Privacy Policy - Evermore
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class="detached-navigation"></div><div class="container mt-4 sm:mt-8 md:mt-12 lg:mt-16"><div class="section-mark"></div><h1 class="max-w-xl mt-1 text-gray-700 text-4xl sm:text-6xl md:text-6xl lg:text-8xl font-bold leading-snug">Privacy Policy</h1><p class="opacity-75 text-gray-700 text-base sm:text-lg md:text-xl uppercase leading-normal">Evermore Privacy Policy</p></div></header><section class="py-20 bg-white static-content"><div class="container -small"><p>Evermore Ltd. values the privacy of our visitors and therefore we treat your secure browsing experience with highest level of importance. The following page represents our company commitment to privacy for our website: <a class="text-blue-400 font-bold hover:underline" href="/"></a></p><h2>Policy Statement</h2><p>Evermore Ltd. will under no circumstances sell, rent or transfer the provided information to any third party service providers/platforms. We will only use this personal information for the purposes of our own business and the improvement of our company offering. This information is also used for statistical and website performance analysis purposes. By using our website you consent to the data practices, as described below.</p><h2>Collection of Personal Information</h2><p>Evermore Ltd. may collect and/or track:</p><ol class="list"><li>Visitors information, which may include IP address, used OS, search engine, and web browser type and version;</li><li>Information provided to us via email, contact form or through any other means of communication with our team members;</li><li>Information knowingly provided by the visitor in online forms, registration forms, surveys, email, contest entries, and other online avenues (including demographic and personal profile data); and</li><li>Aggregate and user-specific information on which pages visitors access</li></ol><p>We may obtain information about your general internet usage by using a cookie file which is stored on the hard drive of your computer. Cookies are small text files which contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive. They help us to improve our website experience and to deliver a better and more personalised service. They enable us to:</p><ul class="list"><li>Estimate our audience size and websites usage patterns;</li><li>Store information about your preferences and so allow us to customise our websites according to your individual interests;</li><li>Speed up your searches; and</li><li>Recognise you when you return to our websites.</li></ul><p>You may refuse to accept cookies by activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse the setting of cookies. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts of our websites.</p><p>We encourage you to review the privacy statements of the other websites you choose to visit through a link from our website. This will give you an understanding of how those websites collect, use and share your information. Evermore is not responsible for the privacy statements or other content on third party websites.</p><h2>Use of the Collected Data</h2><p>Personal data collected by Evermore Ltd. may be used by us for editorial and feedback purposes, for marketing and promotional purposes, for a statistical analysis of users’ behavior, for product development, for content improvement, or to customize the content and layout of Evermore Ltd. offering. The data is used only for internal purposes and we will not sell, rent, lease, transfer, or disclose your personal information to third party service providers.</p><p>Individually identifying information, such as names, postal and email addresses, phone numbers, and other personal information which visitors voluntarily provide to Evermore Ltd. may be added to our databases and used for future calls, emails and marketing campaigns regarding service updates, new products and services introduction, and any upcoming events when consent from the user is provided.</p><p>If you conclude a contract with us, we will also collect certain personal identifying data, for example, your name and contact details, ID card. Depending on the type of the contract we conclude with you, we may also collect other type of personal data about you, which we will collect and securely save in our database.</p><h2>Data Processing Purposes and Legal Basis</h2><p>Based on your affirmative consent that you have given by submitting your request or filling in some of our forms in the websites we use personal data held about you for the following purposes:</p><ul class="list"><li>To provide you with products and services that you request from us, or information about them where you have asked to be contacted for such purposes;</li><li>If you contact us to send you tailored information and offers and to contact you in relation to any service we provide;</li><li>Where you have registered your interest as a client, contractor, supplier or you have applied for a job or internship – to assess your application and consider your suitability, to contact you in relation to your enquiry and to add you to our databases so we can contact you about potential opportunities that may be of interest;</li><li>To notify you about changes to our service and in certain circumstances, to contact you with information about goods and services which we feel may interest you by post, telephone or other electronic means (e-mail or SMS). The provision of this information is entirely voluntary and you may withdraw your consent at any time or object to receiving marketing communications.</li></ul><p>Based on our legitimate interests to administer the websites and to interact with users we may collect your data:</p><ul class="list"><li>To ensure that content from our websites is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer;</li><li>To allow you to participate in interactive features of our service, when you choose to do so;</li><li>To maintain the security of our websites.</li></ul><p>If you have entered into contract with us, we will use the data you have provided us which is necessary for the performance of the contact to perform the contract and carry out our obligations arising from it. In some instances, there may be some statutory requirements about the data we are obliged to collect. If you do not provide us with this information, we may not be able to conclude or perform the contract. After anonymizing the data, we may use it also for statistical and research purposes.</p><p>If you have entered into any contract with us or provided us somehow with your contact details, we may send you marketing communications related to our services and goods based on your consent to promote and improve our services’ quality and accessibility to our existing and potential future clients and partners. You can opt out or object to receiving such information and marketing communications by clicking on the link “unsubscribe” below each marketing message you receive or by sending us an e-mail with text “no marketing communications” to <a class="text-blue-400 font-bold hover:underline" href=""></a>.</p><h2>Right to Contact Users</h2><p>Evermore Ltd. reserves the right to contact visitors regarding sales or marketing activities only if they have registered to receive such information from us.