obs]</p></span> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="study_description.version">Version</h2><div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.version_statement.version_notes"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Version Notes</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>This version differs from version 1 in that it includes one or both of the following additional variables from the questionnaire, that had been left out of version 1:</p> <ul> <li>fin48 “Has a national ID”</li> <li>mobileowner “Owns a mobile for personal calls”</li> </ul></span> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="study_desc1674579453273">Scope</h2><div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.study_info.notes"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Notes</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>The Global Findex database provides more than 200 indicators on topics such as account ownership, payments, saving, credit, and financial resilience. Global Findex data is available for more than 140 countries around the world which make up 97% of the world's population. Data is available for 2017, 2014, and 2011.</p></span> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="study_desc1684331110642">Coverage</h2><div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.study_info.geog_coverage"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Geographic Coverage</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>National coverage</p></span> </div> </div> <div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.study_info.universe"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Universe</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>The target population is the civilian, non-institutionalized population 15 years and above.</p></span> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="study_desc1684331430702">Producers and sponsors</h2><div class="table-responsive field field-study_desc_authoring_entity"> <div class="field-title">Primary investigators</div> <div class=""> <table class="table table-sm table-bordered table-striped table-condensed xsl-table table-grid "> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Affiliation</th> </tr> <tr> <td> Development Research Group, Finance and Private Sector Development Unit </td> <td> World Bank </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="table-responsive field field-study_desc_production_statement_producers"> <div class="field-title">Producers</div> <div class=""> <table class="table table-sm table-bordered table-striped table-condensed xsl-table table-grid "> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Role</th> </tr> <tr> <td> Gallup, Inc. </td> <td> Carried out the survey in association with its annual Gallup World Poll. </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="table-responsive field field-study_desc_production_statement_funding_agencies"> <div class="field-title">Funding Agency/Sponsor</div> <div class=""> <table class="table table-sm table-bordered table-striped table-condensed xsl-table table-grid "> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Role</th> </tr> <tr> <td> Development Research Group, World Bank </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation </td> <td> Financial Support </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="study_desc1674579234511">Sampling</h2><div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.method.data_collection.sampling_procedure"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Sampling Procedure</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>The indicators in the 2017 Global Findex database are drawn from survey data covering almost 150,000 people in 144 economies-representing more than 97 percent of the world's population (see Table A.1 of the Global Findex Database 2017 Report for a list of the economies included). The survey was carried out over the 2017 calendar year by Gallup, Inc., as part of its Gallup World Poll, which since 2005 has annually conducted surveys of approximately 1,000 people in each of more than 160 economies and in over 150 languages, using randomly selected, nationally representative samples. The target population is the entire civilian, noninstitutionalized population age 15 and above. Interview procedure Surveys are conducted face to face in economies where telephone coverage represents less than 80 percent of the population or where this is the customary methodology. In most economies the fieldwork is completed in two to four weeks.</p> <p>In economies where face-to-face surveys are conducted, the first stage of sampling is the identification of primary sampling units. These units are stratified by population size, geography, or both, and clustering is achieved through one or more stages of sampling. Where population information is available, sample selection is based on probabilities proportional to population size; otherwise, simple random sampling is used. Random route procedures are used to select sampled households. Unless an outright refusal occurs, interviewers make up to three attempts to survey the sampled household. To increase the probability of contact and completion, attempts are made at different times of the day and, where possible, on different days. If an interview cannot be obtained at the initial sampled household, a simple substitution method is used. </p> <p>Respondents are randomly selected within the selected households. Each eligible household member is listed and the handheld survey device randomly selects the household member to be interviewed. For paper surveys, the Kish grid method is used to select the respondent. In economies where cultural restrictions dictate gender matching, respondents are randomly selected from among all eligible adults of the interviewer's gender.</p> <p>In economies where telephone interviewing is employed, random digit dialing or a nationally representative list of phone numbers is used. In most economies where cell phone penetration is high, a dual sampling frame is used. Random selection of respondents is achieved by using either the latest birthday or household enumeration method. At least three attempts are made to reach a person in each household, spread over different days and times of day.</p> <p>The sample size was 1000.</p></span> </div> </div> <div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.method.data_collection.weight"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Weighting</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>Data weighting is used to ensure a nationally representative sample for each economy. Final weights consist of the base sampling weight, which corrects for unequal probability of selection based on household size, and the poststratification weight, which corrects for sampling and nonresponse error. Poststratification weights use economy-level population statistics on gender and age and, where reliable data are available, education or socioeconomic status.</p></span> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="study_desc1684332949622">Survey instrument</h2><div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.method.data_collection.research_instrument"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Questionnaires</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>The questionnaire was designed by the World Bank, in conjunction with a Technical Advisory Board composed of leading academics, practitioners, and policy makers in the field of financial inclusion. