IPMonitor: The Ultimate Email IP & Domain Monitoring Solution
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hover:text-gray-900 dark:hover:text-white" fill="currentColor" xmlns="" version="1.1" viewBox="0.00 0.00 2833.00 740.00"> <g stroke-width="2.00" fill="none" stroke-linecap="butt"> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 846.80 514.92 Q 844.14 513.41 846.69 509.57 Q 846.98 509.13 846.87 508.62 Q 846.60 507.42 847.54 506.83 Q 847.88 506.62 847.88 506.22 L 847.88 505.01 Q 847.88 504.52 848.19 504.15 Q 849.77 502.33 849.98 499.90 Q 850.03 499.43 850.27 499.03 Q 852.75 494.94 852.91 490.11 Q 852.93 489.51 853.38 489.12 Q 855.21 487.52 854.61 484.90 Q 854.50 484.41 854.01 484.41 Q 852.74 484.39 852.38 483.12" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 852.38 483.12 Q 892.95 463.46 916.34 426.58 C 932.42 401.23 939.77 369.18 933.88 339.17 C 933.22 335.80 931.94 330.14 933.27 328.33 Q 934.27 326.97 934.45 326.67 Q 959.89 283.37 948.48 234.25 Q 947.14 228.52 946.58 224.68 Q 946.29 222.71 947.08 220.67 C 958.86 190.50 959.68 157.24 952.91 125.75 Q 946.61 96.44 940.05 67.03 A 0.30 0.29 78.9 0 0 939.71 66.80 Q 939.17 66.88 938.78 67.28 Q 916.99 90.48 895.05 113.54 Q 882.41 126.83 873.59 134.11 Q 863.90 142.12 857.86 145.39 Q 836.04 157.23 814.26 169.11" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 814.26 169.11 Q 813.17 164.94 810.24 161.96 Q 809.85 161.56 809.89 161.01 Q 809.93 160.46 809.43 160.20 A 0.84 0.82 10.4 0 1 809.00 159.59 Q 808.70 157.67 807.02 157.14 Q 806.48 156.97 806.24 156.45 L 804.47 152.58 Q 804.27 152.13 803.77 152.13 Q 803.30 152.14 803.04 151.78 Q 802.84 151.51 802.92 150.71 Q 803.05 149.27 801.74 149.02 Q 801.21 148.92 801.03 148.41 Q 800.28 146.28 798.29 145.05 A 0.88 0.87 16.4 0 1 797.88 144.31 L 797.88 143.72 Q 797.88 143.10 797.29 142.92 Q 795.60 142.38 795.63 140.70" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 352.66 592.61 Q 352.96 593.33 354.37 593.14 Q 354.93 593.07 355.02 593.62 Q 355.33 595.55 357.25 596.05 Q 357.75 596.18 358.12 596.55 Q 359.70 598.09 361.86 598.82 Q 362.39 598.99 362.80 599.37 L 365.11 601.45 Q 365.53 601.84 366.10 601.87 Q 367.57 601.95 368.50 602.95 Q 368.87 603.35 369.38 603.54 L 373.90 605.27 A 0.45 0.43 86.0 0 1 374.15 605.50 Q 374.90 607.08 376.52 606.91 A 1.42 1.38 -30.2 0 1 377.48 607.15 Q 379.56 608.52 381.85 609.52 Q 383.27 610.14 384.04 610.26 Q 384.50 610.33 384.84 610.64 Q 386.38 612.01 388.98 612.47 Q 392.17 613.04 396.18 615.71 Q 396.60 616.00 397.11 615.91 Q 399.67 615.46 401.14 617.58 Q 401.40 617.97 401.87 617.91 Q 405.39 617.46 408.20 619.69 Q 408.57 619.97 409.01 619.88 Q 410.38 619.58 411.25 620.58 Q 411.61 621.01 412.16 620.88 Q 413.43 620.58 414.21 621.58 Q 414.57 622.03 415.12 621.89 Q 416.43 621.56 417.22 622.58 Q 417.57 623.04 418.12 622.91 Q 420.00 622.49 421.49 623.65 Q 421.87 623.94 422.35 623.87 Q 423.47 623.71 424.09 624.63 A 0.80 0.79 -25.6 0 0 424.99 624.94 Q 426.46 624.48 427.11 625.53 Q 427.44 626.07 428.06 625.93 Q 429.95 625.48 431.44 626.61 Q 431.82 626.89 432.28 626.89 L 438.79 626.89 Q 439.30 626.89 439.69 627.22 L 441.29 628.57 Q 441.67 628.89 442.18 628.89 L 448.84 628.89 Q 449.38 628.89 449.75 629.27 L 450.21 629.72 A 1.11 1.10 61.2 0 0 451.23 630.02 Q 454.74 629.23 457.74 630.84 Q 458.15 631.07 458.61 630.98 Q 460.81 630.57 462.83 631.13 Q 465.51 631.87 466.80 631.88 Q 470.89 631.89 474.98 631.92 A 1.00 1.00 0.0 0 1 475.75 632.28 Q 475.91 632.48 476.11 632.64 Q 476.44 632.90 476.96 632.90 Q 490.59 632.88 504.22 632.90 Q 504.62 632.90 504.90 632.61 L 505.15 632.37 Q 505.37 632.15 505.68 632.14 Q 510.98 632.09 516.28 631.86 Q 516.51 631.85 516.70 631.73 Q 516.91 631.59 517.10 631.45 Q 517.51 631.16 518.01 631.14 Q 520.63 631.00 523.22 630.85 Q 523.98 630.80 526.13 630.11 C 527.68 629.62 530.29 630.49 531.28 629.25 Q 531.57 628.89 532.03 628.89 L 539.82 628.89 Q 540.33 628.89 540.71 628.57 L 542.31 627.22 Q 542.70 626.89 543.21 626.89 L 547.71 626.89 Q 548.18 626.89 548.56 626.61 Q 550.05 625.49 551.93 625.93 Q 552.45 626.05 552.74 625.60 C 553.83 623.90 555.93 625.84 557.31 624.23 Q 557.60 623.89 558.05 623.89 L 560.02 623.89 Q 560.58 623.89 560.97 623.49 Q 561.76 622.68 562.84 622.87 Q 563.41 622.97 563.82 622.57 Q 565.09 621.37 567.01 621.97 A 0.72 0.71 21.9 0 0 567.86 621.61 Q 568.40 620.52 569.71 620.91 Q 570.25 621.07 570.68 620.70 Q 572.50 619.15 574.93 618.79 Q 575.36 618.73 575.72 618.48 Q 577.19 617.49 579.03 617.95 A 0.77 0.77 0.0 0 0 579.87 617.62 Q 581.26 615.46 583.85 615.92 Q 584.51 616.03 584.92 615.49 Q 585.66 614.49 587.00 614.93 A 0.75 0.74 25.4 0 0 587.86 614.63 Q 589.33 612.40 591.97 612.92 Q 592.44 613.02 592.74 612.65 Q 593.79 611.35 595.26 610.86 Q 598.02 609.96 598.24 609.85 Q 603.95 606.82 609.78 604.08 Q 610.32 603.83 611.64 602.70 Q 612.52 601.95 613.70 601.85 Q 614.18 601.80 614.61 601.58 Q 617.10 600.24 619.62 599.10 Q 620.64 598.64 621.81 597.73 Q 622.86 596.91 624.03 596.33 Q 625.71 595.50 627.33 594.34 Q 628.65 593.39 630.24 592.84 Q 630.68 592.68 631.01 592.36 Q 632.75 590.65 635.11 589.90 Q 635.54 589.77 635.87 589.46 L 639.37 586.19 Q 639.69 585.89 640.13 585.89 L 641.22 585.89 Q 641.66 585.89 641.93 585.55 Q 643.40 583.65 645.49 582.74 Q 645.86 582.57 645.88 582.16 Q 645.91 581.03 647.11 580.84 Q 647.54 580.78 647.85 580.48 L 651.20 577.28 Q 651.60 576.89 652.15 576.93 C 653.94 577.05 654.54 576.23 654.98 574.70 Q 655.20 573.94 656.03 573.88 Q 656.54 573.84 656.90 573.48 L 661.33 569.05 Q 661.49 568.89 661.72 568.89 Q 661.92 568.89 662.12 568.86 Q 662.60 568.78 662.95 568.44 L 670.56 560.99 Q 670.66 560.89 670.80 560.89 L 671.24 560.89 Q 671.50 560.89 671.69 560.71 L 681.50 550.91 Q 681.85 550.56 681.85 550.07 Q 681.85 549.73 682.03 549.53 Q 684.83 546.35 689.45 542.07 Q 689.82 541.72 689.85 541.21 Q 689.92 539.47 691.63 538.91 A 0.36 0.36 0.0 0 0 691.72 538.27 Q 690.75 537.61 691.21 537.06" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 852.38 483.12 Q 833.38 491.64 812.45 496.51" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 812.45 496.51 L 812.76 495.79 Q 812.97 495.28 812.42 495.20 L 810.97 494.99 Q 810.40 494.91 810.59 494.37 Q 813.04 487.51 816.35 481.05 Q 816.76 480.26 817.11 478.87 Q 817.40 477.72 817.96 476.68 Q 818.88 474.97 819.31 473.56 Q 820.08 471.00 821.68 468.77 Q 821.93 468.43 821.91 468.01 Q 821.79 465.63 823.32 463.91 Q 823.70 463.47 823.40 462.98 Q 822.98 462.29 822.95 461.81" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 822.95 461.81 C 871.46 446.08 912.83 399.68 903.92 345.63 A 0.55 0.54 -21.6 0 0 903.08 345.27 C 883.19 358.40 858.66 369.03 834.55 369.91 A 0.30 0.30 0.0 0 1 834.43 369.33 C 887.30 347.96 932.31 303.44 918.68 241.54 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 0 918.09 241.33 C 906.44 250.59 892.20 257.78 877.22 259.66 A 0.20 0.20 0.0 0 1 877.09 259.29 C 922.19 230.87 933.70 179.74 922.53 130.15 A 0.43 0.43 0.0 0 0 921.80 129.95 Q 909.80 142.79 896.62 154.61 Q 883.80 166.10 874.46 171.24 C 851.26 184.00 828.94 195.50 805.03 209.89" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 805.03 209.89 Q 804.92 209.24 804.36 209.05 Q 803.87 208.87 803.87 209.39 L 803.87 209.71 Q 803.87 210.68 803.20 209.98 L 800.21 206.87 Q 799.88 206.53 799.88 206.05 L 799.88 205.67 Q 799.88 205.21 799.42 205.16 L 798.43 205.06 A 0.60 0.60 0.0 0 1 797.88 204.46 L 797.88 202.75 Q 797.88 202.28 797.45 202.10 Q 796.80 201.81 796.86 201.08 Q 796.90 200.52 796.44 200.21 Q 795.16 199.35 795.06 197.76 A 0.72 0.70 7.3 0 0 794.56 197.13 Q 793.76 196.87 793.86 196.03 Q 793.93 195.52 793.56 195.17 L 791.73 193.40 Q 791.48 193.16 791.15 193.02 Q 790.57 192.78 790.60 192.23 Q 790.63 191.70 790.27 191.30 L 786.31 186.88 Q 785.86 186.38 786.41 185.99 Q 787.36 185.30 787.73 184.56" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 787.73 184.56 L 814.26 169.11" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 787.73 184.56 C 758.13 202.45 730.55 224.77 709.86 252.66 A 0.38 0.37 57.5 0 1 709.19 252.51 L 705.13 232.67 Q 705.04 232.24 704.60 232.27 L 703.34 232.36" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 812.45 496.51 L 762.23 510.81 Q 761.66 510.97 761.79 511.55 L 763.97 521.05 A 1.19 1.19 0.0 0 1 763.05 522.48 L 691.21 537.06" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 691.21 537.06 L 379.97 600.37 Q 379.43 600.48 379.32 599.94 L 377.18 589.57" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 377.18 589.57 L 376.87 588.43 Q 376.70 587.81 376.12 588.10 Q 374.40 588.95 372.61 588.29 Q 372.23 588.16 372.14 587.77 Q 371.37 584.73 368.31 583.64 Q 366.74 583.09 362.58 579.07 Q 362.39 578.89 362.12 578.89 L 361.78 578.89 Q 361.30 578.89 361.01 578.51 Q 359.50 576.57 356.76 574.85 Q 354.87 573.65 352.92 571.16 Q 352.70 570.89 352.36 570.89 Q 352.15 570.89 351.93 570.86 Q 351.42 570.81 351.05 570.44 L 345.39 564.80 Q 344.69 564.11 345.65 564.34 L 346.22 564.47 Q 346.54 564.55 346.70 564.26 L 347.00 563.70 Q 347.28 563.18 346.69 563.15 L 343.04 562.93" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 343.04 562.93 L 370.68 559.35 Q 371.21 559.29 371.10 558.76 Q 352.78 469.19 334.51 379.61 C 334.04 377.31 333.51 376.33 331.82 374.88 Q 306.57 353.28 274.68 342.44" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 274.68 342.44 Q 274.81 341.56 275.15 341.04 A 0.13 0.13 0.0 0 1 275.38 341.17 Q 275.29 341.39 275.45 341.50 Q 275.89 341.80 276.21 341.38 L 276.48 341.02 A 0.33 0.32 40.7 0 1 276.97 340.99 L 277.30 341.32 Q 277.65 341.67 277.67 341.17 L 277.99 332.43 Q 278.00 332.20 278.19 332.08 L 278.53 331.86 Q 278.90 331.63 278.90 331.20 L 278.90 325.52 A 0.46 0.44 74.4 0 1 279.10 325.14 L 279.54 324.86 Q 279.90 324.63 279.90 324.20 L 279.90 319.48 Q 279.90 319.32 280.02 319.23 L 280.64 318.77 Q 280.86 318.60 280.87 318.31 L 280.99 313.68 Q 281.00 313.50 281.12 313.64 Q 281.21 313.74 281.35 313.80 Q 281.76 313.99 281.95 313.59 L 282.38 312.67" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 386.26 296.93 Q 385.97 298.25 388.34 297.84 Q 388.87 297.75 388.90 298.28 Q 389.03 300.05 387.35 300.93 Q 386.88 301.17 386.88 301.71 L 386.88 303.95 Q 386.88 304.45 386.52 304.79 Q 385.49 305.78 385.92 307.23 A 0.55 0.54 67.5 0 1 385.66 307.87 Q 383.35 309.10 383.91 311.75 Q 384.05 312.40 383.53 312.81 Q 382.52 313.62 382.90 314.97 Q 383.07 315.58 382.52 315.89 Q 381.51 316.45 381.91 317.74 A 0.80 0.80 0.0 0 1 381.66 318.58 C 380.76 319.34 380.76 320.71 380.41 321.48 Q 379.76 322.90 379.02 324.19 Q 378.75 324.66 379.27 324.83 L 380.99 325.37" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 380.99 325.37 L 371.74 327.24 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 0 371.61 327.92 L 375.98 330.73" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 375.98 330.73 Q 374.50 331.53 373.80 332.22 Q 373.35 332.67 372.66 334.46 Q 371.51 337.44 371.93 340.67 Q 371.99 341.16 371.66 341.53 Q 370.63 342.65 370.80 344.25 Q 371.59 351.58 369.59 358.57" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 369.59 358.57 L 357.59 350.59 Q 356.77 350.05 356.97 351.01 L 397.02 548.94 A 0.39 0.39 0.0 0 0 397.73 549.07 L 431.69 497.81" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 431.69 497.81 L 432.16 498.21 A 0.59 0.58 -55.1 0 0 433.05 498.05 L 433.24 497.68 Q 433.45 497.30 433.74 497.63 Q 434.56 498.55 435.48 497.85 A 0.97 0.97 0.0 0 1 436.60 497.82 L 441.39 501.05 Q 441.81 501.34 442.32 501.33 Q 443.01 501.33 443.55 501.84 Q 446.95 505.05 451.55 507.49 C 452.54 508.01 452.99 508.77 452.51 509.81 Q 452.33 510.21 452.52 510.60 L 453.12 511.84 Q 453.40 512.41 453.57 511.80 Q 454.03 510.10 455.19 510.78" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 455.19 510.78 L 419.48 564.57 A 0.27 0.27 0.0 0 0 419.76 564.99 L 710.77 505.92 Q 711.83 505.70 710.92 505.10 L 656.58 469.28" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 656.58 469.28 L 659.26 467.97 Q 659.70 467.75 659.57 467.27 L 659.20 465.96 Q 659.05 465.42 659.52 465.11 Q 661.46 463.84 662.26 461.67 Q 662.43 461.22 662.78 460.90 Q 664.29 459.47 665.26 457.59 Q 665.52 457.09 666.07 457.12 Q 667.11 457.18 667.13 456.20 Q 667.14 455.66 667.53 455.28 Q 670.60 452.33 672.08 448.30 Q 672.20 447.99 672.51 448.11 Q 672.76 448.20 672.64 448.49 A 0.34 0.34 0.0 0 0 672.91 448.96 Q 673.71 449.08 674.38 448.07" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 674.38 448.07 L 726.21 482.33 Q 726.85 482.75 726.70 482.00 L 686.50 284.01 Q 686.37 283.35 685.99 283.91 L 682.05 289.65" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 682.05 289.65 L 681.18 289.34 Q 680.97 289.26 680.89 289.05 Q 680.80 288.80 680.98 288.88 Q 681.92 289.29 681.12 288.09 Q 677.39 282.56 674.81 276.38 Q 674.61 275.91 674.18 275.62 Q 672.86 274.71 673.11 273.11 Q 673.19 272.59 672.82 272.20 L 670.69 270.04 Q 670.35 269.70 670.24 269.23 Q 669.95 268.07 668.95 267.31 Q 668.48 266.95 668.30 266.39 Q 667.61 264.33 665.69 263.15 Q 665.25 262.89 665.16 262.38 Q 