Eposter Guidelines | Aver Conferences | Conference Guidelines | Author Guidelines | Aver World | Poster Presentation Guidelines | Posters | Conference Posters | Poster Presentations | Poster Presentations Rules | Posters Submission
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This setup will allow both on-site and virtual attendees to follow and present in the session equally. <p> <p>An e-poster is an electronic version (PowerPoint or pdf) of a poster presentation. <p> <p>The e-poster may include texts, figures, charts, tables, images, and artwork but an e-poster digital presentation can include any audio, video, or animation (8-10 seconds). <p> <p>As an e-poster presenter, you are asked to prepare a poster in the landscape. We suggest you follow the default aspect ratio of PowerPoint. (16:9) <p> <p>Aim for no more than 700-800 words of text in your poster. <p> <p>It is highly recommended that you use Arial or Calibri. <p> <p>Use high-contrast colors for lettering and do not place too much text on each page. <p> <p>1 or 2 Logos and company names are permitted. <p> <p>Set the slide size of the page to "on-screen show" and landscape orientation in the page setup section. <p> <p>All e-poster presenters should submit an e-poster through the conference portal. <p> <p>Each e-presenter will have 15 minutes to speak at an online conference. If the e-poster presenter is not available to present, it will be displayed during the conference. <p> <p>*Note: E-poster registrations are not accepted to present at the conference. This is for online conferences only. <p> <div class="ttm_single_image-wrapper mb-35"> <img class="img-fluid" src="images/single-img-fourteen.jpg" alt="single-img-fourteen"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ttm-service-single-content-are end --> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 widget-area"> <aside class="widget widget-nav-menu"> <ul class="widget-menu"> <li><a href="oral-guidelines.php">Oral Guidelines</a></li> <li><a href="poster-guidelines.php">Poster Guidelines</a></li> <li><a href="young-researcher-guidelines.php">Young Researcher Guidelines</a></li> <li class="active"><a href="eposter-guidelines.php">E-poster Guidelines</a></li> <li><a href="student-guidelines.php">Student Guidelines</a></li> <li><a href="listener-guidelines.php">Listener/Delegate Guidelines</a></li> </ul> </aside> <aside class="widget widget-download"> <h3 class="widget-title">Sample Abstract</h3> <ul class="download"> <li> <i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></i> <a href="images/Sampleabstract.pdf" title="Download">Download.pdf</a> 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