Julian De Freitas - Faculty & Research - Harvard Business School

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He earned his PhD in psychology from Harvard, masters from Oxford, and BA from Yale. He teaches Creating Brand Value in the elective curriculum, Consumer Behavior in the doctoral curriculum, and has taught marketing in the required and executive curricula. </p> <p class="x_MsoNormal"><span data-olk-copy-source="MessageBody">A key premise of Julian’s work is that, unlike past technologies which consumers have perceived as “non-living,” consumers often view and interact with AI as though it is humanlike and social in nature. This difference has profound implications for how managers think about AI’s barriers to adoption, value, and risks for years to come. His research establishes how consumers do in fact treat AI differently than other technologies, explains what perceived features of AI give rise to these differences, tests marketing interventions that leverage this understanding to create value for firms, and documents associated risks for firms, consumers, and society. Because much of his research has focused on the case studies of autonomous vehicles (AVs) and social chatbots, it also carries implications for the stubborn societal problems of road fatalities and the loneliness crisis.</span></p> <p class="x_MsoNormal"><span>In approach, Julian’s work sits at the nexus of AI, consumer psychology, and ethics. He studies, utilizes and adapt AI technologies in his research papers, and connects fundamental aspects of their inputs, model architectures, and optimization goals to patterns of consumer behavior and ethical issues.</span></p> <p>Julian is the winner of the Case Center Outstanding Writer award and nine teaching awards, including Harvard College’s Special Commendation. He was formerly a Rhodes Scholar. <br /> <br /> He has published over 40 articles in journals such as <em>Nature Human Behavior</em>, <em>Nature Medicine</em>, <em>The Journal of Consumer Psychology</em>, <em>The Wall Street Journal</em>, and <em>Harvard Business Review</em>. He has also written cases about various companies in tech and beyond, serves as an advisor for startups, and consults for companies on topics related to AI, insurance, ethics, and regulation.</p> <div class="toggle-bio"> <div style="padding-top: 20px;"><a class="toggle-button kappa-uc moreless" href="#"><span class="icon-collapse" style="padding-right:5px"></span>Less</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="shim20"></div> </div> </div> <div class="tablet-visible mobile-visible"> <div class="shim10"></div> <div class="nu">Marketing</div> <div class="shim10"></div> <div class="mu-uc"><a href="tel:+1(617) 495-4944" class="black">+1 (617) 495-4944</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="span1">&nbsp;</div> <div class="span3 tablet-span12 vrule-offset"> <div class="tablet-hidden mobile-hidden profile-section-top-right"> <div class="shim10"></div><img src="" class="fluid" style="border: 3px solid black;" alt="Julian De Freitas" width="200" height="200"><div class="shim5 mobile-visible"></div> <div class="shim15"></div> <div class="mu-uc">Unit</div> <div><a href="/faculty/units/marketing/Pages/default.aspx">Marketing</a></div> <div class="shim15"></div> <div class="mu-uc">Contact Information</div> <div>(617) 495-4944</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="desktop-visible"> <div class="row tablet-row"> <div class="span9 tablet-span12"> <div class="page-tabs-container"> <table class="page-tabs nav-tabs table-overflow tabs-hero" style="margin-bottom:-1px;"> <tr> <td><a href="?facId=1326184&amp;click=byline&amp;view=featured-work" data-tab="featured-work" class="mu-uc current">Featured Work</a></td> <td><a href="?facId=1326184&amp;click=byline&amp;view=publications" data-tab="publications" class="inherit-light-bg black white-color-onhover">Publications</a></td> <td><a href="?facId=1326184&amp;click=byline&amp;view=awards" data-tab="awards" class="inherit-light-bg black white-color-onhover">Awards &amp; Honors</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container tablet-container mobile-container vrule9"> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row"> <div class="span9 tablet-span12 body h3-kappa" data-wcm-edit-url=""> <div class="cap tablet-cap mobile-cap"></div> <div class="tablet-hidden mobile-hidden"> <div id="featured-work" class="tabcontent current" data-wcm-edit-url=""> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row "> <div class="span8 "> <article> <div class="thumbnail" style="float:left; position: relative;"><img src=" Files/R2405G_WANG_6ca46481-f96c-4d8d-a64d-95228e130b21.jpg" class="fluid" width="130px" style="margin-bottom: 18px; margin-right: 1em;" alt=""></div> <div class="title eta"><a href=""><strong>AI Value:</strong> "How AI Can Power Brand Management"</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="subtitle">It can automate creative tasks and improve the customer experience.</div> <div class="shim12"></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="thumbnail" style="float:left; position: relative;"><img src=" Files/thumbnail_featured_work_row2_72ff0cbb-f23c-43c0-bb76-1526a3015f24.jpg" class="fluid" width="130px" style="margin-bottom: 18px; margin-right: 1em;" alt=""></div> <div class="title eta"><a href=""><strong> AI Adoption Barriers: </strong>"Why People Resist Embracing AI"</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="subtitle">The five main obstacles—and how to overcome them.</div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline">IdeaCast Podcast Interview: <a title="The Consumer Psychology of Adopting AI" href="" target="_blank">The Consumer Psychology of Adopting AI</a></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="thumbnail" style="float:left; position: relative;"><img src=" Files/download_5d2720c4-6ac0-47c7-85cc-03b006b6f6a0.png" class="fluid" width="130px" style="margin-bottom: 18px; margin-right: 1em;" alt=""></div> <div class="title eta"><a href=""><strong> AI Risks:</strong> "Marketing for AI Failure"</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="subtitle">(Forthcoming in HBR July/August)</div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline">The five key hazards to watch out for when AI fails—along with practical advice for managers who want to reduce blame, protect their brand, and strengthen consumer trust.</div> </article> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tablet-visible mobile-visible"> <div class="fullBio"><p>Julian De Freitas is an Assistant Professor of Business Administration in the Marketing Unit, and Director of the Ethical Intelligence Lab, at Harvard Business School. He earned his PhD in psychology from Harvard, masters from Oxford, and BA from Yale. He teaches Creating Brand Value in the elective curriculum, Consumer Behavior in the doctoral curriculum, and has taught marketing in the required and executive curricula. </p> <p class="x_MsoNormal"><span data-olk-copy-source="MessageBody">A key premise of Julian’s work is that, unlike past technologies which consumers have perceived as “non-living,” consumers often view and interact with AI as though it is humanlike and social in nature. This difference has profound implications for how managers think about AI’s barriers to adoption, value, and risks for years to come. His research establishes how consumers do in fact treat AI differently than other technologies, explains what perceived features of AI give rise to these differences, tests marketing interventions that leverage this understanding to create value for firms, and documents associated risks for firms, consumers, and society. Because much of his research has focused on the case studies of autonomous vehicles (AVs) and social chatbots, it also carries implications for the stubborn societal problems of road fatalities and the loneliness crisis.