Terms and conditions
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policy</a><br /> 3. <a href="#cookies">Browser and cookies policy</a></p> <h2><a name="termsconditions">Terms and conditions</a></h2> <h3>1. General</h3> <p><a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a> (the Site) is owned and operated by ACCA and is available to users under the terms and conditions set out here. Through use of the services provided on the Site, you are deemed to have accepted these terms.</p> <h3>2. The Services</h3> <p>2.1. Information and services on the Site are provided to you for the express purpose of searching for employment opportunities and career information. Recruiters may place advertisements for vacancies and individuals may submit responses to those vacancies or opportunities (“the Services”). </p> <p>2.2. The Site and the Services are for non-commercial, personal use only. Information from the Site may be used, printed or downloaded on these grounds only and not for any other reasons, whether personal or commercial. Material may not be otherwise copied, displayed, transmitted or distributed.</p> <p>2.3. All copyright, database rights and other intellectual property rights to the Site and the material displayed on it belongs to ACCA or its third party suppliers. Use of the Site does not confer any proprietary rights over such materials.</p> <p>2.4. The searching or screening tools provided by us are designed to assist recruiters in the assessment of a candidate’s suitability, and are not intended as a substitute for due diligence.</p> <p>2.5. Use of the Site and the Services are subject to other applicable terms and policies:</p> <p class="tab">2.5.1. <a href="#acceptableuse">ACCA’s Acceptable Use Policy.</a></p> <p class="tab">2.5.2. <a href="">Privacy Policy and Data Protection</a></p> <p class="tab">2.5.3. <a href="#cookies">Cookie Policy</a></p> <h3>3. Candidates</h3> <p>3.1. We do not review CVs and job advertisements displayed on the Site and therefore accept no responsibility or liability for their contents.</p> <p>3.2. Your personal data will be collected and processed by ACCA in accordance with our <a href="/privacy-policy/">Privacy Policy</a>.</p> <p>3.3. ACCA Careers will not be a party to your communication with recruiters. You should therefore verify:</p> <p class="tab">3.3.1. the recruiter’s identity and the nature of its business;</p> <p class="tab">3.3.2. the commencement date and duration of the role;</p> <p class="tab">3.3.3. details of the role including type of work, location, hours, potential health and safety risks;</p> <p class="tab">3.3.4. any authorisation which the recruiter considers necessary, or is required by law, to accept the position;</p> <p class="tab">3.3.5. whether any expenses are payable by you as a candidate; and</p> <p class="tab">3.3.6. whether there are any requirements, imposed by law or otherwise, for you to satisfy before taking up a position, such as a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.</p> <p>3.4. Email, Mobile and Marketing</p> <p>The information gathered may be used by ACCA Careers for purposes relating to your use of the Site, interactive services and for marketing activities. These include communications directly to you by email, post or mobile of any advertising or marketing materials. The option to optimise the messages you receive from ACCA Careers and its third parties can be found on your profile page If you do not wish to receive marketing materials or advertising from ACCA Careers or from its carefully selected third parties you can opt out by going through the unsubscribe procedure from any of the emails or SMS messages sent to you. Alternatively you may also notify us by e-mail: <a href=""></a></p> <h3>4. Limitation of liability</h3> <p>4.1. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, or fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by English law.</p> <p>4.2.To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all conditions, warranties, representations or other terms which may apply to the Site or any content on it, whether express or implied.</p> <p>4.3. We will not be liable to any user for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, even if foreseeable, arising under or in connection with:</p> <p class="tab">4.3.1. use of, or inability to use the Site; or</p> <p class="tab">4.3.2. use of or reliance on any content displayed on the Site.</p> <p>4.4. You agree not to use the Site for any commercial or business purposes, and we have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.</p> <p>4.5. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a virus, distributed denial-of-service attack, or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of our Site or to your downloading of any content on it, or on any website linked to it.</p> <p>4.6. We assume no responsibility for the content of websites linked on our Site. Such links should not be interpreted as endorsement by us of those linked websites. We will not be liable for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. We strive to ensure the continuous availability of the Site and the Services but accept no responsibility or liability for the consequences of interruptions or delays, under any circumstance. We reserve the right to alter the Site’s design and specification at any time.</p> <h3>5. Assignment and variation</h3> <p>5.1. ACCA reserves the right to assign or transfer all or any of its rights and obligations under this agreement to any group companies or subsidiaries or any other third party. In the event of assignment or transfer, notification will either be given to you by e-mail or posted on the Site.</p> <p>5.2. ACCA reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time. Changes in this manner shall be deemed to have been accepted if you continue to use the Site and/or the services offered following any such amendment.</p> <h3>6. Legal framework</h3> <p>These terms and conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with English law and any disputes shall be decided by the English courts.