Mean Streets (1989) - MobyGames

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It turns out that he was one of eight scientists involved in Project Overlord, a mission to remotely control people. Tex soon learns of the deaths of other..."> <meta property="og:description" content="Private detective Tex Murphy is hired to investigate the murder of a university professor. It turns out that he was one of eight scientists involved in Project Overlord, a mission to remotely control people. Tex soon learns of the deaths of other..."> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <meta property="og:title" content="Mean Streets (1989) - MobyGames"> <link rel="canonical" href=""> <title> Mean Streets (1989) - MobyGames </title> </head> <body> <div id="root"> <header> <nav> <ul class="navbar-menu"> <li class="navbar-logo"> <a href="/"><img src="" width="108" height="50" alt="mobygames logo" class="logo"></a> </li> <li class="navbar-status show-sm"> </li> <li class="navbar-search"> <div class="flex-center h100"> <noscript class="w100"> <form class="navbar-form position-relative" action="/search/" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="GET"> <input id="search" type="search" class="form-input navbar-search-input" name="q" value="" placeholder="Search games, people, companies..." aria-label="Search"> </form> </noscript> <search s-url="/search/" a-url="/search/auto/" q="" :trending='[{"adult": false, "image": "", "name": "Freedom: Rebels in the Darkness", "type": 1, "url": "", "year": 1988}, 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text-muted"> aka: <span data-tooltip="Steam release"><u>Tex Murphy: Mean Streets</u></span> </div> <div class="text-sm text-muted"> Moby ID: 221 </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-end"> <player-tools csrf-token="48e79dc7-13db-4faf-9820-a3946998a3bf" :authenticated="false" action-url="/contribute/game/221/user-rating/post/" list-add-url="/user/list/add/" list-action-url="#" playlist-url="#" login-url="/user/login/" :platforms='[{"asin": null, "back_cover": {"height": 800, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 440, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 359, "width": 653}, "ebay_id": null, "id": 19, "main_cover": {"height": 800, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 440, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 357, "width": 649}, "name": "Amiga", "release_date": "1990", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "UK", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "1990"}]}, {"asin": null, "back_cover": null, "ebay_id": null, "id": 24, "main_cover": null, "name": "Atari ST", "release_date": "1990", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "UK", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "1990"}]}, {"asin": null, "back_cover": {"height": 800, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 440, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 350, "width": 637}, "ebay_id": null, "id": 27, "main_cover": {"height": 800, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 440, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 342, "width": 621}, "name": "Commodore 64", "release_date": "1989-11", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "US", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Nov 1989"}, {"countries": [{"country_code": "UK", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "1990"}]}, {"asin": null, "back_cover": {"height": 800, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 440, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 349, "width": 634}, "ebay_id": null, "id": 2, "main_cover": {"height": 800, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 440, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 346, "width": 630}, "name": "DOS", "release_date": "1989-11", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "US", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Nov 1989"}]}, {"asin": null, "back_cover": null, "ebay_id": null, "id": 1, "main_cover": {"height": 215, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 215, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 460, "width": 460}, "name": "Linux", "release_date": "2014-06-12", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}]}, {"asin": null, "back_cover": null, "ebay_id": null, "id": 74, "main_cover": {"height": 215, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 215, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 460, "width": 460}, "name": "Macintosh", "release_date": "2014-06-12", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}]}, {"asin": null, "back_cover": null, "ebay_id": null, "id": 3, "main_cover": {"height": 215, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 215, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 460, "width": 460}, "name": "Windows", "release_date": "2014-06-12", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}]}]' :game-id="221" :user-id="0" :user-score="0" :user-platform="2" :user-reviews='[]' :user-lists='[]' cover-url=""> </player-tools> </div> </div> <ul class="nav-tabs mb"> <li> <a class="nav-link active" href="/game/221/mean-streets/">Overview</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/221/mean-streets/credits/">Credits</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/221/mean-streets/reviews/">Reviews</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/221/mean-streets/covers/">Covers</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/221/mean-streets/screenshots/">Screenshots</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link disabled" href="/game/221/mean-streets/videos/">Videos</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/221/mean-streets/promo/">Promos</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/221/mean-streets/trivia/">Trivia</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/221/mean-streets/specs/">Specs</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/221/mean-streets/releases/">Releases</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/221/mean-streets/patches/">Patches</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/221/mean-streets/stores/" rel="nofollow">Prices</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/221/mean-streets/forum/">Forum</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link link-contributor" href="/game/221/mean-streets/contribute/" rel="nofollow">Contribute</a> </li> </ul> <div id="infoBlock" class="game-info mb"> <div class="info-box text-center"> <div> <a href="" id="cover"> <img src="" width="346" height="440" alt="box cover" class="img-box"> </a> <link rel="prefetch" href="" /> <br> <cover-swap-links :front-image="{'url': '', 'image': '' }" :back-image="{'url': '', 'image': '' }" :num-covers="28" more-url="/game/221/mean-streets/covers/"> </cover-swap-links> </div> </div> <div class="info-release"> <dl class="metadata"> <dt>Released</dt> <dd> <a href="/game/221/mean-streets/releases/#dos"> November 1989 </a> on <a href="/platform/dos/"> DOS </a> </dd> <dt>Credits</dt> <dd> <a href="/game/221/mean-streets/credits/dos/">13 people</a> </dd> <dt><a href="/game/221/mean-streets/releases/">Releases</a> by Date <small class="text-muted text-normal hide-sm">(<a href="?s=platform">by platform</a>)</small></dt> <dd> <ul id="platformLinks" class="list-group toggle-long-text mb-0"> <li> <a id="tdos" data-popover='{ "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "US", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Nov 1989"}], "position": "left" }' aria-describedby="tooltip" href="/game/221/mean-streets/releases/#dos">1989</a> <span class="text-muted"> (<a href="/platform/dos/">DOS</a>) </span> </li> <li> <a id="tcommodore-64" data-popover='{ "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "US", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Nov 1989"}, {"countries": [{"country_code": "UK", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "1990"}], "position": "left" }' aria-describedby="tooltip" href="/game/221/mean-streets/releases/#commodore-64">1989</a> <span class="text-muted"> (<a href="/platform/c64/">Commodore 64</a>) </span> </li> <li> <a id="tamiga" data-popover='{ "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "UK", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "1990"}], "position": "left" }' aria-describedby="tooltip" href="/game/221/mean-streets/releases/#amiga">1990</a> <span class="text-muted"> (<a href="/platform/amiga/">Amiga</a>) </span> </li> <li> <a id="tatari-st" data-popover='{ "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "UK", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "1990"}], "position": "left" }' aria-describedby="tooltip" href="/game/221/mean-streets/releases/#atari-st">1990</a> <span class="text-muted"> (<a href="/platform/atari-st/">Atari ST</a>) </span> </li> <li> <a id="tlinux" data-popover='{ "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}], "position": "left" }' aria-describedby="tooltip" href="/game/221/mean-streets/releases/#linux">2014</a> <span class="text-muted"> (<a href="/platform/linux/">Linux</a>) </span> </li> <li> <a id="twindows" data-popover='{ "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}], "position": "left" }' aria-describedby="tooltip" href="/game/221/mean-streets/releases/#windows">2014</a> <span class="text-muted"> (<a href="/platform/windows/">Windows</a>) </span> </li> <li> <a id="tmacintosh" data-popover='{ "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}], "position": "left" }' aria-describedby="tooltip" href="/game/221/mean-streets/releases/#macintosh">2014</a> <span class="text-muted"> (<a href="/platform/macintosh/">Macintosh</a>) </span> </li> </ul> <toggle-long-text element-id="platformLinks" :small-text="true" :single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> </dd> <dt>Publishers</dt> <dd> <ul id="publisherLinks" class="list-group toggle-long-text mb-0"> <li> <a href="" data-popover='{ "platforms": ["Commodore 64", "DOS"], "position": "left" }'>Access Software, Inc.</a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-popover='{ "platforms": ["Amiga", "Atari ST", "Commodore 64"], "position": "left" }'>U.S. Gold Ltd.</a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-popover='{ "platforms": ["Linux", "Macintosh", "Windows"], "position": "left" }'>Night Dive Studios, LLC</a> </li> </ul> <toggle-long-text element-id="publisherLinks" :small-text="true" :single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> </dd> <dt>Developers</dt> <dd> <ul id="developerLinks" class="list-group toggle-long-text mb-0"> <li> <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 73, "type": 2, "name": &#34;Access Software, Inc.