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Gallup Inc. also provided valuable input. The questionnaire was piloted in multiple countries, using focus groups, cognitive interviews, and field testing. The questionnaire is available in more than 140 languages upon request.</p> <p>Questions on cash on delivery, saving using an informal savings club or person outside the family, domestic remittances, and agricultural payments are only asked in developing economies and few other selected countries. The question on mobile money accounts was only asked in economies that were part of the Mobile Money for the Unbanked (MMU) database of the GSMA at the time the interviews were being held.</p></span> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="study_desc1684332928200">Data collection</h2><div class="table-responsive field field-study_desc_study_info_coll_dates"> <div class="field-title">Dates of Data Collection</div> <div class=""> <table class="table table-sm table-bordered table-striped table-condensed xsl-table table-grid "> <tr> <th>Start</th> <th>End</th> </tr> <tr> <td> 2017-05-18 </td> <td> 2017-06-12 </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.method.data_collection.coll_situation"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Data Collection Notes</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>Interviews were conducted in the following language(s): Albanian</p></span> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="study_desc1684334914432">Data appraisal</h2><div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.method.analysis_info.sampling_error_estimates"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Estimates of Sampling Error</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>Estimates of standard errors (which account for sampling error) vary by country and indicator. For country-specific margins of error, please refer to the Methodology section and corresponding table in Demirgüç-Kunt, Asli, Leora Klapper, Dorothe Singer, Saniya Ansar, and Jake Hess. 2018. The Global Findex Database 2017: Measuring Financial Inclusion and the Fintech Revolution. Washington, DC: World Bank</p></span> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="study_desc1684334943415">Depositor information</h2><div class="table-responsive field field-study_desc_distribution_statement_depositor"> <div class="field-title">Depositor</div> <div class=""> <table class="table table-sm table-bordered table-striped table-condensed xsl-table table-grid "> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Affiliation</th> </tr> <tr> <td> Development Research Group, Finance and Private Sector Development Unit </td> <td> World Bank </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="study_desc1684335103457">Data Access</h2><div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.data_access.dataset_use.cit_req"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Citation requirements</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>Demirgüç-Kunt, Asli, Leora Klapper, Dorothe Singer, Saniya Ansar, and Jake Hess. 2018. The Global Findex Database 2017: Measuring Financial Inclusion and the Fintech Revolution. Washington, DC: World Bank. Ref: ALB_2017_FINDEX_v02_M. Accessed at [url] on [date]</p></span> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="study_desc1684335112393">Disclaimer and copyrights</h2><div class="mb-2 field field-study_desc.data_access.dataset_use.disclaimer"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Disclaimer</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.</p></span> </div> </div> </div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="study_desc1684335140110">Contacts</h2><div class="table-responsive field field-study_desc_distribution_statement_contact"> <div class="field-title">Contacts</div> <div class=""> <table class="table table-sm table-bordered table-striped table-condensed xsl-table table-grid "> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Affiliation</th> <th>Email</th> </tr> <tr> <td> Global Findex </td> <td> World Bank </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div></div><div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="doc_desc.title_statement">Metadata production</h2><div class="mb-2 field field-doc_desc.idno"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">DDI Document ID</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>DDI_ALB_2017_FINDEX_v02_M_WB</p></span> </div> </div> <div class="table-responsive field field-doc_desc_producers"> <div class="field-title">Producers</div> <div class=""> <table class="table table-sm table-bordered table-striped table-condensed xsl-table table-grid "> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Affiliation</th> <th>Role</th> </tr> <tr> <td> Development Economics Data Group </td> <td> The World Bank </td> <td> Documentation of the DDI </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="mb-2 field field-doc_desc.prod_date"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Date of Metadata Production</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>2018-10-09</p></span> </div> </div> <div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="doc_description1684333414594">Metadata version</h2><div class="mb-2 field field-doc_desc.version_statement.version"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">DDI Document version</div> <div class="field-value"> <span><p>Version 01 (October 2018)</p></span> </div> </div> </div></div></div><div class="field-section-container pb-3"><h2 class="field-section" id="citations_section">Citation</h2> <div class="mb-2 field field-widgets.doi.citations"> <div class="font-weight-bold field-title">Citation</div> <div class="doi-citation" ><a target="_blank" href=""><i class="fas fa-spinner fa-spin"></i> loading, please wait...</a></div> <div class="pt-2" style="font-size:small;display:none"> <span class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#citation_options" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="citation_options">Citation format <i class="fas fa-cog"></i></span> </div> <div class="collapse clearfix bg-light p-3" id="citation_options"> <form action="" class="form-inline pt-2" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <input type="hidden" name="ncsrf" value="2d5a9f2ac67ea0f820349dba71d85974" /> <div class="form-group"> <label for="doi_format" class="mr-2">Format</label> <select class="form-control form-control-sm" id="doi_format"> <option value="apa" selected="selected">APA</option> <option value="university-of-york-mla">MLA</option> <option value="harvard-cite-them-right">Harvard</option> <option value="chicago-fullnote-bibliography-16th-edition">Chicago</option> </select> </div> </form> </div> <div class="mt-3 text-secondary" style="font-size:small;"> Export citation: <a onclick="citation_export('ris')" href="#ris">RIS</a> | <a onclick="citation_export('bib')" href="#bib">BibTeX</a> | <a onclick="citation_export('txt')" href="#txt">Plain text</a> <div id="export-citation-status"></div> </div> </div> <script> function get_citation_by_doi() { var doi=''; 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