Poster Guidelines | Aver Conferences | Conference Guidelines | Author Guidelines | Aver World | Poster Presentation Guidelines | Posters | Conference Posters | Poster Presentations | Poster Presentations Rules | Posters Submission
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This setup will allow both on-site and virtual attendees to follow and present in the session equally.<p> <p>A poster session is a graphic presentation of an author鈥檚 research. Authors illustrate their study findings by displaying graphs, photos, diagrams, and a small amount of text on poster boards.<p> <p>Each poster should be approximately 1脳1 M long. <p> <p>We recommend the presenting speaker mention the conference logo on the poster. You can download the logo from the website and email it to the conference manager.<p> <p>At least one of the authors must be present on your poster during the entire presentation session. <p> <p>Poster material should be well labeled and legible from a distance of 4-5 feet. The title should be the same as the title submitted with the abstract and appear in boldface at the top. Nouns, pronouns, verbs, and other important words begin with uppercase letters; coordinating conjunctions, articles, and prepositions of 3 letters or fewer should all be in lowercase letters unless they are the first or last words in a title or subtitle. <p> <p>Presenting authors should print their physical posters by themselves and bring them to the conference hall. Kindly email the same poster (pdf) to the conference manager. This helps in sharing online during the poster session for online attendees.<p> <p>Posters have become an undeniably famous strategy for presentation at meetings, as they advance greater interaction between specialists and conference members.<p> <p>Posters ought to animate discussion, not give a long introduction. <p> <p>Be sure to incorporate the abstract title, author and co-author names, and the organization where the research is in progress.<p> <p>Each poster must include text in a large enough font (~21-point font) to be read easily by attendees from a distance of 4 to 5 feet or more.<p> <p>Use charts and graphs to illustrate data (avoid large tables of raw data). <p> <p>Put your research objective (the Big Question) in a notable place. Commonly, that place is the upper left of a banner, where a pursuer鈥檚 eyes will land first. <p> <p>All posters must be set up in the time assigned before the meeting and should stay up until the meeting/session closes. Conference organizers will not be responsible for the posters.<p> <p>Poster presentations will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 1. Quality and relevance of abstract 2. Content and layout of the poster<p> <p>1. Quality and relevance of abstract<p> <p>2. Content and layout of the poster<p> <p>The poster format ought to be in a logical order, including text and graphics that clarify the goals of the research and why the research is significant; theory /statement of the problem; techniques and controls; results; conclusions and future research; and references and affirmations. <p> <p>We suggest all poster presenters register for in-person participation. In-person poster presenters are not allowed to register under the e-poster category.<p> <p>Note: Poster presenters are not allowed to speak without carrying the printed poster (In person)/their slides (online).<p> <div class="ttm_single_image-wrapper mb-35"> <img class="img-fluid" src="images/single-img-fourteen.jpg" alt="single-img-fourteen"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ttm-service-single-content-are end --> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 widget-area"> <aside class="widget widget-nav-menu"> <ul class="widget-menu"> <li><a href="oral-guidelines.php">Oral Guidelines</a></li> <li class="active"><a href="poster-guidelines.php">Poster Guidelines</a></li> <li><a href="young-researcher-guidelines.php">Young Researcher Guidelines</a></li> <li><a href="eposter-guidelines.php">E-poster Guidelines</a></li> <li><a href="student-guidelines.php">Student Guidelines</a></li> <li><a href="listener-guidelines.php">Listener/Delegate Guidelines</a></li> </ul> </aside> <aside class="widget widget-download"> 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