British Royal family | Princess Anne
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Sussex<option value=panne selected>Princess Anne<option value=mark>Mark Phillips<option value=peter>Peter Phillips<option value=autumn>Autumn Phillips<option value=zara>Zara Phillips<option value=mike>Mike Tindall<option value=timothy>Timothy Laurence<option value=andrew>Prince Andrew<option value=sarah>Sarah, Duchess of York<option value=beatrice>Princess Beatrice<option value=eugenie>Princess Eugenie<option value=edward>Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh<option value=sophie>Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh<option value=louise>Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor<option value=severn>James, Earl of Wessex </select> <label class="c-search__select-label" for="search">▼</label> </div> <div class="c-search__item c-search__item--action"> <a href='family.asp?id=mark'>Next ></a> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> <!-- End search dropdown --> <main class="c-main c-grid"> <div class="c-grid"> <article class="c-article"> <h1 class="c-article__title"> Princess Anne</h1> <div class="c-article__image-container"> <amp-img src="images/panne.jpg" alt="Princess Anne" height="245" width="195" class="c-article__image" ></amp-img> </div> <!-- Links bar --> <div class="c-links"> <nav> <ul class="c-links__list"> <li><a href ='royalfamily.asp'>Royal Family of Elizabeth II</a></li><li><a href='windsortree.asp'>House of Windsor Family Tree</a></li><li><a href='royals.asp#elizabeth2'>Detailed Tree</a></li><li><a href='timeline.asp#elizabeth2'>Timeline </a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> <!-- Biography --> <br><b>Title:</b> Princess Anne, Princess Royal<br><b>Full Name:</b> Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise<br><b>Father:</b> Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh<br><b>Mother:</b> Queen Elizabeth II<br><b>Born:</b> August 15, 1950 at Clarence House, London<br><b> Current Age:</b> 74 years, 3 months, and 10 days<br><b>Married (1):</b> Mark Phillips on November 14, 1973 at Westminster Abbey<br><b>Children:</b> Peter Phillips, Zara Phillips<br><b>Divorced:</b> April 28, 1992<br><b>Married (2):</b> Timothy Laurence on December 12, 1992 at Crathie, Ballater, Aberdeenshire<br><br>Princess Anne was born on 15 August 1950 at Clarence House in London. She is the second child and only daughter of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. She was baptised at Buckingham Palace on 21 October 1950 by the Archbishop of York. She is styled Her Royal Highness Princess Anne of Edinburgh. As a child she was more bossy and vivacious than her older brother Charles.<br><br>Princess Anne was educated privately at Buckingham Palace, and then at Benenden boarding School in Kent. She attained two A levels but was happiest in her love of the outdoors and horse riding. On leaving Benenden in 1968 she entered public life, and at 20 became president of Save the Children Fund on whose behalf she has worked tirelessly and visited over 70 counties. She is also Commandant-in-Chief of St John Ambulance, founded the Princess Royal Trust for Carers and is an official with over 200 charities. On 13 June 1987, the Queen bestowed her with the title of Princess Royal the title traditionally given to the monarch's eldest daughter. She carries out the most engagements of any member of the Royal Family, and holds a number of honorary appointments with the British Armed Forces and of several Commonwealth countries. <br><br>Her boyfriends included Andrew Parker Bowles (later husband of Camilla), and Richard Mead Olympic Champion at three-day eventing. On 14 November 1973 Princess Anne married Mark Phillips in Westminster Abbey, London. He was a Lieutenant and later Captain in the Queen抯 Dragoon Guards. He was offered but turned down an Earldom so their children have no courtesy titles. Their son Peter Phillips was born in 1977 and daughter Zara in 1981. In 1974 she was the target of a kidnap attempt in Pall Mall London when a deranged individual tried to bundle her into a car and hold her for ransom. In 1989 the Princess and Mark Phillips announced their intention to separate and they were divorced on 28 April 1992. She remarried Timothy Laurence, a naval Commander, on 12 December 