HTML5test - How well does your browser support HTML5?

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML5test - How well does your browser support HTML5?</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/main.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/reporting.css" type="text/css"> <script src='/scripts/base.js' type='text/javascript'></script> <script src='/scripts/reporting.js' type='text/javascript'></script> <script src='/scripts/jquery/jquery-1.7.2.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script> <script src='/scripts/highcharts/highcharts.src.js' type='text/javascript'></script> <script src="/scripts/highcharts/modules/exporting.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/scripts/fullscreen.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <meta name="application-name" content="HTML5test"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="57x57" 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href='/results/tablet.html'>Tablets</a></li> <li class=''><a href='/results/mobile.html'>Mobiles</a></li> <li class=''><a href='/results/other.html'>Other</a></li> <li class='more'><a href='/results/search.html'>Search</a></li> <li class='more'><a href='/results/latest.html'>Latest</a></li> </ul> <div> <div class='overviewPanel'> <h2>Overview</h2> <div class='horizontalOverflow'> <table class='overviewTable'> <thead> <tr> <th>&nbsp;</th> <th><a href="/results/tablet/timeline/">Chrome</a></th> <th><a href="/results/tablet/timeline/">Opera Mobile</a></th> <th><a href="/results/tablet/timeline/edge.html">Edge</a></th> <th><a href="/results/tablet/timeline/ios.html">iOS</a></th> <th><a href="/results/tablet/timeline/">Firefox Mobile</a> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th class='upcoming'> Upcoming </th> <td class='upcoming'></td> <td class='upcoming'></td> <td class='upcoming'><span class="version"><span><span>18</span></span></span> <span class="points">496</span></td> <td class='upcoming'></td> <td class='upcoming'></td> </tr> <tr> <th class='current'> Current </th> <td class='current'></td> <td class='current'><span class="version"><span><span>37</span></span></span> <span class="points">481</span></td> <td class='current'><span class="version"><span><span>17</span></span></span> <span class="points">492</span></td> <td class='current'><span class="version"><span><span>10.3</span></span></span> <span class="points">415</span></td> <td class='current'></td> </tr> <tr> <th class=''> Older </th> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>52</span></span></span> <span class="points">486</span></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>12.10</span></span></span> <span class="points">289</span></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>16</span></span></span> <span class="points">476</span></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>10.2</span></span></span> <span class="points">391</span></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>48</span></span></span> <span class="points">466</span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class=''> </th> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>51</span></span></span> <span class="points">488</span></td> <td class=''></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>15</span></span></span> <span class="points">473</span></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>10.0</span></span></span> <span class="points">389</span></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>47</span></span></span> <span class="points">459</span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class=''> </th> <td class=''></td> <td class=''></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>14</span></span></span> <span class="points">460</span></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>9.3</span></span></span> <span class="points">378</span></td> <td class=''></td> </tr> <tr> <th class=''> </th> <td class=''></td> <td class=''></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>13</span></span></span> <span class="points">433</span></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>9.0</span></span></span> <span class="points">368</span></td> <td class=''></td> </tr> <tr> <th class=''> </th> <td class=''></td> <td class=''></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>12</span></span></span> <span class="points">377</span></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>8.0</span></span></span> <span class="points">360</span></td> <td class=''></td> </tr> <tr> <th class=''> </th> <td class=''></td> <td class=''></td> <td class=''><span class='heading'>Internet Explorer</span></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>7.0</span></span></span> <span class="points">327</span></td> <td class=''></td> </tr> <tr> <th class=''> </th> <td class=''></td> <td class=''></td> <td class=''><span class="version"><span><span>11</span></span></span> <span class="points">312</span></td> <td class=''></td> <td class=''></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <hr> <div class='scorePanel'> <h2>Scores</h2> <div id='scoreToggle'></div> <div class='left'> <div> <h3>Current</h3> <table class='scoreTable'> <thead> <tr> <th class='points'>Score</th> <th class='nickname'>Browser</th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>492</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'edge', version: '17', id: 'edge', score: '492' }); "> Edge 17 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>481</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '37', id: '', score: '481' }); "> Opera Mobile 37 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>467</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '', id: '', score: '467' }); "> Amazon Silk </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>415</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'ios', version: '10.3', id: 'ios', score: '415' }); "> iOS 10.3 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div> <h3>Upcoming</h3> <table class='scoreTable'> <thead> <tr> <th