664.87 260.72 663.37 259.75 Q 663.12 259.58 663.12 259.28 L 663.12 258.94 Q 663.12 258.51 662.82 258.21 L 659.43 254.80 Q 659.14 254.51 659.14 254.10 Q 659.15 253.87 659.10 253.66 Q 659.03 253.33 658.67 253.00 Q 657.26 251.69 655.91 250.30 Q 655.04 249.39 653.71 247.18 Q 652.67 245.44 651.16 244.01 Q 650.90 243.76 651.09 243.45 Q 651.23 243.22 651.20 243.03" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 247.68 303.29 C 215.93 296.96 188.58 294.84 152.78 291.49 C 135.29 289.85 120.59 285.22 104.42 278.36 Q 72.02 264.59 39.92 250.49 A 0.45 0.44 6.9 0 0 39.30 250.97 Q 44.71 280.13 50.30 309.24 C 56.53 341.66 70.57 372.30 93.93 395.95 Q 94.52 396.54 94.87 397.15 Q 95.44 398.13 95.50 398.55 C 101.09 436.34 116.73 466.96 148.56 489.09 C 149.28 489.59 149.87 490.76 150.03 491.62 Q 158.99 539.26 197.38 569.03" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 197.38 569.03 L 194.46 568.35 A 0.53 0.53 0.0 0 0 193.95 569.22 L 195.16 570.56 Q 195.49 570.93 195.72 571.36 Q 196.54 572.96 197.40 574.60 Q 197.62 575.02 198.00 575.32 Q 199.56 576.58 200.31 578.48 Q 200.48 578.92 200.95 578.92 L 201.37 578.92 Q 202.08 578.92 202.08 579.63 L 202.08 581.27 Q 202.08 581.76 202.56 581.88 C 204.87 582.45 204.76 584.33 205.59 585.71 Q 206.77 587.67 208.06 589.59 Q 208.32 589.97 208.71 590.22 Q 209.80 590.91 209.84 592.23 A 0.82 0.82 0.0 0 0 210.45 593.01 Q 212.49 593.56 212.91 595.66 A 0.61 0.61 0.0 0 0 213.52 596.15 Q 214.64 596.13 214.83 597.15 Q 214.91 597.63 215.25 597.99 L 218.45 601.34 Q 218.76 601.66 218.80 602.11 L 218.88 603.29 Q 218.93 603.97 219.60 604.08 Q 221.69 604.45 221.95 606.47 A 0.61 0.61 0.0 0 0 222.39 606.98 Q 225.16 607.76 225.95 610.52 Q 226.09 611.00 226.45 611.35 Q 228.12 612.98 228.01 615.26 Q 227.99 615.66 228.38 615.75 L 229.28 615.96 A 0.30 0.30 0.0 0 1 229.36 616.51 Q 228.47 617.02 228.52 617.69" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 274.68 342.44 Q 240.48 331.19 201.73 327.18 Q 171.39 324.04 153.21 322.39 Q 140.34 321.22 133.39 319.82 C 115.46 316.20 98.58 309.69 80.97 301.67 Q 80.00 301.23 80.20 302.27 C 89.23 351.20 119.85 395.28 172.47 402.97 A 0.27 0.27 0.0 0 1 172.51 403.50 C 158.09 407.66 142.34 406.62 128.19 402.76 Q 127.14 402.47 127.36 403.54 C 134.80 439.85 158.14 465.60 192.76 477.72 Q 223.06 488.33 252.93 487.52 Q 258.21 487.38 253.19 489.02 C 229.74 496.68 206.28 496.32 182.20 492.50 Q 181.64 492.41 181.78 492.96 C 196.22 548.36 253.75 574.40 307.25 567.52 Q 325.13 565.22 343.04 562.93" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 377.18 589.57 L 352.66 592.61" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 352.66 592.61 Q 333.56 594.99 314.41 597.42 Q 301.61 599.04 294.52 599.25 Q 240.89 600.78 197.38 569.03" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 822.95 461.81 L 756.32 480.68 A 0.61 0.60 -13.7 0 1 755.56 480.22 L 718.53 299.00 A 1.92 1.86 -39.5 0 1 718.66 297.85 C 736.43 259.22 769.28 231.91 805.03 209.89" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 607.11 142.03 Q 609.82 143.32 611.44 145.33 A 1.70 1.66 -6.7 0 0 612.09 145.83 Q 613.80 146.59 615.23 147.70 Q 616.43 148.63 618.11 149.42 Q 619.76 150.19 621.18 151.43 Q 621.53 151.75 621.99 151.87 Q 623.06 152.17 623.80 153.12 Q 624.07 153.47 624.48 153.66 Q 629.49 156.02 633.97 159.22 Q 638.95 162.78 642.60 165.31 Q 648.32 169.26 653.03 174.44 Q 653.43 174.89 654.04 174.89 L 654.79 174.89 A 1.37 1.35 67.2 0 1 655.75 175.29 L 662.10 181.63 A 1.23 1.22 70.8 0 0 662.82 181.98 Q 663.97 182.13 664.07 183.25 Q 664.12 183.87 664.74 183.94 Q 665.92 184.07 666.06 185.24 Q 666.14 185.86 666.76 185.94 Q 667.86 186.07 668.05 187.12 Q 668.14 187.65 668.64 187.84 Q 670.44 188.53 671.14 190.32 Q 671.32 190.81 671.84 190.89 Q 672.97 191.07 673.11 192.24 Q 673.19 192.81 673.76 192.89 Q 674.88 193.03 675.11 194.12 Q 675.22 194.64 675.71 194.83 L 676.34 195.08 Q 676.75 195.24 676.87 195.65 C 677.40 197.44 679.45 196.99 680.06 199.09 Q 680.18 199.53 680.50 199.85 L 685.73 205.27 Q 686.11 205.67 686.08 206.23 Q 685.94 208.75 688.61 208.97 Q 689.11 209.02 689.11 209.53 L 689.11 209.98 Q 689.11 210.58 689.54 211.01 Q 694.45 215.84 697.79 221.87 C 698.60 223.33 699.88 224.09 700.74 225.48 Q 700.86 225.68 702.45 227.97 Q 703.71 229.78 703.34 232.36" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 703.34 232.36 L 651.20 243.03" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 651.20 243.03 L 386.26 296.93" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 386.26 296.93 L 320.88 310.22 Q 320.37 310.33 320.47 310.84 L 324.47 330.49 Q 324.79 332.08 323.40 331.25 Q 304.38 319.95 282.38 312.67" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 282.38 312.67 Q 265.33 306.99 247.68 303.29" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 247.68 303.29 Q 247.11 301.88 246.22 301.08 Q 245.92 300.81 245.84 300.40 Q 245.45 298.29 246.65 296.52 Q 246.91 296.14 246.83 295.68 Q 246.63 294.51 247.57 293.78 Q 248.01 293.44 247.88 292.89 Q 247.55 291.57 248.58 290.76 Q 248.89 290.51 248.87 290.11 Q 248.79 288.80 249.67 287.80 Q 250.00 287.42 249.91 286.93 C 249.58 285.10 250.69 283.88 251.04 282.67 Q 251.84 279.92 252.85 277.24 Q 253.25 276.20 253.87 275.83 Q 254.31 275.58 254.45 275.10 L 255.73 271.01 Q 255.81 270.76 255.56 270.83 Q 255.40 270.87 255.23 270.87 Q 254.86 270.87 255.03 270.54 L 255.21 270.19" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 682.05 289.65 L 607.07 402.87 Q 606.79 403.29 607.21 403.57 L 674.38 448.07" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 656.58 469.28 L 591.53 426.43 A 0.68 0.67 31.9 0 0 590.57 426.65 C 571.74 459.13 530.13 467.74 499.91 445.50 A 1.10 1.10 0.0 0 0 498.34 445.78 L 455.19 510.78" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 431.69 497.81 L 476.32 430.45 A 0.87 0.87 0.0 0 0 476.08 429.25 L 369.59 358.57" /> <path stroke="fillColor" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" d=" M 375.98 330.73 Q 444.29 375.98 512.79 421.55 C 521.38 427.26 528.06 430.71 537.53 430.34 Q 557.19 429.56 567.32 413.18 Q 570.45 408.11 570.49 408.06 Q 616.76 338.42 662.82 268.84 A 0.38 0.38 0.0 0 0 662.43 268.26 L 380.99 325.37" /> </g> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 846.80 514.92 Q 844.14 513.41 846.69 509.57 Q 846.98 509.13 846.87 508.62 Q 846.60 507.42 847.54 506.83 Q 847.88 506.62 847.88 506.22 L 847.88 505.01 Q 847.88 504.52 848.19 504.15 Q 849.77 502.33 849.98 499.90 Q 850.03 499.43 850.27 499.03 Q 852.75 494.94 852.91 490.11 Q 852.93 489.51 853.38 489.12 Q 855.21 487.52 854.61 484.90 Q 854.50 484.41 854.01 484.41 Q 852.74 484.39 852.38 483.12 Q 892.95 463.46 916.34 426.58 C 932.42 401.23 939.77 369.18 933.88 339.17 C 933.22 335.80 931.94 330.14 933.27 328.33 Q 934.27 326.97 934.45 326.67 Q 959.89 283.37 948.48 234.25 Q 947.14 228.52 946.58 224.68 Q 946.29 222.71 947.08 220.67 C 958.86 190.50 959.68 157.24 952.91 125.75 Q 946.61 96.44 940.05 67.03 A 0.30 0.29 78.9 0 0 939.71 66.80 Q 939.17 66.88 938.78 67.28 Q 916.99 90.48 895.05 113.54 Q 882.41 126.83 873.59 134.11 Q 863.90 142.12 857.86 145.39 Q 836.04 157.23 814.26 169.11 Q 813.17 164.94 810.24 161.96 Q 809.85 161.56 809.89 161.01 Q 809.93 160.46 809.43 160.20 A 0.84 0.82 10.4 0 1 809.00 159.59 Q 808.70 157.67 807.02 157.14 Q 806.48 156.97 806.24 156.45 L 804.47 152.58 Q 804.27 152.13 803.77 152.13 Q 803.30 152.14 803.04 151.78 Q 802.84 151.51 802.92 150.71 Q 803.05 149.27 801.74 149.02 Q 801.21 148.92 801.03 148.41 Q 800.28 146.28 798.29 145.05 A 0.88 0.87 16.4 0 1 797.88 144.31 L 797.88 143.72 Q 797.88 143.10 797.29 142.92 Q 795.60 142.38 795.63 140.70 Q 817.41 127.81 839.46 115.47 Q 845.45 112.12 853.94 104.70 Q 862.23 97.45 876.25 82.00 Q 913.05 41.44 949.58 1.41 Q 950.35 0.56 950.60 1.68 Q 962.51 54.48 974.06 107.09 C 982.36 144.90 982.91 181.42 971.06 218.03 C 970.83 218.76 970.66 219.53 970.86 220.33 Q 984.92 277.95 958.35 331.03 Q 958.02 331.69 958.15 332.42 C 972.96 412.88 920.44 486.97 846.80 514.92 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 607.11 142.03 Q 609.82 143.32 611.44 145.33 A 1.70 1.66 -6.7 0 0 612.09 145.83 Q 613.80 146.59 615.23 147.70 Q 616.43 148.63 618.11 149.42 Q 619.76 150.19 621.18 151.43 Q 621.53 151.75 621.99 151.87 Q 623.06 152.17 623.80 153.12 Q 624.07 153.47 624.48 153.66 Q 629.49 156.02 633.97 159.22 Q 638.95 162.78 642.60 165.31 Q 648.32 169.26 653.03 174.44 Q 653.43 174.89 654.04 174.89 L 654.79 174.89 A 1.37 1.35 67.2 0 1 655.75 175.29 L 662.10 181.63 A 1.23 1.22 70.8 0 0 662.82 181.98 Q 663.97 182.13 664.07 183.25 Q 664.12 183.87 664.74 183.94 Q 665.92 184.07 666.06 185.24 Q 666.14 185.86 666.76 185.94 Q 667.86 186.07 668.05 187.12 Q 668.14 187.65 668.64 187.84 Q 670.44 188.53 671.14 190.32 Q 671.32 190.81 671.84 190.89 Q 672.97 191.07 673.11 192.24 Q 673.19 192.81 673.76 192.89 Q 674.88 193.03 675.11 194.12 Q 675.22 194.64 675.71 194.83 L 676.34 195.08 Q 676.75 195.24 676.87 195.65 C 677.40 197.44 679.45 196.99 680.06 199.09 Q 680.18 199.53 680.50 199.85 L 685.73 205.27 Q 686.11 205.67 686.08 206.23 Q 685.94 208.75 688.61 208.97 Q 689.11 209.02 689.11 209.53 L 689.11 209.98 Q 689.11 210.58 689.54 211.01 Q 694.45 215.84 697.79 221.87 C 698.60 223.33 699.88 224.09 700.74 225.48 Q 700.86 225.68 702.45 227.97 Q 703.71 229.78 703.34 232.36 L 651.20 243.03 L 386.26 296.93 L 320.88 310.22 Q 320.37 310.33 320.47 310.84 L 324.47 330.49 Q 324.79 332.08 323.40 331.25 Q 304.38 319.95 282.38 312.67 Q 265.33 306.99 247.68 303.29 Q 247.11 301.88 246.22 301.08 Q 245.92 300.81 245.84 300.40 Q 245.45 298.29 246.65 296.52 Q 246.91 296.14 246.83 295.68 Q 246.63 294.51 247.57 293.78 Q 248.01 293.44 247.88 292.89 Q 247.55 291.57 248.58 290.76 Q 248.89 290.51 248.87 290.11 Q 248.79 288.80 249.67 287.80 Q 250.00 287.42 249.91 286.93 C 249.58 285.10 250.69 283.88 251.04 282.67 Q 251.84 279.92 252.85 277.24 Q 253.25 276.20 253.87 275.83 Q 254.31 275.58 254.45 275.10 L 255.73 271.01 Q 255.81 270.76 255.56 270.83 Q 255.40 270.87 255.23 270.87 Q 254.86 270.87 255.03 270.54 L 255.21 270.19 C 271.31 270.63 322.45 271.23 315.50 242.72 C 314.17 237.23 309.61 229.15 306.45 222.72 C 302.03 213.69 294.99 204.75 291.29 197.71 C 288.24 191.90 284.78 184.96 284.91 178.25 C 285.22 162.18 315.25 181.00 320.34 184.21 C 330.15 190.38 340.88 196.82 352.43 197.52 C 373.37 198.78 375.50 179.64 373.92 163.74 C 373.10 155.47 369.30 144.80 367.52 136.30 C 365.92 128.69 359.65 99.07 378.71 109.04 C 387.91 113.85 397.63 126.84 405.02 135.47 C 412.14 143.79 426.06 154.83 437.39 151.85 C 451.81 148.07 456.04 127.68 456.76 115.43 C 457.06 110.32 457.90 58.45 474.73 72.22 Q 477.11 74.17 478.78 76.48 C 488.50 89.96 491.44 106.31 500.87 119.88 C 521.66 149.77 542.54 123.51 550.25 102.47 C 554.40 91.11 560.86 72.97 569.60 66.79 C 584.97 55.94 586.29 99.31 586.63 104.83 C 587.47 118.38 591.91 138.14 607.11 142.03 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 852.38 483.12 Q 833.38 491.64 812.45 496.51 L 812.76 495.79 Q 812.97 495.28 812.42 495.20 L 810.97 494.99 Q 810.40 494.91 810.59 494.37 Q 813.04 487.51 816.35 481.05 Q 816.76 480.26 817.11 478.87 Q 817.40 477.72 817.96 476.68 Q 818.88 474.97 819.31 473.56 Q 820.08 471.00 821.68 468.77 Q 821.93 468.43 821.91 468.01 Q 821.79 465.63 823.32 463.91 Q 823.70 463.47 823.40 462.98 Q 822.98 462.29 822.95 461.81 C 871.46 446.08 912.83 399.68 903.92 345.63 A 0.55 0.54 -21.6 0 0 903.08 345.27 C 883.19 358.40 858.66 369.03 834.55 369.91 A 0.30 0.30 0.0 0 1 834.43 369.33 C 887.30 347.96 932.31 303.44 918.68 241.54 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 0 918.09 241.33 C 906.44 250.59 892.20 257.78 877.22 259.66 A 0.20 0.20 0.0 0 1 877.09 259.29 C 922.19 230.87 933.70 179.74 922.53 130.15 A 0.43 0.43 0.0 0 0 921.80 129.95 Q 909.80 142.79 896.62 154.61 Q 883.80 166.10 874.46 171.24 C 851.26 184.00 828.94 195.50 805.03 209.89 Q 804.92 209.24 804.36 209.05 Q 803.87 208.87 803.87 209.39 L 803.87 209.71 Q 803.87 210.68 803.20 209.98 L 800.21 206.87 Q 799.88 206.53 799.88 206.05 L 799.88 205.67 Q 799.88 205.21 799.42 205.16 L 798.43 205.06 A 0.60 0.60 0.0 0 1 797.88 204.46 L 797.88 202.75 Q 797.88 202.28 797.45 202.10 Q 796.80 201.81 796.86 201.08 Q 796.90 200.52 796.44 200.21 Q 795.16 199.35 795.06 197.76 A 0.72 0.70 7.3 0 0 794.56 197.13 Q 793.76 196.87 793.86 196.03 Q 793.93 195.52 793.56 195.17 L 791.73 193.40 Q 791.48 193.16 791.15 193.02 Q 790.57 192.78 790.60 192.23 Q 790.63 191.70 790.27 191.30 L 786.31 186.88 Q 785.86 186.38 786.41 185.99 Q 787.36 185.30 787.73 184.56 L 814.26 169.11 Q 836.04 157.23 857.86 145.39 Q 863.90 142.12 873.59 134.11 Q 882.41 126.83 895.05 113.54 Q 916.99 90.48 938.78 67.28 Q 939.17 66.88 939.71 66.80 A 0.30 0.29 78.9 0 1 940.05 67.03 Q 946.61 96.44 952.91 125.75 C 959.68 157.24 958.86 190.50 947.08 220.67 Q 946.29 222.71 946.58 224.68 Q 947.14 228.52 948.48 234.25 Q 959.89 283.37 934.45 326.67 Q 934.27 326.97 933.27 328.33 C 931.94 330.14 933.22 335.80 933.88 339.17 C 939.77 