</span></p> <p class="x_MsoNormal"><span>In approach, Julian’s work sits at the nexus of AI, consumer psychology, and ethics. He studies, utilizes and adapt AI technologies in his research papers, and connects fundamental aspects of their inputs, model architectures, and optimization goals to patterns of consumer behavior and ethical issues.</span></p> <p>Julian is the winner of the Case Center Outstanding Writer award and nine teaching awards, including Harvard College’s Special Commendation. He was formerly a Rhodes Scholar. <br /> <br /> He has published over 40 articles in journals such as <em>Nature Human Behavior</em>, <em>Nature Medicine</em>, <em>The Journal of Consumer Psychology</em>, <em>The Wall Street Journal</em>, and <em>Harvard Business Review</em>. He has also written cases about various companies in tech and beyond, serves as an advisor for startups, and consults for companies on topics related to AI, insurance, ethics, and regulation.</p></div> <dl class="accordian profile-tabs"> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Featured Work</a></dt> <dd> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row "> <div class="span8 "> <article> <div class="thumbnail" style="float:left; position: relative;"><img src=" Files/R2405G_WANG_6ca46481-f96c-4d8d-a64d-95228e130b21.jpg" class="fluid" width="130px" style="margin-bottom: 18px; margin-right: 1em;" alt=""></div> <div class="title eta"><a href=""><strong>AI Value:</strong> "How AI Can Power Brand Management"</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="subtitle">It can automate creative tasks and improve the customer experience.</div> <div class="shim12"></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="thumbnail" style="float:left; position: relative;"><img src=" Files/thumbnail_featured_work_row2_72ff0cbb-f23c-43c0-bb76-1526a3015f24.jpg" class="fluid" width="130px" style="margin-bottom: 18px; margin-right: 1em;" alt=""></div> <div class="title eta"><a href=""><strong> AI Adoption Barriers: </strong>"Why People Resist Embracing AI"</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="subtitle">The five main obstacles—and how to overcome them.</div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline">IdeaCast Podcast Interview: <a title="The Consumer Psychology of Adopting AI" href="" target="_blank">The Consumer Psychology of Adopting AI</a></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="thumbnail" style="float:left; position: relative;"><img src=" Files/download_5d2720c4-6ac0-47c7-85cc-03b006b6f6a0.png" class="fluid" width="130px" style="margin-bottom: 18px; margin-right: 1em;" alt=""></div> <div class="title eta"><a href=""><strong> AI Risks:</strong> "Marketing for AI Failure"</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="subtitle">(Forthcoming in HBR July/August)</div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline">The five key hazards to watch out for when AI fails—along with practical advice for managers who want to reduce blame, protect their brand, and strengthen consumer trust.</div> </article> </div> </div> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Publications</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and Elie Ofek. <A HREF="">"How AI Can Power Brand Management."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review</I> 102, no. 5 (September–October 2024): 108–114.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. <A HREF="">"Why People Resist Embracing AI."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review</I> 103, no. 1 (January–February 2025): 52–56.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "Anticipating AI Failure." <I>Nature</I> (forthcoming).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Xilin Zhou, Margherita Atzei, Shoshana Boardman, and Luigi Di Lillo. <A HREF=" perception and AV liability (Published).pdf">"Public Perception and Autonomous Vehicle Liability."</A> <I>Journal of Consumer Psychology</I> (forthcoming). (Pre-published online January 12, 2025.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Samure, Roger, Julian De Freitas, and Stefano Puntoni. <A HREF=" as a window into genAI bias.pdf">"Humor as a Window into Generative AI Bias."</A> Art. 1326. <I>Scientific Reports</I> 15 (2025).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and I. Glenn Cohen. <A HREF=", humanizing, and Contextual Vulnerability (Published).pdf">"Disclosure, Humanizing, and Contextual Vulnerability of Generative AI Chatbots."</A> <I>New England Journal of Medicine AI</I> 2, no. 2 (February 2025).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Hermann, Erik, Julian De Freitas, and Stefano Puntoni. <A HREF=" prejudice with counterstereotypical AI (Published).pdf">"Reducing Prejudice with Counter-stereotypical AI."</A> <I>Consumer Psychology Review</I> 8, no. 1 (January 2025): 75–86.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. <A HREF="">"Do ‘Black Individuals’ Really Display No Linguistic Markers of Depression?"</A> <I>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</I> 121, no. 29 (July 16, 2024).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Valenzuela, A., S. Puntoni, D. Hoffman, N. Castelo, J. De Freitas, B. Dietvorst, C. Hildebrand, Y.E. Huh, R. Meyer, M. Sweeney, S. Talaifar, G. Tomaino, and K. Wertenbroch. <A HREF="">"How Artificial Intelligence Constrains Human Experience."</A> <I>Journal of the Association for Consumer Research</I> 9, no. 3 (July 2024): 241–256.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and G. Cohen. <A HREF=" health risks of generative AI.pdf">"The Health Risks of Generative AI-Based Wellness Apps."</A> <I>Nature Medicine</I> 30, no. 5 (May 2024): 1269–1275.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Agarwal, Stuti, Julian De Freitas, Anya Ragnhildstveit, and Carey K. Morewedge. <A HREF="">"Acceptance of Automated Vehicles Is Lower for Self than Others."</A> <I>Journal of the Association for Consumer Research</I> 9, no. 3 (July 2024): 269–281.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and Alon Hafri. <A HREF="">"Moral Thin-Slicing: Forming Moral Impressions from a Brief Glance."</A> Art. 104588. <I>Journal of Experimental Social Psychology</I> 112 (May 2024).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Ahmet Kaan Uğuralp, Zeliha Uğuralp, and Stefano Puntoni. <A HREF="">"Chatbots and Mental Health: Insights into the Safety of Generative AI."</A> <I>Journal of Consumer Psychology</I> 34, no. 3 (July 2024): 481–491.