&#34;, "position": "left" }'>Access Software, Inc.</a> </li> </ul> <toggle-long-text element-id="developerLinks" :small-text="true" :single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> </dd> </dl> </div> <div class="info-score"> <dl class="metadata"> <dt><span data-tooltip="Overall score and rank compared to all games with rankings">Moby Score</span></dt> <dd> <div class="mobyscore" style="background: #00ff00;" data-tooltip="Based on a bayesian average of critic and player ratings"> 7.8 </div> <small class="text-muted">#4,098 of <span data-tooltip="Total number of ranked games">25.6K</a></small> </dd> <dt>Critics</dt> <dd> 74% <small class="text-muted" data-tooltip="24 ratings">(<a href="/game/221/mean-streets/reviews/">24</a>)</small> </dd> <dt>Players</dt> <dd> <span class="stars stars-sm" style="--rating: 4.1" data-tooltip="4.1 stars"></span> <small class="text-muted" data-tooltip="73 ratings">(<a href="/game/221/mean-streets/reviews/">73</a>)</small> </dd> <dt>Review Ranking</dt> <dd> <ul id="platformRankings" class="list-group toggle-long-text mb-0"> <li class="text-nowrap-desktop"><span data-tooltip="#132 of 553 ranked Atari ST games">#132</span> on <a href="/platform/atari-st/">Atari ST</a></li> <li class="text-nowrap-desktop"><span data-tooltip="#279 of 1,761 ranked DOS games">#279</span> on <a href="/platform/dos/">DOS</a></li> <li class="text-nowrap-desktop"><span data-tooltip="#279 of 801 ranked Commodore 64 games">#279</span> on <a href="/platform/c64/">Commodore 64</a></li> <li class="text-nowrap-desktop"><span data-tooltip="#738 of 1,514 ranked Amiga games">#738</span> on <a href="/platform/amiga/">Amiga</a></li> </ul> <toggle-long-text element-id="platformRankings" :small-text="true" :single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> </dd> <dt>Collected By</dt> <dd>143 players</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="info-genres"> <dl class="metadata"><dt>Genre</dt> <dd><a href="">Adventure</a><br></dd><dt>Perspective</dt> <dd><a href="">Side view</a><br></dd><dt>Gameplay</dt> <dd><a href="">Puzzle elements</a><br></dd><dt>Setting</dt> <dd><a href="">Sci-fi / futuristic</a><br></dd><dt>Narrative</dt> <dd><a href="">Detective / mystery</a><br></dd></dl> </div> <div class="info-specs"> DOS Specs <hr> <dl class="metadata"> <dt>Business Model</dt> <dd> <a href="/attributes/attribute/124/">Commercial</a> </dd> <dt>Media Type</dt> <dd> <a href="/attributes/attribute/516/">3.5&#34; Floppy Disk</a>, <a href="/attributes/attribute/517/">5.25&#34; Floppy Disk</a> </dd> <dt>Input Devices Supported/Optional</dt> <dd> <a href="/attributes/attribute/23/">Keyboard</a> </dd> <dt>Number of Offline Players</dt> <dd> <a href="/attributes/attribute/489/">1 Player</a> </dd> <span class="text-nowrap">[ <a href="/game/221/mean-streets/specs/">view all 44 specs</a> ]</span> </dl> </div> </div> <random uri="game"></random> <div class="border border-1 mb" data-nosnippet> <div class="flex flex-wrap flex-gap"> <div> <b class="text-nowrap">Buy on DOS</b> <hr> <a href=";mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&amp;siteid=0&amp;campid=5338979514&amp;toolid=10001&amp;mkevt=1" rel="nofollow" class="text-nowrap-desktop link-external" target="_blank" title="Price last updated at 11/24 4:20 AM"> $100.00 used on eBay</a><br> </div> <div> <b class="text-nowrap">Buy on Windows</b> <hr> <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="text-nowrap-desktop link-external" target="_blank" title="Price last updated at 11/25 7:16 PM"> $5.99 new on Steam</a><br> </div> </div> <small class="text-muted"> Note: We may earn an affiliate commission on purchases made via eBay, Amazon and GOG links (prices updated 11/24 4:20 AM <span class="icon icon-info hide-sm" data-tooltip="Amazon: Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.<br><br>eBay: Prices are estimates based on current listings.<br><br><a href=><img src=/static/img/ebay.gif></a>"></span>) </small> </div> <div class="border border-1 mb"> <b>Included in</b> <ul id="related1" class="list-group toggle-long-text toggle-max-3 mb-0"> <li> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="96" height="136" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box img-thumbnail-xs"> </a> <a href="">Mean Streets + Martian Memorandum</a> <small class="text-muted">(2009)</small></li> <li> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="240" height="90" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box img-thumbnail-xs"> </a> <a href="">Tex Murphy: Classic Collection</a> <small class="text-muted">(2014)</small></li> </ul> <toggle-long-text element-id="related1" :small-text="true" :single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> <b>See Also</b> <ul id="seeAlsoLinks" class="list-group toggle-long-text toggle-max-3 mb-0"> <li> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="181" height="136" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box img-thumbnail-xs"> </a> <a href="">Mean Streets</a> <small class="text-muted"> (1983 on TI-99/4A) </small> </li> </ul> <toggle-long-text element-id="seeAlsoLinks" :small-text="true" :single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> </div> <section id="gameDescription"> <h2> Description <small> <a href="/game/221/-/adblurbs/">official descriptions</a> </small> </h2> <div id="description-text" class="toggle-long-text" v-pre> <p>Private detective Tex Murphy is hired to investigate the murder of a university professor. It turns out that he was one of eight scientists involved in Project Overlord, a mission to remotely control people. Tex soon learns of the deaths of other related figures. Suspects may include the British intelligence head, a surveillance company owner, and the professor's daughter.</p> <p>Tex's first adventure takes the player through the seedy West Coast world of 2033, a setting that combines futuristic elements with film noir and "hardboiled" detective fiction styles. The game's main adventure portions are icon-driven, with object puzzles less significant than detective deduction and character interaction. Characters are represented by digitized photos.</p> <p><em>Mean Streets</em> features dozens of characters to interact with by asking questions or offering bribes. Fights often arise, but a diplomatic approach is more successful with characters whose guilt is unproven. Although it is largely an adventure game, travel between cities involves piloting Tex's Lotus Speeder in a flight simulation section. The game also contains side-scrolling action sequences where Tex has to eliminate a number of enemies before being able to proceed to the destination.</p> </div> <toggle-long-text element-id="description-text"></toggle-long-text> </section> <section id="gameGroups"> <h2>Groups <a href="/contribute/game-group-game/game/221/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">+</a></h2> <ul class="list-group flex flex-wrap gap-xxs"> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Protagonist: P.I. (Private Investigator)</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Setting: 2030s</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Setting: City - San Francisco</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Tex Murphy series</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Visual technique / style: Digitized sprites</a> </li> </ul> </section><h2> <a href="/game/221/mean-streets/screenshots/">Screenshots</a> <!-- a href="/contribute/game-shots/221/" class="link-contributor">+</a--> </h2> <div id="gameShots" class="img-holder mb"> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="375" alt="screenshot"> </a> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="375" alt="screenshot"> </a> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="375" alt="screenshot"> </a> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="375" alt="screenshot"> </a> <a href="" class="hide-sm"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="375" alt="screenshot"> </a> </div> <h2> <a href="/game/221/mean-streets/promo/">Promos</a> <!--a href="/contribute/promo-images/221/" class="link-contributor">+</a--> </h2> <div id="gamePromoImages" class="img-holder mb"> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="425" alt="promo image"> </a> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="331" height="440" alt="promo image"> </a> <a href="" class="hide-sm"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="329" height="440" alt="promo image"> </a> <a href="" class="hide-sm"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="333" height="440" alt="promo image"> </a> <a href="" class="hide-sm"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="600" height="415" alt="promo image"> </a> </div> <section id="gameCredits"> <h2>Credits (DOS version)</h2> <p class="text-sm text-muted"> 13 People &middot; <a href="/game/221/mean-streets/credits/dos/">View all</a> </p> <div class="overflow-x-scroll"> <table class="table table-credits"> <tr> <td valign="top">Producer</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1084, "name": &#34;Bruce Carver&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Bruce Carver</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Programming</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1082, "name": &#34;Brent Erickson&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Brent Erickson</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1085, "name": &#34;Kevin Homer&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Kevin Homer</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1289, "name": &#34;David Curtin&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">David Curtin</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1083, "name": &#34;Roger Carver&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Roger Carver</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Director</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1084, "name": &#34;Bruce Carver&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Bruce Carver</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Game Design</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1083, "name": &#34;Roger Carver&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Roger Carver</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1289, "name": &#34;David