369.18 932.42 401.23 916.34 426.58 Q 892.95 463.46 852.38 483.12 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 795.63 140.70 Q 795.60 142.38 797.29 142.92 Q 797.88 143.10 797.88 143.72 L 797.88 144.31 A 0.88 0.87 16.4 0 0 798.29 145.05 Q 800.28 146.28 801.03 148.41 Q 801.21 148.92 801.74 149.02 Q 803.05 149.27 802.92 150.71 Q 802.84 151.51 803.04 151.78 Q 803.30 152.14 803.77 152.13 Q 804.27 152.13 804.47 152.58 L 806.24 156.45 Q 806.48 156.97 807.02 157.14 Q 808.70 157.67 809.00 159.59 A 0.84 0.82 10.4 0 0 809.43 160.20 Q 809.93 160.46 809.89 161.01 Q 809.85 161.56 810.24 161.96 Q 813.17 164.94 814.26 169.11 L 787.73 184.56 C 758.13 202.45 730.55 224.77 709.86 252.66 A 0.38 0.37 57.5 0 1 709.19 252.51 L 705.13 232.67 Q 705.04 232.24 704.60 232.27 L 703.34 232.36 Q 703.71 229.78 702.45 227.97 Q 700.86 225.68 700.74 225.48 C 699.88 224.09 698.60 223.33 697.79 221.87 Q 694.45 215.84 689.54 211.01 Q 689.11 210.58 689.11 209.98 L 689.11 209.53 Q 689.11 209.02 688.61 208.97 Q 685.94 208.75 686.08 206.23 Q 686.11 205.67 685.73 205.27 L 680.50 199.85 Q 680.18 199.53 680.06 199.09 C 679.45 196.99 677.40 197.44 676.87 195.65 Q 676.75 195.24 676.34 195.08 L 675.71 194.83 Q 675.22 194.64 675.11 194.12 Q 674.88 193.03 673.76 192.89 Q 673.19 192.81 673.11 192.24 Q 672.97 191.07 671.84 190.89 Q 671.32 190.81 671.14 190.32 Q 670.44 188.53 668.64 187.84 Q 668.14 187.65 668.05 187.12 Q 667.86 186.07 666.76 185.94 Q 666.14 185.86 666.06 185.24 Q 665.92 184.07 664.74 183.94 Q 664.12 183.87 664.07 183.25 Q 663.97 182.13 662.82 181.98 A 1.23 1.22 70.8 0 1 662.10 181.63 L 655.75 175.29 A 1.37 1.35 67.2 0 0 654.79 174.89 L 654.04 174.89 Q 653.43 174.89 653.03 174.44 Q 648.32 169.26 642.60 165.31 Q 638.95 162.78 633.97 159.22 Q 629.49 156.02 624.48 153.66 Q 624.07 153.47 623.80 153.12 Q 623.06 152.17 621.99 151.87 Q 621.53 151.75 621.18 151.43 Q 619.76 150.19 618.11 149.42 Q 616.43 148.63 615.23 147.70 Q 613.80 146.59 612.09 145.83 A 1.70 1.66 -6.7 0 1 611.44 145.33 Q 609.82 143.32 607.11 142.03 C 619.79 142.86 630.73 134.44 638.59 125.34 C 647.21 115.34 655.32 104.12 665.78 96.29 C 669.12 93.79 675.41 90.61 679.00 94.64 C 682.94 99.07 681.40 111.97 680.22 117.51 C 676.75 133.69 672.26 148.24 673.87 164.36 C 676.27 188.33 703.93 184.60 719.28 179.33 C 746.72 169.91 770.78 155.28 795.63 140.70 Z" /> <path fill="#e3e4e4" d=" M 822.95 461.81 L 756.32 480.68 A 0.61 0.60 -13.7 0 1 755.56 480.22 L 718.53 299.00 A 1.92 1.86 -39.5 0 1 718.66 297.85 C 736.43 259.22 769.28 231.91 805.03 209.89 C 828.94 195.50 851.26 184.00 874.46 171.24 Q 883.80 166.10 896.62 154.61 Q 909.80 142.79 921.80 129.95 A 0.43 0.43 0.0 0 1 922.53 130.15 C 933.70 179.74 922.19 230.87 877.09 259.29 A 0.20 0.20 0.0 0 0 877.22 259.66 C 892.20 257.78 906.44 250.59 918.09 241.33 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 1 918.68 241.54 C 932.31 303.44 887.30 347.96 834.43 369.33 A 0.30 0.30 0.0 0 0 834.55 369.91 C 858.66 369.03 883.19 358.40 903.08 345.27 A 0.55 0.54 -21.6 0 1 903.92 345.63 C 912.83 399.68 871.46 446.08 822.95 461.81 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 787.73 184.56 Q 787.36 185.30 786.41 185.99 Q 785.86 186.38 786.31 186.88 L 790.27 191.30 Q 790.63 191.70 790.60 192.23 Q 790.57 192.78 791.15 193.02 Q 791.48 193.16 791.73 193.40 L 793.56 195.17 Q 793.93 195.52 793.86 196.03 Q 793.76 196.87 794.56 197.13 A 0.72 0.70 7.3 0 1 795.06 197.76 Q 795.16 199.35 796.44 200.21 Q 796.90 200.52 796.86 201.08 Q 796.80 201.81 797.45 202.10 Q 797.88 202.28 797.88 202.75 L 797.88 204.46 A 0.60 0.60 0.0 0 0 798.43 205.06 L 799.42 205.16 Q 799.88 205.21 799.88 205.67 L 799.88 206.05 Q 799.88 206.53 800.21 206.87 L 803.20 209.98 Q 803.87 210.68 803.87 209.71 L 803.87 209.39 Q 803.87 208.87 804.36 209.05 Q 804.92 209.24 805.03 209.89 C 769.28 231.91 736.43 259.22 718.66 297.85 A 1.92 1.86 -39.5 0 0 718.53 299.00 L 755.56 480.22 A 0.61 0.60 -13.7 0 0 756.32 480.68 L 822.95 461.81 Q 822.98 462.29 823.40 462.98 Q 823.70 463.47 823.32 463.91 Q 821.79 465.63 821.91 468.01 Q 821.93 468.43 821.68 468.77 Q 820.08 471.00 819.31 473.56 Q 818.88 474.97 817.96 476.68 Q 817.40 477.72 817.11 478.87 Q 816.76 480.26 816.35 481.05 Q 813.04 487.51 810.59 494.37 Q 810.40 494.91 810.97 494.99 L 812.42 495.20 Q 812.97 495.28 812.76 495.79 L 812.45 496.51 L 762.23 510.81 Q 761.66 510.97 761.79 511.55 L 763.97 521.05 A 1.19 1.19 0.0 0 1 763.05 522.48 L 691.21 537.06 L 379.97 600.37 Q 379.43 600.48 379.32 599.94 L 377.18 589.57 L 376.87 588.43 Q 376.70 587.81 376.12 588.10 Q 374.40 588.95 372.61 588.29 Q 372.23 588.16 372.14 587.77 Q 371.37 584.73 368.31 583.64 Q 366.74 583.09 362.58 579.07 Q 362.39 578.89 362.12 578.89 L 361.78 578.89 Q 361.30 578.89 361.01 578.51 Q 359.50 576.57 356.76 574.85 Q 354.87 573.65 352.92 571.16 Q 352.70 570.89 352.36 570.89 Q 352.15 570.89 351.93 570.86 Q 351.42 570.81 351.05 570.44 L 345.39 564.80 Q 344.69 564.11 345.65 564.34 L 346.22 564.47 Q 346.54 564.55 346.70 564.26 L 347.00 563.70 Q 347.28 563.18 346.69 563.15 L 343.04 562.93 L 370.68 559.35 Q 371.21 559.29 371.10 558.76 Q 352.78 469.19 334.51 379.61 C 334.04 377.31 333.51 376.33 331.82 374.88 Q 306.57 353.28 274.68 342.44 Q 274.81 341.56 275.15 341.04 A 0.13 0.13 0.0 0 1 275.38 341.17 Q 275.29 341.39 275.45 341.50 Q 275.89 341.80 276.21 341.38 L 276.48 341.02 A 0.33 0.32 40.7 0 1 276.97 340.99 L 277.30 341.32 Q 277.65 341.67 277.67 341.17 L 277.99 332.43 Q 278.00 332.20 278.19 332.08 L 278.53 331.86 Q 278.90 331.63 278.90 331.20 L 278.90 325.52 A 0.46 0.44 74.4 0 1 279.10 325.14 L 279.54 324.86 Q 279.90 324.63 279.90 324.20 L 279.90 319.48 Q 279.90 319.32 280.02 319.23 L 280.64 318.77 Q 280.86 318.60 280.87 318.31 L 280.99 313.68 Q 281.00 313.50 281.12 313.64 Q 281.21 313.74 281.35 313.80 Q 281.76 313.99 281.95 313.59 L 282.38 312.67 Q 304.38 319.95 323.40 331.25 Q 324.79 332.08 324.47 330.49 L 320.47 310.84 Q 320.37 310.33 320.88 310.22 L 386.26 296.93 Q 385.97 298.25 388.34 297.84 Q 388.87 297.75 388.90 298.28 Q 389.03 300.05 387.35 300.93 Q 386.88 301.17 386.88 301.71 L 386.88 303.95 Q 386.88 304.45 386.52 304.79 Q 385.49 305.78 385.92 307.23 A 0.55 0.54 67.5 0 1 385.66 307.87 Q 383.35 309.10 383.91 311.75 Q 384.05 312.40 383.53 312.81 Q 382.52 313.62 382.90 314.97 Q 383.07 315.58 382.52 315.89 Q 381.51 316.45 381.91 317.74 A 0.80 0.80 0.0 0 1 381.66 318.58 C 380.76 319.34 380.76 320.71 380.41 321.48 Q 379.76 322.90 379.02 324.19 Q 378.75 324.66 379.27 324.83 L 380.99 325.37 L 371.74 327.24 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 0 371.61 327.92 L 375.98 330.73 Q 374.50 331.53 373.80 332.22 Q 373.35 332.67 372.66 334.46 Q 371.51 337.44 371.93 340.67 Q 371.99 341.16 371.66 341.53 Q 370.63 342.65 370.80 344.25 Q 371.59 351.58 369.59 358.57 L 357.59 350.59 Q 356.77 350.05 356.97 351.01 L 397.02 548.94 A 0.39 0.39 0.0 0 0 397.73 549.07 L 431.69 497.81 L 432.16 498.21 A 0.59 0.58 -55.1 0 0 433.05 498.05 L 433.24 497.68 Q 433.45 497.30 433.74 497.63 Q 434.56 498.55 435.48 497.85 A 0.97 0.97 0.0 0 1 436.60 497.82 L 441.39 501.05 Q 441.81 501.34 442.32 501.33 Q 443.01 501.33 443.55 501.84 Q 446.95 505.05 451.55 507.49 C 452.54 508.01 452.99 508.77 452.51 509.81 Q 452.33 510.21 452.52 510.60 L 453.12 511.84 Q 453.40 512.41 453.57 511.80 Q 454.03 510.10 455.19 510.78 L 419.48 564.57 A 0.27 0.27 0.0 0 0 419.76 564.99 L 710.77 505.92 Q 711.83 505.70 710.92 505.10 L 656.58 469.28 L 659.26 467.97 Q 659.70 467.75 659.57 467.27 L 659.20 465.96 Q 659.05 465.42 659.52 465.11 Q 661.46 463.84 662.26 461.67 Q 662.43 461.22 662.78 460.90 Q 664.29 459.47 665.26 457.59 Q 665.52 457.09 666.07 457.12 Q 667.11 457.18 667.13 456.20 Q 667.14 455.66 667.53 455.28 Q 670.60 452.33 672.08 448.30 Q 672.20 447.99 672.51 448.11 Q 672.76 448.20 672.64 448.49 A 0.34 0.34 0.0 0 0 672.91 448.96 Q 673.71 449.08 674.38 448.07 L 726.21 482.33 Q 726.85 482.75 726.70 482.00 L 686.50 284.01 Q 686.37 283.35 685.99 283.91 L 682.05 289.65 L 681.18 289.34 Q 680.97 289.26 680.89 289.05 Q 680.80 288.80 680.98 288.88 Q 681.92 289.29 681.12 288.09 Q 677.39 282.56 674.81 276.38 Q 674.61 275.91 674.18 275.62 Q 672.86 274.71 673.11 273.11 Q 673.19 272.59 672.82 272.20 L 670.69 270.04 Q 670.35 269.70 670.24 269.23 Q 669.95 268.07 668.95 267.31 Q 668.48 266.95 668.30 266.39 Q 667.61 264.33 665.69 263.15 Q 665.25 262.89 665.16 262.38 Q 664.87 260.72 663.37 259.75 Q 663.12 259.58 663.12 259.28 L 663.12 258.94 Q 663.12 258.51 662.82 258.21 L 659.43 254.80 Q 659.14 254.51 659.14 254.10 Q 659.15 253.87 659.10 253.66 Q 659.03 253.33 658.67 253.00 Q 657.26 251.69 655.91 250.30 Q 655.04 249.39 653.71 247.18 Q 652.67 245.44 651.16 244.01 Q 650.90 243.76 651.09 243.45 Q 651.23 243.22 651.20 243.03 L 703.34 232.36 L 704.60 232.27 Q 705.04 232.24 705.13 232.67 L 709.19 252.51 A 0.38 0.37 57.5 0 0 709.86 252.66 C 730.55 224.77 758.13 202.45 787.73 184.56 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 1927.88 292.21 L 1927.85 220.56 Q 1927.85 220.09 1928.27 219.89 L 1988.44 189.84 A 0.48 0.47 -13.5 0 1 1989.13 190.26 L 1989.13 512.56 A 0.44 0.44 0.0 0 1 1988.69 513.00 L 1928.52 512.99 A 0.71 0.71 0.0 0 1 1927.81 512.27 L 1927.86 499.48 A 0.59 0.58 69.2 0 0 1926.89 499.04 C 1911.63 512.77 1893.10 518.78 1872.77 517.72 C 1805.86 514.26 1786.52 443.96 1788.21 388.52 C 1789.01 362.17 1793.39 339.08 1806.61 315.90 Q 1826.49 281.05 1866.72 275.81 Q 1901.11 271.33 1927.35 292.46 Q 1927.88 292.89 1927.88 292.21 Z M 1892.87 333.13 C 1853.81 328.66 1849.40 369.29 1850.21 396.76 C 1850.65 411.47 1852.17 424.92 1857.58 437.94 C 1870.73 469.61 1909.49 464.70 1927.22 441.21 A 3.22 3.21 63.6 0 0 1927.87 439.27 Q 1927.88 396.91 1927.87 354.11 C 1927.87 353.37 1927.56 352.34 1927.16 351.83 Q 1914.52 335.60 1892.87 333.13 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 2104.13 190.39 L 2104.13 512.42 A 0.58 0.58 0.0 0 1 2103.55 513.00 L 2043.41 512.99 A 0.58 0.58 0.0 0 1 2042.83 512.41 L 2042.83 220.45 A 0.58 0.58 0.0 0 1 2043.15 219.93 L 2103.29 189.87 A 0.58 0.58 0.0 0 1 2104.13 190.39 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 255.21 270.19 L 255.03 270.54 Q 254.86 270.87 255.23 270.87 Q 255.40 270.87 255.56 270.83 Q 255.81 270.76 255.73 271.01 L 254.45 275.10 Q 254.31 275.58 253.87 275.83 Q 253.25 276.20 252.85 277.24 Q 251.84 279.92 251.04 282.67 C 250.69 283.88 249.58 285.10 249.91 286.93 Q 250.00 287.42 249.67 287.80 Q 248.79 288.80 248.87 290.11 Q 248.89 290.51 248.58 290.76 Q 247.55 291.57 247.88 292.89 Q 248.01 293.44 247.57 293.78 Q 246.63 294.51 246.83 295.68 Q 246.91 296.14 246.65 296.52 Q 245.45 298.29 245.84 300.40 Q 245.92 300.81 246.22 301.08 Q 247.11 301.88 247.68 303.29 C 215.93 296.96 188.58 294.84 152.78 291.49 C 135.29 289.85 120.59 285.22 104.42 278.36 Q 72.02 264.59 39.92 250.49 A 0.45 0.44 6.9 0 0 39.30 250.97 Q 44.71 280.13 50.30 309.24 C 56.53 341.66 70.57 372.30 93.93 395.95 Q 94.52 396.54 94.87 397.15 Q 95.44 398.13 95.50 398.55 C 101.09 436.34 116.73 466.96 148.56 489.09 C 149.28 489.59 149.87 490.76 150.03 491.62 Q 158.99 539.26 197.38 569.03 L 194.46 568.35 A 0.53 0.53 0.0 0 0 193.95 569.22 L 195.16 570.56 Q 195.49 570.93 195.72 571.36 Q 196.54 572.96 197.40 574.60 Q 197.62 575.02 198.00 575.32 Q 199.56 576.58 200.31 578.48 Q 200.48 578.92 200.95 578.92 L 201.37 578.92 Q 202.08 578.92 202.08 579.63 L 202.08 581.27 Q 202.08 581.76 202.56 581.88 C 204.87 582.45 204.76 584.33 205.59 585.71 Q 206.77 587.67 208.06 589.59 Q 208.32 589.97 208.71 590.22 Q 209.80 590.91 209.84 592.23 A 0.82 0.82 0.0 0 0 210.45 593.01 Q 212.49 593.56 212.91 595.66 A 0.61 0.61 0.0 0 0 213.52 596.15 Q 214.64 596.13 214.83 597.15 Q 214.91 597.63 215.25 597.99 L 218.45 601.34 Q 218.76 601.66 218.80 602.11 L 218.88 603.29 Q 218.93 603.97 219.60 604.08 Q 221.69 604.45 221.95 606.47 A 0.61 0.61 0.0 0 0 222.39 606.98 Q 225.16 607.76 225.95 610.52 Q 226.09 611.00 226.45 611.35 Q 228.12 612.98 228.01 615.26 Q 227.99 615.66 228.38 615.75 L 229.28 615.96 A 0.30 0.30 0.0 0 1 229.36 616.51 Q 228.47 617.02 228.52 617.69 C 180.30 600.70 142.92 564.65 127.96 515.69 Q 126.26 510.11 124.59 504.52 A 1.71 1.66 -79.5 0 0 124.05 503.71 Q 78.69 465.95 68.73 407.42 C 68.56 406.38 67.95 405.68 67.29 404.94 C 41.63 375.76 27.90 341.47 20.53 303.69 Q 10.26 251.07 0.29 198.41 A 0.51 0.50 -83.5 0 1 0.99 197.85 Q 49.27 219.62 97.76 241.55 Q 116.43 250.00 129.24 254.50 C 143.78 259.62 160.75 260.13 176.56 261.75 Q 184.22 262.54 196.38 264.45 Q 225.63 269.05 255.21 270.19 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 651.20 243.03 Q 651.23 243.22 651.09 243.45 Q 650.90 243.76 651.16 244.01 Q 652.67 245.44 653.71 247.18 Q 655.04 249.39 655.91 250.30 Q 657.26 251.69 658.67 253.00 Q 659.03 253.33 659.10 253.66 Q 659.15 253.87 659.14 254.10 Q 659.14 254.51 659.43 254.80 L 662.82 258.21 Q 663.12 258.51 663.12 258.94 L 663.12 259.28 Q 663.12 259.58 663.37 259.75 Q 664.87 260.72 665.16 262.38 Q 665.25 262.89 665.69 263.15 Q 667.61 264.33 668.30 