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caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 91-67 Azerbaijan <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="86" height="43" /></h4> <pre> Thursday, November 21st, 2024, Venue: National Basketball Arena (DUB)</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA World Cup 2027 European Pre-Qualifiers- Group A</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 91-85 Kosovo <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="71" height="47" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, November 24th, 2024, Venue: National Basketball Arena (DUB)</pre> </div> <h4><strong>INTERNATIONAL FRIENDLY</strong></h4> <div class="gray"> <h4>International Friendly</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 57-64 Denmark <span> </span><img src="" alt="" class=" " /></h4> <pre> Friday, August 2nd, Venue: National Basketball Arena, Dublin</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>International Friendly</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 79-90 Denmark <span> </span><img src="" alt="" class=" " /></h4> <pre> Saturday, August 3rd, Venue: National Basketball Arena, Dublin</pre> </div> <h4><strong>LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL BASKETBALL CUP</strong></h4> <div class="gray"> <h4>International Friendly</h4> <h4> <img src="" class=" " width="62" height="41" caption="false" /> Guatemala 60-64 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> </h4> <pre> Saturday, June 22nd 2024, Venue: Cal-State University, Los Angeles (USA)</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>International Friendly</h4> <h4> <img src="" class=" " width="62" height="41" caption="false" /> Armenia 92-91 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, June 23rd 2024, Venue: Cal-State University, Los Angeles (USA)</pre> </div> <h4><strong>FIBA BASKETBALL WORLD CUP EUROPEAN PRE-QUALIFIERS 2027</strong></h4> <div class="gray"> <p><b>FIBA Basketball World Cup European Pre-Qualifiers 2027 - First Round, Group A</b></p> <h4><img src="" class=" " width="58" height="29" caption="false" /> Kosovo 83-76 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /><span></span> </h4> <pre> Thursday, February 22nd, Venue: <span>Prishtina (KOS)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><b>FIBA Basketball World Cup European Pre-Qualifiers 2027 - First Round, Group A</b></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 63-86 Switzerland <span> </span><img src="" caption="false" width="50" height="30" /> </h4> <pre> Sunday, February 25th, Venue: National Basketball Arena, Dublin</pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="acc-panel " data-url=""> <h2 >Ireland Senior Women </h2> <div class="acc-panel-content"> <h4>FIBA WOMEN'S EUROBASKET 2025 QUALIFIERS</h4> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>FIBA Women's EuroBasket 2025 Qualifiers - Group E</strong></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> <span>Ireland</span> 90-96 Latvia <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="76" height="38" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, February 9th 2025, Venue: <span>National Basketball Arena</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>FIBA Women's EuroBasket 2025 Qualifiers - Group E</strong></p> <h4><span><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="62" height="37" /></span> France 125-24 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Thursday, February 6th 2025, Venue: <span>Chalone-sur-Saône</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>FIBA Women's EuroBasket 2025 Qualifiers - Group E</strong></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 61-90 Israel <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="64" height="47" /><span> </span> </h4> <pre> Sunday, November 10th, 2024, Venue: <span>Rimi Olympic Centre, Latvia (LAT)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>FIBA Women's EuroBasket 2025 Qualifiers - Group E</strong></p> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="76" height="38" /> Latvia 85-53 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Thursday, November 7th, 2024, Venue: <span>Rimi Olympic Centre, Latvia (LAT)</span></pre> </div> <h4>INTERNATIONAL FRIENDLY </h4> <div class="gray"> <h4>International Friendly</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 66-69 Denmark <img src="" alt="" class=" " /></h4> <pre> Friday, August 2nd, Venue: National Basketball Arena, Dublin</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>International Friendly</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 64-60 Netherlands<img src="" caption="false" width="75" height="45" /></h4> <pre> Saturday, August 3rd, Venue: National Basketball Arena, Dublin</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>International Friendly</h4> <h4><img src="" class=" " width="64" height="47" caption="false" /> Uganda 82-69 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, July 21st, Venue: <span>Keltern Dietlingen, Germany</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>International Friendly</h4> <h4><img src="" class=" " width="59" height="43" caption="false" /> Uganda 71-56 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Monday, July 22nd, Venue: <span>Keltern Dietlingen, Germany</span></pre> </div> <h4>FIBA WOMEN'S EUROBASKET 2025 QUALIFIERS</h4> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>FIBA Women's EuroBasket 2025 Qualifiers - Group E</strong></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 48-100 France <span><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="62" height="37" /></span></h4> <pre> Sunday, November 12th, 2023, Venue: National