Curtin&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">David Curtin</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1082, "name": &#34;Brent Erickson&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Brent Erickson</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1085, "name": &#34;Kevin Homer&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Kevin Homer</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Story and Game Design</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1082, "name": &#34;Brent Erickson&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Brent Erickson</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 26528, "name": &#34;Brian Ferguson&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Brian Ferguson</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1089, "name": &#34;Chris Jones&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Chris Jones</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">RealSound by</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1293, "name": &#34;Steve Witzel&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Steve Witzel</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Art Direction</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 10374, "name": &#34;Douglas Vandegrift&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Douglas Vandegrift</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Graphics</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1091, "name": &#34;John Berven&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">John Berven</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1292, "name": &#34;Jon Clark&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Jon Clark</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Cinematography</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1290, "name": &#34;Zeke McCabe&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Zeke McCabe</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Data Base Design</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1083, "name": &#34;Roger Carver&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Roger Carver</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1082, "name": &#34;Brent Erickson&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Brent Erickson</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Documentation</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1084, "name": &#34;Bruce Carver&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Bruce Carver</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1292, "name": &#34;Jon Clark&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Jon Clark</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1089, "name": &#34;Chris Jones&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Chris Jones</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Play Testing</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1091, "name": &#34;John Berven&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">John Berven</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1093, "name": &#34;Jim Slade&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Jim Slade</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="text-muted">[ <a href="/game/221/mean-streets/credits/dos/">full credits</a> ]</td> </tr> </table> </div> </section> <h2 id="reviews"><a href="/game/221/mean-streets/reviews/">Reviews</a></h2> <div class="grid-split"> <section id="critic-reviews"> <h4>Critics</h4> <p> Average score: 74% <span class="text-muted">(based on 24 ratings)</span> </p> <critic-reviews :reviews='[{"citation": "The mystery was amusing, and the game itself was the first ever attempt to incorporate 256 colors into an adventure game (sorry, Sierra). I loved this game!", "date": "2000", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=45696566", "grade": null, "id": 223044, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 100.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 5.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259433", "first_year": 1999, "id": 964, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Techtite", "num_reviews": 164, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 55856, "internal_url": "", "name": "Scaryfun"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Mean Streets manages to find a fairly distinctive brand of game play. I personally would like to have wandered around the streets a bit thus expanded the games features, but that\u0027s a fairly minor quibble. Absorbing, atmospheric and clever, Mean Streets gets serious high fives from me.", "date": "1990-10", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4296584880", "grade": null, "id": 538165, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 90.0, "platform": {"id": 19, "name": "Amiga"}, "score": 90.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257776", "first_year": 1990, "id": 25, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": 1998, "name": "CU Amiga", "num_reviews": 784, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 942488, "internal_url": "", "name": "Ritchardo"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "While the plot may be ho-hum, the implementation is excellent. The only thing I don\u0027t like is that you have to reboot if you\u0027re nabbed by the cops or get killed off. Mean Streets is very involving and exceptionally well done.", "date": "1990-07", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=1059646533", "grade": null, "id": 456694, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 90.0, "platform": {"id": 27, "name": "Commodore 64"}, "score": 4.5, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259363", "first_year": 1983, "id": 490, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": 1992, "name": "Info", "num_reviews": 453, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 65110, "internal_url": "", "name": "Tim Janssen"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Mean Streets plays its part in pointing the way forward for computer games of the future. It is not perfect, it is rather slow to begin with and parts of the game are a little repetitive. However, software houses are having to come to terms with the phenomenon of Interactive Movies. It is quite a jump from the standard fare, so it is understandable that Access, like the rest, are finding their feet by trying new techniques, introducing the human element and preparing for the coming of CD-ROM. As such, Mean Streets is a enjoyable game which, unlike other games that rely solely on presentation, offers extended gameplay.", "date": "1990-04", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=415636608", "grade": null, "id": 295584, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 87.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 87.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259423", "first_year": 1987, "id": 430, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": 1991, "name": "Games Machine, The (UK)", "num_reviews": 2030, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 224394, "internal_url": "", "name": "Jo ST"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Even though it\u0027s made up of enough game types to make your head spin, Mean Streets is still a very enjoyable adventure. Since you never spend too much time on one sequence before moving on to another, you never have enough time to get bored! The game is constantly feeding you new leads to keep you flying all over the West Coast.", "date": "1991-09", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=741746810", "grade": null, "id": 443312, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 86.0, "platform": {"id": 19, "name": "Amiga"}, "score": 86.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=4187120469", "first_year": 1990, "id": 2878, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": 1992, "name": "Enchanted Realms", "num_reviews": 100, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 210099, "internal_url": "", "name": "Narushima"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Mean Streets is a comprehensive detective adventure which will keep you burning the midnight oil for a long time to come. It incorporates more than one type of gameplay, so you don\u0027t get bored and encourages you to keep on playing in an effort to reach the end.", "date": "1990-12", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=127051971", "grade": null, "id": 279510, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 86.0, "platform": {"id": 24, "name": "Atari ST"}, "score": 86.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257829", "first_year": 1986, "id": 887, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": 1994, "name": "Atari ST User", "num_reviews": 491, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 224394, "internal_url": "", "name": "Jo ST"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "The only slight downer is the 3D scenery graphics, which are a little jerky, and not very detailed. Aside from that, Mean Streets is really well produced, and well worth buying if you\u0027re after an unusual arcade adventure.", "date": "1990-11", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=437141354", "grade": null, "id": 298098, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 85.0, "platform": {"id": 24, "name": "Atari ST"}, "score": 85.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259537", "first_year": 1981, "id": 78, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Computer and Video Games (CVG)", "num_reviews": 6549, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 224394, "internal_url": "", "name": "Jo ST"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Mean Streets will appeal to most people. The graphics and sound are excellent and it\u0027s very easy to get into, but it also keeps you playing by revealing clues at just the right moments and demanding some modicum of intelligence to complete. The driving around and the digitised pictures are reminiscent of Resolution 101, but this goes several steps further. If you liked that, then you should enjoy this well programmed cocktail of flight simulator, adventure game and shoot-em-up.", "date": "1990-11", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=770205971", "grade": null, "id": 320514, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 84.0, "platform": {"id": 24, "name": "Atari ST"}, "score": 84.