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Subscribe: <a href="/category/19/rss"><i class="feedicon"></i></a></span></h2> <h2>February 23</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384619/Examples-of-an-unimportant-public-office-becoming-source-of-great-power" target="_self">Examples of an unimportant public office becoming source of great power</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I was reading about Jessie M. Unruh and his <a href="">transformation of the role of California State Treasurer</a> into a position of tremendous financial and political power in the 70s and 80s. Before he was elected to that office it had been considered a fairly insignificant job. What are other good examples of a long established public office that was previously lightly regarded or inconsequential being transformed into a source of great power (regardless of whether it was widely understood at the time)? Examples from any country or era welcome. Caveats below the fold: <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384619/Examples-of-an-unimportant-public-office-becoming-source-of-great-power" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">theory</a> at 4:44 PM - <a href="" target="_self">8 answers</a> </span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384616/Collecting-small-amount-from-Small-Claims-judgement" target="_self">Collecting $small amount from Small Claims judgement</a></h2> <div class="copy post">A national pest control local franchise service truck damaged my property. I caught it on security camera, sued and won (default by no-show) in small claims with damages + court costs, totaling $280. How do I collect? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384616/Collecting-small-amount-from-Small-Claims-judgement" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Pig Tail Orchestra</a> at 1:36 PM - <a href="" target="_self">8 answers</a> </span></div><br> <h2>February 21</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384583/What-would-it-take-to-change-45-CFR-92101a2" target="_self">What would it take to change 45 CFR 搂 92.101(a)(2))?</a></h2> <div class="copy post"><a href="">This</a> right here. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384583/What-would-it-take-to-change-45-CFR-92101a2" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Lemkin</a> at 7:32 AM - <a href="" target="_self">4 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span></div><br> <h2>February 20</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384578/Does-this-seem-legit" target="_self">Does this seem legit?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">A friend forwarded <a href="">this </a>to me today. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384578/Does-this-seem-legit" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">outfielder</a> at 6:37 PM - <a href="" target="_self">6 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384573/Will-I-need-to-take-an-eye-test-at-my-Real-ID-appointment" target="_self">Will I need to take an eye test at my Real ID appointment?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have an appointment to get an &quot;enhanced&quot; Drivers License --i.e., to turn my regular DL into a New York State Real ID. My current license doesn't expire until 2029, so I'm not renewing it, just &quot;enhancing&quot; it. That's their language! I lost my distance glasses and need new ones. I can see well enough with my other glasses, but might not pass a test with them, depending how far away I'm standing. But since I'm not renewing my license, will I need to take an eye test? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">swheatie</a> at 3:50 PM - <a href="" target="_self">6 answers</a> </span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384567/Running-for-political-office-experiences" target="_self">Running for political office experiences</a></h2> <div class="copy post">If you've run for or been elected to political office. What was your experience like? Book rec and links to people talking about their experiences also welcome. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384567/Running-for-political-office-experiences" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Higherfasterforwards</a> at 12:37 PM - <a href="" target="_self">8 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span></div><br> <h2>February 19</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384557/Best-organizations-for-anti-Trump-donations-right-now" target="_self">Best organization(s) for anti-Trump donations right now?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Where should I put my money to oppose Trump right now? I am thinking of sending some to the Associated Press, some to support Ukraine, and maybe for one or more groups suing the regime. I already have some suggestions for Ukraine, so I mainly need your help for the last. But I'm fairly open, as longs as the organization will work to help us get our democracy back from the coup. I'm thinking more of an emergency situation, and not long term for now. Please give me good rationale for whatever group(s) you suggest. <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">NotLost</a> at 7:05 PM - <a href="" target="_self">14 answers</a> </span></div><br> <h2>February 18</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384540/Who-said-this-about-47-and-the-GOP" target="_self">Who said this about #47 and the GOP</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Some time after US Presidential election day I read a quote in which the writer encouraged people not to complain about &quot;Trump&quot; but rather to highlight the degree to which Trump is enabled by the Republican Party, and also to not make his name any more visible than it already is. I would like to know who said that and exactly what they said but it's difficult to search for things involving him. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384540/Who-said-this-about-47-and-the-GOP" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">southof40</a> at 5:35 PM - <a href="" target="_self">2 answers</a> </span></div><br> <h2>February 17</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384517/Update-Name-on-Social-Security-Card-Is-it-necessary" target="_self">Update Name on Social Security Card - Is it necessary?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">As an idiot teenager I used my shortened name when applying for Social Security (USA). Think &quot;Bob&quot; when birth name is Robert. This has not been a problem. But now I need to sign up for Medicare and I am concerned it might become a problem. I have a SS account. The account shows my name as Bob, and accurately reflects my work earnings. I am wondering if I will have to update my name in order to get Medicare? (I am eligible for Medicare in April). If so, how difficult will this be? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384517/Update-Name-on-Social-Security-Card-Is-it-necessary" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">pjsky</a> at 9:26 AM - <a href="" target="_self">4 answers</a> </span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384512/Im-lawyering-up" target="_self">I'm lawyering up</a></h2> <div class="copy post">What kind of lawyer do I need to talk to about vacationing outside the US with an 'X' passport? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384512/Im-lawyering-up" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Summers</a> at 5:33 AM - <a href="" target="_self">2 answers</a> </span></div><br> <h2>February 16</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384505/I-have-questions-about-Sweden" target="_self">I have questions about Sweden</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I'm watching the TV show on Netflix <a href="脜re_Murders">The 脜re Murders</a>, and I have a few questions about Sweden. Spoilers ahead. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384505/I-have-questions-about-Sweden" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Toddles</a> at 8:31 PM - <a href="" target="_self">2 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span></div><br> <h2>February 15</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384489/Establishing-a-non-USA-bank-account" target="_self">Establishing a non-USA bank account</a></h2> <div class="copy post">If the US follows in the footsteps of other authoritarian countries, it may not be possible to flee and still access funds in US banks. What countries and banks can accounts be established that will be safe from the USA? 70's spy novels had Swiss banks, is this still true? And what do I have to watch out for in moving the funds? Thinking $50K for now. <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Sophont</a> at 5:48 PM - <a href="" target="_self">5 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span></div><br> <h2>February 14</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384474/Who-dat" target="_self">Who dat?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">While signing executive orders, <a href="">there is a man</a> who hands them to the President and then takes them back after they are signed. Who is that person and what is their job title? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384474/Who-dat" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">JohnnyGunn</a> at 1:52 PM - <a href="" target="_self">8 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span></div><br> <h2>February 12</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384437/Deciding-when-its-time-to-leave-the-US-for-safety" target="_self">Deciding when it's time to leave the US for safety</a></h2> <div class="copy post">For trans and other marginalized people considering leaving the US for political/safety reasons, what will trigger your decision to go? I'm transgender and I don't want to leave but I don't want to wait until it's too late either. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384437/Deciding-when-its-time-to-leave-the-US-for-safety" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">MeFi Trans Questions</a> at 5:24 AM - <a href="" target="_self">14 answers</a> </span></div><br> <h2>February 11</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384430/What-do-I-need-for-a-passport" target="_self">What do I need for a passport?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">My one and only passport was issued in 2006, so it's expired. I need a new one but not sure what documents I need to bring. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384430/What-do-I-need-for-a-passport" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Serene Empress Dork</a> at 6:16 PM - <a href="" target="_self">6 answers</a> </span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384427/Are-there-any-central-resources-for-these-US-politics-things" target="_self">Are there any central resources for these US politics things?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">- is there a place to see the text of these executive orders, ideally with commentary about what they actually require? As an example, I've heard some are for a department head to research funding than can legally be removed, and not directly removing the funding. - Is there anywhere with a list of ways to financially support the many legal challenges? <br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">sepviva</a> at 2:50 PM - <a href="" target="_self">10 answers</a> </span></div><br> <h2>February 10</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384415/What-is-a-celebrity-estate" target="_self">What is a "celebrity estate?"