Basketball Arena (DUB)</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>FIBA Women's EuroBasket 2025 Qualifiers - Group E</strong></p> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="64" height="47" /> Israel 87-57 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> </h4> <pre> Thursday, February 8th, 2024 Time: 16:00 Venue: Rimi Olympic Centre, Riga</pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="acc-panel " data-url=""> <h2 >3x3 Men </h2> <div class="acc-panel-content"> <h4><strong>FIBA 3x3 EUROPE CUP QUALIFIERS</strong></h4> <div class="gray"> <p><b>FIBA 3x3 Europe Cup Qualifiers - Pool A</b></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 18-17 Malta <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="48" height="32" style="font-size: 2.6rem;" /></h4> <pre> June 7th, Venue: <span> Pristina (KOS)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><b>FIBA 3x3 Europe Cup Qualifiers - Pool A</b></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 20-14 Luxembourg <img src="" width="50" height="30" /></h4> <pre> June 7th, Venue: <span> Pristina (KOS)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><b>FIBA 3x3 Europe Cup Qualifiers - Pool A</b></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="50" height="30" /> Andorra 21-13 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /><span></span> </h4> <pre> June 8th, Venue: <span> Pristina (KOS)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><b>FIBA 3x3 Europe Cup Qualifiers - Quarter-Final</b></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 21-15 Albania<span> </span><img src="" caption="false" width="50" height="30" /> </h4> <pre> June 8th, Venue: <span> Pristina (KOS)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><b>FIBA 3x3 Europe Cup Qualifiers - Semi-Final</b></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> <span style="font-size: 2.6rem;">Ireland 12-21 Azerbaijan</span><span style="font-size: 2.6rem;"> </span><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="58" height="29" style="font-size: 2.6rem;" /></h4> <pre> June 8th, Venue: <span> Pristina (KOS)</span></pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="acc-panel " data-url=""> <h2 >3x3 Women </h2> <div class="acc-panel-content"> <h4>FIBA 3X3 WOMEN'S WORLD SERIES - CLERMONT-FERRAND </h4> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>FIBA Women's World Series - Clermont-Ferrand - Pool B</strong></p> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="62" height="37" /> France 21-8 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Friday, June 14th, 2024, Venue: Maison Des Sports (CFR)</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>FIBA Women's World Series - Clermont-Ferrand - Pool B</strong></p> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="62" height="37" /> Clermont-Ferrand 19-12 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> </h4> <pre> Friday, June 14th, 2024, Venue: Maison Des Sports (CFR)</pre> </div> <h4><strong></strong></h4> <h4><strong>FIBA 3x3 EUROPE CUP QUALIFIERS</strong></h4> <div class="gray"> <p><b>FIBA 3x3 Europe Cup Qualifiers - Pool B</b></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 21-7 Andorra<img src="" caption="false" width="50" height="30" /></h4> <pre> June 7th, Venue: <span> Pristina (KOS)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><b>FIBA 3x3 Europe Cup Qualifiers - Pool B</b></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 17-15 Kosovo<img src="" class=" " width="58" height="29" caption="false" /></h4> <pre> June 7th, Venue: Pristina<span> (KOS)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><b>FIBA 3x3 Europe Cup Qualifiers - Pool B</b></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="50" height="30" /> Cyprus 16-13 Ireland <span> </span><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /><span></span> </h4> <pre> June 8th, Venue: Pristina<span> (KOS)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><b>FIBA 3x3 Europe Cup Qualifiers - Quarter-Final</b></p> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="48" height="32" /> Malta 17-13 Ireland <span> </span><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /><span></span> </h4> <pre> June 8th, Venue: Pristina<span> (KOS)</span></pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="acc-panel " data-url=""> <h2 >Ireland U20 Men </h2> <div class="acc-panel-content"> <h4>FIBA U20 Men's Youth EuroBasket Division 'B' 2024</h4> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group B</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /> Great Britain 85-66 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> </h4> <pre> Friday, July 12th 2024, Venue: <span>Sala Sporturilor, Pitesti (ROU)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group B</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 61-58 Azerbaijan <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="78" height="39" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, July 14th 2024, Venue: <span>Sala Sporturilor, Pitesti (ROU)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group B </h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="50" height="30" />Netherlands 51-54 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Tuesday, July 16th 2024, Venue: <span>Sala Sporturilor, Pitesti (ROU)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group B</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" />Portugal 73-43 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Wednesday, July 17th 2024, Venue: <span>Sala Sporturilor, Pitesti (ROU)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification Games 9-16</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /> Croatia 79-48 