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257948", "first_year": 1989, "id": 173, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": 1996, "name": "ST Format", "num_reviews": 831, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 224394, "internal_url": "", "name": "Jo ST"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Overall, however, Mean Streets has a very competent feel to it. Graphics for each section have been well designed (especially the interviewees) and Access claim that the sound represents a technical breakthrough because the program outputs high quality digitized effects without adding extra hardware. The only real criticism I have is the considerable disk-access required (2 disks on the ST) which becomes wearing after a while. Perseverance, however, will reap its own rewards.", "date": "1990-11", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=440212149", "grade": null, "id": 298255, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 1000.0, "normalized_score": 83.7, "platform": {"id": 24, "name": "Atari ST"}, "score": 837.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49258123", "first_year": 1987, "id": 24, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": 1992, "name": "ACE (Advanced Computer Entertainment)", "num_reviews": 2110, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 224394, "internal_url": "", "name": "Jo ST"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Mean Streets plays its part in pointing the way forward for computer games of the future. It is not perfect, it is rather slow and parts of the game are a little repetitive. However, software houses are having to come to terms with the phenomenon of \u0027Interactive Movies\u0027. It is quite a jump from the standard fare, so it is understandable that Access, like the rest, are finding their feet by trying new techniques, introducing the human element and preparing for the coming of CDTV. As such, Mean Streets is an enjoyable game which, unlike other games that relay solely on presentation, offers extended gameplay.", "date": "1991-01", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=43679394", "grade": null, "id": 359, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 83.0, "platform": {"id": 19, "name": "Amiga"}, "score": 83.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259474", "first_year": 1985, "id": 30, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": 1992, "name": "Zzap!", "num_reviews": 2000, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 39329, "internal_url": "", "name": "Kabushi"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": "\u0026magazine=zzap\u0026page=41"}, {"citation": "Very similar to the ST version, apart from slightly crisper speech and digitised pics.", "date": "1990-11", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=437141379", "grade": null, "id": 298100, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 83.0, "platform": {"id": 19, "name": "Amiga"}, "score": 83.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259537", "first_year": 1981, "id": 78, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Computer and Video Games (CVG)", "num_reviews": 6549, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 224394, "internal_url": "", "name": "Jo ST"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "If you\u0027re interested in the idea of casual future private investigating, Mean Streets is worth a play. Bring your notepad. If you\u0027re just not so sure, or want more of the Tex you\u0027ve already come to love, Overseer revisits this story with greater skill and technology.", "date": "2007-07-02", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=44395081", "grade": null, "id": 54236, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 4.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259538", "first_year": 2001, "id": 272, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Just Games Retro", "num_reviews": 531, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 78442, "internal_url": "", "name": "BurningStickMan"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "The premise behind Mean Streets is simple. What can be better than a modern sci-fi story like Blade Runner or an old-fashioned Agatha Christy murder mystery? The answer is obvious\u2014the two combined! Take a post nuclear war Earth, a classic detective noir, a mysterious foe, a femme fatale, and an evil plot to destroy mankind; mix the ingredients, stir, and voila, you have a fantastic adventure game called Mean Streets!", "date": "1999-08-06", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=43842966", "grade": null, "id": 4795, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 4.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "ca", "flag": "", "id": 5, "name": "Canada"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257896", "first_year": 1996, "id": 155, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Adventure Classic Gaming", "num_reviews": 524, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 55856, "internal_url": "", "name": "Scaryfun"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "It takes a while to acclimate to the older control style (who knew not being able to use a mouse could be so disorienting?) and you\u0027ll sometimes have to hit buttons a few extra times to get them to register. You\u0027ll probably get a chuckle out of what used to pass for advanced graphics, too. There\u0027s no question that Mean Streets shows its age in any number of ways, but it\u0027s still a smart, well-crafted mystery that should please just about any armchair detective.", "date": "2009-06-22", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=45240710", "grade": null, "id": 158794, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 70.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 3.5, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259354", "first_year": 2006, "id": 561, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "GameZebo", "num_reviews": 2050, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 91632, "internal_url": "", "name": "Macs Black"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Mean Streets provides players with a fairly challenging murder case to solve. A good player can probably complete the game in under 10 hours which is a decent length but I would have liked it to be longer.", "date": "1998", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=45520856", "grade": null, "id": 216358, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 70.0, "platform": {"id": 27, "name": "Commodore 64"}, "score": 3.5, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259437", "first_year": 1992, "id": 290, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": 2014, "name": "All Game Guide", "num_reviews": 3266, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 55856, "internal_url": "", "name": "Scaryfun"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": "\u0026tab=review"}, {"citation": "Jag tycker att det h\u00e4r \u00e4r ett roligt spel. Grafiken \u00e4r bra, ljudet \u00e4r bra och det h\u00e4nder en hel del. Blandningen mellan skjutscener och vanligt \u00e4ventyrsspel \u00e4r bra och beh\u00f6vs, annars blir det f\u00f6r tr\u00e5kigt. Det enda som \u00e4r tr\u00e5kigt \u00e4r att det tar tid att \u00e5ka i Speedern. Det k\u00e4nns irriterande. Dessutom k\u00e4nns det lite segt n\u00e4r spelet laddar in de olika scenerna. Det g\u00e5r att minska laddningstiden genom att v\u00e4lja bort ljudet, men det \u00e4r ju inget kul.", "date": "1991-01", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=2389348686", "grade": null, "id": 370263, "internal_url": "", "language": "sv", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 70.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 7.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "se", "flag": "", "id": 21, "name": "Sweden"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49252848", "first_year": 1991, "id": 631, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "sv", "id": 137, "name": "Swedish", "ordering": 1370}], "last_year": 1995, "name": "Attack", "num_reviews": 19, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 55154, "internal_url": "", "name": "lights out party"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Mean Streets keeps becoming more complicated just when you think you\u0027ve got it sussed. But you spend at least half the time waiting for the program to load data from the disk. This is no exaggeration. Sometimes it\u0027s just ridiculous. Leaving somewhere and returning immediately can require up to three disk changes! That\u0027s not all. The game controls are as responsive as a sloth on valium: joystick control is adequate but command the keys used for dialling,\nauto-piloting and so on have to be held down or pressed repeatedly before they\nfunction. Interesting the game is: interactive movie it certainly isn\u0027t (winner of this issues pretentious title award). Definitely only for those with the\npatience of a saint.", "date": "1990-10", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=46052950", "grade": null, "id": 267739, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 69.0, "platform": {"id": 27, "name": "Commodore 64"}, "score": 69.