1992 at Crathie Kirk a Church of Scotland church near the Balmoral Estate. <br><br>She has always been keen on horses and equitation events. In 1971 she won the individual title at the European Championship three-day event, and was voted the BBC抯 Sports Personality of the year. She won a silver medal in the individual and team events at the 1975 European Eventing Championship, and in 1976 participated with the British Team in the Montreal Olympic Games. She was a British representative in the International Olympic Committee, and a member of the London organising committee for the 2012 Olympic Games. Princess Anne is one of Britain's most popular royals and carries out numerous royal acitvities and events.<h2 class='c-article__title--secondary'>Princess Anne's Signature</h2><amp-img src='images/signature/panne_sig.jpg' height='80' width='160' alt='Signature of Princess Anne' ></amp-img> <div class="c-article__bottom"> <p> </p> <amp-ad layout="fixed-height" height=100 type="adsense" data-ad-client="pub-5197591191685784" data-ad-slot="8365007866"> </amp-ad> </div> </div> </article> </main> <!-- Search dropdown --> <div class="c-search__container"> <div class="c-grid"> <form method="get" action="family.asp" target="_top" id="selector2"> <div class="c-search"> <div class="c-search__item c-search__item--action"> <a href='family.asp?id=archie'>< Prev</a> </div> <div class="c-search__item c-search__item--select"> <select class="c-search__select" name="id" id="search" on="change:selector2.submit"> <option value='panne' selected>-------------- Royal Family ------------<option value=elizabeth2>Queen Elizabeth II<option value=philip>Prince Philip<option value=charles3>King Charles III<option value=diana>Diana, Princess of Wales<option value=camilla>Queen Camilla<option value=william>William, Prince of Wales<option value=kate>Catherine, Princess of Wales<option value=princegeorge>Prince George<option value=charlotte>Princess Charlotte<option value=louis>Prince Louis<option value=harry>Prince Henry (Harry)<option value=meghan>Meghan, Duchess of Sussex<option value=archie>Prince Archie of Sussex<option value=panne selected>Princess Anne<option value=mark>Mark Phillips<option value=peter>Peter Phillips<option value=autumn>Autumn Phillips<option value=zara>Zara Phillips<option value=mike>Mike Tindall<option value=timothy>Timothy Laurence<option value=andrew>Prince Andrew<option value=sarah>Sarah, Duchess of York<option value=beatrice>Princess Beatrice<option value=eugenie>Princess Eugenie<option value=edward>Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh<option value=sophie>Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh<option value=louise>Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor<option value=severn>James, Earl of Wessex </select> <label class="c-search__select-label" for="search">▲</label> </div> <div class="c-search__item c-search__item--action"> <a href='family.asp?id=mark'>Next ></a> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> <!-- End Kings search dropdown --> <!-- Footer --> <footer class="c-footer"> <div class="c-grid"> <nav> <ul class="c-footer__list"> <li><a href="index.asp">Home</a></li> <li><a href="royaltree.asp">Family Tree</a></li> <li><a href="rulers.asp">Kings & Queens</a></li> <li><a href="timeline.asp">Timeline</a></li> <li><a href="succession.asp">Succession</a></li> <li><a href="faqs.asp">FAQs</a></li> <li><a href="quiz1.asp">Quiz</a></li> <li><a href="contact.asp">Contact</a></li> </ul> </nav> <p>© Britroyals</p> </div> </footer> <amp-analytics type="googleanalytics" config="" data-credentials="include"> <script type="application/json"> { "vars": { "GA4_MEASUREMENT_ID": "G-K8FL45N68C", "GA4_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME": "", "DEFAULT_PAGEVIEW_ENABLED": true, "GOOGLE_CONSENT_ENABLED": false, "WEBVITALS_TRACKING": false, "PERFORMANCE_TIMING_TRACKING": false, "SEND_DOUBLECLICK_BEACON": false } } </script> </amp-analytics> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "item": { "@id": "", "name": "Elizabeth II Family" } },{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 2, "item": { "@id": "", "name": "Princess Anne" } },{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 3, "item": { "@id": "", "name": "Windsor Family Tree" } }] } </script> </body> </html>