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> </h4> <pre> Friday, July 19th 2024, Venue: <span>Sala Sporturilor, Pitesti (ROU)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification Games 13-16</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 73-43 Kosovo<img src="" class=" " width="86" height="43" caption="false" /></h4> <pre> Saturday, July 20th 2024, Venue: <span>Sala Sporturilor, Pitesti (ROU)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification Games 13-14</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 48-58 Latvia <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="76" height="38" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, July 21st 2024, Venue: <span>Sala Sporturilor, Pitesti (ROU)</span></pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="acc-panel " data-url=""> <h2 >Ireland U20 Women </h2> <div class="acc-panel-content"> <h4>FIBA U20 Women's Youth EuroBasket Division 'B' 2024</h4> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group A</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 91-61 Slovakia <img src="" class=" " width="49" height="32" caption="false" /></h4> <pre> Saturday, July 6th 2024, Venue: Triaditza Hall, Sofia<span> (BUL)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group A</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="50" height="30" />Switzerland 71-78 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, July 7th 2024, Venue: <span>St. George School Gym, Sofia (BUL)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group A</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 43-80 Czech Republic <span><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="48" height="32" /></span></h4> <pre> Monday, July 8th 2024, Venue:Triaditza Hall, Sofia<span> (BUL)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Qualifying Round</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 69-56 Ukraine <img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /></h4> <pre> Wednesday, July 10th 2024, Venue:Triaditza Hall, Sofia<span> (BUL)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Qualifying Round</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 88-45 Iceland <img src="" class=" " width="49" height="32" caption="false" /></h4> <pre> Thursday, July 11th 2024, Venue:Triaditza Hall, Sofia<span> (BUL)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification Games 5-8</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 87-73 Croatia <img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /></h4> <pre> Saturday, July 13th 2024, Venue:Triaditza Hall, Sofia<span> (BUL)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification Games 5-6</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 74-66 Ukraine <img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, July 14th 2024, Venue:Triaditza Hall, Sofia<span> (BUL)</span></pre> </div> <h4><strong>Nordic Championship </strong></h4> <div class="gray"> <h4>Nordic Championship </h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 80-67 Iceland <img src="" class=" " width="49" height="32" caption="false" /></h4> <pre> Monday, June 24th 2024, Time: 18:30 Venue: Rosenborgshallen, Täljehallen<span> (SWE)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>Nordic Championship </h4> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " /> Denmark 61-78 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Tuesday, June 25th 2024, Time: 18:45 Venue: Rosenborgshallen, Täljehallen<span> (SWE)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>Nordic Championship </h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 69-93 Sweden <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="54" height="34" /></h4> <pre> Wednesday, June 26th 2024, Time: 13:45 Venue: Rosenborgshallen, Täljehallen<span> (SWE)</span></pre> </div> <h4><strong>International Friendly</strong></h4> <div class="gray"> <h4>International Friendly </h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 55-59 Greece <img src="" class=" " width="49" height="32" caption="false" /></h4> <pre> Monday, July 1st, Venue: Thessaloniki, (GRE)</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>International Friendly </h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 66-70 Greece <img src="" class=" " width="49" height="32" caption="false" /></h4> <pre> Tuesday, July 2nd, Venue: Thessaloniki, (GRE)</pre> </div> <p><span></span></p> </div> </div> <div class="acc-panel " data-url=""> <h2 >Ireland U18 Men </h2> <div class="acc-panel-content"> <h4>FIBA U18 Men's Youth EuroBasket Division 'B' 2024</h4> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C</h4> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="64" height="32" /> North Macedonia 73-63 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Friday, July 26th 2024, Venue: <span>SRC Kale, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 56-71 Czech Republic <span><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="48" height="32" /></span></h4> <pre> Saturday, July 27th 2024, Venue: <span>Sports Centre Boris Trajkovski, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="69" height="41" />Cyprus 56-67 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, July 28th 2024, Venue: <span>SRC Kale, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 98-79 Ukraine <img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /></h4> <pre> Tuesday, July 30th 2024, Venue: <span>SRC Kale, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 57-54 Bosnia & Herzegovina <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="38" height="38" /></h4> <pre> Wednesday, July 31st 2024, Venue:<span>Sports Centre Boris Trajkovski</span><span>, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification Games 9-16</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 74-69 Georgia <img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /></h4> <pre> Friday, August 2nd 2024, Venue: <span>SRC Kale, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification Games 9-12</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="69" height="41" /> Hungary 48-32 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Saturday, August 3rd 2024, Venue: <span>SRC Kale, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification Games 11-12</h4> <h4><img src="" class=" " width="49" height="32" caption="false" /> Iceland 62-83 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, August 4th 2024, Venue: <span>SRC Kale, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <h4><strong style="font-size: 2.6rem;">International Friendly </strong></h4> <div class="gray"> <h4><strong>International Friendly</strong></h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 96-71 Luxembourg <img src="" width="50" height="30" /></h4> <pre> Friday, June 28th 2024, Time: 19:30 Venue: <span>University of Limerick, Co. Limerick</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4><strong>International Friendly</strong></h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 88-72 Luxembourg<img src="" width="50" height="30" /></h4> <pre> Saturday, June 29th 2024, Time: 20:00 Venue: <span>University of Limerick, Co. Limerick</span></pre> </div> <h4>Four Nations Tournament</h4> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>Four Nations 2024</strong></p> <h4> <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="55" height="33" /> England 72-75 Ireland<span> </span><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Wednesday 3rd April, Venue: Regional Performance Centre (SCO)</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>Four Nations 2024</strong></p> <h4> <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="58" height="35" /> Wales 54-100 Ireland<span> </span><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Wednesday 3rd April, Venue: Regional Performance Centre (SCO)</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>Four Nations 2024</strong></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> <span style="font-size: 2.6rem;">Ireland 85-66 Scotland </span><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="55" height="33" style="font-size: 2.6rem;" /></h4> <pre> Thursday 4th April, Venue: Regional Performance Centre (SCO)</pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="acc-panel " data-url=""> <h2 >Ireland U18 Women </h2> <div class="acc-panel-content"> <h4>FIBA U18 Women's Youth EuroBasket Division 'B' 2024</h4> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group A</h4> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="64" height="32" /> North Macedonia 52-86 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Friday, August 2nd 2024, Venue: Olimpia Hall, Ploiesti<span>, (ROU)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group A</h4> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " /> Bulgaria 68-64 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Saturday, August 3rd 2024, Venue: Olimpia Hall, Ploiesti<span>, (ROU)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group A</h4> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="45" height="33" /> Norway 52-64 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, August 4th 2024,Venue: Olimpia Hall, Ploiesti<span>, (ROU)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group A</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 45-62 Greece <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="47" height="31" /></h4> <pre> Wednesday, August 7th 2024, Venue: Olimpia Hall, Ploiesti<span>, (ROU)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification 9-18 </h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 77-64 Netherlands<img src="" caption="false" width="75" height="45" /></h4> <pre> Wednesday, August 7th 2024, Venue: Olimpia Hall, Ploiesti<span>, (ROU)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification 9-18 </h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 76-57 Denmark <img src="" alt="" class=" " /></h4> <pre> Wednesday, August 7th 2024, Venue: Olimpia Hall, Ploiesti<span>, (ROU)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification 9th Place Game</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 73-61 Ukraine <img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /></h4> <pre> Wednesday, August 7th 2024, Venue: Olimpia Hall, Ploiesti<span>, (ROU)</span></pre> </div> <h4><strong>International Friendly </strong></h4> <div class="gray"> <h4><strong>International Friendly</strong></h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 73-63 Ukraine <img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /></h4> <pre> Friday, July 19th 2024, Venue: <span>Virginia Show Centre, Co. Cavan</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4><strong>International Friendly</strong></h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 62-60 Ukraine <img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /></h4> <pre> Saturday, July 20th 2024, Venue: <span>Virginia Show Centre, Co. Cavan</span></pre> </div> <h4>Four Nations Tournament</h4> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>Four Nations 2024</strong></p> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="55" height="33" /> England 67-91 Ireland<span> </span><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Wednesday 3rd April, Venue: Regional Performance Centre (SCO)</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>Four Nations 2024</strong></p> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="58" height="35" /> Wales 