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tr td:nth-child(3){font-size:85%}.mw-parser-output .wikitable tr td:nth-child(4){text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .short{color:crimson}</style> <style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1238436933">.mw-parser-output .ombox{margin:4px 0;border-collapse:collapse;border:1px solid #a2a9b1;background-color:var(--background-color-neutral-subtle,#f8f9fa);box-sizing:border-box;color:var(--color-base,#202122)}.mw-parser-output .ombox.mbox-small{font-size:88%;line-height:1.25em}.mw-parser-output .ombox-speedy{border:2px solid #b32424;background-color:#fee7e6}.mw-parser-output .ombox-delete{border:2px solid #b32424}.mw-parser-output .ombox-content{border:1px solid #f28500}.mw-parser-output .ombox-style{border:1px solid #fc3}.mw-parser-output .ombox-move{border:1px solid #9932cc}.mw-parser-output .ombox-protection{border:2px solid #a2a9b1}.mw-parser-output .ombox .mbox-text{border:none;padding:0.25em 0.9em;width:100%}.mw-parser-output .ombox .mbox-image{border:none;padding:2px 0 2px 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data-file-height="48" /></a></span></td><td class="mbox-text"><div style="font-size:18px">1263 pending AfC submissions</div> <ul><li>The entries here are arranged in such a way that the <u>likely good drafts show up at the top</u>. Rejected, blank or unsourced ones are at the bottom. In addition to these factors, the <a href="" class="extiw" title="mw:ORES">ORES</a> ratings and size are also used for setting the sort order.</li> <li>The size column gives the wikitext size excluding AFC templates and comments.</li> <li>Pages now in mainspace appear in <span style="color:green">green</span>.</li> <li><i>See also:</i> <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:AfC_sorting" title="Wikipedia:AfC sorting">AfC pending drafts sorting</a> - <a href="/wiki/User:SDZeroBot/G13_eligible" title="User:SDZeroBot/G13 eligible">G13 eligible drafts</a> - <a href="/wiki/User:SDZeroBot/G13_Watch" title="User:SDZeroBot/G13 Watch">G13 Watch</a> - <a href="/wiki/User:SDZeroBot/G13_soon_sorting" title="User:SDZeroBot/G13 soon sorting">G13 soon sorting</a> - <a href="/wiki/User:SDZeroBot/Declined_AFCs" class="mw-redirect" title="User:SDZeroBot/Declined AFCs">Recent AFC declines</a></li></ul> <dl><dd><span style="font-style: italic; font-size: 85%;">Updated by <a href="/wiki/User:SDZeroBot" title="User:SDZeroBot">SDZeroBot</a> <sup><i><a href="/wiki/User:SD0001" title="User:SD0001">operator</a> / <a href="/wiki/User_talk:SD0001" title="User talk:SD0001">talk</a></i></sup> at 02:17, 24 November 2024 (UTC)</span></dd></dl></td></tr></tbody></table> <table class="wikitable sortable" style="overflow-wrap: anywhere"> <tbody><tr> <th scope="col" style="width: 5em">Submission date </th> <th scope="col" style="width: 15em">Draft </th> <th scope="col">Excerpt </th> <th scope="col" style="width: 5em">Previous declines </th> <th scope="col" style="width: 3em">Size </th> <th scope="col" style="width: 5em">Notes </th></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Brent_C._Landau" title="Draft:Brent C. Landau">Draft:Brent C. Landau</a> (<small>biblical scholar, author</small>) </td> <td>Brent C. Landau is an academic, author, biblical scholar, lecturer, and self-described "amateur <a href="/wiki/Astronomer" title="Astronomer">astronomer</a>". He is an "expert in ancient biblical languages and literature." Landau is known in cademic circles for translating the <a href="/wiki/Christian_apocrypha" class="mw-redirect" title="Christian apocrypha">Christian apocryphon</a> "<i>Revelation of the Magi"</i> into English, and his book <i>The Revelation of the Magi: The Lost Tale of the Wise Men’s Journey to Bethlehem,</i> which includes an annotated translation of the <i>Revelation of the Magi</i> with commentary<i>.</i> </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6885 </td> <td>promising </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jennifer_Sakai" title="Draft:Jennifer Sakai">Draft:Jennifer Sakai</a> (<small>American Artist Photographer</small>) </td> <td>Jennifer Sakai is an American academic, fine art photographer, and university professor at <a href="/wiki/American_University" title="American University">American University</a>. Jennifer is the winner of the Prix Virginia, the Biennial International Prize for Photography. She was awarded this honor in France in 2024. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6386 </td> <td>promising </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Investiture_of_Greek_Sovereigns" title="Draft:Investiture of Greek Sovereigns">Draft:Investiture of Greek Sovereigns</a> </td> <td>The investiture of Greek sovereigns (Η ορκωμοσία του βασιλιά: the investiture of the king) refers to the various civil and religious <a href="/wiki/Enthronement" title="Enthronement">ceremonies</a> organized throughout the <a href="/wiki/History_of_modern_Greece" title="History of modern Greece">history of modern Greece</a> at the accession of a new <a href="/wiki/List_of_kings_of_Greece" title="List of kings of Greece">sovereign</a> to the throne. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>76711 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:List_of_Super_Heavy_boosters" title="Draft:List of Super Heavy boosters">Draft:List of Super Heavy boosters</a> (<small>List of Super Heavy boosters</small>) </td> <td>Since April 2023, <a href="/wiki/SpaceX_Super_Heavy" title="SpaceX Super Heavy">Super Heavy</a> has been launched 6 times, with 4 successes and 2 failures. The vehicle Super Heavy composes when combined with the <a href="/wiki/SpaceX_Starship_(spacecraft)" title="SpaceX Starship (spacecraft)">Starship spacecraft</a>, <a href="/wiki/SpaceX_Starship" title="SpaceX Starship">Starship</a>, has been developed with the intention of lowering launch costs using <a href="/wiki/Economies_of_scale" title="Economies of scale">economies of scale</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>66502 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Portrait_of_Maria_Yermolova" title="Draft:Portrait of Maria Yermolova">Draft:Portrait of Maria Yermolova</a> (<small>1905 painting by Russian artist Valentin Serov</small>) </td> <td><i>Portrait of Maria Yermolova</i> (<a href="/wiki/Russian_language" title="Russian language">Russian</a>: <i>Портре́т М. Н. Ермо́ловой)</i> is a painting by the Russian artist <a href="/wiki/Valentin_Serov" title="Valentin Serov">Valentin Serov</a>, painted in 1905. The size is 224 × 120 cm. The portrait was painted because of the 35th anniversary of the first performance of <a href="/wiki/Maria_Yermolova" title="Maria Yermolova">Maria Nicolayevna Yermolova</a>, an actress of the <a href="/wiki/Maly_Theatre_(Moscow)" title="Maly Theatre (Moscow)">Maly Theatre</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>61118 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Relay_race_on_the_Garden_Ring_(painting)" title="Draft:Relay race on the Garden Ring (painting)">Draft:Relay race on the Garden Ring (painting)</a> (<small>1947 painting by Soviet artist Aleksandr Deyneka</small>) </td> <td>'<b><div class="shortdescription nomobile noexcerpt noprint searchaux" style="display:none">1947 painting by Soviet artist Aleksandr Deyneka</div></b> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>49253 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ecocem" title="Draft:Ecocem">Draft:Ecocem</a> (<small>Ecocem - Low Carbon Cement</small>) </td> <td>Ecocem is an Irish multinational that develops and manufactures low-carbon <a href="/wiki/Cement" title="Cement">cement</a>. Its focus is on developing and manufacturing innovative low-carbon cement technologies and products with the overall aim of reducing the amount of CO2 emissions produced by the cement and construction industries. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>44123 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Synergetic_Theory" title="Draft:Synergetic Theory">Draft:Synergetic Theory</a> (<small>Pseudoscientific theory.</small>) </td> <td>Synergetic theory, also known as "synergy" and referred to by some as a <a href="/wiki/Pseudoscience" title="Pseudoscience">pseudoscientific</a> theory, was developed by René-Louis Vallée and first disseminated in 1971 with the publication of his book <i>L'énergie électromagnétique matérielle et gravitationally</i> (<i>Material and Gravitational Electromagnetic Energy</i>). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>23873 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:FBC_Saronno" title="Draft:FBC Saronno">Draft:FBC Saronno</a> (<small>Association football club in Italy</small>) </td> <td>Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Foot-Ball Club Saronno 1910, better known as F.B.C. Saronno or Saronno, is an <a href="/wiki/Italy" title="Italy">Italian</a> <a href="/wiki/Football_club_(association_football)" title="Football club (association football)">football club</a> based in the city of <a href="/wiki/Saronno" title="Saronno">Saronno</a>. It plays in the <a href="/wiki/Eccellenza" title="Eccellenza">Eccellenza</a>, the fifth division of the <a href="/wiki/Italian_football_league_system" title="Italian football league system">Italian league</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>75270 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Carlos_Belmonte_Mart%C3%ADnez" title="Draft:Carlos Belmonte Martínez">Draft:Carlos Belmonte Martínez</a> (<small>Spanish neuroscientist and businessman</small>) </td> <td>Carlos Belmonte Martínez (born October 24, 1943, in <a href="/wiki/Albacete" title="Albacete">Albacete</a>, Spain) is a <a href="/wiki/Neuroscientist" title="Neuroscientist">neuroscientist</a> recognized for his contributions to sensory <a href="/wiki/Physiology" title="Physiology">physiology</a>, particularly in ocular <a href="/wiki/Neuroscience" title="Neuroscience">neuroscience</a>. His research relates to understanding of corneal sensation, including the molecular and cellular mechanisms behind it. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>60469 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tel_Aviv_University_Institute_of_Archaeology" title="Draft:Tel Aviv University Institute of Archaeology">Draft:Tel Aviv University Institute of Archaeology</a> (<small>Israeli archaeological research institute</small>) </td> <td>The Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology, known also as <a href="/wiki/Tel_Aviv_University" title="Tel Aviv University">Tel Aviv University</a> Institute of Archaeology, is a research facility at the Lester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities. Founded in 1968 by <a href="/wiki/Yohanan_Aharoni" title="Yohanan Aharoni">Yohanan Aharoni</a>, the institute sponsors interdisciplinary and international fieldwork and research projects on ancient human societies of the <a href="/wiki/Ancient_Near_East" title="Ancient Near East">Ancient Near East</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Mediterranean_Sea" title="Mediterranean Sea">Mediterranean Sea</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>38473 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:PreCICE_(software)" title="Draft:PreCICE (software)">Draft:PreCICE (software)</a> (<small>Free/open-source coupling library for partitioned simulations</small>) </td> <td>preCICE is a coupling <a href="/wiki/Library_(computing)" title="Library (computing)">library</a> for partitioned <a href="/wiki/Multiphysics_simulation" title="Multiphysics simulation">multi-physics simulations</a>, including but not restricted to <a href="/wiki/Fluid-structure_interaction" class="mw-redirect" title="Fluid-structure interaction">fluid-structure interaction</a>, <a href="/wiki/Conjugate_convective_heat_transfer" title="Conjugate convective heat transfer">conjugate heat transfer</a>, and more. preCICE is not specific to particular applications or tools, but instead couples independent, existing codes capable of simulating a subpart of the complete physics involved in a simulation. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>36072 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:United_States_at_the_Big_Four_beauty_pageants" title="Draft:United States at the Big Four beauty pageants">Draft:United States at the Big Four beauty pageants</a> (<small>United States representatives at Big Four Pageants</small>) </td> <td>This is the list of United States' representatives and their placements at the <a href="/wiki/Big_Four_beauty_pageants" title="Big Four beauty pageants">Big Four beauty pageants</a>. The country has won a total of sixteen times in all four pageants. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>33196 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Autun_oil_shale_deposit" title="Draft:Autun oil shale deposit">Draft:Autun oil shale deposit</a> (<small>Sedimentary basin containing oil shale in Autun, France.</small>) </td> <td>The Autun oil shale deposit is a <a href="/wiki/Sedimentary_basin" title="Sedimentary basin">sedimentary basin</a> containing <a href="/wiki/Oil_shale" title="Oil shale">oil shale</a> of the <a href="/wiki/Autun" title="Autun">Autunian</a> age (between 299 and 282 million years old) in the vicinity of <a href="/wiki/Autun" title="Autun">Autun</a> in <a href="/wiki/Sa%C3%B4ne-et-Loire" title="Saône-et-Loire">Saône-et-Loire</a>, in the center-east of <a href="/wiki/France" title="France">France</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>32774 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pop_Kreatif" title="Draft:Pop Kreatif">Draft:Pop Kreatif</a> (<small>Sub-genre of Indonesian pop music emerged in the 1970s</small>) </td> <td>Pop Kreatif is an Indonesian offshoot and subgenre of <a href="/wiki/City_pop" title="City pop">city pop</a> that emerged in the late 20th century as a fusion of <a href="/wiki/Music_of_Indonesia" title="Music of Indonesia">Indonesian music</a> and contemporary global influences such as <a href="/wiki/Funk" title="Funk">funk</a>, <a href="/wiki/Jazz" title="Jazz">jazz</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Soft_rock" title="Soft rock">soft rock</a>. Rooted in <a href="/wiki/Urban_culture" title="Urban culture">urban culture</a>, the genre often characterized by its smooth melodies, upbeat rhythms, and nostalgic themes. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>31055 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:India_naming_dispute" title="Draft:India naming dispute">Draft:India naming dispute</a> (<small>Nomenclature</small>) </td> <td>The India naming dispute in 1947 refers to the argument about using the name <i>India</i> during and after the <a href="/wiki/Partition_of_India" title="Partition of India">division</a> of <a href="/wiki/British_Raj" title="British Raj">British Raj</a>. It was between the countries of <a href="/wiki/Pakistan" title="Pakistan">Pakistan</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Republic_of_India" class="mw-redirect" title="Republic of India">Republic of India</a>. This argument involved many important people, such as <a href="/wiki/Lord_Mountbatten" title="Lord Mountbatten">Lord Mountbatten</a>, the last <a href="/wiki/Viceroy" title="Viceroy">leader</a> of British Raj, and <a href="/wiki/Muhammad_Ali_Jinnah" title="Muhammad Ali Jinnah">Muhammad Ali Jinnah</a>, the leader of the <a href="/wiki/Muslim_League" class="mw-disambig" title="Muslim League">Muslim League</a> and a founder of Pakistan.{{NoteTag|note=The political leaders and statesperson ... </td> <td>0 </td> <td>30748 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Honor_Molloy" title="Draft:Honor Molloy">Draft:Honor Molloy</a> (<small>Irish-American playwright and novelist</small>) </td> <td>Honor Molloy (born May 22, 1961) also known as Honour Kane, is an Irish-American playwright and novelist. Her plays include <i><a href="/wiki/The_New_York_Times" title="The New York Times">The New York Times</a></i> Critic’s Pick, <i>Crackskull Row</i> (<a href="/wiki/Irish_Repertory_Theatre" title="Irish Repertory Theatre">Irish Repertory Theatre</a>), <i>In Pigeon House</i> (Irish Theatre of Chicago), <i>Madame Killer</i> (<a href="/wiki/Clubbed_Thumb" title="Clubbed Thumb">Clubbed Thumb Summerworks</a>), <i>Monument</i> (<a href="/wiki/Actors_Theatre_of_Louisville" title="Actors Theatre of Louisville">Actors Theatre of Louisville</a>, <a href="/wiki/Humana_Festival_of_New_American_Plays" title="Humana Festival of New American Plays">Humana Festival</a>), <i>Rehearsing the Granda</i> (<a href="/wiki/The_Public_Theater" title="The Public Theater">The Public Theater</a>), <i>Sticky n Juicy on da Senate Floor</i> (<a href="/wiki/The_Public_Theater" title="The Public Theater">The Public Theater</a>), and <i>Maiden Voyages</i> (New Georges). </td> <td>1 </td> <td>28226 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hector_Izquierdo_Triana" title="Draft:Hector Izquierdo Triana">Draft:Hector Izquierdo Triana</a> (<small>Commissioner of the Spanish Government for volcanic eruptions</small>) </td> <td>Hector Izquierdo Triana is the Special <a href="/wiki/Commissioner" title="Commissioner">Commissioner</a> of the <a href="/wiki/Government_of_Spain" title="Government of Spain">Government of Spain</a> for the reconstruction of the 2021 <a href="/wiki/2021_Cumbre_Vieja_volcanic_eruption" title="2021 Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption">volcanic eruptions</a> in La Palma , one of the biggest natural disasters in Europe since 1945. He was the Spanish Secretary of State of Finance and President of the <a href="/wiki/Spanish_Tax_Agency" title="Spanish Tax Agency">Spanish Tax Agency</a> when he was appointed Commissioner. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>27098 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Flowerovlove" title="Draft:Flowerovlove">Draft:Flowerovlove</a> (<small>Musical artist</small>) </td> <td>Fatoumata Joyce Cissé (born 2005), known professionally as Flowerovlove (stylised in <a href="/wiki/Letter_case" title="Letter case">lowercase</a> as flowerovlove), is an English singer, songwriter and producer from London. She debuted in 2020 and has since released three EPs. She won Artist to Watch at the 2022 <a href="/wiki/Music_Business_Worldwide" title="Music Business Worldwide">A&R Awards</a> and New Artist at the 2024 <i><a href="/wiki/Music_Week" title="Music Week">Music Week</a></i> Women in Music Awards. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>24493 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Arnold_and_Mabel_Beckman_Foundation" title="Draft:Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation">Draft:Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation</a> (<small>Private foundation funding chemical and life sciences research</small>) </td> <td><a href="/wiki/User:Editorialalex" title="User:Editorialalex">Editorialalex</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Editorialalex" title="User talk:Editorialalex">talk</a>) 20:13, 22 November 2024 (UTC) </td> <td>2 </td> <td>22882 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rick_Beerhorst" title="Draft:Rick Beerhorst">Draft:Rick Beerhorst</a> (<small>American artist, print-maker and sculptor</small>) </td> <td>Rick Beerhorst born Richard Hendrick Beerhorst in 1960, <a href="/wiki/Grand_Rapids" class="mw-redirect" title="Grand Rapids">Grand Rapids</a>, <a href="/wiki/Michigan" title="Michigan">Michigan</a>, <a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">United States</a>, is an internationally renowned artist. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>22451 </td> <td>test </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Insurgency_in_Ecuador" title="Draft:Insurgency in Ecuador">Draft:Insurgency in Ecuador</a> (<small>Ongoing armed conflict in Ecuador</small>) </td> <td>The insurgency in Ecuador, is an <a href="/wiki/List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts" title="List of ongoing armed conflicts">ongoing armed conflict</a>, involving Armed Militant <a href="/wiki/Communism" title="Communism">Communist</a> <a href="/wiki/Guerrilla_warfare" title="Guerrilla warfare">Guerrilla</a> groups against the govermnent of <a href="/wiki/Ecuador" title="Ecuador">Ecuador</a>, the main one being the <a href="/wiki/Group_of_Popular_Combatants" title="Group of Popular Combatants">Group of Popular Combatants (GCP)</a>, being the armed wing of the <a href="/wiki/Marxist%E2%80%93Leninist_Communist_Party_of_Ecuador" title="Marxist–Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador">Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador</a>, The <a href="/wiki/Communist_Party_of_Ecuador_%E2%80%93_Red_Sun" title="Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun">Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun</a> (PCE-SR)and other combatants. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>20253 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Roberto_G._Carbone" title="Draft:Roberto G. Carbone">Draft:Roberto G. Carbone</a> (<small>italian scientist and researcher</small>) </td> <td>Roberto G. Carbone (Roberto Giovanni Carbone) (born in <a href="/wiki/Genoa" title="Genoa">Genoa</a>, <a href="/wiki/Italy" title="Italy">Italy</a> - 6 September 1954) is an Italian scientist, clinician and professor studying the mechanisms and treatment of <a href="/wiki/Pulmonary_fibrosis" title="Pulmonary fibrosis">pulmonary fibrosis</a> such as <a href="/wiki/Extracellular_matrix" title="Extracellular matrix">extracellular matrix</a>, global idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis genome, discoverer of <a href="/wiki/Pulmonary_hypertension" title="Pulmonary hypertension">pulmonary hypertension</a> as the most important cause of mortality in cardiopulmonary diseases, <a href="/wiki/Lung_cancer" title="Lung cancer">lung cancer</a> mechanisms as confirmed by Prof. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>20113 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Roberto_G._Carbone" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Roberto G. Carbone">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bryan_Battle" title="Draft:Bryan Battle">Draft:Bryan Battle</a> (<small>American mixed martial artist (born 1994)</small>) </td> <td>Bryan Battle (born September 21, 1994) is an American professional <a href="/wiki/Mixed_martial_arts" title="Mixed martial arts">mixed martial artist</a>. He currently competes in the <a href="/wiki/Welterweight_(MMA)" title="Welterweight (MMA)">Welterweight</a> division of the <a href="/wiki/Ultimate_Fighting_Championship" title="Ultimate Fighting Championship">Ultimate Fighting Championship</a> (UFC). Competing professionally since 2019, Battle was the middleweight tournament winner in the <a href="/wiki/The_Return_of_The_Ultimate_Fighter:_Team_Volkanovski_vs._Team_Ortega" title="The Return of The Ultimate Fighter: Team Volkanovski vs. Team Ortega">29th season</a> of <a href="/wiki/The_Ultimate_Fighter" title="The Ultimate Fighter">The Ultimate Fighter</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>19937 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Bryan_Battle" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Bryan Battle">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:John_James_(businessman_and_philanthropist)" title="Draft:John James (businessman and philanthropist)">Draft:John James (businessman and philanthropist)</a> (<small>British businessman and philanthropist</small>) </td> <td>John James CBE (25 July 1906 – 31 January 1996) was an English businessman and philanthropist. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>19216 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yuri_Sergeevich_Shabarov" title="Draft:Yuri Sergeevich Shabarov">Draft:Yuri Sergeevich Shabarov</a> (<small>Russian organic chemistry scientist</small>) </td> <td>Yuri Sergeevich Shabarov (August 5, 1919, <a href="/wiki/Moscow" title="Moscow">Moscow</a>, <a href="/wiki/Russian_Soviet_Federative_Socialist_Republic" title="Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic">RSFSR</a> — October 30, 2005, <a href="/wiki/Moscow" title="Moscow">Moscow</a>, <a href="/wiki/Russia" title="Russia">Russian Federation</a>) was a Soviet and Russian <a href="/wiki/Organic_chemistry" title="Organic chemistry">organic chemist</a>, the founder of <a href="/wiki/Aryl_group" title="Aryl group">aryl</a><a href="/wiki/Cyclopropane" title="Cyclopropane">cyclopropane</a> chemistry, the author of 25 <a href="/wiki/Patent" title="Patent">patents</a> for the synthesis of compounds from <a href="/wiki/Arene_substitution_pattern" title="Arene substitution pattern">ortho</a>-<a href="/wiki/Substitution_reaction" title="Substitution reaction">substituted</a> <a href="/wiki/Aryl_group" title="Aryl group">arylated</a> <a href="/wiki/Cyclopropane" title="Cyclopropane">cyclopropanes</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>19067 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:ALOHA_Mental_Arithmetic" title="Draft:ALOHA Mental Arithmetic">Draft:ALOHA Mental Arithmetic</a> (<small>Malaysian educational organization</small>) </td> <td>ALOHA Mental Arithmetic is an international educational organization that provides <a href="/wiki/Mathematics" title="Mathematics">mathematics</a> and <a href="/wiki/Cognitive_development" title="Cognitive development">cognitive development</a> programs for children. Founded in 1993, the organization specializes in teaching <a href="/wiki/Mental_calculation" title="Mental calculation">mental arithmetic</a> through <a href="/wiki/Abacus" title="Abacus">abacus</a>-based methodology. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>18247 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Benito_Monci%C3%B3n" title="Draft:Benito Monción">Draft:Benito Monción</a> (<small>Dominican revolutionary (1826–1898)</small>) </td> <td>Benito Monción Duran (March 29, 1826 – February 11, 1898) was a Dominican revolutionary and a prominent leader in the <a href="/wiki/Dominican_Restoration_War" title="Dominican Restoration War">Dominican Restoration War</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>17741 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cumberland_Motor_Services" title="Draft:Cumberland Motor Services">Draft:Cumberland Motor Services</a> (<small>Bus operator in Cumberland, England</small>) </td> <td>Cumberland Motor Services was a former bus operator running services in the county of <a href="/wiki/Cumberland" title="Cumberland">Cumberland</a>, as well as parts of <a href="/wiki/Lancashire" title="Lancashire">Lancashire</a>. Founded in 1921, the operator today is a part of the <a href="/wiki/Stagecoach_Group" title="Stagecoach Group">Stagecoach Group</a> and, after a demerger from <a href="/wiki/Stagecoach_North_West" title="Stagecoach North West">Stagecoach North West</a>, trades as <a href="/wiki/Stagecoach_Cumbria_%26_North_Lancashire" title="Stagecoach Cumbria & North Lancashire">Stagecoach Cumbria & North Lancashire</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>16745 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Central_Asian_Theatre" title="Draft:Central Asian Theatre">Draft:Central Asian Theatre</a> (<small>Russin civil war</small>) </td> <td>The Central Asian Theatre was the front of the <a href="/wiki/Russian_Civil_War" title="Russian Civil War">Russian Civil War</a> taking place in the old imperial provinces of <a href="/wiki/Turkestan" title="Turkestan">Turkestan</a>, <a href="/wiki/Khanate_of_Khiva" title="Khanate of Khiva">Khiva</a>, <a href="/wiki/Emirate_of_Bukhara" title="Emirate of Bukhara">Bukhara</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Transcaspian_Oblast" title="Transcaspian Oblast">Transcaspia</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>16731 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Zeal_Jones" title="Draft:Zeal Jones">Draft:Zeal Jones</a> (<small>New Zealand Rally Driver</small>) </td> <td>Zeal Jones is a <a href="/wiki/Japanese_people" title="Japanese people">Japanese</a>-<a href="/wiki/Kiwi_(nickname)" title="Kiwi (nickname)">Kiwi</a> <a href="/wiki/Rallying" title="Rallying">rally driver</a> who currently competes in the <a href="/wiki/New_Zealand_Rally_Championship" title="New Zealand Rally Championship">New Zealand Rally Championship</a> (NZRC). Son of New Zealand rally driver Austen Jones, and nephew of New Zealand rally driver Kingsley Jones, Zeal has excelled in <a href="/wiki/Motorsport" title="Motorsport">motorsport</a> since a young age. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>16612 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mark_Ginzburg" title="Draft:Mark Ginzburg">Draft:Mark Ginzburg</a> (<small>ukrainian public figure</small>) </td> <td>Mark Ginzburg (Russian: <span lang="ru">Марк Зиновьевич Гинзбург</span>, <a href="/wiki/Ukrainian_language" title="Ukrainian language">Ukrainian</a>: <span lang="uk">Марк Зіновійович Гінзбург</span>; born 28 September 1956) is an American and Ukrainian businessman and public figure, the vice-president of the <a href="/wiki/FC_Dynamo_Kyiv" title="FC Dynamo Kyiv">FC Dynamo Kyiv</a> for innovation. President of the Ukrainian Federation of Robotics. </td> <td>5 </td> <td>15045 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Fine_and_Wilf%27s_theorem" title="Draft:Fine and Wilf's theorem">Draft:Fine and Wilf's theorem</a> (<small>Result on periodic sequences</small>) </td> <td>In <a href="/wiki/Combinatorics_on_words" title="Combinatorics on words">combinatorics on words</a>, Fine and Wilf’s theorem is a fundamental <a href="/wiki/Theorem" title="Theorem">result</a> describing what happens when a long-enough <a href="/wiki/String_(computer_science)" title="String (computer science)">word</a> has two different periods (i.e., distances at which its letters repeat). Informally, the conclusion is that such words <span class="mwe-math-element"><span class="mwe-math-mathml-inline mwe-math-mathml-a11y" style="display: none;"><math xmlns="" alttext="{\displaystyle w}"> <semantics> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mstyle displaystyle="true" scriptlevel="0"> <mi>w</mi> </mstyle> </mrow> <annotation encoding="application/x-tex">{\displaystyle w}</annotation> </semantics> </math></span><img src="" class="mwe-math-fallback-image-inline mw-invert skin-invert" aria-hidden="true" style="vertical-align: -0.338ex; width:1.664ex; height:1.676ex;" alt="{\displaystyle w}"></span> have also a third, shorter period. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14728 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Zakaria_bin_Muhammad_Amin" title="Draft:Zakaria bin Muhammad Amin">Draft:Zakaria bin Muhammad Amin</a> (<small>Indonesian ulama, politician, and writer (1913–2006)</small>) </td> <td>Zakaria bin Muhammad Amin (7 March 1913 – 1 January 2006) was an Indonesian ulama, politician, and writer. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14613 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thomas_Liu_Le_Lann" title="Draft:Thomas Liu Le Lann">Draft:Thomas Liu Le Lann</a> (<small>French multimedia artist</small>) </td> <td>Thomas Liu Le Lann (born <a href="/wiki/1994" title="1994">1994</a> in <a href="/wiki/Geneva" title="Geneva">Geneva</a>, <a href="/wiki/Switzerland" title="Switzerland">Switzerland</a>) is a French <a href="/wiki/Artist" title="Artist">artist</a> who lives and works in Geneva. Thomas Liu Le Lann creates <a href="/wiki/Sculpture" title="Sculpture">sculptures</a> and <a href="/wiki/Installation_art" title="Installation art">installations</a> in various techniques using fabric, glass, wood, photography, poetry and found objects. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>13006 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kwok_Shui_Road" title="Draft:Kwok Shui Road">Draft:Kwok Shui Road</a> (<small>Road in New Territories, Hong Kong</small>) </td> <td>Kwok Shui (in Chinese: <span lang="zh" dir="ltr">國瑞路</span>), formerly known as Kwok Shui Avenue, is a road in the <a href="/wiki/Tsuen_Wan_New_Town" title="Tsuen Wan New Town">Tsuen Wan New Town</a> of the <a href="/wiki/New_Territories" title="New Territories">New Territories</a>, <a href="/wiki/Hong_Kong" title="Hong Kong">Hong Kong</a>. It connects <a href="/w/index.php?title=Lei_Muk_Road&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Lei Muk Road (page does not exist)">Lei Muk Road</a><span class="noprint" style="font-size:85%; font-style: normal;"> [<a href="" class="extiw" title="zh:梨木道">zh</a>]</span> in Upper <a href="/wiki/Kwai_Chung" title="Kwai Chung">Kwai Chung</a> to <a href="/wiki/Texaco_Road" title="Texaco Road">Texaco Road</a> North in Tsuen Wan and intersects with two main roads, Cheung Wing Road and <a href="/w/index.php?title=Castle_Peak_Road-Kwai_Chung&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Castle Peak Road-Kwai Chung (page does not exist)">Castle Peak Road-Kwai Chung</a><span class="noprint" style="font-size:85%; font-style: normal;"> [<a href="" class="extiw" title="zh:青山公路-葵涌段">zh</a>]</span> Section. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12904 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Henning_Friise" title="Draft:Henning Friise">Draft:Henning Friise</a> (<small>Norwegian footballer (born 1963)</small>) </td> <td>Henning Friise (born 3 May 1963) is a <a href="/wiki/Norway" title="Norway">Norwegian</a> footballer who played as a goalkeeper. He played two seasons in the highest Norwegian league for <a href="/wiki/Mj%C3%B8ndalen_IF_Fotball" title="Mjøndalen IF Fotball">Mjøndalen</a> and two for <a href="/wiki/Stab%C3%A6k_Fotball" title="Stabæk Fotball">Stabæk</a>—1987, 1992, 1995 and 1996. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12653 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Grant_Cardone" title="Draft:Grant Cardone">Draft:Grant Cardone</a> (<small>American financial influencer</small>) </td> <td>Grant Cardone (born 21 March 1958) is an American businessman, real estate mogul, author, sales expert, motivational speaker and writer. Cardone is the founder and CEO of Cardone Capital, a <a href="/wiki/Real_estate_investing" title="Real estate investing">real estate investment</a> and management firm based in <a href="/wiki/Aventura,_Florida" title="Aventura, Florida">Aventura, Florida</a>. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>12589 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Grant_Cardone" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Grant Cardone">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Eygl%C3%B3_Fanndal_Sturlud%C3%B3ttir" title="Draft:Eygló Fanndal Sturludóttir">Draft:Eygló Fanndal Sturludóttir</a> (<small>Icelandic weightlifter (born 2001)</small>) </td> <td>Eygló Fanndal Sturludóttir (born 25 June 2001) is an Icelandic <a href="/wiki/Olympic_weightlifting" title="Olympic weightlifting">weightlifter</a> competing in the -71kg weight category. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12391 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Battle_of_Holy_Mother_of_God_Monastery" title="Draft:The Battle of Holy Mother of God Monastery">Draft:The Battle of Holy Mother of God Monastery</a> (<small>Battle near the Ottoman-Persian border</small>) </td> <td>The Battle of Holy Mother of God Monastery (<a href="/wiki/Armenian_language" title="Armenian language">Armenian</a>: <span lang="hy">Սուրբ Աստվածածին Վանքի կռիվը</span>, <small><a href="/wiki/Romanization_of_Armenian" title="Romanization of Armenian">romanized</a>: </small><span title="Armenian-language romanization"><i lang="hy-Latn">Surp Astvatsatsin vank'i křivë</i></span>), or The Battle of Derik (<a href="/wiki/Armenian_language" title="Armenian language">Armenian</a>: <span lang="hy">Դերիկի կռիվը</span>, <small><a href="/wiki/Romanization_of_Armenian" title="Romanization of Armenian">romanized</a>: </small><span title="Armenian-language romanization"><i lang="hy-Latn">Deriki křivë</i></span>), was a battle that occurred in <a href="/wiki/Qajar_Iran" title="Qajar Iran">Iran</a> near the Perso-Ottoman border between <a href="/wiki/Ottoman_Empire" title="Ottoman Empire">Ottoman forces</a> aided by the Kurdish <a href="/wiki/Hamidiye_(cavalry)" title="Hamidiye (cavalry)">Hamidiye</a>, and the <a href="/wiki/Armenian_fedayi" title="Armenian fedayi">Armenian fedayi</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12016 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:OnePageCRM" title="Draft:OnePageCRM">Draft:OnePageCRM</a> (<small>Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software</small>) </td> <td>OnePageCRM is an Irish cloud-based <a href="/wiki/Software_as_a_service" title="Software as a service">software as a service</a> (SaaS) company. It is the developer of a sales <a href="/wiki/Customer_Relationship_Management_(CRM)" class="mw-redirect" title="Customer Relationship Management (CRM)">customer relationship management (CRM)</a> tool for small and medium-sized businesses. The company serves over 11,000 customers in more than 80 countries and reported annual recurring revenues exceeding €1 million as of 2018. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11991 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Merrimack_Valley_Conference" title="Draft:Merrimack Valley Conference">Draft:Merrimack Valley Conference</a> (<small>High school sports conference in Massachusetts, US</small>) </td> <td>The Merrimack Valley Conference (MVC) is a <a href="/wiki/Dual_county" title="Dual county">dual county</a> high school <a href="/wiki/Athletic_conference" title="Athletic conference">athletic conference</a> located in the <a href="/wiki/Massachusetts" title="Massachusetts">Commonwealth of Massachusetts</a> and is named after the <a href="/wiki/Merrimack_River" title="Merrimack River">Merrimack River Valley</a>, where all of the league schools are located. The conference contains schools from <a href="/wiki/Middlesex_County,_Massachusetts" title="Middlesex County, Massachusetts">Middlesex County</a> and <a href="/wiki/Essex_County,_Massachusetts" title="Essex County, Massachusetts">Essex County</a>. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>10711 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Merrimack_Valley_Conference" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Merrimack Valley Conference">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:W%C5%82odzimierz_Marek_Tulczyjew" title="Draft:Włodzimierz Marek Tulczyjew">Draft:Włodzimierz Marek Tulczyjew</a> (<small>polish physicist and mathematician</small>) </td> <td>Włodzimierz Marek Tulczyjew (18 June 1931 – 4 December 2022) was a <a href="/wiki/Polish" class="mw-disambig" title="Polish">Polish</a>-<a href="/wiki/Italian" class="mw-disambig" title="Italian">Italian</a> <a href="/wiki/Physicist" title="Physicist">physicist</a> and <a href="/wiki/Mathematician" title="Mathematician">mathematician</a>, known for his contributions to the geometric formulation of classical mechanics and <a href="/wiki/Field_theory" class="mw-disambig" title="Field theory">field theory</a>. He was a professor emeritus of mathematical methods of physics at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Camerino" title="University of Camerino">University of Camerino</a> and a member of the Academy of Sciences of <a href="/wiki/Turin" title="Turin">Turin</a>. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>10668 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kemmerer_Power_Station" title="Draft:Kemmerer Power Station">Draft:Kemmerer Power Station</a> (<small>Nuclear Power Station located near Kemmerer, WY</small>) </td> <td>Kemmerer Power Station is the first Natrium <a href="/wiki/Fission_reactor" class="mw-redirect" title="Fission reactor">fission reactor</a> designed and being built by <a href="/wiki/TerraPower" title="TerraPower">TerraPower</a>. TerraPower submitted its construction application on 28 March 2024. Construction on Kemmer Power Station was commenced on 10 June 2024. The station will have a nominal electrical power output of 345 <a href="/wiki/Megawatt" class="mw-redirect" title="Megawatt">MW</a> with a maximum power output of 500 MW. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10100 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Khan_Bank" title="Draft:Khan Bank">Draft:Khan Bank</a> (<small>Major Mongolian bank</small>) </td> <td>Khan Bank (<a href="/wiki/Mongolian_language" title="Mongolian language">Mongolian</a>: <span lang="mn">ХААН Банк</span>) is a Mongolian <a href="/wiki/Bank" title="Bank">bank</a> that is one of the largest commercial banks in Mongolia. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>9766 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:SeaVision" title="Draft:SeaVision">Draft:SeaVision</a> (<small>Government Website to Track Ships</small>) </td> <td>SeaVision is a <a href="/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Transportation" title="United States Department of Transportation">U.S. Department of Transportation</a> hosted web-based maritime situational awareness tool designed to enhance maritime operations, security, and community partnerships. It allows users to view and share a wide range of maritime information and provides rules-based analytics to monitor and alert users of specified activities or events. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9702 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-27 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mehdi_Moghimnejad" title="Draft:Mehdi Moghimnejad">Draft:Mehdi Moghimnejad</a> (<small>Iranian fine art photographer and conceptual photographer</small>) </td> <td>Mehdi Moghimnejad (Persian:مهدی مقیمنژاد) (born1976) is an Iranian <a href="/wiki/Contemporary_art" title="Contemporary art">contemporary art</a> <a href="/wiki/Photographer" title="Photographer">photographer</a>, <a href="/wiki/Academician" title="Academician">academician</a> and <a href="/wiki/Theory" title="Theory">theorist</a> best known as one of the <a href="/wiki/Pioneer" class="mw-disambig" title="Pioneer">pioneers</a> of <a href="/wiki/Photograph_manipulation" title="Photograph manipulation">photograph manipulation</a> in <a href="/wiki/Digital_photography" title="Digital photography">digital era</a> in <a href="/wiki/Iran" title="Iran">Iran</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9627 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Josias_R._King" title="Draft:Josias R. King">Draft:Josias R. King</a> (<small>First man to enlist for the Union Army in the Civil War</small>) </td> <td>Josias Ridgate King (February 21, 1832-19 February 1916) was a lieutenant colonel and is credited as being the first person to volunteer for the <a href="/wiki/Union_(American_Civil_War)" title="Union (American Civil War)">Union</a> during the <a href="/wiki/American_Civil_War" title="American Civil War">American Civil War</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>9587 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Golyad_language" title="Draft:Golyad language">Draft:Golyad language</a> (<small>Extinct language of the East Galindians</small>) </td> <td>Golyad or East Galindian (<a href="/wiki/Russian_language" title="Russian language">Russian</a>: <span lang="ru">Голя́дский язык</span>) is a poorly attested extinct <a href="/wiki/Baltic_language" class="mw-redirect" title="Baltic language">Baltic language</a> of the <a href="/wiki/Balts" title="Balts">Balts</a> living in the <a href="/wiki/Protva" title="Protva">Protva basin</a> in present-day <a href="/wiki/Russia" title="Russia">Russia</a>. The <a href="/wiki/Galindians#East_Galindians" title="Galindians">Golyad people</a> are believed to have descended from the <a href="/wiki/Moshchiny_culture" title="Moshchiny culture">Moshchiny culture</a> and are only known ethnonyn for the <a href="/w/index.php?title=Dnieper-Oka_language&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Dnieper-Oka language (page does not exist)">Dnieper-Oka language</a><span class="noprint" style="font-size:85%; font-style: normal;"> [<a href="" class="extiw" title="ru:Днепровско-окский язык">ru</a>]</span>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9583 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Appalachian_State%E2%80%93Coastal_Carolina_football_rivalry" title="Draft:Appalachian State–Coastal Carolina football rivalry">Draft:Appalachian State–Coastal Carolina football rivalry</a> (<small>College football rivalry</small>) </td> <td>The Appalachian State–Coastal Carolina football rivalry is an American <a href="/wiki/College_football" title="College football">college football</a> <a href="/wiki/College_rivalry" class="mw-redirect" title="College rivalry">rivalry</a>, the first meeting was in 2005, but did not really become intense until the latter’s ascension to the <a href="/wiki/Sun_Belt_Conference" title="Sun Belt Conference">Sun Belt Conference</a> in 2017. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>9507 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Timoteo_Ogando" title="Draft:Timoteo Ogando">Draft:Timoteo Ogando</a> (<small>Dominican military commander (1818–1908)</small>) </td> <td>Timoteo Ogando Encarnación (July 31, 1818 – June 11, 1908) was a Dominican general who was a hero in the independence wars of the <a href="/wiki/Dominican_Republic" title="Dominican Republic">Dominican Republic</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9446 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Geir_Johansen_(footballer,_born_1968)" title="Draft:Geir Johansen (footballer, born 1968)">Draft:Geir Johansen (footballer, born 1968)</a> (<small>Norwegian footballer (born 1968)</small>) </td> <td>Geir Johansen (born 20 April 1968) is a retired Norwegian <a href="/wiki/Football_defender" class="mw-redirect" title="Football defender">football defender</a>. Playing as a <a href="/wiki/Right_back" class="mw-redirect" title="Right back">right back</a>, he is best known for playing three seasons on the first tier for <a href="/wiki/Moss_FK" title="Moss FK">Moss FK</a>; <a href="/wiki/1996_Tippeligaen" title="1996 Tippeligaen">1996</a>, <a href="/wiki/1998_Tippeligaen" title="1998 Tippeligaen">1998</a> and <a href="/wiki/1999_Tippeligaen" title="1999 Tippeligaen">1999</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9186 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Raging_Waves_Waterpark" title="Draft:Raging Waves Waterpark">Draft:Raging Waves Waterpark</a> (<small>Raging Waves Waterpark Wikipedia page creation since there has never been one</small>) </td> <td>Raging Waves Waterpark is a 58 acre <a href="/wiki/Australia_(continent)" title="Australia (continent)">Australian</a> themed <a href="/wiki/Water_park" title="Water park">water park</a> located in <a href="/wiki/Yorkville,_Illinois" title="Yorkville, Illinois">Yorkville, Illinois</a>, within the <a href="/wiki/Chicago_metropolitan_area" title="Chicago metropolitan area">Chicago metropolitan area</a>. The park opened to the public on June 28, 2008 as Illinois' largest waterpark. With 16 attractions, the park offers 32 <a href="/wiki/Water_slide" title="Water slide">water slides</a>, <a href="/wiki/Wave_pool" title="Wave pool">wave pool</a>, <a href="/wiki/Lazy_river" title="Lazy river">lazy river</a>, and three kiddie pool areas. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8997 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tetsuo_Kogawa" title="Draft:Tetsuo Kogawa">Draft:Tetsuo Kogawa</a> (<small>Japanese media theorist</small>) </td> <td>Tetsuo Kogawa is a Japanese performance artist, activist and media theorist who works extensively with <a href="/wiki/Radio_art" title="Radio art">radio art</a> and <a href="/wiki/Microbroadcasting" title="Microbroadcasting">microbroadcasting</a>. Until 2012, he worked as a professor in Department of Communication Studies at <a href="/wiki/Tokyo_Keizai_University" title="Tokyo Keizai University">Tokyo Keizai University</a>, and has written extensively on media philosophy, information technology and film in both Japanese and English. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8968 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hasbollah_Daud" title="Draft:Hasbollah Daud">Draft:Hasbollah Daud</a> (<small>Bruneian politician</small>) </td> <td>Hasbollah bin Haji Mohammed Daud (born 1902) was a prominent Bruneian businessman and politician who founded the Brunei United Party (BUP) in 1961 to promote Brunei's integration into the <a href="/wiki/Malaysian_Federation" class="mw-redirect" title="Malaysian Federation">Malaysian Federation</a>. Supported by the monarchy, he established the party as a counter to the growing influence of the <a href="/wiki/Parti_Rakyat_Brunei" class="mw-redirect" title="Parti Rakyat Brunei">Parti Rakyat Brunei</a> (PRB), but his political efforts were unsuccessful, including losing the <a href="/wiki/1962_Bruneian_district_council_election" title="1962 Bruneian district council election">1962 election</a> for the <a href="/wiki/Mukim_Kianggeh" title="Mukim Kianggeh">Sumbiling</a> seat. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8879 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Saks_Potts" title="Draft:Saks Potts">Draft:Saks Potts</a> (<small>Copenhagen based clothing brand</small>) </td> <td>. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>8824 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rocky_Reach_AVA" title="Draft:Rocky Reach AVA">Draft:Rocky Reach AVA</a> (<small>Viticultural area in Washington, USA</small>) </td> <td>Rocky Reach is an <a href="/wiki/American_Viticultural_Area" title="American Viticultural Area">American Viticultural Area (AVA)</a> located within portions of <a href="/wiki/Chelan_County,_Washington" title="Chelan County, Washington">Chelan</a> and <a href="/wiki/Douglas_County,_Washington" title="Douglas County, Washington">Douglas</a> Counties between the cities <a href="/wiki/Chelan,_Washington" title="Chelan, Washington">Chelan</a> and <a href="/wiki/Wenatchee,_Washington" title="Wenatchee, Washington">Wenatchee</a> in <a href="/wiki/Central_Washington" title="Central Washington">central Washington</a> state. The area is a elongated strip of land that straddles the <a href="/wiki/Columbia_River" title="Columbia River">Columbia River</a> entirely within the vast <a href="/wiki/Columbia_Valley_AVA" title="Columbia Valley AVA">Columbia Valley AVA</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8683 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nancy_Ostrander" title="Draft:Nancy Ostrander">Draft:Nancy Ostrander</a> (<small>American diplomat</small>) </td> <td>Nancy Ostrander (1925 – February 18, 2024) was an American diplomat who served as the <a href="/wiki/List_of_ambassadors_of_the_United_States_to_Suriname" title="List of ambassadors of the United States to Suriname">U.S. Ambassador to Suriname</a> during the <a href="/wiki/1980_Surinamese_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat" title="1980 Surinamese coup d'état">Surinamese Coup in 1980</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7919 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yasuhiko_Nishimura" title="Draft:Yasuhiko Nishimura">Draft:Yasuhiko Nishimura</a> (<small>Grand Steward of the Imperial household agency</small>) </td> <td> </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7310 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Isaac_Hong" title="Draft:Isaac Hong">Draft:Isaac Hong</a> (<small>Korean Singer-Songwriter and Producer</small>) </td> <td>Isaac Hong (Korean: 홍이삭; born 12 May 1988), is a Korean singer-songwriter, producer, and entertainer. Isaac is best known for winning <a href="/wiki/JTBC" title="JTBC">JTBC</a>'s show <i><a href="/w/index.php?title=Sing_Again_3&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Sing Again 3 (page does not exist)">Sing Again 3</a></i>, his appearance in JTBC's first season of <i><a href="/wiki/Superband_(TV_program)" title="Superband (TV program)">Superband (TV program)</a></i> and for singing the track ‘Fallin’ from the <i><a href="/wiki/Queen_of_Tears" title="Queen of Tears">Queen of Tears</a></i> OST. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>107893 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nerd_Connection" title="Draft:Nerd Connection">Draft:Nerd Connection</a> (<small>Biography of Korean Rock Band</small>) </td> <td>Nerd Connection (Korean: 너드커넥션), is a four-member South Korean rock band. Nerd Connection formed on the 31st of May 2017, later officially debuting on the 12th of August 2018 with their single ‘Hymn of the Birds’. The band’s slogan is “어지러운 세상, 따뜻한 음악” (English translation: (in a) dizzy world, warm music). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>61065 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:List_of_Embracer_Group_IP" title="Draft:List of Embracer Group IP">Draft:List of Embracer Group IP</a> (<small>List of Embracer Group IP</small>) </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Embracer_Group" title="Embracer Group">Embracer Group</a> is a Swedish video game holding company controlled by Lars Wingefors. In 2016, the company was spun out of Nordic Games Group and in 2019 it was renamed Embracer Group. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>59689 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Early_Roman_Empire" title="Draft:Early Roman Empire">Draft:Early Roman Empire</a> (<small>Early phase of the Roman Empire</small>) </td> <td>The Early Empire, along with the <a href="/wiki/Low_Roman_Empire" title="Low Roman Empire">Late Empire</a>, constitutes one of the two <a href="/wiki/Historiography" title="Historiography">historiographical</a> divisions of the <a href="/wiki/Roman_Empire" title="Roman Empire">Roman Empire</a> as seen by French historians. These terms are widely used concepts, though their chronological boundaries are not unanimously agreed upon. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>55931 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Intersectional_Solidarity" title="Draft:Intersectional Solidarity">Draft:Intersectional Solidarity</a> (<small>Related to the field of practical social science, explaining the overall concept and aspect</small>) </td> <td>See <a href="/wiki/Intersectionality" title="Intersectionality">Intersectionality</a> for details. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>46910 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yefremov%27s_School" title="Draft:Yefremov's School">Draft:Yefremov's School</a> (<small>Russian literary movement named by science-fiction writer Ivan Yefremov</small>) </td> <td><i>Yefremov's School</i> is a literary movement whose representatives, from the second half of the 1970s, gathered around the editorial board for fantasy literature of the publishing house Molodaya Gvardiya, headed by Yuri Medvedev in 1973-1978 and by Vladimir Shcherbakov (who always denied his connection with the "school") in 1978-1992. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>45260 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cripping-up" title="Draft:Cripping-up">Draft:Cripping-up</a> </td> <td>Cripping-up is the act of casting an actor without a visible disability into a role where there is visible disability, began to appear in mainstream media around 2010. It is a derivative of the word "<a href="/wiki/Crip_(disability_term)" title="Crip (disability term)">crip</a>" and is used to call out certain casting practices in stage, TV drama and film production. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>43085 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Paul_Quinn_(guitarist)" title="Draft:Paul Quinn (guitarist)">Draft:Paul Quinn (guitarist)</a> (<small>British Guitarist</small>) </td> <td>Paul Anthony Quinn (born Dec 26th, 1951) is an English guitarist who was born in Maltby.... This is a small town near Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England. He is best known as founding member, songwriter, and guitarist of the English <a href="/wiki/Heavy_metal_music" title="Heavy metal music">heavy metal</a> band <a href="/wiki/Saxon_(band)" title="Saxon (band)">Saxon</a> and a member of a blues trio called 'The Cards' . </td> <td>1 </td> <td>40162 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Foundation_for_Research_on_Information_Technologies_in_Society" title="Draft:Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society">Draft:Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society</a> (<small>Independent research foundation</small>) </td> <td>The Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT'IS) is a <a href="/wiki/Nonprofit_organization" title="Nonprofit organization">nonprofit</a> <a href="/wiki/Scientific_research" class="mw-redirect" title="Scientific research">scientific</a> <a href="/wiki/Research_institute" title="Research institute">research institute</a> in <a href="/wiki/Z%C3%BCrich" class="mw-redirect" title="Zürich">Zurich</a>, <a href="/wiki/Switzerland" title="Switzerland">Switzerland</a>, established in 1999. </td> <td>5 </td> <td>38784 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Psychomodulatory_substances" title="Draft:Psychomodulatory substances">Draft:Psychomodulatory substances</a> (<small>Drug policy new legislative framework</small>) </td> <td>Psychomodulatory substances (PMS) (Czech: <i><a href="" class="extiw" title="cs:Psychomodulační látka">psychomodulační látky</a> (PML)</i>) is a term referring to a new category of <a href="/wiki/Psychoactive_drug" title="Psychoactive drug">psychoactive substances</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Czech_Republic" title="Czech Republic">Czech Republic</a>, defined as psychoactive substances with low health and societal risk that can be as a distinct product category marketed for human consumption. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>34096 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Michael_E._Papka_(computer_scientist)" title="Draft:Michael E. Papka (computer scientist)">Draft:Michael E. Papka (computer scientist)</a> (<small>Computer scientist</small>) </td> <td>Michael E. Papka is a <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Warren S. McCulloch</a> professor of computer science at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Illinois_Chicago" title="University of Illinois Chicago">University of Illinois Chicago</a>. At <a href="/wiki/Argonne_National_Laboratory" title="Argonne National Laboratory">Argonne National Laboratory</a>, he serves as a senior scientist, the deputy associate laboratory director for <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Computing, Environment, and Life Sciences (CELS)</a>, and the director of the [<a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a> Argonne Leadership Compu ... </td> <td>2 </td> <td>33285 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Eric_James_Warrant" title="Draft:Eric James Warrant">Draft:Eric James Warrant</a> (<small>Neuroethologist studying nocturnal insect vision</small>) </td> <td>Eric James Warrant, PhD (born 7 March 1962) is an Australian-Swedish <a href="/wiki/Neuroethology" title="Neuroethology">neuroethologist</a> known for his <a href="/wiki/Entomology" title="Entomology">entomological</a> research on how the optics of eyes are optimized for life at different light levels. His work concerns the <a href="/wiki/Visual_system" title="Visual system">vision</a> and visual navigation of <a href="/wiki/Nocturnality" title="Nocturnality">nocturnal</a> insects and the sensory basis of long-distance nocturnal <a href="/wiki/Migration_(ecology)" title="Migration (ecology)">migration</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>30824 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-02 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Colin_William_Wyatt" title="Draft:Colin William Wyatt">Draft:Colin William Wyatt</a> (<small>British champion ski-er and noted lepidopterist</small>) </td> <td><i>Citations have now been given. The section on reliable sources has been read and followed to the best of understanding. Several references now replaced (31 October 2024)</i> </td> <td>3 </td> <td>28723 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sch%C3%B6nbuch" title="Draft:Schönbuch">Draft:Schönbuch</a> </td> <td>The borders of the Schönbuch-Region are vague; however, the area of the Nature Park itself is strictly defined and is discernible from the adjacent areas. In the south, west, and east, the borders of the Nature Park and Schönbuch-Region are roughly the same; however, the region’s boundaries also include the cities and communities which lie on its edges. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>25885 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Justin_Langan" title="Draft:Justin Langan">Draft:Justin Langan</a> (<small>Indigenous Canadian Activist</small>) </td> <td>Justin Langan (born December 15, 1998) is a <a href="/wiki/M%C3%A9tis" title="Métis">Métis</a> youth advocate, environmentalist, writer, and political activist. He is widely recognized for his efforts in Indigenous advocacy, mental health awareness, environmental sustainability, and his work supporting Indigenous youth. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>23329 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Best_100_Egyptian_comedy_films_according_to_the_Alexandria_International_Film_Festival" title="Draft:Best 100 Egyptian comedy films according to the Alexandria International Film Festival">Draft:Best 100 Egyptian comedy films according to the Alexandria International Film Festival</a> (<small>List of Egyptian comedy films.</small>) </td> <td>The Top 100 Egyptian Comedy Films is a list unveiled during the 38th edition of the <a href="/wiki/Alexandria_International_Film_Festival" title="Alexandria International Film Festival">Alexandria International Film Festival</a> in September 2022, in collaboration with the Egyptian Critics Association. The list features <a href="/wiki/Comedy_film" title="Comedy film">comedic films</a> produced from the early years of Egyptian cinema up to the time of the festival. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>20179 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Grace_Shipping_Company" title="Draft:Grace Shipping Company">Draft:Grace Shipping Company</a> (<small>Shipping company that no longer exists under the name of the article</small>) </td> <td>Grace Shipping was a key part of the parent company, <a href="/wiki/W._R._Grace_and_Company" title="W. R. Grace and Company">W. R. Grace</a>, for a large part of the corporation's history. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>19538 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pietro_Labriola" title="Draft:Pietro Labriola">Draft:Pietro Labriola</a> (<small>Italian business executive</small>) </td> <td>Pietro Labriola (born October 1, 1967, Altamura, Italy) is an Italian business executive who has been the chief executive officer and general manager of the <a href="/wiki/TIM_Group" title="TIM Group">TIM Group</a> since January 21, 2022. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>18704 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kioomars_Musayyebi" title="Draft:Kioomars Musayyebi">Draft:Kioomars Musayyebi</a> (<small>Musical artist</small>) </td> <td>Kioomars Musayyebi (<a href="/wiki/DIN_31635" title="DIN 31635">DIN</a>: kyūmarṯ mosayebī/ <a href="/wiki/Persian_language" title="Persian language">Persian</a>: کیومرث مسیبی, born 1977 in <a href="/wiki/Tehran" title="Tehran">Tehran</a>, <a href="/wiki/Iran" title="Iran">Iran</a>) is an <a href="/wiki/Iranians_in_Germany" title="Iranians in Germany">Iranian-German</a> musician and composer, primarily playing the instrument <a href="/wiki/Santur" title="Santur">santur</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>17375 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dipak_Giri" title="Draft:Dipak Giri">Draft:Dipak Giri</a> (<small>"Indian Writer", "Indian Editor", "Indian Critic", "Writer from Cooch Behar, West Bengal"</small>) </td> <td>Dipak Giri (born 7 March, 1984) is an Indian English writer, editor and critic. He is the Editor-in-Chief of <i>Creative Flight</i>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>17049 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rue_de_Paris_(Charenton-le-Pont)" title="Draft:Rue de Paris (Charenton-le-Pont)">Draft:Rue de Paris (Charenton-le-Pont)</a> (<small>Historic street in Charenton-le-Pont, France</small>) </td> <td>The Rue de Paris is a street in <a href="/wiki/Charenton-le-Pont" title="Charenton-le-Pont">Charenton-le-Pont</a>, <a href="/wiki/France" title="France">France</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>15773 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cary_Baker" title="Draft:Cary Baker">Draft:Cary Baker</a> (<small>American journalist and music publicist</small>) </td> <td>Cary Baker (or Cary S. Baker), born November 14, 1955, in <a href="/wiki/Chicago" title="Chicago">Chicago</a>, <a href="/wiki/Illinois" title="Illinois">Illinois</a>, is an American music publicist, author, journalist, and reissue record producer. He is the author of the book <i>Down on the Corner: Adventures in Busking and Street Music</i> (Jawbone Press, Nov. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>15577 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ahah" title="Draft:Ahah">Draft:Ahah</a> (<small>In Latter Day Saint movement, a Jaredite king, the son of Seth</small>) </td> <td>Ahah (deseret: 𐐁𐐐𐐂), in the beliefs of the <a href="/wiki/Latter_Day_Saint_movement" title="Latter Day Saint movement">Latter Day Saint movement</a> (Mormons), was a <a href="/wiki/Jaredites" title="Jaredites">Jaredite</a> king, the son of Seth. Information about him is found in the Book of Ether, which is part of the Mormon sacred scriptures. His reign belongs to the later period of Jaredite history. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>15285 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Coherent_Neutrino-Nucleus_Interaction_Experiment" title="Draft:Coherent Neutrino-Nucleus Interaction Experiment">Draft:Coherent Neutrino-Nucleus Interaction Experiment</a> </td> <td>Coherent Neutrino-Nucleus Interaction Experiment (CONNIE) is an experiment developed with the aim of detecting coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CE𝜈NS) using silicon <a href="/wiki/Charge-coupled_device" title="Charge-coupled device">CCDs</a>. The experiment is located at the <a href="/wiki/Angra_Nuclear_Power_Plant" title="Angra Nuclear Power Plant">Angra-2</a> nuclear power plant, in Angra dos Reis, Brazil. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>13640 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:NatB" title="Draft:NatB">Draft:NatB</a> (<small>N-terminal acetyltransferase B, NatB</small>) </td> <td>NatB is the name of an <a href="/wiki/Enzyme" title="Enzyme">enzyme</a> in an enzyme group called N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs) that modify proteins by doing <a href="/wiki/N-terminal_acetylation" title="N-terminal acetylation">N-terminal acetylation</a>. NATs belongs to the GCN5 related N-acetyltransferases (GNAT) superfamily. N-terminal acetylation is the process of adding an <a href="/wiki/Acetyl_group" title="Acetyl group">acetyl group</a> during or after <a href="/wiki/Protein_biosynthesis" title="Protein biosynthesis">protein synthesis</a>.. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12167 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sabina_Ranger" title="Draft:Sabina Ranger">Draft:Sabina Ranger</a> (<small>Beauty Entrepreneur</small>) </td> <td>Hon. Sabina Ranger is a British beauty entrepreneur . She is the CEO & Founder of international beauty brand BELLA dubbed as 'The Queen of Real Lashes' by <a href="/wiki/Grazia" title="Grazia">Grazia International</a> . After years of creating products in her family consumer goods business, <a href="/wiki/Sun_Mark" title="Sun Mark">Sun Mark</a> , Sabina created WANDERLASH mascara promising 'The 30 Second Lash Lift' to solve issues she faced with false eyelashes . </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11796 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:James_Francis_Jenkins" title="Draft:James Francis Jenkins">Draft:James Francis Jenkins</a> (<small>James Jenkins:London, Ontario activist who started Canada's NAACP and first black newspaper</small>) </td> <td>James Francis Jenkins (1875-May 6,1931) was a Black Canadian journalist and activist from Forsythe, Georgia who was son of James Jenkins and Mary Jane Peeples. Chartered in 1925, he, a friend of famous black sociologist and activist W.E.B. Dubois helped found the Canadian League of the Advancement of Colored People afterwards referred to as CLACP. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11191 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sack_of_Singapore" title="Draft:Sack of Singapore">Draft:Sack of Singapore</a> (<small>Sack of Singapore in 1398 by Majapahit</small>) </td> <td>The invasion and subsequent sacking of Singapore occurred in 1398. Majapahit sacked and destroyed most of <a href="/wiki/Singapore" title="Singapore">Singapore</a> and terrible massacre ensued. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10476 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Battle_of_Redon_(1815)" title="Draft:Battle of Redon (1815)">Draft:Battle of Redon (1815)</a> (<small>Belic conflict.</small>) </td> <td>The Battle of Redon, fought on June 4, 1815, was a significant clash during the <a href="/w/index.php?title=War_of_the_Vend%C3%A9e_and_Chouannerie_of_1815&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="War of the Vendée and Chouannerie of 1815 (page does not exist)">Chouannerie of 1815</a><span class="noprint" style="font-size:85%; font-style: normal;"> [<a href="" class="extiw" title="fr:Guerre de Vendée et Chouannerie de 1815">fr</a>]</span>, where the royalist Chouan forces led by Louis de Sol de Grisolles attacked the town of Redon. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9221 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Typhoon_Pamela_(1954)" title="Draft:Typhoon Pamela (1954)">Draft:Typhoon Pamela (1954)</a> (<small>Pacific typhoon in 1954</small>) </td> <td>Typhoon Pamela was an intense and destructive typhoon which affected the Philippines, Hong Kong, Macau, and South China during October and November 1954. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9118 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lithium_Mining_in_Bolivia" title="Draft:Lithium Mining in Bolivia">Draft:Lithium Mining in Bolivia</a> </td> <td>Lithium Mining in Bolivia has grown in political and economic interest in recent years as <a href="/wiki/Lithium" title="Lithium">lithium</a> is a key resource that is essential for <a href="/wiki/Lithium-ion_battery" title="Lithium-ion battery">batteries</a> used in many types of products such as cellphones and electric vehicles. Lithium has grown in value due to the increased demand for these products and a growing global emphasis on <a href="/wiki/Renewable_energy" title="Renewable energy">renewable energy</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8697 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hiro_(motorcycles)" title="Draft:Hiro (motorcycles)">Draft:Hiro (motorcycles)</a> (<small>Hiro (motorcycles), Italian motorcycle manufacturer</small>) </td> <td>Hiro (Hiro S.a.S) was an <a href="/wiki/Italy" title="Italy">Italian</a> <a href="/wiki/Internal_combustion_engine" title="Internal combustion engine">combustion engine</a> manufacturer based in <a href="/wiki/Origgio" title="Origgio">Origgio</a> (<a href="/wiki/Province_of_Varese" title="Province of Varese">Province of Varese</a>) that was active between 1973 and 1986. Founded by Andrea Mosconi, a small manufacturer that had started by producing <a href="/wiki/Motocross" title="Motocross">motocross</a> <a href="/wiki/Motorcycle" title="Motorcycle">motorcycles</a> under the brand <i>Eurocross</i>, the company produced mainly 125, 175, 250 and 350 cc <a href="/wiki/Two-stroke_engine" title="Two-stroke engine">two-stroke engines</a> for motocross, <a href="/wiki/Enduro" title="Enduro">enduro</a> and road, as well as a 320 cc <a href="/wiki/Trial" title="Trial">trials</a> engine and a sport <a href="/wiki/Aviation" title="Aviation">aviation</a> engine, for <a href="/wiki/Hang_gliding" title="Hang gliding">hang gliding</a>, of 23 cc. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6763 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kostadin_Kamcev" title="Draft:Kostadin Kamcev">Draft:Kostadin Kamcev</a> (<small>Recording Engineer</small>) </td> <td><a href="/wiki/User:Veeranshi_Jha" title="User:Veeranshi Jha">Veeranshi Jha</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Veeranshi_Jha" title="User talk:Veeranshi Jha">talk</a>) 13:15, 14 November 2024 (UTC) </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6542 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Qud%C4%81mah_ibn_Ma%E1%BA%93%CA%BF%C5%ABn" title="Draft:Qudāmah ibn Maẓʿūn">Draft:Qudāmah ibn Maẓʿūn</a> </td> <td>Qudāmah ibn Maẓʿūn (<a href="/wiki/Arabic" title="Arabic">Arabic</a>: قدامة بن مظعون; c. 588 – 656), also known as Abū ʿAmr al-Jumaḥī Al Quraīshī , was a <a href="/wiki/Companions_of_the_Prophet" title="Companions of the Prophet">companion of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ</a>, who participated in several battles and one of the early converts to Islam. He served as the governor of <a href="/wiki/Bahrain" title="Bahrain">Bahrain</a> during <a href="/wiki/Umar" title="Umar">Umar's</a> <a href="/wiki/Rashidun_Caliphate" title="Rashidun Caliphate">Caliphate</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6176 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Answer_Studio" title="Draft:The Answer Studio">Draft:The Answer Studio</a> (<small>Japanese animation studio</small>) </td> <td>is a Japanese <a href="/wiki/Animation_studio" title="Animation studio">animation studio</a> founded on June 2004. It is headquartered in <a href="/wiki/Tokyo" title="Tokyo">Tokyo</a>.. The company is an associate member of <a href="/wiki/The_Association_of_Japanese_Animations" title="The Association of Japanese Animations">The Association of Japanese Animations</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>53867 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Optical_Pooled_Screening" title="Draft:Optical Pooled Screening">Draft:Optical Pooled Screening</a> (<small>Methodology for biomedical research</small>) </td> <td>Single-cell Optical Pooled Screening (OPS) is a high-content pooled single-cell screening approach that profiles single <a href="/wiki/Cell_(biology)" title="Cell (biology)">cell</a> <a href="/wiki/Phenotype" title="Phenotype">phenotypes</a> by <a href="/wiki/Optical_microscope" title="Optical microscope">optical microscopy</a> and links each profile to a defined genetic perturbation identified by <i>in situ</i> genotyping. OPS provides sensitive and broad access to phenotypic responses of cells caused by user-defined genetic changes in a large-scale, systematic manner. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>46782 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:2013%E2%80%9314_Valletta_F.C._season" title="Draft:2013–14 Valletta F.C. season">Draft:2013–14 Valletta F.C. season</a> (<small>Professional football team’s season</small>) </td> <td>The <a href="/wiki/2013%E2%80%9314_Maltese_Premier_League" title="2013–14 Maltese Premier League">2013–14 season</a> was <a href="/wiki/Valletta_F.C." title="Valletta F.C.">Valletta</a>'s twenty-second title-winning season in the <a href="/wiki/Maltese_Premier_League" title="Maltese Premier League">Maltese Premier League</a> and the 13th as <a href="/wiki/Maltese_FA_Trophy" title="Maltese FA Trophy">Maltese FA Trophy</a> winners, as well as winning their fifth Euro Challenge Cup title. They had qualified for the <a href="/wiki/UEFA_Europa_League" title="UEFA Europa League">UEFA Europa League</a> via their third-place finish in the <a href="/wiki/2012%E2%80%9313_Maltese_Premier_League" title="2012–13 Maltese Premier League">2012–13 season</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>39456 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alberta_Fault_Determination_Rules" title="Draft:Alberta Fault Determination Rules">Draft:Alberta Fault Determination Rules</a> (<small>Insurance legislation in Alberta</small>) </td> <td>The Alberta Fault Determination Rules (commonly known as the Fault Rules or FDR) is a regulation under the <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Alberta Insurance Act</a> to determine driver responsibility after a car accident in Alberta. Drivers can be 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% at fault. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>37830 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jo%C3%A3o_Paulo_Krajewski" title="Draft:João Paulo Krajewski">Draft:João Paulo Krajewski</a> (<small>Brazilian wildlife filmmaker and biologist</small>) </td> <td>João Paulo Krajewski (<a href="/wiki/Campinas" title="Campinas">Campinas</a>, April 27th 1980) is a Brazilian cinematographer and biologist with a PhD degree in Ecology at <a href="/wiki/State_University_of_Campinas" title="State University of Campinas">State University of Campinas</a>.. </td> <td>5 </td> <td>37034 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:2012_Dual_Universal_Suffrage_(Hong_Kong)" title="Draft:2012 Dual Universal Suffrage (Hong Kong)">Draft:2012 Dual Universal Suffrage (Hong Kong)</a> (<small>Demand for 2012 Hong Kong electoral reform</small>) </td> <td>The 2012 Dual Universal Suffrage refers to the demand by many Hong Kong residents for the <a href="/wiki/Government_of_Hong_Kong" title="Government of Hong Kong">Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government</a> to <a href="/wiki/Elections_in_Hong_Kong#Chief_Executive_elections" title="Elections in Hong Kong">implement universal suffrage</a> in the 2012 Chief Executive election and to elect all <a href="/wiki/Legislative_Council_of_Hong_Kong" title="Legislative Council of Hong Kong">Legislative Council</a> seats through <a href="/wiki/Universal_suffrage" title="Universal suffrage">universal suffrage</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Genuine_universal_suffrage_(Hong_Kong)&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Genuine universal suffrage (Hong Kong) (page does not exist)">genuine universal suffrage</a><span class="noprint" style="font-size:85%; font-style: normal;"> [<a href="" class="extiw" title="zh:真普选">zh</a>]</span>). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>35862 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Issues_relating_to_cheap_alcohol" title="Draft:Issues relating to cheap alcohol">Draft:Issues relating to cheap alcohol</a> (<small>alcohol</small>) </td> <td>This article is a complement to <a href="/wiki/Draft:List_of_countries_with_minimum_unit_price_laws_for_alcohol" title="Draft:List of countries with minimum unit price laws for alcohol">Draft:List of countries with minimum unit price laws for alcohol</a>. --<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/" title="Special:Contributions/"></a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:" title="User talk:">talk</a>) 22:39, 3 November 2024 (UTC) </td> <td>3 </td> <td>31054 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Urocyon_littoralis_santacruzae" title="Draft:Urocyon littoralis santacruzae">Draft:Urocyon littoralis santacruzae</a> (<small>Endangered fox sub-species</small>) </td> <td>Le renard de l’île Santa Cruz (<i>Urocyon littoralis santacruzae</i>) est une des six sous-espèces des renards des îles. Il appartient à la famille Canidae, du latin voulant dire « chien », et du genre <i>Urocyon</i>, du grec signifiant « chien à queue ». Il s’agit du plus petit renard aux États-Unis. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>29913 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Emilia_P%C3%A9rez_(soundtrack)" title="Draft:Emilia Pérez (soundtrack)">Draft:Emilia Pérez (soundtrack)</a> (<small>2024 EP and soundtrack album by Clément Ducol and Camille</small>) </td> <td>The music for the 2024 French <a href="/wiki/Crime_comedy_film" class="mw-redirect" title="Crime comedy film">crime comedy film</a> <a href="/wiki/Emilia_P%C3%A9rez" title="Emilia Pérez"><i>Emilia Pérez</i></a> directed by <a href="/wiki/Jacques_Audiard" title="Jacques Audiard">Jacques Audiard</a> featured original songs composed by <a href="/wiki/Camille_(French_singer)" title="Camille (French singer)">Camille</a>, who also composed the original score with <a href="/wiki/Cl%C3%A9ment_Ducol" title="Clément Ducol">Clément Ducol</a>. The songs were performed by the ensemble cast members, <a href="/wiki/Zoe_Salda%C3%B1a" title="Zoe Saldaña">Zoe Saldaña</a>, <a href="/wiki/Karla_Sof%C3%ADa_Gasc%C3%B3n" title="Karla Sofía Gascón">Karla Sofía Gascón</a>, <a href="/wiki/Selena_Gomez" title="Selena Gomez">Selena Gomez</a>, <a href="/wiki/Adriana_Paz" title="Adriana Paz">Adriana Paz</a>, <a href="/wiki/Mark_Ivanir" title="Mark Ivanir">Mark Ivanir</a>, amongst others. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>29866 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Braveland_Conference" title="Draft:Braveland Conference">Draft:Braveland Conference</a> (<small>History of the WIAA's Braveland Conference (1953–1993)</small>) </td> <td>The Braveland Conference is a former high school athletic conference in <a href="/wiki/Wisconsin" title="Wisconsin">Wisconsin</a>, formed in 1953 and ending competition in 1993. Its membership was concentrated in <a href="/wiki/Milwaukee_County,_Wisconsin" title="Milwaukee County, Wisconsin">Milwaukee</a> and <a href="/wiki/Waukesha_County,_Wisconsin" title="Waukesha County, Wisconsin">Waukesha</a> Counties and was affiliated with the <a href="/wiki/Wisconsin_Interscholastic_Athletic_Association" title="Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association">Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>29432 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:List_of_sport_utility_vehicles_from_each_manufacturer" title="Draft:List of sport utility vehicles from each manufacturer">Draft:List of sport utility vehicles from each manufacturer</a> </td> <td>This page lists the first <a href="/wiki/Sport_utility_vehicles" class="mw-redirect" title="Sport utility vehicles">sport utility vehicles</a> from each manufacturer with a citation provided. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>28817 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cenyu_Han" title="Draft:Cenyu Han">Draft:Cenyu Han</a> (<small>Chinese racing driver (born 2004)</small>) </td> <td>Cenyu Han (<a href="/wiki/Simplified_Chinese_characters" title="Simplified Chinese characters">Chinese</a>: <span lang="zh-Hans">韓岑宇</span>; <a href="/wiki/Pinyin" title="Pinyin">pinyin</a>: <i><span lang="zh-Latn">Hán Cényǔ</span></i>, born 22 December 2004), also known by his pseudonym "McQueen", is a <a href="/wiki/Chinese_people" title="Chinese people">Chinese</a> racing driver who is set to compete in the <a href="/wiki/Euroformula_Open_Championship" title="Euroformula Open Championship">Euroformula Open Championship</a> for <a href="/wiki/Motopark_Academy" title="Motopark Academy">Team Motopark</a>, having previously competed in <a href="/wiki/Eurocup-3" title="Eurocup-3">Eurocup-3</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Formula_Regional_European_Championship" title="Formula Regional European Championship">Formula Regional European Championship</a>. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>27965 </td> <td>draftified<br /><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Cenyu_Han" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Cenyu Han">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kuttey_(soundtrack)" title="Draft:Kuttey (soundtrack)">Draft:Kuttey (soundtrack)</a> (<small>2023 soundtrack album by Vishal Bhardwaj</small>) </td> <td><i>Kuttey</i> is the <a href="/wiki/Soundtrack_album" title="Soundtrack album">soundtrack album</a> to the 2023 film <a href="/wiki/Kuttey" title="Kuttey">of the same name</a> directed by Aasmaan Bhardwaj. The film's musical score and soundtrack is composed by <a href="/wiki/Vishal_Bhardwaj" title="Vishal Bhardwaj">Vishal Bhardwaj</a> with lyrics are penned by <a href="/wiki/Gulzar" title="Gulzar">Gulzar</a> and Faiz Ahmad Faiz. The album was released under the T-Series label on 9 January 2023. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>27935 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-26 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Christopher_McQuarrie%27s_unrealized_projects" title="Draft:Christopher McQuarrie's unrealized projects">Draft:Christopher McQuarrie's unrealized projects</a> </td> <td>The following is a list of unproduced Christopher McQuarrie projects in roughly chronological order. During his long career, American filmmaker <a href="/wiki/Christopher_McQuarrie" title="Christopher McQuarrie">Christopher McQuarrie</a> has worked on a number of projects which never progressed beyond the pre-production stage under his direction. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>27209 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Aggressor_Platoon" title="Draft:The Aggressor Platoon">Draft:The Aggressor Platoon</a> (<small>Student led Military Organization</small>) </td> <td>The Aggressor Platoon, of the <a href="/wiki/University_of_North_Georgia" title="University of North Georgia">University of North Georgia</a>, was founded in 1963. The Platoon is a specialty, student-led, paramilitary unit of the University's, regularly scheduled, <a href="/wiki/United_States_senior_military_college" title="United States senior military college">SMC</a> program. The Platoon operates, in addition to regularly scheduled Military Science activities and training, to include more in-depth patrolling and small infantry unit tactics; falling under the Professor of Military Science in the University's <a href="/wiki/Reserve_Officers%27_Training_Corps" title="Reserve Officers' Training Corps">ROTC</a> command. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>27038 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Gon%C3%A7alo_Lobo_Pinheiro" title="Draft:Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro">Draft:Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro</a> (<small>Portuguese photographer</small>) </td> <td>Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro (born April 4,1979) is a Portuguese photojournalist and documentary photographer, living in <a href="/wiki/Macau" title="Macau">Macau</a>, China, since 2010. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>26910 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cultural_Impact_of_Friends" title="Draft:Cultural Impact of Friends">Draft:Cultural Impact of Friends</a> </td> <td>Friends is an American television sitcom created by <a href="/wiki/David_Crane_(producer)" title="David Crane (producer)">David Crane</a> and <a href="/wiki/Marta_Kauffman" title="Marta Kauffman">Marta Kauffman</a>, which aired on <a href="/wiki/NBC" title="NBC">NBC</a> from 22 September 1994 to 6 May 2004. The show ran for ten seasons and centred on the lives of six friends living in Manhattan, New York through their 20s and early 30s. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>26693 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Suburban_Conference" title="Draft:Suburban Conference">Draft:Suburban Conference</a> (<small>History of the WIAA's Suburban Conference (1924-1985)</small>) </td> <td>The Suburban Conference is a former high school athletic conference in <a href="/wiki/Wisconsin" title="Wisconsin">Wisconsin</a>, operating from 1925 to 1985 with its membership concentrated in the suburbs of <a href="/wiki/Milwaukee" title="Milwaukee">Milwaukee</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>25985 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Osama_Al-Muslim" title="Draft:Osama Al-Muslim">Draft:Osama Al-Muslim</a> (<small>Saudi writer and novelist.</small>) </td> <td>Osama Al-Muslim (born <a href="/wiki/March" title="March">March</a> 5, 1977) is a <a href="/wiki/Saudi_Arabia" title="Saudi Arabia">Saudi</a> <a href="/wiki/Writer" title="Writer">writer</a> and <a href="/wiki/Novelist" title="Novelist">novelist</a> whose work is notable for its exploration of <a href="/wiki/Fantasy" title="Fantasy">fantasy</a> and <a href="/wiki/Historical_fantasy" title="Historical fantasy">historical fantasy</a> genres. His narratives are distinguished by their engrossing plots, cinematic techniques of <a href="/wiki/Storytelling" title="Storytelling">storytelling</a>, and dialogue. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>25718 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alfred_William_Tucker" title="Draft:Alfred William Tucker">Draft:Alfred William Tucker</a> (<small>Early Australian Pioneer Solicitor</small>) </td> <td>Alfred William Tucker (1856-1934) was an Australian Solicitor who for a short time lived and worked in Blayney, then Medlow Bath, New South Wales. He owned three properties, one of which was just over one acre in Kanimbla Street, and two on the Bathurst Road, Medlow Bath. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>25200 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-02 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:National_Adult_Literacy_Agency_(Ireland)" title="Draft:National Adult Literacy Agency (Ireland)">Draft:National Adult Literacy Agency (Ireland)</a> (<small>education organisation</small>) </td> <td>The National Adult Literacy Agency (<a href="/wiki/Irish_language" title="Irish language">Irish</a>: <i>Aisineacht Naisiunta Litearthachta d'Aosaigh</i>), also known as NALA, is a non-profit organisation in Ireland. It is categorised as a public body in <i>Outsourcing Government</i>. NALA aims to help lower adult illiteracy rates by collaborating with various Government departments and State agencies at a national level to create and execute policies to improve the circumstances of individuals facing challenges in literacy or numeracy. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>25092 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Feedforward_Interview" title="Draft:The Feedforward Interview">Draft:The Feedforward Interview</a> </td> <td>The Feedforward Interview is a tool for developing people by uncovering knowledge about flourishing and exceptional performance. It is used in the fields of <a href="/wiki/Positive_organizational_behavior" title="Positive organizational behavior">positive organizational behavior</a>, <a href="/wiki/Human_resource_management" title="Human resource management">human resource management (HRM)</a>, coaching, <a href="/wiki/Leadership_development" title="Leadership development">leadership development</a>, education, and market research. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>25053 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Decidedly_Jazz_Danceworks" title="Draft:Decidedly Jazz Danceworks">Draft:Decidedly Jazz Danceworks</a> </td> <td>Decidedly Jazz Danceworks (DJD) is a Canadian jazz dance company and dance school based in Calgary, Alberta. The company was founded in 1984 and offers regular performances and classes in the Decidedly Jazz Danceworks Centre, located in Calgary’s Kahanoff Centre, a 26 million-dollar facility developed specifically for the company and school. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>24934 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mondex_Corporation" title="Draft:Mondex Corporation">Draft:Mondex Corporation</a> (<small>Art Restitution Firm responsible for making major changes in restitution in EU and North America</small>) </td> <td>Mondex Corporation is a Toronto-based company that advocates for the restitution of art and cultural artifacts looted during the <a href="/wiki/The_Holocaust#Holocaust_era" title="The Holocaust">Holocaust era</a>. The company advocates on behalf of heirs to recover stolen art, and its practices have led to changes in restitution law and practices in various countries. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>24902 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Corsica_Airfield_Complex" title="Draft:Corsica Airfield Complex">Draft:Corsica Airfield Complex</a> (<small>Airfield complex in Corsica</small>) </td> <td>Corsica Airfield Complex (also known as USS Corsica) is a complex of several airfields built during <a href="/wiki/World_War_II" title="World War II">World War II</a> that actively participated on campaigns against <a href="/wiki/Nazi_Germany" title="Nazi Germany">Nazi Germany</a> on the French island of <a href="/wiki/Corsica" title="Corsica">Corsica</a> </td> <td>1 </td> <td>24793 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Andrey_Velikanov" title="Draft:Andrey Velikanov">Draft:Andrey Velikanov</a> (<small>Artist, philosopher, and art theorist based in Moscow</small>) </td> <td>Andrey Grigoryevich Velikanov (born July 5, 1954, in <a href="/wiki/Moscow" title="Moscow">Moscow</a>, <a href="/wiki/Russian_Soviet_Federative_Socialist_Republic" title="Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic">Russian SFSR</a>, <a href="/wiki/Soviet_Union" title="Soviet Union">USSR</a>) is a <a href="/wiki/Philosopher" class="mw-redirect" title="Philosopher">philosopher</a>, <a href="/wiki/Artist" title="Artist">artist</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Art_theorist" class="mw-redirect" title="Art theorist">art theorist</a> based in <a href="/wiki/Moscow" title="Moscow">Moscow</a>. He works in the field of <a href="/wiki/New_media_art" title="New media art">media art</a> and has published on topics in art and culture theory. In addition to his written work, Velikanov is involved in educational outreach. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>24746 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cous_Cous_Fest" title="Draft:Cous Cous Fest">Draft:Cous Cous Fest</a> (<small>The Cous Cous Fest is a cultural and gastronomic festival held annually in San Vito Lo Capo</small>) </td> <td>Cous Cous Fest is a cultural and gastronomic festival held annually in San Vito Lo Capo since 1998. This event celebrates cultural integration, peace and diversity through the preparation of cous cous, an iconic Mediterranean dish. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>24534 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Synthesizer_V" title="Draft:Synthesizer V">Draft:Synthesizer V</a> (<small>Popular singing voice synthesis software</small>) </td> <td>Synthesizer V Studio (also known as Synthesizer V, or Synth V) is a singing voice synthesizer (SVS) developed and distributed by Dreamtonics Co., Ltd. which was first released in December 2018. The software is designed for the creation of artificial singing vocals for music production but is also widely used for artificial speech. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>24533 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:J%C3%B3zsef_M%C3%B3cz%C3%A1r" title="Draft:József Móczár">Draft:József Móczár</a> </td> <td>Joseph Móczár (Kiskunfélegyháza, March 30, 1946), doctor of economic sciences at HAS (2011), PhD at Osaka University (1994), full university professor (1994-2016), professor emeritus (2016-) of Corvinus University of Budapest. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>24516 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:South_Central_Conference_(Wisconsin)" title="Draft:South Central Conference (Wisconsin)">Draft:South Central Conference (Wisconsin)</a> (<small>Wisconsin high school athletic conference</small>) </td> <td>The South Central Conference is a high school athletic conference in <a href="/wiki/Wisconsin" title="Wisconsin">Wisconsin</a>. Originally founded in 1926, it disbanded in 1941 only to reconstitute eleven years later. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>24309 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kindgeek" title="Draft:Kindgeek">Draft:Kindgeek</a> (<small>Ukrainian IT company</small>) </td> <td>Kindgeek (<a href="/wiki/Ukrainian_language" title="Ukrainian language">укр</a>. Кайндґік) — is a fintech product development company based in <a href="/wiki/Lviv" title="Lviv">Lviv</a>, <a href="/wiki/Ukraine" title="Ukraine">Ukraine</a>. Founded in 2015 by Anton Skrypnyk and Yuriy Gnatyuk, Kindgeek specializes in delivering a variety of technological solutions tailored for the finance sector, including white-label solutions, AI services, open banking, chatbots, buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) systems, core banking functionalities, WEB 3.0 applications, and custom software development services. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>24118 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:AboFlah" title="Draft:AboFlah">Draft:AboFlah</a> (<small>Arab Gamer YouTuber</small>) </td> <td>Hassan Suleyman, known as AboFlah (December 18, 1998– ); is a <a href="/wiki/Demographics_of_Kuwait" title="Demographics of Kuwait">Kuwaiti</a> <a href="/wiki/YouTuber" title="YouTuber">YouTuber</a>, he has a <a href="/wiki/YouTube_channel" class="mw-redirect" title="YouTube channel">YouTube channel</a> that makes videos about games and entertainment. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>24109 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:LifE_Study" title="Draft:LifE Study">Draft:LifE Study</a> (<small>German panel study with 3 generations since 1979</small>) </td> <td>The LifE study (in German: Lebensverläufe ins frühe Erwachsenenalter or Lebensverläufe ins fortgeschrittene Erwachsenenalter; translated to English: ‘Life Paths into Early Adulthood’ or ‘Life Paths into Later Adulthood’) is a <a href="/wiki/Prospective_cohort_study" title="Prospective cohort study">prospective</a> German <a href="/wiki/Longitudinal_study" title="Longitudinal study">panel study</a> ongoing since 1979. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>23970 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Urban_Scaling" title="Draft:Urban Scaling">Draft:Urban Scaling</a> (<small>Scientific field studying cities as complex systems</small>) </td> <td>Urban scaling is an area of research within the study of cities as <a href="/wiki/Complex_system" title="Complex system">complex systems</a>. It examines how various urban indicators change systematically with city size. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>23961 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:2024_North_Alabama_Lions_baseball_team" title="Draft:2024 North Alabama Lions baseball team">Draft:2024 North Alabama Lions baseball team</a> (<small>Intercollegiate baseball season</small>) </td> <td>The 2024 North Alabama Lions baseball team represented the <a href="/wiki/University_of_North_Alabama" title="University of North Alabama">University of North Alabama</a> during the <a href="/wiki/2024_NCAA_Division_I_baseball_season" title="2024 NCAA Division I baseball season">2024 NCAA Division I baseball season</a>. They were led by head coach <a href="/wiki/Jad_Prachniak" title="Jad Prachniak">Jad Prachniak</a>, in his 2nd season at UNA. The Lions played their home games at <a href="/wiki/Mike_D._Lane_Field" title="Mike D. Lane Field">Mike D. Lane Field</a> as a members of the <a href="/wiki/Atlantic_Sun_Conference" title="Atlantic Sun Conference">Atlantic Sun Conference</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>23862 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nick_Barili" title="Draft:Nick Barili">Draft:Nick Barili</a> (<small>Nick Barili</small>) </td> <td>Nick Barili (also known as Nicolás Barili, Nick Huff Barili, or Nick Huff) is an Argentine-American journalist, producer, showrunner, and director. He is best known as the creator of the award-winning docu-series <i>De La Calle</i>, founder and host of the digital platform <i><a href="/wiki/Hard_Knock_TV" title="Hard Knock TV">Hard Knock TV</a></i>, and executive producer of <i>SEEN</i> with <a href="/wiki/Academy_of_Motion_Picture_Arts_and_Sciences" title="Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences">The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>23703 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Massey_Medals_for_Architecture" title="Draft:Massey Medals for Architecture">Draft:Massey Medals for Architecture</a> (<small>Canadian architectural award</small>) </td> <td>In 1950, <a href="/wiki/Vincent_Massey" title="Vincent Massey">Vincent Massey</a> announced a "Scheme for the Award of Massey Medals in Architecture by the Massey Foundation" with the goal of recognizing “outstanding examples of Canadian achievement in the fields of architecture and thus to give encouragement to the members of the architectural profession and to promote public interest in their work". </td> <td>0 </td> <td>23644 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Marat%C3%B3n_Medellin" title="Draft:Maratón Medellin">Draft:Maratón Medellin</a> (<small>Annual marathon event</small>) </td> <td>Maratón Medellín (also called The Medellín Marathon, previously the Medellín Flowers Marathon, or initially called the Medellín International Half Marathon) is an annual marathon held in <a href="/wiki/Medell%C3%ADn" title="Medellín">Medellín, Colombia</a>. It is the oldest marathon event in Colombia, celebrated every September, attracting both local and international participants. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>23615 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hukum_%E2%80%93_Thalaivar_Alappara" title="Draft:Hukum – Thalaivar Alappara">Draft:Hukum – Thalaivar Alappara</a> (<small>2023 single by Anirudh Ravichander</small>) </td> <td>"Hukum – Thalaivar Alappara" (<abbr title="translation">transl.</abbr><span> command – the leader's rampage</span>) or simply "Hukum" is the <a href="/wiki/Tamil_language" title="Tamil language">Tamil</a>-language song composed and sung by <a href="/wiki/Anirudh_Ravichander" title="Anirudh Ravichander">Anirudh Ravichander</a> and written by Super Subu, for the soundtrack of the 2023 film <i><a href="/wiki/Jailer_(2023_Tamil_film)" title="Jailer (2023 Tamil film)">Jailer</a></i>. The film, directed by <a href="/wiki/Nelson_Dilipkumar" title="Nelson Dilipkumar">Nelson Dilipkumar</a> and produced by <a href="/wiki/Sun_Pictures" title="Sun Pictures">Sun Pictures</a>, starred <a href="/wiki/Rajinikanth" title="Rajinikanth">Rajinikanth</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>23464 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Clustergrammer" title="Draft:Clustergrammer">Draft:Clustergrammer</a> (<small>Interactive Data Visualization</small>) </td> <td>Clustergrammer is a web-based interactive tool designed for visualizing and analyzing high-dimensional data through heatmaps. It was developed by the <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Ma'ayan Laboratory at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.</a> The tool addresses the limitations of static heatmaps by integrating interactive features, facilitating the analysis of complex biological datasets, including genomics and proteomics </td> <td>0 </td> <td>23207 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Honduran_Army" title="Draft:Honduran Army">Draft:Honduran Army</a> (<small>Military unit</small>) </td> <td>The Honduran Army is one of the three branches of the <a href="/wiki/Armed_Forces_of_Honduras" title="Armed Forces of Honduras">Armed Forces of Honduras</a>, as established by the <a href="/wiki/Constitution_of_Honduras" title="Constitution of Honduras">1982 Constitution</a>. Its recruits are all volunteers. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>22898 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Whole_Trait_Theory" title="Draft:Whole Trait Theory">Draft:Whole Trait Theory</a> (<small>Whole Trait Theory</small>) </td> <td>Whole Trait Theory expands upon traditional personality theories by integrating social-cognitive processes like goals, motivations, and interpretations to explain how traits manifest dynamically in behavior. Whole Trait Theory argues that traits are not static dispositions, but emerge instead from distributions of behavior states that vary based on internal cognitive processes and external contextual factors. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>22681 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Slim_Jxmmi" title="Draft:Slim Jxmmi">Draft:Slim Jxmmi</a> (<small>American rapper and singer (born 1991)</small>) </td> <td>Aaquil Iben Shaman Brown (born December 29, 1991), known professionally as Slim Jxmmi, is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter. Slim gained mainstream recognition as one half of the Mississippi-based hip hop duo <a href="/wiki/Rae_Sremmurd" title="Rae Sremmurd">Rae Sremmurd</a>, formed in 2010 with his younger brother <a href="/wiki/Swae_Lee" title="Swae Lee">Swae Lee</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>22369 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Slim_Jxmmi" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Slim Jxmmi">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kamaria_Ahir_(Yadav)" title="Draft:Kamaria Ahir (Yadav)">Draft:Kamaria Ahir (Yadav)</a> (<small>Subdivision of Ahir caste in India, Kamaria.</small>) </td> <td>Kamaria (<i>Kamariya, Kumheria, kamariha, कमरिया</i>) also known as Yaduvanshi Thakur., is a subdivison of <a href="/wiki/Ahir" title="Ahir">Ahirs</a>(<a href="/wiki/Abhira" class="mw-disambig" title="Abhira">Abhira</a>) or <a href="/wiki/Yadav" title="Yadav">Yadav</a>. Kamaria Clan includes several (over 100+) gots in it. Kamaria is the second most dominant Ahir subdivision in Western Uttar Pradesh after the Ghosi subclan. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>21922 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Brian_Solis" title="Draft:Brian Solis">Draft:Brian Solis</a> </td> <td>Brian Solis is an American digital anthropologist, futurist, author, and speaker. He is the author of eight books about business and disruptive technologies, including <a href="/wiki/Engage!" title="Engage!"><i>Engage!: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web</i></a>, <i><a href="/wiki/The_End_of_Business_as_Usual" title="The End of Business as Usual">The End of Business as Usual: Rewire the Way You Work to Succeed in the Consumer Revolution</a></i> and <i>X: The Experience When Business Meets Design</i>, including seven bestsellers. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>21817 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Brian_Solis" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Brian Solis">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Paul_S._Flores" title="Draft:Paul S. Flores">Draft:Paul S. Flores</a> (<small>Paul S. Flores, the Mexican and Cuban American acclaimed artist and youth arts educator.</small>) </td> <td>Paul S. Flores (born in 1972) is a Mexican and Cuban American artist and youth arts educator recognized for his performance arts focused on transnationalism and citizenship. His work illuminates social inequities and he is well known for integrating collaborative interviews and indigenous healing practices into his creation process. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>21714 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kirchhoff-Clausius%27s_Law" title="Draft:Kirchhoff-Clausius's Law">Draft:Kirchhoff-Clausius's Law</a> (<small>Adding the Kirchhoff-Clausius Law used by Max Planck to demonstrate the universality of his law</small>) </td> <td>In <a href="/wiki/Thermal_radiation" title="Thermal radiation">thermal radiation</a> using <a href="/wiki/Geometrical_optics" title="Geometrical optics">geometrical optics</a>, the Kirchhoff-Clausius law was named after <a href="/wiki/Gustav_Kirchhoff" title="Gustav Kirchhoff">Gustav Kirchhoff</a> and <a href="/wiki/Rudolf_Clausius" title="Rudolf Clausius">Rudolf Clausius</a>, who published their initial findings in 1862. and 1863. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>21151 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kenneth_Shapiro" title="Draft:Kenneth Shapiro">Draft:Kenneth Shapiro</a> (<small>animal advocate, writer</small>) </td> <td>Kenneth Joel Shapiro (August 24, 1943 - ) is an American clinical psychologist, Human-Animal Studies (HAS) scholar, and career animal advocate Shapiro attended Harvard University, where he received a BA in American History and Literature, and later Duke University, where he earned his Ph.D. in Clinical and Personality Psychology. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>20928 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Religious_Sinicisation_under_the_Xi_Administration" title="Draft:Religious Sinicisation under the Xi Administration">Draft:Religious Sinicisation under the Xi Administration</a> (<small>Article details the the sinicisation of religion in China under Xi Jinping's administration</small>) </td> <td>Religious Sinicisation (from the prefix “Sinicise” meaning somebody or something modified under Chinese influence) usually refers to ‘the indigenisation of religious faith, practice, and ritual in Chinese culture and society’. Since <a href="/wiki/Xi_Jinping" title="Xi Jinping">Xi Jinping</a> took office in 2012, the officially atheist <a href="/wiki/Chinese_Communist_Party" title="Chinese Communist Party">Chinese Communist Party</a> has tightened restrictions on religions. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>20707 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kevin_Khoa_Nguyen" title="Draft:Kevin Khoa Nguyen">Draft:Kevin Khoa Nguyen</a> (<small>Vietnamese-American Singer & Attorney-At-Law</small>) </td> <td>Kevin Khoa Nguyen, also known as Kevin Khoa, is a renowned <a href="/wiki/Vietnamese_Americans" title="Vietnamese Americans">Vietnamese-American</a> recording artist and <a href="/wiki/Attorney_at_law" title="Attorney at law">attorney</a> in California. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>20672 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Scott_Foster_(engineer)" title="Draft:Scott Foster (engineer)">Draft:Scott Foster (engineer)</a> (<small>Senior Fellow in energy sustainability at Boston University.</small>) </td> <td>Scott Foster is executive chair of the energy programme at Enniscorthy International Forum, Senior Fellow at <a href="/wiki/Boston_University" title="Boston University">Boston University</a>’s Institute for Global Sustainability, and a former Director of Sustainable Energy at the <a href="/wiki/United_Nations_Economic_Commission_for_Europe" title="United Nations Economic Commission for Europe">United Nations Economic Commission for Europe</a> (UNECE) from 2011 to 2022. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>20598 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Norman_Robert_Tieck" title="Draft:Norman Robert Tieck">Draft:Norman Robert Tieck</a> (<small>Biography of Norman Robert Tieck the Co-founder of Franklins supermarket chain</small>) </td> <td>Norman Robert Tieck (February 2, 1916 - 2001) was an Australian businessman and retail pioneer. In 1954, as a director of Sargents Ltd., Tieck, along with Harold Cornock, acquired <a href="/wiki/Franklins" title="Franklins">Franklins</a>, a Sydney-based grocery chain. Under their leadership, Franklins developed into Australia's first discount supermarket chain, expanding from 10 stores at acquisition to 75 stores by 1978. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>20581 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Angels_Patronage_Service" title="Draft:Angels Patronage Service">Draft:Angels Patronage Service</a> (<small>patronage service of Armed Forces of Ukraine</small>) </td> <td>Angels Patronage Service is a Ukrainian patronage service that provides assistance to the military. The Angels Patronage Service take care of wounded, captured and fallen soldiers of the 3rd Assault Brigade of the <a href="/wiki/Armed_Forces_of_Ukraine" title="Armed Forces of Ukraine">Armed Forces of Ukraine</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Azov_Brigade" title="Azov Brigade">Azov Brigade</a> of the <a href="/wiki/National_Guard_of_Ukraine" title="National Guard of Ukraine">National Guard of Ukraine</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>20505 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:List_of_Harvard_Kennedy_School_Black_Alumni" title="Draft:List of Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni">Draft:List of Harvard Kennedy School Black Alumni</a> (<small>This is the first list of some of the notable black alumni of the Harvard Kennedy School</small>) </td> <td><i>For a list of notable</i> <a href="/wiki/Harvard_University" title="Harvard University">Harvard University</a> <i>graduates, see</i> <a href="/wiki/List_of_Harvard_University_people" title="List of Harvard University people">List of Harvard University people</a><i>.</i> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>20454 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Majiko" title="Draft:Majiko">Draft:Majiko</a> (<small>Japanese singer-songwriter</small>) </td> <td>majiko (まじこ, born October 28, 1992) is a Japanese singer-songwriter. Formerly known as まじ娘 (Maji Musume) (pronounced the same). She is affiliated with Pinups Artist and signed to Universal Music Japan. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>20231 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Geoff_Allen_(businessman)" title="Draft:Geoff Allen (businessman)">Draft:Geoff Allen (businessman)</a> (<small>Australian Businessman and academic.</small>) </td> <td>Geoffrey David Allen <a href="/wiki/Order_of_Australia" title="Order of Australia">AM</a> (born 9 December 1941) is an Australian business leader and pioneer in business-government relations. He began his career in the Australian Public Service serving as senior advisor to Commonwealth Treasurer and Leader of the Opposition <a href="/wiki/Billy_Snedden" title="Billy Snedden">Billy Snedden</a> in the early 1970's. