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class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"><a class="title" href="" title="US warns ramped-up election influence efforts aim to stoke violence"> <h2>US warns ramped-up election influence efforts aim to stoke violence</h2></a> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"><span class="date"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-10-22T16:20:31-05:00"> October 22, 2024 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list links__list--column"> <li class="links__item">By <a class="links__item-link" href="" title="Jeff Seldin">Jeff Seldin</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"><img src="" alt="FILE - A United States flag flies in front of the U.S. Capitol dome in Washington, Nov. 6, 2018. U.S. intelligence officials warned on Oct. 22, 2024, that Russia and Iran are stepping up efforts to sow distrust and spark violence before and after the Nov. 5 presidential election."> </div><span class="ico ico-fullscreen ico--media-expand ico--rounded"></span> </div> <figcaption><span class="caption">FILE - A United States flag flies in front of the U.S. Capitol dome in Washington, Nov. 6, 2018. U.S. intelligence officials warned on Oct. 22, 2024, that Russia and Iran are stepping up efforts to sow distrust and spark violence before and after the Nov. 5 presidential election.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-2 pull-left article-share"> <div class="not-apply-to-sticky"> <aside class="share flex-column js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"><span class="label label--share stand-alone">Share</span> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"><a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--l"></span> </a></li> <li class="share__item"><a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--l"></span> </a></li> <li 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</button> </div></li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional share__item--horizontal"><a href="mailto:?body=" title="Email to a Friend" class="btn btn--rounded btn-email "> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-email ico--s"></span> </a></li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"><a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a></li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-10 pull-right"> <div class="wsw"><span class="dateline">WASHINGTON — </span> <p>Efforts by U.S. adversaries to divide Americans and sow growing distrust in the upcoming presidential election have already begun to intensify, according to senior U.S. intelligence officials, who warn some countries appear to be leaning toward additional measures to spark election-related violence.</p> <p>The latest declassified assessment, issued Tuesday by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, comes just two weeks before voters head to the polls November 5 to choose a new president and vote on a series of statewide and local races and initiatives.</p> <p>“Foreign actors — particularly Russia, Iran and China — remain intent on fanning divisive narratives to divide Americans and undermine Americans’ confidence in the U.S. democratic system consistent with what they perceive to be in their interests,” according to the assessment.</p> <p>But it warns U.S. intelligence agencies are “increasingly confident” that Russia is starting to engage in plans “aimed at inciting violence.”</p> <p>It further assesses Iran also “may try to incite violence.”</p> <p><strong>Post-poll closing concerns</strong></p> <p>Of particular concern is what appears to be a growing focus on the hours, days and weeks after the polls close, when state and local election officials begin to tally and certify the results.</p> <p>U.S. adversaries "probably will be quick to create false narratives or amplify content they think will create confusion about the election, such as posting claims of election irregularities," said a U.S. intelligence official, briefing reporters on the condition of anonymity to discuss the assessment in additional detail.</p> <p>The official said Russia, Iran and China “may perceive a window of vulnerability to push disinformation or foment or amplify protests and threats” starting with the moment polling centers close and extending to January 6, when the presidential results are certified by a joint session of Congress.</p> <p>"Foreign driven or amplified violent protests, violence or physical threats to election workers or state and local officials could challenge state and local officials' ability to conduct elements of the certification and Electoral College process,” the official said. “Particularly if they prevent necessary physical access to facilities or venues."