25 -107 Ireland<span> </span><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /><span></span> </h4> <pre> Wednesday 3rd April, Venue: Regional Performance Centre (SCO)</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>Four Nations 2024</strong></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 87-73 Scotland <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="55" height="33" /></h4> <pre> Thursday 4th April, Venue: Regional Performance Centre (SCO)</pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="acc-panel " data-url=""> <h2 >Ireland U16 Men </h2> <div class="acc-panel-content"> <h4>FIBA U16 Men's Youth EuroBasket Division 'B' 2024</h4> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /> Great Britain 65-70 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Thursday, August 8th 2024, Time: 10:00 Venue: <span>Sports Centre Boris Trajkovski, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 72-59 Norway <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="45" height="33" /></h4> <pre> Friday, August 9th 2024, Time: 12:30 Venue: <span>Sports Centre Boris Trajkovski, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C </h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 70-93 Romania <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="51" height="34" /> </h4> <pre> Saturday, August 10th 2024, Time: 12:30 Venue: <span>Sports Centre Boris Trajkovski, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C</h4> <h4><img src="" class=" " width="49" height="32" caption="false" /> Slovakia 80-74 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Monday, August 12th 2024, Time: 10:00 Venue: <span>SRC Kale, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C </h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 52-59 Denmark <img src="" alt="" class=" " /></h4> <pre> Tuesday, August 13th 2024, Time: 10:00 Venue: <span>SRC Kale, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification Game 17-22</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 65-69 Ukraine <img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /> </h4> <pre> Friday, August 16th 2024, Venue: <span>SRC Kale, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification Game 17-18</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 78-67 Bosnia & Herzegovina <img src="" alt="1280px-Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg" width="76" height="38" /></h4> <pre> Saturday, August 17th 2024, Venue: <span>SRC Kale, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <h4><strong>International Friendly</strong></h4> <div class="gray"> <h4><strong>International Friendly</strong></h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 63-74 North Macedonia <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="64" height="32" /></h4> <pre> Saturday, August 3rd 2024, Venue: <span>SRC Kale, Skopje, (MKD)</span></pre> </div> <h4><strong>Dussman Trophy 2024 </strong></h4> <div class="gray"> <h4><strong>Dussman Trophy 2024</strong></h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 82-74 Netherlands<img src="" caption="false" width="50" height="30" /></h4> <pre> Friday, July 12th 2024, Time: 14:30 Venue: Mersh (LUX)</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4><strong>Dussman Trophy 2024</strong></h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 84-53 Luxembourg <img src="" width="78" height="47" /></h4> <pre> Saturday, July 13th 2024, Time: 19:00 Venue: Mersh (LUX)</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4><strong>Dussman Trophy 2024</strong></h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 65-89 Portugal<img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, July 14th 2024, Time: 10:00 Venue: Mersh (LUX)</pre> </div> <h4>Four Nations Tournament</h4> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>Four Nations 2024</strong></p> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="58" height="35" /> Wales 46-95 Ireland<span> </span><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Wednesday 26th March, Venue: National Basketball Arena</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>Four Nations 2024</strong></p> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="55" height="33" /> Scotland 47-84 Ireland<span> </span><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Thursday 27th March, Venue: National Basketball Arena</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>Four Nations 2024</strong></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 59-75 England <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="55" height="33" /></h4> <pre> Thursday 27th March, Venue: National Basketball Arena</pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="acc-panel " data-url=""> <h2 >Ireland U16 Women </h2> <div class="acc-panel-content"> <h4>FIBA U16 Women's Youth EuroBasket Division 'B' 2024</h4> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 67-30 Ukraine <img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /> </h4> <pre> Thursday, August 15th 2024, Venue: <span>Konya Sports Complex, Konya, (TUR)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C</h4> <h4><img src="" class=" " width="49" height="32" caption="false" /> Slovakia 63-60 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Friday, August 16th 2024, Venue: <span>Konya Sports Complex II, Konya, (TUR)</span><span>)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C </h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 92-34 Kosovo <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="71" height="47" /></h4> <pre> Monday, August 18th 2024, Venue: <span>Konya Sports Complex, Konya, (TUR)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Group