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We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your CV and any details stored about you while using the Site. For the purpose of the Act, the data controller is:</p> <p>Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (“ACCA”), a company incorporated by Royal Charter (number RC000732) of The Adelphi, 1-11 John Adam Street, London, WC2N 6AU,UK </p> <p>The ICO registration number for this entity is Z5257787.</p> <p><strong>Why a General Privacy Notice?</strong></p> <p>When the ACCA Careers (together 'ACCA', 'us' or 'we') collects your information, we are required by law to be fair in notifying individuals on how their information will be managed and to inform them of their rights. But more than that, we want to be transparent, open and ethical in our practices.</p> <p>This data protection notice provides information on how we use personal data relating to individuals we do business with (also referred to in this notice as 'you'), including:</p> <ul> <li>Representatives from recruiters</li> <li>representatives from employers</li> <li>representatives of partner organisations and service providers</li> </ul> <p><strong>This is a bit much, can you shorten it?</strong></p> <p>We try to use plain language throughout the next sections, but there is a lot of detail to communicate, which is however important for you to understand.</p> <p><strong>Why does ACCA Careers hold information on me?</strong></p> <p>We will hold personal data relating to individuals in order to assist with their employment and job seeking requirements. In certain cases, it is also voluntary for individuals to provide us with details of ethnic origin, in order for us to review equality or opportunity of treatment.</p> <p>We will only process personal data where we have a lawful basis to do so.</p> <p>The basis for processing your personal data will vary depending on the activity we collected it for. In some occurrences, we may have more than one lawful basis for processing.</p> <p>The information below summarises the basis on which we process personal information.</p> <p>A summary of the legal basis used by ACCA Careers are:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Public Interest: </strong>ACCA as a regulatory body processes personal data to protect members of the public and in the public interest. This includes, but not limited to, the maintenance of the Members Directory, Regulatory Activities, and Member Investigations and Disciplinary Actions.</li> <li><strong>Contract: </strong>ACCA processes personal data which is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you may be a party to, or may want to enter. This includes, but not limited to, ACCA membership, examinations, career services and subscriptions.</li> <li><strong>Legal Obligation: </strong>ACCA processes personal data which is necessary to comply with its legal obligations. This includes, but not limited to, providing personal information to regulators, law enforcement agencies and statutory bodies.</li> <li><strong>Legitimate Interest</strong>: ACCA processes personal data in order to meet its legitimate interests as a professional association and regulator of Chartered Accountants. This includes, but is not limited to responding to general enquiries, supporting our students, members and partners, and improving our services relating to their Continued Professional Development, training and employment.</li> <li><strong>Consent</strong>: ACCA processes personal data where you have provided your consent to do so.</li> </ul> <p>If you post or interact with us via social media, we may use your information, in order to contact you in relation to the query, we will not use this for the purpose of further marketing or communications, unless you give us your consent to do so. We may share information with our suppliers in order to assist you. </p> <p><strong>Communications (including marketing)</strong></p> <p>We use your information for marketing purposes and to send you relevant communications about our qualifications, our products and services and any other relevant events. We may use your contact details to send you registration or information packs, learning support and recruitment materials, surveys, questionnaires, invitations regarding ACCA-based consultations, details of ACCA courses and events or to notify you of any updates and changes to ACCA's products and services.</p> <p>You will have the right to withdraw your consent for these at all times, and we will make this process as easy as possible.</p> <p>We also use your information for custom audience social media campaigns, such as information about relevant recruitment opportunities. This allows us to present you with the most relevant information to yourself across all our channels.</p> <p>ACCA may also carry out mailings on behalf of third parties (without disclosing your details to such third parties), subject to obtaining your consent. Consent may be requested on your ACCA registration form or separately by ACCA Careers. Please let us know if you do not wish to receive (or wish to change the way in which you receive) any of the above materials (see “<strong><em>How do I get a copy of my data or update my preferences?” below</em></strong>).</p> <p>We will not pass your information on to other marketing providers and we will not sell your information to any third party. </p> <p><strong>What type of personal data will ACCA Careers collect about me?</strong></p> <p>We process information relevant to the above reasons and/or purposes. This information may include:</p> <ul> <li>personal details</li> <li>all information contained within your CV</li> <li>contact details and preferences</li> <li>photographic ID </li> <li>education and employment details</li> </ul> <p>Details may include name, contact details, membership ID numbers, nationality, date of birth, dates of affiliation, membership or fellowship, and details of exam sessions, including course results, queries and complaint. </p> <p><strong>IP addresses </strong> </p> <p>If you visit our website, we collect information about the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of your device used to access the site which helps us monitor the level of activity and the service we provide.</p> <p><strong>CV and personal information</strong></p> <p>When you build your candidate profile and upload your CV to ACCA Careers, it can then be viewed over the Internet and downloaded by any direct recruiter, employment consultant or other person or organisation authorised by us who searches for, or requests that CVs matching your profile be sent to them. (You can select the option to remain anonymous in the registration process, and your CV can be made private and will therefore not be viewable by third parties.) These organisations operate on a global basis. ACCA Careers does not verify the identity or the nature of such organisations. ACCA Careers cannot restrict the customers who access profiles on our database and cannot be held responsible for any eventuality.