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Search for similar questions:<br> <form action="/search.mefi" id="cse-search-box" style="margin-top:2px;padding:0;"><input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-8621957794194569:9650013776"><input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:10"><input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8"><input type="text" name="q" size="31" style="width:320px;font-size:18px;"><input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" style="margin:0 0 5px 3px;font-size:18px;height:29px;" class="button binline"></form><script type="text/javascript" src=";lang=en"></script></div> </div> <div id="scontent" style="clear:both;"> <h2>February 24</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384623/Are-there-still-search-engines-that-do-straightforkeyword-match-search" target="_self">Are there still search engines that do straightforkeyword-match search? </a></h2> <div class="copy post">Embarrassingly, I'm only just now realizing that the reason Google seems so useless these days is that instead of doing exactly what my string said, they're using an AI to &quot;helpfully&quot; predict what sites I rEaLlY wAnT (or what sites they really want to promote). Are there any web search engines left that still do it the old-fashioned way, by mechanically following search syntax and matching keywords to website text? Or have those lists of hidden SEO keywords killed these tools altogether? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Bardolph</a> to <a href="/computers-internet" target="_self">Computers & Internet</a> at 3:47 AM - <a href="/384623/Are-there-still-search-engines-that-do-straightforkeyword-match-search" target="_self" class="more">6 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2>February 23</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384622/Recommend-me-great-comic-book-series-from-the-last-decade" target="_self">Recommend me great comic book series from the last decade</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I used to read a lot of comic books but I fell off from this habit around 2016 or so. I'm considering picking the hobby back up BUT I'm a bit at sea about what's considered good nowadays. There are some old favourite writers I can go look for new work from, but in particular I'd love some recommendations for new creators, <strong>especially women and queer writers or artists</strong>. More about my specific preferences inside. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384622/Recommend-me-great-comic-book-series-from-the-last-decade" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">jzed</a> to <a href="/media-arts" target="_self">Media & Arts</a> at 8:43 PM - <a href="/384622/Recommend-me-great-comic-book-series-from-the-last-decade" target="_self" class="more">4 answers</a></span></div><br> <div id="inline-ad"></div> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384621/Lets-get-small-but-not-in-the-Steve-Martin-way" target="_self">Let's get small but not in the Steve Martin way</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have an old digital photo frame, which will only take small SD cards (&lt; 1GB I think). I currently have a 512MB (Mega-, not Gigabytes) in it, but I want to get a few more to make sure I have a backup in case something happens to this one. Searching via Google, on Newegg, and BestBuy reveals that they're not selling cards that small. Do any of you know of a source for small capacity SD cards? Will I need to search Craigslist and eBay for these rare things? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">TimHare</a> to <a href="/technology" target="_self">Technology</a> at 8:40 PM - <a href="/384621/Lets-get-small-but-not-in-the-Steve-Martin-way" target="_self" class="more">4 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384620/Whats-wrong-with-me-Why-do-I-find-job-searching-so-hard" target="_self">What's wrong with me? Why do I find job searching so hard?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Seriously... what the hell? Why have I always found job searching (from looking at job postings to resume and cover letter writing to interviewing) so absurdly difficult? It has always triggered an overwhelming sense of anxiety and dread within me. I've gotten jobs, interviewed successfully before, but it is such a challenge. This anxiety and dread has truly held my career back and now I'm feeling stuck. How do I get over it? It's getting truly ridiculous. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384620/Whats-wrong-with-me-Why-do-I-find-job-searching-so-hard" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">VirginiaPlain</a> to <a href="/work-money" target="_self">Work & Money</a> at 7:48 PM - <a href="/384620/Whats-wrong-with-me-Why-do-I-find-job-searching-so-hard" target="_self" class="more">8 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384619/Examples-of-an-unimportant-public-office-becoming-source-of-great-power" target="_self">Examples of an unimportant public office becoming source of great power</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I was reading about Jessie M. Unruh and his <a href="">transformation of the role of California State Treasurer</a> into a position of tremendous financial and political power in the 70s and 80s. Before he was elected to that office it had been considered a fairly insignificant job. What are other good examples of a long established public office that was previously lightly regarded or inconsequential being transformed into a source of great power (regardless of whether it was widely understood at the time)? Examples from any country or era welcome. Caveats below the fold: <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384619/Examples-of-an-unimportant-public-office-becoming-source-of-great-power" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">theory</a> to <a href="/law-government" target="_self">Law & Government</a> at 4:44 PM - <a href="/384619/Examples-of-an-unimportant-public-office-becoming-source-of-great-power" target="_self" class="more">7 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384618/Grad-school-selection-methods" target="_self">Grad school selection method(s)</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I'm considering getting a Master's or PhD on a part-time basis as a personal challenge, but I'm so far out of undergrad that I'm just beginning to think about selection and comparison. Did you do something like this, and if so what did you learn? Short of the spreadsheet I've started, what were some best practices and/or surprises that you found? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384618/Grad-school-selection-methods" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">reader</a> to <a href="/education" target="_self">Education</a> at 2:47 PM - <a href="/384618/Grad-school-selection-methods" target="_self" class="more">9 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384617/Variable-temp-electric-kettle-without-probe-sticking-out" target="_self">Variable temp electric kettle without probe sticking out</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have an electric kettle that has a metal-and-silicone probe sticking out of the bottom (red circled bit <a href="">here</a>) which is hard to clean. I can’t seem to find one without this in an in-person store, and it’s hard to determine when looking online. Do you have a variable-temperature, electric kettle that doesn’t have this “feature”? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">btfreek</a> to <a href="/shopping" target="_self">Shopping</a> at 2:05 PM - <a href="/384617/Variable-temp-electric-kettle-without-probe-sticking-out" target="_self" class="more">9 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384616/Collecting-small-amount-from-Small-Claims-judgement" target="_self">Collecting $small amount from Small Claims judgement</a></h2> <div class="copy post">A national pest control local franchise service truck damaged my property. I caught it on security camera, sued and won (default by no-show) in small claims with damages + court costs, totaling $280. How do I collect? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384616/Collecting-small-amount-from-Small-Claims-judgement" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Pig Tail Orchestra</a> to <a href="/law-government" target="_self">Law & Government</a> at 1:36 PM - <a href="/384616/Collecting-small-amount-from-Small-Claims-judgement" target="_self" class="more">6 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384615/Female-rage-as-written" target="_self">Female rage as written</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I’m looking for examples of female identifying characters in books, films etc. who could be characterised as “being angry”, whether all the time or as an unexpected outburst. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384615/Female-rage-as-written" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">guessthis</a> to <a href="/media-arts" target="_self">Media & Arts</a> at 12:03 PM - <a href="/384615/Female-rage-as-written" target="_self" class="more">50 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384614/Which-artists-are-you-following-on-Mastodon" target="_self">Which artists are you following on Mastodon?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">My Mastodon feed is almost entirely political, and although that is important, I need an occasional break. Who are the artists, memesters, silly folks and smart essayists that you follow on Mastodon? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">mecran01</a> to <a href="/computers-internet" target="_self">Computers & Internet</a> at 12:00 PM - <a href="/384614/Which-artists-are-you-following-on-Mastodon" target="_self" class="more">5 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384613/Henning-Mankell-heartbreaking-story-about-a-boy-and-a-spoon" target="_self">Henning Mankell heartbreaking story about a boy and a spoon?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Someone recommended a short story a couple of years ago, and now I can't find it. I'd rather not reach out to that person. Things I recall, but may no be iron-clad accurate: Written by Henning Mankell, it involved a boy, a spoon, and maybe something about poverty. Ring a bell? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Cobalt</a> to <a href="/writing-language" target="_self">Writing & Language</a> at 10:09 AM - <a href="/384613/Henning-Mankell-heartbreaking-story-about-a-boy-and-a-spoon" target="_self" class="more">2 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384612/How-do-you-know-if-your-executive-function-issues-are-genetic-or-trauma" target="_self">How do you know if your executive function issues are genetic or trauma?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I've read that executive dysfunction is highly hereditary. Therefore what is the likelihood that ED is purely a result of CPTSD or is it more likely that it is already present and only worsened by CPTSD? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384612/How-do-you-know-if-your-executive-function-issues-are-genetic-or-trauma" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Sunflower88</a> to <a href="/health-fitness" target="_self">Health & Fitness</a> at 8:47 AM - <a href="/384612/How-do-you-know-if-your-executive-function-issues-are-genetic-or-trauma" target="_self" class="more">6 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384611/Perceptions-a-tool-thats-pointed-on-both-ends-AND-WOW-IT-HURTS" target="_self">Perception’s a tool that’s pointed on both ends AND WOW IT HURTS</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have developed an inappropriate and very painful psychological attachment to a co-worker—but cannot for the LIFE OF ME understand what the nature of the attachment actually is, and therefore am completely stuck in my attempts to get over it. This has NEVER happened to me, and it is making me insane. How do I rid myself of this feeling and prevent it from happening again? Attempts to work this out via therapy, meditation, and parallels with various weird relationships in media and literature have so far been useless. Blizzard within. <em>Note: non-N. American working culture</em> <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384611/Perceptions-a-tool-thats-pointed-on-both-ends-AND-WOW-IT-HURTS" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">blessmycottonsocks</a> to <a href="/human-relations" target="_self">Human Relations</a> at 6:39 AM - <a href="/384611/Perceptions-a-tool-thats-pointed-on-both-ends-AND-WOW-IT-HURTS" target="_self" class="more">22 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384610/Did-Germans-know-what-was-happening" target="_self">Did Germans know what was happening?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">When I read about all the parallels between what Trunp is doing and what Hitler and other autocrats have done, I sometimes cling to the thought that because Hitler was unprecedented (at least on that level), in the early stages, Germans didn't see what was coming and in the early days did not know to stop him. But so many Americans do see it, so it's not the same and that will make a difference. Is my security-blanket thought at all true? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">If only I had a penguin...</a> to <a href="/grab-bag" target="_self">Grab Bag</a> at 6:34 AM - <a href="/384610/Did-Germans-know-what-was-happening" target="_self" class="more">24 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384609/US-political-activist-podcast" target="_self">US political/activist podcast</a></h2> <div class="copy post">What it says on the tin. Ages ago I listen to pod save America and I’m not going back to that. I would like to listen to a podcast that gave updates on what the hell is going on in the US politically and also made recommendations for action. The news is overwhelming and blue sky is overwhelming and I would just like a weekly podcast that gave me both information and actual recommendations for how to fight the current fascist regime. <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Bella Donna</a> to <a href="/computers-internet" target="_self">Computers & Internet</a> at 3:07 AM - <a href="/384609/US-political-activist-podcast" target="_self" class="more">6 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2>February 22</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384608/Buried-not-so-alive" target="_self">Buried not so alive?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">What would actually happen if someone came back to life, after being dead and buried for four months? Spoilers for Buffy the Vampire Slayer inside. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384608/Buried-not-so-alive" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">bluloo</a> to <a href="/grab-bag" target="_self">Grab Bag</a> at 10:14 PM - <a href="/384608/Buried-not-so-alive" target="_self" class="more">15 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384607/Are-there-really-this-many-fantastic-singers-in-American-theater-groups" target="_self">Are there really this many fantastic singers in American theater groups?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Musical theater nerd alert. Senior adult who is retired but <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384607/Are-there-really-this-many-fantastic-singers-in-American-theater-groups" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Czjewel</a> to <a href="/media-arts" target="_self">Media & Arts</a> at 3:51 PM - <a href="/384607/Are-there-really-this-many-fantastic-singers-in-American-theater-groups" target="_self" class="more">14 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384606/Im-in-prior-authorization-hell-and-I-cant-get-out" target="_self">I'm in prior authorization hell and I can't get out. </a></h2> <div class="copy post">I use a neurology telehealth company called Neura to help me manage my chronic neurologic condition. They insist they have a prior authorization on file for me for Medication Y that is good through July 2025. My insurance company says that's not true. I keep asking Neura to submit another one, and they keep telling me they're trying to get an update from the third party they use to manage prior authorizations. This has been going on for a month. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384606/Im-in-prior-authorization-hell-and-I-cant-get-out" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">malum geminae</a> to <a href="/health-fitness" target="_self">Health & Fitness</a> at 2:23 PM - <a href="/384606/Im-in-prior-authorization-hell-and-I-cant-get-out" target="_self" class="more">6 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384605/Best-disposable-razor" target="_self">Best disposable razor</a></h2> <div class="copy post">What are the best disposable razors for shaving my beard? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384605/Best-disposable-razor" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Czjewel</a> to <a href="/health-fitness" target="_self">Health & Fitness</a> at 1:21 PM - <a href="/384605/Best-disposable-razor" target="_self" class="more">10 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384604/Portlands-Aladdin-Theater-seating-for-punk-show" target="_self">Portland's Aladdin Theater seating for punk show</a></h2> <div class="copy post">How does the General Admission seating work at the Aladdin for a rock/punk show? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384604/Portlands-Aladdin-Theater-seating-for-punk-show" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">happy_cat</a> to <a href="/media-arts" target="_self">Media & Arts</a> at 11:46 AM - <a href="/384604/Portlands-Aladdin-Theater-seating-for-punk-show" target="_self" class="more">3 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384603/Very-specific-magnet-hunt" target="_self">Very specific magnet hunt</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I'm in need of a magnet like <a href="">this</a> or <a href="">this</a>, which is to say 1) fairly powerful 2) roughly horseshoe shaped and 3) bench-mountable. Online search for such is proving difficult--is there some term for these I should be using? I've tried: horseshoe, alnico, demonstration, all yielding only a small, red model on Amazon and the like. <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">working_objects</a> to <a href="/science-nature" target="_self">Science & Nature</a> at 11:33 AM - <a href="/384603/Very-specific-magnet-hunt" target="_self" class="more">6 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384602/What-are-your-favorite-podcasts-for-dads" target="_self">What are your favorite podcasts for dads?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Almost all parenting media is aimed at moms (and I read/listen to plenty of this already), but I’m a stay at home dad in a two-dad household. Does anyone have recommendations for great dad podcasts with a progressive perspective? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">BuddhaInABucket</a> to <a href="/media-arts" target="_self">Media & Arts</a> at 6:51 AM - <a href="/384602/What-are-your-favorite-podcasts-for-dads" target="_self" class="more">4 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384601/Boiling-sump-pump-meltdown" target="_self">Boiling sump pump meltdown</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Somehow my sump pump got stuck on and ran for a long time until there was steam rising up from the sump. Is it dead? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384601/Boiling-sump-pump-meltdown" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Mid</a> to <a href="/home-garden" target="_self">Home & Garden</a> at 5:14 AM - <a href="/384601/Boiling-sump-pump-meltdown" target="_self" class="more">9 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384600/Off-Brand-mp3-players-safe" target="_self">Off Brand mp3 players (safe?)</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Wondering if off brand mp3 players are 'safe' to use? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384600/Off-Brand-mp3-players-safe" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">konaStFr</a> to <a href="/technology" target="_self">Technology</a> at 3:45 AM - <a href="/384600/Off-Brand-mp3-players-safe" target="_self" class="more">10 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384599/Baby-essentials-for-grandparents-house" target="_self">Baby essentials for grandparents’ house?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Our daughter is a few weeks away from her due date, and we’re shopping today. What should I have at my house? They live about 45 minutes away and I’m hoping / expecting that the baby will be here a few days a month once they’ve settled in a bit. Looking for personal recommendations rather than an internet list. Thanks! <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Sweetie Darling</a> to <a href="/shopping" target="_self">Shopping</a> at 3:19 AM - <a href="/384599/Baby-essentials-for-grandparents-house" target="_self" class="more">13 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2>February 21</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384598/How-to-deal-with-fluorouracil-at-night" target="_self">How to deal with fluorouracil at night</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have several actinic keratoses on my face and my dermatologist prescribed 5% fluorouracil to apply every day and night all over my face for 3 to 4 weeks. I understand that it can look really ugly and be sore, especially in the 1st week. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384598/How-to-deal-with-fluorouracil-at-night" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">primate moon</a> to <a href="/health-fitness" target="_self">Health & Fitness</a> at 11:25 PM - <a href="/384598/How-to-deal-with-fluorouracil-at-night" target="_self" class="more">13 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384597/Help-me-find-an-old-Diesel-ad-campaign" target="_self">Help me find an old Diesel ad campaign</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Back in the mid to late nineties, I saw an ad campaign for Diesel jeans. Their campaigns were rather cutting edge for the time and the ad I am looking for really took the cake. I think I saw the ad in Spin magazine, but I might be wrong about that details. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384597/Help-me-find-an-old-Diesel-ad-campaign" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">msali</a> to <a href="/clothing-beauty-fashion" target="_self">Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion</a> at 9:46 PM - <a href="/384597/Help-me-find-an-old-Diesel-ad-campaign" target="_self" class="more">3 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384596/Mexico-City-for-advanced-beginners" target="_self">Mexico City for advanced beginners </a></h2> <div class="copy post">We love visiting Mexico City because it is Mexico and because it is a big city. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384596/Mexico-City-for-advanced-beginners" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">chuke</a> to <a href="/travel-transportation" target="_self">Travel & Transportation</a> at 8:51 PM - <a href="/384596/Mexico-City-for-advanced-beginners" target="_self" class="more">6 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384595/Be-the-hero-of-my-SpellTower-game" target="_self">Be the hero of my SpellTower game!</a></h2> <div class="copy post">So close to beating my SpellTower score, and I’ve been stuck on <a href="">this left column.</a> Can you help? A few notes inside. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384595/Be-the-hero-of-my-SpellTower-game" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">mermaidcafe</a> to <a href="/writing-language" target="_self">Writing & Language</a> at 5:53 PM - <a href="/384595/Be-the-hero-of-my-SpellTower-game" target="_self" class="more">6 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384594/Rampant-inequities-boss-wont-do-anything" target="_self">Rampant inequities, boss won't do anything</a></h2> <div class="copy post">In short, I've been working at an organization for a few months. I've noticed that many staff come in late and leave early, which is a clear departure from our policies. I've approached my boss (our director) about this multiple times, and he has said he agrees it is a problem and will address it, but he doesn't. As the only one coming in for my scheduled hours, I am being assigned more and more work. I am also a middle-management position myself and would be willing to address this with our staff but am not getting the go-ahead from my boss and am worried that, even if I do address it, it will not have any impact as long as the director seems fine with how things are. Any advice would be appreciated! Please read below for more details. Thanks! <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384594/Rampant-inequities-boss-wont-do-anything" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">knifeyspoony</a> to <a href="/work-money" target="_self">Work & Money</a> at 5:41 PM - <a href="/384594/Rampant-inequities-boss-wont-do-anything" target="_self" class="more">28 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384593/The-puzzle-of-the-darkroom" target="_self">The puzzle of the darkroom</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Looking for a late 90s/early 2000s murder mystery puzzle set in a photo lab darkroom. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384593/The-puzzle-of-the-darkroom" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">creatrixtiara</a> to <a href="/sports-hobbies-recreation" target="_self">Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation</a> at 4:48 PM - <a href="/384593/The-puzzle-of-the-darkroom" target="_self" class="more">2 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384592/Which-Canadian-charity-would-like-a-pet-food-donation" target="_self">Which Canadian charity would like a pet food donation?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Can someone recommend a Canadian animal charity that I can send some dog or cat food to via Amazon? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">davidstandaford</a> to <a href="/pets-animals" target="_self">Pets & Animals</a> at 4:03 PM - <a href="/384592/Which-Canadian-charity-would-like-a-pet-food-donation" target="_self" class="more">5 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384591/Quiet-pretty-songs" target="_self">Quiet, pretty songs</a></h2> <div class="copy post">My frazzled nervous system really loves <a href="">this song</a>. What are some similar songs I might like? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384591/Quiet-pretty-songs" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Serene Empress Dork</a> to <a href="/media-arts" target="_self">Media & Arts</a> at 3:28 PM - <a href="/384591/Quiet-pretty-songs" target="_self" class="more">49 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384590/AI-as-a-job-search-tool-Y-N" target="_self">AI as a job search tool: Y/N </a></h2> <div class="copy post">I am in a months-long job hunt that is turning a bit desperate. I get a lot of advice to use A.I. tools in my job search. I am uncomfortable with this but my reasoning is vague, so I need to get a better understanding. Please help me better understand the pros and cons and how/whether I should use it. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384590/AI-as-a-job-search-tool-Y-N" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">bunderful</a> to <a href="/computers-internet" target="_self">Computers & Internet</a> at 2:57 PM - <a href="/384590/AI-as-a-job-search-tool-Y-N" target="_self" class="more">11 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384589/Planes-Trains-Automobiles-and-Toddler-Car-Seats" target="_self">Planes, Trains, Automobiles... and Toddler Car Seats</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Travelling cross country with a 4 year old who weighs 35 pounds. Is there a good travel car seat that can be quickly strapped into random Ubers, and is not miserably heavy to carry? It would be amazing if it could be used as a stroller in airports too. <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">vanilla.extract</a> to <a href="/travel-transportation" target="_self">Travel & Transportation</a> at 2:10 PM - <a href="/384589/Planes-Trains-Automobiles-and-Toddler-Car-Seats" target="_self" class="more">7 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384588/Gender-hand-wavy-tweet-where-is-it" target="_self">"Gender: hand-wavy" tweet - where is it?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Couple of years ago, I saw a tweet about gender ambiguity that I totally relate to - and then failed to save it. Where's that tweet? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384588/Gender-hand-wavy-tweet-where-is-it" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">curagea</a> to <a href="/grab-bag" target="_self">Grab Bag</a> at 2:07 PM - <a href="/384588/Gender-hand-wavy-tweet-where-is-it" target="_self" class="more">4 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384587/Moving-to-Boston-on-non-moving-day" target="_self">Moving to Boston on non-moving day?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Please explain to me how Boston's &quot;moving day&quot; works? Kid Blah will be shortly starting his post-college life in Boston, and it's highly likely that he'll be arriving in the city at a time that does not align with this Sept. 1 moving day thing. I've never lived anywhere with this tradition, so…is this truly every rental? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384587/Moving-to-Boston-on-non-moving-day" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">BlahLaLa</a> to <a href="/grab-bag" target="_self">Grab Bag</a> at 11:32 AM - <a href="/384587/Moving-to-Boston-on-non-moving-day" target="_self" class="more">10 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384586/How-to-firm-up-Jiffy-cornbread" target="_self">How to firm up Jiffy cornbread </a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have a box of Jiffy cornbread mix I'd like to make tonight to go with chili. The last time I made it, it was very soft and crumbly. How can I make it come out more firm? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384586/How-to-firm-up-Jiffy-cornbread" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Serene Empress Dork</a> to <a href="/food-drink" target="_self">Food & Drink</a> at 9:41 AM - <a href="/384586/How-to-firm-up-Jiffy-cornbread" target="_self" class="more">15 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384585/Difficult-career-decision-do-I-take-the-promotion-to-management" target="_self">Difficult career decision - do I take the promotion to management?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have been given 2 opportunities at work and I'm struggling with the decision. I've been working at this company for about 2 years. I'm a high performer but I have never been a people leader. Upper management like me and have considered me for a promotion, especially after my boss just left the organization . <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384585/Difficult-career-decision-do-I-take-the-promotion-to-management" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">missybitsy</a> to <a href="/work-money" target="_self">Work & Money</a> at 7:50 AM - <a href="/384585/Difficult-career-decision-do-I-take-the-promotion-to-management" target="_self" class="more">20 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384584/Cover-the-greys-at-home" target="_self">Cover the greys - at home!</a></h2> <div class="copy post">For various reasons, I would like to cover my grey hairs but would prefer not to go to a salon every month. I am open to various and sundry approaches. See within! <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384584/Cover-the-greys-at-home" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Frowner</a> to <a href="/clothing-beauty-fashion" target="_self">Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion</a> at 7:37 AM - <a href="/384584/Cover-the-greys-at-home" target="_self" class="more">12 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384583/What-would-it-take-to-change-45-CFR-92101a2" target="_self">What would it take to change 45 CFR § 92.101(a)(2))?</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">This</a> right here. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384583/What-would-it-take-to-change-45-CFR-92101a2" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Lemkin</a> to <a href="/law-government" target="_self">Law & Government</a> at 7:32 AM - <a href="/384583/What-would-it-take-to-change-45-CFR-92101a2" target="_self" class="more">4 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384582/Whats-the-best-form-youve-ever-seen" target="_self">What's the best form you've ever seen? </a></h2> <div class="copy post">The MetaFilter Moderation Oversight Committee is <a href="">looking for a few interviewees to test out our intake form</a>. Please consider signing up! But also, we all have to fill out a zillion forms a year. Have you ever filled out a form that made you glad for the form itself? If so, please share your experience! <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">warriorqueen</a> to <a href="/computers-internet" target="_self">Computers & Internet</a> at 5:38 AM - <a href="/384582/Whats-the-best-form-youve-ever-seen" target="_self" class="more">4 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384581/Lost-and-gone-forever" target="_self">Lost and gone forever?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">It’s winter, and clementines <em>should</em> be in season, but I haven’t seen them anywhere in New York City. Plenty of California mandarins, but no true clementines. In fact, it’s probably been several years since I’ve seen them, maybe even pre-Covid. Has something happened to the clementine crop? Drought? Fungus? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384581/Lost-and-gone-forever" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">1970s Antihero</a> to <a href="/food-drink" target="_self">Food & Drink</a> at 4:50 AM - <a href="/384581/Lost-and-gone-forever" target="_self" class="more">13 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384580/Who-is-famous-in-their-specialty-but-not-appreciated-by-the-public" target="_self">Who is famous in their specialty but not appreciated by the public?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Most people have heard of Einstein. Lots of people have heard of Stephen Hawking. Fewer people have heard of Niels Bohr. Very few people have heard of <a href="">Hans Bethe</a>. And yet <a href="">his body of work</a> is deeply impressive by any physicist's standard. Who are the Hans Bethe's of the world? And as a bonus, can you recommend a good bibliography of them? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384580/Who-is-famous-in-their-specialty-but-not-appreciated-by-the-public" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">underclocked</a> to <a href="/grab-bag" target="_self">Grab Bag</a> at 12:04 AM - <a href="/384580/Who-is-famous-in-their-specialty-but-not-appreciated-by-the-public" target="_self" class="more">16 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2>February 20</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384579/When-you-think-to-yourself-do-you-imagine-yourself-talking-to-someone" target="_self">When you think to yourself, do you imagine yourself talking to someone?