Make Changes to Your Account
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Please read the following instructions before continuing:<BR><BR> 1. Enter your last name and password in the spaces provided below.<BR><BR> 2. Your online account will be displayed, and you will be able to make any necessary changes.<BR><BR> 3. A "place holder" order will be created that you must submit. This is just a temporary order that gets submitted to so that the changes you are making to your account can be finalized. You will not be charged for anything.<BR><BR> If you have forgotten your password, please <A HREF="changeaccount_pw.asp">click here</A>. If you have any other problems or questions, please <a href="">contact us</A> for more information.</font></P> </TD> </TR> </TABLE></P> <P><B>Last Name</B> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="lname" SIZE="20" VALUE=""><IMG SRC="art/pixeltrans.gif" WIDTH="18" HEIGHT="1" BORDER="0"><B>Password</B> <INPUT TYPE="PASSWORD" NAME="password" VALUE="" SIZE="12"></P> <P><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="continue to make account changes"></P> </CENTER> </FORM> <!-- #EndEditable --></div> <span class="style9"> <!-- End Content --></div> </span> <!-- End Footer --></div> <div style="clear: both"> <span class="style9"> <div align="center" id="footer" class="style17"> <nobr><a class="style14" href="index.htm">Home</a></nobr> | <nobr><a href="Worldwide/index.htm">Worldwide Covers</a></nobr> | <nobr><a href="United_States/index.htm">United States Covers</a></nobr> | <nobr><a href="State/index.htm">U.S. Covers By State</a></nobr> | <nobr><a href="Airmail/index.htm">Airmail Covers</a></nobr> | <nobr><a href="Military/index.htm">Military Covers</a></nobr> | <nobr><a href="Post_Offices/index.htm">U.S. Post Offices</a></nobr> | <nobr><a href="faq/faq.htm">FAQ</a></nobr> | <nobr><a href="Shipping.htm">Shipping</a></nobr><font size="2"> </font>| <nobr><a href="Payment.htm">Payment</a></nobr> <span class="style9"> | <nobr><a href="Terms.htm">Terms</a></nobr> </span> </span> | <nobr><a href="Help.htm">Help</a></nobr> |<span class="style9"> <nobr><a href="Search_for_covers.htm">Search For Covers</a></nobr> |<nobr><a href="search_for_information.htm"> </a></nobr> <nobr><a href="">Search For Information</a></nobr> |<font face="Times New Roman, Times"><font class="style4"> <nobr><a href="US_and_Worldwide_Listings.htm">Understanding The Listings</a></nobr> </font></font>|<font face="Times New Roman, Times"><font class="style4"> </font><nobr><a href=""> <span class="style4">View Shopping Cart</span></a></nobr><span class="style4"> </span></font>|<font face="Times New Roman, Times"><span class="style4"> <nobr><a href="">Save Cart</a></nobr><span class="style18"> | </span> <nobr><a href="">Retrieve Cart</a></nobr> | <nobr><a href="">Proceed To Checkout</a></nobr></span></font> |<font face="Times New Roman, Times"><font class="style4"> </font></font><font face="Times New Roman, Times"> <font class="style4"> <nobr><a href="">Change Your Account</a></nobr></font></font> |<font face="Times New Roman, Times"><font class="style4"> <nobr><a href="privacy.htm">Privacy</a></nobr> <span class="style16">|</span> </font></font><font> <nobr><a href="Contact_Information.htm">Contact Jim Forte</a></nobr></font><br /> </span> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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