</p> <p>Aggregate data will be used by ACCA Careers to identify employment trends across various sectors. The aggregate data does not contain any information which could be linked to an identifiable individual user.</p> <p>When you apply for an advertised post, information about you is stored in your profile area. Your profile area is accessible only by you and is password protected. Your profile area does not form part of the ACCA Careers candidate database and cannot be searched or accessed by ACCA Careers customers. You may close your ACCA Careers account at any time. In summary, your CV can only be viewed by customers of ACCA Careers if you have given your consent in your profile section.</p> <p>It is your responsibility to ensure that the information in your profile and CV stored on ACCA Careers is up to date and accurate.</p> <p>Any CV we deem to contain inaccurate, illegal or offensive content or contravenes our Acceptable Use Policy will be removed from the ACCA Careers database.</p> <p><strong>Cookies</strong></p> <p>ACCA Careers uses cookies, which are small pieces of data stored by us on your computer. They enable us to identify your computer when you visit the website and to provide you with simplified access to the Site. The cookies we use also protect the integrity of registered user names and passwords and limit access to 'paid for' services. We also use cookies to collect aggregate statistical information about the use of the Site.</p> <p> No personally identifiable data is stored on cookies.</p> <p> You are free to choose whether or not to accept these cookies. PC users can manage their settings by selecting <em>Tools</em> at the top of their browser, followed by <em>Internet Options/Privacy/Advanced Privacy Settings</em>. In the dialogue box, you have the option to select the <em>override automatic cookie handling</em> option.</p> <p>However, if you choose to decline you will be unable to access the personalised areas of the Site. These include your profile, CV registration or the jobs by email facility.</p> <p>For these reasons, we strongly recommend that you accept cookies.</p> <p>In addition, cookies may be used by those third party companies who provide advertisements to the Site to target advertising more effectively.</p> <p>To review our full cookies policy please <a href="">contact us</a></p> <p><strong>How will ACCA Careers collect the information?</strong></p> <p>We will collect data directly from you for example from registration forms, change of details forms, at fairs and events and via our website.</p> <p>Where we collect information, whether that be via websites, telephone, or manual forms we will provide at the point of collection a more tailored and specific privacy notice pointing out the relevant information for that product or service and justifying why the collection is necessary. We may also collect some data from external sources.</p> <p><strong>Where will my data be stored?</strong></p> <p>ACCA Careers’ main information systems are located within the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Economic Area (EEA) and accessed by ACCA's customer services teams, which may be located in regional hub centres. We process information within the UK & EEA, but may also transfer data outside of the UK & EEA to our suppliers as part of our operations and service delivery. Other teams within ACCA may need to access, use and store your data in certain circumstances for the purposes listed above, e.g. to communicate with you in relation to training or examinations or to investigate incidents or complaints. If you are an overseas member or student, your information may be accessed by ACCA's national office in your country and records may be maintained locally (subject to local legislation).</p> <p>Some of our partners or service providers, or technology vendors may pass information outside of UK & EEA into jurisdictions where privacy laws, obligations and rights may vary. For such transfers, we will always ensure that appropriate assurance checks and measures are put in place to protect your privacy and we will also point this out to you in specific privacy notices for that product or service, if applicable.</p> <p><strong>How do I keep my information up to date and accurate?</strong></p> <p>It is your responsibility to ensure that the information in your profile and CV stored on ACCA Careers is up to date. CVs should be updated at least every six months, or as soon as your contact details change</p> <p>If you don’t have a myACCA portal account you can always <a href="">contact us</a> via our contact centre to update your information, or write to us as the address below:</p> <p>ACCA Careers, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, The Adelphi, 1-11 John Adam Street, London, WC2N 6AU, UK </p> <p><strong>Will my data be given to anyone else?</strong></p> <p><strong>Service providers</strong>: ACCA Careers uses a number of third-party service providers in order to carry out the activities described above, for example, to send you mailings or operate or administer exams. ACCA Careers requires such service providers to use your personal data only for the purpose of the relevant service.</p> <p><strong>Event sponsors: </strong>ACCA Careers may organise events, such as webinars and career fairs which may be sponsored by other organisations or partners, and in order to administrate these events we may share your personal information with these sponsors.</p> <p><strong>Employment assistance: </strong>we may provide relevant details to direct recruiters, recruitment agencies and employers for the purposes of assisting you to find appropriate employment.</p> <p>Professional advisers, regulatory and legal authorities: ACCA Careers may disclose your personal data to its professional advisers, legal authorities, other professional bodies, other regulators or other third parties, in order to investigate complaints and disciplinary matters, to exercise or defend its legal rights or otherwise, where required by law.</p> <p>ACCA Careers provides recruiters with aggregate statistical data about visitors and users of the Site. This information may include the number of CVs on the database, or the number of visitors to the Site and may be provided to customers, advertisers, suppliers and other reputable third parties. No data will be provided which would allow the identification of individuals.