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., and L. J. Rips. <A HREF="">"Is Personal Identity Intransitive?"</A> <I>Journal of Experimental Psychology: General</I> 154, no. 3 (March 2025): 775–786.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Stuti Agarwal, B. Schmitt, and N. Haslam. <A HREF=" - Nature Human Behavior - Psychological Barriers to AI.pdf">"Psychological Factors Underlying Attitudes toward AI Tools."</A> <I>Nature Human Behaviour</I> 7, no. 11 (November 2023): 1845–1854.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Ahmet Uğuralp, Zeliha Uğuralp, Laurie Paul, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, and T. Ullman. <A HREF=" (1).pdf">"Self-Orienting in Human and Machine Learning."</A> <I>Nature Human Behaviour</I> 7, no. 12 (December 2023): 2126–2139.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Nam, Jimin, Maya Balakrishnan, Julian De Freitas, and Alison Wood Brooks. <A HREF=" et al. JCP 2023 - Speedy activists.pdf">"Speedy Activists: Firm Response Time to Sociopolitical Events Influences Consumer Behavior."</A> Special Issue on Consumer Insights from Text Analysis edited by Grant Packard, Sarah G. Moore, and Jonah Berger. <I>Journal of Consumer Psychology</I> 33, no. 4 (October 2023): 632–644.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Prinzing, Michael, Julian De Freitas, and Barbara L. Fredrickson. <A HREF=" Ordinary Concept of a Meaningful Life.pdf">"The Ordinary Concept of a Meaningful Life: The Role of Subjective and Objective Factors in Third-Person Attributions of Meaning."</A> <I>Journal of Positive Psychology</I> 17, no. 5 (2022): 639–654.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Andrea Censi, Bryant Walker Smith, Luigi Di Lillo, Sam E. Anthony, and Emilio Frazzoli. <A HREF=" driverless dilemmas to more practical commonsense tests.pdf">"From Driverless Dilemmas to More Practical Commonsense Tests for Automated Vehicles."</A> <I>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</I> 118, no. 11 (March 16, 2021).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and Mina Cikara. <A HREF=" prejudiced self-driving vehicles elicit the most outrage.pdf">"Deliberately Prejudiced Self-driving Vehicles Elicit the Most Outrage."</A> <I>Cognition</I> 208 (March 2021).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tarhan, Leyla, Julian De Freitas, and Talia Konkle. <A HREF=" and Neural Representations published.pdf">"Behavioral and Neural Representations en route to Intuitive Action Understanding."</A> <I>Neuropsychologia</I> 163 (December 2021).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Gan, Chuang, Jeremy Schwartz, Seth Alter, Damian Mrowca, Martin Schrimpf, James Traer, Julian De Freitas, Jonas Kubilius, Abhishek Bhandwaldar, Nick Haber, Megumi Sano, Kuno Kim, Elias Wang, Michael Lingelbach, Aidan Curtis, Kevin Feigelis, Daniel M. Bear, Dan Gutfreund, David Cox, Antonio Torralba, James J. DiCarlo, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Josh H. McDermott, and Daniel L.K. Yamins. <A HREF="">"ThreeDWorld: A Platform for Interactive Multi-Modal Physical Simulation."</A> <I>Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Datasets and Benchmarks Track</I> 35th (2021).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kim, Kuno, Megumi Sano, Julian De Freitas, Daniel Yamins, and Nick Haber. <A HREF=" modeling the developmental variability of human attention.pdf">"Towards Modeling the Variability of Human Attention."</A> In Bridging AI and Cognitive Science (BAICS) Workshop. 8th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), April 26, 2020.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Sam E. Anthony, Andrea Censi, and George A. Alvarez. <A HREF=" Driverless Dilemmas.pdf">"Doubting Driverless Dilemmas."</A> <I>Perspectives on Psychological Science</I> 15, no. 5 (September 2020): 1284–1288.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kim, Kuno, Megumi Sano, Julian De Freitas, Nick Haber, and Daniel Yamins. <A HREF=" World Model Learning with Progress Curiosity.pdf">"Active World Model Learning with Progress Curiosity."</A> <I>Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)</I> 37th (2020).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Kyle A. Thomas, Peter DiScioli, and Steven Pinker. <A HREF=" knowledge, coordination, and strategic mentalizing in human social life.pdf">"Common Knowledge, Coordination, and Strategic Mentalizing in Human Social Life."</A> <I>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</I> 116, no. 28 (July 9, 2019).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Peter DiScioli, Kyle A. Thomas, and Steven Pinker. <A HREF=" Ladder.pdf">"Maimonides' Ladder: States of Mutual Knowledge and the Perception of Charitability."</A> <I>Journal of Experimental Psychology: General</I> 148, no. 1 (January 2019): 158–173.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Mina Cikara, Igor Grossman, and Rebecca Schlegal. <A HREF=" Goodness Is the Essence of Personal Identity.pdf">"Moral Goodness Is the Essence of Personal Identity."</A> <I>Trends in Cognitive Sciences</I> 22, no. 9 (September 2018): 739–740.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and George A. Alvarez. <A HREF=" visual system provides all the information you need.pdf">"Your Visual System Provides All the Information You Need to Make Moral Judgments about Generic Visual Events."</A> <I>Cognition</I> 178 (September 2018): 133–146.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and Samuel G.B. Johnson. <A HREF=" bias in moral judgment.pdf">"Optimality Bias in Moral Judgment."</A> <I>Journal of Experimental Social Psychology</I> 79 (November 2018): 149–163.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and Mina Cikara. <A HREF=" down my enemy is good.pdf">"Deep Down My Enemy Is Good: Thinking about the True Self Reduces Intergroup Bias."</A> <I>Journal of Experimental Social Psychology</I> 74 (January 2018): 307–316.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Hagop Sarkissian, George E. Newman, Igor Grossman, Felipe De Brigard, Andres Luco, and Joshua Knobe. <A HREF=" Belief in a Good True Self.pdf">"Consistent Belief in a Good True Self in Misanthropes and Three Interdependent Cultures."</A> <I>Cognitive Science</I> 42, no. S1 (2018): 134–160.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Mina Cikara, Igor Grossman, and Rebecca Schlegel. <A HREF=" of the Belief in Good True Selves.pdf">"Origins of the Belief in Good True Selves."</A> <I>Trends in Cognitive Sciences</I> 21, no. 9 (September 2017): 634–636.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Phillips, Jonathan, Julian De Freitas, Christian Mott, June Gruber, and Joshua Knobe. <A HREF=" happiness The role of morality in the concept of happiness.pdf">"True Happiness: The Role of Morality in the Concept of Happiness."</A> <I>Journal of Experimental Psychology: General</I> 146, no. 2 (2017): 165–181.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Peter DiScioli, Jason Nemirow, Maxim Massenkoff, and Steven Pinker. <A HREF=" or Die Moral Judgment Alters Linguistic Coding of.pdf">"Kill or Die: Moral Judgment Alters Linguistic Coding of Causality."</A> <I>Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition</I> 43, no. 8 (August 2017): 1173–1182.