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have a strange problem. I struggle to think thoughts privately to myself in my own head without imagining that I'm speaking to someone I know. I feel uneasy about this. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384579/When-you-think-to-yourself-do-you-imagine-yourself-talking-to-someone" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">fruitdroid</a> to <a href="/science-nature" target="_self">Science & Nature</a> at 10:05 PM - <a href="/384579/When-you-think-to-yourself-do-you-imagine-yourself-talking-to-someone" target="_self" class="more">21 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384578/Does-this-seem-legit" target="_self">Does this seem legit?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">A friend forwarded <a href="">this </a>to me today. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384578/Does-this-seem-legit" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">outfielder</a> to <a href="/law-government" target="_self">Law & Government</a> at 6:37 PM - <a href="/384578/Does-this-seem-legit" target="_self" class="more">6 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384577/Hot-Tub-Balboa-WIFI" target="_self">Hot Tub - Balboa/WIFI</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I'm thinking of getting a wireless controller for the hot tub ... <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384577/Hot-Tub-Balboa-WIFI" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">falsedmitri</a> to <a href="/home-garden" target="_self">Home & Garden</a> at 6:12 PM - <a href="/384577/Hot-Tub-Balboa-WIFI" target="_self" class="more">2 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384576/Recommendation-for-very-small-wedding-cake-delivered-to-LV-hotel-room" target="_self">Recommendation for very small wedding cake delivered to LV hotel room</a></h2> <div class="copy post">My daughter is getting married in a Las Vegas wedding chapel in 4 weeks. It will be just her and her new husband, no wedding party and no reception--just them. I would like to surprise them by having a little wedding cake (enough for 2 or 4) delivered to their hotel room. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384576/Recommendation-for-very-small-wedding-cake-delivered-to-LV-hotel-room" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">primate moon</a> to <a href="/food-drink" target="_self">Food & Drink</a> at 5:54 PM - <a href="/384576/Recommendation-for-very-small-wedding-cake-delivered-to-LV-hotel-room" target="_self" class="more">4 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384575/Best-way-to-freeze-credit-by-phone-or-online" target="_self">Best way to freeze credit (by phone or online?)</a></h2> <div class="copy post">If I were to freeze my credit, what would be the most efficient way to do it? By phone or by creating an account and doing it online? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">memoryindustries</a> to <a href="/computers-internet" target="_self">Computers & Internet</a> at 5:03 PM - <a href="/384575/Best-way-to-freeze-credit-by-phone-or-online" target="_self" class="more">5 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384574/I-need-some-funny-contemporary-novels" target="_self">I need some funny, contemporary novels. </a></h2> <div class="copy post">I am going through a difficult time and desperately need some light, undemanding, contemporary, <em>funny</em> fiction to get my mind off things. Last week I reread the entire Adrian Mole series over the course of a few days, and it was exactly what I needed. Can you recommend me anything in that vein, but more current? I'm out of the loop with regards to comic literature. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384574/I-need-some-funny-contemporary-novels" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">unicorn chaser</a> to <a href="/writing-language" target="_self">Writing & Language</a> at 4:50 PM - <a href="/384574/I-need-some-funny-contemporary-novels" target="_self" class="more">22 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384573/Will-I-need-to-take-an-eye-test-at-my-Real-ID-appointment" target="_self">Will I need to take an eye test at my Real ID appointment?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have an appointment to get an &quot;enhanced&quot; Drivers License --i.e., to turn my regular DL into a New York State Real ID. My current license doesn't expire until 2029, so I'm not renewing it, just &quot;enhancing&quot; it. That's their language! I lost my distance glasses and need new ones. I can see well enough with my other glasses, but might not pass a test with them, depending how far away I'm standing. But since I'm not renewing my license, will I need to take an eye test? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">swheatie</a> to <a href="/law-government" target="_self">Law & Government</a> at 3:50 PM - <a href="/384573/Will-I-need-to-take-an-eye-test-at-my-Real-ID-appointment" target="_self" class="more">6 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384572/Missing-bank-account" target="_self">Missing bank account</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Long story short, I am on a bank account with 2 other people who have since passed. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384572/Missing-bank-account" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self"><em>anonymous</em></a> to <a href="/work-money" target="_self">Work & Money</a> at 2:54 PM - <a href="/384572/Missing-bank-account" target="_self" class="more">5 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384571/Good-modern-epistolary-novels" target="_self">Good, modern epistolary novels? </a></h2> <div class="copy post">Looking for something mostly in the vein of literary fiction though it doesn't need to be the absolute literariest. One recommendation I keep googling up is <em>This is How You Lose the Time War</em> but I don't vibe much with sci-fi/fantasy. Ideally something from this century though mostly what I'm looking for is just not extremely dated-feeling. One I can think of that I think is lovely is <em>Perks of Being a Wallflower</em> but I'm not specifically looking for YA....Got anything? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">less-of-course</a> to <a href="/media-arts" target="_self">Media & Arts</a> at 1:50 PM - <a href="/384571/Good-modern-epistolary-novels" target="_self" class="more">24 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384570/Is-the-world-ending" target="_self">Is the world ending?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I’m beside myself with worry about the state of the US and the world. I need some help keeping my anxieties in check. Can anyone give me reasons to be optimistic? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384570/Is-the-world-ending" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">rodneyaug</a> to <a href="/society-culture" target="_self">Society & Culture</a> at 1:44 PM - <a href="/384570/Is-the-world-ending" target="_self" class="more">20 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384569/I-know-I-CAN-eat-it-but-do-I-want-to" target="_self">I know I CAN eat it, but do I want to?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I just discovered a 5-lb heritage breed pork loin roast that has been hiding in my freezer since, I'm guessing, 2019 or 2020. It's in the packaging from the butcher. I know I <em>can</em> eat it, but is it going to be a disappointing waste of time? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">HotToddy</a> to <a href="/food-drink" target="_self">Food & Drink</a> at 1:22 PM - <a href="/384569/I-know-I-CAN-eat-it-but-do-I-want-to" target="_self" class="more">8 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384568/What-would-be-the-best-method-to-search-for-a-lost-wedding-gift" target="_self">What would be the best method to search for a lost wedding gift?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Our niece and her new husband never received their wedding gift? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384568/What-would-be-the-best-method-to-search-for-a-lost-wedding-gift" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">ragtimepiano</a> to <a href="/grab-bag" target="_self">Grab Bag</a> at 12:51 PM - <a href="/384568/What-would-be-the-best-method-to-search-for-a-lost-wedding-gift" target="_self" class="more">9 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384567/Running-for-political-office-experiences" target="_self">Running for political office experiences</a></h2> <div class="copy post">If you've run for or been elected to political office. What was your experience like? Book rec and links to people talking about their experiences also welcome. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384567/Running-for-political-office-experiences" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Higherfasterforwards</a> to <a href="/law-government" target="_self">Law & Government</a> at 12:37 PM - <a href="/384567/Running-for-political-office-experiences" target="_self" class="more">8 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384566/How-do-language-borders-work" target="_self">How do language borders work?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Curious about how language borders work, especially inside a country. What makes a lanaguge just come to a stop at a certain point? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384566/How-do-language-borders-work" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">sefsl</a> to <a href="/society-culture" target="_self">Society & Culture</a> at 10:43 AM - <a href="/384566/How-do-language-borders-work" target="_self" class="more">19 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384565/I-will-remember-you-Will-you-remember-me" target="_self">I will remember you. Will you remember me?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">How have you experienced being close with someone who has a really bad memory? Or, if you're a person who has such a memory, what is your internal experience of building friendships/relationships? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384565/I-will-remember-you-Will-you-remember-me" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">wormtales</a> to <a href="/human-relations" target="_self">Human Relations</a> at 10:34 AM - <a href="/384565/I-will-remember-you-Will-you-remember-me" target="_self" class="more">19 answers</a></span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384564/Ideas-for-a-token-of-appreciation-for-good-neighbors-to-my-old-parents" target="_self">Ideas for a token of appreciation for good neighbors to my old parents?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">My parents are in their mid-to-late 70s and are slowing down. They have lived in the same house for almost 50 years (300+ miles from where I am now) and have &quot;new&quot; neighbors in the last 18 months who are exceptionally nice and I want to show them some appreciation without making it weird. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384564/Ideas-for-a-token-of-appreciation-for-good-neighbors-to-my-old-parents" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">AgentRocket</a> to <a href="/human-relations" target="_self">Human Relations</a> at 10:30 AM - <a href="/384564/Ideas-for-a-token-of-appreciation-for-good-neighbors-to-my-old-parents" target="_self" class="more">6 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i></span></div><br> </div> <p class="copy" id="navigation">&laquo; <a href="/index.cfm?page=2" id="older" target="_self">Older questions</a> </p> </div> <div class="side"> <div class="sidebar"> <div id="sidebar-funding"> <div class="funding"> <div class="funding-link"> <a href="">Help fund MeFi!</a> </div> <div class="funding-text"> We rely on reader and community funding to operate. 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