266.39 Q 668.48 266.95 668.95 267.31 Q 669.95 268.07 670.24 269.23 Q 670.35 269.70 670.69 270.04 L 672.82 272.20 Q 673.19 272.59 673.11 273.11 Q 672.86 274.71 674.18 275.62 Q 674.61 275.91 674.81 276.38 Q 677.39 282.56 681.12 288.09 Q 681.92 289.29 680.98 288.88 Q 680.80 288.80 680.89 289.05 Q 680.97 289.26 681.18 289.34 L 682.05 289.65 L 607.07 402.87 Q 606.79 403.29 607.21 403.57 L 674.38 448.07 Q 673.71 449.08 672.91 448.96 A 0.34 0.34 0.0 0 1 672.64 448.49 Q 672.76 448.20 672.51 448.11 Q 672.20 447.99 672.08 448.30 Q 670.60 452.33 667.53 455.28 Q 667.14 455.66 667.13 456.20 Q 667.11 457.18 666.07 457.12 Q 665.52 457.09 665.26 457.59 Q 664.29 459.47 662.78 460.90 Q 662.43 461.22 662.26 461.67 Q 661.46 463.84 659.52 465.11 Q 659.05 465.42 659.20 465.96 L 659.57 467.27 Q 659.70 467.75 659.26 467.97 L 656.58 469.28 L 591.53 426.43 A 0.68 0.67 31.9 0 0 590.57 426.65 C 571.74 459.13 530.13 467.74 499.91 445.50 A 1.10 1.10 0.0 0 0 498.34 445.78 L 455.19 510.78 Q 454.03 510.10 453.57 511.80 Q 453.40 512.41 453.12 511.84 L 452.52 510.60 Q 452.33 510.21 452.51 509.81 C 452.99 508.77 452.54 508.01 451.55 507.49 Q 446.95 505.05 443.55 501.84 Q 443.01 501.33 442.32 501.33 Q 441.81 501.34 441.39 501.05 L 436.60 497.82 A 0.97 0.97 0.0 0 0 435.48 497.85 Q 434.56 498.55 433.74 497.63 Q 433.45 497.30 433.24 497.68 L 433.05 498.05 A 0.59 0.58 -55.1 0 1 432.16 498.21 L 431.69 497.81 L 476.32 430.45 A 0.87 0.87 0.0 0 0 476.08 429.25 L 369.59 358.57 Q 371.59 351.58 370.80 344.25 Q 370.63 342.65 371.66 341.53 Q 371.99 341.16 371.93 340.67 Q 371.51 337.44 372.66 334.46 Q 373.35 332.67 373.80 332.22 Q 374.50 331.53 375.98 330.73 Q 444.29 375.98 512.79 421.55 C 521.38 427.26 528.06 430.71 537.53 430.34 Q 557.19 429.56 567.32 413.18 Q 570.45 408.11 570.49 408.06 Q 616.76 338.42 662.82 268.84 A 0.38 0.38 0.0 0 0 662.43 268.26 L 380.99 325.37 L 379.27 324.83 Q 378.75 324.66 379.02 324.19 Q 379.76 322.90 380.41 321.48 C 380.76 320.71 380.76 319.34 381.66 318.58 A 0.80 0.80 0.0 0 0 381.91 317.74 Q 381.51 316.45 382.52 315.89 Q 383.07 315.58 382.90 314.97 Q 382.52 313.62 383.53 312.81 Q 384.05 312.40 383.91 311.75 Q 383.35 309.10 385.66 307.87 A 0.55 0.54 67.5 0 0 385.92 307.23 Q 385.49 305.78 386.52 304.79 Q 386.88 304.45 386.88 303.95 L 386.88 301.71 Q 386.88 301.17 387.35 300.93 Q 389.03 300.05 388.90 298.28 Q 388.87 297.75 388.34 297.84 Q 385.97 298.25 386.26 296.93 L 651.20 243.03 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 247.68 303.29 Q 265.33 306.99 282.38 312.67 L 281.95 313.59 Q 281.76 313.99 281.35 313.80 Q 281.21 313.74 281.12 313.64 Q 281.00 313.50 280.99 313.68 L 280.87 318.31 Q 280.86 318.60 280.64 318.77 L 280.02 319.23 Q 279.90 319.32 279.90 319.48 L 279.90 324.20 Q 279.90 324.63 279.54 324.86 L 279.10 325.14 A 0.46 0.44 74.4 0 0 278.90 325.52 L 278.90 331.20 Q 278.90 331.63 278.53 331.86 L 278.19 332.08 Q 278.00 332.20 277.99 332.43 L 277.67 341.17 Q 277.65 341.67 277.30 341.32 L 276.97 340.99 A 0.33 0.32 40.7 0 0 276.48 341.02 L 276.21 341.38 Q 275.89 341.80 275.45 341.50 Q 275.29 341.39 275.38 341.17 A 0.13 0.13 0.0 0 0 275.15 341.04 Q 274.81 341.56 274.68 342.44 Q 240.48 331.19 201.73 327.18 Q 171.39 324.04 153.21 322.39 Q 140.34 321.22 133.39 319.82 C 115.46 316.20 98.58 309.69 80.97 301.67 Q 80.00 301.23 80.20 302.27 C 89.23 351.20 119.85 395.28 172.47 402.97 A 0.27 0.27 0.0 0 1 172.51 403.50 C 158.09 407.66 142.34 406.62 128.19 402.76 Q 127.14 402.47 127.36 403.54 C 134.80 439.85 158.14 465.60 192.76 477.72 Q 223.06 488.33 252.93 487.52 Q 258.21 487.38 253.19 489.02 C 229.74 496.68 206.28 496.32 182.20 492.50 Q 181.64 492.41 181.78 492.96 C 196.22 548.36 253.75 574.40 307.25 567.52 Q 325.13 565.22 343.04 562.93 L 346.69 563.15 Q 347.28 563.18 347.00 563.70 L 346.70 564.26 Q 346.54 564.55 346.22 564.47 L 345.65 564.34 Q 344.69 564.11 345.39 564.80 L 351.05 570.44 Q 351.42 570.81 351.93 570.86 Q 352.15 570.89 352.36 570.89 Q 352.70 570.89 352.92 571.16 Q 354.87 573.65 356.76 574.85 Q 359.50 576.57 361.01 578.51 Q 361.30 578.89 361.78 578.89 L 362.12 578.89 Q 362.39 578.89 362.58 579.07 Q 366.74 583.09 368.31 583.64 Q 371.37 584.73 372.14 587.77 Q 372.23 588.16 372.61 588.29 Q 374.40 588.95 376.12 588.10 Q 376.70 587.81 376.87 588.43 L 377.18 589.57 L 352.66 592.61 Q 333.56 594.99 314.41 597.42 Q 301.61 599.04 294.52 599.25 Q 240.89 600.78 197.38 569.03 Q 158.99 539.26 150.03 491.62 C 149.87 490.76 149.28 489.59 148.56 489.09 C 116.73 466.96 101.09 436.34 95.50 398.55 Q 95.44 398.13 94.87 397.15 Q 94.52 396.54 93.93 395.95 C 70.57 372.30 56.53 341.66 50.30 309.24 Q 44.71 280.13 39.30 250.97 A 0.45 0.44 6.9 0 1 39.92 250.49 Q 72.02 264.59 104.42 278.36 C 120.59 285.22 135.29 289.85 152.78 291.49 C 188.58 294.84 215.93 296.96 247.68 303.29 Z" /> <path fill="#ffffff" d=" M 375.98 330.73 L 371.61 327.92 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 1 371.74 327.24 L 380.99 325.37 L 662.43 268.26 A 0.38 0.38 0.0 0 1 662.82 268.84 Q 616.76 338.42 570.49 408.06 Q 570.45 408.11 567.32 413.18 Q 557.19 429.56 537.53 430.34 C 528.06 430.71 521.38 427.26 512.79 421.55 Q 444.29 375.98 375.98 330.73 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 1193.93 429.12 C 1172.07 421.26 1150.10 415.64 1128.59 405.31 C 1104.06 393.54 1088.82 375.91 1088.14 347.50 C 1087.33 313.63 1104.04 290.59 1136.53 281.15 C 1179.85 268.56 1228.05 275.76 1267.04 297.59 A 0.54 0.53 -64.3 0 1 1267.27 298.25 L 1248.13 345.64 Q 1247.93 346.13 1247.47 345.88 Q 1229.39 336.22 1209.61 331.22 C 1197.21 328.09 1157.47 322.31 1149.81 337.18 C 1143.42 349.59 1162.49 358.18 1171.26 361.05 Q 1192.07 367.86 1212.74 375.08 C 1253.21 389.21 1279.17 410.71 1273.94 457.25 C 1270.19 490.55 1245.81 509.10 1214.49 514.67 C 1169.92 522.60 1121.07 516.49 1082.76 491.38 A 1.27 1.27 0.0 0 1 1082.29 489.80 L 1102.05 444.74 A 0.56 0.56 0.0 0 1 1102.82 444.47 Q 1107.56 446.88 1112.10 449.08 Q 1149.43 467.09 1191.00 465.29 C 1201.85 464.83 1217.91 458.45 1213.43 444.17 C 1211.29 437.33 1200.23 431.38 1193.93 429.12 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 1369.70 416.81 Q 1371.14 439.59 1388.17 451.54 C 1406.09 464.11 1434.51 462.89 1451.55 449.48 C 1453.17 448.20 1455.25 445.97 1457.14 444.25 Q 1457.58 443.85 1458.04 444.23 L 1500.34 479.63 A 1.02 1.01 40.3 0 1 1500.46 481.07 C 1470.36 515.84 1420.66 525.69 1377.99 511.90 C 1313.34 491.00 1297.97 411.98 1313.00 355.48 C 1319.50 331.04 1336.29 304.29 1358.19 290.21 Q 1381.90 274.96 1412.50 275.25 C 1443.01 275.54 1466.83 287.57 1484.27 311.56 C 1506.24 341.78 1512.51 378.72 1508.87 415.46 A 0.86 0.85 -87.4 0 1 1508.02 416.24 L 1370.25 416.23 Q 1369.67 416.23 1369.70 416.81 Z M 1371.05 370.06 L 1449.59 370.06 A 0.25 0.25 0.0 0 0 1449.84 369.81 L 1449.84 369.31 A 40.99 39.48 90.0 0 0 1410.36 328.32 L 1410.28 328.32 A 40.99 39.48 -90.0 0 0 1370.80 369.31 L 1370.80 369.81 A 0.25 0.25 0.0 0 0 1371.05 370.06 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 1610.99 294.00 Q 1610.98 295.52 1612.05 294.44 C 1625.57 280.75 1644.40 275.14 1663.75 275.18 C 1680.70 275.22 1696.65 277.39 1711.01 285.61 C 1745.14 305.15 1751.69 346.76 1751.71 382.50 Q 1751.75 447.06 1751.71 512.28 A 0.73 0.72 0.0 0 1 1750.98 513.00 L 1691.24 512.99 A 0.81 0.80 0.0 0 1 1690.43 512.19 Q 1690.34 449.45 1690.40 386.50 C 1690.42 374.15 1689.49 360.14 1683.40 349.38 C 1677.75 339.41 1670.21 335.29 1659.10 333.45 C 1647.18 331.48 1633.40 333.60 1624.52 342.07 C 1613.31 352.77 1611.07 370.41 1611.07 385.00 Q 1611.06 448.74 1610.99 512.49 Q 1610.99 513.00 1610.48 513.00 L 1550.24 512.99 Q 1549.74 512.99 1549.74 512.49 L 1549.74 280.46 A 0.55 0.54 -0.0 0 1 1550.29 279.92 L 1610.58 279.94 A 0.48 0.47 0.6 0 1 1611.06 280.42 L 1610.99 294.00 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 2146.12 376.75 C 2152.73 318.26 2194.82 271.10 2257.24 275.39 C 2282.94 277.16 2304.18 286.34 2321.67 304.46 C 2351.20 335.07 2359.31 376.89 2354.46 418.20 C 2351.37 444.55 2339.82 471.50 2320.47 490.09 Q 2287.59 521.67 2239.26 517.29 C 2212.80 514.90 2190.85 503.36 2173.96 483.41 C 2148.80 453.69 2141.82 414.76 2146.12 376.75 Z M 2256.14 334.52 C 2241.71 332.71 2226.53 337.12 2218.36 348.90 C 2206.27 366.32 2205.64 393.96 2208.33 413.49 C 2211.15 433.92 2221.48 455.13 2243.55 458.37 C 2275.96 463.13 2290.72 434.17 2293.04 406.99 C 2295.32 380.26 2289.62 338.73 2256.14 334.52 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 2385.27 427.99 C 2377.08 385.14 2384.78 339.33 2414.75 306.10 C 2438.81 279.43 2474.03 270.69 2509.00 277.09 C 2550.04 284.60 2579.56 319.67 2588.86 359.53 Q 2599.54 405.34 2585.09 447.54 Q 2581.17 459.00 2573.41 471.02 C 2551.70 504.66 2517.47 520.98 2476.74 517.38 C 2427.75 513.05 2394.13 474.37 2385.27 427.99 Z M 2479.15 335.03 C 2450.95 338.98 2444.95 369.58 2444.61 392.76 C 2444.19 422.27 2452.76 461.34 2491.23 458.48 C 2536.89 455.08 2538.26 380.07 2520.40 351.93 Q 2507.18 331.10 2479.15 335.03 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 2693.06 500.50 L 2693.05 567.03 A 1.62 1.61 -13.5 0 1 2692.16 568.47 L 2632.60 598.23 A 0.56 0.56 0.0 0 1 2631.79 597.73 L 2631.79 280.59 A 0.63 0.63 0.0 0 1 2632.42 279.96 L 2692.14 279.92 Q 2693.11 279.92 2693.10 280.89 L 2693.03 293.49 A 0.58 0.58 0.0 0 0 2693.99 293.93 Q 2715.31 275.23 2742.76 275.12 C 2822.89 274.81 2837.74 362.23 2831.58 422.74 C 2827.45 463.33 2806.39 506.75 2762.64 515.80 C 2737.36 521.04 2713.92 516.95 2693.45 500.31 A 0.24 0.24 0.0 0 0 2693.06 500.50 Z M 2735.87 333.13 Q 2711.11 330.59 2695.01 350.21 Q 2694.95 350.27 2693.92 351.41 Q 2693.05 352.37 2693.05 353.13 Q 2693.06 395.08 2693.03 437.06 C 2693.03 440.25 2694.04 441.82 2696.09 443.98 Q 2710.93 459.56 2731.49 460.14 C 2746.19 460.55 2757.51 455.05 2763.67 441.64 C 2770.40 427.02 2771.44 408.69 2770.58 392.54 C 2769.36 369.83 2764.61 336.07 2735.87 333.13 Z" /> <path fill="#ffffff" d=" M 674.38 448.07 L 607.21 403.57 Q 606.79 403.29 607.07 402.87 L 682.05 289.65 L 685.99 283.91 Q 686.37 283.35 686.50 284.01 L 726.70 482.00 Q 726.85 482.75 726.21 482.33 L 674.38 448.07 Z" /> <path fill="#e3e4e4" d=" M 274.68 342.44 Q 306.57 353.28 331.82 374.88 C 333.51 376.33 334.04 377.31 334.51 379.61 Q 352.78 469.19 371.10 558.76 Q 371.21 559.29 370.68 559.35 L 343.04 562.93 Q 325.13 565.22 307.25 567.52 C 253.75 574.40 196.22 548.36 181.78 492.96 Q 181.64 492.41 182.20 492.50 C 206.28 496.32 229.74 496.68 253.19 489.02 Q 258.21 487.38 252.93 487.52 Q 223.06 488.33 192.76 477.72 C 158.14 465.60 134.80 439.85 127.36 403.54 Q 127.14 402.47 128.19 402.76 C 142.34 406.62 158.09 407.66 172.51 403.50 A 0.27 0.27 0.0 0 0 172.47 402.97 C 119.85 395.28 89.23 351.20 80.20 302.27 Q 80.00 301.23 80.97 301.67 C 98.58 309.69 115.46 316.20 133.39 319.82 Q 140.34 321.22 153.21 322.39 Q 171.39 324.04 201.73 327.18 Q 240.48 331.19 274.68 342.44 Z" /> <path fill="#ffffff" d=" M 369.59 358.57 L 476.08 429.25 A 0.87 0.87 0.0 0 1 476.32 430.45 L 431.69 497.81 L 397.73 549.07 A 0.39 0.39 0.0 0 1 397.02 548.94 L 356.97 351.01 Q 356.77 350.05 357.59 350.59 L 369.59 358.57 Z" /> <path fill="#ffffff" d=" M 656.58 469.28 L 710.92 505.10 Q 711.83 505.70 710.77 505.92 L 419.76 564.99 A 0.27 0.27 0.0 0 1 419.48 564.57 L 455.19 510.78 L 498.34 445.78 A 1.10 1.10 0.0 0 1 499.91 445.50 C 530.13 467.74 571.74 459.13 590.57 426.65 A 0.68 0.67 31.9 0 1 591.53 426.43 L 656.58 469.28 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 852.38 483.12 Q 852.74 484.39 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616.01 735.55 604.46 734.39 C 594.33 733.39 583.89 704.62 581.03 697.24 Q 578.25 690.05 572.83 683.09 C 552.18 656.59 532.03 680.37 524.57 701.55 C 521.99 708.89 511.20 739.31 500.80 739.36 C 495.47 739.38 492.70 731.70 491.64 727.48 C 488.37 714.38 488.76 701.03 486.45 688.26 C 484.36 676.70 477.74 662.03 464.12 662.34 C 452.84 662.59 440.57 673.16 433.36 682.12 C 425.62 691.74 417.91 701.93 407.60 708.97 C 400.02 714.15 393.82 712.05 393.32 702.50 C 392.75 691.44 395.50 681.40 398.48 669.75 C 401.31 658.71 403.63 640.23 394.33 631.00 C 382.27 619.01 358.59 631.39 347.59 639.12 C 338.19 645.73 324.15 654.50 313.51 654.50 C 300.42 654.51 310.94 633.97 314.21 627.46 Q 314.51 626.86 313.84 626.94 Q 270.03 632.71 228.52 617.69 Q 228.47 617.02 229.36 616.51 A 0.30 0.30 0.0 0 0 229.28 615.96 L 228.38 615.75 Q 227.99 615.66 228.01 615.26 Q 228.12 612.98 226.45 611.35 Q 226.09 611.00 225.95 610.52 Q 225.16 607.76 222.39 606.98 A 0.61 0.61 0.0 0 1 221.95 606.47 Q 221.69 604.45 219.60 604.08 Q 218.93 603.97 218.88 603.29 L 218.80 602.11 Q 218.76 601.66 218.45 601.34 L 215.25 597.99 Q 214.91 597.63 214.83 597.15 Q 214.64 596.13 213.52 596.15 A 0.61 0.61 0.0 0 1 212.91 595.66 Q 212.49 593.56 210.45 593.01 A 0.82 0.82 0.0 0 1 209.84 592.23 Q 209.80 590.91 208.71 590.22 Q 208.32 589.97 208.06 589.59 Q 206.77 587.67 205.59 585.71 C 204.76 584.33 204.87 582.45 202.56 581.88 Q 202.08 581.76 202.08 581.27 L 202.08 579.63 Q 202.08 578.92 