class='points'>Score</th> <th class='nickname'>Browser</th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>496</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'edge', version: '18', id: 'edge', score: '496' }); "> Edge 18 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div> <h3>Experimental</h3> <table class='scoreTable'> <thead> <tr> <th class='points'>Score</th> <th class='nickname'>Browser</th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>498</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'edge', version: '', id: 'edge', score: '498' }); "> Edge </th> <th class='details'>All flags enabled</th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class='right'> <div> <h3>Older</h3> <table class='scoreTable'> <thead> <tr> <th class='points'>Score</th> <th class='nickname'>Browser</th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>488</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '51', id: '', score: '488' }); "> Chrome 51 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>486</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '52', id: '', score: '486' }); "> Chrome 52 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class='secondary'> <td class='points'>476</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '46', id: '', score: '476' }); "> Chrome 46 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>476</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'edge', version: '16', id: 'edge', score: '476' }); "> Edge 16 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>473</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'edge', version: '15', id: 'edge', score: '473' }); "> Edge 15 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>466</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '48', id: '', score: '466' }); "> Firefox Mobile 48 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>460</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'edge', version: '14', id: 'edge', score: '460' }); "> Edge 14 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>459</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '47', id: '', score: '459' }); "> Firefox Mobile 47 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class='secondary'> <td class='points'>456</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '41', id: '', score: '456' }); "> Chrome 41 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class='secondary'> <td class='points'>448</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '40', id: '', score: '448' }); "> Chrome 40 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>433</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'edge', version: '13', id: 'edge', score: '433' }); "> Edge 13 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class='secondary'> <td class='points'>396</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '33', id: '', score: '396' }); "> Firefox Mobile 33 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>391</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'ios', version: '10.2', id: 'ios', score: '391' }); "> iOS 10.2 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class='secondary'> <td class='points'>391</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'ios', version: '10.1', id: 'ios', score: '391' }); "> iOS 10.1 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>389</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'ios', version: '10.0', id: 'ios', score: '389' }); "> iOS 10.0 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class='secondary'> <td class='points'>387</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '18', id: '', score: '387' }); "> Opera Mobile 18 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>378</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'ios', version: '9.3', id: 'ios', score: '378' }); "> iOS 9.3 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>377</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'edge', version: '12', id: 'edge', score: '377' }); "> Edge 12 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class='secondary'> <td class='points'>371</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '28', id: '', score: '371' }); "> Firefox Mobile 28 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>368</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'ios', version: '9.0', id: 'ios', score: '368' }); "> iOS 9.0 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class='secondary'> <td class='points'>367</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '16', id: '', score: '367' }); "> Opera Mobile 16 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>360</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'ios', version: '8.0', id: 'ios', score: '360' }); "> iOS 8.0 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>327</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'ios', version: '7.0', id: 'ios', score: '327' }); "> iOS 7.0 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>312</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'ie', version: '11', id: 'edge', score: '312' }); "> Internet Explorer 11 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class='secondary'> <td class='points'>290</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'ios', version: '6.0', id: 'ios', score: '290' }); "> iOS 6.0 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>289</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: '', version: '12.10', id: '', score: '289' }); "> Opera Mobile 12.10 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class=''> <td class='points'>265</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'ie', version: '10', id: 'edge', score: '265' }); "> Internet Explorer 10 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class='secondary'> <td class='points'>225</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'ios', version: '5.0', id: 'ios', score: '225' }); "> iOS 5.0 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> <tr class='secondary'> <td class='points'>201</td> <th class='nickname' onclick="new