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>DiScioli, Peter, Rachel Karpoff, and Julian De Freitas. <A HREF=" Dilemmas The Case of Finders Versus.pdf">"Ownership Dilemmas: The Case of Finders Versus Landowners."</A> <I>Cognitive Science</I> 41, no. S3 (2017): 502–522.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Kevin P. Tobia, George E. Newman, and Joshua Knobe. <A HREF=" Judgments and Individual Essence.pdf">"Normative Judgments and Individual Essence."</A> <I>Cognitive Science</I> 41, no. S3 (2017): 382–402.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Thomas, Kyle A., Julian De Freitas, Peter DiScioli, and Steven Pinker. <A HREF=" Mentalizing and Common Knowledge in the Bystander Effect.pdf">"Recursive Mentalizing and Common Knowledge in the Bystander Effect."</A> <I>Journal of Experimental Psychology: General</I> 145, no. 5 (2016): 621–629.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Nicholas E. Myers, and Anna C. Nobre. <A HREF=" the changing feature of a moving object.pdf">"Tracking the Changing Feature of a Moving Object."</A> <I>Journal of Vision</I> 16, no. 3 (February 2016): 1–21.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Newman, George E., Julian De Freitas, and Joshua Knobe. <A HREF=" About the True Self Explain Asymmetries Based.pdf">"Beliefs About the True Self Explain Asymmetries Based on Moral Judgment."</A> <I>Cognitive Science</I> 39, no. 1 (2015): 96–125.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Brandon Liverence, and Brian J. Scholl. <A HREF=" Rhythm A Temporal Analogue of Object-Based Attention.pdf">"Attentional Rhythm: A Temporal Analogue of Object-Based Attention."</A> <I>Journal of Experimental Psychology: General</I> 143, no. 1 (February 2014): 71–76.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Managerial Publications</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>De Freitas, Julian. <A HREF="">"AI Wants to Make You Less Lonely. Does It Work?"</A> <I>Wall Street Journal</I> (September 23, 2024), R.11.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Agarwal, Stuti, Julian De Freitas, and Carey K. Morewedge. <A HREF="">"How Automakers Can Address Resistance to Self-Driving Cars."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review (website)</I> (April 3, 2024).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. <A HREF="">"Will We Blame Self-Driving Cars? A New Study Finds That People Are Likely to Hold Autonomous Vehicles Liable for Accidents Even When They’re Not at Fault."</A> <I>Wall Street Journal</I> (January 28, 2023), C5.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. <A HREF="">"Will Consumers Buy Selfish Self-Driving Cars?"</A> <I>Wall Street Journal</I> (October 14, 2023), C5.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. <A HREF="">"Should You Start a Generative AI Company?"</A> <I>Harvard Business Review (website)</I> (June 19, 2023).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. <A HREF="">"What Is the Optimal Pattern of a Customer Journey?"</A> <I>Harvard Business Review (website)</I> (March 31, 2023).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Cases and Teaching Materials</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and Elie Ofek. "AI and Brand Management: Promises and Perils." Harvard Business School Background Note 525-021, October 2024.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and Elie Ofek. "21Seeds: Taking Shots at Breakout Growth." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 524-087, May 2024.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ofek, Elie, Julian De Freitas, Michael Moynihan, and Nicole Tempest Keller. <A HREF="">"21Seeds: Taking Shots at Breakout Growth."</A> Harvard Business School Case 524-008, December 2023. (Revised February 2024.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "Replika AI: Monetizing a Chatbot." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 524-038, February 2024.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and Nicole Tempest Keller. <A HREF="">"Replika AI: Monetizing a Chatbot."</A> Harvard Business School Case 523-016, November 2022. (Revised March 2024.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Elie Ofek, Shaun Ingledew, and Tonia Labruyere. <A HREF="">"Navya: Steering toward a Driverless Future."</A> Harvard Business School Case 523-046, September 2022. (Revised May 2024.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and Elie Ofek. "Navya, Instructor Spreadsheet." Harvard Business School Spreadsheet Supplement 524-701, June 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and Elie Ofek. "Navya: Steering Toward a Driverless Future." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 524-007, June 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Jeremy Yang, and Das Narayandas. <A HREF="">"Hometown Foods."</A> Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 522-718, July 2022.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and Jeremy Yang. "Hometown Foods Pricing Calculator." Harvard Business School Simulation 523-708, June 2023. (Revised December 2023.) (Click <a href=>here</a> to access this case.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and Jeremy Yang. "Hometown Foods." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 522-104, June 2022. (Revised March 2024.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Jeremy Yang, and Das Narayandas. <A HREF="">"Hometown Foods: Changing Price amid Inflation."</A> Harvard Business School Case 522-087, March 2022. (Revised March 2024.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Jeremy Yang, and Das Narayandas. "Hometown Foods Spreadsheet Supplement for Students." Harvard Business School Spreadsheet Supplement 522-714, March 2022. (Revised March 2024.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Jeremy Yang, and Das Narayandas. "Hometown Foods Spreadsheet Supplement for Instructors." Harvard Business School Spreadsheet Supplement 522-715, March 2022. (Revised March 2024.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Working Papers</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Zeliha Oğuz-Uğuralp, Ahmet Kaan Uğuralp, and Stefano Puntoni. <A HREF="">"Why Most Resist AI Companions."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 25-030, December 2024. (Revised January 2025.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Noah Castelo, Ahmet Uğuralp, and Zeliha Uğuralp. <A HREF="">"Lessons from an App Update at Replika AI: Identity Discontinuity in Human-AI Relationships."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 25-018, October 2024. (Revised December 2024.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Ahmet K Uguralp, Zeliha O Uguralp, and Puntoni Stefano. <A HREF="">"AI Companions Reduce Loneliness."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-078, June 2024.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Submitted Presentations</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>Agarwal, Stuti, Julian De Freitas, A. Ragnhildstveit, and Carey K. Morewedge. "Acceptance of Automated Vehicles Is Lower for Self Than Others." Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific Association for Consumer Research Conference, Asia-Pacific Association for Consumer Research, Bali, Indonesia, 2024.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, X Zhou, Margherita Atzei, Shoshana Boardman, and Luigi Di Lillo. "Public Perception and Autonomous Vehicle Liability." Paper presented at the Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, United States, 2024.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, K. Uguralp, and Z. Oguz. <A HREF="">"Ethical Risks of Autonomous Products: The Case of Mental Health Crises on AI Companion Applications."</A> Paper presented at the Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, San Juan, PR, March 2–4, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Balakrishnan, Maya, Julian De Freitas, and Alison Wood Brooks. <A HREF="">"Speedy Activists: Firm Response Time to Sociopolitical Events Influences Consumer Behavior."</A> Paper presented at the Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, San Juan, PR, March 2–4, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, X. Zhou, Margherita Atzei, Shoshana Boardman, and Luigi Di Lillo. "Public Perception and Autonomous Vehicle Liability." Paper presented at the Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, October 26–28, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, K Uguralp, Z Oguz, and Stefano Puntoni. "The Dark Side of Generative AI: Chatbots and Mental Health." Paper presented at the Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, October 26–28, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Agarwal, Stuti, and Julian De Freitas. "Autopilot or Copilot? Label Mismarketing and Autonomous Vehicle Liability." Paper presented at the Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 17–20, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, K. Uguralp, Z. Uguralp, and Stefano Puntoni. <A HREF="">"Chatbots and Mental Health: Insights into the Safety of Generative AI."</A> Paper presented at the Business & Generative AI Workshop, Wharton School, AI at Wharton, San Francisco, CA, United States, September 8, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, C Colas, T Mills, Laurie Paul, L. A. Paul, and T. D. Ullman. "An Intrinsic Motivation for Self-Orientation." Paper presented at the 6th International Workshop on Intrinsically Motivated Open-Ended Learning, Paris, France, September 13–15, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, A. Ragnhildstveit, and A.K. Uğuralp. "Stigma Against AI Companion Applications." 53rd Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Denver, CO, October 20–22, 2022.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, P. Kim, and T. Ullman. "Evaluative Dynamics: Summarizing Customer Journeys, Interviews, and Lives." Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Denver, CO, October 20–22, 2022.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "Should Automated Vehicles Favor Passengers Over Pedestrians?" Paper presented at the Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, March 2022. (Virtual.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Nam, Jimin, Maya Balakrishnan, Julian De Freitas, and Alison Wood Brooks. "Timely Statements: Swift Brand Activism Is the Most Effective and Memorable." Paper presented at the Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 10–13, 2022.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, Samuel G. B. Johnson, Z. Kohn, and P. Kim. "Corporations are Viewed as Psychopaths with Good True Selves." Paper presented at the Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, March 2022. (Virtual.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "Deliberately Prejudiced Self-driving Vehicles Elicit the Most Outrage." Paper presented at the Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Meeting, 2021. (Virtual.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., Samuel G. B. Johnson, Z. Kohn, and P. Kim. "Corporations are Viewed as Psychopaths with Good True Selves." Paper presented at the Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, 2021.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kim, P., J. De Freitas, and T. Ullman. "Lifelines: Summarizing the Pattern of a Meaningful Life." Paper presented at the Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Meeting, 2021. (Virtual meeting.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Prinzing, M., J. De Freitas, and B. Frederickson. "The Ordinary Concept of a Meaningful Life." Paper presented at the Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Meeting, 2021. (Virtual meeting.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., and M. Cikara. "Deliberately Prejudiced Self-driving Vehicles Elicit the Most Outrage." Paper presented at the Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Meeting, 2021. (Virtual meeting.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Zhao, X., J. De Freitas, L. Tarhan, and G. A. Alvarez. "A Performance-optimized Limb Detection Model Selectively Predicts Behavioral Responses Based on Movement Similarity." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, 2020.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Sano, M., J. De Freitas, N. Haber, and D. L. K. Yamins. "Learning in Social Environments with Curious Neural Agents." Paper presented at the 42nd Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2020. (Virtual.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kim, K-H, M. Sano, J. De Freitas, N. Haber, and D. L. K. Yamins. "Towards Modeling the Developmental Variability of Human Attention." Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2020.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kim, K-H, M. Sano, J. De Freitas, N. Haber, and D. L. K. Yamins. "Active World Model Learning with Progress-driven Exploration." Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2020.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kim, K-H, M. Sano, J. De Freitas, N. Haber, and D. L. K. Yamins. "Learning World Models with Progress-driven Exploration." Paper presented at the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, Vienna, Austria, 2020.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tarhan, L., J. De Freitas, G. A. Alvarez, and T. Konkle. "Semantic Embeddings of Verbal Descriptions Predict Action Similarity Judgments." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, 2020.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., J. L. Rips, and G. A. Alvarez. "The Capacity Limit of Personal Identity." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, 2020.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "Capacity Limits for Higher-level Thought? The Self as a Case Study." Paper presented at the Cognition, Brain, & Behavior Research Seminar, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, September 5, 2019.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J. "Identity and Morality without Mind." Paper presented at the Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States, 2019.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., K. H. Kim, N. Haber, C. Conwell, G. A. Alvarez, and D. L. K. Yamins. "Intrinsic Curiosity May Give Rise to Animate Attention." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, 2019.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "Strategic Mentalizing and Common Knowledge in Social Life." Paper presented at the Social Brownbag Talk Series, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2018.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., A. Hafri, G. A. Alvarez, and D. L. K. Yamins. "Learning to Recognize Objects Provides Category-orthogonal Features for Social Inference and Moral Judgment." Paper presented at the Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 2018.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., A. Hafri, G. A. Alvarez, and D. L. K. Yamins. "From Pixels to Moral Judgment: Extracting Morally Relevant Information in Minds and Machines." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, 2018.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "From Pixels to Moral Judgment: Extracting Morally Relevant Information in Minds and Machines." Paper presented at the Cognition, Brain, & Behavior Research Seminar, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, November 30, 2017.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., P. DeScioli, K. Thomas, and S. Pinker. "The Ladder of Charity." Paper presented at the 29th Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference, Boise, ID, United States, 2017.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., and S. G. B. Johnson. "The Efficiency Principle in Moral Judgment." Paper presented at the Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 2017.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., and G. A. Alvarez. "Changing Moral Judgments by Exploiting the Visual System." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, 2017.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., and G. A. Alvarez. "Moral Psychophysics." Paper presented at the Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, United States, 2016.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., and G. A. Alvarez. "Moral Psychophysics." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, 2016.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., K. A. Thomas, P. DeScioli, and S. Pinker. "The Strategic Bystander: Recursive Theory of Mind and Common Knowledge in Decisions to Help." Paper presented at the 27th Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference, Columbia, MO, United States, 2015.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., H. Sarkissian, I. Grossmann, F. De Brigard, A. Luco, and G. E. Newman. "Is There Universal Belief in a Good True Self?" Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Tartu, Estonia, 2015.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., and S. G. B. Johnson. "Behaviorist Thinking in Judgments of Wrongness, Punishment, and Blame." Paper presented at the 37th Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA, United States, 2015.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., H. Sarkissian, I. Grossmann, F. De Brigard, A. Luco, G. E. Newman, and J. Knobe. "Is There Universal Belief in a Good True Self?" Paper presented at the Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Meeting, Durham, NC, United States, 2015.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., N. E. Nobre, and A. C. Nobre. "Mental Tracking of Dynamic Features." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, 2015.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Phillips, J., C. Mott, Julian De Freitas, J. Gruber, and J. Knobe. "Is That All There Is to Happiness?" Paper presented at the 16th Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, United States, February 26–28, 2015.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian, and K. Knobre. "Feature Extrapolation in Mental Tracking." University of Oxford 2nd Year DPhil Students Poster Event, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 2014.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., K. Tobia, J. E. Newman, and J. Knobe. "The Good Ship Theseus: The Effect of Valence on Object Identity Judgments." Paper presented at the 36th Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference, Quebec City, Canada, 2014.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Newman, J. E., J. De Freitas, and J. Knobe. "Beliefs about the True Self Explain Asymmetries Based on Moral Judgment." Paper presented at the Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2014.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., B. M. Liverence, and B. J. Scholl. "Visual and Auditory Object-based Attention Driven by Rhythmic Structure over Time." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL, 2013.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., B. Liverence, and B. J. Scholl. "Attentional Rhythm: A Temporal Analogue of Object-based Attention." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL, 2012.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Keynote Presentations</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "Keynote Speech." 10th Consumer Neuroscience Satellite Symposium, Society for Neuroeconomics, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Canada, July 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "Keynote Speech." In Workshop on Social Intelligence in Humans and Robots. Robotics: Science and Systems Conference, July 2020.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "Workshop on Autonomous Driving" Keynote Speech. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2020. (Virtual.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Chaired Conferences and Symposia</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "Interacting with Tech: Exploring Consumer Choices in the Age of Automation." In Special Session. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States, October 26–28, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, J., P. DeScioli, J. Nemirow, M. Massenkof, and S. Pinker. "Mutual Constraints in Moral Cognition and Language." International Conference on Thinking, Providence, RI, 2016.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Invited Presentations</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Simon Business School, University of Rochester, 2024.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Paper presented at the Junior Faculty Research Brown Bag, Harvard Business School, 2024.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Paper presented at the AI and Wellbeing: AI Horizons Webinar Series, Wharton School, AI at Wharton, December 15, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Paper presented at the AI in Digital Marketing Seminar, College of Business, Northern Illinois University, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Paper presented at the 12th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France, August 9–12, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Paper presented at the Behavioral Science Seminar, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Paper presented at the Marketing Unit Spring Seminar, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Paper presented at the HBS Faculty Research Symposium, Harvard Business School, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Paper presented at the Junior Faculty Research Brown Bag, Harvard Business School, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Paper presented at the JDM PhD Seminar, University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business, 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, Center for Humans and Machines, Berlin, Germany, 2022.