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257899", "first_year": 1990, "id": 573, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": 1995, "name": "Commodore Format", "num_reviews": 651, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 235986, "internal_url": "", "name": "RIP MobyGames"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Quelque peu empes\u00e9 par une prise en main au clavier et par une multitude de phases plus ou moins utiles qui trahissent son \u00e2ge, Mean Streets n\u0027en demeure pas moins une enqu\u00eate plaisante dans une Californie futuriste \u00e0 la Blade Runner o\u00f9 l\u0027atmosph\u00e8re des films noirs se m\u00eale parfaitement \u00e0 l\u0027ambiance post-apocalyptique. Mener l\u0027enqu\u00eate sur la mort de Carl Linsky vous demandera d\u0027\u00eatre m\u00e9thodique, scrupuleux et de prendre des notes, mais la fa\u00e7on dont l\u0027univers se d\u00e9voile, bien servi par une \u00e9criture efficace, vous donnera une bonne raison de chercher \u00e0 en savoir plus. Dommage, malgr\u00e9 tout, que le jeu vous impose de multiplier des allez-et-retours dispensables et qu\u0027il soit inaccessible aux non-anglophones. Une premi\u00e8re aventure de Tex Murphy \u00e0 (re)d\u00e9couvrir.", "date": "2018-06-24", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=2504171094", "grade": null, "id": 373747, "internal_url": "", "language": "fr", "max_score": 20.0, "normalized_score": 67.5, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 13.5, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "fr", "flag": "", "id": 8, "name": "France"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=2191930145", "first_year": 2017, "id": 2333, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "fr", "id": 42, "name": "French", "ordering": 420}], "last_year": null, "name": "Retro Archives", "num_reviews": 2397, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 307496, "internal_url": "", "name": ""}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "What really matters is the contents, though. Skip the flying, sit through the fights and what you get is a mystery Adventure with a nicely developing storyline. It\u0027s long enough to keep you occupied for a while, but that\u0027s really because of its length. The difficulty is quite low, you just always need to go to every place you\u0027re told about and ask the right questions there. The few puzzles (less than 5 in the whole game) would have been very easy, but you\u0027re also always told about the solution (problem: \"I need at least a 9 foot pole to get this\"; next room: you find a ten foot pole). If you\u0027re the lazy type who is not used to take some notes, you\u0027ll quickly be lost on the other hand. Just like a real detective would be.", "date": "2003-06-30", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4123887787", "grade": null, "id": 414260, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 6.0, "normalized_score": 66.6666666666667, "platform": {"id": 19, "name": "Amiga"}, "score": 4.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=3352592475", "first_year": 2000, "id": 2671, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}, {"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": null, "name": "Good Old Days, The (staff reviews only)", "num_reviews": 680, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 558, "internal_url": "", "name": "Mr Creosote"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Pas de surprise pour ce Mean Streets sur Atari ST, qui offre une exp\u00e9rience quasi-identique \u00e0 celle disponible sur Amiga. En revanche, il est \u00e0 ma connaissance impossible d\u2019y jouer en fran\u00e7ais.", "date": "2018-06-24", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=2504176416", "grade": null, "id": 373749, "internal_url": "", "language": "fr", "max_score": 20.0, "normalized_score": 65.0, "platform": {"id": 24, "name": "Atari ST"}, "score": 13.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "fr", "flag": "", "id": 8, "name": "France"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=2191930145", "first_year": 2017, "id": 2333, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "fr", "id": 42, "name": "French", "ordering": 420}], "last_year": null, "name": "Retro Archives", "num_reviews": 2397, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 307496, "internal_url": "", "name": ""}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Mean Streets sur Amiga propose une version techniquement inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 celle parue sur PC, sans que l\u2019on perde \u00e9norm\u00e9ment au change, et a surtout l\u2019avantage d\u2019exister dans une version fran\u00e7aise certes tr\u00e8s perfectible mais qui a au moins le m\u00e9rite de permettre aux non-anglophones de s\u2019int\u00e9resser \u00e0 l\u2019enqu\u00eate. Pour tous les joueurs allergiques \u00e0 la langue de Shakespeare, c\u2019est une alternative tr\u00e8s satisfaisante, mais les autres n\u2019auront pas de r\u00e9elle raison de la pr\u00e9f\u00e9rer \u00e0 sa cons\u0153ur sur PC.", "date": "2018-06-24", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=2504176391", "grade": null, "id": 373748, "internal_url": "", "language": "fr", "max_score": 20.0, "normalized_score": 65.0, "platform": {"id": 19, "name": "Amiga"}, "score": 13.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "fr", "flag": "", "id": 8, "name": "France"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=2191930145", "first_year": 2017, "id": 2333, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "fr", "id": 42, "name": "French", "ordering": 420}], "last_year": null, "name": "Retro Archives", "num_reviews": 2397, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 307496, "internal_url": "", "name": ""}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Meam Streets ist ein Programm mit beschr\u00e4nktem Haltbarkeitswert: Spontan interessant, kurzfristig sehr spannend, aber einmal gel\u00f6st, verliert es jeglichen Reiz. Alte Spiele-Cracks sind hier wohl etwas unterfordert: Einsteiger sollten hingegen reinschnuppern.", "date": "1991-02", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=45670771", "grade": null, "id": 235952, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 60.0, "platform": {"id": 27, "name": "Commodore 64"}, "score": 6.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": "\u003cp\u003e\u003ci\u003e64er\u003c/i\u003e was a German computer magazine which exclusively covered the home computer Commodore 64. After issue 11/1996 it became a disk which was released as supplement of the PC magazine \u003ci\u003ePCGo!\u003c/i\u003e until 1999.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWhile mostly dealing with hardware and application software, the magazine also had featured game listings and (first occasionally, later regularly) a games section.\u003c/p\u003e", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259394", "first_year": 1984, "id": 1326, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": 1996, "name": "64\u0027er", "num_reviews": 480, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 136314, "internal_url": "", "name": "Patrick Bregger"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": "\u0026id=4417"}, {"citation": "Man ahnt es schon: Die spielerischen M\u00f6glichkeiten sind sehr begrenzt, im Grunde l\u00e4uft alles auf das Sammeln (und Notieren!) von Infos hinaus. Leider macht auch die Pr\u00e4sentation keinen allzu guten Eindruck, der Sound ist trotz gelegentlicher Sprachausgabe sp\u00e4rlich, und die Grafik wirkt an vielen Stellen etwas dilettantisch. Mean Streets ist zwar relativ umfangreich, es gibt viel zu sehen und zu lesen \u2014 aber halt nur wenig zu tun!\u003cbr\u003e\n\u003csmall\u003e(page 54)\u003c/small\u003e", "date": "1990-11", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=45912651", "grade": null, "id": 253243, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 59.0, "platform": {"id": 19, "name": "Amiga"}, "score": 59.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257653", "first_year": 1989, "id": 42, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": 1996, "name": "Amiga Joker", "num_reviews": 1967, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 136314, "internal_url": "", "name": "Patrick Bregger"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Man nehme einen eiskalt servierten Krimi im Stile Raymond Chandlers, packe futuristischen Schnick-Schnack dazu, addiere eine Prise Tastaturverwirrspiel - und schon hat man \"Mean Streets\". Im Gegensatz zur MS-DOS-Version wurden die Atari ST- und Amiga-Versionen grafisch aufgebessert. Am Spiel selbst wurde erfreulicherweise kaum etwas ver\u00e4ndert.", "date": "1990-12", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=44453079", "grade": null, "id": 20769, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 58.0, "platform": {"id": 24, "name": "Atari ST"}, "score": 58.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49252775", "first_year": 1987, "id": 109, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": 2000, "name": "Power Play", "num_reviews": 5841, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 552, "internal_url": "", "name": "Terok Nor"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Man nehme einen eiskalt servierten Krimi im Stile Raymond Chandlers, packe futuristischen Schnick-Schnack dazu, addiere eine Prise Tastaturverwirrspiel - und schon hat man \"Mean Streets\". Im Gegensatz zur MS-DOS-Version wurden die Atari ST- und Amiga-Versionen grafisch aufgebessert. Am Spiel selbst wurde erfreulicherweise kaum etwas ver\u00e4ndert.", "date": "1990-12", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=44456107", "grade": null, "id": 20768, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 58.0, "platform": {"id": 19, "name": "Amiga"}, "score": 58.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49252775", "first_year": 1987, "id": 109, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": 2000, "name": "Power Play", "num_reviews": 5841, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 552, "internal_url": "", "name": "Terok Nor"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Porter Mean Streets sur Commodore 64 tenait plus du d\u00e9fi que de la promenade de sant\u00e9, mais Access Software a entrepris la chose avec beaucoup de s\u00e9rieux, au point de conf\u00e9rer une exp\u00e9rience de jeu \u00e9tonnamment proche de celle sur PC. Si la r\u00e9alisation est r\u00e9ellement impressionnante pour la machine 8bits, il faudra malgr\u00e9 tout composer avec une lenteur handicapante, encore plomb\u00e9e par des temps de chargement \u00e0 rallonge (en d\u00e9pit de la reconnaissance du fastloader), qui r\u00e9servera cette version aux nostalgiques patients.", "date": "2018-06-24", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=2504176480", "grade": null, "id": 373750, "internal_url": "", "language": "fr", "max_score": 20.0, "normalized_score": 57.5, "platform": {"id": 27, "name": "Commodore 64"}, "score": 11.5, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "fr", "flag": "", "id": 8, "name": "France"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=2191930145", "first_year": 2017, "id": 2333, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "fr", "id": 42, "name": "French", "ordering": 420}], "last_year": null, "name": "Retro Archives", "num_reviews": 2397, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 307496, "internal_url": "", "name": ""}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Gro\u00dfe Teile des Spiels verbringt man im Kampf mit der eigenwilligen Maus-/Tastensteuerung. Das Navigieren \u00fcber die Highways und die umst\u00e4ndliche Bedienung zerst\u00fcckeln den Spielflu\u00df unn\u00f6tig. War Operation Stealth (siehe ASM 10/90) schon eine arge Mischung aus Action- und Denk- bzw. Texteinlagen, so geht Mean Streets noch weiter. Ein Potpourri aus verschiedenen Spielprinzipien - und dies im wahren Sinne des Wortes:\npourri = frz. \u201everdorben\u201c. So manchem Adventurefan wird dieses Gemisch doch auf den Magen schlagen.", "date": "1990-10", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=548878083", "grade": null, "id": 308660, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 12.0, "normalized_score": 53.3333333333333, "platform": {"id": 19, "name": "Amiga"}, "score": 6.4, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257945", "first_year": 1986, "id": 309, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": 1995, "name": "ASM (Aktueller Software Markt)", "num_reviews": 6212, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 136314, "internal_url": "", "name": "Patrick Bregger"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Ein Lob den Grafikern, die einen guten Digitizer hatten, Lob dem \"Real Sound\"-Feature, das den PC-Piepser vergessen l\u00e4sst; Schimpf und Schande \u00fcber die Spieldesigner, die fest geschlafen haben. Nur f\u00fcr Krimifans.", "date": "1990-05", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=43818448", "grade": null, "id": 8195, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 53.