</p> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="wsw__embed"> <div class="infgraphicsAttach"> <script type="text/javascript"> initInfographics( { groups:[], params:[{"Name":"embed_html","Value":"<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">US adversaries not working together on <a href=\"\">#Election2024</a> interference efforts \"<a href=\"\">#Russia</a>, <a href=\"\">#Iran</a>, <a href=\"\">#China</a> address similar themes but we haven%27t seen collaboration on those activities\" per US intel official</p>— Jeff Seldin (@jseldin) <a href=\"\">October 22, 2024</a></blockquote>||data-pangea-embed::\"true\"","DefaultValue":"","HtmlEncode":false,"Type":"HTML"}], isMobile:true }); </script> <div class="snippetLoading twitterSnippet"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function (d) { var userInput = Infographics.Param["embed_html"], thisSnippet = (d.getElementsByClassName ? d.getElementsByClassName("twitterSnippet") : d.querySelectorAll(".twitterSnippet"))[0], render = function () { var madeDiv, bquote, 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"> </noscript><img data-src="" alt="FILE - In this March 15, 2016, file photo, people line up to vote in the primary at a precinct in Bradfordton, Il. "> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"><a href="" title="US warns voters of disinformation deluge"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0">US warns voters of disinformation deluge</h4></a> </div> </div> </div> <p>Officials said Tuesday that new intelligence streams have raised concerns that Moscow, especially, will try to foment violence once the polls close.</p> <p>"We expect Russia will be more aggressive in this period if the vice president [Kamala Harris] wins the election," the intelligence official said. “Russia would prefer the former president to win, and they would seek to more aggressively undermine the presidency of the then-president-elect.”</p> <p>Russia, China and Iran have all rejected previous U.S. accusations of election meddling.</p> <p>Russia and Iran have yet to respond to requests from VOA for comment, but China on Tuesday again rejected the latest U.S. intelligence findings.</p> <p>“The presidential elections are the United States’ own affairs,” Liu Pengyu, the spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, told VOA in an email. “China has no intention and will not interfere.”</p> <p>U.S. intelligence officials, though, point to what they describe as growing examples of malign intent, especially by Russia and Iran.</p> <p><strong>Influence operations</strong></p> <p>In one example, the officials said Russian-linked actors were responsible for a post on the X social media platform earlier this month that contained false allegations against Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz.</p> <p>“There are several indicators of manipulation that are consistent with the influence, efforts and tactics of Russian influence actors this cycle,” the U.S. intelligence official said.</p> <p>In another case, U.S. officials said a Russian intelligence unit sought to recruit what they assess to likely be an unwitting American to organize protests.</p> <p>They also point to actions taken last month by multiple U.S. agencies to counter several Russian influence efforts, including the use of fake websites and the creation of a shell company to funnel $10 million to a U.S. media company to push pro-Russian propaganda.</p> <div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"><a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="" title="US crackdown calls out Russian disinformation campaign"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"><img src="" alt="FILE - The RT News (formerly Russia Today) app is seen on a smartphone in this illustration photo taken Feb. 27, 2022."> </noscript><img data-src="" alt="FILE - The RT News (formerly Russia Today) app is seen on a smartphone in this illustration photo taken Feb. 27, 2022."> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"><a href="" title="US crackdown calls out Russian disinformation campaign"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0">US crackdown calls out Russian disinformation campaign</h4></a> </div> </div> </div> <p>Also last month, the U.S. placed bounties and lodged criminal charges against three Iranian hackers, all accused of seeking to undermine the Trump reelection campaign.</p> <div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"><a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="" title="US moves against Iranian actors charged with election meddling "> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"><img src="" alt="Cadets of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps march in a parade outside Tehran, Sept. 21, 2024. The U.S. on Sept. 27, 2024, filed charges against three members of the Guard, accusing them of hacking to interfere with U.S. elections."