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Junior Faculty Research Brown Bag, Harvard Business School, 2022.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University, 2022.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Paper presented at the New England Marketing Conference, 2022.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." EdukCircle International Convention on Business, Philippines, 2021.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Swiss Re Group, Zurich, Switzerland, 2021.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Harvard Business School, NERD Lab, Boston, MA, 2021.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Stanford University, Causality in Cognition Lab, Palo Alto, CA, 2021.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Motional, Inc., Boston, MA, 2021.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Hoffman-Yee Research Grant Seminar, Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Stanford, CA, 2021.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, France, 2021.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Harvard Business School, Marketing and Communications, Boston, MA, 2021.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. <A HREF="">"[Invited Presentation]."</A> University of Bath School of Management, Behavioural Lab Series, United Kingdom, 2021.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." LMC Workshop 'MK40: Common Knowledge, Common Ground, and Context in Communication, University College London, Language and Meaning Centre, London, United Kingdom, 2021.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Computation & Cognitive Development Lab, Cambridge, MA, 2020.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Computational Cognitive Science Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, 2020.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Stanford University, Causality in Cognition Lab, Palo Alto, CA, 2020.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Paper presented at the Moral Psychology Seminar by Liane Young, Boston University, 2019.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Deep Neural Networks Reading Group, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2019.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Northeastern University, Language and Mind Lab, Boston, MA, 2019.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Social Brownbag Talk Series, Brown University, Providence, RI, 2019.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." MIT Media Lab, Human Dynamics Group, Cambridge, MA, 2019. (2nd of 2.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Harvard University, Moral Psychology Research Lab, Cambridge, MA, 2019.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. <A HREF="">"[Invited Presentation]."</A> Visual Attention Lab, Boston, MA, 2019. (Brigham and Women's Hospital.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." MIT Media Lab, Human Dynamics Group, Cambridge, MA, 2019. (1st of 2.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Morality Lab at Boston College, Boston, MA, 2019.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence (NCARAI) Symposium Series, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, 2018.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Post-Simian Seminar, Nassau, Bahamas, 2018.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Harvard University, Moral Psychology Research Lab, Cambridge, MA, 2018.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Language and Thought Workshop, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, France, 2017.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Morality Lab at Boston College, Boston, MA, 2016.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Harvard Intergroup Neuroscience Lab, 2016.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Moral Psychology Research Group, Cambridge, MA, 2016.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, France, 2015.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Northeast Music Cognition Group and New York University, New York, NY, 2013.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. <A HREF="">"[Invited Presentation]."</A> Yale University Senior Essay Prize Talk, 2013.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. <A HREF="">"[Invited Presentation]."</A> New England Sequencing and Timing Meeting, Amherst, MA, United States, 2013.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Northeast Music Cognition Group and Boston University, Boston, MA, 2012.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>De Freitas, Julian. "[Invited Presentation]." Northeast Music Cognition Group and Yale University, New Haven, CT, 2012.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Awards &amp; Honors</a></dt> <dd> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row "> <div class="span8 "> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Recipient of a 2023–2024 HBS Required Curriculum (RC) Case Award for “Hometown Foods: Changing Price Amid Inflation” (HBS Case 522-087, March 2022) with Jeremy Yang and Das Narayandas.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Winner of the 2024 Outstanding Case Writer Competition Award for “Hometown Foods: Changing Price Amid Inflation” (HBS Case 522-087, March 2022) with Jeremy Yang and Das Narayandas.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Recipient of a 2021 Exceptional Reviewer Award from the <i>Journal of Vision</i>.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Honored with a Special Commendation for Extraordinary Teaching by Harvard University in spring of 2020.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Awarded the Goethals Teaching Prize by Harvard University in spring of 2020.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Recipient of a Pershing Square Fund for Research Foundations of Human Behavior Grant in 2020.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Recipient of a Hodgson Fund Grant from Harvard University in 2020.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Recipient of an Anderson Fund Grant from Harvard University in 2020.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Recipient of a Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching of Undergraduates at Harvard University in spring 2019.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Awarded the Goethals Teaching Prize by Harvard University in spring of 2019.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Recipient of a Sackler Grant from Harvard University in 2019.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Awarded the Goethals Teaching Prize by Harvard University in fall of 2019.