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 53.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49252775", "first_year": 1987, "id": 109, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": 2000, "name": "Power Play", "num_reviews": 5841, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 552, "internal_url": "", "name": "Terok Nor"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Good solid entertainment. A bit like Lenny Henry, really.", "date": "1991-05", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=466168547", "grade": null, "id": 300155, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 6.0, "normalized_score": 50.0, "platform": {"id": 19, "name": "Amiga"}, "score": 3.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259502", "first_year": 1991, "id": 36, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": 1996, "name": "Amiga Power", "num_reviews": 1251, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 224394, "internal_url": "", "name": "Jo ST"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "All respectable adventure gamers are familiar, at least in passing, with Tex Murphy\u0027s FMV adventures: Under a Killing Moon, the Pandora Directive, and Overseer. But before the days of CD-ROM, Tex Murphy was born into a world of grainy, poorly digitized VGA graphics and a new \"RealSound\" technique intended to revolutionize the industry. Here we take a look back at Mean Streets, the very first Tex Murphy game.", "date": "2002-05-19", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=43831617", "grade": null, "id": 4943, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 50.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 2.5, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "ie", "flag": "", "id": 37, "name": "Ireland"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49254204", "first_year": 1999, "id": 66, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Adventure Gamers", "num_reviews": 1109, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 55856, "internal_url": "", "name": "Scaryfun"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Playing Mean Streets is a little like watching a really good movie\non a hand-crank projector. One\u0027s wrist gets tired, but it\u0027s worth it.\nTo put it another way, it takes a lot of energy to eat one\u0027s way\nthrough a bag of unshelled peanuts, but if peanuts are something\none likes, the effort is worth it. Anyone who can get past\nthe shell of Mean Streets, will find a tasty kernel indeed.", "date": "1990-01", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=1966913534", "grade": null, "id": 358264, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": null, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 0.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257845", "first_year": 1981, "id": 35, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Computer Gaming World (CGW)", "num_reviews": 4741, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 136314, "internal_url": "", "name": "Patrick Bregger"}, "type": {"id": 6, "name": "Unscored"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Program jest maksymalnie dopracowany pod wzgl\u0119dem graficznym i d\u017awi\u0119kowym. Zdj\u0119cia, animacja i g\u0142osy postaci z kt\u00f3rymi rozmawiasz s\u0105 zdigitalizowane, a ciekawe zako\u0144czenie gry usprawiedliwia sp\u0119dzenie przed monitorem 25 do 40 godzin (jak zapewniaj\u0105 autorzy).", "date": "1991-06", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=2116186907", "grade": null, "id": 364053, "internal_url": "", "language": "pl", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": null, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 0.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "pl", "flag": "", "id": 17, "name": "Poland"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49258108", "first_year": 1991, "id": 543, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "pl", "id": 112, "name": "Polish", "ordering": 1120}], "last_year": 1996, "name": "Top Secret", "num_reviews": 441, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 57317, "internal_url": "", "name": "Havoc Crow"}, "type": {"id": 6, "name": "Unscored"}, "url": null}]'></critic-reviews> </section> <section id="player-reviews"> <h4>Players</h4> <p> Average score: 4.1 out of 5 <span class="text-muted">(based on 73 ratings with 4 reviews)</span> </p> <div class="border mb"> <p> <b><a href="">An absolute classic.</a></b> <span class="stars stars-sm" style="--rating: 4.8" data-tooltip="4.8 stars"></span><br> </p> <div class="text-sm toggle-text-review toggle-long-text text-break-word" id="review-1"> <p><strong>The Good</strong><br>The immersion. I have never been drawn into a game in the way I was with this one. I kept pages and pages of detailed notes, and would look over them (I even found myself talking to them) while I was flying from one location to the next. Speaking of flying, I'm sure many disliked this feature in the game. However, it added greatly to the realism, since you couldn't just "warp" from one location to the next. After returning from a far-off area, I would think "it's good to be home." How many games incite this emotion? Also, this game had graphics and sound (speech!) WAY before many others, and you DIDN'T need a sound card! Also, this was the first game I beat 100% on my hints, no walkthroughs, nothing. Heck, even game reviews tend to reveal at least one puzzle or plot point, but I never even read a review. I had no idea what I was getting into, and loved every minute of it. By far the best of the Tex Murphy games.<br><br><strong>The Bad</strong><br>The action/shooting sequences got to be tedious, since they weren't really difficult, and were just "something you had to do". Other than that, nothing.<br><br><strong>The Bottom Line</strong><br>Virtual Reality before the term was invented. Story over glitz (though there was some of that, too). Yet another underrated classic.</p> </div> <toggle-long-text element-id="review-1" :small-text="true"></toggle-long-text> <rate-review csrf-token="48e79dc7-13db-4faf-9820-a3946998a3bf" :authenticated="false" action-url="/ajax/review-helpful/" login-url="/user/login/" :review-id="2564207" :initial-values="{ score: -1, num_helpful: 1, num_votes: 1 }"> </rate-review> <p class="text-sm mt mb-0"> DOS &middot; by <a href="">Toka</a> (13) &middot; <span title="Mar 18, 2001">2001</span> </p> </div><div class="border mb"> <p> <b><a href="">The early days of Tex Murphy, back when he had the slowest car in the galaxy...</a></b> <span class="stars stars-sm" style="--rating: 3" data-tooltip="3 stars"></span><br> </p> <div class="text-sm toggle-text-review toggle-long-text text-break-word" id="review-2"> <p><strong>The Good</strong><br>Mean Streets marks the starting title for Access's only successful adventure series: the Tex Murphy sci-fi/detective titles. And to be honest regardless of future mishaps, this particular title was well ahead of it's time in terms of gameplay, technology and design.</p> <p>Unlike other detective-themed adventure games that are nothing but that (meaning an adventure game that just so happens to involve a private detective "noir" storyline and characters) Mean Streets's gameplay is indeed designed as a detective fiction. By that I mean that gameplay doesn't revolve around you solving puzzles and mindlessly adding items to your inventory, instead the main objective is for you to follow contacts and evidence that lead you to other contacts and evidence and so on.</p> <p>The basic idea is that you go to a contact (obtained via a plot-related event such as the starting suicide investigation) and you drill the character you find there for all the info you can think of via a text prompt. If you are lucky, said character will give you the location of another contact, which can turn out to be either another character you can drill for more info or a location you can freely explore. In the case you get a location, the game switches to the classic 3rd person perspective sideview in which you maneuver your character around and search for clues, evidence, etc. trying to find something that makes heads or tails of the complex plot you seem to have been drawn into.</p> <p>But Mean Streets doesn't stop there. Proving to be quite ahead of it's day in terms of design, the game added a semi-freeform gameworld. Remember those contacts? Well, sometimes they won't be able to give you the exact location of someone, and your trusty secretary probably won't be able to get it either. In those cases bribing someone or paying your informant Lee Chin might get the job done, and that's when the options start to open as you have to find a way to come up with the cash.</p> <p>Basically you can skulk around the contact locations and steal stuff that isn't pertinent to the investigation (nice going Tex!!) but doing so risks setting off security devices that can kill you or call the police, thus most of the time you have to race against a real-time timer to find and deactivate these safeguards. Should you not want to be such a rotten thief you can choose to fly over to bounty-hunting zones and take on some of the baddies there for some reward cash.