201.37 578.92 L 200.95 578.92 Q 200.48 578.92 200.31 578.48 Q 199.56 576.58 198.00 575.32 Q 197.62 575.02 197.40 574.60 Q 196.54 572.96 195.72 571.36 Q 195.49 570.93 195.16 570.56 L 193.95 569.22 A 0.53 0.53 0.0 0 1 194.46 568.35 L 197.38 569.03 Q 240.89 600.78 294.52 599.25 Q 301.61 599.04 314.41 597.42 Q 333.56 594.99 352.66 592.61 Q 352.96 593.33 354.37 593.14 Q 354.93 593.07 355.02 593.62 Q 355.33 595.55 357.25 596.05 Q 357.75 596.18 358.12 596.55 Q 359.70 598.09 361.86 598.82 Q 362.39 598.99 362.80 599.37 L 365.11 601.45 Q 365.53 601.84 366.10 601.87 Q 367.57 601.95 368.50 602.95 Q 368.87 603.35 369.38 603.54 L 373.90 605.27 A 0.45 0.43 86.0 0 1 374.15 605.50 Q 374.90 607.08 376.52 606.91 A 1.42 1.38 -30.2 0 1 377.48 607.15 Q 379.56 608.52 381.85 609.52 Q 383.27 610.14 384.04 610.26 Q 384.50 610.33 384.84 610.64 Q 386.38 612.01 388.98 612.47 Q 392.17 613.04 396.18 615.71 Q 396.60 616.00 397.11 615.91 Q 399.67 615.46 401.14 617.58 Q 401.40 617.97 401.87 617.91 Q 405.39 617.46 408.20 619.69 Q 408.57 619.97 409.01 619.88 Q 410.38 619.58 411.25 620.58 Q 411.61 621.01 412.16 620.88 Q 413.43 620.58 414.21 621.58 Q 414.57 622.03 415.12 621.89 Q 416.43 621.56 417.22 622.58 Q 417.57 623.04 418.12 622.91 Q 420.00 622.49 421.49 623.65 Q 421.87 623.94 422.35 623.87 Q 423.47 623.71 424.09 624.63 A 0.80 0.79 -25.6 0 0 424.99 624.94 Q 426.46 624.48 427.11 625.53 Q 427.44 626.07 428.06 625.93 Q 429.95 625.48 431.44 626.61 Q 431.82 626.89 432.28 626.89 L 438.79 626.89 Q 439.30 626.89 439.69 627.22 L 441.29 628.57 Q 441.67 628.89 442.18 628.89 L 448.84 628.89 Q 449.38 628.89 449.75 629.27 L 450.21 629.72 A 1.11 1.10 61.2 0 0 451.23 630.02 Q 454.74 629.23 457.74 630.84 Q 458.15 631.07 458.61 630.98 Q 460.81 630.57 462.83 631.13 Q 465.51 631.87 466.80 631.88 Q 470.89 631.89 474.98 631.92 A 1.00 1.00 0.0 0 1 475.75 632.28 Q 475.91 632.48 476.11 632.64 Q 476.44 632.90 476.96 632.90 Q 490.59 632.88 504.22 632.90 Q 504.62 632.90 504.90 632.61 L 505.15 632.37 Q 505.37 632.15 505.68 632.14 Q 510.98 632.09 516.28 631.86 Q 516.51 631.85 516.70 631.73 Q 516.91 631.59 517.10 631.45 Q 517.51 631.16 518.01 631.14 Q 520.63 631.00 523.22 630.85 Q 523.98 630.80 526.13 630.11 C 527.68 629.62 530.29 630.49 531.28 629.25 Q 531.57 628.89 532.03 628.89 L 539.82 628.89 Q 540.33 628.89 540.71 628.57 L 542.31 627.22 Q 542.70 626.89 543.21 626.89 L 547.71 626.89 Q 548.18 626.89 548.56 626.61 Q 550.05 625.49 551.93 625.93 Q 552.45 626.05 552.74 625.60 C 553.83 623.90 555.93 625.84 557.31 624.23 Q 557.60 623.89 558.05 623.89 L 560.02 623.89 Q 560.58 623.89 560.97 623.49 Q 561.76 622.68 562.84 622.87 Q 563.41 622.97 563.82 622.57 Q 565.09 621.37 567.01 621.97 A 0.72 0.71 21.9 0 0 567.86 621.61 Q 568.40 620.52 569.71 620.91 Q 570.25 621.07 570.68 620.70 Q 572.50 619.15 574.93 618.79 Q 575.36 618.73 575.72 618.48 Q 577.19 617.49 579.03 617.95 A 0.77 0.77 0.0 0 0 579.87 617.62 Q 581.26 615.46 583.85 615.92 Q 584.51 616.03 584.92 615.49 Q 585.66 614.49 587.00 614.93 A 0.75 0.74 25.4 0 0 587.86 614.63 Q 589.33 612.40 591.97 612.92 Q 592.44 613.02 592.74 612.65 Q 593.79 611.35 595.26 610.86 Q 598.02 609.96 598.24 609.85 Q 603.95 606.82 609.78 604.08 Q 610.32 603.83 611.64 602.70 Q 612.52 601.95 613.70 601.85 Q 614.18 601.80 614.61 601.58 Q 617.10 600.24 619.62 599.10 Q 620.64 598.64 621.81 597.73 Q 622.86 596.91 624.03 596.33 Q 625.71 595.50 627.33 594.34 Q 628.65 593.39 630.24 592.84 Q 630.68 592.68 631.01 592.36 Q 632.75 590.65 635.11 589.90 Q 635.54 589.77 635.87 589.46 L 639.37 586.19 Q 639.69 585.89 640.13 585.89 L 641.22 585.89 Q 641.66 585.89 641.93 585.55 Q 643.40 583.65 645.49 582.74 Q 645.86 582.57 645.88 582.16 Q 645.91 581.03 647.11 580.84 Q 647.54 580.78 647.85 580.48 L 651.20 577.28 Q 651.60 576.89 652.15 576.93 C 653.94 577.05 654.54 576.23 654.98 574.70 Q 655.20 573.94 656.03 573.88 Q 656.54 573.84 656.90 573.48 L 661.33 569.05 Q 661.49 568.89 661.72 568.89 Q 661.92 568.89 662.12 568.86 Q 662.60 568.78 662.95 568.44 L 670.56 560.99 Q 670.66 560.89 670.80 560.89 L 671.24 560.89 Q 671.50 560.89 671.69 560.71 L 681.50 550.91 Q 681.85 550.56 681.85 550.07 Q 681.85 549.73 682.03 549.53 Q 684.83 546.35 689.45 542.07 Q 689.82 541.72 689.85 541.21 Q 689.92 539.47 691.63 538.91 A 0.36 0.36 0.0 0 0 691.72 538.27 Q 690.75 537.61 691.21 537.06 L 763.05 522.48 A 1.19 1.19 0.0 0 0 763.97 521.05 L 761.79 511.55 Q 761.66 510.97 762.23 510.81 L 812.45 496.51 Q 833.38 491.64 852.38 483.12 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 691.21 537.06 Q 690.75 537.61 691.72 538.27 A 0.36 0.36 0.0 0 1 691.63 538.91 Q 689.92 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601.95 611.64 602.70 Q 610.32 603.83 609.78 604.08 Q 603.95 606.82 598.24 609.85 Q 598.02 609.96 595.26 610.86 Q 593.79 611.35 592.74 612.65 Q 592.44 613.02 591.97 612.92 Q 589.33 612.40 587.86 614.63 A 0.75 0.74 25.4 0 1 587.00 614.93 Q 585.66 614.49 584.92 615.49 Q 584.51 616.03 583.85 615.92 Q 581.26 615.46 579.87 617.62 A 0.77 0.77 0.0 0 1 579.03 617.95 Q 577.19 617.49 575.72 618.48 Q 575.36 618.73 574.93 618.79 Q 572.50 619.15 570.68 620.70 Q 570.25 621.07 569.71 620.91 Q 568.40 620.52 567.86 621.61 A 0.72 0.71 21.9 0 1 567.01 621.97 Q 565.09 621.37 563.82 622.57 Q 563.41 622.97 562.84 622.87 Q 561.76 622.68 560.97 623.49 Q 560.58 623.89 560.02 623.89 L 558.05 623.89 Q 557.60 623.89 557.31 624.23 C 555.93 625.84 553.83 623.90 552.74 625.60 Q 552.45 626.05 551.93 625.93 Q 550.05 625.49 548.56 626.61 Q 548.18 626.89 547.71 626.89 L 543.21 626.89 Q 542.70 626.89 542.31 627.22 L 540.71 628.57 Q 540.33 628.89 539.82 628.89 L 532.03 628.89 Q 531.57 628.89 531.28 629.25 C 530.29 630.49 527.68 629.62 526.13 630.11 Q 523.98 630.80 523.22 630.85 Q 520.63 631.00 518.01 631.14 Q 517.51 631.16 517.10 631.45 Q 516.91 631.59 516.70 631.73 Q 516.51 631.85 516.28 631.86 Q 510.98 632.09 505.68 632.14 Q 505.37 632.15 505.15 632.37 L 504.90 632.61 Q 504.62 632.90 504.22 632.90 Q 490.59 632.88 476.96 632.90 Q 476.44 632.90 476.11 632.64 Q 475.91 632.48 475.75 632.28 A 1.00 1.00 0.0 0 0 474.98 631.92 Q 470.89 631.89 466.80 631.88 Q 465.51 631.87 462.83 631.13 Q 460.81 630.57 458.61 630.98 Q 458.15 631.07 457.74 630.84 Q 454.74 629.23 451.23 630.02 A 1.11 1.10 61.2 0 1 450.21 629.72 L 449.75 629.27 Q 449.38 628.89 448.84 628.89 L 442.18 628.89 Q 441.67 628.89 441.29 628.57 L 439.69 627.22 Q 439.30 626.89 438.79 626.89 L 432.28 626.89 Q 431.82 626.89 431.44 626.61 Q 429.95 625.48 428.06 625.93 Q 427.44 626.07 427.11 625.53 Q 426.46 624.48 424.99 624.94 A 0.80 0.79 -25.6 0 1 424.09 624.63 Q 423.47 623.71 422.35 623.87 Q 421.87 623.94 421.49 623.65 Q 420.00 622.49 418.12 622.91 Q 417.57 623.04 417.22 622.58 Q 416.43 621.56 415.12 621.89 Q 414.57 622.03 414.21 621.58 Q 413.43 620.58 412.16 620.88 Q 411.61 621.01 411.25 620.58 Q 410.38 619.58 409.01 619.88 Q 408.57 619.97 408.20 619.69 Q 405.39 617.46 401.87 617.91 Q 401.40 617.97 401.14 617.58 Q 399.67 615.46 397.11 615.91 Q 396.60 616.00 396.18 615.71 Q 392.17 613.04 388.98 612.47 Q 386.38 612.01 384.84 610.64 Q 384.50 610.33 384.04 610.26 Q 383.27 610.14 381.85 609.52 Q 379.56 608.52 377.48 607.15 A 1.42 1.38 -30.2 0 0 376.52 606.91 Q 374.90 607.08 374.15 605.50 A 0.45 0.43 86.0 0 0 373.90 605.27 L 369.38 603.54 Q 368.87 603.35 368.50 602.95 Q 367.57 601.95 366.10 601.87 Q 365.53 601.84 365.11 601.45 L 362.80 599.37 Q 362.39 598.99 361.86 598.82 Q 359.70 598.09 358.12 596.55 Q 357.75 596.18 357.25 596.05 Q 355.33 595.55 355.02 593.62 Q 354.93 593.07 354.37 593.14 Q 352.96 593.33 352.66 592.61 L 377.18 589.57 L 379.32 599.94 Q 379.43 600.48 379.97 600.37 L 691.21 537.06 Z" /> </svg> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex justify-center items-center"> <svg class="h-9 hover:text-gray-900 dark:hover:text-white" viewBox="0 0 130 27" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.6011 19.6454C26.6011 19.6454 28.5794 21.8771 32.1721 21.8771C35.5375 21.8771 37.4931 19.6914 37.4931 17.0915C37.4931 11.8687 29.8982 12.5819 29.8982 9.68289C29.8982 8.53249 30.967 7.72721 32.3313 7.72721C34.3551 7.72721 35.9013 9.15371 35.9013 9.15371L37.1747 6.73787C37.1747 6.73787 35.5375 4.98926 32.354 4.98926C29.2615 4.98926 26.9422 7.01396 26.9422 9.72891C26.9422 14.7447 34.5597 14.2385 34.5597 17.1605C34.5597 18.495 33.4455 19.1392 32.2176 19.1392C29.9437 19.1392 28.1928 17.4136 28.1928 17.4136L26.6011 19.6454Z" fill="fillColor"/> <path d="M38.4643 15.734C38.4643 19.0702 40.8518 21.8771 44.6947 21.8771C47.5826 21.8771 49.3562 20.1976 49.3562 20.1976L48.242 18.1038C48.242 18.1038 46.764 19.3923 44.8994 19.3923C43.1712 19.3923 41.6022 18.3339 41.4203 16.2862H49.4244C49.4244 16.2862 49.4927 15.5039 49.4927 15.1588C49.4927 12.0527 47.6963 9.59086 44.3537 9.59086C40.8973 9.59086 38.4643 12.1217 38.4643 15.734ZM41.5113 14.2845C41.7841 12.766 42.8074 11.8456 44.2854 11.8456C45.5588 11.8456 46.5366 12.6969 46.5821 14.2845H41.5113Z" fill="fillColor"/> <path d="M51.1915 21.601H54.0794V16.2172C54.0794 15.665 54.1248 15.1358 54.284 14.6526C54.7161 13.2491 55.853 12.2598 57.3993 12.2598C58.8773 12.2598 59.2411 13.2261 59.2411 14.6526V21.601H62.1062V14.0544C62.1062 10.9483 60.6509 9.59086 58.0814 9.59086C55.7393 9.59086 54.4659 11.0404 53.9657 12.0297H53.9202C53.9202 12.0297 53.9657 11.6616 53.9657 11.2244V9.86696H51.1915V21.601Z" fill="fillColor"/> <path d="M63.2693 15.734C63.2693 19.3693 65.2704 21.8771 68.4083 21.8771C71.0688 21.8771 72.0466 19.8754 72.0466 19.8754H72.092C72.092 19.8754 72.0466 20.1976 72.0466 20.6347V21.601H74.7752V5.26535H71.8874V10.4191C71.8874 10.7873 71.9101 11.0864 71.9101 11.0864H71.8647C71.8647 11.0864 71.0688 9.59086 68.522 9.59086C65.4523 9.59086 63.2693 12.0067 63.2693 15.734ZM66.1799 15.734C66.1799 13.4102 67.4988 12.0987 69.0905 12.0987C71.0233 12.0987 71.9784 13.8934 71.9784 15.711C71.9784 18.3109 70.5685 19.4153 69.0678 19.4153C67.3623 19.4153 66.1799 17.9658 66.1799 15.734Z" fill="fillColor"/> <path d="M77.7388 21.601H87.653V19.0472H80.6721V5.26535H77.7388V21.601Z" fill="fillColor"/> <path d="M88.2713 18.2189C88.2713 20.5657 90.1359 21.8771 92.2052 21.8771C94.8429 21.8771 95.7525 19.8064 95.7297 19.8064H95.7752C95.7752 19.8064 95.7297 20.1745 95.7297 20.6347V21.601H98.3902V14.2615C98.3902 11.2935 96.6166 9.59086 93.5695 9.59086C90.8181 9.59086 89.0217 11.0404 89.0217 11.0404L90.1132 13.1341C90.1132 13.1341 91.6367 12.0067 93.2967 12.0067C94.57 12.0067 95.5251 12.5359 95.5251 14.0774V14.2385H95.1385C93.2512 14.2385 88.2713 14.4916 88.2713 18.2189ZM91.1819 18.0808C91.1819 16.4472 93.5695 16.2402 95.0476 16.2402H95.5478V16.5163C95.5478 17.9428 94.4564 19.5993 92.9328 19.5993C91.7504 19.5993 91.1819 18.8631 91.1819 18.0808Z" fill="fillColor"/> <path d="M98.7551 25.6735C98.7551 25.6735 99.7784 26.4327 101.165 26.4327C102.916 26.4327 104.531 25.5124 105.349 23.3727L110.534 9.86696H107.373L105.099 16.6773C104.895 17.2985 104.713 18.2189 104.713 18.2189H104.667C104.667 18.2189 104.463 17.2525 104.235 16.6313L101.802 9.86696H98.5505L103.439 21.417L103.007 22.4523C102.575 23.4877 101.802 23.9709 101.006 23.9709C100.347 23.9709 99.7101 23.4877 99.7101 23.4877L98.7551 25.6735Z" fill="fillColor"/> <path d="M110.292 15.734C110.292 19.0702 112.679 21.8771 116.522 21.8771C119.41 21.8771 121.184 20.1976 121.184 20.1976L120.07 18.1038C120.07 18.1038 118.592 19.3923 116.727 19.3923C114.999 19.3923 113.43 18.3339 113.248 16.2862H121.252C121.252 16.2862 121.32 15.5039 121.32 15.1588C121.32 12.0527 119.524 9.59086 116.181 9.59086C112.725 9.59086 110.292 12.1217 110.292 15.734ZM113.339 14.2845C113.612 12.766 114.635 11.8456 116.113 11.8456C117.386 11.8456 118.364 12.6969 118.41 14.2845H113.339Z" fill="fillColor"/> <path d="M123.019 21.601H125.907V16.9534C125.907 16.2632 125.975 15.619 126.157 15.0438C126.703 13.2951 128.09 12.5819 129.318 12.5819C129.704 12.5819 130 12.6279 130 12.6279V9.75192C130 9.75192 129.75 9.7059 129.477 9.7059C127.703 9.7059 126.316 11.0404 125.793 12.72H125.748C125.748 12.72 125.793 12.3288 125.793 11.8917V9.86696H123.019V21.601Z" fill="fillColor"/> <path d="M16.3207 2.56818C17.1127 3.01125 17.6044 3.85472 17.6044 4.77047L17.6044 22.2295C17.6044 23.1453 17.1127 23.9887 16.3207 24.4318L12.2978 26.6822C10.6402 27.6095 8.60742 26.3964 8.60742 24.4799L8.60742 2.52006C8.60742 0.603592 10.6402 -0.609495 12.2978 0.317766L16.3207 2.56818Z" fill="fillColor"/> <path d="M6.53831 4.6235C6.63308 4.80144 6.68269 5.00041 6.68269 5.20254V21.7829C6.68269 21.985 6.63308 22.184 6.53831 22.3619C5.94389 23.478 4.27002 23.0507 4.27002 21.7829L4.27002 5.20253C4.27002 3.93466 5.94389 3.50737 6.53831 4.6235Z" fill="fillColor"/> <path d="M2.26829 7.92355C2.36306 8.10149 2.41267 8.30046 2.41267 8.50259L2.41267 18.5099C2.41267 18.7121 2.36306 18.911 2.26829 19.089C1.67387 20.2051 -5.47727e-08 19.7778 0 18.5099L4.95939e-07 8.50258C5.50711e-07 7.23471 1.67387 6.80742 2.26829 7.92355Z" fill="fillColor"/> </svg> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex justify-center items-center"> <svg class="h-9 hover:text-gray-900 dark:hover:text-white" viewBox="0.00 0.00 1786.00 206.00" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 0.00 0.00 Q 1.51 -0.11 0.31 0.00 L 121.63 106.47 Q 122.05 106.84 122.46 106.47 L 241.64 0.00 L 242.02 0.00 L 242.01 70.14 A 1.31 1.31 0.0 0 1 241.58 71.11 L 122.39 177.61 Q 122.09 177.87 121.80 177.61 L 0.00 70.74 L 0.00 0.00 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 389.63 206.00 L 377.80 206.00 Q 357.73 204.73 341.00 194.32 Q 319.64 181.03 320.22 155.54 Q 320.23 155.00 320.77 155.00 L 350.76 155.00 Q 351.38 155.00 351.36 155.62 C 351.02 170.92 360.18 178.70 374.56 181.38 C 387.74 183.83 408.68 181.33 409.86 163.68 C 410.88 148.56 396.38 142.75 383.86 138.88 C 367.35 133.78 350.17 128.11 337.02 117.51 Q 328.75 110.85 325.86 99.22 Q 319.80 74.84 337.56 59.08 Q 347.36 50.37 361.76 46.82 C 387.73 40.42 418.05 45.19 434.24 67.98 Q 441.44 78.12 440.62 92.36 Q 440.60 92.75 440.20 92.75 L 410.54 92.75 A 0.38 0.38 0.0 0 1 410.16 92.40 Q 408.21 71.78 388.10 68.87 C 375.03 66.97 355.15 71.61 356.14 88.75 Q 356.69 98.39 366.72 103.29 Q 378.36 108.98 387.33 111.51 C 402.87 115.91 420.15 122.56 431.32 134.17 C 441.71 144.98 444.05 163.36 439.23 177.01 C 432.01 197.46 408.83 204.30 389.63 206.00 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 1344.12 206.00 L 1333.01 206.00 C 1298.72 203.36 1274.89 177.88 1273.34 144.00 Q 1273.01 136.75 1273.42 108.01 C 1273.89 74.38 1297.50 47.47 1331.49 44.55 C 1371.21 41.14 1403.32 67.39 1404.30 108.01 Q 1404.54 118.10 1404.44 139.75 C 1404.27 175.74 1380.92 202.99 1344.12 206.00 Z M 1304.88 108.88 Q 1304.61 128.65 1304.92 141.74 C 1305.32 158.69 1313.34 177.92 1331.74 180.96 C 1358.93 185.46 1372.62 164.33 1372.70 140.26 Q 1372.77 117.08 1372.62 107.77 C 1372.30 88.65 1361.37 70.64 1341.00 69.30 C 1316.84 67.71 1305.17 87.37 1304.88 108.88 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 532.75 71.37 L 532.75 203.38 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 1 532.38 203.75 L 501.37 203.75 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 1 501.00 203.38 L 501.00 71.37 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 0 500.63 71.00 L 457.12 71.00 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 1 456.75 70.63 L 456.75 46.87 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 1 457.12 46.50 L 576.88 46.50 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 1 577.25 46.87 L 577.25 70.63 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 1 576.88 71.00 L 533.12 71.00 A 0.37 0.37 0.0 0 0 532.75 71.37 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 634.00 141.52 L 634.00 203.25 Q 634.00 203.75 633.50 203.75 L 602.75 203.75 Q 602.25 203.75 602.25 203.25 L 602.25 47.02 Q 602.25 46.55 602.72 46.55 Q 632.17 46.40 661.49 46.56 C 690.60 46.72 719.19 59.09 718.81 92.93 Q 718.53 116.98 694.84 127.67 Q 694.14 127.99 694.87 128.23 Q 715.14 134.92 718.89 154.74 C 721.51 168.56 715.93 190.89 727.66 201.32 A 1.39 1.39 0.0 0 1 726.74 203.75 L 695.27 203.75 Q 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0 905.67 119.98 L 962.31 203.27 A 0.31 0.31 0.0 0 1 962.05 203.75 L 924.08 203.75 A 0.31 0.31 0.0 0 1 923.82 203.61 L 881.87 138.39 A 0.31 0.31 0.0 0 0 881.61 138.25 L 864.81 138.25 A 0.31 0.31 0.0 0 0 864.50 138.56 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 1019.60 110.25 L 1083.90 110.25 A 0.35 0.35 0.0 0 1 1084.25 110.60 L 1084.25 134.40 A 0.35 0.35 0.0 0 1 1083.90 134.75 L 1019.60 134.75 A 0.35 0.35 0.0 0 0 1019.25 135.10 L 1019.25 178.90 A 0.35 0.35 0.0 0 0 1019.60 179.25 L 1094.90 179.25 A 0.35 0.35 0.0 0 1 1095.25 179.60 L 1095.25 203.40 A 0.35 0.35 0.0 0 1 1094.90 203.75 L 987.85 203.75 A 0.35 0.35 0.0 0 1 987.50 203.40 L 987.50 46.87 A 0.35 0.35 0.0 0 1 987.85 46.52 L 1094.65 46.49 A 0.35 0.35 0.0 0 1 1095.00 46.84 L 1095.00 70.65 A 0.35 0.35 0.0 0 1 1094.65 71.00 L 1019.60 71.00 A 0.35 0.35 0.0 0 0 1019.25 71.35 L 1019.25 109.90 A 0.35 0.35 0.0 0 0 1019.60 110.25 Z" /> <path fill="fillColor" d=" M 1158.25 147.27 L 1158.25 203.25 Q 1158.25 203.75 1157.75 203.75 L 1126.75 203.75 A 0.25 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62.4454C121.397 59.8711 122.576 56.3774 122.576 51.9643C122.576 47.5512 121.397 44.0942 119.04 41.5935C116.683 39.0192 113.663 37.732 109.98 37.732C106.297 37.732 103.277 39.0192 100.92 41.5935C98.5627 44.0942 97.3841 47.5512 97.3841 51.9643C97.3841 56.3774 98.5627 59.8711 100.92 62.4454C103.277 64.9462 106.297 66.1965 109.98 66.1965Z" fill="fillColor"></path> <path d="M184.153 82.856C177.524 82.856 171.594 81.5321 166.365 78.8842C161.135 76.2363 157.047 72.5588 154.1 67.8514C151.227 63.1441 149.791 57.8116 149.791 51.8539C149.791 45.8963 151.227 40.6005 154.1 35.9668C157.047 31.2595 161.135 27.6187 166.365 25.0444C171.594 22.3965 177.524 21.0726 184.153 21.0726C190.93 21.0726 196.786 22.5436 201.721 25.4857C206.657 28.3542 210.155 32.3627 212.218 37.5114L195.976 45.7859C193.25 40.4167 189.273 37.732 184.043 37.732C180.286 37.732 177.156 38.9824 174.651 41.4832C172.221 43.9839 171.005 47.4408 171.005 51.8539C171.005 56.3406 172.221 59.8711 174.651 62.4454C177.156 64.9462 180.286 66.1965 184.043 66.1965C189.273 66.1965 193.25 63.5119 195.976 58.1426L212.218 66.4172C210.155 71.5658 206.657 75.6112 201.721 78.5532C196.786 81.4217 190.93 82.856 184.153 82.856Z" fill="fillColor"></path> <path d="M249.528 82.856C243.12 82.856 237.337 81.5321 232.181 78.8842C227.025 76.2363 222.974 72.5588 220.027 67.8514C217.155 63.1441 215.718 57.8116 215.718 51.8539C215.718 45.9698 217.155 40.6741 220.027 35.9668C222.974 31.2595 226.988 27.6187 232.071 25.0444C237.227 22.3965 243.046 21.0726 249.528 21.0726C256.01 21.0726 261.83 22.3965 266.986 25.0444C272.142 27.6187 276.156 31.2595 279.029 35.9668C281.902 40.6005 283.338 45.8963 283.338 51.8539C283.338 57.8116 281.902 63.1441 279.029 67.8514C276.156 72.5588 272.142 76.2363 266.986 78.8842C261.83 81.5321 256.01 82.856 249.528 82.856ZM249.528 66.1965C253.211 66.1965 256.231 64.9462 258.588 62.4454C260.946 59.8711 262.124 56.3406 262.124 51.8539C262.124 47.4408 260.946 43.9839 258.588 41.4832C256.231 38.9824 253.211 37.732 249.528 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dark:text-white"> Unlock the Benefits of Next-Gen Email Monitoring </h2> <p class="mt-4 text-base font-normal text-gray-500 sm:text-xl dark:text-gray-400"> IPMonitor Is the Complete Monitoring Solution You've Been Searching For </p> </div> <div class="p-4 mt-8 rounded-lg sm:p-12 lg:mt-16 bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-800"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-8 sm:gap-12 lg:grid-cols-2"> <div class="flex flex-col items-start gap-4 sm:gap-5 sm:flex-row"> <div class="bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-700 rounded-full w-16 h-16 lg:w-24 lg:h-24 flex items-center justify-center shrink-0"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="w-10 lg:w-12 h-10 lg:h-12 text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-500" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 12.75L11.25 15 15 9.75M21 12c0 1.268-.63 2.39-1.593 3.068a3.745 3.745 0 01-1.043 3.296 3.745 3.745 0 01-3.296 1.043A3.745 3.745 0 0112 21c-1.268 0-2.39-.63-3.068-1.593a3.746 3.746 0 01-3.296-1.043 3.745 3.745 0 01-1.043-3.296A3.745 3.745 0 013 12c0-1.268.63-2.39 1.593-3.068a3.745 3.745 0 011.043-3.296 3.746 3.746 0 013.296-1.043A3.746 3.746 0 0112 3c1.268 0 2.39.63 3.068 1.593a3.746 3.746 0 013.296 1.043 3.746 3.746 0 011.043 3.296A3.745 3.745 0 0121 12z" /> </svg> </div> <div> <h3 class="text-xl font-bold text-gray-900 sm:text-2xl dark:text-white"> Stay Ahead with Real-Time Monitoring </h3> <p class="mt-2 text-base font-normal text-gray-500 sm:text-lg dark:text-gray-400"> IPMonitor provides up-to-the-second tracking of your email IPs and domains, ensuring you can address issues before they become catastrophes. Ideal for server administrators at tech companies, email marketers, and consultants alike. </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col items-start gap-4 sm:gap-5 sm:flex-row"> <div class="bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-700 rounded-full w-16 h-16 lg:w-24 lg:h-24 flex items-center justify-center shrink-0"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="w-10 lg:w-12 h-10 lg:h-12 text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-500" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 12.75L11.25 15 15 9.75M21 12c0 1.268-.63 2.39-1.593 3.068a3.745 3.745 0 01-1.043 3.296 3.745 3.745 0 01-3.296 1.043A3.745 3.745 0 0112 21c-1.268 0-2.39-.63-3.068-1.593a3.746 3.746 0 01-3.296-1.043 3.745 3.745 0 01-1.043-3.296A3.745 3.745 0 013 12c0-1.268.63-2.39 1.593-3.068a3.745 3.745 0 011.043-3.296 3.746 3.746 0 013.296-1.043A3.746 3.746 0 0112 3c1.268 0 2.39.63 3.068 1.593a3.746 3.746 0 013.296 1.043 3.746 3.746 0 011.043 3.296A3.745 3.745 0 0121 12z" /> </svg> </div> <div> <h3 class="text-xl font-bold text-gray-900 sm:text-2xl dark:text-white"> Never Miss a Beat with Immediate Alerts </h3> <p class="mt-2 text-base font-normal text-gray-500 sm:text-lg dark:text-gray-400"> Whether you're overseeing internal systems or managing client accounts, our instant alert system lets you react immediately to any issues, safeguarding your email delivery reputation. </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col items-start gap-4 sm:gap-5 sm:flex-row"> <div class="bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-700 rounded-full w-16 h-16 lg:w-24 lg:h-24 flex items-center justify-center shrink-0"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="w-10 lg:w-12 h-10 lg:h-12 text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-500" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 12.75L11.25 15 15 9.75M21 12c0 1.268-.63 2.39-1.593 3.068a3.745 3.745 0 01-1.043 3.296 3.745 3.745 0 01-3.296 1.043A3.745 3.745 0 0112 21c-1.268 0-2.39-.63-3.068-1.593a3.746 3.746 0 01-3.296-1.043 3.745 3.745 0 01-1.043-3.296A3.745 3.745 0 013 12c0-1.268.63-2.39 1.593-3.068a3.745 3.745 0 011.043-3.296 3.746 3.746 0 013.296-1.043A3.746 3.746 0 0112 3c1.268 0 2.39.63 3.068 1.593a3.746 3.746 0 013.296 1.043 3.746 3.746 0 011.043 3.296A3.745 3.745 0 0121 12z" /> </svg> </div> <div> <h3 class="text-xl font-bold text-gray-900 sm:text-2xl dark:text-white"> Navigate with Ease </h3> <p class="mt-2 text-base font-normal text-gray-500 sm:text-lg dark:text-gray-400"> Designed for efficiency and ease-of-use, IPMonitor's user interface makes it simple for anyone—from tech experts to newcomers—to monitor email health effectively. </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col items-start gap-4 sm:gap-5 sm:flex-row"> <div class="bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-700 rounded-full w-16 h-16 lg:w-24 lg:h-24 flex items-center justify-center shrink-0"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="w-10 lg:w-12 h-10 lg:h-12 text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-500" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 12.75L11.25 15 15 9.75M21 12c0 1.268-.63 2.39-1.593 3.068a3.745 3.745 0 01-1.043 3.296 3.745 3.745 0 01-3.296 1.043A3.745 3.745 0 0112 21c-1.268 0-2.39-.63-3.068-1.593a3.746 3.746 0 01-3.296-1.043 3.745 3.745 0 01-1.043-3.296A3.745 3.745 0 013 12c0-1.268.63-2.39 1.593-3.068a3.745 3.745 0 011.043-3.296 3.746 3.746 0 013.296-1.043A3.746 3.746 0 0112 3c1.268 0 2.39.63 3.068 1.593a3.746 3.746 0 013.296 1.043 3.746 3.746 0 011.043 3.296A3.745 3.745 0 0121 12z" /> </svg> </div> <div> <h3 class="text-xl font-bold text-gray-900 sm:text-2xl dark:text-white"> Dive Deep with Comprehensive Reports </h3> <p class="mt-2 text-base font-normal text-gray-500 sm:text-lg dark:text-gray-400"> Data-driven decision-making just got easier. With our in-depth reporting features, assess the health of your email delivery systems in detail, perfect for optimizing campaigns or client consultations. </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col items-start gap-4 sm:gap-5 sm:flex-row"> <div class="bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-700 rounded-full w-16 h-16 lg:w-24 lg:h-24 flex items-center justify-center shrink-0"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="w-10 lg:w-12 h-10 lg:h-12 text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-500" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 12.75L11.25 15 15 9.75M21 12c0 1.268-.63 2.39-1.593 3.068a3.745 3.745 0 01-1.043 3.296 3.745 3.745 0 01-3.296 1.043A3.745 3.745 0 0112 21c-1.268 0-2.39-.63-3.068-1.593a3.746 3.746 0 01-3.296-1.043 3.745 3.745 0 01-1.043-3.296A3.745 3.745 0 013 12c0-1.268.63-2.39 1.593-3.068a3.745 3.745 0 011.043-3.296 3.746 3.746 0 013.296-1.043A3.746 3.746 0 0112 3c1.268 0 2.39.63 3.068 1.593a3.746 3.746 0 013.296 1.043 3.746 3.746 0 011.043 3.296A3.745 3.745 0 0121 12z" /> </svg> </div> <div> <h3 class="text-xl font-bold text-gray-900 sm:text-2xl dark:text-white"> Scale with Confidence </h3> <p class="mt-2 text-base font-normal text-gray-500 sm:text-lg dark:text-gray-400"> As your business grows, IPMonitor scales with you. Suitable for mid to large-sized tech companies, our system adapts to meet your expanding needs without compromising efficiency. </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col items-start gap-4 sm:gap-5 sm:flex-row"> <div class="bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-700 rounded-full w-16 h-16 lg:w-24 lg:h-24 flex items-center justify-center shrink-0"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="w-10 lg:w-12 h-10 lg:h-12 text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-500" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 12.75L11.25 15 15 9.75M21 12c0 1.268-.63 2.39-1.593 3.068a3.745 3.745 0 01-1.043 3.296 3.745 3.745 0 01-3.296 1.043A3.745 3.745 0 0112 21c-1.268 0-2.39-.63-3.068-1.593a3.746 3.746 0 01-3.296-1.043 3.745 3.745 0 01-1.043-3.296A3.745 3.745 0 013 12c0-1.268.63-2.39 1.593-3.068a3.745 3.745 0 011.043-3.296 3.746 3.746 0 013.296-1.043A3.746 3.746 0 0112 3c1.268 0 2.39.63 3.068 1.593a3.746 3.746 0 013.296 1.043 3.746 3.746 0 011.043 3.296A3.745 3.745 0 0121 12z" /> </svg> </div> <div> <h3 class="text-xl font-bold text-gray-900 sm:text-2xl dark:text-white"> Achieve Unparalleled Peace of Mind </h3> <p class="mt-2 text-base font-normal text-gray-500 sm:text-lg dark:text-gray-400"> IPMonitor is more than just a monitoring tool; it's your trusted partner in ensuring your email systems are always in good standing. Sleep easier knowing you're protected. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-8 text-center lg:mt-16"> <a href="#" title="" class="text-white inline-flex items-center bg-primary-700 hover:bg-primary-800 focus:ring-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring-primary-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-base px-5 py-2.5 text-center dark:bg-primary-600 dark:hover:bg-primary-700 dark:focus:ring-primary-800" role="button"> Get All These Benefits Now <svg aria-hidden="true" class="w-5 h-5 ml-2 -mr-1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M12.293 5.293a1 1 0 011.414 0l4 4a1 1 0 010 1.414l-4 4a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414L14.586 11H3a1 1 0 110-2h11.586l-2.293-2.293a1 1 0 010-1.414z" clip-rule="evenodd"/> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-900 antialiased" id="section-features"> <div class="max-w-screen-xl px-4 pt-8 mx-auto lg:px-6 sm:pt-16 lg:pt-24"> <div class="max-w-3xl mx-auto text-center"> <h2 class="text-3xl font-extrabold leading-tight tracking-tight text-gray-900 sm:text-4xl dark:text-white"> Unlock Cutting-Edge Features for Flawless Monitoring </h2> <p class="mt-4 text-base font-normal text-gray-500 sm:text-xl dark:text-gray-400"> From Real-Time Alerts to In-Depth Analytics, Explore IPMonitor's Robust Features </p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-900"> <div class="gap-8 items-center py-4 px-4 mx-auto max-w-screen-xl xl:gap-16 md:grid md:grid-cols-2 sm:py-4 lg:px-6"> <img class="w-full dark:hidden" src="" alt="IPMonitor Real-Time Monitoring"> <img class="w-full hidden dark:block" src="" alt="IPMonitor Real-Time Monitoring"> <div class="mt-4 md:mt-0"> <h2 class="mb-4 text-4xl tracking-tight font-extrabold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Real-Time Monitoring</h2> <p class="mb-6 font-light text-gray-500 md:text-lg dark:text-gray-400">Never be caught off guard again. IPMonitor’s real-time monitoring provides up-to-the-minute updates on the health of your email sending IP addresses and domains, enabling proactive issue resolution.</p> <a onclick="posthog.capture('purchase_intent', { 'section': 'cta' })" href="#section-purchase" class="inline-flex items-center text-white bg-primary-700 hover:bg-primary-800 focus:ring-4 focus:ring-primary-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center dark:focus:ring-primary-900"> Get IPMonitor Now <svg class="ml-2 -mr-1 w-5 h-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10.293 3.293a1 1 0 011.414 0l6 6a1 1 0 010 1.414l-6 6a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414L14.586 11H3a1 1 0 110-2h11.586l-4.293-4.293a1 1 0 010-1.414z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> </a> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-900"> <div class="gap-8 items-center py-4 px-4 mx-auto max-w-screen-xl xl:gap-16 md:grid md:grid-cols-2 sm:py-4 lg:px-6"> <div class="mt-4 md:mt-0"> <h2 class="mb-4 text-4xl tracking-tight font-extrabold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Instant Alert System</h2> <p class="mb-6 font-light text-gray-500 md:text-lg dark:text-gray-400">Receive immediate notifications via email, SMS, or in-app alerts for any irregularities or issues, allowing you to take corrective action instantly.</p> <a onclick="posthog.capture('purchase_intent', { 'section': 'cta' })" href="#section-purchase" class="inline-flex items-center text-white bg-primary-700 hover:bg-primary-800 focus:ring-4 focus:ring-primary-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center dark:focus:ring-primary-900"> Get IPMonitor Now <svg class="ml-2 -mr-1 w-5 h-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10.293 3.293a1 1 0 011.414 0l6 6a1 1 0 010 1.414l-6 6a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414L14.586 11H3a1 1 0 110-2h11.586l-4.293-4.293a1 1 0 010-1.414z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> </a> </div> <img class="w-full dark:hidden" src="" alt="IPMonitor Instant Alert System"> <img class="w-full hidden dark:block" src="" alt="IPMonitor Instant Alert System"> </div> </section> <section class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-900"> <div class="gap-8 items-center py-4 px-4 mx-auto max-w-screen-xl xl:gap-16 md:grid md:grid-cols-2 sm:py-4 lg:px-6"> <img class="w-full dark:hidden" src="" alt="IPMonitor User Friendly Dashboard"> <img class="w-full hidden dark:block" src="" alt="IPMonitor User Friendly Dashboard"> <div class="mt-4 md:mt-0"> <h2 class="mb-4 text-4xl tracking-tight font-extrabold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">User-Friendly Dashboard</h2> <p class="mb-6 font-light text-gray-500 md:text-lg dark:text-gray-400">Our intuitive dashboard makes it easy to navigate your monitoring data, offering a user-friendly experience that requires minimal training.</p> <a onclick="posthog.capture('purchase_intent', { 'section': 'cta' })" href="#section-purchase" class="inline-flex items-center text-white bg-primary-700 hover:bg-primary-800 focus:ring-4 focus:ring-primary-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center dark:focus:ring-primary-900"> Get IPMonitor Now <svg class="ml-2 -mr-1 w-5 h-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10.293 3.293a1 1 0 011.414 0l6 6a1 1 0 010 1.414l-6 6a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414L14.586 11H3a1 1 0 110-2h11.586l-4.293-4.293a1 1 0 010-1.414z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> </a> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-900"> <div class="gap-8 items-center py-4 px-4 mx-auto max-w-screen-xl xl:gap-16 md:grid md:grid-cols-2 sm:py-4 lg:px-6"> <div class="mt-4 md:mt-0"> <h2 class="mb-4 text-4xl tracking-tight font-extrabold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Detailed Reporting</h2> <p class="mb-6 font-light text-gray-500 md:text-lg dark:text-gray-400">Make informed decisions with our detailed reports. From daily summaries to historical data, IPMonitor puts vital information at your fingertips.</p> <a onclick="posthog.capture('purchase_intent', { 'section': 'cta' })" href="#section-purchase" class="inline-flex items-center text-white bg-primary-700 hover:bg-primary-800 focus:ring-4 focus:ring-primary-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center dark:focus:ring-primary-900"> Get IPMonitor Now <svg class="ml-2 -mr-1 w-5 h-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10.293 3.293a1 1 0 011.414 0l6 6a1 1 0 010 1.414l-6 6a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414L14.586 11H3a1 1 0 110-2h11.586l-4.293-4.293a1 1 0 010-1.414z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> </a> </div> <img class="w-full dark:hidden" src="" alt="IPMonitor User Friendly Dashboard"> <img class="w-full hidden dark:block" src="" alt="IPMonitor User Friendly Dashboard"> </div> </section> <section class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-900"> <div class="gap-8 items-center py-4 px-4 mx-auto max-w-screen-xl xl:gap-16 md:grid md:grid-cols-2 sm:py-4 lg:px-6"> <img class="w-full dark:hidden" src="" alt="IPMonitor Multi-User Support"> <img class="w-full hidden dark:block" src="" alt="IPMonitor Multi-User Support"> <div class="mt-4 md:mt-0"> <h2 class="mb-4 text-4xl tracking-tight font-extrabold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Multi-User Support</h2> <p class="mb-6 font-light text-gray-500 md:text-lg dark:text-gray-400">Whether you're a lone administrator or part of a larger team, IPMonitor’s multi-user support ensures everyone can track email system health effectively.</p> <a onclick="posthog.capture('purchase_intent', { 'section': 'cta' })" href="#section-purchase" class="inline-flex items-center text-white bg-primary-700 hover:bg-primary-800 focus:ring-4 focus:ring-primary-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center dark:focus:ring-primary-900"> Get IPMonitor Now <svg class="ml-2 -mr-1 w-5 h-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10.293 3.293a1 1 0 011.414 0l6 6a1 1 0 010 1.414l-6 6a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414L14.586 11H3a1 1 0 110-2h11.586l-4.293-4.293a1 1 0 010-1.414z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> </a> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-900"> <div class="gap-8 items-center py-4 px-4 mx-auto max-w-screen-xl xl:gap-16 md:grid md:grid-cols-2 sm:py-4 lg:px-6"> <div class="mt-4 md:mt-0"> <h2 class="mb-4 text-4xl tracking-tight font-extrabold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Secure and Compliant</h2> <p class="mb-6 font-light text-gray-500 md:text-lg dark:text-gray-400">With advanced security protocols and compliance with industry standards, IPMonitor provides a safe and secure environment for your email monitoring needs.</p> <a onclick="posthog.capture('purchase_intent', { 'section': 'cta' })" href="#section-purchase" class="inline-flex items-center text-white bg-primary-700 hover:bg-primary-800 focus:ring-4 focus:ring-primary-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center dark:focus:ring-primary-900"> Get IPMonitor Now <svg class="ml-2 -mr-1 w-5 h-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10.293 3.293a1 1 0 011.414 0l6 6a1 1 0 010 1.414l-6 6a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414L14.586 11H3a1 1 0 110-2h11.586l-4.293-4.293a1 1 0 010-1.414z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg> </a> </div> <img class="w-full dark:hidden" src="" alt="IPMonitor Secure and Compliant"> <img class="w-full hidden dark:block" src="" alt="IPMonitor Secure and Compliant"> </div> </section> <section class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-900" id="section-purchase"> <div class="py-8 px-4 mx-auto max-w-screen-xl sm:py-16 lg:px-6"> <div class="mx-auto max-w-screen-md text-center mb-8 lg:mb-12"> <h2 class="mb-4 text-4xl tracking-tight font-extrabold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Invest in Optimal Email Health: Choose Your Plan</h2> <p class="mb-5 font-light text-gray-500 sm:text-xl dark:text-gray-400">Affordable options to meet your email monitoring needs. Benefit from our tiered pricing and special offers.</p> </div> <div class="grid gap-8 xl:grid-col xl:gap-10"> <!