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Recipient of a Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching of Undergraduates at Harvard University in spring 2018.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Recipient of a Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching of Undergraduates at Harvard University in fall 2018.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Awarded the Goethals Teaching Prize by Harvard University in fall of 2018.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Received a Certificate of Distinction in Teaching from the Bok Center at Harvard University in fall of 2018.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Recipient of a Travel Award from the Society of Philosophy & Psychology in 2018.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Recipient of the 2013 Alpheus Henry Snow Award from Yale University.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Recipient of a Travel Award from the Society of Philosophy & Psychology in 2019.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Winner of the 2013 Albert E. Angier Prize from the Psychology Department at Yale University.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Winner of the 2013 Friends of Music at Yale Prize.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Selected as a Rhodes Scholar in 2012.</div> </article> </div> </div> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Additional Information</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li><a href="/faculty/Profile Files/De Freitas_Julian_CV_cce6a548-fd2f-4f2e-8a4d-de24e8828b5b.pdf">CV</a></li> <li><a href="">Personal Website</a></li> <li><a href=";hl=en">Google Scholar</a></li> <li><a href="">Twitter</a></li> <li><a href="">LinkedIn</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Areas of Interest</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li><a 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<li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?industry=nonprofit industry">nonprofit industry</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?industry=software">software</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?industry=transportation">transportation</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?industry=video games">video games</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">In The News</a></dt> <dd> <div class="mobile-in-the-news"> <div class="shim20"></div> <div class="sidebar-margins"> <h3 class="kappa-uc" style="margin-top: 0px;">In The News</h3> <ul class="media-list3 sidebar-stream "> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>19 Jan 2025</li> <li class="ash">PsyPost</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">Scientists Just Found a Novel Way to Uncover AI Biases — and the Results Are Unexpected</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>15 May 2024</li> <li class="ash">HBS Working Knowledge</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">A Major Roadblock for Autonomous Cars: Motorists Believe They Drive Better</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>26 Mar 2024</li> <li class="ash">HBS Working Knowledge</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">How Humans Outshine AI in Adapting to Change</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>19 Jun 2023</li> <li class="ash">Harvard Business Review</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">Should You Start a Generative AI Company?</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>31 Mar 2023</li> <li class="ash">Harvard Business Review</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">What Is the Optimal Pattern of a Customer Journey?</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="more " style=""><span class="widget-popup" style="margin-right:4px;height:11px;margin-top:2px;" aria-hidden="true">→</span><a href="#newsPopupHtml" class="widget-popup">More News for Julian De Freitas</a></div> <div class="html "> <div id="newsPopupHtml" style="display:none;"> <div class="color-framework grid-framework type-framework component-framework pattern-framework responsive-framework"> <div class="white-bg" style="padding:40px;"> <h2 class="kappa">Julian De Freitas In the News</h2> <div class="shim20"></div> <h2 class="kappa">In the News</h2> <div class="shim10"></div> <p class="nu">19 Jan 2025<br>PsyPost<br><a href="">Scientists Just Found a Novel Way to Uncover AI Biases — and the Results Are Unexpected</a></p> <p class="nu">15 May 2024<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">A Major Roadblock for Autonomous Cars: Motorists Believe They Drive Better</a></p> <p class="nu">26 Mar 2024<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">How Humans Outshine AI in Adapting to Change</a></p> <p class="nu">19 Jun 2023<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">Should You Start a Generative AI Company?</a></p> <p class="nu">31 Mar 2023<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">What Is the Optimal Pattern of a Customer Journey?</a></p> <p class="nu">19 Dec 2022<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">The 10 Most Popular Articles of 2022</a></p> <p class="nu">17 Aug 2021<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Can Autonomous Vehicles Drive with Common Sense?</a></p> <p class="nu">13 Oct 2023<br>Wall Street Journal<br><a href="">Will Consumers Buy ‘Selfish’ Self-Driving Cars?</a></p> <p class="nu">26 Jun 2023<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Want to Leave a Lasting Impression on Customers? Don't Forget the (Proverbial) Fireworks</a></p> <p class="nu">24 Feb 2023<br>Harvard Business School<br><a href="">Behind the Research: Julian De Freitas</a></p> <p class="nu">21 Sep 2022<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">You Don’t Have to Quit Your Job to Find More Meaning in Life</a></p> <p class="nu">22 Oct 2021<br>Harvard Business School<br><a href="">New Faculty Profiles: Julian De Freitas</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="span3 tablet-span3 sidebar vrule-offset desktop-visible"> <div class="cap tablet-cap mobile-cap"></div> <div class="kappa-uc custom-title" style="margin-bottom: 8px;">Additional Information</div> <div class="sidebar-list" data-wcm-edit-url=""> <div class="" data-wcm-edit-url=""><a href="/faculty/Profile Files/De Freitas_Julian_CV_cce6a548-fd2f-4f2e-8a4d-de24e8828b5b.pdf">CV</a></div> <div class="shim10"></div> <div class="" data-wcm-edit-url=""><a href="">Personal Website</a></div> <div class="shim10"></div> 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#2AA296;border:!px solid red;">A Major Roadblock for Autonomous Cars: Motorists Believe They Drive Better</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>26 Mar 2024</li> <li class="ash">HBS Working Knowledge</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">How Humans Outshine AI in Adapting to Change</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>19 Jun 2023</li> <li class="ash">Harvard Business Review</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">Should You Start a Generative AI Company?</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>31 Mar 2023</li> <li class="ash">Harvard Business 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