</p> <p>This brings me to the retro-futuristic, Blade-Runnerish gameworld you play in, in which the environment is completely polluted, megacorporations rule the earth, mutations are becoming a daily occurrence and flying cars are a reality. Man I love those optimist cyberpunk universes... Anyway, as I mentioned, there are flying cars. Flying cars like the one you own, and which allows you to take to the skies in a crude but effective polygonal flight sim of it's own which is your means of transportation from contact to contact. Times are hard however, so you'd better keep an eye on that car of yours as you'll cross paths sooner or later with the many criminals, mutants or fanatic cops that skulk around in the city. Fighting these bozos takes you to 2D side-scrolling arcade sequences (think Rise of the Dragon but much faster and easier) in which you have to get to the end of the current area without being gunned down.</p> <p>As it becomes obvious, Mean Streets offers much more depth and variety in gameplay than your average adventure game, but wait! It doesn't stop there! Access somehow managed to jam digitized graphics and voices (using their infamous "RealSound" trick) into a 1989 game, which made it a veritable quantum leap in terms of technology in it's day. Truly amazing.<br><br><strong>The Bad</strong><br>The interface is kinda clunky, as it's keyboard only and has some strange annoyances, such as requiring you to spell complete names when interrogating, that only slow the pace of the game. The plot, while following the classic "Noir" guidelines of a "down-on-his-luck private eye that gets a case from a hot babe that turns out to be much more" is nice and all, but I think it could have been better wrapped up and ends up being quite boring by the end. Plus the gameplay in retrospect boils down to a dot-connecting exercise in which you go to Mr.A and ask him for Mr.B, then go to Mr.B and ask him for Mr.C and so on... and in the latter half of the game things turn towards a stupid citywide key-hunt which doesn't help matters...</p> <p>Finally, while the polygonal flying-sim part is interesting, it's completely redundant in the game as you can just punch in your coordinates and travel automatically to the next destination. Problem is this auto-pilot doesn't warp you to the selected place as you would hope to, but instead makes the entire flight to the next area... And some of those contacts are REALLY far apart, which leaves you basically with the gaming equivalent of "commercial breaks" in which you can go to the fridge and get yourself a beer or coke, wait around for 5 minutes or so and then return to the game...<br><br><strong>The Bottom Line</strong><br>Despite a dated interface, some design mishaps and a lackluster plot, Means Streets is an excellent game way ahead of it's time and still an interesting play to this day. My biggest complaint is with those damn useless flying sequences that take away too much time and seem to be there just to annoy the crap out of you, but otherwise this is a definitive recommendation.</p> </div> <toggle-long-text element-id="review-2" :small-text="true"></toggle-long-text> <rate-review csrf-token="48e79dc7-13db-4faf-9820-a3946998a3bf" :authenticated="false" action-url="/ajax/review-helpful/" login-url="/user/login/" :review-id="2491933" :initial-values="{ score: -1, num_helpful: 3, num_votes: 3 }"> </rate-review> <p class="text-sm mt mb-0"> DOS &middot; by <a href="">Zovni</a> (10502) &middot; <span title="Mar 22, 2005">2005</span> </p> </div><div class="border mb"> <p> <b><a href="">A very good entry to the Tex Murphy series, complete with some humor thrown in for good measure</a></b> <span class="stars stars-sm" style="--rating: 4" data-tooltip="4 stars"></span><br> </p> <div class="text-sm toggle-text-review toggle-long-text text-break-word" id="review-3"> <p><strong>The Good</strong><br>The Tex Murphy series is proven quite popular with the many people who enjoy detective fiction. Ask the majority of fans what their first Tex game was, and chances are they will say <i><a href="">Under a Killing Moon</a></i>, the first game that heralded the introduction of full-motion video to the series. But what the majority of Tex Murphy fans do not know is that the series goes way back with <i>Mean Streets</i>, a game that is classed as an “interactive detective movie”, and a game that is overlooked to this day. Furthermore, the Kickstarter trailer for Tesla Effect did not mention <i>Mean Streets</i> or <a href="">its sequel</a>.</p> <p>Inside the box (the front cover is reminiscent to the poster for “Blade Runner”), you have the manual and the three game disks. You will have to refer to the manual for the copy protection, the usual “enter word x in line y on page z” kind of stuff. There are also some papers, including a quick start guide, a map of California (showing the state's suburbs as well as its landmarks), and two copies of the “Detective Information Charts”, one of them filled with information and the other one blank. The former is what you'll use to help you get started in the case.<br> <br> Tex's first case is an interesting one. Sylvia Linsky, the daughter of a well-liked scientist who took his own life on top of the Golden Gate Bridge. She went to the police, who claim that it was a suicide. Sylvia is not convinced that it's suicide and hires Tex to uncover the truth. Vanessa, his secretary, gives him a newspaper article about the death, as well as a few leads to help him get started.</p> <p>The very first thing that I saw the inside of Tex's speeder, a type of transport invented to make traveling easier for people and what we may be using when 2033 finally ticks over. The speeder is used for traveling between locations, and this adds realism to the game. After you punch in the co-ordinates, you can manually control the speeder as you proceed to your destination while you learn what everything does and explore the sights. But non-flight-sim fans like me can toggle the auto-pilot. The idea is to use auto-pilot only a few times to get a good idea of how everything works, then control the speeder yourself.</p> <p><i>Mean Streets</i> was considered technically superior to what was available at the time. The game supports 256-color VGA graphics, and this was at a time when VGA cards were a rarity. Everything in the game looks detailed, especially the backdrops for the interrogation scenes. Even with the vector graphics (if you're in the speeder), the locations are represented clearly and there isn't too much clutter between the different objects. Characters you meet in the interrogation scenes are not 2-D pieces of art, but rather Access employees, such as <a href="">Chris Jones</a> and <a href="">Doug Vandegrift</a>, were digitized in the game. People who couldn't afford to buy a VGA card could run the game in CGA, EGA, or Hercules, but the graphics didn't very good. </p> <p>Another innovation was the use of RealSound, which provides high-quality sound through the PC Speaker without any additional hardware. All you needed was a machine that was capable of running at least 6Mhz and the speaker cable hooked up to an amplifier. Designed by <a href="">Steve Witzel</a>, the technology was already featured in <i><a href="">Echelon</a></i>, Access' 3-D flight simulator, and other games made use of it before the introduction of sound cards made RealSound obsolete. The soundtrack sounds amazing; and two of the most important characters, your secretary and informant, actually talk.</p> <p>There is a little bit of humor in the game, especially when you can “threaten” every person you meet, with humorous consequences. More often than not, you are treated with a still shot or two showing Tex getting attacked and a description well-worth reading. You also get to see Chris in his mid-twenties. My favorite person to threaten was Delores Lightbody, Carl's ex-finance. “Threaten” was a nice feature in <i>Mean Streets</i>, and I wish that you could do that in the future Tex Murphy games.</p> <p><br><br><strong>The Bad</strong><br>There are two things that I didn't like in <i>Mean Streets</i>. There are some action sequences in <i>Mean Streets</i> which you are forced to play just before entering apartments. They are difficult even when the game's fight level is set to Easy, and they just ruin the flow of the game.</p> <p>There are also some time-crucial moments near the end of the game, which won't work properly even on a 386. For instance, you have to type in a series of words within a time limit or you will lose the game. Even when I think if I type the word right, the first key wouldn't register and I waste a lot of time re-entering the correct word. <br><br><strong>The Bottom Line</strong><br>Mean Streets is a lovely introduction to the Tex Murphy series, an “interactive detective movie” that is a precursor to FMV-based adventure games. As a private investigator assigned to uncover the truth about Carl Linsky, you spend most of your time interviewing people and searching apartments. As the game progresses, you search for clues that uncover a more, sinister plot. Unique to this game is the use of Tex's speeder to travel between locations. Although there is a lot of time wasted between locations, especially when going from one end of the state to another, this adds realism to the game. Having said that, I wish that you could have the opportunity to control Tex's speeder in future games of the series. </p> <p>The game was ahead of its time due to the use of the VGA graphics and RealSound technology, providing detailed graphics digitized speech (an element which is used a lot in <i>Martian Memorandum</i>). In 1989, the minimum requirements for <i>Mean Streets</i> was a 8088/8086 processor, which you might as well run the game on since you may have timer-related issues near the end.