-- Pricing Card --> <div wire:snapshot="{"data":{"showPaymentForm":false},"memo":{"id":"qetVNFfq4Y3CDmtQr2Tf","name":"payment","path":"\/","method":"GET","children":[],"errors":[],"locale":"en"},"checksum":"b4ab00b3ef26f49de34c88b98e2b6cd097c4d5361ef48c2d5f1acdc9fd6f2e6f"}" wire:effects="[]" wire:id="qetVNFfq4Y3CDmtQr2Tf"> <script src=""></script> <script> const stripe = Stripe('pk_live_B1CIV9QPSXD4oelrDdmEH6pP'); const items = []; let elements; async function initialize() { const {clientSecret} = await fetch("/stripe/payment-intent", { method: "POST", headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, body: JSON.stringify({items}), }).then((r) => r.json()); const appearance = { theme: 'stripe' }; const options = { mode: 'billing' }; elements = stripe.elements({clientSecret, appearance}); const paymentElementOptions = { layout: "tabs", }; const paymentElement = elements.create("payment", paymentElementOptions); paymentElement.mount("#payment-element"); paymentElement.mount('#payment-element'); } async function handleSubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); setLoading(true); const {error} = await stripe.confirmPayment({ elements, confirmParams: { // Make sure to change this to your payment completion page return_url: "", payment_method_data: { billing_details: { email: document.getElementById("email").value, name: document.getElementById("name").value } }, receipt_email: document.getElementById("email").value, }, }); // This point will only be reached if there is an immediate error when // confirming the payment. Otherwise, your customer will be redirected to // your `return_url`. For some payment methods like iDEAL, your customer will // be redirected to an intermediate site first to authorize the payment, then // redirected to the `return_url`. if (error.type === "card_error" || error.type === "validation_error") { showMessage(error.message); } else { showMessage("An unexpected error occurred."); } setLoading(false); } async function checkStatus() { const clientSecret = new URLSearchParams( "payment_intent_client_secret" ); if (!clientSecret) { return; } const {paymentIntent} = await stripe.retrievePaymentIntent(clientSecret); switch (paymentIntent.status) { case "succeeded": showMessage("Payment succeeded!"); break; case "processing": showMessage("Your payment is processing."); break; case "requires_payment_method": showMessage("Your payment was not successful, please try again."); break; default: showMessage("Something went wrong."); break; } } function showMessage(messageText) { const messageContainer = document.querySelector("#payment-message"); messageContainer.classList.remove("hidden"); messageContainer.textContent = messageText; setTimeout(function () { messageContainer.classList.add("hidden"); messageContainer.textContent = ""; }, 4000); } function setLoading(isLoading) { if (isLoading) { // Disable the button and show a spinner document.querySelector("#submit").disabled = true; document.querySelector("#spinner").classList.remove("hidden"); document.querySelector("#button-text").classList.add("hidden"); } else { document.querySelector("#submit").disabled = false; document.querySelector("#spinner").classList.add("hidden"); document.querySelector("#button-text").classList.remove("hidden"); } } document.addEventListener('livewire:initialized', () => { Livewire.on('show-payment-form', () => { initialize(); checkStatus(); document.querySelector("#stripe-payment-form").addEventListener("submit", handleSubmit); }); }); </script> <!--[if BLOCK]><![endif]--> <!--[if ENDBLOCK]><![endif]--> <div class="bg-white rounded-lg shadow-xl border-gray-100 border lg:grid lg:grid-cols-3 dark:bg-gray-800"> <div class="col-span-2 p-6 lg:p-8"> <h2 class="mb-1 text-2xl font-bold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Exclusive Introductory Pricing: Special Limited-Time Offer</h2> <p class="text-lg font-light text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">Secure your license at a <span class="underline">limited-time discounted</span> rate. This exclusive pricing is available only for a short period, so grab yours today before the price goes up! </p> <form class="mt-4 w-full" id="stripe-payment-form" class="hidden"> <div class="hidden"> <input type="text" id="name" placeholder="Enter your name"> </div> <div class="hidden"> <input type="text" id="email" placeholder="Enter email address"> </div> <div id="payment-element" class="hidden"></div> <button id="submit" class="hidden"> <div class="spinner hidden" id="spinner"></div> <span id="button-text">Pay Now</span> </button> <div id="payment-message" class="hidden"></div> </form> <div class=" grid gap-4 mt-4 lg:mt-6 sm:grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3"> <!-- List --> <ul role="list" class="space-y-4 dark:text-white"> <li class="flex space-x-2.5"> <!-- Icon --> <svg class="flex-shrink-0 w-5 h-5 text-green-500 dark:text-green-400" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.707-9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414-1.414L9 10.586 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Contact Us <svg class="ml-2 w-5 h-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M12.293 5.293a1 1 0 011.414 0l4 4a1 1 0 010 1.414l-4 4a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414L14.586 11H3a1 1 0 110-2h11.586l-2.293-2.293a1 1 0 010-1.414z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-3 gap-4 my-12"> <div class="bg-gray-50 border border-gray-200 p-4 rounded-xl"> <div class="font-bold flex align-center gap-2 mb-4"> <svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" class="w-6 h-6"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 12.75L11.25 15 15 9.75m-3-7.036A11.959 11.959 0 013.598 6 11.99 11.99 0 003 9.749c0 5.592 3.824 10.29 9 11.623 5.176-1.332 9-6.03 9-11.622 0-1.31-.21-2.571-.598-3.751h-.152c-3.196 0-6.1-1.248-8.25-3.285z"/> </svg> Risk-Free Promise </div> <div>With our 30-day money-back guarantee, there's no reason not to try IPMonitor.</div> </div> <div class="bg-gray-50 border border-gray-200 p-4 rounded-xl"> <div class="font-bold flex align-center gap-2 mb-4"> <svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" class="w-6 h-6"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 12.75L11.25 15 15 9.75m-3-7.036A11.959 11.959 0 013.598 6 11.99 11.99 0 003 9.749c0 5.592 3.824 10.29 9 11.623 5.176-1.332 9-6.03 9-11.622 0-1.31-.21-2.571-.598-3.751h-.152c-3.196 0-6.1-1.248-8.25-3.285z"/> </svg> Immediate Access </div> <div>Once you sign up, you'll get instant access to all of IPMonitor's features.</div> </div> <div class="bg-gray-50 border border-gray-200 p-4 rounded-xl"> <div class="font-bold flex align-center gap-2 mb-4"> <svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" class="w-6 h-6"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 12.75L11.25 15 15 9.75m-3-7.036A11.959 11.959 0 013.598 6 11.99 11.99 0 003 9.749c0 5.592 3.824 10.29 9 11.623 5.176-1.332 9-6.03 9-11.622 0-1.31-.21-2.571-.598-3.751h-.152c-3.196 0-6.1-1.248-8.25-3.285z"/> </svg> Dedicated Support </div> <div>Our team is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you get the most out of IPMonitor.</div> </div> </div> <div class="mx-auto max-w-screen-md text-center px-4 py-4"> <p class="text-lg">👉 Interested in cloud hosted version? <a href="#section-contact" class="underline font-bold">Get in touch with us</a>, we will help.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-900"> <div class="py-8 px-4 mx-auto max-w-screen-xl text-center lg:py-16 lg:px-6"> <div class="mx-auto max-w-screen-sm mb-8 lg:mb-16"> <h2 class="mb-4 text-4xl tracking-tight font-extrabold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">What Industry Leaders Are Saying About IPMonitor</h2> <p class="font-light text-gray-500 sm:text-xl dark:text-gray-400">Real Stories from Real People Who’ve Transformed Their Email Monitoring with IPMonitor</p> </div> <div id="" class="relative" "> <div class="overflow-x-hidden overflow-y-visible relative mx-auto max-w-screen-md h-52 rounded-lg sm:h-48"> <figure class=" mx-auto w-full max-w-screen-md" > <blockquote> <p class="text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 sm:text-2xl dark:text-white">"IPMonitor has been a game-changer for us at Sendloop. Its real-time monitoring capabilities and immediate alerts have significantly increased the reliability of our email systems. I can't imagine going back to how things were before."</p> </blockquote> <figcaption class="flex justify-center items-center mt-6 space-x-3"> <img class="w-6 h-6 rounded-full" src="" alt="Anna | Sendloop"> <div class="flex items-center divide-x-2 divide-gray-500 dark:divide-gray-700"> <div class="pr-3 font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Anna</div> <div class="pl-3 text-sm font-light text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">Sendloop</div> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-900"> <div class="py-8 px-4 mx-auto max-w-screen-xl sm:py-16 lg:px-6"> <div class="mx-auto max-w-screen-lg text-center"> <h2 class="mb-2 text-4xl tracking-tight font-extrabold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Frequently Asked Questions: Get the Answers You Need</h2> <p class="mb-8 text-gray-500 lg:text-lg dark:text-gray-400">From technical details to billing inquiries, find quick answers to the most common questions about IPMonitor.</p> </div> <div class="grid pt-8 text-left border-t border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-700 sm:gap-8 lg:gap-16 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3"> <div> <div class="mb-10"> <h3 class="mb-4 text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white"> Does it run on my server? </h3> <p class="text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">Yes, IPMonitor is an on-premise software and it runs on your server. You can initiate a VM on Linode, Digital Ocean, AWS, Google Cloud and others.</p> </div> <div class="mb-10"> <h3 class="mb-4 text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white"> Is it secure? </h3> <p class="mb-4 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">Yes, IPMonitor stores all your sender IP address and sender domain data on your server. You don't share your data on third party systems.</p> </div> <div class="mb-10"> <h3 class="mb-4 text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white"> Is the pricing recurring? </h3> <p class="mb-4 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">No. IPMonitor comes with a life-time perpetual license and the license price is a one-time payment. There's no recurring fees.</p> </div> </div> <div> <div class="mb-10"> <h3 class="mb-4 text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white"> How do I get future version updates? </h3> <p class="mb-4 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">Maintenance (ex: v1.0.x) and minor version (ex: v1.x.0) releases are always free. You just pay for the major version release updates and it's the 50% of the official license fee.</p> </div> <div class="mb-10"> <h3 class="mb-4 text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white"> How do I get support service? </h3> <p class="mb-4 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">We have a comprehensive help portal and also our team can be reached out via <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="a8c1d8c5c7c6c1dcc7dae8c7cbdccddcc086cbc7c5">[email protected]</a>.</p> </div> <div class="mb-10"> <h3 class="mb-4 text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white"> Do you offer a refund policy? </h3> <p class="mb-4 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">Yes, we offer a 60-day no questions asked money back guarantee. If you purchase an IPMonitor license and think that it doesn't fit your needs, you can request your money back within 60 days of your purchase. No strings attached.</p> </div> <div class="mb-10"> <h3 class="mb-4 text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white"> How can I purchase an IPMonitor license? </h3> <p class="mb-4 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">You can purchase IPMonitor online on our website. We accept credit and debit card payments.</p> </div> </div> <div> <div class="mb-10"> <h3 class="mb-4 text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white"> Is IPMonitor comes with source code? </h3> <p class="mb-4 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">IPMonitor source code is not accessible. You can purchase an IPMonitor license and use it on your server quickly. No customization is necessary.</p> </div> <div class="mb-10"> <h3 class="mb-4 text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white"> Can I rebrand and resell IPMonitor? </h3> <p class="mb-4 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">Yes, you can upgrade your license to a reseller license to rebrand and resell it as a SaaS service on your website.</p> </div> <div class="mb-10"> <h3 class="mb-4 text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white"> How many IP addresses and sender domains can I monitor? </h3> <p class="mb-4 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">Based on your license type, you can monitor as many IP addresses and sender domains as your license allows. There's no technical restriction.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-900"> <div class="py-8 px-4 mx-auto max-w-screen-xl lg:py-16 lg:px-6"> <div class="mx-auto max-w-screen-md sm:text-center"> <h2 class="mb-4 text-3xl tracking-tight font-extrabold text-gray-900 sm:text-4xl dark:text-white">Stay Ahead: Get IPMonitor Updates in Your Inbox</h2> <p class="mx-auto mb-8 max-w-2xl font-light text-gray-500 md:mb-12 sm:text-xl dark:text-gray-400">Be the first to know about updates, tips, and exclusive offers. 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