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>20073 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Acquia" title="Draft:Acquia">Draft:Acquia</a> (<small>American software company</small>) </td> <td>Acquia is a privately-held corporation based in Boston, Massachusetts, that specializes in providing cloud-based digital experience software and services built around the open-source web content management system[web content management system], <a href="/wiki/Drupal" title="Drupal">Drupal</a> . </td> <td>0 </td> <td>19846 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sherif_Elfayoumy" title="Draft:Sherif Elfayoumy">Draft:Sherif Elfayoumy</a> (<small>American Scholar</small>) </td> <td>Sherif Elfayoumy (born November 13, 1970) is an American <a href="/wiki/Computer_engineering" title="Computer engineering">computer engineering </a><a href="/wiki/Researcher" class="mw-redirect" title="Researcher">researcher</a>, <a href="/wiki/Academician" title="Academician">academician</a>, and higher education leader. As of July 1, 2023, he holds the position of <a href="/wiki/Steel_Dynamics" title="Steel Dynamics">Steel Dynamics</a> <a href="/wiki/Dean" class="mw-disambig" title="Dean">Dean </a> of the College of Engineering, Technology, and Computer Science,. as well as Professor of Computer Science at <a href="/wiki/Purdue_University_Fort_Wayne" title="Purdue University Fort Wayne">Purdue University Fort Wayne</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>19693 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Moon_Walker" title="Draft:Moon Walker">Draft:Moon Walker</a> (<small>American rock band</small>) </td> <td>Moon Walker is the <a href="/wiki/Rock_music" title="Rock music">rock</a> music project of <a href="/wiki/New_York_City" title="New York City">New York</a> based musician Harrison 'Harry' Springer. Springer composes, produces, and records all of Moon Walker's music in his bedroom. While onstage, Moon Walker performs with the help of an additional bassist and drummer. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>19133 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yale_Center_for_Ecosystems_%2B_Architecture_(Yale_CEA)" title="Draft:Yale Center for Ecosystems + Architecture (Yale CEA)">Draft:Yale Center for Ecosystems + Architecture (Yale CEA)</a> (<small>Architecture Research Institute</small>) </td> <td>The Yale Center for Ecosystems + Architecture (Yale CEA) is an academic collaboration at Yale University that integrates expertise from multiple disciplines to advance sustainable and resilient ecosystems. Founded in 2018 by <a href="/w/index.php?title=Anna_Dyson&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Anna Dyson (page does not exist)">Anna Dyson</a>, the Hines Professor of Sustainable Architecture and Professor at the School of the Environment, Yale CEA brings together researchers and practitioners from Yale schools of <a href="/wiki/Yale_School_of_Architecture" title="Yale School of Architecture">Architecture</a>, [[Yale School of the Environment|Environm ... </td> <td>1 </td> <td>19095 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mikhail_Kudryashev" title="Draft:Mikhail Kudryashev">Draft:Mikhail Kudryashev</a> (<small>Structural biologist in Berlin</small>) </td> <td>Misha (Mikhail) Kudryashev (<a href="/wiki/Russian_language" title="Russian language">Russian</a> - Михаил Александрович Кудряшев, born in the <a href="/wiki/Soviet_Union" title="Soviet Union">former USSR</a> in <a href="/wiki/Moscow" title="Moscow">Moscow</a>), is a scientist, biophysisist and a <a href="/wiki/Structural_biology" title="Structural biology">structural biologist</a>. Currently is a Group Leader at the <a href="/wiki/Max_Delbr%C3%BCck_Center_for_Molecular_Medicine_in_the_Helmholtz_Association" title="Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association">Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine</a> and a Professor at <a href="/wiki/Charit%C3%A9_%E2%80%93_Universit%C3%A4tsmedizin_Berlin" class="mw-redirect" title="Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin">Charité – Universitätsmedizin</a>, Berlin. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>19082 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Zlatko_Pakovi%C4%87" title="Draft:Zlatko Paković">Draft:Zlatko Paković</a> (<small>Serbian author, theater director and publicist.</small>) </td> <td>Zlatko Paković (<a href="/wiki/Valjevo" title="Valjevo">Valjevo</a>, 1968) is a Serbian theatre director and writer. He is best known for his <a href="/wiki/Political_theatre" class="mw-disambig" title="Political theatre">political theatre</a> and his take on <a href="/wiki/Bertolt_Brecht" title="Bertolt Brecht">Brecht</a>’s learning plays, characterized by pronounced playful expressions. Throughout his career he has directed plays in various countries, including Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Norway, and the Netherlands. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>19074 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Marc_Tedeschi" title="Draft:Marc Tedeschi">Draft:Marc Tedeschi</a> (<small>American martial artist, designer, photographer, educator, and writer (1956– )</small>) </td> <td>Marc Tedeschi (born May 28, 1956) is an American martial arts master, designer, photographer, educator, and writer. He is the author and designer of more than twenty books on the martial arts and Eastern medicine, many of which have been translated into French, Italian, Spanish, and Russian. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>18984 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:St._Mary%27s-on-the-Highlands_Episcopal_Church" title="Draft:St. Mary's-on-the-Highlands Episcopal Church">Draft:St. Mary's-on-the-Highlands Episcopal Church</a> (<small>Historic Episcopal church in Birmingham, Alabama</small>) </td> <td>St. Mary's-on-the-Highlands Episcopal Church is a parish church of the <a href="/wiki/Episcopal_Diocese_of_Alabama" title="Episcopal Diocese of Alabama">Episcopal Diocese of Alabama</a>, located at 1910 12th Avenue South in the Five Points Historic District of <a href="/wiki/Birmingham,_Alabama" title="Birmingham, Alabama">Birmingham, Alabama</a>. The parish was officially founded on February 11, 1887 as a mission of Birmingham's <a href="/wiki/Cathedral_Church_of_the_Advent_(Birmingham,_Alabama)" title="Cathedral Church of the Advent (Birmingham, Alabama)">Cathedral Church of the Advent</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>18969 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tina_Fordham" title="Draft:Tina Fordham">Draft:Tina Fordham</a> (<small>Tina Fordham Biography . Geopolitical advisor</small>) </td> <td>Tina Fordham is an American-British geopolitical strategist and founder of Fordham Global Foresight, a consultancy that advises on political risks affecting business. She has over 25 years of experience advising businesses, policymakers, and international organizations on the impact of global political, economic, and social developments. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>18742 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Reikai_Monogatari" title="Draft:Reikai Monogatari">Draft:Reikai Monogatari</a> (<small>tale dictated by Onisaburo Deguchi</small>) </td> <td><i>Reikai Monogatari</i> (霊界物語, <i>Tales of the Spirit World</i> or <i>Tales from the Spirit World</i>) is a tale dictated by <a href="/wiki/Onisaburo_Deguchi" title="Onisaburo Deguchi">Onisaburo Deguchi</a> (出口王仁三郎), the co-founder of the Japanese new religious organization <a href="/wiki/Oomoto" title="Oomoto">Oomoto</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>18706 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:London_School_of_Economics_Labour_Society" title="Draft:London School of Economics Labour Society">Draft:London School of Economics Labour Society</a> (<small>University Labour Society at London School of Economics</small>) </td> <td>The London School of Economics Labour Society (LSE Labour), formerly the London School of Economics Labour Club, is a student political society founded as a platform for left-wing activism, discourse, and research. LSE Labour is the largest Labour society in London, and the largest political society at the <a href="/wiki/London_School_of_Economics" title="London School of Economics">London School of Economics</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>18584 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rose_Calendars" title="Draft:Rose Calendars">Draft:Rose Calendars</a> (<small>Historic British calendar manufacturer</small>) </td> <td>Rose Calendars is a promotional calendars manufacturer and long-standing family business, based in <a href="/wiki/Essex" title="Essex">Essex</a>, England, since around 1908. Intended primarily as an advertising medium for the <a href="/wiki/Business-to-business" title="Business-to-business">B2B</a> market, each calendar in the range is designed so that it can be printed with customer branding and contact details to order. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>18431 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Halbertsma" title="Draft:Halbertsma">Draft:Halbertsma</a> (<small>Halbertsma family, history and genealogy</small>) </td> <td>Halbertsma is a <a href="/wiki/Frisian" class="mw-disambig" title="Frisian">Frisian</a> <a href="/wiki/Nederland%27s_Patriciaat" title="Nederland's Patriciaat">patrician family</a> that originates from <a href="/wiki/Dokkum" title="Dokkum">Dokkum</a>'s surrounding area. From the 16th century until today, family members have traditionally occupied positions in the legal field, academia, medicine, business, and public administration. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>18284 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jamie_Marich" title="Draft:Jamie Marich">Draft:Jamie Marich</a> (<small>Jamie Marich is a Croatian-American trauma specialist, author and expressive artist</small>) </td> <td>Jamie Marich is a trauma therapist, author, researcher, educator, singer-songwriter, producer, and advocate. She is best known for her work as a trainer in <a href="/wiki/Eye_movement_desensitization_and_reprocessing" title="Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing">Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)</a> and for disclosing her own mental history with a <a href="/wiki/Dissociative_disorder" class="mw-redirect" title="Dissociative disorder">dissociative disorder</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>18229 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jamiat_Ahle_Hadith_Hind" title="Draft:Jamiat Ahle Hadith Hind">Draft:Jamiat Ahle Hadith Hind</a> (<small>Jamiat Ahle Hadith Hind - Religious Organization and Non-Profit Organization of India</small>) </td> <td>Markazi Jamiat Ahle Hadees Hind (<a href="/wiki/Urdu_language" class="mw-redirect" title="Urdu language">Urdu</a>:<span class="Nastaliq" dir="rtl" title="Nastaliq" style="font-family: 'Jameel Noori Nastaleeq', 'Urdu Typesetting', 'Noto Nastaliq Urdu', 'Noto Nastaliq Urdu Draft', 'Hussaini Nastaleeq', 'AlQalam Taj Nastaleeq', IranNastaliq, 'Awami Nastaliq', 'Awami Nastaliq Beta3', 'Awami Nastaliq Beta2', 'Awami Nastaliq Beta1', 'Nafees Nastaleeq', 'Nafees Nastaleeq v1.01', 'Pak Nastaleeq', 'PDMS_Jauhar', 'Alvi Lahori Nastaleeq'; font-size: 110%; font-style: normal;">مرکزی جمیعت اہلِ حدیث ہند</span>, <a href="/wiki/Arabic" title="Arabic">Arabic</a>: المركزى جمعية اهل الحديث الهند) is a religious organization within Sunni Islam that follows the Ahle Hadith movement. Established in the Indian subcontinent in the 20th century, it has expanded its influence to various parts of the world. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>18049 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kluai_chueam" title="Draft:Kluai chueam">Draft:Kluai chueam</a> (<small>Thai banana dessert</small>) </td> <td>Kluai Chueam (<a href="/wiki/Thai_language" title="Thai language">Thai</a>: <span lang="th">กล้วยเชื่อม</span>) or <a href="/wiki/Banana" title="Banana">banana</a> in syrup is a dessert made from bananas. Kluai Chueam changes color compared to the original color of the bananas before cooking when the bananas exposed to heat. Kluai Chueam has an unclear origin but it has existed for ages. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>18047 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Institute_for_Integrated_Transitions" title="Draft:Institute for Integrated Transitions">Draft:Institute for Integrated Transitions</a> (<small>Non-profit organisation in Spain</small>) </td> <td>The Institute for Integrated Transitions (IFIT) is a <a href="/wiki/Non-governmental_organization" title="Non-governmental organization">non-governmental organisation</a> based in <a href="/wiki/Barcelona" title="Barcelona">Barcelona</a>. It played a key role in the <a href="/wiki/Colombian_peace_process" title="Colombian peace process">Colombia-FARC accords</a> concluded in 2016, and is active across Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>17921 </td> <td>UPE<br />draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pinocchio:_The_Musical" title="Draft:Pinocchio: The Musical">Draft:Pinocchio: The Musical</a> (<small>Broadway-style musical</small>) </td> <td><i>Pinocchio: The Musical</i> is a family musical created by Russian-American composer and director Alexander Prokhorov-Tolstoy. The show is a reimagined version of <a href="/wiki/Carlo_Collodi" title="Carlo Collodi">Carlo Collodi</a>'s <a href="/wiki/The_Adventures_of_Pinocchio" title="The Adventures of Pinocchio"><i>The Adventures of Pinocchio</i></a> blended with the Eastern European adaptation <a href="/wiki/The_Golden_Key,_or_The_Adventures_of_Buratino" title="The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Buratino"><i>The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Buratino</i></a>, written by Alexander’s great-grandfather, <a href="/wiki/Aleksey_Nikolayevich_Tolstoy" title="Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy">Alexei Tolstoy</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>17910 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:William_Tudor_(surgeon)" title="Draft:William Tudor (surgeon)">Draft:William Tudor (surgeon)</a> (<small>Eminent surgeon and Mayor in Bath, England, early 19th century</small>) </td> <td>William Tudor (18 April 1769 - 9 July 1845) was a British army and private surgeon, serving as the <a href="/wiki/Mayor_of_Bath" class="mw-redirect" title="Mayor of Bath">Mayor of Bath</a>, between 1828 to 1829. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>17869 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ultrasonic_atomization" title="Draft:Ultrasonic atomization">Draft:Ultrasonic atomization</a> (<small>atomization phenomenon</small>) </td> <td>Ultrasonic atomization is a process in which a <a href="/wiki/Liquid" title="Liquid">liquid</a>, in contact with a surface vibrating at ultrasonic frequencies, forms standing <a href="/wiki/Capillary_wave" title="Capillary wave">capillary waves</a> that lead to the ejection of fine droplets. As the <a href="/wiki/Amplitude" title="Amplitude">amplitude</a> of these waves increases, the wave crests can reach a critical height where the cohesive forces of the liquid are overcome by the <a href="/wiki/Surface_tension" title="Surface tension">surface tension</a>, leading to the ejection of small droplets from the wave tips. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>17817 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Madison_Suburban_Conference" title="Draft:Madison Suburban Conference">Draft:Madison Suburban Conference</a> </td> <td>The Madison Suburban Conference is a former high school athletic conference in <a href="/wiki/Wisconsin" title="Wisconsin">Wisconsin</a>, founded in 1926 and ending competition in 1969. Its members were located in south central Wisconsin, predominantly around the <a href="/wiki/Madison,_Wisconsin" title="Madison, Wisconsin">Madison</a> area. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>17815 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pierre_de_Saint_Roman" title="Draft:Pierre de Saint Roman">Draft:Pierre de Saint Roman</a> (<small>Biography of Pierre de Saint Roman, the first aviator who attempted the crossing of South Atlantic</small>) </td> <td>He was born Jacques Raymond Pierre de Serre de Saint Roman, on December 23,1891 in <a href="/wiki/Toul" title="Toul">Toul (Meurthe-et-Moselle)</a>, where his father was stationed, and was the seventh of nine children of Émeric de Serre (the 3rd), Count of Saint Roman (1844–1899), an infantry battalion commander, and Pauline de Castelbajac (1857–1941) ). </td> <td>1 </td> <td>17786 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Roshanka_Ranasinghe" title="Draft:Roshanka Ranasinghe">Draft:Roshanka Ranasinghe</a> (<small>coastal engineer</small>) </td> <td>Roshanka Ranasinghe (<a href="/wiki/Kandy" title="Kandy">Kandy</a>, <a href="/wiki/Sri_Lanka" title="Sri Lanka">Sri Lanka</a>, 1967) is a <a href="/wiki/Coastal_engineering" title="Coastal engineering">Coastal Engineering</a> Professor in the <a href="/wiki/Netherlands" title="Netherlands">Netherlands</a>. He holds the AXA Chair in Climate Change Impacts and Coastal Risk at the Department of Coastal and Urban Risk and Resilience, <a href="/wiki/IHE_Delft_Institute_for_Water_Education" title="IHE Delft Institute for Water Education">IHE Delft Institute for Water Education</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>17725 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Unilateral_secession" title="Draft:Unilateral secession">Draft:Unilateral secession</a> (<small>Politics</small>) </td> <td>Unilateral secession is the alleged right for a part of the population to secede from the union, or separate and secede from the territory of a State, without prior consent of the previous <a href="/wiki/Sovereign_state" title="Sovereign state">Sovereign state</a>, to become independent (Unilateral secession), creates tension in relationship to the interest. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>17662 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Gonzaga%E2%80%93Washington_State_men%27s_basketball_rivalry" title="Draft:Gonzaga–Washington State men's basketball rivalry">Draft:Gonzaga–Washington State men's basketball rivalry</a> (<small>American college basketball rivalry</small>) </td> <td>The Gonzaga–Washington State men's basketball rivalry is an intrastate <a href="/wiki/College_basketball" title="College basketball">college basketball</a> <a href="/wiki/Rivalry_(sports)" class="mw-redirect" title="Rivalry (sports)">rivalry</a> between the <a href="/wiki/Gonzaga_Bulldogs_men%27s_basketball" title="Gonzaga Bulldogs men's basketball">Gonzaga Bulldogs men's basketball</a> team of <a href="/wiki/Gonzaga_University" title="Gonzaga University">Gonzaga University</a> in <a href="/wiki/Spokane,_Washington" title="Spokane, Washington">Spokane, Washington</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Washington_State_Cougars_men%27s_basketball" title="Washington State Cougars men's basketball">Washington State Cougars men's basketball</a> team of <a href="/wiki/Washington_State_University" title="Washington State University">Washington State University</a> in <a href="/wiki/Pullman,_Washington" title="Pullman, Washington">Pullman, Washington</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>17598 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Southern_Lakes_Conference" title="Draft:Southern Lakes Conference">Draft:Southern Lakes Conference</a> (<small>High school athletic conference</small>) </td> <td>The Southern Lakes Conference is a high school athletic conference in <a href="/wiki/Wisconsin" title="Wisconsin">Wisconsin</a>, founded in 1953 and consisting of eight schools located in southeastern Wisconsin. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>17505 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mixed_Argentines" title="Draft:Mixed Argentines">Draft:Mixed Argentines</a> </td> <td>Mixed Argentines (<a href="/wiki/Spanish_language" title="Spanish language">Spanish</a>: <i lang="es">Argentinos de origen mixto</i>), also known as Moreno Argentines (<a href="/wiki/Spanish_language" title="Spanish language">Spanish</a>: <i lang="es">Argentinos morenos</i>), are <a href="/wiki/Argentines" title="Argentines">Argentines</a> who do not have a predominant ancestry, these stand out for having <a href="/wiki/Brown_(racial_classification)" title="Brown (racial classification)">brown skin</a>. These originated due to the mix of origins that occurred during the viceregal and post-independence period (mainly between <a href="/wiki/White_Argentines" title="White Argentines">whites</a> and <a href="/wiki/Indigenous_peoples_in_Argentina" title="Indigenous peoples in Argentina">natives</a>, to a lesser extent [[Afro-Argentines|blac ... </td> <td>3 </td> <td>17494 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:James_W._Lintott" title="Draft:James W. Lintott">Draft:James W. Lintott</a> (<small>American philanthropist/consultant</small>) </td> <td>James "Jim" W. Lintott is an author, philanthropist and charitable consultant. James W. Lintott Elementary School was named for Lintott in his hometown of <a href="/wiki/Chehalis,_Washington" title="Chehalis, Washington">Chehalis, Washington</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>17482 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Minister_for_Physical_Infrastructure_Development" title="Draft:Minister for Physical Infrastructure Development">Draft:Minister for Physical Infrastructure Development</a> </td> <td>The Minister for Physical Infrastructure Development (<a href="/wiki/Nepali_language" title="Nepali language">Nepali</a>: <span lang="ne">भौतिक पूर्वाधार विकास मन्त्री</span>) is the head of the <a href="/wiki/Ministry_of_Physical_Infrastructure_Development" title="Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development">Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development</a> of the <a href="/wiki/Government_of_Koshi_Province" title="Government of Koshi Province">Government of Koshi Province</a>. One of the senior-most officers in the <a href="/wiki/Cabinet_of_Koshi_Province" class="mw-redirect" title="Cabinet of Koshi Province">Provincial Cabinet</a>, the minister is responsible for the interdependence of physical infrastructure and social infrastructure between urban and rural districts organized at the province level. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>17355 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Andrzej_Pohorille" title="Draft:Andrzej Pohorille">Draft:Andrzej Pohorille</a> (<small>Polish statistical and theoretical physicist</small>) </td> <td>Andrzej (Andrew) Pohorille (May 14, 1949 – January 6, 2024) was a statistical and theoretical physicist, holding a position at <a href="/wiki/University_of_California" title="University of California">the University of California</a>, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and at NASA. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>17263 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Universal_Tongue" title="Draft:Universal Tongue">Draft:Universal Tongue</a> (<small>worldwide recognised art project by Dutch artist Anouk Kruithof titles Universal Tongue</small>) </td> <td><i>Universal Tongue</i> is a multifaceted art project by Dutch artist <a href="/wiki/Anouk_Kruithof" title="Anouk Kruithof">Anouk Kruithof</a> based on <a href="/wiki/Found_footage_(appropriation)" title="Found footage (appropriation)">found footage</a> of diverse dance styles from across the globe, collected from the <a href="/wiki/Internet" title="Internet">Internet</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>17159 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Razorpay" title="Draft:Razorpay">Draft:Razorpay</a> (<small>Fintech company in India</small>) </td> <td>Razorpay (officially known as Razorpay Software Private Limited) is an Indian fintech company headquartered in Bangalore that provides payment gateway services to vendors, merchants and ecommerce platforms. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>17110 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Timeline_of_the_Keir_Starmer_premiership" title="Draft:Timeline of the Keir Starmer premiership">Draft:Timeline of the Keir Starmer premiership</a> </td> <td>The following is a <a href="/wiki/Timeline" title="Timeline">timeline</a> of the <a href="/wiki/Premiership_of_Keir_Starmer" title="Premiership of Keir Starmer">premiership of Keir Starmer</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>17078 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Chen_Yingsheng" title="Draft:Chen Yingsheng">Draft:Chen Yingsheng</a> </td> <td>Chen Yingsheng (December 16, 1898 - May 28, 1961) was Taiwan's first generation of Western <a href="/wiki/Painting" title="Painting">painters</a>. He pioneered new art in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period and actively participated in early painting club activities in Taiwan. He was the enlightenment teacher of <a href="/wiki/Kuo_Hsueh-hu" title="Kuo Hsueh-hu">Kuo Hsueh-hu</a>, one of the "<a href="/w/index.php?title=Three_Young_Men_of_the_Taiwan_Exhibition&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Three Young Men of the Taiwan Exhibition (page does not exist)">Three Young Men of the Taiwan Exhibition</a><span class="noprint" style="font-size:85%; font-style: normal;"> [<a href="" class="extiw" title="zh:Three Young Men of the Taiwan Exhibition">zh</a>]</span>", and Xu Yuyan, the wife of <a href="/wiki/Yang_San-lang" title="Yang San-lang">Yang Sanlang</a>, in public school. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>17044 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Karl_Kr%C3%BCger_(adventurer)" title="Draft:Karl Krüger (adventurer)">Draft:Karl Krüger (adventurer)</a> (<small>American Endurance Athlete</small>) </td> <td>Karl Krüger (born June 14, 1972) is an American adventure athlete best known for his paddling 877 miles of the <a href="/wiki/Northwest_Passage" title="Northwest Passage">Northwest Passage</a> by <a href="/wiki/Standup_paddleboarding" title="Standup paddleboarding">Stand Up Paddleboard</a> (SUP). Krüger rose to fame in June 2017 when he was the first and only person to finish the <a href="/wiki/Race_to_Alaska" title="Race to Alaska">Race To Alaska</a> on a Standup Paddleboard, completing the 750-mile race from Port Townsend, WA to Ketchikan, Alaska, in 14 days and 6 hours. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>17013 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Anand_Reddi" title="Draft:Anand Reddi">Draft:Anand Reddi</a> (<small>Global Health and Public Health Advocate</small>) </td> <td>Anand Reddi is a <a href="/wiki/Health_systems_strengthening" title="Health systems strengthening">health system strengthening</a> expert focusing on <a href="/wiki/Global_health" title="Global health">global health</a> and public health advocacy. His work focused on global HIV scale-up including the <a href="/wiki/President%27s_Emergency_Plan_for_AIDS_Relief" title="President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief">President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief</a> (PEPFAR). Additionally, he is active in advancing public-private global health partnerships with biotech to support access to essential medicines. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>16989 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Anand_Reddi" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Anand Reddi">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:David_Zambrano" title="Draft:David Zambrano">Draft:David Zambrano</a> (<small>Performer dancer and choreographer David Zambrano</small>) </td> <td>David Zambrano (born in 1959 in Caracas, Venezuela, full name Jesus David Zambrano Camacho) is a dance artist working with improvisation through performing, teaching and choreographing contemporary dance.. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>16898 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Washington_State_Department_of_Revenue" title="Draft:Washington State Department of Revenue">Draft:Washington State Department of Revenue</a> (<small>State government agency</small>) </td> <td>The Washington State Department of Revenue (DOR) is the primary <a href="/wiki/Revenue_service" title="Revenue service">tax agency</a> of the U.S. state of <a href="/wiki/Washington_(state)" title="Washington (state)">Washington</a>. It manages the collection and administration of 60 state taxes from Washington residents and businesses that fund the <a href="/wiki/Government_of_Washington_(state)" title="Government of Washington (state)">state government</a> and its services. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>16787 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dean_Shomshak" title="Draft:Dean Shomshak">Draft:Dean Shomshak</a> </td> <td>Dean Shomshak (born 1964<sup class="noprint Inline-Template Template-Fact" style="white-space:nowrap;">[<i><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed" title="Wikipedia:Citation needed"><span title="This claim needs references to reliable sources.">citation needed</span></a></i>]</sup>) is an author of supplements for <a href="/wiki/Role_playing_game" class="mw-redirect" title="Role playing game">role playing games</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>16624 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Dean_Shomshak" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Dean Shomshak">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Political_representation_of_nature" title="Draft:Political representation of nature">Draft:Political representation of nature</a> (<small>Political Representation of Nature</small>) </td> <td>Political representation of nature refers to the concept and practice of granting political, or institutional standing to nonhuman <a href="/wiki/Entity" title="Entity">entities</a>—such as animals, plants, and ecosystems—within governance systems. This concept has developed to incorporate natural entities in political decision-making, reflecting debates about human-centered governance's effectiveness in environmental protection. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>16605 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Miras_Zhugunussov" title="Draft:Miras Zhugunussov">Draft:Miras Zhugunussov</a> (<small>Musical artist from Kazakhstan</small>) </td> <td>Miras Zhugunussov (also often spelled Miras Zhugunusov; Kazakh: Мирас Жүгінісов, Russian: Мирас Жугунусов) is a Kazakh singer and songwriter born in the city of <a href="/wiki/Oral,_Kazakhstan" title="Oral, Kazakhstan">Oral</a>. He is known for his romantic songs. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>16453 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:CareEdge_Group" title="Draft:CareEdge Group">Draft:CareEdge Group</a> (<small>Indian financial services company</small>) </td> <td>CareEdge Group (formerly known as CARE Ratings) is an Indian analytical company that provides services in credit ratings, research, risk management solutions, and advisory services. It is headquartered in <a href="/wiki/Mumbai" title="Mumbai">Mumbai</a>, <a href="/wiki/Maharashtra" title="Maharashtra">Maharashtra</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>16213 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Gadjah_Mada_Digital_Transformation_Governance_Index_(GM-DTGI)" title="Draft:Gadjah Mada Digital Transformation Governance Index (GM-DTGI)">Draft:Gadjah Mada Digital Transformation Governance Index (GM-DTGI)</a> (<small>Gadjah Mada Digital Transformation Governance Index</small>) </td> <td>The Gadjah Mada Digital Transformation Governance Index (GM-DTGI) is developed to evaluate the preparedness and implementation of digital transformation governance within regional governments at the regency and city levels. The index is calculated based on data collected from the official government websites of these regions and other credible public sources. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>16208 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Zakir_Hossain_Raju_(professor)" title="Draft:Zakir Hossain Raju (professor)">Draft:Zakir Hossain Raju (professor)</a> (<small>Bangladeshi professor and filmmaker</small>) </td> <td>Zakir Hossain Raju (<a href="/wiki/Bengali_language" title="Bengali language">Bengali</a>: <span lang="bn">জাকির হোসেন রাজু</span>) is a Bangladeshi academic and filmmaker. He currently serves as a member of the <a href="/wiki/Bangladesh_Film_Certification_Board" title="Bangladesh Film Certification Board">Bangladesh Film Certification Board</a>, Director of the <a href="/wiki/King_Sejong_Institute" title="King Sejong Institute">King Sejong Institute</a>, & Head of the Media and Communication department at <a href="/wiki/Independent_University,_Bangladesh" title="Independent University, Bangladesh">Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>16207 </td> <td>draftified<br /><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Zakir_Hossain_Raju_(professor)" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Zakir Hossain Raju (professor)">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bill_FitzGibbons" title="Draft:Bill FitzGibbons">Draft:Bill FitzGibbons</a> (<small>American Artist Based in San Antonio, Texas</small>) </td> <td>Bill FitzGibbons (born 1950) is an American <a href="/wiki/Artist" title="Artist">artist</a> who is known for his <a href="/wiki/Public_art" title="Public art">public art</a> <a href="/wiki/Light" title="Light">light</a> sculptures, and <a href="/wiki/Environmental_art" title="Environmental art">environmental art</a>. FitzGibbons has worked with sculpture for over thirty years, and has done projects in numerous countries which have included <a href="/wiki/Finland" title="Finland">Finland</a>, <a href="/wiki/Iceland" title="Iceland">Iceland</a>, <a href="/wiki/Germany" title="Germany">Germany</a>, and the <a href="/wiki/United_Kingdom" title="United Kingdom">UK</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>16149 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:DAWM_Methodology_Workshop" title="Draft:DAWM Methodology Workshop">Draft:DAWM Methodology Workshop</a> (<small>Inovation workshop structure for business</small>) </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Workshop" title="Workshop">Workshops</a> are a recognised as a strategic tool for planning and developmen, frequently employed in scenario planning or for envisioning future growth strategies. Their objectives include providing insights into future scenarios, encouraging <a href="/wiki/Strategic_planning" title="Strategic planning">strategic planning,</a> encourage growth opportunities, improve team collaboration, enhance skill development, share research insights, and resolve conflicts. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>16019 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thomas_M._J._M%C3%B6llers" title="Draft:Thomas M. J. Möllers">Draft:Thomas M. J. Möllers</a> (<small>German legal scholar</small>) </td> <td>Thomas M. J. Möllers (born January 25, <a href="/wiki/1962" title="1962">1962</a> in <a href="/wiki/Mainz" title="Mainz">Mainz</a>) is a German legal scholar, focusing on capital market law. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>16018 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ai_Kihara-Hunt" title="Draft:Ai Kihara-Hunt">Draft:Ai Kihara-Hunt</a> </td> <td>Ai Kihara-Hunt is a Japanese <a href="/wiki/Jurist" title="Jurist">jurist</a> and former international civil servant. She is currently Professor in <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">the Graduate Program on Human Security</a> of <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences</a>, <a href="/wiki/University_of_Tokyo" title="University of Tokyo">the University of Tokyo</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>15998 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ana-Paula_Correia" title="Draft:Ana-Paula Correia">Draft:Ana-Paula Correia</a> (<small>Portuguese American academic</small>) </td> <td>Ana-Paula Correia (born August 28, 1965) is a Professor of Learning Technologies and the Ted and Lois Cyphert Distinguished Professor in the College of Education and Human Ecology at <a href="/wiki/Ohio_State_University" title="Ohio State University">The Ohio State University</a>. Her work and research interests focus on learning design, educational technology, and human-computer interaction. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>15951 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Snow_Revolution" title="Draft:Snow Revolution">Draft:Snow Revolution</a> (<small>Mass protests in the State of Alania</small>) </td> <td>Snow Revolution (<a href="/wiki/Ossetian_language" title="Ossetian language">Ossetian</a>: <span lang="os">Ихы революци</span>, <small>romanized: </small><span title="Ossetian-language romanization"><i lang="os-Latn">Ihy revolûci</i></span>) these were mass <a href="/wiki/Demonstration" class="mw-disambig" title="Demonstration">demonstrations</a> and <a href="/wiki/Protest" title="Protest">protests</a> in the <a href="/wiki/List_of_states_with_limited_recognition" title="List of states with limited recognition">partially recognized</a> country of the <a href="/wiki/Republic_of_South_Ossetia" class="mw-redirect" title="Republic of South Ossetia">Republic of South Ossetia</a> in <a href="/wiki/2011" title="2011">2011</a>. The reason was the failure to accept the Supreme Court's decision to cancel the results of <a href="/wiki/2011_South_Ossetian_presidential_election" title="2011 South Ossetian presidential election">the presidential elections</a> in which <a href="/wiki/Alla_Dzhioyeva" title="Alla Dzhioyeva">Alla Dzhioyeva</a> won. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>15946 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Al_Aydi_Tarabin_Tribe" title="Draft:Al Aydi Tarabin Tribe">Draft:Al Aydi Tarabin Tribe</a> (<small>History of a Bedouin tribe</small>) </td> <td>The Al Aydi Tarabin Tribe (العايد) traces its roots to an ancient Bedouin lineage that extends back to the بنو عايد Banu Ayed or بنو عائد Banu Aed. Its spelling differs on the territory's dialect. They are part of the جذام Jidam and قحطان Qahtan tribes, whose origins lie in southern Arabia in today's Yemen, and who belonged to the عرب العاربة Arab al Aribah2. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>15917 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thilo_Stadelmann" title="Draft:Thilo Stadelmann">Draft:Thilo Stadelmann</a> (<small>German AI researcher (born 1980)</small>) </td> <td>Thilo Stadelmann (born 1980 in <a href="/wiki/Lemgo" title="Lemgo">Lemgo</a>, <a href="/wiki/Germany" title="Germany">Germany</a>) is a German computer scientist. He is <a href="/wiki/Professor" title="Professor">professor</a> for <a href="/wiki/Artificial_intelligence" title="Artificial intelligence">artificial intelligence</a> and <a href="/wiki/Machine_learning" title="Machine learning">machine learning</a> at the <a href="/wiki/Zurich_University_of_Applied_Sciences" title="Zurich University of Applied Sciences">Zurich University of Applied Sciences</a>, where he is also the director of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence at the School of Engineering in <a href="/wiki/Winterthur" title="Winterthur">Winterthur</a>, <a href="/wiki/Switzerland" title="Switzerland">Switzerland</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>15849 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Symbolic_Synagogue_%22Place_for_Reflection%22" title="Draft:Symbolic Synagogue "Place for Reflection"">Draft:Symbolic Synagogue "Place for Reflection"</a> (<small>Symbolic Synagogue "Place for Reflection"</small>) </td> <td>The Symbolic Synagogue "Place for Reflection" is an architectural and memorial site established by the <a href="/wiki/Babi_Yar_Holocaust_Memorial_Center" title="Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial Center">Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center</a>. Situated in <a href="/wiki/Babi_Yar" title="Babi Yar">Babyn Yar</a>, <a href="/wiki/Kyiv" title="Kyiv">Kyiv</a>, Ukraine, it stands next to the "Menorah" monument, a traditional place for mourning, prayer, and remembrance of <a href="/wiki/Holocaust" class="mw-redirect" title="Holocaust">Holocaust</a> victims. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>15794 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:O%27Donnell_and_Naccarato" title="Draft:O'Donnell and Naccarato">Draft:O'Donnell and Naccarato</a> (<small>American structural engineering firm</small>) </td> <td>O'Donnell and Naccarato (O&N) is a <a href="/wiki/Structural_engineering" title="Structural engineering">structural engineering</a> firm in <a href="/wiki/Philadelphia" title="Philadelphia">Philadelphia</a>, Pennsylvania with offices in New York City, <a href="/wiki/New_Jersey" title="New Jersey">New Jersey</a>, Florida, and <a href="/wiki/Indiana" title="Indiana">Indiana</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>15752 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jason_Tetlak" title="Draft:Jason Tetlak">Draft:Jason Tetlak</a> (<small>American artist and muralist</small>) </td> <td>Jason Tetlak (born March 10, 1977) is an American contemporary artist, activist, and founder of the National Mural Awards. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>15729 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thomas_Ray_Garcia" title="Draft:Thomas Ray Garcia">Draft:Thomas Ray Garcia</a> (<small>American & Latino writer</small>) </td> <td>Thomas Ray Garcia is a <a href="/wiki/Latino" class="mw-disambig" title="Latino">Latino</a> author, professor, and entrepreneur from <a href="/wiki/McAllen" class="mw-redirect" title="McAllen">McAllen</a>, Texas. He resides in the <a href="/wiki/Lower_Rio_Grande_Valley" title="Lower Rio Grande Valley">Rio Grande Valley</a> along the <a href="/wiki/Mexico%E2%80%93United_States_border" title="Mexico–United States border">U.S.-Mexico border</a>, the region of focus throughout his writing. His literary debut, <i>The River Runs: Stories</i> (2023)<i>,</i> was awarded the Bronze Award by the <a href="/wiki/International_Latino_Book_Awards" title="International Latino Book Awards">International Latino Book Awards</a> for Best Collection of Short Stories - English. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>15705 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:American_unionism" title="Draft:American unionism">Draft:American unionism</a> (<small>An ideology for preserving American federal government</small>) </td> <td>American <a href="/wiki/Political_union" title="Political union">unionism</a>, not to be confused with <a href="/wiki/Labor_unions_in_the_United_States" title="Labor unions in the United States">labor unions in the United States</a>, is an ideology on the preservation of the legitimacy of <a href="/wiki/Federal_government_of_the_United_States" title="Federal government of the United States">American federal government</a> encompassing all states and opposition to <a href="/wiki/Secession_in_the_United_States" title="Secession in the United States">individual secession</a>. American unionism has historically been existent during the <a href="/wiki/American_Civil_War" title="American Civil War">American Civil War period</a> and <a href="/wiki/Reconstruction_era" title="Reconstruction era">Reconstruction</a> period of American history, but has also been affirmed by <a href="/wiki/Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States" title="Supreme Court of the United States">Supreme Court of the United States</a> decisions, such as <a href="/wiki/Texas_v._White" title="Texas v. White">Texas v. White</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>15455 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Fluid_Antenna_System" title="Draft:Fluid Antenna System">Draft:Fluid Antenna System</a> (<small>Fluid antenna system</small>) </td> <td>Fluid Antenna System (traditional Chinese: 流态天线系统, pinyin: Liú tài tiānxiàn xìtǒng), also known as FAS, is a wireless communication technology that refers to any software-controllable fluidic, conductive, or dielectric structure capable of altering its shape and position to reconfigure gain, radiation pattern, polarization, operating frequency, and other characteristics.. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>15402 </td> <td>UPE </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sharon_Bohn_Gmelch" title="Draft:Sharon Bohn Gmelch">Draft:Sharon Bohn Gmelch</a> (<small>Gmelch is a noted Anthropologist and author</small>) </td> <td>Sharon Bohn Gmelch (born 1947 in <a href="/wiki/Panama" title="Panama">Panama</a>) is an American anthropologist best known for her research on <a href="/wiki/Irish_Travellers" title="Irish Travellers">Irish Travellers</a>, tourism, and visual anthropology. She is an emeritus professor of <a href="/wiki/Anthropology" title="Anthropology">anthropology</a> at <a href="/wiki/Union_College" title="Union College">Union College</a> and the <a href="/wiki/University_of_San_Francisco" title="University of San Francisco">University of San Francisco</a> and is married to fellow cultural anthropologist, and frequent collaborator, <a href="/wiki/George_Gmelch" title="George Gmelch">George Gmelch</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>15391 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hmong_Veterans%27_Service_Recognition_Act" title="Draft:Hmong Veterans' Service Recognition Act">Draft:Hmong Veterans' Service Recognition Act</a> (<small>The Hmong Veterans' Service Recognition Act was passed in 2018</small>) </td> <td>The Hmong Veterans' Service Recognition Act was passed into law in 2018. It represents long overdue recognition of sacrifices that were made by <a href="/wiki/Hmong_people" title="Hmong people">Hmong</a> veterans in the <a href="/wiki/Vietnam_War" title="Vietnam War">Vietnam War</a>, where they could be putting their lives at risk along with their families. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>15130 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bob_Goyetche" title="Draft:Bob Goyetche">Draft:Bob Goyetche</a> (<small>Bob Goyetche, Canadian Podcasting Legend and Community Advocate.</small>) </td> <td>Goyetche was a pioneer in podcasting, credited with helping to create and develop the country’s podcasting community since he began podcasting in 2004. He co-hosted The Bob and AJ Show and The CatFishShow, and was involved in multiple initiatives that shaped the podcasting landscape in Canada like the Canadian Podcast Buffet. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>15116 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Vladimir_Dadali" title="Draft:Vladimir Dadali">Draft:Vladimir Dadali</a> (<small>A professor of chemistry in North-Western State Medical University named after Mechnikov</small>) </td> <td>Vladimir Dadali (born <a href="/wiki/December_18" title="December 18">December 18</a>, <a href="/wiki/1937" title="1937">1937</a>, <a href="/wiki/Mykolaiv" title="Mykolaiv">Mykolaiv</a>, <a href="/wiki/Mykolaiv_Oblast" title="Mykolaiv Oblast">Mykolaiv Oblast</a>, <a href="/wiki/Ukrainian_Soviet_Socialist_Republic" title="Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic">Ukrainian SSR</a>, <a href="/wiki/Soviet_Union" title="Soviet Union">USSR</a>) is a <a href="/wiki/Biochemist" title="Biochemist">biochemist</a><a href="/wiki/Doctor_of_Science" title="Doctor of Science">, Doctor of Chemical Sciences,</a> <a href="/wiki/Professor" title="Professor">Professor</a> of the Department of Biological and General Chemistry of the <a href="/wiki/North-Western_State_Medical_University" title="North-Western State Medical University">North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov</a>. </td> <td>5 </td> <td>15058 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:University_of_Texas_Education_and_Research_Center_at_Laredo" title="Draft:University of Texas Education and Research Center at Laredo">Draft:University of Texas Education and Research Center at Laredo</a> (<small>Higher education facility managed by the University of Texas System in Laredo, Texas, United States.</small>) </td> <td>The University of Texas Health Science Center at Laredo (UT Center at Laredo) is a <a href="/wiki/Public_university" title="Public university">public,</a> multi-institution <a href="/wiki/Academic_health_science_centre" class="mw-redirect" title="Academic health science centre">academic health science center</a> in <a href="/wiki/Laredo,_Texas" title="Laredo, Texas">Laredo</a>, <a href="/wiki/Texas" title="Texas">Texas</a>, <a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">United States</a>. While the UT Center at Laredo does not yet confer its own degrees, it offers degrees and certifications through five affiliate universities: [[University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston|The University of Texas Health Science Center at ... </td> <td>1 </td> <td>15020 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Abel_Ramos" title="Draft:Abel Ramos">Draft:Abel Ramos</a> (<small>Mexican-American boxer (born 1991), fought multiple world champions</small>) </td> <td>Abel Ramos (born July 2, 1991) is a Mexican-American <a href="/wiki/Professional_boxing" title="Professional boxing">professional boxer</a> who challenged for the <a href="/wiki/World_Boxing_Association" title="World Boxing Association">WBA</a> <a href="/wiki/Welterweight" title="Welterweight">Welterweight</a> title in September 2020. He is the uncle of <a href="/wiki/Junior_middleweight" class="mw-redirect" title="Junior middleweight">junior middleweight</a> boxer <a href="/wiki/Jesus_Ramos" title="Jesus Ramos">Jesus Ramos</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>14972 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lili_Rosen" title="Draft:Lili Rosen">Draft:Lili Rosen</a> (<small>Transgender actress and writer, notable for activities as a former member of the Hasidic community.</small>) </td> <td>Lili Rosen is an American transgender actress, writer, translator, producer and cultural consultant. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>14944 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Swindon_Health_Hydro,_Formerly_Known_as_Milton_Road_Baths" title="Draft:Swindon Health Hydro, Formerly Known as Milton Road Baths">Draft:Swindon Health Hydro, Formerly Known as Milton Road Baths</a> (<small>English health complex built in the late 19th an early 20th century</small>) </td> <td>The Swindon Health Hydro, formerly known as the Milton Road Baths, was built as part of the complete medical provision offered by the GWR Medical Fund Society for the workers in the <a href="/wiki/Swindon_Works" title="Swindon Works">Swindon Rail Works</a> and their families. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14942 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sophie_Kumpen" title="Draft:Sophie Kumpen">Draft:Sophie Kumpen</a> (<small>Belgian racing driver (born 1975)</small>) </td> <td>Marie-Sophie Kumpen (born 30 October 1975) is a Belgian former <a href="/wiki/Racing_driver" class="mw-redirect" title="Racing driver">racing driver</a> and <a href="/wiki/Kart_racer" class="mw-redirect" title="Kart racer">kart racer</a>. She is the former wife of Dutch <a href="/wiki/Formula_One" title="Formula One">Formula One</a> driver <a href="/wiki/Jos_Verstappen" title="Jos Verstappen">Jos Verstappen</a>, and mother to three-time <a href="/wiki/World_Drivers%27_Championship" class="mw-redirect" title="World Drivers' Championship">World Drivers' Champion</a> <a href="/wiki/Max_Verstappen" title="Max Verstappen">Max Verstappen</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>14941 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pearland_Police_Department" title="Draft:Pearland Police Department">Draft:Pearland Police Department</a> (<small>Law enforcement agency in Texas</small>) </td> <td>The Pearland Police Department (PPD) is the primary municipal law enforcement agency serving the City of <a href="/wiki/Pearland,_Texas" title="Pearland, Texas">Pearland</a>, <a href="/wiki/Texas" title="Texas">Texas</a>, <a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">United States</a>. With approximately 185 sworn police officers and 262 civilian personnel it makes it one of the larger suburban police forces in the state. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14915 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Purandakar_Sarnaik" title="Draft:Purandakar Sarnaik">Draft:Purandakar Sarnaik</a> (<small>The article is regarding history of Sarnaik Family who were Sarnaik's of Puranadar Fort</small>) </td> <td>Purandarkar Sarnaik is a well-known historical dynasty in the Maratha history. This family belongs to Gautam <a href="/wiki/Gotra" title="Gotra">Gotra</a> of <a href="/wiki/Rigvedi" title="Rigvedi">Rigvedi</a> <a href="/wiki/Deshastha_Brahmin" title="Deshastha Brahmin">Deshastha Brahmin</a> community. The family is related to Purandar fort and area for the last five century's. The Chambali village situated in <a href="/wiki/Purandar_Taluka" class="mw-redirect" title="Purandar Taluka">Purandar Taluka</a> was the gifted ancestral village of this family. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>14867 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-27 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sharofiddin_Gadoev" title="Draft:Sharofiddin Gadoev">Draft:Sharofiddin Gadoev</a> (<small>Tajikistan Politician</small>) </td> <td>Sharofiddin Gadoev (<a href="/wiki/Tajik_language" title="Tajik language">Tajik</a>: Шарофиддин Гадоев) was born on May 19, 1985, in the <a href="/wiki/Farkhor_District" title="Farkhor District">Farkhor district</a>, <a href="/wiki/Khatlon_Region" title="Khatlon Region">Khatlon Region</a>, <a href="/wiki/Tajikistan" title="Tajikistan">Tajikistan</a>. He attended Farhor Secondary School No. 3, named after <a href="/wiki/Abdurahmoni_Jomi" title="Abdurahmoni Jomi">Abdurahmon Jomi</a>, graduating in 2003. Between 2004 and 2009, Gadoev studied at the Faculty of International Law at the National University of Tajikistan, obtaining a degree in international law and international relations. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14692 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Play_House_(Mumbai)" title="Draft:Play House (Mumbai)">Draft:Play House (Mumbai)</a> (<small>Play House is an area located in Grant Road, Mumbai.</small>) </td> <td>Play House or Pila House is a locality in the Eastern part of <a href="/wiki/Grant_Road_(South_Mumbai,_India)" title="Grant Road (South Mumbai, India)">Grant Road</a> area, in <a href="/wiki/South_Mumbai" title="South Mumbai">South Mumbai</a>, <a href="/wiki/India" title="India">India</a>. It was developed as an entertainment district by the British in 1857. Many famous theatres (some now defunct) are present in this locality. It was surrounded by the <a href="/wiki/Red_light_area" class="mw-redirect" title="Red light area">red light area</a> of <a href="/wiki/Kamathipura" title="Kamathipura">Kamathipura</a> on one side, and the Congress House, occupied by traditional dancers and musicians such as the <a href="/wiki/Tawaif" title="Tawaif">tawaifs</a> on the other side. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14685 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:David_N._Seidman" title="Draft:David N. Seidman">Draft:David N. Seidman</a> (<small>American Materials Scientist, Professor David N. Seidman</small>) </td> <td>David N. Seidman is an American materials scientist known for his work in <a href="/wiki/Atom_probe" title="Atom probe">atom-probe tomography</a> and atomic-scale characterization of materials. He holds the title of Walter P. Murphy Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering at <a href="/wiki/Northwestern_University" title="Northwestern University">Northwestern University</a> and is the founding director of the Northwestern University Center for Atom-Probe Tomography (NUCAPT). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14674 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:MCreator" title="Draft:MCreator">Draft:MCreator</a> (<small>An open-source software to make Minecraft modifications</small>) </td> <td>MCreator is an <a href="/wiki/Open-source_software" title="Open-source software">open source software</a> for creating <a href="/wiki/Minecraft" title="Minecraft">Minecraft</a> <a href="/wiki/Java_(programming_language)" title="Java (programming language)">Java</a> Edition mods, <a href="/wiki/Minecraft_Bedrock_Edition" class="mw-redirect" title="Minecraft Bedrock Edition">Minecraft Bedrock Edition</a> Add-Ons, and data packs through a drag-and-drop visual programming interface. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>14622 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Brave_Animated_Series" title="Draft:Brave Animated Series">Draft:Brave Animated Series</a> (<small>2021 Taiwanese Animated Series</small>) </td> <td>Brave Animated series (<a href="/wiki/Traditional_Chinese_characters" title="Traditional Chinese characters">Chinese</a>:勇者動畫系列 <a href="/wiki/Pinyin" title="Pinyin">Pinyin</a>: Yǒngzhě dònghuà xìliè <abbr><small>lit.</small></abbr> 'Brave Animation Series') is a <a href="/wiki/Taiwan" title="Taiwan">Taiwanese</a> <a href="/wiki/Black_comedy" title="Black comedy">black comedy</a> <a href="/wiki/Fantasy" title="Fantasy">fantasy</a> <a href="/wiki/Animated_series" title="Animated series">animated series</a> based on the comic book series of the same name, created by Yellow Book, is produced by Big Cat Studio in association with Aries Creative and <a href="/wiki/Public_Television_Service" title="Public Television Service">Public Television Service</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14603 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-26 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sammie_Chess,_Jr." title="Draft:Sammie Chess, Jr.">Draft:Sammie Chess, Jr.</a> (<small>Bio of pioneering Black North Carolina judge and lawyer</small>) </td> <td>Sammie Chess, Jr. (28 March 1934 - 23 July 2022) was an attorney, civil rights activist, and judge in North Carolina. He was the first Black Superior Court justice in North Carolina history. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14558 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Canary_Islands_Special_Zone" title="Draft:Canary Islands Special Zone">Draft:Canary Islands Special Zone</a> (<small>State body concerned with taxation and foreign direct investment into the Canary Islands</small>) </td> <td>The Canary Islands Special Zone (ZEC) is a low tax regime included within the <a href="/w/index.php?title=Canary_Islands_Special_Tax_and_Economic_Regime_(REF)&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Canary Islands Special Tax and Economic Regime (REF) (page does not exist)">Canary Islands Special Tax and Economic Regime (REF)</a>. It was authorised by the European Commission in 2000 in accordance to the status of the region as an Outermost Region. It provides for a low Corporate Income Tax of 4%, dividend, interest and capital gain exemption, no VAT, and exemptions from transfer taxes and stamp duties. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14552 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Careers_Through_Culinary_Arts_Program_(C-CAP)" title="Draft:Careers Through Culinary Arts Program (C-CAP)">Draft:Careers Through Culinary Arts Program (C-CAP)</a> (<small>nonprofit creating opportunities for high-school students through culinary education</small>) </td> <td>Careers through Culinary Arts Program (C-CAP), currently co-chaired by chef <a href="/wiki/Marcus_Samuelsson" title="Marcus Samuelsson">Marcus Samuelsson</a>, is a national nonprofit that creates economic mobility for high-school students and alumni through the hospitality/culinary industry. Each year, it serves over 22,000 middle and high school students across 8 U.S. cities and states, including Arizona, Los Angeles, New York City, and Chicago. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14498 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-02 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Elliott_Branch_Jr." title="Draft:Elliott Branch Jr.">Draft:Elliott Branch Jr.</a> (<small>American comedian and actor</small>) </td> <td>Elliott Lee Branch, Jr. (July 18, 1962 – August 1, 2024) was an American <a href="/wiki/Comedian" title="Comedian">comedian</a>, <a href="/wiki/Cosplayer" class="mw-redirect" title="Cosplayer">cosplayer</a> and <a href="/wiki/Actor" title="Actor">actor</a>. Branch did standup comedy throughout the <a href="/wiki/Midwestern_United_States" title="Midwestern United States">Midwestern United States</a> during the 1990s. He appearred in the films <i>Cut Me a New Path</i> (2003), <i><a href="/wiki/Quentin_Tarantino%27s_Suicide_Squad" title="Quentin Tarantino's Suicide Squad">Quentin Tarantino's Suicide Squad</a></i> (2016), <i><a href="/wiki/Deadpool_The_Musical_2_-_Ultimate_Disney_Parody" title="Deadpool The Musical 2 - Ultimate Disney Parody">Deadpool The Musical 2 - Ultimate Disney Parody</a></i> (2018), and <a href="/wiki/Pulp_Friction_(film)" title="Pulp Friction (film)"><i>Pulp Friction</i></a> (2021), receiving acting nominations at <a href="/wiki/Oceanside_International_Film_Festival" title="Oceanside International Film Festival">Oceanside International Film Festival</a> and <a href="/wiki/Idyllwild_International_Festival_of_Cinema" title="Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema">Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>14452 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Soul_Injury" title="Draft:Soul Injury">Draft:Soul Injury</a> (<small>Soul Injury is a psychological wound</small>) </td> <td>A Soul Injury is defined as a wound that separates a person from their real self. Soul Injuries corrode a person's self-worth with feelings of inadequacy. The dictionary defines the word "<a href="/wiki/Soul" title="Soul">soul</a>" as the “total self that includes the immaterial animating essence of an individual." This non-religious dictionary definition captures the meaning of "soul" as it is used in the term "Soul Injury." Symptoms of Soul Injury include: hiding or masking personal thoughts and feelings, ignoring one’s inner ... </td> <td>4 </td> <td>14331 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Al_Faroque_Siddiquee" title="Draft:Al Faroque Siddiquee">Draft:Al Faroque Siddiquee</a> (<small>Bangladesh Army Officer, Military Personnel</small>) </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Brigadier_general" title="Brigadier general">Brigadier General</a> Al Faroque Siddiquee, <a href="/wiki/Distinguished_Service_Medal_(Bangladesh_Army)" class="mw-redirect" title="Distinguished Service Medal (Bangladesh Army)">BSP</a>, <a href="/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_National_Defense_University" title="People's Liberation Army National Defense University">ndu</a>, <a href="/wiki/National_Defence_College_(Bangladesh)" title="National Defence College (Bangladesh)">afwc</a>, <a href="/wiki/Defence_Services_Command_and_Staff_College_(Bangladesh)" title="Defence Services Command and Staff College (Bangladesh)">psc</a>, <a href="/wiki/Master_of_Philosophy" title="Master of Philosophy">MPhil</a> was commissioned with the 27th BMA Long Course on 20th December 1992 in the <a href="/wiki/Infantry" title="Infantry">Corps of Infantry</a> at "Victory Tigers". He is currently the Commandant of JCO-NCO Academy at Bogura. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>14254 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alex_Cazares" title="Draft:Alex Cazares">Draft:Alex Cazares</a> (<small>American voice actress (born 1992)</small>) </td> <td>Alejandra Evette Cazares (born July 7, 1992) is an American voice actress whose professional career started in 2005. She is often involved with work in English dubs of <a href="/wiki/Anime" title="Anime">anime</a>, cartoons, and <a href="/wiki/Video_game" title="Video game">video games</a>. She is well known for voicing Rebecca in <i><a href="/wiki/Cyberpunk:_Edgerunners" title="Cyberpunk: Edgerunners">Cyberpunk: Edgerunners</a></i>, Staci in <i><a href="/wiki/The_Boss_Baby:_Back_in_Business" title="The Boss Baby: Back in Business">The Boss Baby: Back in Business</a></i>, Lily in <i><a href="/wiki/Smile_PreCure!" title="Smile PreCure!">Glitter Force</a></i>, and Carl Casagrande in <i><a href="/wiki/The_Loud_House" title="The Loud House">The Loud House</a></i> and its-spinoff, <i><a href="/wiki/The_Casagrandes" title="The Casagrandes">The Casagrandes</a></i> by <a href="/wiki/Nickelodeon" title="Nickelodeon">Nickelodeon</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>14211 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-02 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ascona_B-DNA_Consortium" title="Draft:Ascona B-DNA Consortium">Draft:Ascona B-DNA Consortium</a> (<small>International DNA consortium</small>) </td> <td>The Ascona B-DNA Consortium (ABC) is a collaborative international research initiative founded in 2001 to investigate the sequence-dependent mechanical properties of <a href="/wiki/DNA" title="DNA">DNA</a> using <a href="/wiki/Molecular_dynamics" title="Molecular dynamics">molecular dynamics</a> (MD) simulations. The consortium has contributed significantly to the understanding of DNA structure and dynamics over the past two decades, from the atomic level to larger chromatin structures. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14190 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Save_Europe_(online_movement)" title="Draft:Save Europe (online movement)">Draft:Save Europe (online movement)</a> (<small>I have fixed the issues noted</small>) </td> <td>Save Europe (or <i>Never Lose Your Smile</i>, <i>Aryan Classic</i>) is a <a href="/wiki/Right-wing_populism" title="Right-wing populism">right-wing</a>, <a href="/wiki/Ultranationalism" title="Ultranationalism">ultranationalist</a>, <a href="/wiki/Racism" title="Racism">racist</a>, <a href="/wiki/Neo-Nazism" title="Neo-Nazism">neo-Nazi</a>, <a href="/wiki/Islamophobia" title="Islamophobia">Islamophobic</a> and <a href="/wiki/Antisemitism" title="Antisemitism">Anti-semitic</a> movement on <a href="/wiki/Social_media" title="Social media">social media</a>, mainly <a href="/wiki/TikTok" title="TikTok">TikTok</a>. The members of the movement are often associated with using racist <a href="/wiki/Acronym" title="Acronym">acronyms</a> and terms, having profile pictures depicting <a href="/wiki/Totenkopf" title="Totenkopf">Totenkopfs</a>, <a href="/wiki/Swastika" title="Swastika">swastikas</a>, promoting the idea ... </td> <td>1 </td> <td>14170 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Global_ID" title="Draft:Global ID">Draft:Global ID</a> (<small>Technic of Biometric authentication</small>) </td> <td>Global ID is a Swiss start-up specializing in <a href="/wiki/Biometric_authentication" class="mw-redirect" title="Biometric authentication">biometric authentication</a> using the vein network in the fingers of the hand. The company was founded in 2016. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>14148 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jamie_Woodcock" title="Draft:Jamie Woodcock">Draft:Jamie Woodcock</a> (<small>Writer, researcher and political activist</small>) </td> <td>Jamie Woodcock is a British author, researcher and political activist known for his research on work, namely in the <a href="/wiki/Gig_economy" title="Gig economy">gig economy</a>, <a href="/wiki/Call_centre" title="Call centre">call centres</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Video_game_industry" title="Video game industry">video game industry</a>. He is a founding editor of the journal <a href="/wiki/Notes_from_Below" title="Notes from Below">Notes from Below</a> and a lecturer in <a href="/wiki/Digital_humanities" title="Digital humanities">Digital Humanities</a> at <a href="/wiki/King%27s_College_London" title="King's College London">King's College London</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14116 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Scale_Analysis_of_External_Natural_Convection" title="Draft:Scale Analysis of External Natural Convection">Draft:Scale Analysis of External Natural Convection</a> (<small>Scale Analysis of External Natural Convection</small>) </td> <td>External <a href="/wiki/Natural_convection" class="mw-redirect" title="Natural convection">natural convection</a> is a <a href="/wiki/Heat_transfer" title="Heat transfer">heat transfe</a>r process where <a href="/wiki/Fluid_motion" class="mw-redirect" title="Fluid motion">fluid motion</a> is driven by <a href="/wiki/Buoyancy_force" class="mw-redirect" title="Buoyancy force">buoyancy forces</a> resulting from <a href="/wiki/Temperature" title="Temperature">temperature</a> differences within the fluid. This phenomenon occurs when a fluid near a heated surface becomes less dense and rises, while cooler fluid moves in to replace it, creating a continuous circulation pattern. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>14085 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Incidents_on_the_Pittsburgh_Light_Rail" title="Draft:Incidents on the Pittsburgh Light Rail">Draft:Incidents on the Pittsburgh Light Rail</a> (<small>Accidents involving the public rail system in Pittsburgh, PA</small>) </td> <td>Over the course of the years, there have been various incidents on the Pittsburgh Light Rail. While low in number compared to other <a href="/wiki/List_of_rail_transit_systems_in_the_United_States" title="List of rail transit systems in the United States">public rail transit systems in the United States</a>, there have still been many derailments and fatalities associated with this system. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>14066 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:German_Business_Panel" title="Draft:German Business Panel">Draft:German Business Panel</a> (<small>Survey Study of the Firm Population</small>) </td> <td>The German Business Panel (GBP) is a long-term survey panel of the <a href="/wiki/Deutsche_Forschungsgemeinschaft" class="mw-redirect" title="Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft">DFG</a>-funded supra-regional project “Accounting for Transparency” for the systematic survey of expectations, assessments and opinions of decision-makers of all companies active in Germany. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>13983 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Fagel_Collection" title="Draft:The Fagel Collection">Draft:The Fagel Collection</a> (<small>Dutch historical collection/archive</small>) </td> <td>The Fagel Collection is the private and working library of the <a href="/w/index.php?title=Fagel_family&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Fagel family (page does not exist)">Fagel family</a><span class="noprint" style="font-size:85%; font-style: normal;"> [<a href="" class="extiw" title="nl:Fagel (geslacht)">nl</a>]</span>, an important political family in the <a href="/wiki/Dutch_Republic" title="Dutch Republic">Dutch Republic</a> during the <a href="/wiki/Early_modern_period" title="Early modern period">Early Modern Period</a>, comprising of 30,000 printed books, as well as manuscripts, maps, and other engraved materials, making it one of the most prolific collections in Europe. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>13975 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Carlos_Mercado" title="Draft:Carlos Mercado">Draft:Carlos Mercado</a> (<small>American professional soccer player</small>) </td> <td>Jose Carlos Mercado (born September 27, 1999) is an American professional <a href="/wiki/Association_football" title="Association football">soccer</a> player who plays as a <a href="/wiki/Goalkeeper_(association_football)" title="Goalkeeper (association football)">goalkeeper</a> for <a href="/wiki/Orlando_City_SC" title="Orlando City SC">Orlando City</a> in <a href="/wiki/Major_League_Soccer" title="Major League Soccer">Major League Soccer</a>. Mercado also represented <a href="/wiki/Mexican_Football_Federation" title="Mexican Football Federation">Mexico</a> at a youth level. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>13881 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Carlos_Mercado" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Carlos Mercado">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Edon_Molla" title="Draft:Edon Molla">Draft:Edon Molla</a> (<small>Singer</small>) </td> <td>Edon Molla (born March 8, 1994) is an Albanian American singer-songwriter known for his genre-crossing style infused with elements of folk, rock, rhythm and blues (R&B), pop, and hip-hop. He has released three studio albums, contributed to film soundtracks, and performed at major international festivals. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>13858 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Edon_Molla" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Edon Molla">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nathan_Carlin" title="Draft:Nathan Carlin">Draft:Nathan Carlin</a> (<small>American professor of medical humanities</small>) </td> <td>Rev. Nathan Steven Carlin, PhD (born 1979) is a prolific scholar of <a href="/wiki/Medical_humanities" title="Medical humanities">medical humanities</a> with an interest in <a href="/wiki/Psychology_of_religion" title="Psychology of religion">psychoanalysis and religion</a>. Dr. Carlin is the Samuel Karff Chair and a professor at the <a href="/wiki/McGovern_Medical_School" title="McGovern Medical School">McGovern Medical School</a>, <a href="/wiki/University_of_Texas_Health_Science_Center_at_Houston" title="University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston">University of Texas' Health Sciences Center</a> (UTHealth Houston) where he directs the McGovern Center for Humanities and Ethics. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>13842 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:College_Hockey_Bluebloods" title="Draft:College Hockey Bluebloods">Draft:College Hockey Bluebloods</a> (<small>Elite teams of US college hockey</small>) </td> <td>In American <a href="/wiki/College_hockey" class="mw-redirect" title="College hockey">college hockey</a>, blue bloods refers to <a href="/wiki/National_Collegiate_Athletic_Association" title="National Collegiate Athletic Association">National Collegiate Athletic Association</a> (NCAA) Division I hockey programs considered to be among the most elite programs (history, tradition, success, pipelines to NHL). Outside of sports, <i><a href="/wiki/Nobility#Other_terms" title="Nobility">blue blood</a></i> is used as an alternative term for <a href="/wiki/Nobility" title="Nobility">nobility</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>13784 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Assassination_of_Muhammad_Ghori" title="Draft:Assassination of Muhammad Ghori">Draft:Assassination of Muhammad Ghori</a> (<small>Assassination of Muhammad Ghori</small>) </td> <td>The assassination of <a href="/wiki/Muhammad_Ghori" class="mw-redirect" title="Muhammad Ghori">Muhammad Ghori</a> occurred at <a href="/wiki/Dhamiak" title="Dhamiak">Dhamiak</a>, in mid-medieval <a href="/wiki/Punjab" title="Punjab">Punjab</a>, 1206 CE. Of the numerous sources recounting the event multiple perpetrators for the killing have been named, including the Punjabi <a href="/wiki/Khokhar" title="Khokhar">Khokhar</a> tribe and the <a href="/wiki/Isma%27ilism" title="Isma'ilism">Isma'ili</a> <a href="/wiki/Shia_Islam" title="Shia Islam">Shias</a>, the cause of which has been stated to have been conflict arising after the <a href="/wiki/Ghurid_campaigns_in_India" title="Ghurid campaigns in India">Ghurid campaigns in India</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>13782 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:BrainScaleS" title="Draft:BrainScaleS">Draft:BrainScaleS</a> (<small>Neuroscience technology of EU</small>) </td> <td>BrainScaleS is a <a href="/wiki/Neuromorphic_computing" title="Neuromorphic computing">neuromorphic computing</a> platform developed by <a href="/wiki/Heidelberg_University" title="Heidelberg University">Heidelberg University</a>. Launched in 2011 as part of the European Union’s <a href="/wiki/Human_Brain_Project" title="Human Brain Project">Human Brain Project</a>, it aims to replicate biological brain processes through analog circuit architectures, designed to be less energy-intensive than digital calculations. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>13700 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Michael_Shapiro_(journalist)" title="Draft:Michael Shapiro (journalist)">Draft:Michael Shapiro (journalist)</a> (<small>Ukrainian Journalist</small>) </td> <td>Michael Mendel Shapiro (1910 – September 29, 1986) was a Ukrainian-born British Journalist and outspoken communist. In the late 1930’s and during the 1940’s he was active in tenants’ rights activities and became a Stepney councilor. He joined the <a href="/wiki/Communist_Party_of_Great_Britain" title="Communist Party of Great Britain">Communist Party of Great Britain</a> (CPGB) in 1934 and in 1950 was sent to China. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>13662 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Colton_Boomer" title="Draft:Colton Boomer">Draft:Colton Boomer</a> (<small>American Football Player</small>) </td> <td>Colton George Boomer (born August 27, 2003) an American amateur football player. Boomer began his collegiate football career at The University of Central Florida. He left the <a href="/wiki/UCF_Knights_football" title="UCF Knights football">UCF</a> football team in October 2024 and will be in the 2024 Fall Transfer Portal. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>13608 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Moyo_Muturikwa_Totem" title="Draft:Moyo Muturikwa Totem">Draft:Moyo Muturikwa Totem</a> (<small>Exploring the history and evolution of the Moyo Muturikwa clan in Rozvi traditions</small>) </td> <td>Moyo Muturikwa is one of the many sub-groups of the Moyo totem, a central identifier within the <a href="/wiki/Rozvi_Empire" title="Rozvi Empire">Rozvi</a> traditions of Zimbabwe. The Rozvi, known for their historical dominance in south-western <a href="/wiki/Zimbabwe" title="Zimbabwe">Zimbabwe</a> during the late 17th and 18th centuries, used the Moyo totem as a unifying symbol. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>13570 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Deep_Sky_(company)" title="Draft:Deep Sky (company)">Draft:Deep Sky (company)</a> (<small>Canadian company developing carbon dioxide sequestration technology</small>) </td> <td>Deep Sky is a <a href="/wiki/Canada" title="Canada">Canadian</a> project development company specializing in <a href="/wiki/Carbon_dioxide_removal" title="Carbon dioxide removal">carbon removal</a> facilities. The company uses <a href="/wiki/Direct_air_capture" title="Direct air capture">direct air capture</a> (DAC) and direct ocean capture (DOC) technologies to remove carbon from air and water. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>13528 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yunlong_Cao" title="Draft:Yunlong Cao">Draft:Yunlong Cao</a> (<small>Chinese immunologist</small>) </td> <td>Yunlong Richard Cao Chinese:曹云龙; pinyin: Cáo Yúnlóng) is a Chinese <a href="/wiki/Immunologist" class="mw-redirect" title="Immunologist">immunologist</a> and assistant professor at <a href="/wiki/Peking_University" title="Peking University">Peking University</a>'s Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center (BIOPIC). Known for his work on <a href="/wiki/SARS-CoV-2" title="SARS-CoV-2">SARS-CoV-2</a> evolution and antibody responses, Cao has made significant contributions to understanding <a href="/wiki/Humoral_immunity" title="Humoral immunity">humoral immunity</a> and developing <a href="/wiki/Antibody_therapeutics" class="mw-redirect" title="Antibody therapeutics">antibody therapeutics</a>.His research focuses on <a href="/wiki/B-cell" class="mw-redirect" title="B-cell">B-cell</a> mediated <a href="/wiki/Adaptive_immune_response" class="mw-redirect" title="Adaptive immune response">adaptive immune response</a>, antibody drugs, and vaccine design. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>13508 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nina_Bondar" title="Draft:Nina Bondar">Draft:Nina Bondar</a> (<small>Russian Woman Tanker</small>) </td> <td>Nina Ilyinichna Bondar (<a href="/wiki/Russian_language" title="Russian language">Russian</a>: <span lang="ru">Ни́на Ильи́нична Бо́ндарь</span>, 19 August 1922 – 13 April 1946; Since 1950 Shiryaeva) is a <a href="/wiki/Soviet" class="mw-redirect" title="Soviet">Sovietian</a> <a href="/wiki/Tank" title="Tank">tank</a> officer and participant in the <a href="/wiki/WWII" class="mw-redirect" title="WWII">Great Patriotic War</a>. During the war, she was a <a href="/wiki/T-34" title="T-34">T-34</a> tank commander in the 237th Tank Brigade and a <a href="/wiki/Captain_(armed_forces)" title="Captain (armed forces)">captain</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>13493 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Seldon_Charles_Forrester_Farmer" title="Draft:Seldon Charles Forrester Farmer">Draft:Seldon Charles Forrester Farmer</a> (<small>Inner London's longest serving Principal Probation Officer</small>) </td> <td>Seldon Charles Forrester Farmer, OBE (8 May 1905 - 20 January 1985) was an English probation officer. He was chair of the <a href="/wiki/Napo_(trade_union)" title="Napo (trade union)">National Association of Probation Officers</a> (NAPO) and was <a href="/wiki/Inner_London_Probation_Service" title="Inner London Probation Service">Inner London Probation Service</a>'s third and longest serving principal probation officer. </td> <td>10 </td> <td>13384 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dolores_Kuchina-Musina" title="Draft:Dolores Kuchina-Musina">Draft:Dolores Kuchina-Musina</a> (<small>Kazakh-American Business Owner</small>) </td> <td>Dolores Kuchina-Musina (born May 30, 1988) is a <a href="/wiki/Kazakhstan" title="Kazakhstan">Kazakh</a>-American business owner, academic, and author specializing in public procurement and innovation policy with a focus in Other Transaction Authorities. She is the CEO and founder of REXOTA Solutions, a consulting firm based in the Washington, D.C. area, specializing in strategic planning, development, and innovation. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>13349 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Summit_of_First_Ladies_and_Gentlemen_Global_Platform" title="Draft:The Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen Global Platform">Draft:The Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen Global Platform</a> (<small>Non-governmental organisation</small>) </td> <td>The Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen Global Platform — is an international <a href="/wiki/Non-governmental_organization" title="Non-governmental organization">non-governmental</a> initiative launched by the First Lady of Ukraine, <a href="/wiki/Olena_Zelenska" title="Olena Zelenska">Olena Zelenska</a>, that brings together <a href="/wiki/First_lady" title="First lady">first ladies and gentlemen</a> to address global challenges. The initiative began with annual events — the Summits of First Ladies and Gentlemen. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>13349 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hiroyasu_Tomiie" title="Draft:Hiroyasu Tomiie">Draft:Hiroyasu Tomiie</a> (<small>Translated from Wikipedia Japanese (富家宏泰; Hiroyasu Tomiie)</small>) </td> <td>(July 1, 1919 - December 21, 2007) was a leading Japanese architect in postwar Japan. He is best known as the architect who led the world of modernist architecture after World War II in Japan. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>13328 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Little_Ten_Conference_(Wisconsin)" title="Draft:Little Ten Conference (Wisconsin)">Draft:Little Ten Conference (Wisconsin)</a> (<small>History of the WIAA's Little Ten Conference (1925-1970)</small>) </td> <td>The Little Ten Conference is a former high school athletic conference in <a href="/wiki/Wisconsin" title="Wisconsin">Wisconsin</a>, formed in 1925 and reorganizing into the <a href="/wiki/Wisconsin_Little_Ten_Conference" title="Wisconsin Little Ten Conference">Wisconsin Little Ten Conference</a> in 1970. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>13275 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Amit_Thapa" title="Draft:Amit Thapa">Draft:Amit Thapa</a> (<small>Neurosurgeon and professor in Nepal.</small>) </td> <td>Born on April 2, 1979, Professor Dr. Amit Thapa is a neurosurgeon from <a href="/wiki/Nepal" title="Nepal">Nepal</a> who specializes in minimally invasive neurosurgery, spine surgery, and functional neurosurgery. He is currently a <a href="/wiki/Professor" title="Professor">Professor</a> of <a href="/wiki/Neurosurgery" title="Neurosurgery">Neurosurgery</a> at <a href="/wiki/Kathmandu_Medical_College" title="Kathmandu Medical College">Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital (KMCTH)</a> and serves as the Chairman of <a href="/wiki/Neuroscience" title="Neuroscience">Neurosciences</a> at Frontline Hospital.Dr. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>13245 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Unbirthday_(A_Twisted_Tale)" title="Draft:Unbirthday (A Twisted Tale)">Draft:Unbirthday (A Twisted Tale)</a> (<small>A book in Disney Twisted Tales series</small>) </td> <td>f </td> <td>2 </td> <td>13127 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lorenzo_Pietro_DeStefano" title="Draft:Lorenzo Pietro DeStefano">Draft:Lorenzo Pietro DeStefano</a> (<small>American playwright</small>) </td> <td>Lorenzo DeStefano is an American playwright, screenwriter, novelist, producer, director, and photographer known for his contributions to cinema and theater.He has directed award-winning narrative films and documentaries. He is a member of the Director's Guild of America and a past member of the Motion Picture Editors Guild. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>13066 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bawi_system" title="Draft:Bawi system">Draft:Bawi system</a> (<small>System of Slavery in Mizo Chiefdoms</small>) </td> <td>The Bawi system was an institution of slavery established under <a href="/wiki/Mizo_people" title="Mizo people">Lushai tribes</a>. It remained in use in precolonial systems of chieftainship before being challenged by <a href="/wiki/History_of_Christianity_in_Mizoram" title="History of Christianity in Mizoram">Christian Missionaries</a> and political institutions such as the <a href="/wiki/Mizo_Union" title="Mizo Union">Mizo Union</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>13022 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alok_Kumar_Kanungo" title="Draft:Alok Kumar Kanungo">Draft:Alok Kumar Kanungo</a> (<small>Alok Kumar kanungo</small>) </td> <td>Alok Kumar Kanungo is an Indian author, archaeologist and ethnographer currently Associate Research Professor at the <a href="/wiki/Indian_Institute_of_Technology_Gandhinagar" class="mw-redirect" title="Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar">Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN)</a> and an adjunct Associate research professor at <a href="/wiki/Flinders_University" title="Flinders University">Flinders University, Australia</a>. His work primarily focuses on the study of ancient glass, beads, and indigenous crafts, bridging the gap between traditional knowledge systems and modern archaeological practices. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>13010 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:All-Africa_Students_Union" title="Draft:All-Africa Students Union">Draft:All-Africa Students Union</a> (<small>Continental student union</small>) </td> <td>The All-Africa Students Union (AASU) is the umbrella organization of 75 national student unions from 54 countries, representing 170 million students across the African continent. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>12997 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kimberly_Weinberger" title="Draft:Kimberly Weinberger">Draft:Kimberly Weinberger</a> (<small>American actress</small>) </td> <td>Kimberly Weinberger is an American actress who appeared in stage productions of <a href="/wiki/After_the_End" title="After the End"><i>After the End</i></a> (2015), <a href="/wiki/I_Ought_to_Be_in_Pictures" title="I Ought to Be in Pictures"><i>I Ought to Be in Pictures</i></a> (2017), <a href="/wiki/Blackbird_(play)" title="Blackbird (play)"><i>Blackbird</i></a> (2019), <a href="/wiki/Gloria_(play)" title="Gloria (play)"><i>Gloria</i></a> (2024) and starred in the film <a href="/wiki/Hemet,_or_the_Landlady_Don%27t_Drink_Tea" title="Hemet, or the Landlady Don't Drink Tea"><i>Hemet, or the Landlady Don't Drink Tea</i></a> (2023). She won Best Actress at the 2012 <a href="/wiki/Campus_MovieFest" title="Campus MovieFest">Campus MovieFest</a> at <a href="/wiki/San_Diego_State_University" title="San Diego State University">San Diego State University</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12964 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alessandra_Rojo_de_la_Vega" title="Draft:Alessandra Rojo de la Vega">Draft:Alessandra Rojo de la Vega</a> (<small>Mexican politician and activist</small>) </td> <td>Alessandra Rojo de la Vega Piccolo is a Mexican activist, businesswoman, influencer and politician who in 2024 became the mayor of <a href="/wiki/Cuauht%C3%A9moc,_Mexico_City" title="Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City">Delegación Cuauhtémoc</a> in Mexico City after a contested election. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12932 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Seth_Stodder" title="Draft:Seth Stodder">Draft:Seth Stodder</a> (<small>Lawyer and U.S. Government Official</small>) </td> <td>Seth M.M. Stodder (born July 26, 1970) is an American lawyer, former government official, and writer. He is a frequent commentator on national security issues, foreign policy, borders and immigration, international trade, privacy, cybersecurity, and constitutional law. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12920 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Theresia_Orchestra" title="Draft:Theresia Orchestra">Draft:Theresia Orchestra</a> (<small>International Youth Orchestra</small>) </td> <td>Theresia Orchestra is an international youth orchestra dedicated to the performance of Classical repertoire on period instruments. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>12851 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Fabulous_Beasts" title="Draft:Fabulous Beasts">Draft:Fabulous Beasts</a> (<small>A translation from Chinese Wikipedia about the Comic/Animation Series Titled "Fabulous Beasts"</small>) </td> <td>Fabulous Beasts (<a href="/wiki/Chinese_language" title="Chinese language">Chinese</a>: <span lang="zh">有兽焉</span>; <a href="/wiki/Pinyin" title="Pinyin">pinyin</a>: <i><span lang="zh-Latn">Yǒu shòu yān</span></i>; Literal translation: There Is a Beast) is a <a href="/wiki/Manhua" title="Manhua">manhua</a> produced by <a href="/w/index.php?title=FENZ_Studio&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="FENZ Studio (page does not exist)">FENZ Studio</a>(<a href="/wiki/Chinese_language" title="Chinese language">Chinese</a>: <span lang="zh">非人哉工作室</span>) in <a href="/wiki/China" title="China">China</a>. The original copyright belongs to the author <a href="/w/index.php?title=Xue_Xia_Mao_Yao_Zi&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Xue Xia Mao Yao Zi (page does not exist)">Xue Xia Mao Yao Zi</a> (<a href="/wiki/Chinese_language" title="Chinese language">Chinese</a>: <span lang="zh">作者靴下猫腰子</span>; <a href="/wiki/Pinyin" title="Pinyin">pinyin</a>: <i><span lang="zh-Latn">zuòzhě Xuēxià māo yāozi</span></i>). </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12841 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hershael_York" title="Draft:Hershael York">Draft:Hershael York</a> (<small>American Baptist minister</small>) </td> <td>Hershael W. York is an <a href="/wiki/Evangelical" class="mw-redirect" title="Evangelical">evangelical</a> <a href="/wiki/Theologian" class="mw-redirect" title="Theologian">theologian</a> and a <a href="/wiki/Baptist" class="mw-redirect" title="Baptist">Baptist</a> minister. He currently serves as the Dean of The School of Theology and the Victor and Louise Lester Professor of Christian Preaching at <a href="/wiki/The_Southern_Baptist_Theological_Seminary" class="mw-redirect" title="The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary">the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary</a>. Having served as the Senior Pastor of Buck Run Baptist Church, York currently is the pastor emeritus of Buck Run Baptist Church. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12814 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Randy_Udell" title="Draft:Randy Udell">Draft:Randy Udell</a> (<small>Member-elect for the Wisconsin State Assembly</small>) </td> <td>Udell was born in <a href="/wiki/Beloit,_Wisconsin" title="Beloit, Wisconsin">Beloit, Wisconsin</a> in 1961. He attended public school in <a href="/wiki/Janesville,_Wisconsin" title="Janesville, Wisconsin">Janesville, Wisconsin</a>, later attending the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Wisconsin%E2%80%93Whitewater" title="University of Wisconsin–Whitewater">University of Wisconsin–Whitewater</a>. While at UW–Whitewater, he was involved in student government, serving as a <a href="/wiki/Student_senate" class="mw-redirect" title="Student senate">student senator</a>, as well as party politics, working for Representative <a href="/wiki/Les_Aspin" title="Les Aspin">Les Aspin</a> and chairing the <a href="/wiki/Young_Democrats_of_America" title="Young Democrats of America">Young Democrats</a> association in the area. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12782 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Daniel_Donato" title="Draft:Daniel Donato">Draft:Daniel Donato</a> (<small>Musical artist</small>) </td> <td>Daniel Donato (born April 6, 1995) is an American guitarist, singer, and songwriter. He is the founder of the band, Cosmic Country, known for its unique improvisational blend of country, rock, and psychedelia. <a href="/wiki/Rolling_Stone" title="Rolling Stone">Rolling Stone</a> has called Daniel "Nashville's Newest Guitar Hero". </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12763 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Edinburgh_Academy_Survivors" title="Draft:Edinburgh Academy Survivors">Draft:Edinburgh Academy Survivors</a> (<small>Prominent group of survivors of child abuse in the UK</small>) </td> <td>Dealt with. Thanks. Hopefully have addressed your other comments? Thanks </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12760 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Customertimes" title="Draft:Customertimes">Draft:Customertimes</a> (<small>Global IT company page</small>) </td> <td>Customertimes is a global technology company that specializes in consulting, digital engineering, and product development services. The company operates across various industries, including Healthcare & Life Sciences, Consumer Packaged Goods & Beverages, Insurance, Manufacturing, and full-cycle software development. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12725 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Morteza_Khorami" title="Draft:Morteza Khorami">Draft:Morteza Khorami</a> (<small>Researcher in Concrete and Cement Composites</small>) </td> <td>Morteza Khorami is a civil engineer and materials scientist known for his contributions to construction materials, particularly in cement composites and asbestos replacement in fiber cement board production. He is a Chartered Civil Engineer (CEng, MICE) and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), with over two decades of experience in management, civil engineering projects, engineering research, and education. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12700 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:A_Far_Wilder_Magic" title="Draft:A Far Wilder Magic">Draft:A Far Wilder Magic</a> (<small>Summary of fantasy novel</small>) </td> <td><i>A Far Wilder Magic</i> is a fantasy novel by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Allison Saft</a> first published in 2022. The book brings up religious discrimination and religion as an identity, while also bringing light to mental health and difficult family relations. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12670 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Only_Ever_Yours" title="Draft:Only Ever Yours">Draft:Only Ever Yours</a> (<small>the book "Only Ever Yours"</small>) </td> <td>Only Ever Yours is the first novel by the Irish author <a href="/wiki/Louise_O%27Neill" title="Louise O'Neill">Louise O'Neill</a> and published in 2014. It's a dystopian science fiction novel exploring themes of friendship, beauty standards, sexism and betrayal. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12666 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kuromi" title="Draft:Kuromi">Draft:Kuromi</a> (<small>Fictional Character</small>) </td> <td>Kuromi (<a href="/wiki/Japanese_language" title="Japanese language">Japanese</a>: クロミ), is a fictional character owned by the company <a href="/wiki/Sanrio" title="Sanrio">Sanrio</a>, and created by </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12583 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Carlo_Paolicelli" title="Draft:Carlo Paolicelli">Draft:Carlo Paolicelli</a> </td> <td>Carlo Paolicelli (born April 5, 1975, as Carlo, Francesco, Pio, in <a href="/wiki/Cerignola" title="Cerignola">Cerignola</a>) is a Italian and Polish lawyer, Polish local government official, chief expert in international economic exchange, publicist and writer. He is the President of the Dante Alighieri Society Committee in Warsaw. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>12533 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Test4Pay" title="Draft:Test4Pay">Draft:Test4Pay</a> (<small>Test4Pay Harm Reduction Program</small>) </td> <td>Test4Pay was a now-defunct forum on the dark web that facilitated the testing and discussion of substances purchased from <a href="/wiki/Cryptomarkets" class="mw-redirect" title="Cryptomarkets">cryptomarkets</a>. It primarily functioned as a harm reduction platform where users could share and analyze the composition and purity of drugs obtained online. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12515 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hotel101_Global" title="Draft:Hotel101 Global">Draft:Hotel101 Global</a> (<small>hotel chain brand</small>) </td> <td>Hotel101 Global Pte. Ltd. is a multinational mid-market segment <a href="/wiki/Hotel_chain" class="mw-redirect" title="Hotel chain">hotel chain</a>. The Singapore-registered company is the hotel expansion subsidiary of <a href="/wiki/DoubleDragon_Corporation" title="DoubleDragon Corporation">DoubleDragon Corporation,</a> a Philippine-based development company owned by <a href="/wiki/Edgar_Sia" title="Edgar Sia">Edgar Sia</a> and <a href="/wiki/Tony_Tan_Caktiong" title="Tony Tan Caktiong">Tony Tan Caktiong</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>12508 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Capitol_Area_Council" title="Draft:Capitol Area Council">Draft:Capitol Area Council</a> (<small>Scouting Organization in Texas</small>) </td> <td>Capitol Area Council is a <a href="/wiki/501(c)(3)_organization" title="501(c)(3) organization">501(c)(3)</a> and local council of the <a href="/wiki/Boy_Scouts_of_America" title="Boy Scouts of America">Boy Scouts of America</a> (BSA), that serves Scouts and Scouting volunteers in 15 <a href="/wiki/Central_Texas" title="Central Texas">Central Texas</a> counties surrounding <a href="/wiki/Austin,_Texas" title="Austin, Texas">Austin</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12487 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Guild_of_Natural_Science_Illustrators" title="Draft:Guild of Natural Science Illustrators">Draft:Guild of Natural Science Illustrators</a> (<small>Non-profit organization of illustrators</small>) </td> <td>The Guild of Natural Science Illustrators (GNSI) is an international non-profit organization based in <a href="/wiki/Washington,_D.C." title="Washington, D.C.">Washington, D.C.</a> to serve the field of visual science communication, including <a href="/wiki/Scientific_illustrator" class="mw-redirect" title="Scientific illustrator">scientific illustration</a>, <a href="/wiki/Medical_illustration" title="Medical illustration">medical illustration</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Botanical_illustration" title="Botanical illustration">botanical illustration</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12457 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rabi_Pinchas_Taylor" title="Draft:Rabi Pinchas Taylor">Draft:Rabi Pinchas Taylor</a> (<small>Biography of Rabbi from USA</small>) </td> <td>Pinchas Taylor (born July 16, 1984) is an American rabbi, best-selling author, public speaker, and “<i>Celebrity Life Coach</i>” recognized for his work in spreading Jewish wisdom to a large and diverse audience, outside of the Jewish world. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12452 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Indigo_11" title="Draft:Indigo 11">Draft:Indigo 11</a> (<small>Vandalism case in Canada</small>) </td> <td>The Indigo 11 are a group of eleven <a href="/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war_protests#Canada" title="Israel–Hamas war protests">protestors against the Israel–Hamas war</a> in Canada who were arrested in November 2023 following vandalism of an <a href="/wiki/Indigo_Books_and_Music" title="Indigo Books and Music">Indigo Books and Music</a> outlet in Toronto, Ontario. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12447 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thanasis_Deligiannis" title="Draft:Thanasis Deligiannis">Draft:Thanasis Deligiannis</a> (<small>Dutch-based Greek artist</small>) </td> <td>Thanasis Deligiannis (born 1983, Larissa, Greece) is a Greek transdisciplinary artist, stage director, composer and educator based in the Netherlands. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12443 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:LensKit" title="Draft:LensKit">Draft:LensKit</a> (<small>Software Library to run recommender systems experiments</small>) </td> <td>LensKit is an <a href="/wiki/Open-source" class="mw-redirect" title="Open-source">open-source</a> toolkit for developing and researching recommender systems. Originally released in 2010/11 as a <a href="/wiki/Java_(programming_language)" title="Java (programming language)">Java</a>-based framework, it was later re-implemented in <a href="/wiki/Python_(programming_language)" title="Python (programming language)">Python</a> as LensKit for Python (LKPY). It is considered "mature" and "well documented". </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12421 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-27 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Love,_Bonito" title="Draft:Love, Bonito">Draft:Love, Bonito</a> (<small>Womenswear fashion brand</small>) </td> <td>Love, Bonito is a Singapore-based womenswear company founded in 2010.ref><style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1238218222">.mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output a,.mw-parser-output a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}body:not(.skin-timeless):not(.skin-minerva) .mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,body:not(.skin-timeless):not(.skin-minerva) .mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,body:not(.skin-timeless):not(.skin-minerva) .mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,body:not(.skin-timeless):not(.skin-minerva) .mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,body:not(.skin-timeless):not(.skin-minerva) .mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background-size:contain;padding:0 1em 0 0}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:var(--color-error,#d33)}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:var(--color-error,#d33)}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#085;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}@media screen{.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%} .mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{color:#18911f}}@media screen and (prefers-color-scheme:dark){ .mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{color:#18911f}}</style><cite class="citation cs2"><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=""><i>Watch Love, Bonito CEO Song on expansion strategy - Bloomberg</i></a>, 2024-03-13<span class="reference-accessdate">, retrieved <span class="nowrap">2024-09-04</span></span></cite><span title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Abook&rft.genre=book&rft.btitle=Watch+Love%2C+Bonito+CEO+Song+on+expansion+strategy+-+Bloomberg&" class="Z3988"></span></ref> The brand operates over 20 stores in Singapore and in international markets, including Cambodia, Hong Kong. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>12409 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Leung_Chun-Yin" title="Draft:Leung Chun-Yin">Draft:Leung Chun-Yin</a> (<small>I changed this to a page introducing Leung Chun-Yin (Bald Bob), an online influencer in Hong Kong.</small>) </td> <td>Leung Chun-Yin (born July 8, 2008), known online as Bald Bob is a <a href="/wiki/Hong_Kong" title="Hong Kong">Hong Kong</a> influencer on <a href="/wiki/YouTube" title="YouTube">YouTube</a> and <a href="/wiki/Instagram" title="Instagram">Instagram</a>. Named himself "the social disruptor". He started gaining online attention in 2023 due to his aggressive and dramatic behaviour. He is also diagnosed with <a href="/wiki/Attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder" title="Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder">Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder</a> (ADHD), <a href="/wiki/Autism" title="Autism">autism</a> and <a href="/wiki/Obsessive%E2%80%93compulsive_disorder" title="Obsessive–compulsive disorder">obsessive-compulsive disorder</a>(OCD) </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12402 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rzon_(producer)" title="Draft:Rzon (producer)">Draft:Rzon (producer)</a> (<small>Musical artist & music producer</small>) </td> <td>Rrezon Alidema, known professionally as Rzon is an <a href="/wiki/Albania" title="Albania">Albanian</a> producer who has collaborated with many well-known <a href="/wiki/Albania" title="Albania">Albanian</a> artists such as <a href="/wiki/Mozzik" title="Mozzik">Mozzik</a>, <a href="/wiki/Capital_T" title="Capital T">Capital T</a>, <a href="/wiki/Butrint_Imeri" title="Butrint Imeri">Butrint Imeri</a>, <a href="/wiki/Majk_(rapper)" title="Majk (rapper)">Majk</a>, <a href="/wiki/Dafina_Zeqiri" title="Dafina Zeqiri">Dafina Zeqiri</a> etc. and also with international stars like Soolking, Tatjana Genrich, and recently did the remix of famous UK rap group OTP song. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12382 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cambridge_Centre_for_the_Future_of_Democracy" title="Draft:Cambridge Centre for the Future of Democracy">Draft:Cambridge Centre for the Future of Democracy</a> (<small>Research Centre</small>) </td> <td>The Centre for the Future of Democracy is a research institute at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Cambridge" title="University of Cambridge">University of Cambridge</a> that was founded by <a href="/wiki/David_Runciman" title="David Runciman">David Runciman</a> and <a href="/w/index.php?title=Roberto_Stefan_Foa&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Roberto Stefan Foa (page does not exist)">Roberto Stefan Foa</a> in January of 2020. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12292 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Beatrice_Schneider" title="Draft:Beatrice Schneider">Draft:Beatrice Schneider</a> (<small>Canadian actress Beatrice Schneider.</small>) </td> <td>Beatrice Schneider is a Canadian actress, known for her work in film, television, animation, and theatre with notable projects including <a href="/wiki/The_Best_Christmas_Pageant_Ever_(film)" title="The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (film)">The Best Christmas Pageant Ever</a>, <a href="/wiki/The_Pradeeps_of_Pittsburgh" title="The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh">The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Tales_From_the_Void" title="Tales From the Void">Tales from the Void</a>. She has also been featured as an actor at the Canadian Opera Company, playing a child witch in renowned opera director Sir David McVicar's production of Macbeth. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12285 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Filminuto" title="Draft:Filminuto">Draft:Filminuto</a> (<small>80's animated series, Cuba</small>) </td> <td>Filminuto is an <a href="/wiki/Animated_series" title="Animated series">animated series</a> that accurately captures the Cuban humor of the 1980s, considered the golden age of <a href="/wiki/Animation" title="Animation">animation</a> in <a href="/wiki/Cuba" title="Cuba">Cuba</a>, created by <a href="/wiki/Juan_Padr%C3%B3n" title="Juan Padrón">Juan Padrón</a>, Cuban film director. <a href="/wiki/Juan_Padr%C3%B3n" title="Juan Padrón">Juan Padrón</a> (degree in <a href="/wiki/Art_history" title="Art history">Art History</a>) was a cartoonist, caricaturist and comic artist, creator of <a href="/wiki/Elpidio_Vald%C3%A9s" title="Elpidio Valdés">Elpidio Valdés</a>, who directed several feature films in which the iconic character is the protagonist, similar to <a href="/wiki/Vampires_in_Havana" title="Vampires in Havana">Vampires in Havana</a> (1985) and the animated series Filminuto. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12284 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kevin_Kantor" title="Draft:Kevin Kantor">Draft:Kevin Kantor</a> (<small>Trans, non-binary, actor, poet</small>) </td> <td>Kevin Kantor is a <a href="/wiki/Transgender" title="Transgender">trans</a>, <a href="/wiki/Non-binary_gender" title="Non-binary gender">non-binary</a> actor, director, theatre artist, and spoken-word poet. Kantor graduated with their bachelor's degree in acting and directing from The University of Northern Colorado in 2015. Following their graduation, they served the first non-cis acting apprentice with the <a href="/wiki/Actors_Theatre_of_Louisville" title="Actors Theatre of Louisville">Actors Theatre of Louisville</a> and have worked as a professional actor in regional theaters throughout the United States including <a href="/wiki/B_Street_Theatre" title="B Street Theatre">B Street Theatre</a>, Island Shak ... </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12278 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:A_Place_Under_the_Sun_(2024_film)" title="Draft:A Place Under the Sun (2024 film)">Draft:A Place Under the Sun (2024 film)</a> (<small>2024 Nepali Film</small>) </td> <td><i>A Place Under the Sun</i> (<a href="/wiki/Nepali_language" title="Nepali language">Nepali</a>: <span lang="ne">सुर्य मुनि एक ठाउँ</span>) is a 2024 Nepali <a href="/wiki/Crime_film" title="Crime film">Crime Drama</a> film, written and directed by Jason Lopchan under the banner of 1 Squad Films Pvt. Ltd. The film stars Min Ghalan, Meera Gurung, Biplov Gauli, Amshu Sharma, Prajan Poudel, Prabesh MC and Riden Shrestha. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>12241 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Novelli_family" title="Draft:Novelli family">Draft:Novelli family</a> (<small>Italian noble family</small>) </td> <td>The Novelli were an important and historic Italian family that, over the centuries, held significant positions in various cities, from ancient <a href="/wiki/Amiternum" title="Amiternum">Amiternum</a> to <a href="/wiki/L%27Aquila" title="L'Aquila">L’Aquila</a>, <a href="/wiki/Ascoli_Piceno" title="Ascoli Piceno">Ascoli</a>, <a href="/wiki/Rome" title="Rome">Rome</a> and <a href="/wiki/San_Valentino_in_Abruzzo_Citeriore" title="San Valentino in Abruzzo Citeriore">San Valentino</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12216 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:M%C3%A1rio_Eunides_Junqueira_Guimar%C3%A3es_J%C3%BAnior" title="Draft:Mário Eunides Junqueira Guimarães Júnior">Draft:Mário Eunides Junqueira Guimarães Júnior</a> (<small>Brazilian medical doctor</small>) </td> <td>Mário Eunides Junqueira Guimarães Júnior is a Brazilian medical doctor, legal consultant, and healthcare innovator known for integrating medicine, technology, and law to advance patient safety and healthcare policy. He is the founder of PericialMed, a medical-legal consulting firm based in Brasília, Brazil, and has been involved in various initiatives aimed at improving healthcare standards in Brazil. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12189 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Izzat_M._Idriss" class="mw-redirect" title="Draft:Izzat M. Idriss">Draft:Izzat M. Idriss</a> (<small>Syrian-American geotechnical engineer (1935-)</small>) </td> <td>Izzat M. Idriss (1935-) is a Syrian-American <a href="/wiki/Geotechnical_engineer" class="mw-redirect" title="Geotechnical engineer">geotechnical engineer</a>. His research on the geotechnical aspects of <a href="/wiki/Earthquake_engineering" title="Earthquake engineering">earthquake engineering</a> has led to the development of many of the currently used procedures for evaluating the behavior of soil sites and soil structures during earthquakes, such as methods for evaluating: the characteristics of earthquake ground motions; seismic response of sites; potential for soil liquefaction; performance of embankment dams during earthquakes; and soil-struc ... </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12168 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Society_for_Open,_Reliable,_and_Transparent_Ecology_and_Evolutionary_Biology" title="Draft:Society for Open, Reliable, and Transparent Ecology and Evolutionary Biology">Draft:Society for Open, Reliable, and Transparent Ecology and Evolutionary Biology</a> (<small>scientific reform society</small>) </td> <td>The Society for Open, Reliable, and Transparent Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (SORTEE) is a <a href="/wiki/Learned_society" title="Learned society">learned society</a> formed to improve openness, reliability, and transparency (ORT) in the fields of <a href="/wiki/Ecology" title="Ecology">ecology</a> and <a href="/wiki/Evolutionary_biology" title="Evolutionary biology">evolutionary biology</a>. SORTEE was founded in 2020 by researchers concerned about insufficient reliability of research in these disciplines caused by questionable research practices as well as cases of scientific malpractice. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12165 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Zainul_Abideen" title="Draft:Zainul Abideen">Draft:Zainul Abideen</a> (<small>Indian ultramarathon runner</small>) </td> <td>Zainul Abideen (born 31 October 1993) is an <a href="/wiki/Ultramarathon" title="Ultramarathon">ultramarathon</a> runner from <a href="/wiki/Moradabad_district" title="Moradabad district">Moradabad district</a> Uttar Pradesh, <a href="/wiki/India" title="India">India</a>. He is popularly known as Moradabad Express. The record for completing Longest Tiranga Run 555 km "Prayagraj to Moradabad) for cleanliness of Ganga is hold by him official recognise by India book of record. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12151 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Blackbird_Mountain_Guides" title="Draft:Blackbird Mountain Guides">Draft:Blackbird Mountain Guides</a> (<small>Blackbird is a mountain guide company based in Truckee, CA</small>) </td> <td>Blackbird Mountain Guides is a <a href="/wiki/Truckee,_California" title="Truckee, California">Truckee</a>-based <a href="/wiki/Mountaineering" title="Mountaineering">mountaineering</a> and <a href="/wiki/Avalanche" title="Avalanche">avalanche education</a> company. The company specializes in <a href="/wiki/Rock_climbing" title="Rock climbing">rock climbing</a>, <a href="/wiki/Alpine_climbing" title="Alpine climbing">alpine climbing</a>, <a href="/wiki/Ski" title="Ski">ski</a> & <a href="/wiki/Splitboard" title="Splitboard">splitboard</a> courses and trips with operations in <a href="/wiki/California" title="California">California</a>, <a href="/wiki/Washington_(state)" title="Washington (state)">Washington</a>, and internationally. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12145 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Scenic_Moraine_Conference" title="Draft:Scenic Moraine Conference">Draft:Scenic Moraine Conference</a> (<small>History of the WIAA's Scenic Moraine Conference (1958-1980)</small>) </td> <td>The Scenic Moraine Conference is a former high school athletic conference in <a href="/wiki/Wisconsin" title="Wisconsin">Wisconsin</a>, operating from 1958 to 1980 with its membership concentrated in the <a href="/wiki/Kettle_Moraine" title="Kettle Moraine">Kettle Moraine</a> region. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12115 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Umer_Aalam" title="Draft:Umer Aalam">Draft:Umer Aalam</a> (<small>Pakistani actor, model, and reality TV star.</small>) </td> <td>Umer Aalam (<a href="/wiki/Urdu" title="Urdu">Urdu</a>: عمر عالم), born on April 24, 1993, is a Pakistani theatre, television, and film actor and model, best known for his work in Urdu television and for winning <a href="/wiki/Tamasha_(TV_series)" title="Tamasha (TV series)">Tamasha Season 1</a>, Pakistan's adaptation of <a href="/wiki/Big_Brother_(British_TV_series)" title="Big Brother (British TV series)"><i>Big Brother</i></a>, in 2022. His journey in the reality show garnered widespread public support and marked a turning point in his career, leading to increased popularity and recognition in the entertainment industry. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>12070 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Umer_Aalam" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Umer Aalam">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Flotation_Energy" title="Draft:Flotation Energy">Draft:Flotation Energy</a> (<small>UK offshore wind developer</small>) </td> <td>Flotation Energy is an offshore wind developer headquartered in Edinburgh, Scotland. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12054 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thomas_D._Huckerby" title="Draft:Thomas D. Huckerby">Draft:Thomas D. Huckerby</a> (<small>Auxiliary constable who killed two to five civilians during the Anglo-Irish War</small>) </td> <td>Thomas Darrell Huckerby (5 January 1901 – 12 October 1921) was a <a href="/wiki/Royal_Irish_Constabulary" title="Royal Irish Constabulary">RIC</a> <a href="/wiki/Black_and_Tans" title="Black and Tans">auxiliary constable</a>, who is responsible for the killing of two to five Irish civilians during a five-month period in 1920 in <a href="/wiki/County_Limerick" title="County Limerick">County Limerick</a> during the <a href="/wiki/Irish_War_of_Independence" title="Irish War of Independence">Irish War of Independence</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>12039 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Busyfikatsiia" title="Draft:Busyfikatsiia">Draft:Busyfikatsiia</a> (<small>A description of a phenomenon, a forceful mobilization in Ukraine, which gained the name Busificatio</small>) </td> <td><i>Busyfikatsiia</i> (<a href="/wiki/Ukrainian_language" title="Ukrainian language">Ukrainian</a>: Бусифікація <a href="/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet" title="International Phonetic Alphabet">[busɪfikˈɑt͡s⁽ʲ⁾ijɐ]</a>; <a href="/wiki/English_language" title="English language">English</a>: <i>Busification</i> or <i>Vanification;</i> the word combines the Ukrainian colloquialism <i>"бусік" (a <a href="/wiki/Van" title="Van">van</a>)</i> and <i>"мобілізація"</i> (<a href="/wiki/Mobilization_in_Ukraine" title="Mobilization in Ukraine">mobilization</a>) is a term coined on the Ukrainian internet in 2023 and later spread across the media to describe incidents of forced conscription of men by <a href="/wiki/Territorial_Center_of_Recruitment_and_Social_Support" title="Territorial Center of Recruitment and Social Support">Territorial Centers for Recruitment and Social Support</a> (TCC) and <a href="/wiki/National_Police_of_Ukraine" title="National Police of Ukraine">Ukrainian police</a> in public places, such as streets, restaurants, nightclubs, roads etc. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12030 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tyler_Wright_(coach)" title="Draft:Tyler Wright (coach)">Draft:Tyler Wright (coach)</a> (<small>Former college football coach</small>) </td> <td>Tyler James Wright (born September 15, 1992) is a former College football coach and player. He is most well known for his tenure as the <a href="/wiki/Offensive_coordinator" title="Offensive coordinator">offensive coordinator</a> and <a href="/wiki/Quarterback" title="Quarterback">quarterbacks</a> coach at <a href="/wiki/New_Mexico_State_Aggies_football" title="New Mexico State Aggies football">New Mexico State University (NMSU)</a> during the <a href="/wiki/2024_New_Mexico_State_Aggies_football_team" title="2024 New Mexico State Aggies football team">2024 season</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11956 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kinnon_MacKinnon" title="Draft:Kinnon MacKinnon">Draft:Kinnon MacKinnon</a> (<small>Canadian Researcher</small>) </td> <td>Kinnon Ross MacKinnon is a Canadian social scientist who researches gender-affirming healthcare and the needs of LGBTQ+ people. He was also the first trans man powerlifter to win a gold medal at the <a href="/wiki/Gay_Games" title="Gay Games">Gay Games</a> 09 in Cleveland, Ohio. MacKinnon is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at <a href="/wiki/York_University" title="York University">York University</a> with an additional affiliation with the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, <a href="/wiki/University_of_Toronto" title="University of Toronto">University of Toronto</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11952 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:William_Knighton_(author)" title="Draft:William Knighton (author)">Draft:William Knighton (author)</a> (<small>Author, Civil Servant 19th Century India</small>) </td> <td>WILLIAM KNIGHTON LLD (1823 – 1901) </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11923 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Society_for_Co-operative_Studies_in_Ireland" title="Draft:Society for Co-operative Studies in Ireland">Draft:Society for Co-operative Studies in Ireland</a> (<small>educational and research society</small>) </td> <td>The Society for Co-operative Studies in Ireland is a <a href="/wiki/Learned_society" title="Learned society">learned society</a>, publisher and non-profit organisation for the research and promotion of the <a href="/wiki/History_of_the_cooperative_movement" title="History of the cooperative movement">co-operative movement</a> in Ireland. The Society was founded in 1981, and it employed persuasive reasoning and real-world examples to justify a variety of economic and social structures. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11903 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rassolov_Ilya_Mikhailovich" title="Draft:Rassolov Ilya Mikhailovich">Draft:Rassolov Ilya Mikhailovich</a> (<small>Russian scientist</small>) </td> <td>Rassolov Ilya Mikhailovich (<a href="/wiki/Russian_language" title="Russian language">Russian</a>: <span lang="ru">Рaссóлов Илья́ Михáйлович</span>, born 25 February 1975 in <a href="/wiki/Moscow" title="Moscow">Moscow</a>) — is a Russian <a href="/wiki/Scientist" title="Scientist">scientist</a>, <a href="/wiki/Lawyer" title="Lawyer">lawyer</a>, <a href="/wiki/Writer" title="Writer">writer</a>, <a href="/wiki/Public_figure" title="Public figure">public figure</a>, specialist in <a href="/wiki/Information_technology_law" title="Information technology law">Information law</a>, <a href="/w/index.php?title=Theory_of_law_and_management&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Theory of law and management (page does not exist)">Theory of law and management</a>, <a href="/wiki/PhD" class="mw-redirect" title="PhD">PhD</a> in law, <a href="/wiki/Professor" title="Professor">professor</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11798 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Martin_Kahanec" title="Draft:Martin Kahanec">Draft:Martin Kahanec</a> (<small>professor of economics</small>) </td> <td>Martin Kahanec (* April 28, 1977, <a href="/wiki/Ro%C5%BE%C5%88ava" title="Rožňava">Rožňava</a>) is a Slovak economist, professor, and former dean (2017-2019 and 2020-21) and currently head of the Department of Public Policy at <a href="/wiki/Central_European_University" title="Central European University">Central European University</a> in Vienna. He is also the research director and one of the two co-founders (with his wife Marta Kahancová) of the <a href="/wiki/Central_European_Labour_Studies_Institute" title="Central European Labour Studies Institute">Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI)</a> in Bratislava. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11778 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Reeder_Nichols" title="Draft:Reeder Nichols">Draft:Reeder Nichols</a> (<small>Biography of Reeder Nichols, engineer</small>) </td> <td>Reeder Glenn Nichols(1 February 1904 - 25 May 1975 was an American military officer and telecommunications engineer. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11756 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Finn_Linder" title="Draft:Finn Linder">Draft:Finn Linder</a> (<small>football player profile, New Zealand International player, MLS player</small>) </td> <td>Finn Linder (born 6 May 2004) is a Canadian-born New Zealand professional <a href="/wiki/Association_football" title="Association football">footballer</a> who plays as a <a href="/wiki/Defender_(association_football)" title="Defender (association football)">centre-back</a> for <a href="/wiki/Whitecaps_FC_2" title="Whitecaps FC 2">Whitecaps FC 2</a> in the <a href="/wiki/MLS_Next_Pro" title="MLS Next Pro">MLS Next Pro</a>, a men's professional <a href="/wiki/Association_football" title="Association football">soccer</a> league affiliated with <a href="/wiki/Major_League_Soccer" title="Major League Soccer">Major League Soccer</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>11672 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Katherine_Propper" title="Draft:Katherine Propper">Draft:Katherine Propper</a> (<small>American film director and screenwriter</small>) </td> <td>Katherine Propper is a American film director and screenwriter. She is well known for her first feature debut film <i>Lost Soulz</i> (2023) and short films <i>Street Flame</i> (2018) and <i>Birds</i> (2021). </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11671 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Teresa_Knox" title="Draft:Teresa Knox">Draft:Teresa Knox</a> (<small>Tulsa, Oklahoma Businesswoman</small>) </td> <td>Teresa Knox is an American businesswoman, historic preservationist, developer, and entertainment producer. She is the founder and CEO of <a href="/wiki/Community_Care_College" title="Community Care College">Community Care College</a>, Clary Sage College, and Oklahoma Technical College. She converted the colleges from a for-profit corporation to a public charity in 2015.In 2016, she bought and restored the recording studio, <a href="/wiki/The_Church_Studio" title="The Church Studio">The Church Studio.</a> A historic preservationist, Knox purchased and restored the <a href="/wiki/Harwelden_Mansion" title="Harwelden Mansion">Harwelden Mansion</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11661 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pangaia_(brand)" title="Draft:Pangaia (brand)">Draft:Pangaia (brand)</a> (<small>Sustainable Fashion Brand</small>) </td> <td>The title of this draft either has been disambiguated or will need to be disambiguated for acceptance. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11626 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Elestor" title="Draft:Elestor">Draft:Elestor</a> (<small>Dutch company producing hydrogen-based flow batteries</small>) </td> <td>Elestor B.V. is a Dutch company established in 2014, specializing in the development and implementation of large-scale, long-duration <a href="/wiki/Energy_storage" title="Energy storage">energy storage</a> (LDES) systems utilizing <a href="/wiki/Hydrogen" title="Hydrogen">hydrogen</a>-based <a href="/wiki/Flow_battery" title="Flow battery">flow batteries</a>. The company's technology employs an electrochemical process, where two active materials are separated by membrane stacks, enabling the movement of protons to store and release energy during charging and discharging cycles. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>11505 </td> <td>UPE<br /><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Elestor" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Elestor">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Radka_Bodzewicz" title="Draft:Radka Bodzewicz">Draft:Radka Bodzewicz</a> (<small>Moravian painter and sculptor</small>) </td> <td>Radka Bodzewicz (8 July 1991) is a Czech visual artist of Moravian origin, known for her large-scale philosophical and scientific works that merge traditional painting, sculpture, and digital media. Her practice explores complex themes such as human existence, cultural diversity, and the evolution of myths and symbols, often using innovative technologies like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and video mapping. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11501 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Damola_Ayegbayo" title="Draft:Damola Ayegbayo">Draft:Damola Ayegbayo</a> (<small>Nigerian Visual Artist and Painter</small>) </td> <td>Damola Ayegbayo (born 1988) is a <a href="/wiki/Nigeria" title="Nigeria">Nigerian</a> contemporary visual artist and painter. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>11489 </td> <td>UPE<br />draftified<br /><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Damola_Ayegbayo" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Damola Ayegbayo">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yerach_Doytsher" title="Draft:Yerach Doytsher">Draft:Yerach Doytsher</a> (<small>Civil engineering professor</small>) </td> <td>Yerach Doytsher (born: 1945; <a href="/wiki/Hebrew_language" title="Hebrew language">Hebrew</a>: ירח דויטשר) is a <a href="/wiki/Professor_emeritus" class="mw-redirect" title="Professor emeritus">professor emeritus</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Faculty_(division)" title="Faculty (division)">Faculty</a> of <a href="/wiki/Civil_and_Environmental_Engineering" class="mw-redirect" title="Civil and Environmental Engineering">Civil and Environmental Engineering</a> at the <a href="/wiki/Technion_%E2%80%93_Israel_Institute_of_Technology" title="Technion – Israel Institute of Technology">Technion</a> – Israel Institute of Technology, where he was <a href="/wiki/Dean_(education)" title="Dean (education)">Dean</a> of the Faculty of <a href="/wiki/Architecture" title="Architecture">Architecture and Town Planning</a> and held the Abel Wolman Chair in Civil Engineering.<sup class="noprint Inline-Template" style="white-space:nowrap;">[<i><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Verifiability" title="Wikipedia:Verifiability"><span title="The material near this tag failed verification of its source citation(s).">failed verification</span></a></i>]</sup> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11485 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hemant_Taneja" title="Draft:Hemant Taneja">Draft:Hemant Taneja</a> (<small>CEO of General Catalyst</small>) </td> <td>Hemant Taneja is the CEO and managing director of General Catalyst, a venture capital firm with investments in Stripe, Snap, and Mistral, among others. Taneja has been CEO and managing director since 2021.Under his leadership, General Catalyst has Assets Under Management (AUM) of over $27.3 billion; raised almost $8 billion in 2024 to invest in technology start-ups across industries including defense, space, climate, fintech, and healthcare; bought a hospital and partnered with others to trial n ... </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11452 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Hemant_Taneja" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Hemant Taneja">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ahmad_Shah_II%27s_invasion_of_Mewar" title="Draft:Ahmad Shah II's invasion of Mewar">Draft:Ahmad Shah II's invasion of Mewar</a> (<small>Battles between Gujarat and Mewar</small>) </td> <td>Ahmad Shah II's invasion of Mewar was a military conflict between the <a href="/wiki/Kingdom_of_Mewar" title="Kingdom of Mewar">Kingdom of Mewar</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Gujarat_Sultanate" title="Gujarat Sultanate">Islamic Sultanate of Gujarat.</a> This invasion was an attempt to punish the Rana of Mewar <a href="/wiki/Kumbha_of_Mewar" title="Kumbha of Mewar">Kumbha</a> for defeating the <a href="/wiki/Battle_of_Nagaur" title="Battle of Nagaur">Gujarati forces at Nagaur</a> earlier. Initially, Gujarat's Sultan Qutub-ud-din <a href="/wiki/Ahmad_Shah_II" title="Ahmad Shah II">Ahmad Shah II</a> besieged Abu and defeated Rao of Sirohi and marched towards Kumbhalgarh The attack caused by Gujarat was well responded by Mewari's ... </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11426 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Soft_Microfinance" title="Draft:Soft Microfinance">Draft:Soft Microfinance</a> </td> <td>Soft Microfinance Soft microfinance. is an innovative model within microfinance that focuses on borrower welfare and social impact over profitability. While traditional microfinance has succeeded in providing financial access to millions of low-income individuals , its interest rates and rigid repayment terms can place a significant burden on the most economically vulnerable. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>11403 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Edgardo_Defortuna" title="Draft:Edgardo Defortuna">Draft:Edgardo Defortuna</a> (<small>Real estate developer in South Florida</small>) </td> <td>Edgardo Defortuna is an Argentine-American real estate developer and businessman. He is the President, CEO, and Founder of Fortune International Group, a Miami-based full-service real estate firm specializing in high-end luxury real estate in South Florida. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>11349 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Edgardo_Defortuna" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Edgardo Defortuna">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Banhong_Incident" title="Draft:Banhong Incident">Draft:Banhong Incident</a> (<small>Banhong Incident between China and British-Burma</small>) </td> <td>Banhong Incident (班洪事件) was an anti-colonial conflict that erupted in the early 1930s between the <a href="/wiki/Wa_people" title="Wa people">Wa people</a> in the <a href="/w/index.php?title=Banhong_region&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Banhong region (page does not exist)">Banhong region</a> of <a href="/wiki/Yunnan" title="Yunnan">Yunnan, China</a>, and the <a href="/wiki/British_Burma" class="mw-redirect" title="British Burma">British Burma</a> (Burma Corporation Limited) In 1933 Britain sought to expand its influence beyond Myanmar and into southern China’s Lu fang (in Wa: Bang Moi, in Mandarin Chinese: Lu Fang) Mountain region, which was rich in mine. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11315 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ars%C3%A8ne_Lacarri%C3%A8re-Latour" title="Draft:Arsène Lacarrière-Latour">Draft:Arsène Lacarrière-Latour</a> (<small>A French architect, army officer, cartographer who left an impact in the USA</small>) </td> <td>Arsène Lacarrière-Latour (born in Aurillac in 1778 and died in Saint-Mamet-la-Salvetat in 1837) was a French architect. He spent most of his career in the Americas and served as <a href="/wiki/Military_engineering" title="Military engineering">an engineer</a> during the <a href="/wiki/War_of_1812" title="War of 1812">War of 1812</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11272 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Garphill_Games" title="Draft:Garphill Games">Draft:Garphill Games</a> (<small>Board Game Publisher from New Zealand</small>) </td> <td>Garphill Games is a New Zealand-based independent board game publisher founded by Shem Phillips in 2009. Originally started as a passion project, Garphill Games has grown into a recognised name in the tabletop gaming industry, known for its historically-themed games. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11229 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Claz%27room_College" title="Draft:Claz'room College">Draft:Claz'room College</a> (<small>Private College in Malaysia</small>) </td> <td>Claz'room College is a Malaysian Creative Multimedia Art College located in Petaling Jaya of Selangor, Malaysia. Offering technical and vocational (<a href="/wiki/TVET_(technical_and_vocational_education_and_training)" class="mw-redirect" title="TVET (technical and vocational education and training)">TVET</a>) Dual Certification Advance Diploma Programs for 4 major courses. The institution has been accredited by Skills Malaysia under the Department of Skills Development (Malay: Jabatan Pembagunan Kemahiran) alongside being certified by <a href="/wiki/Warnborough_College" title="Warnborough College">Warnborough College</a> in The United Kingdoms. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11208 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Wei-Ying_Ma" title="Draft:Wei-Ying Ma">Draft:Wei-Ying Ma</a> (<small>Tsingua University professor and former VP of ByteDance</small>) </td> <td>Wei-Ying Ma is known for his contributions to the field of computer science, including his academic achievements and leadership in technological innovation. He has authored over 300 papers and obtained 169 patents as of January 2024. He's served on the editorial boards of the ACM Transactions on Information System (TOIS) and the ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11197 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yamaha_CK" title="Draft:Yamaha CK">Draft:Yamaha CK</a> (<small>Stage Keyboard</small>) </td> <td>The Yamaha CK is <a href="/wiki/Keyboard_instrument" title="Keyboard instrument">stage keyboards</a> produced by <a href="/wiki/Yamaha_Corporation" title="Yamaha Corporation">Yamaha Corporation</a>. CK was released in two versions having 61-key FSB(Future System Basic) action CK61 and 88-key GHS(Graded Hammer Standard) action CK88 in 2023. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11176 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nextracker" title="Draft:Nextracker">Draft:Nextracker</a> (<small>Renewable energy company</small>) </td> <td>Nextracker (NXT) is an American <a href="/wiki/Solar_tracker" title="Solar tracker">solar tracker</a> manufacturing company based in <a href="/wiki/Fremont,_California" title="Fremont, California">Fremont, California</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>11160 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bashar_Badran" title="Draft:Bashar Badran">Draft:Bashar Badran</a> (<small>American Neuroscientist</small>) </td> <td>Bashar Badran is an American <a href="/wiki/Neuroscientist" title="Neuroscientist">neuroscientist</a> and <a href="/wiki/Entrepreneurship" title="Entrepreneurship">entrepreneur</a> known for his work in the field of <a href="/wiki/Neurotechnology" title="Neurotechnology">neurotechnology</a>, particularly in non-invasive brain stimulation therapies. He is professor in psychiatry at the Medical University of South Carolina (<a href="/wiki/Medical_University_of_South_Carolina" title="Medical University of South Carolina">MUSC</a>) where he serves as the director of the Neuro-X Lab and Computational Brain Imaging Core. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11145 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Eteri_Chkadua" title="Draft:Eteri Chkadua">Draft:Eteri Chkadua</a> (<small>Georgian painter</small>) </td> <td>Eteri Chkadua (born 1965 in <a href="/wiki/Tbilisi" title="Tbilisi">Tbilisi</a>) is a <a href="/wiki/Georgia_(country)" title="Georgia (country)">Georgian</a> painter. Eteri Chkadua has produced many figurative paintings, mainly portraits and <a href="/wiki/Self-portrait" title="Self-portrait">self-portraits</a>. Her work has been termed as magic realist and "magic feminism". Chkadua has been featured as an influential artist in the US and a representative one in Georgia. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11120 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Shalom_Miller" title="Draft:Shalom Miller">Draft:Shalom Miller</a> (<small>American record producer</small>) </td> <td>Shalom Miller, also known as J.Storm, is an American record producer, educator, and non-profit leader. Born in <a href="/wiki/New_Brunswick,_New_Jersey" title="New Brunswick, New Jersey">New Brunswick, New Jersey</a>, Miller relocated to <a href="/wiki/Nashville,_Tennessee" title="Nashville, Tennessee">Nashville, Tennessee</a> in 2009 where he attended <a href="/wiki/SAE_Institute" title="SAE Institute">SAE Institute</a>, earned a degree in Audio Technology in 2011, and is listed as a Superstar Alumni. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11076 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Maharishi_(brand)" title="Draft:Maharishi (brand)">Draft:Maharishi (brand)</a> (<small>British Streetwear brand Maharishi</small>) </td> <td>Maharishi is a London based brand established by Hardy Blechman in 1994. Maharishi (literal <a href="/wiki/Sanskrit" title="Sanskrit">Sanskrit</a> translation "great seer") is focused on using natural fibres and up-cycled army issued clothing for collections that reference utilitarian uniforms from around the world. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11069 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bufis" title="Draft:Bufis">Draft:Bufis</a> (<small>Somali-Kenyan criminal drama</small>) </td> <td><i>Bufis</i> (title translated as "Daydreamers") is a 2023 Kenyan-Somali criminal drama film inspired by true life events, directed by Vincenzo Cavallo and Mahad Ahmed.It won the VFF Talent Highlight Award at <a href="/wiki/69th_Berlin_International_Film_Festival" title="69th Berlin International Film Festival">The 69th annual Berlin International Film Festival</a> that took place from 7 to 17 February 2019. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>11057 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Clemens_Apprich" title="Draft:Clemens Apprich">Draft:Clemens Apprich</a> (<small>professor in media theory and history</small>) </td> <td>Clemens Apprich is professor in <a href="/wiki/Media_studies" title="Media studies">media theory</a> and history at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Applied_Arts_Vienna" title="University of Applied Arts Vienna">University of Applied Arts Vienna</a>. He is head of the Department of Media Theory and the Weibel Institute for Digital Cultures, as well as Vice-Rector for Research and Digitality. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>11053 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Zerelda_Rains" title="Draft:Zerelda Rains">Draft:Zerelda Rains</a> (<small>Biography of American artist and graphic designer Zerelda Rains (1874–1963) #SheSaid</small>) </td> <td>Zerelda Rains (1874–1963) was a widely renowned, prize-winning American painter and graphic designer.. whose pioneering work was widely exhibited during her lifetime. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>11037 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Oli_Dugmore" title="Draft:Oli Dugmore">Draft:Oli Dugmore</a> (<small>Journalist, political</small>) </td> <td>Oli Dugmore is a journalist and broadcaster. He has appeared frequently on UK television as political commentator, and has spoken alongside <a href="/wiki/Nancy_Pelosi" title="Nancy Pelosi">Nancy Pelosi</a> at the <a href="/wiki/Oxford_Union" title="Oxford Union">Oxford Union</a>. He is a radio presenter on <a href="/wiki/LBC" title="LBC">LBC</a> with a weekly slot. He is the head of News and Politics at <a href="/wiki/Joe_(website)" title="Joe (website)">the <i>JOE</i> website</a>, and it is through this site and its associated YouTube and podcast streams that he has interviewed many prominent people, including <a href="/wiki/Jeremy_Corbyn" title="Jeremy Corbyn">Jeremy Corbyn</a>, <a href="/wiki/Ian_Hislop" title="Ian Hislop">Ian Hislop</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>11023 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Second_Panjshir_Offensive" title="Draft:Second Panjshir Offensive">Draft:Second Panjshir Offensive</a> (<small>Soviet-afghan war battle, The Second Panjshir Offensive.</small>) </td> <td>The Second Panjshir Offensive, Also known as Panjshir II, was an operation initiated by Soviet and socialist afghan troops on August 28, 1980, to free the Rokha fort held by afghan socialists which was constantly attacked By Ahmad Shah Massouds Mujahideen. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10997 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:George_Camille" title="Draft:George Camille">Draft:George Camille</a> (<small>Seychellois Professional Fine Artist working in multiple mediums and exhibiting globally</small>) </td> <td>George Camille(born September 1, 1963) is <a href="/wiki/Seychelles" title="Seychelles">Seychelles</a>' most acclaimed Visual Artist. Born on the Island of Mahé, Seychelles in 1963. George spent his entire childhood on La Digue where he helped his parents run a bakery in La Passe. As a young child during his free time, George chose to pursue an Artistic Career. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10988 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tumharey_Husn_Kay_Naam" title="Draft:Tumharey Husn Kay Naam">Draft:Tumharey Husn Kay Naam</a> </td> <td><i>Tumharey Husn Kay Naam</i> is a Pakistani television series inspired by Hakim Akhtar Nayyar Wasty's 1930 novel <i>Akhtar Aur Salma</i>, and co-written by <a href="/wiki/Umera_Ahmed" title="Umera Ahmed">Umera Ahmed</a>. The series is produced by Mibah Shafique and the director Saqib Khan under banner Eyeconic Media and Multiverse Entertainment. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10985 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nagarukhra_Gram_Panchayat_(I%26II)" title="Draft:Nagarukhra Gram Panchayat (I&II)">Draft:Nagarukhra Gram Panchayat (I&II)</a> (<small>Government office in Nagarukhra</small>) </td> <td>The Gram Panchayat of <a href="/wiki/Ukrah" title="Ukrah">Nagarukhra</a> Gram Panchayat (abbreviated as NGP), is a government office and local self-government body that governs the villages of <a href="/wiki/Ukrah" title="Ukrah">Nagarukhra</a> - I and <a href="/wiki/Ukrah" title="Ukrah">Nagarukhra</a> - II GP under the Panchayat Samity constituencies in <a href="/wiki/Haringhata_(community_development_block)" title="Haringhata (community development block)">Haringhata Development Block</a> of District <a href="/wiki/Nadia_district" title="Nadia district">Nadia (South)</a> in the state of <a href="/wiki/West_Bengal" title="West Bengal">West Bengal</a>, <a href="/wiki/India" title="India">India</a>.This GP area is under control of the Nagarukhra police station that serves this panchayat area along with other nearby villages, with its headquarters in <a href="/wiki/Ukrah" title="Ukrah">Nagarukhra</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10968 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Gionathan" title="Draft:Gionathan">Draft:Gionathan</a> (<small>Italian Songwriter, Producer and Videomaker</small>) </td> <td>Gionathan is an Italian <a href="/wiki/Songwriter" title="Songwriter">songwriter</a>, <a href="/wiki/Record_producer" title="Record producer">music producer</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Videography" title="Videography">videographer</a>. He gained wider recognition through his participation in the talent show <i><a href="/wiki/X_Factor_(Italian_TV_series)" title="X Factor (Italian TV series)">X Factor</a></i> in 2013. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10932 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Moving_field_inductive_power_transfer" title="Draft:Moving field inductive power transfer">Draft:Moving field inductive power transfer</a> (<small>Method for resonantly powering electric vehicles</small>) </td> <td>Moving field inductive power transfer or MFIPT is a technique for powering <a href="/wiki/Electric_vehicles" class="mw-redirect" title="Electric vehicles">electric vehicles</a> while driving along the road. The MFIPT technology is an advanced version of <a href="/wiki/Wireless_power_transfer#Resonant_inductive_coupling" title="Wireless power transfer">resonant inductive power transfer</a> technology. Similar to other wireless <a href="/wiki/Electric_road" title="Electric road">electric road</a> and <a href="/wiki/Online_electric_vehicle" title="Online electric vehicle">online electric vehicle</a> technologies, MFIPT also relies on <a href="/wiki/Inductive_charging#Transportation" title="Inductive charging">inductive coupling</a> for <a href="/wiki/Wireless_power_transfer" title="Wireless power transfer">wireless power transfer</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10921 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Descartes_a_Kant" title="Draft:Descartes a Kant">Draft:Descartes a Kant</a> (<small>Famous Mexican rock band</small>) </td> <td>Descartes a Kant is a group originally from <a href="/wiki/Guadalajara,_Mexico" class="mw-redirect" title="Guadalajara, Mexico">Guadalajara, Mexico</a> that fuses various musical influences along with disciplines such as theater, dance and film. Currently made up of Sandrushka Petrova, Ana Cristina Moreno, Memo Ibarra and Leonardo Padua, Descartes a Kant is characterized by all musical genres and its performative presentations. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>10858 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:3-Sj%C3%B8ersl%C3%B8pet" title="Draft:3-Sjøersløpet">Draft:3-Sjøersløpet</a> (<small>This is a half marathon race in Stavanger, Norway</small>) </td> <td>The 3-Sjøersløpet ("The 3 Lakes Race") is a <a href="/wiki/Half_marathon" title="Half marathon">half marathon</a> held annually in November in <a href="/wiki/Stavanger" title="Stavanger">Stavanger</a>, Norway. First organized in 2006, the race was scheduled on the first Saturday of November to provide runners with a competitive event at the close of the running season. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10857 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Malcolm_Puckering" title="Draft:Malcolm Puckering">Draft:Malcolm Puckering</a> (<small>American magician</small>) </td> <td>Malcolm “Puck” Puckering (born June 17, 1966) is an American magician, stage hypnotist,author, and speaker. He performs internationally for corporate events and on luxury cruise ships. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>10828 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Northeastern_University_Archives_and_Special_Collections" title="Draft:Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections">Draft:Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections</a> (<small>Archival collection</small>) </td> <td>The Archives and Special Collections department in the <a href="/wiki/Northeastern_University" title="Northeastern University">Northeastern University</a> Libraries is an archival repository of manuscripts, photographs, and other primary sources that illuminate the history of under-represented communities in Boston, Massachusetts and the history of Northeastern University. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10807 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Shadu" title="Draft:Shadu">Draft:Shadu</a> (<small>Ukrainian DJ and singer</small>) </td> <td>Kseniia Shadurska, (born April 17, 1991), commonly known by her stage name Shadu, stylized in all caps, SHADU, is a <a href="/wiki/Ukraine" title="Ukraine">Ukrainian</a> <a href="/wiki/Disc_jockey" title="Disc jockey">DJ</a> and singer.. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10806 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Arctic_Dreams_(band)" title="Draft:Arctic Dreams (band)">Draft:Arctic Dreams (band)</a> (<small>Serbian-German Arctic Metal Band</small>) </td> <td>Arctic Dreams is a Serbian-German arctic-metal (<a href="/wiki/Symphonic_metal" title="Symphonic metal">sympho</a>-<a href="/wiki/Industrial_metal" title="Industrial metal">industrial</a>-<a href="/wiki/Black_metal" title="Black metal">black</a>-<a href="/wiki/Death_metal" title="Death metal">death</a>-<a href="/wiki/Heavy_metal_music" title="Heavy metal music">metal</a>) band originally founded in 2009 in <a href="/wiki/Saint_Petersburg" title="Saint Petersburg">St. Petersburg</a>, Russia by Alexander Alex_Y Järvinen and Igor Sydius Pokatilov, and based in <a href="/wiki/Belgrade" title="Belgrade">Belgrade</a>, <a href="/wiki/Serbia" title="Serbia">Serbia</a> and <a href="/wiki/Berlin" title="Berlin">Berlin</a>, <a href="/wiki/Germany" title="Germany">Germany</a>. The name of the group is imbued with the spirit of Scandinavia, reflecting traditional phenomena such as the northern winter, cold, and polar night. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10803 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Meat_the_Carvers" title="Draft:Meat the Carvers">Draft:Meat the Carvers</a> (<small>American Adult Animated YouTube series</small>) </td> <td><i>Meat the Carvers</i> was originally written and developed in 2009 by Samson Cornette and Daniel Nation. The pilot episode premiered in March 2024 on the Kings of Horror YouTube channel as an exclusive series, and quickly developed a cult following. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>10771 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:David_Duggleby" title="Draft:David Duggleby">Draft:David Duggleby</a> (<small>Auction house of fine art, jewellery and antiques</small>) </td> <td>David Duggleby Auctioneers & Valuers is a British <a href="/wiki/Auction_house" title="Auction house">auction house</a> incorporated in 2002 with headquarters in Scarborough, <a href="/wiki/North_Yorkshire" title="North Yorkshire">North Yorkshire</a> in the United Kingdom. The business was founded by Jane and David Duggleby and currently run by William Duggleby. The company is one of Yorkshire's largest brokers of antiques, fine and decorative art, jewellery, and collectibles and has 5 locations: <a href="/wiki/Scarborough,_North_Yorkshire" title="Scarborough, North Yorkshire">Scarborough</a>, <a href="/wiki/Beverley" title="Beverley">Beverley</a>, <a href="/wiki/Harrogate" title="Harrogate">Harrogate</a> & <a href="/wiki/Whitby" title="Whitby">Whitby</a>, <a href="/wiki/York" title="York">York</a> . </td> <td>2 </td> <td>10768 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Zoran_Trivan" title="Draft:Zoran Trivan">Draft:Zoran Trivan</a> (<small>Zoran Trivan Basketball Coach</small>) </td> <td>Playing career: </td> <td>2 </td> <td>10752 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kim_Tae-rae" title="Draft:Kim Tae-rae">Draft:Kim Tae-rae</a> (<small>South Korean singer (born 2002)</small>) </td> <td>Kim Tae-rae (<a href="/wiki/Korean_language" title="Korean language">Korean</a>: <span title="Korean-language text"><span lang="ko-Hang">김태래</span></span>, born July 14, 2002), is a South Korean singer. He is best known for competing on the <a href="/wiki/Reality_competition" class="mw-redirect" title="Reality competition">survival reality show</a> show <i><a href="/wiki/Boys_Planet" title="Boys Planet">Boys Planet</a></i> where he ranked 6th in the final episode, earning him a spot in the South Korean <a href="/wiki/Boy_band" title="Boy band">boy band</a> <a href="/wiki/Zerobaseone" title="Zerobaseone">Zerobaseone</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>10752 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Kim_Tae-rae" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Kim Tae-rae">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bill_Myles" title="Draft:Bill Myles">Draft:Bill Myles</a> (<small>College Football Coach and Administrator</small>) </td> <td>William “Bill” Myles was a former high school and college football coach and college sports administrator. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10751 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Landsborough,_Victoria" title="Draft:Landsborough, Victoria">Draft:Landsborough, Victoria</a> (<small>Town in Victoria, Australia</small>) </td> <td>Landsborough is a rural town in <a href="/wiki/Western_Victoria_Region" title="Western Victoria Region">Western Victoria</a>, approximately 32 km east of the town of <a href="/wiki/Stawell,_Victoria" title="Stawell, Victoria">Stawell</a>. It was originally founded as a gold-mining settlement, but now is known for its historical buildings, agricultural industry, and proximity to the <a href="/wiki/Pyrenees_(Victoria)" title="Pyrenees (Victoria)">Pyrenees</a> mountain range. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>10750 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Eugene_T._Richardson" title="Draft:Eugene T. Richardson">Draft:Eugene T. Richardson</a> (<small>American physician and anthropologist</small>) </td> <td>Eugene Thomas Richardson (born November 15, 1976) is an American physician-anthropologist whose work focuses on biosocial approaches to epidemic disease and climate change. He is known for his book, <i>Epidemic Illusions: On the Coloniality of Global Public Health</i> as well as academic papers on the <a href="/wiki/Social_determinants_of_health_in_poverty" title="Social determinants of health in poverty">social determinants of health inequalities</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10716 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:UnoriginalVinyl" title="Draft:UnoriginalVinyl">Draft:UnoriginalVinyl</a> (<small>Design brand for vinyl and media projects</small>) </td> <td>UnoriginalVinyl (stylized as Unoriginal Vinyl or abbreviated as UOV) is a graphic design brand founded in 2014 by Jason Zeimet. The company specializes in creating high-quality vinyl record packages and related media for the music industry, working with artists such as <a href="/wiki/Solid_State_Records" title="Solid State Records">Solid State Records</a> and <a href="/wiki/Tooth_%26_Nail_Records" title="Tooth & Nail Records">Tooth & Nail Records</a>. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>10711 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Freedom_Party_of_British_Columbia_2023" title="Draft:Freedom Party of British Columbia 2023">Draft:Freedom Party of British Columbia 2023</a> (<small>British Columbia Political Party</small>) </td> <td>The Freedom Party of British Columbia, also called Freedom Party of BC, is a provincial political party in British Columbia, Canada. It was founded and registered with Elections BC on Jan 09, 2023. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>10709 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cliff_Fleming" title="Draft:Cliff Fleming">Draft:Cliff Fleming</a> (<small>Australian Businessman</small>) </td> <td>Cliff Fleming is an Australian entrepreneur, and the founder of Bundaberg Brewed Drinks, a company renowned for its traditional brewed beverages, most famously Bundaberg Ginger Beer. Born and raised in Rockhampton, Fleming developed a passion for brewing at an early age, inspired by the region's rich agricultural heritage. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10697 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jawad_Alfadhli" title="Draft:Jawad Alfadhli">Draft:Jawad Alfadhli</a> (<small>Author and researcher</small>) </td> <td>Jawad bin <a href="/wiki/Abd_al-Hadi_al-Fadli" title="Abd al-Hadi al-Fadli">Abdul Hadi</a> bin Mirza <a href="" class="extiw" title="ar:محسن بن سلطان الفضلي">Mohsen bin Sultan Alfadhli</a> is a <a href="/wiki/Research" title="Research">researcher</a> in <a href="/wiki/History" title="History">historical</a> and <a href="/wiki/Islamic_studies" title="Islamic studies">Islamic studies</a>. He was born in <a href="/wiki/Najaf" title="Najaf">Najaf</a> Ashraf in 1964 AH. He completed his <a href="/wiki/Primary_education" title="Primary education">elementary education</a> at the Forum of Publication schools in <a href="/wiki/Najaf" title="Najaf">Najaf</a> Ashraf, and his <a href="/wiki/Middle_school" title="Middle school">intermediate</a> and <a href="/wiki/Secondary_education" title="Secondary education">secondary education</a> in <a href="/wiki/Jeddah" title="Jeddah">Jeddah</a>, <a href="/wiki/Saudi_Arabia" title="Saudi Arabia">Saudi Arabia</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10678 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:International_Credit_Insurance_%26_Surety_Association" title="Draft:International Credit Insurance & Surety Association">Draft:International Credit Insurance & Surety Association</a> (<small>International trade association for the private credit insurance industry</small>) </td> <td>The International Credit Insurance and Surety Association (ICISA) is an international <a href="/wiki/Trade_association" title="Trade association">trade association</a> for companies that provide private <a href="/wiki/Trade_credit_insurance" title="Trade credit insurance">trade credit insurance</a>, <a href="/wiki/Reinsurance" title="Reinsurance">reinsurance</a> and <a href="/wiki/Surety" title="Surety">surety</a> bonds. The organization has a coordinating role on the world market for private trade credit guarantees, a role that was critical in the <a href="/wiki/Post-war" title="Post-war">post-war</a> expansion of <a href="/wiki/International_trade" title="International trade">international trade</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10655 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/International_Credit_Insurance_%26_Surety_Association" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/International Credit Insurance & Surety Association">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Saigon_International_University_Prize" title="Draft:Saigon International University Prize">Draft:Saigon International University Prize</a> (<small>Award</small>) </td> <td>The Saigon International University Prize is a biennial award organized by <a href="/wiki/The_Saigon_International_University" class="mw-redirect" title="The Saigon International University">Saigon International University</a> (SIU) and sponsored by the Group of Asian International Education (GAIE). It recognizes groundbreaking research in the fields of <a href="/wiki/Outline_of_health_sciences" title="Outline of health sciences">Health Sciences</a> and <a href="/wiki/Computer_science" title="Computer science">Computer Science</a> made by scientists of Vietnamese origin or descent. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10627 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Aaron_Samuel_Tamares" title="Draft:Aaron Samuel Tamares">Draft:Aaron Samuel Tamares</a> (<small>European Rabbi (1869-1931)</small>) </td> <td>Aaron Samuel Tamares (<a href="/wiki/Hebrew_language" title="Hebrew language">Hebrew:</a> אהרן שמואל תמרת <i>Aharon Shmuel Tamares,</i> sometimes <i>Tamaret</i>; 1869 – 1931) was an <a href="/wiki/Ashkenazi_Jews" title="Ashkenazi Jews">Ashkenazi Jewish</a> <a href="/wiki/Orthodox_Judaism" title="Orthodox Judaism">Orthodox</a> <a href="/wiki/Rabbi" title="Rabbi">Rabbi,</a> author, and philosopher, most notable for voicing a <a href="/wiki/Pacifism" title="Pacifism">pacifist</a> opposition to the mainstream <a href="/wiki/Zionism" title="Zionism">Zionist</a> movement. He often wrote under the <a href="/wiki/Pen_name" title="Pen name">pen name</a> Aḥad ha-Rabanim ha-Margishim ("one of the passionate rabbis"). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10614 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Joachim_and_the_Apocalypse" title="Draft:Joachim and the Apocalypse">Draft:Joachim and the Apocalypse</a> (<small>Upcoming Italian drama film</small>) </td> <td><i> Joachim and the Apocalypse </i> (<i>Il Monaco che vinse l'Apocalisse</i>)... Is an upcoming Italian historical and <a href="/wiki/Spiritual" class="mw-disambig" title="Spiritual">spiritual</a> <a href="/wiki/Film" title="Film">film</a>, and based on the apocalypse described by the mystic <a href="/wiki/Joachim_of_Fiore" title="Joachim of Fiore">Joachim of Fiore</a>. </td> <td>5 </td> <td>10610 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Live_(2022_film)" title="Draft:Live (2022 film)">Draft:Live (2022 film)</a> (<small>2022 Bangladeshi film</small>) </td> <td><i>Live</i> is a 2022 Bangladeshi thriller film written and directed by <a href="/wiki/Shamim_Ahamed_Roni" title="Shamim Ahamed Roni">Shamim Ahamed Roni</a>. Produced by Pinky Akter and Selim Khan under the banner of Shapla Media. The film stars <a href="/wiki/Mahiya_Mahi" title="Mahiya Mahi">Mahiya Mahi</a>, <a href="/wiki/Symon_Sadik" title="Symon Sadik">Symon Sadik</a> <a href="/w/index.php?title=Ador_Azad&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Ador Azad (page does not exist)">Ador Azad</a>, <a href="/wiki/Shiba_Shanu" title="Shiba Shanu">Shiba Shanu</a>, <a href="/wiki/Saberi_Alam" title="Saberi Alam">Saberi Alam</a>, Khairul Bashar, Amin Sarkar and others. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10602 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ben_Stenbeck" title="Draft:Ben Stenbeck">Draft:Ben Stenbeck</a> (<small>Comic book creator from New Zealand</small>) </td> <td>Ben Stenbeck is a <a href="/wiki/People_of_New_Zealand" class="mw-redirect" title="People of New Zealand">New Zealand</a> <a href="/wiki/Comic_book_creator" class="mw-redirect" title="Comic book creator">comic book creator</a>, primarily an artist. He has frequently collaborated with <a href="/wiki/Mike_Mignola" title="Mike Mignola">Mike Mignola</a> on stories for the <i><a href="/wiki/Baltimore_(comics)" title="Baltimore (comics)">Baltimore</a></i> series and the <a href="/wiki/Hellboy_Universe" title="Hellboy Universe">Hellboy Universe</a>, and co-created the <i>Lands Unknown</i> series with him. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>10593 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Carl_Thoma" title="Draft:Carl Thoma">Draft:Carl Thoma</a> (<small>American businessman</small>) </td> <td>Carl D. Thoma (born 1948) is an American businessman, philanthropist, and art collector. He is co-founder and managing partner at <a href="/wiki/Thoma_Bravo" title="Thoma Bravo">Thoma Bravo</a>, a <a href="/wiki/Private_equity_firm" title="Private equity firm">private equity firm</a> established in 2008 with <a href="/wiki/Orlando_Bravo" title="Orlando Bravo">Orlando Bravo</a> specializing in <a href="/wiki/Enterprise_software" title="Enterprise software">enterprise software</a> and technology. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10592 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Brian_Buma" title="Draft:Brian Buma">Draft:Brian Buma</a> (<small>American explorer and scientist</small>) </td> <td>Brian Buma is an ecologist, explorer, and scientist whose is known for his work in scientific communication and ecological research. In 2015 he became a National Geographic Explorer, and in 2018 he was accepted as a fellow in the Explorers Club. Buma works in exploration and climate change ecology globally, having led and served on expeditions to the Arctic, Alaska, southern Chile, Nepal, and northern Greenland. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>10589 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Brian_Edwin_Ferme" title="Draft:Brian Edwin Ferme">Draft:Brian Edwin Ferme</a> (<small>Australian Roman Catholic prelate</small>) </td> <td>Brian Edwin Ferme </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10585 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Transdisciplinary_Oceanography" title="Draft:Transdisciplinary Oceanography">Draft:Transdisciplinary Oceanography</a> </td> <td>Transdisciplinary oceanography is an emerging paradigm of coastal and ocean science that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries, drawing on a range of scientific, social, and humanities-based disciplines to develop holistic understandings of complex ocean systems. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10530 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Wepa_Juma%C3%BDew" title="Draft:Wepa Jumaýew">Draft:Wepa Jumaýew</a> (<small>Turkmen footballer</small>) </td> <td>Vepa Joragulyyevich Jumayev (Wepa Joragulyýewiç Jumaýew; born 18 December, 2000) is a Turkmen professional footballer who plays as a defender for Belarusian club <a href="/wiki/Vitebsk" title="Vitebsk">Vitebsk</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Turkmenistan_national_football_team" title="Turkmenistan national football team">Turkmenistan national football team</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10516 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Works_by_Conrad_Baden" title="Draft:Works by Conrad Baden">Draft:Works by Conrad Baden</a> (<small>Catalogue of digitalized compostions, as supplement to earlier biography of the composer</small>) </td> <td>This page is a catalogue of around 90 compositions by <a href="/wiki/Conrad_Baden" title="Conrad Baden">Conrad Baden</a> (1908–1989), published digitally. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10437 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mohamed_Amjahid" title="Draft:Mohamed Amjahid">Draft:Mohamed Amjahid</a> (<small>German-Moroccan journalist (translation of German page)</small>) </td> <td>Mohamed Amjahid (<a href="/wiki/Arabic" title="Arabic">Arabic</a>: محمد أمجاهد), born <a href="/wiki/1988" title="1988">1988</a> in <a href="/wiki/Frankfurt_am_Main" class="mw-redirect" title="Frankfurt am Main">Frankfurt am Main</a>) is a <a href="/wiki/Germany" title="Germany">German</a>-<a href="/wiki/Morocco" title="Morocco">Moroccan</a> <a href="/wiki/Journalist" title="Journalist">journalist</a> und <a href="/wiki/Author" title="Author">author</a>. His non-fiction debut <i>Unter Weißen</i> ("Amongst Whites") (2017) and the German bestseller <i>Der weiße Fleck</i> ("The white spot") (2021) deal with <a href="/wiki/Racism" title="Racism">racism</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10419 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Marie_B%C3%A9land" title="Draft:Marie Béland">Draft:Marie Béland</a> (<small>Quebec Choreographer</small>) </td> <td>Marie Béland born February 26, 1980 in <a href="/wiki/Montreal" title="Montreal">Montreal, Quebec</a>, is a Quebec <a href="/wiki/Choreography" title="Choreography">choreographer</a> specializing in <a href="/wiki/Contemporary_dance" title="Contemporary dance">contemporary and experimental dance</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10384 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hyperbolization_procedures" title="Draft:Hyperbolization procedures">Draft:Hyperbolization procedures</a> (<small>Hyperbolization procedures</small>) </td> <td>A hyperbolization procedure is a procedure that turns a <a href="/wiki/Polyhedral_complex" title="Polyhedral complex">polyhedral complex</a> <span class="mwe-math-element"><span class="mwe-math-mathml-inline mwe-math-mathml-a11y" style="display: none;"><math xmlns="" alttext="{\displaystyle K}"> <semantics> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mstyle displaystyle="true" scriptlevel="0"> <mi>K</mi> </mstyle> </mrow> <annotation encoding="application/x-tex">{\displaystyle K}</annotation> </semantics> </math></span><img src="" class="mwe-math-fallback-image-inline mw-invert skin-invert" aria-hidden="true" style="vertical-align: -0.338ex; width:2.066ex; height:2.176ex;" alt="{\displaystyle K}"></span> into a <a href="/wiki/Non-positively_curved_space" class="mw-redirect" title="Non-positively curved space">non-positively curved space</a> <span class="mwe-math-element"><span class="mwe-math-mathml-inline mwe-math-mathml-a11y" style="display: none;"><math xmlns="" alttext="{\displaystyle {\mathcal {H}}(K)}"> <semantics> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mstyle displaystyle="true" scriptlevel="0"> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mi class="MJX-tex-caligraphic" mathvariant="script">H</mi> </mrow> </mrow> <mo stretchy="false">(</mo> <mi>K</mi> <mo stretchy="false">)</mo> </mstyle> </mrow> <annotation encoding="application/x-tex">{\displaystyle {\mathcal {H}}(K)}</annotation> </semantics> </math></span><img src="" class="mwe-math-fallback-image-inline mw-invert skin-invert" aria-hidden="true" style="vertical-align: -0.838ex; width:5.839ex; height:2.843ex;" alt="{\displaystyle {\mathcal {H}}(K)}"></span>, retaining some of its topological features. Roughly speaking, the procedure consists in replacing every cell of <span class="mwe-math-element"><span class="mwe-math-mathml-inline mwe-math-mathml-a11y" style="display: none;"><math xmlns="" alttext="{\displaystyle K}"> <semantics> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mstyle displaystyle="true" scriptlevel="0"> <mi>K</mi> </mstyle> </mrow> <annotation encoding="application/x-tex">{\displaystyle K}</annotation> </semantics> </math></span><img src="" class="mwe-math-fallback-image-inline mw-invert skin-invert" aria-hidden="true" style="vertical-align: -0.338ex; width:2.066ex; height:2.176ex;" alt="{\displaystyle K}"></span> with a copy of a certain non-positively curved manifold with boundary, which is fixed a priori and is called the hyperbolizing cell of the procedure. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10374 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Matthew_Rhodes_(actor)" title="Draft:Matthew Rhodes (actor)">Draft:Matthew Rhodes (actor)</a> (<small>American actor</small>) </td> <td>Matthew S. Rhodes is an American actor who appeared in the films <i><a href="/w/index.php?title=With_Joyful_Ring&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="With Joyful Ring (page does not exist)">With Joyful Ring</a></i> (2022),<i><a href="/wiki/What_Daphne_Saw" title="What Daphne Saw">What Daphne Saw</a></i> (2019), <i><a href="/w/index.php?title=Rubaru&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Rubaru (page does not exist)">Rubaru</a></i> (2021), <i><a href="/wiki/Hemet,_or_the_Landlady_Don%27t_Drink_Tea" title="Hemet, or the Landlady Don't Drink Tea">Hemet, or the Landlady Don't Drink Tea</a></i> (2023). Rhodes has multiple acting nominations at <a href="/wiki/International_Christian_Film_%26_Music_Festival" title="International Christian Film & Music Festival">International Christian Film & Music Festival</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10357 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:1981_Iran_massacre" title="Draft:1981 Iran massacre">Draft:1981 Iran massacre</a> </td> <td>The 1981 Iran massacre was a religiously motivated, state-sponsored campaign of violence aimed at exterminating political and religious adversaries of the <a href="/wiki/Iran" title="Iran">Islamic Republic</a> of Iran. The victims included intellectuals, scientists, artists, socialists, social democrats, members and sympathizers of Mujahedin-e-Khalq, nationalists, liberals, monarchists, ethnic minorities, and followers of religious minorities such as the Bahá'í Faith. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>10346 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Galeazzo_Gualdo_Priorato" title="Draft:Galeazzo Gualdo Priorato">Draft:Galeazzo Gualdo Priorato</a> (<small>Italian soldier and historian</small>) </td> <td>Galeazzo Gualdo Priorato, Count of Comazzo (23 July 1606 – 1678), was an Italian soldier, scholar and historian. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10344 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:OM_Pharma" title="Draft:OM Pharma">Draft:OM Pharma</a> (<small>Swiss biopharmaceutical company</small>) </td> <td>OM Pharma is a <a href="/wiki/Switzerland" title="Switzerland">Swiss</a> <a href="/wiki/Biopharmaceutical" title="Biopharmaceutical">multinational biopharmaceutical</a> company headquartered in <a href="/wiki/Geneva" title="Geneva">Geneva</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>10303 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:SprintRay_Inc" title="Draft:SprintRay Inc">Draft:SprintRay Inc</a> (<small>3D dental manufacturer from America</small>) </td> <td>SprintRay Inc. is an American company founded in 2014 specializing in <a href="/wiki/3D_printing" title="3D printing">3D printing</a> technology for <a href="/wiki/Dental_technology" class="mw-redirect" title="Dental technology">dental applications</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10303 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Majapahit-Sundanese_conflicts" title="Draft:Majapahit-Sundanese conflicts">Draft:Majapahit-Sundanese conflicts</a> (<small>Conflict between Majapahit and Sunda</small>) </td> <td>Majapahit-Sundanese conflict was a conflict between <a href="/wiki/Majapahit" title="Majapahit">Majapahit</a> and <a href="/wiki/Sunda_Kingdom" title="Sunda Kingdom">Sunda</a>–<a href="/wiki/Galuh_Kingdom" title="Galuh Kingdom">Galuh Kingdom</a> in <abbr title="circa">c.</abbr><span style="white-space:nowrap;"> 14th century</span>–1487. Located in Bubat square in <a href="/wiki/Trowulan" title="Trowulan">Trowulan</a>, <a href="/wiki/Brebes_Regency" title="Brebes Regency">Brebes</a> and <a href="/wiki/Lampung" title="Lampung">Lampung</a>. This conflict between these kingdoms was very popular in <a href="/wiki/History_of_Java" class="mw-disambig" title="History of Java">history of Java</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10295 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Carlo_Minuta" title="Draft:Carlo Minuta">Draft:Carlo Minuta</a> (<small>Italian Composer</small>) </td> <td>Carlo Minuta (<a href="/wiki/Catania" title="Catania">Catania</a>, 1994) is an Italian composer. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10251 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Forest_Spirits" title="Draft:Forest Spirits">Draft:Forest Spirits</a> (<small>Spirits believed to inhabit forests</small>) </td> <td>Forest spirits (also known as woodland spirits or nature spirits) are <a href="/wiki/Supernatural" title="Supernatural">supernatural</a> entities believed to inhabit forests and other natural environments. Often viewed as guardians of the forests as well as protectors of the animals and plants within them, some cultures believe forest spirits are benevolent and may help guide travelers or offer protection; in others, they are more fearsome, warning intruders to stay away or punishing those who disrespect nature. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10241 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jeremias_Fliedl" title="Draft:Jeremias Fliedl">Draft:Jeremias Fliedl</a> (<small>Austrian cellist</small>) </td> <td>Jeremias Fliedl (born in <a href="/wiki/Klagenfurt_am_W%C3%B6rthersee" title="Klagenfurt am Wörthersee">Klagenfurt</a>) is an <a href="/wiki/Austria" title="Austria">Austrian</a> <a href="/wiki/Cello" title="Cello">cellist</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10238 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nam_Man_Prai" title="Draft:Nam Man Prai">Draft:Nam Man Prai</a> </td> <td>Nam Man Prai (<a href="/wiki/Thai_language" title="Thai language">Thai</a>:น้ำมันพราย, , <a href="/wiki/Thai_alphabet" class="mw-redirect" title="Thai alphabet">Phonemic</a>: n ạ ˆ m – m ạ n – b ̥ r ā y) is a type of magical oil created using Necromancy in Southeast Asian culture. There exists multiple types of Nam Man Prai, the difference being their creation process and usage. Some are created from dead plants, some are extracted from the dead. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10219 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Purrfect_Apocalypse" title="Draft:Purrfect Apocalypse">Draft:Purrfect Apocalypse</a> </td> <td>Purrfect Apocalypse's first game in the series launching on in February 2019. Its gameplay is a <a href="/wiki/Visual_novel" title="Visual novel">visual novel</a> game that features limited interactivity, primarily presenting 2D character images from a first-person viewpoint, along with occasional player choices that drive the story forward. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10152 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jagadguru_Shankaracharya_Avimukteshwaranandah_Saraswatee" title="Draft:Jagadguru Shankaracharya Avimukteshwaranandah Saraswatee">Draft:Jagadguru Shankaracharya Avimukteshwaranandah Saraswatee</a> (<small>One of the 4 present Shankaracharyas of Hindu religion</small>) </td> <td><a rel="nofollow" class="external autonumber" href="">[1]</a><a rel="nofollow" class="external autonumber" href="">[2]</a> </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10143 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:De_La_Calle" title="Draft:De La Calle">Draft:De La Calle</a> (<small>Docu-Series</small>) </td> <td>De La Calle (<i>English: From the Streets</i>) is an award-winning bilingual docu-series created, hosted, and executive produced by Argentine-American journalist Nick Barili. The series delves into the evolution of Urbano music and its cultural origins across the Americas and Spain. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10123 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Shankar_Jiwal" title="Draft:Shankar Jiwal">Draft:Shankar Jiwal</a> (<small>Indian Police Officer (DGP of Tamil Nadu)</small>) </td> <td>Shankar Jiwal is an <a href="/wiki/Indian_Police_Service" title="Indian Police Service">Indian Police Service</a> (IPS) officer of the 1990 batch, currently serving as the <a href="/wiki/Director_general_of_police" title="Director general of police">Director General of Police</a> (DGP) and Head of Police Force in <a href="/wiki/Tamil_Nadu" title="Tamil Nadu">Tamil Nadu</a> since June 30, 2023. He succeeded <a href="/wiki/C._Sylendra_Babu" title="C. Sylendra Babu">C. Sylendra Babu</a>, who retired from the position. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10120 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Anna_Valeria_Borsari" title="Draft:Anna Valeria Borsari">Draft:Anna Valeria Borsari</a> (<small>Italian visual artist</small>) </td> <td>Anna Valeria Borsari (born 1943 in <a href="/wiki/Bazzano,_Valsamoggia" title="Bazzano, Valsamoggia">Bazzano</a>, <a href="/wiki/Italy" title="Italy">Italy</a>) is an Italian visual artist known for her <a href="/wiki/Ephemeral_art" title="Ephemeral art">ephemeral</a> and <a href="/wiki/Site-specific_art" title="Site-specific art">site-specific</a> artworks. Spanning various media, including <a href="/wiki/Painting" title="Painting">painting</a>, <a href="/wiki/Photography" title="Photography">photography</a>, <a href="/wiki/Video_art" title="Video art">video</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Installation_art" title="Installation art">installation</a>, Borsari's practice often engages with social and urban environments, blurring the boundaries between art and life. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10104 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dapper_Labs" title="Draft:Dapper Labs">Draft:Dapper Labs</a> (<small>Web3 company</small>) </td> <td>Dapper Labs is a private <a href="/wiki/Blockchain" title="Blockchain">blockchain</a>, <a href="/wiki/NFT" class="mw-redirect" title="NFT">NFT</a> and digital entertainment company known for developing <a href="/wiki/CryptoKitties" title="CryptoKitties">CryptoKitties</a>, NBA Top Shot and the Flow blockchain. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10053 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Helinox" title="Draft:Helinox">Draft:Helinox</a> (<small>A Korean company making outdoor gear</small>) </td> <td>Helinox is a <a href="/wiki/South_Korea" title="South Korea">Korean</a> company manufacturing <a href="/wiki/Outdoor_equipment" class="mw-redirect" title="Outdoor equipment">outdoor equipment</a>, from chairs to tents. Founded in 2009 by Jake Lah and Young Lah, it has offices in Seoul, Amsterdam, Berkeley and Singapore. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10009 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Christina_Lecuyer" title="Draft:Christina Lecuyer">Draft:Christina Lecuyer</a> (<small>Former Women's Professional Golfer and Confidence Coach</small>) </td> <td>Christina Lecuyer is a former <a href="/wiki/Professional_golfer" title="Professional golfer">professional golfer</a>, <a href="/wiki/Television_personality" class="mw-redirect" title="Television personality">television personality</a>, and current mindset and confidence coach. She is recognized for her appearances on golf-related television programs, such as <a href="/wiki/The_Big_Break" title="The Big Break">The Big Break</a>, and for her work helping individuals across various industries improve their confidence and mindset. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>10008 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-26 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tonewoodamp" title="Draft:Tonewoodamp">Draft:Tonewoodamp</a> (<small>Product: an attachement for an acoustic guitar that amplifies the natural tones</small>) </td> <td>Tonewoodamp is a novel acoustic guitar accessory, a mini amp and a digital signal processor (<a href="/wiki/Digital_signal_processor" title="Digital signal processor">DSP)</a> with effects such as reverb, delay, echo and tremolo. The device infuses amplified sound back into the body of the guitar itself. The Tonewoodamp, attaches to the back of the acoustic guitar with magnets, a pickup is required. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>10004 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:West_Hempstead_Union_Free_School_District" title="Draft:West Hempstead Union Free School District">Draft:West Hempstead Union Free School District</a> (<small>School district in the U.S. state of New York</small>) </td> <td>The West Hempstead Union Free School District (or West Hempstead School District) is a <a href="/wiki/Union_free_school_district" class="mw-redirect" title="Union free school district">union free school district</a> situated on <a href="/wiki/Long_Island" title="Long Island">Long Island</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Administrative_divisions_of_New_York_(state)#Hamlet" title="Administrative divisions of New York (state)">hamlet</a> of <a href="/wiki/West_Hempstead" class="mw-redirect" title="West Hempstead">West Hempstead</a>, <a href="/wiki/Nassau_County,_New_York" title="Nassau County, New York">Nassau County, New York</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10003 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Web3.js" title="Draft:Web3.js">Draft:Web3.js</a> (<small>TypeScript library for interacting with Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks</small>) </td> <td>Web3.js is an open-source (released under the <a href="/wiki/GNU_Lesser_General_Public_License" title="GNU Lesser General Public License">GNU Lesser General Public License</a>) collection of <a href="/wiki/JavaScript" title="JavaScript">JavaScript</a> and <a href="/wiki/TypeScript" title="TypeScript">TypeScript</a> libraries for interacting with <a href="/wiki/Ethereum" title="Ethereum">Ethereum</a>-compatible <a href="/wiki/Blockchain" title="Blockchain">blockchain</a> networks. It supports connecting to blockchain nodes over <a href="/wiki/HTTP" title="HTTP">HTTP</a>, <a href="/wiki/WebSocket" title="WebSocket">WebSocket</a>, or <a href="/wiki/Inter-process_communication" title="Inter-process communication">IPC</a> (inter-process communication), querying blockchain nodes for network configuration or storage values, creating and managing blockchain accounts, <a href="/wiki/Smart_contract" title="Smart contract">smart contract</a> interactions, and more. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9998 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Aniday" title="Draft:Aniday">Draft:Aniday</a> (<small>Global recruitment platform</small>) </td> <td>Aniday is a global recruitment platform designed to connect businesses with high-quality talents efficiently and effectively. With a network of over 30,000 headhunters and AI-driven capabilities, Aniday bridges the gap between companies and candidates across industries and borders. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9975 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Frederick_Charles_Cooper" title="Draft:Frederick Charles Cooper">Draft:Frederick Charles Cooper</a> (<small>British artist</small>) </td> <td>Frederick Charles Cooper (between 1810 and 1821, Nottingham, England, British Empire – between 1880 and 1883, London, England, British Empire) was a British artist, traveler, and diplomat, whose name is closely associated with one of the most significant <a href="/wiki/Austen_Henry_Layard" title="Austen Henry Layard">archaeological expeditions of the 19th century</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>9961 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:David_Bradlee" title="Draft:David Bradlee">Draft:David Bradlee</a> (<small>Patriot of the Boston Tea Party and the American Revolutionary War</small>) </td> <td>Capt. David Bradlee (24 November 1742 - 10 Mar 1811) was an American patriot having been involved in the <a href="/wiki/Sons_of_Liberty" title="Sons of Liberty">Sons of Liberty</a>, the <a href="/wiki/Boston_Massacre" title="Boston Massacre">Boston Massacre</a>, and the <a href="/wiki/American_Revolutionary_War" title="American Revolutionary War">American Revolutionary War</a>. He was not at the Boston Massacre as it happened, but after he heard the shots he came to give his assistant. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9930 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Daniel_Amsel" title="Draft:Daniel Amsel">Draft:Daniel Amsel</a> (<small>television screenwriter</small>) </td> <td>Daniel Amsel is a screenwriter, producer, and development executive. His projects have premiered at various television festivals and outlets worldwide, including in Europe, the UK, Korea, South America, and India. He is best known for co-writing the Israeli TV series <i><a href="/wiki/Euphoria_(Israeli_TV_series)" title="Euphoria (Israeli TV series)">Euphoria,</a></i> which was later adapted by HBO into an Emmy Award-winning show by the same name. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9895 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jorge_Novominsky" title="Draft:Jorge Novominsky">Draft:Jorge Novominsky</a> (<small>Biography of the argentinian/israeli photographer Jorge Novominsky</small>) </td> <td>Jorge Novominsky (<a href="/wiki/Posadas,_Misiones" title="Posadas, Misiones">Posadas</a>, March 8 1966), is an Argentinean/Israeli photographer and winner of several international awards. He specialises in documentary, press and public relations photography. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9864 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jowita_Bydlowska" title="Draft:Jowita Bydlowska">Draft:Jowita Bydlowska</a> (<small>Jowita Bydlowska: Polish-Canadian writer and journalist</small>) </td> <td>Jowita Bydlowska (born September 26 1977 in Warsaw, Poland) is a Polish-Canadian writer and a journalist who has published both works of fiction and nonfiction. Her writing has been described as brave and powerful, and frank. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>9860 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ohene_Kwame_Frimpong" title="Draft:Ohene Kwame Frimpong">Draft:Ohene Kwame Frimpong</a> (<small>Ghanaian Entrepreneur and Philanthropist</small>) </td> <td>Ohene Kwame Frimpong is a Ghanaian entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is the founder of Salt Media group, the media conglomerate that owns and runs Salt FM in Agogo, a suburb of the Ashanti Region of Ghana. </td> <td>5 </td> <td>9850 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Estelle_Clements" title="Draft:Estelle Clements">Draft:Estelle Clements</a> (<small>Media Scholar</small>) </td> <td>Estelle Clements is a <a href="/wiki/Media_scholar" class="mw-redirect" title="Media scholar">Media scholar</a> known for her work on <a href="/wiki/Digital_civics" title="Digital civics">Digital Civics</a>. She created the first definition, critical underpinning, and pedagogical model for this concept. In 2010 she actualised her pedagogical model, launching the first digital civics pedagogy project. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9824 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Juan_Noues%C3%AD" title="Draft:Juan Nouesí">Draft:Juan Nouesí</a> (<small>Dominican leader and activist</small>) </td> <td>Juan Nouesí Laffite was a Dominican revolutionary and independence hero. He was a famous leader during the turbulent struggles for Dominican independence. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9819 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:CJ_Express" title="Draft:CJ Express">Draft:CJ Express</a> (<small>Thai university student</small>) </td> <td>CJ Express Group (<u>Thai:</u> ซีเจ เอ็กซ์เพรส) is a convenience store chain headquartered in Thailand. Founded in 2005 under the company <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="หน้าแรก/6543510505c2d5053c370ed2">PSD Rukthai Co., Ltd.</a>, it initially began operations as a wholesale store in Ratchaburi. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>9796 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alaric_Naud%C3%A9" title="Draft:Alaric Naudé">Draft:Alaric Naudé</a> </td> <td>Alaric Naudé(<a href="/wiki/Japanese_language" title="Japanese language">Japanese</a>: <span lang="ja">能出 新陸</span>, <a href="/wiki/Korean_language" title="Korean language">Korean</a>: <span lang="ko">노종례</span>, <a href="/wiki/Chinese_language" title="Chinese language">Chinese</a>: <span lang="zh">鸕聰叡</span>) is a <a href="/wiki/Korea" title="Korea">Korean</a> <a href="/wiki/University_professor" class="mw-redirect" title="University professor">university professor</a> and <a href="/wiki/Linguist" class="mw-redirect" title="Linguist">linguist</a>, specializing in <a href="/wiki/Applied_linguistics" title="Applied linguistics">applied linguistics</a>, <a href="/wiki/Sociolinguistics" title="Sociolinguistics">sociolinguistics</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Sociology" title="Sociology">sociology</a>. He holds a <a href="/wiki/Ed.D." class="mw-redirect" title="Ed.D.">Ed.D.</a> and a <a href="/wiki/Ph.D." class="mw-redirect" title="Ph.D.">Ph.D.</a> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9789 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dwars_River_Geological_Occurrence" title="Draft:Dwars River Geological Occurrence">Draft:Dwars River Geological Occurrence</a> (<small>The Bushved Igneous complex</small>) </td> <td>The Dwars River Geological Occurrence, also called Dwars River Chromite Geosite, is a Provincial Heritage Site at the Dwars River in the Eastern Limb of the <a href="/wiki/Bushveld_Igneous_Complex" title="Bushveld Igneous Complex">Bushveld Igneous Complex</a> in <a href="/wiki/Limpopo" title="Limpopo">Limpopo</a> province of South Africa. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9722 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-02 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Fintech_Nation" title="Draft:Fintech Nation">Draft:Fintech Nation</a> (<small>Fintech Nation is a development institution developing Fintech Hub in Singapore.</small>) </td> <td>Fintech Nation is a development institution based in Singapore, founded in 2020 by Varun Mittal. Its areas of operations consist of books, ecosystem development projects, investment fund and a think tank. Fintech Nation started with the launch of a book titled, Singapore: The Fintech Nation, Relentless Pursuit of Excellence in 2020. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9671 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:QuesTek_Innovations" title="Draft:QuesTek Innovations">Draft:QuesTek Innovations</a> (<small>Materials engineering company</small>) </td> <td>QuesTek Innovations LLC is a <a href="/wiki/Materials_science" title="Materials science">materials science</a>, <a href="/wiki/Engineering" title="Engineering">engineering</a> and <a href="/wiki/Software" title="Software">software</a> company that develops materials for applications such as <a href="/wiki/Automotive_industry" title="Automotive industry">automotive</a> and <a href="/wiki/Aerospace" title="Aerospace">aerospace</a>. It is one of the first companies to employ integrated computational material engineering (<a href="/wiki/Integrated_computational_materials_engineering" title="Integrated computational materials engineering">ICME</a>), which relies on <a href="/wiki/Physics" title="Physics">physics</a>-based models to predict the performance characteristics of materials. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9657 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Vietnamese_National_Heroes" title="Draft:Vietnamese National Heroes">Draft:Vietnamese National Heroes</a> (<small>A Vietnamese symbolic title</small>) </td> <td>Vietnamese National Heroes (<a href="/wiki/Vietnamese_language" title="Vietnamese language">Vietnamese</a>: <i lang="vi">Anh hùng dân tộc Việt Nam</i>) is a term used by the <a href="/wiki/Ministry_of_Culture,_Sports_and_Tourism_(Vietnam)" title="Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Vietnam)">Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism</a> to designate fourteen prominent figures in the <a href="/wiki/History_of_Vietnam" title="History of Vietnam">history of Vietnam</a>. These figures would have statues of them built in their home regions, regions where they had significant marks, regions where there are traditional events in their names, and regions that need tourist attractions. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9634 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Therapuss_with_Jake_Shane" title="Draft:Therapuss with Jake Shane">Draft:Therapuss with Jake Shane</a> (<small>Podcast by Jake Shane</small>) </td> <td>Therapuss with Jake Shane is a podcast hosted by American influencer <a href="/wiki/Jake_Shane" title="Jake Shane">Jake Shane</a>. The video-audio podcast has weekly guest appearances on Wednesdays, and occasionally a second on on other days. Jake opens the podcast alone, or sometimes with close friends to introduce each day's topic. </td> <td>5 </td> <td>9590 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Joseph_A._Greene_(physician)" title="Draft:Joseph A. Greene (physician)">Draft:Joseph A. Greene (physician)</a> (<small>Dr. Joseph A. Greene is a board-certified Bariatric, Robotic, and Advanced Lapar</small>) </td> <td>Dr. Joseph A. Greene is an American <a href="/wiki/Bariatrics" title="Bariatrics">bariatric</a>, <a href="/wiki/Robot-assisted_surgery" title="Robot-assisted surgery">robotic</a>, and advanced <a href="/wiki/Laparoscopy" title="Laparoscopy">laparoscopic</a> <a href="/wiki/Surgeon" title="Surgeon">surgeon</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>9575 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mosab_Al_Khateeb" title="Draft:Mosab Al Khateeb">Draft:Mosab Al Khateeb</a> (<small>A Jordanian soccer player who is a defender for the Jordanian national team and Al Hussein Irbid</small>) </td> <td>Mosab Al Khateeb (<a href="/wiki/Arabic_language" class="mw-redirect" title="Arabic language">Arabic</a>: <span lang="ar" dir="rtl">مصعب الخطيب</span>) is a <a href="/wiki/Jordanian_people" class="mw-redirect" title="Jordanian people">Jordanian</a> <a href="/wiki/Singing" title="Singing">singer</a> and composer who is credited with spreading Bedouin music. He has produced several songs, including "My Current Situation, Singleness" and "Dream of a Lifetime" as well as cover songs. He also represented Jordan in multicultural events around the world, most notably the Star Academy program. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9569 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Mosab_Al_Khateeb" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Mosab Al Khateeb">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Zolt%C3%A1n_Varga_(entrepreneur)" title="Draft:Zoltán Varga (entrepreneur)">Draft:Zoltán Varga (entrepreneur)</a> (<small>Hungarian entrepreneur</small>) </td> <td>Zoltán Varga (born in Bonyhád, Hungary) is a Hungarian entrepreneur, investor, and media executive. He is the founder, CEO, and Chairman of <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Central Media Group</a>, one of the largest independent media companies in Hungary. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9542 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rouhollah_Aghasaleh" title="Draft:Rouhollah Aghasaleh">Draft:Rouhollah Aghasaleh</a> (<small>Iranian-born American scholar-activist</small>) </td> <td>Dr. Rouhollah Aghasaleh (<a href="/wiki/Persian_language" title="Persian language">Persian</a>: <span lang="fa" dir="rtl">روح اله آقاصالح</span>; born July 23, 1983) is an Iranian-born academic, educator, and scholar known for their contributions to critical science education, curriculum studies, and social justice in education. Aghasaleh currently serves as an Assistant Professor at <a href="/wiki/California_State_Polytechnic_University,_Humboldt" title="California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt">California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt</a>, where their research focuses on systemic oppression in educational practices, particularly in STEM education for multilingual learners. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9500 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mauritius_Social_Media_Ban_2024" title="Draft:Mauritius Social Media Ban 2024">Draft:Mauritius Social Media Ban 2024</a> (<small>Mauritius Social Media Ban</small>) </td> <td>The <i>Mauritius Social Media Ban of 2024</i> refers to a temporary suspension of access to major social media platforms in the Republic of Mauritius, imposed on October 31, 2024, by the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9478 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:LORI" title="Draft:LORI">Draft:LORI</a> (<small>Croatian NGO for LGBTIQ+ rights</small>) </td> <td>Lesbian Organisation Rijeka - LORI is a <a href="/wiki/Croatia" title="Croatia">Croatian</a> <a href="/wiki/Non-governmental_organization" title="Non-governmental organization">civil society organization</a> founded in <a href="/wiki/2000" title="2000">2000.</a> as the first registered <a href="/wiki/Lesbian" title="Lesbian">lesbian</a> organization in the country. Their main purpose is protecting the rights of <a href="/wiki/LGBTQ" title="LGBTQ">LGBTIQ+</a> people and fighting against <a href="/wiki/Homophobia" title="Homophobia">homophobia</a>, <a href="/wiki/Biphobia" title="Biphobia">biphobia</a> and <a href="/wiki/Transphobia" title="Transphobia">transphobia</a>, as well as any and all forms of <a href="/wiki/Discrimination" title="Discrimination">discrimination</a> based on <a href="/wiki/Sexual_orientation" title="Sexual orientation">sexual orientation</a>, <a href="/wiki/Gender_identity" title="Gender identity">gender identity</a> and <a href="/wiki/Gender_expression" title="Gender expression">gender expression</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9472 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Airship:_Kingdoms_Adrift" title="Draft:Airship: Kingdoms Adrift">Draft:Airship: Kingdoms Adrift</a> (<small>an Airship battle simulation game</small>) </td> <td><i>Airship: Kingdoms Adrift</i> is an airship <a href="/wiki/Simulation_video_game" title="Simulation video game">simulation game</a> developed by Revolution Industry and published by Gamersky Games and Freedom Games. Set in the steampunk world of Spheara, the game places players in the role of a skyfaring captain navigating the politically charged Suthseg Archipelago in the aftermath of the Great Sky War. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9471 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Isa_Abbassi" title="Draft:Isa Abbassi">Draft:Isa Abbassi</a> (<small>Law enforcement chief</small>) </td> <td>Isa M. Abbassi (born c. 1973) is an American law enforcement officer who has served in various leadership roles within the New York Police Department (NYPD) including as the agency’s chief strategy officer. In March of 2023 Abbassi was named Officer in Charge of the Paterson New Jersey police department after police shot and killed a community activist experiencing a mental health crisis. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9438 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Otto_Bihler_Maschinenfabrik" title="Draft:Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik">Draft:Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik</a> </td> <td>Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG is a German company located in <a href="/wiki/Halblech" title="Halblech">Halblech</a>, <a href="/wiki/Bavaria" title="Bavaria">Bavaria</a>. The family-owned company is active in the <a href="/wiki/Stamping_(metalworking)" title="Stamping (metalworking)">stamping</a>, <a href="/wiki/Welding" title="Welding">welding</a>, and assembly technology. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>9422 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sunchu_Glory_Swarupa" title="Draft:Sunchu Glory Swarupa">Draft:Sunchu Glory Swarupa</a> </td> <td>Dr. Glory Swarupa Sunchu has spent over twenty-five years in entrepreneurship. Her career spans collaborations with institutions under various Union Ministries, including Commerce & Industry; Environment, Forest & Climate Change; Education; Fisheries; Micro Small & Medium Enterprises; and Bhartiya Skill Development University. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9404 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ilya_Fedotov-Fedorov" title="Draft:Ilya Fedotov-Fedorov">Draft:Ilya Fedotov-Fedorov</a> (<small>Russian artist based in New York</small>) </td> <td>Ilya Fedorov, better known as Ilya Fedotov-Fedorov (Russian: Илья Федотов-Федоров; born 18 June 1988) is Russian interdisciplinary artist based in New York, with a background in genetic bioengineering and philology, primary working with painting, sculpture and video. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9399 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Professor_Andrew_Jones" title="Draft:Professor Andrew Jones">Draft:Professor Andrew Jones</a> (<small>British Academic, Brunel University Vice-Chancellor</small>) </td> <td>Andrew Jones is a British academic and interdisciplinary social scientist with a background in <a href="/wiki/Economic_Geography" class="mw-redirect" title="Economic Geography">Economic Geography</a>. Since January 2022, he has served as <a href="/wiki/Vice-Chancellor" class="mw-redirect" title="Vice-Chancellor">Vice-Chancellor</a> and President of <a href="/wiki/Brunel_University_of_London" title="Brunel University of London">Brunel University of London</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9359 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Distributed_Gallery" title="Draft:Distributed Gallery">Draft:Distributed Gallery</a> (<small>A collective of artists</small>) </td> <td>The Distributed Gallery is a French artists' collective that uses distributed technologies, such as <a href="/wiki/Blockchain" title="Blockchain">blockchain</a>, in its work. The collective explores the intersections of <a href="/wiki/Contemporary_art" title="Contemporary art">contemporary art</a>, digital technology, <a href="/wiki/Decentralized_computing" title="Decentralized computing">decentralized computing</a> and <a href="/wiki/Social_structure" title="Social structure">social structures</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9344 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kai_Tin_Shopping_Centre" title="Draft:Kai Tin Shopping Centre">Draft:Kai Tin Shopping Centre</a> (<small>Hong Kong Mall</small>) </td> <td>Kai Tin Shopping Centre (<a href="/wiki/Chinese_language" title="Chinese language">Chinese</a>:啟田商場) is a <a href="/wiki/Shopping_center" title="Shopping center">shopping centre</a> located in <a href="/wiki/Lam_Tin" title="Lam Tin">Lam Tin</a>, <a href="/wiki/Kowloon" title="Kowloon">Kowloon</a>, <a href="/wiki/Hong_Kong" title="Hong Kong">Hong Kong</a>. Developed by <a href="/wiki/Link_REIT" title="Link REIT">Link Real Estate Investment Trust</a>, it was first established in 1995. The mall serves as a retail centre for the neighborhood, providing a plethora of shops and services for Lam Tin residents. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9317 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sherlock_%26_Co.(podcast)" title="Draft:Sherlock & Co.(podcast)">Draft:Sherlock & Co.(podcast)</a> (<small>podcast adaptation</small>) </td> <td>as of 17 Sep 2024 </td> <td>2 </td> <td>9313 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Michael_Craig_(basketball)" title="Draft:Michael Craig (basketball)">Draft:Michael Craig (basketball)</a> </td> <td>Michael Lee Craig Jr (born August 11, 1991) is an American professional basketball player for <a href="/wiki/Shinagawa_City_Basketball_Club" title="Shinagawa City Basketball Club">Shinagawa City</a> of the <a href="/wiki/B.League" title="B.League">B3 League</a>. His position is power forward. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9287 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Psychedelic_Medicine" title="Draft:Psychedelic Medicine">Draft:Psychedelic Medicine</a> (<small>Psychedelic medical journal</small>) </td> <td><i>Psychedelic Medicine</i> is a <a href="/wiki/Peer_review" title="Peer review">peer-reviewed</a> quarterly <a href="/wiki/Academic_journal" title="Academic journal">academic journal</a> on the use of <a href="/wiki/Serotonergic_psychedelic" class="mw-redirect" title="Serotonergic psychedelic">serotonergic psychedelics</a> as <a href="/wiki/Medication" title="Medication">therapeutic agents</a> in <a href="/wiki/Medicine" title="Medicine">medicine</a>. Its co-editors-in-chief are Peter Hendricks and Charles Nichols. Nichols is the son of psychedelic researcher <a href="/wiki/David_E._Nichols" title="David E. Nichols">David E. Nichols</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>9264 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dolomitic_failure_in_South_Africa" title="Draft:Dolomitic failure in South Africa">Draft:Dolomitic failure in South Africa</a> (<small>Dolomitic failure in South Africa</small>) </td> <td>The Chuniespoort Group in <a href="/wiki/South_Africa" title="South Africa">South Africa</a> contains abundant, thick strata of dolomite deposits that range in depth from 40 m at <a href="/wiki/Carolina,_Mpumalanga" class="mw-redirect" title="Carolina, Mpumalanga">Carolina, Mpumalanga</a> to 2340 m at Penge and 2130 m at <a href="/wiki/Rustenburg" title="Rustenburg">Rustenburg</a>. The <a href="/wiki/Transvaal_Supergroup" title="Transvaal Supergroup">Transvaal Supergroup</a> is home to the majority of South Africa's dolomite rocks. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9252 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mario_Lachat" title="Draft:Mario Lachat">Draft:Mario Lachat</a> (<small>Added some Sources</small>) </td> <td>This article came from the German Wiki site that I made. The original site had the numbers of references that originally were there. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9246 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Menzo_Havenga" title="Draft:Menzo Havenga">Draft:Menzo Havenga</a> (<small>Dutch virologist</small>) </td> <td>Menzo Havenga (<a href="/wiki/Rotterdam" title="Rotterdam">Rotterdam</a>, <a href="/w/index.php?title=24_december&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="24 december (page does not exist)">24 december</a> <a href="/wiki/1966" title="1966">1966</a>) is a Dutch <a href="/wiki/Virologist" class="mw-redirect" title="Virologist">virologist</a> and expert on viral vectors for vaccine and gene therapy purposes. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9211 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Brian_Lane_Winfield_Moore" title="Draft:Brian Lane Winfield Moore">Draft:Brian Lane Winfield Moore</a> (<small>Internet artist</small>) </td> <td>Brian Lane Winfield Moore is an American <a href="/wiki/Artist" title="Artist">artist</a> and <a href="/wiki/Creative_director" title="Creative director">creative director</a> known for his internet art that comments on <a href="/wiki/Popular_culture" title="Popular culture">pop culture</a>, <a href="/wiki/Society" title="Society">society</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Technology" title="Technology">technology</a>. In 2023, Moore founded the <a href="/wiki/Los_Angeles" title="Los Angeles">Los Angeles</a>–based art studio <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">BRAIN</a>, with collaborator Mike Lacher. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>9167 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dario_Polli" title="Draft:Dario Polli">Draft:Dario Polli</a> (<small>Italian physicist (born 1976)</small>) </td> <td>Dario Polli is an Italian <a href="/wiki/Physicist" title="Physicist">physicist</a> and academic, whose research interest include the development of innovative microscopy systems, especially in the field of <a href="/wiki/Coherent_Raman_scattering_microscopy" title="Coherent Raman scattering microscopy">coherent Raman scattering microscopy</a>, <a href="/wiki/Ultrafast_laser_spectroscopy" title="Ultrafast laser spectroscopy"> ultrafast spectroscopy</a>, <a href="/wiki/Fourier-transform_spectroscopy" title="Fourier-transform spectroscopy">Fourier-Transform spectroscopy</a> and <a href="/wiki/Hyperspectral_imaging" title="Hyperspectral imaging">hyperspectral imaging</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9162 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:WTA_Architecture_%2B_Design_Studio" title="Draft:WTA Architecture + Design Studio">Draft:WTA Architecture + Design Studio</a> (<small>Architecture Firm Based in Manila, Philippines</small>) </td> <td>WTA Architecture + Design Studio is a Filipino architecture, urban planning and design, interior design, and research firm headquartered in Manila, Philippines. Founded in 2007 by architect William Ti Jr., the firm has completed dozens of projects, including residential towers, townships, stadiums, sports facilities, hospitals, offices, hotels, and cultural institutions. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9154 </td> <td>UPE </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:CCS_Supply_Chain_Management" title="Draft:CCS Supply Chain Management">Draft:CCS Supply Chain Management</a> </td> <td>CCS Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as " CCS " or " Century Commodities Solution ") is a <a href="/wiki/Mainland_China" title="Mainland China">Chinese</a> <a href="/wiki/Commodity" title="Commodity">commodity</a> <a href="/wiki/Supply_chain_management" title="Supply chain management">supply chain management</a> service provider specializing in operation on <a href="/wiki/Coal" title="Coal">coal</a>, <a href="/wiki/Petroleum" title="Petroleum">oil</a>, <a href="/wiki/Crop" title="Crop">agricultural products</a>, <a href="/wiki/Renewable_energy" title="Renewable energy">renewable energy</a> and other products. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9151 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Group14_Technologies" title="Draft:Group14 Technologies">Draft:Group14 Technologies</a> (<small>American manufacturer and supplier of advanced silicon battery technology</small>) </td> <td>Group14 Technologies is an American manufacturer and supplier of advanced silicon battery technology for rechargeable <a href="/wiki/Lithium%E2%80%93silicon_battery" title="Lithium–silicon battery">lithium-silicon batteries</a>. </td> <td>6 </td> <td>9143 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pisces_(film)" title="Draft:Pisces (film)">Draft:Pisces (film)</a> (<small>2023 Israeli animated short film</small>) </td> <td><i>Pisces</i> (<a href="/wiki/Hebrew_language" title="Hebrew language">Hebrew</a>: <span lang="he" dir="rtl">מזל דגים</span>) is a <a href="/wiki/2023" title="2023">2023</a> <a href="/wiki/Cinema_of_Israel" title="Cinema of Israel">Israeli</a> <a href="/wiki/Animation" title="Animation">animated</a> <a href="/wiki/Short_film" title="Short film">short</a> directed by <a href="/wiki/Lee_Dror" title="Lee Dror">Lee Dror</a> and written by Omer Hamawi. The film explores themes of <a href="/wiki/Loss" class="mw-disambig" title="Loss">loss</a> and <a href="/wiki/Denial" title="Denial">denial</a>, which Dror has previously inspected in her prior works, </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9035 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yusuke_Fukuchi" title="Draft:Yusuke Fukuchi">Draft:Yusuke Fukuchi</a> (<small>Japanese award - winning actor who made an acting career in major asian countries.</small>) </td> <td>Yusuke Fukuchi is a Japanese <a href="/wiki/Actor" title="Actor">actor</a>. He is best known to audiences for his appearance in the <a href="/wiki/MeWATCH" class="mw-redirect" title="MeWATCH">meWATCH</a> and <a href="/wiki/Netflix" title="Netflix">Netflix</a> series <i><a href="/wiki/Last_Madame:_Sisters_of_the_Night" title="Last Madame: Sisters of the Night">Last Madame: Sisters of the Night</a></i>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9007 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tribeca_Films" title="Draft:Tribeca Films">Draft:Tribeca Films</a> (<small>American film distribution company</small>) </td> <td>Tribeca Films is an American independent <a href="/wiki/Film_distribution" title="Film distribution">film distribution</a> label which focuses on acquiring prestige independent films from the top international. film festivals to distribute on streaming platforms for wider audiences. Additionally, Tribeca Films is presented as a label under <a href="/wiki/Giant_Pictures" title="Giant Pictures">Giant Pictures</a>, which also owns <a href="/wiki/Drafthouse_Films" title="Drafthouse Films">Drafthouse Films</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9004 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sue_Schardt" title="Draft:Sue Schardt">Draft:Sue Schardt</a> (<small>American radio executive</small>) </td> <td>Sue Schardt is an American media specialist and musician with a career in public broadcasting. She heads Margin Media, LLC, and produces a weekly radio program, <i>In The Margin of the Other</i> on <a href="/wiki/MIT" class="mw-redirect" title="MIT">MIT</a>’s radio station <a href="/wiki/WMBR" title="WMBR">WMBR</a>. In 2018, <i>In The Margin of the Other</i> was featured in <i>One Day at a Time: Manny Farber and Termite Art</i>, an exhibition curated by <a href="/wiki/Helen_Molesworth" title="Helen Molesworth">Helen Molesworth</a>, at the <a href="/wiki/Museum_of_Contemporary_Art,_Los_Angeles" title="Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles">Museum of Contemporary Art</a> in Los Angeles. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>8998 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Saint-savian_nationalism" title="Draft:Saint-savian nationalism">Draft:Saint-savian nationalism</a> (<small>Orthodox Christian Serbian nationalism</small>) </td> <td>Saint-savian nationalism is a theological-political term used by <a href="/wiki/Nikolaj_Velimirovi%C4%87" title="Nikolaj Velimirović">Saint Nikolaj Velimirović</a> to describe <a href="/wiki/Serbian_Orthodox_Church" title="Serbian Orthodox Church">Serbian Orthodox</a> <a href="/wiki/Christian_nationalism" title="Christian nationalism">Christian nationalism</a>. it represents a combination of <a href="/wiki/Serbian_nationalism" title="Serbian nationalism">Serbian nationalism</a> and <a href="/wiki/Eastern_Orthodox_Church" title="Eastern Orthodox Church">Orthodox</a> Theodulia, it is based on the character and work of <a href="/wiki/Saint_Sava" title="Saint Sava">Saint Sava</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8986 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Leo_Ferrero_Raditsa" title="Draft:Leo Ferrero Raditsa">Draft:Leo Ferrero Raditsa</a> (<small>American scholar of history and culture</small>) </td> <td>Leo Ferrero Raditsa (March 2, 1936 – February 22, 2001) was a teacher, scholar, and historian of ancient history who spent most of his career teaching at <a href="/wiki/St._John%27s_College_(Annapolis/Santa_Fe)" title="St. John's College (Annapolis/Santa Fe)">St. John's College (Annapolis/Santa Fe)</a> in Annapolis, Maryland. His publications on classical subjects include studies on <a href="/wiki/Augustus" title="Augustus">Augustus</a>’s legislation on marriage and <a href="/wiki/Adultery" title="Adultery">adultery</a>, <a href="/wiki/Julius_Caesar" title="Julius Caesar">Julius Caesar</a>’s writings, the Second and Third <a href="/wiki/Macedonian_Wars" title="Macedonian Wars">Macedonian Wars</a>, and the <a href="/wiki/Trial_of_Socrates" title="Trial of Socrates">trial of Socrates</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8971 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:John_Barr_(American_Poet)" title="Draft:John Barr (American Poet)">Draft:John Barr (American Poet)</a> (<small>John Barr - American poet</small>) </td> <td>John William Barr (born January 28, 1943) is an American poet and businessman who has written ten books of poetry. His poems have appeared in the <i>New York Times</i>, <i>Poetry</i>, and <i>Flaunt Magazine</i> among many periodicals, and in anthologies published by <i>Bloodaxe Books</i>, <i>National Geographic</i>, and the <i>Anthology of Magazine Verse & Yearbook of American Poetry</i>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8953 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Luiz_Paulo_Kowalski" title="Draft:Luiz Paulo Kowalski">Draft:Luiz Paulo Kowalski</a> (<small>Oncology Surgeon</small>) </td> <td>Luiz Paulo Kowalski (<a href="/wiki/August_16" title="August 16">August 16</a>, <a href="/wiki/1956" title="1956">1956</a>) is a head and neck surgeon, otolaryngologist, researcher and university professor from Brazil. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8931 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Luka_Brase" title="Draft:Luka Brase">Draft:Luka Brase</a> (<small>living slovak visual artist, painter</small>) </td> <td>Luka Brase (born <span style="display:none">(<span class="bday">1982-12-16</span>)</span>December 16, 1982, in <a href="/wiki/Doln%C3%BD_Kub%C3%ADn" title="Dolný Kubín">Dolný Kubín</a>,Slovakia) is a Slovak visual artist. His work includes painting, drawing, collage, graphics, photography, book illustration and new media. He calls his technique "Lukagraphy" - photography in the image and gestures of the moment, composed of the terms "LUKA" - a drawing gesture capturing the impermanence of the moment and "GRAPHY" - a photographic observation of the presence and uniqueness of space<sup>[1]</sup>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8931 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Muhammad_Usman_Memon" title="Draft:Muhammad Usman Memon">Draft:Muhammad Usman Memon</a> (<small>Sindhi Writer, Poet, Drama Writer, musicologist, Archeologist and story writer</small>) </td> <td>Muhammad Usman Memon (Sindhi: محمد عثمان ميمڻ, Urdu: محمد عثمان میمن) was a renowned Sindhi-language writer, archaeologist, columnist, poet, storyteller, drama writer and musicologist from Sindh. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>8919 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kaj_L._Nielsen_(mathematician)" title="Draft:Kaj L. Nielsen (mathematician)">Draft:Kaj L. Nielsen (mathematician)</a> (<small>Danish-American mathematician, engineer, and academic.</small>) </td> <td>Kaj Leo Nielsen (December 3, 1914 – February 21, 1972) was a Danish-American mathematician, engineer, and academic, known for his significant contributions to the design and development of two pioneering aircraft: the <a href="/wiki/Vought_F4U_Corsair" title="Vought F4U Corsair">Vought F4U Corsair</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Vought_V-173" title="Vought V-173">Vought V-173/XF5U-1 Flying Pancake</a> (also known as the Flying Flapjack). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8876 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Navy%E2%80%93Pittsburgh_football_rivalry" title="Draft:Navy–Pittsburgh football rivalry">Draft:Navy–Pittsburgh football rivalry</a> (<small>American college football rivalry</small>) </td> <td>The Navy–Pittsburgh football rivalry is a <a href="/wiki/College_football" title="College football">college football</a> <a href="/wiki/College_rivalry" class="mw-redirect" title="College rivalry">rivalry</a> game between the <a href="/wiki/Navy_Midshipmen_football" title="Navy Midshipmen football">Midshipmen</a> of the <a href="/wiki/United_States_Naval_Academy" title="United States Naval Academy">United States Naval Academy</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Pittsburgh_Panthers_football" title="Pittsburgh Panthers football">Panthers</a> of the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Pittsburgh" title="University of Pittsburgh">University of Pittsburgh</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8861 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Fran%C3%A7ois_Alabrune" title="Draft:François Alabrune">Draft:François Alabrune</a> (<small>French diplomat and jurist</small>) </td> <td>François Alabrune is a <a href="/wiki/France" title="France">French</a> <a href="/wiki/Senior_civil_servant" class="mw-redirect" title="Senior civil servant">senior civil servant</a>, <a href="/wiki/Diplomat" title="Diplomat">diplomat</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Jurist" title="Jurist">jurist</a>, born on January 12, 1962 in <a href="/wiki/Halifax,_Nova_Scotia" title="Halifax, Nova Scotia">Halifax</a> (<a href="/wiki/Canada" title="Canada">Canada</a>). He has been the French <a href="/wiki/Ambassador" title="Ambassador">Ambassador</a> to the <a href="/wiki/Netherlands" title="Netherlands">Netherlands</a> since October 19, 2022, and serves as the Permanent Representative of France to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the International Legal Institutions in The Hague (Netherlands). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8857 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Say_Cheese_(film)" title="Draft:Say Cheese (film)">Draft:Say Cheese (film)</a> (<small>2019 documentary film</small>) </td> <td><i>Say Cheese</i> is a 2009 Indian documentary film directed by Ishani K. Dutta. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>8828 </td> <td>COI<br />draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mateusz_Sitek" title="Draft:Mateusz Sitek">Draft:Mateusz Sitek</a> (<small>Polish soldier</small>) </td> <td>Mateusz Sitek (19 October 2003 – 6 June 2024) was a Polish soldier who died as a result of a <a href="/wiki/Illegal_immigration" title="Illegal immigration">migrant</a> attack during the <a href="/wiki/Belarus%E2%80%93European_Union_border_crisis" title="Belarus–European Union border crisis">migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8793 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Wild_Hornets" title="Draft:Wild Hornets">Draft:Wild Hornets</a> (<small>Ukrainian non-profit that manufactures drones</small>) </td> <td>The Wild Hornets (<a href="/wiki/Ukrainian_language" title="Ukrainian language">Ukrainian</a>: <i>диких шершнів, <a href="/wiki/Romanization_of_Ukrainian" title="Romanization of Ukrainian">romanized</a> dykykh shershniv</i>) is an <a href="/wiki/Ukraine" title="Ukraine">Ukrainian</a> self-described <a href="/wiki/Non-profit_charity" class="mw-redirect" title="Non-profit charity">Non-profit charity</a> with the purpose of fabricating <a href="/wiki/Drone_warfare" title="Drone warfare">combat and support drones</a> for the <a href="/wiki/Armed_Forces_of_Ukraine" title="Armed Forces of Ukraine">Armed Forces of Ukraine</a> for the <a href="/wiki/Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine" title="Russian invasion of Ukraine">Russian invasion of Ukraine</a>. Created in spring 2023 by engineers working with the anti-tank unit of the <a href="/wiki/Separate_Presidential_Brigade" title="Separate Presidential Brigade">Separate Presidential Brigade</a>, drones from the Wild Hornets organization ... </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8790 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:European_Federation_of_National_Institutions_for_Language" title="Draft:European Federation of National Institutions for Language">Draft:European Federation of National Institutions for Language</a> (<small>Federation for European languages</small>) </td> <td>The European Federation of National Institutions for Language (EFNIL) is an organisation that seeks to work at a European and national level to promote European linguistic <a href="/wiki/Diversity" class="mw-disambig" title="Diversity">diversity</a>, with a specific focus on the <a href="/wiki/Official_language" title="Official language">official languages</a> of the <a href="/wiki/European_Union" title="European Union">European Union</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8785 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-26 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Strahinja_Janji%C4%87" title="Draft:Strahinja Janjić">Draft:Strahinja Janjić</a> (<small>Military Personnel</small>) </td> <td>Strahinja Janjić (<a href="/wiki/Serbian_Cyrillic_alphabet" title="Serbian Cyrillic alphabet">Serbian Cyrillic</a>: <span lang="sr-Cyrl">Страхиња Јањић</span>; April 13th 1906 - November 1966) was a Serbian officer in the <a href="/wiki/Royal_Yugoslav_Army" title="Royal Yugoslav Army">Royal Yugoslav Army</a> and a German agent in the Yugoslav government. He is notable for being a commander of <a href="/wiki/1st_Belgrade_Special_Combat_detachment" title="1st Belgrade Special Combat detachment">Serbian Gestapo</a> during <a href="/wiki/World_War_II" title="World War II">World War II</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8774 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Augie_K._Fabela_II" title="Draft:Augie K. Fabela II">Draft:Augie K. Fabela II</a> (<small>Augie K Fabela II, a Chicago-born American serial entrepreneur, founder of VEON</small>) </td> <td>Augie K. Fabela II (born 1968) is an American entrepreneur and business executive. He is the co-founder of the telecommunications company <a href="/wiki/VEON" title="VEON">VEON</a>, founder of <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=""></a>, a company focused on e-commerce-as-a-service. He serves as Chairman of VEON's board of directors, Executive Chairman of, and Chief Special Assistant to the Sheriff in Cook County, Illinois. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>8728 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Vaniya_Chettiar" title="Draft:Vaniya Chettiar">Draft:Vaniya Chettiar</a> (<small>A Hindu mercantile caste</small>) </td> <td>The Vaniyar, also known as Vania <a href="/wiki/Chettiar" title="Chettiar">Chettiar</a>, are an ethnic group residing in <a href="/wiki/Tamil_Nadu" title="Tamil Nadu">Tamil Nadu</a>, <a href="/wiki/India" title="India">India</a> . Vaniyar are a <a href="/wiki/Merchant" title="Merchant">mercantile community</a> who are Traditionally engaged in the oil trade, producing and selling oil extracted using chekku (traditional wooden oil presses). use the title <a href="/wiki/Chettiar" title="Chettiar">Chettiar</a>.They are classified under the Backward Class in the state's reservation system. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8674 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Deep_Research_Labs" title="Draft:Deep Research Labs">Draft:Deep Research Labs</a> (<small>English ocean technology and exploration organisation</small>) </td> <td>DEEP Research Labs (commonly referred to as DEEP) is a UK-based ocean technology and exploration company headquartered in <a href="/wiki/Bristol" title="Bristol">Bristol</a>. Founded in 2023 by Steve Etherton, DEEP engineers new technologies to improve the understanding and preservation of deep water environments. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8595 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Grace_Chow" title="Draft:Grace Chow">Draft:Grace Chow</a> (<small>Australian Actor and Writer</small>) </td> <td>Grace Chow is a multi-award winning Asian-Australian actress and writer. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8555 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Deep_Breathe" title="Draft:Deep Breathe">Draft:Deep Breathe</a> (<small>Medical technology company</small>) </td> <td>Deep Breathe is a Canadian <a href="/wiki/Health_technology" title="Health technology">medical technology</a> company headquartered in <a href="/wiki/London,_Ontario" title="London, Ontario">London, Ontario</a> that utilizes <a href="/wiki/Artificial_intelligence_in_healthcare" title="Artificial intelligence in healthcare">artificial intelligence</a> software in conjunction with <a href="/wiki/Medical_ultrasound" title="Medical ultrasound">medical ultrasound</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8537 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Gerry_Cardinale" title="Draft:Gerry Cardinale">Draft:Gerry Cardinale</a> (<small>American businessman</small>) </td> <td>Gerald Joseph Cardinale (born May 8th, 1967) is an American businessman, private equity investor and philanthropist. Cardinale is the Founder, Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer of RedBird Capital Partners LLC. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8503 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Leszek_S._Czarnecki" title="Draft:Leszek S. Czarnecki">Draft:Leszek S. Czarnecki</a> (<small>Polish-American Scientists and engineer</small>) </td> <td>Leszek S. Czarnecki is a Polish-American electrical engineer and professor emeritus at <a href="/wiki/Louisiana_State_University" title="Louisiana State University">Louisiana State University</a> (LSU). He is best known for his work on power theory in electrical circuits, particularly the development of the Currents' Physical Components (CPC) Power Theory. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8480 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Parsons_Sun" title="Draft:Parsons Sun">Draft:Parsons Sun</a> (<small>Kansis Newspaper</small>) </td> <td><i>The Parson’s Sun</i> is an American twice-weekly newspaper based in <a href="/wiki/Parsons,_Kansas" title="Parsons, Kansas">Parsons</a>, <a href="/wiki/Kansas" title="Kansas">Kansas</a>. It is the largest newspaper in <a href="/wiki/Labette_County,_Kansas" title="Labette County, Kansas">Labette County, Kansas</a> and has a circulation of 2,632. It publishes on Tuesday and Friday and focuses on the area of Labette county, Kansas. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8467 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Chad_Millman" title="Draft:Chad Millman">Draft:Chad Millman</a> (<small>Sports media personality</small>) </td> <td>Chad Millman (born 1971) is an American journalist, author, and media executive. He is currently the Chief Content Officer for Better Collective US, a company focused on sports betting media. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8466 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Flow_(type_checker)" title="Draft:Flow (type checker)">Draft:Flow (type checker)</a> (<small>Type-checker and JavaScript superset</small>) </td> <td>Flow is a popular, open-source <a href="/wiki/Type-checker" class="mw-redirect" title="Type-checker">type-checker</a> for <a href="/wiki/JavaScript" title="JavaScript">Javascript</a> code which is built and maintained by <a href="/wiki/Meta_Platforms" title="Meta Platforms">Meta Platforms</a>. It is used as an alternative for <a href="/wiki/TypeScript" title="TypeScript">TypeScript</a> and offers stricter analysis, but has a smaller ecosystem. For a while, <a href="/wiki/React_(software)" title="React (software)">React</a> recommended Flow as the static type checker to use with JSX, although React no longer provides guidance regarding type-checking following the recent redesign of their website. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8440 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pedro_Cuperman" title="Draft:Pedro Cuperman">Draft:Pedro Cuperman</a> (<small>Argentinian writer and university professor</small>) </td> <td>Pedro Cuperman (1936 – July 12, 2016) was an Argentine poet, writer, professor, and founder of the <i>Point of Contact</i> (POC) project, an initiative aimed at integrating multicultural and interdisciplinary arts with education. Cuperman spent four decades at Syracuse University, where he contributed significantly to the Spanish program and promoted international cultural exchanges. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8418 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Taylon_Hope" title="Draft:Taylon Hope">Draft:Taylon Hope</a> (<small>American singer, songwriter, and musician</small>) </td> <td>Taylon Hope Miller (born May 18, 2005), also known by her <a href="/wiki/Stage_name" title="Stage name">stage name</a> Taylon Hope, is an American <a href="/wiki/Singer" class="mw-redirect" title="Singer">singer</a>, <a href="/wiki/Songwriter" title="Songwriter">songwriter</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Musician" title="Musician">musician</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8399 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:HH-47_CSAR-X_Prototype" title="Draft:HH-47 CSAR-X Prototype">Draft:HH-47 CSAR-X Prototype</a> </td> <td>The HH-47 CSAR-X was a proposed helicopter by <a href="/wiki/Boeing" title="Boeing">Boeing</a> as a medium/heavy lift alternative to the <a href="/wiki/Sikorsky_HH-60_Pave_Hawk" title="Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk">HH-60 Pavehawk</a>. After several tests, Boeing was pronounced the winner and the HH-47 was selected for use. However, <a href="/wiki/Lockheed_Martin" title="Lockheed Martin">Lockheed Martin</a> protested the decision and requested a <a href="/wiki/Government_Accountability_Office" title="Government Accountability Office">Government Accountability Office</a> review in 2007. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8391 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:H%C3%A4rlig_%C3%84r_V%C3%A5r_Jord" title="Draft:Härlig Är Vår Jord">Draft:Härlig Är Vår Jord</a> (<small>Pre-ABBA song</small>) </td> <td>"Härlig Är Vår Jord" is a Swedish pop song by <a href="/wiki/Anni-Frid_Lyngstad" title="Anni-Frid Lyngstad">Anni-Frid Lyngstad</a> from 1969 written and conducted by <a href="/w/index.php?title=Ivan_Renliden&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Ivan Renliden (page does not exist)">Ivan Renliden</a>. Lyngstad performed it in <a href="/wiki/Melodifestivalen_1969" class="mw-redirect" title="Melodifestivalen 1969">Melodifestivalen 1969</a> where it finished in fifth place with eight points. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8349 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tohji" title="Draft:Tohji">Draft:Tohji</a> (<small>Japanese Hip hop star Tohji</small>) </td> <td>Tohji (born 5th February 1996) based in Tokyo, is a Japanese hip-hop artist. He is also active as a member of the crew "Mall Boyz" , which he formed with Gummyboy and others. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>8321 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Velox_(execution_engine)" title="Draft:Velox (execution engine)">Draft:Velox (execution engine)</a> (<small>Open Source composable execution engine for data management systems</small>) </td> <td>Velox is an open source composable execution engine written and distributed as a C++ library . Velox provides reusable, high-performance, and extensible data processing components that can be used when building data management systems. Velox implements the <i>execution engine</i> layer as defined in the composable data stack </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8317 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:EIRIS" title="Draft:EIRIS">Draft:EIRIS</a> (<small>Organisation that promotes ethical investing.</small>) </td> <td>EIRIS was established in 1983 as the UK's first independent research agency for ethical investors. The organisation was originally funded by the <a href="/wiki/Joseph_Rowntree_Charitable_Trust" title="Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust">Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust</a>, the <a href="/wiki/Quakers" title="Quakers">Quakers</a>, the <a href="/wiki/Church_of_England" title="Church of England">Church of England</a>, and others. It was founded at a time of increasing concern over <a href="/wiki/Apartheid" title="Apartheid">Apartheid</a> in <a href="/wiki/South_Africa" title="South Africa">South Africa</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>8316 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Buddhist_Broadcasting_System" title="Draft:Buddhist Broadcasting System">Draft:Buddhist Broadcasting System</a> (<small>South Korean radio and TV broadcaster</small>) </td> <td>The Buddhist Broadcasting System (BBS; <a href="/wiki/Korean_language" title="Korean language">Korean</a>: <span title="Korean-language text"><span lang="ko-Hang">불교방송</span></span>; <a href="/wiki/Hanja" title="Hanja">Hanja</a>: <span title="Korean-language text"><span lang="ko-Hani">佛敎放送</span></span>; <a href="/wiki/Revised_Romanization_of_Korean" title="Revised Romanization of Korean">RR</a>: <span title="Korean-language romanization"><i lang="ko-Latn">Bulgyo Bangsong</i></span>) is a <a href="/wiki/South_Korea" title="South Korea">South Korean</a> <a href="/wiki/Buddhism" title="Buddhism">Buddhist</a> radio and television broadcaster. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>8270 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Indian_Enterprise_Development_Service" title="Draft:Indian Enterprise Development Service">Draft:Indian Enterprise Development Service</a> (<small>This is an article about the IEDS, which is the newest civil service of Government of India.</small>) </td> <td>The Indian Enterprise Development Service (IEDS) is one of the <a href="/wiki/Civil_Services_of_India" title="Civil Services of India">Civil Services of India</a>. IEDS is under the <a href="/wiki/Ministry_of_Micro,_Small_and_Medium_Enterprises" title="Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises">Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises</a> (MoMSME). The creation of the service was approved in 2016, with the initial constitution of the service happening through the promotion of existing officers of Ministry of MSME. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8267 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Indigenous_critique_of_American_society" title="Draft:Indigenous critique of American society">Draft:Indigenous critique of American society</a> (<small>perspectives and evaluations of European settlers by Indigenous people</small>) </td> <td>The Indigenous critique of American society refers to the perspectives and evaluations of European settlers and their descendants by Indigenous peoples in North America. These critiques, developed through direct interaction and observation, highlighted significant differences in governance, social organization, environmental stewardship, and cultural values. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8257 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Chariot_Energy" title="Draft:Chariot Energy">Draft:Chariot Energy</a> (<small>Renewable Electricity Provider</small>) </td> <td>Chariot Energy is a retail electricity provider based in <a href="/wiki/Houston" title="Houston">Houston</a>, <a href="/wiki/Texas" title="Texas">Texas</a>. Established in 2019, Chariot Energy operates as a <a href="/wiki/Subsidiary" title="Subsidiary">subsidiary</a> of 174 Power Global, a solar project development company affiliated with the South Korean conglomerate, <a href="/wiki/Hanwha_Group" title="Hanwha Group">Hanwha Group</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8234 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:GovGPT" title="Draft:GovGPT">Draft:GovGPT</a> (<small>Public service tool</small>) </td> <td>GovGPT is a digital chat companion developed as a public pilot by the New Zealand Government. Designed as a "digital front door" for government services, GovGPT assists small businesses by providing user-friendly access to information grounded in publicly available government websites. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8233 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Fabian_(Twelfth_Night_character)" title="Draft:Fabian (Twelfth Night character)">Draft:Fabian (Twelfth Night character)</a> (<small>Character in Twelfth Night</small>) </td> <td>Fabian is a character in <a href="/wiki/William_Shakespeare" title="William Shakespeare">William Shakespeare</a>'s <i><a href="/wiki/Twelfth_Night" title="Twelfth Night">Twelfth Night</a></i>. He is a member of <a href="/wiki/Olivia_(Twelfth_Night)" title="Olivia (Twelfth Night)">Olivia</a>'s household. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8230 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jyrki_%22Spider%22_H%C3%A4m%C3%A4l%C3%A4inen" title="Draft:Jyrki "Spider" Hämäläinen">Draft:Jyrki "Spider" Hämäläinen</a> (<small>Finnish author, journalist and musician.</small>) </td> <td>Film music </td> <td>6 </td> <td>8227 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Fabin_Rasheed" title="Draft:Fabin Rasheed">Draft:Fabin Rasheed</a> (<small>Indian artist, designer, technologist</small>) </td> <td>Fabin Rasheed (born 1988, <a href="/wiki/Alappuzha" title="Alappuzha">Alappuzha,</a> <a href="/wiki/Kerala" title="Kerala">Kerala</a>) is an Indian artist, designer, and technologist, recognized for his work at the intersection of creativity, technology and consciousness.. Currently based out of <a href="/wiki/Dubai" title="Dubai">Dubai</a>, his works span topics on society, philosophy, and mental health, utilizing technologies like <a href="/wiki/Artificial_intelligence" title="Artificial intelligence">artificial intelligence</a> (AI), <a href="/wiki/Augmented_reality" title="Augmented reality">augmented reality</a> (AR), <a href="/wiki/Virtual_reality" title="Virtual reality">virtual reality</a> (VR), <a href="/wiki/Blockchain" title="Blockchain">blockchain</a> and <a href="/wiki/Generative_art" title="Generative art">generative art</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8226 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Fabin_Rasheed" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Fabin Rasheed">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Donna_Amelia" title="Draft:Donna Amelia">Draft:Donna Amelia</a> </td> <td>Dona Amelia (also known as Donna Amelia; born January 25, 1986) is an Indonesian actor, television presenter, and singer. She was the lead vocalist for the music group <a href="" class="extiw" title="id:Stinky">Stinky</a> from <a href="" class="extiw" title="id:2012">2012</a>. to <a href="" class="extiw" title="id:2013">2013</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8213 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Train_Thur_Doller_Alsace" title="Draft:Train Thur Doller Alsace">Draft:Train Thur Doller Alsace</a> (<small>A non-profit organisation which runs trains from Cernay St André to Sentheim.</small>) </td> <td>The Train Thur Doller Alsace, formerly <i>chemin de fer de la vallée de la Doller</i>, is a <a href="/wiki/Heritage_railway" title="Heritage railway">heritage railway</a> located in <a href="/wiki/Alsace" title="Alsace">Alsace</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Haut-Rhin" title="Haut-Rhin">Haut-Rhin</a>. It is managed by the TTDA association, loi de 1908, which offers heritage railway journeys with <a href="/wiki/Steam_locomotive" title="Steam locomotive">steam</a> or <a href="/wiki/Diesel_locomotive" title="Diesel locomotive">diesel</a> traction, on a 13.65 km section between Cernay-Saint-André and <a href="/wiki/Sentheim" title="Sentheim">Sentheim</a> of the old line from Cernay to <a href="/wiki/Sewen" title="Sewen">Sewen</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8198 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Katie_Ann_Marks" title="Draft:Katie Ann Marks">Draft:Katie Ann Marks</a> (<small>Artist and Animator</small>) </td> <td>Katie Ann Marks is an American artist based out of <a href="/wiki/Lexington,_Kentucky" title="Lexington, Kentucky">Lexington, Kentucky</a> working in <a href="/wiki/Stop_motion" title="Stop motion">stop-motion animation</a>, <a href="/wiki/Directing" class="mw-redirect mw-disambig" title="Directing">directing</a>, <a href="/wiki/Producing" class="mw-redirect mw-disambig" title="Producing">producing</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Exhibition" title="Exhibition">exhibitions</a>. They are most known for their stop-motion animated <a href="/wiki/Music_video" title="Music video">music videos</a> with their characters bearing resemblance to their live counterparts. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>8189 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Irwin_Eisenberg" title="Draft:Irwin Eisenberg">Draft:Irwin Eisenberg</a> (<small>American violinist and violin teacher</small>) </td> <td>Irwin Eisenberg (1919-July 3, 2014) He was an <a href="/wiki/Americans" title="Americans">American</a> violinist and string quartet player. He is remembered for his tenures with the St. Louis Symphony, Philadelphia Orchestra and Philadelphia String Quartet. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8188 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Olaf_Deutschmann" title="Draft:Olaf Deutschmann">Draft:Olaf Deutschmann</a> (<small>German Physicist</small>) </td> <td>Olaf Deutschmann is a German physicist and Professor for Chemical Technology at the <a href="/wiki/Karlsruhe_Institute_of_Technology" title="Karlsruhe Institute of Technology">Karlsruhe Institute of Technology</a>(KIT), Germany. He serves as director at the Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry and the Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology at KIT. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>8170 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pasha_Pashkov" title="Draft:Pasha Pashkov">Draft:Pasha Pashkov</a> (<small>Russian-born dancer</small>) </td> <td>Pasha Pashkov (born May 28, 1986) is a Russian-born dancer and choreographer. He is known for being one of the professional dancers on the American TV series <a href="/wiki/Dancing_with_the_Stars_(American_TV_series)" title="Dancing with the Stars (American TV series)"><i>Dancing with the Stars</i></a>, and also for participating in the <a href="/wiki/World_of_Dance_season_2" title="World of Dance season 2">second season</a> of <i><a href="/wiki/World_of_Dance_(TV_series)" title="World of Dance (TV series)">World of Dance</a></i>. He is the frequent dance partner of his wife, <a href="/wiki/Daniella_Karagach" title="Daniella Karagach">Daniella Karagach</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8165 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Igor_R._Janev" title="Draft:Igor R. Janev">Draft:Igor R. Janev</a> (<small>Macedonian diplomat and scientist, Macedonian senator</small>) </td> <td>Igor Janev (<a href="/wiki/Macedonian_language" title="Macedonian language">Macedonian</a>: <span lang="mk">Игор Jанев</span>) is a <a href="/wiki/SFRY" class="mw-redirect" title="SFRY">Yugoslav</a> and Macedonian diplomat and political scientist. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>8165 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Edwin_Pawlowicz" title="Draft:Edwin Pawlowicz">Draft:Edwin Pawlowicz</a> </td> <td>Edwin Pawlowicz, alias "Andrzej" (born February 21,1900 in Pinsk; died September 25,1943 in Lodz), was a road and bridge construction engineer who, during World War II, was the commander of the Home Army's special sabotage unit "Andrzej" and a lieutenant in the sappers' reserve. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8164 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sophia_Laforteza" title="Draft:Sophia Laforteza">Draft:Sophia Laforteza</a> (<small>Filipino singer based in Los Angeles (born 2002)</small>) </td> <td>Sophia Elizabeth Guevara Laforteza (born December 31, 2002), known <a href="/wiki/Mononymously" class="mw-redirect" title="Mononymously">mononymously</a> as Sophia, is a Filipino singer based in <a href="/wiki/Los_Angeles" title="Los Angeles">Los Angeles</a>, California. In 2024, she made her debut as the leader of the <a href="/wiki/Girl_group" title="Girl group">girl group</a> <a href="/wiki/Katseye" title="Katseye">Katseye</a>, a result of ranking first in <a href="/wiki/Hybe_UMG" class="mw-redirect" title="Hybe UMG">Hybe UMG</a> and <a href="/wiki/Geffen_Records" title="Geffen Records">Geffen Records</a>' global competition reality show <i><a href="/wiki/Dream_Academy" title="Dream Academy">Dream Academy</a></i> in 2023. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8143 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Carlo_Sciaccaluga" title="Draft:Carlo Sciaccaluga">Draft:Carlo Sciaccaluga</a> (<small>Italian Theatre Director</small>) </td> <td>Carlo Sciaccaluga is the son of artists (his father, <a href="/wiki/Marco_Sciaccaluga" title="Marco Sciaccaluga">Marco Sciaccaluga</a>, was also a director, while his mother, Valeria Manari, was a set designer and costume designer). He made his debut as an actor in 2009, performing in German with Matthias Langhoff at the Landestheater in <a href="/wiki/Linz" title="Linz">Linz</a>, Austria. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8142 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bogi_Eliasen" title="Draft:Bogi Eliasen">Draft:Bogi Eliasen</a> (<small>Initiator of the first human genome project and known futurist</small>) </td> <td>Bogi Eliasen was the initiator and Director of the first population genome project: FarGen , designed to collect population data and instigating precision medicine in the Faroe Islands, but he is now better known as a futurist. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8109 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mark_Andrew_Joseph_Chaplain" title="Draft:Mark Andrew Joseph Chaplain">Draft:Mark Andrew Joseph Chaplain</a> (<small>British mathematician (born 1964)</small>) </td> <td>Mark Andrew Joseph Chaplain <span class="nobold noexcerpt nowraplinks" style="font-size:;"><span style="font-size: 85%;"><a href="/wiki/Fellow_of_the_Royal_Society_of_Edinburgh" class="mw-redirect" title="Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh">FRSE</a></span></span> (short Mark A.J. Chaplain or Mark Chaplain) was born 1 May 1964 in <a href="/wiki/Dundee" title="Dundee">Dundee</a>, <a href="/wiki/Scotland" title="Scotland">Scotland</a> and is a British <a href="/wiki/Mathematician" title="Mathematician">mathematician</a> and <a href="/wiki/Mathematical_biology" class="mw-redirect" title="Mathematical biology">mathematical biologist</a>. Since 2015 he has held the Gregory Chair of Applied Mathematics at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_St_Andrews" title="University of St Andrews">University of St Andrews</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8101 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Career_Sparkle" title="Draft:Career Sparkle">Draft:Career Sparkle</a> (<small>Career Sparkle in Hong Kong</small>) </td> <td>Career Sparkle is a career planning service center in St. James’ Settlement, located in the Wan Chai Jockey Club Social Services Building, Hong Kong. The center was established in 2014 and that is the first youth career planning service center in Hong Kong. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>8095 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-02 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Accident_causation" title="Draft:Accident causation">Draft:Accident causation</a> (<small>Accident causation studies root causes of accidents.</small>) </td> <td>Accident causation is the study of the underlying factors and <a href="/wiki/Time" title="Time">sequences of events</a> that lead to <a href="/wiki/Accident" title="Accident">accidents</a>. Understanding accident causation is essential for developing effective prevention measures in <a href="/wiki/Workplace" title="Workplace">workplaces</a>, <a href="/wiki/Transport" title="Transport">transportation</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Public_space" title="Public space">public spaces</a>. By examining the root causes of accidents, safety professionals can implement strategies to mitigate hazards and improve safety protocols. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8081 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yves_Ayant" title="Draft:Yves Ayant">Draft:Yves Ayant</a> (<small>French theoretical physicist and professor</small>) </td> <td>Yves Ayant (born on January 6, 1926 - June 8, 2016) was a French theoretical physicist and professor of at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Grenoble" class="mw-redirect" title="University of Grenoble">University of Grenoble</a>. Ayant received the first <a href="/wiki/Paul_Langevin_Prize" class="mw-redirect" title="Paul Langevin Prize">Paul Langevin Prize</a> in 1957 and his books have been used as teaching texts in several universities, and been translated for use as textbooks. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8056 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hormoz_Shariat" title="Draft:Hormoz Shariat">Draft:Hormoz Shariat</a> (<small>Christian Pastor</small>) </td> <td>Hormoz Shariat (born 1955) is an <a href="/wiki/Iranian_Americans" title="Iranian Americans">Iranian-American</a> Christian pastor, <a href="/wiki/Author" title="Author">author</a>, and media broadcaster, often referred to as the "Billy Graham of Iran" for his role in spreading Christianity throughout the Persian-speaking world. Born in <a href="/wiki/Tehran" title="Tehran">Tehran</a>, <a href="/wiki/Iran" title="Iran">Iran</a>, Shariat became a prominent figure in Christian evangelism after founding <i><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Iran Alive Ministries</a></i>, a satellite TV network that broadcasts Christian programming to millions in Iran and the Middle East. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8013 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lili_Marlene_(aircraft)" title="Draft:Lili Marlene (aircraft)">Draft:Lili Marlene (aircraft)</a> (<small>Air accident in the Philippines.</small>) </td> <td>The <i>Lili Marline</i>, also known as the Lily Marline, was a <a href="/wiki/Douglas_C-47_Skytrain" title="Douglas C-47 Skytrain">Douglas C-47 Skytrain</a> that crashed at <a href="/wiki/Mount_Makaturing" title="Mount Makaturing">Mount Makaturing</a>, near <a href="/wiki/Marawi" title="Marawi">Dansalan, Lanao Del Sur</a>. All 17 people on board were killed. Among those on board, were high-ranking Philippine Government Officials, including Colonel Edwin Andrews, Chief of Staff of the Philippine Army Air Corps (PAAC, later <a href="/wiki/Philippine_Air_Force" title="Philippine Air Force">Philippine Air Force</a>) and the Board of Directors of the National Land Settlement Administration ([[National Land Settlement Admi ... </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7960 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:244_Field_Regiment" title="Draft:244 Field Regiment">Draft:244 Field Regiment</a> (<small>Indian military unit</small>) </td> <td>244 Medium Regiment is part of the <a href="/wiki/Regiment_of_Artillery_(India)" title="Regiment of Artillery (India)">Regiment of Artillery</a> of the <a href="/wiki/Indian_Army" title="Indian Army">Indian Army</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7946 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Valdahon_Airfield" title="Draft:Valdahon Airfield">Draft:Valdahon Airfield</a> (<small>Military airfield, and camp in France</small>) </td> <td>The Camp du Valdahon Airfield (also known as Emergency Landing Ground E/Besançon-Valdahon) is apart of a French military camp established in 1907, located in <a href="/wiki/Doubs" title="Doubs">Doubs</a>, <a href="/wiki/Franche-Comt%C3%A9" title="Franche-Comté">Franche-Comté</a>. It served as an aviation site with observation balloons starting in 1909, and later supported runways and remained active through both World Wars and into the 1950s. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7945 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Oath_of_Cyriac" title="Draft:The Oath of Cyriac">Draft:The Oath of Cyriac</a> (<small>Archaeological movie relating history based facts during the Syrian civil war. Based on a true story</small>) </td> <td><i>The Oath of Cyriac</i> is a feature-length documentary-fiction film directed by Olivier Bourgeois and released in 2021. It deals with the challenges of heritage protection, happening during the civil conflict of Syria which started in 2011. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7924 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Diedersdorfer_Heide_and_Gro%C3%9Fbeerener_Graben_landscape_conservation_area" title="Draft:Diedersdorfer Heide and Großbeerener Graben landscape conservation area">Draft:Diedersdorfer Heide and Großbeerener Graben landscape conservation area</a> (<small>A national park in Germany</small>) </td> <td>The Diedersdorfer Heide and Großbeerener Graben is a 55 square kilometre landscape conservation area in the <a href="/wiki/Teltow-Fl%C3%A4ming" title="Teltow-Fläming">Teltow-Fläming district</a> of <a href="/wiki/Brandenburg" title="Brandenburg">Brandenburg</a>, Germany . The area is mainly used for agriculture, forestry, and recreational purposes. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7918 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Swimming_with_Wings_(Animation_Film)" title="Draft:Swimming with Wings (Animation Film)">Draft:Swimming with Wings (Animation Film)</a> (<small>2022 Israeli-Dutch animated short film</small>) </td> <td><i>Swimming with Wings</i> (<a href="/wiki/Hebrew_language" title="Hebrew language">Hebrew</a>: <span lang="he" dir="rtl">לשחות עם כנפיים</span>) is a <a href="/wiki/2023" title="2023">2023</a> <a href="/wiki/Cinema_of_Israel" title="Cinema of Israel">Israeli</a>-<a href="/wiki/Cinema_of_the_Netherlands" title="Cinema of the Netherlands">Dutch</a> <a href="/wiki/Animation" title="Animation">animated</a> <a href="/wiki/Short_film" title="Short film">short</a> <a href="/wiki/Documentary" class="mw-redirect" title="Documentary">documentary</a> written and directed by <a href="/wiki/Daphna_Awadish" title="Daphna Awadish">Daphna Awadish</a>. The film explores the <a href="/wiki/Immigration" title="Immigration">immigration</a> experience through the eyes of little Israeli girl learning how to swim with clothes on in the Netherlands. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7912 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Oneupmanship_(game)" title="Draft:Oneupmanship (game)">Draft:Oneupmanship (game)</a> (<small>Money Board Game</small>) </td> <td>Oneupmanship, officially called Oneupmanship: Mine's Bigger was a <a href="/wiki/Board_game" title="Board game">board game</a> created in 2013 that was self-published and funded on <a href="/wiki/Kickstarter" title="Kickstarter">Kickstarter</a> as a "satirical game about <a href="/wiki/Money" title="Money">money</a>, <a href="/wiki/Power_(social_and_political)" title="Power (social and political)">power</a>, ego and nerve". A partner of the game stated that the inspiration behind Oneupmanship was based around a <a href="/wiki/Competition" title="Competition">competition</a> between buying yachts, and wanted to transform the competitive <a href="/wiki/Betting" class="mw-redirect" title="Betting">betting</a> and <a href="/wiki/Trade" title="Trade">buying</a> of items into a <a href="/wiki/Board_game" title="Board game">board game</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7904 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Global_Sensitivity_Analysis._The_Primer" title="Draft:Global Sensitivity Analysis. The Primer">Draft:Global Sensitivity Analysis. The Primer</a> (<small>Book published in 2007</small>) </td> <td>"Global Sensitivity Analysis. The Primer" by <a href="/wiki/Andrea_Saltelli" title="Andrea Saltelli">Andrea Saltelli</a> and others is an introduction to <a href="/wiki/Sensitivity_analysis" title="Sensitivity analysis">sensitivity analysis</a> of model output, a discipline that studies how the uncertainty in model input and model assumptions propagates to model output and model-based inference. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7894 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Vanessa_Latarche" title="Draft:Vanessa Latarche">Draft:Vanessa Latarche</a> (<small>British Pianist and Educator</small>) </td> <td>Vanessa Latarche is a British <a href="/wiki/Pianist" title="Pianist">pianist</a> and <a href="/wiki/Educator" class="mw-redirect" title="Educator">educator</a>, Head of Keyboard at the <a href="/wiki/Royal_College_of_Music" title="Royal College of Music">Royal College of Music</a> in London. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7879 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Qubein_Center" title="Draft:Qubein Center">Draft:Qubein Center</a> (<small>High Point University Basketball Arena</small>) </td> <td>Qubein Center also the Qubein Arena is an basketball arena in <a href="/wiki/High_Point" class="mw-disambig" title="High Point">High Point</a>. It is home to the <a href="/wiki/High_Point_Panthers" title="High Point Panthers">High Point Panthers</a> men and women's basketball. They play of the Tubby & Donna Smith Court. It is 4,500 seated arena with luxury suites inside of the arena. It can have up to 5,000 people in the arena. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7875 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Correns_Corporation" title="Draft:Correns Corporation">Draft:Correns Corporation</a> (<small>A trading company in Japan.</small>) </td> <td>Correns Corporation is a trading company specializing in machinery and components. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>7873 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cun-Quan_Zhang" title="Draft:Cun-Quan Zhang">Draft:Cun-Quan Zhang</a> (<small>Chinese-American mathematician (b.1952)</small>) </td> <td>C. Q. Zhang (full name: Cun-Quan Zhang, born 1952) is a mathematician working mainly in <a href="/wiki/Graph_theory" title="Graph theory">graph theory</a>, currently a professor emeritus at the <a href="/wiki/West_Virginia_University" title="West Virginia University">West Virginia University</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>7847 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mashgin" title="Draft:Mashgin">Draft:Mashgin</a> (<small>AI company with $45M annual rev</small>) </td> <td>Mashgin is an <a href="/wiki/Artificial_intelligence" title="Artificial intelligence">artificial intelligence</a> (AI) company headquartered in Palo Alto, California, that develops <a href="/wiki/Computer_vision" title="Computer vision">computer vision</a> hardware and software for automated retail checkout. The company is known for its AI-powered checkout system that uses cameras to recognize items based on physical characteristics such as size, shape, and color, rather than barcodes. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7821 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dravidian_Model" title="Draft:Dravidian Model">Draft:Dravidian Model</a> (<small>A Governance Model contrasting Central Governments policies and seeking more federal autonomy</small>) </td> <td>The Dravidian model is a governance approach that aims for peace, progress, and prosperity through principles of social justice, rational thought, and equity. It emphasizes inclusive industrialization to address both economic and social deprivations, with a focus on sharing prosperity through productivity. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7818 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Srabana_Misra_Bhagabaty" title="Draft:Srabana Misra Bhagabaty">Draft:Srabana Misra Bhagabaty</a> (<small>Indian medical doctor acknowledged by the World Health Organization Southeastasia</small>) </td> <td>Srabana Misra Bhagabaty, is an Indian medical doctor and preventive <a href="/wiki/Oncologist" class="mw-redirect" title="Oncologist">oncologist</a>. She was honoured by the <a href="/wiki/World_Health_Organization" title="World Health Organization">World Health Organization</a>, in 2022, by bestowing on her the <a href="/wiki/South_East_Asia" class="mw-redirect" title="South East Asia">South East Asia</a> Director’s Special Recognition Award . for his contributions in <a href="/wiki/Tobacco_control" title="Tobacco control">tobacco control</a> in the Southeast Asia region. </td> <td>5 </td> <td>7803 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Melvin_L._Rubin" title="Draft:Melvin L. Rubin">Draft:Melvin L. Rubin</a> (<small>Ophthalmologist, educator and author</small>) </td> <td>Melvin L. Rubin, M.D. was an American ophthalmologist, educator, and author. According to JAMA Ophthalmology, Dr. Rubin was "one of the foremost scholars and teachers of his generation." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7796 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mio_Masui" title="Draft:Mio Masui">Draft:Mio Masui</a> (<small>Japanese singer and idol</small>) </td> <td>is a Japanese singer-songwriter and <a href="/wiki/Japanese_idol" title="Japanese idol">idol</a> from <a href="/wiki/Tokyo" title="Tokyo">Tokyo</a>, <a href="/wiki/Japan" title="Japan">Japan</a>. She is the vocalist of cute metal band <a href="/w/index.php?title=Mellows&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Mellows (page does not exist)">Mellows</a> and former member of the Japanese girl group <a href="/wiki/Passpo" title="Passpo">PASSPO☆</a> and rock/pop group BabooBee. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7795 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jaime_Claudio_Villamil" title="Draft:Jaime Claudio Villamil">Draft:Jaime Claudio Villamil</a> (<small>Puerto Rican Rican medical doctor, writer, professor and television personality</small>) </td> <td>Dr. Jaime Claudio Villamil is a Puerto Rican medical doctor, television reporter, psychologist, professor, and writer who has published a book on the uses of <a href="/wiki/Medical_cannabis" title="Medical cannabis">medical cannabis</a>, in addition to numerous newspaper columns in <i><a href="/wiki/El_Nuevo_D%C3%ADa" title="El Nuevo Día">El Nuevo Día</a></i>. He has a family practice in <a href="/wiki/Santurce,_Puerto_Rico" class="mw-redirect" title="Santurce, Puerto Rico">Santurce</a>, <a href="/wiki/San_Juan,_Puerto_Rico" title="San Juan, Puerto Rico">San Juan, Puerto Rico</a>. </td> <td>7 </td> <td>7777 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ivan_Bullock" title="Draft:Ivan Bullock">Draft:Ivan Bullock</a> (<small>Ivan Bullock is an Australian musician</small>) </td> <td>Ivan Brooke Slade Bullock (born 1976) is an Australian musician, composer, and multi-instrumentalist. He is known for his music projects Mystral Tide and Minorarc, which incorporate the genres of dark wave, industrial, classical, and progressive metal.He is the founder of the non-profit arts projects Dawn Industry and Enzyme, which contributed to underground music and experimental music in Australia. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7758 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jan_Poolman" title="Draft:Jan Poolman">Draft:Jan Poolman</a> (<small>Dutch microbiologist and bacterial vaccine expert</small>) </td> <td>Jan T Poolman Ph.D. (1951) is a Dutch microbiologist and bacterial vaccine expert. His life has been dedicated to the discovery and development of bacterial vaccines. He is known for his role in the development of <a href="/wiki/Meningococcal_vaccine" title="Meningococcal vaccine">meningococcal</a>, <a href="/wiki/Pneumococcal_conjugate_vaccine" title="Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine">pneumococcal</a>, <a href="/wiki/Pertussis_vaccine" title="Pertussis vaccine">pertussis</a>, <a href="/wiki/Hib_vaccine" title="Hib vaccine"><i>Haemophilus influenzae type</i> b</a> (Hib), <a href="/wiki/Escherichia_coli" title="Escherichia coli"><i>E.</i> <i>coli</i></a> and <i><a href="/wiki/Staphylococcus_aureus" title="Staphylococcus aureus">S. aureus</a></i> vaccines. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>7716 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Symbols_of_Laval,_Quebec" title="Draft:Symbols of Laval, Quebec">Draft:Symbols of Laval, Quebec</a> (<small>Symbols of Laval</small>) </td> <td>The city of <a href="/wiki/Laval,_Quebec" title="Laval, Quebec">Laval</a> is represented by many symbols. Mainly a tartan, coat of arms and a flag. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7708 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Michael_Garlington" title="Draft:Michael Garlington">Draft:Michael Garlington</a> (<small>American artist, photographer and sculpture</small>) </td> <td>Michael Garlington (born 1977) is an American artist and photographer known for his immersive installations and intricate large-scale sculptures. Based in Petaluma, California, Garlington blends photography, sculpture, and storytelling to craft surreal environments exploring themes of identity, mortality, and the human experience. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7708 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lawrence_John_de_Whalley" title="Draft:Lawrence John de Whalley">Draft:Lawrence John de Whalley</a> (<small>British chemist (1853–1937)</small>) </td> <td>Lawrence John de Whalley (11 May 1853 – 9 January 1937) was a British chemist, noted for improvements in sugar refining, filtration and the manufacture of <a href="/wiki/Golden_Syrup" class="mw-redirect" title="Golden Syrup">Golden Syrup</a>. In his industry he pioneered tests including the iron test for sugar liquors and the sulphide stain method for sulphites. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7705 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ordos_No.1_High_School" title="Draft:Ordos No.1 High School">Draft:Ordos No.1 High School</a> (<small>Public high school</small>) </td> <td>Ordos No. 1 High School, its originally called "National Yimeng High School", founded in 1939, is a grammar school locates in the <a href="/wiki/Inner_Mongolia" title="Inner Mongolia">Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region</a> of China. After the founding of the <a href="/wiki/China" title="China">People's Republic of China</a> (1949), it was taken over by the People's Government of Suiyuan Province. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>7688 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Charlton_J._Meginley" title="Draft:Charlton J. Meginley">Draft:Charlton J. Meginley</a> (<small>Brief bio</small>) </td> <td>Charlton J. Meginley is a retired American military officer. He retired in the rank of Colonel from the United States Air Force after 20 years of service. Upon his military retirement, he became General Counsel for Louisiana Secretary of State, Kyle Ardoin. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7685 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lighthouse_Festival_(theatre_festival)" title="Draft:Lighthouse Festival (theatre festival)">Draft:Lighthouse Festival (theatre festival)</a> (<small>Canadian professional theatre festival</small>) </td> <td>Lighthouse Festival is a Canadian professional <a href="/wiki/Theatre" title="Theatre">theatre</a> festival in Port Dover, Ontario, Canada, established in 1980. It features Canadian comedies, musicals, and dramas. The festival also hosts community and young company productions, as well as guest events throughout the year. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7619 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Katherine_May" title="Draft:Katherine May">Draft:Katherine May</a> (<small>British author and podcaster</small>) </td> <td>Katherine May is a British author and podcaster. She has written three memoirs: <i>The Electricity of Every Living Thing: A Woman's Walk in the Wild to Find Her Way Home</i>, and <i>Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times</i> and <i>Enchantment: Reawakening Wonder in an Exhausted Age</i>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7605 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ars_Paradoxica" title="Draft:Ars Paradoxica">Draft:Ars Paradoxica</a> (<small>Sci-fi Podcast</small>) </td> <td>Ars Paradoxica (stylized as ars PARADOXICA) is a <a href="/wiki/Science_fiction_podcast" title="Science fiction podcast">science fiction podcast</a> created by Mischa Stanton and Daniel Manning. In-universe audio recordings tell the story of Dr. Sally Grissom, a scientist from the present day that accidentally invents time travel and is sent back to the <a href="/wiki/USS_Eldridge" title="USS Eldridge">USS Eldridge</a> in 1943. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7586 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Stanley_C._Allyn" title="Draft:Stanley C. Allyn">Draft:Stanley C. Allyn</a> (<small>Stanley Charles Allyn, NCR CEO (1957–1961)</small>) </td> <td>Stanley Charles Allyn became assistant controller of the National Cash Register Company (NCR) in 1916 at the age of 25, thereafter he rose rapidly to become chief executive of the company. Stanley Charles Allyn, who concluded his tenure as Chairman of the Board of the National Cash Register Company at the end of 1961. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7583 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kamrul_H._Tarafder" title="Draft:Kamrul H. Tarafder">Draft:Kamrul H. Tarafder</a> </td> <td>Kamrul Hasan Tarafder, (born May 25, 1957) sits on several boards in both business and NGOs including <a href="/wiki/Microfinance" title="Microfinance">microfinance</a> council of the Philippines, <a href="/wiki/Credit_bureau" title="Credit bureau">credit bureau</a> MiDAS and others. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7582 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:John_McLean_(businessman)" title="Draft:John McLean (businessman)">Draft:John McLean (businessman)</a> (<small>Australian Businessman</small>) </td> <td>John McLean is an Australian businessman, and the current CEO of Bundaberg Brewed Drinks, a company renowned for its traditional brewed non-alcoholic beverages. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7567 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Michael_Riley_(golf_course_architect)" title="Draft:Michael Riley (golf course architect)">Draft:Michael Riley (golf course architect)</a> (<small>American golf course architect</small>) </td> <td>Michael Riley (born 1958-1959) is an American <a href="/wiki/Golf_course_architect" class="mw-redirect" title="Golf course architect">golf course architect</a>. He designed various golf courses under <a href="/wiki/Jack_Nicklaus" title="Jack Nicklaus">Jack Nicklaus</a> and later <a href="/wiki/Bob_Cupp" title="Bob Cupp">Bob Cupp</a> before starting his own business Michael Riley Design in 1992. Since then, Riley has designed and renovated numerous courses in the contiguous <a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">United States</a>, primarily in <a href="/wiki/Georgia_(U.S._state)" title="Georgia (U.S. state)">Georgia</a>, where he resides. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7564 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alejandro_Cort%C3%A9s_Calahorra" title="Draft:Alejandro Cortés Calahorra">Draft:Alejandro Cortés Calahorra</a> (<small>Spanish screenwriter and director</small>) </td> <td>Alejandro Cortés Calahorra <a href="/wiki/Zaragoza" title="Zaragoza">Zaragoza</a>, <a href="/wiki/Arag%C3%B3n" class="mw-redirect" title="Aragón">Aragón</a>; June 10, 1983 is a Spanish <a href="/wiki/Screenwriter" title="Screenwriter">Screenwriter</a> and <a href="/wiki/Film_director" title="Film director">Film director</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7555 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Karl_Bozicevic" title="Draft:Karl Bozicevic">Draft:Karl Bozicevic</a> (<small>American Attorney</small>) </td> <td>Karl Bozicevic is an American attorney, inventor, and author. He is known as the co-founder and partner at Bozicevic, Field and Francis, LLP. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7539 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-02 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Amber_Nova" title="Draft:Amber Nova">Draft:Amber Nova</a> (<small>American professional wrestler</small>) </td> <td>Amber Flora (born November 2, 1991) is an <a href="/wiki/Americans" title="Americans">American</a> <a href="/wiki/Professional_wrestler" class="mw-redirect" title="Professional wrestler">professional wrestler</a> better known by her <a href="/wiki/Ring_name" title="Ring name">ring name</a> Amber Nova. She is currently working for <a href="/wiki/SHINE_Wrestling" class="mw-redirect" title="SHINE Wrestling">SHINE Wrestling</a> where she is a former <a href="/wiki/Shine_Nova_Championship" title="Shine Nova Championship">Shine Nova Champion</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7539 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nini_Nguyen" title="Draft:Nini Nguyen">Draft:Nini Nguyen</a> (<small>American chef</small>) </td> <td>Nini Nguyen is an American chef, cookbook author, and television personality known for her Vietnamese and Louisiana-inspired culinary style. She gained national recognition on <i><a href="/wiki/Top_Chef:_Kentucky" title="Top Chef: Kentucky">Top Chef: Kentucky</a></i> (Season 16) and returned for <a href="/wiki/Top_Chef:_All-Stars_L.A." title="Top Chef: All-Stars L.A.">Top Chef: All-Stars L.A.</a> (Season 17). </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7506 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kees_Hengeveld" title="Draft:Kees Hengeveld">Draft:Kees Hengeveld</a> (<small>Kees Hengeveld (title):Prominent Dutch Linguist. Intellectual Father of Functional Discourse Grammar</small>) </td> <td>Kees Hengeveld (official name: Pieter Cornelis Hengeveld) (born November 20, 1957) is a <a href="/wiki/Linguistics" title="Linguistics">linguist</a>. He is "the intellectual father" of <a href="/wiki/Functional_discourse_grammar" title="Functional discourse grammar">Functional Discourse Grammar</a>, a typologically based theory of language structure. He is particularly associated with a layered approach to the analysis of <a href="/wiki/Pragmatics" title="Pragmatics">pragmatics</a>, <a href="/wiki/Semantics" title="Semantics">semantics</a>, <a href="/wiki/Morphology_(linguistics)" title="Morphology (linguistics)">morphosyntax</a> and <a href="/wiki/Phonology" title="Phonology">phonology</a>, in which higher layers have scope over lower ones. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7506 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Miriiam" title="Draft:Miriiam">Draft:Miriiam</a> (<small>Musical artist</small>) </td> <td>Mirjam Vukašin known professionally as Miriiam, is a Croatian singer and songwriter. She sings and writes in English, and her music fits within the genres of <a href="/wiki/Independent_music" title="Independent music">indie</a>, <a href="/wiki/Indie_folk" title="Indie folk">indie folk</a>, folk-rock, <a href="/wiki/Americana_music" title="Americana music">Americana</a>, and pop-country. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7489 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Norma_Hendricks" title="Draft:Norma Hendricks">Draft:Norma Hendricks</a> (<small>First Female Mayor in Leesburg, FL</small>) </td> <td>Norma Hendricks (26 March 1911– 15 August 1990) was a columnist/journalist for the Lake Sentinel (an edition of the Orlando Sentinel) and the Daily Commercial as well as the first female mayor of <a href="/wiki/Leesburg,_Florida" title="Leesburg, Florida">Leesburg, Florida</a> (the second in all of <a href="/wiki/Lake_County,_Florida" title="Lake County, Florida">Lake County, Florida</a>). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7482 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Devendra_Kothe" title="Draft:Devendra Kothe">Draft:Devendra Kothe</a> (<small>Indian politician (born 1990)</small>) </td> <td>Devendra Rajesh Kothe (born 9 September 1990) is an Indian politician from <a href="/wiki/Maharashtra" title="Maharashtra">Maharashtra</a>. He is a member of <a href="/wiki/Bhartiya_Janata_Party" class="mw-redirect" title="Bhartiya Janata Party">Bhartiya Janata Party</a> and a Member of <a href="/wiki/Maharashtra_Legislative_Assembly" title="Maharashtra Legislative Assembly">Maharashtra Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha)</a> elected from <a href="/wiki/Solapur_City_Central_(Vidhan_Sabha_constituency)" class="mw-redirect" title="Solapur City Central (Vidhan Sabha constituency)">Solapur City Central</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7460 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:City_University_of_Hong_Kong_Teaching_Farm" title="Draft:City University of Hong Kong Teaching Farm">Draft:City University of Hong Kong Teaching Farm</a> (<small>Cows raised by City University of Hong Kong</small>) </td> <td><a href="/wiki/City_University_of_Hong_Kong" title="City University of Hong Kong">City University of Hong Kong</a> (CityU) officially inaugurated a teaching farm in <a href="/wiki/Lam_Tsuen" title="Lam Tsuen">Lam Tsuen</a>, Tai Po, on 16 November 2022 in order to promote trading of veterinary medicine, the concept of <a href="/wiki/One_Health" title="One Health">One Health</a> and ensure <a href="/wiki/Public_health" title="Public health">public health</a> and <a href="/wiki/Animal_welfare" title="Animal welfare">animal welfare</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7459 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:2024_Gome_torture_scandal" title="Draft:2024 Gome torture scandal">Draft:2024 Gome torture scandal</a> (<small>Indonesian military scandal in West Papua</small>) </td> <td>The 2024 Gome torture scandal or the Omukia torture scandal was the torture of two alleged members of the <a href="/wiki/Free_Papua_Movement" title="Free Papua Movement">Free Papua Movement</a> and the death of another in Omukia village, Gome district in February 2024. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7438 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Broadcast_Internet" title="Draft:Broadcast Internet">Draft:Broadcast Internet</a> (<small>Newly formed Trade Assoication</small>) </td> <td>Broadcast Internet is an emerging technology that merges traditional broadcasting with internet-based data delivery. It aims to revolutionize content delivery by combining the reliability and reach of broadcasting with the interactivity and flexibility of the internet. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7432 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Battle_of_Wana_Camp" title="Draft:Battle of Wana Camp">Draft:Battle of Wana Camp</a> (<small>1894 Suprise attack on the British encampment in Wana, modern day Pakistan</small>) </td> <td>The Battle of Wana Camp was a battle on 3 November 1894 between rebel <a href="/wiki/Mahsud" title="Mahsud">Mahsud</a> tribesmen and a British colonial frontier force stationed in <a href="/wiki/Wanna,_Pakistan" title="Wanna, Pakistan">Wana</a>, on the northwestern frontier of the <a href="/wiki/British_Raj" title="British Raj">British Raj</a>. The battle began a campaign of offensive actions by British forces in Waziristan to reduce the strength of Mahsud tribes within the area. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7407 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Quarto_(software)" title="Draft:Quarto (software)">Draft:Quarto (software)</a> (<small>Document publishing software</small>) </td> <td>Quarto is a <a href="/wiki/Free_and_open-source" class="mw-redirect" title="Free and open-source">free and open-source</a> scientific and technical publishing system developed by <a href="/wiki/Posit_PBC" title="Posit PBC">Posit PBC</a>, the developer of <a href="/wiki/RStudio" title="RStudio">RStudio</a> and <a href="/wiki/Tidyverse" title="Tidyverse">Tidyverse</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7379 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mario_P%C3%A9rez_de_Arce_Lav%C3%ADn" title="Draft:Mario Pérez de Arce Lavín">Draft:Mario Pérez de Arce Lavín</a> (<small>Chilean architect</small>) </td> <td>Mario Pérez de Arce Lavín (1917–2010) was a Chilean architect known for his influence on modern architecture and urban planning in Chile. In 1989, he was awarded the <a href="/w/index.php?title=Chilean_National_Architecture_Prize&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Chilean National Architecture Prize (page does not exist)">Chilean National Architecture Prize</a> in recognition of his professional career and impact on urbanism in the country. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7367 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Chris_Cheung_(h0nh1m)" title="Draft:Chris Cheung (h0nh1m)">Draft:Chris Cheung (h0nh1m)</a> (<small>New media artist who based in Hong Kong</small>) </td> <td>Chris Cheung Hon Him (Chinese: 張瀚謙; b. 1983), also known as h0nh1m, is a Hong Kong <a href="/wiki/New_media_art" title="New media art">new media artist</a>, director and curator. Cheung is best known for installation art and audiovisual performances. His installations and audiovisual performances incorporate electronic, sound, visual, and creative technologies. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7258 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Brandon_Richardson_(actor)" title="Draft:Brandon Richardson (actor)">Draft:Brandon Richardson (actor)</a> (<small>American actor</small>) </td> <td>Brandon Quantavius Richardson (born September 23, 1984) is an American actor, entrepreneur, and television personality recognized for his appearances in <a href="/wiki/Love_%26_Hip_Hop:_Miami" title="Love & Hip Hop: Miami">Love & Hip Hop: Miami</a>, <a href="/wiki/Meet_the_Browns_(film)" title="Meet the Browns (film)">Meet the Browns</a>, and Tundra II. Richardson is also the founder and CEO of Urban Smoke Miami, a Hookah bar in Miami Beach, Florida. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7234 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Enrique_P%C3%A9rez_Arce" title="Draft:Enrique Pérez Arce">Draft:Enrique Pérez Arce</a> (<small>Politician and writer of Sinaloa</small>) </td> <td>Enrique Pérez Arce (January 18, 1889 - 1963) was a Mexican politician poet, jurist, tribune, educator, writer and journalist. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7220 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Royal_School_of_Dunkeld" title="Draft:The Royal School of Dunkeld">Draft:The Royal School of Dunkeld</a> (<small>History of School in Scotland</small>) </td> <td>The Royal School of Dunkeld is a state school for children aged 3-12, providing nursery and <a href="/wiki/Primary_education" title="Primary education">primary education</a> in the catchment area of <a href="/wiki/Dunkeld" title="Dunkeld">Dunkeld</a>, Birnam and district in Highland <a href="/wiki/Perthshire" title="Perthshire">Perthshire</a>, <a href="/wiki/Scotland" title="Scotland">Scotland</a>. It is one of the <a href="/wiki/List_of_oldest_schools" title="List of oldest schools">oldest schools</a> in the country and is the first of a number of free schools created in the name of <a href="/wiki/James_VI" class="mw-redirect" title="James VI">James VI</a> of Scotland (later also King James I of England and Ireland). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7204 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:RecBole" title="Draft:RecBole">Draft:RecBole</a> (<small>Overview of the most popular recommender-system library</small>) </td> <td>RecBole is an open-source library for <a href="/wiki/Recommender_systems" class="mw-redirect" title="Recommender systems">recommender systems</a>, developed to provide a "unified, efficient, reproducible framework" for implementing and evaluating recommendation algorithms. Built on <a href="/wiki/PyTorch" title="PyTorch">PyTorch</a>, RecBole supports general, sequential, context-aware, and knowledge-based recommendations. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7179 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Stover_School,_Devon" title="Draft:Stover School, Devon">Draft:Stover School, Devon</a> (<small>Independent school in Devon</small>) </td> <td>Stover School is is a <a href="/wiki/Co-educational" class="mw-redirect" title="Co-educational">co-educational</a>, <a href="/wiki/Boarding_school" title="Boarding school">boarding</a> and day independent school set in 64 acres of grounds on the edge of <a href="/wiki/Dartmoor" title="Dartmoor">Dartmoor</a> in <a href="/wiki/Stover,_Teigngrace" title="Stover, Teigngrace">Stover, Devon</a>. It currently caters for children aged 3 to 18 </td> <td>4 </td> <td>7172 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:CanTEST" title="Draft:CanTEST">Draft:CanTEST</a> (<small>Australia Drug Checking Service</small>) </td> <td>CanTEST (<i>Health and Drug Checking Service) is the first fixed-site drug checking service in Australia, based in <a href="/wiki/Canberra" title="Canberra">Canberra</a>, <a href="/w/index.php?title=Australian_Capital_Territory_(ACT)&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Australian Capital Territory (ACT) (page does not exist)">Australian Capital Territory (ACT)</a>. Established in July 2022, the service provides a harm reduction initiative that allows individuals to anonymously submit samples of illicit substances for testing, while offering health consultations, education, and resources about safe drug use.</i> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7135 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:August_Fenk" title="Draft:August Fenk">Draft:August Fenk</a> (<small>Austrian Cognitive Scientist</small>) </td> <td>August Fenk (born 23 August 1945 in Ebensee am Traunsee in Austria) is an Austrian <a href="/wiki/Cognitive_science" title="Cognitive science">Cognitive Scientist</a>. He is married with <a href="" class="extiw" title="de:Gertraud Fenk-Oczlon">Gertraud Fenk-Oczlon</a> and has two children, Lisa Fenk and Lorenz Fenk. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7134 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Milo%C5%A1_Mari%C4%8Di%C4%87" title="Draft:Miloš Maričić">Draft:Miloš Maričić</a> (<small>Serbian-Swiss philanthropist and author</small>) </td> <td>Miloš Maričić (<a href="/wiki/Serbian_Cyrillic_alphabet" title="Serbian Cyrillic alphabet">Serbian Cyrillic</a>: Милош Маричић; born 1982) is a <a href="/wiki/Serbs" title="Serbs">Serbian</a>-<a href="/wiki/Swiss_people" title="Swiss people">Swiss</a> <a href="/wiki/Writer" title="Writer">writer</a> and <a href="/wiki/Philanthropy" title="Philanthropy">philanthropist</a> known for being an early proponent of trust-based philanthropy and the use of <a href="/wiki/Artificial_intelligence" title="Artificial intelligence">artificial intelligence</a> in the sector. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7117 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Milo%C5%A1_Mari%C4%8Di%C4%87" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Miloš Maričić">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pete_Festersen" title="Draft:Pete Festersen">Draft:Pete Festersen</a> </td> <td>Pete Festersen (born 1970) is an American politician currently serving as the President of the <a href="/wiki/Omaha_City_Council" title="Omaha City Council">City Council</a> in <a href="/wiki/Omaha,_Nebraska" title="Omaha, Nebraska">Omaha, Nebraska</a> (population 485,153..). A member of the Democratic party, Festersen has represented Omaha’s first district as a member of the council since 2009. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>7071 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Pete_Festersen" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Pete Festersen">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Giant_impacts_phase_of_planetary_formation" title="Draft:Giant impacts phase of planetary formation">Draft:Giant impacts phase of planetary formation</a> (<small>A phase in planet formation in which there are many collisions between relatively large bodies.</small>) </td> <td>The giant impacts phase of planetary formation refers to the final stage of <a href="/wiki/Planetary_formation" class="mw-redirect" title="Planetary formation">planetary formation</a>, dominated by energetic collisions primarily driven by <a href="/wiki/Gravity" title="Gravity">gravity</a>. Planetary formation is a complex process that occurs within <a href="/wiki/Protoplanetary_disk" title="Protoplanetary disk">protoplanetary disks</a>, where dust and gas coalesce to form celestial bodies. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7055 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jared_Holt" title="Draft:Jared Holt">Draft:Jared Holt</a> (<small>American manufacturer (1804–1879)</small>) </td> <td>Jared Holt (February 4, 1804 <a href="/wiki/East_Haven,_Connecticut" title="East Haven, Connecticut">East Haven, Connecticut</a> – October 3, 1879 <a href="/wiki/Albany,_New_York" title="Albany, New York">Albany, New York</a>) was an American manufacturer. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7050 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:American_Heritage_Education_Foundation_(AHEF)" title="Draft:American Heritage Education Foundation (AHEF)">Draft:American Heritage Education Foundation (AHEF)</a> (<small>American history organization</small>) </td> <td>The American Heritage Education Foundation (AHEF) is a <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">501(c)(3)</a> <a href="/wiki/Nonprofit_organization" title="Nonprofit organization">nonprofit organization</a> based in <a href="/wiki/Houston" title="Houston">Houston</a>, <a href="/wiki/Texas" title="Texas">Texas</a>, dedicated to the research, teaching, and understanding of America’s founding principles, history, and heritage through educational resources and programs. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7021 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Helldown-Ransomware" title="Draft:Helldown-Ransomware">Draft:Helldown-Ransomware</a> (<small>Ransomware targeting Linux and VMware</small>) </td> <td>Helldown is a ransomware strain targeting Windows, Linux, and VMware systems. First identified in August 2024 by the cybersecurity firm Halcyon, Helldown exploits vulnerabilities to infiltrate networks and employs double extortion tactics to pressure victims into paying ransoms. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7009 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Heinz_Walz" title="Draft:Heinz Walz">Draft:Heinz Walz</a> (<small>Inventor and founder Heinz Walz</small>) </td> <td>Heinz Walz (* October 26, 1932 in <a href="/wiki/Nuremberg" title="Nuremberg">Nuremberg</a> - † October 21, 2015 in <a href="/wiki/Effeltrich" title="Effeltrich">Effeltrich</a>) was a German inventor and the founder of the Heinz Walz GmbH. He advanced the measurement of photosynthetic CO<sub>2</sub> uptake by introducing his patented concept of flow-through measuring chambers combined with differential CO<sub>2</sub> determination. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6994 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ottawa_Collegiate_Board" title="Draft:Ottawa Collegiate Board">Draft:Ottawa Collegiate Board</a> (<small>Former School Board In Ottawa, Canada</small>) </td> <td>The Collegiate institute Board of Ottawa (C.I.B.O) is a former Public Secondary School Board in <a href="/wiki/Ottawa" title="Ottawa">Ottawa</a>, <a href="/wiki/Ontario" title="Ontario">Ontario</a> up until its amalgamation in 1970. Its main role was to provide secondary education in English to the city. It served the city successfully for 96 years until its amalgamation where it would be merged with other boards. </td> <td>5 </td> <td>6944 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Steve_Covino_(radio_host)" title="Draft:Steve Covino (radio host)">Draft:Steve Covino (radio host)</a> (<small>Steve Covino is a Podcaster, Fox Sports Radio host, and TV personality in the United States</small>) </td> <td>Steve Covino (radio) previously known as "El Covino", (born August 9, 1976), is an American Television/Radio Talk Show Host/Disc Jockey heard daily on Sirius XM Satellite Radio, FOX Sports Radio, and his Patreon podcast. Covino appears on multiple TV shows for The History Channel including Icons That Built America and Toys That Built America. </td> <td>7 </td> <td>6938 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Measurement_of_Digital_Quotient" title="Draft:Measurement of Digital Quotient">Draft:Measurement of Digital Quotient</a> (<small>I have created a page with some details about Digital Quotient and have added references.</small>) </td> <td>According to Merriam-Webster, the term "digital" as an adjective describes devices that operate based on electronic methods or principles, often utilizing data in the form of binary digits. This category includes digital images, recordings, and broadcasts. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6924 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Giuseppe_Crippa" title="Draft:Giuseppe Crippa">Draft:Giuseppe Crippa</a> (<small>Italian entrepreneur</small>) </td> <td>Giuseppe Crippa is an Italian <a href="/wiki/Entrepreneur" class="mw-redirect" title="Entrepreneur">entrepreneur</a> and the founder of the technology company <a href="/wiki/Technoprobe" title="Technoprobe">Technoprobe</a>. According to Forbes, his wealth is estimated at EUR 4.1 billion. He served as Technoprobe's CEO until 2017. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6881 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jill_Kolesar" title="Draft:Jill Kolesar">Draft:Jill Kolesar</a> (<small>American pharmacist</small>) </td> <td>Jill M. Kolesar is an American <a href="/wiki/Pharmacist" title="Pharmacist">pharmacist</a>, <a href="/wiki/Cancer" title="Cancer">cancer</a> researcher, and professor, currently serving as the dean and Jean M. Schmidt Chair in Drug Discovery at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Iowa_College_of_Pharmacy" title="University of Iowa College of Pharmacy">University of Iowa College of Pharmacy</a>. She specializes in precision <a href="/wiki/Oncology" title="Oncology">oncology</a>, <a href="/wiki/Drug_development" title="Drug development">drug development</a>, and molecular <a href="/wiki/Pharmacology" title="Pharmacology">pharmacology</a>, with contributions to <a href="/wiki/Cancer_treatment" title="Cancer treatment">cancer therapy</a>, particularly for rural and underserved populations. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6872 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Haxhi_Rexhep_%22Rexha%22_Bekteshaj" title="Draft:Haxhi Rexhep "Rexha" Bekteshaj">Draft:Haxhi Rexhep "Rexha" Bekteshaj</a> (<small>Albanian Kachak anti-Yugoslav rebel and activist</small>) </td> <td>Haxhi Rexhep “Rexha” Bekteshaj (?-1931) was an Albanian Muslim political activist from <a href="/wiki/Gusinje_Municipality" title="Gusinje Municipality">Gusinje, present-day Montenegro</a>. He was a member of the <a href="/wiki/Committee_for_the_National_Defence_of_Kosovo" title="Committee for the National Defence of Kosovo">Committee for the National Defence of Kosovo</a> and fought as <a href="/wiki/Kachak" class="mw-redirect" title="Kachak">kachak</a> against Yugoslav border troops after 1919 when his home region became part of <a href="/wiki/Kingdom_of_Yugoslavia" title="Kingdom of Yugoslavia">Yugoslavia</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6839 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hiroko_Takayama" title="Draft:Hiroko Takayama">Draft:Hiroko Takayama</a> (<small>Hiroko Takayama (Japanese: 高山博子) is a painter, vice president of the Hiroshima Japan-India Society,</small>) </td> <td>Hiroko Takayama (Japanese: 高山博子) is a painter, vice president of the <a href="/wiki/Hiroshima" title="Hiroshima">Hiroshima</a> Japan-India Society, a member of the Japan Artists Federation, and a visiting professor at Tagore International University in India. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>6829 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:LG_Q60" title="Draft:LG Q60">Draft:LG Q60</a> (<small>2019 Android phablet manufactured by LG Electronics</small>) </td> <td>LG Q60 is a mid-range <a href="/wiki/Android_(operating_system)" title="Android (operating system)">Android</a> <a href="/wiki/Smartphone" title="Smartphone">smartphone</a> manufactured by <a href="/wiki/LG_Electronics" title="LG Electronics">LG Electronics</a>, announced and released in February 2019, along with the <a href="/w/index.php?title=LG_K50&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="LG K50 (page does not exist)">LG K50</a> and <a href="/w/index.php?title=LG_K60&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="LG K60 (page does not exist)">LG K60</a>, and a part of the <a href="/w/index.php?title=LG_Q_series&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="LG Q series (page does not exist)">LG Q series</a> phones lineup. The phone was praised by some reviewers for its cheap price and AI-powered triple camera set-up. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6783 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tracel" title="Draft:Tracel">Draft:Tracel</a> (<small>Natural Supplement</small>) </td> <td>Tracel (also known as Tracel Health) is a natural supplement brand in <a href="/wiki/Nelson,_New_Zealand" title="Nelson, New Zealand">Nelson</a>, New Zealand, producing <a href="/wiki/Boysenberry" title="Boysenberry">Boysenberry</a>-based natural supplements. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>6775 </td> <td>COI<br />draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sara_Griffiths" title="Draft:Sara Griffiths">Draft:Sara Griffiths</a> (<small>(born 1968)</small>) </td> <td>Sara Griffiths (born 12 July 1968) is an <a href="/wiki/England" title="England">English</a> <a href="/wiki/Actress" class="mw-redirect" title="Actress">actress</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6769 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pathein_hti" title="Draft:Pathein hti">Draft:Pathein hti</a> (<small>It was about a Myanmar traditional umbrella( Pathein Hti)</small>) </td> <td>Pathein hti, (<a href="/wiki/Burmese_language" title="Burmese language">Burmese</a>: <span lang="my">ပုသိမ်ထီး</span> pronounced [<a href="" class="extiw" title="my:ပုသိမ်ထီး">Pa-thaein-hti])</a>, is a <a href="/wiki/Myanmar" title="Myanmar">Myanmar</a> traditional umbrella from <a href="/wiki/Pathein" title="Pathein">Pathein</a>, the capital city of <a href="/wiki/Ayeyarwady_Region" title="Ayeyarwady Region">Ayeyarwady Region</a> of Myanmar crafted from paper, cotton and bamboo. Over 130 years ago, they were mainly used for sun and rain protection. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6741 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Giuseppe_Dalla_Torre_del_Tempio_di_Sanguinetto" title="Draft:Giuseppe Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto">Draft:Giuseppe Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto</a> (<small>An Italian jurist</small>) </td> <td>Giuseppe Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto (Rome, 27 August 1943 – Rome, 3 December 2020) was an Italian jurist. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>6719 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Devon_Henry" title="Draft:Devon Henry">Draft:Devon Henry</a> (<small>Confederate monuments removal contractor, entrepreneur</small>) </td> <td>Devon M. Henry is an American entrepreneur and the CEO of Team Henry Enterprises, a general contracting and logistics firm based in Virginia. He is best known for leading the removal of over 24 Confederate monuments across the southern United States, including several <a href="/wiki/Richmond,_Virginia" title="Richmond, Virginia">Richmond, Virginia</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6715 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Polski_Obserwator" title="Draft:Polski Obserwator">Draft:Polski Obserwator</a> (<small>Polish media network</small>) </td> <td><i>Polski Obserwator</i> is an editorial network delivering news and guides in Polish to the community of Polish expatriates across Europe. It covers a wide range of topics including legal matters, social issues, and local news from both the host countries and Poland. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6679 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:St._Mary%27s_Jacobite_Syrian_Cathedral_Church,_Karakunnam" title="Draft:St. Mary's Jacobite Syrian Cathedral Church, Karakunnam">Draft:St. Mary's Jacobite Syrian Cathedral Church, Karakunnam</a> (<small>Church in Kerala, India</small>) </td> <td>St. Mary's Jacobite Syrian Cathedral Church, Karakunnam is a prominent <a href="/wiki/Jacobite_Syrian_Christian_Church" title="Jacobite Syrian Christian Church">Jacobite</a> <a href="/wiki/Syriac_Orthodox_Church" title="Syriac Orthodox Church">Syrian Orthodox church</a> located atop a hill on the Muvattupuzha–Kothamangalam road, approximately three kilometers from <a href="/wiki/Muvattupuzha" title="Muvattupuzha">Muvattupuzha</a> in <a href="/wiki/Kerala" title="Kerala">Kerala</a>, <a href="/wiki/India" title="India">India</a>. The church holds significant historical, religious, and cultural importance in the <a href="/wiki/Malankara_Syrian_Orthodox_Diocese_of_Angamaly" title="Malankara Syrian Orthodox Diocese of Angamaly">Angamaly Diocese</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6605 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mount_Lykaion_Hippodrome" title="Draft:Mount Lykaion Hippodrome">Draft:Mount Lykaion Hippodrome</a> (<small>Ancient Greek hippodrome</small>) </td> <td>The Hippodrome of Mount Lykaion is an Ancient Greek circus located on Mount Lykaion, Greece. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6587 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Digital_Geographies" title="Draft:Digital Geographies">Draft:Digital Geographies</a> (<small>Sub-discipline in geography</small>) </td> <td>Digital Geographies is an subfield within <a href="/wiki/Human_geography" title="Human geography">human geography</a> that examines the role of digital technologies in shaping spatial phenomena, from the production of digital spaces to the impacts of digital infrastructures on <a href="/wiki/Physical_geography" title="Physical geography">physical</a> and <a href="/wiki/Social_geography" title="Social geography">social geographies</a>. As digital tools and platforms have permeated nearly every aspect of society, digital geography has emerged as a critical area of study that addresses both the opportunities and challenges posed by these technologies. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6534 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Johanna_Leblanc" title="Draft:Johanna Leblanc">Draft:Johanna Leblanc</a> (<small>National Security Law and Foreign Policy</small>) </td> <td>Johanna Leblanc is a Haitian-American expert in national security law and foreign policy. She serves as a partner at Adomi Advisory Group PLLC, where she leads the firm's global public policy practice. Leblanc is also an adjunct professor at <a href="/wiki/Howard_University" title="Howard University">Howard University</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6531 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Johanna_Leblanc" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Johanna Leblanc">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rick_Sanjek" title="Draft:Rick Sanjek">Draft:Rick Sanjek</a> (<small>Music Industry Professional</small>) </td> <td>Rick Sanjek (born June 22, 1946) is an American music industry professional. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6519 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Putuo_Village" title="Draft:Putuo Village">Draft:Putuo Village</a> (<small>A spiritual sanctuary in Kulai, Malaysia</small>) </td> <td>Putuo Village is a 43-acre sanctuary situated near Kulai in Johor, Malaysia. The area is surrounded by a bamboo forest and is known for its roots in Buddhist culture. The village serves as a destination for visitors interested in religious practices, eco-tourism, and cultural experiences. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6518 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Michael_Henry_Le_Bas" title="Draft:Michael Henry Le Bas">Draft:Michael Henry Le Bas</a> (<small>Pilot</small>) </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Air_Vice_Marshal" class="mw-redirect" title="Air Vice Marshal">Air Vice Marshal</a> Michael Henry Le Bas, <a href="/wiki/Companion_of_the_Order_of_the_Bath" class="mw-redirect" title="Companion of the Order of the Bath">CB</a>, <a href="/wiki/Commander_of_the_Order_of_the_British_Empire" class="mw-redirect" title="Commander of the Order of the British Empire">CBE</a>, <a href="/wiki/Distinguished_Service_Order" title="Distinguished Service Order">DSO</a> (awarded on 14 Nov1944) was <a href="/wiki/List_of_aviators_by_nickname#J" title="List of aviators by nickname">nicknamed</a> "Pancho"(2 Sept 1916 –26 January 1988). Le Bas was a British <a href="/wiki/Royal_Air_Force" title="Royal Air Force">Royal Air Force</a> (RAF) <a href="/wiki/Aviator" class="mw-redirect" title="Aviator">pilot</a> who flew and fought during the <a href="/wiki/Second_World_War" class="mw-redirect" title="Second World War">Second World War</a> in England, Malta and North Africa and continued a very successful career post war in the RAF. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>6493 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Philip_Knatchbull" title="Draft:Philip Knatchbull">Draft:Philip Knatchbull</a> </td> <td>Philip Wyndham Ashley Knatchbull (born 2 December 1961) is a British entrepreneur, film executive and <a href="/wiki/Film_producer" title="Film producer">film producer</a>. He was CEO of <a href="/wiki/Curzon_Cinemas" title="Curzon Cinemas">Curzon Cinemas</a> from 2006 to 2023, helping it become one of the UK’s leading independent film distributors and cinema chains. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6465 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Vyroota" title="Draft:Vyroota">Draft:Vyroota</a> (<small>Ugandan Singer</small>) </td> <td>Abdul Aziz Musigazi, professionally known as Vyroota, is an Ugandan singer recognized for his contributions to the Afrobeats and R&B genres. Vyroota gained widespread popularity shortly after his debut in 2020, quickly achieving chart success and gaining a strong fanbase in Uganda. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6447 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Offshore_Sensing" title="Draft:Offshore Sensing">Draft:Offshore Sensing</a> (<small>Marine robotics company based in Bergen, Norway</small>) </td> <td>Offshore Sensing is a marine robotics company and the home of the Sailbuoy. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6414 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pri_Helena" title="Draft:Pri Helena">Draft:Pri Helena</a> (<small>Brazilian Actress</small>) </td> <td>Priscilla Helena da Silva (Juiz de Fora, June 26, 1992), known as Pri Helena, is a Brazilian actress who has appeared in film, television and theater. Recognized for bringing intense characters to life, Pri is also the co-founder of Grilla!, an artistic collective whose main focus is to increase the role of women in audiovisuals, both on and off the stage. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6387 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jeremy_DePrez" title="Draft:Jeremy DePrez">Draft:Jeremy DePrez</a> (<small>American Artist (born 1983)</small>) </td> <td>Jeremy DePrez (born 1983) is an American contemporary visual artist who uses painting to investigate identity and commodity culture. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6365 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rebellion_in_Mirdita" title="Draft:Rebellion in Mirdita">Draft:Rebellion in Mirdita</a> (<small>Rebellion in Mirdita</small>) </td> <td>The Rebellion in Mirdita (<a href="/wiki/Albanian_language" title="Albanian language">Albanian</a>: Kryengritja e Mirdites) was an uprising by the locals from <a href="/wiki/Mirdita" title="Mirdita">Mirdita</a> during the <a href="/wiki/Albanian%E2%80%93Yugoslav_border_war_(1921)" title="Albanian–Yugoslav border war (1921)">Albanian–Yugoslav border war (1921)</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6322 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Wei_Ren_(ceramic_artist)" title="Draft:Wei Ren (ceramic artist)">Draft:Wei Ren (ceramic artist)</a> </td> <td>Wei Ren (<a href="/wiki/Simplified_Chinese_characters" title="Simplified Chinese characters">simplified Chinese</a>: 任伟;born in <a href="/wiki/China" title="China">China</a> in 1978)is a national <a href="/wiki/Yixing_ware" title="Yixing ware">zisha</a> clay arts and crafts master . As a </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6318 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:John_Shook" title="Draft:John Shook">Draft:John Shook</a> (<small>Pioneer of lean management principles in North America.</small>) </td> <td>John Shook (born 1952, Tennessee, USA) is an industrial anthropologist and a pioneer of lean management principles in North America. He is known for his contributions to value stream mapping and the A3 problem-solving method, which have become foundational practices in lean thinking. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6314 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tecar_Therapy" title="Draft:Tecar Therapy">Draft:Tecar Therapy</a> (<small>"Therapy using radiofrequency for healing."</small>) </td> <td>Tecar Therapy (Transfer of Energy Capacitive and Resistive) is a non-invasive therapeutic technique that uses high-frequency electrical currents to promote endogenous heat production within biological tissues. Widely used in physiotherapy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation, this technique facilitates tissue repair, reduces pain, and enhances mobility through its unique physiological mechanisms. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6268 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rick_Barrett" title="Draft:Rick Barrett">Draft:Rick Barrett</a> (<small>American real estate developer</small>) </td> <td>Rick Barrett is an American real estate developer and the co-founder of Barrett Lo Visionary Development, a property development company known for its work in <a href="/wiki/Milwaukee" title="Milwaukee">Milwaukee</a>. Barrett is most notable for developing <a href="/wiki/The_Moderne" title="The Moderne">The Moderne</a> in Milwaukee, as well as <a href="/wiki/The_Couture" title="The Couture">The Couture</a>, which has been credited with leading the urban renewal of downtown Milwaukee. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6198 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Rick_Barrett" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Rick Barrett">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Coat_of_arms_of_Pula" title="Draft:Coat of arms of Pula">Draft:Coat of arms of Pula</a> (<small>Symbol of Pula</small>) </td> <td>The <a href="/wiki/Coat_of_arms" title="Coat of arms">coat of arms</a> of <a href="/wiki/Pula" title="Pula">Pula</a> depicts a yellow <a href="/wiki/Latin_cross" title="Latin cross">Latin cross</a> on top of a green background. It also has a ceremonial version consisting of the same design on a special <a href="/wiki/Renaissance" title="Renaissance">Renaissance</a> <a href="/wiki/Escutcheon_(heraldry)" title="Escutcheon (heraldry)">escutcheon</a> with a <a href="/wiki/Fleur-de-lis" title="Fleur-de-lis">lily</a> shape on the top. The <a href="/wiki/Banner_of_arms" title="Banner of arms">banner of arms</a> was adopted as the flag of the city, although it is designed like a <a href="/wiki/Nordic_cross_flag" title="Nordic cross flag">Nordic cross</a> instead of a Latin cross. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6136 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mt._Penn_Hessian_Camp" title="Draft:Mt. Penn Hessian Camp">Draft:Mt. Penn Hessian Camp</a> (<small>Historical Place</small>) </td> <td>The Mt. Penn Hessian Camp was a <a href="/wiki/American_Revolutionary_War" title="American Revolutionary War">Revolutionary War</a>-era <a href="/wiki/Hessian_(soldier)" title="Hessian (soldier)">Hessian</a> <a href="/wiki/Prisoner-of-war_camp" title="Prisoner-of-war camp">prisoner of war camp</a> that existed during the late <a href="/wiki/18th_century" title="18th century">18th century</a> from 1776-1783 on the hills of <a href="/wiki/Mount_Penn,_Pennsylvania" title="Mount Penn, Pennsylvania">Mt. Penn</a> outside <a href="/wiki/Reading,_Pennsylvania" title="Reading, Pennsylvania">Reading, PA.</a> Though captured Hessians were sent to the area as early as 1776, the camp was officially opened in 1781, located on the eastern side of Mt. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6076 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Arthur_Fiedler_(fighter_pilot)" title="Draft:Arthur Fiedler (fighter pilot)">Draft:Arthur Fiedler (fighter pilot)</a> (<small>American Fighter ace in World War 2.</small>) </td> <td>Arthur Charles Fiedler Jr. was a <a href="/wiki/Flying_ace" title="Flying ace">fighter ace</a> with 8 victories in <a href="/wiki/World_War_II" title="World War II">World War II</a> in the <a href="/wiki/United_States_Army_Air_Forces" title="United States Army Air Forces">United States Army Air Forces</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6071 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jin_Guiyun" title="Draft:Jin Guiyun">Draft:Jin Guiyun</a> </td> <td><i>In this <a href="/wiki/Chinese_name" title="Chinese name">Chinese name</a>, the <a href="/wiki/Family_name" class="mw-redirect" title="Family name">family name</a> is Jin.</i> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6060 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:LarrainVial" title="Draft:LarrainVial">Draft:LarrainVial</a> (<small>A chilean broker</small>) </td> <td>LarrainVial is a Chilean financial company founded in 1934 by brothers Fernando and Leonidas Larrain Vial. Initially, it focused in stock brokerage and financial advisory, and over time, expanded its services to asset management, fund administration and investment advice both locally and internationally. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6048 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ukrainatv" title="Draft:Ukrainatv">Draft:Ukrainatv</a> (<small>stream art group</small>) </td> <td>Ukrainatv, stylized as UKRAiNATV is a media and experimental television project, established in early March 2022 in Kraków, Poland. It operates within the Stream Art Studio and is managed by <a href=",6" class="extiw" title="pl:Fundacja 36,6">Fundacja 36,6</a> in collaboration with the Intermedia Faculty of the <a href="/wiki/Academy_of_Fine_Arts_in_Krak%C3%B3w" class="mw-redirect" title="Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków">Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków</a> and an international group of media artists, journalists, and activists. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5960 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Wisconsin_LGBTQ_History_Project" title="Draft:Wisconsin LGBTQ History Project">Draft:Wisconsin LGBTQ History Project</a> (<small>LGBTQ+ History Organization</small>) </td> <td>The Wisconsin LGBTQ History Project, formerly known as the Milwaukee LGBT History Project, is a volunteer-run digital archive and <a href="/wiki/Nonprofit_organization" title="Nonprofit organization">nonprofit organization</a> based out of <a href="/wiki/Milwaukee" title="Milwaukee">Milwaukee</a>, Wisconsin. The project <a href="/wiki/Heritage_interpretation" title="Heritage interpretation">interprets</a> the <a href="/wiki/LGBTQ_history_in_the_United_States" title="LGBTQ history in the United States">LGBTQ history</a> of Wisconsin through blog posts, books, and temporary and travelling exhibit panels. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5931 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Corruption_in_public_procurement" title="Draft:Corruption in public procurement">Draft:Corruption in public procurement</a> (<small>Corruption in Public Procurement</small>) </td> <td>Corruption in public procurement is any dishonest practices that occur during the process of acquiring goods and services by government entities. This form of corruption undermines public trust, distorts market competition, and can lead to significant financial losses for governments and taxpayers. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5887 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Giovanni_Pietro_Barbano" title="Draft:Giovanni Pietro Barbano">Draft:Giovanni Pietro Barbano</a> (<small>Current EULEX Head of Mission. Pls note that similar bios of previous EULEX HoM are published</small>) </td> <td>Giovanni Pietro Barbano is the current heads the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (<a href="/wiki/EULEX" class="mw-redirect" title="EULEX">EULEX</a>)), the largest civilian mission ever launched under the European Union's <a href="/wiki/Common_Security_and_Defence_Policy" title="Common Security and Defence Policy">Common Security and Defence Policy</a>, a position he assumed on June 26, 2023, following a decision by the EU <a href="/wiki/Political_and_Security_Committee" title="Political and Security Committee">Political and Security Committee</a> Barbano, a Major General of the <a href="/wiki/Carabinieri" title="Carabinieri">Carabinieri</a> and a Special Adviser to the EU with over 40 years of service in law enforcement and significant experience in international c ... </td> <td>3 </td> <td>5861 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Taipan_Lucero" title="Draft:Taipan Lucero">Draft:Taipan Lucero</a> </td> <td>George Ian Lucero, better known as Taipan Lucero, is a Filipino calligrapher, designer, and cultural advocate, known for founding CalligraFilipino, an initiative that integrates pre-colonial Filipino script with traditional cultural elements. His work combines the script of Baybayin with influences from traditional Filipino art and jewelry, creating a visual style that draws on motifs such as the Maranao Okir, the Sarimanok, the Kulintang pattern, and the Lingling-o charm from the Cordilleras. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5787 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Menachem_Katz_(scholar)" title="Draft:Menachem Katz (scholar)">Draft:Menachem Katz (scholar)</a> (<small>Biography of a talmudic scholar from israel</small>) </td> <td>Menachem Katz (b. 1955) is an Israeli Talmudic scholar, specializing in the fields of the <a href="/wiki/Jerusalem_Talmud" title="Jerusalem Talmud">Palestinian Talmud</a> (i.e. the Jerusalem Talmud) and <a href="/wiki/Digital_humanities" title="Digital humanities">digital humanities</a>, and the editor of digital critical editions of the Babylonian and Palestinian <a href="/wiki/Talmud" title="Talmud">Talmuds</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5783 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Joseph_Indest" title="Draft:Joseph Indest">Draft:Joseph Indest</a> (<small>American Military Officer</small>) </td> <td>In 1818, he was born in the Bavarian town of <a href="/wiki/Landau" title="Landau">Landau</a> to his father Dr.Joseph Indest (1779-1861) and his mother Barbra Mueller (Unknown -1837). His father was a medical officer in the Bavarian Military from 1815 to his death in 1861. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5751 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Scientific_Socialist_Student_Union,_Nepal" title="Draft:Scientific Socialist Student Union, Nepal">Draft:Scientific Socialist Student Union, Nepal</a> (<small>Student Union in Nepal</small>) </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Category:Students%27_unions_in_Nepal" title="Category:Students' unions in Nepal">Category:Students' unions in Nepal</a> </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5708 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kenneth_De_Abrew" title="Draft:Kenneth De Abrew">Draft:Kenneth De Abrew</a> (<small>US-based Sri Lankan actor</small>) </td> <td>Kenneth De Abrew is a Sri Lankan born stage, film, and TV actor. De Abrew is known for his roles in WeCrashed (2022), <a href="/wiki/New_Amsterdam_(2018_TV_series)" title="New Amsterdam (2018 TV series)">New Amsterdam (2018)</a> and Atlanta (2016). He appeared in a number of award-winning television shows, including <i><a href="/wiki/Jessica_Jones_(TV_series)" title="Jessica Jones (TV series)">Jessica Jones</a></i>, <i><a href="/wiki/Orange_Is_the_New_Black" title="Orange Is the New Black">Orange is the New Black</a></i>, <i><a href="/wiki/The_Detour_(TV_series)" title="The Detour (TV series)">The Detour</a></i> and the 2020 film, <i><a href="/wiki/Mulan_(2020_film)" title="Mulan (2020 film)">Mulan</a></i>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5672 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Robert_L._Pryor" title="Draft:Robert L. Pryor">Draft:Robert L. Pryor</a> (<small>Spokane documentary filmmaker of the 1960s</small>) </td> <td>Robert L. Pryor (1928–) is an American filmmaker whose documentary movies from the 1960s and '70s cover <a href="/wiki/Spokane_Garry" title="Spokane Garry">Spokane Garry</a>; the <a href="/wiki/Nez_Perce" title="Nez Perce">Nez Perce</a>; the <a href="/wiki/Spokane,_Washington" title="Spokane, Washington">City of Spokane</a>, Washington; the development of the <a href="/wiki/Spokane_River" title="Spokane River">Spokane River</a> and <a href="/wiki/Columbia_River" title="Columbia River">Columbia River</a>; and recreation at <a href="/wiki/Priest_Lake" title="Priest Lake">Priest Lake</a>, Idaho. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5655 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Michael_Rea_(businessman)" title="Draft:Michael Rea (businessman)">Draft:Michael Rea (businessman)</a> </td> <td>Michael Rea is an American businessman and pharmacist, best known as the founder of Rx Savings Solutions (RXSS), a prescription drug cost transparency and savings company. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5607 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ellen_Kooijman" title="Draft:Ellen Kooijman">Draft:Ellen Kooijman</a> </td> <td>Ellen Kooijman is a Dutch geoscientist whose work in research is focused in Mineralogy, Geology, and Geochemistry. She has a Master’s Degree in Earth Science from <a href="/wiki/Utrecht_University" title="Utrecht University">Utrecht University</a>, and a Doctorate in Geochemistry from the <a href="/wiki/University_of_M%C3%BCnster" title="University of Münster">University of Münster</a>. She currently works as the Head of the Department of Geosciences at the <a href="/wiki/Swedish_Museum_of_Natural_History" title="Swedish Museum of Natural History">Swedish Museum of Natural History</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5607 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:K3_(company)" title="Draft:K3 (company)">Draft:K3 (company)</a> (<small>Interior design brand</small>) </td> <td>K-3 is a home wear and lifestyle brand based in Paris, owned by K SAS and created by <a href="/wiki/Kenz%C5%8D_Takada" title="Kenzō Takada">Kenzo Takada</a> (27 February 1939 – 4 October 2020), the France-based Japanese designer. The brand was launched in January 2020 at the <a href="/wiki/Maison_et_Objet" title="Maison et Objet">Maison et Objet</a> homeware trade fair in Paris with a 300-piece debut collection. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>5579 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cecilia_Lunaparra" title="Draft:Cecilia Lunaparra">Draft:Cecilia Lunaparra</a> (<small>Berkeley City Council Member</small>) </td> <td>Lunaparra at her swearing in ceremony </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5509 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Maya_Salameh" title="Draft:Maya Salameh">Draft:Maya Salameh</a> (<small>Maya Salameh, Arab-American poet</small>) </td> <td>Maya Salameh (Arabic: مايا سلامة) is an Arab-American poet known for her written and spoken poetry. She is the author of the full-length poetry collection <i>How to Make An Algorithm in the Microwave</i> and <i>rooh</i>, a chapbook. Salameh has performed at the Obama White House, Carnegie Hall, and the DeYoung Museum. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5459 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Barony_of_Highmere" title="Draft:Barony of Highmere">Draft:Barony of Highmere</a> (<small>Title created by King Henry VIII of England</small>) </td> <td>The title of Baron of Highmere was an English noble title granted by <a href="/wiki/Henry_VIII" title="Henry VIII">King Henry VIII</a> in 1538 during the <a href="/wiki/Tudor_period" title="Tudor period">Tudor period.</a> The first holder, Sebastian Samitier, was a cousin of the prominent Spanish noble family, the <a href="/wiki/House_of_Samitier" title="House of Samitier">House of Samitier</a>. The title was conferred on Sebastian for his services during the <a href="/wiki/Dissolution_of_the_monasteries" title="Dissolution of the monasteries">Dissolution of the Monasteries,</a> where he played a notable role in overseeing the management of lands seized from the Church in Yorkshire. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5418 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Santa_Teresa_Church_(Mantua)" title="Draft:Santa Teresa Church (Mantua)">Draft:Santa Teresa Church (Mantua)</a> (<small>Italian church</small>) </td> <td>Santa Teresa Church is a <a href="/wiki/Place_of_worship" title="Place of worship">place of worship</a> in the city of <a href="/wiki/Mantua" title="Mantua">Mantua</a> founded and currently officiated by the <a href="/wiki/Order_of_Discalced_Carmelites" class="mw-redirect" title="Order of Discalced Carmelites">Discalced Carmelites</a>; it is dedicated to their founder, <a href="/wiki/Teresa_of_%C3%81vila" title="Teresa of Ávila">Saint Teresa of Avila</a>, and to <a href="/wiki/Saint_Joseph" title="Saint Joseph">Saint Joseph.</a> </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5316 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ilker_Furat" title="Draft:Ilker Furat">Draft:Ilker Furat</a> (<small>Turkish boxing manager and promoter (born 1982)</small>) </td> <td>ilker Furat (born February 10, 1982) is a Turkish boxing manager and promoter. He also holds a position in the Turkish aviation sector as a manager for THY Technic. Mr. Furat owns 12 Raund Sports where numerous services are provided. The company has a variety of professional boxing services which entails the following: Management (Athlete representation, licensing and procedures), Matchmaking (Finding Competitors or Participating in Organizations), and Coach Support (Working with a personal trai ... </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5242 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ebony_Reed" title="Draft:Ebony Reed">Draft:Ebony Reed</a> (<small>American journalist, educator, and author</small>) </td> <td>Ebony Reed is an American journalist, educator, and author who serves as the Chief Strategy Officer for <a href="/wiki/The_Marshall_Project" title="The Marshall Project">The Marshall Project</a> since 2021. She is known for her leadership in editorial strategy and contributions to journalism, business operations, and diversity initiatives. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5240 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Inna_Yukhimchuk" title="Draft:Inna Yukhimchuk">Draft:Inna Yukhimchuk</a> (<small>Russian singer-songwriter</small>) </td> <td>Inna Yukhimchuk (<a href="/wiki/Russian_Empire" title="Russian Empire">Russian</a>: И́нна Юхимчу́к; born 24 January 1990) is a Russian <a href="/wiki/Singing" title="Singing">singer</a>, <a href="/wiki/Songwriter" title="Songwriter">songwriter</a>, and vocal educator. She is known for her <a href="/wiki/Performance" title="Performance">performances</a> in the <a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">United States</a>, <a href="/wiki/Europe" title="Europe">Europe</a>, and <a href="/wiki/China" title="China">China</a>, as well as for developing a vocal training method titled "Vocals On." </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5234 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Carlos_Samitier" title="Draft:Carlos Samitier">Draft:Carlos Samitier</a> (<small>Biography of a Spanish Warlord and Diplomatic</small>) </td> <td>Carlos Samitier (c. 1645–1647 – 1709) was a Spanish warlord and politician known for his involvement in Spanish colonial expansion and diplomatic work between Spain and France. He played a key role in establishing trade routes between the two countries during the late 17th century and was later recognized for his diplomatic contributions in the court of Louis XIV. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5199 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Trust-based_philanthropy" title="Draft:Trust-based philanthropy">Draft:Trust-based philanthropy</a> (<small>A branch of philanthropy</small>) </td> <td>Trust-based philanthropy is an approach in <a href="/wiki/Philanthropy" title="Philanthropy">philanthropy</a> that emphasizes shifting decision-making power to <a href="/wiki/Nonprofit_organization" title="Nonprofit organization">nonprofit</a> leaders, providing them with the flexibility and resources necessary to address complex and evolving community needs. Core practices include providing unrestricted funding, offering multi-year grants, and minimizing administrative burdens, which allows grantees to allocate resources efficiently and pivot strategies when new challenges or opportunities arise. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5152 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Window_Seat_(2023_film)" title="Draft:Window Seat (2023 film)">Draft:Window Seat (2023 film)</a> (<small>2023 American AI-generated film</small>) </td> <td>Window Seat is a 2023 feature film directed by Hooroo Jackson. It is the first AI-generated feature film. Released on July 21, 2023, the film utilized artificial intelligence to produce its script, visuals, and performances, incorporating over 4,000 AI videos. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5151 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Underground_breweries_of_Paris" title="Draft:Underground breweries of Paris">Draft:Underground breweries of Paris</a> (<small>Breweries in the Paris catacombs</small>) </td> <td>The underground breweries of <a href="/wiki/Paris" title="Paris">Paris</a> comprise a number of historical breweries that operated from the 19th century, mostly within the pre-existing <a href="/wiki/Mines_of_Paris" title="Mines of Paris">mines of Paris</a> which traverse southern Paris. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5127 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mama_Bobi_III" title="Draft:Mama Bobi III">Draft:Mama Bobi III</a> (<small>Female traditional leader in Africa</small>) </td> <td>Mama Bobi III is the Queen-mother of Bake - Ho Bankoe in the <a href="/wiki/Asorgli_State" title="Asorgli State">Asogli traditional area</a> of the Volta Region of <a href="/wiki/Ghana" title="Ghana">Ghana</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5016 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:J%C3%A9r%C3%B4me_Maximilien_Sylvestre_Pr%C3%A9zeau" title="Draft:Jérôme Maximilien Sylvestre Prézeau">Draft:Jérôme Maximilien Sylvestre Prézeau</a> (<small>Noted Haitian scholar, author, and statesman</small>) </td> <td>Also known as Sylvain Prézeau or Chevalier de Prézeau, he was a notable Haitian scholar, author, and statesman who served under various leaders, including Emperor Jean-Jacques Dessalines and King Henri Christophe.. Prézeau was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to parents of mixed racial heritage. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4978 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:DediProg" title="Draft:DediProg">Draft:DediProg</a> (<small>IC Programming Solution Provider</small>) </td> <td>DediProg Technology Co., Ltd. (Chinese: 岱鐠科技股份有限公司, commonly known as DediProg) is a Taiwan-based company specializing in <a href="/wiki/IC_programming" title="IC programming">IC programming</a> solutions. The company is headquartered in Neihu, Taipei, and also operates branches in Shanghai, the United States, and Germany. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4741 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Prue_Bird_Disappearance" title="Draft:Prue Bird Disappearance">Draft:Prue Bird Disappearance</a> (<small>Prue Bird murder case</small>) </td> <td>Prue Bird, a 13-year-old teenage girl from <a href="/wiki/Glenroy,_Victoria" title="Glenroy, Victoria">Glenroy, Victoria</a>, disappeared in February 1992. Her case involved figures in <a href="/wiki/Crime_in_Victoria" title="Crime in Victoria">Melbourne’s crime network</a> and led to a 2012 confession from <a href="/wiki/Bega_schoolgirl_murders" title="Bega schoolgirl murders">Leslie Camilleri</a>, who was later convicted of her murder. The case remains significant due to lingering questions, inconsistencies in Camilleri’s confession, and the fact that her body was never recovered. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4686 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Frost_Woods_(Monona,_Wisconsin)" title="Draft:Frost Woods (Monona, Wisconsin)">Draft:Frost Woods (Monona, Wisconsin)</a> (<small>Historic residential area</small>) </td> <td>Frost Woods is a residential neighborhood in <a href="/wiki/Monona,_Wisconsin" title="Monona, Wisconsin">Monona, Wisconsin</a> that contains many early American examples of the <a href="/wiki/International_Style" title="International Style">International Style</a> of architecture, along with some other notable houses, including a <a href="/wiki/National_Register_of_Historic_Places" title="National Register of Historic Places">National Register of Historic Places</a> listed <a href="/wiki/American_Craftsman" title="American Craftsman">American Craftsman</a>-style house. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4366 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:HIVED" title="Draft:HIVED">Draft:HIVED</a> </td> <td>HIVED is a London-based technology and delivery company focusing on the ecommerce market. The company’s core business is ecommerce parcel delivery, operating a fleet of 100% electric vehicles and providing a modern digital experience for consumers. The company emphasises sustainability and customer experience in its service model. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4100 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alexander_Skwortsow" title="Draft:Alexander Skwortsow">Draft:Alexander Skwortsow</a> (<small>Biography of violinist Alexander Skwortsow</small>) </td> <td>Alexander Skwortsow (1944–2010) was a Russian-Dutch classical violinist known for his work as a soloist and orchestral leader across Europe, North America, and Asia. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4021 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:MD7_(company)" title="Draft:MD7 (company)">Draft:MD7 (company)</a> (<small>A consultancy firm specializing in mobile network infrastructure and EV charging solutions</small>) </td> <td>MD7 LLC is a privately-held consultancy firm that specializes in digital network infrastructure management and the deployment of electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions. The company was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Allen, Texas. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>3730 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:List_of_Chelsea_F._C_players_chronologically" title="Draft:List of Chelsea F. C players chronologically">Draft:List of Chelsea F. C players chronologically</a> </td> <td>List of Chelsea F.C. players chronologically is a list of people who have played for <a href="/wiki/Chelsea_F.C." title="Chelsea F.C.">Chelsea F.C.</a>. The list only includes players who have played in a competitive fixture. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>114378 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-27 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:2024_Australian_Formula_Ford_Series" title="Draft:2024 Australian Formula Ford Series">Draft:2024 Australian Formula Ford Series</a> (<small>Page for the 2024 Australian Formula Ford series</small>) </td> <td>The 2024 Australian Formula Ford Series is a motor racing competition sanctioned by Motorsport Australia for <a href="/wiki/Ford_Duratec_engine" title="Ford Duratec engine">duratec</a> formula ford racing cars held in Australia. The series represents the 54th season of the Australian Formula Ford Championship. It is recognised as a prominent developmental series for up-and-coming drivers who often advance to higher levels of motorsport. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>27145 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Demographics_of_Odisha" title="Draft:Demographics of Odisha">Draft:Demographics of Odisha</a> (<small>Demographics of the state of Odisha in India</small>) </td> <td> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>17283 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:List_of_Oklahoma_Sooners_softball_team_records" title="Draft:List of Oklahoma Sooners softball team records">Draft:List of Oklahoma Sooners softball team records</a> (<small>Team records of Oklahoma softball</small>) </td> <td>This a list of records of the <a href="/wiki/Oklahoma_Sooners_softball" title="Oklahoma Sooners softball">Oklahoma Sooners softball</a> program includes batting and pitching records for both individual players and the team as a whole. Within those areas, the lists identify single-game, single-season, and career leaders. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>16753 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ac%C3%BAstico_MTV:_Roberto_Carlos" title="Draft:Acústico MTV: Roberto Carlos">Draft:Acústico MTV: Roberto Carlos</a> (<small>2001 live album by Roberto Carlos</small>) </td> <td><i>Acústico MTV</i> is a <a href="/wiki/Live_album" class="mw-redirect" title="Live album">live album</a> by singer-songwriter <a href="/wiki/Roberto_Carlos" title="Roberto Carlos">Roberto Carlos</a>, released on October 3, 2001, through <a href="/wiki/Sony_Music_Brazil" class="mw-redirect" title="Sony Music Brazil">Sony Music Brazil</a>, produced by <a href="/wiki/MTV_Brasil" title="MTV Brasil">MTV Brasil</a>. It features some of the singer's hits <a href="/wiki/Acoustic_version" class="mw-redirect" title="Acoustic version">acoustic versions</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>15030 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:2025_in_Philippine_television" title="Draft:2025 in Philippine television">Draft:2025 in Philippine television</a> </td> <td>The following is a list of events affecting Philippine television in 2025. Events listed include television show debuts, finales, cancellations, and channel launches, closures and rebrandings, as well as information about controversies and carriage disputes. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>12840 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Juan_Cota" title="Draft:Juan Cota">Draft:Juan Cota</a> (<small>Spanish racing driver (born 2007)</small>) </td> <td>Juan Cota Alonso (born 19 September 2007) is a Spanish racing driver. He currently competes in the <a href="/wiki/F4_Spanish_Championship" title="F4 Spanish Championship">F4 Spanish Championship</a> for <a href="/wiki/Drivex" title="Drivex">Drivex</a>. He also won a gold medal at the <a href="/wiki/2024_FIA_Motorsport_Games" title="2024 FIA Motorsport Games">2024 FIA Motorsport Games</a>, representing Spain. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12475 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Duckietown" title="Draft:Duckietown">Draft:Duckietown</a> (<small>American-Swiss robotics and AI education company</small>) </td> <td>Duckietown (<a href="/wiki/Boston" title="Boston">Boston, Massachusetts</a>)is a <a href="/wiki/Robotics" title="Robotics">robotics</a> and <a href="/wiki/Artificial_intelligence" title="Artificial intelligence">AI</a> technology company. who develops autonomous mobile robotics. It is a spin-off of <a href="/wiki/ETH_Zurich" title="ETH Zurich">ETH Zurich</a>, an academic organization, and originated from the <a href="/wiki/Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology" title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">Massachusetts Institute of Technology</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>12185 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bobby_Balachandran" title="Draft:Bobby Balachandran">Draft:Bobby Balachandran</a> (<small>Indian entrepreneur</small>) </td> <td>Bobby Balachandran is an <a href="/wiki/Indo-american" class="mw-redirect" title="Indo-american">Indo-american</a> <a href="/wiki/Entrepreneur" class="mw-redirect" title="Entrepreneur">Entrepreneur</a>,<a href="/wiki/Film_producer" title="Film producer">Film producer</a> in the Tamil film industry, and the CEO of Exterro Inc. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12016 </td> <td>draftified<br /><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Bobby_Balachandran" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Bobby Balachandran">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Shirin_Akter_(actress)" title="Draft:Shirin Akter (actress)">Draft:Shirin Akter (actress)</a> </td> <td>Shirin Akter (born August 26, 1996), better known as Shirin Shila, is a <a href="/wiki/Bangladeshi_film_actor" class="mw-redirect" title="Bangladeshi film actor">Bangladeshi film actress</a> and model. She made her big-screen debut in 2014 with the film <i><a href="/wiki/Hitman" class="mw-redirect" title="Hitman">Hitman</a></i>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>11094 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:David_M._L._Sills" title="Draft:David M. L. Sills">Draft:David M. L. Sills</a> (<small>Canadian Meteorologist</small>) </td> <td>David M. L. Sills is a Canadian academic and meteorologist whose research focuses on tornadoes in Canada. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10668 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Roberto_Stefan_Foa" title="Draft:Roberto Stefan Foa">Draft:Roberto Stefan Foa</a> (<small>British political scientist</small>) </td> <td>Roberto Stefan Foa is a British political scientist. He obtained his PhD from <a href="/wiki/Harvard_University" title="Harvard University">Harvard University</a>, where he completed his dissertation under the supervision of Nobel Laureate <a href="/wiki/James_A._Robinson" title="James A. Robinson">James A. Robinson</a>. He is Associate Professor in Politics and Public Policy at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Cambridge" title="University of Cambridge">University of Cambridge</a>, co-founder of the Cambridge Centre for the Future of Democracy and an elected Executive Committee member of the <a href="/wiki/World_Values_Survey" title="World Values Survey">World Values Survey</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10561 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pradhan_Mantri_Surya_Ghar_Muft_Bijli_Yojana" title="Draft:Pradhan Mantri Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana">Draft:Pradhan Mantri Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana</a> (<small>Indian government solar scheme</small>) </td> <td>PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana is a scheme launched by the <a href="/wiki/Government_of_India" title="Government of India">Government of India</a> in it's <a href="/wiki/2024_Union_budget_of_India" title="2024 Union budget of India">2024-25 budget</a> for rooftop solar plant project with an investment of over 75,000 crores to provide solar power to about 1 crore households and to provide them 300 units of free electricity every month. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10477 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:GlobalPlatform" title="Draft:GlobalPlatform">Draft:GlobalPlatform</a> (<small>Information security consortium</small>) </td> <td>GlobalPlatform, Inc. (formerly Visa OpenPlatform) is a <a href="/wiki/Nonprofit_organization" title="Nonprofit organization">non profit</a> industry <a href="/wiki/Consortium" title="Consortium">consortium</a> for <a href="/wiki/Technical_standard" title="Technical standard">technical standards</a> focused on the <a href="/wiki/Interoperability" title="Interoperability">interoperability</a>, management and security of <a href="/wiki/Embedded_system" title="Embedded system">embedded hardware</a> such as <a href="/wiki/Smart_card" title="Smart card">smart cards</a>. The GlobalPlatform specifications are the <a href="/wiki/De_facto" title="De facto">de facto</a> standard for <a href="/wiki/Remote_monitoring_and_management" title="Remote monitoring and management">remote management</a> of smart card applications. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10386 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/GlobalPlatform" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/GlobalPlatform">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Andr%C3%A1s_Tombor" title="Draft:András Tombor">Draft:András Tombor</a> (<small>Hungarian businessmen</small>) </td> <td>András Tombor (Veszprém, 1973. augusztus –) Internationally active Hungarian businessman, founder of Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) and renown polo player of his Bardon Polo Team. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10007 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Columbus_Christian_Academy" title="Draft:Columbus Christian Academy">Draft:Columbus Christian Academy</a> (<small>School in Whiteville, Columbus County, North Carolina, United States</small>) </td> <td>Columbus Christian Academy (CCA) is the largest private school in <a href="/wiki/Columbus_County,_North_Carolina" title="Columbus County, North Carolina">Columbus County, North Carolina</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9968 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Carl_Azuz" title="Draft:Carl Azuz">Draft:Carl Azuz</a> (<small>American internet-based, student-oriented journalist</small>) </td> <td>Carl Azuz is an American <a href="/wiki/News_anchor" class="mw-redirect" title="News anchor">news anchor</a>, currently the anchor of the online daily student news program "The World From A to Z". He is best known for his work at <a href="/wiki/CNN" title="CNN">CNN</a> as anchor of CNN 10 (formerly CNN Student News). In his time following CNN he was a contributor for Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9878 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Carlo_Zannetti" title="Draft:Carlo Zannetti">Draft:Carlo Zannetti</a> (<small>Guitarist, author and writer</small>) </td> <td>Carlo Zannetti (Born 10 March 1960) is an Italian session guitarist,songwriter,composer and writer known for the songs he wrote together with <a href="/wiki/Bobby_Solo" title="Bobby Solo">Bobby Solo</a> ,<a href="/wiki/George_Aaron" title="George Aaron">George Aaron</a> and <a href="/wiki/Gian_Luigi_Nespoli" title="Gian Luigi Nespoli">Gian Luigi Nespoli</a> and for the collaborations with the duo <a href="/wiki/Jalisse" title="Jalisse">Jalisse</a>. Active on the Italian music scene since 1982, he published two albums of songs as a singer-songwriter in the 1990s and subsequently wrote several books. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9734 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thavamai_Thavamirundhu_(2022_TV_series)" title="Draft:Thavamai Thavamirundhu (2022 TV series)">Draft:Thavamai Thavamirundhu (2022 TV series)</a> </td> <td><i>Thavamai Thavamirundhu</i> (<abbr title="translation">transl.</abbr><span> With much penance</span>) is a 2022-2023 Indian <a href="/wiki/Tamil-language" class="mw-redirect" title="Tamil-language">Tamil-language</a> family <a href="/wiki/Tamil_television_drama" title="Tamil television drama">television series</a> starring Sivakumar, Anitha Nair, Pandi Kamal, Britto Mano and Sandhya Ramachandran. It aired on <a href="/wiki/Zee_Tamil" title="Zee Tamil">Zee Tamil</a> from 18 April 2022 to 8 October 2023, on Monday to Saturday and ended with 474 episodes. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9699 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Corisande_de_Gramont" title="Draft:Corisande de Gramont">Draft:Corisande de Gramont</a> (<small>Countess of Tankerville (1782–1865)</small>) </td> <td>Corisande Armandine Sophie Leonice Helene Bennet (de Gramont) (5 October 1782 – 23 January 1865) was a <a href="/wiki/Earl_of_Tankerville" title="Earl of Tankerville">Countess of Tankerville</a> and socialite born to the family of <a href="/wiki/Gramont_family" title="Gramont family">Gramont</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>9598 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Battle_of_Kabul_(1995)" title="Draft:Battle of Kabul (1995)">Draft:Battle of Kabul (1995)</a> (<small>afghan civil war</small>) </td> <td>Battle of Kabul was a battle between the <a href="/wiki/Islamic_State_of_Afghanistan" title="Islamic State of Afghanistan">Islamic State of Afghanistan</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Taliban" title="Taliban">Taliban</a> that took place in 1995 in the <a href="/wiki/Kabul" title="Kabul">Kabul</a> which was a decisive victory for the government forces and a heavy defeat for the <a href="/wiki/Taliban" title="Taliban">Taliban</a>. After capturing <a href="/wiki/Gulbuddin_Hekmatyar" title="Gulbuddin Hekmatyar">Gulbuddin Hekmatyar</a>'s territory and by deposing of the <a href="/wiki/Hezbe_Wahdat" title="Hezbe Wahdat">Hezbe Wahdat</a>, on 11 March the <a href="/wiki/Taliban" title="Taliban">Taliban</a> launched a massive campaign to capture <a href="/wiki/Kabul" title="Kabul">Kabul</a>. the war started in the south and west of <a href="/wiki/Kabul" title="Kabul">Kabul</a> between the <a href="/wiki/Taliban" title="Taliban">Taliban</a> and the government forces. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9538 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Amirabbas_Mollaei" title="Draft:Amirabbas Mollaei">Draft:Amirabbas Mollaei</a> (<small>Iranian researcher</small>) </td> <td>Amirabbas Mollaei (<a href="/wiki/Persian_language" title="Persian language">Persian</a>: <span lang="fa" dir="rtl">امیرعباس ملائی</span>) is an Iranian researcher in health sciences. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9506 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cikoko_(Transjakarta)" title="Draft:Cikoko (Transjakarta)">Draft:Cikoko (Transjakarta)</a> (<small>Bus rapid transit station in Jakarta, Indonesia</small>) </td> <td>Cikoko is a <a href="/wiki/Transjakarta" title="Transjakarta">Transjakarta</a> <a href="/wiki/Bus_station" title="Bus station">bus rapid transit station</a> located at Jalan Letjen M.T. Haryono in Cikoko, <a href="/wiki/Pancoran" class="mw-redirect" title="Pancoran">Pancoran</a>, <a href="/wiki/South_Jakarta" title="South Jakarta">South Jakarta</a>, Indonesia, which primarly serves <a href="/wiki/Transjakarta_Corridor_9" title="Transjakarta Corridor 9">corridor 9</a>. It is built over a viaduct and located adjacent with <a href="/wiki/Cawang_railway_station" title="Cawang railway station">Cawang railway station</a> to the north. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9447 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mihael_Polymeropoulos" title="Draft:Mihael Polymeropoulos">Draft:Mihael Polymeropoulos</a> (<small>Greek-American physician, scientist, and entrepreneur</small>) </td> <td>Mihael H. Polymeropoulos (born February 27, 1960) is a Greek-American physician, scientist and entrepreneur. He is known for his work in the <a href="/wiki/Human_Genome_Project" title="Human Genome Project">Human Genome Project</a> and the discovery of mutations in the <a href="/wiki/Alpha-synuclein" title="Alpha-synuclein">alpha synuclein</a> gene as the first genetic cause of <a href="/wiki/Parkinson%27s_disease" title="Parkinson's disease">Parkinson’s</a> disease while at the <a href="/wiki/National_Institutes_of_Health" title="National Institutes of Health">National Institutes of Health</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9389 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Edgeline_Productions" title="Draft:Edgeline Productions">Draft:Edgeline Productions</a> (<small>Summary of Edgeline Productions</small>) </td> <td>Edgeline Productions is an American <a href="/wiki/Filmmaking" title="Filmmaking">film production</a> and <a href="/wiki/Television_show" title="Television show">television production</a> company founded in 2016 by Joshua Kriegman, Elyse Steinberg, and Eli Despres. The company primarily produces <a href="/wiki/Documentary_film" title="Documentary film">documentary</a> films and television series. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9291 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pauk_Ko_Taw" title="Draft:Pauk Ko Taw">Draft:Pauk Ko Taw</a> (<small>Burmese monk</small>) </td> <td>Pauk Ko Taw (<a href="/wiki/Burmese_language" title="Burmese language">Burmese</a>: <span lang="my">ပေါက်ကိုယ်တော်</span>; , also known as Ashin Ariawuntha (<a href="/wiki/Burmese_language" title="Burmese language">Burmese</a>: <span lang="my">အရှင်အရီးအဝုန်းသ</span>; ) is a Burmese <a href="/wiki/Buddhist_monk" class="mw-redirect" title="Buddhist monk">Buddhist monk</a> involved in both religious and political movements in <a href="/wiki/Myanmar" title="Myanmar">Myanmar</a>. He is known for his advocacy of <a href="/wiki/Buddhism" title="Buddhism">Buddhism</a> in the political sphere and his association with nationalist groups such as <a href="/wiki/Ma_Ba_Tha" class="mw-redirect" title="Ma Ba Tha">Ma Ba Tha</a> (Patriotic Association of Myanmar). </td> <td>2 </td> <td>9291 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Teramaze_(metal_band)" title="Draft:Teramaze (metal band)">Draft:Teramaze (metal band)</a> (<small>AustrAustralian progressive metal bandalian band</small>) </td> <td>Teramaze is an Australian progressive metal band formed in 1995 in <a href="/wiki/Geelong" title="Geelong">Geelong</a>, <a href="/wiki/Victoria_(state)" title="Victoria (state)">Victoria</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9237 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Brent_Lindeque" title="Draft:Brent Lindeque">Draft:Brent Lindeque</a> (<small>Brent Lindeque to link him as the original initiator of the South African edition of NekNomination</small>) </td> <td>Brent Lindeque is a South African <a href="/wiki/Entrepreneurship" title="Entrepreneurship">entrepreneur</a>, <a href="/wiki/Journalist" title="Journalist">journalist</a>, <a href="/wiki/Author" title="Author">author</a>, <a href="/wiki/Podcast" title="Podcast">podcaster</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Public_speaking" title="Public speaking">public speaker</a>. He is the author of the Only Good Things Book and the editor of Good Things Guy. He is also known as the Good Things Guy. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>8959 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Karnali_Yaks" title="Draft:Karnali Yaks">Draft:Karnali Yaks</a> (<small>Franchise Cricket team in Nepal</small>) </td> <td>Karnali Yaks (<a href="/wiki/Nepali_language" title="Nepali language">Nepali</a>: कर्णाली याक्स) is a professional franchise <a href="/wiki/Cricket" title="Cricket">cricket team</a> based in <a href="/wiki/Karnali_Province" title="Karnali Province">Karnali Province</a> that competes in the <a href="/wiki/Nepal_Premier_League" title="Nepal Premier League">Nepal Premier League</a> (NPL). The team was formed in 2024 to compete in the first season of the competition. The team is owned by Himalayan Builders & Engineers and is captained by marquee player <a href="/wiki/Sompal_Kami" title="Sompal Kami">Sompal Kami</a> and coached by <a href="/wiki/Gyanendra_Malla" title="Gyanendra Malla">Gyanendra Malla</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8891 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Inbal_Nahum-Shani" title="Draft:Inbal Nahum-Shani">Draft:Inbal Nahum-Shani</a> (<small>Behavioral scientist developing quantitative methods</small>) </td> <td>Inbal Billie Nahum-Shani is a Research Professor at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. She is also the Director of the Data Science for Dynamic Decision-Making Center (d3c) at the U-M Institute for Social Research. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8620 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Soundman_Vol._2" class="mw-redirect" title="Draft:Soundman Vol. 2">Draft:Soundman Vol. 2</a> (<small>2023 EP by Wizkid</small>) </td> <td><i>Soundman Vol. 2</i> (often shortened to <i>S2</i>) is the second <a href="/wiki/Extended_play" title="Extended play">EP</a> by Nigerian singer <a href="/wiki/Wizkid" title="Wizkid">Wizkid</a>. It was released on 22 December 2023, through <a href="/wiki/RCA_Records" title="RCA Records">RCA Records</a> and Starboy Entertainment, and features guest appearances from <a href="/wiki/Wande_Coal" title="Wande Coal">Wande Coal</a> and <a href="/wiki/Zlatan_(musician)" title="Zlatan (musician)">Zlatan</a>. Production was handled by <a href="/wiki/P.Priime" title="P.Priime">P.Priime</a>, The Elements, Cake, and Bigfish. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8608 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Edward_E._Lawler" title="Draft:Edward E. Lawler">Draft:Edward E. Lawler</a> (<small>American academic</small>) </td> <td>Edward E. Lawler III (born 1938) is a distinguished American academic and researcher, who served as a professor of business at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Southern_California" title="University of Southern California">University of Southern California (USC)</a> <a href="/wiki/USC_Marshall_School_of_Business" title="USC Marshall School of Business">Marshall School of Business</a>. Lawler is noted for his contributions to the fields of <a href="/wiki/Human_resource_management" title="Human resource management">human resources management</a>, <a href="/wiki/Organization_development" title="Organization development">organizational development</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Work%E2%80%93life_balance#Compensation_Theory" title="Work–life balance">compensation theory.</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8599 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pro_Kids,_The_First_Tee_of_San_Diego" title="Draft:Pro Kids, The First Tee of San Diego">Draft:Pro Kids, The First Tee of San Diego</a> (<small>Youth golf</small>) </td> <td>Pro Kids, <a href="/wiki/First_Tee" title="First Tee">First Tee</a> - San Diego is a <a href="/wiki/Nonprofit_organization" title="Nonprofit organization">nonprofit organization</a> dedicated to providing opportunities for underserved youth in <a href="/wiki/San_Diego" title="San Diego">San Diego</a> through the sport of <a href="/wiki/Golf" title="Golf">golf</a>. Established in 1994 by former AFL/NFL player <a href="/wiki/Ernie_Wright" title="Ernie Wright">Ernie H. Wright</a>, offers inner-city youth the chance to develop life skills through the game of golf. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8588 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:GNJB" title="Draft:GNJB">Draft:GNJB</a> (<small>Wikipedia page for Japanese boy group Genin wa Jibun ni Aru. (GNJB)</small>) </td> <td>The Cause Lies Within Me. (原因は自分にある。; Genin wa Jibun ni Aru.), commonly abbreviated as GNJB or Genjibu, is a <a href="/wiki/Avant-garde" title="Avant-garde">avant-garde</a> music group formed on August 14, 2018 under <a href="/wiki/Stardust_Records" class="mw-redirect" title="Stardust Records">Stardust Records</a> as part of the <a href="/wiki/EBiDAN" class="mw-redirect" title="EBiDAN">EBiDAN</a> branch. Formerly known as BATTLE STREET, on August 7, 2019, they changed their name and adopted a new concept for the group. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>8557 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Plant-Based_Universities" title="Draft:Plant-Based Universities">Draft:Plant-Based Universities</a> (<small>Environmental campaign</small>) </td> <td>Plant-Based Universities is an international student-led campaign calling for universities and student unions to adopt fully plant-based catering. The campaign began in late 2021, and, as of November 2024, had been successful in one Austrian and twelve British universities, with around 80 active campaigns across eight countries. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8556 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Katherine_Compitus" title="Draft:Katherine Compitus">Draft:Katherine Compitus</a> (<small>american scientist</small>) </td> <td>Katherine Olaya Compitus (née Katherine Olaya Gross; born 5 March 1977, New York City) is an American doctor of clinical social work, educator and <a href="/wiki/Anthrozoology" title="Anthrozoology">anthrozoologist</a> whose work focuses on veterinary social work and trauma studies. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8502 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:SSF_Ania" title="Draft:SSF Ania">Draft:SSF Ania</a> </td> <td>The SSF <i>Ania</i> (<a href="/wiki/IMO_number" title="IMO number">IMO number</a>: <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">9203605</a>; <a href="/wiki/Maritime_Mobile_Service_Identity" title="Maritime Mobile Service Identity">MMSI number</a>: <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">341200001</a>) is a <a href="/wiki/RO-RO_ship" class="mw-redirect" title="RO-RO ship">RO-RO ship</a> flagged in <a href="/wiki/St._Kitts_Nevis" class="mw-redirect" title="St. Kitts Nevis">St. Kitts Nevis</a>, turned into a <a href="/wiki/Hospital_ship" title="Hospital ship">hospital ship</a> of the <a href="/wiki/United_Arab_Emirates" title="United Arab Emirates">United Arab Emirates</a>, for Gazan relief in <a href="/wiki/2023_Israel-Hamas_War" class="mw-redirect" title="2023 Israel-Hamas War">2023 Israel-Hamas War</a>. The decks of the RO-RO vehicle transport house a 100-bed <a href="/wiki/Mobile_hospital" class="mw-redirect" title="Mobile hospital">mobile hospital</a> unit and <a href="/wiki/Ambulance" title="Ambulance">ambulances</a>, operating since February 2024 from the port of <a href="/wiki/Arish" title="Arish">Arish</a>, on the Mediterranean coast in Egypt; just beyond the borders of the <a href="/wiki/Gaza_Strip" title="Gaza Strip">Gaza Strip</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8467 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Euripides_Laskaridis" title="Draft:Euripides Laskaridis">Draft:Euripides Laskaridis</a> (<small>Greek Director, Performer and Choreographer</small>) </td> <td>Euripides Laskaridis (1975, Athens) is a Greek <a href="/wiki/Director" class="mw-disambig" title="Director">director</a>, <a href="/wiki/Choreography" title="Choreography">choreographer</a> and <a href="/wiki/Performer" class="mw-redirect" title="Performer">performer</a>. He is known for exploring the elements of ridicule and transformation in his work, which spans both the <a href="/wiki/Theatre" title="Theatre">theatre</a> and <a href="/wiki/Film" title="Film">film</a> industries as well as <a href="/wiki/Site-specific_theatre" title="Site-specific theatre">site-specific</a> productions and seminar workshops. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8402 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hel:slowed" title="Draft:Hel:slowed">Draft:Hel:slowed</a> (<small>Dutch DJ duo</small>) </td> <td>Hel:sløwed is a collaborative electronic music project formed by Dutch <a href="/wiki/DJ" class="mw-redirect" title="DJ">DJs</a> and producers <a href="/wiki/Misja_Helsloot" title="Misja Helsloot">Misja Helsloot</a> and Michael de Kooker in 2022. The duo debuted with a remake of the trance track 'In Silence', released under <a href="/wiki/Armin_van_Buuren" title="Armin van Buuren">Armin van Buuren</a>'s <a href="/wiki/A_State_of_Trance" title="A State of Trance">A State of Trance</a> Recordings. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8358 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Aero_(semi-private_airline)" title="Draft:Aero (semi-private airline)">Draft:Aero (semi-private airline)</a> (<small>Semi-private airline based out of Van Nuys Airport</small>) </td> <td>Aero (also known as Aero Technologies Inc.) is a semi-private American <a href="/wiki/Airline" title="Airline">air carrier</a> based in Los Angeles, CA. Aero operates nonstop flights between and within <a href="/wiki/California" title="California">California</a>, <a href="/wiki/Colorado" title="Colorado">Colorado</a>, <a href="/wiki/Nevada" title="Nevada">Nevada</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Idaho" title="Idaho">Idaho</a> in the United States and <a href="/wiki/Baja_California_Sur" title="Baja California Sur">Baja California Sur</a> in Mexico. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>8311 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Santosh_Bhartiya" title="Draft:Santosh Bhartiya">Draft:Santosh Bhartiya</a> (<small>Author, Journalist and Politician</small>) </td> <td><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Ravensfire" title="User talk:Ravensfire"><span style="color: darkred;">Ravensfire</span></a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Ravensfire" title="User talk:Ravensfire">talk</a>) 19:23, 7 November 2024 (UTC) </td> <td>3 </td> <td>8284 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Clare_Uchima" title="Draft:Clare Uchima">Draft:Clare Uchima</a> (<small>Japanese-Scottish Musician</small>) </td> <td>Clare Uchima (Japanese: 内間くれあ, born January 1983) is a Scottish-Japanese musician based in London, best known for her work as a touring and session keyboardist and vocalist for artists such as <a href="/wiki/Harry_Styles" title="Harry Styles">Harry Styles</a>, <a href="/wiki/Kae_Tempest" title="Kae Tempest">Kae Tempest</a>, <a href="/wiki/Pet_Shop_Boys" title="Pet Shop Boys">Pet Shop Boys</a>, and <a href="/wiki/KT_Tunstall" title="KT Tunstall">KT Tunstall</a>.. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8264 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Biratnagar_Kings" title="Draft:Biratnagar Kings">Draft:Biratnagar Kings</a> (<small>Franchise Cricket Club from Nepal.</small>) </td> <td>off </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8244 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Biratnagar_Kings" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Biratnagar Kings">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sergei_Viktorovich_Karakayev" title="Draft:Sergei Viktorovich Karakayev">Draft:Sergei Viktorovich Karakayev</a> (<small>Russian military leader</small>) </td> <td>Sergei Viktorovich Karakaevru <span data-darkreader-inline-color="" data-darkreader-inline-bgcolor="">(</span><a href="/wiki/Russian_language" title="Russian language">Russian</a>: <span lang="ru">Сергей Викторович Каракаев</span><span data-darkreader-inline-color="" data-darkreader-inline-bgcolor="">; born 4 June 1961)</span> is a Russian military officer who has served as the Commander of the <a href="/wiki/Strategic_Rocket_Forces" title="Strategic Rocket Forces">Strategic Rocket Forces of the Russian Federation</a> since 2010. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8206 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yoshi_Mobility" title="Draft:Yoshi Mobility">Draft:Yoshi Mobility</a> (<small>Mobility service company</small>) </td> <td>Yoshi Mobility is a tech enabled mobility services company headquartered in <a href="/wiki/Nashville,_Tennessee" title="Nashville, Tennessee">Nashville, TN</a>. The company provides mobile car care including mobile EV charging, and virtual vehicle inspections, and onsite preventative maintenance to fleets across the United States. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>8202 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ghulam_Muhammad_Memon" title="Draft:Ghulam Muhammad Memon">Draft:Ghulam Muhammad Memon</a> (<small>He is a retired Pakistani bureaucrat and has served for over 35 years</small>) </td> <td>Ghulam Muhammad Memon is a retired Pakistani <a href="/wiki/Civil_service" title="Civil service">public servant</a> who served as the acting <a href="/wiki/Auditor_General_of_Pakistan" title="Auditor General of Pakistan">Auditor General of Pakistan</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Federal_Secretary" title="Federal Secretary">Federal Secretary</a> for the <a href="/wiki/Ministry_of_Science_and_Technology_(Pakistan)" title="Ministry of Science and Technology (Pakistan)">Ministry of Science and Technology</a>. He was a <a href="/wiki/Grade_22" title="Grade 22">BPS-22 grade</a> officer of the Pakistan Audit and Accounts Service (PAAS) and had a public service career spanning over 35 years. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8191 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:State_analysis_of_internal_natural_convection" title="Draft:State analysis of internal natural convection">Draft:State analysis of internal natural convection</a> (<small>Scale Analysis of Internal natural convection</small>) </td> <td><big>Internal Natural Convection</big> </td> <td>2 </td> <td>8118 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:OneStream_Live" title="Draft:OneStream Live">Draft:OneStream Live</a> </td> <td>OneStream Live is a cloud-based <a href="/wiki/Live_streaming" title="Live streaming">live streaming</a> broadcasting service in <a href="/wiki/Espoo" title="Espoo">Espoo</a>, Finland. The service is available on its website and on <a href="/wiki/Android_(operating_system)" title="Android (operating system)">Android</a> and <a href="/wiki/IOS" title="IOS">iOS</a> apps. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8073 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cadence_OTC" title="Draft:Cadence OTC">Draft:Cadence OTC</a> (<small>Consumer healthcare company offering affordable contraceptives without medical prescriptions.</small>) </td> <td>Cadence Health, Inc., also known as Cadence OTC, is a <a href="/wiki/Privately_held_company" title="Privately held company">privately held</a> consumer healthcare company in the <a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">United States</a>. Founded by Dr. <a href="/wiki/Malcolm_Potts" title="Malcolm Potts">Malcolm Potts</a>, Dr. Nap Hosang, and Samantha Miller in 2016 as a <a href="/wiki/Benefit_corporation" title="Benefit corporation">public benefit company</a> (PBC) based in <a href="/wiki/Oakland,_California" title="Oakland, California">Oakland, California</a>, Cadence OTC provides access to contraceptives without a <a href="/wiki/Medical_prescription" title="Medical prescription">medical prescription</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>8069 </td> <td>UPE </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nikolay_Karabinovych" title="Draft:Nikolay Karabinovych">Draft:Nikolay Karabinovych</a> (<small>Artist</small>) </td> <td>Nikolay Karabinovych (born 19 September 1988) is an artist and curator from <a href="/wiki/Odesa" title="Odesa">Odesa</a>, Ukraine. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8053 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Madras_International_Karting_Arena" title="Draft:Madras International Karting Arena">Draft:Madras International Karting Arena</a> (<small>Karting circuit in India</small>) </td> <td>Madras International Karting Arena, nicknamed as MIKA, is a CIK FIA homologated karting track adjacent to the <a href="/wiki/Madras_International_Circuit" title="Madras International Circuit">Madras International Circuit</a> grand stand, at Irungattukottai, Sripreumbudur, about 40 km from <a href="/wiki/Chennai" title="Chennai">Chennai</a>. It is India’s first CIK FIA approved track. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>8035 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-27 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Moe_Dimanche" title="Draft:Moe Dimanche">Draft:Moe Dimanche</a> (<small>Writer</small>) </td> <td>Moe Dimanche (born November 7, 1987) is a Haitian-American artist and author. He is best known for his artwork criticizing brutality in prisons. <i><a href="/wiki/The_Conversation_(website)" title="The Conversation (website)">The Conversation</a></i> featured Dimanche's art as a diagnosis of "the systemic sickness of Florida's penitentiaries." </td> <td>1 </td> <td>8031 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Data_and_Analytics_Facility_for_National_Infrastructure" title="Draft:Data and Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure">Draft:Data and Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure</a> (<small>UK Government infrastructure computing platform</small>) </td> <td>The Data and Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure (DAFNI) is a computing platform which supports advanced research into national infrastructure including transport, water, energy and city scale modelling. DAFNI was established in 2017 and spent four years in development before launching in July 2021. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8025 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:No_Savage" title="Draft:No Savage">Draft:No Savage</a> (<small>Hip Hop artist</small>) </td> <td>Noah Anthony Settles (born October 1, 1999, in <a href="/wiki/Washington,_D.C." title="Washington, D.C.">Washington, D.C.</a>), better known by his stage name, No Savage, is an American rapper from <a href="/wiki/Southeast_(Washington,_D.C.)" title="Southeast (Washington, D.C.)">Southeast D.C.</a> </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7894 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Linux_Foundation_Decentralized_Trust" title="Draft:Linux Foundation Decentralized Trust">Draft:Linux Foundation Decentralized Trust</a> (<small>Open source software foundaton</small>) </td> <td>Linux Foundation Decentralized Trust (LF Decentralized Trust) is an umbrella project of the Linux Foundation. It hosts the collaborative development of a number of <a href="/wiki/Open_source" title="Open source">open source</a> technologies that support decentralized networks and applications. These include Besu, Hiero, Hyperledger Cacti and Hyperledger Fabric. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7893 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Georgia%27s_Youth_Representative_to_the_United_Nations" title="Draft:Georgia's Youth Representative to the United Nations">Draft:Georgia's Youth Representative to the United Nations</a> (<small>English translation of the article on Georgia's Youth Representative to the United Nations</small>) </td> <td>Georgia's Youth Representative to the United Nations— A program in Georgia, initiated in 2012, fully funded by the <a href="/wiki/Ministry_of_Education,_Science,_Culture_and_Sport_of_Georgia" title="Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia">Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of Georgia</a> in collaboration with the <a href="/wiki/Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_of_Georgia" title="Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia">Ministry of Foreign Affairs</a>. Since 2021, the program has been implemented by the Youth Agency in partnership with the UN Office in Georgia. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7826 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:DreadClub:_Vampire%27s_Verdict" title="Draft:DreadClub: Vampire's Verdict">Draft:DreadClub: Vampire's Verdict</a> (<small>2024 American AI-generated animated film</small>) </td> <td><i>DreadClub: Vampire's Verdict</i> is a 2024 American animated film directed by Hooroo Jackson, based on his novel <i>Duchamps</i>. It is the first AI-generated animated feature film and the first AI anime feature film. It premiered on July 3, 2024 and was released on July 26, 2024 on Amazon Prime, receiving a Blu-ray release on August 31, 2024. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7805 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Matt_McCusker" title="Draft:Matt McCusker">Draft:Matt McCusker</a> (<small>American comedian, author, and podcast host.</small>) </td> <td>Matt McCusker is an American stand-up comedian, author, and podcast host. He is the co-host of <i>Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast</i> with <a href="/wiki/Shane_Gillis" title="Shane Gillis">Shane Gillis</a>. He was named Philly's Funniest in 2014. He has been a guest on <a href="/wiki/The_Joe_Rogan_Experience" title="The Joe Rogan Experience">The Joe Rogan Experience</a> podcast. Notable guests that have appeared on his podcast include <a href="/wiki/Louis_C.K." title="Louis C.K.">Louis CK</a>, <a href="/wiki/Mark_Normand" title="Mark Normand">Mark Normand</a>, <a href="/wiki/John_McAfee" title="John McAfee">John McAfee</a>, <a href="/wiki/Danny_McBride" title="Danny McBride">Danny McBride</a>, <a href="/wiki/Bert_Kreischer" title="Bert Kreischer">Bert Kreischer</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Tom_Segura" title="Tom Segura">Tom Segura</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>7798 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:South_Shore_Conference_(Wisconsin)" title="Draft:South Shore Conference (Wisconsin)">Draft:South Shore Conference (Wisconsin)</a> </td> <td>The South Shore Conference is a former high school athletic conference in <a href="/wiki/Wisconsin" title="Wisconsin">Wisconsin</a>, operating from 1970 to 1980 with its membership concentrated in <a href="/wiki/Racine,_Wisconsin" title="Racine, Wisconsin">Racine</a> and <a href="/wiki/Kenosha,_Wisconsin" title="Kenosha, Wisconsin">Kenosha</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7790 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Adieu_Vinyle" title="Draft:Adieu Vinyle">Draft:Adieu Vinyle</a> (<small>TV movie</small>) </td> <td>Adieu Vinyle is a French television movie directed by <a href="/wiki/Jos%C3%A9e_Dayan" title="Josée Dayan">Josée Dayan</a>, broadcasted in Switzerland on September 15th 2023 on <a href="/wiki/RTS_Un" class="mw-redirect" title="RTS Un">RTS 1</a> and on September 18th 2023 on <a href="/wiki/France_2" title="France 2">France 2</a>. It is currently available on <a href="/wiki/Google_Play" title="Google Play">Google Play</a> The movie adapts the novel Á coeur perdu by <a href="/wiki/Boileau-Narcejac" title="Boileau-Narcejac">Boileau-Narcejac</a> (Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac). </td> <td>3 </td> <td>7778 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Grupo_Puntacana" title="Draft:Grupo Puntacana">Draft:Grupo Puntacana</a> (<small>Dominican business conglomerate</small>) </td> <td>Grupo Puntacana (officially Grupo Puntacana S.A.) is a private Dominican <a href="/wiki/Business_conglomerate" class="mw-redirect" title="Business conglomerate">business conglomerate</a>, dedicated to <a href="/wiki/Sustainable_tourism" title="Sustainable tourism">sustainable tourism</a> founded in 1969. It is a pioneer in the development of the destination and a real estate community in <a href="/wiki/Punta_Cana" title="Punta Cana">Punta Cana</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7751 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Adam_Dovile" title="Draft:Adam Dovile">Draft:Adam Dovile</a> (<small>Australian TV presenter</small>) </td> <td>Adam Dovile is an Australian builder and television presenter. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>7744 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Come_On_Over_-_All_The_Hits" title="Draft:Come On Over - All The Hits">Draft:Come On Over - All The Hits</a> (<small>Shania Twain Third Las Vegas Residency</small>) </td> <td>Come On Over - All The Hits! is the third <a href="/wiki/Concert_residency" title="Concert residency">concert residency</a> by Canadian singer <a href="/wiki/Shania_Twain" title="Shania Twain">Shania Twain</a>. Performed at the <a href="/wiki/Bakkt_Theater" class="mw-redirect" title="Bakkt Theater">Bakkt Theater</a> in <a href="/wiki/Las_Vegas_Valley" title="Las Vegas Valley">Las Vegas</a>, <a href="/wiki/Nevada" title="Nevada">Nevada</a>, the show began on May 10, 2024. Previously, Twain spent three years, from December 2019 until September 2022, performing the <a href="/wiki/Let%27s_Go!_(residency)" title="Let's Go! (residency)">Let's Go! (residency)</a> at <a href="/wiki/Zappos_Theater" class="mw-redirect" title="Zappos Theater">Zappos Theater</a>, and embarked on her 2023 <a href="/wiki/Queen_of_Me_Tour" title="Queen of Me Tour">Queen of Me Tour</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7680 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Noirvember" title="Draft:Noirvember">Draft:Noirvember</a> (<small>This is a film holiday that grew out of internet culture and is a part of cinephile culture.</small>) </td> <td>Noirvember is a month-long movie holiday celebrated in November by cinephiles around the globe focusing on the <a href="/wiki/Film_noir" title="Film noir">film noir</a> genre. The holiday was created in 2010 by critic Marya E. Gates as a month-long challenge to get more knowledgeable about the era. It first gained popularity on <a href="/wiki/Tumblr" title="Tumblr">Tumblr</a> before the hashtag became popular on <a href="/wiki/Twitter" title="Twitter">Twitter</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7649 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:List_of_heirs_to_the_throne_of_Monaco" title="Draft:List of heirs to the throne of Monaco">Draft:List of heirs to the throne of Monaco</a> (<small>List of heirs to a currently existent monarchy.</small>) </td> <td>These are the individuals who, at any given time, were considered next in line to inherit the throne of Monaco, should the incumbent monarch die. Those who actually succeeded (at any time) are shown in bold. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7645 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Live_Rope" title="Draft:Live Rope">Draft:Live Rope</a> (<small>2024 live album</small>) </td> <td><i>Live Rope</i> is the tenth live album by American <a href="/wiki/Experimental_rock" title="Experimental rock">experimental rock</a> band <a href="/wiki/Swans_(band)" title="Swans (band)">Swans</a>, released in November 2024 on <a href="/wiki/Young_God_Records" title="Young God Records">Young God</a>. Released in full as a USB "credit card" as well as in edited forms on CD and vinyl, the album served as a fundraiser for the upcoming seventeenth studio album <i>Birthing</i>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7636 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Loli_Kim" title="Draft:Loli Kim">Draft:Loli Kim</a> (<small>British scholar of Asian multimodality, semantics, and pragmatics.</small>) </td> <td>Short Description </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7629 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bronx_Conservative_Party" title="Draft:Bronx Conservative Party">Draft:Bronx Conservative Party</a> (<small>Bronx Conservative Party</small>) </td> <td>The Bronx County Conservative Party, more commonly known as the Bronx Conservative Party, is a regional affiliate of the <a href="/wiki/Conservative_Party_(United_States)" title="Conservative Party (United States)">United States Conservative Party</a> for the <a href="/wiki/Boroughs_of_New_York_City" title="Boroughs of New York City">borough</a> of <a href="/wiki/The_Bronx" title="The Bronx">the Bronx</a> in <a href="/wiki/New_York_City" title="New York City">New York City</a>, <a href="/wiki/New_York_(state)" title="New York (state)">New York</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7599 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kaala_Bhairava_(Upcoming_film)" title="Draft:Kaala Bhairava (Upcoming film)">Draft:Kaala Bhairava (Upcoming film)</a> (<small>upcoming Tamil-Telugu bilingual film directed by Ramesh Varma</small>) </td> <td><i>Kaala Bhairava</i> is an upcoming Indian <a href="/wiki/Tamil_language" title="Tamil language">Tamil</a>-<a href="/wiki/Telugu_language" title="Telugu language">Telugu</a> bilingual <a href="/wiki/Epic_film" title="Epic film">epic</a> <a href="/wiki/Action_adventure_film" class="mw-redirect" title="Action adventure film">action adventure</a> film written and directed by <a href="/wiki/Ramesh_Varma" title="Ramesh Varma">Ramesh Varma</a>, having <a href="/wiki/Raghava_Lawrence" title="Raghava Lawrence">Raghava Lawrence</a> in the lead role. The film is produced by Koneru Satyanaratana and Manish Shah under A Studios LLP banner in collaboration with Goldmine Telefilms, Neeladri Productions and Hawwish Productions. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7587 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mia_Ives-Rublee" title="Draft:Mia Ives-Rublee">Draft:Mia Ives-Rublee</a> (<small>Disability rights activist</small>) </td> <td>Mia Ives-Rublee (born 1984) is an American disability rights activist, policy analyst, social worker, and public speaker who currently works as the Senior Director of the Disability Justice Initiative at the <a href="/wiki/Center_for_American_Progress" title="Center for American Progress">Center for American Progress</a>. She is best known for her work on the <a href="/wiki/Women%27s_March" title="Women's March">Women's March</a> in 2016, co-founding the Women's March Disability Caucus and developing the accessibility plans for the original march in 2017. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7540 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Organ_Tapes" title="Draft:Organ Tapes">Draft:Organ Tapes</a> (<small>Underground electronic musician from London, UK</small>) </td> <td>Organ Tapes is the alias of British Chinese artist Tim Zha, born in <a href="/wiki/London" title="London">London</a> and is part of the city's underground <a href="/wiki/Electronic_music" title="Electronic music">electronic music</a> scene. Zha's music is often praised for its emotional vulnerability and his original approach to music production, saying “I want the song to function as something that approaches being outside language” in an interview with <a href="/wiki/Dazed" title="Dazed">Dazed</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7482 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:DiJones_Real_Estate" title="Draft:DiJones Real Estate">Draft:DiJones Real Estate</a> (<small>Australian company</small>) </td> <td>DiJones Real Estate is an Australian <a href="/wiki/Real_estate" title="Real estate">real estate</a> group specialising in residential and commercial sales and <a href="/wiki/Property_management" title="Property management">property management</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7446 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alpha_Teknova" title="Draft:Alpha Teknova">Draft:Alpha Teknova</a> </td> <td>Alpha Teknova is an American biotechnology company based in California, specializing in the supply of essential reagents for the </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7443 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Al_Laith_Group" title="Draft:Al Laith Group">Draft:Al Laith Group</a> (<small>Dubai-Based construction and engineering company</small>) </td> <td>Al Laith Group is a Dubai-based group offering <a href="/wiki/Engineering" title="Engineering">Engineering</a>, Project & <a href="/wiki/Construction" title="Construction">Construction</a> access solutions as well as the rental and sales of plant, equipment and <a href="/wiki/Machinery" class="mw-redirect" title="Machinery">machinery</a> and temporary facilities and logistics to the film, event and construction sectors. The company was established in the Middle East in 1995 and was acquired by the CG Tech Group in 2016. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7436 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Vladimir_Karlovich_Rjepetsky" title="Draft:Vladimir Karlovich Rjepetsky">Draft:Vladimir Karlovich Rjepetsky</a> (<small>Vladimir Rjepetsky (1853–1914)</small>) </td> <td>Major General Vladimir Mikhail Karlovich Rjepetsky (born: Vladimir Mikhail Karlovich Rzepecki, 7 November 1853 – 6 September 1914) was a <a href="/wiki/Russian_people" class="mw-redirect" title="Russian people">Russian</a> <a href="/wiki/Major_General" class="mw-redirect" title="Major General">Major General</a> in the 19th & 20th Centuries who served during the <a href="/wiki/Russian_conquest_of_Central_Asia" title="Russian conquest of Central Asia">Russian conquest of Central Asia</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7435 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Man_Down_(album)" title="Draft:Man Down (album)">Draft:Man Down (album)</a> (<small>2024 studio album by Ice Cube</small>) </td> <td><i>Man Down</i> is the eleventh <a href="/wiki/Studio_album" class="mw-redirect" title="Studio album">studio album</a> by American rapper <a href="/wiki/Ice_Cube" title="Ice Cube">Ice Cube</a>. It released yesterday on November 22, 2024, making it his first solo album since <i><a href="/wiki/Everythang%27s_Corrupt" title="Everythang's Corrupt">Everythang's Corrupt</a></i> (2018). Man Down features guest appearances from Mount Westmore cohorts <a href="/wiki/E-40" title="E-40">E-40</a>, <a href="/wiki/Snoop_Dogg" title="Snoop Dogg">Snoop Dogg</a> and <a href="/wiki/Too_Short" title="Too Short">Too $hort</a>, <a href="/wiki/October_London" title="October London">October London</a>, IshaDon, K-Major, <a href="/wiki/Mike_Epps" title="Mike Epps">Mike Epps</a>, <a href="/wiki/Da_Lench_Mob" title="Da Lench Mob">Da Lench Mob</a> cohort J-Dee, <a href="/wiki/Kurupt" title="Kurupt">Kurupt</a>, <a href="/wiki/B-Real" title="B-Real">B-Real</a>, <a href="/wiki/Xzibit" title="Xzibit">Xzibit</a>, <a href="/wiki/Busta_Rhymes" title="Busta Rhymes">Busta Rhymes</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Killer_Mike" title="Killer Mike">Killer Mike</a>, while production was handl ... </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7379 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Andres_Laszlo_Jr." title="Draft:Andres Laszlo Jr.">Draft:Andres Laszlo Jr.</a> (<small>Swedish/French author, researcher</small>) </td> <td>Andres Laszlo Jr.(1955-) is a Swedish/<a href="/wiki/France" title="France">French</a> author, researcher, and adventurer. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7368 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sukhan" title="Draft:Sukhan">Draft:Sukhan</a> (<small>A theatrical production that celebrates the richness of Urdu literature and Hindustani classical mus</small>) </td> <td>Sukhan is a theatrical production that presents Urdu literature and Hindustani classical music. Conceived and directed by <a href="/wiki/National_Film_Awards" title="National Film Awards">National-Award</a> winning Marathi actor <a href="/wiki/Om_Bhutkar" title="Om Bhutkar">Om Bhutkar</a>, the show was first performed on 13 October 2015 to commemorate the 67th birth anniversary of <a href="/wiki/Nusrat_Fateh_Ali_Khan" title="Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan">Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7360 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Okwudili_Nebeolisa" title="Draft:Okwudili Nebeolisa">Draft:Okwudili Nebeolisa</a> (<small>Nigerian Writer</small>) </td> <td>Okwudili Nebeolisa is a Nigerian writer. He is the author of the poetry collection Terminal Maladies (Autumn House Press, 2024).. He is a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop where he studied poetry, and is currently a student in fiction at the University of Minnesota </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7314 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Guillaume_Rambourg" title="Draft:Guillaume Rambourg">Draft:Guillaume Rambourg</a> (<small>Franco-Canadian asset manager and philanthropist (born 1971)</small>) </td> <td>Guillaume Rambourg (born January 8, 1971) is a Franco-Canadian asset manager and philanthropist. He is the former Deputy Managing Director at <a href="/w/index.php?title=Gartmore_Investment_Management&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Gartmore Investment Management (page does not exist)">Gartmore Investment Management</a>, a leading firm in the asset management sector. He is also the founder of the <a href="/wiki/Rambourg_Foundation" title="Rambourg Foundation">Rambourg Foundation</a>, which focuses on promoting education, art, sports, and culture. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7310 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:TSS_(band)" title="Draft:TSS (band)">Draft:TSS (band)</a> (<small>French rock band</small>) </td> <td>TSS (also known as The Sunday Sadness) are a French <a href="/wiki/Rock_music" title="Rock music">rock</a> band, formed in <a href="/wiki/Bordeaux,_Gironde" class="mw-redirect" title="Bordeaux, Gironde">Bordeaux, Gironde</a> in 2016. The group currently consists of lead vocalist Matthieu Kirby, vocalist and guitarist John Fine and drummer Hugo Peix. They are signed to <a href="/wiki/Fearless_Records" title="Fearless Records">Fearless Records</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7309 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jenna_Daniels" title="Draft:Jenna Daniels">Draft:Jenna Daniels</a> (<small>American professional golfer (born 1978)</small>) </td> <td>Jennifer Lynn Daniels (born May 16, 1978) is an American <a href="/wiki/Professional_golfer" title="Professional golfer">professional golfer</a>. Daniels is best known for her success at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Arizona" title="University of Arizona">University of Arizona</a>, where she led the <a href="/wiki/Arizona_Wildcats_women%27s_golf" title="Arizona Wildcats women's golf">Arizona Wildcats women's golf</a> to an <a href="/wiki/NCAA_Division_I_women%27s_golf_championship" title="NCAA Division I women's golf championship">NCAA Division I women's golf championship</a> title in 2000 as seen by <a href="/wiki/List_of_Pac-12_Conference_champions" title="List of Pac-12 Conference champions">List of Pac-12 Conference champions</a> and won the individual championship the same year. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7284 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Khurasan_FC" title="Draft:Khurasan FC">Draft:Khurasan FC</a> (<small>Football club</small>) </td> <td>Khurasan Football Club (<a href="/wiki/Persian_language" title="Persian language">Persian</a>: <span lang="fa" dir="rtl">خراسان فاریاب</span>, <small><a href="/wiki/Romanization_of_Persian" title="Romanization of Persian">romanized</a>: </small><span title="Persian-language romanization"><i lang="fa-Latn">Bâšgâh-e Futbâl-e Khurâsân</i></span>), (also written as Khorasan FC); is a professional <a href="/wiki/Football_club_(association_football)" title="Football club (association football)">football club</a> based in the <a href="/wiki/Faryab_Province" title="Faryab Province">Faryab Province</a> of <a href="/wiki/Afghanistan" title="Afghanistan">Afghanistan</a>. It currently plays in the <a href="/wiki/Afghanistan_Champions_League" title="Afghanistan Champions League">Afghanistan Football Champions League</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7260 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Andy_Crebar" title="Draft:Andy Crebar">Draft:Andy Crebar</a> (<small>Australian entrepreneur and business leader</small>) </td> <td>Andy Crebar (born 23 November 1988) is an Australian businessman known for founding or co-founding multiple companies in <a href="/wiki/Australia" title="Australia">Australia</a> and internationally, including Sapling HR and HoneyBricks. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>7238 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Massimo_De_Carlo_Gallery" title="Draft:Massimo De Carlo Gallery">Draft:Massimo De Carlo Gallery</a> (<small>Contemporary and modern art gallery with multiple locations</small>) </td> <td>Massimo De Carlo, sometimes stylized as MASSIMODECARLO, is a <a href="/wiki/Contemporary_art_gallery" title="Contemporary art gallery">contemporary art gallery</a> with locations in <a href="/wiki/Milan" title="Milan">Milan</a>, <a href="/wiki/London" title="London">London</a>, <a href="/wiki/Paris" title="Paris">Paris</a>, <a href="/wiki/Beijing" title="Beijing">Beijing</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Hong_Kong" title="Hong Kong">Hong Kong</a>. Established in 1987 by <a href="/wiki/Massimo_De_Carlo" title="Massimo De Carlo">Massimo De Carlo</a>, the gallery represents a diverse array of artists from around the world. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7238 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Fedro_Gaudenzi" title="Draft:Fedro Gaudenzi">Draft:Fedro Gaudenzi</a> (<small>Bespoke tailoring house in London.</small>) </td> <td>Fedro Gaudenzi is a <a href="/wiki/Bespoke_tailoring" title="Bespoke tailoring">bespoke tailoring</a> house established in 2016 and located on <a href="/wiki/Cork_Street" title="Cork Street">Cork Street</a> in <a href="/wiki/London" title="London">London</a>. The company specializes in luxury and contemporary tailoring and is a member of the <a href="/wiki/Savile_Row_Bespoke_Association" class="mw-redirect" title="Savile Row Bespoke Association">Savile Row Bespoke Association</a>.. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>7235 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Newsdrum" title="Draft:Newsdrum">Draft:Newsdrum</a> (<small>Indian online news platform</small>) </td> <td>Newsdrum is an Indian online news platform owned by BMI Group of Publications. It was launched by journalist Niraj Sharma in April 2022. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7233 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:RK_Mishra" title="Draft:RK Mishra">Draft:RK Mishra</a> (<small>ITS officer</small>) </td> <td>Ravindra Kumar Mishra (IAST: <span title="International Alphabet of Sanskrit transliteration"><i lang="sa-Latn">Ravindra Kumāra Miśra</i></span>) was born on July 15, 1955, in <a href="/wiki/Darbhanga" title="Darbhanga">Darbhanga</a>, <a href="/wiki/Bihar" title="Bihar">Bihar</a>. He completed his schooling at GKPV Rasiyari <a href="/wiki/Darbhanga" title="Darbhanga">Darbhanga</a>, where he passed PU SC (equivalent to today's Class XI). He obtained a <a href="/wiki/Bachelor_of_Engineering" title="Bachelor of Engineering">Bachelor of Engineering</a> degree in <a href="/wiki/Electronics_and_Communications" class="mw-redirect" title="Electronics and Communications">Electronics and Communications</a> from the <a href="/wiki/Institution_of_Engineers_(India)" title="Institution of Engineers (India)">Institution of Engineers</a>, <a href="/wiki/Kolkata" title="Kolkata">Kolkata</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>7229 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mykyta_Poturayev" title="Draft:Mykyta Poturayev">Draft:Mykyta Poturayev</a> (<small>Ukrainian politician (born 1970)</small>) </td> <td>Mykyta Ruslanovych Poturayev (Ukrainian: Микита Русланович Потураєв; born on 4 September 1970), is a Ukrainian politician, and former political and media consulting commentator who is currently serving as the member of the <a href="/wiki/Verkhovna_Rada" title="Verkhovna Rada">Verkhovna Rada</a> since 29 August 2019. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7214 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Catholics_in_the_Conservative_Party" title="Draft:Catholics in the Conservative Party">Draft:Catholics in the Conservative Party</a> (<small>Catholic group within the UK Conservative Party</small>) </td> <td>Catholics in the Conservative Party (CITCP) is an organisation within the British <a href="/wiki/Conservative_Party_(UK)" title="Conservative Party (UK)">Conservative Party</a> which promotes the interests of Catholics in the United Kingdom and their participation in public life. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>7174 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sustainable_Development_Council" title="Draft:Sustainable Development Council">Draft:Sustainable Development Council</a> (<small>United Nations ECOSOC Organisation</small>) </td> <td>The Sustainable Development Council (SDC) is an international non-profit organisation that describes itself as an organisation focused on advancing the <a href="/wiki/United_Nations" title="United Nations">United Nations</a> <a href="/wiki/Sustainable_Development_Goals" title="Sustainable Development Goals">Sustainable Development Goals</a> (SDGs) through youth empowerment, human rights advocacy, environmental sustainability, and social justice. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7147 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/" title=""></a> (<small> online donation platform in the Philippines</small>) </td> <td> (CPO), is an <a href="/wiki/Online" class="mw-redirect" title="Online">online</a> <a href="/wiki/Crowdfunding" title="Crowdfunding">crowdfunding</a> platform in the <a href="/wiki/Philippines" title="Philippines">Philippines</a>, connecting global <a href="/wiki/Donors" class="mw-redirect" title="Donors">donors</a> with various <a href="/wiki/Humanitarian" class="mw-redirect" title="Humanitarian">humanitarian</a> projects and charities within the country. Launched as the first such platform in the Philippines, CPO enables individuals to contribute to vetted causes without <a href="/wiki/Transaction_fees" class="mw-redirect" title="Transaction fees">transaction fees</a>, ensuring that <a href="/wiki/Donations" class="mw-redirect" title="Donations">donations</a> reach their intended <a href="/wiki/Beneficiaries" class="mw-redirect" title="Beneficiaries">beneficiaries</a> directly. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7132 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mark_Herman_(game_designer)" title="Draft:Mark Herman (game designer)">Draft:Mark Herman (game designer)</a> (<small>American Game Designer</small>) </td> <td>Mark Herman (born 1954) is an American game designer known for his contributions to wargames and historical strategy games. With a career spanning more than five decades, Herman is regarded as a pioneer in the genre, particularly for his innovations in "card-driven games" (CDGs), which blend narrative and strategy through card-based mechanics. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7131 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:So-yeon_Schr%C3%B6der-Kim" title="Draft:So-yeon Schröder-Kim">Draft:So-yeon Schröder-Kim</a> (<small>Korean-German wife of Gerhard Schröder</small>) </td> <td>So-yeon Schröder-Kim (born 3 June 1970 in <a href="/wiki/Seoul" title="Seoul">Seoul</a>, <a href="/wiki/South_Korea" title="South Korea">South Korea</a>) is a South Korean <a href="/wiki/Language_interpretation" title="Language interpretation">interpreter</a> and <a href="/wiki/Translation" title="Translation">translator</a> and has been the fifth wife of former <a href="/wiki/Chancellor_of_Germany" title="Chancellor of Germany">Chancellor of Germany</a> <a href="/wiki/Gerhard_Schr%C3%B6der" title="Gerhard Schröder">Gerhard Schröder</a> since 2018. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7129 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:She_Loves_Me_(1979_TV_play)" title="Draft:She Loves Me (1979 TV play)">Draft:She Loves Me (1979 TV play)</a> (<small>Creating a She Loves Me (1979 TV play) Wikipedia page</small>) </td> <td><i>She Loves Me</i> was a 1979 TV play based of the book of the same name and based on the 1963 broadway musical <i>The Shop Around the Corner</i>. The play was produced by the <a href="/wiki/BBC" title="BBC">BBC</a> and screened on 13 April 1979 on <a href="/wiki/BBC_Two" title="BBC Two">BBC Two</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7123 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jack_Meng-Tat_Chia" title="Draft:Jack Meng-Tat Chia">Draft:Jack Meng-Tat Chia</a> (<small>Singaporean Buddhologist and historian</small>) </td> <td>Jack Meng-Tat Chia (<a href="/wiki/Simplified_Chinese_characters" title="Simplified Chinese characters">simplified Chinese</a>: <span lang="zh-Hans">谢明达</span>; <a href="/wiki/Traditional_Chinese_characters" title="Traditional Chinese characters">traditional Chinese</a>: <span lang="zh-Hant">謝明達</span>) <span class="nobold noexcerpt nowraplinks" style="font-size:;"><span style="font-size: 85%;"><a href="/wiki/Fellow_of_the_Royal_Historical_Society" class="mw-redirect" title="Fellow of the Royal Historical Society">FRHistS</a></span></span> is a Singaporean Buddhologist and historian. He is currently the <a href="/wiki/Foo_Hai_Ch%27an_Monastery" title="Foo Hai Ch'an Monastery">Foo Hai Ch'an Monastery</a> Chair in <a href="/wiki/Buddhist_Studies" class="mw-redirect" title="Buddhist Studies">Buddhist Studies</a> and an associate professor of history at the <a href="/wiki/National_University_of_Singapore" title="National University of Singapore">National University of Singapore</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7117 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nicola_Sharp-Jeffs" title="Draft:Nicola Sharp-Jeffs">Draft:Nicola Sharp-Jeffs</a> (<small>Expert in economic abuse</small>) </td> <td>Dr Nicola Sharp-Jeffs is an expert in <a href="/wiki/Economic_abuse" title="Economic abuse">economic abuse</a> and a prominent commentator on it. She is founder of the UK charity Surviving Economic Abuse which raises awareness of economic abuse and transforms responses to it. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7100 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Christopher_Joshua_Benton" title="Draft:Christopher Joshua Benton">Draft:Christopher Joshua Benton</a> (<small>American visual artist</small>) </td> <td>Christopher Joshua Benton (born 30 June 1988) is an American visual artist and researcher. Known for his large-scale installations and socially engaged art projects, Benton's practice also includes filmmaking, archiving, and artistic research to visualize diasporic resistance through material and intangible culture. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7096 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Matthew_Caldwell_(ice_hockey)" title="Draft:Matthew Caldwell (ice hockey)">Draft:Matthew Caldwell (ice hockey)</a> (<small>American Professional Ice Hockey Executive</small>) </td> <td>Matthew Caldwell is an American ice hockey executive currently serving as the President, Chief Executive Officer and Alternate Governor of the Florida Panthers of the <a href="/wiki/National_Hockey_League" title="National Hockey League">National Hockey League</a> (NHL). He is also a published author of the book ‘Wild Bill: The Legend of America’s Craziest Father.’ </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7095 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nicolas_Atanes" title="Draft:Nicolas Atanes">Draft:Nicolas Atanes</a> (<small>Spanish activist and mathematics activist</small>) </td> <td>Nicolas Atanes (Burgos, 2004) is a Spanish activist and <a href="/wiki/Popular_mathematics" title="Popular mathematics">mathematics popularizer</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7089 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Luko_Paljetak" title="Draft:Luko Paljetak">Draft:Luko Paljetak</a> </td> <td>Luko Paljetak (19 August 1943 – 12 May 2024) was a <a href="/wiki/Croat" class="mw-redirect" title="Croat">Croatian</a> <a href="/wiki/Poet" title="Poet">poet</a>, <a href="/wiki/Writer" title="Writer">writer</a>, <a href="/wiki/Literary_translator" class="mw-redirect" title="Literary translator">literary translator</a>, <a href="/wiki/Literary_historian" class="mw-redirect" title="Literary historian">literary historian</a>, <a href="/wiki/Theatre_critic" class="mw-redirect" title="Theatre critic">theatre critic</a>, <a href="/wiki/Puppet_theatre" class="mw-redirect" title="Puppet theatre">puppet theatre</a> <a href="/wiki/Theatre_director" title="Theatre director">director</a>, known for his work about <a href="/wiki/Dubrovnik" title="Dubrovnik">Dubrovnik</a>, ludist poetry and literary translations from various <a href="/wiki/European_languages" class="mw-redirect" title="European languages">European languages</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7049 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sandbox_Symphony" title="Draft:Sandbox Symphony">Draft:Sandbox Symphony</a> (<small>Annual community arts event at Oakwood Beach</small>) </td> <td>Sandbox Symphony is an annual community-driven cultural event held at Oakwood Beach in Chicago, Illinois. The event, organized by The Beat Bank and led by founder and interdisciplinary artist Lional "Brother El" Freeman , brings together healing electronic music, interactive art installations, wellness activities, and community engagement. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7013 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Take_Me_To_The_Beach_(Imagine_Dragons_song)" title="Draft:Take Me To The Beach (Imagine Dragons song)">Draft:Take Me To The Beach (Imagine Dragons song)</a> (<small>Take Me To The Beach</small>) </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Imagine_Dragons" title="Imagine Dragons">Imagine Dragons</a> song 'Take Me To The Beach' is the fourth song from <a href="/wiki/Loom_(Imagine_Dragons_album)" title="Loom (Imagine Dragons album)">LOOM</a>, the <a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">American</a><a href="/wiki/Alternative_rock" title="Alternative rock">alternative</a> bands 6th <a href="/wiki/Studio_album" class="mw-redirect" title="Studio album">studio album</a> containing <a href="/wiki/Song" title="Song">songs</a> such as <a href="/wiki/Eyes_Closed_(Imagine_Dragons_song)" title="Eyes Closed (Imagine Dragons song)">Eyes Closed</a> and <a href="/wiki/Wake_Up_(Imagine_Dragons_song)" title="Wake Up (Imagine Dragons song)">Wake Up</a>, and first <a href="/wiki/Album" title="Album">album</a> as a trio. It was released alongside the <a href="/wiki/Album" title="Album">album</a> on June 28, 2024. The <a href="/wiki/Song" title="Song">song</a> was announced on May 8 that same year, along with the rest of the <a href="/wiki/Album" title="Album">album</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6996 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Arthur_L._Frank" title="Draft:Arthur L. Frank">Draft:Arthur L. Frank</a> </td> <td>Arthur L Frank is an American Physician and <a href="/wiki/Occupational_safety_and_health" title="Occupational safety and health">Occupational health</a> scientist serving as Chair Emeritus at the Dornsife School of Public Health at <a href="/wiki/Drexel_University_School_of_Public_Health" title="Drexel University School of Public Health">Drexel University</a> in <a href="/wiki/Philadelphia" title="Philadelphia">Philadelphia</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6973 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thor_Erik_H%C3%B8iskar" title="Draft:Thor Erik Høiskar">Draft:Thor Erik Høiskar</a> (<small>Norwegian lawyer</small>) </td> <td>Thor Erik Høiskar (born 1966) is a <a href="/wiki/Norwegian_language" title="Norwegian language">Norwegian</a> <a href="/wiki/Jurist" title="Jurist">lawyer</a> and <a href="/wiki/District_attorney" title="District attorney">district attorney</a>. He has previously worked as a <a href="/wiki/Advokat" title="Advokat">lawyer</a> at <a href="/wiki/DNB_ASA" title="DNB ASA">DNB</a> and as a <a href="/wiki/Judge" title="Judge">judge</a> at <a href="/wiki/H%C3%A5logaland_Court_of_Appeal" title="Hålogaland Court of Appeal">the Hålogaland Court of Appeal</a> . </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6912 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Fiorenzo_Manganiello" title="Draft:Fiorenzo Manganiello">Draft:Fiorenzo Manganiello</a> (<small>Italian Entrepreneur</small>) </td> <td>Fiorenzo Manganiello (born in Avellino, Italy) is an Italian entrepreneur, financier, and academic. He is known for his work in venture capital and blockchain technologies. Manganiello co-founded several ventures, including the LIAN Group, a European venture capital firm, and blockchain-focused companies like Cowa and PolarDC. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6887 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Fiorenzo_Manganiello" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Fiorenzo Manganiello">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Fernando_Chang-Muy" title="Draft:Fernando Chang-Muy">Draft:Fernando Chang-Muy</a> (<small>Professor of law</small>) </td> <td>Fernando Chang-Muy is a lawyer, activist, and strategic business and leadership adviser. He is the Thomas O'Boyle Lecturer in Law at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Pennsylvania" title="University of Pennsylvania">University of Pennsylvania</a> <a href="/wiki/Carey_School_of_Law" class="mw-redirect mw-disambig" title="Carey School of Law">Carey School of Law</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6879 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Munzer_Ahmed_Chowdhury" title="Draft:Munzer Ahmed Chowdhury">Draft:Munzer Ahmed Chowdhury</a> (<small>British Bangladeshi Journalist</small>) </td> <td>Munzer Ahmed Chowdhury (Bengali: মুনজের আহমদ চৌধুরী; born 20 July 1986) is a Bangladeshi-born <a href="/wiki/List_of_British_Bangladeshis" title="List of British Bangladeshis">British Journalist</a>, Columnist and Founder of The Daily Dazzling Dawn. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6878 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Big_Nine_Conference_(Wisconsin)" title="Draft:Big Nine Conference (Wisconsin)">Draft:Big Nine Conference (Wisconsin)</a> (<small>History of WIAA's Big Nine Conference (1985-1993)</small>) </td> <td>The Big Nine Conference is a former high school athletic conference in <a href="/wiki/Wisconsin" title="Wisconsin">Wisconsin</a>, operating from 1985 to 1993 and consisting of nine large high schools in southeastern Wisconsin. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6850 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dreams_Donuts" title="Draft:Dreams Donuts">Draft:Dreams Donuts</a> (<small>Belgian Food Franchise</small>) </td> <td>Dreams Donuts is a Belgian multinational <a href="/wiki/Franchise" class="mw-disambig" title="Franchise">franchise</a> specializing in customizable <a href="/wiki/Doughnut" title="Doughnut">donuts</a> and <a href="/wiki/Beverages" class="mw-redirect" title="Beverages">beverages</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6803 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Suburban_Park_Conference" title="Draft:Suburban Park Conference">Draft:Suburban Park Conference</a> (<small>History of WIAA's Suburban Park Conference (1985–1993)</small>) </td> <td>The Suburban Park Conference is a former high school athletic conference in <a href="/wiki/Wisconsin" title="Wisconsin">Wisconsin</a>, operating from 1985 to 1993 and consisting of larger high schools in the southern suburbs of Milwaukee. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6752 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-26 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pyrosomatinae" title="Draft:Pyrosomatinae">Draft:Pyrosomatinae</a> (<small>Subfamily of tunicates</small>) </td> <td>Pyrosomatinae is a <a href="/wiki/Subfamily" title="Subfamily">subfamily</a> of <a href="/wiki/Tunicates" class="mw-redirect" title="Tunicates">tunicates</a>. Their name is derived from the Greek words pyro (fire) and soma (body), referencing their bioluminescent properties. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6744 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Khandoker" title="Draft:Khandoker">Draft:Khandoker</a> (<small>Australian professor</small>) </td> <td>Ahsan Khandoker (Bangladeshi-born Australian) is a professor of Biomedical Engineering at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He is notable for his contributions to health technology, particularly in developing devices for fetal monitoring and heart murmur detection in infants.. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6743 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:WPI-SKCM%C2%B2" title="Draft:WPI-SKCM²">Draft:WPI-SKCM²</a> (<small>International Institute</small>) </td> <td>The International Institute for Sustainability with Knotted Chiral Meta Matter (WPI-SKCM²) is an international research institute hosted by <a href="/wiki/Hiroshima_University" title="Hiroshima University">Hiroshima University</a>, located in Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan. It is one of 18 institutes funded by the World Premier Research Center Initiative (WPI) which is a grant funded by the <a href="/wiki/Japan_Society_for_the_Promotion_of_Science" title="Japan Society for the Promotion of Science">Japan Society for the Promotion of Science</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6727 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jacqui_Stockdale" title="Draft:Jacqui Stockdale">Draft:Jacqui Stockdale</a> (<small>Australian artist (born 1968)</small>) </td> <td>Jacqui Stockdale (born 1968) is an Australian contemporary artist renowned for her distinctive exploration of theatrical <a href="/wiki/Portrait" title="Portrait">portraiture</a>, mortality, folklore and masquerade, crossing boundaries between painting, photography, drawing, collage and performance. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6703 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mike_McAllister" title="Draft:Mike McAllister">Draft:Mike McAllister</a> (<small>American football player (born 1998)</small>) </td> <td>Michael McAllister (born June 12, 1998) is an American professional <a href="/wiki/American_football" title="American football">football</a> <a href="/wiki/Center_(gridiron_football)" title="Center (gridiron football)">center</a> for the <a href="/wiki/Los_Angeles_Rams" title="Los Angeles Rams">Los Angeles Rams</a> of the <a href="/wiki/National_Football_League" title="National Football League">National Football League</a> (NFL). He played <a href="/wiki/College_football" title="College football">college football</a> at <a href="/wiki/Youngstown_State_Penguins_football" title="Youngstown State Penguins football">Youngstown State</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6692 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sephardic_Chief_Rabbi_official_dress" title="Draft:Sephardic Chief Rabbi official dress">Draft:Sephardic Chief Rabbi official dress</a> (<small>Religious Attire</small>) </td> <td>The wardrobe of the Sephardic <a href="/wiki/Chief_Rabbi_of_Israel" class="mw-redirect" title="Chief Rabbi of Israel">Chief Rabbi of Israel</a>, also known as the <a href="/wiki/Rishon_LeZion_(title)" class="mw-redirect" title="Rishon LeZion (title)">Rishon LeZion</a>, reflects centuries of <a href="/wiki/Jewish" class="mw-redirect" title="Jewish">Jewish</a> religious, cultural, and historical tradition, especially the customs of <a href="/wiki/Sephardic_Jews" title="Sephardic Jews">Sephardic Jews</a> originating from Spain, North Africa, and the <a href="/wiki/Middle_East" title="Middle East">Middle East</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6659 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/" title=""></a> (<small>Online finance platform</small>) </td> <td> is a <a href="/wiki/Canadian" class="mw-redirect" title="Canadian">Canadian</a> platform that provides information and resources on various aspects of <a href="/wiki/Personal_finance" title="Personal finance">personal finance</a>, investing, financial tools and calculators. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6654 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:National_Media_and_Infocommunications_Authority" title="Draft:National Media and Infocommunications Authority">Draft:National Media and Infocommunications Authority</a> (<small>Hugarian Regulatory Agency</small>) </td> <td>The National Media and Infocommunications Authority (<a href="/wiki/Hungarian_language" title="Hungarian language">Hungarian</a>: <i>Nemzeti Média- és Hírközlési Hatóság</i>) is an independent commission tasked with over-site of media and communication. This includes surveillance and regulation of broadcast stations, television, newspapers, and media service providers. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6644 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Corey_Webster_(rapper)" title="Draft:Corey Webster (rapper)">Draft:Corey Webster (rapper)</a> (<small>Aboriginal Australian rapper</small>) </td> <td>Corey Webster (born 1993/1994), better known by his stage name Nooky, is an <a href="/wiki/Aboriginal_Australian" class="mw-redirect" title="Aboriginal Australian">Aboriginal Australian</a> rapper, producer, and radio presenter. He has hosted <a href="/wiki/List_of_Triple_J_programs" title="List of Triple J programs">Blak Out</a> which showcases Indigenous artists every Sunday on Australian Youth Broadcaster <a href="/wiki/Triple_J" title="Triple J">Triple J</a> since 2021. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6643 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Chaos_in_the_CBD" title="Draft:Chaos in the CBD">Draft:Chaos in the CBD</a> (<small>New Zealand House Music duo residing in London</small>) </td> <td>Chaos In The CBD are a house music duo from <a href="/wiki/Auckland" title="Auckland">Auckland</a>, New Zealand, consisting of brothers Ben and Louis Helliker-Hales. Known for their understated <a href="/wiki/House" title="House">house</a> and <a href="/wiki/Techno" title="Techno">techno</a> music, the duo incorporates elements of <a href="/wiki/Jazz" title="Jazz">jazz</a>, tribal and balearic sounds into their productions.. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6642 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Iran_Zamin_Bank" title="Draft:Iran Zamin Bank">Draft:Iran Zamin Bank</a> (<small>a financial institution that operates in Iran</small>) </td> <td>Iran Zamin Bank (<a href="/wiki/Persian_language" title="Persian language">Persian</a>: <span lang="fa" dir="rtl">بانک ایران زمین</span>) is an Iranian <a href="/wiki/Bank" title="Bank">bank</a> that is headquartered in Tehran and provides <a href="/wiki/Banking_services" class="mw-redirect" title="Banking services">banking services</a> and insurance in Iran. The bank operates a network of 262 branches across the country. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6633 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Josh_Padley" title="Draft:Josh Padley">Draft:Josh Padley</a> (<small>British boxer</small>) </td> <td>Josh Padley is a British <a href="/wiki/Lightweight" title="Lightweight">lightweight</a> boxer from <a href="/wiki/Doncaster" title="Doncaster">Doncaster</a>,<a href="/wiki/Yorkshire" title="Yorkshire">Yorkshire</a> he is currently undefended.Josh Padley used to work as a <a href="/wiki/Electrician" title="Electrician">electrician</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6626 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Scottish_women%27s_football_league_system" title="Draft:Scottish women's football league system">Draft:Scottish women's football league system</a> </td> <td>The Scottish women's football league system is a series of generally connected <a href="/wiki/League_system" title="League system">leagues</a> for women's <a href="/wiki/Scottish_football" class="mw-redirect" title="Scottish football">Scottish football</a> clubs. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6621 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Neeraj_Choudhary" title="Draft:Neeraj Choudhary">Draft:Neeraj Choudhary</a> (<small>An Indian who summited everest in 2021 and greenland ice sheet in 2024.</small>) </td> <td>Neeraj Choudhary (born 11 July 1984) is an Indian <a href="/wiki/Mountaineering" title="Mountaineering">mountaineer</a>, entrepreneur and polar explorer from Abhaipura, <a href="/wiki/Sikar" title="Sikar">Sikar</a>, Rajasthan. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6618 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Compact_Linear_Accelerator_for_Research_and_Applications" title="Draft:Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications">Draft:Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications</a> (<small>An article describing the linear accelerator CLARA user facility, situated at Daresbury Laboratory.</small>) </td> <td>The Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications (CLARA) is a scientific user facility at <a href="/wiki/Daresbury_Laboratory" title="Daresbury Laboratory">Daresbury Laboratory</a>. It is an <a href="/wiki/Electron" title="Electron">electron</a> <a href="/wiki/Linear_particle_accelerator" title="Linear particle accelerator">linear accelerator (linac)</a> currently under construction in the Electron Hall. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6606 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-26 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Matthias_W%C3%A4hlisch" title="Draft:Matthias Wählisch">Draft:Matthias Wählisch</a> (<small>German computer scientist</small>) </td> <td>Matthias Wählisch is a German computer scientist and Internet resarcher. He is a full professor and holds the Chair of Distributed and Networked Systems at the Faculty of Computer Science at <a href="/wiki/TU_Dresden" title="TU Dresden">TUD Dresden University of Technology</a>. He is also a Research Fellow of the Barkhausen Institut. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6602 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Society_for_Applied_Microwave_Electronics_Engineering_%26_Research" title="Draft:Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research">Draft:Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research</a> (<small>Introduction and information page for SAMEER R&D Lab, Govt of India.</small>) </td> <td>Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering and Research, popularly known as SAMEER, is an Indian autonomous research and development society under the aegis of <a href="/wiki/Ministry_of_Electronics_and_Information_Technology" title="Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology">Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY)</a>, <a href="/wiki/Government_of_India" title="Government of India">Government of India</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6596 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Carl_Weggel" title="Draft:Carl Weggel">Draft:Carl Weggel</a> (<small>American Magnet Designer</small>) </td> <td>Carl Frederick Weggel is an American magnet engineer known for his work in the development of ultra-high-strength laminated electric conductors and magnetic field calculations. With a career spanning over <a href="/wiki/Decade" title="Decade">five decades</a>, he has contributed to various fusion energy programs and advanced magnet systems. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6590 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Compute!%27s_Atari_ST_Disk_%26_Magazine" title="Draft:Compute!'s Atari ST Disk & Magazine">Draft:Compute!'s Atari ST Disk & Magazine</a> (<small>Defunct American home computer magazine focusing on the <a href="/wiki/Atari_ST" title="Atari ST">Atari ST</a> line of computers</small>) </td> <td><i>Compute!'s Atari ST Disk & Magazine</i> (<link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1238218222"><a href="/wiki/ISSN_(identifier)" class="mw-redirect" title="ISSN (identifier)">ISSN</a> <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">0888-8442</a>), often stylized as <i>COMPUTE!'s Atari ST</i>, was an American <a href="/wiki/Home_computer" title="Home computer">home computer</a> magazine that was published from 1986 to 1988 focusing on users of the Atari ST line of computers. The magazine was an Atari ST-only daughter magazine of the computer hobbyist magazine <a href="/wiki/Compute!" title="Compute!">Compute!</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6564 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Elena_K._Tsolakis" title="Draft:Elena K. Tsolakis">Draft:Elena K. Tsolakis</a> (<small>Australian Greek Cypriot architect</small>) </td> <td>Born was in <a href="/wiki/Melbourne" title="Melbourne">Melbourne</a>, Tsolakis studied architecture at <a href="/wiki/University_of_Melbourne" title="University of Melbourne">University of Melbourne</a> obtaining Bachelor of Architecture, she then went on to study in <a href="/wiki/London" title="London">London</a> at <a href="/wiki/Kingston_University" title="Kingston University">Kingston University</a> for her Masters Diploma of Architecture and at <a href="/wiki/University_of_Westminster" title="University of Westminster">University of Westminster</a> for her Post graduate Diploma of Architecture completing her studies in 2009. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6561 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Phil_Kawana" title="Draft:Phil Kawana">Draft:Phil Kawana</a> (<small>New Zealand Maori Writer and Poet</small>) </td> <td>Phillip 'Phil' Graham Kawana (born 1965) is a <a href="/wiki/New_Zealand" title="New Zealand">New Zealand</a> poet and short story writer. His writing primarily depicts <a href="/wiki/M%C4%81ori_people" title="Māori people">Māori</a> characters and their struggles, and concerns ideas of race, social class, colonial legacies, identity and youth culture. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6550 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Coutot-Roehrig" title="Draft:Coutot-Roehrig">Draft:Coutot-Roehrig</a> (<small>Coutot-Roehrig Entreprise probate genealogists</small>) </td> <td>Coutot-Roehrig is a company specializing in heir research and succession verification, established in 1894 by Amédée Coutot, founder of the <a href="" class="extiw" title="fr:Fonds Coutot">Coutot fund</a>. As of December 31, 2018, Coutot-Roehrig reported a revenue of 53 million euros and employs 300 staff members. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6547 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cambodian_English" title="Draft:Cambodian English">Draft:Cambodian English</a> </td> <td>Cambodian English is a variety of English found in Cambodia, used by the media, educated Cambodians, and English language learners in Cambodia. It is not an official language, and it’s unclear how many Cambodians speak it. The language was first identified and refined in the mid-2000s by Cambodian scholars and professors, including Keuk Chan Narith and Kao Sophal. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6546 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Holly_Samuelson" title="Draft:Holly Samuelson">Draft:Holly Samuelson</a> (<small>Professor of Architecture</small>) </td> <td>Holly Samuelson is an American educator, architect, and building science researcher; she is an associate professor at the <a href="/wiki/Harvard_Graduate_School_of_Design" title="Harvard Graduate School of Design">Harvard Graduate School of Design</a> (GSD) in <a href="/wiki/Cambridge,_Massachusetts" title="Cambridge, Massachusetts">Cambridge, Massachusetts</a> and a core research faculty at the Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>6541 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mohammed_bin_Faisal_bin_Sultan_Al_Qassimi" title="Draft:Mohammed bin Faisal bin Sultan Al Qassimi">Draft:Mohammed bin Faisal bin Sultan Al Qassimi</a> (<small>Member of Sharjah Ruling Family</small>) </td> <td>Sheikh Mohammed bin Faisal bin Sultan Al Qassimi is a member of the royal house of Al Qasimi: who rule the Emirate of Sharjah and Ras Al Khaimah. Sheikh Mohammed is the grandson of Sheikh Sultan bin Salim Al Qassimi (ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, from 14 April 1869 to 1869, and Sharjah, from 14 April 1868 to March 1883). </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6508 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tiffany_James_(investor)" title="Draft:Tiffany James (investor)">Draft:Tiffany James (investor)</a> (<small>American investor</small>) </td> <td>Tiffany Monique James (born November 25, 1994) is an American investor and entrepreneur. She is the founder and CEO of Modern Blk Girl. James has turned her initial investment of $10,000 into more than $2 million. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6507 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Team_Brady_E1" title="Draft:Team Brady E1">Draft:Team Brady E1</a> (<small>Championship winning team in the E1 World Championship</small>) </td> <td>Team Brady is an electric boat racing team competing in the <a href="/wiki/E1_Series_(boat_racing)" title="E1 Series (boat racing)">E1 Series</a>, a global championship using hydrofoiling boats that compete against each other to raise awareness of the impact of climate change on rivers, lakes, and oceans. The team was founded in 2024 and is owned by 7-times <a href="/wiki/National_Football_League" title="National Football League">NFL</a> <a href="/wiki/Super_Bowl" title="Super Bowl">Super Bowl</a> Champion, <a href="/wiki/Tom_Brady" title="Tom Brady">Tom Brady</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>6495 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Aga_Khan_Academy,_Dhaka" title="Draft:Aga Khan Academy, Dhaka">Draft:Aga Khan Academy, Dhaka</a> (<small>International School in Dhaka, Bangladesh</small>) </td> <td>Aga Khan Academy, Dhaka is an international school in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It offers <a href="/wiki/International_Baccalaureate" title="International Baccalaureate">International Baccalaureate</a> as their only system of education. It is the fourth school established as a part of <a href="/wiki/Aga_Khan_Academies" title="Aga Khan Academies">Aga Khan Academies</a> </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6473 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tourism_Bank" title="Draft:Tourism Bank">Draft:Tourism Bank</a> </td> <td>Tourism Bank (<a href="/wiki/Persian_language" title="Persian language">Persian</a>: <span lang="fa" dir="rtl">بانک گردشگری</span>, <small><a href="/wiki/Romanization_of_Persian" title="Romanization of Persian">romanized</a>: </small><span title="Persian-language romanization"><i lang="fa-Latn">Bank-e Gardeshgari</i></span>) is a private <a href="/wiki/Iran" title="Iran">Iranian</a> bank established in 2010, primarily focused on supporting Iran’s <a href="/wiki/Tourism_industry" class="mw-redirect" title="Tourism industry">tourism industry</a>. The bank offers a variety of financial services, with a particular emphasis on promoting and developing the country’s tourism sector. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6407 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Numidia_(Novel)" title="Draft:Numidia (Novel)">Draft:Numidia (Novel)</a> (<small>Article translated from arwiki</small>) </td> <td>Numidia (<a href="/wiki/Arabic" title="Arabic">Arabic</a>: نوميديا) is a novel by <a href="/wiki/Morocco" title="Morocco">Moroccan</a> <a href="/wiki/Novelist" title="Novelist">novelist</a> <a href="/wiki/Tareq_Bakari" title="Tareq Bakari">Tariq Bakari</a>. The novel was first published in 2015 by <i>Dar Al-Adab</i> for Publishing and Distribution in <a href="/wiki/Beirut" title="Beirut">Beirut</a>. It is a medium-sized novel, comprising three chapters, and was included in the final “short” list for the <a href="/wiki/International_Prize_for_Arabic_Fiction" title="International Prize for Arabic Fiction">International Prize for Arabic Fiction</a> for the year 2016, known as the «Arabic Booker Prize». </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6399 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Misha_Glouberman" title="Draft:Misha Glouberman">Draft:Misha Glouberman</a> (<small>Canadian author, improvisor, speaker</small>) </td> <td>Misha Glouberman is an author, improviser, speaker, and consultant. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6398 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kalandar_Khodjaevich_Abdurakhmanov" title="Draft:Kalandar Khodjaevich Abdurakhmanov">Draft:Kalandar Khodjaevich Abdurakhmanov</a> </td> <td>Kalandar Khodjaevich Abdurakhmanov (born on February 2, 1946 in <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Qashqadarya region</a>, <a href="/wiki/Uzbekistan" title="Uzbekistan">UzbekSSR</a>, <a href="/wiki/Soviet_Union" title="Soviet Union">USSR</a>) — Uzbek economist, <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan</a> and other International academies of sciences, PhD in economics, <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">director of Plekhavon Russian University of Economics in Tashkent</a>, professor of Labour economics a ... </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6373 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Acre_Geoglyphs" title="Draft:Acre Geoglyphs">Draft:Acre Geoglyphs</a> (<small>Geoglyphs in Acre, Brazil</small>) </td> <td>The Acre Geoglyphs are a group of ancient <a href="/wiki/Geoglyph" title="Geoglyph">geoglyphs</a> located in the Brazilian <a href="/wiki/Acre_(state)" title="Acre (state)">state of Acre</a>. Called “earth tattoos” by some Indigenous groups in the region, these excavated earth structures were documented in the 1970s, more precisely 1977, when researcher <a href="/w/index.php?title=Ondemar_Dias&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Ondemar Dias (page does not exist)">Ondemar Dias</a><span class="noprint" style="font-size:85%; font-style: normal;"> [<a href="" class="extiw" title="pt:Ondemar Dias">pt</a>]</span> noted eight of them in the land of Acre while carrying out his activities for the National Program for Archaeological Research in the Amazon Basin (Pronapaba). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6373 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Biophysical_Society_of_Canada" title="Draft:Biophysical Society of Canada">Draft:Biophysical Society of Canada</a> (<small>Biophysical Society of Canada</small>) </td> <td>The Biophysical Society of Canada (BSC) is a non-profit <a href="/wiki/Scientific_society" class="mw-redirect" title="Scientific society">scientific society</a> dedicated to promoting and advancing <a href="/wiki/Biophysics" title="Biophysics">biophysics</a> research across <a href="/wiki/Canada" title="Canada">Canada</a>. The society hosts annual meetings, events, awards, and various programs to foster collaboration and enrich the Canadian biophysics community. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6354 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Project_8_(physics_experiment)" title="Draft:Project 8 (physics experiment)">Draft:Project 8 (physics experiment)</a> (<small>Physics experiment</small>) </td> <td>Project 8 is an international collaboration of physicists intending to measure the absolute mass of the <a href="/wiki/Neutrino" title="Neutrino">neutrino</a> with a sensitivity of approximately 40 meV. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6352 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Executive_Council_of_the_Islamic_Courts_Union" title="Draft:Executive Council of the Islamic Courts Union">Draft:Executive Council of the Islamic Courts Union</a> (<small>Somali Legislative Organization</small>) </td> <td>The Executive Council of the Islamic Courts Union (<a href="/wiki/Somali_language" title="Somali language">Somali</a>: Golaha Fulinta) was the cabinet and executive branch of <a href="/wiki/Islamic_Courts" class="mw-redirect mw-disambig" title="Islamic Courts">Islamic Courts</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6338 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:James_Parker_(Filmmaker)" title="Draft:James Parker (Filmmaker)">Draft:James Parker (Filmmaker)</a> (<small>Documentary Filmmaker</small>) </td> <td>James Parker is a British-born American filmmaker and founder of Synchronous Pictures, a boutique production company. His work is characterized by a nuanced approach to storytelling, focusing on human connection, exploring controversial subjects with sensitivity, and examining the spaces between the lines. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6327 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sake_challenge" title="Draft:Sake challenge">Draft:Sake challenge</a> (<small>SAKE CHALLENGES</small>) </td> <td>SAKE CHALLENGES </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6317 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Daniel_Millar" title="Draft:Daniel Millar">Draft:Daniel Millar</a> (<small>British-Irish actor born 1982</small>) </td> <td>Daniel Millar (born <a href="/wiki/Withington" title="Withington">Withington</a>, <a href="/wiki/Manchester" title="Manchester">Manchester</a>, 1982) is a British-Irish actor, writer and comedian. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6309 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Philippine_Society_of_Animal_Nutritionists" title="Draft:Philippine Society of Animal Nutritionists">Draft:Philippine Society of Animal Nutritionists</a> (<small>Professional organization</small>) </td> <td>Philippine Society of Animal Nutritionists, abbreviated as PhilSAN, is a non-profit <a href="/wiki/Philippine" class="mw-redirect" title="Philippine">Philippine</a> <a href="/wiki/Professional_association" title="Professional association">professional organization</a> established in Makati, Philippines on June 28, 1988. It is the only professional <a href="/wiki/Animal_nutritionist" title="Animal nutritionist">animal nutritionists</a> organization in the Philippines. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6292 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Neerja_Birla" title="Draft:Neerja Birla">Draft:Neerja Birla</a> (<small>Founder & Chairperson of the Aditya Birla Education Trust</small>) </td> <td>Neerja Birla (born 15 April, 1971). is the founder of the Aditya Birla Education Trust. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>6245 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thaathi_Adam" title="Draft:Thaathi Adam">Draft:Thaathi Adam</a> (<small>Maldivian actor</small>) </td> <td>Thaathi Adam is a Maldivian actor, television host, Production Designer, voice artist and visual communications professional. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6225 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Audrey_Moran" title="Draft:Audrey Moran">Draft:Audrey Moran</a> (<small>Elected official, civic leader, county judge</small>) </td> <td>Audrey McKibbin Moran is an American nonprofit leader, lawyer and judge in <a href="/wiki/Jacksonville,_Florida" title="Jacksonville, Florida">Jacksonville, Florida</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6200 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Gatsby_Computational_Neuroscience_Unit" title="Draft:Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit">Draft:Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit</a> (<small>Academic research centre at University College London</small>) </td> <td>The Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit (also called simply the Gatsby Unit for short) is an academic research organization within <a href="/wiki/University_College_London" title="University College London">University College London</a>. The unit is located in the <a href="/wiki/Sainsbury_Wellcome_Centre_for_Neural_Circuits_and_Behaviour" title="Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour">Sainsbury Wellcome Centre</a> (SWC) in <a href="/wiki/Fitzrovia" title="Fitzrovia">Fitzrovia</a>, in central London. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>6196 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Elen_Smile" title="Draft:Elen Smile">Draft:Elen Smile</a> (<small>Elen Smile is a Ukrainian singer.