</a></h2> <div class="copy post">What is the legal basis for the &quot;estate&quot; of a dead celebrity taking legal action? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384415/What-is-a-celebrity-estate" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">no regrets, coyote</a> at 3:34 PM - <a href="" target="_self">6 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384409/Should-I-plead-guilty-to-a-speeding-ticket-or-hire-a-lawyer-for-it" target="_self">Should I plead guilty to a speeding ticket or hire a lawyer for it?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Should I plead guilty and pay a fine and fee for a speeding ticket or hire a lawyer to handle it for me? (83 in a 55 in Westchester, NY.) Additional details below. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384409/Should-I-plead-guilty-to-a-speeding-ticket-or-hire-a-lawyer-for-it" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">davidstandaford</a> at 9:16 AM - <a href="" target="_self">19 answers</a> </span></div><br> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384406/United-Healthcare-Clawing-Back-Payments" target="_self">United Healthcare Clawing Back Payments</a></h2> <div class="copy post">United Healthcare sent a notice to me that they miscalculated payments and are clawing back payments. They say I now owe about ~$2,600. United Healthcare owns OptumBank and they just charged my Health Savings Account (HSA) this amount putting my HSA substantially in the negative. All of the payments and claims were prior to July 2024 (beyond the 6 month limit they usually impose on their members for claims). <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384406/United-Healthcare-Clawing-Back-Payments" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">ichimunki</a> at 7:07 AM - <a href="" target="_self">9 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span></div><br> <h2>February 8</h2> <h2 class="posttitle front"><a href="/384385/How-do-indirect-costs-work" target="_self">How do "indirect costs" work?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">NIH has capped &quot;indirect costs&quot; to 15% starting Monday. I've seen contradictory explanations of how it works. Looking for a correct, authoritative explanation that is not on the NIH website. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="/384385/How-do-indirect-costs-work" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br><span class="smallcopy postbyline">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Sophont</a> at 2:49 PM - <a href="" target="_self">21 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span></div><br> <p class="copy">&laquo; <a href="/law-government/2" target="_self">Older questions</a> </p> <!-- google_ad_section_end --> </div> <br clear="all"> <div id="footer"> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p><strong>Features</strong></p> - <a href="" target="_self">Login</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">New User</a> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p><strong>Links</strong></p> - <a href="/" target="_self">Home</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Guidelines</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Content Policy</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Privacy Policy</a><br> - <a href="/search.mefi" target="_self">Search</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">BIPOC Board</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Steering Committee</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Mall</a><br> - <a href="/archive.mefi" target="_self">Archives</a><br> - <a href="/tags/" target="_self">Tags</a><br> - <a href="//" target="_self">About</a> <br>- <a href="">MeFi Wiki</a> <br>- <a href="//" target="_self">Modern Theme</a> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p><strong>Sites</strong></p> - <a href="" title="MetaFilter RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">MetaFilter</a><br> - <a href="" title="Ask MetaFilter RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">AskMeFi</a><br> - <a href="" title="FanFare RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">FanFare</a><br> - <a href="" title="Projects RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">Projects</a><br> - <a href="" title="MetaFilter Music RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">Music</a><br> - <a href="" title="MetaFilter Jobs RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">Jobs</a><br> - <a href="" title="IRL RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">IRL</a><br> - <a href="" title="MetaTalk RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">MetaTalk</a> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p style="margin-top:30px;">Join 8,307 readers in helping <a href="" target="_self">fund MetaFilter</a></p> <p style="margin-top:15px;"><a href="">Contact Us</a></p> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <form action="/search.mefi" id="cse-search-box" style="margin-top:15px;"><div><input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-8621957794194569:9650013776"><input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:10"><input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8"><input type="text" name="q" size="31" style="width:120px;"><input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" style="margin-left:3px;"></div></form><script type="text/javascript" src="//;lang=en"></script> <span class="fineprint">&copy; 1999-2025 MetaFilter LLC<br> All posts are &copy; their original authors.</span><br><br> <span class="fineprint"><a href="" target="_self">FAQ</a> | <a href="" target="_self">Contact</a> | &#9731;<br></span> </div></div> <br clear="all"> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> </body> </html>

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