</p> <h3>7. Browsers and cookies</h3> <p>7.1. The Site supports the current and most recent preceding versions of all modern browsers, and follows the HTML5 W3C standard. If your browser is not supported, you may still be able to access the Site, but some display problems may be experienced.</p> <p>7.2. The Site requires you to enable session cookies (enabling permanent cookies is recommended) in your browser.</p> <p>For further information please refer to <a href="#cookies">ACCA Careers Cookies</a></p> <p><a href="#top">Back to top</a></p> <h2><a name="acceptableuse">Acceptable use policy</a></h2> <p>1.1. This acceptable use policy sets out the terms between you and us under which you may access our website or (the Site). This acceptable use policy applies to all users of, and visitors to, the Site.</p> <p>1.2. Your use of the Site means that you accept, and agree to abide by, all the policies in this acceptable use policy, which supplement our terms of website use.</p> <h3>2. Prohibited uses</h3> <p>2.1. You may use the Site only for lawful purposes. You may not use the Site:</p> <p class="tab">2.1.1. In any way that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation.</p> <p class="tab">2.1.2. In any way that is unlawful or fraudulent, or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect.</p> <p class="tab">2.1.3. For the purpose of harming or attempting to harm minors in any way.</p> <p class="tab">2.1.4. To send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use or re-use any material which does not comply with our content standards </p> <p class="tab">2.1.5. To transmit, or procure the sending of, any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation (spam).</p> <p class="tab">2.1.6. To knowingly transmit any data, send or upload any material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware.</p> <p>2.2. You also agree:</p> <p class="tab">2.2.1. Not to reproduce, duplicate, copy or re-sell any part of the Site in contravention of the provisions of our terms of website use.</p> <p class="tab">2.2.2. Not to access without authority, interfere with, damage or disrupt:</p> <p class="tab2">a) any part of the Site;<br /> b) any equipment or network on which the Site is stored; <br /> c) any software used in the provision of the Site; or <br /> d) any equipment or network or software owned or used by any third party.</p> <h3>3. Interactive services</h3> <p>3.1. We may from time to time provide interactive services on the Site, including, without limitation:</p> <p class="tab">3.1.1. Chat rooms.<br /> 3.1.2. Bulletin boards.<br /> 3.1.3. Webinars.<br /> 3.1.4. Forums.<br /> 3.1.5. Web chat.<br /> 3.1.6. Q & As.</p> <h3>4. Interactive services</h3> <p>4.1. Where we do provide any interactive service, we will provide clear information to you about the kind of service offered, if it is moderated and what form of moderation is used (including whether it is human or technical).</p> <p>4.2. We will do our best to assess any possible risks for users from third parties when they use any interactive service provided on the Site, and we will decide in each case whether it is appropriate to use moderation of the relevant service (including what kind of moderation to use) in the light of those risks. However, we are under no obligation to oversee, monitor or moderate any interactive service we provide on the Site, and we expressly exclude our liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any interactive service by a user in contravention of our content standards, whether the service is moderated or not. </p> <p>4.3. Where we do moderate an interactive service, we will normally provide you with a means of contacting the moderator, should a concern or difficulty arise.</p> <h3>5. Content standards</h3> <p>5.1. These content standards apply to any and all material which you contribute to the Site (Contributions), and to any interactive services associated with it. </p> <p>5.2. You must comply with the spirit and the letter of the following standards. The standards apply to each part of any Contribution as well as to its whole.</p> <p>5.3. Contributions must:</p> <p class="tab">5.3.1. Be accurate (where they state facts).</p> <p class="tab">5.3.2. Be genuinely held (where they state opinions).</p> <p class="tab">5.3.3. Comply with applicable law in the UK and in any country from which they are posted.</p> <p>5.4. Contributions must not:</p> <p class="tab">5.4.1. Contain any material which is defamatory of any person.</p> <p class="tab">5.4.2. Contain any material which is obscene, offensive, hateful or inflammatory.</p> <p class="tab">5.4.3. Promote sexually explicit material.</p> <p class="tab">5.4.4. Promote violence.</p> <p class="tab">5.4.5. Promote discrimination based on race, sex, gender reassignment, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.</p> <p class="tab">5.4.6. Infringe any copyright, database right or trade mark of any other person.</p> <p class="tab">5.4.7. Be likely to deceive any person.</p> <p class="tab">5.4.8. Be made in breach of any legal duty owed to a third party, such as a contractual duty or a duty of confidence.</p> <p class="tab">5.4.9. Promote any illegal activity.</p> <p class="tab">5.4.10. Be threatening, abuse or invade another’s privacy, or cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety.</p> <p class="tab">5.4.11. Be likely to harass, upset, embarrass, alarm or annoy any other person.</p> <p class="tab">5.4.12. Be used to impersonate any person, or to misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person.</p> <p class="tab">5.4.13. Give the impression that they emanate from us, if this is not the case.</p> <p class="tab">5.4.14. Advocate, promote or assist any unlawful act such as (by way of example only) copyright infringement or computer misuse.</p> <h3>6.Suspension and termination</h3> <p>6.1.We will determine, in our discretion, whether there has been a breach of this acceptable use policy through your use of the Site. 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