LKML: linux@horizon ...: Re: [PATCH 1/19] MUTEX: Introduce simple mutex implementation
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There's absolutely zero point. A <br />> counting semaphore is a perfectly fine mutex - the fact that it can _also_ <br />> be used to allow more than 1 user into a critical region and generally do <br />> other things is totally immaterial.<br /><br />You're being thick today. Pay attention to the arguments.<br /><br />A counting semaphore is NOT a perfectly fine mutex, and it SHOULD be changed.<br /><br />People are indeed unhappy with the naming, and whether patching 95%<br />of the callers of up() and down() is a good idea is a valid and active<br />subject of debate. (For an out-of-tree -rt patch, is was certaintly<br />an extremely practical solution.)<br /><br />But regardless of the eventual naming convention, mutexes are a good idea.<br />A mutex is *safer* than a counting semaphore. That's the main benefit.<br />Indeed, unless there's a performance advantage to a counting semaphore,<br />you should use a mutex!<br /><br />It documents in the source what you're doing. Using a counting semaphore<br />for a mutex is as silly as using a float for a loop index. Even if<br />there isn't much speed penalty on modern processors.<br /><br />Or perhaps I should compare it to using void * everywhere. That's a<br />perfectly fine pointer; why type-check it?<br /><br />A separate mutex type allows extra error-checking. You can keep track<br />of the current holder (since there can be only one) and check that the<br />same person released it and didn't try to double-acquire it.<br /><br />You can do priority inheritance, which is the main motivation for doing<br />this work in the -rt patches.<br /><br />This isn't about speed, it's about bug-free code. And having a mutex<br />abstraction distinct from a general counting semaphore is damn useful<br />error-checking, even if it is simply a thin wrapper over a counting<br />semaphore. The only reason the code is full of counting semaphores<br />right now is that that's all people had.<br /><br />Better to give them the right tool.<br />-<br />To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in<br />the body of a message to<br />More majordomo info at <a href=""></a><br />Please read the FAQ at <a href=""></a><br /><br /></pre></td><td width="32" rowspan="2" class="c" valign="top"><img src="/images/icornerr.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="\" /></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom"> 聽 </td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom">聽</td><td class="c" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom: 0px"><img src="/images/bcornerl.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="\" /></td><td class="c">聽</td><td class="c" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom: 0px"><img src="/images/bcornerr.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="/" /></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top" colspan="2"> 聽 </td><td class="lm">Last update: 2005-12-15 15:00 聽聽 [from the cache]<br />漏2003-2020 <a href=""><span itemprop="editor">Jasper Spaans</span></a>|hosted at <a href="">Digital Ocean</a> and my Meterkast|<a href="">Read the blog</a></td><td>聽</td></tr></table><script language="javascript" src="/js/styleswitcher.js" type="text/javascript"></script></body></html>