> </noscript><img data-src="" alt="Cadets of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps march in a parade outside Tehran, Sept. 21, 2024. The U.S. on Sept. 27, 2024, filed charges against three members of the Guard, accusing them of hacking to interfere with U.S. elections."> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"><a href="" title="US moves against Iranian actors charged with election meddling "> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0">US moves against Iranian actors charged with election meddling</h4></a> </div> </div> </div> <p>And there are fears that even these types of ongoing influence operations, which often seek to exploit divisive political issues, could lead to problems.</p> <p>"Even if these disinformation campaigns are not specifically calling for violence, the tactics used to undermine confidence in the democratic institutions can lead to violence, even if not deliberately called for," said a senior official with the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or CISA, who, like the U.S. intelligence official, spoke on the condition of anonymity.</p> <p><strong>‘Expect disruptions’</strong></p> <p>And while U.S. officials express confidence that safeguards are in place to prevent U.S. adversaries from attacking or hacking systems used to record and tally votes, there is concern that they will target other U.S. infrastructure to try to induce panic or violence.</p> <p>“That is a real possibility," said the CISA official, adding the U.S. public should “expect disruptions.”</p> <p>“We're going to see a voting location lose power,” the official said. “We're going to see potentially some type of impact on a transportation system. We're going to see a potential ransomware attack against a local election office.”</p> <p>CISA officials say they have been working with state and local election officials to make sure they are prepared to handle sudden disruptions. And state officials say they are prepared.</p> <p>“All states consider their election infrastructure and IT [information technology] systems a potential target for threats,” said Steve Simon, Minnesota’s secretary of state and the president of the National Association of Secretaries of State, during a call with reporters Monday.</p> <p>“Chief elections officials throughout the United States have worked really tirelessly and consistently to mitigate risks to our election systems and processes,” said Simon.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article> <div class="article-list-item"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"><a class="title" href="" title="US charges Iranian Revolutionary Guard official in plot to kill VOA host"> <h2>US charges Iranian Revolutionary Guard official in plot to kill VOA host</h2></a> <div class="publishing-details "> <div class="published"><span class="date"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-10-22T15:58:10-05:00"> October 22, 2024 </time> </span> </div> <div class="links"> <ul class="links__list links__list--column"> <li class="links__item">By <a class="links__item-link" href="" title="Liam Scott">Liam Scott</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="cover-media"> <figure class="media-image js-media-expand"> <div class="img-wrap"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"><img src="" alt="FILE - The United States has charged a senior Iranian official and three others linked to Tehran for their role in a failed assassination plot targeting VOA host Masih Alinejad, seen here at the Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany, Feb. 18, 2023."> </div><span class="ico ico-fullscreen ico--media-expand ico--rounded"></span> </div> <figcaption><span class="caption">FILE - The United States has charged a senior Iranian official and three others linked to Tehran for their role in a failed assassination plot targeting VOA host Masih Alinejad, seen here at the Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany, Feb. 18, 2023.</span> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-2 pull-left article-share"> <div class="not-apply-to-sticky"> <aside class="share flex-column js-share--apply-sticky js-share--expandable js-share--horizontal"><span class="label label--share stand-alone">Share</span> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item"><a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--l"></span> </a></li> <li class="share__item"><a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--l"></span> </a></li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"> <div class="ctc"><input type="text" class="ctc__input" readonly> <button class="btn btn--rounded btn--ctc ctc__button" value="text" role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--l"></span> </button> </div></li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional"><a href="mailto:?body=" title="Email to a Friend" class="btn btn--rounded btn-email "> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-email ico--l"></span> </a></li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"><a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--l"></span> </a></li> </ul> </aside> <div class="sticky-share-container" style="display:none"> <div class="container"><a href="" id="logo-sticky-share"> </a> <div class="pg-title pg-title--sticky-share"> US charges Iranian Revolutionary Guard official