</p> <p><strong>How long will my data be held for?</strong></p> <p>We will retain your details for as long as they are needed for the relevant purposes listed in the section “Why does ACCA Careers hold information on me?” above. We may also retain certain records for other legitimate reasons (including after your relationship with ACCA Careers has ended), for example to resolve any potential disputes and to comply with other reporting and retention obligations.</p> <p>CV applications will be deleted after six months.</p> <p>CVs added to our database will be deleted after 12 months, unless you agree to retain it. We will contact you before 12 months to ask if you want it deleted/retained.</p> <p><strong>Is ACCA Careers subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000?</strong></p> <p>ACCA Careers is not listed as a 'public body' for the purposes of the FOIA and therefore is not under a duty to comply with the provisions of the FOIA. </p> <p><strong>What rights do I have?</strong></p> <p>Individual’s rights are <strong>qualified</strong> (meaning they may not have these rights at all times, or in all circumstances), but generally speaking, individual’s rights include;</p> <ul> <li>The right of access or to obtain a copy of their information</li> <li>The right to correction or updating</li> <li>The right to complain (to both the ACCA and the regulator)</li> <li>The right to object, block or put on hold processing</li> <li>The right to be forgotten</li> <li>The right of data portability to another provider</li> <li>The right to be compensated for damage or distress</li> <li>Rights related to automated decision making (machine based judgements)</li> </ul> <p>If you want to exercise one of these rights please get in touch at;</p> <p>ACCA</p> <p>Privacy Office</p> <p>Corporate Assurance<br /> The Adelphi<br /> 1-11 John Adam Street<br /> London<br /> WC2N 6AU</p> <p>Alternatively, you can email <a href=""></a>, or call +44 (0)141 582 2000 </p> <p><strong>How do I get a copy of my data or update my preferences?</strong></p> <p>We try and provide a self-service style of service, or login to your account and review and update your own information or alternatively you can contact our <a href="">contact centre</a>.</p> <p>Before providing you with your personal data, we may require confirmation of your identity or further information about the data requested to assist ACCA to locate your personal data.</p> <p>Please also let us know if you believe any data we hold to be inaccurate or if you have other concerns about our use of your personal data.</p> <p>These rights are subject to certain exemptions which may apply. </p> <p>You can update your contact details and options for receiving publications and communications via <em>myACCA</em> or by contacting ACCA's <a href="">contact centre</a><u>.</u></p> <p><strong>Who can help me if I have a query?</strong></p> <p>For more information, or for further assistance with a more detailed enquiry regarding data privacy please contact <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Will ACCA Careers position change?</strong></p> <p>From time to time we will review this document, when we make substantial changes to our processes or procedures and systems, or if laws and regulations change. We will update the notice here, and make reasonable efforts to contact and update those affected if the changes are substantial in nature.</p> <p><em><Date of last revision – January 2021></em></p> </div> </div> <div class="grid-item one-sixth lap-hidden palm-hidden"> <div class="buttons block"> <div class="ad ad--button ad--button__first"> </div> <div class="ad ad--button ad--button__second"> </div> <div class="ad ad--button ad--button__third"> </div> <div class="ad ad--button ad--button__forth"> </div> <div class="ad ad--button ad--button__fifth"> </div> <div class="ad ad--button ad--button__sixth"> </div> <div class="ad ad--button ad--button__seventh"> </div> <div class="ad ad--button ad--button__eighth"> </div> </div> <div class="ad ad--skyscraper block"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block="footer-main" class="position-static"> <footer class="contentinfo"> <div class="back-to-top"> <div class="wrapper cf"> <p class="right-text no-margin"><a href='#top-bar' class="js-smooth-scrollto block-level">Back to top</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper content"> <nav aria-label="Footer" class="tertiary-nav block"> <ul class="tertiary-nav__items cf"> <div class="grid"> <div class="grid-item one-quarter lap-one-quarter portable-one-half palm-one-whole"> <img class="footer-logo" src="//;v=41ac3c1080e2e3ee46587f944369e640" alt="ACCA, think ahead" /> </div> <div class="grid-item one-quarter lap-one-quarter portable-one-half palm-one-whole"> <ul class="tertiary-nav__items cf"> <h3>Jobseeker</h3> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="">Jobseeker home</a></li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="/searchjobs/">Find a job</a></li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="/newalert/">Job alerts</a></li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="/employers/">Search recruiters</a></li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="/careers/">Careers advice</a></li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="/logon/">Jobseeker sign in</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="grid-item one-quarter lap-one-quarter portable-one-half palm-one-whole"> <ul class="tertiary-nav__items cf"> <h3>Recruiter</h3> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="">Recruiter home</a></li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="">Pricing</a></li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="">Your jobs</a></li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="">Recruiter sign in</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="grid-item one-quarter lap-one-quarter portable-one-half palm-one-whole"> <ul class="tertiary-nav__items cf"> <h3>ACCA Careers</h3> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="/about-us/"> About us </a></li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="/contact-us/"> Contact us </a></li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="/terms-and-conditions/"> Terms and conditions </a></li> <li class="tertiary-nav__item"><a class="tertiary-nav__link" href="/privacy-policy/"> Privacy policy </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </ul> </nav> <p class="copyright no-margin">© 2015 - 2025 ACCA Careers. 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