BrowserPopup(this, 'tablet', { platform: 'android', version: '4.2', id: 'android', score: '201' }); "> Android 4.2 </th> <th class='details'></th> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <script> new ToggleSwitch({ parent: document.getElementById('scoreToggle'), inactive: 'Most used', active: 'All browsers', onChange: function (active) { var tables = document.getElementsByClassName('scoreTable'); if (active) { for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) { tables[i].className += ' showAll'; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) { tables[i].className = tables[i].className.replace(' showAll', ''); } } } }); </script> <hr> <div class='timelinePanel'> <div id='fsCanvas'> <h2>Timeline</h2> <button id='fsButton' style='display: none;'></button> <br> <div id='timelineGraph' style='height: 500px;'></div> <script> var sets = [{ "name": "Android", "data": [{ "order": "0", "grouped": "Android", "platform": "android", "id": "android", "version": "4.2", "nickname": "Android 4.2", "details": null, "releasedate": "2012-11-13", "status": "legacy", "score": "201" }] }, { "name": "Chrome for Android", "data": [{ "order": "8", "grouped": "Chrome for Android", "platform": "", "id": "", "version": "40", "nickname": "Chrome 40", "details": null, "releasedate": "2015-01-21", "status": "legacy", "score": "448" }, { "order": "8", "grouped": "Chrome for Android", "platform": "", "id": "", "version": "41", "nickname": "Chrome 41", "details": null, "releasedate": "2015-03-11", "status": "legacy", "score": "456" }, { "order": "8", "grouped": "Chrome for Android", "platform": "", "id": "", "version": "46", "nickname": "Chrome 46", "details": null, "releasedate": "2015-10-14", "status": "legacy", "score": "476" }, { "order": "8", "grouped": "Chrome for Android", "platform": "", "id": "", "version": "51", "nickname": "Chrome 51", "details": null, "releasedate": "2016-06-01", "status": "legacy", "score": "488" }, { "order": "8", "grouped": "Chrome for Android", "platform": "", "id": "", "version": "52", "nickname": "Chrome 52", "details": null, "releasedate": "2016-07-27", "status": "legacy", "score": "486" }] }, { "name": "Edge", "data": [{ "order": "3", "grouped": "Edge", "platform": "ie", "id": "edge", "version": "6", "nickname": "Internet Explorer 6", "details": null, "releasedate": "2001-08-27", "status": "legacy", "score": "19" }, { "order": "3", "grouped": "Edge", "platform": "ie", "id": "edge", "version": "7", "nickname": "Internet Explorer 7", "details": null, "releasedate": "2006-10-18", "status": "legacy", "score": "19" }, { "order": "3", "grouped": "Edge", "platform": "ie", "id": "edge", "version": "8", "nickname": "Internet Explorer 8", "details": null, "releasedate": "2009-03-19", "status": "legacy", "score": "33" }, { "order": "3", "grouped": "Edge", "platform": "ie", "id": "edge", "version": "9", "nickname": "Internet Explorer 9", "details": null, "releasedate": "2011-03-14", "status": "legacy", "score": "113" }, { "order": "3", "grouped": "Edge", "platform": "ie", "id": "edge", "version": "10", "nickname": "Internet Explorer 10", "details": null, "releasedate": "2012-10-26", "status": "legacy", "score": "265" }, { "order": "3", "grouped": "Edge", "platform": "ie", "id": "edge", "version": "11", "nickname": "Internet Explorer 11", "details": null, "releasedate": "2013-10-17", "status": "legacy", "score": "312" }, { "order": "4", "grouped": "Edge", "platform": "edge", "id": "edge", "version": "12", "nickname": "Edge 12", "details": null, "releasedate": "2015-07-29", "status": "legacy", "score": "377" }, { "order": "4", "grouped": "Edge", "platform": "edge", "id": "edge", "version": "13", "nickname": "Edge 13", "details": null, "releasedate": "2015-11-05", "status": "legacy", "score": "433" }, { "order": "4", "grouped": "Edge", "platform": "edge", "id": "edge", "version": "14", "nickname": "Edge 14", "details": null, "releasedate": "2016-08-02", "status": "legacy", "score": "460" }, { "order": "4", "grouped": "Edge", "platform": "edge", "id": "edge", "version": "15", "nickname": "Edge 15", "details": null, "releasedate": "2017-04-11", "status": "legacy", "score": "473" }, { "order": "4", "grouped": "Edge", "platform": "edge", "id": "edge", "version": "16", "nickname": "Edge 16", "details": null, "releasedate": "2017-10-17", "status": "legacy", "score": "476" }, { "order": "4", "grouped": "Edge", "platform": "edge", "id": "edge", "version": "17", "nickname": "Edge 17", "details": null, "releasedate": "2018-04-30", "status": "current", "score": "492" }, { "order": "4", "grouped": "Edge", "platform": "edge", "id": "edge", "version": "18", "nickname": "Edge 18", "details": null, "releasedate": "2023-11-14", "status": "upcoming", "score": "496" }] }, { "name": "Firefox Mobile", "data": [{ "order": "1", "grouped": "Firefox Mobile", "platform": "", "id": "", "version": "28", "nickname": "Firefox Mobile 28", "details": null, "releasedate": "2014-03-18", "status": "legacy", "score": "371" }, { "order": "1", "grouped": "Firefox Mobile", "platform": "", "id": "", "version": "33", "nickname": "Firefox Mobile 33", "details": null, "releasedate": "2014-10-13", "status": "legacy", "score": "396" }, { "order": "1", "grouped": "Firefox Mobile", "platform": "", "id": "", "version": "47", "nickname": "Firefox Mobile 47", "details": null, "releasedate": "2016-06-07", "status": "legacy", "score": "459" }, { 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If you believe the data above is incorrect, or if you think we are missing an important browser or device, please open a bug report at <a href=''>Github</a>. </div> </div> </div> <div class='footer'> <div> <div class='copyright'> <p> &copy; 2024 - Created by Niels Leenheer, modified by Jerzy G艂owacki.<br> Please note that the HTML5 test is not affiliated with the W3C or the HTML5 working group.<br> HTML5 Logo by <a href=""><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></a>. Browser detection by <a href=''>WhichBrowser</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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