</p><h2>Right to Access Personal Information</h2><p>According to the GDPR law every visitors have the right to access all their personal information collected by us. In such cases, please contact us via email, telephone or contact form and we will send it over.</p><h2>Security Measures</h2><p>Evermore Ltd. has implemented numerous security features to prevent the unauthorized release of or access to personal information. In order to ensure highest level of security for our client's data, we use the services of external cloud service provider, that is compliant with all EU regulations for data protection, and we also have a set up procedure in place to cover best practices (use of SSL encrypted database connections, encryption of the most sensitive data with proven crypto algorithms(aes-256-cbc), regular security updates and daily backups).<br>Additionally, all our employees are required to keep all information they work with during their day to day activities confidential, which is an important factor to safeguard personal information.</p><p>If you decide to share your information with us through email or our website form, you must be aware that our company’s emails and website are encrypted using SSL technology and provide secure data transmissions. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via other channels such as social media networks (e.g. Facebook, Instagram etc.) is not completely secure and we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to us. Any such transmission is at your own risk, so we strongly advise you to use our official websites and emails for any communication and sharing your personal information.</p><h2>Period of Keeping Your Personal Data</h2><p>Depending on the purpose for which we have collected your data, we may keep it for different periods, but in any case, this will not be longer than what is needed for the purpose of the specific data processing. Including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting or reporting requirements.<br>In general, we hold your information for 7 years after your last contact/correspondence in case of complaints or legal claims.</p><p>Where we have been using your personal data to provide you with marketing, we will retain this information for 7 years and we will delete immediately your personal data following your request to be removed from our marketing list.</p><p>When you have sent us your CV and applied with us for a job, internship, or in other cases, we will retain this information for 3 years after you have submitted it, unless you have re-confirmed your interest in the meantime.</p><h2>Your Rights</h2><p>In addition to the right to be informed about how we use your personal dat, you have the following rights in respect of the personal data we hold about you which you can exercise for free:</p><ul class="list"><li>Right to object: you can object to our processing of your personal data. Please contact us as noted above, providing details of your objection.</li><li>Access to your personal data: you can request access to a copy of your personal data that we hold, along with information on what personal data we use, why we use it, who we share it with, how long we keep it for and whether it has been used for any automated decision-making.</li><li>Right to withdraw consent: if you have given us your consent to use your personal data – for example, to send you marketing emails – you can withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in any marketing email, which you receive or by contacting us as at the email address noted above.</li><li>Rectification: you can ask us to change or complete any inaccurate or incomplete personal data held about you.</li><li>Erasure: you can ask us to delete your personal data in certain circumstances, for example where it is no longer necessary for us to use it, you have withdrawn consent, or where we have no lawful basis for keeping it.</li><li>Portability: if the processing of your data is based on a contract and performed through automatic means, you can ask us to provide you or a third party with the personal data that we hold about you in a structured, commonly used, electronic form, so it can be easily transferred to other service providers.</li><li>Restriction: you can ask us to restrict the personal data we use about you in certain circumstances, for example, where you have asked for it to be erased or where you have objected to our use of it.</li><li>Complaint: you can make a complaint about how we have used your personal data to us by contacting us as noted above, or file a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority for Bulgaria.</li></ul><p>You should know that some of these rights only apply in certain circumstances and depending on the case, there may be some exceptions to them, so we may not be able to fulfill every request. If we receive a request from you to exercise any of the above rights, we may ask you to verify your identity before acting on the request. Тhis is to ensure that your data is protected and kept secure.</p><p>If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please send us a written request by email to <a class="text-blue-400 font-bold hover:underline" href=""></a> through e-signature specifying your names, ID, contact details, your request and the reason for it.</p><h2>Changes to This Policy</h2><p>Evermore Ltd. reserves the right to change and update this statement in order to reflect new business requirements, customer feedback or potential legal regulations without notice. We encourage you to periodically visit this statement and keep yourself updated on our information protection policy. If you have any questions or doubts regarding this policy statement, contact us directly.</p></div></section><footer class="py-8 md:py-12 lg:py-24 bg-gray-800"><div class="container text-white text-center"><div class="sm:flex sm:items-center sm:justify-center relative mb-8 lg:mb-20"><a href="/one-percent-for-the-planet" class="sm:absolute sm:left-0 sm:mb-0 flex justify-center mb-6"><img src="" alt="1% for the Planet"></a><div class="flex justify-center"><a href="" class="social-link" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Linkedin"> </a><a href="" class="social-link" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Medium"> </a><a href="" class="social-link" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Twitter"> </a><a href="" class="social-link" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Instagram"> </a><a href="" class="social-link" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Facebook"></a></div></div><div class="flex flex-wrap"><a class="mr-16 opacity-50 text-sm text-white hover:underline" href="/terms">Terms of Use</a> <a class="opacity-50 text-sm text-white hover:underline" href="/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a> <span class="w-full lg:w-auto mt-4 lg:mt-0 lg:ml-auto pr-20 sm:pr-0 opacity-50 text-sm text-white text-left">Evermore Ltd., 4 Iskar Street, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria, VAT: BG175194851</span></div></div></footer><section class="cookies-consent" id="cookies-consent"><div class="container md:flex items-center text-center"><div class="mb-4 md:mb-0 text-left"><b class="font-bold">This website stores cookies on your computer.</b> These cookies are used to collect information about how you interact with our website and allow us to remember you. 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