in plot to kill VOA host </div> <div class="sticked-nav-actions"> <aside class="share share--sticky js-share--expandable"><span class="label label--share">share</span> <ul class="share__list"> <li class="share__item share__item--horizontal"><a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_facebook" title="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-facebook js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-facebook ico--s"></span> </a></li> <li class="share__item share__item--horizontal"><a href="" data-analytics-text="share_on_twitter" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="btn btn--rounded btn-twitter js-social-btn"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-twitter ico--s"></span> </a></li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional share__item--horizontal"> <div class="ctc"><input type="text" class="ctc__input" readonly> <button class="btn btn--rounded btn--ctc ctc__button" value="text" role="copy link" js-href="" title="copy link"> <span class="ico ico-content-copy ico--rounded ico--s"></span> </button> </div></li> <li class="share__item share__item--additional share__item--horizontal"><a href="mailto:?body=" title="Email to a Friend" class="btn btn--rounded btn-email "> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-email ico--s"></span> </a></li> <li class="share__item share__item--sharing-more"><a title="More options" data-title-additional="Fewer options" class="btn btn--rounded btn--show-more hidden"> <span class="ico ico--rounded ico-ellipsis ico--s"></span> </a></li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-10 pull-right"> <div class="wsw"> <p>The United States has charged a senior Iranian official and three others linked to Tehran for their role in a failed assassination plot targeting VOA host Masih Alinejad.</p> <p>Federal prosecutors in New York charged Ruhollah Bazghandi, a senior official in Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and three other men linked to Tehran, with participating in a failed attempt to assassinate VOA Persian Service journalist Alinejad in Brooklyn in 2022, according to a new indictment made public on Tuesday.</p> <p>These charges are the first to directly accuse a high-ranking official in the Revolutionary Guard, or IRGC, with a role in the plot to kill Iranian American Alinejad, a staunch critic of Iran's repression of women.</p> <p>"Today's indictment exposes the full extent of Iran's plot to silence an American journalist for criticizing the Iranian regime," FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement. "As these charges show, the FBI will work with our partners here and abroad to hold accountable those who target Americans."</p> <p>The indictment describes Bazghandi as a brigadier general with the IRGC. The U.S. Treasury Department last year called him a counterintelligence official.</p> <p>Alinejad said this indictment confirms the lengths the Iranian government will go to in order to silence its critics.</p> <p>"It shows that this is in the DNA of the Revolutionary Guards," she told VOA.</p> <p><strong>'Now we have proof'</strong></p> <p>When the FBI told Alinejad the news Tuesday morning, she said she felt a mix of excitement and sadness.</p> <p>"I was so excited because now we have proof that this is a member of the Revolutionary Guards ordering a man in New York, from inside Iran, to kill a U.S. citizen," she said. "That was my reaction. Mixed feelings. Happy, but at the same time sad that the same people cannot be stopped from killing innocent women and men inside [Iran]."</p> <p>When the Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Bazghandi, it said he had been involved with assassination plots against journalists and others considered enemies of Tehran.</p> <p>These aren't the first charges related to the killing scheme. The failed plot to kill Alinejad led to federal murder-for-hire charges against members of an Eastern European criminal organization with connections to Iran who were hired to carry out assassination.</p> <p><strong>Surveillance, harassment, intimidation</strong></p> <p>Iran is among the most prolific countries that reach across its borders to target journalists and activists overseas in a process known as transnational repression, according to Freedom House. Common tactics include surveillance, harassment and intimidation.