</p> </div> <toggle-long-text element-id="review-3" :small-text="true"></toggle-long-text> <rate-review csrf-token="48e79dc7-13db-4faf-9820-a3946998a3bf" :authenticated="false" action-url="/ajax/review-helpful/" login-url="/user/login/" :review-id="2636633" :initial-values="{ score: -1, num_helpful: 4, num_votes: 4 }"> </rate-review> <p class="text-sm mt mb-0"> DOS &middot; by <a href="カタキス/">Katakis | カタキス</a> (43086) &middot; <span title="Oct 2, 2015">2015</span> </p> </div> <p> [ <a href="/game/221/mean-streets/reviews/">View all 4 player reviews</a> ] </p> </section> </div> <section id="discussion"> <h2><a href="/forum/game/221/mean-streets/">Discussion</a></h2> <table class="table table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th>Subject</th> <th>By</th> <th>Date</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><a href="">C64 Mean Streets US Gold Box</a></td> <td><a href="">Edwin Drost</a> (10338)</td> <td>Jan 31, 2017</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section><section id="gameTrivia"> <h2>Trivia </h2> <div id="trivia-text" class="text-break-word shrink-headings toggle-long-text"> <h3>Cover art</h3> <p>The US box art bears a striking resemblance to <a href="" rel="nofollow">Blade Runner</a>'s original theatrical poster.</p> <h3>Graphics</h3> <p><em>Mean Streets</em> was the world's first popular PC game to fully support VGA graphics. Not content to stop there, it was also the world's first PC game to <em>also</em> support EGA, CGA, and Hercules graphics modes with real-time quantization and dithering. ("Real-time references the fact that they didn't include pre-converted graphics, which would have taken up twice the disk space, but rather they converted each graphic as it was loaded to fit the graphics mode being used.) Most games that supported VGA didn't support any lower standard at all because it was considered too difficult to convert graphics utilizing 256 colors down to 16 or even 4 for EGA or CGA.</p> <h3>Music</h3> <p>The <em>Mean Streets</em> intro music is also used in a TV commercial. Access plagarised music in the past; see the trivia for <a href="">Crime Wave</a> for another example.</p> <h3>Remake</h3> <p>In 1998, Access released <a href="">Overseer</a> which is a remake of <em>Mean Streets</em>.</p> <h3>References</h3> <p>There are many references to TV shows and movies in <em>Mean Streets</em>. For example, turn on the TV in Ron Morgon's Cabin and the sound resembles <em>Star Trek</em>. The robot in Cal Davis's Secret Lab is a reference to <em>Lost In Space</em>. The scene where you meet Larry Hammond is a spoof of a joke in <em>The Bob Newhart Show</em>. Also, the president is called Michael J. Fox, and a final joke refers to the first <em>Back to the Future</em> film he starred in.</p> <h3>Awards</h3> <ul> <li>Computer Gaming World<ul> <li>November 1996 (15th anniversary issue) – #139 in the “150 Best Games of All Time” list</li> </ul> </li> <li>ST Format<ul> <li>Issue 01/1991 – #4 Best Adventure Game in 1990</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>Information also contributed by <a href=",48733/">Blood</a>, <a href=",3819/">Brolin Empey</a>, <a href=",33/">hydra9</a> and <a href=",60795/">Ricky Derocher</a></p> </div> <toggle-long-text element-id="trivia-text"></toggle-long-text> </section> <section id="analytics"> <h2>Analytics</h2><div class="position-relative border border-mobypro bg-mobypro pt-xxl mb" data-nosnippet> <a href="/mobypro/" class="mobypro">MobyPro <sup class="text-upper text-success">Early Access</sup></a> <p class="mb-0"> Upgrade to <a href="/mobypro/">MobyPro</a> to view research rankings and price history! (when applicable) </p> </div> </section><section id="relatedGames"> <h2>Related Games</h2> <div class="grid-split"> <div class="flex"> <div class="me-sm" aria-hidden="true"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" tabindex="-1"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="96" height="136" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box"> </a> </div> <div class="text-ellipsis"> <b><a href="" rel="nofollow">Mean Streets + Martian Memorandum</a></b> <br> <small class="text-muted"> Released 2009 on Windows, 2012 on Macintosh, 2015 on Linux </small> </div> </div> <div class="flex"> <div class="me-sm" aria-hidden="true"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" tabindex="-1"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="140" height="136" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box"> </a> </div> <div class="text-ellipsis"> <b><a href="" rel="nofollow">Mean 18</a></b> <br> <small class="text-muted"> Released 1986 on DOS, Atari ST, Amiga... </small> </div> </div> <div class="flex"> <div class="me-sm" aria-hidden="true"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" tabindex="-1"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="240" height="90" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box"> </a> </div> <div class="text-ellipsis"> <b><a href="" rel="nofollow">Tex Murphy: Classic Collection</a></b> <br> <small class="text-muted"> Released 2014 on Windows </small> </div> </div> <div class="flex"> <div class="me-sm" aria-hidden="true"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" tabindex="-1"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="108" height="136" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box"> </a> </div> <div class="text-ellipsis"> <b><a href="" rel="nofollow">Martian Memorandum</a></b> <br> <small class="text-muted"> Released 1991 on DOS, Linux, 2014 on Windows </small> </div> </div> <div class="flex"> <div class="me-sm" aria-hidden="true"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" tabindex="-1"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="136" height="136" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box"> </a> </div> <div class="text-ellipsis"> <b><a href="" rel="nofollow">BMX Streets: Pipe</a></b> <br> <small class="text-muted"> Released 2018 on Xbox One, Windows Apps, 2019 on PlayStation 4... </small> </div> </div> <div class="flex"> <div class="me-sm" aria-hidden="true"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" tabindex="-1"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="117" height="136" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box"> </a> </div> <div class="text-ellipsis"> <b><a href="" rel="nofollow">Under a Killing Moon</a></b> <br> <small class="text-muted"> Released 1994 on DOS, 2009 on Windows, 2014 on Linux </small> </div> </div> <div class="flex"> <div class="me-sm" aria-hidden="true"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" tabindex="-1"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="117" height="136" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box"> </a> </div> <div class="text-ellipsis"> <b><a href="" rel="nofollow">The Pandora Directive</a></b> <br> <small class="text-muted"> Released 1996 on DOS, 2009 on Windows, 2014 on Linux </small> </div> </div> <div class="flex"> <div class="me-sm" aria-hidden="true"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" tabindex="-1"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="98" height="136" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box"> </a> </div> <div class="text-ellipsis"> <b><a href="" rel="nofollow">Streets of Rage 2</a></b> <br> <small class="text-muted"> Released 1992 on Genesis, 1993 on Game Gear, 2003 on Windows... </small> </div> </div> <div class="flex"> <div class="me-sm" aria-hidden="true"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" tabindex="-1"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="90" height="136" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box"> </a> </div> <div class="text-ellipsis"> <b><a href="" rel="nofollow">Streets of Rage</a></b> <br> <small class="text-muted"> Released 1991 on Genesis, 1992 on Game Gear, 2011 on Windows... </small> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="gameSites"> <h2>Related Sites <a href="/contribute/game-site/221/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">+</a></h2> <ul class="list-group"><li class="mb-sm"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="link-external" target="_blank">Crapshoot</a> <br> <small class="text-muted">A humorous review on PC Gamer</small> </li><li class="mb-sm"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="link-external" target="_blank">Walkthrough on Games Over</a> <br> <small class="text-muted">Full Walkthrough for Mean Streets</small> </li></ul> </section> <section id="gameIdentifiers"> <h2>Identifiers <a href="/contribute/game-identifier/221/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">+</a></h2> <ul class="list-group overflow-wrap-anywhere"> <li>MobyGames ID: 221</li> [ Please <a href="/user/login/">login</a> / <a href="/user/register/">register</a> to view all identifiers ] </ul> </section> <section> <h2>Contribute</h2> <p> Are you familiar with this game? Help document and preserve this entry in video game history! 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Macintosh, Linux, Windows added by <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 55154, "name": &#34;lights out party&#34;}'>lights out party</a>. Amiga, Commodore 64 added by <a href="カタキス/" data-popover='{ "id": 7471, "name": &#34;Katakis | \u30ab\u30bf\u30ad\u30b9&#34;}'>Katakis | カタキス</a>. </p> <p> <small>Additional contributors: <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 8375, "name": &#34;Jeanne&#34; }'>Jeanne</a>, <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 136314, "name": &#34;Patrick Bregger&#34; }'>Patrick Bregger</a>, <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 224394, "name": &#34;Jo ST&#34; }'>Jo ST</a>, <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 269253, "name": &#34;firefang9212&#34; }'>firefang9212</a>.</small> </p> <p> <span data-nosnippet><small class="text-muted">Game added August 16, 1999. Last modified June 17, 2024.</small></span> </p> </section> </main> <hr> <footer> <p> <a href="/info/about/">About</a> &middot; <a href="/info/faq/">FAQ</a> &middot; <a href="/mobypro/">MobyPro</a> &middot; <a href="/stats/">Stats</a> &middot; <a href="/info/standards/">Standards</a> &middot; <a href="/info/style-guide/">Style Guide</a> &middot; <a href="/info/api/">API</a> &middot; <a href="/info/contact/">Contact</a> &middot; <a href="/changelog/">Change Log</a> &middot; <a href="/info/privacy/">Privacy Policy</a> &middot; <a href="/info/terms/">Terms of Use</a> </p> <p> &copy; 1999&ndash;2024 MobyGames &trade; </p> <p> <small class="text-muted">v20241125</small> </p> </footer> <tooltip ref="tooltip"></tooltip> <popover ref="popover"></popover> </div> <script> document.body.addEventListener('htmx:configRequest', (event) => { event.detail.headers['X-CSRF-Token'] = '48e79dc7-13db-4faf-9820-a3946998a3bf'; }) </script> <script type="module" src=""></script> <script type="module" src=""></script> </body> </html>

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