</small>) </td> <td>Olena Valeriivna Polishchuk, known professionally as Elen Smile, is a <a href="/wiki/Ukrainian_language" title="Ukrainian language">Ukrainian</a> singer, songwriter. She is the winner of the <a href="/wiki/Kyiv" title="Kyiv">Kyiv</a> talent competition "Music Visual Awards" (Grand Prix), a participant in "<a href="/wiki/Ukraine%27s_Got_Talent" class="mw-redirect" title="Ukraine's Got Talent">Ukraine's Got Talent</a>" (10th season), and has taken part in various television projects. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6184 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Donald_McQuillan" title="Draft:Donald McQuillan">Draft:Donald McQuillan</a> (<small>Irish mathematician</small>) </td> <td>Donald McQuillan (born February 24, 1934) is an Irish mathematician. During his active career in mathematics he specialized in the areas of <a href="/wiki/Algebra" title="Algebra">algebra</a> and <a href="/wiki/Number_theory" title="Number theory">number theory</a>. Following his retirement from teaching and research, he began working in university quality assurance in Ireland and internationally. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6179 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Krijtat_Sinrungtham" title="Draft:Krijtat Sinrungtham">Draft:Krijtat Sinrungtham</a> (<small>Go player</small>) </td> <td>krijtat sinrungtham born 4 February 2005, or Noah', Noahkrijtat Ss a former <a href="/wiki/Thailand" title="Thailand">Thailand</a> professional <a href="/wiki/Go_(board_game)" class="mw-redirect" title="Go (board game)">Go</a> <a href="/wiki/Go_players" class="mw-redirect" title="Go players">player</a> of <a href="/wiki/Go_ranks_and_ratings" title="Go ranks and ratings">5 dan rank</a>. As of February 2016, he ranked second in <a href="/wiki/List_of_professional_Go_tournaments#International" title="List of professional Go tournaments">international titles</a> (18), behind only <a href="/wiki/Lee_Chang-ho" title="Lee Chang-ho">Lee Chang-ho</a> (21). His nickname is "The Strong Stone" ("Ssen-dol"). </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6154 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Wazir_Ram_Singh_Pathania" title="Draft:Wazir Ram Singh Pathania">Draft:Wazir Ram Singh Pathania</a> (<small>Freedom Fighter</small>) </td> <td>Wazir Ram Singh Pathania was a <a href="/wiki/Decolonization" title="Decolonization">anti-colonial</a> resistance fighter of the early British colonial establishment in <a href="/wiki/Punjab_Province_(British_India)" title="Punjab Province (British India)">Punjab</a>. When last king of <a href="/wiki/Nurpur_kingdom" title="Nurpur kingdom">Nurpur kingdom</a> Veer Singh died fighting the British and Sikhs, the public desired his ten year old prince Jaswant Singh to become their next king. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6148 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tallinn_trams_named_after_musicians" title="Draft:Tallinn trams named after musicians">Draft:Tallinn trams named after musicians</a> (<small>Tram design campaign honouring musicians</small>) </td> <td>Twelve of <a href="/wiki/Tallinn" title="Tallinn">Tallinn</a>'s tram fleet are named after influential figures in <a href="/wiki/Music_of_Estonia" title="Music of Estonia">Estonian music</a>. The namings were announced and took place between September 2018 and July 2019. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6110 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Language_Learning_and_Technology_(journal)" title="Draft:Language Learning and Technology (journal)">Draft:Language Learning and Technology (journal)</a> (<small>Academic Journal for Language Learning and Technology</small>) </td> <td>Language Learning & Technology (LLT) is a <a href="/wiki/Peer-reviewed" class="mw-redirect" title="Peer-reviewed">peer-reviewed</a>, <a href="/wiki/Open_access" title="Open access">open access</a> <a href="/wiki/Academic_journal" title="Academic journal">academic journal</a> of Language Learning, Language Teaching and Language Technology published online by the National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Hawai%E2%80%98i_at_M%C4%81noa" class="mw-redirect" title="University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa">University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>6079 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Story_Sharing_Cubes" title="Draft:Story Sharing Cubes">Draft:Story Sharing Cubes</a> (<small>A brief introduction of in situ method to collect narrative data in high uncertainty contexts</small>) </td> <td>The Story Sharing Cube (SSC) method is designed to advance qualitative, in-situ data collection methodologies within high-uncertainty and complex environments. Since 2019, the SSC devices have been tested and developed in week-long transformative festivals , such as <a href="/wiki/Burning_Man" title="Burning Man">Burning Man</a> in <a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">the US</a> and biennial transformational festival <a href="/wiki/Boom_Festival" title="Boom Festival">BOOM</a> in <a href="/wiki/Portugal" title="Portugal">Portugal</a>, where participants have reported profound, life-altering experiences in high uncertainty setting. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6061 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:SuperKlaus" title="Draft:SuperKlaus">Draft:SuperKlaus</a> (<small>Christmas animated family film</small>) </td> <td><i>SuperKlaus,</i> <i>previously known as 4 Days Before Christmas (<a href="/wiki/French_language" title="French language">French</a>: 4 jours avant Noël</i>) is a 2024 animated family, <a href="/wiki/Christmas" title="Christmas">Christmas</a>, adventure film directed by Steven Majaury and Andrea Sebastiá. The film is an original idea of François Trudel and was written by Phil Ivanusic-Vallée and Sylvie Bélanger (in development). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6056 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Khanom_Kluea" title="Draft:Khanom Kluea">Draft:Khanom Kluea</a> (<small>Northern Thai dessert</small>) </td> <td>Khanom Kluea is prepared for infants and elderly; it is also used as offering for monks in <a href="/wiki/Uposatha" title="Uposatha">Buddhist sabbath</a>. Khanom Kluea are typically consumed before Buddhist sabbath, when the elders prepare special offerings for temple merit making. In Northern Thailand, there is a belief that it is improper to eat before the monks. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6054 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:CT_Insider" title="Draft:CT Insider">Draft:CT Insider</a> (<small>Connecticut news website</small>) </td> <td>The website, which has offices in <a href="/wiki/Norwalk,_Connecticut" title="Norwalk, Connecticut">Norwalk,</a> <a href="/wiki/Meriden,_Connecticut" title="Meriden, Connecticut">Meriden,</a> <a href="/wiki/Bridgeport,_Connecticut" title="Bridgeport, Connecticut">Bridgeport</a>, <a href="/wiki/Stamford,_Connecticut" title="Stamford, Connecticut">Stamford,</a> and <a href="/wiki/Danbury,_Connecticut" title="Danbury, Connecticut">Danbury, Connecticut</a>, is part of Hearst Connecticut Media Group’s network of local news websites, newspapers and magazine . CT Insider is the online home for many of Hearst Connecticut’s brands, including <a href="/wiki/Connecticut_Magazine" title="Connecticut Magazine">Connecticut Magazine</a>, <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">GametimeCT</a>, the <a href="/wiki/Journal_Inquirer" title="Journal Inquirer">Journal Inquirer</a> of <a href="/wiki/Manchester,_Connecticut" title="Manchester, Connecticut">Manchester,</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Record-Journal" title="Record-Journal">Record-Journal</a> of <a href="/wiki/Meriden,_Connecticut" title="Meriden, Connecticut">Meriden.</a> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6011 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Stonyhurst_International_School_Penang" title="Draft:Stonyhurst International School Penang">Draft:Stonyhurst International School Penang</a> </td> <td>Stonyhurst International School Penang(SHP) is a <a href="/wiki/Mixed-sex_education" title="Mixed-sex education">co-ed</a> <a href="/wiki/Private_school" title="Private school">private</a> <a href="/wiki/Boarding_school" title="Boarding school">boarding</a> and <a href="/wiki/Day_school" title="Day school">day school</a> for students from all religious denominations between the ages of 3 to 18, located in <a href="/wiki/Penang" title="Penang">Penang</a>, <a href="/wiki/Malaysia" title="Malaysia">Malaysia</a>. According to SHP, they have over 600 students as of December 2023, with a maximum student capacity of 1300, who came from over 24 countries around the globe. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>6003 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Northern_Ireland_Act_2000" title="Draft:Northern Ireland Act 2000">Draft:Northern Ireland Act 2000</a> (<small>United Kingdom legislation</small>) </td> <td>The Northern Ireland Act 2000 is an <a href="/wiki/Act_of_the_Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom" class="mw-redirect" title="Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom">act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom</a> which suspended the <a href="/wiki/Northern_Ireland_Executive" title="Northern Ireland Executive">Northern Ireland Executive</a> and <a href="/wiki/Northern_Ireland_Assembly" title="Northern Ireland Assembly">Northern Ireland Assembly</a> for over three months starting in February 2000. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5998 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:A._A._Shetty" title="Draft:A. A. Shetty">Draft:A. A. Shetty</a> (<small>Indian orthopaedic surgeon and researcher</small>) </td> <td>Prof. (Dr.) A. A. Shetty (born 16 June 1955 as Asode Ananthram Shetty) is an Indian <a href="/wiki/Orthopaedic_surgeon" class="mw-redirect" title="Orthopaedic surgeon">orthopaedic surgeon</a>, scientist, and academic. He is widely known as A. A. Shetty in professional and academic circles. He is noted for his work in <a href="/wiki/Regenerative_medicine" title="Regenerative medicine">regenerative medicine</a> and the application of <a href="/wiki/Stem_cell" title="Stem cell">stem cell</a> technology in orthopaedics. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5990 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:2025_Jackson_mayoral_election" title="Draft:2025 Jackson mayoral election">Draft:2025 Jackson mayoral election</a> (<small>Politics</small>) </td> <td>The 2025 mayoral election in <a href="/wiki/Jackson,_Mississippi" title="Jackson, Mississippi">Jackson, Mississippi</a> took place on June 3, 2025, alongside other Jackson municipal races. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5976 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Umut_Camkiran" title="Draft:Umut Camkiran">Draft:Umut Camkiran</a> (<small>Turkish boxer</small>) </td> <td>Umut Camkiran is <a href="/wiki/Turkic_peoples" title="Turkic peoples">Turkish</a> <a href="/wiki/Heavyweight" title="Heavyweight">Heavyweight</a> <a href="/wiki/Professional_boxing" title="Professional boxing">Boxer</a> he is currently undefended. He won title like <a href="/wiki/World_Boxing_Council" title="World Boxing Council">WBC Mediterranean</a> and WBC CISBB He is under the Ahmet Öner promotion, his trainer is a former boxer <a href="/wiki/Mahir_Oral" title="Mahir Oral">Mahir Oral</a>.Umut Camkiran Replaces <a href="/wiki/Tony_Yoka" title="Tony Yoka">Tony Yoka</a> as Co-Challenger For EBU Title </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5969 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Umut_Camkiran" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Umut Camkiran">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Iowa_Bootheel" title="Draft:Iowa Bootheel">Draft:Iowa Bootheel</a> (<small>Region in Iowa, United States</small>) </td> <td>The Iowa Bootheel, also known as the Lee County peninsula, is a <a href="/wiki/Peninsula" title="Peninsula">peninsula</a> and <a href="/wiki/Salient_(geography)" title="Salient (geography)">bootheel</a> located in the southeasternmost part of the U.S. state of <a href="/wiki/Iowa" title="Iowa">Iowa</a>. It is contained within <a href="/wiki/Lee_County,_Iowa" title="Lee County, Iowa">Lee County</a> and portions of <a href="/wiki/Van_Buren_County,_Iowa" title="Van Buren County, Iowa">Van Buren County</a>. It includes all of <a href="/wiki/Keokuk,_Iowa" title="Keokuk, Iowa">Keokuk</a> and <a href="/wiki/Montrose,_Iowa" title="Montrose, Iowa">Montrose</a>, as well as some parts of <a href="/wiki/Fort_Madison,_Iowa" title="Fort Madison, Iowa">Fort Madison</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5950 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:La_vita_%C3%A8_adesso" title="Draft:La vita è adesso">Draft:La vita è adesso</a> (<small>1985 studio album by Claudio Baglioni</small>) </td> <td><i>La vita è adesso (il sogno è sempre)</i> is an album by <a href="/wiki/Claudio_Baglioni" title="Claudio Baglioni">Claudio Baglioni</a> published in 1985. With more than 5 million copies sold, it is still the singer-songwriter's best-selling album and also the best-selling album of all time in Italy. It remained first in the charts for 27 consecutive weeks and 1 and a half years in the charts. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5949 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Aryavaidyan_P.V._Rama_Varier" title="Draft:Aryavaidyan P.V. Rama Varier">Draft:Aryavaidyan P.V. Rama Varier</a> (<small>Indian Physician and Entreprenuer</small>) </td> <td>Aryavaidyan P.V. Rama Varier (24 August 1908 – 10 September 1976) was a distinguished Indian Ayurveda physician, entrepreneur, and founder of The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Limited. He was known for his significant contributions to Ayurvedic medicine, establishment of healthcare institutions, and propagation of holistic well-being. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5928 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cape_Coral_Police_Department" title="Draft:Cape Coral Police Department">Draft:Cape Coral Police Department</a> (<small>Police department for city in Florida</small>) </td> <td>The Cape Coral Police Department (CCPD) is a municipal law enforcement agency serving <a href="/wiki/Cape_Coral,_Florida" title="Cape Coral, Florida">Cape Coral, Florida</a>, United States. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5926 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Manchester,_Calgary" title="Draft:Manchester, Calgary">Draft:Manchester, Calgary</a> (<small>Calgary neighbourhood</small>) </td> <td>Manchester is a <a href="/wiki/Residential_area" title="Residential area">residential</a> low-income neighborhood of <a href="/wiki/Calgary" title="Calgary">Calgary</a>, <a href="/wiki/Alberta" title="Alberta">Alberta</a>, <a href="/wiki/Canada" title="Canada">Canada</a>. The community straddles both the southeast and southwest quadrants of Calgary and neighbors the industrial community of <a href="/wiki/Alyth/Bonnybrook/Manchester" title="Alyth/Bonnybrook/Manchester">Manchester Industrial</a> to the east, south and north. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5898 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Carlos_L%C3%B3pez_Feliciano" title="Draft:Carlos López Feliciano">Draft:Carlos López Feliciano</a> (<small>Carlos Lopez Feliciano was the chief of the Puerto Rico police during the 1980s and was a judge.</small>) </td> <td>Carlos J. López Feliciano (born May 11, 1943) is a retired <a href="/wiki/Lawyer" title="Lawyer">attorney</a> and public official who served as chief of the <a href="/wiki/Puerto_Rico" title="Puerto Rico">Puerto Rico</a> police and <a href="/wiki/Judge" title="Judge">judge</a> for the territory's Court of Appeals. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5893 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Leon_Dufficy" title="Draft:Leon Dufficy">Draft:Leon Dufficy</a> (<small>Australian/British Musician</small>) </td> <td>Leon Dufficy </td> <td>3 </td> <td>5871 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kieran_Howe" title="Draft:Kieran Howe">Draft:Kieran Howe</a> </td> <td>Kieran Howe (born 16 July 1996) is a Scottish filmmaker and the founder of the production studio Oddness, based in <a href="/wiki/Glasgow" title="Glasgow">Glasgow</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5869 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Xing_Shaolan" title="Draft:Xing Shaolan">Draft:Xing Shaolan</a> (<small>Traditional Chinese painter</small>) </td> <td>Xing Shaolan (Chinese: 邢少兰; <a href="/wiki/Wade%E2%80%93Giles" title="Wade–Giles">Wade–Giles</a>: Hsing Shao-lan; November 24, 1938 – ) is a <a href="/wiki/Chinese_painting" title="Chinese painting">Chinese painter</a> recognized for his contributions to modern <a href="/wiki/Ink_wash_painting" title="Ink wash painting">ink-and-wash</a> landscape and <a href="/wiki/Bird-and-flower_painting" title="Bird-and-flower painting">flower-and-bird</a> painting. He is known by his <a href="/wiki/Courtesy_name" title="Courtesy name">courtesy name</a>, Lin'ting(林亭), and the <a href="/wiki/Art_name" title="Art name">art name</a> Loujiang Yufu(娄江渔父), and has worked under the studio names Gusongtang(古松堂), Banzhuju(伴竹居), and Sangyuxuan(桑榆轩). </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5847 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hawkeye_Pictures_Inc." title="Draft:Hawkeye Pictures Inc.">Draft:Hawkeye Pictures Inc.</a> (<small>Hawkeye Pictures Inc. is a Canadian Film Production Company owned and operated by Sonya Di Rienzo.</small>) </td> <td>HAWKEYE PICTURES is an independent Canadian production company based in Toronto, Canada. They are producers of feature films, documentaries and series. Its inaugural project was the <a href="/wiki/Cannes_Film_Festival" title="Cannes Film Festival">Cannes</a> <a href="/wiki/Semaine_de_la_Critique" class="mw-redirect" title="Semaine de la Critique">Semaine de la Critique</a> selection <a href="/wiki/Sleeping_Giant_(film)" title="Sleeping Giant (film)">SLEEPING GIANT</a>. In 2022, both Sheila Pye's <a href="/wiki/The_Young_Arsonists" title="The Young Arsonists">THE YOUNG ARSONISTS</a> and Clement Virgo's <a href="/wiki/Brother_(2022_film)" title="Brother (2022 film)">BROTHER</a> world premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5847 </td> <td>UPE </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kevin_Mann" title="Draft:Kevin Mann">Draft:Kevin Mann</a> (<small>Tv/Film Producer</small>) </td> <td>Kevin Mann (born February 27, 1976) is an American film producer and the founder and owner of management and production company, <a href="/wiki/Haven_Entertainment" title="Haven Entertainment">Haven Entertainment</a>. Haven has gained recognition by producing award-winning documentaries, narrative feature films, and television. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5828 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Kevin_Mann" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Kevin Mann">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rio_(terminal_emulator)" title="Draft:Rio (terminal emulator)">Draft:Rio (terminal emulator)</a> (<small>Rio terminal emulator</small>) </td> <td>Rio is a <a href="/wiki/Free_and_open-source" class="mw-redirect" title="Free and open-source">free and open-source</a> <a href="/wiki/Graphics_processing_unit" title="Graphics processing unit">GPU</a>-accelerated <a href="/wiki/Terminal_emulator" title="Terminal emulator">terminal emulator</a> powered by <a href="/wiki/Rust_(programming_language)" title="Rust (programming language)">Rust</a> and <a href="/wiki/WebGPU" title="WebGPU">WebGPU</a> for performance. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>5806 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Press_Start!_(TV_Series)" title="Draft:Press Start! (TV Series)">Draft:Press Start! (TV Series)</a> (<small>Children's animation streaming television series</small>) </td> <td><i>Press Start!</i> is a Children's animated television series, based on a series of books by Thomas Flintham, that premiere on Peacock on November 21, 2024. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5794 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Krapivnoye_Archaeological_Complex" title="Draft:Krapivnoye Archaeological Complex">Draft:Krapivnoye Archaeological Complex</a> (<small>Archaeological site in Russia</small>) </td> <td>The Krapivnoye Archaeological Complex is a cluster of ancient settlements near the village of <a href="/wiki/Krapivnoye,_Shebekinsky_District,_Belgorod_Oblast" title="Krapivnoye, Shebekinsky District, Belgorod Oblast">Krapivnoye</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Belgorod_Oblast" title="Belgorod Oblast">Belgorod Region</a>, <a href="/wiki/Russia" title="Russia">Russia</a>. Among locals it is known as the "Turkish Fortress" (<i><a href="/wiki/Russian_language" title="Russian language">Russian</a>: <span lang="ru">Турецкая крепость</span>, <small><a href="/wiki/Romanization_of_Russian" title="Romanization of Russian">romanized</a>: </small><span title="Russian-language romanization"><i lang="ru-Latn">Turetskaya krepost'</i></span></i>). The archaeological complex consists of two fortified parts (including the <a href="/wiki/Detinets" title="Detinets">Detinets</a>), around which there are settlements and necropoleis. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5793 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Register.BG" title="Draft:Register.BG">Draft:Register.BG</a> (<small>Article about the Bulgarian Top Level Domain register .bg.</small>) </td> <td>Register.BG is the organization that operates the Bulgarian National Internet Domain Registry <a href="/wiki/.bg" title=".bg">.bg</a>. (ccTLD). </td> <td>3 </td> <td>5792 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lucky_Ekeh" title="Draft:Lucky Ekeh">Draft:Lucky Ekeh</a> (<small>Lucky Ekeh is Nigeria Afrobeats artist who is based in Ghana</small>) </td> <td>Lucky Ekeh, (born January 11, 1996) , professionally know as Luckyekeh is <a href="/wiki/Ghana" title="Ghana">Ghanain</a>-<a href="/wiki/Nigerians" title="Nigerians">Nigerian</a> Afrobeat artist, record producer and songwriter. in September 2024 his song ‘Normally’ charted at No. 1 on Top Alternative songs on <a href="/wiki/TurnTable_charts" title="TurnTable charts">TurnTable charts</a>, it made No.9 on the Top 100 Nigerian songs on <a href="/wiki/Boomplay" title="Boomplay">Boomplay</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5788 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Lucky_Ekeh" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Lucky Ekeh">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mariah_Hernandez-Fitch" title="Draft:Mariah Hernandez-Fitch">Draft:Mariah Hernandez-Fitch</a> (<small>American Filmmaker</small>) </td> <td>Mariah Hernandez-Fitch (born December 5, 2000) is a director, writer, and activist, and a citizen of the United Houma Nation. Her work focuses on issues related to public policy, tribal sovereignty, and contemporary Indigenous communities, often explored through the medium of film. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5764 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rianne_Downey" title="Draft:Rianne Downey">Draft:Rianne Downey</a> (<small>British musician (born 19xx)</small>) </td> <td>Rianne Downey is a Scottish singer-songwriter. Downey started her musical journey aged 16 and was awarded the <a href="/wiki/James_McAvoy" title="James McAvoy">James McAvoy</a> scholarship for the Royal Conservatoire in Glasgow whilst attended <a href="/wiki/Cardinal_Newman_High_School" class="mw-redirect mw-disambig" title="Cardinal Newman High School">Cardinal Newman High School</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5751 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ulrich_Paetzel" title="Draft:Ulrich Paetzel">Draft:Ulrich Paetzel</a> (<small>German politian</small>) </td> <td>Ulrich "Uli" Paetzel (born November 15, 1971 in Gelsenkirchen) is a German politician (SPD). He was mayor of the city of Herten from 2004 to 2016. He has been Chairman of the Board of Emschergenossenschaft and Lippeverband since 2016 and President of the DWA (German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste) since 2019. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>5744 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Francesco_Sapori" title="Draft:Francesco Sapori">Draft:Francesco Sapori</a> (<small>Italian art historian</small>) </td> <td>Francesco Sapori (born 10 January, 1890 in <a href="/wiki/Massa_Lombarda" title="Massa Lombarda">Massa Lombarda</a> – died 1 April 1964 in <a href="/wiki/Rome" title="Rome">Rome</a>) was an Italian <a href="/wiki/Art_critic" title="Art critic">art critic</a>, <a href="/wiki/Novelist" title="Novelist">novelist</a>, <a href="/wiki/University_professor" class="mw-redirect" title="University professor">university professor</a>, and active <a href="/wiki/National_Fascist_Party" title="National Fascist Party">National Fascist Party member</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5706 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ryan_Holznagel" title="Draft:Ryan Holznagel">Draft:Ryan Holznagel</a> (<small>American writer and game show contestant</small>) </td> <td>Ryan “Fritz” Holznagel is an American writer and game show contestant. He was a writer at Google in its first decade, and he’s written for high-tech firms and solemn old banks, the <i>Dictionary of American History</i>, and <i><a href="/wiki/Where_in_the_U.S.A._Is_Carmen_Sandiego%3F" class="mw-disambig" title="Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego?">Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego?</a></i>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5706 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-26 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:SloFluffCon" title="Draft:SloFluffCon">Draft:SloFluffCon</a> (<small>international furry convention in Slovenia</small>) </td> <td>SloFluffCon (usually abbreviated to SFC) is an international <a href="/wiki/Furry_convention" title="Furry convention">furry convention</a> held annually in <a href="/wiki/Slovenia" title="Slovenia">Slovenia</a>. It is an event dedicate to the lovers and followers of <a href="/wiki/Furries" class="mw-redirect" title="Furries">furries</a>, where participants from different counties come together to share their passion for <a href="/wiki/Anthropomorphic_animals" class="mw-redirect" title="Anthropomorphic animals">anthropomorphic animals</a>, culture and art related to this <a href="/wiki/Subculture" title="Subculture">subculture</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5705 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:C._J._Hicks" title="Draft:C. J. Hicks">Draft:C. J. Hicks</a> (<small>American football player (born 2003)</small>) </td> <td>C. J. Hicks (born December 1, 2003) is an <a href="/wiki/American_football" title="American football">American football</a> <a href="/wiki/Linebacker" title="Linebacker">linebacker</a> for the <a href="/wiki/Ohio_State_Buckeyes_football" title="Ohio State Buckeyes football">Ohio State Buckeyes</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5692 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Peter_Afflerbach" title="Draft:Peter Afflerbach">Draft:Peter Afflerbach</a> </td> <td>Peter Afflerbach (born October 28, 1956) is an American educator and researcher specializing in literacy, reading assessment, and reading comprehension. He is Professor Emeritus of Education at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Maryland,_College_Park" title="University of Maryland, College Park">University of Maryland, College Park</a>, where he contributed significantly to the study and teaching of reading strategies and individual differences in reading. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5679 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Andrea_Olcese_(showrunner)" title="Draft:Andrea Olcese (showrunner)">Draft:Andrea Olcese (showrunner)</a> (<small>Radio host and tv showrunner</small>) </td> <td>Andrea Olcese, born in <a href="/wiki/Alessandria" title="Alessandria">Alessandria</a> in 1963, is an Italian radio and television showrunner. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5672 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Gabino_Puello" title="Draft:Gabino Puello">Draft:Gabino Puello</a> (<small>Dominican revolutionary (1816–1847)</small>) </td> <td>Gabino Puello de Castro (1816 – December 23, 1847) was a Dominican soldier and a leader in the <a href="/wiki/Dominican_War_of_Independence" title="Dominican War of Independence">Dominican War of Independence</a>. He was one of the signers of the Manifesto of January 16, 1844. After some hostilities with the conservative cabinet, he was accused of taking part in a conspiracy against <a href="/wiki/Pedro_Santana" title="Pedro Santana">Pedro Santana</a>, who subjected him, as well as his brother, <a href="/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Joaqu%C3%ADn_Puello" title="José Joaquín Puello">José Joaquín Puello</a>, to persecution and subsequent execution in December 1847. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5671 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Will_Roger" title="Draft:Will Roger">Draft:Will Roger</a> (<small>American photographer</small>) </td> <td>Will Roger is an American photographer. He is one of the six founders of <a href="/wiki/Black_Rock_City,_LLC" class="mw-redirect" title="Black Rock City, LLC">Black Rock City, LLC</a>- the organization behind <a href="/wiki/Burning_Man" title="Burning Man">Burning Man</a>, an annual arts event in a remote area of northern Nevada. During his tenure as the LLC's Nevada relations director, Roger oversaw the annual construction of <a href="/wiki/Black_Rock_City" class="mw-redirect" title="Black Rock City">Black Rock City</a> for the event. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5666 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Zubaida_Umar" title="Draft:Zubaida Umar">Draft:Zubaida Umar</a> (<small>Zubaida Umar</small>) </td> <td>Zubaida Umar Abubakar (born 21 May 1977) is a Nigerian public servant, administrator, and Director General of the <a href="/wiki/National_Emergency_Management_Agency_(Nigeria)" title="National Emergency Management Agency (Nigeria)">National Emergency Management Agency</a> (NEMA), appointed on March 15, 2024, by <a href="/wiki/Bola_Tinubu" title="Bola Tinubu">President Bola Ahmed Tinubu</a>. She is a native of <a href="/wiki/Birnin_Kebbi" title="Birnin Kebbi">Birnin Kebbi</a> in <a href="/wiki/Kebbi_State" title="Kebbi State">Kebbi State</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Northern_Region,_Nigeria" title="Northern Region, Nigeria">Northern part of Nigeria</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5662 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thomas_Thum" title="Draft:Thomas Thum">Draft:Thomas Thum</a> (<small>Cardiologist and entrepreneur</small>) </td> <td>Thomas Thum (born 16 November 1974) is a German professor, cardiologist, and entrepreneur. He attended Gymnasium Josephinum in Hildesheim. Thum completed his medical studies at <a href="/wiki/Hannover_Medical_School" title="Hannover Medical School">Hannover Medical School</a> between 1994 and 2001, where he also achieved his medical doctorate in 2001. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5647 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Daniel_J._Phillips" title="Draft:Daniel J. Phillips">Draft:Daniel J. Phillips</a> (<small>South Australian writer, director and producer</small>) </td> <td>Daniel J. Phillips (born April 2, 1985) is an Australian film director, writer and producer. Starting making films at a very young age, Phillips began his career in advertising and short films, before moving into feature films with <a href="/wiki/Awoken_(film)" title="Awoken (film)">Awoken</a> (2019) and Diabolic (2025) (currently in post-production). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5625 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Avinash_Ramani" title="Draft:Avinash Ramani">Draft:Avinash Ramani</a> (<small>Indian researcher and entrepreneur</small>) </td> <td>Avinash Ramani (born May 10, 1985) is an Indian researcher known for his contributions to genomics and molecular diagnostics. Ramani studied <a href="/wiki/Cell-free_DNA" class="mw-disambig" title="Cell-free DNA">cell-free DNA</a> (cfDNA) in cancer diagnostics, leading to the co-founding of Acrannolife Genomics, a healthcare research laboratory. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5622 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Capella_Regalis_Choirs" title="Draft:Capella Regalis Choirs">Draft:Capella Regalis Choirs</a> (<small>Canadian choir</small>) </td> <td>Capella Regalis Choirs is a <a href="/wiki/Choir" title="Choir">choir</a> and music education organization based in <a href="/wiki/Halifax,_Nova_Scotia" title="Halifax, Nova Scotia">Halifax, Nova Scotia</a>, Canada. Founded in 2010 by director Nick Halley, the organization encompasses a boys choir, girls choir, and a professional men's choir. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5617 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Energy_Dome_(company)" title="Draft:Energy Dome (company)">Draft:Energy Dome (company)</a> (<small>LDES Company</small>) </td> <td>Energy Dome is a company headquartered in <a href="/wiki/Milan" title="Milan">Milan</a>, <a href="/wiki/Italy" title="Italy">Italy</a> that develops technology for long-duration energy storage. The company developed a thermodynamic system that functions as a battery, storing excess energy from wind and solar farms. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5613 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Underground_Orange" title="Draft:Underground Orange">Draft:Underground Orange</a> (<small>Comedy drama feature film</small>) </td> <td><i>Underground Orange</i> is a 2024 US-Argentine comedy-drama written and directed by Michael Taylor Jackson who stars in the film alongside <a href="/wiki/Sof%C3%ADa_Gala" title="Sofía Gala">Sofía Gala</a>, <a href="/w/index.php?title=Vera_Spinetta&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Vera Spinetta (page does not exist)">Vera Spinetta</a>, Bel Gatti and Gianluca Zonzini. The film is Jackson's debut and was executive produced by <a href="/wiki/Godfrey_Reggio" title="Godfrey Reggio">Godfrey Reggio</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>5609 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Bazigaba_(Abazigaba)" title="Draft:The Bazigaba (Abazigaba)">Draft:The Bazigaba (Abazigaba)</a> (<small>The bazigaba clan of the african great lakes region</small>) </td> <td>The Bazigaba clan is a large multi-tribal clan of the great Banyakitara people in the <a href="/wiki/African_Great_Lakes" title="African Great Lakes">African Great Lakes</a> region. One who belongs to this clan is called omuzigaba/ Muzigaba and the plural is Abazigaba. Because of their prior nomadic pastoralist nature, they are commonly found among the <a href="/wiki/Kiga_people" title="Kiga people">Bakiga</a>, <a href="/wiki/Nkole_people" title="Nkole people">Banyankore</a>, Banyambo, <a href="/wiki/Haya_people" title="Haya people">Bahaya</a>, Batagwenda, <a href="/wiki/Banyaruguru" title="Banyaruguru">Banyaruguru</a>, and to some extent among the Bakooki and Basongora tribes to this present day. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5609 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:List_of_2025%E2%80%9326_Premiership_Rugby_transfers" title="Draft:List of 2025–26 Premiership Rugby transfers">Draft:List of 2025–26 Premiership Rugby transfers</a> (<small>Premiership Rugby player transfers</small>) </td> <td>This is a list of player transfers involving <a href="/wiki/Premiership_Rugby" title="Premiership Rugby">Premiership Rugby</a> teams before or during the <a href="/w/index.php?title=2025%E2%80%9326_Premiership_Rugby&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="2025–26 Premiership Rugby (page does not exist)">2025–26 season</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5586 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bojan_Ilievski" title="Draft:Bojan Ilievski">Draft:Bojan Ilievski</a> (<small>Macedonian footballer</small>) </td> <td>Bojan Ilievski (<a href="/wiki/Macedonian_language" title="Macedonian language">Macedonian</a>: <span lang="mk">Бојан Илиевски</span>; born 1 September 1999) is a Macedonian professional <a href="/wiki/Association_football" title="Association football">footballer</a> who plays as a <a href="/wiki/Defender_(association_football)" title="Defender (association football)">right back</a> for <a href="/wiki/FC_Struga" title="FC Struga">Struga</a> in the <a href="/wiki/First_Macedonian_Football_League" class="mw-redirect" title="First Macedonian Football League">First Macedonian Football League</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5563 </td> <td>draftified<br /><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Bojan_Ilievski" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Bojan Ilievski">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Iqtidar" title="Draft:Iqtidar">Draft:Iqtidar</a> (<small>A Pakistani drama that is currently airing</small>) </td> <td><i>Iqtidar</i> (<a href="/wiki/Urdu_language" class="mw-redirect" title="Urdu language">Urdu</a>: <span lang="ur" dir="rtl"><span class="Nastaliq" dir="rtl" title="Nastaliq" style="font-family: 'Jameel Noori Nastaleeq', 'Urdu Typesetting', 'Noto Nastaliq Urdu', 'Noto Nastaliq Urdu Draft', 'Hussaini Nastaleeq', 'AlQalam Taj Nastaleeq', IranNastaliq, 'Awami Nastaliq', 'Awami Nastaliq Beta3', 'Awami Nastaliq Beta2', 'Awami Nastaliq Beta1', 'Nafees Nastaleeq', 'Nafees Nastaleeq v1.01', 'Pak Nastaleeq', 'PDMS_Jauhar', 'Alvi Lahori Nastaleeq'; font-size: 110%; font-style: normal;"> اقتدار </span></span>, <small><a href="/wiki/Literal_translation" title="Literal translation">lit.</a> </small>'Authority') is a 2024 Pakistani <a href="/wiki/Serial_(radio_and_television)" title="Serial (radio and television)">drama serial</a>. The drama premiered on 19 September 2024 on GreenEntertainment, and aires twice a week Thursday and Friday at 8pm. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5555 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Prema_Qaidi" title="Draft:Prema Qaidi">Draft:Prema Qaidi</a> </td> <td><i>Prema Qaidi</i> (<abbr title="translation">transl.</abbr><span> Love prisoner</span>), also spelled <i>Prema Khaidi</i>, is a 2002 Indian <a href="/wiki/Kannada" title="Kannada">Kannada</a>-language <a href="/wiki/Romance_film" title="Romance film">romance film</a> written by <a href="/wiki/Paruchuri_brothers" title="Paruchuri brothers">Paruchuri Brothers</a> and directed by <a href="/wiki/Naganna" title="Naganna">Naganna</a>. It features <a href="/wiki/Vijay_Raghavendra" title="Vijay Raghavendra">Vijay Raghavendra</a> and <a href="/wiki/Radhika_Kumaraswamy" title="Radhika Kumaraswamy">Radhika Kumaraswamy</a> in the lead. The film is the remake of 1991 Telugu film <i><a href="/wiki/Prema_Khaidi" title="Prema Khaidi">Prema Khaidi</a></i>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5544 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:1st_century_in_religion" title="Draft:1st century in religion">Draft:1st century in religion</a> </td> <td>The 1st century would see a the foundation of <a href="/wiki/Christianity" title="Christianity">Christianity</a> and the growth and establishment of <a href="/wiki/Buddhism" title="Buddhism">Buddhism</a> in China. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5525 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Scott_Howe" title="Draft:Scott Howe">Draft:Scott Howe</a> (<small>American business executive: CEO, Liveramp</small>) </td> <td>Scott Howe is an American business executive currently serving as the Chief Executive Officer of <a href="/wiki/LiveRamp" title="LiveRamp">LiveRamp</a> (NYSE: RAMP), a data connectivity platform that facilitates the safe and effective use of data. A self-described "data geek," Howe is notable for his efforts to make the Big Data industry more transparent, and for his work on the now archived site, which let consumers see the data the industry had collected on them. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5503 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Xiaomi_Mi_10S" title="Draft:Xiaomi Mi 10S">Draft:Xiaomi Mi 10S</a> (<small>2021 Android smartphone</small>) </td> <td>The Xiaomi Mi 10S is an <a href="/wiki/Android_(operating_system)" title="Android (operating system)">Android</a> smartphone developed by <a href="/wiki/Xiaomi" title="Xiaomi">Xiaomi</a> Inc., launched in March 2021 in the Chinese market. It is part of the <a href="/wiki/Xiaomi_Mi_10" title="Xiaomi Mi 10">Mi 10</a> series and is powered by the <a href="/wiki/Qualcomm" title="Qualcomm">Qualcomm</a> Snapdragon 870 processor. Known for its premium design and high-quality <a href="/wiki/Harman_Kardon" title="Harman Kardon">Harman Kardon</a>-tuned speakers, the Mi 10S has gained attention as a high-end alternative within Xiaomi's lineup. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5500 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Funakoshi_Gichin_Cup" title="Draft:Funakoshi Gichin Cup">Draft:Funakoshi Gichin Cup</a> (<small>International Karate Competition</small>) </td> <td>The Funakoshi Gichin Cup (usually referred to as the <i>Shoto Cup</i> or the <i>World Cup)</i> is a major international karate tournament organized by the <a href="/wiki/Japan_Karate_Association" title="Japan Karate Association">Japan Karate Association</a> (JKA) roughly every three years<i>.</i> Formerly the Shoto World Cup, it is considered to be the successor of the IAKF World Championiships, first held in 1975. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5480 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Leonard_Balsera" title="Draft:Leonard Balsera">Draft:Leonard Balsera</a> </td> <td>Leonard Balsera is a <a href="/wiki/Game_designer" class="mw-redirect" title="Game designer">game designer</a> who has worked primarily on <a href="/wiki/Role-playing_game" title="Role-playing game">role-playing games</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5447 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Leonard_Balsera" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Leonard Balsera">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Florida_Brigade_of_the_Army_of_Tennessee" title="Draft:Florida Brigade of the Army of Tennessee">Draft:Florida Brigade of the Army of Tennessee</a> (<small>Confederate brigade in American Civil War</small>) </td> <td>The Florida Brigade was a unit that fought for the Confederacy during the American Civil War. It fought as part of the <a href="/wiki/Army_of_Tennessee" title="Army of Tennessee">Army of Tennessee</a> in the Western theater of the war. The brigade was formed in November 1863. It was comprised of the following units: the <a href="/wiki/1st_Florida_Infantry_Regiment" title="1st Florida Infantry Regiment">1st</a>, <a href="/wiki/3rd_Florida_Infantry_Regiment" title="3rd Florida Infantry Regiment">3rd</a>, 4th, 6th, and <a href="/wiki/7th_Florida_Infantry_Regiment" title="7th Florida Infantry Regiment">7th Florida Infantry Regiments</a>, as well as the <a href="/wiki/1st_Florida_Cavalry_Regiment" title="1st Florida Cavalry Regiment">1st Florida Cavalry Regiment</a>, which fought dismounted. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5437 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Paul_Honig" title="Draft:Paul Honig">Draft:Paul Honig</a> (<small>Connecticut State Senator-elect</small>) </td> <td>Paul Honig (born 1962 or 1963) is an American politician who is a member-elect of the <a href="/wiki/Connecticut_State_Senate" title="Connecticut State Senate">Connecticut State Senate</a>, representing the <a href="/wiki/Connecticut%27s_8th_State_Senate_district" title="Connecticut's 8th State Senate district">8th district</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5422 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Boardwalk_Battle" title="Draft:Boardwalk Battle">Draft:Boardwalk Battle</a> (<small>College basketball tournament</small>) </td> <td>The Boardwalk Battle, , owned and operated by The Gazelle Group is an eight team early-season <a href="/wiki/College_basketball" title="College basketball">college basketball</a> tournament that was first contested during the <a href="/wiki/2024%E2%80%9325_NCAA_Division_I_men%27s_basketball_season" title="2024–25 NCAA Division I men's basketball season">2024–25 season</a>, that takes place in late November of each year, in <a href="/wiki/Daytona_Beach,_Florida" title="Daytona Beach, Florida">Daytona Beach, Florida</a>, at the <a href="/wiki/Ocean_Center" title="Ocean Center">Ocean Center</a>.. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5419 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Miss_AI" title="Draft:Miss AI">Draft:Miss AI</a> (<small>International beauty pageant</small>) </td> <td>Miss AI is an annual international <a href="/wiki/Artificial_intelligence" title="Artificial intelligence">artificial intelligence</a> beauty pageant run by the British company Fanvue. It is the first beauty pageant for <a href="/wiki/Generative_artificial_intelligence" title="Generative artificial intelligence">AI-generated</a> personas. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5417 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Manufacturing_Technology_Deployment_Group" title="Draft:Manufacturing Technology Deployment Group">Draft:Manufacturing Technology Deployment Group</a> </td> <td>Manufacturing Technology Deployment Group Inc. (MTDG), located in <a href="/wiki/Florida" title="Florida">Florida</a>, is a machinery manufacturing company. It operates as a <a href="/wiki/Not-for-profit_organization" title="Not-for-profit organization">not-for-profit</a> holding company for the National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM) and Advanced Manufacturing International, Inc. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5407 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Battle_at_Bhagalpur_(1745)" title="Draft:Battle at Bhagalpur (1745)">Draft:Battle at Bhagalpur (1745)</a> </td> <td>The Battle at Bhagalpur was a military expedition launched by Raghuji against the Bihar territory of the Nawab. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5385 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Edward_Little_(Royal_Navy_officer)" title="Draft:Edward Little (Royal Navy officer)">Draft:Edward Little (Royal Navy officer)</a> (<small>British Navy officer</small>) </td> <td>Edward Little (14 December 1812–<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr><span style="white-space:nowrap;"> 1848</span>) was a British <a href="/wiki/Royal_Navy" title="Royal Navy">Royal Navy</a> officer. He first served as a Lieutenant aboard the <a href="/wiki/HMS_Donegal_(1798)" title="HMS Donegal (1798)">HMS Donegal</a>. During his career he also served aboard <a href="/wiki/HMS_Vindictive_(1813)" title="HMS Vindictive (1813)">HMS Vindictive</a> where he first met <a href="/wiki/Sir_John_Franklin" class="mw-redirect" title="Sir John Franklin">Sir John Franklin</a>. He volunteered to serve on the <a href="/wiki/Franklin%27s_lost_expedition" title="Franklin's lost expedition">Franklin Expedition</a> where he served under Captain <a href="/wiki/Francis_Crozier" title="Francis Crozier">Francis Crozier</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5376 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Big_Mamma_(company)" title="Draft:Big Mamma (company)">Draft:Big Mamma (company)</a> (<small>French restaurant brand specializing in Italian cuisine</small>) </td> <td>Big Mamma is a <a href="/wiki/France" title="France">French</a> restaurant chain specializing in <a href="/wiki/Italian_cuisine" title="Italian cuisine">Italian cuisine</a> and founded in 2015 in <a href="/wiki/Paris" title="Paris">Paris</a> by entrepreneurs Victor Lugger and Tigrane Seydoux. In 2021, the group has 17 restaurants in France, <a href="/wiki/United_Kingdom" title="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</a>, <a href="/wiki/Spain" title="Spain">Spain</a> and <a href="/wiki/Monaco" title="Monaco">Monaco</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5373 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_French_Twins" title="Draft:The French Twins">Draft:The French Twins</a> (<small>French Illusionists who mix magic and technology</small>) </td> <td>Les French Twins (Tony and Jordan) are two twin brothers, French <a href="/wiki/Magic_(illusion)" title="Magic (illusion)">magicians</a> known for integrating <a href="/w/index.php?title=Digital_magic&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Digital magic (page does not exist)">digital magic</a> with traditional illusion. They perform globally, incorporating technology, interactive visuals, and high-level magic techniques into their performances. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5365 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Montien_Boonma" title="Draft:Montien Boonma">Draft:Montien Boonma</a> (<small>Thai artist with permanent exhibition in MoMA</small>) </td> <td>Montien Boonma <i>มณเฑียร บุญมา</i> (25 February 1953 - 17 August 2000) is a <a href="/wiki/Thailand" title="Thailand">Thai</a> <a href="/wiki/Contemporary_art" title="Contemporary art">contemporary artist</a> whose work includes conceptual <a href="/wiki/Installation_art" title="Installation art">installations</a> and <a href="/wiki/Sculpture" title="Sculpture">sculptures</a>. Boonma explores 'hope, healing, nature' through <a href="/wiki/Buddhism" title="Buddhism">Buddhist</a> symbolism, such as bells and ascension. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5353 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Azure_Hermes" title="Draft:Azure Hermes">Draft:Azure Hermes</a> (<small>Australian Indigenous Genomics / Community Engagement Researcher</small>) </td> <td>Azure Hermes is a <a href="/wiki/Gimuy_walubara_yidinji" class="mw-redirect" title="Gimuy walubara yidinji">Gimuy Walubara Yidinji</a> woman who works at the intersection of <a href="/wiki/Genomics" title="Genomics">genomics</a> and <a href="/wiki/Indigenous_Australians" title="Indigenous Australians">indigenous</a> community engagement. As the deputy director of the <a href="/w/index.php?title=National_Centre_for_Indigenous_Genomics&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="National Centre for Indigenous Genomics (page does not exist)">National Centre for Indigenous Genomics</a> (NCIG) at <a href="/wiki/Australian_National_University" title="Australian National University">Australian National University</a>, she explains the science of genetics and genomics to indigenous communities across Australia as well as the implications of the NCIG's collection of 7,000 blood samples, many of which were collected in the 1960s and 1970s without <a href="/wiki/Informed_consent" title="Informed consent">informed consent</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5314 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Neigembos" title="Draft:Neigembos">Draft:Neigembos</a> (<small>Neigembos is a forrst in Ninove.</small>) </td> <td>The Neigembos is a 72-hectare nature and forest area in <a href="/wiki/Meerbeke" title="Meerbeke">Meerbeke</a> (<a href="/wiki/Ninove" title="Ninove">Ninove</a>) that is protected in Europe as part of the <a href="/wiki/Natura_2000" title="Natura 2000">Natura 2000 Habitats Directive</a> area 'Forests of the Flemish Ardennes and other South Flemish forests'. It is, just like the <a href="/wiki/Sonian_Forest" title="Sonian Forest">Sonian Forest</a>, a remnant of the old <a href="/wiki/Coal_forest" title="Coal forest">Coal Forest</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5313 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:FC_Zebra_Ladies_Iwate" title="Draft:FC Zebra Ladies Iwate">Draft:FC Zebra Ladies Iwate</a> (<small>Women's Football Club in Japan</small>) </td> <td>FC Zebra Ladies Iwate (FCゼブラレディース岩手,<i>Zebura Redisu</i>) is a women's football club founded in 1988. The club plays in the Second division of the Tohoku (Northeastern) Women's Football League, the 5th tier of the Japanese League System. The club represents the Iwate Prefecture (岩手県). </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5293 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jerry_Ross_Barrish" title="Draft:Jerry Ross Barrish">Draft:Jerry Ross Barrish</a> (<small>American sculptor</small>) </td> <td>Jerry Ross Barrish (born July 23, 1939) is a San Francisco artist known for his filmmaking and <a href="/wiki/Found_object" title="Found object">found object</a> assemblage sculpture. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5239 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:DPH-362" title="Draft:DPH-362">Draft:DPH-362</a> (<small>DPH-362 is a simplified chemical analog of amitriptyline.</small>) </td> <td>DPH-362 is a simplified <a href="/wiki/Amitriptyline" title="Amitriptyline">amitriptyline</a> analog created by omission of the two-carbon <a href="/wiki/Dibenzosuberane" class="mw-redirect" title="Dibenzosuberane">dibenzosuberane</a> bridge (the seven membered ring). The resulting compound still had activity in a test to explore <a href="/wiki/TCA" class="mw-disambig" title="TCA">TCA</a> <a href="/wiki/Sodium_channel_blocker" title="Sodium channel blocker">sodium channel blockers</a> with analgesic properties. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5232 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tomio_Otani" title="Draft:Tomio Otani">Draft:Tomio Otani</a> (<small>British martial artist</small>) </td> <td>Tomio "Tommy" Otani (8 September 1939 - 8 June 1990) was a Japanese master swordsman, kendo master and the first national Coach to the British Kendo Council. He was one of the pioneers of kendo in Britain as the leading student of Kenshiro Abbe. Tomio was descibed as one of the world's top exponents of martial arts. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5228 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:NewU_University" title="Draft:NewU University">Draft:NewU University</a> (<small>Bachelor's degree university in Washington, DC</small>) </td> <td>NewU University is a private not-for-profit university in <a href="/wiki/Washington,_D.C." title="Washington, D.C.">Washington, D.C.</a> The university, founded by Stratsi Kulinski., is licensed by the Washington D.C. Higher Education Licensure Commission. NewU offers three years <a href="/wiki/Bachelor%27s_degree" title="Bachelor's degree">bachelor's degrees</a> in Psychology & Human Behavior, Entrepreneurship, Creativity & Innovation Leadership, Sustainability & Climate Change, and Computer & Data Science. </td> <td>6 </td> <td>5220 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nicholas_Marshall_2" title="Draft:Nicholas Marshall 2">Draft:Nicholas Marshall 2</a> (<small>Rugby player</small>) </td> <td>Nicholas Marshall (born 21 September 1984) is a New Zealand-born <a href="/wiki/Rugby_union" title="Rugby union">rugby union</a> coach, who is the head coach of <a href="/w/index.php?title=Club_Atl%C3%A9tico_San_Sebasti%C3%A1n&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Club Atlético San Sebastián (page does not exist)">Club Atlético San Sebastián</a> in <a href="/wiki/Spain" title="Spain">Spain</a> and was an international <a href="/wiki/Rugby_union" title="Rugby union">rugby union</a> player with <a href="/wiki/Spain" title="Spain">Spain</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5215 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Zakari_Mohammed" title="Draft:Zakari Mohammed">Draft:Zakari Mohammed</a> (<small>Nigerian Politician</small>) </td> <td>Zakari Mohammed, born on (7 July 1970), is a Nigerian politician and media professional from Kwara State. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5209 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:George_E._Nasr" title="Draft:George E. Nasr">Draft:George E. Nasr</a> (<small>University Provost</small>) </td> <td>George E. Nasr is a Lebanese-American engineer and academic administrator who currently serves as the Provost of the <a href="/wiki/Lebanese_American_University" title="Lebanese American University">Lebanese American University</a> (LAU). </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5192 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jessica_Lomax" title="Draft:Jessica Lomax">Draft:Jessica Lomax</a> (<small>British fashion designer</small>) </td> <td>Jessica Lomax is a British fashion designer recognized for her work in sportswear and her leadership roles at Nike and Calvin Klein. Her design work emphasizes sustainable practices and the integration of innovative fabric technologies. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5186 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Palash_Islam" title="Draft:Palash Islam">Draft:Palash Islam</a> (<small>Founder and investor in finance and sports</small>) </td> <td>Palash S. Islam is a founder and investor known for his involvement in men's college basketball and the NBA, as well as for founding Synergy Financial Group. He has been featured in various media outlets regarding his work in finance and investing. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5184 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Resist:_How_a_Century_of_Young_Black_Activists_Shaped_America" title="Draft:Resist: How a Century of Young Black Activists Shaped America">Draft:Resist: How a Century of Young Black Activists Shaped America</a> (<small>2024 book by Rita Omokha</small>) </td> <td><i>Resist: How a Century of Young Black Activists Shaped America</i> is a non-fiction book by journalism professor <a href="/wiki/Rita_Omokha" title="Rita Omokha">Rita Omokha</a> that discusses the roots of activism by young Black people in America. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5182 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Phil_Kelly_(British_marine)" title="Draft:Phil Kelly (British marine)">Draft:Phil Kelly (British marine)</a> (<small>British Royal Marines Aviator</small>) </td> <td>Phil Kelly is a former British <a href="/wiki/Royal_Marines" title="Royal Marines">Royal Marines</a> officer, <a href="/wiki/Fighter_pilot" title="Fighter pilot">fighter pilot</a>, and military aviation professional. Over a career spanning 25 years, Kelly held several significant roles in the Royal Marines and <a href="/wiki/Royal_Navy" title="Royal Navy">Royal Navy</a>, including Strike Warfare Commander for the UK’s Carrier Strike Group and Head of Future Maritime Aviation and Carrier Strike. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5161 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Master_Da%27an" title="Draft:Master Da'an">Draft:Master Da'an</a> (<small>Buddhist Monastic Abbot</small>) </td> <td>Da'an (<a href="/wiki/Chinese_language" title="Chinese language">Chinese</a>: 大安; <a href="/wiki/Pinyin" title="Pinyin">pinyin</a>: Dà'ān) is a <a href="/wiki/Bhikkhu" title="Bhikkhu">Chinese Buddhist monk</a> and the current <a href="/wiki/Abbot_(Buddhism)" title="Abbot (Buddhism)">Abbot</a> of <a href="/wiki/Donglin_Temple_(Jiujiang)" title="Donglin Temple (Jiujiang)">Donglin Monastery.</a> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5143 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Exorcism_in_Hinduism" title="Draft:Exorcism in Hinduism">Draft:Exorcism in Hinduism</a> (<small>Exorcism in Hinduism</small>) </td> <td>In many Hindu traditions, it is a belief that people can be possessed by entities such as <a href="/wiki/Bhoota_(ghost)" title="Bhoota (ghost)">Bhoot</a>, Pret, <a href="/wiki/Pishacha" title="Pishacha">Pisach</a>, Dain, Nishi, and Jatak. Exorcism is used to removed the possessing entity. The exorcism is often done by use of <a href="/wiki/Mantra" title="Mantra">mantra</a> (chanting of phases from Hindu Vedic scriptures of a deity). </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5133 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ahead_(company)" title="Draft:Ahead (company)">Draft:Ahead (company)</a> </td> <td>Ahead is a software company based in Berlin, Germany, focusing on <a href="/wiki/Emotional_intelligence" title="Emotional intelligence">emotional intelligence</a> and management. It offers science-backed activities, techniques, and other tools on its subscription-based apps to help people better understand and manage their emotions. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5125 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Enigame" title="Draft:Enigame">Draft:Enigame</a> (<small>Annual puzzlehunt at MIT</small>) </td> <td>enigame is a public biannual team <a href="/wiki/Puzzle_hunt" title="Puzzle hunt">puzzle hunt</a> competition organized by members and alumni of the <a href="/wiki/Technical_University_of_Munich" title="Technical University of Munich">Technical University of Munich (TUM)</a>. It typically lasts from Friday to Sunday in the second week of each lecture period. With roughly 1,000 participants in more than 200 teams, enigame is one of the biggest puzzle hunt events in <a href="/wiki/Europe" title="Europe">Europe</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5118 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Crossover_(company)" title="Draft:Crossover (company)">Draft:Crossover (company)</a> (<small>Recruitment Company</small>) </td> <td>Crossover is a private, global recruitment company specializing in full-time remote job placements. The company focuses on hiring highly skilled tech professionals and other roles across various industries worldwide. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>5099 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nika_Klepac" title="Draft:Nika Klepac">Draft:Nika Klepac</a> (<small>Croatian taekwondo practitioner (born 2002)</small>) </td> <td>Nika Klepac (born 23 January 2002) is a Croatian <a href="/wiki/Taekwondo" title="Taekwondo">taekwondo</a> athlete. She won the silver medal in the <a href="/w/index.php?title=2018_World_Taekwondo_Championships_%E2%80%93_Women%27s_middleweight&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="2018 World Taekwondo Championships – Women's middleweight (page does not exist)">women's middleweight</a> event at the <a href="/w/index.php?title=2018_World_Taekwondo_Championships&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="2018 World Taekwondo Championships (page does not exist)">2018 World Taekwondo Championships</a> held in <a href="/wiki/Hammamet" class="mw-disambig" title="Hammamet">Hammamet</a>, Tunisia. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5093 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:DKAN_(open_data_platform)" title="Draft:DKAN (open data platform)">Draft:DKAN (open data platform)</a> (<small>An open-source platform for managing and publishing data</small>) </td> <td>DKAN is an open-source platform built on the <a href="/wiki/Drupal" title="Drupal">Drupal</a> content management system, designed for managing and publishing open data. It is inspired by the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (<a href="/wiki/CKAN" title="CKAN">CKAN</a>) and provides tools for the storage, publication, and management of datasets. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>5089 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tromanale" title="Draft:Tromanale">Draft:Tromanale</a> (<small>former counter filmfestival event to the Berlinale</small>) </td> <td>Tromanale was a free independent and underground Film Festival in <a href="/wiki/Berlin" title="Berlin">Berlin</a>. operating alongside the <a href="/wiki/Berlinale" class="mw-redirect" title="Berlinale">Berlinale</a> Film Festival in 2005 and 2006. There was no-entry-fee and the whole festival was open for everybody. The Film Festival offered a lot of filmmaking workshops, live-act-shows, live-music-bands and many short movies and feature movies for the awards show on the last day of the festival. </td> <td>5 </td> <td>5076 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Martha_Atienza" title="Draft:Martha Atienza">Draft:Martha Atienza</a> (<small>Filipino-Dutch visual artist and social organizer</small>) </td> <td>Martha Atienza (Philippines, b. 1981) is a Dutch-Filipino video artist born in <a href="/wiki/Manila" title="Manila">Manila</a>. Born to a Dutch mother and Filipino sea-captain father in a family of seafarers, she works with video, sound and <a href="/wiki/Installation_art" title="Installation art">installation</a> to explore histories of migration, labour, identity and environmental degradation. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5071 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Aleksandr_Borisovich_Ter-Avanesov" title="Draft:Aleksandr Borisovich Ter-Avanesov">Draft:Aleksandr Borisovich Ter-Avanesov</a> (<small>Aleksandr Borisovich Ter-Avanesov member of the Federation Council representing the Kostroma Regiona</small>) </td> <td>Aleksandr Borisovich Ter-Avanesov (born October 13, 1969) - member of the <a href="/wiki/Federation_Council_(Russia)" title="Federation Council (Russia)">Federation Counci</a>l representing the Kostroma Regional Duma (2006–2015), deputy of the Kostroma Regional Duma (2015–2016). From 2016 to 2023 - Senior Vice President of VTB Bank. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5064 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pitch_Pine_Crescent_murders" title="Draft:Pitch Pine Crescent murders">Draft:Pitch Pine Crescent murders</a> (<small>triple murder over several years</small>) </td> <td>The Pitch Pine Crescent murders were a series of three murders committed over a four-year span in a house at 3635 Pitch Pine Crescent; that of Bill Harrison (April <a href="/wiki/2009" title="2009">2009</a>); his wife Bridget Harrison (April <a href="/wiki/2010" title="2010">2010</a>); and their son, Caleb (August <a href="/wiki/2013" title="2013">2013</a>) The perpetrators were Caleb's ex-wife, Melissa Merritt, and her partner, Chris Fattore. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5053 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lena_L._Severance" title="Draft:Lena L. Severance">Draft:Lena L. Severance</a> (<small>Mathematician, education activist, author</small>) </td> <td>Lena Lilian Hill Severance (November 21, 1855 - September 15, 1942) was a prominent female student mathematician at <a href="/wiki/Cornell_University" title="Cornell University">Cornell University</a>, author of a book on <a href="/wiki/Equipollence_(geometry)" title="Equipollence (geometry)">equipollences</a>, a world traveller, and an activist for educators. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5050 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:M%26G_Volleyball" title="Draft:M&G Volleyball">Draft:M&G Volleyball</a> (<small>italian volleyball team</small>) </td> <td>M&G Volleyball School is an Italian professional men's volleyball team in <a href="/wiki/Grottazzolina" title="Grottazzolina">Grottazzolina, Italy</a>: They currently play in <a href="/wiki/Italian_Volleyball_League" title="Italian Volleyball League">SuperLega</a> since 2024/2025. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5049 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Windows_Triton" title="Draft:Windows Triton">Draft:Windows Triton</a> (<small>Codename for a cancelled minor release of Windows developed in 2001</small>) </td> <td><i>Triton</i> is the <a href="/wiki/Codename" class="mw-redirect" title="Codename">Codename</a> given to a cancelled minor release of <a href="/wiki/Microsoft_Windows" title="Microsoft Windows">Microsoft Windows</a> that started development in March of 2001. It was developed with the goal as being the successor to <a href="/wiki/Windows_Neptune" title="Windows Neptune">Windows Neptune</a> as opposed to the prior idea of it being a <a href="/wiki/Service_pack" title="Service pack">Service pack</a> of Neptune. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5045 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Moonstone_Lake" title="Draft:Moonstone Lake">Draft:Moonstone Lake</a> (<small>Alpine lake in Alaska, U.S.</small>) </td> <td>I have added references from a Backpacker Magazine online article. - Mudflattop </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5033 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Timewave_Zero" title="Draft:Timewave Zero">Draft:Timewave Zero</a> (<small>2022 studio album by Blood Incantation</small>) </td> <td><i>Timewave Zero</i> is the third studio album by American band <a href="/wiki/Blood_Incantation" title="Blood Incantation">Blood Incantation</a>. It was released on February 25, 2022 through <a href="/wiki/Century_Media_Records" title="Century Media Records">Century Media</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5016 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Moanin%27_(Charles_Mingus_song)" title="Draft:Moanin' (Charles Mingus song)">Draft:Moanin' (Charles Mingus song)</a> (<small>1960 jazz composition by Charles Mingus</small>) </td> <td>Moanin' is a 1959 jazz composition by <a href="/wiki/Charles_Mingus" title="Charles Mingus">Charles Mingus</a>, originally released on his 1960 album <i><a href="/wiki/Blues_%26_Roots" title="Blues & Roots">Blues & Roots</a></i>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5014 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bodega_Marine_Lab" title="Draft:Bodega Marine Lab">Draft:Bodega Marine Lab</a> (<small>the Bodega Marine Lab didn't have a wikipedia page yet</small>) </td> <td>The Bodega Marine Lab is a remote field station/ research facility that has fallen under the purview of the <a href="/wiki/University_of_California,_Davis" title="University of California, Davis">University of California Davis</a> since 1984 . Initially built and established in 1966 under the supervision of <a href="/wiki/University_of_California,_Berkeley" title="University of California, Berkeley">UC Berkeley</a> , the marine lab has since doubled in size. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5000 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Francis_I_d%27Avaugour" title="Draft:Francis I d'Avaugour">Draft:Francis I d'Avaugour</a> (<small>15th century French Count</small>) </td> <td>Francis I d'Avaugour (<a href="/wiki/1462" title="1462">1462</a> - <a href="/wiki/1510" title="1510">1510</a>) <a href="/w/index.php?title=Count_of_Vertus&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Count of Vertus (page does not exist)">Count of Vertus</a>, <a href="/w/index.php?title=Count_of_Go%C3%ABllo&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Count of Goëllo (page does not exist)">Goëllo</a>[<a href="" class="extiw" title="fr:Liste des comtes de Vertus">fr</a>], Baron of Avaugour and <a href="/w/index.php?title=Lord_of_Clisson&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Lord of Clisson (page does not exist)">Lord of Clisson</a>[<a href="" class="extiw" title="fr:Liste des seigneurs de Clisson">fr</a>]. He was the <a href="/wiki/Legitimacy_(family_law)" title="Legitimacy (family law)">bastard</a> son of the <a href="/wiki/Francis_II,_Duke_of_Brittany" title="Francis II, Duke of Brittany">Duke of Brittany, Francis II</a>, and the Viscountess of <a href="/wiki/La_Guerche" title="La Guerche">La Guerche</a>, <a href="/wiki/Antoinette_de_Maignelais" title="Antoinette de Maignelais">Antoinette de Maignelais</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4998 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Waitakere_City_Rugby_Football_Sports_Club" title="Draft:The Waitakere City Rugby Football Sports Club">Draft:The Waitakere City Rugby Football Sports Club</a> (<small>Rugby Club in Auckland, New Zealand</small>) </td> <td>Waitakere City Rugby Club is a <a href="/wiki/Rugby_union" title="Rugby union">Rugby union</a> club based in <a href="/wiki/Henderson,_New_Zealand" title="Henderson, New Zealand">Henderson, Auckland</a>, at <a href="/wiki/The_Trusts_Arena" title="The Trusts Arena">The Douglas Track & Field of Trusts Arena</a>. Established in 1962, it was originally known as the Te Atatu Rugby Club before adopting its current name in 1998. The club is a member of the <a href="/wiki/Auckland_Rugby_Union" title="Auckland Rugby Union">Auckland Rugby Union</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4998 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Andreas_A._Andreadis" title="Draft:Andreas A. Andreadis">Draft:Andreas A. Andreadis</a> (<small>co-CEO of Sani/Ikos Group</small>) </td> <td>Andreas A. Andreadis, born in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1953 is the co-CEO of Sani/Ikos Group, overseeing Sani Resort and Ikos Resorts in Greece and abroad. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4986 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Marit_Reigstad" title="Draft:Marit Reigstad">Draft:Marit Reigstad</a> (<small>Norwegian scientist</small>) </td> <td>Marit Reigstad is a professor at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Troms%C3%B8" title="University of Tromsø">University of Tromsø</a>. Her research interests are in developing a comprehensive understanding on the regulatory mechanisms of <a href="/wiki/Carbon_flux" class="mw-redirect" title="Carbon flux">carbon fluxes</a> from the ocean's surface to depth. She has led a variety of interdisciplinary projects and expeditions including 'The <a href="/wiki/Fridtjof_Nansen" title="Fridtjof Nansen">Nansen</a> Legacy' which aims are to provide a cross-disciplinary, sustainable, and holistic management of marine systems and human presence within the <a href="/wiki/Barents_Sea" title="Barents Sea">Barents Sea</a> and <a href="/wiki/Arctic_Ocean" title="Arctic Ocean">Arctic Ocean</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4968 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ankaful_Psychiatric_Hospital" title="Draft:Ankaful Psychiatric Hospital">Draft:Ankaful Psychiatric Hospital</a> (<small>public health care in Ghana</small>) </td> <td>Ankaful Psychiatric Hospital located in the Central Region of Ghana, the hospital provides specialist Psychiatric services as well as the general outpatient services. The Hospital provided a free psychiatric care for the former National Science and Maths Quiz 'shark', "Dr" Ninwie Leonard Lanyeli. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4957 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Angelo_Boffa" title="Draft:Angelo Boffa">Draft:Angelo Boffa</a> (<small>Swiss-Italian Actor</small>) </td> <td>Angelo Boffa (born December 17, 1976 in Wetzikon, Zurich) is a Swiss-based actor and film producer of Italian origin. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4945 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alice_and_the_Mad_Hatter" title="Draft:Alice and the Mad Hatter">Draft:Alice and the Mad Hatter</a> </td> <td><i>Alice and the Mad Hatter</i> (stylized as <i>Alice & The Mad Hatter</i>) is an upcoming <a href="/wiki/British" class="mw-disambig" title="British">British</a> <a href="/wiki/Independent_film" title="Independent film">independent</a> <a href="/wiki/Slasher_film" title="Slasher film">slasher film</a> produced by <a href="/wiki/Jagged_Edge_Productions" class="mw-redirect" title="Jagged Edge Productions">Jagged Edge Productions</a> and <a href="/w/index.php?title=ITN_Studios&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="ITN Studios (page does not exist)">ITN Studios</a>. The film serves as the ninth installment of <a href="/wiki/The_Twisted_Childhood_Universe" title="The Twisted Childhood Universe">The Twisted Childhood Universe</a> (TCU). It is a <a href="/wiki/Retroactive_continuity" title="Retroactive continuity">horror retelling</a> of <i><a href="/wiki/Alice%27s_Adventures_in_Wonderland" title="Alice's Adventures in Wonderland">Alice's Adventures in Wonderland</a></i> by <a href="/wiki/Lewis_Carroll" title="Lewis Carroll">Lewis Carroll</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4943 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Saudi_Invasion_of_Bahrain_(1801)" title="Draft:Saudi Invasion of Bahrain (1801)">Draft:Saudi Invasion of Bahrain (1801)</a> </td> <td>Saudi invasion of Bahrain was a campaign led by <a href="/wiki/Abdulaziz_bin_Muhammad_Al_Saud" title="Abdulaziz bin Muhammad Al Saud">Imam Abdulaziz</a> to annex Bahrain </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4933 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Park_Choong-hoon" title="Draft:Park Choong-hoon">Draft:Park Choong-hoon</a> (<small>South Korean politician (1919–2001)</small>) </td> <td>Park Choong-hun (<a href="/wiki/Korean_language" title="Korean language">Korean</a>: <span lang="ko">박충훈</span>; 19 January 1919 – March 16, 2001) was a South Korean politician who served as the acting <a href="/wiki/Prime_Minister_of_South_Korea" title="Prime Minister of South Korea">prime minister</a> and acting <a href="/wiki/President_of_South_Korea" title="President of South Korea">president of South Korea</a> in 1980. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4927 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pedro_Valverde_(general)" title="Draft:Pedro Valverde (general)">Draft:Pedro Valverde (general)</a> (<small>Dominican general (1818–1900)</small>) </td> <td>Pedro Valverde Lara (July 5, 1818 – March 31, 1900) was a Dominican general and independence activist. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4916 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pelles_C" title="Draft:Pelles C">Draft:Pelles C</a> </td> <td>Pelles C is a <a href="/wiki/Freeware" title="Freeware">freeware</a> integrated development environment (IDE) that also includes a compiler and assembler, that is used for C and C++. It is based on <a href="/wiki/LCC_(compiler)" title="LCC (compiler)">LCC</a> and supports many things, such as C11, C17, and the amd64 architecture. It runs on Microsoft Windows and Windows CE, for Microsoft's pocket PCs. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4914 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jonathan_Kewley" title="Draft:Jonathan Kewley">Draft:Jonathan Kewley</a> (<small>British lawyer</small>) </td> <td>Jonathan Kewley (born 1982) is a British <a href="/wiki/Lawyer" title="Lawyer">lawyer</a> who is a partner and co-chair of the Global Tech Group at <a href="/wiki/Clifford_Chance" title="Clifford Chance">Clifford Chance</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4913 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:CPC_Theory" title="Draft:CPC Theory">Draft:CPC Theory</a> </td> <td>Currents' Physical Components (CPC) Theory is an advanced power theory in <a href="/wiki/Electrical_engineering" title="Electrical engineering">electrical engineering</a> that provides a comprehensive framework for analyzing and compensating electrical systems with non-sinusoidal voltages and currents. Developed by Professor <a href="/w/index.php?title=Leszek_S._Czarnecki&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Leszek S. Czarnecki (page does not exist)">Leszek S. Czarnecki</a> in 1983, CPC theory addresses the limitations of traditional power theories in handling modern electrical systems characterized by harmonic distortion and unbalanced loads. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4903 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Solomon_Etefa" title="Draft:Solomon Etefa">Draft:Solomon Etefa</a> (<small>Ethiopian military officer</small>) </td> <td>Solomon Etefa Lemu is an Ethiopian <a href="/wiki/Lieutenant_general" title="Lieutenant general">Lieutenant General</a> who is the current Chief commander of the South command of <a href="/wiki/Ethiopian_National_Defense_Force" title="Ethiopian National Defense Force">ENDF</a>. Lieutenant General Lemu is High Military official of <a href="/wiki/Ethiopia" title="Ethiopia">Ethiopia</a>. He has been involved in various military operations and strategic planning. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4899 </td> <td>draftified<br /><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Solomon_Etefa" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Solomon Etefa">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Gordon_Brown_Sr" title="Draft:Gordon Brown Sr">Draft:Gordon Brown Sr</a> (<small>Civil rights golfer and activist</small>) </td> <td>Gordon Brown Sr., born on May 5, 1936, in <a href="/wiki/Charleston,_South_Carolina" title="Charleston, South Carolina">Charleston, South Carolina,</a> is a prominent figure in the <a href="/wiki/Golf" title="Golf">golf</a> community and a civil rights activist. He began playing golf at the age of ten and became involved in a legal battle for access to Charleston Municipal Golf Course, which had discriminatory policies against people of color. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4896 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ansley_Gordon" title="Draft:Ansley Gordon">Draft:Ansley Gordon</a> (<small>American actress and screenwriter</small>) </td> <td>Ansley Gordon (born January, 7th 1992) is an American actress and writer. She is known for her work in TV romantic comedies including <i>Fixing Up Christmas</i> and <i>A Bridesmaid in Love</i>, which premiered on <a href="/wiki/Up_TV" title="Up TV">Up TV</a> and <i>Love for Starters</i>, <i>Love on the Reef</i>, and <i>The Single's Guidebook</i>, which were all produced by <a href="/wiki/Reel_One_Entertainment" title="Reel One Entertainment">Reel One Entertainment</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4891 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bangladesh_Students%27_Party" title="Draft:Bangladesh Students' Party">Draft:Bangladesh Students' Party</a> (<small>Student organization</small>) </td> <td>Bangladesh Students' Party (<a href="/wiki/Bengali_language" title="Bengali language">Bengali</a>: <span lang="bn">বাংলাদেশ ছাত্রপক্ষ</span>) is a new student organization.They are trying to work for students and people at large. But they got famous for their "3 point announcement of students demanding half pass in Metrorail" </td> <td>3 </td> <td>4887 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dickie_Davies_Eyes" title="Draft:Dickie Davies Eyes">Draft:Dickie Davies Eyes</a> (<small>1986 single by Half Man Half Biscuit</small>) </td> <td>"Dickie Davies Eyes" is a 1986 7" 45rpm <a href="/wiki/Gramophone_record" class="mw-redirect" title="Gramophone record">vinyl</a> <a href="/wiki/Single_(music)" title="Single (music)">single</a> by the English <a href="/wiki/Independent_music" title="Independent music">indie</a> band, <a href="/wiki/Half_Man_Half_Biscuit" title="Half Man Half Biscuit">Half Man Half Biscuit</a>. The song title <a href="/wiki/Parody" title="Parody">parodies</a> the song title of the single <a href="/wiki/Betty_Davis_Eyes" class="mw-redirect" title="Betty Davis Eyes">Betty Davis Eyes</a> and refers to <a href="/wiki/Dickie_Davies" title="Dickie Davies">Dickie Davies</a>, a UK television presenter, notable for presenting <a href="/wiki/World_of_Sport_(British_TV_programme)" title="World of Sport (British TV programme)">World of Sport</a> from the late 1960s until 1985. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4882 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Winx_Health" title="Draft:Winx Health">Draft:Winx Health</a> (<small>Awarded one of Time Magazine's Best inventions of 2024 & provide women's health care info.</small>) </td> <td>Winx Health, a women’s health company (based in <a href="/wiki/Philadelphia" title="Philadelphia">Philadelphia</a>, Pennsylvania) got its start in 2019 by selling direct-to-consumer pregnancy tests. Winx now offers a wide range of other vaginal and women’s health care products including ovulation tests, and yeast infection tests and treatments. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4879 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sony_%CE%B11_II" title="Draft:Sony α1 II">Draft:Sony α1 II</a> (<small>Full-frame mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera</small>) </td> <td>The Sony α1 II is a <a href="/wiki/Mirrorless_interchangeable-lens_camera" class="mw-redirect" title="Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera">full-frame mirrorless interchangeable-lens</a> camera by <a href="/wiki/Sony" title="Sony">Sony</a> that was announced on November 19, 2024, alongside the Sony FE 28-70mm f/2 GM lens. The camera will become available in December 2024 starting at US$6500 and is aimed at professional photographers and videographers, covering wildlife, sports, action and landscape. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4877 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Systemadminbd" title="Draft:Systemadminbd">Draft:Systemadminbd</a> (<small>Bangladeshi hacker group</small>) </td> <td>Systemadminbd (also known as SYSBD) (<a href="" class="extiw" title="bn:বাংলাদেশ ব্ল্যাক হ্যাট হ্যাকার্স">Bengali</a>: সিস্টেমএডমিনবিডি) is a hacker group based in <a href="/wiki/Bangladesh" title="Bangladesh">Bangladesh</a>,reportedly involved in cyberattacks, including website defacement, data breaches, and hacktivism. .It claimed in 2024 to have hacked popular Indian media company <a href="/wiki/Zee_Media_Corporation" title="Zee Media Corporation">Zee Media Corporation</a> for mocking Bangladesh's devastating floods in 2024. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4873 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ali_Hajbi" title="Draft:Ali Hajbi">Draft:Ali Hajbi</a> (<small>A Jordanian soccer player who is a defender for the Jordanian national team and Al Hussein Irbid</small>) </td> <td>Ali al-Hajabi ( Arabic: علي الحجبي; born May 02, 2004) is a Jordanian professional footballer who plays as a defender for <a href="/wiki/Jordanian_Pro_League" title="Jordanian Pro League">Jordanian Pro League</a> side <a href="/wiki/Al-Hussein_SC_(Irbid)" title="Al-Hussein SC (Irbid)">Al-Hussein SC</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Jordan_national_football_team" title="Jordan national football team">Jordan national team</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4868 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:White_Pocket" title="Draft:White Pocket">Draft:White Pocket</a> (<small>"White Pocket" in Arizona is a surface crust on Navajo Sandstone, not related to liquefaction</small>) </td> <td>White Pocket is located geographically in the Grand Staircase Escalante Monuments, Arizona and geologically on the Colorado Plateau. The <a href="/wiki/Navajo_Sandstone" title="Navajo Sandstone">Navajo Sandstone</a> is exposed on the plateau as mounds and ridges. These are mostly reddish erosional remnants, but those remnants in White Pocket are blanketed with a white layer appearing as “Cauliflower Rock” (see figure). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4857 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ahmad_Bazzi" title="Draft:Ahmad Bazzi">Draft:Ahmad Bazzi</a> (<small>Inventor and Researcher and YouTube Instructor</small>) </td> <td>Ahmad Bazzi is a French-Lebanese research scientist at NYU WIRELESS, <a href="/wiki/New_York_University_Tandon_School_of_Engineering" title="New York University Tandon School of Engineering">New York University Tandon School of Engineering</a> and <a href="/wiki/New_York_University_Abu_Dhabi" title="New York University Abu Dhabi">New York University Abu Dhabi</a>. He is an inventor of multiple patents in the field of wireless communications, and more specifically in <a href="/wiki/BlueTooth" class="mw-redirect" title="BlueTooth">BlueTooth</a> technologies. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4846 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mary_Rutan_Health" title="Draft:Mary Rutan Health">Draft:Mary Rutan Health</a> (<small>Non-profit healthcare in central Ohio</small>) </td> <td>Mary Rutan Health (MRH) is a not-for-profit healthcare organization with multiple facilities including a general medical-surgical hospital, health center, and foundation located in central Ohio. MRH is accredited by <a href="/wiki/DNV" title="DNV">DNV</a> GL, a global quality assurance and risk management company. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4833 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Little_Bear_Ridge_Road" title="Draft:Little Bear Ridge Road">Draft:Little Bear Ridge Road</a> (<small>2024 American drama</small>) </td> <td><i>Little Bear Ridge Road</i> is a play written by <a href="/wiki/Samuel_D._Hunter" title="Samuel D. Hunter">Samuel D. Hunter</a>. The play, set in the outskirts of <a href="/wiki/Troy,_Idaho" title="Troy, Idaho">Troy, Idaho</a>, tells the story of an estranged nephew and his aunt who reunite at the beginning of the <a href="/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic" title="COVID-19 pandemic">COVID-19 pandemic</a> to settle their estate of their deceased father and brother, respectively. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4828 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:SAM_Jahan" title="Draft:SAM Jahan">Draft:SAM Jahan</a> (<small>Bangladeshi Journalist</small>) </td> <td>Shikder Abir Mahmud Jahan, widely known by his news byline SAM Jahan is an award-winning Bangladeshi journalist, press trainer and press rights activist. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4821 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ernesto_Barbero" title="Draft:Ernesto Barbero">Draft:Ernesto Barbero</a> (<small>Italian winemaker and viticulturist</small>) </td> <td>Ernesto Barbero is an Italian winemaker and viticulturist associated with Bertani, a prominent winery in Italy. He is known for his work with Bertani in the development of Amarone wines. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4819 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Indian_Society_for_Universal_Dialogue" title="Draft:Indian Society for Universal Dialogue">Draft:Indian Society for Universal Dialogue</a> (<small>Student's Society</small>) </td> <td>The Indian Society for Universal Dialogue, Chennai is a student's society at the School of Excellence in Law, <a href="/wiki/Chennai" title="Chennai">Chennai</a> affiliated to the <a href="/wiki/Tamil_Nadu_Dr._Ambedkar_Law_University" title="Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University">Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University</a>. The ISUD borrows inspiration from the prestigious <a href="/wiki/Oxford_Union" title="Oxford Union">Oxford Union</a>, a renowned students’ society established at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Oxford" title="University of Oxford">University of Oxford</a> in 1823. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4817 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:BodyFast" title="Draft:BodyFast">Draft:BodyFast</a> (<small>BodyFast Intermittent Fasting App</small>) </td> <td>BodyFast is a Munich-based <a href="/wiki/Intermittent_fasting" title="Intermittent fasting">intermittent fasting</a> mobile app company that offers features like personalized fasting plans, tracking tools, and educational resources related to fasting, weight loss, health, and wellbeing. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4793 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mary-Rose_Papandrea" class="mw-redirect" title="Draft:Mary-Rose Papandrea">Draft:Mary-Rose Papandrea</a> (<small>law professor</small>) </td> <td>Mary-Rose Papandrea is an academic and professor best-known for her work in media and constitutional law. She wrote articles that have been published across several law schools, including Stanford, Duke, and University of Chicago, and she co-wrote a textbook entitled "Media and the Law, Second Edition." Papandrea has also spoken and moderated at conferences, podcasts, and events nationwide on a range of topics, primarily the First Amendment, national security, and <a href="/wiki/Citizen_journalism" title="Citizen journalism">citizen journalism</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4789 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Juliany_Taveras" title="Draft:Juliany Taveras">Draft:Juliany Taveras</a> (<small>Queer Dominican-American theatre-maker</small>) </td> <td>Juliany Taveras is a Dominican-American theatre-maker, playwright, screenwriter, and arts educator. Their work centers themes of Afro/Indigenous and queer/trans diaspora. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4787 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thandel" title="Draft:Thandel">Draft:Thandel</a> (<small>Indian action film directed by Chandoo Mondeti</small>) </td> <td><i>Thandel</i> is an upcoming <a href="/wiki/Cinema_of_India" title="Cinema of India">Indian</a> <a href="/wiki/Telugu_language" title="Telugu language">Telugu language</a> <a href="/wiki/Action_film" title="Action film">action film</a> directed by <a href="/wiki/Chandoo_Mondeti" title="Chandoo Mondeti">Chandoo Mondeti</a> and produced by <a href="/wiki/Bunny_Vasu" class="mw-redirect" title="Bunny Vasu">Bunny Vasu</a> under the banner of <a href="/wiki/Geetha_Arts" title="Geetha Arts">Geetha Arts</a>, it stars <a href="/wiki/Naga_Chaitanya" title="Naga Chaitanya">Naga Chaitanya</a> and <a href="/wiki/Sai_Pallavi" title="Sai Pallavi">Sai Pallavi</a> as leads. Thandel is Presented By <a href="/wiki/Allu_Aravind" title="Allu Aravind">Allu Aravind</a> and produced by Bunny Vasu. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4786 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Irani_(2024)" title="Draft:Irani (2024)">Draft:Irani (2024)</a> (<small>2024 film directed by Jegan Subramaniam</small>) </td> <td><i>IRANI</i> (meaning. <i>A person of Iran origin</i>), is a 2024 Sri Lankan <a href="/wiki/Tamil_language" title="Tamil language">Tamil</a>-language suspense drama film, written and directed by Jegan Subramaniam in his <a href="/wiki/Directorial_debut" class="mw-redirect" title="Directorial debut">directorial debut</a>. Jegan has previously co-produced the Tamil Film <a href="/wiki/Varnam_(2011_film)" title="Varnam (2011 film)">Varnam</a> staring <a href="/wiki/Vijay_Sethupathi" title="Vijay Sethupathi">Vijay Sethupathi</a> and <a href="/wiki/Sampath_Raj" title="Sampath Raj">Sampath Raj</a> and <a href="/wiki/Monica_(Tamil_actress)" title="Monica (Tamil actress)">Monica</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4772 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Michel_Roccati" title="Draft:Michel Roccati">Draft:Michel Roccati</a> </td> <td>Michel Roccati (born 26 June 1991) is an Italian-German <a href="/wiki/Athlete" title="Athlete">Athlete</a> and Entrepreneur who became the first person to regain mobility in his legs and walk following a complete <a href="/wiki/Spinal_cord_injury" title="Spinal cord injury">spinal cord injury</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4755 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Havelock_Mussel_And_Seafood_Festival" title="Draft:Havelock Mussel And Seafood Festival">Draft:Havelock Mussel And Seafood Festival</a> (<small>music and food festival</small>) </td> <td>The Havelock Mussel And Seafood Festival is an annual outdoor event held in <a href="/wiki/Havelock,_New_Zealand" title="Havelock, New Zealand">Havelock,_New_Zealand</a> for one day each March. There is a music stage, industry exhibits, cooking demonstrations and competitions. 2025 will be the 21st festival. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4749 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tim_Orchard" title="Draft:Tim Orchard">Draft:Tim Orchard</a> (<small>Chief executive of a London hospital</small>) </td> <td>Professor Tim Orchard is a British healthcare official who is chief executive of <a href="/wiki/Imperial_College_Healthcare_NHS_Trust" title="Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust">Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust</a>, one of the largest NHS Trusts in London. He is a consultant physician and Professor of gastroenterology at <a href="/wiki/Imperial_College_London" title="Imperial College London">Imperial College London</a> and is renowned for his ongoing research and teaching in the field of inflammatory bowel disease. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4749 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Meru_Khavas" title="Draft:Meru Khavas">Draft:Meru Khavas</a> (<small>Virtual ruler of Nawanagar from 1730–1800</small>) </td> <td>Wazir Meraman Khawa Or Meru Khavas was virtual Ruler of <a href="/wiki/Nawanagar_State" title="Nawanagar State">Nawanagar State</a>.he ruled behalf of <a href="/wiki/Nawanagar_State" title="Nawanagar State">Jam</a>.He exacted tribute from the pirates of <a href="/wiki/Okhamandal_State_Railway" title="Okhamandal State Railway">Okhamandal</a>, established a watch-port at <a href="/wiki/Kutch_district" title="Kutch district">Kutchigadh</a> and freed the Kutch ships from their terror.His rule was vigorous and he made many additions to the state. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>4745 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Big_Oaks" title="Draft:Big Oaks">Draft:Big Oaks</a> (<small>Community area in Chicago</small>) </td> <td>Big Oaks is bounded by Foster Avenue to the north, Nagle Avenue to the east, Gunnison Street to the south, and Harlem Avenue to the west. Opposite of the neighborhood's southern border at Gunnison Street is the suburb of <a href="/wiki/Harwood_Heights" class="mw-redirect" title="Harwood Heights">Harwood Heights</a> and an unincorporated area housing Ridgemoor Country Club. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4742 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Vadim_Bolshakov" title="Draft:Vadim Bolshakov">Draft:Vadim Bolshakov</a> (<small>American neuroscientists</small>) </td> <td>Vadim Bolshakov is a Russia-born American neuroscientist, a professor of psychiatry at <a href="/wiki/Harvard_Medical_School" title="Harvard Medical School">Harvard Medical School</a>, and, since 1999, he has been Director of the Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory at <a href="/wiki/McLean_Hospital" title="McLean Hospital">McLean Hospital</a>. He received The Esther A. and Joseph Klingenstein Fund award in 2001 and NARSAD Distinguished Investigator award in 2013. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4733 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yury_Yuriyovich_Shikula" title="Draft:Yury Yuriyovich Shikula">Draft:Yury Yuriyovich Shikula</a> (<small>Ukrainian coal miner</small>) </td> <td>Yury Yuriyovych Shikula (born May 29, 1965) is a Ukrainian coal miner and a mining grinder operator in the preparatory work section at the structural unit "Samsonivske-Zakhidne Mine Management", part of the <a href="/wiki/Krasnodonvugillya" title="Krasnodonvugillya">Krasnodonvugillya</a> <a href="/wiki/Joint-stock_company" title="Joint-stock company">joint-stock company</a> (<a href="/wiki/Luhansk_Oblast" title="Luhansk Oblast">Luhansk Oblast</a>). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4727 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Marlborough_Road_Annexe" title="Draft:Marlborough Road Annexe">Draft:Marlborough Road Annexe</a> (<small>Known derelict building in Gillingham, Medway, which has a historic background and uncertain future</small>) </td> <td>The Marlborough Road Annexe is a derelict building in <a href="/wiki/Gillingham,_Kent" title="Gillingham, Kent">Gillingham</a>, <a href="/wiki/Kent" title="Kent">Kent</a>, <a href="/wiki/England" title="England">England</a>, notable for its history as a training site for the <a href="/wiki/Royal_Air_Force_Air_Cadets" title="Royal Air Force Air Cadets">Royal Air Force Air Cadets</a> and its proposed role in the area’s urban redevelopment plans. Constructed in the early <a href="/wiki/20th_century" title="20th century">20th century</a>, the building initially served as a community facility before becoming home to No. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>4725 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kaffara_(2024_TV_series)" title="Draft:Kaffara (2024 TV series)">Draft:Kaffara (2024 TV series)</a> (<small>Pakistani television series</small>) </td> <td><i>Kaffara</i> (<abbr title="translation">transl.</abbr><span> Atonement" or "Expiation</span>) is a romantic Pakistani drama television series produced by <a href="/wiki/Abdullah_Kadwani" title="Abdullah Kadwani">Abdullah Kadwani</a> and <a href="/wiki/Asad_Qureshi_(producer)" title="Asad Qureshi (producer)">Asad Qureshi</a> under the banner <a href="/wiki/7th_Sky_Entertainment" class="mw-redirect" title="7th Sky Entertainment">7th Sky Entertainment</a>. Directed by Muhammad Iftikhar Iffi it aired from 27 July 2024 to 17 October 2024 on <a href="/wiki/Geo_TV" title="Geo TV">Geo TV</a>, consisting of 90 episodes. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4719 </td> <td>UPE<br />draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sams_House_at_Pine_Island_Conservation_Area" title="Draft:Sams House at Pine Island Conservation Area">Draft:Sams House at Pine Island Conservation Area</a> (<small>Historic house in Merritt Island</small>) </td> <td>Sams House at Pine Island is located at 6195 N Tropical Trail, Merritt Island, FL 32953 in the Pine Island Conservation Area which is managed by the Brevard County's Environmentally Endangered Lands Program and the St. Johns River Water Management District . </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4713 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Riverside_Campus_(Ottawa)" title="Draft:Riverside Campus (Ottawa)">Draft:Riverside Campus (Ottawa)</a> (<small>Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario</small>) </td> <td>Riverside Campus (formerly Riverside Hospital of Ottawa) is one of three main campuses of <a href="/wiki/The_Ottawa_Hospital" title="The Ottawa Hospital">The Ottawa Hospital</a> in <a href="/wiki/Ottawa" title="Ottawa">Ottawa</a>, <a href="/wiki/Ontario" title="Ontario">Ontario</a>, Canada. The facility does not admit patients and has no emergency department, instead operating for out-patient treatment and procedures during the day, Monday through Friday. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4706 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nikhil_D._Datar" title="Draft:Nikhil D. Datar">Draft:Nikhil D. Datar</a> (<small>Indian Practicing gynaecologist, medico-legal expert & noted health rights activist (born 1970)</small>) </td> <td>Nikhil D Datar is a senior consultant, obstetrician, and gynecologist based in <a href="/wiki/Mumbai" title="Mumbai">Mumbai</a>, India. He is also a medico-legal expert and a health rights activist in India. </td> <td>5 </td> <td>4695 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:HashKey_Exchange" title="Draft:HashKey Exchange">Draft:HashKey Exchange</a> (<small>HashKey Exchange</small>) </td> <td>HashKey Exchange is a licensed digital asset exchange platform based in Hong Kong, primarily focused on providing regulated and secure trading services for digital assets in the fintech and blockchain sectors. Founded in 2018 by Dr. Xiao Feng, HashKey Exchange is Hong Kong’s first licensed exchange to offer retail trading of bitcoin and ether on mobile. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4694 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Chris_Millington" title="Draft:Chris Millington">Draft:Chris Millington</a> (<small>English football coach</small>) </td> <td>Chris Millington (born 8 September 1975) is an English <a href="/wiki/Association_football" title="Association football">football</a> coach. He is currently manager of <a href="/wiki/National_League_(division)" title="National League (division)">National League</a> club <a href="/wiki/FC_Halifax_Town" title="FC Halifax Town">FC Halifax Town</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4689 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Datu_Yacob_Lumenda_Piang_Ampatuan" title="Draft:Datu Yacob Lumenda Piang Ampatuan">Draft:Datu Yacob Lumenda Piang Ampatuan</a> (<small>Philippine Politician in Maguindanao BARMM and from promonent family in Phillipines.</small>) </td> <td>Datu Yacob Lumenda Ampatuan is a public servant in the Philippines. His parents, Datu Ishak Ampatuan and Bai Puti Lumenda, were former municipal and provincial officials in <a href="/wiki/Maguindanao" title="Maguindanao">Maguindanao</a>. His brother, <a href="/wiki/Zamzamin_Ampatuan" title="Zamzamin Ampatuan">Zamzamin Lumenda Ampatuan</a> is the position of Undersecretary for Special Concerns and for the <a href="/wiki/Bangsamoro_Autonomous_Region_in_Muslim_Mindanao" class="mw-redirect" title="Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao">Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao</a> at the <a href="/wiki/Department_of_Agriculture_(Philippines)" title="Department of Agriculture (Philippines)">Department of Agriculture</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>4680 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Club_Classics_(song)" title="Draft:Club Classics (song)">Draft:Club Classics (song)</a> (<small>2024 single by Charli XCX</small>) </td> <td>"Club Classics" (stylized in <a href="/wiki/Letter_case" title="Letter case">sentence case</a>) is a song by English singer <a href="/wiki/Charli_XCX" title="Charli XCX">Charli XCX</a>, released on April 3, 2024, through <a href="/wiki/Atlantic_Records" title="Atlantic Records">Atlantic Records</a>, and served as the first promotional single for <a href="/wiki/Brat_(album)" title="Brat (album)">Brat</a> along with "B2B" as a double A single. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4662 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Shafinur_Shafin" title="Draft:Shafinur Shafin">Draft:Shafinur Shafin</a> (<small>A Bengali poet</small>) </td> <td>Shafinur Shafin (<a href="/wiki/Bengali_language" title="Bengali language">Bengali</a>: শাফিনূর শাফিন ; 21 April 1987) is a <a href="/wiki/Bangladeshis" title="Bangladeshis">Bangladeshi</a> <a href="/wiki/Poet" title="Poet">poet</a>, <a href="/wiki/Writer" title="Writer">writer</a>, translator, and academic. She is also the poetry editor of <i>Prachya Review</i>, an international <a href="/wiki/Literary" class="mw-redirect" title="Literary">literary</a> <a href="/wiki/Online_magazine" title="Online magazine">webzine.</a> </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4655 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kaiyun_Energy" title="Draft:Kaiyun Energy">Draft:Kaiyun Energy</a> (<small>A Chinese company for commercial vehicle production.</small>) </td> <td>Kaiyun Energy (<a href="/wiki/Chinese_language" title="Chinese language">Chinese</a>: 北京开云能源有限公司) is a Chinese provider of <a href="/wiki/New_energy_vehicle" class="mw-redirect" title="New energy vehicle">new energy vehicle</a> transformation solutions, headquartered in <a href="/wiki/Beijing" title="Beijing">Beijing</a>. Established in 2014, the company is led by CEO Wang Chao. Kaiyun Energy specializes in the design and development of new energy vehicles, creating custom solutions for specific applications.<a rel="nofollow" class="external autonumber" href="">[3]</a> </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4653 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Church_(Thomas_Rhett_song)" title="Draft:Church (Thomas Rhett song)">Draft:Church (Thomas Rhett song)</a> (<small>2024 song by Thomas Rhett</small>) </td> <td>"Church" is a song by American country music singer <a href="/wiki/Thomas_Rhett" title="Thomas Rhett">Thomas Rhett</a>, released on August 23, 2024 from his seventh studio album <i><a href="/wiki/About_a_Woman" title="About a Woman">About a Woman</a></i>. It was written by Rhett, <a href="/wiki/Andy_Albert" title="Andy Albert">Andy Albert</a>, Jordan Minton and Mark Trussell, and it was produced by Trussell, Julian Bunetta and <a href="/wiki/Dann_Huff" title="Dann Huff">Dann Huff</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4648 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Katya_Saunders" title="Draft:Katya Saunders">Draft:Katya Saunders</a> (<small>Maltese transgender activist</small>) </td> <td>Katya Saunders (10 April 1957 - 27 January, 2019) was a Maltese LGBTIQ+ icon celebrated for being one of the first openly transgender women and gay activists in Malta. She was also a well-known cabaret performer in clubs in <a href="/wiki/Malta" title="Malta">Malta</a> and London throughout the 1970s. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4648 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Unser_Kind" title="Draft:Unser Kind">Draft:Unser Kind</a> (<small>Swiss Short Film about surrogacy</small>) </td> <td><i>Unser Kind (Our Child)</i> is a 2024 <a href="/wiki/Switzerland" title="Switzerland">Swiss</a> short film co-written and directed by Samuel Flückiger and produced by the <a href="/wiki/Academy_Awards" title="Academy Awards">Oscars</a>©- nominated producers <a href="/wiki/Nadine_L%C3%BCchinger" class="mw-redirect" title="Nadine Lüchinger">Nadine Lüchinger</a> and Flavio Gerber, Filmgerberei. The film is about a Swiss couple who travels to <a href="/wiki/Georgia_(country)" title="Georgia (country)">Georgia</a> for a prenatal check-up with their unborn child's <a href="/wiki/Surrogacy" title="Surrogacy">surrogate mother</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4629 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nehemiah_Robinson" title="Draft:Nehemiah Robinson">Draft:Nehemiah Robinson</a> (<small>Jewish international lawyer</small>) </td> <td>Nehemiah Robinson (1898 – 12 January 1964) was a <a href="/wiki/Jurist" title="Jurist">jurist</a>, and an expert on <a href="/wiki/Genocide" title="Genocide">genocide</a>, and <a href="/wiki/World_War_II_reparations" title="World War II reparations">reparations to victims</a> of the <a href="/wiki/Holocaust" class="mw-redirect" title="Holocaust">Holocaust</a>. He was the director of the <a href="/wiki/Institute_of_Jewish_Affairs" class="mw-redirect" title="Institute of Jewish Affairs">Institute of Jewish Affairs</a> from 1947 to 1964. <a href="/wiki/Menachem_Z._Rosensaft" title="Menachem Z. Rosensaft">Menachem Z. Rosensaft</a> stated that he is "one of the leading authorities on the <a href="/wiki/Genocide_Convention" title="Genocide Convention">Genocide Convention</a>". </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4619 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Iakovos_Antonios_Armaos" title="Draft:Iakovos Antonios Armaos">Draft:Iakovos Antonios Armaos</a> (<small>A brief presentation of the person of Iakovos Antonios Armaos</small>) </td> <td>Iakovos-Antonios Armaos is the Chairman and Founder of efrata, a consulting firm in Greece focused on strategic communication, media relations, and public affairs. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4612 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sardar_Jawala_Singh_Sandhu" title="Draft:Sardar Jawala Singh Sandhu">Draft:Sardar Jawala Singh Sandhu</a> (<small>Former chief in command of the Sikh Empire</small>) </td> <td>Sardar Jawala ( alternatively as Joala , Jvala , Jawala or Javala ) Singh Padhania/Sandhu was a military commander under <a href="/wiki/Ranjit_Singh" title="Ranjit Singh">Maharaja Ranjit Singh Ji</a>. He is said to have lived in the village of Padhana, today in the <a href="/wiki/Lahore_District" title="Lahore District">Lahore District</a> of Pakistan, across the border from Naushehra, India. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>4603 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Village_(Wrabel_song)" title="Draft:The Village (Wrabel song)">Draft:The Village (Wrabel song)</a> (<small>2007 single by Wrabel</small>) </td> <td>"The Village" is a song by American singer <a href="/wiki/Wrabel" title="Wrabel">Wrabel</a> that was released in 2007. It has more then one version, <a href="/wiki/Trans_women" class="mw-redirect" title="Trans women">Male to Female</a> (MTF) and <a href="/wiki/Trans_man" title="Trans man">Female to Male (FTM)</a> with minimal lyrical changes between them. It is inspirational song to <a href="/wiki/Transgender" title="Transgender">transgender</a> people due to pointing out that someone's <a href="/wiki/Identity_(social_science)" title="Identity (social science)">identity</a> can't be stopped by <a href="/wiki/Transphobia" title="Transphobia">Transphobia</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4598 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:National_Hispanic_Medical_Association" title="Draft:National Hispanic Medical Association">Draft:National Hispanic Medical Association</a> </td> <td>National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) is a <a href="/wiki/Non-profit_organization" class="mw-redirect" title="Non-profit organization">non-profit organization</a> that represents licensed Hispanic <a href="/wiki/Physician" title="Physician">physicians</a> in the United States. It is based in Washington, D.C. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4597 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Salas_O%27Brien" title="Draft:Salas O'Brien">Draft:Salas O'Brien</a> (<small>Engineering and technical services firm</small>) </td> <td>Salas O'Brien is an employee-owned engineering and technical consulting firm working mostly in the <a href="/wiki/Built_environment" title="Built environment">built environment</a>. In 2023, the company reported a revenue of $487 million. As of 2024, the organization has approximately 3,600 employees in more than 90 offices around the world. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4595 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mayor_of_Pasay" title="Draft:Mayor of Pasay">Draft:Mayor of Pasay</a> </td> <td>The mayor of Pasay is the local chief executive and head of the <a href="/wiki/Pasay" title="Pasay">Pasay</a> City Government. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4594 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Arafatul_Islam" title="Draft:Arafatul Islam">Draft:Arafatul Islam</a> (<small>DW Journalist Arafatul Islam</small>) </td> <td>Arafatul Islam (Bengali: আরাফাতুল ইসলাম) is a Bangladeshi-German media professional mainly known for his in-depth work as a multimedia journalist at <a href="/wiki/Deutsche_Welle" title="Deutsche Welle">Deutsche Well (DW)</a>, Germany's international broadcaster. Mr. Islam, also known as Arafat, joined DW's Bonn office in January 2008 and has since reported on issues related to South Asian politics, human rights, and migration, with a particular focus on Bangladesh. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4582 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kanjanagaram_Kathra_Sundareswarar_Temple" title="Draft:Kanjanagaram Kathra Sundareswarar Temple">Draft:Kanjanagaram Kathra Sundareswarar Temple</a> (<small>Hindu temple in Mayiladuthurai district, Tamil Nadu, India</small>) </td> <td>Kathra Sundareswarar Temple is a <a href="/wiki/Hindu_temple" title="Hindu temple">Shiva temple</a> situated at Kanjanagaram in <a href="/wiki/Mayiladuthurai_district" title="Mayiladuthurai district">Mayiladuthurai district</a> (previously Nagapattinam district) of <a href="/wiki/Tamil_Nadu" title="Tamil Nadu">Tamil Nadu</a> state in <a href="/wiki/India" title="India">India</a>. Shiva is the main deity and goddess is Thungabalasthanambigai in this temple. Kanjanagaram is the birth place of <a href="/wiki/Manakanchara_Nayanar" title="Manakanchara Nayanar">Manakanchara Nayanar</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4576 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Urban_Square_Mall" title="Draft:Urban Square Mall">Draft:Urban Square Mall</a> (<small>Shopping mall in udaipur</small>) </td> <td>Urban Square Mall is a <a href="/wiki/Shopping_mall" title="Shopping mall">shopping mall</a> located in <a href="/wiki/Udaipur" title="Udaipur">Udaipur</a>, Rajasthan, India. The mall covers a total built-up area of approximately 1.8 million <a href="/wiki/Square_foot" title="Square foot">square feet</a>, with its first phase spread over 1.1 million square feet. It houses more than 150 <a href="/wiki/Retail_stores" class="mw-redirect" title="Retail stores">retail stores</a>, offering a variety of brands in categories such as <a href="/wiki/Fashion" title="Fashion">fashion</a>, <a href="/wiki/Electronics" title="Electronics">electronics</a>, home decor, and cosmetics. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4575 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-02 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Brian_Philip_Davis" title="Draft:Brian Philip Davis">Draft:Brian Philip Davis</a> (<small>Irish film editor</small>) </td> <td>Brian Philip Davis is an Irish <a href="/wiki/Film_editor" class="mw-redirect" title="Film editor">film editor</a> known for his work in genre cinema. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4573 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-02 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Time_Spent_Driving" title="Draft:Time Spent Driving">Draft:Time Spent Driving</a> (<small>American melodic indie/emo rock band</small>) </td> <td>Time Spent Driving is an American melodic indie/emo rock band from Santa Cruz, California, originally formed in 1999. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4562 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Time_Spent_Driving" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Time Spent Driving">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sahak_(tribe)" title="Draft:Sahak (tribe)">Draft:Sahak (tribe)</a> (<small>Sahak Pashtun tribe from the Ghilzai (Khilji) Faction.</small>) </td> <td>The Sahak are a <a href="/wiki/Pashtun_tribe" class="mw-redirect" title="Pashtun tribe">Pashtun tribe</a> residing in various parts of <a href="/wiki/Afghanistan" title="Afghanistan">Afghanistan</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>4557 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pennine_Mencap" title="Draft:Pennine Mencap">Draft:Pennine Mencap</a> (<small>Article about British registered charity</small>) </td> <td>Pennine Mencap is a <a href="/wiki/Charitable_Incorporated_Organisation" class="mw-redirect" title="Charitable Incorporated Organisation">Charitable Incorporated Organisation</a> based in <a href="/wiki/Oldham" title="Oldham">Oldham</a> in the north-west of England. The charity was founded in 2012 and is regulated by the <a href="/wiki/Charity_Commission_for_England_and_Wales" title="Charity Commission for England and Wales">Charity Commission for England and Wales</a> under registration number 1150285. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4539 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jeroen_Baart" title="Draft:Jeroen Baart">Draft:Jeroen Baart</a> (<small>International field hockey coach</small>) </td> <td>Jeroen Baart is an international field hockey coach from Belgium. Born in 1985, he is the older brother of Dutch international field hockey player Sander Baart. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4532 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Meir_Simcha_Feldblum" title="Draft:Meir Simcha Feldblum">Draft:Meir Simcha Feldblum</a> (<small>Talmudic Scholar</small>) </td> <td>Meir Simcha Feldblum (1929-2002) was a professor of <a href="/wiki/Talmud" title="Talmud">Talmud</a> at <a href="/wiki/Yeshiva_University" title="Yeshiva University">Yeshiva University</a> and <a href="/wiki/Bar-Ilan_University" title="Bar-Ilan University">Bar Ilan University</a>. A noted Talmudic scholar, both traditionally and academically, he also put forth suggestions to solve the <a href="/wiki/Agunah" title="Agunah">agunah</a> problem. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4530 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Harry_Wulze" title="Draft:Harry Wulze">Draft:Harry Wulze</a> </td> <td>Harry Wulze (1887–1923)<sup class="noprint Inline-Template Template-Fact" style="white-space:nowrap;">[<i><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed" title="Wikipedia:Citation needed"><span title="This claim needs references to reliable sources.">citation needed</span></a></i>]</sup> was a writer and producer of films. He wrote and produced the 1916 film <i><a href="/wiki/Kitty_from_the_City" class="mw-disambig" title="Kitty from the City">Kitty from the City</a></i>. He wrote the screenplays for Victor Films short films. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4523 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:American_Ostrich_Farms" title="Draft:American Ostrich Farms">Draft:American Ostrich Farms</a> (<small>Commercial ostrich farm</small>) </td> <td>American Ostrich Farms (AOF) is a commercial <a href="/wiki/Ostrich" title="Ostrich">ostrich</a> farming operation based in <a href="/wiki/Kuna,_Idaho" title="Kuna, Idaho">Kuna</a>, Idaho. Founded by Alexander McCoy, AOF claims they practice sustainable ostrich farming, producing ostrich meat and by-products. American Ostrich Farms offers a range of ostrich products, including <a href="/wiki/Ostrich_meat" title="Ostrich meat">ostrich meat</a>, skin care, <a href="/wiki/Eggshell" title="Eggshell">eggshells</a> and <a href="/wiki/Plume_(feather)" title="Plume (feather)">feathers</a>, and pet treats.AOF raises ostriches primarily for their meat, which is known for being lean, high in protein, and low in fat and cholesterol. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4512 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Chakib_Taleb-Bendiab" title="Draft:Chakib Taleb-Bendiab">Draft:Chakib Taleb-Bendiab</a> (<small>Algerian filmmaker</small>) </td> <td>Chakib Taleb-Bendiab (Arabic: شكيب طالب بن دياب; born in 1982) is a multi award winner Algerian-French screenwriter, director and music composer. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4498 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Georgia_State_Election_Board" title="Draft:Georgia State Election Board">Draft:Georgia State Election Board</a> </td> <td>The Georgia State Election Board is an agency of the <a href="/wiki/Government_of_Georgia_(U.S._state)" title="Government of Georgia (U.S. state)">state government of Georgia</a> responsible for making and enforcing rules that protect the fairness, legality, and orderly conduct of <a href="/wiki/Georgia_(U.S._state)" title="Georgia (U.S. state)">Georgia</a>'s election process. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4497 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Candida_(1961_TV_play)" title="Draft:Candida (1961 TV play)">Draft:Candida (1961 TV play)</a> (<small>BBC TV play</small>) </td> <td><i>Candida</i> is a 1961 TV play starring <a href="/wiki/Wendy_Craig" title="Wendy Craig">Wendy Craig</a>, <a href="/wiki/Patrick_Allen_(actor)" title="Patrick Allen (actor)">Patrick</a>, <a href="/wiki/Peter_McEnery" title="Peter McEnery">Peter McEnery</a>, <a href="/wiki/Peter_Sallis" title="Peter Sallis">Peter Sallis</a>, <a href="/wiki/Rosamund_Greenwood" title="Rosamund Greenwood">Rosamund Greenwood</a>, <a href="/wiki/Michael_Brennan_(actor)" title="Michael Brennan (actor)">Michael Brennan</a>. The TV play/TV movie is based of <a href="/wiki/George_Bernard_Shaw" title="George Bernard Shaw">George Bernard Shaw</a>'s play of the same name. It was made by the <a href="/wiki/BBC" title="BBC">BBC</a>, produced in black and white and screened on 29 December 1961. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4491 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:CFH_Docmail" title="Draft:CFH Docmail">Draft:CFH Docmail</a> (<small>Important UK business that invented Hybrid Mail (already on WIki) and provides UK ballot papers</small>) </td> <td>CFH Docmail Ltd is a multichannel communications provider of print and mail (or print and post), <a href="/wiki/Hybrid_mail" title="Hybrid mail">hybrid mail</a> and digital solutions with 30,000 registered users. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4487 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Radio_Dublino" title="Draft:Radio Dublino">Draft:Radio Dublino</a> (<small>Radio Show</small>) </td> <td>Radio Dublino is an independent, non-commercial, on-air and online radio show in Ireland run by volunteers that serves Dublin's <a href="/w/index.php?title=Italians_in_Ireland&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Italians in Ireland (page does not exist)">Italian community</a>. Established in 2013 by Maurizio Pittau as Ireland's first Italian-language radio show, it produces programming both in <a href="/wiki/English_language" title="English language">English</a> and <a href="/wiki/Italian_language" title="Italian language">Italian</a> and plays both Irish and Italian music. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4467 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:LUZP2" title="Draft:LUZP2">Draft:LUZP2</a> (<small>Information about an unknown function gene, LUZP2</small>) </td> <td><i>LUZP2</i> is a protein-encoding <a href="/wiki/Gene" title="Gene">gene</a> that encodes for the leucine zipper protein 2. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4465 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yale_Summer_Session" title="Draft:Yale Summer Session">Draft:Yale Summer Session</a> (<small>Yale summer programs</small>) </td> <td>Yale Summer Session is an academic program offered by Yale University during the summer. Established in 1945, the program provides undergraduate courses, study abroad opportunities, and online learning options for Yale students, visiting students, and high school students. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4452 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Can_Sakir_Binan" title="Draft:Can Sakir Binan">Draft:Can Sakir Binan</a> (<small>Architect and Building Restoration/Conservation Expert from Istanbul, Turkey</small>) </td> <td>Can Sakir Binan (born 7 April 1956) is a Turkish architect, conservation and restoration expert practicing in Istanbul. He graduated from Galatasaray High School in 1976 and then from the <a href="/wiki/Istanbul_State_Academy_of_Fine_Arts" class="mw-redirect" title="Istanbul State Academy of Fine Arts">Istanbul State Academy of Fine Arts</a> (IDMMA) Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, in 1981. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4449 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ollie_Rose" title="Draft:Ollie Rose">Draft:Ollie Rose</a> (<small>English footballer</small>) </td> <td>Oliver James Rose (born 19 March 2006) is an English <a href="/wiki/Association_football" title="Association football">footballer</a> who plays as a <a href="/wiki/Defender_(association_football)" title="Defender (association football)">defender</a> for <a href="/wiki/EFL_League_One" title="EFL League One">EFL League One</a> club <a href="/wiki/Peterborough_United_F.C." title="Peterborough United F.C.">Peterborough United</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4447 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Congregation_Shaare_Ratzon" title="Draft:Congregation Shaare Ratzon">Draft:Congregation Shaare Ratzon</a> (<small>Spanish & Portuguese rite Synagogue in Jerusalem, Israel</small>) </td> <td>Congregation Sha'are Ratzon (<a href="/wiki/Hebrew_language" title="Hebrew language">Hebrew</a>: <span lang="he" dir="rtl">קהל קדוש שערי רצון</span>, <small><a href="/wiki/Literal_translation" title="Literal translation">lit.</a> </small>'Holy Community Gates of (Good) Will'), is a <a href="/wiki/Sephardic_law_and_customs" title="Sephardic law and customs">Sephardic</a> <a href="/wiki/Orthodox_Judaism" title="Orthodox Judaism">Orthodox</a> <a href="/wiki/Jewish" class="mw-redirect" title="Jewish">Jewish</a> <a href="/wiki/Synagogue" title="Synagogue">synagogue</a> is located in <a href="/wiki/Jerusalem" title="Jerusalem">Jerusalem</a>, Israel. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4434 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-31 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Roero_Family" title="Draft:Roero Family">Draft:Roero Family</a> (<small>Noble family</small>) </td> <td>The Roero, Rotari, Roverio or Roure were one of the major families from the nobilty of <a href="/wiki/Asti" title="Asti">Asti</a> </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4430 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sophie_Relph-Christopher" title="Draft:Sophie Relph-Christopher">Draft:Sophie Relph-Christopher</a> (<small>Australian Anglican Bishop</small>) </td> <td>Sophie Relf-Christopher is an Australian <a href="/wiki/Bishop" title="Bishop">bishop</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Anglican_Church_of_Australia" title="Anglican Church of Australia">Anglican Church of Australia</a>. She has been an <a href="/wiki/Assistant_bishop" title="Assistant bishop">assistant bishop</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Anglican_Diocese_of_Adelaide" title="Anglican Diocese of Adelaide">Anglican Diocese of Adelaide</a> since August 2024. She is the second <a href="/wiki/List_of_women_bishops_in_the_Anglican_Church_of_Australia" title="List of women bishops in the Anglican Church of Australia">woman Anglican Bishop in Adelaide</a>, after <a href="/wiki/Denise_Ferguson" title="Denise Ferguson">Denise Ferguson</a>, who retired in 2024. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4424 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yare_and_Bure_One_Design" title="Draft:Yare and Bure One Design">Draft:Yare and Bure One Design</a> (<small>Keelboat sailing class norfolk broads</small>) </td> <td>The Yare and Bure One design, YBOD, or 'White Boat', is a One Design, <a href="/wiki/Gunter_rig" title="Gunter rig">gunter</a>-rigged, 22-foot <a href="/wiki/Keelboat" title="Keelboat">keelboat</a> designed for sailing on the <a href="/wiki/The_Broads" title="The Broads">Norfolk Broads</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>4421 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Daniel%27s_World" title="Draft:Daniel's World">Draft:Daniel's World</a> (<small>A documentary on pedophilia</small>) </td> <td>Daniel's World is a Czech documentary feature film about a year in the life of a young man who identifies as a <a href="/wiki/Pedophilia" title="Pedophilia">paedophile</a>, but has never sexually abused children. It premiered during the 2014 edition of the <a href="/wiki/Ji.hlava_International_Documentary_Film_Festival" title="Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival">Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival</a>, where it won the audience award. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4396 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Human_Rights_Centre_ZMINA" title="Draft:Human Rights Centre ZMINA">Draft:Human Rights Centre ZMINA</a> (<small>Human Rights Ukraine</small>) </td> <td>The Human Rights Centre ZMINA (formerly the Human Rights Information Center) is a human rights focused non-profit and non-partisan organization based in <a href="/wiki/Kyiv" title="Kyiv">Kyiv</a>, <a href="/wiki/Ukraine" title="Ukraine">Ukraine</a>. ZMINA was founded on 15 August, 2012 by Tetiana Pechonchyk, <a href="/wiki/Maksym_Butkevych" title="Maksym Butkevych">Maksym Butkevych</a> and Maryna Hovorukhina. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4394 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Techwear" title="Draft:Techwear">Draft:Techwear</a> (<small>Techwear aesthetic</small>) </td> <td>Techwear is a fashion trend which emphasizes on dystopian and futuristic design, while achieving functionality. Techwear grasps inspiration from military gears, outdoor outfits and sci-fi films. This trend includes bomber jackets and cargo pants, represented by excessive pockets and straps. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4383 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Capture_Bizarre" title="Draft:Capture Bizarre">Draft:Capture Bizarre</a> (<small>Humorous web site</small>) </td> <td>Capture Bizarre is a humorous web site established and published in <a href="/wiki/Argentina" title="Argentina">Argentina</a>. Launched in <a href="/wiki/2014" title="2014">2014</a>, it was influenced by <a href="/wiki/9gag" title="9gag">9gag</a>, a website which was predominant in Argentina prior to the appearance of sites like Capture Bizarre. This site hosts a community over six million people strong in Argentina. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4359 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Milton_Keynes_Borough_F.C." title="Draft:Milton Keynes Borough F.C.">Draft:Milton Keynes Borough F.C.</a> (<small>British Football Club</small>) </td> <td>Milton Keynes Borough F.C. was a <a href="/wiki/Association_football" title="Association football">football</a> club that formed in the 1970s, rising alongside the newly established town of <a href="/wiki/Milton_Keynes" title="Milton Keynes">Milton Keynes</a>. Originally starting as Denbigh United and later Belsize, it was renamed <a href="/wiki/City_of_Milton_Keynes" title="City of Milton Keynes">Milton Keynes Borough</a> after success in local leagues such as the <a href="/wiki/United_Counties_League" title="United Counties League">United Counties League</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4357 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Trade-Club" title="Draft:Trade-Club">Draft:Trade-Club</a> </td> <td>Trade-Club is a platform providing cross-border trade services, established in 2018 with headquarters in <a href="/wiki/Hong_Kong" title="Hong Kong">Hong Kong</a> and servers based in <a href="/wiki/Singapore" title="Singapore">Singapore</a>. It facilitates <a href="/wiki/Cross-border_trade" class="mw-redirect" title="Cross-border trade">cross-border trade</a>, connecting <a href="/wiki/Small_and_medium-sized_enterprises" title="Small and medium-sized enterprises">small and medium-sized enterprises</a> (SMEs) in <a href="/wiki/China" title="China">China</a> with global markets, particularly those in <a href="/wiki/Southeast_Asia" title="Southeast Asia">Southeast Asia</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4354 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Robert_%22Ben%22_Channell" title="Draft:Robert "Ben" Channell">Draft:Robert "Ben" Channell</a> (<small>Botanist</small>) </td> <td>Dr. Robert "Ben" Channell (July 4, 1924 – August 10, 2001) was an American botanist known for his taxonomic revision of the 'Eu-Rhynchospora' portion of the genus <i><a href="/wiki/Rhynchospora" title="Rhynchospora">Rhynchospora</a></i> and pioneering research on the genus <i><a href="/wiki/Trillium" title="Trillium">Trillium</a></i>. He also conducted extensive studies on the toxic compound perilla ketone from the plant <i><a href="/wiki/Perilla_frutescens" title="Perilla frutescens">Perilla frutescens</a></i>, the genus <i><a href="/wiki/Hydrophyllum" title="Hydrophyllum">Hydrophyllum</a> L.</i> (Hydrophyllaceae), and the <i><a href="/wiki/Buxaceae" title="Buxaceae">Buxaceae</a></i> family. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>4349 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Carethy" title="Draft:Carethy">Draft:Carethy</a> </td> <td>Carethy is a spanish company based in <a href="/wiki/Barcelona" title="Barcelona">Barcelona</a>, owned by Laboratorios Vanguard S.L. It operates primarily as an <a href="/wiki/E-commerce" title="E-commerce">e-commerce</a> platform focused on <a href="/wiki/Personal_care_products" title="Personal care products">personal care</a>, <a href="/wiki/Cosmetics" title="Cosmetics">cosmetics</a>, and para-pharmacy products. Currently, the company is part of Grupo Fedefarma and operates in over 100 countries, with its primary markets being the <a href="/wiki/European_Union" title="European Union">European Union</a>, the <a href="/wiki/United_Kingdom" title="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Latin_America" title="Latin America">Latin America</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4336 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Bristol_Entertainment" title="Draft:The Bristol Entertainment">Draft:The Bristol Entertainment</a> (<small>Making a Wikipedia page of the TV play The Bristol Entertainment</small>) </td> <td><i>The Bristol Entertainment</i> is 1971 TV play starring <a href="/wiki/Brian_Blessed" title="Brian Blessed">Brian Blessed</a>, <a href="/wiki/Bernard_Holley" title="Bernard Holley">Bernard Holley</a>, <a href="/wiki/Phyllida_Law" title="Phyllida Law">Phyllida Law</a>, <a href="/wiki/Angharad_Rees" title="Angharad Rees">Angharad Rees</a>, <a href="/wiki/Peter_Sallis" title="Peter Sallis">Peter Sallis</a>, <a href="/wiki/Eric_Thompson" title="Eric Thompson">Eric Thompson</a> and <a href="/wiki/Brian_Wilde" title="Brian Wilde">Brian Wilde</a>. It was made by the <a href="/wiki/BBC" title="BBC">BBC</a>, produced in colour and screened on 3 December 1971. <sup class="noprint Inline-Template noprint noexcerpt Template-Fact" style="white-space:nowrap;">[<i><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:NOTRS" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:NOTRS"><span title="This source goes to a search result for several newspaper articles (October 2024)">better source needed</span></a></i>]</sup> </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4336 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cristian_Roque" title="Draft:Cristian Roque">Draft:Cristian Roque</a> (<small>Brazilian footballer</small>) </td> <td>Cristian Roque Silveira dos Santos (born 27 May 1995) is a Brazilian professional <a href="/wiki/Association_football" title="Association football">footballer</a> who plays as a <a href="/wiki/Forward_(association_football)" title="Forward (association football)">forward</a> for <a href="/wiki/Cambodian_Premier_League" title="Cambodian Premier League">Cambodian Premier League</a> club <a href="/wiki/Preah_Khan_Reach_Svay_Rieng_FC" title="Preah Khan Reach Svay Rieng FC">Preah Khan Reach Svay Rieng</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4335 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Faktabaari" title="Draft:Faktabaari">Draft:Faktabaari</a> (<small>A Finnish fact-checking organization</small>) </td> <td>Faktabaari is a <a href="/wiki/Finland" title="Finland">Finnish</a> <a href="/wiki/Fact-checking" title="Fact-checking">fact-checking</a> and digital information literacy service. Since 2014, it has contributed to fact-based information circulation in Finland with projects and fact-checks, with a particular focus on national and <a href="/wiki/Elections_to_the_European_Parliament" title="Elections to the European Parliament">European Parliamentary election</a> debates. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4327 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Library_Fair_%26_Forum" title="Draft:Library Fair & Forum">Draft:Library Fair & Forum</a> </td> <td>Library Fair & Forum (図書館総合展) is Japanese library-themed exhibition, organized by the Library Fair & Forum Steering Committee. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4313 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Adebola_Adebileje" title="Draft:Adebola Adebileje">Draft:Adebola Adebileje</a> (<small>Nigerian academic</small>) </td> <td>Adebola Adebileje is a Nigerian academic (born May 30, 1963, in <a href="/wiki/Oyo_State" title="Oyo State">Oyo State</a>, Nigeria). She is a Professor of Applied English Linguistics at <a href="/wiki/Redeemer%27s_University_Nigeria" title="Redeemer's University Nigeria">Redeemer’s University</a>. Her areas of expertise include English as a Second Language, Nigerian English, English Syntax, Sociolinguistics, and Onomastics. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4303 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Neeraj_Pandey_(writer)" title="Draft:Neeraj Pandey (writer)">Draft:Neeraj Pandey (writer)</a> (<small>Indian writer</small>) </td> <td>Neeraj Pandey (born 9 March 1989) is a Indian novelist, screenwriter and a lyricist who works in <a href="/wiki/Hindi_cinema" title="Hindi cinema">Hindi cinema</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4294 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Boston_Female_Liberation" title="Draft:Boston Female Liberation">Draft:Boston Female Liberation</a> (<small>Radical feminist organization during the 1960s women's liberation movement in the U.S.</small>) </td> <td>Boston Female Liberation was an American <a href="/wiki/Radical_feminism" title="Radical feminism">radical feminist</a> organization. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4279 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dynamic-strategy_theory" title="Draft:Dynamic-strategy theory">Draft:Dynamic-strategy theory</a> (<small>General theory of life and society</small>) </td> <td>Dynamic-strategy theory (DST) is a realist general dynamic theory developed inductively by <a href="/wiki/Graeme_Snooks" title="Graeme Snooks">Graeme Snooks</a> in <i>The Dynamic Society</i> (1996) and <i>Ark of the Sun</i> (2015). The DST was constructed to explain the fluctuating fortunes of both life and society over the past 4,000 million years. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4273 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nordstern_(Danish_company)" title="Draft:Nordstern (Danish company)">Draft:Nordstern (Danish company)</a> (<small>Danish construction company</small>) </td> <td>Nordstern is a Danish property developer and turnkey contractor that develops, constructs, and renovates residential and commercial buildings throughout <a href="/wiki/Denmark" title="Denmark">Denmark</a>.. Nordstern's largest business area is residential construction, with renovation constituting a growing share of the company’s portfolio. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>4257 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ng_Yu_Hei" title="Draft:Ng Yu Hei">Draft:Ng Yu Hei</a> (<small>Hong Kong footballer</small>) </td> <td>Ng Yu Hei (<a href="/wiki/Traditional_Chinese_characters" title="Traditional Chinese characters">Chinese</a>: <span lang="zh-Hant">吳宇曦</span>; <a href="/wiki/Pinyin" title="Pinyin">pinyin</a>: <i><span lang="zh-Latn">Yú Zàiyán</span></i>; <a href="/wiki/Jyutping" title="Jyutping">Jyutping</a>: <i><span lang="yue-Latn-jyutping">Jyu4 Zoi6jin4</span></i>; born 13 February 2006) is a <a href="/wiki/Hong_Kong_people" class="mw-redirect" title="Hong Kong people">Hong Kong</a> professional <a href="/wiki/Footballer" class="mw-redirect" title="Footballer">footballer</a> who currently plays as a <a href="/wiki/Winger_(association_football)" class="mw-redirect" title="Winger (association football)">left winger</a> for <a href="/wiki/Hong_Kong_Premier_League" title="Hong Kong Premier League">Hong Kong Premier League</a> club <a href="/wiki/Eastern_SC" class="mw-redirect" title="Eastern SC">Eastern</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4232 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Vittorio_Angelone" title="Draft:Vittorio Angelone">Draft:Vittorio Angelone</a> (<small>Northern Irish stand-up comedian</small>) </td> <td>Vittorio Angelone is a Northern Irish <a href="/wiki/Stand-up_comedy" title="Stand-up comedy">stand-up comedian</a>. His comedy routines have earned him several nominations, including Best Newcomer of the Year at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4224 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Neat_Glass" title="Draft:The Neat Glass">Draft:The Neat Glass</a> (<small>The Spirits Glass</small>) </td> <td>The NEAT Glass is a type of <a href="/wiki/Glassware" class="mw-redirect" title="Glassware">glassware</a> developed to intensify the tasting experience for spirits by altering the way aromas are perceived. The design, featuring a flared rim and a broad bowl, was developed to direct ethanol vapors away from the nose, allowing for a clearer perception of other <a href="/wiki/Aromatic_compound" title="Aromatic compound">aromatic compounds</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4222 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Canadian_Lawyers_for_International_Human_Rights" title="Draft:Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights">Draft:Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights</a> (<small>Canadian human rights NGO</small>) </td> <td>Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights (CLAIHR) is a non-profit human rights organization based in <a href="/wiki/Canada" title="Canada">Canada</a>. Founded in 1992 by leading Canadian international lawyers, such as <a href="/wiki/Stephen_Toope" title="Stephen Toope">Stephen Toope</a> and <a href="/wiki/Donald_Malcolm_McRae" title="Donald Malcolm McRae">Donald Malcolm McRae</a>, CLAIHR has been involved in several major cases before the <a href="/wiki/Supreme_Court_of_Canada" title="Supreme Court of Canada">Supreme Court of Canada</a> that touch on issues concerning <a href="/wiki/International_human_rights_law" title="International human rights law">international human rights law</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4222 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kelley_Ross" title="Draft:Kelley Ross">Draft:Kelley Ross</a> (<small>Philosopher</small>) </td> <td>Kelley Ross (born October 4, 1949) is an American <a href="/wiki/Philosophy" title="Philosophy">philosopher</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Jakob_Friedrich_Fries" title="Jakob Friedrich Fries">Friesian</a> tradition and proprietor of the philosophy website As such he advocates an <a href="/wiki/Epistemology" title="Epistemology">epistemological</a> tradition that began in the <a href="/wiki/Immanuel_Kant" title="Immanuel Kant">post-Kantian</a> era with philosopher Jakob Fries (1773-1843) and enjoyed a revival in the early 20th century under <a href="/wiki/Leonard_Nelson" title="Leonard Nelson">Leonard Nelson</a> (1882-1927). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4199 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:MoonLake_Immunotherapeutics" title="Draft:MoonLake Immunotherapeutics">Draft:MoonLake Immunotherapeutics</a> (<small>Nasdaq-listed biopharmaceutical company</small>) </td> <td>MoonLake Immunotherapeutics (‘MoonLake’) (<a href="/wiki/Nasdaq" title="Nasdaq">NASDAQ</a>: MLTX) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, headquartered in <a href="/wiki/Zug" title="Zug">Zug</a>, <a href="/wiki/Switzerland" title="Switzerland">Switzerland</a>, focused on developing medicines for inflammatory diseases. The Company was founded in 2021 by initial investors BVF Partners LP, Merck KGaA, Florian Schönharting, Simon Sturge, Arnout Ploos van Amstel, Dr. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>4188 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mount_Tapyas_Cross" title="Draft:Mount Tapyas Cross">Draft:Mount Tapyas Cross</a> (<small>One of top Philippine destinations</small>) </td> <td>Mount Tapyas Cross is a gigantic metal cross structure in <a href="/wiki/Coron,_Palawan" title="Coron, Palawan">Coron, Palawan</a>, one of the <a href="/wiki/Philippines" title="Philippines">Philippines</a>' top 4 tourist destinations cited in Conde Nast Traveller Rankings . Serving as Coron's most renowned landmark, Mt. Tapyas Cross overlooks the town proper below, its imposing stature visible miles away upon entrance to Coron Bay. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>4183 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yves_Fl%C3%BCckiger" title="Draft:Yves Flückiger">Draft:Yves Flückiger</a> (<small>Swiss economist</small>) </td> <td>Yves Flückiger (born December 2, 1955) is a <a href="/wiki/Swiss_people" title="Swiss people">Swiss</a> <a href="/wiki/Economist" title="Economist">economist</a> and former <a href="/wiki/Rector_(academia)" title="Rector (academia)">rector</a> of the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Geneva" title="University of Geneva">University of Geneva</a>, where he served until 2024. His tenure included initiatives focused on research, digitalization, and international partnerships. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4183 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Wimal_Sockanathan" title="Draft:Wimal Sockanathan">Draft:Wimal Sockanathan</a> </td> <td>Wimal Sockanathan was a Sri Lankan broadcaster, journalist, writer, reporter, radio personality, and lawyer. He was widely acknowledged for his proficiency and eloquence in Tamil. He spent the latter part of his life in London, England. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4159 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alice_Zaslavsky" title="Draft:Alice Zaslavsky">Draft:Alice Zaslavsky</a> (<small>Australian TV and radio host, cookbook author and food activist.</small>) </td> <td>Alice Zaslavsky is an Australian chef, cookbook author, columnist, TV and radio host, public speaker, former reality TV contestant and food education activist. Her nickname is "Alice in Frames", due to her trademark colourful spectacle frames and her love of wordplay and puns. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4153 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:MTV_Roadies:_Double_Cross" title="Draft:MTV Roadies: Double Cross">Draft:MTV Roadies: Double Cross</a> (<small>MTV Roadies: Double Cross is the twentieth season of the Indian reality show MTV Roadies</small>) </td> <td><i>MTV Roadies: Double Cross</i> is the twentieth season of the Indian reality show <a href="/wiki/MTV_Roadies" title="MTV Roadies">MTV Roadies</a> produced by Banijay Asia. <a href="/wiki/Rannvijay_Singha" title="Rannvijay Singha">Rannvijay Singha</a> returns to host the show after three years and will host the show for twelfth time. The season will premier on <a href="/wiki/MTV_(Indian_TV_channel)" title="MTV (Indian TV channel)">MTV India</a> and digitally stream on <a href="/wiki/JioCinema" title="JioCinema">JioCinema</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4147 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Aziz_Ullah_Khan_Marwat" title="Draft:Aziz Ullah Khan Marwat">Draft:Aziz Ullah Khan Marwat</a> (<small>Aziz Ullah Khan Marwat is a Pakistani politician in Lakki Marwat</small>) </td> <td>Aziz Ullah Khan Marwat (born December 7, 1976, in <a href="/wiki/Lakki_Marwat" title="Lakki Marwat">Lakki Marwat</a>) is a <a href="/wiki/Pakistanis" title="Pakistanis">Pakistani</a> politician. He was elected as the mayor of <a href="/wiki/Sarai_Naurang_Tehsil" title="Sarai Naurang Tehsil">Sarai Naurang Tehsil</a>, <a href="/wiki/Lakki_Marwat_District" title="Lakki Marwat District">District Lakki Marwat</a> <a href="/wiki/Khyber_Pakhtunkhwa" title="Khyber Pakhtunkhwa">Khyber Pakhtunkhwa</a> in the 2021 Local Government Elections. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>4142 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Durango_Hot_Springs_Resort" title="Draft:Durango Hot Springs Resort">Draft:Durango Hot Springs Resort</a> (<small>Historic hot spring in Durango, Colorado</small>) </td> <td>Durango Hot Springs Resort is a natural <a href="/wiki/Hot_spring" title="Hot spring">hot spring</a> resort located 8 miles north of <a href="/wiki/Durango,_Colorado" title="Durango, Colorado">Durango, Colorado</a> and situated along the <a href="/wiki/San_Juan_Skyway_Scenic_and_Historic_Byway" title="San Juan Skyway Scenic and Historic Byway">San Juan Skyway Scenic and Historic Byway</a> connecting Durango, Silverton, Ouray, Ridgway, Telluride, Cortez, and <a href="/wiki/Mesa_Verde_National_Park" title="Mesa Verde National Park">Mesa Verde National Park</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4142 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Amirsoleimani_family" title="Draft:Amirsoleimani family">Draft:Amirsoleimani family</a> (<small>Iranian noble family</small>) </td> <td>Imperial Emblem of the Qajar Dynasty (Lion and Sun).svg </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4136 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-02 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Milwaukee_Forge" title="Draft:Milwaukee Forge">Draft:Milwaukee Forge</a> (<small>Company in Milwaukee</small>) </td> <td>Milwaukee Forge was incorporated as "Milwaukee Forge & Machine Co" in 1913 by John B. Eckert, Charles Hartson, Arthur W. Peffer and George B. Pillar with a capital stock of $ 8000 . The company was established in response to the growing industrial demands in the Midwest region of the United States. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4129 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Syed_Ameer_Haider_Abidi" title="Draft:Syed Ameer Haider Abidi">Draft:Syed Ameer Haider Abidi</a> (<small>Librarian and Academic.</small>) </td> <td>Syed Ameer Haider Abidi (born 1940) is a UgandanAsian researcher and professor of Library and Information Science (LIS). . He was the Director of the East African School of Library and Information Science previously referred to as, the East African School of Librarianship at Makerere University from 1972-2002 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4128 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Wilat" title="Draft:Wilat">Draft:Wilat</a> (<small>History of Thai wilat cat from Thai manuscripts</small>) </td> <td>The Wilat or Wilat cat (Thai: วิ ลาศ , [ wí.làt] ) the origin of this name comes from the Thai word "วิลาศ" which means beauty. The Wilat cat got its name from its black fur which resembles the richness of the soil. As its appearance described in traditional Thai scriptures, which originated in <a href="/wiki/Thailand" title="Thailand">Thailand</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4122 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-28 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:A%C3%A9rodrome_communal_de_Rodez-Onet-le-Ch%C3%A2teau" title="Draft:Aérodrome communal de Rodez-Onet-le-Château">Draft:Aérodrome communal de Rodez-Onet-le-Château</a> (<small>Defunct Airfield in France</small>) </td> <td>Rodez - Onet-le-Château airfield (also known as Averyron Airfield) is an Aerodrome constructed by the Directorate of Air Engineers. The airfield is located west of the commune of <a href="/wiki/Onet-le-Ch%C3%A2teau" title="Onet-le-Château">Onet-le-Château</a>. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>4098 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Brandy_Schillace" title="Draft:Brandy Schillace">Draft:Brandy Schillace</a> (<small>American writer</small>) </td> <td>Doctor Brandy Lain Schillace (born 1977) is an American author, historian, and television host. She is the author of the books Death’s Summer Coat (2016), Mr Humble & Doctor Butcher (2021), The Intermediaries (2025), and a series of <a href="/wiki/Cozy_mystery" title="Cozy mystery">cozy mystery</a> novels about autistic amateur detective Jo Jones that began with The Framed Women of Ardemore House (2024) and The Dead Come to Stay (2025). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4083 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Chamber_Music_Institute_at_the_Olympic_Festival_Farm" title="Draft:Chamber Music Institute at the Olympic Festival Farm">Draft:Chamber Music Institute at the Olympic Festival Farm</a> (<small>Music camps for high school students</small>) </td> <td>Chamber Music Institute at the Farm was a camp for teenaged string players from 1983-1998, with the Philadelphia String Quartet as the faculty. It was for high school aged string players to study chamber music, and held as part of the Olympic Music Festival near Quilcene, WA. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4072 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Budongo_Conservation_Field_Station" title="Draft:Budongo Conservation Field Station">Draft:Budongo Conservation Field Station</a> (<small>Conservation project in Uganda</small>) </td> <td>The Budongo Conservation Field Station (BCFS) is a <a href="/wiki/Uganda" title="Uganda">Ugandan</a> <a href="/wiki/NGO" class="mw-redirect" title="NGO">NGO</a> based in the Budongo forest in <a href="/wiki/Western_Uganda" class="mw-redirect" title="Western Uganda">Western Uganda</a> within the <a href="/wiki/Albertine_Rift" title="Albertine Rift">Albertine Rift</a> ecoregion. The station is focussed on research, <a href="/wiki/Wildlife_conservation" title="Wildlife conservation">wildlife conservation</a> and <a href="/wiki/Community_engagement" title="Community engagement">community engagement</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4069 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Reinbek_Economic_Conference_Afghanistan" title="Draft:Reinbek Economic Conference Afghanistan">Draft:Reinbek Economic Conference Afghanistan</a> (<small>Reinbek Economic Conference Afghanistan</small>) </td> <td>The Reinbek Economic Conference Afghanistan was an international <a href="/wiki/Conference" title="Conference">conference</a> to promote new ideas for <a href="/wiki/Economics" title="Economics">economic</a> reconstruction in <a href="/wiki/Afghanistan" title="Afghanistan">Afghanistan</a> . This economic conference was non-profit and non-commercial. It took place annually from 2009 to 2019 in <a href="/wiki/Reinbek_Castle" title="Reinbek Castle">Reinbek Castle</a> near <a href="/wiki/Hamburg" title="Hamburg">Hamburg</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4068 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Philadelphia_College_of_Pharmacy" title="Draft:Philadelphia College of Pharmacy">Draft:Philadelphia College of Pharmacy</a> (<small>Pharmacy museum in Philadelphia</small>) </td> <td>The Marvin Samson Museum for the History of Pharmacy is a museum established in 1995 to help honor the 175th anniversary of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. The Museum showcases exhibits of the Pharmacy College's large collection of pharmacy-related artifacts. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>4066 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Max_McGuire" title="Draft:Max McGuire">Draft:Max McGuire</a> (<small>canadian director</small>) </td> <td>Max McGuire (16 may 1981) is a canadian director, best known for his film <a href="/wiki/Foreverland_(film)" title="Foreverland (film)">Foreverland</a>. He worked mainly to direct television film for <a href="/wiki/Hallmark_Channel" title="Hallmark Channel">Hallmark Channel</a>, <a href="/wiki/Lifetime_(TV_channel)" title="Lifetime (TV channel)">Lifetime</a> and <a href="/wiki/Netflix" title="Netflix">Netflix</a>. His film <a href="/w/index.php?title=Midnight_at_the_Magnolia&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Midnight at the Magnolia (page does not exist)">Midnight at the Magnolia</a> has been nominated in the Best TV film shortlist at the <a href="/wiki/10th_Canadian_Screen_Awards#Television" title="10th Canadian Screen Awards">2022 Canadian Screen Awards</a> </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4022 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Veonity" title="Draft:Veonity">Draft:Veonity</a> (<small>A rock band, music group</small>) </td> <td>Veonity is a Swedish power metal band formed in 2013 in the city of <a href="/wiki/V%C3%A4nersborg" title="Vänersborg">Vänersborg</a>. The same year they self-published the EP Live Forever and two years later their debut album Gladiator's Tale. Guest Marcus Brander de Silva took part in this album as the main singer, <a href="/wiki/Tommy_Johansson_(musician)" title="Tommy Johansson (musician)">Tommy Johansson</a> also sang a part of one song. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>4020 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Anantapur_%E2%80%93_Kurnool_%E2%80%93_Kadapa_Graduates_Council_constituency" title="Draft:Anantapur – Kurnool – Kadapa Graduates Council constituency">Draft:Anantapur – Kurnool – Kadapa Graduates Council constituency</a> </td> <td>Anantapur–Kurnool–Kadapa Graduates Council constituency is a constituency in <a href="/wiki/Anantapur_district" title="Anantapur district">Anantapur district</a>, <a href="/wiki/Kurnool_district" title="Kurnool district">Kurnool district</a> and <a href="/wiki/Kadapa_district" title="Kadapa district">Kadapa district</a> of <a href="/wiki/Andhra_Pradesh" title="Andhra Pradesh">Andhra Pradesh</a> that elects representatives to the <a href="/wiki/Andhra_Pradesh_Legislative_Council" title="Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council">Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council</a> in <a href="/wiki/India" title="India">India</a>. It is one of the five council constituencies representing Graduates. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4002 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Joseph_Jeavons" title="Draft:Joseph Jeavons">Draft:Joseph Jeavons</a> (<small>American filmmaker</small>) </td> <td>Joseph Matthew Jeavons (born March 21, 2005) is an American filmmaker. His films are characterized by their usage of dysfunctional <a href="/wiki/Bromance" title="Bromance">bromance</a>, comedic style, and frequent use of ensemble casts. He first attracted accolades for his low-budget short films, including <i><a href="/wiki/Parasocial_(film)" title="Parasocial (film)">Parasocial</a></i> (2022) and <i><a href="/wiki/The_Big_Pelvis" title="The Big Pelvis">The Big Pelvis</a></i> (2023). </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4000 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Saveng_Samnang" title="Draft:Saveng Samnang">Draft:Saveng Samnang</a> (<small>Saveng Samnang is a football player from Cambodia</small>) </td> <td>Saveng Samnang (<a href="/wiki/Khmer_language" title="Khmer language">Khmer</a>: សាវែង សំណាង: born 15 October 2000) is a Cambodian professional <a href="/wiki/Association_football" title="Association football">footballer</a> who plays as a <a href="/wiki/Goalkeeper_(association_football)" title="Goalkeeper (association football)">goalkeeper</a> for <a href="/wiki/Cambodian_Premier_League" title="Cambodian Premier League">Cambodian Premier League</a> club <a href="/wiki/Phnom_Penh_Crown_FC" title="Phnom Penh Crown FC">Phnom Penh Crown</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Cambodia_national_football_team" title="Cambodia national football team">Cambodia national team</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3990 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Saveng_Samnang" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Saveng Samnang">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:LA_Taco" title="Draft:LA Taco">Draft:LA Taco</a> (<small>A local news website that is popular in my city.</small>) </td> <td>L.A. TACO is an independent news and culture publication based in Los Angeles, California. Founded in 2006, it covers food, culture, crime, and politics in Los Angeles, with a particular focus on underrepresented communities and street food. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3982 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Valentin_Peytchinov" title="Draft:Valentin Peytchinov">Draft:Valentin Peytchinov</a> (<small>Bulgarian-American bass</small>) </td> <td>Valentin Peytchinov (born <span style="display:none">(<span class="bday">1956-12-22</span>)</span>December 22, 1956) is a Bulgarian-born operatic bass singer with a career focused on major opera houses and concert halls internationally. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>3972 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Angela_Potochnik" title="Draft:Angela Potochnik">Draft:Angela Potochnik</a> (<small>American Philosopher</small>) </td> <td>Angela Potochnik is Professor of Philosophy, Head of the Philosophy Department, Founder, and Director of the Center for Public Engagement with Science at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Cincinnati" title="University of Cincinnati">University of Cincinnati</a>. Her research addresses the nature of science and its successes, the relationships between science and the public, and methods in science, especially biology. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3951 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Frank_D._Reeves" title="Draft:Frank D. Reeves">Draft:Frank D. Reeves</a> (<small>African American lawyer, civil rights activist, and politician</small>) </td> <td>Frank Daniel Reeves (March 23, 1916 - April 8, 1973) was an <a href="/wiki/African_American" class="mw-redirect" title="African American">African American</a> lawyer, civil rights activist, and politician. He studied at Shaw Junior High School and Dunbar High School in Washington, D.C., and earned undergraduate and law degrees (1939) from <a href="/wiki/Howard_University" title="Howard University">Howard University</a>, where he later held a full professorship and taught full-time or part-time for most of his life. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3921 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Heart_World" title="Draft:Heart World">Draft:Heart World</a> (<small>2024 Philippine television reality show</small>) </td> <td><i>Heart World</i> is a 2024 <a href="/wiki/Philippine_television" class="mw-redirect" title="Philippine television">Philippine television</a> <a href="/wiki/Reality_show" class="mw-redirect" title="Reality show">reality show</a> broadcast by <a href="/wiki/GMA_Network" title="GMA Network">GMA Network</a>. Directed by Rico Guttierez, it stars <a href="/wiki/Heart_Evangelista" title="Heart Evangelista">Heart Evangelista</a>. It premiered on October 26, 2024 on the network's Sabado Star Power sa Gabi lineup. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3912 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Chung_Kisun" title="Draft:Chung Kisun">Draft:Chung Kisun</a> (<small>A Korean entrepreneur</small>) </td> <td>Chung Kisun (Korean: 정기선; born 3 March 1982) is the Executive Vice Chairman of <a href="/wiki/HD_Hyundai" title="HD Hyundai">HD Hyundai</a>, a heavy industries conglomerate based in South Korea.<br /> </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3888 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Life_Insurance_Association_(Ireland)" title="Draft:Life Insurance Association (Ireland)">Draft:Life Insurance Association (Ireland)</a> (<small>educational body</small>) </td> <td>The Life Insurance Association of Ireland (LIA) is an educational body for those working in the financial sector. According to the organisation’s website, its membership is comprised of individuals, life assurance companies, <a href="/wiki/Brokerage" class="mw-redirect" title="Brokerage">brokerages</a> and <a href="/wiki/Credit_union" title="Credit union">credit unions</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3875 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:D%C4%B0T%C4%B0B_Kocatepe_Mosque_(Ingolstadt)" title="Draft:DİTİB Kocatepe Mosque (Ingolstadt)">Draft:DİTİB Kocatepe Mosque (Ingolstadt)</a> (<small>Added sources</small>) </td> <td>The DİTİB Kocatepe Mosque and cultural center in <a href="/wiki/Ingolstadt" title="Ingolstadt">Ingolstadt</a> (<a href="/wiki/Turkish_language" title="Turkish language">Turkish</a>: <i lang="tr">Kocatepe Camii ve Kültür Merkezi İngolstadt</i>; <a href="/wiki/German_language" title="German language">German</a>: <i lang="de">Kocatepe Moschee und Kulturzentrum zu Ingolstadt</i>) is the main <a href="/wiki/Mosque" title="Mosque">mosque</a> of Ingolstadt and the biggest in all of <a href="/wiki/Bavaria" title="Bavaria">Bavaria</a>. The construction was finished in 2008 and costed 5.5 Mio. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3875 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Vladyslav_Bezghuba" title="Draft:Vladyslav Bezghuba">Draft:Vladyslav Bezghuba</a> (<small>Ukrainian footballer</small>) </td> <td>Vladyslav Bezghuba (born 29 November 2005) is a professional <a href="/wiki/Ukraine" title="Ukraine">Ukrainian</a> <a href="/wiki/Association_football" title="Association football">footballer</a> who plays as a <a href="/wiki/Defender" class="mw-disambig" title="Defender">defender</a> for <a href="/wiki/%C5%A0K_Slovan_Bratislava" title="ŠK Slovan Bratislava">Slovan Bratislava B</a>.. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>3867 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Battle_of_Harts_Mill" title="Draft:Battle of Harts Mill">Draft:Battle of Harts Mill</a> (<small>1781 battle in the American Revolutionary War</small>) </td> <td>The Battle of Hart’s Mill took place near Hillsborough, North Carolina between Patriot militia under Joseph Graham and Richard Simmons and a combined force of British and Loyalist militia on February 17, 1781 </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3852 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Basehor-Linwood_USD_458" title="Draft:Basehor-Linwood USD 458">Draft:Basehor-Linwood USD 458</a> </td> <td>Basehor-Linwood USD 458, operating as USD 458, is a <a href="/wiki/Public_school_(government-funded)" class="mw-redirect" title="Public school (government-funded)">public</a> <a href="/wiki/Unified_school_district" title="Unified school district">unified school district</a> headquartered at 2008 North 155th Street in <a href="/wiki/Basehor,_Kansas" title="Basehor, Kansas">Basehor, Kansas,</a> United States. The district includes the cities of Basehor, <a href="/wiki/Linwood,_Kansas" title="Linwood, Kansas">Linwood</a>, and part of the unincorporated community of <a href="/wiki/Fairmount,_Kansas" title="Fairmount, Kansas">Fairmount</a>, along with some unincorporated areas of Southern <a href="/wiki/Leavenworth_County,_Kansas" title="Leavenworth County, Kansas">Leavenworth County</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3848 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/" title=""></a> (<small>Travel content website</small>) </td> <td> (established in 2004) is a travel content website which provides airport and airline guides, real-time flight tracking, and travel planning/booking services. Its native Android and iOS mobile versions, iFly Pro, and the website version, provide comprehensive airport and airline information to travelers. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3844 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Asia_Frontier_Captial" title="Draft:Asia Frontier Captial">Draft:Asia Frontier Captial</a> (<small>Fund Management Company</small>) </td> <td>Asia Frontier Capital Ltd. (AFC) is an investment management company specializing in <a href="/wiki/Frontier_market" title="Frontier market">frontier market</a> funds. Founded in May 2013 through a management buyout of <a href="/wiki/Leopard_Capital" title="Leopard Capital">Leopard Capital</a> by Thomas Hugger, former CFO and COO of Leopard Capital, the company rebranded under its current name following the acquisition. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3832 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Samsung_Galaxy_Stellar" title="Draft:Samsung Galaxy Stellar">Draft:Samsung Galaxy Stellar</a> (<small>A Samsung galaxy smartphone model</small>) </td> <td>Samsung Galaxy Stellar is an <a href="/wiki/Android_(operating_system)" title="Android (operating system)">Android</a>-based <a href="/wiki/Smartphone" title="Smartphone">smartphone</a> developed by <a href="/wiki/Samsung_Electronics" title="Samsung Electronics">Samsung Electronics</a>. Released in 2012, it was marketed as an entry-level smartphone, designed for budget-conscious consumers. The smartphone was exclusive to <a href="/wiki/Verizon" title="Verizon">Verizon</a> Wireless in the United States, and featured <a href="/wiki/LTE_(telecommunication)" title="LTE (telecommunication)">4G LTE</a> connectivity, running on the on the Android 4.0 <a href="/wiki/Android_Ice_Cream_Sandwich" title="Android Ice Cream Sandwich">Ice Cream Sandwich</a> operating system. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3821 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Meria_(company)" title="Draft:Meria (company)">Draft:Meria (company)</a> (<small>Page about the Meria company, a provider of crypto investment services mostly in the EU</small>) </td> <td>Meria SAS (formerly Just-Mining), is a French company specialized in investment in <a href="/wiki/Cryptocurrency" title="Cryptocurrency">cryptocurrencies</a> and <a href="/wiki/Blockchain" title="Blockchain">blockchain technologies</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3813 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Srikakulam_%E2%80%93_Vizianagaram_%E2%80%93_Visakhapatnam_Graduates_Council_constituency" title="Draft:Srikakulam – Vizianagaram – Visakhapatnam Graduates Council constituency">Draft:Srikakulam – Vizianagaram – Visakhapatnam Graduates Council constituency</a> </td> <td>Srikakulam-Vizianagaram-Visakhapatnam Graduates Council constituency is a constituency in <a href="/wiki/Srikakulam_district" title="Srikakulam district">Srikakulam district</a>, <a href="/wiki/Vizianagaram_district" title="Vizianagaram district">Vizianagaram district</a> and <a href="/wiki/Visakhapatnam_district" title="Visakhapatnam district">Visakhapatnam district</a> of <a href="/wiki/Andhra_Pradesh" title="Andhra Pradesh">Andhra Pradesh</a> that elects representatives to the <a href="/wiki/Andhra_Pradesh_Legislative_Council" title="Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council">Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council</a> in <a href="/wiki/India" title="India">India</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3787 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Axelrod%27s_Tournaments" title="Draft:Axelrod's Tournaments">Draft:Axelrod's Tournaments</a> (<small>Computer tournament in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma</small>) </td> <td>Axelrod's tournaments were a set of computer tournaments in the <a href="/wiki/Prisoner%27s_dilemma#The_iterated_prisoner's_dilemma" title="Prisoner's dilemma">iterated Prisoner's Dilemma</a> in which players, known as "strategies", would play agains each other strategy, as well as a copy of itself repeatedly. The strategies were submitted by well-known game theorists that were invited to do so by political scientist <a href="/wiki/Robert_Axelrod_(political_scientist)" title="Robert Axelrod (political scientist)">Robert Axelrod</a>.: </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3753 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Stephen_McAdams" title="Draft:Stephen McAdams">Draft:Stephen McAdams</a> (<small>Distinguished researcher in how human's perceive sound.</small>) </td> <td>Stephen McAdams is a distinguished researcher in music perception and cognition, currently serving as a professor at <a href="/wiki/McGill_University" title="McGill University">McGill University</a>'s <a href="/wiki/Schulich_School_of_Music" title="Schulich School of Music">Schulich School of Music</a>. He holds the <a href="/wiki/Canada_Research_Chair" title="Canada Research Chair">Canada Research Chair</a> in Music Perception and Cognition and directs the Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3745 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kenneth_Semakula" title="Draft:Kenneth Semakula">Draft:Kenneth Semakula</a> (<small>Ugandan professional football player</small>) </td> <td>Kenneth Semakula (born 4 November 2002) is a Ugandan professional footballer who plays as defender for Tunisian Footaball club <a href="/wiki/Club_Africain" title="Club Africain">Club African</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Uganda_national_football_team" title="Uganda national football team">Uganda national team</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3735 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tai_Po_Sam_Mun_Tsai_Road_Cycling_Track" title="Draft:Tai Po Sam Mun Tsai Road Cycling Track">Draft:Tai Po Sam Mun Tsai Road Cycling Track</a> (<small>Introducing the Tai Po Sam Mun Tsai Road Cycling Track</small>) </td> <td>The Sam Mun Tsai Waterfront Cycle Track is a cycling path located in <a href="/wiki/Tai_Po" title="Tai Po">Tai Po</a>, <a href="/wiki/Hong_Kong" title="Hong Kong">Hong Kong</a>. Opened on July 31, 2023, it serves as an extension of the <a href="/wiki/New_Territories" title="New Territories">New Territories</a> Cycle Track Network's <a href="/wiki/Sheung_Shui" title="Sheung Shui">Sheung Shui</a> to <a href="/wiki/University_station_(MTR)" title="University station (MTR)">University Station</a> section. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3712 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mario_Dedivanovic" title="Draft:Mario Dedivanovic">Draft:Mario Dedivanovic</a> (<small>Makeup artist</small>) </td> <td>Mario Dedivanovic (born October 1, 1983) is an American makeup artist and businessman. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3708 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Larisa_Puzule" title="Draft:Larisa Puzule">Draft:Larisa Puzule</a> (<small>Biography of Larisa Puzule, Latvian first professional woman percussionist</small>) </td> <td>Larisa Grigoryevna Puzule (Dyshel) (February 1, 1941 – February 5, 2017) was a Moldovan-born Latvian percussionist and educator. She was the first professional female percussionist in Latvian history and made significant contributions to music performance and education. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>3694 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Irvin_Tahmaz" title="Draft:Irvin Tahmaz">Draft:Irvin Tahmaz</a> (<small>Bosnian athlete</small>) </td> <td>Irvin Tahmaz (born 28 January 1976) is a retired <a href="/wiki/Bosniaks" title="Bosniaks">Bosnian</a> <a href="/wiki/Long_jump" title="Long jump">long jumper</a>. He competed in the men's <a href="/wiki/Long_jump" title="Long jump">long jump</a> event at the <a href="/wiki/1994_World_Junior_Championships_in_Athletics_%E2%80%93_Men%27s_long_jump" title="1994 World Junior Championships in Athletics – Men's long jump">1994 World Junior Championships in Athletics</a>. From 1998 to 2017, Irvin held the indoor <a href="/wiki/200_metres" title="200 metres">200 metres</a> record in Bosnia and Herzegovina; after 19 years, the record was finally broken by <a class="external text" href="">Rusmir Malkočević</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3685 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dorothy_Gloster" title="Draft:Dorothy Gloster">Draft:Dorothy Gloster</a> (<small>African American photographer</small>) </td> <td>Dorothy Gloster is an American photographer based in New York. She is best known for her documentary photography and participation in Collective Black Photographers and the Kamoinge Workshop. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3682 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Boram_Care" title="Draft:Boram Care">Draft:Boram Care</a> (<small>American Postnatal Retreat</small>) </td> <td>Boram Care is a postnatal retreat facility located in New York City, offering specialized care for new mothers and their newborns. Founded by Boram Nam and Suk Park, the retreat is inspired by South Korean postpartum care centers and aims to provide comprehensive support during the early postpartum period. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>3669 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ranjiv_Singh_Dalal" title="Draft:Ranjiv Singh Dalal">Draft:Ranjiv Singh Dalal</a> (<small>Former Director General of Police, Haryana</small>) </td> <td>Ranjiv Singh Dalal (born 2 October 1952) is an <a href="/wiki/Indian_Police_Service" title="Indian Police Service">Indian Police Service</a> officer of 1974 batch of Haryana cadre. He is the longest serving police chief of <a href="/wiki/Haryana" title="Haryana">Haryana</a>. He served as <a href="/wiki/Director_general_of_police" title="Director general of police">Director General of Police</a> of Haryana from November 2006 to October 2012. He is recipient of <a href="/wiki/President%27s_Police_Medal" title="President's Police Medal">President's Police Medal</a>, highest police honour in Republic of India. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3663 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nikolaos_Stamatonikolos" title="Draft:Nikolaos Stamatonikolos">Draft:Nikolaos Stamatonikolos</a> (<small>Greek long jumper</small>) </td> <td>Nikolaos Stamatonikolos (born 28 February 2003) is a Greek long jumper </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3636 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Torch_Song_(2024_film)" title="Draft:Torch Song (2024 film)">Draft:Torch Song (2024 film)</a> (<small>2024 film</small>) </td> <td><i>Torch Song</i> is a 2024 <a href="/wiki/Drama" title="Drama">drama</a> film directed and written by Jeroen Houben in his English-language feature debut. Shot on location in Amsterdam, the film stars <a href="/wiki/Carla_Juri" title="Carla Juri">Carla Juri</a>, <a href="/wiki/Al_Weaver" title="Al Weaver">Al Weaver</a> and Markoesa Hamer. Noortje Wilschut and Floor Onrust serve as producers for Family Affair Films. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3631 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Subaru_Rioma" title="Draft:Subaru Rioma">Draft:Subaru Rioma</a> (<small>Japanese concept car</small>) </td> <td>The Subaru Rioma was a 2+2 <a href="/wiki/Coupe" title="Coupe">coupe</a> <a href="/wiki/Concept_car" title="Concept car">concept</a> built by <a href="/wiki/Subaru" title="Subaru">Subaru</a> for the 29th <a href="/wiki/Tokyo_Motor_Show" class="mw-redirect" title="Tokyo Motor Show">Tokyo Motor Show</a>, and was marketed towards younger buyers as a vehicle that combined safety and sportiness. This concept also showcased Subaru's <a href="/wiki/Flexible-fuel_vehicle" title="Flexible-fuel vehicle">Flexible Fuel Engine</a> technology, which allowed the engine to run on <a href="/wiki/E85" title="E85">E85</a> fuel, which was not seen in consumer vehicles until 1996. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3622 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Abuleti" title="Draft:Abuleti">Draft:Abuleti</a> (<small>Georgian noble and commander</small>) </td> <td>Abuleti was a <a href="/wiki/Court_officials_of_the_Kingdom_of_Georgia" title="Court officials of the Kingdom of Georgia">Georgian feudal lord</a> of the <a href="/wiki/Abuletisdze" title="Abuletisdze">Abuletisdze</a> family and commander under the kings <a href="/wiki/David_IV" title="David IV">David IV</a> and <a href="/wiki/Demetrius_I_of_Georgia" title="Demetrius I of Georgia">Demetrius I</a>. He was also governor of <a href="/wiki/Ani" title="Ani">Ani</a> from 1124 to 1126. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3590 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thomas_J._Hastings" title="Draft:Thomas J. Hastings">Draft:Thomas J. Hastings</a> (<small>biography of Thomas Hastings, real estate developer</small>) </td> <td>Thomas J. Hastings is a real estate developer and the founder of Hastings Companies, known for a focus on environmentally conscious and community-oriented developments. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3570 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/" title=""></a> (<small>Congolese digital news media</small>) </td> <td> is a Congolese digital information media specialized in political, economic, security and sociocultural information. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>3535 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Phuthuma_Nathi" title="Draft:Phuthuma Nathi">Draft:Phuthuma Nathi</a> (<small>South African Investment Initiative</small>) </td> <td>Phuthuma Nathi is a <a href="/wiki/Black_Economic_Empowerment" title="Black Economic Empowerment">black economic empowerment (BEE)</a> share scheme launched in 2006 to provide equity ownership for black South Africans in <a href="/wiki/MultiChoice" title="MultiChoice">MultiChoice South Africa</a>, a video entertainment provider. The scheme holds a 25% stake in MultiChoice South Africa and has over 75,000 shareholders from various demographic groups. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3531 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Adirondack_Rail_Trail" title="Draft:Adirondack Rail Trail">Draft:Adirondack Rail Trail</a> (<small>Rail trail in New York state</small>) </td> <td>The Adirondack Rail Trail is a 34-mile (55 km) multi-use recreational <a href="/wiki/Rail_trail" title="Rail trail">rail trail</a> through the scenic <a href="/wiki/Adirondack_Mountains" title="Adirondack Mountains">Adirondack Mountains</a> in upstate New York. Spanning from <a href="/wiki/Lake_Placid,_New_York" title="Lake Placid, New York">Lake Placid</a> in <a href="/wiki/Essex_County,_New_York" title="Essex County, New York">Essex County</a> to <a href="/wiki/Tupper_Lake" class="mw-disambig" title="Tupper Lake">Tupper Lake</a> in <a href="/wiki/Franklin_County,_New_York" title="Franklin County, New York">Franklin County, New York</a>, the trail passes through <a href="/wiki/Ray_Brook,_New_York" title="Ray Brook, New York">Ray Brook</a>, <a href="/wiki/Saranac_Lake,_New_York" title="Saranac Lake, New York">Saranac Lake</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Lake_Clear,_New_York" title="Lake Clear, New York">Lake Clear</a>, offering various outdoor activities for residents and visitors year-round. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3515 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Doctor_of_Behavioral_Health" title="Draft:Doctor of Behavioral Health">Draft:Doctor of Behavioral Health</a> (<small>Degree Description</small>) </td> <td>A Doctor of Behavioral Health Degree (DBH) is a <a href="/wiki/Doctorate" title="Doctorate">professional doctorate</a> that prepares individuals to practice <a href="/wiki/Physical_health" class="mw-redirect" title="Physical health">physical</a> and <a href="/wiki/Mental_health_care" class="mw-redirect" title="Mental health care">mental health care</a> in the <a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">United States</a>. It is offered by three institutions: the Cummings Graduate Institute of Behavioral Health Studies, which is accredited by DEAC, <a href="/wiki/Arizona_State_University" title="Arizona State University">Arizona State University</a>, which is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, and <a href="/wiki/Freed%E2%80%93Hardeman_University" title="Freed–Hardeman University">Freed–Hardeman University</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3503 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lady_Kero" title="Draft:Lady Kero">Draft:Lady Kero</a> (<small>Mexican drag performer</small>) </td> <td>Lady Kero is the name of a Mexican <a href="/wiki/Drag_Queen" class="mw-redirect" title="Drag Queen">Drag Queen</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Actress" class="mw-redirect" title="Actress">Actress</a>, from <a href="/wiki/Oaxaca_City" title="Oaxaca City">Oaxaca City</a>. She is known for being one of the contestants of <a href="/wiki/Drag_Race_Mexico" class="mw-redirect" title="Drag Race Mexico">Drag Race Mexico</a> where she placed 5th. She was later cast as an actress for the <a href="/wiki/Netflix" title="Netflix">Netflix</a> original series <a href="/w/index.php?title=The_Secret_of_the_River&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="The Secret of the River (page does not exist)">The Secret of the River</a><span class="noprint" style="font-size:85%; font-style: normal;"> [<a href="" class="extiw" title="es:El secreto del río">es</a>]</span>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3471 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Authoritative_legal_entity_identifier" title="Draft:Authoritative legal entity identifier">Draft:Authoritative legal entity identifier</a> (<small>Concept definition</small>) </td> <td>An authoritative legal entity identifier (ALEI) is an <a href="/wiki/Identifier" title="Identifier">identifier</a> which supports the identification of legal entities within <a href="/wiki/Supply_chain" title="Supply chain">supply chain</a> data, often as an aspect of <a href="/wiki/Master_data_management" title="Master data management">master data management</a>, and may be used by organizations within supply chain master data as the basis for unambiguous identification of trading partners within digital business transactions. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3469 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ali_Ayd%C4%B1n" title="Draft:Ali Aydın">Draft:Ali Aydın</a> (<small>Creative Director in Hollywood</small>) </td> <td>Ali Aydın is a Turkish-born creative professional and the Founder and Creative Director of MOT Creative, an agency specializing in high-profile campaigns for film, TV, and streaming services. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3465 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Emeka_Okonkwo" title="Draft:Emeka Okonkwo">Draft:Emeka Okonkwo</a> (<small>Nigeria Celebrity</small>) </td> <td>Emeka Okonkwo (born on February 18, 1982) widely known as E-Money, is a Nigeria socialite businessman, investor and entrepreneur. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Five Star Music, a record company in NIgeria and Emmy Cargoes Shipping Nigeria Limited. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3465 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Emeka_Okonkwo" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Emeka Okonkwo">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:United_Auto_Racing_Alliance" title="Draft:United Auto Racing Alliance">Draft:United Auto Racing Alliance</a> (<small>Racing series</small>) </td> <td>The United Auto Racing Alliance (UARA) (formerly the <a href="/wiki/SRL_Southwest_Tour" title="SRL Southwest Tour">SRL National Tour</a>) is a <a href="/wiki/Stock_car" class="mw-redirect" title="Stock car">stock car auto racing</a> series in the <a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">United States</a>. The series was founded in 2022 as the SRL National Tour but became independent with the 2024 season. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3451 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jules_Lachelier" title="Draft:Jules Lachelier">Draft:Jules Lachelier</a> (<small>French philosopher (1832–1918)</small>) </td> <td>Jules Esprit Nicolas Lachelier (27 May 1832 - 26 January 1918) was a French <a href="/wiki/Philosophy" title="Philosophy">philosopher</a>, most known for his contributions to <a href="/wiki/Spiritualism_(philosophy)" title="Spiritualism (philosophy)">French idealism</a> and his influence on modern French philosophy. He developed a system of rational idealism and was a key figure in the neospiritualist movement in French philosophy. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3420 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alastair_Philip_Wiper" title="Draft:Alastair Philip Wiper">Draft:Alastair Philip Wiper</a> </td> <td>Alastair Philip Wiper is a British photographer known for photography of industrial and scientific facilities, such as factories and laboratories. He developed an interest in industrial photography in 2009 after seeing images from the mid 1900s taken by <a href="/wiki/Wolfgang_Sievers" title="Wolfgang Sievers">Wolfgang Sievers</a> and <a href="/wiki/Maurice_Broomfield" title="Maurice Broomfield">Maurice Broomfield</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3413 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Arnold_Groh" title="Draft:Arnold Groh">Draft:Arnold Groh</a> (<small>German psychologist born in 1960</small>) </td> <td>Arnold A. Groh (born 15 April 1960) is a <a href="/wiki/German_people" class="mw-redirect" title="German people">German</a> <a href="/wiki/Psychologist" title="Psychologist">psychologist</a>, <a href="/wiki/Linguist" class="mw-redirect" title="Linguist">linguist</a>, semiotician and literary scholar. He is president/director of <a href="/wiki/Structural_Analysis_of_Cultural_Systems" title="Structural Analysis of Cultural Systems">Structural Analysis of Cultural Systems</a> (S.A.C.S.), and scientific director of the Institute for Cultural Diversity Studies. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>3407 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Graham_Phillip_Frank_Newland_(engineer)" title="Draft:Graham Phillip Frank Newland (engineer)">Draft:Graham Phillip Frank Newland (engineer)</a> (<small>Graham Phillip Frank Newland</small>) </td> <td>Graham Phillip Frank Newland (17 September 1923 – 22 November 2008) was an Australian sailor and a member of both the Middle Harbour Yacht Club, Cruising Yacht Club of Australia and the <a href="/wiki/Royal_Sydney_Yacht_Squadron" title="Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron">Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron</a>.  He was extremely well known in the sailing community for his ownership and successful racing of the yachts "Firefly" and "Siandra." He competed as first mate on the very first Ragamuffin and the winning yacht Caprice of Huon. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3402 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hyman_Klein" title="Draft:Hyman Klein">Draft:Hyman Klein</a> (<small>Talmudic Scholar</small>) </td> <td>Hyman Klein (1908–1958), English scholar of the <a href="/wiki/Talmud" title="Talmud">Babylonian Talmud</a> and translator of <a href="/wiki/Rabbinic_literature" title="Rabbinic literature">rabbinic literature</a>. Klein's major contributions to the study of the Talmud were a series of articles that distinguished between the terse, attributed statements ("Gemara") of the Talmud and the anonymous ("Sebara") stratum, the latter of which he considered to be <a href="/wiki/Savoraim" title="Savoraim">Savoraic</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3388 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Vigerslev_Boldklub" title="Draft:Vigerslev Boldklub">Draft:Vigerslev Boldklub</a> (<small>Danish football club</small>) </td> <td>Vigerslev Boldklub (abbreviated Vigerslev BK) is a Danish <a href="/wiki/Association_football" title="Association football">football</a> club based in the district of <a href="/wiki/Valby" title="Valby">Valby</a>, Copenhagen. As of the <a href="/w/index.php?title=2024%E2%80%9325_Copenhagen_Series&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="2024–25 Copenhagen Series (page does not exist)">2024–25 season</a>, the club plays in <a href="/wiki/Copenhagen_Series" title="Copenhagen Series">Copenhagen Series</a>, the sixth tier of the <a href="/wiki/Danish_football_league_system" title="Danish football league system">Danish football league system</a>. The club plays homegames at <a href="/wiki/Valby_Idr%C3%A6tspark" title="Valby Idrætspark">Valby Idrætspark</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3375 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Heroes2024/sandbox" title="Draft:Heroes2024/sandbox">Draft:Heroes2024/sandbox</a> (<small>War hero</small>) </td> <td>James Thomas Annis Scott (31 January 1895 - 11 October 1956) was one of the first UK citizens to be awarded the <a href="/wiki/George_Medal" title="George Medal">George Medal</a>.<a href="/wiki/Air_Raid_Precautions" title="Air Raid Precautions">Air raid warden</a> Scott was a squad leader of the <a href="/wiki/South_Shields" title="South Shields">South Shields</a> Civil Defence Rescue Service. On the night of October 2, 1941, the town centre and riverside of South Shields suffered a massive bomb attack when Luftwaffe bombers mistook a land bridge in the town for their intended target, the <a href="/wiki/Tyne_Bridge" title="Tyne Bridge">Tyne Bridge</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>3375 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Lost_Church" title="Draft:The Lost Church">Draft:The Lost Church</a> (<small>Music venue in San Francisco, California, U.S.</small>) </td> <td>The Lost Church is live music performance space in the North Beach neighborhood of <a href="/wiki/San_Francisco" title="San Francisco">San Francisco</a>, California, located at 988 Columbus Avenue (at Chestnut St.). The venue hosts live performances nearly nightly, ranging from bands, comedians, magicians, singer/songwriters and/or performance art. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3357 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:American_Ringtail" title="Draft:American Ringtail">Draft:American Ringtail</a> (<small>Breed of cat</small>) </td> <td>American Ringtails are a breed of domestic <a href="/wiki/Cat" title="Cat">cat</a>, mostly recognized for their curly, ring-shaped tail. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>3348 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:De_la_Motte" title="Draft:De la Motte">Draft:De la Motte</a> (<small>de la Motte – Swedish noble family of French origin</small>) </td> <td>de la Motte is an ancient French noble family introduced to the Swedish House of Knights in 1642 with the number 280. The family was registered in the House of Knights of Finland in 1818 under the number 23. The family is extinct. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3345 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Agust%C3%ADn_Coppel_Luken" title="Draft:Agustín Coppel Luken">Draft:Agustín Coppel Luken</a> (<small>mexican businessman</small>) </td> <td>Coppel Luken is a Mexican businessman born on August 28, 1961, in Sinaloa, México. He has served as the president and CEO of Grupo Coppel since 2008. His academic journey includes a degree in Marketing from the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, as well as specializations in Human Development, Skills for Senior Management, and Quality and Management in Stores from various institutions. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3343 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:St_Schotin_of_Kilkenny" title="Draft:St Schotin of Kilkenny">Draft:St Schotin of Kilkenny</a> </td> <td>St Schotin of Kilkenny was a protege of St David of Wales and lived in the end of the fifth and beginning of the sixth century. He was the son of Sedna, according to Colgan, and a child of respectable parentage, born toward the end of the fifth or beginning of the sixth century. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3340 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Darts_Hill_Garden_Park" class="mw-redirect" title="Draft:Darts Hill Garden Park">Draft:Darts Hill Garden Park</a> (<small>Canadian public garden</small>) </td> <td>Darts Hill Garden Park is a public garden situated in the City of <a href="/wiki/Surrey,_British_Columbia" title="Surrey, British Columbia">Surrey, BC, Canada</a>. The public entrance is at 1633 170 St, Surrey, BC V3S 9X3. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>3323 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Pothwari_people" title="Draft:Pothwari people">Draft:Pothwari people</a> (<small>An ethnic group</small>) </td> <td>The Pothwari people are a northwestern <a href="/wiki/Indo-Aryan_people" class="mw-redirect" title="Indo-Aryan people">Indo-Aryan</a> <a href="/wiki/Ethnic_group" class="mw-redirect" title="Ethnic group">ethnic group</a> native to <a href="/wiki/Pothohar_Plateau" title="Pothohar Plateau">Pothwar</a> and <a href="/wiki/Jammu_and_Kashmir" class="mw-disambig" title="Jammu and Kashmir">Jammu and Kashmir</a>. They speak <a href="/wiki/Pahari-Pothwari" title="Pahari-Pothwari">Pothwari</a>, a northwestern <a href="/wiki/Indo-Aryan_language" class="mw-redirect" title="Indo-Aryan language">Indo-Aryan language</a> related to <a href="/wiki/Lahnda" title="Lahnda">Lahnda</a> group of <a href="/wiki/Punjabi_language" title="Punjabi language">Punjabi</a>. Pothwari language is usually seen as a northwestern dialect of the Punjabi language. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3315 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Christian_Laret" title="Draft:Christian Laret">Draft:Christian Laret</a> (<small>French/dutch artist</small>) </td> <td>Christian Pierre Laret (1935–2024) was a painter, sculptor and photographer. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3313 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-26 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Stanislav_Issaev" title="Draft:Stanislav Issaev">Draft:Stanislav Issaev</a> (<small>Russian Ballet Dancer</small>) </td> <td>Stanislav Issaev is a Russian <a href="/wiki/Ballet" title="Ballet">ballet</a> teacher and former Principal Dancer with the <a href="/w/index.php?title=Moscow_Classical_Ballet&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Moscow Classical Ballet (page does not exist)">Moscow Classical Ballet</a>. He was born in 1957, and studied at the <a href="/wiki/Perm" class="mw-disambig" title="Perm">Perm</a> school of ballet. He toured internationally with Moscow Classical Ballet before the fall of the USSR </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3299 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Angelina_Banovi%C4%87-Markovska" title="Draft:Angelina Banović-Markovska">Draft:Angelina Banović-Markovska</a> (<small>Macedonian writer</small>) </td> <td>Angelina Banović-Markovska (PhD in Science, literary theorist and essayist). She is a full professor at the <a href="/w/index.php?title=Bla%C5%BEe_Koneski_Faculty_of_Philology&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology (page does not exist)">Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology</a> at the <a href="/wiki/Ss._Cyril_and_Methodius_University_of_Skopje" title="Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje">Ss. Cyril and Methodius Universit</a>y in <a href="/wiki/Skopje" title="Skopje">Skopje</a>, <a href="/wiki/Macedonia_(ancient_kingdom)" title="Macedonia (ancient kingdom)">Macedonia</a> as well as avisiting professor at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Department of Cultural Studies at the <a href="/wiki/Josip_Juraj_Strossmayer_University_of_Osijek" class="mw-redirect" title="Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek">Josip Juraj Strossmayer University</a> of <a href="/wiki/Osijek" title="Osijek">Osijek</a>, <a href="/wiki/Croatia" title="Croatia">Croatia</a>. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>3293 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Looka" title="Draft:Looka">Draft:Looka</a> (<small>AI logo generator</small>) </td> <td>Looka is a <a href="/wiki/Canada" title="Canada">Canada</a>-based software company that specializes in AI-powered branding tools, including <a href="/wiki/Logo" title="Logo">logo</a> creation, <a href="/wiki/Brand" title="Brand">brand</a> kits, and <a href="/wiki/Website" title="Website">website</a> building. The company was founded in 2016 by Dawson Whitfield to support small businesses and entrepreneurs in developing brand identities. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>3275 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Arthur_von_Eppinghoven" title="Draft:Arthur von Eppinghoven">Draft:Arthur von Eppinghoven</a> (<small>Belgian painter and illegitimate son of Leopold I of Belgium</small>) </td> <td>Christian Friedrich <i>Arthur</i> Meyer von Eppinghoven (25 September 1852 – 9 November 1940) was the youngest of the illegitimate children of King <a href="/wiki/Leopold_I_of_Belgium" title="Leopold I of Belgium">Leopold I</a> and <a href="/wiki/Arcadie_Claret" title="Arcadie Claret">Arcadie Claret</a>. </td> <td>5 </td> <td>3227 </td> <td>blank </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kufiya_Netzwerk" title="Draft:Kufiya Netzwerk">Draft:Kufiya Netzwerk</a> (<small>German pro-palestine network.</small>) </td> <td>Kufiya Netzwerk (KN) is a <a href="/wiki/Germany" title="Germany">German</a> network of pro-Palestinian groups, parties and individuals, founded in December 2023 as part of the general mobilization to stop the <a href="/wiki/Gaza_genocide" title="Gaza genocide">Gaza genocide</a> . <a href="/wiki/Keffiyeh" title="Keffiyeh">Kufiya</a> is a traditional Palestinian headdress. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3208 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dead_Meat_(YouTube_Channel)" title="Draft:Dead Meat (YouTube Channel)">Draft:Dead Meat (YouTube Channel)</a> (<small>horror youtube channel</small>) </td> <td><i>Dead Meat</i> is an American YouTube channel that mainly talks about <a href="/wiki/Horror_film" title="Horror film">horror films</a> and other horror adjacent media The channel is most know for a series called the <i>Kill Count</i>, a show where the main host <i>James A. Janisse</i> gives a summary of the film, then gives it's <a href="/wiki/Body_count" title="Body count">Body Count</a> well also giving behind the scenes information. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>3201 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cyclone_Bheki_(2024)" title="Draft:Cyclone Bheki (2024)">Draft:Cyclone Bheki (2024)</a> (<small>2024 tropical cyclone</small>) </td> <td>Cyclone Bheki is a currently strengthening tropical cyclone in the <a href="/wiki/2024-25_South-West_Indian_Ocean_cyclone_season" class="mw-redirect" title="2024-25 South-West Indian Ocean cyclone season">2024-25 South-West Indian Ocean cyclone season</a>. Formed on 12 November, Bheki is the second named storm of the season. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3193 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Eric_Feller_Collection" title="Draft:Eric Feller Collection">Draft:Eric Feller Collection</a> (<small>private collection of immanent importance</small>) </td> <td>The Eric Feller Collection is a private collection of historical keyboard instruments, including <a href="/wiki/Clavichord" title="Clavichord">clavichords</a>, <a href="/wiki/Spinet" title="Spinet">spinets</a>, <a href="/wiki/Harpsichord" title="Harpsichord">harpsichords</a>, <a href="/wiki/Square_piano" title="Square piano">square pianos</a>, <a href="/wiki/Fortepiano" title="Fortepiano">fortepianos</a>, <a href="/wiki/Tangent_piano" title="Tangent piano">tangent pianos</a>, <a href="/wiki/Organ_(music)" title="Organ (music)">organs</a>, and modern <a href="/wiki/Piano" title="Piano">pianos</a> and <a href="/wiki/Grand_Piano" class="mw-redirect" title="Grand Piano">grand pianos</a> in <a href="/wiki/Germany" title="Germany">Germany</a>. The collection was founded in 2004 by pianist Eric Feller and contains since that over 400 historic instruments. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3168 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alice_Tankerville" title="Draft:Alice Tankerville">Draft:Alice Tankerville</a> (<small>English thief and pirate, executed.</small>) </td> <td>Alice Tankerville (also Tankerfelde) was an English thief, pirate, and possibly a prostitute, hanged in chains in 1534. She is the only woman known to have escaped the Tower of London. In October 1533, she and her common-law husband, John Wolfe, were implicated in the theft of 366 gold crowns from a ship at the Steelyard of the Hanseatic League in London. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3104 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Battle_of_Bakso" title="Draft:Battle of Bakso">Draft:Battle of Bakso</a> (<small>1937 battle between Arbegnoch and Italian forces</small>) </td> <td>The Battle of Bakoso occurred in <a href="/wiki/Gojjam" title="Gojjam">Gojjam</a>, May 1937 during the <a href="/wiki/Second_Italo-Ethiopian_War" title="Second Italo-Ethiopian War">Second Italo-Ethiopian War</a> between the forces of <a href="/wiki/Duke_of_Aosta" title="Duke of Aosta">Duke of Aosta</a> <a href="/wiki/Rodolfo_Graziani" title="Rodolfo Graziani">Rodolfo Graziani</a> and Ethiopian <a href="/wiki/Arbegnoch" title="Arbegnoch">Arbegnoch</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3054 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:C/2024_G3_(ATLAS)" title="Draft:C/2024 G3 (ATLAS)">Draft:C/2024 G3 (ATLAS)</a> (<small>New comet meant to be a "great" comet.</small>) </td> <td>C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) is a non-periodic, sun-skirter comet discovered on April 5th 2024, by the Atlas Astronomical Survey. Judging by its orbit, it could be a new comet, entering the solar system for the first time. It will come to perihelion on January 12th, 2025, at a distance of 14.4 Million Kilometers from the <a href="/wiki/Sun" title="Sun">Sun</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>3049 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cithara_octochorda" title="Draft:Cithara octochorda">Draft:Cithara octochorda</a> (<small>18th-century hymnal in Latin and Croatian</small>) </td> <td>Cithara octochorda (English: <i>Eight-string <a href="/wiki/Kithara" title="Kithara">kithara</a></i>) is a 18th-century <a href="/wiki/Hymnal" title="Hymnal">hymnal</a>, containing <a href="/wiki/Hymn" title="Hymn">hymns</a> written in both <a href="/wiki/Latin" title="Latin">Latin</a> and <a href="/wiki/Croatian_language" title="Croatian language">Croatian</a> (<a href="/wiki/Kajkavian" title="Kajkavian">Kajkavian</a>) language. Its first two editions (1701 and 1723) were published in <a href="/wiki/Vienna" title="Vienna">Vienna</a>, while the third (1757) was published in <a href="/wiki/Zagreb" title="Zagreb">Zagreb</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3032 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Irvin_Hu%C5%A1i%C4%87" title="Draft:Irvin Hušić">Draft:Irvin Hušić</a> (<small>Bosnian cyclist</small>) </td> <td>Irvin Hušić (born 3 January 1982) is a <a href="/wiki/Bosniaks" title="Bosniaks">Bosnian</a> <a href="/wiki/Racing_cyclist" class="mw-redirect" title="Racing cyclist">racing cyclist</a>. Irvin was born in the city of <a href="/wiki/Cazin" title="Cazin">Cazin</a>, <a href="/wiki/Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" title="Bosnia and Herzegovina">Bosnia and Herzegovina</a> and is part of the Faust Vrančić cyclist club. In 2018, Irvin finished first place in the Veteran A category during the annual <i>Na Dva Kola Oko Bola</i> hosted by the <a href="/wiki/Croatian_Cycling_Federation" title="Croatian Cycling Federation">Croatian Cycling Federation</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3031 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alix_Generous" title="Draft:Alix Generous">Draft:Alix Generous</a> (<small>a biology researcher and TED speaker</small>) </td> <td>Alix Generous (born 1992) is an American university student and biology researcher, who is famous for having Asperger's syndrome. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3016 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Alix_Generous" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Alix Generous">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tonganoxie_USD_464" title="Draft:Tonganoxie USD 464">Draft:Tonganoxie USD 464</a> </td> <td>Tonganoxie USD 464, operating as USD 464, is a <a href="/wiki/Public" title="Public">public</a> <a href="/wiki/Unified_school_district" title="Unified school district">unified school district</a> headquartered at 300 US 24-40 in <a href="/wiki/Tonganoxie,_Kansas" title="Tonganoxie, Kansas">Tonganoxie, Kansas</a>, United States. The district serves most of the western and central parts of <a href="/wiki/Leavenworth_County,_Kansas" title="Leavenworth County, Kansas">Leavenworth County</a>, including the City of Tonganoxie. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3013 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dan_Dillabough" title="Draft:Dan Dillabough">Draft:Dan Dillabough</a> </td> <td>Dan Dillabough is a Canadian television writer and comedian. He is best known for his work as a writer and correspondent on the <a href="/wiki/CBC_Television" title="CBC Television">CBC</a> sketch comedy series <a href="/wiki/This_Hour_Has_22_Minutes" title="This Hour Has 22 Minutes">This Hour Has 22 Minutes</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3012 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:It%27s_Alive!_Horror_Film_Festival" title="Draft:It's Alive! Horror Film Festival">Draft:It's Alive! Horror Film Festival</a> (<small>Annual film festival in Bulgaria</small>) </td> <td>The It's Alive! Horror Film Festival (<a href="/wiki/Bulgarian_language" title="Bulgarian language">Bulgarian</a>: <span lang="bg">It's Alive! хорър филм фест</span>), is an annual <a href="/wiki/Film_festival" title="Film festival">film festival</a> held in <a href="/wiki/Sofia" title="Sofia">Sofia</a>, <a href="/wiki/Bulgaria" title="Bulgaria">Bulgaria</a> since 2023. It is the first Bulgarian genre film festival and focuses mainly on <a href="/wiki/Horror_film" title="Horror film">horror</a> films. The festival traditionally starts on Halloween (October 31st). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3006 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Grecia_de_la_Paz" title="Draft:Grecia de la Paz">Draft:Grecia de la Paz</a> (<small>Mexican actress</small>) </td> <td>Grecia de la Paz (May 2, 1994) is a <a href="/wiki/Mexico" title="Mexico">Mexican</a> <a href="/wiki/Actress" class="mw-redirect" title="Actress">actress</a> of <a href="/wiki/Film" title="Film">film</a> and <a href="/wiki/Television" title="Television">television</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Dancer" class="mw-redirect" title="Dancer">dancer</a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>3001 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dan_Hennessey" title="Draft:Dan Hennessey">Draft:Dan Hennessey</a> (<small>Dan Hennessey has officially died as was the voice of Brave Heart Lion in the Care Bears.</small>) </td> <td>Dan Hennessey (born 1941 or 1942 – November 13, 2024) was a Canadian voice actor, best known for his voice acting roles as Brave Heart Lion from the <a href="/wiki/Care_Bears" title="Care Bears">Care Bears</a> and Chief Quimby from <a href="/wiki/Inspector_Gadget_(1983_TV_series)" title="Inspector Gadget (1983 TV series)">Inspector Gadget</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2988 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Dan_Hennessey" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Dan Hennessey">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-01 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dilofo,_Ioannina" title="Draft:Dilofo, Ioannina">Draft:Dilofo, Ioannina</a> (<small>greek village</small>) </td> <td>Dilofo (<a href="/wiki/Greek_language" title="Greek language">Greek</a>: <span lang="el">Δίλοφο</span>) is a village in the <a href="/wiki/Ioannina_(regional_unit)" title="Ioannina (regional unit)">Ioannina Regional Unit</a> in <a href="/wiki/Epirus_(region)" title="Epirus (region)">Epirus</a>, northwestern <a href="/wiki/Greece" title="Greece">Greece</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>2981 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Fu_Bao_(panda)" title="Draft:Fu Bao (panda)">Draft:Fu Bao (panda)</a> (<small>a south korean born panda</small>) </td> <td>Fu Bao (Chinese: 福宝, born July 20, 2020.) is the first naturally born <a href="/wiki/Giant_panda" title="Giant panda">giant panda</a> in <a href="/wiki/South_Korea" title="South Korea">South Korea</a>. She was born to parents Ai Bao and Le Bao at the Everland theme park . She currently resides at the Shenshuping giant panda base </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2972 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:St._Quentin_Post_of_the_American_Legion" title="Draft:St. Quentin Post of the American Legion">Draft:St. Quentin Post of the American Legion</a> </td> <td>The St. Quentin Post of the American Legion (Post 555) is a veterans service organization and a community anchor institution in Ely, Iowa. The post was established in 1921 and the current hall was completed in 1955. The post and its membership, including the Legion Auxiliary and the Sons of the Legion, serve a diverse range of functions in the community. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2962 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thor_H%C3%B8jland_Mathiesen" title="Draft:Thor Højland Mathiesen">Draft:Thor Højland Mathiesen</a> (<small>Danish political activist and youth leader</small>) </td> <td>Thor Alexander Højland Mathiesen (born 13 May 2006) is a Danish political activist, chairman of the <a href="/wiki/Social_Democratic_Youth_of_Denmark" title="Social Democratic Youth of Denmark">Social Democratic Youth of Denmark</a> (DSU) in Holbæk, and a candidate for the 2025 municipal elections in <a href="/wiki/Holb%C3%A6k_Municipality" title="Holbæk Municipality">Holbæk Municipality</a>. He also works at the trade union <a href="/wiki/United_Federation_of_Danish_Workers" title="United Federation of Danish Workers">3F</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2956 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Paul_Mackerras" title="Draft:Paul Mackerras">Draft:Paul Mackerras</a> (<small>Australian computer scientist</small>) </td> <td>Paul Mackerras is an Australian computer programmer and a contributor to the open-source community. He is best known for his work on the Linux kernel, particularly in developing support for the PowerPC architecture and maintaining the Point-to-Point Protocol daemon (pppd). </td> <td>1 </td> <td>2947 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Matthias_Gray" title="Draft:Matthias Gray">Draft:Matthias Gray</a> </td> <td><a href="/w/index.php?title=M._Gray&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="M. Gray (page does not exist)">M. Gray</a> and <a href="/w/index.php?title=Gray%27s_Music_Store&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Gray's Music Store (page does not exist)">Gray's Music Store</a> should link here </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2919 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Huangjueping_station" title="Draft:Huangjueping station">Draft:Huangjueping station</a> (<small>Metro station in Chongqing, China</small>) </td> <td>Huangjueping is a <a href="/wiki/Metro_station" title="Metro station">station</a> on <a href="/wiki/Line_18_(Chongqing_Rail_Transit)" title="Line 18 (Chongqing Rail Transit)">Line 18</a> of <a href="/wiki/Chongqing_Rail_Transit" title="Chongqing Rail Transit">Chongqing Rail Transit</a> in <a href="/wiki/Chongqing_Municipality" class="mw-redirect" title="Chongqing Municipality">Chongqing Municipality</a>, <a href="/wiki/China" title="China">China</a>. It is located in <a href="/wiki/Jiulongpo_District" class="mw-redirect" title="Jiulongpo District">Jiulongpo District</a>. The station opened to passengers in 12/2023. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>2890 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Reza_Baharvand" title="Draft:Reza Baharvand">Draft:Reza Baharvand</a> (<small>An Iranian Scriptwriter</small>) </td> <td>Reza Baharvand (born 1992) is an Iranian writer and director in the field of cinema and theater. He graduated in theater from the Faculty of Arts and Architecture at the University of Tehran and began his professional career in 2008. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2888 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-02 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bacaves" title="Draft:Bacaves">Draft:Bacaves</a> (<small>The Bacaves theory of the Catalan/Valencian languages</small>) </td> <td>Bacaves, or <i>bacavès</i>, is a proposed term for the common language of the <a href="/wiki/Balearic_Islands" title="Balearic Islands">Balearic Islands</a>, <a href="/wiki/Catalonia" title="Catalonia">Catalonia</a>, <a href="/wiki/Valencian_Community" title="Valencian Community">Valencia</a>, and other <a href="/wiki/Catalan_Countries" title="Catalan Countries">Catalan-speaking regions</a>. Coined by <a href="/w/index.php?title=Nicolau_Primitiu_G%C3%B3mez_Serrano&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Nicolau Primitiu Gómez Serrano (page does not exist)">Nicolau Primitiu Gómez Serrano</a><span class="noprint" style="font-size:85%; font-style: normal;"> [<a href="" class="extiw" title="es:Nicolau Primitiu Gómez Serrano">es</a>]</span> in 1925, "bacaves" is an <a href="/wiki/Acronym" title="Acronym">acronym</a> comprised of the first letters of the Balearics, of Catalonia, and of Valencia; it became more widely used in the mid-twentieth century, following greater interest in (and liberalisation regarding the discussion of <a href="/wiki/Languages_of_Spain" title="Languages of Spain">provincial languages in Spain</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2866 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bradley_Noble" title="Draft:Bradley Noble">Draft:Bradley Noble</a> </td> <td>Bradley Noble is an American <a href="/wiki/Business_executive" title="Business executive">business executive</a> who is the founder and <a href="/wiki/Chief_executive_officer" title="Chief executive officer">chief executive officer</a> (CEO) of Noble Storage. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2846 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Million_Dollar_Listing_India" title="Draft:Million Dollar Listing India">Draft:Million Dollar Listing India</a> (<small>Indian Reality TV show for Indian Relators</small>) </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Million_Dollar_Listing" title="Million Dollar Listing">Million Dollar Listing</a> is a two-time Emmy-nominated American reality TV show. The show made its debut with its Hindi adaptation, Million Dollar Listing India. The show is available on <a href="/wiki/SonyLIV" title="SonyLIV">Sony LIV</a>, showcasing the world of high-stakes real estate properties in India. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>2838 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Eric_Gnezda" title="Draft:Eric Gnezda">Draft:Eric Gnezda</a> (<small>National PBS Personality and content creator, singer-songwriter/musician and educator.</small>) </td> <td>Eric Walter Gnezda (NEZZ-da) (born March 5, 1957) is an American singer-songwriter, PBS personality, producer and the creator and host of <i>Songs at the Center</i>, a nationally televised series in its 11th season. The show airs on over 400 PBS stations across the U.S. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>2825 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Japan_Sociological_Society" title="Draft:Japan Sociological Society">Draft:Japan Sociological Society</a> (<small>academic society in Japan</small>) </td> <td>The Japan Sociological Society (JSS) is an academic organization of sociologists in <a href="/wiki/Japan" title="Japan">Japan</a>. Founded in 1924, the Japan Sociological Society is recognized as a cooperating academic research organization by the <a href="/wiki/Science_Council_of_Japan" title="Science Council of Japan">Science Council of Japan</a>. The JSS currently has approximately 3,600 full members, making it the largest academic society in the field of sociology in Japan. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2817 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:BD_rate" title="Draft:BD rate">Draft:BD rate</a> (<small>Metric used to evaluate image and video compression methods</small>) </td> <td>The Bjøntegaard Delta (BD) rate is a metric to compare <a href="/wiki/Lossy_compression" title="Lossy compression">lossy compression</a> method efficiency, specifically for <a href="/wiki/Image_compression" title="Image compression">image</a> and video. The metric expresses (in percentage) the average bitrate savings of one method over another, at fixed distortion values. It obtains the average difference between two <a href="/wiki/Rate%E2%80%93distortion_theory" title="Rate–distortion theory">rate-distortion</a> (RD) curves by integrating fitted polynomials to the curves and computing their difference. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2815 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Aeroflot_Flight_466" title="Draft:Aeroflot Flight 466">Draft:Aeroflot Flight 466</a> (<small>Ilyushin Il-14 Accident in 1958 at Tashkent</small>) </td> <td>Aeroflot Flight 466 was a passenger flight within the <a href="/wiki/Mineralnye_Vody" title="Mineralnye Vody">Mineralnye Vody</a> – <a href="/wiki/Ashgabat" title="Ashgabat">Ashgabat</a> – <a href="/wiki/Tashkent" title="Tashkent">Tashkent</a> route, which on December 23, 1958, the <a href="/wiki/Ilyushin_Il-14" title="Ilyushin Il-14">Ilyushin Il-14</a> operated by the Uzbekistani group of Aeroflot, crashed during its approach to Tashkent, killing all 21 occupants. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2814 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sasha_Selipanov" title="Draft:Sasha Selipanov">Draft:Sasha Selipanov</a> (<small>Georgian-born German automobile designer (born 1983)</small>) </td> <td>Sasha Selipanov (born 1983 in <a href="/wiki/Tbilisi" title="Tbilisi">Tbilisi</a>, <a href="/wiki/Georgia_(country)" title="Georgia (country)">Georgia</a>) is a Georgian-born German automotive designer and architect. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2765 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ronan_Conlon" title="Draft:Ronan Conlon">Draft:Ronan Conlon</a> (<small>Irish Mathematician</small>) </td> <td>Thank you. I added more detail and references. BTW, The BCCD shrinker is mentioned in <a href="/wiki/Ricci_soliton" title="Ricci soliton">Ricci soliton</a>. Given that the paper is quite recent by math standards, it also has already received a lot of citations (>20). But I'm not sure if that is worth mentioning in the article. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>2674 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lami_Packaging" title="Draft:Lami Packaging">Draft:Lami Packaging</a> (<small>Chinese Aseptic Packaging Company</small>) </td> <td>Lami Packaging (Kunshan) Co., Ltd., or Lamipak, was officially established on November 27, 2014. It primarily engages in the printing of packaging decoration printed matter and the production of paper-aluminum-plastic multi-layer composite aseptic high-barrier food soft packaging materials, among other services.Lami Packaging has a registered capital of RMB 1,379,500,000. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2550 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Akavassky_Formation" title="Draft:Akavassky Formation">Draft:Akavassky Formation</a> (<small>About a geologic formation in on Ukrainian and Russian territory</small>) </td> <td>Akavassky Formation is a stratigraphic unit located in Ukraine (Donets Basin), Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk, Russia. Represents Bashkirian age. In the Donets Basin, it is made up of interbedded shales, argillites, siltstones, and sandstones with occasional limestone and coal intercalations. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2492 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Horacio_Potasio" title="Draft:Horacio Potasio">Draft:Horacio Potasio</a> (<small>Mexican drag performer</small>) </td> <td>Horacio Potasio is a Mexican <a href="/wiki/Drag_Queen" class="mw-redirect" title="Drag Queen">Drag Queen</a> and performer from <a href="/wiki/Guadalajara" title="Guadalajara">Guadalajara</a>, <a href="/wiki/Jalisco" title="Jalisco">Jalisco</a>. She is known for being one of the contestants of the <a href="/wiki/Drag_Race_M%C3%A9xico_season_2" title="Drag Race México season 2">second season</a> of <a href="/wiki/Drag_Race_Mexico" class="mw-redirect" title="Drag Race Mexico">Drag Race Mexico</a>, where she placed as a runner-up. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>2486 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Anne_Banning" title="Draft:Anne Banning">Draft:Anne Banning</a> (<small>Anne Banning was a 20th century philantropist and a co-founder of the American League</small>) </td> <td>Anne Banning (<span style="display:none">(<span class="bday">1871-02-25</span>)</span>February 25, 1871-<span style="display:none">(<span class="dday deathdate">1951-12-19</span>)</span>December 19, 1951) was an American philanthropist. She co-founded the <a href="/wiki/Assistance_League" title="Assistance League">Assistance League</a>, which became the National Assistance League. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>2381 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Linear_description" title="Draft:Linear description">Draft:Linear description</a> (<small>animal breeding</small>) </td> <td>Linear description, also named linear assessment or linear scoring system, is a common tool in animal breeding when assessing conformation traits in for example cattle, sheep or horses. The method was first implemented in dairy breeding in the 1970's, and is today a well-accepted method to provide comparable data within breed. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2293 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:B%C3%BCrgermeister-Smidt-Br%C3%BCcke" title="Draft:Bürgermeister-Smidt-Brücke">Draft:Bürgermeister-Smidt-Brücke</a> (<small>oldest bridge of Bremen</small>) </td> <td>The Bürgermeister-Smidt-Brücke (Mayor Smidt Bridge) is one of the main bridges in <a href="/wiki/Bremen" title="Bremen">Bremen</a>, <a href="/wiki/Northern_Germany" title="Northern Germany">Northgermany</a> and leads in the center of the city over the <a href="/wiki/Weser" title="Weser">River Weser</a> from the old town to the new town (Neustadt). It crosses the Weser peninsula <a href="/wiki/Teerhof" title="Teerhof">Teerhof</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2258 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Southern_Lights" title="Draft:Southern Lights">Draft:Southern Lights</a> (<small>Laser light art installation in San Diego, California</small>) </td> <td><i>Southern Lights</i> was a kinetic laser light sculpture by American artist Steven V. Correia in <a href="/wiki/San_Diego" title="San Diego">San Diego, California</a>. Installed atop the 11-story Union Bank building in the UTC neighborhood, the piece featured a striking nighttime display of green laser beams that could be seen up to 20 miles away. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1863 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:List_of_Pamilya_Sagrado_episodes" title="Draft:List of Pamilya Sagrado episodes">Draft:List of Pamilya Sagrado episodes</a> (<small>This is a list of episodes for the Philippine thriller drama television series <i>Pamilya Sagrado</i>,</small>) </td> <td><i><a href="/wiki/Pamilya_Sagrado" title="Pamilya Sagrado">Pamilya Sagrado</a></i> is a <a href="/wiki/Philippine_television_drama" title="Philippine television drama">Philippine television drama</a> <a href="/wiki/Thriller_film" title="Thriller film">thriller</a> series broadcast by <a href="/wiki/Kapamilya_Channel" title="Kapamilya Channel">Kapamilya Channel</a>. It aired on the network's <i>Primetime Bida</i> evening block and worldwide via <a href="/wiki/The_Filipino_Channel" title="The Filipino Channel">The Filipino Channel</a> on June 17, 2024, replacing <i><a href="/wiki/Linlang:_The_Teleserye_Version" class="mw-redirect" title="Linlang: The Teleserye Version">Linlang: The Teleserye Version</a></i>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>26796 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Electoral_history_of_Nikki_Haley" title="Draft:Electoral history of Nikki Haley">Draft:Electoral history of Nikki Haley</a> </td> <td> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>12055 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kaplan_Award" title="Draft:Kaplan Award">Draft:Kaplan Award</a> (<small>Israeli award for groups or individuals who made significant contributions to the economy</small>) </td> <td><i>The Kaplan Award,</i> also known as Kaplan Prize, is an <a href="/wiki/Israel" title="Israel">Israeli</a> award given annually to individuals and organizations for streamlining and increasing work productivity. The award was founded in 1954 and named after <a href="/wiki/Eliezer_Kaplan" title="Eliezer Kaplan">Eliezer Kaplan</a>, the first <a href="/wiki/Ministry_of_Finance_(Israel)" title="Ministry of Finance (Israel)">Minister of Finance</a> of the <a href="/wiki/Israel" title="Israel">State of Israel</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>7898 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:SAPAR_Contemporary_Gallery_%2B_Incubator" title="Draft:SAPAR Contemporary Gallery + Incubator">Draft:SAPAR Contemporary Gallery + Incubator</a> (<small>Contemporary Art Gallery</small>) </td> <td>Sapar Contemporary Gallery + Incubator was founded in 2014 by Raushan Sapar and Nina Levent. They opened a gallery space in 2016 at 9 North Moore Street in <a href="/wiki/Tribeca" title="Tribeca">Tribeca</a>, <a href="/wiki/New_York_City" title="New York City">NYC</a> across from the historic <a href="/wiki/Ghostbusters_firehouse" class="mw-disambig" title="Ghostbusters firehouse">Ghostbuster's Firehouse</a>. The gallery's program focuses on global <a href="/wiki/Contemporary_art" title="Contemporary art">contemporary art</a> spanning three generations and five continents, including <a href="/wiki/Faig_Ahmed" title="Faig Ahmed">Faig Ahmed</a> (<a href="/wiki/Azerbaijan" title="Azerbaijan">Azerbaijan</a>), Yvonne Pacanovsky Bobrowicz (<a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">US</a>), [[Phoebe Boswell|Phoebe Bose ... </td> <td>3 </td> <td>6833 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mili_Bashar" title="Draft:Mili Bashar">Draft:Mili Bashar</a> (<small>Mili Bashar is a Bangladeshi actress</small>) </td> <td>Mili Bashar is is a Bangladeshi actress. She performs in Bengali TV dramas and many TVC. Mili made her stage debut with 'Shakuntala' by Nasir Uddin Yusuf Bacchu. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6033 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:One_Question" title="Draft:One Question">Draft:One Question</a> (<small>2024 EP by Ampers&One</small>) </td> <td><i>One Question</i> is first <a href="/wiki/Extended_play" title="Extended play">extended play</a> (EP) by South Korean boy band <a href="/wiki/Ampers%26One" title="Ampers&One">Ampers&One</a>. It was released on October 22, 2024, by <a href="/wiki/FNC_Entertainment" title="FNC Entertainment">FNC Entertainment</a>. The EP consists of six tracks, including the title track, "He + She = We". </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5209 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Abdollah_Abdi" title="Draft:Abdollah Abdi">Draft:Abdollah Abdi</a> (<small>Abdollah Abdi journalist and director</small>) </td> <td>Abdollah Abdi (<a href="/wiki/Persian_language" title="Persian language">Persian</a>: عبداله عبدی; born 1 August 1985 in <a href="/wiki/Amol" title="Amol">Amol</a>) is an Iranian <a href="/wiki/Journalist" title="Journalist">journalist</a>, political activist, <a href="/wiki/Television_presenter" title="Television presenter">Television presenter</a> and <a href="/wiki/Film_director" title="Film director">director</a>. Abdollah Abdi has made many television programs. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5121 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Launch_Virtual_Academy" title="Draft:Launch Virtual Academy">Draft:Launch Virtual Academy</a> (<small>Launch Virtual Academy, an online school within the Sweetwater Union High School Distri</small>) </td> <td>Launch Virtual Academy is a public <a href="/wiki/Alternative_education" title="Alternative education">alternative educational</a> institution located in <a href="/wiki/San_Diego,_California" class="mw-redirect" title="San Diego, California">San Diego, California</a>, operated by the <a href="/wiki/Sweetwater_Union_High_School_District" title="Sweetwater Union High School District">Sweetwater Union High School District.</a> The school was established in 2016 and began serving students in 2020. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>5071 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-02 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bigger_than_Hitler_%E2%80%93_Better_than_Christ" title="Draft:Bigger than Hitler – Better than Christ">Draft:Bigger than Hitler – Better than Christ</a> (<small>Semi-autobiographical book by Rik Mayall</small>) </td> <td>Bigger than Hitler – Better than Christ (sometimes prefixed The Rik Mayall) is a 2005 semi-autobiographical book by <a href="/wiki/Rik_Mayall" title="Rik Mayall">Rik Mayall</a> and partly ghostwriten by <a href="/wiki/Max_Kinnings" title="Max Kinnings">Max Kinnings</a>, written in exaggerated character. The title refers to his career being longer than <a href="/wiki/Adolf_Hitler" title="Adolf Hitler">Adolf Hitler's</a>, and that he was in a coma for 5 days after his quad bike accident (compared to <a href="/wiki/Jesus" title="Jesus">Jesus</a>, who rose from the dead after 3 days). </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5033 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Abdo_Mousa" title="Draft:Abdo Mousa">Draft:Abdo Mousa</a> (<small>Musical artist</small>) </td> <td>Abdo Mousa (<a href="/wiki/Arabic_language" class="mw-redirect" title="Arabic language">Arabic</a>: <span lang="ar" dir="rtl">عبده موسى</span>) is a <a href="/wiki/Jordanian_people" class="mw-redirect" title="Jordanian people">Jordanian</a> <a href="/wiki/Singing" title="Singing">singer</a>, <a href="/wiki/Composer" title="Composer">composer</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Rebab" title="Rebab">rebab</a> player, active in the 1960s and 1970s. A member of Jordan's <a href="/wiki/Doms_in_Jordan" title="Doms in Jordan">Bani Murra</a>, a <a href="/wiki/Dom_people" title="Dom people">Dom</a> community in Jordan known for their musical talents, Mousa rose to prominence writing, composing, and performing <a href="/wiki/Bedouin_music" title="Bedouin music">Bedouin</a> folklore music, becoming an icon of Jordanian heritage and among the most notable rebab musicians in Jordan. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4328 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Harmony:_Set_In" title="Draft:Harmony: Set In">Draft:Harmony: Set In</a> (<small>2022 EP by P1Harmony</small>) </td> <td><i>Harmony: Set In</i> is the fifth <a href="/wiki/Extended_play" title="Extended play">Extended play</a> (EP) of South Korean boy band <a href="/wiki/P1Harmony" title="P1Harmony">P1Harmony</a>. It was released by <a href="/wiki/FNC_Entertainment" title="FNC Entertainment">FNC Entertainment</a> on November 30, 2022, including the lead single "Back Down". </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4187 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Didier_Malga" title="Draft:Didier Malga">Draft:Didier Malga</a> (<small>French rally driver</small>) </td> <td>Didier Malga (<a href="/wiki/Chamali%C3%A8res" title="Chamalières">Chamalières</a>, 7 December, 1955) is a French <a href="/wiki/Rallying" title="Rallying">rally</a> driver. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4181 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Docks_Beers" title="Draft:Docks Beers">Draft:Docks Beers</a> (<small>Brewery in Grimsby, England</small>) </td> <td>Docks Beers is an independent British <a href="/wiki/Brewery" title="Brewery">brewery</a> located in Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire. Located within a joint taproom and concert venue in the town's King Edward Street, it specialises in <a href="/wiki/Craft_beer" title="Craft beer">craft beers</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3845 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-10 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Manjurul_Alam_Rajib" title="Draft:Manjurul Alam Rajib">Draft:Manjurul Alam Rajib</a> </td> <td>Manjurul Alam Rajib <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Manjurul Alam Rajib</a> is a General Secretary of <a href="/wiki/Awami_League" title="Awami League">Bangladesh Awami League</a>, Savar Upazila. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3834 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Wayne_Bank" title="Draft:Wayne Bank">Draft:Wayne Bank</a> (<small>Financial, History</small>) </td> <td>Wayne Bank is an American <a href="/wiki/Community_bank" title="Community bank">community bank</a> based in <a href="/wiki/Honesdale" class="mw-redirect" title="Honesdale">Honesdale</a>, <a href="/wiki/Pennsylvania" title="Pennsylvania">Pennsylvania</a>. It provides <a href="/wiki/Banking_services" class="mw-redirect" title="Banking services">banking services</a> to the local community and operates 29 community offices between Pennsylvania and New York. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3822 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Margaret_Blake-Alverson" title="Draft:Margaret Blake-Alverson">Draft:Margaret Blake-Alverson</a> </td> <td><a href="/w/index.php?title=Rosana_Margaret_Kroh&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Rosana Margaret Kroh (page does not exist)">Rosana Margaret Kroh</a> should link here </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3755 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rajai_Ardakani" title="Draft:Rajai Ardakani">Draft:Rajai Ardakani</a> (<small>Jordani Footballer</small>) </td> <td>Rajai Tarek Fadel Ardakani is goalkeeper from <a href="/wiki/Jordan" title="Jordan">Jordan</a> who currently plays in the fourth tier of Emirati football for <a href="/wiki/Al_Qabila_FC" title="Al Qabila FC">Al Qabila FC</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3736 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Tour_Guy" title="Draft:The Tour Guy">Draft:The Tour Guy</a> </td> <td>The Tour Guy (formerly known as The Roman Guy) is a travel and tour company that provides tours in the US, UK and Europe to visitors with a focus on hidden spots not usually seen by regular tourists. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3713 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yasin_Hac%C4%B1o%C4%9Flu" title="Draft:Yasin Hacıoğlu">Draft:Yasin Hacıoğlu</a> (<small>Yasin Hacıoğlu is a Turkish entrepreneur and business leader known for his expertise in technology and mining.</small>) </td> <td>Yasin Hacıoğlu is a Turkish entrepreneur and the CEO of Hacioglugoldmining, a company focused on gold mining. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3662 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-27 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Henry_Neave" title="Draft:Henry Neave">Draft:Henry Neave</a> (<small>British academic and educator</small>) </td> <td>Henry Neave is a British business theorist, management consultant, statistician, and writer. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3654 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Satellite_Lovers" title="Draft:Satellite Lovers">Draft:Satellite Lovers</a> (<small>Japanese pop band</small>) </td> <td>Satellite Lovers (サテライト・ラヴァーズ) was a japanese <a href="/wiki/Pop_band" class="mw-redirect" title="Pop band">pop band</a> formed in <a href="/wiki/1994" title="1994">1994</a>. The band started as a <a href="/wiki/Shibuya-kei" title="Shibuya-kei">Shibuya-kei</a> group with <a href="/wiki/Folk_music" title="Folk music">folk</a> and <a href="/wiki/Soul_music" title="Soul music">soul</a> elements, but later developed a <a href="/wiki/Hip_hop_music" title="Hip hop music">Hip-hop</a> style.The group, wich took his name from <a href="/wiki/Lou_Reed" title="Lou Reed">Lou Reed</a>'s single <a href="/wiki/Satellite_of_Love" title="Satellite of Love">Satellite of Love</a>, released only three albums, a single and a final 5 track EP. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3637 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Zsombor_Gruber" title="Draft:Zsombor Gruber">Draft:Zsombor Gruber</a> (<small>Hungarian footballer (born 2004)</small>) </td> <td>Zsombor Gruber (born 7 September 2004) is a Hungarian professional <a href="/wiki/Association_football" title="Association football">footballer</a> who plays as a <a href="/wiki/Forward_(association_football)" title="Forward (association football)">forward</a> for <a href="/wiki/Nemzeti_Bajnoks%C3%A1g_I" title="Nemzeti Bajnokság I">Nemzeti Bajnokság I</a> club <a href="/wiki/Ferencv%C3%A1rosi_TC" title="Ferencvárosi TC">Ferencváros</a>. and the <a href="/wiki/Hungary_national_football_team" title="Hungary national football team">Hungary national team</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3459 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Girl_Behind_the_Face_Initiative" title="Draft:The Girl Behind the Face Initiative">Draft:The Girl Behind the Face Initiative</a> (<small>Awareness Organisation</small>) </td> <td>Tina, Rog & Mui Thomas are Hong Kong based motivational speakers and activists known for their mental health initiative: The Girl Behind the Face (founded in 2015). Mui Thomas was born with the appearance altering Harlequin ichthyosis in Hong Kong. Tina, Rog & Mui became full-time motivational speakers in 2020. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3438 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nepal_In_Data" title="Draft:Nepal In Data">Draft:Nepal In Data</a> (<small>A portal that gives free access to Development data of Nepal</small>) </td> <td>Established in 2017, Nepal in Data is an online portal in Nepal’s data revolution, strongly emphasizing <a href="/wiki/Open_data" title="Open data">open data</a> accessibility. It is a private data solution provider organization in Nepal. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>3358 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Barre_Center_for_Buddhist_Studies" title="Draft:Barre Center for Buddhist Studies">Draft:Barre Center for Buddhist Studies</a> (<small>A center for Buddhist Studies in Barre, Massachusetts</small>) </td> <td>The Barre Center for Buddhist Studies (BCBS) was founded in 1990 by <a href="/wiki/Joseph_Goldstein_(writer)" title="Joseph Goldstein (writer)">Joseph Goldstein</a> and <a href="/wiki/Sharon_Salzberg" title="Sharon Salzberg">Sharon Salzberg</a>. It was founded as a complement to the nearby <a href="/wiki/Insight_Meditation_Society" title="Insight Meditation Society">Insight Meditation Society</a> retreat center, and operates as an independent educational organization. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3335 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Heil_dir,_o_Oldenburg" title="Draft:Heil dir, o Oldenburg">Draft:Heil dir, o Oldenburg</a> (<small>Anthem of several states of Oldenburg</small>) </td> <td><i>Heil dir, o Oldenburg</i> was the <a href="/wiki/National_anthem" title="National anthem">national anthem</a> of the <a href="/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Oldenburg" title="Grand Duchy of Oldenburg">Grand Duchy</a>, and after 1918, the <a href="/wiki/Free_State_of_Oldenburg" title="Free State of Oldenburg">Free State of Oldenburg</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3326 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Olga_Kaminska" title="Draft:Olga Kaminska">Draft:Olga Kaminska</a> (<small>Polish Model and Beauty Pageant</small>) </td> <td>Olga Maria Kamińska is a Polish international <a href="/wiki/Model_(person)" title="Model (person)">model</a> and former <a href="/wiki/Beauty_pageant" title="Beauty pageant">beauty pageant</a> born in <a href="/wiki/Pozna%C5%84" title="Poznań">Pozńan, Poland</a>. Olga has represented her country in several beauty competitions, including <a href="/wiki/Miss_Bikini_of_the_Universe" title="Miss Bikini of the Universe">Miss Bikini International</a> in the year 2010, and <a href="/wiki/Miss_Tourism_International" title="Miss Tourism International">Miss European Tourism Queen</a> 2010. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>3318 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Casio_fx_CG50" title="Draft:Casio fx CG50">Draft:Casio fx CG50</a> (<small>Graphing calculator</small>) </td> <td>The Casio fx-CG50 is a <a href="/wiki/Graphing_calculator" title="Graphing calculator">graphing calculator</a> made by <a href="/wiki/Casio" title="Casio">Casio</a> and is the newest part of the <a href="/wiki/Casio_graphic_calculators#fx-CG_Prizm_series" title="Casio graphic calculators">Prizm series</a>, releasing in 2017. Some recocnisable fetures are its python app,and its picture plot app. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3296 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-26 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Myron_A._Cooney" title="Draft:Myron A. Cooney">Draft:Myron A. Cooney</a> </td> <td><a href="/w/index.php?title=Myron_Cooney&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Myron Cooney (page does not exist)">Myron Cooney</a> and <a href="/w/index.php?title=Myron_Angelo_Cooney&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Myron Angelo Cooney (page does not exist)">Myron Angelo Cooney</a> should link here </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3249 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jharkhand_Urban_Infrastructure_Development_Company" title="Draft:Jharkhand Urban Infrastructure Development Company">Draft:Jharkhand Urban Infrastructure Development Company</a> </td> <td>Jharkhand Urban Infrastructure Development Company (JUIDCO) is a public sector undertaking established by the <a href="/wiki/Government_of_Jharkhand" title="Government of Jharkhand">Government of Jharkhand</a>. It focuses on planning and implementing urban infrastructure projects to enhance the quality of life in urban areas. JUIDCO is responsible for executing various development initiatives, including roads, sanitation, and public transportation systems. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3234 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Legal_Matter_Standard_Specification" title="Draft:Legal Matter Standard Specification">Draft:Legal Matter Standard Specification</a> (<small>a taxonomy of legal matters</small>) </td> <td>The Legal Matter Standard Specification (LMSS) is a <a href="/wiki/Taxonomy" title="Taxonomy">taxonomy</a> for the uniform description of legal proceedings and related processes and entities. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3228 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:A_Dangerous_Kind_of_Love" title="Draft:A Dangerous Kind of Love">Draft:A Dangerous Kind of Love</a> (<small>A Dangerous Kind of Love Wikipedia page</small>) </td> <td><i>A Dangerous Kind of Love</i> was a 1986 TV play which was included in as an episode of the 1986 TV series <i>Mountain Men</i>. The play was produced by the <a href="/wiki/BBC" title="BBC">BBC</a> and screened on 30 June 1986 on <a href="/wiki/BBC_Two" title="BBC Two">BBC Two</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3113 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:William_Henry_Hare_Hedges-White,_4th_Earl_of_Bantry" title="Draft:William Henry Hare Hedges-White, 4th Earl of Bantry">Draft:William Henry Hare Hedges-White, 4th Earl of Bantry</a> (<small>British noble and author (1923–2011)</small>) </td> <td>William Henry Hare Hedges-White, 4th Earl of Bantry <a href="/wiki/Justice_of_the_peace" title="Justice of the peace">JP</a> was a British peer and landowner. White was born at <a href="/wiki/Bantry_House" title="Bantry House">Bantry House</a> on the 2 July 1854. He was the son of <a href="/wiki/William_Hedges-White,_3rd_Earl_of_Bantry" title="William Hedges-White, 3rd Earl of Bantry">William Hedges-White, 3rd Earl of Bantry</a> and Jane Herbert, Countess of Bantry. He succeeded to the earldom at his father's death on 15 January 1884. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3088 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Abraham_Kanu_(footballer,_born_2005)" title="Draft:Abraham Kanu (footballer, born 2005)">Draft:Abraham Kanu (footballer, born 2005)</a> (<small>English footballer</small>) </td> <td>Abraham Kanu (born 03 July 2005) is an English professional <a href="/wiki/Association_football" title="Association football">footballer</a> who plays as a <a href="/wiki/Defender" class="mw-disambig" title="Defender">defender</a> for <a href="/wiki/EFL_League_One" title="EFL League One">EFL League One</a> club <a href="/wiki/Reading_F.C." title="Reading F.C.">Reading</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3041 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:List_of_Irish_MPs_1569%E2%80%931571" title="Draft:List of Irish MPs 1569–1571">Draft:List of Irish MPs 1569–1571</a> (<small>List of Irish MPs</small>) </td> <td>This is a list of members elected to the <a href="/wiki/Irish_House_of_Commons" title="Irish House of Commons">Irish House of Commons</a> in 1569. The parliament sat until 1571. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2944 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Charles_B._Green_(Mississippi_politician)" title="Draft:Charles B. Green (Mississippi politician)">Draft:Charles B. Green (Mississippi politician)</a> </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Charles_Green" class="mw-disambig" title="Charles Green">Charles Green</a> and <a href="/w/index.php?title=C._B._Green&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="C. B. Green (page does not exist)">C. B. Green</a> should link here </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2891 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hochbetrieb_(film)" title="Draft:Hochbetrieb (film)">Draft:Hochbetrieb (film)</a> (<small>Short film</small>) </td> <td>Hochbetrieb (Nuts & Bolts in English) is a silent slapstick short film. It received a <i>Menzione Speciale</i> (Special Mention) in the short film competition of the 60th <a href="/wiki/Venice_Film_Festival" title="Venice Film Festival">Venice Film Festival</a> - <i>"For having paid a tribute to <a href="/wiki/Harold_Lloyd" title="Harold Lloyd">Harold Lloyd</a>, who shall not be forgotten, by means of modern technology"</i>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>2848 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Chinmay_Sharma" title="Draft:Chinmay Sharma">Draft:Chinmay Sharma</a> (<small>8 times Guinness world record in martial arts from India</small>) </td> <td>Chinmay Sharma is an Indian martial arts practitioner and self-defense trainer from <a href="/wiki/New_Delhi" title="New Delhi">New Delhi</a>, India. He holds the Guinness World Record for the highest unassisted martial arts 360 kick (male)], achieving a height of 2.08 metres (6 ft 10 in) on 4 August 2024 in New Delhi. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2845 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Peter_Yuen" title="Draft:Peter Yuen">Draft:Peter Yuen</a> (<small>Chinese-Canadian former Deputy Chief of Toronto Police nominated by Ontario Liberal party.</small>) </td> <td>Peter Yuen is a former Deputy Chief of the <a href="/wiki/Toronto_Police_Service" title="Toronto Police Service">Toronto Police Service</a>. After serving a distinguished 35-year career with the Toronto Police Service, Yuen retired as Deputy Chief and second in command overseeing Community Safety Command in the largest municipal service in Canada. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2798 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Buscemi_nonlocality" title="Draft:Buscemi nonlocality">Draft:Buscemi nonlocality</a> (<small>Concept in quantum theory</small>) </td> <td>Buscemi nonlocality, a concept proposed by Francesco Buscemi in 2012, refers to a type of <a href="/wiki/Quantum_nonlocality" title="Quantum nonlocality">quantum nonlocality</a> that arises in <a href="/wiki/Bell_test" title="Bell test">Bell tests</a> where the local measurement settings are determined not by classical programs but by quantum states. While, as the counterexample of <a href="/wiki/Werner_state" title="Werner state">Werner states</a> shows, <a href="/wiki/Bell_nonlocality" class="mw-redirect" title="Bell nonlocality">Bell nonlocality</a> is known not to be equivalent to <a href="/wiki/Quantum_entanglement" title="Quantum entanglement">quantum entanglement</a>, the latter instead turns out to be equivalent to Buscemi nonlocality: a quantum state is "Busce ... </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2798 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Gaurav_Yadav_(police_officer)" title="Draft:Gaurav Yadav (police officer)">Draft:Gaurav Yadav (police officer)</a> (<small>Indian police officer</small>) </td> <td>Gaurav Yadav is an <a href="/wiki/Indian_Police_Service" title="Indian Police Service">Indian Police Service</a> (IPS) officer of 1992 batch. He is current <a href="/wiki/Director_general_of_police" title="Director general of police">Director General of Police</a> of <a href="/wiki/Punjab_Police_(India)" title="Punjab Police (India)">Punjab</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2783 </td> <td>draftified<br /><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Gaurav_Yadav_(police_officer)" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Gaurav Yadav (police officer)">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:2024_Arab-Islamic_Summit" title="Draft:2024 Arab-Islamic Summit">Draft:2024 Arab-Islamic Summit</a> (<small>Geopolitics</small>) </td> <td>The 2024 Arab-Islamic Summit was held in <a href="/wiki/Riyadh" title="Riyadh">Riyadh</a>, Saudi Arabia, chaired by <a href="/wiki/Mohammed_bin_Salman" title="Mohammed bin Salman">Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman</a>, who is also the Kingdom's Prime Minister, on November 11. Organized by Saudi Arabia as an independent effort, the summit addressed critical regional issues, including the <a href="/wiki/Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict" title="Israeli–Palestinian conflict">Israeli-Palestinian conflict</a> and the situation in <a href="/wiki/Lebanon" title="Lebanon">Lebanon</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2752 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Robert_(Bob)_Donnelly" title="Draft:Robert (Bob) Donnelly">Draft:Robert (Bob) Donnelly</a> </td> <td>Robert M. Donnelly, aka Professor Bob Donnelly, is an American author, academic, and business executive that has over 20 years of teaching experience in American graduate and undergraduate business curriculum. He has taught at <a href="/wiki/Stevens_Institute_of_Business_and_Arts" title="Stevens Institute of Business and Arts">Stevens Master of Science Business Programs</a>, and Steven’s new Center for Artificial Intelligence, and more recently (2023) Donnelly worked with faculty and students on AI applications for in the wastewater industry. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2739 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Shahram_Izadi" title="Draft:Shahram Izadi">Draft:Shahram Izadi</a> (<small>British computer scientist leading products and research in augmented reality, machine learning</small>) </td> <td>Shahram Izadi is an Iranian-born British computer scientist known for his contributions in augmented reality, computer vision, artificial intelligence, and human computer interaction. He is the VP & GM of Google's AR/XR division, leading the advancement of augmented reality products and platform. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2724 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Shahram_Izadi" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Shahram Izadi">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Phuz" title="Draft:Phuz">Draft:Phuz</a> (<small>American rock band</small>) </td> <td>Phuz was a <a href="/wiki/Filipino_Americans" title="Filipino Americans">Filipino-American</a> rock-pop indie band from <a href="/wiki/Houston" title="Houston">Houston, Texas</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2672 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lincoln_Lu" title="Draft:Lincoln Lu">Draft:Lincoln Lu</a> (<small>Founder of Orion Land & EC Member of the All-China Federation of Industry and commerce in HK</small>) </td> <td><a href="" class="extiw" title="yue:呂聯勤">Lincoln Lu</a> (<a href="/wiki/Chinese_language" title="Chinese language">Chinese</a>: 呂聯勤) is the founder and managing director of Orion Land(<a href="/wiki/Chinese" class="mw-disambig" title="Chinese">Chinese</a>: 東立地產) . He graduated from the <a href="/wiki/University_of_British_Columbia" title="University of British Columbia">University of British Columbia</a> in <a href="/wiki/Canada" title="Canada">Canada</a>. In addition, he serves as an Executive Committee Member of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce in Hong Kong. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2671 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:A._S._Staley_High_School" title="Draft:A. S. Staley High School">Draft:A. S. Staley High School</a> </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Staley_High_School" title="Staley High School">Staley High School</a> should link here </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2630 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Gravity_Compressor" title="Draft:Gravity Compressor">Draft:Gravity Compressor</a> (<small>'Gravity Compressor,' detailing its unique technology using water and gravity for air compression</small>) </td> <td>A Gravity Compressor is a mechanical device that increases the <a href="/wiki/Pressure" title="Pressure">pressure</a> of a <a href="/wiki/Gas" title="Gas">gas</a> by reducing its <a href="/wiki/Volume" title="Volume">volume</a>. A Gravity Compressor is a specific type of gas <a href="/wiki/Compressor" title="Compressor">compressor</a> that utilizes a <a href="/wiki/Fluid" title="Fluid">fluid</a> and <a href="/wiki/Gravity" title="Gravity">gravity</a> to compress air. The technology have been developed by a Swedish company called Enairon AB, and is marketed under the product name Enairon Gravity Compressor 400 MVSD-7.. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>2595 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:MJoobi" title="Draft:MJoobi">Draft:MJoobi</a> (<small>Iranian DJ and music producer</small>) </td> <td>MJoobi, born Soheil Mahjoobi, is an Iranian <a href="/wiki/Record_producer" title="Record producer">music producer</a>, <a href="/wiki/Audio_engineer" title="Audio engineer">sound engineer</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Disc_jockey" title="Disc jockey">DJ</a>, recognized for his contributions to blending <a href="/wiki/Persian_traditional_music" title="Persian traditional music">Persian traditional music</a> with <a href="/wiki/Electronic_music" title="Electronic music">electronic sounds</a>. Active since the mid-2000s, he has worked with numerous Iranian artists and contributed to the underground music scene in <a href="/wiki/Iran" title="Iran">Iran</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>2441 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jay_Wearden" title="Draft:Jay Wearden">Draft:Jay Wearden</a> (<small>Influencial Manchester DJ. He has been an innovator in the Manchester music scene for over 30 years.</small>) </td> <td>Jay Wearden is a DJ from <a href="/wiki/Openshaw" title="Openshaw">Openshaw</a> Manchester that started his career on the early <a href="/wiki/Acid_house" title="Acid house">Acid House</a> scene. He was a DJ at <a href="/wiki/Acid_house" title="Acid house">The Thunderdome</a> Manchester in the late 80's, later in the early 90's, he became the DJ and co-promoter at the Hippodrome Middleton . He DJ-ed at the Blackburn illegal warehouse <a href="/wiki/Acid_house_party" title="Acid house party">parties</a> in the late 80's. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>2394 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hillbilly_Ranch" title="Draft:Hillbilly Ranch">Draft:Hillbilly Ranch</a> </td> <td>The Hillbilly Ranch was a <a href="/wiki/Country_music" title="Country music">Country and Western</a> club in <a href="/wiki/New_England" title="New England">New England</a> that was opened between 1939 and 1980. Located in the <a href="/wiki/Combat_Zone,_Boston" title="Combat Zone, Boston">Combat Zone, Boston</a>, it featured house bands that included <a href="/wiki/Tex_Logan" class="mw-redirect" title="Tex Logan">Tex Logan</a>, <a href="/wiki/The_Lilly_Brothers" title="The Lilly Brothers">The Lilly Brothers</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Don_Stover" title="Don Stover">Don Stover</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2392 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Susan_McMartin" title="Draft:Susan McMartin">Draft:Susan McMartin</a> </td> <td>Susan McMartin is an author and <a href="/wiki/Screenwriter" title="Screenwriter">screenwriter</a> in the United States. She wrote the story the 2016 film <i><a href="/wiki/Mr._Church" title="Mr. Church">Mr. Church</a></i> based on her life experiences. McMartin worked as a writer and producer on the <a href="/wiki/CBS_television" class="mw-redirect" title="CBS television">CBS television</a> series <i><a href="/wiki/Mom_(TV_series)" title="Mom (TV series)">Mom</a></i> and as a writer for <i><a href="/wiki/Two_and_a_Half_Men" title="Two and a Half Men">Two and a Half Men</a></i>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2285 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Krist%C4%ABne_Bla%C5%BEevi%C4%8Da" title="Draft:Kristīne Blaževiča">Draft:Kristīne Blaževiča</a> (<small>Latvian track and field athlete (born 2001)</small>) </td> <td>Kristīne Blaževiča (born 11 December 2001) is a Latvian track and field athlete. A multi-event athlete, in 2022 she became Latvian national champion over <a href="/wiki/100m_hurdles" class="mw-redirect" title="100m hurdles">100m hurdles</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2283 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ted_Cadsby" title="Draft:Ted Cadsby">Draft:Ted Cadsby</a> (<small>Ted Cadsby is a Canadian business executive and author. He was president and CEO of CIBC Securities.</small>) </td> <td>Ted Cadsby (born 1965) is a Canadian business executive, author and public speaker. He was the president and CEO of <a href="/wiki/CIBC" class="mw-redirect" title="CIBC">CIBC</a> Securities Inc. and executive vice president of <a href="/wiki/Canadian_Imperial_Bank_of_Commerce" title="Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce">Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce</a>'s retail distribution. He has written four books, including two national bestsellers, on topics related to investing, organizational and personal effectiveness, and cognitive psychology. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2259 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Ted_Cadsby" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Ted Cadsby">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Indianapolis_Ledger" title="Draft:Indianapolis Ledger">Draft:Indianapolis Ledger</a> </td> <td>The <i>Indianapolis Ledger</i> (1912-192?) was a newspaper in <a href="/wiki/Indianapolis" title="Indianapolis">Indianapolis</a>, Indiana. J. D. Howard (<a href="/w/index.php?title=John_Dalphin_Howard&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="John Dalphin Howard (page does not exist)">John Dalphin Howard</a>) was publisher. It marketed itself as a "Colored newspaper for the home devoted to the interests of the race in Indiana." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2257 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:JKA_All_Japan_Karate_Championship" title="Draft:JKA All Japan Karate Championship">Draft:JKA All Japan Karate Championship</a> (<small>Karate tournament in Japan</small>) </td> <td>The All Japan Karate Championship (全国空手道選手権大会, <i>Zenkoku karatedō senshuken taikai</i>) is an annual <a href="/wiki/Karate" title="Karate">karate</a> competition organized by the <a href="/wiki/Japan_Karate_Association" title="Japan Karate Association">Japan Karate Association</a> (JKA), one of the world's oldest <a href="/wiki/Shotokan" title="Shotokan">Shotokan</a> karate organizations. First held in 1957, it is considered to be one of the most prestigious karate competitions in the world. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2224 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Emanuel_Kr%C3%BCger" title="Draft:Emanuel Krüger">Draft:Emanuel Krüger</a> (<small>German film director</small>) </td> <td>Emanuel Krüger (born <a href="/wiki/August_4" title="August 4">August 4</a>, <a href="/wiki/1992" title="1992">1992</a> in <a href="/wiki/Siegen" title="Siegen">Siegen</a>) is a German <a href="/wiki/Film_director" title="Film director">film director</a> and <a href="/wiki/Screenwriter" title="Screenwriter">screenwriter</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2220 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Emanuel_Kr%C3%BCger" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Emanuel Krüger">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Convent_of_Santa_Clara_(Funchal)" title="Draft:Convent of Santa Clara (Funchal)">Draft:Convent of Santa Clara (Funchal)</a> (<small>Portuguese convent</small>) </td> <td>The Convent of Santa Clara is a convent of <a href="/wiki/Clarisses" class="mw-redirect" title="Clarisses">clarisses</a> located in <a href="/wiki/Funchal" title="Funchal">Funchal</a>, <a href="/wiki/Madeira" title="Madeira">Madeira</a>, <a href="/wiki/Portugal" title="Portugal">Portugal</a>. It was built on the late <a href="/wiki/15th_century" title="15th century">15th century</a> to house the daughters of nobility in the island. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2213 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Instats" title="Draft:Instats">Draft:Instats</a> (<small>Digital education platform</small>) </td> <td>The Institute for Statistical and Data Science, also known as Instats, is a digital education platform founded in 2022. Instats brings together different universities, associations, companies and individual academic experts to offer a range of live and on-demand courses on both qualitative and quantitative methodology across all disciplines. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>2168 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:List_of_countries_with_minimum_unit_price_laws_for_alcohol" title="Draft:List of countries with minimum unit price laws for alcohol">Draft:List of countries with minimum unit price laws for alcohol</a> (<small>Laws aim to tackle alcohol-related harms by establishing a minimum price per unit of alcohol</small>) </td> <td>This is a list of countries with minimum unit price laws for alcohol. A few countries have implemented minimum unit pricing (MUP) for <a href="/wiki/Alcohol_(drug)" title="Alcohol (drug)">alcohol</a>. These laws aim to tackle alcohol-related harms by establishing a minimum price per unit of alcohol, thereby discouraging excessive consumption and improving public health outcomes. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>2161 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lissette_Feliciano" title="Draft:Lissette Feliciano">Draft:Lissette Feliciano</a> (<small>Latina film writer & director</small>) </td> <td>Lissette Feliciano is an award-winning filmmaker born and raised in San Francisco, California. Her debut feature film was the <a href="/wiki/South_by_Southwest" title="South by Southwest">SXSW</a> hit <i><a href="/wiki/Women_Is_Losers" title="Women Is Losers">"Women is Losers"</a></i>, starring <a href="/wiki/Lorenza_Izzo" title="Lorenza Izzo">Lorenza Izzo</a> and <a href="/wiki/Simu_Liu" title="Simu Liu">Simu Liu</a>. After playing at numerous festivals across the country and garnering several Best Director and Best Narrative Feature awards, including the prestigious <a href="/wiki/Mill_Valley_Film_Festival" title="Mill Valley Film Festival">Mill Valley Film Festival</a>s Audience Award, <a href="/wiki/MAX" class="mw-redirect mw-disambig" title="MAX">MAX</a> acquired the film. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2138 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Rudrakanyas" title="Draft:Rudrakanyas">Draft:Rudrakanyas</a> (<small>Rudrakanyas are a important part of the Shaivite Hindu tradition in India</small>) </td> <td>Rudrakanyas are one of the sects of <a href="/wiki/Shaivism" title="Shaivism">Shaivism</a> and <a href="/wiki/Shaktism" title="Shaktism">Shaktism</a> and consists of women who have dedicated themselves to the service of Shiva and Parvati through <a href="/wiki/Dance" title="Dance">dancing</a>. <a href="/wiki/Skanda_Purana" title="Skanda Purana">Skanda Purana</a> describes them as the daughters of Shiva and Parvati born out of the divine admiration shown by the rishis and rishikas of <a href="/wiki/Daruka" title="Daruka">Devatāruvana</a> towards Shiva and Parvati. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>2082 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Thomas_P._Fenner" title="Draft:Thomas P. Fenner">Draft:Thomas P. Fenner</a> </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Thomas_Fenner" title="Thomas Fenner">Thomas Fenner</a>, <a href="/w/index.php?title=T._P._Fenner&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="T. P. Fenner (page does not exist)">T. P. Fenner</a> and <a href="/w/index.php?title=Thomas_Putnum_Fenner&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Thomas Putnum Fenner (page does not exist)">Thomas Putnum Fenner</a> should link here </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2062 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Robert_Presnell_Sr." title="Draft:Robert Presnell Sr.">Draft:Robert Presnell Sr.</a> </td> <td>Robert Presnell Sr. was a journalist, screenwriter, and filmmaker who worked on Hollywood films, made war propaganda films for the military during World War II, and worked on documentaries. <a href="/wiki/Robert_Presnell_Jr." title="Robert Presnell Jr.">Robert Presnell Jr.</a> was his son. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2033 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Monguya_Mbenge_v._Zaire" title="Draft:Monguya Mbenge v. Zaire">Draft:Monguya Mbenge v. Zaire</a> (<small>Zairian Governer, exiled</small>) </td> <td>Monguya Mbenge v. Zaire was a <a href="/wiki/Trial_in_absentia" title="Trial in absentia">trial in absentia</a> that took place in 1978–1979, in which Monguya Mbenge, a former governor of the <a href="/wiki/Katanga_Province" title="Katanga Province">Shaba</a> region in <a href="/wiki/Zaire" title="Zaire">Zaire</a>, was sentenced to death while in exile under <a href="/wiki/Political_asylum" class="mw-redirect" title="Political asylum">political asylum</a> in <a href="/wiki/Belgium" title="Belgium">Belgium</a> for alleged involvement in political plots. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>2027 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-25 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Angry_Blackmen" title="Draft:Angry Blackmen">Draft:Angry Blackmen</a> (<small>Experimental Hip Hop Duo</small>) </td> <td>Angry Blackmen is an experimental hip-hop duo formed in Chicago, Illinois, and has been releasing music since 2017. The band consists of Brian Warren and Quentin Branch. The group is known for their blend of aggressive lyrics with glitchy, electronic beats.   </td> <td>1 </td> <td>2010 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Akinola_Pedro" title="Draft:Akinola Pedro">Draft:Akinola Pedro</a> (<small>Musical artist</small>) </td> <td>Akinola Jordan Pedro (born July 2, 1994), also formerly known as AkinG Kalld Pedro is an American musician, songwriter, rapper, and record producer. In 2019, Pedro’s breakout single, Traffic.jam {BARGAIN}, was hand-picked by <a href="/wiki/Kevin_Durant" title="Kevin Durant">Kevin Durant</a> and <a href="/wiki/Steve_Stoute" title="Steve Stoute">Steve Stoute</a> himself for <a href="/wiki/NBA_2K20" title="NBA 2K20">NBA 2K20</a>’s Soundtrack. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>2003 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Akinola_Pedro" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Akinola Pedro">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Night_of_the_Zoopocalypse" title="Draft:Night of the Zoopocalypse">Draft:Night of the Zoopocalypse</a> (<small>2024 animated film</small>) </td> <td><i>Night of the Zoopocalypse</i> is a 2024 animated Canadian-Belgium-French film directed by Ricardo Curtis and Rodrigo Perez-Castro. It premiered at the <a href="/wiki/57th_Sitges_Film_Festival" title="57th Sitges Film Festival">57th Sitges Film Festival</a> on October 7, 2024 and will release in the United States by Viva Pictures on March 7, 2025. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>1994 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-29 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Shenzhen_Fashion_Week" title="Draft:Shenzhen Fashion Week">Draft:Shenzhen Fashion Week</a> (<small>Semi-annually fashion event in Shenzhen, China</small>) </td> <td>Shenzhen Fashion Week (<a href="/wiki/Simplified_Chinese_characters" title="Simplified Chinese characters">Simplified Chinese</a>: 深圳时装周;<a href="/wiki/Traditional_Chinese_characters" title="Traditional Chinese characters">Traditional Chinese</a>: 深圳時裝周) is a series of designer presentations held semi-annually in <a href="/wiki/Shenzhen" title="Shenzhen">Shenzhen</a>, <a href="/wiki/China" title="China">China</a>, with spring and autumn events held each year. SFW is a fashion event hosted by the People's Government of Shenzhen, organized by the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology Shenzhen Municipality, and undertaken by the Shenzhen Garment Industry Association. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1947 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-26 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Edward_M._Watson" title="Draft:Edward M. Watson">Draft:Edward M. Watson</a> (<small>American judge (1874–1938)</small>) </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Edward_Watson" class="mw-disambig" title="Edward Watson">Edward Watson</a> should link here </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1930 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ian_Lambot" title="Draft:Ian Lambot">Draft:Ian Lambot</a> (<small>British photographer</small>) </td> <td>Ian Lambot (born 1953) is a British architect and photographer mostly known for his photographs of the <a href="/wiki/Kowloon_Walled_City" title="Kowloon Walled City">Kowloon Walled City</a> which he visited hundreds of times between 1985 and its demolition in 1994. Although he initially explored it out of personal interest he later joined forces with Canadian photographer <a href="/wiki/Greg_Girard" title="Greg Girard">Greg Girard</a> to document this much-maligned corner of <a href="/wiki/Hong_Kong" title="Hong Kong">Hong Kong</a>, which at the time was the most densely populated place on the planet. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1924 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Vishal_Prashant" class="mw-redirect" title="Draft:Vishal Prashant">Draft:Vishal Prashant</a> (<small>Indian politician</small>) </td> <td>Vishal Prashant is an Indian politician from Bihar. He is a <a href="/wiki/Bihar_Legislative_Assembly" title="Bihar Legislative Assembly">member of the Bihar Legislative Assembly</a> since 2024, representing <a href="/wiki/Tarari_Assembly_constituency" title="Tarari Assembly constituency">Tarari Assembly constituency</a> as a member of the <a href="/wiki/Bharatiya_Janata_Party" title="Bharatiya Janata Party">Bharatiya Janata Party </a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1921 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-26 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Baton_Rouge_College" title="Draft:Baton Rouge College">Draft:Baton Rouge College</a> </td> <td><a href="/w/index.php?title=Baton_Rouge_Academy&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Baton Rouge Academy (page does not exist)">Baton Rouge Academy</a> should redirect here </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1916 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sangur" title="Draft:Sangur">Draft:Sangur</a> (<small>A tribe of Jadgal people</small>) </td> <td>Sangur are a tribe of the <a href="/wiki/Jadgal_people" title="Jadgal people">Jadgal people</a> that is scattered from the Iranian <a href="/wiki/Makran" title="Makran">Makran</a> to <a href="/wiki/Lasbela_District" title="Lasbela District">Lasbela</a> in <a href="/wiki/Pakistan" title="Pakistan">Pakistan</a>. They claim affinity with the <a href="/wiki/Jokhio" title="Jokhio">Jokhio</a> tribe of <a href="/wiki/Sindh" title="Sindh">Sindh</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1914 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sarah_Tonin" title="Draft:Sarah Tonin">Draft:Sarah Tonin</a> </td> <td>Sarah Tonin is an <a href="/wiki/Avant-pop" title="Avant-pop">Avant-pop</a> band based in Des Moines, Iowa. Frontman Sarah Bean started his musical career playing at Girls Rock! Des Moines, subsequently writing an original EP titled <i>7th</i>, which he performed across Des Moines and released under GR!T Records. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>1909 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-13 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Xu_Wenrong" title="Draft:Xu Wenrong">Draft:Xu Wenrong</a> (<small>Founder of Chinese company, one of China's first billionaires</small>) </td> <td>Xu Wenrong (simplified Chinese:徐文荣;traditional Chinese: 徐文榮, born 1935) is a Chinese businessman and the founder of <a href="/wiki/Hengdian_Group" title="Hengdian Group">Hengdian Group</a>. The former president and chairman of the conglomerate is now retired and was one of China's first billionaires. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1900 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Dai_Ying" title="Draft:Dai Ying">Draft:Dai Ying</a> (<small>Senior Vice President of iQIYI, is a veteran producer</small>) </td> <td>Dai Ying, Senior Vice President of <a href="/wiki/IQIYI" title="IQIYI">iQIYI</a>, Dai has produced several projects, including <a href="/wiki/The_Bad_Kids_(TV_series)" title="The Bad Kids (TV series)"><i>The Bad Kids</i></a>, <a href="/wiki/The_Knockout_(Chinese_TV_series)" title="The Knockout (Chinese TV series)"><i>The Knockout</i></a>, <a href="/wiki/The_Thunder_(TV_series)" title="The Thunder (TV series)"><i>The Thunder</i></a>. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>1877 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yaelokre" title="Draft:Yaelokre">Draft:Yaelokre</a> (<small>Musical artist</small>) </td> <td>Keath Ósk is a Filipino-Icelandic singer-songwriter and multimedia artist known for their <a href="/wiki/Folk_music" title="Folk music">folk music</a> storytelling project Yaelokre. Osk began releasing music under Yaelokre in 2024, going viral on <a href="/wiki/TikTok" title="TikTok">TikTok</a> the summer of the same year for their song "Harpy Hare". </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1866 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Okolona_Carnegie_Library" title="Draft:Okolona Carnegie Library">Draft:Okolona Carnegie Library</a> </td> <td>Okolona Carnegie Library, located at 321 Main Street, is a public library in <a href="/wiki/Okolona,_Mississippi" title="Okolona, Mississippi">Okolona, Mississippi</a>. It received funding as a <a href="/wiki/Carnegie_Library" class="mw-redirect" title="Carnegie Library">Carnegie Library</a>, was designed by <a href="/wiki/John_Gaisford" title="John Gaisford">John Gaisford</a> of Memphis, and opened in 1915. The grounds formerly included a park with a wading pool. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1828 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:National_Commission_on_Twice-Exceptional_Students" title="Draft:National Commission on Twice-Exceptional Students">Draft:National Commission on Twice-Exceptional Students</a> (<small>Describe National Commission on Twice-Exceptional Students</small>) </td> <td>The US National Commission on Twice-Exceptional Students met for the first time in 2009. The Commission concluded four years later with a new definition of <a href="/wiki/Twice-exceptional" class="mw-redirect" title="Twice-exceptional">twice-exceptional</a> (2e) and an inventory of suggestions for moving forward. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1824 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Henry_Brash" title="Draft:Henry Brash">Draft:Henry Brash</a> </td> <td>Henry Brash (March 18, 1857-July 11, 1928) was a merchant and mayor. He served as mayor of <a href="/wiki/Marianna,_Florida" title="Marianna, Florida">Marianna, Florida</a> for three terms before moving to Tampa where he established a clothing business downtown. He had several children. His wife was a clubwoman. He immigrated from Germany. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1823 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Laxmi_Narayan_(artist)" title="Draft:Laxmi Narayan (artist)">Draft:Laxmi Narayan (artist)</a> (<small>Indian portrait artist painter</small>) </td> <td>Laxmi Narayan Maharana commonly known as Laxmi Narayan is an <a href="/wiki/Indian_people" title="Indian people">Indian</a> portrait <a href="/wiki/Artist" title="Artist">artist</a> and painter. He creates his Portrait based on photographs. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1803 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Richard_Chambers" class="mw-redirect" title="Draft:Richard Chambers">Draft:Richard Chambers</a> (<small>Police Commissioner</small>) </td> <td>Richard Chambers is the incumbent <a href="/wiki/Commissioner_of_Police_(New_Zealand)" title="Commissioner of Police (New Zealand)">Commissioner of Police</a> set to take office on 25 November 2024. He will replace Interim Commissioner, Tania Kura who covered the position when former commissioner <a href="/wiki/Andrew_Coster" title="Andrew Coster">Andrew Coster</a> resigned before his 5-year term had concluded. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1778 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:SmartXML" title="Draft:SmartXML">Draft:SmartXML</a> (<small>XML Processing tool</small>) </td> <td>SmartXML is an application developed in <a href="/wiki/Red_(programming_language)" title="Red (programming language)">Red</a>, designed for processing <a href="/wiki/XML" title="XML">XML</a> files. It solves a number of parsing problems described in the book <i>XPath and XPointer: Locating Content in XML Documents</i>. It supports <a href="/wiki/PostgreSQL" title="PostgreSQL">PostgreSQL</a>. Unlike the popular <a href="/wiki/XPath" title="XPath">XPath</a> parsing language, it is not vulnerable to XPath Injection attacks and has its own parsing rules system. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>1773 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/SmartXML" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/SmartXML">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Myakka_Headwaters_Preserve" title="Draft:Myakka Headwaters Preserve">Draft:Myakka Headwaters Preserve</a> </td> <td>Myakka Headwaters Preserve is a 432 acre parcel of conservation lands being restored by the <a href="/w/index.php?title=Conservation_Foundation_of_the_Gulf_Coast&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast (page does not exist)">Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast</a>. The group has planted Pop Ash, Carolina Willow and Long Leaf Pine to help restore the property. The original parcel of 363 acres was acquired in 2020 and additional land added in 2022 to bring the property up to 432 acres. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1767 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Project_Ealing" title="Draft:Project Ealing">Draft:Project Ealing</a> (<small>British weapons development project</small>) </td> <td>Project Ealing is a British government project to develop a <a href="/wiki/Radio_frequency" title="Radio frequency">radio frequency</a> <a href="/wiki/Directed-energy_weapon" title="Directed-energy weapon">directed-energy weapon</a> designed to disable <a href="/wiki/Unmanned_combat_aerial_vehicle" title="Unmanned combat aerial vehicle">military drones</a>. As of 2021, it was one of three British directed-energy weapon projects, the other two being <a href="/w/index.php?title=Project_Tracey&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Project Tracey (page does not exist)">Project Tracey</a> and <a href="/w/index.php?title=Project_DragonFly_(UK_weapons_research)&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Project DragonFly (UK weapons research) (page does not exist)">Project DragonFly</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1766 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Captain_N_M_Gupta_Trophy" title="Draft:Captain N M Gupta Trophy">Draft:Captain N M Gupta Trophy</a> (<small>Renown Football Tournament</small>) </td> <td>Captain N M Gupta Trophy is a famous football tournament of <a href="/wiki/Assam" title="Assam">Assam</a>. It was started in the year 1962. The latest edition of the invitational football tournament was held in 2024.. Many of the prominent football teams from all over India participated in the tournament in different times. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1728 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Colonel_Henry_Douglas_Paxson" title="Draft:Colonel Henry Douglas Paxson">Draft:Colonel Henry Douglas Paxson</a> (<small>Pennsylvania lawyer and antiquarian</small>) </td> <td>Colonel Henry “Harry” Douglas Paxson (Oct. 1, 1862 - Jan. 30, 1933) was a lawyer, historian, and antiquarian of <a href="/wiki/Philadelphia" title="Philadelphia">Philadelphia</a> and Buckingham, <a href="/wiki/Bucks_County" class="mw-redirect" title="Bucks County">Bucks County</a>, Pennsylvania. He is also known as the owner of the <a href="/wiki/Lenape_Stone" title="Lenape Stone">Lenape Stone</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1725 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Addison_Hall" title="Draft:Addison Hall">Draft:Addison Hall</a> </td> <td>Addison Hall (1797-?) was a prominent citizen of Virginia who was a reverend and served in the <a href="/wiki/Virginia_House_of_Delegates" title="Virginia House of Delegates">Virginia House of Delegates</a> from 1823 to 1829. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1689 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:M._Narayan_Moorthy" title="Draft:M. Narayan Moorthy">Draft:M. Narayan Moorthy</a> (<small>Former judge on the Madras High Court who was listed as a notable alumni for Dr. Ambedkar College</small>) </td> <td>M. Narayan Moorthy was an Indian lawyer and judge on the <a href="/wiki/Madras_High_Court" title="Madras High Court">Madras High Court</a> from 1981 until his death in 1983. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>1678 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Clemora" title="Draft:Clemora">Draft:Clemora</a> (<small>A list of species in the Scarabaeidae genus Clemora</small>) </td> <td><i>Clemora</i> is a genus of scarab beetles that are similar to the genus <i>Phyllophaga</i> and known from the Caribbean. The genus was first described by Lawrence W. Saylor in 1942. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1658 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lucy_Davidson" title="Draft:Lucy Davidson">Draft:Lucy Davidson</a> </td> <td><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lucille_Wolfe&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Lucille Wolfe (page does not exist)">Lucille Wolfe</a>, <a href="/w/index.php?title=Lucille_W._Davidson&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Lucille W. Davidson (page does not exist)">Lucille W. Davidson</a>, <a href="/w/index.php?title=Lucy_Davidson&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Lucy Davidson (page does not exist)">Lucy Davidson</a>, <a href="/w/index.php?title=Mrs._Edward_S._Davidson&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Mrs. Edward S. Davidson (page does not exist)">Mrs. Edward S. Davidson</a> and <a href="/w/index.php?title=Lucille_Davidson&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Lucille Davidson (page does not exist)">Lucille Davidson</a> should link here </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1645 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Michael_Alan_Still" title="Draft:Michael Alan Still">Draft:Michael Alan Still</a> (<small>American rower</small>) </td> <td>Michael Alan Still (born July 15, 1964) is an American competitive rower, coach, and gold medalist at the <a href="/wiki/1987_World_Rowing_Championships" title="1987 World Rowing Championships">1987 World Rowing Championships</a> in Copenhagen. He is also a member of the U.S. National Rowing Hall of Fame and PAC-12 All-Century Team. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>1631 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Steve_Long_(footballer)" title="Draft:Steve Long (footballer)">Draft:Steve Long (footballer)</a> (<small>English footballer</small>) </td> <td>Steve Long is a footballer who played as a forward for <a href="/wiki/Wycombe_Wanderers_F.C." title="Wycombe Wanderers F.C.">Wycombe Wanderers F.C.</a> from 1978-1985 in the <a href="/wiki/Isthmian_League" title="Isthmian League">Isthmian League</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1572 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Bighorn_Mountains_Wilderness" title="Draft:Bighorn Mountains Wilderness">Draft:Bighorn Mountains Wilderness</a> (<small>A wildness area in southern California</small>) </td> <td>The Bighorn Mountains Wilderness is a wilderness area which is situated in the eastern foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains. The area of the wilderness spans about 38,342 acres. It is known for the unique nuts and plants inside of the site. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1513 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:FieldServio" title="Draft:FieldServio">Draft:FieldServio</a> (<small>Software company for field service companies.</small>) </td> <td>FieldServio is a field service software originally created in 2004 in Huntersville NC. It provides <a href="/wiki/Enterprise_software" title="Enterprise software">Enterprise software</a> to companies that sell and service industrial equipment. Niche enterprise software is key to small to medium enterprises that need to scale without the resources of a large enterprise. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>1493 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ard%C3%B3_(given_name)" title="Draft:Ardó (given name)">Draft:Ardó (given name)</a> (<small>Given name</small>) </td> <td>Ardó is an old <a href="/wiki/Hungarian_language" title="Hungarian language">Hungarian</a> masculine given name that has been shortened from the archaic occupational name <i>"erdőóvó"</i> meaning "forest protector" or "protector of forests" to a place name and a personal name.. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>1431 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Sakhitatva" title="Draft:Sakhitatva">Draft:Sakhitatva</a> (<small>Sakhitatva in dance</small>) </td> <td>Sakhitatva in South Indian Classical Dances is a bookthat delves into the significance of various Sakhi characters in dance forms. The book specifically examines the portrayal of Sakhi in South Indian classical dances. Sakhis are the female companions of the protagonist in poetry and drama. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>1401 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Laughlin_McKay" title="Draft:Laughlin McKay">Draft:Laughlin McKay</a> </td> <td>Laughlin McKay was a state legislator in Mississippi. He served in the <a href="/wiki/Mississippi_Senate" class="mw-redirect" title="Mississippi Senate">Mississippi Senate</a> in 1823 and 1825. He was Scottish. He succeeded <a href="/wiki/Isaac_R._Nicholson" title="Isaac R. Nicholson">Isaac R. Nicholson</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1266 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mar%C3%ADa_Luisa_Moner%C3%B3" title="Draft:María Luisa Moneró">Draft:María Luisa Moneró</a> (<small>Spanish actress</small>) </td> <td>María Luisa Moneró (<a href="/wiki/Madrid" title="Madrid">Madrid</a>, <a href="/wiki/1889" title="1889">1889</a> – <a href="/wiki/1982" title="1982">1982</a>) was a <a href="/wiki/Spain" title="Spain">Spanish</a> <a href="/wiki/Actress" class="mw-redirect" title="Actress">actress</a> and <a href="/wiki/Couplets_(cabaret)" title="Couplets (cabaret)">coupletist</a>. She performed mainly at theatres in Spain and at the <a href="/wiki/Olympia_(Paris)" title="Olympia (Paris)">Olympia</a> in <a href="/wiki/Paris" title="Paris">Paris</a>. She also appeared in some movies, such as the <a href="/wiki/1936" title="1936">1936</a> Spanish drama film <a href="/wiki/The_Lady_from_Tr%C3%A9velez_(film)" title="The Lady from Trévelez (film)">The Lady from Révelez</a>. She continued to work until an old age. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1253 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:In_Storm_and_Sunshine" title="Draft:In Storm and Sunshine">Draft:In Storm and Sunshine</a> (<small>Circus march "In Storm and Sunshine"</small>) </td> <td>"In Storm and Sunshine" is a circus <a href="/wiki/March_(music)" title="March (music)">march</a> written by <a href="/wiki/John_Clifford_Heed" title="John Clifford Heed">John Clifford Heed</a> in 1885. It is uncertain if the piece was spefically written for a circus, but still remains classic march performed in circuses. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1196 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Maximal_rank_conjecture" title="Draft:Maximal rank conjecture">Draft:Maximal rank conjecture</a> </td> <td>Let  <span class="mwe-math-element"><span class="mwe-math-mathml-inline mwe-math-mathml-a11y" style="display: none;"><math xmlns="" alttext="{\displaystyle C\subset }"> <semantics> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mstyle displaystyle="true" scriptlevel="0"> <mi>C</mi> <mo>⊂<!-- ⊂ --></mo> </mstyle> </mrow> <annotation encoding="application/x-tex">{\displaystyle C\subset }</annotation> </semantics> </math></span><img src="" class="mwe-math-fallback-image-inline mw-invert skin-invert" aria-hidden="true" style="vertical-align: -0.338ex; width:4.22ex; height:2.176ex;" alt="{\displaystyle C\subset }"></span> <span class="mwe-math-element"><span class="mwe-math-mathml-inline mwe-math-mathml-a11y" style="display: none;"><math xmlns="" alttext="{\displaystyle \mathbb {P} ^{r}}"> <semantics> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mstyle displaystyle="true" scriptlevel="0"> <msup> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mi mathvariant="double-struck">P</mi> </mrow> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mi>r</mi> </mrow> </msup> </mstyle> </mrow> <annotation encoding="application/x-tex">{\displaystyle \mathbb {P} ^{r}}</annotation> </semantics> </math></span><img src="" class="mwe-math-fallback-image-inline mw-invert skin-invert" aria-hidden="true" style="vertical-align: -0.338ex; width:2.394ex; height:2.343ex;" alt="{\displaystyle \mathbb {P} ^{r}}"></span> be a general curve of genus <i>g</i> embedded via a general linear series of degree <i>d</i>. The Maximal Rank <i>Conjecture</i> asserts that the restriction maps <span class="mwe-math-element"><span class="mwe-math-mathml-inline mwe-math-mathml-a11y" style="display: none;"><math xmlns="" alttext="{\displaystyle H^{0}({\mathcal {O}}_{\mathbb {P} ^{r}}(m))\to H^{0}({\mathcal {O}}_{\mathbb {C} }(m))}"> <semantics> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mstyle displaystyle="true" scriptlevel="0"> <msup> <mi>H</mi> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mn>0</mn> </mrow> </msup> <mo stretchy="false">(</mo> <msub> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mi class="MJX-tex-caligraphic" mathvariant="script">O</mi> </mrow> </mrow> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <msup> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mi mathvariant="double-struck">P</mi> </mrow> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mi>r</mi> </mrow> </msup> </mrow> </msub> <mo stretchy="false">(</mo> <mi>m</mi> <mo stretchy="false">)</mo> <mo stretchy="false">)</mo> <mo stretchy="false">→<!-- → --></mo> <msup> <mi>H</mi> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mn>0</mn> </mrow> </msup> <mo stretchy="false">(</mo> <msub> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mi class="MJX-tex-caligraphic" mathvariant="script">O</mi> </mrow> </mrow> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mi mathvariant="double-struck">C</mi> </mrow> </mrow> </msub> <mo stretchy="false">(</mo> <mi>m</mi> <mo stretchy="false">)</mo> <mo stretchy="false">)</mo> </mstyle> </mrow> <annotation encoding="application/x-tex">{\displaystyle H^{0}({\mathcal {O}}_{\mathbb {P} ^{r}}(m))\to H^{0}({\mathcal {O}}_{\mathbb {C} }(m))}</annotation> </semantics> </math></span><img src="" class="mwe-math-fallback-image-inline mw-invert skin-invert" aria-hidden="true" style="vertical-align: -0.838ex; width:28.369ex; height:3.176ex;" alt="{\displaystyle H^{0}({\mathcal {O}}_{\mathbb {P} ^{r}}(m))\to H^{0}({\mathcal {O}}_{\mathbb {C} }(m))}"></span>  are of maximal rank; this determines the Hilbert function of <i><span class="mwe-math-element"><span class="mwe-math-mathml-inline mwe-math-mathml-a11y" style="display: none;"><math xmlns="" alttext="{\displaystyle C}"> <semantics> <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> <mstyle displaystyle="true" scriptlevel="0"> <mi>C</mi> </mstyle> </mrow> <annotation encoding="application/x-tex">{\displaystyle C}</annotation> </semantics> </math></span><img src="" class="mwe-math-fallback-image-inline mw-invert skin-invert" aria-hidden="true" style="vertical-align: -0.338ex; width:1.766ex; height:2.176ex;" alt="{\displaystyle C}"></span>.</i> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1136 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Customary_Kings_of_Wallis_and_Futuna" title="Draft:Customary Kings of Wallis and Futuna">Draft:Customary Kings of Wallis and Futuna</a> (<small>Leaders of Uvea, Alo, and Sigave.</small>) </td> <td>The customary kings of Wallis and Futuna are the leaders of the <a href="/w/index.php?title=Customary_kingdoms_of_Wallis_and_Futuna&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Customary kingdoms of Wallis and Futuna (page does not exist)">three traditional kingdoms</a><span class="noprint" style="font-size:85%; font-style: normal;"> [<a href="" class="extiw" title="fr:Royaumes coutumiers de Wallis-et-Futuna">fr</a>]</span> of <a href="/wiki/Uvea_(Wallis_and_Futuna)" title="Uvea (Wallis and Futuna)">Uvea</a>, <a href="/wiki/Alo_(Wallis_and_Futuna)" title="Alo (Wallis and Futuna)">Alo</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Sigave" title="Sigave">Sigave</a>, which form part of the <a href="/wiki/Overseas_collectivity" title="Overseas collectivity">French overseas collectivity</a> of <a href="/wiki/Wallis_and_Futuna" title="Wallis and Futuna">Wallis and Futuna</a>, located in <a href="/wiki/Polynesia" title="Polynesia">Polynesia</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Pacific_Ocean" title="Pacific Ocean">Pacific Ocean</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>133432 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:National_Huwei_Senior_High_School" title="Draft:National Huwei Senior High School">Draft:National Huwei Senior High School</a> (<small>Public high school in Huwei, Yunlin, Taiwan</small>) </td> <td>National Huwei Senior High School (in Chinese: <span lang="zh" dir="ltr">國立虎尾高級中學</span>, abbreviated as Huwei Senior High School) is a public general high school located in <a href="/wiki/Hubei" title="Hubei">Huwei Township</a>, <a href="/wiki/Yunlin_County" title="Yunlin County">Yunlin County</a>, <a href="/wiki/Taiwan" title="Taiwan">Taiwan</a>, under the administration of the <a href="/wiki/K-12_Education_Administration" title="K-12 Education Administration">K-12 Education Administration</a>. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>45942 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-03 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alcohol_and_society" title="Draft:Alcohol and society">Draft:Alcohol and society</a> (<small>The role of alcohol in society</small>) </td> <td>Alcohol and society are closely intertwined, as it is widely consumed and legally permitted in most countries around the globe, despite its potential to lead to various issues. According to a 2024 WHO report, these harmful consequences of alcohol use result in 2.6 million deaths annually, accounting for 4.7% of all global deaths. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>93273 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Mathematical_oncology" title="Draft:Mathematical oncology">Draft:Mathematical oncology</a> (<small>Mathematical Study of Cancer</small>) </td> <td>Mathematical Oncology is a specialized branch of oncology.: in which mathematical methods, including modeling and simulations, are applied to the study of cancer growth, progression, and treatment. Researchers develop models that describe tumor dynamics, treatment responses, and potential outcomes, supporting the development of more effective treatment strategies. </td> <td>4 </td> <td>6266 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jayco_Family_of_Companies" title="Draft:Jayco Family of Companies">Draft:Jayco Family of Companies</a> (<small>Jayco Family of Companies is a parent company to various RV manufacturers in the US.</small>) </td> <td><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Jayco Family of Companies</a> is an American manufacturer of <a href="/wiki/Recreational_vehicle" title="Recreational vehicle">recreation vehicles</a> as a subsidiary of <a href="/wiki/Thor_Industries" title="Thor Industries">Thor Industries</a>. The company manufactures <a href="/wiki/Travel_trailer" class="mw-redirect" title="Travel trailer">Travel Trailers</a>, Fifth Wheels, Toy Haulers, Class B Vans, Class C Motorhomes, Super C Motorhomes, Gas Class A Motorhomes and Luxury Diesel Pushers. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>21858 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jewish_Educational_Media" title="Draft:Jewish Educational Media">Draft:Jewish Educational Media</a> (<small>Jewish non profit multimedia organization</small>) </td> <td>Jewish Educational Media, also known by its acronym JEM, is a <a href="/wiki/Nonprofit_organization" title="Nonprofit organization">nonprofit organization</a> founded in 1980 that produces and distributes <a href="/wiki/Multimedia" title="Multimedia">multimedia</a> from a <a href="/wiki/Chabad-Lubavitch" class="mw-redirect" title="Chabad-Lubavitch">Chabad-Lubavitch</a> perspective. Based in <a href="/wiki/Brooklyn,_New_York" class="mw-redirect" title="Brooklyn, New York">Brooklyn, New York</a>. JEM is not a <a href="/wiki/Chabad_affiliated_organizations" title="Chabad affiliated organizations">Chabad affiliated organization</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>20902 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lyfeguard_Limited" title="Draft:Lyfeguard Limited">Draft:Lyfeguard Limited</a> (<small>SaaS financial technology organisation</small>) </td> <td>Lyfeguard Limited is a UK-based <a href="/wiki/Fintech" title="Fintech">financial technology</a> company founded in 2021. It develops software for personal information management, offering features such as secure storage, financial organization, and sharing capabilities. The company's software caters to both individual consumers and professionals in various financial sectors, including wealth management, mortgage brokerage, insurance, and legal services. </td> <td>5 </td> <td>14859 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-05 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tus_(protocol)" title="Draft:Tus (protocol)">Draft:Tus (protocol)</a> (<small>Open protocol for resumable file uploads</small>) </td> <td>Tus is an <a href="/wiki/Open_source" title="Open source">open-source</a> <a href="/wiki/Communication_protocol" title="Communication protocol">protocol</a> designed to optimize and standardize the process of <a href="/wiki/Computer_file" title="Computer file">file</a> <a href="/wiki/Uploading" class="mw-redirect" title="Uploading">uploads</a> using the <a href="/wiki/HTTP" title="HTTP">Hypertext Transfer Protocol</a> (HTTP). Tus addresses the challenge of uploading large files by enabling resumable uploads. If an upload is interrupted due to connection issues or other disruptions, tus can automatically resume the process from where it left off, without the need to restart the entire upload. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14587 </td> <td>draftified </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:LRQA" title="Draft:LRQA">Draft:LRQA</a> (<small>An overview of LRQA and their history to date</small>) </td> <td>LRQA is a multinational company, headquartered in <a href="/wiki/Birmingham" title="Birmingham">Birmingham</a>, United Kingdom (UK), which provides certification, inspection, verification, cybersecurity and advisory services. The company operates across sectors including food and beverage, retail, hospitality, renewable energy, technology and telecommunications, transport, and financial services. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>14516 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Alex_Schmidt" title="Draft:Alex Schmidt">Draft:Alex Schmidt</a> (<small>American humorist, Jeopardy! champion and creator of the Secretly Incredibly Fascinating podcast</small>) </td> <td>Alex Schmidt is an American podcaster, writer, humorist, and emoji creator. He created and co-hosts the <a href="/wiki/Podcasts" class="mw-redirect" title="Podcasts">podcast</a> "<i>Secretly Incredibly Fascinating</i>" on the <a href="/wiki/Maximum_Fun" title="Maximum Fun">Maximum Fun</a> podcast network. He also co-hosts the independent "<i>Kurt Vonneguys</i>" podcast. Schmidt writes humor pieces for <a href="/wiki/The_New_Yorker" title="The New Yorker">The New Yorker</a> and for 1-900-HOTDOG, and wrote for <a href="/wiki/The_Onion" title="The Onion">The Onion</a>, as well as making comedy videos and podcasts as a staff member of <a href="/wiki/" title=""></a>. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>12012 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Kingsway_Christian_College,_Perth" title="Draft:Kingsway Christian College, Perth">Draft:Kingsway Christian College, Perth</a> (<small>Notable school in Perth, Western Australia, Australia</small>) </td> <td>Kingsway Christian College, informally known as Kingsway or KCC, is a <a href="/wiki/Non-denominational" title="Non-denominational">non-denominational</a>, <a href="/wiki/Mixed-sex_education" title="Mixed-sex education">co-educational</a> K-12, <a href="/wiki/Christians" title="Christians">Christian</a> <a href="/wiki/Day_school" title="Day school">day</a> school located in <a href="/wiki/Darch,_Western_Australia" title="Darch, Western Australia">Darch</a>, a northern suburb of <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a>, Western Australia. The College is a member of the <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10668 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yan_Chai_Hospital_Wong_Wha_San_Secondary_School" title="Draft:Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School">Draft:Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School</a> </td> <td>Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School (abbreviation: YCHWWSSS) is a caput secondary school in Hong Kong <a href="/wiki/Sai_Kung_District" title="Sai Kung District">Sai Kung District</a>, 8 Tong Chun Street, <a href="/wiki/Tseung_Kwan_O" title="Tseung Kwan O">Tseung Kwan O</a>. The school was established in 1999. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>10434 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-11 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Cavatina_Duo" title="Draft:Cavatina Duo">Draft:Cavatina Duo</a> (<small>Musical Group</small>) </td> <td>Cavatina Duo is a chamber music ensemble consisting of <a href="/wiki/Spain" title="Spain">Spanish</a> flutist Eugenia Moliner and <a href="/wiki/Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" title="Bosnia and Herzegovina">Bosnian</a> guitarist <a href="/wiki/Denis_Azabagi%C4%87" title="Denis Azabagić">Denis Azabagic</a>. The duo is known for its performances of a diverse repertoire that includes Baroque, Classical, contemporary works, and commissioned pieces. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10359 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-12 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Asian_Bureau_of_Finance_and_Economic_Research" title="Draft:Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research">Draft:Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research</a> (<small>Finance and Economic Research Institution</small>) </td> <td>The Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER) is an institute founded by academics from Asia, North America, and Europe. It is modelled after <a href="/wiki/National_Bureau_of_Economic_Research" title="National Bureau of Economic Research">National Bureau of Economics Research</a> (NBER) and <a href="/wiki/Centre_for_Economic_Policy_Research" title="Centre for Economic Policy Research">Centre for Economic Policy Research</a> (CEPR). ABFER aims to be the network for all research agendas and papers in Asia-Pacific so as to facilitate policy-making, practice and research all across the world. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>10054 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:European_Women%27s_Management_Development_Network" title="Draft:European Women's Management Development Network">Draft:European Women's Management Development Network</a> (<small>Non-profit and NGO network for women and men to advance diversity and to make women more visible.</small>) </td> <td>The European Women's Management Development Network (EWMD) is an international association of women and men, individual and corporate members from Europe, who together pursue the goal of increasing the proportion of women in management positions and improving management. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>9802 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Uncloseted_Media" title="Draft:Uncloseted Media">Draft:Uncloseted Media</a> </td> <td>Uncloseted Media is a nonprofit and independent <a href="/wiki/News_organization" class="mw-redirect" title="News organization">news organization</a> based in <a href="/wiki/New_York_City" title="New York City">New York City</a>. It was founded in 2024 by Spencer Macnaughtin, who serves as the editor-in-chief. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>9694 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Five_Survive" class="mw-redirect" title="Draft:Five Survive">Draft:Five Survive</a> (<small>Novel by Holly Jackson</small>) </td> <td><i>Five Survive</i> is a thriller novel by <a href="/wiki/Holly_Jackson" title="Holly Jackson">Holly Jackson</a> published by <a href="/wiki/HarperCollins" title="HarperCollins">Electric Monkey</a> in the United Kingdom and by <a href="/wiki/Delacorte_Press" class="mw-redirect" title="Delacorte Press">Delacorte Press</a> in the United States. The book came out november 29th 2022 and is the author's first standalone novel. Holly Jackson is the bestselling author of the A Good Girl's Guide To Murder series. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>8821 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Yana_Deliradeva" title="Draft:Yana Deliradeva">Draft:Yana Deliradeva</a> (<small>Bulgarian choir conductor</small>) </td> <td>Yana Ivanova Deliradeva is a Bulgarian choral conductor, music teacher and lecturer... at the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts in <a href="/wiki/Plovdiv" title="Plovdiv">Plovdiv</a>. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>8477 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Elie_Abousaab" title="Draft:Elie Abousaab">Draft:Elie Abousaab</a> (<small>Businessman & Social entrepreneur</small>) </td> <td>Elie Abousaab is a Lebanese social entrepreneur and communication strategist based in Paris, France. He is the founder of various businesses and initiatives like Creapix.., Citron Conseil , and the French NGO ACTE . He is also an Ashoka Fellow [4], he was named an Ashoka Fellow for his work in promoting civic engagement through the crowdsourcing platform jouwar </td> <td>3 </td> <td>8473 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Lawrence_C._Marsh" title="Draft:Lawrence C. Marsh">Draft:Lawrence C. Marsh</a> (<small>American economist and professor known for econometrics and public finance</small>) </td> <td>Lawrence C. Marsh is an American economist and Professor Emeritus at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Notre_Dame" title="University of Notre Dame">University of Notre Dame</a>, recognized for his work in econometrics, statistics, and public finance. He earned a Ph.D. in Econometrics from <a href="/wiki/Michigan_State_University" title="Michigan State University">Michigan State University</a> in 1976. His career spans roles in academia and private industry, including the University of Notre Dame and the University of Chicago. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7768 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-21 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:European_Society_of_Health_and_Medical_Sociology" title="Draft:European Society of Health and Medical Sociology">Draft:European Society of Health and Medical Sociology</a> (<small>Health and Medical Sociology</small>) </td> <td>The European Society of Health and Medical Sociology (ESHMS) is a non-profit society dedicated to advancing the sub-discipline of health sociology and <a href="/wiki/Medical_sociology" title="Medical sociology">medical sociology</a>. It was founded the 28-29 August 1983 at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Stirling" title="University of Stirling">University of Stirling</a>, <a href="/wiki/United_Kingdom" title="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</a>. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>7450 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Drone_Remote_Identification_Protocol" title="Draft:Drone Remote Identification Protocol">Draft:Drone Remote Identification Protocol</a> (<small>"Drone identification protocol standard", "Network Protocol"</small>) </td> <td>The Drone Remote Identification Protocol (DRIP) is a working group of the <a href="/wiki/Internet_Engineering_Task_Force" title="Internet Engineering Task Force">Internet Engineering Task Force</a> (IETF), which is responsible for the elaboration of technical standards and protocols that enable secure and reliable remote identification and tracking of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), more commonly referred to as drones. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7101 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-14 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Groove_Shadows" title="Draft:Groove Shadows">Draft:Groove Shadows</a> (<small>Information about Groove Shadows music production technique.</small>) </td> <td>Groove Shadows are a method of sound design used in music production. The Groove Shadow loops are sourced and crafted from found sounds then programmed into a musical orientation, they can then be implemented to suit a given application. They are used in modern music to alter existing material and especially for the purpose of sonically "stimulating" elements of audio productions. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6859 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Nawi_-_Dear_Future_Me" title="Draft:Nawi - Dear Future Me">Draft:Nawi - Dear Future Me</a> (<small>Kenyan Entry for the 97th Academy Awards</small>) </td> <td><i>NAWI – Dear Future Me</i> is a 2024 Kenyan-German <a href="/wiki/Coming-of-age_film" class="mw-redirect" title="Coming-of-age film">coming-of-age</a> <a href="/wiki/Drama_film_genre" class="mw-redirect" title="Drama film genre">drama</a> directed by the brothers Toby & Kevin Schmutzler, Apuu Mourine, and Vallentine Chelluget and written by Milcah Cherotich. Set in the remote <a href="/wiki/Turkana_region" class="mw-redirect" title="Turkana region">Turkana region</a> of <a href="/wiki/Kenya" title="Kenya">Kenya</a>, the film follows a young girl's struggle against a <a href="/wiki/Forced_marriage" title="Forced marriage">forced marriage</a> and her pursuit of education and self-determination. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>6849 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ata_Etminan_Rezaeiyeh" title="Draft:Ata Etminan Rezaeiyeh">Draft:Ata Etminan Rezaeiyeh</a> (<small>Iranian musician and dentist known for performances with international orchestras and contributions</small>) </td> <td>Ata Etminan (born July 2, 1994) is an Iranian musician and dentist known for his contributions to both classical and contemporary music and his work in dental surgery. As a skilled pianist and active member of the International Federation of Musicians, he has performed with notable orchestras and collaborated with prominent musicians in Iran and internationally. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>6772 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Beirut_Association_For_Social_Development" title="Draft:Beirut Association For Social Development">Draft:Beirut Association For Social Development</a> (<small>Founded in 1998, a non-profit for social aid</small>) </td> <td>Beirut Association for Social Development (BASD) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization headquartered in Beirut, Lebanon, on New Road, Bustani Street, near Al-Mukhtar Al-Arab. Established in 1998, BASD is dedicated to promoting social and economic transformation for the most vulnerable members of society, especially children and youth. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5943 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Peter_Redmond" class="mw-redirect" title="Draft:Peter Redmond">Draft:Peter Redmond</a> (<small>Irish Robotics TV Personality</small>) </td> <td>Peter Redmond (born in Dublin, Ireland) is an internationally recognised<sup class="noprint Inline-Template" style="white-space:nowrap;">[<i><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style/Words_to_watch#Unsupported_attributions" title="Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Words to watch"><span title="The material near this tag may use weasel words or too-vague attribution.">by whom?</span></a></i>]</sup> robotics expert, Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) researcher, award-winning public speaker, and special effects supervisor. He first rose to fame as a competitor and engineer on BBC’s <i>Robot Wars</i>, where he was a founding member of Team Diotóir and became widely known for his innovative robot designs. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5872 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-20 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Jacques_Faul" title="Draft:Jacques Faul">Draft:Jacques Faul</a> (<small>South African sports administrator and cricket executive</small>) </td> <td>Jacques Faul is a South African sports administrator involved in cricket management and governance. He has served as the acting CEO of <a href="/wiki/Cricket_South_Africa" title="Cricket South Africa">Cricket South Africa</a> (CSA) and CEO of the <a href="/wiki/Titans_(cricket_team)" title="Titans (cricket team)">Titans cricket</a> franchise. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5525 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:SeLU_(Redes_Neuronales)" title="Draft:SeLU (Redes Neuronales)">Draft:SeLU (Redes Neuronales)</a> (<small>Neuronal networks activation function</small>) </td> <td>La función de activación SELU (Scaled Exponential Linear Units) es una función diseñada para inducir la auto normalización en redes neuronales. Es decir, a medida que las activaciones de este tipo se propagan a través de las capas de la red, comienzan a converger a una media cero y varianza uno. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5163 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tara_Cannistraci" title="Draft:Tara Cannistraci">Draft:Tara Cannistraci</a> (<small>Stand Up Comedian</small>) </td> <td><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Tara Cannistraci</a> is an Italian-American comedian, actress, and writer, known for her distinctive humor and dynamic presence across multiple entertainment platforms. Hailing from the Bronx, New York, she has carved out a career in stand-up comedy, television, film, and sports media, gaining recognition for her unfiltered comedic style and her authenticity. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>5051 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-26 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Neshe" title="Draft:Neshe">Draft:Neshe</a> (<small>Turkish singer, actress and dancer (born 1990)</small>) </td> <td>Neşe Ceren Aktay (born 13 January 1990), known professionally as Neshe, is a Turkish singer, songwriter, actress, and dancer. Born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey, Neshe is known for her blend of Latin pop and ethnic music styles. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>4874 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-09 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Civil_Procedures_in_Bhutan" title="Draft:Civil Procedures in Bhutan">Draft:Civil Procedures in Bhutan</a> (<small>This article is about the civil procedures in Bhutan</small>) </td> <td>Civil procedures in Bhutan are structured around a judicial framework that prioritizes mediation and follows a systematic approach to litigation if mediation fails. Rooted in Bhutan’s cultural emphasis on harmony and reconciliation, the civil procedure process is shaped by the Civil and Criminal Procedure Code of Bhutan 2001 and supplemented by the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of Bhutan 2013 . </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7443 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Hypertext_escape_sequences" title="Draft:Hypertext escape sequences">Draft:Hypertext escape sequences</a> (<small>HTML Escape Sequences</small>) </td> <td>Hypertext escape sequences are special character sequences used in <a href="/wiki/HTML" title="HTML">HTML</a> and other <a href="/wiki/Markup_language" title="Markup language">markup languages</a> to represent reserved characters that have a specific function within the language's <a href="/wiki/Syntax" title="Syntax">syntax</a>. These sequences are necessary to ensure that the text appears as intended, without interfering with the code structure. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7417 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Spencer_James_Gore" title="Draft:Spencer James Gore">Draft:Spencer James Gore</a> (<small>British Entrepreneur</small>) </td> <td>Spencer James Gore is a British <a href="/wiki/Entrepreneur" class="mw-redirect" title="Entrepreneur">entrepreneur</a>, best known for founding the European Medical Journal (EMJ).,. an <a href="/wiki/Open-access" class="mw-redirect" title="Open-access">open-access</a> <a href="/wiki/Medical_journal" title="Medical journal">medical journal</a>. In addition to his work in medical publishing, Gore owns Chelmsford City Football Club, a semi-professional football club based in Chelmsford, Essex. </td> <td>3 </td> <td>6781 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-08 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Amir_Bastan" title="Draft:Amir Bastan">Draft:Amir Bastan</a> (<small>New Media Artist</small>) </td> <td>Amir Bastan (born 1991) is a new media artist with a background in fine arts and philosophy. His work explores the gap between the conscious and the unconscious. He realises his works by designing narratives through real-time processes. Bastan completed a fine arts degree at Sooreh Art University in Tehran and later a Master's in media arts at the University of Arts Linz, where he is currently pursuing a PhD in Creative Robotics. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6463 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Organic_Basics" title="Draft:Organic Basics">Draft:Organic Basics</a> (<small>Danish underwear brand/company</small>) </td> <td>Organic Basics also known as DG Organic Basics ApS, is a Danish clothing company headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was founded in 2015, and began as a mens’ underwear subscription service. It later expanded its product range to include underwear, activewear, and everyday essentials for men and women. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>6089 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-30 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Heavy_Construction_Systems_Specialists" title="Draft:Heavy Construction Systems Specialists">Draft:Heavy Construction Systems Specialists</a> (<small>Construction management software</small>) </td> <td>Heavy Construction Systems Specialists (HCSS) is based in <a href="/wiki/Sugar_Land,_Texas" title="Sugar Land, Texas">Sugar Land, Texas</a>, and develops construction software for <a href="/wiki/Construction_management" title="Construction management">construction management</a>, including <a href="/wiki/Construction_estimating_software" title="Construction estimating software">estimating and bidding</a>, <a href="/wiki/Maintenance" title="Maintenance">preventive equipment maintenance</a>, resource scheduling and dispatching, <a href="/wiki/Fleet_management" title="Fleet management">fleet management</a>, and field tracking & analytics. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>5690 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Heavy_Construction_Systems_Specialists" title="Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Heavy Construction Systems Specialists">Prior AfD</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-15 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Tax_Free_World_Association" title="Draft:Tax Free World Association">Draft:Tax Free World Association</a> </td> <td>The Tax Free World Association (TFWA) is a trade organisation that represents brands active in duty free and travel retail, a global market with estimated sales of $73 billion in 2023. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5411 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-06 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Teodora_Burgazlieva" title="Draft:Teodora Burgazlieva">Draft:Teodora Burgazlieva</a> (<small>Miss Bulgaria 2002, Author</small>) </td> <td>Teodora Burgazlieva (<a href="/wiki/Bulgarian_language" title="Bulgarian language">Bulgarian</a>: Теодора Бургазлиева) is a Bulgarian-American author, entrepreneur, and former model, winner of the beauty pageant <a href="/wiki/Miss_Bulgaria" title="Miss Bulgaria">Miss Bulgaria</a> in 2002 . In 2018, Burgazlieva published the self-development book <i>Impossible</i>, and founded Life Programming. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5266 </td> <td>COI </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-10-17 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Institute_of_Regulation" title="Draft:Institute of Regulation">Draft:Institute of Regulation</a> (<small>Professional Membership Organisation</small>) </td> <td>The Institute of Regulation (IoR) is a British membership organisation which promotes good practice in regulation through professional development, events, research and networking. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>5101 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-22 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Luang_Prabang_Night_Market" title="Draft:Luang Prabang Night Market">Draft:Luang Prabang Night Market</a> </td> <td>Luang Prabang Night Market is an open-air flea Night Market located in the downtown of <a href="/wiki/Luang_Prabang" title="Luang Prabang">Luang Prabang</a>, <a href="/wiki/Luang_Prabang_Province" class="mw-redirect" title="Luang Prabang Province">Luang Prabang Province</a>, <a href="/wiki/Laos" title="Laos">Laos</a>. It took place along <a href="/wiki/Sisavangvong" class="mw-redirect" title="Sisavangvong">Sisavangvong</a> Road and ends at the intersections of Chao <a href="/wiki/Fa_Ngum" title="Fa Ngum">Fa Ngum</a> and <a href="/wiki/Kingkitsarat" title="Kingkitsarat">Kingkitsarat</a> Roads. Next to the night market are the <a href="/wiki/Royal_Palace" class="mw-redirect" title="Royal Palace">Royal Palace</a> and the Haw Kham Buddhist Temple. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4991 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Michal_Pol%C3%A1k_(guitarist)" title="Draft:Michal Polák (guitarist)">Draft:Michal Polák (guitarist)</a> (<small>Musical artist</small>) </td> <td>Michal Polák (born July 26, 1991, Hlohovec, Slovakia) is a Slovak professional musician, guitarist, educator, and arranger, active in both the Slovak and international music scenes. He is part of the younger generation of musicians who have introduced elements of various genres, including <a href="/wiki/Free_jazz" title="Free jazz">Free jazz</a>, <a href="/wiki/Rock_music" title="Rock music">Rock music</a>, <a href="/wiki/Heavy_metal_music" title="Heavy metal music">Heavy metal music</a>, <a href="/wiki/World_music" title="World music">World music</a>, <a href="/wiki/Blues" title="Blues">Blues</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Funk" title="Funk">Funk</a> into Slovak music. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4475 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-19 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Ella_Gaillard" title="Draft:Ella Gaillard">Draft:Ella Gaillard</a> (<small>Female Inventor</small>) </td> <td>Ella Gaillard was an inventor who was active from 1874 - 1912. She is most famous for her invention of the eyeless needle, which was patented in 1874 and is still widely used today. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4360 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-07 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Reservoir_chamber_(instrument)" title="Draft:Reservoir chamber (instrument)">Draft:Reservoir chamber (instrument)</a> (<small>Just another obscure definition of a word that gets used a lot when talking about instruments.</small>) </td> <td>A <i>reservoir <a href="/wiki/Chamber" class="mw-disambig" title="Chamber">chamber</a></i> or <i>reservoir</i> is an ancient air/sound chamber that is typically used in instruments and is either fully closed or half opened. A reservoir amplifies (or modifies) in some cases make the sound of an instrument and is used in various types of wind, stringed, and percussion instruments, including, <a href="/wiki/Bagpipes" title="Bagpipes">Bagpipes</a>, <a href="/wiki/Pungi" title="Pungi">Pungi</a>, <a href="/wiki/Hulusi" title="Hulusi">Hulusi</a>, <a href="/wiki/Balafon" title="Balafon">Balafon</a>, <a href="/wiki/Maracas" class="mw-redirect" title="Maracas">Maracas</a>, <a href="/wiki/Kora" class="mw-disambig" title="Kora">Kora</a>, <a href="/wiki/Shekere" title="Shekere">Shekere</a>, <a href="/wiki/Water_drum" title="Water drum">Water drum</a>, <a href="/wiki/Uhadi_musical_bow" title="Uhadi musical bow">Uhadi musical bow</a>, <a href="/wiki/Lyre" title="Lyre">Lyre</a>, <a href="/wiki/Huluhu" title="Huluhu">Huluhu</a>, and so on. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4031 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-04 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Band_of_Hope" title="Draft:The Band of Hope">Draft:The Band of Hope</a> (<small>New Zealand folk band</small>) </td> <td>The Band of Hope was a <a href="/wiki/New_Zealand" title="New Zealand">New Zealand</a> <a href="/wiki/Jug_band" title="Jug band">jug band</a> that played <a href="/wiki/Folk_music" title="Folk music">folk music</a> in <a href="/wiki/Christchurch" title="Christchurch">Christchurch</a> in the 1960s. The band was heavily influenced by American <a href="/wiki/Bluegrass_music" title="Bluegrass music">bluegrass</a> music, <a href="/wiki/Country_music" title="Country music">country</a>, <a href="/wiki/Blues" title="Blues">blues</a> and folk. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>4029 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Briggs_Kossmann" title="Draft:Briggs Kossmann">Draft:Briggs Kossmann</a> (<small>USA Sailor, Solo Sailor</small>) </td> <td>Briggs Kossmann (born September 30, 2012) is an American sailor. He is the youngest sailor to solo navigate from Cape Cod to Martha's Vineyard in his Zim Sailing Optimist sailboat. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>3380 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-16 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Big_Data_Analytics_in_Signal_and_Image_Processing_at_FOSIP" title="Draft:Big Data Analytics in Signal and Image Processing at FOSIP">Draft:Big Data Analytics in Signal and Image Processing at FOSIP</a> (<small>Big Data in Signal/Image Processing</small>) </td> <td>Big Data Analytics plays an essential role in fields like signal and image processing. It enables the processing and analysis of large datasets generated from sensors, medical imaging devices, and multimedia sources, uncovering valuable insights that can lead to improved decision-making. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>3202 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-23 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Speedy_Grandma_Ghost" title="Draft:Speedy Grandma Ghost">Draft:Speedy Grandma Ghost</a> (<small>Speedy Grandma Ghost</small>) </td> <td>The Speedy Grandma Ghost, known as <i>Phii Yai Speed</i> in Thai, is a modern urban legend originating from Thailand. Combining elements of humor and horror, this supernatural tale revolves around an elderly ghostly figure with an extraordinary ability to run at incredible speeds. </td> <td>1 </td> <td>10567 </td> <td>unsourced </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Starting_Chess_in_the_Sri_Lanka_Army" title="Draft:Starting Chess in the Sri Lanka Army">Draft:Starting Chess in the Sri Lanka Army</a> </td> <td>In July 2016, as a newly commissioned second Lieutenant in the Sri Lanka Army Corps of Engineer Services, Second Lieutenant GWMA Chithrarathna, embarked on a mission to introduce chess to the Sri Lankan Army. At that time, He was stationed in the 59th Division in Mullaitivu, and despite the challenges, He was determined to cultivate a thriving chess community within the Army. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>7558 </td> <td>unsourced </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-24 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:The_Legend_of_The_Log" title="Draft:The Legend of The Log">Draft:The Legend of The Log</a> (<small>The Legend of The Log is a folklore figure from Fort Collins, Colorado</small>) </td> <td>The Log was a legendary figure of Fort Collins, Colorado, whose exploits and peculiar charm have cemented him as a celebrated character in local folklore. Known for his unmatched persuasion, mysterious demeanor, and extraordinary deeds, The Log's story blends feats of human ingenuity with a mythical touch, making him a beloved figure in Colorado's oral tradition. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>4906 </td> <td>unsourced </td></tr> <tr> <td>2024-11-18 </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Draft:Waziri_Adio" title="Draft:Waziri Adio">Draft:Waziri Adio</a> (<small>Nigerian journalist (born 1968)</small>) </td> <td>Waziri Adio (born June 14, 1968) is a <a href="/wiki/Nigerians" title="Nigerians">Nigerian</a> journalist, policy strategist, and a Sunday back-page columnist at <a href="/wiki/This_Day" title="This Day">This Day</a> Newspaper, where he offers economic and political solutions to the Nigerian government. </td> <td>2 </td> <td>7397 </td> <td>rejected </td></tr></tbody></table> <!-- NewPP limit report Parsed by mw‐api‐int.codfw.main‐849f99967d‐8hcnm Cached time: 20241124045624 Cache expiry: 2592000 Reduced expiry: false Complications: [vary‐revision‐sha1] CPU time usage: 1.394 seconds Real time usage: 2.093 seconds Preprocessor visited node count: 5187/1000000 Post‐expand include size: 41415/2097152 bytes Template argument size: 4017/2097152 bytes Highest expansion depth: 14/100 Expensive parser function count: 18/500 Unstrip recursion depth: 0/20 Unstrip post‐expand size: 6764/5000000 bytes Lua time usage: 0.319/10.000 seconds Lua memory usage: 20744488/52428800 bytes Number of Wikibase entities loaded: 0/400 --> <!-- Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template) 100.00% 672.912 1 -total 20.86% 140.350 1 Template:Citation 20.61% 138.665 43 Template:Langx 9.86% 66.333 1 Template:ISSN 7.51% 50.562 1 Template:Catalog_lookup_link 6.57% 44.187 1 User:SDZeroBot/Pending_AfC_submissions/header 5.60% 37.662 1 Template:Short_description 5.51% 37.080 4 Template:Fix 5.38% 36.202 3 Template:English_football_updater 5.11% 34.419 1 Template:Ombox --> <!-- Saved in parser cache with key enwiki:pcache:idhash:68828882-0!canonical and timestamp 20241124045624 and revision id 1259231398. 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