C</h4> <h4><img src="" class=" " width="49" height="32" caption="false" /> Turkey 61-50 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Tuesday, August 19th 2024, <span>Konya Sports Complex, Konya, (TUR)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification Game 9-16</h4> <h4><img src="" alt="Flag_of_Bulgaria.svg" width="83" height="50" /> Bulgaria 68-70 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Thursday, August 22nd 2024, <span>Konya Sports Complex, Konya, (TUR)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification Game 9-12</h4> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="45" height="33" /> Norway 52-93 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Friday, August 23rd 2024, <span>Konya Sports Complex, Konya, (TUR)</span></pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4>FIBA Youth EuroBasket - Classification Game 9-10</h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" />Portugal 77-55 Ireland <img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Saturday, August 24th 2024, <span>Konya Sports Complex, Konya, (TUR)</span></pre> </div> <h4><strong>International Friendly</strong></h4> <div class="gray"> <h4><strong>International Friendly</strong></h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 68-65 Netherlands <img src="" caption="false" width="50" height="30" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, August 4th 2024, Venue: Coláiste Éanna, Co. Dublin</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4><strong>International Friendly</strong></h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 58-62 Netherlands <img src="" caption="false" width="50" height="30" /></h4> <pre> Monday,August 5th 2024, Venue: Coláiste Éanna, Co. Dublin</pre> </div> <h4><strong>Dussman Trophy 2024 </strong></h4> <div class="gray"> <h4><strong>Dussman Trophy 2024</strong></h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 67-56 Netherlands<img src="" caption="false" width="50" height="30" /></h4> <pre> Friday, July 12th 2024, Time: 12:30 Venue: Mersh (LUX)</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4><strong>Dussman Trophy 2024</strong></h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 53-35 Luxembourg <img src="" width="78" height="47" /></h4> <pre> Saturday, July 13th 2024, Time: 17:00 Venue: Mersh (LUX)</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <h4><strong>Dussman Trophy 2024</strong></h4> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 67-45 Portugal<img src="" caption="false" width="72" height="43" /></h4> <pre> Sunday, July 14th 2024, Time: 08:00 Venue: Mersh (LUX)</pre> </div> <h4>Four Nations Tournament</h4> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>Four Nations 2024</strong></p> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="58" height="35" /> Wales 23-132 Ireland<span> </span><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Wednesday 26th March,Venue: National Basketball Arena</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>Four Nations 2024</strong></p> <h4><img src="" alt="" class=" " width="55" height="33" /> Scotland 47-96 Ireland<span> </span><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /></h4> <pre> Wednesday 26th March, Venue: National Basketball Arena</pre> </div> <div class="gray"> <p><strong>Four Nations 2024</strong></p> <h4><img src="" caption="false" width="70" height="42" /> Ireland 57-74 England <img src="" alt="" class=" " width="55" height="33" /></h4> <pre> Thursday 27th March, Venue: National Basketball Arena</pre> </div> </div> </div> <br/> <br/> </div> <div id="intright"> <div class="news-holder "> <div class="news w100"> <a href="/20250223154620-ireland-pick-up-impressive-79-64-away-win-over-azerbaijan-in-fiba-basketball-world-cup-2027-pre-qualifiers" > <span class="i" style="background-image:url('/th/770x/uploads/files/67/67bb4544f2ab3_Sean-Flood-Azerbaijan-v-Ireland-FIBA-Basketball-World-Cup.jpg')"></span> <span class="d">Feb 23 2025</span> <span class="t">Ireland pick up impressive 79-64 away win over Azerbaijan in FIBA Basketball World Cup 2027 Pre-Qualifiers </span> <span class="l">Ireland captain Sean Flood top scorers with 23 points as Ireland finish with 3-3 record in Group A. </span> <span class="rm">LEARN MORE</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="news-holder "> <div class="news w100"> <a href="/-all-you-need-to-know-fiba-basketball-world-cup-qualifier-ireland-v-Azerbaijan" > <span class="i" style="background-image:url('/th/770x/uploads/files/67/67babcf5a7b8a_JordanAYNTK.jpg')"></span> <span class="d">Feb 23 2025</span> <span class="t">All You Need To Know: FIBA Basketball World Cup Qualifier Ireland v Azerbaijan </span> <span class="l">The game takes place on Sunday, February 23rd in Fribourg Switzerland. </span> <span class="rm">LEARN MORE</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="news-holder "> <div class="news w100"> <a href="/20250220213447-ireland-lose-85-54-to-group-a-winners-switzerland-in-fiba-basketball-world-cup-2027-pre-qualifiers" > <span class="i" style="background-image:url('/th/770x/uploads/files/67/67b79ff7efbeb_Jordan-Blount-in-action-for-Ireland-v-Switzerland.jpg')"></span> <span class="d">Feb 20 2025</span> <span class="t">Ireland lose 85-54 to Group A winners Switzerland in FIBA Basketball World Cup 2027 Pre-Qualifiers </span> <span class="l">Ireland can still finish second in Group A, however their hopes of reaching the second round of World Cup Pre-Qualifiers are over. </span> <span class="rm">LEARN MORE</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end internal area --> <div class="foot-area"> <div class="top-footer clear-after"> <div 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