</p> <div data-owner-ct="None" data-inline="False"> <div class="media-block also-read"><a class="img-wrap img-wrap--size-3 also-read__img" href="" title="Report: Dozens of Governments Target Journalists With Transnational Repression"> <span class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"><img src="" alt="FILE - Iranian dissident Masih Alinejad gestures as she speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, Sept. 23, 2022, in New York. Alinejad was the target of a 2021 kidnapping attempt in New York, which the FBI says was part of a Tehran plot to bring her to Iran. "> </noscript><img data-src="" alt="FILE - Iranian dissident Masih Alinejad gestures as she speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, Sept. 23, 2022, in New York. Alinejad was the target of a 2021 kidnapping attempt in New York, which the FBI says was part of a Tehran plot to bring her to Iran. "> </span> </a> <div class="media-block__content also-read__body also-read__body--h"><a href="" title="Report: Dozens of Governments Target Journalists With Transnational Repression"> <span class="also-read__text--label"> SEE ALSO: </span> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-3 also-read__text p-0">Report: Dozens of Governments Target Journalists With Transnational Repression</h4></a> </div> </div> </div> <p>The failed assassination plot came one year after a failed kidnapping attempt against Alinejad in 2021. The FBI has said the kidnapping attempt was part of a Tehran plot to bring Alinejad to Iran.</p> <p>Since the kidnapping attempt, Alinejad has received U.S. government protection and moved frequently between safe houses.</p> <p>Despite the threats, Alinejad has refused to stop her work.</p> <p>"I don't have any guns and bullets — I don't carry weapons. But this government, they have everything, and they're really scared of me," Alinejad told VOA late last year, referring to the Iranian government. "And that gives me power — that, wow, even with my words, even with my social media, I'm more powerful than them."</p> <p><strong>'This is about protecting democracy'</strong></p> <p>Iran is among the most censored countries in the world. At the end of 2023, Iran ranked among the worst jailers of journalists in the world, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, with 17 reporters behind bars.</p> <p>Iran's Foreign Ministry did not immediately reply to VOA's email requesting comment.</p> <p>While the United States is working to hold accountable perpetrators in this case, Kiran Nazish, the founder of the Coalition for Women in Journalism, told VOA that too many governments around the world aren’t taking transnational repression seriously enough.</p> <p>“We really want to learn from this moment — that it is possible to make perpetrators accountable. And it is essential for courts and police and law enforcement to really pay attention to the issue of transnational repression,” Nazish said.</p> <p>Alinejad said it's important for the U.S. government to hold Iran accountable for the plot and for Tehran's broader use of transnational repression.</p> <p>"This is not a partisan issue. This is about protecting democracy. Because I don't think that they targeted me. I have no fear for my own life," Alinejad said. "The Iranian regime is challenging the U.S. government on U.S. soil, and basically this is targeting freedom of speech, and the national security and safety of America."</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </section> <p class="buttons btn--load-more"><a class="btn link-showMore btn__text" data-ajax="true" data-ajax-method="GET" data-ajax-mode="after" data-ajax-update="#blogItems" data-ajax-url="/z/5422?p=1&d=22&m=10&y=2024" href="" title="Load more">Load more</a></p> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 pull-right"> <div class="region"> <div class="media-block-wrap" id="wrowblock-12349_21" data-area-id="R1_1"> <div class="row"> <ul> <li class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-12 col-lg-12 mb-grid"> <div class="media-block "><a href="" class="img-wrap img-wrap--t-spac img-wrap--size-4 img-wrap--float" title="VOA News On Iran"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"><img src="" alt="Iran map with Iranian flag overlay"> </noscript><img data-src="" src="" alt="Iran map with Iranian flag overlay" class=""> </div></a> <div class="media-block__content media-block__content--h"><a href=""> <h4 class="media-block__title media-block__title--size-4" title="VOA News On Iran">VOA News On Iran</h4></a> </div> </div></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="media-block-wrap" id="wrowblock-12350_21" data-area-id="R2_1"> <h2 class="section-head">Middle East News</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-12 col-lg-12"> <div class="row"> <ul> <li class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 mb-grid"> <div class="media-block "><a href="" class="img-wrap img-wrap--t-spac img-wrap--size-3 img-wrap--float" title="Rubio plays down immediate breakthrough on Russia-Ukraine peace"> <div class="thumb thumb16_9"> <noscript class="nojs-img"><img src="" alt="FILE - Ukrainian servicemen fire a D-20 howitzer toward Russian troops, amid Russia's attacks on Ukraine, near the front line town of Pokrovsk in Ukraine's Donetsk region, Feb. 6, 2025. (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty/Serhii Nuzhnenko via Reuters)"> </noscript><img data-src="" src="" alt="FILE - Ukrainian servicemen fire a D-20 howitzer toward Russian troops, amid Russia's attacks on Ukraine, near the front line town of Pokrovsk in Ukraine's Donetsk region, Feb. 6, 2025. 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